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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1887)
. "niMPPJUMMPm . jiii iiiuijiii * B pi iit r.ii' " - il/r f F * - - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- SUNDAY , .TUM 10. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. 8 Advertlicmonts under ( hit head,10 cents po hie for the first Insertion , 7 cents for oftth sup sequent Insertion , andL50n line per month No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents lor the first Insertion. Seven words wll j"bo counted to the line ; they must run consent * tlvolv nnd must DO paid In advance. All adver tisements must bo handed In before 1 : ! o'clocit p , m. , nnd under no clrcum tances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these column and nav- Ing the answers addressed In care of TUB HER will please nek for a check to enable them to get their none will bo dcllvtred exccnt on presentation of check. Alt answers to adver tisements should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns are put ) , llshcd In both morning and evening editions of Jho lire , the circulation of which aggregates more than ' ° 00 Vnvrn , , dally. and gives the advertiser the Fientflt , not only of the city circulation of The J\tt but also of Council Bluffs. Llacoln , nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this Pr * ° f the wo t . HONEY TO LOAN. M ONI'.Y to loan , no commission. Cole , 316 S 15th. .760.000 . TO LOAN nt 6 per cent Llnahnn L Mnhoney , 1509 Farnam. 179 CPKH CF.NT Money. D U. C. Patterson. 15th nr.d Harney. 181 1500,000 to loan on real estate. No delay. $ Ilftrrlii Sampson , 1518 Douglas st. g53 M ONEY TO LOAN-O , F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam su , To loan on Omaha city property nt8 $600,000 per cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Ilia. 1 (0 ONF.Y TO LOAN-On city nnrt farm prop. M erty , low iato § . Btowort * Co. , Hoom 3 Iron bank. lit to loan to parties wishing to bullJ. MONKY Campbell , 310 S IGth St. , Chamber ot Commerce. 760 MONEV to loan , cash on dolny. J. W. nnd E. U Squire , 1413 Farnam st , Tax ton hotel building. 1 ' 2 MONEY TO LOAN-Loans of $10 to JIOO made on furniture , pianos , hnrscl , wngong , etc. , without rotnovnl , J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , [ 32 Farnam Btrcot , over llurllngton ticket office. W2 nugy MONEY TO LOAM on Improved city prop erty In Hums of fl.OOOto ffi.OOO nt super cent Interest , bliolcsi Crumb. 167 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; J.U. no commission charged. Leavltt Dura- bam , Hoom 1 Crolghton Hloctc. 173 MONEY to loan on Improved city property nnd farms from 11,000 up , nt lowest rnto. Apply to Win. O. Lonch , Heal Kstuto Agent , 1509 rarnam. 6c4JylU MONKY TO LOAN-On city property In sums of (500 and upwards at lowest rates. Money klways on hand. S. 8. Campbell.310 Bouth Sixteenth street. 1C8 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property at current rates. Large loans on glltrdgod business property. Pee us. Marshall & i.o- beck , 1509 Fnrnnm. Telephone 73. 2S1 LOAN Money Loans placed on Improved - proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. ICth and Chlrngo sti. 175 MONEY to loan on Improved city property at 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have a complete set of abstract books of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 320 S , 15th st. 176 FIFTY Thousand dollars to loan to parties winding to build. ( M.OOO to loan on unimproved city property , f 100,000 to loan on Improved city property , Ppcclnl rates for the next 30 dnys. Odell Ilros & Co , , cor Fnrnam and 18th. 152y29 | MONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed Sc Co.'s Loan Office , on furniturepianos , horscs.wagons , personal property of all kinds , and nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 19 8.13th. over Hlngham s Commission store. All busl- ncis strictly confidential. 180 MONFA" TO LOAN-bytho nnderslgned , whc has the only pioporly organlrcd lonn agency In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to $100 madi on furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wagons machinery , &c. without removal. No delays ! All business strictly confidential. Ixjnni so made that any part can bopald nt any Irno.each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance : inodn on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persom. should carefully consider who they nro dealing with , as mnnv new concerns are daily coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. n. Croft , Room 4 WUhnoll Building 15th and Harney. 177 milK OMAHA Financial Exchange. * - Ii'.wcorner of Harney nnd 15th sts. over State National bank. Is prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or real state. Long time loans madoon Improved real eitati t current talcs. Purctiano money mortgages negotiated. Becurcd notes bought , sold or exchanged. Bhort tlmo loans in ado on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collators' rates. llenl estate to exchange for good interest Clenornl financial business of all Kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans oi Any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity , Corbott , Manager. 173 BUSINESS CHANGES. WANlRD-Genoral for Nebraska for World Type Writer (10. Iliipkl , simple , easy to ute. Writing equal to (100 machines. A good business for live man. Address Day ft Lester , 35 Murray St. , New York. 5-2-9-16 FOll BALK Grocery store in good location , and doing good business. Hcanon for lolling other business. Apply 1024 Douglas st. 450 12 * TTOH SALE Ono ot tbo best paying saloons J. In city. Parties moaning business ad * dress at once , U 33 , Hoe ollleo. 453 10J T710H HALE-Stockof groceries nnd fixtures , J- splendid location , cheat ) rent , good reason for selling. Address U27 , Hoe ollleo. 119912 ] OAHK business chnnce : for Kale , the stock , Av fixtures and good will of a first-class cloth ing more doing n good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling tbo owner has other und more important business. Parties meaning business may address U. IB , Bee ofllco. IH'J T710H SALE-IO shares of stock In the Omaha JLoan und llulldlng association. Addreis XT17 , Ileoofllce. 346 1IJ FOH SALE-A No. 1 saloon , Ice box cheap , at No. lUMFarnamst. ! ! 7 PECULATOHS opportunity. Information on stccksonlv tefcgraphr-d'unficr code to nny subscriber. E , Sherman Fitch , 10 Wall St. . N. V. 712Jy 23 * TTOH 8ALE-Or rent , hotel A choice open- Jing. . Particulars , address , B. II. Wllae , Oeccoln , Nebraska. 953 Jy llj "fclOH BALE Boot und shoo stock Including J. 5 years louse of Here , best location In Btato and city. Address T10 Hco office. 475 Jy 17 TpOIt HALE A Mrlt-chiM hotel property , two X' Htory brick In excellent location and doing an exlenslvj ouslnesi. For particulars ad- drees It. a Lilly , real estate dealer , Broken llow. Nob. 158 21 FOH 8AM1.