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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1887)
F > THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. AUGUST 3. 1887 , ' g SPECIAL NOTICES ; AdvcrtlsimenlB under this hcnd.lO cents po Ino for the IHM lust rtiou , 7 it-iitB for each sub 0iK'iit | Intcrtion , andil.r/Jn line per month No advertisement tnkcn for ief tnnn 25 cents Tor the lh t Inrcrtkin. Kvn wonts wll Jbo counted to tbo line ; thev must nin consocu- tlvolv and rnuit be paid In aiUmico. All advor- momenttmiM , bo hnnded In before 1 :30o'cloric : p. tn.nnd under no will they betaken taken or discontinued by ti-lcphonc. Pnrtin nuvcrtii'lnK In tin fo column nnd tonv- Injr tne answers artdrenod In care of THE Br i w HI picufc a k for a check to enable them to ir t tnclr loitersas none will bo delivered oxcent on urercntntlon of ebeck. All nnRwere to advcr- li pmr nlf Miould bn rnclopcd In envelopes. All mhortlacmcntn In tbojo columns are pun- llshctl In both tnornlnfr nnd rveninir editions or llio iir.p. , the clrculntlon or which ftPKrCKntrs more than 14.0HO papers rtally , nun t'lvr" the advertl'cr the bom nt. not only of the city circulation of The Br.R but niFo of council Bluffs. Micoln , and otnercitioKand towns throughout this part of the wci MONEY TO LOAN. $ 1,000,100 to loan. Cole , 310 a ICth. eon MONKV To loim at 0 per cent , Patterson lire s. , Rtrect , op. P. O. . 1O LOAN nlC per cent. Llnnlinn * SIIXl.COO - , IM'J Fnrnain. 178 fi pKIl CKNT Vonsy. O U. C. Pattcn-on. 1Mb nt.d llnrn T. 181 $ fXiO,000 ' to loin on renl e'lato. No delny. Harris. V Bampion , 1510 Bt. _ 2Si ONP.Y TO LOAN-O F DaTir ro" , real estate and loan agents , IS05 Karnam st. $ rxXfiOO ) to loan in any amount nt lowest rnto of imeicst II. II. Irey. 1'renyer block. W ! , To loan on Omaha city property atS $600,000 per cent O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. _ 170 ONliY TO I.OAN-Oncltv and farm prop erty at low rnten. No delay. Calm .v Wool- ley , 1W rarniun st. _ . 6l'Jn27 MUNF.Y to loan to iiRrtlon wlshlmr to bull.l. 8 P. Campbell , 310 S ICth bt. , Chamber of Commerce. 75(1 ( MONKY To loan. Lowest rntes. No dclny. J. L. Hlco .V Co. , over Commciclal Na tional bank. MONEV to loan , cash on delny. J. W. nnd K. IA Bijulro , 14U Farnnra Taxton hotel building- ' ' - MONKY TO LOAN-Loans of | 10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , horscl , wngonB , etc. , without removal , J. J. Wilkinson & Co , 1324 Farnnm street , over HurlliiKton ticket office. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In luras of fl.OOOto 15,000 nt six per cent Interest. FholcsA. Crumb. 167 MONKY TO LOAN on impiored rial ustata ; no commission charged. Leavltt Dura- bun , Itoom 1 Crelghton niook 173 MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In sums of f 500 and upwnrds at lowest rates. Money nlways on hand. 8. 8. Campbell.310 Houth Sixteenth street. IfS MONKY to loan on farm and city property at current rates. I.argu loans on Kilt edged business property Fee us. Marshall ii l.o- beck , 1609 1'nrnam. Telephone 73. 281 ffX ) LOAN Money Ixians placed on mv- X proved real estate In city or county for New England I.onn & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 18th and Chicago sts. 175 MONEY LOANHDat C. P. Itcod * Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , borses.wagons , personal property of all kmdn , nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. U1B S. 13th. over lllngham R rommlnslon store. All huji- ness strlctlv eonfldenllnl. ISO MONKY 1O LOAN by the undersigned , wno has the only properly orgrnnl/ed loan agency In Omaha. 1-oana of 110 to $100 made on furniture , plnnos , organs , hones , wngoni , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so mode that nny part ran hopald at any Ime.oach payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances madn on flnownti'hcs and diamonds. 1'crsons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , ns many now coneorns are dally comlnir Into oxlptencc. Should you need money cnll ml se me. W. It Croft , Itooro t Withnell Building 16th nnrt Hnrnuy. 177 riMIK OMAHA Financial l.'xchnnge. JL N. W. corner of llnrnoy nnd 15th its. , over Btato National bank. IH prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time loans madeon Improved real estate at current rates. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collator * ' rates. Heal estate to exchange for rood Interest bearing paper. Uencrnl financial business of all klndi trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbett. Manager. 178 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1605 FarnMil street Complete abstracts iur nUhod , and titles to real estate examined , per fcctod nnd guaranteed 07H BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED A llvo business man with from (10,000 to 115,000 to go Into a wholosnln business , llualnoMS pnye M l-i : per c < nl nnd a nice clean line A good chance lor the right nmn. Address Y 33 , llee. 6M-it TOOK SALE Fhstclaes bakery , good trade , JL reasons for selling , address Y Id , t bit ofllen 5.56 JOJ RAHKbuslnosH chance : for c ! e , the stock , lUtures nnd good will of a 111st-clana clothIng - Ing store dolnir a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling tl-o owner hag other and more Important business. Parties meaning business may nddrebs U. is , Bee office. 84U FOR SALK A boarding house and furniture , doing good business , 40 boarders , good renson for selling. Tall at Currlo t Vellum , 15th and Capitol ave , Expuslton Ilulldlnir. SN W ANTI'.D Partner , 1200 ; 110 dully. Hl S. 10th Et. 80248' FOK SALE-Mont market. tooU , llxturc % horse and wagon , evcrythlnir complete. Oood location ; good trade. Addrers U 4 , Hoe. _ U-'BatigBJ ANTIID Parties who desire to buy or seller or ozchange stock * of general merchan dise , dry roods , groceries , boots and Bhons , hardware , drUKf , jswlry Improved or unim proved town orclty property , Improved r un- imn ed farm * In any pnrt of the United Hates , to address Krauya Jt Totter , 810 8. 