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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1887)
* ANOTHER DEFEAT RECORDED Omaha Flays Poor Ball and Hastings Easily Wins the Game , , A SUCCESSION OF BIG ERRORS , Thu ContMt Simply a Horrible Exhibi tion of Poor Ploying War In the Western League Other Sporting News. Omahn Drops the Game. . The one thing the Omahas need moro than another is the services of'an undertaker 1 As ball players , It seems , they have become barren Idealities. They have lost all their vim and vinegar , and bat and field and run bases like a lot of basket makers. What are they being fed on ? Who's the hoodoo ? Surely they are a sturdy looking sot of young fellows , tough and Indurated with practice and exorcise , and undoubtedly have an abundance ot ability , Or Is It true that nil that glitters Is not gold ? That must be the stuff , Yesterday afternoon's game satisfactorily exemplified that Hastings , yes Hastings , whom they par alyzed and petrified three weeks aeo , literally wiped tha chalk oil the home plato with them. They couldn't catch , nor they couldn't bat , and when one did get on n base providenti ally , It took a derrick to move him. And the Hastings , while they wore having A wild and untothered midsummer picnic , are also an educated and scholar/ set of muffers , according to yesterday's statistics. They would make just as uood critics of Domomchlno. Knphael and Titian as they are ball players , and could babble color and Shade , breadth , depth and si/.a as well as they master the intricacies of the great national game. They play with almost the same Intrepid ity of ignorance that the Omahas do only yesterday wns their turn to win they just eluinly couldn't lose. If they made ono error the Omahas would make four , and If the Omahns made ono run they'd make three , while thu Omahas were prcBtldlgitatlug with the ball. , It was a horrible game , and the two or three hundred people who saw It , sat sad and silent , llko Prometheus chained to the bleak i - > nd barren crau of untoward circumstance , tnd while conscious of the I Ires of gonlus bnrnlun within the Oinahart , the vulture of Inexorable fate kept gnawing away at their i hearts. Will they ever win again ? There Is yet n faint hope. They pluy again to-monow , nnd should they take the ball It will be like a lilt of mel ody suffusing our lives as the fields are over- flooded with the skylarks' bewildering note. . The eamo yesterday opened up promis ingly. After Walsh and Mclaughlin had retired. Krohmeyer reached his base on a mull by Holding , and Dwyer brought him In on a three-baguer to right 13ader dying at first , tno Hastings came In. ' Knlsing wielded the willow and sent a ball ' ' curving like an arch of hope in the sky to McLnughlln , nndMcLuughlin muffed It In the highest style of the art , to use a new expres sion. Kbrlght then sent n similar ily to Barter nnd Bndor even eclipsed Mac's woik , and then , the next minute , when he let Cur- 4 tls' grounder get by him , the nlr for a few minutes was thick enough to cut , for Keislnit and bright both ambled homo. After this 4 three men wore quickly retired. ,4 , In the second , It was one , two. three for y Omaha , but the Hastings added another * l "brace of tallies to their side. Walsh ojwned 'I ' op the serenade , but wns extinguished at 'is first by a circus stop and throw oy Kreh- ' ( t mover. After this on Wehrlo's clonn hit , 1 and another execrable muff by McLauchlln , M .tho ball going under the new Inside foncc , not only did Wehrlo score , but Ueislng , the x * batter , too. .1. In the third Walsh lilt safe to center , and \ _ ' vas followed by McLaughlln with a two > r baser to same garden , Walsh scoring. Hut ' that wns all they could do. Hastings , how- K evor-wont them two better on one hit and . two outs , three errors nnd n beautiful drive for a homo run over right field fence by Fatty IV Welsh. In the succeeding inning Mcssltt made a . .Jthreo sacker , nnd tallied on Bundle's loni : fly to canter , starting homo after the ball had Bottled In Curtis' hand * . Ocnlns also got homo In this inning on errors. For the Has tings Keynolds wns hit with tlio ball , and on ( Jen lus' mull' of IVoples' ily "cored. Neither side gcoiod In the llftli or sixth , B trail go to relate , but In the seventh Hcaloy happened to hit a thrne-bagger , and was helped home on errors. For the men from the west Hughes bunted the ball , Lannmn made n two and Welsh a three badger , Hughes nnd Latimcn scorlnir. In the eighth by a two bagger bv Dwyer and Bovernl chump plays by Kelsluir , Poo- pies and Curtis , ho and Mess lit both suc- . .Seeded In crossing the plato. The Hastings ' failed to score , ns did the Omahas In the ninth , and thus the beautiful dream faded. Examine the score , but keep still : THE BCOIIE : ; \'t 'OMAHA , ros. AH. it. in. TII. us. ro. A. K. l& WaUli M S McLouihlln..rf ! Xrolimeycr..2b The score by Innings Is ns follows : -Omaha l oiaooiso 7 f Hastings 3 2310030 * -ll ) \J Huns carnod-Omaha 3 , Hastings 3. Two-base hits Healv , Curtis 3 , Lauuian , Three-base hits-Welch. Messit 'Homo run Welsh. Left on bases Omaha B , Hastings 8. Double plays Hughes to Ueislng. Cf Struck out Uy llealy 4. liases given by hitting man with ball By llcnly 1. I'asscd balls noynolds 1 , Handle 1. . * Wild pitchos-llealy 1. -fl ' Hases stolen Hastings 2 , Omaha 8. Time of icamo Two hours. "Umpire Hcngle. TO-IIAY' GAME. The following are the positions ot the 'players In to-day's game : . -Orwt/io. Po&IHon. l/nnflnni. Krehmeyer catcher Kbrlght IJartson pitcher Moholson Dwyer tirst base Kclslng Me sltt second base Hughes Fnsselbach 'hird Daso Whltchrnd Walsh biioit stop Peoples Under left fit-Id Welsh Uenins . . . . .middle Held Curtis McLaughlln right Hold Keyuolds Lincoln DOOM Up Dourer. , LINCOLN , Neb. , July U. [ Special Tele- 15 , . gram to the UKK. | The urst ot the series * - . Of Lincoln-Denver gamis to-day drew a crowd of 1,500 to Athletic park , who cheered the homo team on to an overwhelming vic tory. The batteries were Hart and Dolan for Lincoln and Hrlges nnd Hognn for the vis itors. I tie score by Innings was as follows : Lincoln 3 0801104 1 1H ? Denver 0 00005000 5 Ituns earned Lincoln 11. Denver 5. Two base hits Heckley , Lang , Howe. Hart.Smith. Three base hits Hcrr. ijt-eboan , O'Xelll. llomn runs Heckley. Struck out by Hart i 2 , llogan 1. Hases on balls Hart S , Hoirnn 5. 