-A good hotel In the live town of Chadron doing a good business on very easy terms. Full particulars by addressing M. It l.angworthy. Lask , Wyoming. 71J jy 22J " \\TANTr.D--A partner with pome cash to ' iiusli a paying Omaha mtnufuotory. Ad dress U 3D , lice offlco. 4bl IOJ \ \ 7ANTKD-Parttier , (200 ; ( To dally. Otfl 10th et. 60Ja8 _ 17011 * SALE The only nailery running In Col- 4. umbui ; population 5,0uo. Will sell half In tefest to right man or hire good man , Address Uor 575 , Columbus , Neb. 6M-IO' FOK SALE-A first-class bakery , good lo cation and big trade. Only ( JOa Address. Box i..1 ! ? , Aiapahoo , Neb. 587 1U fOll BALE Mont market tools , Ilituree , Jhorio and wag-on , eIT ) thing complete. Good locution ; good trade. Address U 4fl. Hoe. TCMaugBj \\7ANTKD-A man who will Iiivo < ra"fow vi thoustnd dollars In an Iron iminufaitorv now earning 35 percent. Prefer ono who will duvote till tlii'C totha buslnms. Address 17 39 , Ucnaitlco. _ 481 itlj 5'MTsiNFSSChances 'Farnis In NoTraska and 'lowa , elevator.- ' , stores , merchandise , hotels , oil lands , wild lands , bakery , Omaha lots , fur niture. phnuton'cto. , lor sale and exchtnro. Kecord Adt Co. , 1513 Varn m. 54 10 FOH EXCHANOE-A stock of hardware" Council llluffs for Omaha r al estate. A , II Coinslocli. l&a Fiirnam it. M3 _ " \\rANTED Parties who desire to buy or iell or exchange stocks of general merehan * dlio. dry goods , grocerlr * , bootn and hut > , hardware , diugijo\\elry Improred or Unlm- provol town orclty property , Impcovodor un- brovo < t farms In any piirt of the linlted btatn , loaddroii hrautt i Focjer , 3l S , 16lb st. MI FOH 8ALE-A good buslncii ; imall capita rcnulred ; good reasons for selling , Ad fcrsT44Heoomcc. 710 F IOH fALK-Lnw library , cheap. Wheeler * Wboiilcr , Douglas aim 15th si , 941 WANTKI--Partner to start restaurant , ci gar nnd fruit business best location In the 'city. Address P. O. box KB , Omaha , Neb , 531) ) IQj FOK SALK A boarding house and furniture , doing good business , 40 boarders , good reason for soiling. Call at Currlo ft vellum , 16th and Capitol avc , Kxposlton llulldlng. 339 PERSONAL. T > EnsoNAL9.50wlllbuynrJocorntcddlnner X ict consisting of nine tea plates , nine din ner plnlcs , nine sauce dishes , nine Individual butters , two open vegetable dlahcs , two plat ters , ono oovoiod dish , 1 butter illsh. 1 gravy boat , ono sugar bowl , ono cream and nine t" cupi and saucers. ' 1 his set Is decorated In dif ferent colors , and Is n big bargain at above price. Wo can make this wnro up In sets to suit customer * . Call and sue It at Moody' ! China store 803 North 16th street , corner Dnf en- port. C3U-10 rjr.HSONAfj-Call at Mrs. M. E. Mitchell's for L fine fancy work materials , 011-10 * PEHSONAL.-8hould thn , by chance , attract the attention ot n refined and congenial young lad/ , who desires the acquaintance of an honorable gentlemen , having like qualities , she Is rospcotf ully invited to answer , and the same will bo treated In strictly confidential and most courteous manner. Address , "U. 51 , " Omaha Hoe. C42 10 T > FHSONAIj-Mrs. Narmoro , formerly of the X conservatory of muslo of Pcorln , HI , , Is now prepared to give lessons on the guitar nt 17IU , Chicago St. 018 10J TKK8ONAL Ladles or gentlemen wanting JL good board , with or without rooms , for short or long time , cnn find good accommoda tion by culling nt 604 S 16th. Ml 10 PnUSONAL-If you want n desirable , cen trally located office you can find It at 318 B 15th st. 876 T > EltSONAL-Prlvato homo for Indies during J. confinement , strictly confidential , Infants adopted , address U 12. lleo ofilcn. 42.a5 Mrs. Dr Nannl * V. Warren PERSONAL . Medical and buslneit Medium Boom Mo. > , 121 North ICth it. .Omaha , Neb. 183 FOUND. FOUND Pocket book on Dodge Btrect near Patrick place. Inquire Hurman LnMotto. LOST. T OST. On July 4 n small Swiss gold watch JJ with fob nnd chain of ancient coin. Any Information lending to its recovery , or the re turn of the watch to Dr. Ludington , 2008 Hurt strcut , will bo suitably rownrdod. 0,14 10" STR.AYEO or Stolen Light bay 4 year old 'colt , had both cars split nt top , white spot in forehead , nnd white hind foot. Finder will please leave him at now city hall building nnd be rewarded. (11311 LObT Ulack nnd tan dog with collar this morning ; reward given ; return to 18J2 Hurt st. 518 14J LOST July 4a dark red cow with white spots. Finder will please return to owner , 15tn and Douglas and get reward. N. U. Falconer. 501 LOST Mastiff punpy , yellow color , black points , leather collar about his neck with no marks on It. Itoturn to 1311 Fnrnam st , and rocolvo good reward. J , A. Itoblnson , of Itob- Ir.son & Oarmon. 574 llj LOST Saturdiy afternoon , ono big bay horse. A. II. May no. Orchard Hill. He- turn to N. W. cor. 15th and Harney. 879 SUVENTY-S'IVE dollars' reward. Strayed or stolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , a largo roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing bt- tween 1,300 end 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown mane nnd tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen $25 will bo paid for return of animal to owners nt 1)0 ) S 14th st.and if stolen the heriff of Doug las Co. will pay a reward of | 50 for the nrrost and conviction of the thief. 696 LOST On Eighteenth , Sherman ave or Draco St. , "Spoclftcntlons. " Please return to 110V4 North 16th St. , or P. J. Crcedon , architect opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and builder. 348 STOWAGE. STORAOK Omaha Storage Warehouse , cor 13th nnd 1/nrd , ample facilities for storage furniture , wagons , etc. Low rates , advances made. Issue warehouse receipts. 4'JJ iiug C , T/UHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th Pt J 18i _ TOHAGK First-class storage for nice iur- nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-flt. 186 CLAIRVOYANT. Mils. DDIIANT Clnrlvoyant from Hoston.ii reliable In all affairs of life , unites separated lovers. 823 N. 18th St. room 1 691 jy28 | MISCELLANEOUS. will probably bo 20,000 or more nt- X tending the North Ncnraska soldiers' re union nt Norfolk Aug. 21-27. Parties desiring booth privileges on the grounds for any repu table business should address W. H. Wldaman , Norfolk , Neb. C50 16 _ IO F.XCHANOK For good family horse and phaeton , 80 acres ot land , f rc < 9 from en cumbrance , within three miles of county seat. Chas. P. Benjamin , 1512 Farnam st. 555 f ASH buyers of furniture , stores and house- \J hold goods don't go to the long time high priced stores , they go to 117 N 18th. 547 nug 7 FOR Trade City property , for a stock of gioccrlcs. Harris & Sampson , 151(1 ( Doug- Ins st. 603 12J _ rpo EXCIIANGE-South Omaha lot fre from X encumbrance for span of good horses. Chna. P. B onjnmin , 1512 Farnam st. 5M M ONKV talks tor furniture nnd household goods at 117 N 18th , Your price for cash , 648 Rug 7 FOR TRADE Farms , city lots , stock of mer chandlse , etc. Purrott & Williamson. 14tb Douglas. 