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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1887)
THE SUNDAY BEE : JULY 10 , 18S7.-TWELVE PA.GES. v SUNDAY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS JTICE , MO. 13 , PEARL 8TKEET. Delivered ty carrier in any part of the city at twenty cents per week. H. W. TILTOJT , . . . Manager. TKLKPHONE3 : BCPIKTPS Omc . No. 13. NIUIIT EDITOR No. 23. MINOR MENTION. N. Y.Plurnbing Co. Rcltcr. tnllor. Summer poods cheao. The city council meets to-morrow oven- Ing. Ing.Joseph Joseph Wells and Miss Ella Scribncr were married by Kcv. Dr. Cooley Friday night. Permit to wed was .yesterday plvon to Thomas W. Yost and Annie S. rainier , botli of this county. The common carriers are coming to the front with another year's license money , the old licenses expiring July 1. For rent , a desirable house of coven rooms , two blocks from dummy dopot. Apply to lr. Lawrence , 723 Willow av enue. A burglar was prowling about W. G. Oliver's residence Friday night , but was frightened oil' before no secured any plunder. There will bo a regular business meet ing of the W. C. A. at the residence of Mrs. J. I ) . Atkins Monday afternoon at 8 o'clock. AH concerned are requested to bo there promptly. The case of the four men , Samuel Will iams , Geoigo Rockwell , William and George Stilcn , charged with boating Theodore Hrown , has queen continued by Justice Unrnctt until the 18th insf The salvation army follow who made himself so much of a reputation by tryIng - Ing to got Miss Ilastic's trunk , has ap parently concluded to "go happy on his way , " rather than wait for a warrant to bo served upon him. Ho was not to bo found in the city yesterday. The fotu electric lights wcro started for the first lime last evening at the top of the now court house tower. They proved very satisfactory and considering the fact that the four now hung there are of ordinary power , it seems evident that with the use of the larger lamps , as pro posed , the ottect will bo brilliant. With the closing of gambling in Omaha , nnd the opening of races hero , a gang ot roughs , crooks , tin-horns , nutshell fakirs etc. have como to the city. They have been allowed to hang around long enough to see the city , and tis now getting time for the police to wake up , and tcllthem to move on. Yesterday morning the steamer Man- nwa went to the bottom of Lake Manawa rather suddenly , but from what cause It is not known except to those who were in charge. They claim that sonic one bored a hole in her during the night. Others claim that the crow overslept and did not bail her out as they ought. The boat was soon raised and she is" now running all right. A tailor named Voight , who has gained Borne notoriety before , was before the police court yesterday , for wife boating nnd general disturbance of the peace. Ho got off with a lino. Vo'ght ' is the same fellow who served once as a special policeman , and who foolishly sent a bul let into the thigh of a young man whom ho thought was making too much noise on the street. The follow arrested on suspicion , hav ing some silver spoons marked E. A. C. , " was yesterday sentenced to thirty days as a vagrant. No owner for the spoons has yet appeared , but the officers tire confident the follow stole thorn some where. Ho says ho bought them of a Stranger at Missouri Valley. The stranger whs out of money and was so poorly dressed that ho did not dare to try to sell the spoons lost ho should be ar rested as a thief , lie offered them cheap nnd so the fellow took them. Iho story is a summer gauze. The old Union Avenue hotel is not im proving its reputation In any way. The old structure Is below grade , and needs to bo built all over , or something of the sort. It has long been below grade in reputation. Hero It was that the confi dence man. "Tho Major" shot and killed Hughes. Since then the house has boon unoccupied most of the time. Now a doggerel has been started in the base- nicnt , and since the keg lias been opened trouble seems to break forth afresh. The other night a fresh young man from Lo Mars fell into the company of sharpers there , and was soon contidcnccd at the dummy dopot. Two nights ugo a follow who hud been drinking there , and who had got drunk , was robbed while sleep ing in the yard in the rear. The follow who is charged with robbing him was a cbanco acquaintance picked up in this eamo saloon. It seems that the reputa tion of the place does not improve with go any more than the building it&clf. Sunday Services. Topic at the Methodist church this "What is Life For " No morning : * ser vices in the evening. Union services at the Tabernacle on Fourth street , this evening at 8 o'clock. There