Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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lawyers Grinding Onoa More on a Oele'
liratcd Legal Chestnut.
Buprcmo Court DoclMlnns Tlio Htntc
University to llnvo an Armory
and Gymnasium The Utnolia
Motor Incorporates.
frnoM THE nr.E's UNCorjr
Tlio Lancaster district court reassem
bled yesterday morning after the Fourth
of July celebration for the transaction of
fltich business ns might como tip. After
some motions the famous Dawson wll
case was called up ns per agreement.
This case involves a vast amount of
property , and la becoming historic.
Starting in the district court of this
county with one Giles , father-In-hiw of
L. C. Htirr , as plaintiff , ami a largo num
ber of property owners as defendants , it
has been in ull the courts in the land. It
was removed first to the federal court in
Nebraska , from which it was appealed to
the supreme court of the United States.
Kcccntly that court , through Justice
Uratlloy , rendered an exhaustive opinion
on tlio subject , holding that Giles was
not a bona tide plaintiff and that lie hold
tilt ) property in question only as a make
shift , and without consideration ; that tlio
. property had been deeded to him simply
that the case might bo taken to tlio fed
cral court ; that under such clr
cumstanccs it was wrongly in the
United States court and should bo
remanded to tlio district court of Lnn
L cefatcr county from whence it earner. In
- accordance with this order the case wa
called Wednesday morning but council
for plaint'stepped ! ! ! in with asupplonion
tary answer and dilatory proceeding
were once moro instituted. The result
of the case will 1 * looked for anxiously ,
as upon it hangs a largo num
ber of pieces property. L. C. Uurr ,
J. Al. Vroolwortl nud Judge
O. P. Maison appear for tlio
plaintiff , nnd Howard anil Amos am
Mcnuiottc , Dowcso and Hull for the dc
A number of nstornovf have gone to
Crete to attcntl the lawyers' day ex
The following gentlemen were admit
ted to practice : William F. Illaolc , K. V. .
Kockwell and Charles E. Davis.
A In ro Hoard of Education. Omaha ; ar-
gumcnt ordered.
State ox rol Grosshans Y.J Gray ; re
ferred to take testimony anil lind facts.
Tno following causes were nrgued anrt
submitted : Aspiuwail vs Sabin , Dakota
Stock etc. Co. vs 1'rico , State ex rel B. &
M. U.K. Co. vs Scott.
Tlio following decisions were handed
down :
State ex rel C.irter vs School District 49 , Hft-
, line county. Mandamus. Writ allowed.
Opinion by Cobb , J.
Tlio duties devolved upon tiio mem
bers of tiio school tliHliict board , or upon
the moderator and director , by section 8 ,
of chapter 71) ) . compiled statues , can only
bo poriormed by these two olliccrs acting
in conjunction. Any attempt on tlio part
of either of thorn to perform such duties
alone , and without thu joint action of tlio
other , is incllectual and void.
( Unto ox 10 ! liullork vs Hnbcoek. Manila-
iniip. Writ allowed. Opinion by Max
well , Ch. J.
1. Tlio appropriation made by the
legislature , wliero there is no provision
limiting particular cases to a shorter
period , extend to the end of the lirst
fiscal quarter after adjournment of next
regular session.
J. Where an appropriation was made
by the legislature of 1835 for tlio purpose
of sinking a well in the salt basin , and
the legislature of 1887 adjourns sine die
Marchm , 1887 , Held , That tlio appro
priation of 18Si continued in force until
August 81 , 1887. 1'eople vs Sargent , 107 ,
111-101. i'ooplovs LippincottJ 01 , 111 ,
250. People vs Needles , W ) , Id , 075 , ap
proved nnd followed.
State Hank vs Lowo. Error from Saline
county. Itiircrscd. Opinion by Cobb , J.