4. Unst-s stolen Lincoln 7 , Denver I. Tluio > - . . ot pame-U hours , IS mluutca. Umpire : YOUIiJf. A fllK Wi\r Cloud. LINCOLX. Neb , , July 0. [ Special to the -jKt.l There Is a small war apparently in u , \he \ Western league and a manifest desire on "the par ; of the southern towns to run things With a high-hand. A ihort time ago 1'rosl- dcut J. II. ThruWv of the \VejJnrn league , called a itivotluu of the league , to be held at . .Lincoln TMtorihy.'and about ttie Mine time ' Secretary Murphy , of Leaveu'wprth , becan to Umit'H duties himself by call- . - Ing a rneetinf and leaving the Impression prominent m his telegraphic call that the president himself had changed the call to Leavenwortb. Laboring under tills misun derstanding , a number of the towns In the league assembled at Leaven Worth Friday , and all towns were represented except Omaha and Lincoln. At this Illegal meet * Ing the six clubs represented proceeded 16 decapitate President Throw nnd they went throu shthe operation of electing Secretary Murphy as President , also making him Iho president secretary and treasurer nnd cus todianas president , of his bonds as secre tary and treasurer. The proceeding Is un doubtedly Illegal In every feature , and If the Lincoln club takes hold of the matter ns they contemplate dolne It can't bo long until Mr. Murphy will bo a lit subject for Impeach ment himself. At the meeting ot reprcsena- tlves from six clubs nothing was done re garding the vacancy In tha leantie caused by the sale of Leavenworth franchise to Hnst- ngs. but the Loavenworth represenntlvo sat In the meeting nnd represented the defunct club in helping to carry out the schemes. York Defeats Utlcn. YOHK , Neb. , July 9. | Special Telegram to the BEF. ] The gnmo of ball between Utlca nnd York resulted In a victory for the latter nine , the score standing 14 to 11 , Northwestern League Crimes. DKsMoiNEB , la. , July 9. ISpocIal Tolo- cram to the Bric. : ] The result ot the Des Molnos-Oskosb. game to-day was as follows : Des Molncs 0 1000633 0-13 Oskosh. . 0 23011000 7 Base lilts DCS Molnes , 20 ; Oskosh , 9. Enors Des Moinr-s , 5 : O kosh , 4. Batteries DCS Molnea , Hutchlnson and Sutllffe ; Oskosh , Devlne and Nagle. Umpire Bran- nan. nan.At Milwaukee , Milwaukee 5 , LaCrosso4 ; at Minneapolis , St. Paul 7. Minneapolis 0 ; at Duluth , Duluth 10 , Eau Claire 0. The Atnnrlcaii Association. CINCINNATI. July 9. Tne game between the Cincinnati nnd Metropolitans to-day was postponed on account of rain. Cincinnati I 01000000-3 Metropolitan 0 00000000-0 Pitchers Mullano and Mays. Base hits Cincinnati 7 , Metropolitan 4. Errors Cin cinnati 5 , Metropolitan 2. Umpire Kce- nan. nan.LOUUVIM.K , July 9. The game between the Louisville and Brooklyn teams to-day resulted as follows : Louisville 1 0 0 0 3 55 1 0 0-0 Brooklyn 4 0100000 0-5 Pitchers Uamsoy and Porter. Base hits Louisville 13. Brooklyn 12. Errors , Louls- villo'J , Brooklyn , 7. Umpire Curry. Cr.KVKi.ANU , July 9. Thogame between the Cleveland and Athletics to-day resulted as follows : Athletics 0 030303 9 Cleveland 1 023003 7 Game called on account of rnln. Pitchers Woyhlng and Dalley. Base hits Athletics 14 , iHpvdaml 14. Errors- Athletics 4. Cleveland 4 , Umpire Hurley. ST. Louis , July 9. The game between the St. Louis and Baltimore teams to-day re sulted as follows : St. Louis 3 00081201-9 Baltimore 1 lioooooo-s Pitchers Foutz and Smith. Base Hits St. Louis 17 , lialtlmoroll. Errors St. Louis 4 , Baltimore 0. Umpire Ferguson. National League Games. WASIUKOTON , July 9. The garno be tween tno Washington and Indianapolis teams to-day resulted as follows : Washington 0 10000003 3 Indtatiapollfl 3 00010030 7 Pitchers Oday nnd Boyle. Base hits- Washington 9 , Indianapolis 11. 1C r rots Washington 1 , Indianapolis C. Umpire Krelgh. NKW YOIIK , July 9. The game between the Now York and Detroit teams to-day re sulted as follows : New York 0 21300000-5 Detroit 0 0431000 # -8 Pitchers Gotzlen and Swobach. Base hits Detroit 13. New York 13. Errors New York 4 , Detroit 3. Umpire Doeseher. PHILADELPHIA , July 9. The tame be tween Philadelphia and Chicago to-day rc- fli-ltedas follows : Chicago 1 3002000 * 5 Philadelphia 0 00000031-8 Pitchers Ferguson and Pnrkson. Base hits-Chicago 11. Philadelphia 11. Errors- Chicago 3. Philadelphia 3. Umpire Darling. BOSTON , July 9. The iramo between the Boston and Plttsburg teams to-day resulted us follows : Boston 0 0013153 0-13 Plttsburg 1 00003010 4 Pitchers Madden and Morris Base hits Boston 21 , Plttsburg 8. Errors-Bos ton 4 , Pittsburg 3. Umpire Powers. Flnslies From the Diamond. The following table shows the record of games lost and won , and the averages of the clubs of the Western league up to and In cluding yesterday's games : Go out and see the tixil-endera do battle this afternoon. Harper , the Oshkoih Importation , will pitch this afternoon. The game between the Thespians this af ternoon will be a genuine razeldo cl. Dwyer surprised himself by playing an er rorless gaino yesterday. Keep It np , old man. The tiring of Ueagle , the umpire , was the grandest fire of the season a regular confla gration. If the boys win to-uiorrow they can have the earth , nicely wrapped up and tied with n blue ribbon. Fusselbach will arrive hero In the morning and play third boso for the Omahas in the afternoon. Hastings wants to sell Omaha n number ot players. Hastings' check would make good ball covers. a There Is war In the Western league In moro ways than ono. It seems to bo Illy mannged all round. But thirty-two more games upon the homn grounds nnd the agony for tlio season Is over. Thanks , awfullyl Despite the poor play of the Omahas a great crowd will bo out this afternoon to cheer them on the victory. O'Leary and Swift were not black-listed after all. 