2S5 TF. W1LLKTTS Trained male sick-nurse. Telephone 376 , Y. M. C. A , rooms.n rilAKK NOTICK-W. 0. King & Co. . House JL Moving and noising , address 1320 Pierce st. 749j83 OF.8S pools and vaults cleaned and dead animals removed by John Nelson , garbage collector for 4th ward south of Douglas st 1415 Ilarney st Telephone 5X > . CUJJySJ FORRHN1Square Piano ( J montftlr. Bospo. 1613 Douglas. 187 TO parties having houses for rent. Itentnl Agency. Hcnawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- office , We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCague Ilros. 188 T71UR KENT Organs , ( J per month , iiospe. JO 1613 Douglas. 187 Ol. C.-Houio furnishing goodi , all kinds : caih or installment ; lowest prices at J. Donnar , 1J15 Douglas st 189 Foil RENT fqtiare riano , ( i montnlr. A Home. 1613 Douglas. 1B7 XF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to /.Ferguson's. 715N l th. 180 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOIt SALE Family horse and phaeton cheap. Address U 41 Ueo. 575 11 "I ? OK 8 A1.B Medium sized second hand safe. -T Apply to Crun * lira's Hfg Co. 619 -I710H HALE-Horso and buggy. 20 H P boiler -L' H p engine , all on easy terms. Corner 13th and tzard. 435 13j 17Kll SALE Scnrrnl pieces of furniture , a J-1 parlor sot and stoves , at209 North llth St. , city. 377 10 FOH SALE-Span of nice young horses. For silo on tlmo payments. M. F. Martin. 274 FOH tiALE l'urnlturo of B rooms with privi lege of lease of bouse , 707 S. 14th St. 209 IJ10JI SALE Furulturo and lease f six rooms -I ? in flat , 507 S. 13th it. Hoom No. a U ! jyl5 OH SALE-Hotnl furniture for S4 rooms nt a bargain ; 75 ctrady boarden : reason foi lelllng 8lukuu 4. Inquire at Pacific house , 208 N 10th it. 526 lOj "IjlOHSALE A four chair barber ehop In B igood location. of . . - - good Inquire Melcholr Broth- era. Ilia Farn am it , 0 in aha , Neb. 621 IOJ SALE Ono iTToot upright blaci walnut - nut tbow ca < e. Milton Hogon i Hon. 909 POIl SALE Span fine matcheil bay driving hortea. C. F. Harrison , 413 S 16tb it. 67f Oil SALU- F _ Studebaker buggies at Beamtu'i ; . t > tudcbaker phaetons at Seaman'i. Stud bHkerCHrriages at Scimnu'i. btudebakor iprlng wagoni at Soamsn' ! . 8tudeb kor draft wagons at Seaman's. Corner of Farnam aad llth its. Fly * or lotJi Just received. t i jy 24 , , . . jt * -it . WAN Jte 'KALE HELP. ANTED A flrsl class , getitcol , manly Car- bor ; first-class wages to the right man. W. I. Hill , Wahoo , Nob. ( ttJ Hj _ WANTED Three young men of Intelli gence and business ability. J. M. French t Co. , room 10 , Hushman block. 834 16 _ WAN.TErlntroad ! ! laborers for Colorado : wape * for teamsters ( .M per month and inard ! steady work. Albright's Labor Agcnny , 120 Farnam. 63T W ANTED-Hroora makers , Queen City Broom Co. , 8lou Falls. Dak. 613 U * WANTED--A good lister and cor tor. Apply nt once , Frontier Steam Laundry , 1512 toward st. 688 11 * _ WANTED A good blacksmith by Frank White , Waco , Vork , Co. , Nob. 500 11 WANTKDHood man to put In stock gen eral merchandise : small country town. Store rent (10 per month : house frne ; small capital required. Address postmaster. Foitor , Sco. 6'JI 14J _ \ \VANTKn- laborers for Colorado , $2 per * T dity , frco pass , company work , steady and sure pay. Mro , Brcga & Sen , 310 S 15th st. , upstairs. C21 IOJ WANTED Traveling men visiting harness nnd shoe trade , to sell our goods. Liberal commission. Samples light. Saddlery hard ware nnd whip drummers preferred. National ilarnoss Oil company , Detroit , Mlcb. 580-13 * WANTED Immediately , first class bread baker. No. 10JS N.21th St. 674 llj WANTED-M men for Wyoming : wages 93 , t'.25 and t'i M per day. Frco fare. K. S. Albright Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 31S WANTKD-IO bricklayers , corner 20lh and Harnoy , wages (1.50 for U hours. H. E. Llvoscy , Omaha. 653 14J WANTKD-Agents-World Typo Writer (10. Itapld , simple , easy to use. Writing equal to (100 machine * . Big proflK Send for circu lars. Day k Lester , 35 Murray St. , New York. 25 2-9-lfl WANTED A good salesman to solicit orders from business men ( no canvassing at resi dences ) . In ench town In the south nnd south- wc'st. Wo solicit loply ftom good men , who wish to earn n salary of not less than $25 a week. M. D. P. Co. , 18'Pearl St. , Orand Haplds , Mich. 507 13J W ANTED Ton first-class cornlco men. Ap ply nt new court house , Council lllulfs' 452 10 WANTED 45o per hour for peed stone cut ters. Apply to W. H. Tylor.Lhicoln. Neb. WANTED Immediately two first class bur- bers. CO percent orJ12 guaranteed per week. C. H , Pastel. Kearney , Neb. 52910J WANTED An energetic man to take orders for coffee and teas by a first-class house. Address U45 Hco office. Oil 10 \VANlED-Agents for Hill's Album , the > most popular book published. Hoom 7 , Arlington Hluck. 6JI10 * WANTED-25 laborers , 2 per day. First National Hank. Omaha. 42010 * W ANTED 27. laborers , f" per dny , corner lltn nnd Howard. 42110' VI7ANTED 50 voting men or Indies cif bust- ness qualifications for canvassing ngonts , S'llary 12.50 or over per day Mrs. Drogn & Son , 316 South 15th street , upMalrs. 6 0 10 WANTED-2 gardeners , near city ; 2 farm handfi , and afow laborers In city. Mrs. Droga & Son , 310 S. 15th. Upstairs. 291 12 " \1TANTEO Laborers of nil kmds.mechnnlcs , V T clerks , etc. , to fill vacancies. City Labor Agency , northwest corner 10th and Farnam , ground floor. 267 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED--A good , steady , experienced housekeeper ; good wages paid. Appl. nt once between the hours of 4 nndfio'cloe p. in. at 101 N. 9th st. Lulu Hogors. B3412 * " \VANTKn 4 dining room girls for Council Bluffs. 10 for city , * 4 and 15 per week ; 2 chambermaids for South Omnhn ; second cook for Kearney ; dishwasher for Central City , fares paid ; 1 polisher , f2 ; ono lady's clothes Ironer , t'l ' ; 3 boarding house cooks. t5 : 1 pastry cook ( woman ) $10 ; lady canvassers , f..SI per day ; 5'j girls for general housework , 13.50 to f > per week. Mrs. Iliogn & Son , 316 S 15th. 58210 WANTED-Good dining loom girls for the city , 10 cooks. Wniros from to to $7 per week , Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport et 520 10J \\7ANTED-A girl for general housework , ' southeast corner California nnd 20th sts. , good wngos , small family. 554 AVANTED-A good girl for general housework - ' work , must be good plain cook. 1917 Cass Bt 510 W ANTED At once , a good negative re toucher , lady or Kent , nt Hcyn's gallery. 5V5 W - for general housework in small family. Address 1906 Farnam. 500 11 W ANTED First-class second girl. Apply Mrs , J. 8. McCormick , 202 North 18th. 599 11 * WANTED-AtSOS N. e2dst. , n girl for gen eral housework , must bo a good plain cook and laundress. 517 11 * WANTED Good female cook at 912 Douglas 571 -A good girl for general housework - work at 108 B. 25th St. 428 12J WANTED A good nurno girl at 10 So. 25th St. 360 llj W "ANTED-Cook at Emmet house. 