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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUKDAY. JULY 10. PAGES. 'iHE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Combination of Oircnmstancca Oansostho Wheat Market to Strengthen. PRICES TAKE AN UPWARD TURN. A LjarRO Decrease Expected In the Visible Huptily Corn Opens Wonk Hut Closes Hotter General Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO. July 0. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. | A prospective decrease In the visible supply of anywhere from 3 , < XX,000 ) to 4,000,000 bushels , further press and private ndvices of crop damage In tlio northwest and fiouthcast , tlm receipt of the government crop report for July , Indicating n small reduction In the winter wheat average nnd a drop of 8 points In Hprlnc wheat as compared with the last monthly bulletin , were causes that com bined to stimulate the wheat market to-day and prices closed at an advance of % @ 7 c , July , August and December being the ntrongcst months in the list General rains fell last night nnd this morning and tlio market oponencd weak nnd declining on weather news , but the shipping statistics were so very strong that they could not fall to exert a strong Influence on values. The local shorts very generally figured as buyers , 'nnd the scalping element took the long aide. There was a promiscuous scattering of Investment demand all through the session , and ntter tlio first half-hour the market failed to show more than momentary weakness at any stage of proceedings. July wheat told at the beginning at 70c nnd closed at 71J c. 11 August started at 72c , receded to 72@72) < c , and advanced to 73e , where It closed. Sop- to m be r ranged 74@74Xp low and 75c high , , closluc nt 7475c. December ranged 78J/c low nnd 7 ! > X@70.c " 'gh. ' and rested at the outHlde. The volume of trading was rather above the nvoraco , though no concentrated action on either side was noticeable. The tone of the torolgn markets was rather steadier and it Is observed that while the old world consumers are Industriously blocking nnd whittling down values , they are buying heavily of American cheap wheat and mill ing It out of the country as fast as possible. Durlnu the past week next to nothing has arrived at primary points , and the .scattering of the visible stocks has been going on nt a noticeable rate. 1'rom this city alone , In llvo days , I.IOS.OOO bushels have been nhlpped , nud from the Atlantic poits during the same period 2,200,000 bushels have been cleared , an Increase over last week of 600,000 bushels. The local stocks will prob ably show a decrease of about l/iOO.OOO bush els , and tlio visible supply llnures next Mon * day should not bo far from * ) ,000OCO bushels. There was a weak and lower opening to : the corn market on the weather , mare rain bavlnir fallen during tno past twenty-four hours throughout the west Tlio starting sales were nt 30Xc for AiiKiist R7'tfc for SOIH tombcr , 37fo ! for October , nnd 89 > c for May. This was /4@Xo below yesterday's closing. Under the face of speculative offerings the market Hagised Xd > Xc more for all futures this side of May , but at the decline there Avcro Increased buying orders. The shorts wore disposed to cover , and when these who had sold early tried to buy In the market Ilrmed up on them , recovering within a small fraction nil of the ground lost. August closed nt aitfQSGJ c.Soptomber 0187 (1687 ( % : , October nt 87Kc. and May nt 89c. The break In the Now York market on the hot corn scare had no perceptible Direct upon values here. The local cash trade was again quiet to-day , with not much doing. The shipments for the week , how- cverrlargoly exceed the receipts , and tliero has been a reduction In local stocks during that time of about 1,000,000 bushel. To-day's speculative business 'was of lair overage volume , though It partook larcely of nn uven- Ing-up character usually witnessed on Sat urday. * Oats were without special features In the speculative market. Although samples were lower , No. 9 cash | in store nnd seller the month were pretty hrmly held. August nnd September fluctuated within a ranfroof J/c , nnd closed Kc lower than vestenlay at 25 > c and 20 } c respectively. May oats closed steady and unchanged at 3lc. All futures were a little lowtr around the