16tb et. Omaha , NoK _ 501 "A\rANTii-lonti : mnn wlshlnir an rnmest i T business Profits $14 per dity. $100 re quired , Will exi'hanRfl for stock or trode. Cull ruom t Crounsobluck , lit ) N ICth street. 7i2 BUB U "I ? OH BALK- ( rood hunlnesE : small capita X * required ; Rood reasons for selling. Ad dress T 44 lleooftlojfc _ 71 _ _ BUSININ8 CHANCr.-Nloo clean stock "of full and winter dry iroods. Bummer Meek nil closed out. This stock Is In a irood town ( inlriio miles from Omaha. 'I ho store hns an ulcirant trade. Terms half ca h and bulmico In notes or Rood property. Aildross yiU'Jelniiin , PJI7 Ouss mri-C'l. Omnluv , Nob. _ 17H OirSAlIit1 7 nffor forhillo the I'nltod Stiitefl hotel cor of Douglan and 10th t. Said holnl has accommoilatlonH for BO boardort * und runs 111 lontU'Ctlon a bur with u fullstock of the licit liquoro ; will sell cheap on uccou nt of sick- IICCH ; Inquire on premt'os 572 12 13US1N1SH : Chance-1'or sule A stock of dry JJ Koods , clotliliiK , furnlstilnK Roods , boots nnd shoes ; nlco llxturrs. With this stock a four > ears lease of a double store cuube obtained in ono of the best retail localities in the city. In formation nt Dormanu's , 603 South Thirteenth ; Mroot. ti05 _ "I JAltirftusinciS chance For salo. stock nl -it general merchandise In the best of shape located m the best railroad town In Southern Nebraska. Stock will Invoice nbuut IC.OCO. Bales lam yenr. 110,000. Call or addrsi . Cooil , renson for selling. 11. F Hurt i Son , Valrbury NcU 818 n5 ' _ _ _ VOlt BALU-A No. I saloon , Ice box cbtan , l I1 No. 1120 Farnam st. 27V _ Ij'Oll SALK Tne well-known llawloy houn Jof 40 roomi , on account of the deat'i ' of mv wife , Will sell property or bell furniture am1 rent lion so to riK'ht parnon. A good chance tc make monoy. Address Prop , North Plutto Nob. fTH aJ " _ _ OH SAL ! : Law library , cbuap. Wbceler i _ \Vho ler , Douiflan aim 16th st. rFc'iiiT ; for"you7 ewlinr machlnl needles , oil and repair * to the Slnirci M an'fn Co , 151H Douglai , at. Omaha. 4'S lu'C EllSONAI. Itemoied from 1211 Dftvcnpori st. to III North ISiht rurnUhed roonn foi runt. M-IS' KHPONAI.-dPiitlenicn. attention. Gooi board and roonis ui ( Ul B. 1Mb it.rea onat > ily I3KI'30VAI/-A truobnslnosipentlcman nenr -I. 50 , wltlmunll nienn , honornbly eeekf ac- ilimlntanc'c of bidy nllko f Itimtc-il , ohjoct inntrl- tnony , and u plen nnt home. Addrcie In confi dence , Y ZJ lleo onico. T KItONAI.-Privnte homo for Indies durlnir J confinement , strictly confidential , Infnnts adopted , add rc-s | ; 4J , lleo ollice. 42-Ja _ " " PEllPONAI . Dr"Nanni T. Warren clairvoyant , Mrdlcnl nd bu lneii Medlut * Koom No. B m North leth et. ,0mnha , Neh. Its ) LOST. 1 N dollais reward Strayed or stolen on _ Hundiiy ovcnlnif from 1124 Doiltro ctreet , brmdlo spotlud bull slut , with nlcklo col lar marked Oorkur. Will piiy f 10 to any body returning her to K. Keller , 11J4 Dodge st. 404 SOj IOST Coiihtiiblo noticobook wltli papers mid t bills on 8 1 1th PI. ; ictnrn to lloom 1 Uuu- nlngham blk nml Kct regard. 6.1J 1J LVKNTY-FIV ] : dollars' reward. Strayed or stolei fiom rcnrot 111 N 17th st , a lartro roan liorrr , about 17 linmls hlKb , Ttetehlnir be tween 1,1'MoMcl 1,100 pounds , redl h brown innno nml lull , hind nnkle nome hat swollen- f 2.1 will tic paid for return or animal to owners , Dt 111) K Hth M.nml If stolen the sheriff of Douir- I B Co. will pay nrcimrd of tf > 0 for the arrest nd conviction of the thief. 6'.i6 POUND. fjlAKHN 1)1' ) Cauiototlio rpsldcnce of tlio JL Riib'cnbcr In I'nlon precinct , county , about flr't of .liilv , a red heifer white on under clde of body , pnrt of one horn broken PiippoFedto bul ! yciirRolil , ownei IR rfque'led to provo property , pay chnrKos or Bho will bo ilNposnl of uciordlnK to luw. Simon llorts Irvlntrton , Nob. 1,0. (1,11 ( 0 27 IiUH'NO A pocketbook contnlnlnir quite an 1 amount In cash mid n Brent nmnv pnpors. Ownni run lime amo liv cnlllim on ( Jo-Opera- tlo I nnd & Lot Co , 2nr. North 10th St. , proving property nnd pnyltif ( costs. 1'lctteo say advcr- tlfCll. fill 1 STOKAOE. STOKAOi : Omahn StornRO Warehouse , cor. l..lh nnd 1/ard , nmplu fncllltkH for storage , lurnlture , wniron" . etc. low rntou , ailvnnces nindn. IPHIIO wnrohouge receipts. 4UJ ntitf OJ miKST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th nt. 3TOHAOK First-class stornpo for ntoo fur- 5 nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Uodife-at. MISCELLANEOUS. Y AlilTs desiring competent and rcllnhlit -IJ help should cnll nt the National employ ment office , 420 South 15th St. , room 7 upstairs - stairs C6 TO TRADE Oood residence property for stock of drugs. Cone t Johnson. 724 N. Kith st. SW 30 DO YOU want a situation as bookkeeper , clerk , utat Wo can secure ono for you. Hecord Advertising Co. , 1513 Furnarast. 671-50 BUSINESS CHANCr.S of all kinds , fnrms. stocks of goods , etc. , for snlo or exchange , See Hccord Advertising Co. , 161J Farnnm st. 071-6 MAGNETIC Healing Mod hi ins euro all kinds of sickness In connection with clairvoy ance of the past , present and future. J. II , 1'agelor , North Ptnto st , mile west of fair grounds , P. O. box M3. 610 a2flj FOH THADE Omahn property for a now stock of furniture. The pioporty Is a little - tlo over ono milo from P.O. I ) . L.,607 S Uth Bt. 246 nl DO YOU nnnt the earth ? 70C yards ot It cnn ho had with a premium at t > 44 South 17th Btreet , near Leavenworth. 273 mo EXCHANOE-ror peed fnmlly horse nnd JL phaeton , SO ncros of land , free from en cumbrance , within tin ee miles of county seat. Chas. P. llonjnmln , 1512 1'ttrnam st. 555 f \APII buyers of furniture , stoves and house < O hold goods don't go to the long time hltrti priced stoics , they go to 117 N ICth. 547 nug 7 ) EXCHANGE fcouth Omaha lot free from TU encumbrance for span of good horses. Chas P. Bunjamm , 1612 Farnam St. 555 ONKY talks lor furniture and household M goods at 117 N ICth , Your price for cash , 548 nug 7 THADE Fniins , city lots , stock of mer chandlsc , etc. Purrott & . Williamson. 