The net of tlio council and house of rep
resentatives of tlio late territory of Ne
braska entitled "An act to provide for
lions upon live stock for their keeping , "
npproved Foburary 18 , 1807 , examined
nnd held , not to jive a lien upon liva
stock for tholr keeping , superior to tlio
lien of a previously executed , delivered
anil recorded mortgage thereon ,
Bnndwtch Mamif.ietnrlnK compnny vs
Fenry. Error liom Sewnrd county. Un
versed and remanded , Opinion by Cobb , J.
1. Thu evidence examined and hold not
Biilllcmnt to sustain the vcidiet.
3. A verdict so clearly wrong as to in
duce the belief on tlio part of the re
viewing court that it must have been
found through mistake or some moans
not appiuont in the record , will bo set
nsiilo and a new trial awarded.
THK tmvKitsrrr.
Two now buildings are to bo con-
Btructud in tlio university grounds for tlio
butter accommodation of tlio incteased
number of patrons. They will bo nn
wriuory and gymnasium , i'lio armory
Will bo known ns Grand Memorial hall
nnd tlio plans now in preparation in
dicate that it will bo a building worthy
of the honored name it is to bear , The
university grounds 9ccupy four blocks ,
nnd the original building was constructed
ns near the center us possible , The
f laboratory stands on the southeast corner ,
\ nnd it is proposed to put the new buildings -
ings on thu cast side of tliu grounds also ,
thus occupying ono sldo at a timo. All
the Instructors elected at the rccunt
meeting of the regents liavo accented ,
nnd tlio prospect for a largo attendance
is now excellent. Some needed repairs
will bo made on the old buildings during
the vacation , and Chancellor Mnnatt will
gain ideas by .1 visit to HOIIHI of the moro
famous universities in Kuropo. Ho hits
ulrcnily started on Ills journey.
Tlio Schuylor Ituilding and Loan asso
ciation tiled articles of incorporation
witli tiie secretary of state. The princi
pal place ot business is to bo at Schuy-
lor , Nob. The capital stock is sHOO.lXM ) ,
C. E. Sunnier , M. L. Weaver , H.
Sprpdior , Morris Palmer , J. F. Winels
M. T. Itolmnon , C. C. Canon. A. M. Par-
nous nnd Thomas li. Cruwitt compose
the board of directors. No indebtedness
exceeding | 200 , is to bo incurred except
for miichasing real esluto. The directors
nnd two or three others are the iucorpo
Articles incorporating the OmnhaMotoi
railway company woru also lilod. Tin
terminii are to I HI in thu cities of Oumlia
Florence , Millard , Plattsmouth , Factory-
villo. Fremont , Pnpillion. Bolvulero , Nebraska
braska City and thu county west ol
Kensington in Douglas county. Capita ,
BlockSfMO.OOO. 'Iho company may alsc
cuiibtruet and operate struct rnllways ir
the city of Omniia. Tliu company is nisi
authorl/cd to buy , sell and own real es
tnto for the purpose of carrying out tin
object of thu corporation. The indebted
ness shall at no time exceed two-third :
of tbo capital Mock. The mcorporaton
nro Samuel 1) . Mercer , C. E. Mayne , C
n. Hrown , H. J. Davis , S. S. Curtis am
K. M. Stone.
In thu argument before thosuprcuii
court lu the Chicago , Uurlington $
Qtiincy mandamus rtiso some interesting
points were brought out. TUo rail mat
attorneys tried to establish n kind of dtia
existence for the compnny in Nebraska
' so as to make it appear that ihoy couh
, r4. acquire title to lauds. Tlio counsel fo
tlio state took this up and showed vcr ;
lolntedly that it was unreasonable for n
cornoratiori to become a citizen when it
wished to secure auy rights , but when
any ono was injured to be a foreign cor
poration and hnvo its suits removed to
ho federal courts. Tlio attorney Kcneral
s quite hopeful that ho will win tlio cuso
for the stato.
Mi'xicri'AT , r.yrnxsns.