will bo public worship hold in the Good Templar hall at 104 Broadway , Sunday , 10th , at 2 p. m. Robert Hunt- iugton , ono of our citizens , having re turned yesterday from a two months' tour through Utah , will relate Ms experi ence and how ho now looks upon Utah nnd her people. Elder William M. Palmer - mor and J. M. Murdoch will ho present. All are invited to attond. Services to-day at Harmony mission , 8 o'clock p. m. , conducted by Dr. Me- Crcary. pastor of the M. E. church. Sab bath school , 4 o'clock. Pravor mooting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Topic : "Respect to Pastors ; To Esteem Thorn Highly For Their Work's Sake ; " 2Thess , 5 chap. 12 IK verses. Oakland Avcnuo Tabernacle Preach ing at 11 a. in. , 4 p. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Subjects respectively : "Tho Uiblo Sabbath , " "Christian Conversion , " "Tho Sunday Not the Sabbath. " A general attendance solicited. Preaching by the pastor of the Baptist church at 10UO : n. m. Union services at the tabernacle at 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock p. m. Services aa usual in the Congregational church this morning. Preaching by the pastor. All are welcome. No evening service. Portion a 1 Mrs. B. T. Dcnison , of Vancouver , W. u T. , is n guest of Airs. It. S. Dawson. ' Mrs. L. Simmons nml daughter , Susie Simmons , leave for St. Paul , Minn. , this evening. T. Wallace was last night arrested by Ollicer llondrieks as u "vug" aud sus picious character. Robert llnntlngton , ono of the oldest residents of the city , has just returned with his wife troin a two mouths' visit to Utah. His health Is greatly improved. Major Anderson and Smith McPhorsou worqin the city yesterday. They re- colvdd many congratulations unou their success as attorneys in ( ho Cross case wllhJ. Y. Stono. J. W. & B , L. Squire's abstract books are n marvel of systematic accuracy. Have you scon their now Him book ; it is n moustor and contains , 000 paijos. A drunken fellow btumblcd up against Olllccr Stevens as ( ho laUer stood on the corner of Main and Uroailway yesterday. Stevens grubbed lum aud a lively tussol followed. The grip was put on tlio wrist of the fcllow'and ho was landed in the cooler aud Ixiokcd as J. J. llandry. BAGGING A BLACK BURGLAR , The Fellow Stands Up Nervily Under Fire , But is Taken In , SERVICES FOR SUNDAY. Itobbcd Whllo Drinking With n Now Friend A Combination toScoiiro Clicnp Homes On the Dot- toins n BurRliir. Yesterday morning about 2 o'clock Of ficer Thomas , of the merchants' police force , was going through the nlloy south of Broadway and east of Main street , when ho saw a colored man coming up out of n cellar way-of a saloon , No. 101 Main street. On seeing the olllccr the follow broke and run. The olliccr gave chase and fired two shots at the fellow , but ho would not stop until the ofllccr was close upon him. Ho then turned and showed fight. The ofliccr at close range ordered him to throw up his hands , but the fellow's nerves wcro ap parently of iron , and ho looked down the barrel of the revolver nnd refused to throw up his hands , saying : "d n you , you daorsn't shoot. " The olliccr snapped the gun but it failed to go off , and ho tried it again , with hko result. The fel low , seeing that business was meant , started to get out of the way by another run , but the ollicor grabbed him and took him in. They found in his possession two boxes partially filled with cigars , and in his pockets wore some loose cigars and a dollar's worth of nicklcs and dimes. It was afterwards learned that the cigars and change had been taken from a saloon. Kutranco had been gained by Iho ccllarway , anil the fellow was just coming out wiion discov ered. The prisoner gavb his name as William Winters. Ho has n wounded finger , which looks as if ho had boon shot there , and ho himself accounts for the wound by saying ho eot shot acci dentally. The supposition is that ho has been in some similar scrape before , and thus received the wound. Ho had a pre liminary hearing before Justice Biggs yesterday , and was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of sfoOO , In ill-fault of which ho will remain in jail until August. It seems that the merchants' police have made an important capture. The force is becoming an essential feat ure in the protection of property from ( ires and burglars , and already have cap tured several such follows. Ollicer Thomas has for some time real ized that his revolver was not such a one as ho ought to carry , and his experience in trying to shoot the black burgular has caused him not to delay longer in pro viding himself with ono which will not miss flro. Had the fellow had any weap on ho