'Tls well. There were too many In the same canoe with them. Hastings wants to sell Hughes , Keeves , Lauman and Keynolds to Omaha. Who are they ? By the way who struck Billy Paul son ? Krohmeyer did himself proud yesterday , fielding cleanly , sharply and scientifically. Koine of his throws and stops were regular la-las 1 The Hastings to-day and Tuesday , nnd then no moru games on the home grounds until July 30 , when tit. Joe will beberonnd eatun up. Tne Crane Brothers manufacturing corn- pail's base ball team played the Churchill pump company's team yesterday and won by a score of 20 to 0. HeiiBle hitsn't forgot how to umpire. There was not the sign ot a kick yesterday on cither side against his decisions , and nu un seemly wrangling among the player * . It was a magnanimous thing on the pnrt ot the directors In not blacklisting the rebel lious members of the team. The punish ment admlnUterod , tinder all the circum stances , is bevcra enough. The management of the Omahas will do everything within their j > ewer to strengthen the team. Within the coming week there will be no lesa than live iibvr races neen upon the local diamond , but they come , of coiuso , on trial. The board of directors held a meetlne nt Peniose.V llardln'a last nveninc , with Prtsl- dmit-.Shiuhls In tht chair. After n thorough luvostUatlon of thu charge * preferred against O'Leary , Swift and Harter , the two former were asswscd ame of frJuo and the latter < 1W , and all thrva suifccUed Indefin itely. The D. Kaufmans and 8. Oberfelder's played match for 1150 at Athletic park yes- tunlay afternoon , tlm score belrut IS to 'H In favor or the Otmrfelders. The feature of tlm game was a triple piny of the latter , which thu Omaha * ought to have been present to see. Uuorgo Heyn Umpired In a very satisfactory - factory manner , The actors and attachtc of the Fashion nnd Olympic ihAatvr * will go .out this afternoon and Incarnadine the green sward with each others' young blood. This Is the way In which they will be arranged against each other : Fashion Barnes , c. ; Ford , p. ; Gates , 1st ; Kothery , 2d ; Golden. 3d ; warren , r. : Hanson. m. | Barker , I. ; liradburn , s. Olymphlos Sellon , ; McCree.c. ; Uickoy , 1st : Clifford , 2rt ; & cGeo , Mr Mack , m. ; Connelly , r. ; Camp , I. ; Cassldy , s. P.P. I'omeroy will officiate as umpire , Jack Nugent , referee , and Colonel Sandy Forbes scorer. The contest Is for five kegs of the German decoction and titty cases , and the umpire will be armed with an ax. The players will appear en costume and much sport is anticipated. WahtnRton Park Raced. WASIIINOTON PAIIK , July 9. At the races to-day the weather was fine nnd the attend ance good. Following Is the summary : Ono nnd a quarter mllrs : Malaria won , Lonmn second , Sour Mash third. Tlmo 'All ages , one mlle : Atirella won , Mamlo Hunt second , Jacobin third. Time 1:41. Throe-year-olds , ono mlle : Daruna won , Miss Motley second , Sailor Boy third. Two-jear-olas , six furlongs : Emperor of Norfolk won , Los Angeles second , Sentiment third. Tlmo-ltlOtf. Six hurdle ? , ono mile and n half : Tennes see won , Lljero second , Ascoll third. Time -2:50J. : | Ilncliig At lUontnnuth 1'ark. MONMOUTH , PAIIK , July 0. There was a largo attendance and a fair track at the races here to-day. Mile : Ulrnnlnga won , Jonnlo B second , Kollan third. Tlmo-l:44. : Thren-fourths mile for two-y oar-olds : Specialty won , Confusion second , Ballston third. Tlino 1:10K. : For thrco-year-old fillies , three-fourths mile : Turenzl won , Almy second , Lady Primrose third. Time 3:13. : Ono and three-eighths mile : Llndon won , Honsatonlc second , Wlckham third. Time , 2:20. : 2:20.Throefourths mile : Howland won , Mil lie second , Phil Leo third. Time 1:17 : > One and one-sixteenth miles : Moonshine xvon , Lcclair second , Little Minnie third. Time. 1:55. : Steeplechase , full course : Plckett won , KUlaruoy second. Time 4:59. : At Ficotwood Park. NKW YOIIK , July 0. A successful trotting meeting was concluded tit Fleetwood driving park to-day. In the unfinished 2:23 : class In which Lady Kcnzett and Colonel Wood had two heats Macgle B won the first heat bnt Lady Keiuctt took the next heat and the race. Best time 2:24X. : In thn 2:25 class Kay Skylight Pilot woh In three straight heats. Best tlmo 3:33)f. : Harry W likes was then sent to brat tils record of 2:1 : K , but failed , his time being 3:2. : % 3:15 : % , 3:19) : ) . In the second heat he trotted the iirst in lie at n 3:13 : gait Thn Joint Shoot. The joint stioot of the Omaha and Letever Gun clubs took place yesterday afternoon at the Omaha grounds , buck of Shaw & Field's warehouse , and was ono of the most enjoy able shoots of thu season , the shooting being romarkaoly close. The lirst event was 5 live birds,30 yards risewhich resulted as follows : Hardln 1 111 1 5 Chrysler 0 001 1 3 Nnson 1 101 1 4 Ellis 1 101 0-3 Allen 0 111 1 3 Brewer . -.0 001 1 3 Abercromhlo 1 101 1 1 Townsend 1 010 0 2 Snatinon 0 000 0 o Kennedy 1 Oil 1-4 Decota 0 111 1 4 Hammond 0 111 1 4 Field 1 110 1-4 Ketchem 1 101 0 8 The second was thn medal shoot , both clubs , 25 blue rocks , at different handicaps , the following scores being made : Ponroae 11000 110IU 01100 IHlflllOO-iri HnrdlD 11011 11111 01111 11011 11111-23 Colter 11011 1111 00111 11010 11101-10 ' 11110 10111 01111 ' . - 1'olty 11100 lllll--O Kennedy. . . . 1011U ( II111 10111 11111 11110-20 Meld 11111 10111 10101 10011 0010D-10 llrewor 01111 11101 OHIO 11110 11010-18 KIII3 11110 11011 U1101 11101 01111-1U KcllOBT 01100 00000 OOOJO OOJOO 01101-5 KI-UK .11111 10J11 11111 11111 11101 S3 Krug nnd Hnrdln lifting shot off at three birds each , resulting as follows : Hnrdln 1 0 1 Krug 1 1 0 Tielng a second time , they shot oil , miss nnd out. Score : Ilardm l l l KrUR 0 And so Mr. Hardln sports the badge for the coming week. Mason 11111 00101 11101 10111 11111-20 Kltchott 1111(1 ( 11101 OIOll 01101 IfllOl 18 Kotclinm 01101 10010 10111 01101 11011 18 Alorcronblo..00,100 ; 11101 OHIO 01010 01101 13 TownstmU 0)111 11111 11011 11111 01111-21 Small 10101 11100 11111 11111 01111-20 Oliryslor. 11010 10111 11110 10111 11111-20 Uiirtfesa 10311 11(00 ( 01000 01101 01100-11 Mr. Townsend , with 21 hits , won the badge. The third event was eight live birds , SO yards rise , use both barrels , for payment of birds. Kesuit : Kennedy 0 1111101 6 Decota 1 1111111 8 Allen 11111101-7 Nasou 1 0111111 7 Chrysler l 1111011-7 Abercrombio 1 1111111 8 Ketchem 0 1111101 0 Field 1 1101111 7 Brewer 1 1111111 8 Hnrdin 0 1111011 6 Ellis 1 1111011 7 Fltchett 1 1111111 8 The last shoot of the day was ten live birds , entrance $5 , 80 yards rise. English rules , money split In three pieces. Score : Krug 1 00101111 1-7 Penrosn 1 11101111 1-0 Kennedy 1 110101101-7 Hardin 1 lioillio i-a Cottar 1 111111101-fl Field 1 10110001 0-5 Fitchott 0 01010100 1 4 Abercromblo. . . ! 