opening and epeculatlvo trading for the day was light Tno provision market recovered a llttlo from yesterday's apathy. More general In terest WHS manifested , and whllo there was no continued life , the business transacted was notlcoatilv larger. Speculation , as usual , was routined to short ribs and Inrd. which vroro Inclined to act sympathetically nnd both of which ruled higher. In lard the es tablished advance was 10(312 ( e , and In short ribs , 7X < < * lOc. The closings for these articles were nt or near the best prices obtained , whllo the open I nes wero. as a rule , at Inside figures. August and September were the ac tive deliveries. Future pork was inactive , cash being quoted at $17.00. CHICAGO IAVK STOCK. CiiTCAno , July 0. [ Special Telegram to the BitE.J CATTI.E Tno few good cattle on sale were early disposed of at about the name prices as yesterday. During the week past a few fancy short horns and Ilerefords eoUl at S 1.70 ® 1.80 , but the great bulk of tlio best heavy steers sold within a rancc ot 84.00 (34.25 ( , a few going at S4.3.r @ I.W , wtillo train load after train load of useful steers , good enough shipment nnd the dressed beef trade , Bold within a ranco of 33.75 < i 3.85 , among which was a quality of beef that was also good enough for the Drltish market. Distil lery steers of good quality have sold as low asS4.20 nnd as hlnh as 84.40. Lowgrado nnd common sorts of native steers have In many cases sold as low as 52.87X0.M. : ! NtUlvo cows and bulls nro nway down and likely to remain there. Texas cattle nro 10 < 7J Boo lower than last week. Stockers nnd feed ers nro selllne somewhat lower than In the early pnrt of the week. Iloos The market was actlvo with nn up turn of n stronc Go all around , the bulk sell ing nt S5.20@'i.2.'i , with faucv assorted but choice llishts nt S3.HO. and nlro light sorts , in cluding Yoikers , at S5.2&5.0. ! ! Values are 5@10o higher than ono week ago. ItlVK HTOOK. Chicago , July 0. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts. 2,000 ; steady and un changed ; shlppuiK steers. S3.004.00 ; stock ers and treders , $ l.bO@3.lO ; rows , bulls and mixed. Sl.2 , " > Q3.00 ; Texas cattle , unchanged at Sl.8rx38.GO. Hogs Receipts , 8.000 ; active and prices Be higher ; rough and mixed , 5.V06X < i5.25 ; packing and shipping , 85.l.rxj5.80 ; light , 65.0005.30 ; skips , S3.MiK' ( > 0. Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; steady and un- chanced : natives , 82.001 .25 : western , 83.00i.75 ; Texans , I2.23Q3.50 ; lambs , 51.00 Q3.M ) per head. National Stock Yard * . Eait 8f , rould. III. , Julv 0. Cattle Itecelpts , 200 : shipments. 1.800 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers , * 4. V < 4.40 ; fair to good ship ping steers 5:1.71X34.20 : ; butchers' steers , fair tocnolee. S3.fXXiN.10 ; feeder * , fair to good , 3.00&S.N ) ; stockers. S2.00@2.00. Hogs Rtx-olpts , 2,000 ; shipments , SO ; stronger ; choice heavy and butchers' selec tions , S5.25Q5.S5 ; packers anil Yorkers , medium to choice , 85.04Q5.20 ; pigs , common to good , W.SOQ5.10. Kansas City , July 0. Cattle Receipts. 700 ; good , active nnd a shnda higher : good to choice corn-fed. J8. X < M.05 : common to medium , 53.SOca80 ; stockers. 82.2.S5W.75 ; feedlnit steers. S2.bOW3.10 ; cnwa.S1.50@2.7r > . HOBS HeoelpU , 0,000 ; shipments , 3.000 ; active nnd So liinlier : common to choice , 31.40 (36.10 ( ; skips and pigs , S3.00@3.U3. NEW YOUK. July 0. | Special -Telegram to the UKK.I STOCKS The market to-day was a regular Saturday ono dull and unin teresting , with only half a down really ac tive stocks In tbo list The bank statement was decidedly favorable , showing an Increase In the reserve Of § 2,701,375. Money was easy and there being few long stocks otfered the shorts thought It best to cover , and advances of } ( to lif per cent were secured. Lacka- wanna , however , acted Independent , and broke 1& per cent , but rallied 1 per'coiit. Deacon White's frlund said he was a bear nnd Lackawanna must po lower , but they did not expect It to break 10 points. Western Union was another weak , sister , and declined X per cent but reacted ; Y per cent In some quarters a change of sentiment was noticed , operators who have been bears all the week being Inclined to turn bull on the theory that easy money would Induce the bulls to take hold ; also the belief that Mr. Gould and his party had manipulated the market down to buy nnd will proceed to put prices up next week. Chicago stock operators traded spar- Incly. The total sales were G3G24 shares. UOVKIIXMEXTS Uovornmont bonds were dull but steady. YESTKUDAT'1 ? QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4's coupon .127J < C. , tN. W 117 } ] S. 4V'gcoitp..lOH54 do preferred..147 Pacific tPs ot ' 0.1. . 