would have made it very interest ing for Thomas , and had Thomas' weapon not missed , there would have been a case for the coroner. When you nro in the citv stop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the door every fifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents each. Hobbctl Ills Partner. P. McGoc came to the city a few days ago from Ft. Dodge , to got work on the railways. Ho got a memoranda from.J. C. Leo , the contractor , giving informa tion ns to n now road to bo built , where he could got work. While in the city ho foil into the company of Pat Maloney , nnd the two drank freely together. McGco hitd about fifteen dollars in his pocket when ho got so full that ho went out on the grass bock of the Union avenue hotel to sloop it off. While there his pockets wore turned wrong side out and his money taken. Susp'cioft was directed to Maloney , and ho was arrested. On his person was found about the same amount aud kiud of money as was taken from McGee , nnd the memoranda given by Mr. Leo to McGeo. A pouch of tobacco belonging to McGee was also found in Malonoy's pocket. The case looked black for Maloney - lonoy , nnd the examination before Justice ' Bigg's was about to result yesterday afternoon m binding Maloney over to the grand jury , when Col. Daily , for the State , concluded that it would bo a hard ship to keep the prosecuting witness in jail to have him hero to tcslity before the grand jury in August , and if let loose there would bo no certainty of his being hero nt that time. Ho wrqferred to have Maloney found guilty of simple larceny , and sentenced to a term in the jail. The ; aso was hold open until Monday morn- Ono thousand head ot ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Grcenamaycr , Crcston House. Cheap Homes. The fear has been expressed that the eng felt dcsiro to have the bottoms built up with homes might bo thwarted by real estate owners putting up the prices of ots to too high a figure. To encourage the building of homes a move is on foot which will doubtless rcsultin n favorable building boom. The scheme is for prop erty owners to agree to soil lots nt a low price and on easy terras to those who will build themselves homes upon these lots. The plan is to enter into an agree ment , naming the lots which the owner will sell on these conditions at $200 each , the purchaser to pay $20 down and $10 a month until paid for. The person soil ing agrees to forfeit $500 for refusing to sell such lots as ho names in the agree ment for the sum named , and the condi tion of the sale is that the pur chaser must at once begin the erection of a homo. It is believed that n largo amount of property will bo brought into this syndicate , and thns secure for the worklngrunn and others who want cheap homos all the advantages which they can dcsiro or expect. With n chance to got a lot at | 200 , so near to Omaha , and also to this city , with a wagon bridge and a rail way bridge connecting the two cities , there should bu no dilliculty In any man securing for himself a homo of his own. Council Bluff } will gladly encourage the building of such homos , and whatever prices may bo for those who dcsiro sim ply to speculate in these cheap lots , the arrangements now being maue will se cure for those actually wanting to build , the advantage of a lot for a moro song. These lots are worth moro than the sum named now , nnd will rise greatly In the future , but it is well to thus encourage the actual settler and give him an inside figure. For rupture or hernia , call and get Dr. Rico's now invention. It makes a man of you in live minutes. No. pain. No. 11 Pearl street , At the Pacific house von will &ava from SOo to f 1 per day. Try it and bo con vinced. * Raston Girts t'cly Wnlk. . Boston Letter : It was my good for tune to bo seated one pleasant afternoon recently on a bonutiful lawn overlooking a most exquisite swoop of country. My chair was placed near that of t lie mistress of the country seat whore I was calling nnd on the lawn we're her two grown-up daughters. They nro both lovely girls , well educated , accomplished , faultlessly dressed , and thoroughly accustomed to th'u best society both iu ibis country aud abroad ; yet the mother sighed ns she nsk'ed : "Did you over sco anything so ugly as the way those girls walk ? " I was able to say truthfully that I had scon n good many ugllcs things. "They walk like camels , " she declared , ignoring my disclaimer. 