11001001 0-fi Nason 1 1-C Tin shot off , miss nnd out Penrose 1 110 Cotter 1 111 Nasou 1 1 0 Spokes From the Wheel. Mr. F. N. Clarke is the apollo of Iho club. The Omaha club. In costume , will bo photo graphed In a group at Hanscom park next Saturday. Mr. "Cupid" Baker , n well-known wheel man of at. Louis , Is In Omaha with a view of locating here. The Omaha Wheelmen are talking of a hill-climbing contest , with Davenport street acclivity as tlio objective point. Prince will have the track at the ball park In superb condition by Sunday next , and won't he uud Whlttaker just make their wheels hum ? Circular order No. 510 , of the Union Pacific passenger department. Instructing baggage- masters to carry bicycles free as baggage , naa been Issued. Ashlnger will Imvo an opportunity to make a record ono week from Sunday. If he allows Whlttaker to wax him he should bin himself to some sequestered nook and kick himself to death. Kobcrt Ehman Is here from Chicago to handle Whlttaker fur the two tough races he has on hand. Mr. Ehman Is a gentleman and a scholar , but nway otf when ho thinks Windy Whlttakci invincible. Whittakor , the Windy City , champion bykcr , will return from Minneapolis tomorrow row , bringing with him Mr. Eck , the Min nesota champion , also a grey hound , which nas presented him as an unfailing mascot. Five new names will bo proposed for mem bership at Tuesday evening's regular monthly mnetlue ot the Omaha Wheel club. The question of awarding medals to all members completing the century run be- tvfteu sunrise and sunset will also bo dis cussed. 1. F , Blackmorn , F. N. Clarke , Ed. Lytlo , Ed. Kallyren , Guy Mead. F. T. Mlttaner , C. W. Moulfon. A. 0. Jolllffe , G. W.Howard and G. O. Bcribncr , of the Omaha Wheel club , will make the run to Lincoln to-day , leaving at5 a. in. and will endeavor to make the capital for dinner. Tno PrJncc-Whittnkor ten mtlo race at the ball park next Sunday Is excltlug much comment among 'cyclists and the sporting fraternity generally. Prince Is In dally trainIng - Ing , and is getting hlniwjlf In admirable shaiir * . He Is as hard as nails , to use the parlance of the short-haired , and will bo in condition to run for a man's life. It Is dollar lar * to dimes he win * . Articles of agreement for the Whlttaker- Aihlnger rive mile 'cvcle chaae , Whlttaker to tlv Ashlager one-quarter of a mile In the outcome , were signed to-day for 1200 a aid * and all the gate receipts over and above rxpenies. Th rare will tane place at the ball park Sunday afternoon , July 34 , and will be ono of the ifost.'iuccltlng ' events that lias ever transplrc ln cal wheel circles. Shot Gun nmI Hlflo Kcliocn. President Huehtt/fofr a change was not present to-day. Mr. Fields showed .rip yesterday with his piper , which did pretty well , but icecso were ilying low. Will Brewer ht& A1 white sight on his Dumper and Is atontitlng the birds as fast as they jump from thqtra , Mr. Cotter , of the' In a fair way to take oneof the premier prizes this season. He Is getting hlir. epft blue eye on the birds weary time ! ; ; Ponroso & Hardlrv/wore In receipt of an order yesterday fn u > Cheyenne , Wyoming , for 200 strong Hying-pigeons for n match to be shot there this coming week. The Parmnlee-lliirdln match shoot for SlOO a side , 35 pairs double birds , did not come off yesterday , ovtlnir to the non-nppearanco of Parmalee , who' forfeits the $35 staked to bind the match. Mr. GUI. ot Now Vork , was In attendance to-day , but feeling Indisposed , did not take part In the shooting. Ho has. however , joined the Omaha gun club , and will make a strong acquisition to the team. Mr. Fred Gross , president of the Minne apolis rillo cub , which is considered ono of the best teams In America , has located In Omaha , and will hereafter shoot with the Penrose and Hardln rillo club. Dr. Worlay Is practicing so much at his duck pond that ho can't find time to attend even the regular club shoots , lie has killed as high as twelve decoys at a single shot several times this summer , and next fall when the birds come In he'll glut the market. Following Is a list of the Ponroso nnd Hardln rillo club : It. 8. Berlin , C. G. Sorague , K. W. Patrick , George II. Fltchett , M. Wilbur , H. A. Worlay , Charles A. Harvey , O. H. Gordon. J. P. Currle , O. B. Nelson , James K. Clarkson , Fred Gross , John W. Petty , J. J. Hardln nnd H. A Pen rose. The club will moot Wednesday evening next at the sporting headquarters for organization. The lirst shoot lias neon set for Friday next at the range northeast of the city , at which the standard American target will bo used for the present at 200 yards otf hand. The range is twelve hundred yards , and n very tine ono in every particular. Prize Fight nt Valentino. VALENTINE , Neb. , July 9. | Special Telegram - gram to the BKE. | A six-round sparrlne match with four-ounce cloves for 550 n sldo occurred here last night between Mark Daly , thr crack pugilist of the Eighth Infantry at Fort Nlobrnra , and William Smith , colored , In Thompson & Donahcr's livery stable. Both men wore heavily backed by their friends. Smith drew first blood , but received the tirst knock-down. After some line sparr ing nnd heavy slugging , D.ily was declared the victor. Biffs From the Glove. Tommy Miller still has hones of Getting on n go with Tommy Warren , but the chances are decidedly attenuated. John P. Clew , notorious In puclllstlcclrcles hero , knocked out Paddy McDonald In four rounds at Duluth Friday night. Just to resuscitate Interest In matters of the P. K. a match might DO arranged be tween Boby Barnes and Tommy Miller. Herb. Ilothery Is about to complete arrange ments for a light between Mcllcnry John son , the Black Star , and an unknown colored heavy weight ot Leavenworth. The Star can put tiny unknown colored hoavv weight in Iho country to sleep , and not half try. 41 WILL BTANOWV IUELAND. President Fltzgerald'a lloply to a Cauleerain. From Parncll. LINCOLN , Neb.July 0. The following cables have passed between Charles S. Pur- nell and John Fitzgerald , president of the Irish National Lcrig'uo flf America : LONDON , July 7.