873 W ANTED Two girls at Doran house , 422 B 18th St. , near St. Mary's ave. 024 \VANTED 25girls for general housework. Apply nt City Labor Agency , northwest corner 16th and Farnam , on ground floor. 260 \\7ANTEn 2 dining room girls nnd chambermaid - maid for Sodn Springs , Idaho , (20 ; second cook for Kearney and dishwasher for Central City. All fares paid. For city , 2 pantry girls , 10 dining room girls , $4.00 nnd (5.00 ; 3 scrub girls , 4 dishwashers , 1 polisher , (12 ; 2 good second end girls , 1 nurse , 4 plain cooks ( women ) and M girls tor housework. Mr a. Ilrega Ac Con , 310 South 15th Bt. 62.1 lOj WANTED A woman to do general house work , none need apply unless n first- class cook , good wnges to right party , 1818 Webster. 165 SITUATION WANTED. f\7ANTED-Sltuntlon , young Indy Ftcno- grapher , first-class ability nnd three years experience , wants position In first-class house at good salary. Florence Irving , 676 W. Madi son St. , Chicago , III f Answer stating snlaiy given. 041 lOj WANTfiD-ny nn experienced business man , n situation ns bookieepor , clerk or salesman In a first -class house ; salary no ob ject. City references. Address U 50 , Hue ollico. 64713 * WANTED A position as clerk In a first-class hotel ; had experience ; can give refer ences. Address , A. L. Farrnr , Fairfax , Mo 646-11 * WANTED Situation In hardware , stoves , etc ; tenycar experlence ; best references ; prefer [ some small town _ _ Harry Winn , Conn cil Bluffs , Iowa , core H. McKenzlc. 648-12 * S UPPIiVof girls at the new employment of- flee. 509 N. 19th St. 005 U * rpo the Huslnoss Public and Others We can JL lurnlsh you with good responsible help , such s clerks , bookkeepers , engineers , yardmen - mon , Bremen , porters and help in any capacity , trade or occupation. City Labor Agency , N. W. cor. ICth and Kariiam 634 11 NOTlOB-We have 25 girls waiting for posl- tlons such as dining room girls , nurses , housekeepers nnd general servants. Call and lufXe your application at once. City U > her Agency. N. W. cor. 10th and Farnam. 6'C110 WANTI'.D-Wo have situations for 8 dining room glrh , 10 girls for nice private fam ilies , n cosKs. 1 nurseand ono nice girl fofac tory wc-k. City Labor Agency , N. W. corner lutb and 1'arnain. 5j'j " \VANTED-Ily young man of experience , T work to dn evenings. A sot of books pro- ferrcd. U47. lleo. C3315J AN BTporlonoed bookkeeper , ago 25 , with tlrst cms * references , wants u position about August I. Address U 48 , llee. oJUIJ W ATTrTlD artuaTion by young married man prefBt olllce work. Have kept books , best of rotorencts and bond if required. Would accept position with view of bettering condi tion after having ruined experience. Tor the present addrttsK. T. tiudd &Son , 1523 Furnam st , Oraalia. 57 : iij \irANTKD-A Hrst clnTi dressmaker would T like a few engagements In private farail- lei. Address UZtlice. . 431 llj tyo CONTHACTORB-Wo are prepared to fur- Jniih any kind of laborers you want. City I.nbor Agency , n w cor , 18th and Farnam. Ground floor. 263 WANTKD Hy cxprilenced drcrs maker to do family sowing at residence * 1205 N , lilt lUoet. ' 643 lOj W "ANTEDSituations for 10 girls for general houscwotlf. i'City Labor Agency , ir w cor. ICth and Fafoiitin' ' . Ground floor. ' . ' 63 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS WANTHD. Suiall hou "oT > r parTof house In respectable lofftllty. Two In family. Address - dress 05J lice. * ' ' 653 18 * WANTED-MonWjbo believe that Americans should rukiAmerica , and who favor re stricting forclgrl thifnlgratlon , to read Mini- yon's Illustrated WorKI , a IB-pnio papers shows how Americans nro crowded from shops , stores , factories , mined farms and olllccs by foreign ers : how wages nro coduccd , manhood degrad ed , and laws are defied ; denounces the present naturalization laws and alien landlordism ! tells how to join the 'American party , which now has a membership of nearly 800.000 ! three months f roc.Scnd lOo to pay for mailing and we will send the paper for threoi months free. Show tnls offer to your frloncK Munyon's Illustrated World , Philadelphia. Pa. C55-10 WANTED f2S-SO house with watei , good location , within ' { mlle circle. Best ref erences. Address U 40 , Hoe. G28 lOj WANTUD-Second-hand broom machinery , fjuocn City llroom Co. , Blouz Fallla , Dak. WANTED To trade four lots fronting on Lake st. ( two double corners ) for a hnuso nnd lot , Blackburn & Kennedy. 009 10 \VTANTED-Second-hand pony cart and IT harness. Address U 43 , Bee office. 590 11 * WANTHD-One or two looms , furnished , suitable for Ititht housekeeping , near car lino. Address U 40 Bee. 581 10 * WANTED To rent , 6 room house , not over 10 blocks from 12th and Howard , no children. Address W. II , M. , Western Newspaper - paper Union. 57U 10 * WANTKD About (10,00) to assist an estab lished manufacturing business ; Inrgo profit" , choice Investments , rare opportunity. Address IT 39 , Uco ollleo. 431 10J WANTKD-Totradoa nice trackage lot in West Side for carriage , horse , harness , or will sell It cheap , (1 00. Address U 39 , Uco olllce. 481 10J WANTED At once a gentle family horse for riding nnd driving ; also a nice pbao- ton and harness. Address U 39 , Hco ofilco. 481 lOj WANTED To trade n quarter section of line lind ncarlloldrcdge , Neb. , forclty property. Blackburn & Kennedy , COS 10 WANTED To trade nn equity In one or flvo Farnam street lots for n nice 10 or 11- roon. unencumbered residence with nice lot , outhouses , etc. Address U 3t ) , Bee ollleo. 481 10J WANTED 1'lvo or ton thousand dollars cash to aid nn established manufactory. Largo profits and euro Investment. A rare oppoitunlty. Address U 30 , Duo olllce. 481 10J WANTED Orders for all kinds of help , male and female. Canadian Euip , ollico , Mrs. Bregii .t Son , 310 So. 15th. 50110. WANTED To trade one hundred acres of land In Burlington county , N. J. , be tween Now York nnd Philadelphia , for a stock of merchandise or Nebraska real estate. Ad dress U 3V , Bee ollico. 4S1 lOj WANTED To trade n (350 ladies' diamond pin for n family horse , phaeton and har ness : will pay cash difference. Address U 39 , Bee omco. 431 10J FOK KENT HOUSES and LOTS. F ? KENT or Sale 5-room house on North - 21st , st. near Grant. Good cellar , cistern , well , etc. Hont t201 per month. Inquire O H Gnnson , 1403 Douglas. 651 10J FOH HENT A new 7-roomed house with ponrch , well , etc , trees , on S. 17 street , near street car Hue.ApplX to Mrs. Julia Stein , 1111 Douglas st.v , , 307 10 * FOIt HENT 8-rbom house nnd bnrn , Cnpltol avenue , (50 , llrqnnnn & Co. Chamber of Commerce. " 029 11 FOll HENT NJno-rpom ilnt. Furniture for sale : terms basy. ' Twelve-room Hoarding house , 16) per month. Furniture for snlo chdap. Sovon-ioom house , with burn ; lent (35. Fur niture for gale very ulieap. Ten-room boarding house ; good location. Furniture for sale. Two night-room house" , nicely furnished. Ice cream parlor fixtures for sale. Six room fiat. Ptirnlturo for sale. Hoarding housa , near H. Sc M. round house. Seven-room house ; a rare bargain. CO-OPEHATJVB.LAND AND LOT CO. , 657-12 I 05 N , Sixteenth Street. FOH HENT 7-room story nnd a hnlf house on S.'ith street near Chicago. City water and sewer connections , f4U per month. Ad dress p o DOZ 5t , Omnhn. 