14th Douglns. 285 F UK KUN1 Square I'lano fj montbir. Boepe. 1513 Douglas. 187 a 1O parties having houses for rent. Kental Agt-noy. Ilenawa Jk Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office , We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCagua Bros. FOB HENT Orfc-ans , W per month , lloipe. 1613 DouElM. 1 7 Ol. C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , Bonner , 1315 Douglas st 1KI FOR RENT Square flano , Si moatnlr. A Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 187 XF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Feriuaon's , 715 N 16th. 190 FOB , BALE MISCELLANEOUS. T'OK SALE Illnck mnro pony 5 years old , good driver , UH N. 17th st. D. F llrown. 6C3 30J TIlOIl SALE An upright /.mernon Piano , J guarnntcea by > lr. llospo , prien 1-00. co t S4riO. Also an American sewing machine worth HO form lnn.ulro6.MS 14th. 627 SOj BALE-llollablo horses at reasonable FOH pr'ces , nil warranted to bo Urn-class. Ad- dtOBB UciJi 360 Omnhu P. O. OW-2J FOH BALK Smnll horizontal boiler and en gine cheap. Euqiilic Calm & Woolley , 13J2 Fnrnam St. 702-8 FOK HALR-At n baignln , n 0-rooin housn with closets nnd pantry , etc. , lot 25 lect onst 11 out , 6 blocks south of courthouse. Ad dress Y 30 , llco ollico. 020a30 * BEST bugglos nt Diummond & Co's. tiurrcys and cabriolets at Drummond & CD'S. Clarknon carts nt Drummond & Co's. Phaetons , liockawnys nt Drummond & Co's. Delivery wngons , new and old , nt Drummond & Co'd. Second-hand buggies at Drummond A Co s. Wm. It. Drummond & Co. . builders , 1116 liar- ncyst. 602 qU " 8ALB About 300 tons of Ice nt Flor- once. Address X 49 , Bee olllrc. 247 n2J 7 > OUSAI.K- llncst and most reliable f am } -L ily nnd road hoi so In Omaha. Can bunt the beat of them on llth st. \ > III foil for cnsh ortrado for real estate. 1II. . Kcnnard.114 nnd llfl P. IBthjj. S2 _ rOH BALK Your choice of thn best lines of I buggies , carriages , phaetons , surreys , de livery \\aifons , opc'ti and top ono flu * hunting wagon , Call ami look through or send lor cuts and price to Columbus Iluggy Co. , 1I1J Hnrncy 23U K-'W OK 'HALE Carpets Und furnltiiicl "and house torrent , IIJSJrJ between Doug las and Dodgo. 411 OK SALE Furniture of 8 rooms with privl- lefc-e of lea e of tioueo , 707 S. Hth t-u _ _ _ 200 F 1)11 SALK -HariiPKS. llk'ht doublo. eccond hand $12 , Kill N UUhst. Ol'J , 'J FOll 8AIi ; Hny liorpo. w ijrhs | 1,000. Imi'ilio ' H r Hnmann , II15 l.cavounoith. 4'2 ' IJ FOIt SALK-Covered wauon , second hand , suitable for laundry or bakers. A. J. glmpson. Uth and Dodgo. 151a'lj IJIOlt BALI' Ono six-foot upiiitht blac * wal- JJ nut ebow case , Milton Itoifera .V gon. Don TJ10H SALI2---fiyeur old mnrc.sound ami kln'd Jfor family ut > o ; nleo bugRy und harness , fatable for rent with ! 1 stalls. 1UI7 CUBS frt. 'J73 ,1011 8ALK-UO.COO urlck. Apply to J. N. Jl1 Fljnil , 1505 Farnntu st Hi .jiOIt 8AI.E Oil and cafillno wiipon. tcnm , f 1 ? linrnufd anJ route. Cull bet. 1. and 1 at , H13 UiKU'o. M5 . TTOIl SALE Span nno matched buy drlvluif | J ? horeeC. . F. Harrison , 418 3 1Mb st. b * , , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . WANTED--MALE - - HELP. " \\TANTKD Thn-o Rood coons for railroad cnmps In t'olorudo. Albright's labor ngenoy , ll-'O Fnrnani 01-1 VT7"A.NIii-Mn : ; tor rallrop.d work AP T brlght's Labor Agency , 1UO Faraaru. 075 V\rANTI'.D Four tlrst-ciajs , sober cornlae ' ' macurs , alMolm Cpeuctcts , corner Tenth und Dodife. 472 n' ' " \\rANTIiD Immediately cola i eel man 89 't waiter and middlu nvud woinnn to help in kitchen , good ealnry. 107 N 12tu. fi.'l IJ WANTKD 20 men and 10 team urn the North Omaha sewer , cor. of 20th nnd Clark sts. Oood wages ami weekly pay. ' "liompeoii A DeLanoy. fitt ! 4J TSTANTltD 2 or 3 canvasicni for1 city work. T > salary or'commlsslotir , Omaha Kinn. Ilu- rcaa , 11 n KtA et , Itoom 4 , upstairs. , y,9 3 WANTnn--B.irber ! Rood mnn for Saturday and Suiulny at Forimin rmd 1'lftccnth. s . 'attoraon Hminrl. WJ.iHij ' . ' \\rANTnn-A peed blacksmith to tnko chnrfre ofn'iopmi fnlnry. Apply to or address Joo. W. Ijunbliip , U coping > Yntor , Not ) . 4J ? 30 J \\TANTKD-At nuropenn hotel , 1 llrt-cln s TV mini cook , Immcdlntuly. 1 experienced nlRht * . 3J \\MNTKt ) Four persons to ln truct In book- M keeping. Hltuatlona September 1. .1 H , Smith , 1813 Chicago st. 5.11 30 \VANTEII-Oood blacksmith on plow work , IT at IlronillelJ , 10 miles from Aurora. J. W. Farrmul. 664 il \\ANTii-10 : peed bridge carpenters. Al bright's l.nlior Agency , 11"0 Farnnm , 818 ANTHD-AII those wantlmr help or Bltua- tlonsns collector * , n s't bookkeeper , ren- eral office clcrls : , englnec-M , lltemen , watch men , porters , drivers , toiichmcn , farmers , etc. Hpplv to the Mutual Kniploymetit Agency , "U fcouth 16th Bt. Upstairs. 5M IJ \\rANTii-Mon : for inllroad work In Col- " orndo. wanes for teimstera J30 per month and board. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm st. gu V\7ANTIID--A boy with horse to carry a route on the K\onluglleo In tlio eontn part of town. 148 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \ \ 7ANTKD Cllrl for ( 'onerul housowoik. Inquire - quire 711 8. luth street. 1 7-1 J. \\TASTIU ) A peed plrl for penernl house- ' work. Apply to Mis. Henry Mnrkcl , t < 24 617 ! IJJ "YVANTIID A dlnlnir room 1'lrl at the Amerl- can hou o , H.'O Douglas St. 6"liOJ WANTI'.Dfiood ulrl for Kcnornl honiew ork , 240 , ' fct. Miirjsii\o 5C'i ao \V ANT CD o ooitri , 1707 W 600 31J ANTnu-Ilutton hole makers. II 1 2 Far- nam. 431 3IJ _ " \\7ANTKD Olrl for general hou'-enork In ' ' pinall family .Must be good , plain ( ook. Call at IJ310 St > lnry's avn. C'J5-1 W IANT1JD Good , experloneod girl for gen eral house-work , I'll" ' Cans stieot. Ml \ JANTil-Two : * iwedlsb girl's for boarding house , 2011 Hartley at. 6.1) ) Ij W ANTI.D Girl for general housework , cor. Corby nnd I'.Hh ' sts. C ± J IJ "VI7AMR1) At nme cxporioticed cook , female - male , good wngos , apply between 4 nnd S p. ro. , Inqulru 101 N llth 6t. 4H1 WAM'ED A girl for gcnoinl housework , smnil family. Southeast corner Califor nia nnd 20th St. 425 WANTKD Two lady bookkeepers , must be A I quick nt figures , rauet give refer ences. Omaha Employment Ilurcau , til ) Noith ICth st. 192 W ANTED Two girls at Dornn house. 