-I877 , John Fitzgerald esa- , president of the iNatlonal League of America , Lincoln/ ; Neb ; : I toke the oppor tunity of the passing OP the crimes bill , to thank you for the gt > n'eJous ) nnd timely con tributions sent by you totho National League of Ireland since last , autumn , in response to our appeal. Unhappily In the Interval , the need lias become moro pressing nnd Is likely to bo still more Intennitied , owing to the stimulating check 'of .tlio 'crimes bill upon your continued and unremitting exertion nnd sympathy. ' ( Signed ) ' PARNEM , . Mr. Fitzgerald's reply reads ns follows : Lincoln , July 0. 183 . ' Charlef S. Parnoll , M. P. . House of Commons , London. As n first shot In reply to the coercion acttho Kev. Dr. O'Kellly remits SSO.OOO to help evicted tenants. Let the Irish p.ioplo stand tlrm in defense of land and liberty and the Irish National league of America will sustain them until Ireland obtains her legitimate rights. To you as leader wo renew our pledge of con fidence and support. ( Signed ) John Fitz gerald , president L N. L. A. The KnlchtH of Imbor. NEW YOIIK , June 9. There will bo a very vigorous kick against the new constitution ol the Knights of Labor , which goes into effect Monday. According to the general execu tive boardat least three hundred local assem blies In this vicinity will refuse to bo gov erned by Its provisions. One of the feature ? of the now constitution particularly object ionable. Is the compulsory tax of two cants n head per month for a co-operative fund man aged by the executive board. PITTSIIUKO , July 9. Dlscantent is spread ing among the Knights of Labor. The steel workers throughout the country say they are Indignant at the general ofllccrs because they have not been granted a charter for a na tional trades assembly , and already several assemblies threaten to'withdraw from the order unless a charter Is granted , Fifty delegates representing nearly alt the pottery In the United States met at East Liverpool , O. , yesterday and formed a national trades assembly of Knights of Labor. Application has been made to the general master work man for a charter. The Work .or a Alob. ATLANTA , Ga. , July 9. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK. | A dlvpatch from Dalton says a mob gathered late Thursday night and hanged Governor Gordon In effigy on the scaffold prepared for William Hoi- man , whose sentence wns commuted to Im prisonment for life. The mob tried to lynch lloluian , but the ofllccrs took him away , Later the mob burned Holman In effigy. Great excitement prevailed to-day when crowds from the country gathered to witness the execution. Governor Gordon has Issued n card , giving his reasons for commutation of the sentence , nnd Holman Is to-night pro tected by the guards. Armour and Lincoln. CIIICAOO , July9. ( Special Toleuram to the DUE.J Kejording the report that Armoui & Co. had purchased the Flbgernld-Lloyd packing house property at Lincoln , Nob. , I'hll Armour said last night ; "Mr. Michael Uudahy , my partnerrhas-bccn outatLincoln , but ns to the alleged" p Vchnse or proposed purchase 1 Know nptnuiC directly. don't think , however , that anft > such purchase hni been or will be made. We have just bought the Llpton packing-house at Omvha , which wo nave been runnlnte'alt summer. I don't think It would paytfl run another so near. " AVoathor Indications. Nebraska Fair WoatlAr ; slight change in temperature , variable , winds generally northernly. . A * * ) For Iowa Varlablo .winds generally west erly , rain in eastern ortlon. fair weather In wnstern poitlon , nearly1'stationary tempera ture. > M For Central nnd .Eastftrn Dakota Winds shifting to northerly , , iierly stationary tem perature , fair weathar In western portion , rain in eastern portion. Modlcal Fifld'r Arrontcl. ( | Si'itiNOFiKM ) , III. , July 0. Dr. Warrlck , a colored medical vender , was arrested in this city to-day on complaint ot the state board of health for violating the medical practice net by selling without a license. This Is thu tirst arrest under the new law. He was lined8100 , which IIP paid. A Convention pT Nationals. COIIK , July 9. A convention ot Iho Irish National league bos been called to meet In the city of Cork July 17 , to derlso menus to enable the tenants of Ireland , to resist evic tion. Foundered Corn. NEW YORK , July 9. 'About sixteen thou sand bushels of No. 2 corn were posted on the floor of the product * exchange to-day as out of condition , which had a'depressing ln < tluonco on the market. > WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , The Present Situation in the Trade Oontora of the World , MONEY IS MODERATELY ACTIVE. A. Good Demand In the Kast and Itaton Advancing Foreign Markets Qulot Mew York Exchange and Stocks Hull. Blocks , Grain and Produce. CHICAGO , July 9. fSpecial Telegram to tbeUKE.J The demand for money was mod erately nctlvo during the week just closed , but was inoro of n character than dur ing the previous two or three weeks. Con siderably money was required to pay for grain and provisions delivered on July con tracts , but no difficulty was oxporlonccd In obtaining all the money wanted , at reason able rates oi Interest Bankers generally In sisted , however , on wldo margins and un doubted security. Some money was for warded to the Interior , mainly to corn and livestock districts and chiefly through com mission houses. The Inquiry from the lum ber Interest was fair and manufacturers wore only small borrowers. Merchants In the wholesale trade presented some paper for discount and succeeded in obtaining all the favors requested. The liberal shipments of grain and provisions have had a tendency to Increase the supply of loanable funds , es pecially at the leading banking Institutions and the money market Is gradually working cosier though It U doubtful If Interest rates will reach the low average at previous sum mer. The banks no doubt will be In a more comfortable position than for seine time past as stocks of grain will be slowly reduced