640 10 * FOH HENT New house , seven rooms , city water and bath , 27th and Parker st. In quire 1709 Jackson St. 3iO 19J F OH HENT Good storeroom nnd cellar. Inquire an premises , 1118 N. 16th fit. 6.KJ 13 * F 10K HENT-House of 5 rooms nnd kitchen. Apply 1207 Pncillo st. 017 10J FOIt HENT New brick house , 13 rooms , nil modern conveniences , flvo blocks from post- office , will be finished on or about July 15. U 36 , Itoo ollleo. 485 10J TjlOH HENT A basement , good plnco for bar- .r bor shop , s. w. cor. 16th nnd Louvcnworth streets. 513 F IOH HENT-8 room house , George 1. Gil bert , Wlthncll building. 459 10 FO H HENT Furnished house of 10 rooms , 171bCnssst. 4U114 * FOR HENT ii store houses on 18th street. 1 now dwelling , 6 lame rooms , two blocks to street earsgood neighborhood , J. H. Pnrrotto , 1806 Chicago. 518 10 J10R 1 llENT-Houso. 6 rooms. 1401 N. 18th St. near Clark. 603 10J FOH HENT 0-room house with summer kitchen , hard and soft water , on Sixth , near Pierce. Inquire at drug store , corner 6th and Pierce A. Cnjor ! , tWl Pierce st. 583 FOR HENT Now house , ton rooms , steam beat , nil Imprvemcnts. C. W. and (1. B Thompson. 314 S 15th St. 73.1 Foil HENT-Nino (9) ( ) room house , 14tb and Pierce. Apply to 617 Eoutb 13th st , V57 F OUHENT-Halt of store. Inquire at 1213 Douglas it. 913 FFOH FOH RENT A fine largo storeroom which will bo unoccupied after August 1st , in the thriving town of Pierce , Pierce Co. . Nob. Address O. F. Koipor , Pierce , Neb. 630 10J FOll HENT New f tore and living rooms on Cumlng st near Snunders st Apply Bar- rls Heal Estate & Loan Co. . 320 S. 15th el. 889 T71OR HENT A basement , good place for -i- barber 16th nnd Leaven- - - shop , s w corner - worth Sts. 816 FOH RENT A store room , 22xCO and base ment of the same size , in n brick building , fultiiblo for gcnernl mercantile business , E. Thclcn. lllslng , Neb. 3(1711 ( FOH KENT A house of 7 roomsbard and soft wnter , (30 a month. Apply to L. Dug- gan , 1112 South 13th st. C61 JjTOR HENT-3-roora house , 703 Pacific. 613 FOH HUNT Two large new stores nnd two Hats of flvo rooms each. City water and gas. On Saunders st. 0. ' W. Cain , i--X ) Ohio st. H12 FOH ilKNT-S room house and barn , 17th and Center sts. , bouse heated by hot water und all modern Improvercots , (05. Al o a 7 room house as above 140. J. L. Welshans , 310 a 16th street. ' 467 T71OR HENT Frontioffice , second floor , I6th JBt , between Kurnum and Harney sts ; F. L. Gregory , ! UO S 15th at. COO FOH KENT Now 6 room houses , pantry cellar , city watertno , , (22 per month. F. Gregory. 320 8 I li8 > ) 607 "T71OH HENT Two brick stores with base- -L' rncntB24th and' ' Hamilton streets. Desir able locution foij dry goods nnd drug store. Flats above if ; desired. Leavltt Ilurnbum , room 1 , Crolghton block , C74 TTtOil HENT Tnrte-roora bouso , 701'i ' Pacific. -C For Hent Sir room house , 11CM 8 71 h , For Kent-Throw room house , 1015 N 2Jth 633 /1HOICE Lot for -Lease. Southeast corner \J 48xhVi l.cuvpnworth and Park avc.or will build to suit tenant. Hobble Bros. 353 F OH HENT-Small office in excellent locn- tion. Enquire of F. Barrett & Co.,314 ! { B. 15tb. M7 FOK KENT-Three room house , 1IO H R 7tb 345 "OOH KENT 3-room house on 14th and -1 ? Pleicests. Inquire at 617 South 12th it , FOH HENT One new ( even-room nouie sit uated on northeast cor of King and Coll. nan t > t. Patrick Bros. , Hoom 2 Arlington block , Ml Jy U FOB KENT ROOMS. llENf. FurnlfUedroonts , 24th t-t. , suitable for two gcntlemciu Within two blocka of car line. M9 12 * FH HENT 2 rooms , furnubod or iinfur niihcd , for light houoekeoping , 1MU Da\en- 1 port . . . ( J3 ll FOH HENT Blcgnntly furnlihod rooms sin gle or ciisultb , with uio of bath ; elcctrlu belli In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner lOlh and Webster. C58 FOH HENT Two furnished rooms , suitable for i or 4 gentlemen. 615 3. 17th BL 6Jd 10 * FOIinENT-noom3at(19. ? 0(3S , til , (20 , . ( H. (15 , (10 , (12 , (10. (1,1. ( ? . (0 , Jy | (18 and (40 per month , liocord Adv. Co. , 1513 Farnam. 633 10 FOH HKNT. Front parlor for two gentle- gentlemen , one block ot postofdco , plcas- ant Fawn. iWi Cnpllol ay * . 645 12 * " 17011 * HENT-Furntshod room In Oreunlg blk. Jcor 13th nnd Dodiro st. Inqttlro of Davis & Hcthcrlngton.MlllardllotcUlilllard room. S91 FOIl HKNT fl nicely furnished rooms over store , 1715 S. 16th st. Kent fill per month. Inquire Leo , Nlchol & Co. , room "J , Wlthncl block. 36411 TTOIt KENT-Elegant furnished rooms with JL1 board. 1621 Fnrnarn si. 312 FOH HENT-Furnlshod rooms , 181 Dodge. 77ftugf * " 171OH HENT Hooms on ground floor for heavy A- storage or tnnnnfncturlng purposes. Hum for 4 horses. Corner 13th nnd Iard. 494 13J FOll HENT-1 room.south front , bath , with hot and cold water , filtered Ice water for drinking. Prlco (25. 1700 Dodge St. fill F IOH HKNT Desirable furnlsncd rooms. 1811 Capitol avenue. & 4J 11J TJ OH HENT Two well furnished rooms with JD flrst class board if desired , pleasant loca tion , private family. BE cor 20th and Farnam. 656 Jylgj FOIl KHNT Nicely furnished front room 22101nrnnin M. 537 llj FOR HENT-Nlcoly furnished parlor , sult- able for mnu nnd wife or two gentlemen , 111 S. l th st. 13J 10 * FOIl HENT-Part of office room. Inquire 12121)ou glni st. 913 FOH HUNT 3 rooms In n flat cor COth and Nlcholes st. 112 Foil Itr.NT A nicely furnished room. Fn- qulro 414 N 10th st , up stairs. fd3 10 FOH HENT Newly furnished front and back parlors , single or suites. ( Ins , bath , mod ern conveniences ; private family ; nenrbusi- nos. 1015 Cap avo. Ml 17J FOll HUNT Front parlor and bed room fur nished or un'urnlahoil , also 2 furnished rooms. Modern conveniences On street car line , SW7 8 24tU Btroot between Furnnin nnd Douglas. U1510J Poll HENT Very nicely and new ly furnished rooms ens ulto or elngle. iuw house with ill niodcrnlmpro\omcnts at > 'UJ , Douglas. FOIt HENT A Blnirlo room for n gentleman ; modern conveniences , 010 N , 17th st. KO 10J FOll HUNT Small furnished room fi per mo. 1707 Cass. 517 FOll KENT Furnished front room , near car line at corner of Dodge and 24th streets , nqulro of A. II. Comstock 1523 Fnrnnm st.W3 W3 | TK > H HENT Furnished rooms with privileges -E of board. 619 N. i'Jth ' st. MO 10J FOH HKNT A furnished room for gentle men ; pleasant and cool , nt bO'J Howard St. 10 per month. 473. FOR HENT Ware room cor. 14th nnd Call- Ifornln on Belt Lino. For particulars on- ulro nt Union Nat. bank. 184 OH HF.NT-2 elegant rooms , nicely fur nished on street cnr line ; modern con- onlcntca. Ucntlcmen only. Excellent locn- lon. UU7 Cuss. 071 FOH KENT Furnished rooms ; now house , nil modern conveniences , 2214 Fnrnam trcot. 41'J 11 * [ T1OII ilENT-Dcskroom. Enaulro Young ft - Blackman. 