123 If. Y. C los4 CanadaSouth'n. . B7 " Central Pacllio. . as O. T. 29 , ' ? Chlcago&Alton.lfjo P.iclfloMall 44 doiireforred.,100 P. , D. JeK 32 C.U. &o H : ) Pulliiunl'al.Car.147 RM J * * W i.u-i. * Heading fio" D.&U.U 23/ltock ; Island . . . .129 trio. . . . . . . . . ' . . " ! XS' ) St L. & S. F. . . . 3 doprefcrre'd' ! ! 09' do preferred. . . . 759.1 Illinois Central..122 C. , M. A 81.P. . . SOtf I. , U. < fe W 21 do preferred. . 120 , ; K. &T. . . . . . . . . : 27Jj , st P. & o . node Lake Shore floj do preferred. . 121 Texas Paclllc. . 2S { Mlchlitan Cenfl. . 87 UnlonPacllie. . . . fiO , Mo. Pacllio . \V..St Lit P. . . . 18 No. PaclHo 84 do preferred. . 31U do preferred. . . . 00'f W. U. Teleurapli 7G $ MO.NKY o.v CAM , Was easy nt 4Q4H per cent ; hast loan 4 per cent ; closed , ottered 3 PmuB MEIICAMTII.E PANcn 5 ( < t5X per i1T.lilIJfo , ExciiANon-Dult but steady at S4.B'4K for sixty day bills , and 81.83'f for de- I'UODUCE MARKETS. , CI1ilcnnlt. ? < , July ° ' Following quotations the 2 arc to : closing Hgurcs ; r-Steady ami unchanged. Whpat In fair demand ; opened easier , fluctuated considerably and closed M ® ' < e 11 c ; AUBUStTJo : Corn-Quiet but fairly actlvo and opened lower than closing yesterday , ruled weak and closed about the same as yesterday ; ' August , BG C ; September , 37M'c Oats-A shade lower but within yesterday's ° -1CC AUUSt 80 > - Kyo Dull at 49c. liarloy Steady. Tji'iothy Seea Prime , S2.20. Whisky S1.1U. Flax Seed-81.12. Pork Quiet but steady with no quotable change. Lard-Fairly nr.tlvo tradinir ; strong early } 11V,9fel'tiyitlv : C"l' ! ' . SO-47X : 'August , " .S2W n..W ; Seit ) mber , S0.52i .i0.5.- > . Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.70W5.bO ; si Clear. S7.9r > ' < 47.SO ; short ribs , 87.G'iX@7.C5. Butter firm ; creamery , 15@llc ) ; da Steady. KL'Ks-FIrm nt i@lSHc. : : lUdes-Unchaiiged ; heavy green salted 7Kc ; Hizht do , jpflrjsc ; salted bull hides , Go ; green si > ltodcalt,8c ; dry Hint , 12(3 ( We : dry calf , UrjiHc ; deacons. 40oeach ; dry salted , lOe. . lw , Unchanged ; No. I country , solid , quotable at 4c ; No. 9 , So ; cake , 4c. , . . , Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls irooo , aooo Wheat , bu 12.000 255000 Corn , bu ( SM.OOO Oats , bu 97,000 162,000 Jjye , bu sooo IJarloy , bu 2,000 . . . . Now STorlc. July 0.-\Vhoat-Iteceipts. 4&I..XX ) ; export ? . aiO.OOO ; spot tirm : options opened } @ % a lower , later mouths stronger , closed with decline mostly recovered and eellng styady ; ungraded red , 8i ; < ( ib9Xc ; No. 3 ted. 84c : No. 1 red , nominal ; No. 3 ed , 87K87 4'c In elevator , 9U > 4c delivery ; August closing at 85Kc. Cprn-Ilceolpts , 100,000 ; exports , 9,000 ; ipot 2@29fc and options % Qc lower , clos- nir steady ; ungraded , 44j54lKc ( ; No.2 , 44 f ( § ) 5 c delivered , 4 > % c special delivery Julv : At Mist closed at 45Xc. Oatsltecolpts.17.000 ; exports , 1.000 ; steady and quiet ; mixed western , 33@3Gc ; vluto western , 8S@4Hc. Potroloiim Firm ; United closed at GO c. Porlc-Dull and unchainred. l.ard A trifle hleher but very quiet ; west ern steam spot , SG.bO. Uuttor Quiet and generally steady ; west ern , 10@i9Xc : western . Plt I a . . ( n < l\r . ( lntnn.1.1 creamery II..1. . , . 15@19Kc. . . . . .T BlllJJ5Vlkco' [ Jllly a Wheat-Higher ; Jiily,72 ; August 73 c ; SoptemberV 75e ! Corn Inactive ; No. 3 , K.WC. Oats Lower ; No. 2 , 3l ic. Rye-Dull ; No. 1. 55o. Barley Quiet : September. G25fc. Provisions-Firm. i'ork-July , 814.50. Cincinnati , July 9. Wheat-Firm ; No. red , 74 > rc. Corn Strong ; No. 3 mixed , 40J4 < ? Nlc. Oats-Stronger ; No. 3 mixed , ao > f@30Kc. R > e-Ouiet ; No. 3 , COc. Pork Kasy at S15.00. Lard Firm at SC.20. WhlsKy-S toady at 3L05. MlnnonpoiU , July 9. Wheat Strong ; No. 1 hard , casliv74Jfc ; August , 75t , c : Sep tember. 