for some time yet , and consequently less money will bo needed In that branch of trade. Hates of Interest quotable at o @ CK t > nr cent , for call and 0 @ 8 per cent fur time loans , de pending on the amount of money required and the financial standing ot borrowers. Soaio paper was offered on the street by parties who are not In mucU favor with the banks. Money at the eastern financial cen ters has been In good request and rates of Interest though very irregular , during the early part of the week were decidedly higher , ranging In New York at 8 ( § 20 per cent. , but closing easier at C @ 7 per cent. Advices from foreign money markets Indi cated a quiet nnd easy feeling. N w York uxchango was rather dull early In the week with largo oiTeringsand only a moderate demand , and sales were made be tween banks at 25c discount per $1,000- Latoi ofTcrlnga were lighter , while the de mand was more actlvo and the market showed more strength , with sales between banks at 35C450c premium per $1,000 , closing at 50c premium. Foreicn exclmnfe was offered rather freely early In the week , owing to Increased ship ments of Hour and grain , and sales of ship per's sixty days documentary bills on Lon don were made at 84.80 (81.81. Toward the close the feeling was steadier , and sales were made at S4.81@tfl.81 , and the market closed rather stcadv. The New York stock market has exhibited little lite during the past week nnd a nerv ous and unsettled feeling prevailed. Wall street operators traded moderately , but out side parties were not inclined to trade to any extent , the severe break In prices of two weeks ago having had a tendency to curtail outside trading , especially among small operators. Trices have ruled Irregular wlthn | a small ranee and have averaged lower. Earnings of loading railroads still show an Increase , but speculators do not seem disposed to follow any upward turn in prices. Foreign operators traded moderately and at Irregular prices. Sales on the Now York stock exchange for thr week aggre gated 130,000 shares. Trading has been only moderately actlvo in produce circles during the week Just closed. The opening doy of the month wit nessed considerable activity , but since that time trail Inn has been of holiday character. The delhcries on July contracts , while large In the nzgrogate , wore not as liberal as an ticipated. The greater portion of property , however , was transterrcd , though not all di rectly , through commission houses , nnd the bulk of the grain nnd provisions no doubt centered In strong hands. The mar kets In a general way were dull and drag ging , and Ihictiiatlous In prices were con- tined within a narrow range. The produce tr de Is generally recovering from the elfects of the recent severe decline In the wheat market , nnd with Increased receipts ot new grain it Is anticipated that a general revival of business will take place. The crops sf small grain arc no doubt ex cellent in quality , though the yield Is .some what irregular in ditTcront sections. The west has been visited by frequent heavy rains , and the outlook for all crups Is moro promising than reported two weeks ago. The shipping inquiry foi grain has been quite active and a considerable portion ot the wheat and corn accepted on July contracts has been forwarded by various routes to the distributing centers. The receipts of grain have been light at all the principal western markets. Exports of grain and provisions have oecn mndnratelv largo with prospects that they will be well maintained during the coming two or three months. The arrivals of hvo stock continue moder ately free at all western points. The pack ing ot the west Is progtesslng favorably thoiiL'h the aggregate returns are only slightly in excess of those ot one year ago. Personal Paragraphs. C. R. Combs , of Weeping Water , Is nt the Arcado. lien. D. Hupp , of Wiihoo , was a Millant guest yesterday. J. A. Marshall , of Lincoln , was In the city ycstorduy. J. W. Dcwciss , of Lincoln , was at the Ptixton yesterday. H. J. Kilpntriok , of Beatrice , was in Omaha yesterday. Hobt. H. Windliam , of Plattsmouth , is at the Millard Hotel. C. M. Whitney , of Lincoln , took dinner at the Arcndo yesterday. ( } . II. May , a banker of Frccmont , was in the city yesterday. E. Williams &I1. V. Hay ward , ot North Bond , wore at the Millard yesterday. D. YV. Osborne , a lumber merchant of Blair registered at the 1'axton yesterday. W. 1) ) . Lanins , president of the commer cial travelers association was in town yesterday. T. J. O'Day , of NelolKh. ami H. Grlggs , of Grand Island , were at the Arcade hotel yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Suriborough leave for the cast on Monday. They will bo absent two weeks. Mrs. C. M. Windheim and daughter , of Los Angles , CaL are visiting Mrs , A. WindhuTm of this city. J. N. Ferris , of West Point ; Samuel McLaughlin , of Cedar Creek , and M. I1 , liarnsson , of York , were nt the Metropol itan yesterday. Mm. Ellen Hcnnnssy and daughter , Mrs. G.V. . Shaw , have returned from Minneapolis nnd Lake Minnotonka , whcro they have been sojourning for the past two months. fitolo a Watch. Mrs , Malcolm was arrested last night bv Officer O'Graily for stealing a watch from a railroad man named Owens. The Malcolm woman is a sadly faded daisy , who lives on Toutli street. The watch had been pawned in Sarihbcrg's , on Douglas near Thirteenth street , and was recovered by Captain Green. Military Alattera , Second Lieutenant G. W , Mclvor , Seventh infantry. ( Fort Laramfo , Wyom ing ) ! has boon ordered to report in person nt the dupiiitmont rirlo camp , Bolluvuu rillo range , July 30 , for duty as noting commissary of subsistence of-tbo depart ment rillo camp. Sergeant Kmil Landrnan , company I Tweuty-iirit infantry , privates Thomas IJarnottrund Charles Kally , company F , Twenty-Unit infantry , and FcrrU Arm- A sttiad. company I ) . Twenty-first Infantry , have boon orcercu to return to Fort liu Chopno , with permission to delay two days on route. The Turners' Plonlo. QTho plcnlo of the Omaha Turners will take pluco July 34 at Plattsmouth. To morrow President Louis Hulmrod will RO out nnd complete arrangements for the plcnlo ; floats , swings , dancing pnvil- lion , eta. Hural