214 S15th St. 540 OH HENT Suite of furnished rooms for gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th. 960 CTOH KENT Elegant suite of rooms , reforen- L1 cos required , 1C07 Douglas st. 197 F Oil HENT-Furnished rooms 1613 Chicago St. C18 iflj 'OH HENT Nicely furnished rooms , 113 S. 23d , bet Douglas and Dodge. ( BO [ 71OH HENT Furnished rooms at lloson- L ? mund'a , 1013 Farnam Bt. 57B 15 FOIl HENT Furnished rooms nnd board by the day or week , 101 nnd 10(1 ( South Eleventh St. Smith It Thompson. 577 1 * > * [ ' , - > OH KENT Nicely furnished front room , nice Blmdy yard. Call nt 1COJ Hurt st. 58013 * F IOIt HENT-Furnlslicd room , 7. 800 822d st. 509 10J "IJIOH HENT Hoom nnd bonrd for gent nnd A ! wife or two single gents , 2010 California Bt. r.7,1 10J FOIl HENT Largo furnished rooms , gas. heat and all modern Improvements. New house , now furniture , 1707 Dodge strcut. 35i IOH HKN Store room for butcher , 19th and Mason. 2b9 [ 1 > OK HENT Furnished room , 1901 Farnam. 476 llj FOH HENT Furnished room on car line , suitable for two gentlemen , or man nnd wife. 2 US. 23d St. 202 F llENT-Offlco room (10 per month , 2nd floor. 316 S. 15th St. 430 FOll HENT Nicely furnished room , 1921 Dodge st. 196 FOH HENT Nicely furnished room , south front , apply C31 Park a\e. 6.7 llj IlENT-Furnllhed rooms , 714 N. I''th ' st 486 jy 17 * FOB , SA LE HOUSES LOTS. rpIIIHTEEN acres for sale ; sealed bids will bo J-received at the office of A. M. Clark , 1078. 14th St. , until the 15th inst. Said thirteen acres lie ono mlle from the business center of Oma ha , and nre described IIH tax lot 11 , In section 2(1 ( , township 15 , ranco 13 east ; terms , one-third cash , the b.ilnncn to suit. The right to reject nny or nil bids reserved. 03'J iij ; EXTHA Lot on Fnrnnm , Inside , high nnd sightly , sl/.o 50xlS7 , (5,700 , one-third cash. A lot Just cast of It sold recently for (0,000. Fnr mini Is now being pin nd by this lot. J A Hols tnnd , HU Arlington , 1511 Dodge. 519 FIVE room house on 19tli and Ohio , gyod well and cistern , pump in kitchen , (3,000 , easy terms. Currlo & Vellum , exposition build ing. 4W 12 SPECIAL-3 beautiful , high nnd Flirhtly south fronts , cor. Houlovard live , nnd Corby St. , Crolghton cheap you can't help buyIng - Ing tncm. Tlieno lots must be sold , nnd with thn motor cnrs running hard by In a few days , will bo KUIO to prove a good paying invest ment. J. A. Hicstand , H. 9 , Arlington. 1511 Dodge. 619 CHOICE LANDS (5 per acre. (00 makes 1st year's payment on 100 ncros. Write for in formation. W. F Pnlno , Sidney , Nob. C'JOJy2i T1TE have EON oral good lots and a good plcco TV of farm land to trade for a house and lot or for a block of groceries , lllackhurn Ic Kennedy. 81010 npKN acres of high nnd sightly ground l'-5 JL miles west of S-outli OmsTia for sale. ( MX ) per acre if taken quick. Patterson Ilros. 61414 JACKSON ft NA8ON Heal Estate Brokers , No. 1615 Farnam , Buy nnd sell city property. For Palo. 4 choice lots , Snundprs and Lake. 120 front feet , M. Mary's avenue. 2 corner lots on Douglas st. 1 corner lot , Nicholas and Snundcrs. 2 now cottages and lots near Lake. 2 new two story dwellings and lots , all mod ern improvements , centrally located. 570 10 FOH SALE One million aorrs of land In No * brnska , Speculator's landsrailroad lands , ranches , nnd farms in nil parts of the stnto. Send for pamphlet containing descrip tion and prlco of OMT ono thousand farina. A line topographical map of tbo state sent frco upon application. K. II. Andrus , for 10 jours Gcn'l Land Agent I ) . \ M. H. H. l.lgbtb nnd P streets , Lincoln , Nebraska. 240 Pi OK SALE-Cornor lot on Virginia ave with two gnofl houses , cheap at $7,00) . Terms easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. H. U , Campbell , ulO S. 18th st , Chamber of Com merce. 27J FOH 8ALE-A livery barn wltn stable room for about sixty horses , situated In a desir able location , and now doing a good business. Good reason * given for selling. Enquire of or address A. H. Comstock , real estate broker , 152:1 : Farnam St. 207 BIG HAHGAIN Ono hundred foot front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only (9,000. Parian time. V. U Vodlcka , 5W South I'Jth st. 188 \ /KCun soil for a tewilays only ' > . Lot 100 Giso's addition for (4,40) . Lo t7l ( Use's addition , ( < J,3 < . fllock I Hoyd's addition , ( , vr ) . One-third caih , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Kcmlngtou ft McCormick , 22U Houtn 15th it. WE hnvoiomn of the flnenl lands In Neb , tnat wo will exchange for mcrchandlte , located In any part of the statc.corrrsiiondonco Invited. Park , Fowler & Konn&rd , 10J. Fnnmm 493 10 Qrr.ClAI-2 lots. 133x100 , * e cor Kendall's Oaddltlon. just we t of Snundcrs st and Oak Cnatham , only ( I.SUO. Thee lots will make n 9 fronts , one n corner 44xlOX With similar lots In Oak Latham at U , 00 nnd M.OOOt theno lots nro unquestioned bargains. Terms oa y. J , A. Holstand. 119 Arlington , 1511 Dodge. 513 IF you want to buy , cell or trade , call on I * . V. Cm in , WON isthst , 100 lots U of n mlle of U. F. depot for s lo or trade. It-room house for rent. Two ID-room housct for rent , sale or trade. Idlswlldo. Hy 815 L. V. Crum.l''ONlSthst. OK 8ALB-M No , 1 farms within a radius of 20 miles of Omaha , Al < c. a low good bu | . ness chancei In two live town * . J. II. Pllvls , Heal Estate and Loan Agent , Klkhorn , Neb , 679 .Ml * . 8 SPECIAL bantams If sold soon , 5 hih , sightly south front lots In Crolghton Height * . Will sell together or separate. Hart's ( ir at Western Ileal Estate Agency , Crolchton block. S0. RARE chance , for lalo , lot 6 blk 03 South Otiinhn , (2.0JO. Armour has located there and this lot will double in price within the next 90 da ) i. 1'ark , Fowler & Konnard,1C97 Karnnm 48U 10 rpo WHOM It may concern. To parties who X build houses costing from II'AW to ( I.5JO. wo furnish lionutlful building lots In Hcdlck Park requiring no payment of principal for S years. Itcdlck t'ark has city water , 850 maple and elm trees , ! " ! residences under contrnet to build , none to cost less than (1,200. Its streets are gr..dfrt and turnplked U Is within the city limits , opposite Kountro Place , and accessible from blthcr Saundcrs or State. Price of lots until July 1st , $1,000. Wo also offer 100 ft fronting Hitnscom Park , 10,000 , } J to H cash. Cor 100.x 150. Georgia ave. 15,000,12,000 cash. Full lot and 7-room house In excellent condi tion , Parker's add , (3,500. CorMzl.t ( ! , Improved , S llth near viaduct , 710,00(1 ( , Mead * Jnmlcson , Bole Agents , HIS 8 15th st. 718 HEHK Is n bargain. Lots 2 nnd 4 , In blocx 4 , South Oiniimi. ( M ) . Terms half cash and balance easy. Marshall & Lobcck , 1609 Fur- num. Tclophono 7.1. 