70Xe ; No. 1 northern , cash , 73Ko : Aimiist 74 ! c ; September , 75 } < c ; No. 2 north ern , cash , 71 fc : Aucust. TJJfc ; September , 73H'e. On track : No. I hard. 70c ; No. 1 northern , 75c ; No. 3 northern. 73e Flour-Firm ; patents. S4.20@4.30 ; bakers' , RocoiDts Wheat. 55.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 11,000 , bu ; flour , 21,000 bbls. bbls.St. St. LouH , Julr 0. Wheat-Strong and higher ; cash , 7474Jtfc ; Aucust , 74J c. Corn-Steady ; cash. SIXWtWc ; August , . W/4V. Oats Easy ; casfi , 37e ; August , 24c. Whiskv-Sto dy at S1.05. Pork Steady at 815.50. Ijard-3G.0. : ! Butter Steady andflrincreamery ; , lG@19c ; dairy , 12@iGc. KaiiBas City , July 0. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , cash , ffc bid , 04e asked. Corn-Firm ; No. 2 , cash , SU fo bid , SOc asked ; August , ! ? Jlfo bidISO casked. Oats No. 2 , cash , 21 J/c Did , 2 a asked. Now Orlonnti , July 9. Corn Dull , weak and lower : mixed , 47 ( " 47J c ; yellow , 47X@48e : white , 54@55c. Oats-Quiet but steady at SGGZSOKc. Corniunal Quiet and linn at $2,30(32.35. Hog Products Unsettled , but nenerally higher ; pork , 815.00 ; lard , relined , tierce SO. 55. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $5.87K ; long clear and clear ribs , 57.75. OMAHA LIVE 8TOOK. Saturday , July 0. Oattlo. The run of cattle to-day was unusually heavy for Saturday nnd more than double the receipts for any day this week. A large proportion of the cattle were western steers. The general marKet was slow and weak and was dragging all day. Not over half of the receipts chanced hands and shippers took the bulk of these. HORS. The receipts of hogs wore also very heavy for the close of the week , and 1COO In excess of the heaviest day's receipts this week. The market opened a llttlo slow on account ot the heavy run , but na soon as the. buyers got to work It livened up , and the bulk was soon sold out. The buyers Insisted from the first on taking otf 6@lOc from yesterday's prices and the hogs were all sold at that decline. Thure were a good many Jato arrivals bnt they sold as fast as they could bo unloaded. Bhnep. Them were a few In to-day , the first for this week , which sold on the market Receipts. Cattle. l.GOO Hogs _ G.200 Sheep 100 Prevailing Prices. Showlncr the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ib3. . . .84.004.0o Choice steers , 1100 to 130U Ibs. . . 3.0 < $4.0U Common to medium cows 8.25(33.03 ( Good to choice bulls a.75623.00 Light and medium how 4.70M4.bO Good to choice heavy hogs 4.bO@4.90 Good to choice mixed hogs i.75$4.8S ( Ilcprcsoutativo Sales. BTKEUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 215..1283 S.i.70 20..1490 63.bO 7..14110 3,75 104..1337 8.85' 7..117S 3.75 CJ..US6 4.00 S. < , .12GO . ' 3.75 100..1178 4.00 . OXEN. NO. AV. Pr. . . 2..155S Si50 v ' : STAGS. No. Av. Pr. 1..1400 83.50 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr. 15 , . . .tK4 ( 52.75 5. . . . 823 53.25 nuixs. Pr. 4.80 4.80 4.tO 4.SO 4.EO 4.bO 4.S5 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.b5 4.85 4S5 ! 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.8.5 4.S5 4.S5 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.87K 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.00 4,90 4.90 4.UO 4.90 Live Stuck Sola. Showingtlin nuiiihor of head of stock sold on the market to-day : GATTI.n. G. II. Hammond & Co Ill Swift 103 Local 24 Shippers 40V Total 712 110(18 , Anglo-American Packln < Co 3.700 U. 11. Hammond & Co 344 Armour & Co 012 Squires & Co 1,191 Itao Bros 192 Total Go : > 'J Held over. 200 Shipment * . Showing the number of cattlo. hogs and sheep shipped Iroin the yards during the day. C.VTTI.K. No. cars. Ut. Dest HO N. W Chlcaco 13 Mil Chicago 44 C. B. ArQ Chicago lines 23 . .It. I , Jollet AVcckly Receipts showing the receipts of cattle and hogb en each day of the past week. UATTI.I : . irons. Tuesday 491 1,350 Wednesday 742 4,311 Thursday. . < ssi 4,582 Friday 4b7 4,520 Satuiday 1,591 0,218 Total li j. 8 , W 21,011 All sales ot stock in tins nnrkot are made per cwt. ll"o weight unless otherwise stated. Dead lutes soil iU Kc per Ib. lor nil weight * "Skins , " or hogs weUlilnir less 10J IBs , no value. Pregnant sows are dosicul U log. and stagsSO Ibs. by the uiiblle lu-iyoctor. Jjivo Stock Notes. Cattle weak. A few shcpp sold. Hogs 5@10 c lower. A bin day for Saturday ETA heavy run of cattle and hojrs. J. K. Hancock , Craig , was in with a load of hogs. I. J. Aldrltt , Friend , brought In three loads of hogs. HO.IS brought about the saiuo prices to-day as on Tuesday. C. 11. Williams , was In with a load of cattle from North Bend. Amonz those In with cattle was W. W. Latta , Cambridge. P. A. Barrett. Weeping water , was nt the yard with a load ot hogs. The heaviest receipts of hojs during the week were on the last day. J. E.Thoinpson was over acalu to-day from the Ululfs with a load of hogs. J. Lansing , Falrlleld , was In and sold four loads of hogs and two of cattle. F. M. Jeffrey , Osccola , was hero and sold a oad of sheep and a load of hogs. Tlcknor & liozard , Beatrice , topped the market with a load ot 300-lb. hogs. Mons. Nelson , ilartln ton , was hero nnd marketed a load of butchers' stocic. Among those In with hogs was II. B. Dex ter , Blair , who marketed three loads. John Lnwls , Greenwood , was In with a load of hogs which topped the market II. U. Barber , Elmwood , came In with a load of hoes which sold on the market Doc Harris , a well known ranchman of Laramln was among the visitors at the yards. K. H. Cowles. Gibbon , was In with cattle , two loads were of his own raising and very tine. tine.John John Qulnn , a well known shlpperof Wood Klver , was at the yards and sold a load of hoes. Eagle was represented on the market by John Lewis , who sold a load of hogs at the top price. John Blum , Mlllard , came In and bought ono ot Colonel Savage's thorough bred Here ford bulls. Ceo. Boetcl , Mlllard , was In with a linn load ot cattle and took his medicine ot low prices like a man. L. L. Doano. Scotia , was in with two ear- loads of hoes , and went cast after some thoroughbred cattlo. A. B. Hanke , White lllver Cattle Company , was In with four loads of cattle Irom their feed j aids at Gibbon. James McOuIre , Wood Klver , was In nnd sold 107 head of cattle ot his own feeding. 100 head of llTC-lb cattle sold at 54.00. Mr. Powers ot the lirm of Powers & Hen derson. Sutton , came in with one load of hogs which sold on the market and twdnty loads of cattlo. Nebraska City has only ono packing house runnlnir and they are trying to buy 20 to 80c below Omaha and Kansas City. Consequently quently Omaha has been receiving a good many hogs from thero. Mike Cudahay , of Armour & Co. , was here to-day. Ho says they have bought ten acres of land and will cover U with buildings. They propose to Increase the capacity to four thousand hogs i > cr day. U. K. Palmarton , the well known ox-com mission man of the stock yards , now located at Holdroie , was In wltli two loads of hogs nnd also to ticnre up the profits for the last three months since ho left the commission business. The results were entirely satisfac tory , and "Pal" went homo feeling that country life was ahead of city life. O. F. Reno of Iteno & Storrs , Oakdale , was In with six loads of cattle nnd one load of hogs. Ho was accompanied by Mr. Cole n druKglst at Oakdnlo and also by Mr. Storrs. the lather of the youne man who was drowned some six months ago while on n visit to his old homo in Harrisburg. Pa. This Is Mr. Storrs lirst trip west and he Is very enthusias tic over Nebraska. The regular meetlnsr of the Nebraska Live Stock Shippers Association will be held at the Exchange hotel , South Omaha , Wednes day , July 13th , 1&7. at 2 o'clock p. m. This will be a business meeting and It is expected that all members will bo present Those shippers not members are especially Invited to attend nnd connect themselves with the association. ' II. B. DIIIBT.K , President JOHX WIGGINS , Sec. OMAHA WHOLICSALiE MARKETS. General Produce. Saturday. July 0. The following , are the price * at which round Jots of produce are sold In' this intir- kct. 