1 should certainly not have thought of owning it , but ono could not but bo struck bp the force nnd truthfulness of her com parison. They did walk llkn camels. They could swing divinely ; they play the piano extremely well ; one sketches very prettily while the other is no mean performer on the violin ; French , Gorman nnd Itnllnn thov road easily and speak nt least well enough to make themselves intclllgiblo to persons who know the single tongue to which they were born : nnd literature they have an interest which has led them to read with very considerable appreciation the masterpieces of two or three coun tries. But with all these accomplishments the fact remains that they cannot walk well. They hold their elbows by their sides and wiggle themselves forward in a fashion which would bo most painful to see were it not that wo arc so accustom ed to this method of locomotion that wo have almost come to regard it us the nor mal one. " 1 do wish , " my hostess continued , "that somebody would establish a walk ing school , ( t is n popular fallacy tint if u girl can dance she must know how to walk , but it is nonsense.1 Elsie dances like a sylph , but us I said , she walks like a camel. She has been taught to dunce , but hasn't been taught to walk. " "But who is there to teach ? " "That is just the question. There ought to bo somebody. You know how Miss Blank leaches whtst. " "Yes , " I said. Miss Blank is a clover young W9inan of a line old Boston family , who finding her self in need of earning a living , had the originality to hit upon the unique method of teaching whist as a moans of doing it. She has plenty of pupils , it is said , and does her work well enough to deserve them. "No , why"continued my companion , docs not somebody who is nice and a lady and needs to earn a living take to teaching girls to walk ? I'm sure sho'd make a lot of money and bo cnnfcring a great benefit on the community us well. 1 am going to try to find somebody and have the thing started next fall , It is something wo really need , and it is time wo had it. " The idea is not a bad ono , and certainly there is room enough for a walking- school here. AN ESSAY ON BOYS. Dill Nyo's Advice to a Father Who Haa a Sou Who Ucsplscs Labor. New York World : The following note addressed to the editor of the World has been passed over to my bureau for elu cidation : To the Editor of the World : Please Infoim me the best t hi tips to do with a boy that won't work In summer. M. L. B. This was doubtless referred to mo be cause 1 have given moro attention to human industry than anything else per haps. 1 have also been interested in the accumulation of boys. But to get right at the solution of this question , Mr. M. L. B. , without stopping to try and find out what your name is by carefully scrutinizing your initials , I would say at first blush that if I had a boy who would not work In summer 1 would use him as a winter boy. Nothing interests mo more , M. L. B. , than the careful study of boys. I would rather put on a base ball mask and watch a boy than to go stealthily into a hole in a neg lected canyou and pull a gri//Jy bear out by the tail. It is moro exciting , too But I think that industry among the boys is not making such fearful ravages ns it did when 1 was n boy Boys seem now to bo more able to restrain them selves in the matter of forming industri ous tidbits , and do not become the slaves of manual labor. 1 can see that 1 over did it us a boy , and now that I am nbun- 'dantly able to take life easy nnd enjov well-merited rest , my whole being seems to bo soaked in a morbid dcsiro to work , that even in England whore it is looked upon with horror for a gentleman to ex ert himself , I frequently lost caste by do ing chores around the burn. In the south , where the industry is controlled almost solely by colored pee ple. I can see. that I lowered myself by giving way to this wild , uncontrollable yearning for toil. So that boys should not be allowed to think that industry is the ono thing for which wo are created. I wish I might say this in an impressive way , so that boys would heed it. How would it do for the World to send n man down to .your house , M. L. B. , and see what ho can do with your boy in order to make him a summer boy ? The World wants to do what is right by .ts readers , but the trouble is to got its friends to harmoni/c on n policy. A few weeks ago a subscriber for the paper wrote to this oflico asking how to pre- servc watermelon rinds so that thov would not work in summer , and here you como with n wild and a Macedonian cry for a rceipo that will make your boy work during the same trying season , I am anxious to adjust this matter so that both of you will bo pleased , but I have a good many other things to think of , and it is hard to give your matter the time and thought it really merits , would like to dwell at greater length upon the horrors of industry were it not for several far moro important