'isa FOll SALE At a bargain , 640 tore * of first class farming Inud In Howard county , this Mate ; llrst class soils clofo to two lines of rnll lend , nnd surrounded by well Improved farm * , run dlvldo to cult purchaser , nnd will maKe this n bargain If sold quick. Small cash pay ment ; very easy terms. Address Uoorgn N. Illcks , SIS South Fifteenth Blioct. MB J14 SIT-ClAL-Elcgant lot 50x150. Heos place , on 1'urk nvc , a short distance 8 of Leaven * worth , (1,500 , } J cash , bal ensy , cheapest tiling on the avenue. J , A. lllestund , r 0 , Arlington , 1511 Dodge. 51U TpOH SAM : At Hmo Springs. Nob. , two liusl- JL' nesi rooms and ono dwelling , on Main street , on two corner lots. Address , J. C. Herbert , P. O , Uox3 5 , IJlue ( Springs , Nob. BSS 11 P OH SAI.K-Or trade , 25 lots in the western part of Oniiilm near the Ilonson cur line , price ) F4K ( ) ench , $ " 50 duo on contracts payntilu in 8 quarterly imymcnts , will trade Interest In contracts for NcUrasKii Inii'L MoCullouh V Co. , 1MW Fain inn fet. 10JO TOOK hero 10 choice acres 3 miles nw of * city , ut n prlco ( hat will make you money. Owner Is comjxilled to eel ! . Actlvo Hcnl Kptato nnd Property l.'xcnnnjto. 15JI Uodgo st. 6t'J 10 SPKClATi-Ono of the very finest cast front lots In Kllby Place for fl.BoU. The lot next 'o It Is held firmly at J2,30) , while > . corner lot n the novt block. lying no bettor , sold some line IIKO for f-,400. If you want to innko an nvostmont at once consorvntlxo nnd good [ > a > Ing , In the best end of the city , hero Is j our Dportunlty. J. A. Hlostand , It. 9 , Arlington , 511 Dodge. 51'J IMMKDIATR fialo will take 5 lots or loss only 5 or S blocks from Kxchnngo bid and Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen 'IOIMOS under contract In same block. iwant 'hut they are worth. 1 don't wnnt tnncy prloos want to sell quickly. U II. llrnnch. .03 Taken Up. Juno E. A. Tlmnerly , four miles north- ivcst of Irvington , n llttlo buy pony with three ivlilto fcot , hip shut , spavined In ono lilnil leg and blacd fuco. Jo. 24 Jy. } , h , 15,2-J NOTICR to Contractors : lllds will be re ceived until 10 n m , July 27,1837 , for the construction of n porK pacxlnjr IIOURO located nt south Fremont , sulil building to be com pleted Nov 1. 1887. I'luns nnd gprclllcntlons nt ouroinpolnTrlbuno bloi-k. llluht reserved to reject nny nnd nil bids. Fremont Stock Vards and Land Co. , Fremont , Nub. jlO 7t Kewor Proposal * . SRAtiKD proposals will bo received by the undersigned until 11 o'clock u. in. July 14th , 1HS7 , lor construction of sewers , the same being the extension of the noith brunch of the NCI tli Omalm sewer from Its present terminus on iMtli street , north and \\cstto JMtli street , noiir Patrick avenue. Ale Iho south brunch of the North Omaha Few or from near the intersection of 28th uvo- nuo to the south line of Dodge street , as per ordinance No H'C , and In nooordnnco with plans nnd aiiurlltrntlons on Illo in the ( illlia of thoboaid of publlo works. Proposals to bo innUo on printed blanks fur nished by the bonrd.andto boaccompHiilod with n certified ohcuk In I lie gum ol j.WO , pcynblo to the city of Oinuha , us nn evidence of good fulth. The lionrd reserves the right to rojuct any or nil bids ami to wnlvo defects. ST. A. D. HALCOMIIB , Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Neb.Juno2'Jtli , 18S7. JJOjyl-GO Notice. MATTCH of appl cation of McAdnms & Hialo for llqiioi' license. Notice Is hnrobygh en that McAdiims .V Hlsle 1idu ] ) n thoSnlility of July A. I ) . 1887tllotliolr application to the mnyor and city council of Omiilm , lor license to Hell malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors , nt No. 1913 Cumlng street , Klgth ward , Onmnn , Neb , from the llth day of April , 18S7 , to the Kith dny of April , 1HH8. If there be no objection , romonHtranco or pioteft Hied within two weeks from July ! ! d A. 1) . 1887 , the s ltd license will bo gran tod. McADAMS & KISI.B , Applicant. J. B. SOUTIIAHD , City Clerk. jy2-U Notice , MATTKIl of appllcutlon of Henry Hann for liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Henry nann did iiiion the 1st day of July , A. O. 1887 , Illo his application to the major and city council of Unmliu , for license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , at NW cor SUh & Wnlnut street , 7th ward , Omiihu , Nebraska , from the llth dny of April , 1887 , to the 10th day of April. 1HIW. 1C tlioio bo no objection , remonstrance or protect filed within two weeks from July 1st , A , U. loS" , the said licence will bo griintnd. HIINItV HANN , Applicant. J. U. SouTHAUlCitv Clerk. Jy2-U Proposal ! for Oradlna1. SRAI.KI ) ) iroposal8 will bo rocolvuil by the nn- derblgned until 11 a. m. , July llth , 1 ! > 87 , for grading S8tli Avenue fi-om Hurt btrcot to Cali fornia street. In accordance with plans nnd speclfloatlonson fllo In the ollleo ( if the board ol publlo works. Itids will bo made on pi luted blanks furnished by the board , nnd to bo accompunled by a cer tified check In the sum of J5W ) payable to the city of Omaha , us an evidence ofgood faith. The board rcscnes the right to reject any or all bids and to waive detects. ST. A. 1) . rUr.coviiE , Chairman Hoard of Publlo Works. Omaha , Juno 27th , 1887. J-i7Jy'J Tn thn District Court of Douglas County , In the matter ot the estate of linns U. Larson , deceased. The cause o mo on for hearing : upon the petition of Amelia Lai-sen , adinlnUtrutilx of the ( stntoof Hans C. I-iirecn , dcceasc-d , praying for license to sell lot seventeen )17i ) In block cloven ( II ) , In llanscom Place , an addition to the city of Omaha , lor the payment of thooiit- tamllng Indebtedness against the tiloiet-al'l ' citato , the costs of admlnlntrntlon , and tor the support nnd nducntlon of the minor children , thcio not being milhrlcnt personal property to pay the Mild debts , expenses , unU to educate and support the minor children. It U there fore ordered thnt nil persons Inleiemed In suld estate appear bcforoono oftho judged of the district court at the court lioute In Omiilm on the Mh day of August 1KS7 , at 10 o'clock a. m , 'o Hliow cnusinthya llceneo Htmulil not bo grniitdd to said ndmlnletnitrlx to sell the nbovu do- hcrltied real estate of said deceased to pay said debts , KxpoiiTS , nn 1 lor the said Kiipp-irl and Kdncatlon ol the minor children of i-.ili | Hans C. Lurscn. iicL'fiisod , and that this eider bo imtillshed ono il > iy ouch wonk for tour Biii'cos- * Blvo weeks in the iJiiiiihn Dally lleo , Dated thU2 < lh day ot June , 1887. Ily the Court : M. It. Hoi'MviLt , , Juilg * . Legal Notice , State of Nebraska , County of Touglai-8. S. In the district couu of Douirlas county , No- binskii. To wiiiinrn K. I'nlmiir : Von nrc hereby noti fied thntou huvo been tuud in thonlioto namoit court by Annn Palmer. Iho KcniirM nature oi which Is to obtain n dhono from ) on on the groundu ofiulullnry and extreme triU'lty lowiiriU siid iihilntitr , and unless you answer tn Kind potlllon herein Illgd wuliist you on tjnsday on or before Iho ICth day ot Ant- u t , Jbihj , the fame will bo takiin a ) trim , nnd judgment irbudnrod ugalnst you according tn thu petition heroin llltd ngulnst you ihTTUuno 24 , IthT. . AM * i I'II.UKII. Uy J. W. I/\ON . lior Ally. Proposals for Cradlnff. SlIAI.r.n Pioposnls will bo rfcoelveil by , underslgneil until 11 n , m. July 14th. li for grading 2\ih | avenue from Hickory ktr < south to Kd Creluhlon avenue to ntonipori ( _ . . , grade , Innc-conlunco with plans and FitoclflcM . 