42.3 B 18th St. , near St. Mary's ave. 924 SITUATION WANTED. W ANTE ! ) Position bv flrst-ciu ! s pastry cook from eiwt. Call at 1505 Davenport St. 627 : W W ANTED Position as second girl. Inquire. 210S Pnrkcrst. 6213UJ \\7ANTK1) Would like a position In n flrst- v class photograph gallery , cither us printer , nnlslier or retoucher. Host of rcfur- oncoa as to ability and chnracter can bo fur nished , llavo been 3 voars in the business , and only object In going Wo-t Is to bo ninoiig for mer friends Address nt once Miss M. Mather- con. care Mrs. S. 1' . Hedgers , No. 44 Grey St. , Iloston , Mats. G7ri-2 WANTKD Powln by the day In prlvnto tnmilles by an oxpcrloncrd dresmimKor who undurstnnds c'uttliig , lltllng ana drtiiilug. Addiess Y28 llcoolllco. COO 1 ] WANTED-Situntlon with private fnmllv. best referenced given. Apply 6J.I S. I3th St. U14 4j Y\'ANTKD Situation F.mplovers wantlnif gc'iicrnl olllce clerks , collectors , c ish lers , a sl tant bookkeepers , engineers , firemen , coachman , poiturx , teams-torn , bartunc'eis , barbers , bakers and all trades nnd occupations supplied tree. .Mutual Eiiiploymoiit Agency , 214boutli IGtli , upstnlis : 697 Ij MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTKD Two unf urn'shed rooms with or without boatd near car lino. Will take rooms for your. Hcle.'oneo exchanged. No children. Address Y 2 , Ileo ollico. 078-2 * WANTED About tO.OOO square feet of land In Omahn , cnmenlcnt to railroad or switch. W. E. Podrlck , X"J2 S 13th. 44H IWj t\ " ANTED Teams nndsho\olcrs cor I-onven- worth and 22U st * nnd cor Ihth and Douglas. COS 30j WANTED 'Io exchange n good lmpro\cd Iowa farm of 100 ucios , for n hoiihu nnd lot In Omaha. W. llrndwny , 421 North 17th st. , Omahn. G07-I1C * -Two unfurnished rooms with or Ithout board near car lino. Will take rooms forear. Hofcrenco exchanged. No children. Address Y 29. llco olllce. 078-2 * WANTKD Pnrties having rooms or houses to rrnt should list them with us OR wo fond out many applicants dally. Kcconl Ad vertising Co. , 151J Fa run n. st. 071-5 \\JANTFI1 TwogeutlomOH with references , 'T for board nnd room In prunlo family ; 15.00. Christians prefcried. A'ddrcss Y I ! . ' , llco. 6fiO-l \\7 ANTED To rent a house of nbout 8 rooms , T > Addiess , stating location and price , X lleo ofllco. 3 Mi FOR BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOK KENT 9 room Hat with all modern con- \enlcneos. 1 urnlturo , good as now , lor Bftio cheap .Wood * COj llOji-S < unltolUno " C'jU T ? > Olt Itl.NT A cotti'geofllroomB252l" ' - f well street. Apply to PotKr A. Mncleod 150) ) Farnam strcnt. f > s.V2. FOll HENT Iloardlne hence near I' . I' , depot , tlxtures nnd furmturo for sale at half its value. This in a bargnin. Co-operati\e Land nnd Lot company , 205 N. 1Mb st. I.7.I-- FOH HT.NT Flat of fi rooms Inquire S E cor 17th and Leavenworth sts. 6il ! FOll HENT-2 rooms 2nd lloor , flli , ! 1 rooms 2nd lloor (10 ; 4 room 1st tloor , $ IK ; 1 largo room , f 15 , Inrgo room f 10 ; restrurant laundry &c f.'jfl ; all uufutnlshod nnd In good locality. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N Itith Bt. " FOU HBNT ' 1 wo Inrgo new stores and two Hats of 11o rooms each. City water nnd gns. On Snundors st. C. W. Cain , 2SIO Ohio st. 812 1OIt ltiNT : House 7 rooms and burn , cor 1 Franklin anil James , I.M , Apply lit corner. 583 J " jlOK UENT-U room house , bath , city wntor , J ? Ac , Colfax Bt , noixr l.oiivenworth , HI ; B. room houBu pantry , collar , o.ty water.'JMIi Rt , near Hamilton fit , $ . " ; now burn , Colfnx st , ni-ar I.cnvcnnoitb , 16. F. U Gregory , .I-'J 3 IMhst 501 FOU liTNF"nRr7rultttbTo ; tor lour horPs , Inquire nt (117 ( Sl.lthst Ml J 7 Clt ) ItF.vr stable- near Fnrnnni und I7th 1 St. Hooms 1 and" , Omahn .SutUiniU bunk m FOU IIKNT-A 5 rooiucottiisfo near cnr line , illllou llroj , 151U Hunt-Ins t ! 2\ \ ) I OU itKNT On NV cor llth and Vlnton , S 1 storesSOxfiO. II rooms upHialrs. Riiltiiblo tor families or roomers Call at promise * oren on M. Ponovan , -l.ifc' llth ht. b'kl FOIt III'.NT-I room cottiiue on''lst and Paul streets , liinulrc- 617 South llth street. 001 F > ! t HIJ.NT-'lwo InicK otonjs with base- montB"4th Hnd Hamilton ntroots. Deslr- nblo location for dry goods and drug storo. Flats above If desired , I.cavitt llnrnlmra , room 1 , Crclghton block. ( > 71 F Ult Hi.N"l : .Nen etoru"BTid iTvlnB rooms on Cumlntr st nmr Snunder" Bt. Apply Hnr- rH Heal I'etntoi I.onn Co. , : U ) S. 15th Et. m'J FOH HUNT Store room suitable for grocery store or bulcnor shop , on tlio southwest corner of 7tb mid Piirlllo ftu'eii. G75 OH I in NT Now 3 rooinlioTuso" Ti-1 inTiel anth of P. O bet 20th and ilst sts , f IS per month. Cl.irKEon , Wood & Co. , 31S S. 1Mb. T710H HKNT-Z4 room brie * hotel on llth t. J- rent $10il ruriiltino lorralc. leiiseri jrs ; 7 room boatdliiR lioiun tr 0 , 3u eti'udy bourders , lurnliure for tain $3'0 ; 18 room boarding hottso oppoilto Mlllutil hotel , innklnir oO protlt per WOOK , liiinltuio for fiile J1.400 , rent ? t ; 11 room Hut rent f40. furnltuio for fair , f-'W. Co-opcrutlvo Land A : Lot Co ,205 N 10th St. t2J I V\0lt \ lir.NT-niecuut brick rch'ilonco , 10 i' looms , .T.oilurn convcnlenees. Dr. Gruddy , 1104 Inrnum el O.'il _ _ HhNT llulf of 'etorc. Inquire nt Tils Uouvlasit. UU FOIt Hi.NT-OmccH,2 : front ufflccg n Omnhu National bunk to. rent. Iniiuiro Itoom 1 and Z. MX ) ll HBNT-slilausos. A ' Murp'by , tW South ' Hth It. . W9 TT < OH HENT New I0-'rotim , houoo ; all Im- proveirlnnts , steam heat. C. W. It O K. Thompson. 