The chairman of tlio city council finance
committee presented a mimmary of ox-
lenses for the cnsuiny year to the cotm-
; ll last evening :
Water department § 17,246 00
Klro , police nnd health Blt.TCO.OO
Jitv department n.bOO.oo
MjditltiK streets 7.WW.OO
I'rlntliiK and revising ordinances 1,7P.OO !
.Salaries nnd judgments 12tXK.00 )
[ 'nhllc ' works nnd librnry 0,300.00
Ulty enL'Ineur , roads and bridges. I'-.OOO.OO
Interest on bonds 35.SOO.OO
Total 81M,400.00
There is fomctliing of a clash between
the council nnd the county commissioners
on tlio levy for road purposes. The coun
cil wanted a mills and the commissioners
granted 1.
The gamblers of Lincoln continue to
attract tlio attention of the public. The
contest now is over the possession of tlio
"stun" . " Tiie property was taken from
the gamblers by the county court and Justice
tico Hrovn immediately issued another re
plevin nnd Been red tlin goods for tlio
gamblers oncu moro. They are now in
the possession of Deputy Slicrift Lang-
don wliero it i ? thought they will remain
until the right of property is legally de
cided. They are milking desperate ef
forts to keep together but lind it is very
Itlnny American Wage Workers MnUo
the : Trip to Ktirorio NowmlnyH
Some sixty or seventy potters from
the Trenton potteries will bu among tlio
passengers for Europe on tlio Adriatic on
July 0. They are going simply on a
pleasure tour , and when they have had a
good visit to the old country they will
return homo.
"Summer tours in Kurono are gcttinr ,
to bo quite a conimon ailair Among the
wage workers of America , " said si steam
ship agent yesterday. "Tho queen' . "
jubilee , of course , drew an unusual
number of Kngjisli over to the other side ,
but English , Irish and Scotch residents
in the United States visit their
native countries in increasing numbers
every year. The excursionists arc of all
kinds , mill operatives , mechanics , ami
employes in various trades nnd busi
nesses. They have got ahead here , and
they want to show their line feather :
over thero.
"A singular practice has grown up
among tno Scandinavian emigrants in
tlio northwest. The severity of the
limate in some parts of Dnkato and
linnosota makes winter employment an
upossibility , and the Scandinavian set
lers , or largo numbers of them , starter
or Europe in the late fall , spend the win-
cr in Scandinavia , and then return to
merica in the spring or early summer
'lie round trip from the northwest to
3wede.ii and return does not cost then
ver $100. "
"How about the Germans ? "
"Tlio Germans are rather careful nbotv
isiting homo until tlipy have acquired
lie protection which citizens' papers give
n that country ; but they do go in large
numbers when they feel safe enough ,
Jno young ( iernvin , brought to this
ountry when a child , nnd duly natural
zed , related to me the other day an inter
sting incident illustrating tlio comiitior
) f allairs ever lliero. When he got to his
lalivo place lie started to visit an uncle
mil his family , The young ticrmiuv
American was attired in a suit of clothe. '
vliioli gave him somewhat of an ollicla
ispeet. lie was surprised , on the door
Hiing opened to him , to lie received with
evident grief and glances of constcrna-
ution , instead of a hearty welcome. Jt
coins the family mistook nun for an of-
icer como to drag the eldest sou ot the
louse oft' lo military service. It is no
vender thnt under such circumstances ,
Jorman immigration is largo while the
mmigrants nro cautious about making
return visits.
Transfers Filed July Q. 1887.