'lite quotation * on fruits anil other cominodltlc * inipncd'mfrom n dlttancr. arc the prices nt whlcli oulsUlc orders are filled : Eaas The receipts ara fully equal to the demand. Stocks were moving to-day at 11(3 ( 12c. 12c.BUTTEH The receipts are heavy and stocks have toAJMpovrd quickly to prevent nccumulatloniijBiere Is very little of even the best dairy MHr that goes at more than 12&c. Fair turaia butter la selling at S'Q c'liF.nsrc Ftlfcrfcrcam Cheddars , single , OKo ; full cnnnrM flats , wins , lee ; Young Americas , lie } JAcy Swiss , 20oi Swiss Im ported , 850 ! Lfratwri.'or. 12c ; brick , 13@10c. k of all kinds Is scarce. Old potatoes olng at WXgi.OO , accord ing to tiuallty ow potatoes at 22 > { c per pound. GAME The very llttlo game In season at the present and while the weather Is so warm It h * M , bo handled with n great deal of care , ifivtcr sells at 1.25 per doz. , and curlew atH < Q ) per doz. Potn/ritY Trirr.0 are a good many chick ens coming llf'polh old fowls and spring chickens , and the-markct Is a little unstable , there belncn peed demand ono day and a very light demand the next. Old fowls are moving nt 82.2503.00 , with an occasional coop of fancy at 83.2.1 ; treed spring chickens are sold at § 2.50 ( 3.00. There Is no other kind of poultry coiiilnz In , at least not enough to makn a market - EASTEIIX AND SOUTHKIIN FKUITS The supply of raspberries and blackberries Is very limited. Blueberries are more plenti ful , Strawberries about played out. Cher ries scarce nnd wanted. Peaches from the south arriving mostly In bad condition ; Cali fornia stock more dc.slrable. Some box ap ples arriving : black raspberries , per 24 qt case , 84.40 ; red raspberries , per 24 pt case , S3. 00@3.25 ; blackberries , ner 24 qtcaso , $5.00 ; blueberries , per 1 bu stand , S3.004'00 ; blui'berrie4 , per 12qtbox , fl.ftOffi 1.75 ; plums , per one-third bu box , 81.25 : poaches , southern , per half bu box. 81.50 ; apples , south-in , per half bu box , 75e ; apples , per bbl , 85.00. VKOETAniiKS The market Is now well supplied with a largo variety of choice homegrown grown stock. New potatoes , Cnl. . per Ib , © -40 ' ; now onions , pur bbl , 33.50 , per bu box , gl. 50 ; tomatoes , per } { bu bov , 81.25 ; tomatoes , per crate box , 82.80 ; cabbaxe per crate , 84.00. LKMOXS Extra fancy , per box , 87.00 : 5 box lots , 80.50 ; fancv , S0.50 ; choice , S5.00 : choice , 5 box lot ? , Ss.50. BANANAT. Choice stock , g3.00@4.00. CALIFORNIA FKUITS Bartlett pears have arrived on fho market. Apricots , per20lb box. 51.75 ; plums , per 20 Ib box , 81.75 ; prunes , per 20 Ib box , S1.75 ; poaches , per 20 Ib per box , 31.75 ; Baitlett pears , per 40 Ib box , 83.140 ; red Astrachan npplcs , per box , 82.50. AVA'rnintEt.oNs Watermelons , Georgia , per 100 , 835. OIIANOKS The market Is * bare to-day. Hlvcrsldo Mediterranean Sweets , per box. 85.00 ; 5 box lots , 84.75 ; Santa Anna , 84.50 ; 5 box lots , S4.25. _ General MarkclM. VAUNISIIKS Barrels , per gallon. Furni ture , cxtia , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81.4(1 ( ; coach. No. 1 , 81.20 ; Iv mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan. 70e ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil finish , 8L50. DUY PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. 3Xc ; whitinir , llder.s , 24c : whiting , com' I , IJ/c ; lampblack , Ger- muntown. 1-c : lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; 'riibblnn blue , 55c ; ultramarine , ISo ; Vandyke irown , 8e : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; 1'aris riet-n , genuine , 25c ; 1'arls grrcn. common , 22c ; chrome green. N. V , - Oo ; vcniillllon , \iiicrican. isc ; Indian , raw nnd burnt unber , 1-lb cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna 2c ; vandyke brown , liic ; retim-d lamp black , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black We ; drop blacK , ICc : ultramarine black , ISo : chrome green , L. , M. & 1) . , ICc ; blind and shutter crccn , L. , 01. it D. , IGc ; Paris green , JOc ; Indian reel , 15c : Venetian red 9c ; Tus can , 2-JciAincric.ia ; vormlllion. L. it 1) . , "Oj ; rollowoelue , Scr'-li M. & O. D. , lite ; irood ichre , lOc ; paV'nt.drycr , 8c : grainlnc color , ielit oak , dark 'oak , walnut , chestnut nnd ash , 12c. cT Dut'os ANr/'CrrcMicALs. Acid caroollc ; We ; acid tartarlct WC ; baham copaiba , per Ib , iOc ; bark sasafEiL-iS.pur Ib , lOo ; calomel , per b. 78cchlnclmnll1n ; , per oz , 25s ; chloroform , per Ib , 50c ; Dnver's powdeis , per Ib , 81.25 ; ipsoin salts , per Jb. U > < c ; tlycerlne , iniic , per b , ! ! 