'J none on file In the ollleo ot the boatd ot public 1 Works. 1 HMs will bo nindo on printedlilnnVs furnlthwl 'I by the board , and to ho accompanied by " celtlllod check In the sum of JVW. payabfo tq the city otOnmhn , asatrcvldoncoof EOodfAltiu 'I ho board reserves the right to reject nny Oft all bids nnd to waUo defcc s , _ _ 'fJ | ST. A. I ) , llAtcoMiiP , JySiWt Chalrninn Hoard of Publlo Works. Noticoi Sealed proposals will bo received until Batur * ' day , July 12th. 13S7. at 12o'ctocK , noon , at tb4t ofilco of the undersigned , for the purohaso of the east 41 fort of lot : i. In block US , city , known as 1413 and 1415 Hartley street , with the bulldJ Ings thereon , The owner reserves the right tO reject nny or all bids. Full particulars upoA application nt the office of 0. W. MOUNT , 81S South 15th Street , Omahfc jutioigdlOt _ Notice to Cotitrnotom. SKALKD proposals will bo received at the omco of the county commissioner ! up tot noon of July 22nd , A. 1) . 1J37 , for bulldlnjr * county hospital In Omaha , Douglas county. Ne braska , nccordlng to the plans ml spoclSOM tlons on file in the county commissioner * olllce. J Knch bid muttbo accompanied by ncertlQM elirok In the amount of Ovo hundred dollars. " The right Is reserved to reject any and allbljfc Ily order of thu board. C. P. NKKDIIAM , County Clerk * Notice of DlaHolittlon , The partnorphlp horrtoforo existing belwcetl F. L. ( Ircgory and 11. H. Hadloy. and known aJ the firm of ( Irogory A Hiulley , llenl Bstnto HrffJ kers , Ii thliiilnydlssolvcd by mutual consent. F. L. nrcgorvwho will continue the buslnettf nt the old stand , will collect all accounts dui the firm mid pny all liabilities. K. I. OUKflOKV , i > 7d1t It. 11. IIAOLKY. _ Notice to Architect * . . rniin Hoard of Public Lands and Ilulldlnirt -L will recoh o plans and specifications at an * time before August 1st , 1SS7 , at 2 p , m. for th * hospital tor the Incurable Insane , nt Ilnrtlngfl Nobrnskn. Building to bo a throe-story brick ) with stone basement , and not to cost over J7S. 000 , Including steam hcutlng and plumbing * . Hlght reserved to reject any.or all plans sue mlttcd. Hy older of said bomd. July 6 , 18t > 7. July 8 to Aug 1 O , K liAWS , Secretary. Wntorworks. SllAM'.D proposals will bo received at m ollleo until 0 p. m. July 12 , 1887 , for th construction and maintenance ot n cnmple syMem of waterworks for the city ot Norf Nob. Knch bid must bo accompanied plans and specifications. The franchise will bo given for twenty-flva years to the lowest and host bidder with propel nnd onultahlo condition ! ! , us to the purchase ol thn system by the city nt the end of the forffll or such earlier date as may be provided fof. " 'roposals must bo sealed and endorsed : "I'M ? josals for constructing waterworks. " > The city reserves the right to reject any ( ft II bids. Uy order of the mayor and elt v council. W. GinilSCKE , City Clerk. J7m\c5t Notlco to Contractors. SRALKD proposals will be received until July 2,1 , 1887 , at thin ofilco for the material and workmanship required in the erection And : omplotlon of n bank , hotel and store building I .o bo built In Ashland. Make bids on bulldlmf ilioxo foundation. Plans and specification ! . 'iin ' bo seen ut the office of Henry Voss , arflhu oct , In Omaha , or at the I'armori & Morcbants ianK , Aghland , The right I. reserved to reject any r jg bWc Ofiico of K. A. Wlggcnhorn , Ashland , Neb. JulySjOt Proposals for DUtrlct I'avtiiK lionrti. City Tronsuror's Ollleo , Oinuhn , Neb. , Juno 2A , 1S87. t SEALED PHOPOSAL3 will bu received utthis ] ollleo until July 25,1987 , at 12,116011 , for OKI iiirchaso ot f 12U.OOO of District Paving Hoods f tno city of Omaha Said bonds are dated i'y ! 1,1S87 , and will bo due in one , two , three , 'our , live , six , seven , eight and nlno years "lorn their date , a s.mllar amount becoming .lue each > car : nre In sums of Mvo hundrea and ono tnotisand dollars each , aud hour inter- } t from their date nt the rate of six per cent- im per annum , payable annually. The prlhM * ml nnd Interest are both payable nt the offic * ) f Kountio Ilros. , la New York. Said bonds nro Issued under tno charter power or of slid city , and will bo delivered to pur * : hnscrB , on payment therotor , at the city rcasury In Omaha on August 1,1887. , Ilnls will bo addrosssd to the undersigned arid marked "Pioposnls for District Paving Honds. " nnd must state the full nftmo and add rets of tno bidder , the amount of snld bonds desired ( r similar amount duo each year from ono to nln > enrs ) , nnd the price proposed to be ( .aid , wit accrued Interest. The right Is reserved to reject any nnd All bids. JOHN HUSH , § lty Treasurof. JU026-d30t Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of I chattel mortgage , dated October 14th , . lt > 86 , nn < duly filed and recorded In the office of the cqun ' : > clerk of Douglas county , Neb. , on the 19th 6 Jctohor , I8SU , and executed by Con. ( liover nnc tttn Mooio to H. J. Abrahams , to secure the inyment of the sum of $48tl.iiO , and upon whjol : hcro Is now duo the sum of 1219.40. Dofaul .laving been made in ono of the conditions o snld moitgiigo whereby the power of sale be ; amo opcrntivo nnd no suit or other proceed ? .ng nt Inw havu been lintltillcd to recover said ilebt or nny part thereof , I will sell the property therein doscilbud , viz : Oni lot of household goods and furniture , nt public auction , on July itOth , 13S7 , at tLo alictlon rooms of A. W. Cowah & Co. . 507 fouth 13th street , Omaha , Nob. , at W o'clock n. m. ot said dny. 7 Jy9-1522-9 H. J. AiillAHAMS.Mortgasee. Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 600,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. RODRPKR , Caihier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 206 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and 16'tli sts. Telephone No 842. Union TrustCo 3O § S. 15111 St. , Oinalia , Nub. Capital , $300,000 Itlmlc on IC nl nutate * Soliool , County and Municipal Bonds No - gotmtctl. W t. A. PAXTOX , L. H. WII.MAMK. Prnsiilcnt. Vlcn Pros , ROUT. L. GAnt.iciisi , F. U. JOIINHOS , Becretarj TTKasuror. DIHECTOHS : W r. A. PVXTOV , HKNICV T. CI.AIUCE , W. G. MAIM. , U H. WiLMAua. Horn1. U GAHt.iciif ) . 8. H. JOHNSON. F. H. Capital $ BOO,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountze , Presldenl. John A , Creighton , Vicc-Presidenl. F , II. Davis , Cashier , W , II. MeTQuier , Asst.-Cashier. 1 Onpitftl Stock . $160,000 . i Litibility of Stockholders. . . . 300,000 Iho only regular savln s bank in the state Hve percent Interest pnlitnn dopositg. LoiineMadoon Kyftl stnto. omo.ns : UtjvC. PrciMent ; J. J. HIIOWN , Pr aldent ; L. M. IlLXNKTr , Manajir./ rector ; JOUN B. Wimun , Cathltr.