311 8.16th st. J IQUO POH HKST Olllce jpjiee on eround floor ut 1609 farnnuv , Apply In rear office. J. S. Hlch < rd on- _ L _ - TOOK Ki.NT : I'.lghi room hou e on N pldo of -C Ca M , between 2th and 30th streets. In- qulco of ( Ice 1. UllDort. Withnell building. 612 3 OH HKNT-7-room Kongo , 3Mh nnd Half Howard. Inquire H , F , lliuminn , 2716 Lciucn'tiirlli. \V6 \ IJ .nilOICB lol for LCPO. Southeast corner \J 48xVi l.eavenwoi . and Park nve.or will build to suit tenant. Hobble Bros. W ) FOR RENT ROOMS. OP. Itl'.NT Throe unfurnished roonn with two lartro closets. Patterson & Moore , Koom2. Omaha Natl. Ilk. 672-2 FOIt KKNT-.1 unfurnished rooms at 415 to llth. Inquire at MoU llsh market. 64130 FOH HKNT Furnished rooms , desirably lo cated , cool and plcnannt , en suite and single , 434 North Seventeenth street. 412 'JOJ TTUlIt 3RNT 1 room' sultablo for light house- JL7 keeping. 0 C , Campbell , 1011 Farnnm t , 6OT noj T7 > 0lt HUNT -Largo cool parlor , nl o gmnll Ju room , 1720 Capitol ave. 016 iiUJ < OH HUNT Nice furnished room n-asonnblo 17 ! ej Ninth. TOO ; MJ Olt HHNT-Nicely furhUhod front room 1U5 N 16th st T710H IinNT-t'nfurnl hi-il and lurtil < JD rooms , s. w. cor. Sth nnd Hnrnoy. 5'i8. WJ FOll IM'Nr Finely furnished parlor , also 10 room Hat , furniture lormlu at lKi ! ) rnrnam Pt. 60S 30J FOH KENT 1'urnlsliod room with or without board , 21PJ Charles st , cor Snundms st. 671 40 TTlUllMSIir.D IIOOMS-Parties lookintr for X1 rooms call and oznmtnn our Inr ollst. Hecord Ailvortlslntr Co. , 1513 Farnam st. C71-6 IflOK HUNT- Finely furnished rooms. Hist- class board , uu car line , 1713 Cuss st. t > .i ; alj roll UUN l'-3 rooms , 1100'i S. 7th. 52 FOR HF.NT Furnished rooms for llRht bouse- kccpln ? . G07 > i N. 17th 8t 610 n 2J FOH HINT : Handsomely furnished front room , 1718 DodRO St H49 Foil HHNT A nice lurtro fiont room , all modern Improvements nnd nicely furnished 601 8 20th St. 213 KENT Itooins with board. 5018. IHth. 785 aug 12 * FOH HENT Nicely furnished room In nice cottiiRc , tS per month , 408 Walnut st , olt-lit minutes walks southeast u. P. depot 310 FOH KENT Furnished rooms with oxery convenience. mM St. Mary's ave. 321 FOH HKNT Furnished pliasant , cool trent room with three south wlndowa nnd large closet , 1714 California. Half of 3d lloor for rent , between 12th and 13th on Fnrnam. C. F. Gardner , furnace ! ) and etovcs , 711) ) N. 18th. flood dry stotn e for few more stoves , and will put them up in fall. C. V. Uurdnor , 71 ! ) N. 18th. 341 FOR IIENT-3 rooms at 101V N. 20th ttt. In quire nt 817 S 13th st. 612 TTIOH HKNT Two neatly furnished rooms , JL ) very dcsiruhlo location , prlvnto fnmlly. Also room for two or thieo tilco table boarders. S. E. corncrTwomlethundFiunnm. 410n2' > HBNT A nicely futnlsned room at 2111 fct. Mary's nve. 421 FOR HUNT SliiRlo room for Rcntloman. Modern conxmlvncoj. Inquire OJ4 N loth 410 Foil HKNT 4 or B unfurnished rooms , suita ble lor hou8ckpoplnRonq block from court house , on 10th fit loot , between St. Mury'8 ave. and H'irncv st , modern conveniences. Hofcr- onccs tequlrcd. M. F..Martin , owner. 1 J HENT Furtifehtd room , IGil DodRO. 418 _ FOH IH'N I' 3 rooms and hnll unfurnished sultablo for housekeeping , nil moilprii Im- prii\cnn-nts Ilil ! ) Howard near 17tb , over dry Roods Hloro , Inqiilro lu storo. 478 IIOK HENT-2 elegnnt rooms , nicely fur- Jj nlsbod ou street car line ; modern con veniences. Gentleman and wife or Kcntlomon. F.xcellent location. 11)17 ) Cuss. U71 FOK KENT Mcoly luriilshcd room with board , reference required , Imiulro 1914 Farnam at. 485 alj FOH HBNT- Suite of 4 nlco rooms sultablo for housekeeping , references reuiiircd , nth st .Just north of ht. Mnr/.B BVO. Water , sewer connections , gas , folding doora ic , M < 4 FOH HKNT Front room with board , 1812 Chicago St. 815 6 T71OH HKNT Nicely furnished large and Jj small rooms , 111 S. 1Mb. tU4 IJ HUNT-3 rooms suitable for housekeeping FOH keeping , southwest cor. 21st nnd Nicholas St. 695 HENT 2 furnished south front roomsen FOH suite , two or three ( rcntlcmen , 202.1 St Mary's n\cnuo. COfl.l * TJ10H HKNT An elegantly furnished south -T iront loom , 170S Douglas st. _ 2011 a'-'J 1(1 NT Furnished rooms 1015 Dodgo. fliil JH HENT-Nlco rooms at 1821 Farnam St. , ono block west of court houso. 267 IflOH HENT Nicely furnished rooms has 1 modern conveniences , 20.J9 Farnara. C04.1 * FOH HENT A suite of very rtesiiablo fur nished rooms Apply at 171. ! Capitol \o. , opposite Trinity cathedral. fli-3 ) * "ITOlt IinNT Furnlshed room o\or Leslie & JF Leslie's dniR Btoro tiW8 FOH HKNT Tno largest store 100111 In town. Inquire at tlio Argus ollico , Albion. Nob. 401 sop 13 * FOH HF.NT Purnisheil front room , near car line at corner of Dodtie and 21th streets. Inquire of A. 11. Combtock 1523 Farnam st.wiS wiS OH Iir.NT-PleiiSHnt room , furnished. 1410 Chicago 6t. 197 FOH KKNT-Ofllce room $10 per month , 2nd lloor. 310 8.15th st. 4,10 FOH HENT A laiRO room and reception room in connection , knownas St ( ieorge's Hnll , opposite the Puxton hotel. Inquire of Gnrdner i Saunders , < WO 4 * HUNT Offices at 1BI2 Farnara st. Apply - ply to Patterson & Moore , Omuhu Nntlotiul 21.2 FOH KENT. Desirable furnished eel rooms with bourd In prhato fumlly , plcasnnt homo , modern conveniences. 6J5 , Plcasnnt Bt root. 440 3J FOH HTNT-Nlcely furnished front room ut 1412 Howard st , 651 a-IJ FOH KEN ! ' . Nicely furnished rooms for families or single person. 714 N. lUth ihtroot 4J1.n.b > FOH HENT-Fuiiilshodlroiitroom or u suit ot two rooms with board If de-sired , 117 S 17th st. . 5P5 3j H HENT Desirable furnished room for gonilc-mcn utsovi Hutynnl at 5 'J _ _ " jH > H KENT Furnished rooms hmi o "and I 1 furniture new , nil modern conveniences 2214 Furnam st. 2i j 2J FOB HENT A laiso front room In now house bntli , and latest modern Improve- mnnte , lUfb Webster stiuot IS. lOlt HENT ElcRnntly furnished rooms sln 13 ( floor cnsulto , with use of tmtli ; electric bells In every room. First class restaurant at' tacheil , at Nnrris Europonn hotel , corner 18th nud Webster. < > 63 FOH HKNT F.irnigherl room In ( ireunlg blk cor 131 n and Dodiro st. Inqulm of Davis & Hethorln ton , Millurd Hotel Itilllard room , sal OK HENT-rurnlshod rooms , 18U Dodfo. 