0c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20o ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal , SltOO ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. : S1.40 ; oil , olive , pur gal , 81.40 ; oil , urlc- innum , 50c ; opium , 84.50 ; quinine , P. it W. nnd H. its. per'oz , 70c ; potosslum , iodide , > ci Ib. ! S&.25 ; sallcln. Per m , IOc ; sulphate norphine > j > erip. , 3.35 ; sulphur , per la , 4c ; strvchntne-poiyoiii.lO. PAINTS ix UXJ White lead , Oinr.ha.P P. f'Ko ; white lefafc-Bt. L'ouls. puie , 7c ; Marseilles seillos , crpen , rlb'c.ans , ICc ; 'French . jrreou seal. 12c : French zinc , led seal , lie ; French zinc. In varnlsli asst. , 20c ; French /Inc. 75c ; vcrmllllon , English , in oil. 7. > e ; red , IOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian led , Cook- son's , 2Jfc ; Venetian red , American , IKc ; red lead , 7Kc ; chiome yellow , genuine , 20e ; chromo yellow , K. , 12c ; ochre , lochelle , 3c : oeliie , French , 23fc ; ochip , Aincrlcnn l > je : Winter's mineral , 2 > c : Lchigh blown , " c\ \ Spauish brown. 3Vfc : Prlncu's mineral , :5c. : SPIUITS Cologne spirits , Ib3 proof , ? 51.10 ; lo 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18a proof , S1.09. Alcohol , 1S6 proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whlhkies , 8 1.00 ® 1.50. Gin blended. S1.5"Q 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.0o@tl.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.0C@.5u ; ( iolrten Sheaf bouabon and rvo whHIclP" , 8L50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.0U ( < ZiS.50 ; domestic. 81.30 3.00. Gins , Imported. S4.WKS 0.00 ; domestic , S1.25@3.00. Chumpuenes , im ported , per c.iso , 8iW.OO@33.00 ; American , per case. S10.UO10.00. HIIIKS Green butcliers' , SKSCc ; irreon cured , 7.Jc ; dry tl'nt , ll@12c : dry salt , 9@ 10o ; green calf skins , 8c ; ( Tnmaired hides , two- thirds price. Tallow Sc. Grease Prime white , 3c ; jellow , 2c ! brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25@75c. HEAVY HABDWAUK Iron , rnto , 82.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel , 0X0 ; east tools , dn , l2C41bc ; waon spokes , per set , 82.00.50 ! ; hubs , per set , 81.85 ; fel lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tongues , each. tOe ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 07c ; cell chain , pcrlb , Oj @l3c ; malleable , 8 < ftlic ) ; Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4Vc ; spring steel , 4S5c ( ; Burden's horse shoes , C4.75 ; Burden's mule sboe3 , 85.75 , Barocd wire * in car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs Iron nails , rates , 10 to 53 S2.G3 ; sled nails , 52.75. _ Grocer's List. COFKKE Ordinary grades , 19 > , ' ( a20 } c : fair , 20r < ! le ; prime. 2I@23 : choice , ! &i 24 ; fancy green and yellow , 2uQ25c ; old govonuneut Java , 2.'JQ'JsC ; interior Java , S4@20e ; SYntll' No. 70 , 4-galloil k gs , 81.30@1.3'3 ; New Orleans , per gallon 8i@40c ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " pi > r gallon , 70c ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , 310.00 ; half gallon cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans. 83 00. CANDY .Mixed , 8 > * Ho ; > > tlek. 8K9Kc. CRACKKIIS ( Jarncnu's soda , butter and picnic , 4J c : lyeams , 7Kc ; gincer snaps , 7 > < c ; city soda , 7 > $ c. PICKKI.S Medium , In bbls , $7.00 ; do I half bbls , S4 00 ; small , In bbls. $8.00 ; do , I half bbls , 81.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 89.09 ; do In half bbls , 85.00. SuoAH-Granulated,6V < a6 } c ; conf. O&c ; white extra C , GKMSJf e : extra C. 5c ; yellow C.5f@5Jtfc ! ; cut loaf , 0 powdered , OK@7c. CANNKII ( teens Oysters , standatd , per case. S3. 9073. * 10 ; strawberries , a Ib. per case , 82.30 ; raspberries , Bib. per case , 83. : @ 3.45 $ California pears , per cnseS4 30 ( < i4.IO ; apricots , per case. 83.50 j3jC ; peaches , per case , 84. 75 4.85 ; white cheme8.i > er case , 85.50 ; plums , per caseS3.40@3.50blueDerrlospercaseS1.85eKg ; ; plums , 2lu. per CMC , 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib. per case , 3.20(85.75 ( ; 1 Ib. mackerel , per doz , rase , $1.50 ; 9 n > . "Marrowfat peas , per case. 82.40 2.60 ; 3 Jb.-vaHy Junn peas , per case , 82-75 ; 3 lo. tomatoes , S2.50 ; 2 Ib. corn 53.50. ,1. in- ANI > TIMIir.US. umu-ft 18 ft W ft 20 f t',22 ' ft'si ' ft 17.60 17,60 lS.'t lo'fio'oTTO ' 2iBO 17iSOl.5on.r,0 ! \ ! ( 18.M 19 50 ' ; . 22.50 . .7.MlTJi. . | 4x10. iTlsnu. .50,17.50 SlsoiSiso 4x12 IS..OOIM IWJ18 ft ] fvf ' wti F ILSfJ 2t.60 2x8Un ia'.oo'aj'to 23 o.ila'oo 1 ' No. 1 , com , sis./ . 819.0 < } No. 2. com , sis . 17.50 No. 4 , com , s 1 s . 