questions that arc waiting hero for a reply. On my desk there is n pressing inquiry as the best methods for the amelioration of pimples , which it will not do to ignore. There is also n tear-stained note from Fremont , O. , asking what to do to restore animation nnd induce artificial respira tion in a lion that has fallen into n swill barrel through no fault of hers. Another subscriber , in a spirit of bandinngc , I presume for surely no ono could bo so ignorant asks what ho can do to make his hydraulic ram sing while moulting. So you can see , M. L. B. , that a man who answers all these questions during the week and then writes the matter fern n thirty-two page Sunday paper is what might DO termed a busy man. Some would toll you if your boy will not work in summer to fill him up with Now Orleans molas es nnd set him m n wnrm place , but that is no way to talk tea a parent. I say cither use him ns a win ter boy or swap him with some man who has a boy that won't work in winter. "BlLLNVE- " For female diseases and chronic rtis eases of all kinds , call on Dr. Kico , No 11 Pearl street , Council Bluil's , Iowa. I * list Till.l > l.-p ls ( Uild. > f C.rut. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owing to the DUOOIiL IUSTU ITT of the cloth ( which our patents cover exclu lvey ! > vrlll flt nfifertlr flrtt time orn. lUqulresnobrettlncin. MO I BntHMlu br el ) .r ft rh tne'worn tend j'slfnnlfuunillhi ' inon PCKFKCT FITTIXU7 HEAI.TIIKUI. stud Comfort-til * Corset Ter worn , gold br ill -l ri CKOTTT aitOU. . . Chlc-tn , 111. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a" day house in the west. LOCATION , THE DEBT , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Kegular : : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates. Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Gall Bells. AccommodntioiiH First ClasM , And Kates Kcnuoiiahlc MEax Mohn , Proprietor C. B. ALLEN , Over No. 12 Forth Main St. county maps , of oltlos and counties CROCKERY , LAMPS , JLASSWARE , FINE PtiTTERY. Prices Very oiv , W. S. HOMER & Co. , NO. 23 JH/IJM ST. , COUNCIL B CUFFS , I A : g BEST LIGHlf LIVERY The finest of driving horses always on land and for sale by MASE WISE. N. SCIfUMZ , Justice of the Peace. Oiliceover A m erica u Express. Sfar Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot Horses ami mules kept constantly hand , for saio at retail or in car loa Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHLUTEK & BOLKY , Proprietors. Telephone No. 11 Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables corner 1 st.avo and 4th st W7IO IK rX-CQU.INTKD WITH THE aXOOBlTlir OV I1III couxiaT vriix SEE BT nruiiNiho TIUS MAT THAI ing CHIGAGOROCKISLAND&PACIFiCRAILWAY llyreaionof lt cectr&lpo ! tlonclOfto relation to line * lilt of Chicago , anil continuous line at terminal points Weit , Northwest ami Southwctt , ii tlio true middle link In that transcontinental nyatem which Invites aud facilitates travel and trade between the Atlantic and 1'aclflc. ' The Rock Island mala line will bc&nches Include Chicago cage , Jollet , Ottawa , I.aballc , Peorla , Oenneo , ttollno oed Koclc Iiland , la IllluoU ; , Davenport , lluicatlne , Washington , ( 'airfield , Ottumwn , Oikalooia , Wett Lib erty. Iowa ClljrD Slolno3 , IniJlanoI&Wlnteriet , Atlan tic , Knoxvllle , Auduboo , Hartan , Ontario Centro and CouncilIllu1Tslnlo a ! OiiminTrenton , , Et.Jowim , Cameron and Kansas Cltj. lnJIIwourl ; Leavenworth and Atchlton , In Kansas Albert I' < a , UlnnearolU and St. Paul , In Minnesota ) Watenown'and fiiom Falls , In Dakota , and hundreds of intermediate cities and towns. "The Great Rock Island Route" Guarantees speed , comfort , r9rtalntr and safety. Itl r rmane.nt war Isdlstlnculriiedforltieicellence. Its Bridget are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid teel , Its rolling stock perfect. .Its paisenger equipment has all the safety appliances that cipertenro has proved useful , and for luiurlous accommodation * la unaur- paisod. Its Kiproaj Trains ccnsltt of superior Day Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace 1'arlorand Bleeping Cars , luixrb Dining Cars , providing delicious mealt , and ( between Chicago and St. Jotoph , Atchlion and Kantas CUv ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. Its maa- airement Is conservative , tts discipline exacting , "The Famous Albert Lea Route" lift-ten Chicago and Minneapolis and St. 1'anl Is the favorite. Over this Una bolld Fast Eiprets Trains run dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the rich wheat and Brazing lands of Interior Dakota. Via 8eneca and Kankakoe , the Uoik Island oilers superior Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian apolis. Lafayette and Council Dluffa.Bt. Joseiih , Atchl- on , Leavenworth , Kanfas City , tit. 1'aul , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil dren ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly attention. I'or tlckoti. maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or * ny desired Information , apply to principal offices In the United State * and Canada , or address , at Chicago , I. R. CABlt , E. ST. JOHN , t. A. HOIB.OOI , tWtl > 0 < 1Vt. . AllHOnlXWf" . Ol-ni.