7iiO FOH HENT-Part of olllce room. Inquire at i Don fins M. U13 F Oil HI5NT ? uite of furnished rooms foi Kcntlemon A. llospo , Jr. , U15 N. 17th TOOK HKNT-Nlcelj furiilslica looms , to gen .1 ? tlemeu onlysal N. IMh St , Hoom 2. U41 TplOH HKNT Furnlihed rooms for pentlo -L men. Apply at Cullector'd olllut ) , 101.1 I lor nnm , ( At .11 FOH HENT I'urnlshed rooms , ISlfl Dodge 877auirl FOH KENT Nicely fnrnUlieil rooms , with or Million t board , modern conveniences. " ! North 15th. KM tt2 _ _ "IjlOK llENT-U um room cor. 4th nnd Call -I. tfornlu on llelt Line. 1'or particulars en gulre ut Union Nat bank. 1 ° 4 . - i TTOH HENT Elegant iulto of rooms , refcron 1 ? ens required , 1(07 Douglus st 1U7 F birHENa .NIoely furni b a 'room. 1C' Dodge. UU FOU IlRNT-FUrnlshcd rooms * lth board , 1W3 , Farnam. M6 nll > FOH irKST Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Apply at $09 Howard stWO WO FOIt HKNl'-NlccIy furnished room , I9J1 Dodge st. 199 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. TjiOll SALE Fine end front lot In Pmlnview JL1 addition only (1.500. Will take horse and cnrrlnpo as part of tlrst payment , II. W. Huntress , 1501 ! Farnam st. 84030 * \\7KCanso for a few days onlr LotlOO OIso's addition for ' ) ,1U I.o 171 ( Use's addition , (8,301. fllockl lloyd's addition wo. One-third caih , balance 1,2 and 3 year * . licmlngton & MoCormlck , 220 Soutn 15th st 494 POH SALG-M No , 1 farms within a radius of 20 miles of Omaha. Alsr. n few good busl- nets chances In two live towns. J. II. Sllvls , Heal Estate and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Neb , 670 Aug. 8 "IJAHK opportunity for Investment for the -1 next .U days acre lots In Arlington HeU-lits , a bountiful locution two miles t > outh of post- ofllco In lleatrlco , Nob. , will bo sold for 1160 per acre , Addrets Ilex IW2. 628 a 2J BIO UAHOAIN One hundred feet front on South Eleventh st corner lot , only 14,000. Parton time. V. L. VoJlckl , 5i ) South 13th st IBS FVH 8A 1,1'At a barRaln, n ni o and half lot on Davenport st. near 27th. Owner must liuv e money and w III sell nt u great bar gain. Only $ MO cash required ; balance longtime time- . Address X IB , Hco ofllco. 3Jy TF you want to buy , bell or trade , call on L. V. C'rum , I20.N nth st. 100 lots U of n mile of U. P. depot for sale or trnde. U-room house for rent. T olO-room houses for rent , taloor trado. Idlewlldo. Ily HI6 L V. Criim. 120 N 15th St. AHOAINS-lu some choice lots In Wise .V Pnrinnlcn'R addition. Inside property. \ \ o mnko some good oilers In other business and residence stuff and In acres wo nro iho boss. Marshall & Lobcck,160'J rarnam. 7M IINCOLN Pluco-I linvn a customer for n lot Jin Lincoln Pluco at reasonable price. W L Sclby , 15'I tarnntu. 4'.i ' * > ill HEHF. Is a bargain. Lots 2 and 4 , In blocK 4 , South Omutia. S'KK ) . Terms half cnsh and balance eusy. Marshall \ Lobeck , 150' ) Far- num. Tclephono 73. 2Ki FOllSAl.U-Ortrn ! c , 25 lots in the western part of O niilin near the Helicon cur line , price 14(10 ( each , $ J60 duo on contracts payable In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for NobrnsKU land. MeCulloch A Co. , 1509 Varnam st 1000 fj OIt SALE Corner lot on Virginia nvo with JP two good houses , cheap nt J7.00J. Terms easy. Houses rent for (70 per month. S. S. Campbell , 310 S. 16th st Chamber of Com merce. _ 273 TH OU SALE Ono million norc-sofland In NoL - JL ? brnskn. Speculator's lands.rallroad lands , nineties , nnd fnrms In all parts of the state. Send for pamphlet containing descrip tion and price of o\er ono thousand Inrms. A fine topORraphlcnlmupof too state sent frco iiron application. K. II. Andrus , for 10 years Oen'l Land Agent II. & . M. H. W. Llghth nad P streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240 Nebraska fnrms to oxchuniro for EASTEHN Omaha property. Patterson & Moore , Onmlm Nntlonal Oank. 6M OH SALE Ixts 0 and 10 In blk L. Sunndurs & Hlmobuuglis add , south front , ono n corner , making HHU160 teet. (1.100 for tlio tuo , half cash balance to biilt. Jas. Stockdulit , 113 NJCthjt M8 30 WHAT liaxo you got to tnulo for ! 40 uoios Itnprovid farm nonr Sioux City , lowu , equity (1,000 Splendid crop. Aildiosg Y 10 , lloo office. 4b'l : iOj IMMEDtATP. snlo will take ri low or less only 5 or 8 blocks from Kxchnngn bid nnd Union Stock yards on fnvorublo tonns. blxteen houses under contract in sumo block. iwant whnt they are worth. I don't want fancy nrleoi Iwant to sell nulckly. K. II. Hriinch. 200 _ " _ _ PF.CIAL "narguTiis-llouse N rooms , bum , S etc. , all ni-w , Donlse's addition , t,703 ! , (1,000 cu h > balunco good time. Four t-ioom IIOUBCS In Lowe's addition , now , ( l.fiOO each , (20) c ash , bulunco to suit. llouso A rooms , bnrn , full lot. ntes & Heed's subdivision , (2r > 00 , (760 cnsh , bnlanco to Two lots , on corner. Grand View , nlco build Im ; site , t-.iKW , ' 4 cash , liiilnuco long tune. II. H Hall & to. 11,1 North ICtli st _ 51150 TJIOH SAIi : Lot ftOxlJS foot nnd .1 room JL ; | iou * > o.W00. . Dominlum at. , hetwcon Ifith nnd 1,1th. Chutlos KIURC , So. Omahn MliUJ * FlIIIE nicest row of three brick llnta In the JL city on one of the best streets can be hud ut n bargain if taken at once. Aoth c lloal Es tate nnd Property Exchange , 15-4 Dodge st (81 31 SPECIAL bargains If sold FOOD. 5 blgn , Blghtly south front lots In Creiphton Heights. Will sell toRothur or separate. Hart's Great Western Heal Estate Agency , C'rolgliton block. 