13.5 < ) FKVCINO. No , 1,40 In , 12 it 14 It. rough . 519.00 No. 3 , " ' ' . . 18.00 A , 13. 14 and 10 ft . 522.00 B , lf " " . 20.50 C , " " . 15.00 D , ' a " " . 13.00 CF.II.INO AND TAUTITION. 1st com , Jf In White Pine Celling . SUOO Clear , & in. Norway Pine Ceiling . 10.00 STOCK BUAIIDS. A 13 Inch s. Is . S40.00 No. 1 , com. 13 Ins. Is. , 13 & 14. . . 20.00 inn . lO.oo No. 2 " " " 1324 ft . 18.00 " " " " 10ft . 17.00 1st and 2d , clear , 1 Inch. , s. 2s . 850.00 3d. clear , 1 Incti.s. 8s. , 845 ; UlK,21n 47.00 B select , 1 Itfch.'S. 2 s. , ? 30 ; l / , l i 3 In 37.00 I'OST.s. ' White cedar , G In. , HS. , I2,4c ; 9 In. qn. , lie THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. DUMMY TUAIN8. Running between Couuoll Bluffs nnd South Omaha. In addition to the stations men tioned , trains stop nt Twentieth and Iwcnty- fourth streets , nnd nt Summit , In Omaha. Westward. Thconlj road to tnko for Dos Molnen Mar- ihalltOTm , C dar Itanlds , Clltton , Dlxun , Chica go , Milwaukee and all points cant. To the poo- nlo of Nebraakn , Colors iio , WromlnK , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Orofron , Wuihlngton and Call- fornla. It oCurs superior advantnies not postl- hie by any othnr lino. Atnonur fewoftlie nutneroun point * of lu- perlorltf enjoyed by thu putrona of this mini between Omaha tin Jrhlcngo.uro Its two trains Relay of DAY COACIIK ? , which are the fln at that human art and Imromilty ctn create. Iti I'ALALtKBLBRlMNU ( JAIW. which are models of comfort and oletrnnee. Its I'.MU.OH DltAW- INO ItODM OAKS , iiinui-iinsso.l by ny , and Iti widely celebrated PALATIAF , DTNINO OAKS the oqunl of which cannot bn found nlsowhero At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Pacific Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of tbo Chicago & Northwcltorn Hy. In Chlcnpo th triiin of thla line iimko close connection with thnne of all eastern linos. For Detroit , Colurnbm , Indlnnnpolla , Clncln- nati , Nlnf urn/alls , Buffalo. rittsburir.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Now YOVK , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washington nnd all points IB th east , a k for a Uckot via the "NOHTHWE8TKEN. " If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket npenU tell ticket * rla this line. H. HUOH1TT , . P. WILBON , OenL Mana * T. , OenL FWi Areot Chlcairo. 111. W. M. BABCOCK , L. R. BOLLES , Weit r = Apent , City Pass'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. THE CHIC/LGO / SHORT LINE OF T11E Chicago , Milwaukee fiSiPaulfly Tlte Ecst JJonte from Omaha and Council muffs to ] THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Uiufls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jarjcsville , llclolt , Winona , La Cros e , And all other Important points Kiist , Northeast lind Huutlieust. tor through ticltots call on the ticket ntfcnt nt UJ1 Fariiitiu at , In I'm ton hutol , or ut Union 1'aclflo dopnt. 1'ullroan Sleopora and the finMt Dlnlnff Cars In tbo world are run on the main line of the CIlc | KO , Milwaukee JtSu 1'nul Hullwity und cv- erj intention U pus entrcrB by courto- ousumplojrcs of thocoinpiuiy. It. Mit.r.Eil. Opnornl MnnnKer. . J. K. Tucw.iu Assistant ( lonoral Manavur. * A. V. H. UAurw.NTiai , Uoncral 1'assoligcr and Tickat AKCIU. OEo.12. llEArroiin , Assistant General I'assen- Her and Ticket Audit. J. TCLAIIK , Oeuo ial ii tiltUi.d' LIGHT 301 J i AT YOUR OWN PRICE , FOR the NEXT 10 DAYS The Largest Assortment ever Dis played in Omaha. See What this Means , AT THE MISFTT ] J 1119 Farnam Street. Omaha , - - Neb Saturday evening , open till 10:30 : o'clock. DEWEY& STONE , 8 e f > r/e < C G c4C 3000 FURNITURE jfc < & : K & > A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. ESTABLISHED 1858. A. J. SIMPSON , LeauingCarriageFactory Kstimntcs Furnished on Application. 1400 aud 1411 Dodge Street. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. 1'riccj the lowest. Repairing a tpecialty. Work warranted. . Corner Douglas and 15th . streets , Omaha. Licenced Watchmaker for the Union I'acificRallroad Company. . . Most Popular First Class Piano made. It stands on its merits. Ballet & Davis Piano Hasjio Equal KIMBALL PlANOSlND ORG&NS. At Wholesale andBetail. AG-ENTS WANTEP Art and Music , 1513 Douglas St. Wholesale Music and Jewelry Dealers AND SOLE : AGENTS roa Send for cutiiloguo. Oaiiiliu , Nebraska.