park , whcro the plcniu will bo hold , is one of the most a'tractivo spots any wlicro hereabouts. The Turn ers will give uti exhibition of turning , and there is also u Una programme of athletic sports. The events on the ath letic programme will bo open to every nthleto. It is expected that the picnic will bo tlio finest ever given In this vicin ity. _ _ _ _ Advertising the Ununlon. The reunion oommlttco of the board of trade earnestly desire that the business men of Omaha shall put a notice of tlio reunion upon the backs of envelopes which they send out. A very attractive design lias bcon prepared , showing the badge of the ( > , A. H. and giving the committees of the reunion. Tlio com mittee earnestly dcsiio that the business men of the oily shall tiso thcso designs on the back of their envelopes and in formation on the subject will bo cheer fully furnished by the board of trade committee. Disorderly. Frank Carder and James Flynn wore arrested last night for dirturblng the peace. The two men had been imbibing freely of the cool and foaming lager nnd engaged in a scrap on Sixteenth street. Ollicor O'Boylo arrested thorn before much blood was shed. Failed to Agree. The jury in the Gross perjury case , be fore the United States court , failed to agree after a retirement of twenty-six hours , Keeping Up I'nsscnjjor Hates. CIIICAOO , July 0. At a meeting of the Interstate lines to-day an agreement was en tered into for the maintenance of passenger rates between Chicago mid Prnria. A con tract was adopted similar to that recently entered Into between the Chicago and St. Louis lines. It was also agreed that the gov ernment and regulation of all competitive passenger business between the two points should bo placed In the hands of Chairman Abbott , of the Western States Passenger association , A Trip Down the Potomac. WASHINGTON , July 9. The president , Secretary Whitney , Colonel Lament and several others left Washington on n yacht this afternoon for a trip down the Potomac river. Secretary Whitney has sold "Giasslands , " his country place on Tonally Town road above Georgetown. Consolidated. CLEVKT.A.KD , July 9. The stockholders ot the New York , Chicago & St Louis railway mot nt KrlePa. . , to-day , and effected a con solidation of the Illinois and New York cor porations under the title of the New York , Chicago & St. Louis railway. Directors were chosen. GIBRALTAR. The "K y of the Mediterranean" a Bewildering Array of Batteries. St. James Gazette : During his first few hours in Gibraltar , an Englishman is deeply Impressed with the strength and importance of this the most ancient of our Mcditorranean possessions. He walks past long lines of bastions built of massive masonrv ; ho sees guns in every direction guns lining tl.\ bastions , guns frown ing from tlio tar-famed galleries , guns half concealed in the foliage of the Alameda gardens. The whole peninsula appears one vast nnd impregnable fort ress. On every uvailablp epot is a battery or a barrack , a magazine or a store , u hospital or a prison. There arc guards and sentries , pickets and patrols , firing of morning nnd even ing guns , locking np of gates , and reg ulations for the'exclusion of aliens un provided with ollicial passes ; in a word , all the pomp and circumstance , if not of glorious war , nt any rate of vigilant peace fully prepared to draw the sword at any moment. The stranger of course , hurries oil * at once to see the galleries , and hero the first impression is most gratifying to his national pride , lie climbs the northwest nnd north face of the rock bv a series of tunnels pierced at intervals by cell-like embras ures , each of which contains a gun and a pile of ammunition ready for use ; while branching oil'from the main gnll < > rii > s art ) other tunnels , which lead to powder magazines nnd stores hewn out of tlio very bowels of the mountain. It is Impossible ) to bo struck by the enormous amount of labor which has bcon expended in constructing these vast works , especially those executed during the great siege (1779-83) ( ) the thiud at tempt which was made in the 13th cen tury to wrest from our hands the con quest of Hooko , the key of the Mediter ranean. The vluws from the embrasures are most picturesque , and at every mo ment recall sonui m-sh incident of that" magnificent defense when the British garrison of 0,000 mon successfully hold their own ngninst 01,000 French and Spanish troops , supported by a lleet of 47 ships in the line. From the western tallorlos the Bay of Algcsiras lies spread out before you , its blue waters dotted with fclucca-riggud fishing craft , but near our shore disfigured by long lines of shapeless hulks on which in stored the coal supply for our shipping. You proudly think of that memorable day in April , 1783 , when , from the Span ish camp , the French bourbon princes , destined in a fnw short years to become tint pensioners of England , witnessed the tola' failure of the bombardment which all Spain had Hocked to .see , and which it had been confidently predicted would crush our garrison ana win back thu rook. A long steep climb in mysterious semidarkness - darkness brings you to a great cavern full of guns ; and you look out to the northward over the Snanish lines into Spald , with tlio glorious panorama of the purple sliarp-poakcd mountains of Honda stretching far away to thu east ward toward Malaga. This battery is many hundred feet above the pea level ; the clitl' out of which it is cut is almost perpendicular. Far below you is the North Front , with a line battalion at drill , looking for all the world llko little red ants. All this Is classic groundr for it is the scene of the grcai sortie of November , 1781 , when 2,000 British troops sailed forth against the besieging armies , at tacked nnd destroyed their batteries , and spiked their most destructive guns. In a still higher gnllory is thu embrasure through which lluuk fire in directed along tho. eastern face of the rook , designed to prevent any repetition of thu daring en terprise of 1701 , wlion , during thu first sieg , which followed upon our cap ture ot thu fortress , the gallant Figueroa succeeded , with MX ) Spaniards , In souling this tremendous precipice. Th < i Iliiluarlnu ThrOnn. ST. Pr.TKiisuimo , July . Hussian news papers unanimously disapprove of thn elec tion ot Prince Ferdinand of S.ixe-Coburg- ( Jotlm , to the Bulgarian throne. They all pronounce the choice ot him by thu sohraiijii nsaiesultof Austro-German Intrigue , nud uriro Hie purtfl to Intervene and tlm powers to withdraw tholr roproteutallues from Holla. 