20. Notice. Hlds will bo received by the board of public lands mid buildings at any time before August 15,1S87 , at 2 p. m.fordonnttons for the location for the "Nebraska Industrial Home. " Usual rlirlits reserved. Ily order of said board. July2fl , 1887. O. L. LAWS , bccri'tarjr. Ju2Ud-to aug5 ! JwA ) L/UUIlj Cor Kith and Doiujlus sts. Capital Stock $16OOOC Liability of Stockholders 3OO.OOO The oulj regular Buvlmrs b ink MI the stato. Fiv < per cent Intoreat paM on deposits. Loans Made on Real stato. on-iei.its : UtivC. IlAHTOV , Piesldout ; J. J. nitowN. Vlco President ; U VI. ilKSNKTr , Mannirmr Di rector : JOHN E. Wu.nun. Cnahler. no is r-ucqniNTED WITII TIIK ar.or.mniT or Tins COtKTB VtlLI. BEE lit EUNIll a II8IUPIIUT _ IU _ ! HICAGOROCKISLAND&P4GFICRAILWAY , ! IIT reason of Iti central po ltloi c'.one relation to llnci J st of Chicago , oml contliui > iu lnJ t tfrinlnal iolnta Webt , Korthwtit end aoath o t , It the true mtJdlo link In that trunnrontlncntai iijftem which I ln > lte and facilitates travel end traffic LUmecn tbo Atlantlo and 1'nclllc. The Hock Iiland main line and branches Inclmlo Oil- coco , JollttOttawa , Lahillc , FtorU , ( lincnco , nnd Hock Iiland , In llllnoNl Haimpoit , Jtui-cnllne , Wadilngton , J alrfleld , Oltumwn. Oskaloosa , We t I lb- trty , Io ( i CityDijJlulnenIiiiHanola ft , Atlan , tic , Kuoivllto , AuJubon , llnrlan , Outhrle Cciitro ana Council Iilurf * . In lowai n illatln , Trenton , Bt. Joiepn , Cameron and Kansas City , In MlMonrli > en ortH andAtehlion.lnKamui Albert \Mlniiiapollji unit - ht I'aul , InMlnncrotn ) Wall rtonn ami Rtoiu 1-Mli , In Dotota , und IiunJrtilJ of Intirnn Jlato tlllii and to 111. "The Great Rock Island Routo" Ouarantces tpced , comfort , cf rtalnty and § afety. Iti i nnanmt way U dUtlntrulshcil for Its eiccllenco. In ' triages ere of Btono and Iron. Its track U of nolld tielltsrolll/iirttockirfect. lt ra fnKareiulru ) ne hail nllllie safety niipllanccn that tjpcrlencohanirorel ubtf'jl , and for luzurloui accommoj tlons li uruJl-- , lamd. Iti Ksprii * Tralni connltt of nujwrlor U y Coaches , elegant I-ullinan I'alaio Parlor and Sleep nrf Cars , superb Dining Can , tiroTldlng dtllcloua mtali , and ( bitwrin Chicago and St. Jo uiU , Atrhlion and Kin ai Clt ) ) restful Reclining Chair < ! r . IU man- afi mcnt U coiuenatlve , tte dUclpllnu oioctlng , "The Famous Albert Lea Route" netween Chlcairo and Minneapolis and St. I'aul Is th ( aTorltu. Over Ihls line Solid Fast Kiprtts Trains nm dally to attractive retorts for tourliti In Iowa an I Illnnrsota , and , vU Wstrrlown and Rlotix Falli , to tha rich wheat and frailni ; l nJj of Interior Dakota. VU Seneca and KnnUakpp , thu KoclcIiUnil otrcrs eupcrtor Induct mints to trarilern lict een Cincinnati , Indian apolis , I , f ) flU and Council muffs , St. Jo rph , Atchl- ron , Leatenuorth , Kama * City , Nt. I'aul , sndlntennt- dlate iKilnts. All p ttrons ( eipi clally ladles ami chil - dren ) receive protection , courtesy and kin Ily attention , - For tickets , m | > ii , foldon , copies of Wmtrrn Trail , or ny dc lrfd Information , apply to principal ofllces la the Unltnl Mates and Canada , or addn MntClilca0 ( , R.R. CABtt , ( , ST , JOHN , I. A. HOtBROOl , ri.liaUolHu .f A,1G ilUuM. , Ola. TVL * Fw. Kt - - - - M ninfrfrlnzfiflriI. Vlsior. . Wrtnn. llrMlllr. I rE I.I . . t * , etc , rtiulilnclroip In. * VIC - * -kl - IC "nnP vllh wt HlwoiMcki M ajAU ; l.r. bflh L M MARSWII ttnf TM t J T .n | STRONG ty Fath rs A pUred In tlt tiands thrlrl-iM. tf K plt l * InfoimallonW value loall rem. HUSTON RIUUT CB. JB Park Pltoi , Ntw Ycrk. DIKECTORY 'pROf ESSIOML CARDS. A. 8. OHU110HILL , 320 South loth Jtreet , Oinalia. SLABAUOH A LANE , Room 25 , l'u\ton Dlock , Oninlu. W. J. CONNELL , 813 South 14th Street. L. D. HOLMES , -A.ttom.ey at Itoom 8 , Fronror Hlick.Oppo lto Pottolllec1. PHYSICIANS. UK. c. UOSIWATIK : : , Physician and Surgeon , 214S. 12th St.cor. rnrnam. lion Hank llntld- liiK Telephone W4. DB. EMMA J. DAVIES , Z2orn.ocpa.tli , Room 802 N. lUth St. , O'nalia. Olllce hours 0 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p m. DR. BLKANOR STALLAHDDALLEV , llcsldcncp , 6(15 ( } N. 17li ( St. O. 8. HOFFMAN , M. D. , clan aiasa. SviTfjoon , Office , N-W Cor. llth and Douglas. Office Telephone 405 ; Kcs Telephone , 4'i JOS. W. JtAKNSDAIiT/ . M. , M. D. Surncon nnd Ci Office llmirlOto 12-8 to 4-7 In > . onice , HanifO U lock , 1Mb nud Burner W. J. QALBRAITH , Su.rercon. and. Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st. Office Telephone , 465 , Kcs Telephone , 5C3. JAS. H. PEABODY , M. D. Kcfililcnea , No 1407 Jones street. Office , With- nell lllocK. Telephone , icsidonco 12j , ollico B. W. CONNELL , M. D. : : Office , 313 S. 14th st. Telephone , 589. J. V. CORNISH , M. D. , PHYSICIAN * SURGEON Cor. 20th and Lake Sts. DR. A , F. JONAS , Practice Limited to Surgery Ofllce Arlington Illoik. lloom * 10 nnd 11 , DmlKU St. nexltol' O. Olllcchour" , Utoiln , in. , 2to4p in. FINE JOB PRINTING. ivrEJVu < : o. , Printers , Book Binders AndDlank book Manufacturers. Nos. 108 and 106 .14th street. Omnha.Ncb. I.F. Falrlio , Supor- Inteudrnt llluderr. Telephone No.6JL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "Wo do hereby certify that wo supervise the arrangements for nil the Monthly and Keinl-An- iiual DrawlugH of The Louisiana State I/ottory Company , and n person manage and control too drawings tnomselvcs , and that the Fame are conducted wit ti honesty , fairness and In good faith toward all parlies , and we authorize the Company to use this certificate with fnc-slm- iloii of ourslgnaturos attached , in Its advertUo- moots. " COMMIKPIONEKS. We tlio undersigned Hanks and Hankers will } my all Prizes drawn In Tbo Louisiana State xitterles which may bo presented at our coun ters. .1. II. oui.Fsnv , Pros. Louisiana National Ilk. I'UOKUK I.ANAUX Prcs. Slate National Ilk A. liAT.nWIN , Pros. Now Orleans Xi HAUL KOlIX , Prcs. Union National Hunk. u NPUECEDKXTEI ) ATHTACTION ! OVER AM1LLION DISTRIBUTED. _ Louisania Stnt Lottery Coniinny ] Incorporated In IV forSoycnr Ujr llm I.i'H IMuturo for educational anil charitable ptirpoxus with u inpltMl of flU I.Olto < Thlcli .1 renorvo funilof uvur f.Yid.tO ) has Alnce been added , 11 } , in oprwli * Imlni ; pupulnioto lt fr tnchlio win mailp n part ( if the i > r i-nt stiilo constitution adopted Decemboi 2nd. A. I ) . 