-r-4.ift SCIENTIFIC SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such ni Lost , Found -oioan , I'or 8 lo , To Kent , ft ants , Boardlnc , etc , irill bolnseitod In this column nt the loir rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE forthoflrst Itisor- iomuid i''lvoContsrcrLlnofo.4cacli subsequent Inaortlon. Leave advertisements nt our ofllco Na U I'carl stieet , near Broadway , Council Bluffg. WANTS. _ _ WANTKI ) . A need bread nnd cnke haker. Apply to Wo. 71U Broadway , Council Blull-i. WA.NTKU Situation Inn. tlrujr etoro. Two jonrs experience. Good roloronco. U. S , Bcooinco. WANTED A competent Kirl for cooking and ffoneial housework , good wages. Inquire - quire Xo. 105 I'carl . si. _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTKD By man nnd wile , three rooms for light housekeeping , or board with un furnished room In quite private family within fifteen minutes walk ot the police station. Ad dress for three days , stating terms , 1'02 East \\aihlngton ave _ FOH SAMI Cows and noises for eiilo ; one year's time given. Oood pasturage near city for rent 161) aeres good land for snlo Just east of Col onel Snpp's farm. Apply to Horace Kvorett , Council BliilTe. CHEAP A 4-burnor coal oil stove , cooking attachment and o\on. Hegt coal oil stove In market ; has been used ono season. A. J Maudel , No. d25 Broadway. WANTKD-Flfty railroad teams and fifty men teamster , wheeler holders , blush holders , grubbers and ax men for railroad work on brunch of F. , H. & Mo. Valley , run ning from Illir Ctit.fl miles northwest of Oinatm to 0. St. 1' . , M. & 0.11. U. Wages for teams fJ.BO per < lar , teamsters $3B per month , doy men from Jl.fiO to $2 per day. Apply nt work aouldcn & Mnltby. FOH HUNT Coal sheds , oflleo nnil scales , ono live-room house. O. May no , KiUBthnvo. CTOH SALE-Or Trade-Si , sections of good - Iland In Lincoln county. Nob. on U. P. railway. Call on or addiuss Odell Bros. & Co. , 103 Pearl St. , Council Bluff * . OFFICER C FUSEY , Council Blufls.Iowa. Established 1857. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Varms. Aero property In western part of city. AH felllnir cheap. B. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koora B , over Olllccr & Pusoy's IlnnU , Councl Blulle. Has a complete line of f 1 1 I'll' Jl Ij Largo hats In whlto , black and all colors. Fat tern bonnoti , haul and toques , a specialty. NolSU Douglas St. , Omaha. E. S. BARNETT , Justice oi the Peace , 415 Uroadway , Council Binds. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortolseShcll etc.Hair On iinmcnts , as well as tlio newest nov- elticHin hair goods. Huir goods nmdeto order ra.C. L. Gillette 20 Main St. , Council Ulnfl's , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. Finest Landaus 0 caches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No , 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. Na.615 Main Street , Telephone No , 98. OIIN r , ETONC. JACOB BIUI STONE * SIMS , Attorneys at Law , ctice in the State and Feclera Courti Room * 7 and 8 Shug-ut-Beno Block. , .Cou.vciLUl.UKr3 THE X X X X CROSSINGS X X X X ARE ALL RIGHT ! For Everybody to Come to BARENESS BROTHERS' J ! SPECIAL : We shall close out without regard to cost everything In Summer Dress Goods , Wash Goods , Hosiery , Etc. Come Early And Secure the Best Selections , We are Headquarters for Carpets of all Kinds. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on us. . Instruments Tuned nnd Itcpnlred. We never fall to give HaUsl'itcHon * . Over 2O years' Experience InlMimo and Organ Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluflri , Iowa O. O.Real Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Itlulfr OirU'e , IflaNonle Temple. Omuliii Office , Wo . 111 North lOtli ttlrccl. . 'articular intention given to Investing - fiuulH for resident vesting . neil - dent * Special bargain * in lots & iiere property . In . Omaha V Coun cil Hliiir . orre.poiidcneo solic ited. SPECIAL PRICES for 30 DAYS On Furnii'iro , Household Goods , Stoves , etc. , to make room for Fall Stock. A. J. MANDEL , - - No , 325 Broadway Council Bluffs , Iowa. IRIICTIKL , No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign , : \ . * * 1