'Ihe Novoo-Vremymw's Kussla In no raso will allow J'rlnco Ferdinand to go to Sofia , and adds that If ho arrives there ulllinn Aus trian escort Ku sla will Invite Austria to keep her hands air. A man who can spoil.his own name , and yct'novor wrote a line for lloii. , , , ONE DAY ONLY ! Two Mngulflcout , Complete ICxhtbltlttons at Omaha , Monday , July II SlBllTTS NEW UNITED MONSTER SHOWS A Two Million Dollar Consolidation or Wild Ilon t Ctriivnus : , Museum 1'rodUles , Circus Champions , 1'roccssloiml Triumph * . Ilrond- sword Combatants , "Wild Wust" Kcmtnrcs , BtnKU fc'eiisiulous , and lllppodrnumtlo Splen dors. STUPENDOUSLY llEINFORCED vltb. Europe's Startling Phenomenon , in in THE ° OG FAGED JU'JUf Russian Boy ! 200 S3J-UNPARALLED STAGE fiMAZEMENTSJgl - EnpHsh ami Kentucky Thoroughbreds IN SOUL-ST1UIUNO CONTESTS. Broadword Combats on Horseback Grandest Herd of Elephants on Ameri can Soil. Including "Bismarck" mid "Juno , " the Mon- nrclis of Orulu Creation ; "Doo" nnd "lion lltitlor , " pruroclous Kluplmntini ! Cfowru , and the only llaby Klorihnnt on tliu Continent. Most Dazzling and Faultless Exhibition Ever Conceived by tha Genius of Man. SMJ tlioSuinnliicus nnd Sun llrljrlit STHULT I'AHAUK , ut 10 o'clock , m. Extra Clmrgu to Scu JO-JO Itcsorveil Cushioned Openi Clmlra nt tlio Usual SllKlit Advance. 3 1'crformnnco Dnlly Doors Open nt 1 & 7 p.m rorforiiinnccH bcfrln an hour later. Council Hinds. Tut'Silny , July 12th. CllUUOii NOTICES. United Presbytmian. Park avenue and ( rant street * . Preaching at I0 : : > 0 a. m. and 8 p. m. , by Kov. Jlcmhirsou. Sunday school at 12 m. All are welcome. First United Presbyterian , 012 North Eighteenth street , Ilev. Kdwln B. Graham , pastor. Public worship at 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. m. Snhbath school at noon. Subject In the morning : "Tho Civil Sabbath. " Park Avenue Presbyterian , Troxell's hall , Leavenworth street , near Twenty-sixth. The Kov. .J. W. Wilson will preacli at 10SU : : B. m. and the pastor , Kov. John ( iordon , at 6 p , m. Sunday school nt noon. Scats free. North Presbyterian , Saundcrs stieot , Key. Wm. It. Henderson , pastor. Proachlnt ; at 10:30 : a. m. by the pastor. No uvtuiliiK ser vice. Sunday school at. noon. Young pee ple's meutini ; at 7 n. in. Straugeis made welcome at nil the services. Orclmnl Hill Presbyterian , Felton's hall , on West Hamilton street near l.owe avenue. Sunday school nt : t p. m. Preaching by Kov. Josiah Miller at 4 p.m. llubldenls ot the neighborhood cordially invited. Central United rresbyterlan Presbyterian , Seventeenth street between Iodfo and Cap itol avenue , { services nt 10'M : a. m. and 8 p. m. Services conducted by Kov. Clinton Kiddle , of Diinbar. Neb. Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday evenlncs nt H o'clock. Younz pconlo's prayer meeting at 7l.r : > Sab bath evenings. All arc Invited. First Congrpcatlonnl , 1710 Capitol avenue. Service tit 10SO : n. m. .Service Ird nnd preaching by the pastor , Kov. A. F. Shcrrlll. Sublect : "Tho Clmnlaurjua Assembly. " Sabbath school at noou. All aio welcome. No evening service. Presbyterian , corner Dodco nnd Seven teenth streets Kov. W. J. Harsha , pastor. Services 10X : ! > a.m. nnd S p. m. Morning : Keceptlon of new memuers and communion. Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting nt 7:15 : p. m. Calvary Haptlst. Preaching at 10:30 : n. m. by Kov. A. W. Clark. Subject : "Tho Karly Lifo of David. " Evening service at 8 o'clock. Subject : "I ) olive ranco from llond- OBC , " Sunday school at 11:45. : All are cor dially Invited. Kov. F. W. Foster will preach nt South Omaha nt 4 p. m. Unity , corner of Seventeenth nnd Casi streets , Kov. W. K. Copulnnd , pastor. Ser vice at 11 a. m. No Sunday school. Subject of morning sermon : "Sunday Amuse ments. " This will ho the last service until next September. Important business meet- lim ntclosu of service. . ' . II. I/ . House lloth-Kdcn i.'nptlst , Kov. / , pas tor. Proaclilng bcivlro nt 4:15 : p. m. at Ht Mary's avenue ConKretratlonal church. Suu < day school nt ! t o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Strangers welcome. Seats l'no. Suuard Street A ) . E. , Twenty-second and Seward streets. Uu Sabbath evening Kov. C. W. havldiro will preach a sermon to tha barbers. All bat here cordially Invited. St. Mary's Avenue Conirrezatlunal. Ker. Wllhiril Scott will preach both morn Ing Q evening nt 10:30 : n. m. nnd Sp , in. Sunday school at noon. All welcome. Southwest Presbyterian. Kov. David K , Kerr , pastor. Services nt 10:30 : a. m. nnd 8 n. m. Morning subject : "JIls hand clave unto thu sword. " Kvi'iiliig : "Piohlbltlon of tha IilritiorTrnfllc a Necessity. Sabbath school nt noon. Young couple .4 nifetltiL' ot 7iU > p , in. All anwelcome. . Church corner Twen tieth and Lcnvunworth streets. PKK.STON-ln this city July 8. Jessie Eliza beth , daughter of the late William T. nnd May Preston , nged a yeai * . JMinrral to-day nt''iM ' n. m. from the rest dwico of K. A. McClure , Oil South Nine teenth street. Friends Invited. ' A Hftp | > ) Olil Clown. From the Xuw Orleans Piuayuno : Ono of the happiest iniiu in New Orleans to-day is Colonel Jui : Uieo , who is herewith with his Tuxnu lirld on thuir way to Cincinnati. The Teteriui uhowiinin up- iiunrri to hitvn runowcd his youth , HO line In ! looks. The slorv of IIH Hfe ( which hnsbeon ti rcmurkiiblo one , Is soon to bo published in book form , Ills visit to'thii yrstnrdiiy was for the purpose elK K for this book HO mo of the mi in' ipodotrs about himself from the of the J'icnyuiiothirty mid forty .yeirs hack' , when ho was the modi popu lar ciroits iimn ID America , l < 'utnl I'pwdvrKxplnnlon. Coi.nxuilA , S. C. , July 'J. By-fi prematuf'i 'ctfploMou of ctant powder while being used In ulnMIni ; rod ; to-day on the Carolina road mnr. UaUuba river , one. white nun nod oiilit nr-gmesm'tc Instvitly killed.