197'i. ' 1 bo only lottery o\cr voted on and endorsed by t lui peoploof any state. It never scutes or postpones. Its ( Jrand Single Number Drawings tiikoplacn rr.dnthlv , and the Seml-Anmml Drawings regulaily every z months ( Juno and Decom- her ) . A SPf.KNIlin OPPOHTUNITV TO WIN A FOHTU.M : . Eighth Grand Drawing , clu s II , In tlie Academy of Mii'-Ic ' , Nc Orlouiid. Tues day , Aug. , ltW-07tli Monthly Drawing , C'AI'ITAI. IMtlXE , 810OOOO. Tickets are Ten Dollars Halves , * 5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI. LIST OK I'UUUS. 1 CAPITAL PltlX.IJ OF 1150.000. . . SIM.OOO K1KANI ) PHI/.K OK HJ.OOO . . f,0WO , 1 OHAND PHiyiOF : 20,000. . . 20,000 2 LAHdK PHWSOV lO.lKW. . 20.0JD 4 LAHOKPKI/.KS OF 6W I. . . ai.d'X ) 20 PK1/.US OP 1,1X10. . 20.0011 JKI " M ) . . S6.HO 100 " ! ! 00 . iiO.IHW Si 41 " 2011 . 40rK ( fOJ " ItO f,0KKl ( 6COOO " M. . 60.1X4) 100 ApmoximiitinoPiizcbor ? mo . jao.noo 100 " " Sul 20,1100 100 " " 100 lO.WX 2,170 Prizes amounting to . . . . J.TO.ddO Aiipllditlmi fur club niti-K aliould lie niuue oiiljuf tlin nlllcii uf Ihii taniiaiiy | In .Snw Orle 1111 Fur Inrthnr Infnriiiiillnn wrll clciirlr. Klvlnt ! full a < | ilr > - 9 I'OSTAIiMU'KS , oxpre money onloM.oi .Sew ork Ktcluingo In orrtliiiiry loiter. Currency by Nr.w OUI.UANS , Li. Or.M. A , DADI'IIIN , WAHlllNiirON. D. C. jtiltlrcn * liraIfitcred letters to NK\V OI11.IJANH NATIONAL II INK NEW RT1 TVf V Af 1 I,1 I * Trim the proncnou of I'j 3L 1'j M li 1'j U denorkli llenure ard and Earlr , whOHrelnclmri 8 of tha ilrawlnKi , Is iruxr- antea of * b olutu Ulrnflii anil Intexrlty , that tht cbaDCitarealleuuul. and tbat no ona oaa poialbly dlTloe bat numbers will draw a I'rlte. ItKMKHHKIt thut the pnriiiunt of all prUoi It OI'AllAMt III IH KII'll NATIIIV\I. IIAVKS Of M0 IT Orlenno , anil thn Tlrkouiro aimed by the pratlaent otan Innitutlon , nhnie ch ili-r"l rlnhti urn r < 'o * nlie < 1 In thii lilktieit i mirtu therefore , bownro ot any Imltatlum or anunymou * BChumoi . DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Juo. U Jacobs , , A.\'D At thn olilatrinrl 1407 Farnara st. Onler bytolc-L'rauli sollolteti and nrouiptly a- UndecT'.o. Telephone No. 335. I rtQTWIANHOOD.Youtlifui.Impi hi V * I iiuuiK.oScrvoUHliPl > lllt\rfiiiHii through erroiH und bad pructlcuif CURED UULIIEM HKAt , t' , ISl.ocQBlst ht-Jxiul THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES ; . OMAHA. J I > ( tt\cr I'.iprrsg , , , . l.H l Kxpro l-xoopt Sunday , II. fi M. II. It. K. Depot lotli 1' Mailninl Kiprosa 0. D. A. Q. II. II t liitnuti'l Fuul Mult nnd Kxprom i\iros3 ; | K. C Moll Kxproiij Bloux niy Kipr * s llancroft Kxprcai lllalr PatKonwr Kxcopt Day li Night . Llticoln r.xpro i , IJUM.11V TIIAINS. Running llotweoti Council Illuffs and Bontl * Omaha. In addition to tlio stotlont mentioned ! tralni stop at Twentieth ami Twonty-fourtq 6ti cots , and at the Summit in Omahn. \ ViHtitrd. . CUUMJIIj THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Mil waukee&St , Paul Ry 27ie Jlctit lloule from Omaha and Council Klnffa to , TECHS EJ .ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Ilulls ! Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Minneapolis CcdarRapiila Rock Ibl.ind , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , ElK'ui , MaJison , Jancsvillc1 , Heloit , Winoua , LaCiosse , Ami all other Important points Knst , Northcnse and Southeast. For through tickets call on the ticket ngonb nt 14U1 rnrnan , ( , In Paxton holol , or at Union Pacific depot. Pullman Hlecpcis mid the llne&t Dining Tan In the world aic ma on thu main line of the Chicago , MIlv , anl.eoi Ht. Paul Itullxvny and ev ery nttuntloii Is paid to pas-ciivcrs by < oui-to oiifi omploj COB of tht > company. U. ( jcnenil Mauagur. J.I' TITCKKII , As lstnntoneral ( Mamucr. A. V. K. Cnp.vTKit , ( loncinl PiiBSonifor and Ticket Agent. < < to. L HrAiHJHi ) , Assistant General Pasaon- gor and Ticket . \gout. J.T. Cl.AiiK.Oonoial bupoiliitondcnt. CHICAGO Western ana I ) ) The1 only roud to tuko for Des Molno" Mur- shulltoun , Ofdur llupldi. , Clinton , Dlxon.l bleu ( TO , Mllwuukco ami nil polntH eust. To tlio IKO- tilu of Ncbriihku , Coloindojoinlnc , Dluli , daho , Aovuilu , Oiepon , WuHliltiKton , nnd I itl- ! fornlu , It otli'it-Piiimilor uihiintiiRcs net I or N blu by any otlmr lino. AIIIOUK u lew o'tlie niiiniTOiiH points oC SIH P"rjoiltj enjoyed by tlio putrouHot iMa loiut iJTincon Onmlni nnd C'llciifro.uri ) Its two train * * , inlay of DAY COACIIIIS , which iiuitlio tint-lib thnt liiiinnniirt iindliiifnull ) run croutu It4 PAL \Cr.i : hi.r.UI'J.'vO CAH * * , ulilcliuioinodcld of lomiort und iik-tfunco. ItK PAItl.OH DHA W < INO IIOOM IAHS , un-uinn siMl liyany. and lt wMcly coti'briited PALATIAL DININO CAIIS. the nimilof which cuniiol bo fouiul elsowhnro At Council Illultntlio trulnsof the 1'iilon Pucltlo K\ . connect In I'nlon Depot with thOMi of thu fhlciiifoA. Northwest-til Hy. In Chicago tint tiulns of this lite iniiku clo u ooiuu-i tlon lll thovool all ( iisti'rn lines. Tor Detroit , Colunilius , IndlannpollB. Cincin nati. Nliiiruiu Pulls , Iliiiluio , Pltlsliuiir.Tiiriiiito , .Montreal , lln-ton. Now York , Phllndoliliiu | , llulllinoro , WnthlnKton nnd nil points lu tnd oust , ask for a ticket /lu the "NoitnuvisTinN. : : " If you wish the host niconiinodRtlon , All ticket an'ont KOll tlokotH via this lino' H. HL'OIHTr. H P. WILWJN , ( jejil. Mnniiifer. ( ii-nl. Piibtt'r A out " > > " W.M AncocKC."lcllKI "uii. nowi:8 : , W btarn ARdlit , I'ltj I'nss'r Dniuhu Notioo to Arolilfi-oic , rplli : Hoard or Piibliu Lands and UlilMlnsM 1 will rucolvo plan und upeciticittlonit ut un/ - time before Aii iist Int. HiT , at2 p m. for tlio hospital f < ir the IticiirHblu IIIRUIIU , at llmtlius , Nubraskn. tlullilliiK to he u tire | story brick , with stone bmoiiiont.and not tq coil over > > , - 000 , Ircludltik Ftenni liuitlnu and plumbing- . HlKht riHc-rv6d to rec < \ nny or all plans sub. ' mlttod. Ily order of sulij board J illy > i , ! * ' " . July 8 to Aug 1 U. K L.V V , II