1'hebo JnneTrnynornnd Iwsbixud to
Mrs Maria Stewart , lot 1 blk SO IK ,
wd . S12.5CO
liy Mosaics nnd witoto A E Toiun-
iln , lot H blk 7 Hillside mid , No 1 ,
wd . 1
1) U Archer and Snml Cotter tuistees ,
to John li .Miles nnd Jas Thompson ,
lots 10 , 11. 12 , 13. H , 15 , 10 , 17. Ib. 85 ,
3(1 ( blk 1 ; low 1 , 3 , 0 , S , 7 , 11 , 10 , 17 , 18 ,
10 , UO. Jil , iM ir nnd 'JO In 2 , nnd 1 , 7 , 8
0. 10 , 11 , 1" , IS , 14. 15,1C.17,1S.'JO , 'Jl.'JS ,
'J5 , 'M In Us nnd 1 , 4 , 7 , S , 'J. 10. IS , VJ.
14. 17 , la , H ) , 'JO , 'JJ , 2.J nnd 'JO in 4.
nil In Uotuor & Archers ndd to S O ,
deed . 13,000
C J Sniytli to Tims Brennnn , lots 1,1,3 ,
4 nnd Uosnllnd plnco , w d . 2,000
1) La Couisoand wifa to Thomas
Difiinnn nnd 0 .1 Smyth w Js of lot
B blk ft , Heedb 1st ndd , w d . 5,500
Morris Llttlelielil to tlio public , pint ot
Smlthlield , streeisniid nlleys , dedi
cation .
\V(1 Albiinlit nnd witoto Chester A
Kvnns the s 100 ieet of lots I ! 1 i blk
1. .letteis ndd to S O. w d . 5,103.03
0 K Mny ne nnd wlfo to llnuli Mnrro.
n 20 tt ot lot W blk 1 U K ilnj no's 1st
mid to Vnlloy.wd . - . . 50 F Falis to Elllc K Falls , lot U blk
K ) South Otnnha , wd . 1,000
Mnry H Thornton to I'ubllo pint of cor
ner , bolng n half of n Jf of n w J-f
of we 23. 15 , lit. ttreets and alloys
dedicated to public .
DouKlns county to 0 F Drlscoll , lot 10 ,
hllta , Uoiulas mid , w d . 1,27-i ,
C It Sherman to N A Kulm , iindlv 1-10
Interest in blk A. Ucservoh mid. wd 1,500
W A Heattv nnd wlfo to Henry lloth ,
lotto , blk 4. Klrkwoodadd , wd. . . . 1,500
Union Tiiclnc lEalliond Co. to John
MnKuIra , n o Jf of s o Jf of sec 15 ,
townslili ) 15 , nuiL-e 10 , w d . 400
Union I'ncllic lUllro.ul Co. to John
s o ) of sec 15 ,
township 15 , rnliRO 10 , w d . 4CO
Low Wll 111 to ( ieorco W LlnliiRer ,
lots b. blk 4 , S In 10 , IB In 5,4 nnd 8 In
0 , 10 nud 12 lu 4 , 4 nnd 10 m 8 , 2 , 4
nnd 10 In tt , nil In Marsh's ndd. w d. . 7,000
M Donnelly to , ) li Kugnn nnd UM
Mntou , lot 0 blk 7 , Jerome P.irk ndd ,
wd . 2,000
T A Crplch nud wife to 11 llenock and
K Wcdoler , part of lot 8 blk 1 , S JI
Itotrer's add , w it . 1
J U Ketnn und 11 M .Mason lot 3 blk 4'J
wd . 0,000
J L McCairiionnd wife to 1) ) II Cood-
rlcli. lot 10 , blk 3 , in sub dlv of J 1
, iok's mid. w d , . 0,400
Michael Leo to public plat of Lee's sub
div of lots IS , ll > and - ' - ' , ulU It , lirook-
lluo ndd , pt reels and alleys , dedicated.
to I bo publlo .
Jolm L .NlcCasiu1 , executor , to Robert
It Cnilil n : B ft blk 4 in suu-dlv ot J
1 Kedicic's adil , deed . 3,033.31
K D 1'attlu and husband , to U U and 1C
( i Ballon , oKot lots 5 ntul 0 , in blk
bO , wd . . . . . . ' . . . . 8,000
W U Albi lent and wife to W Melkle.
lot H In blklO.Allbright's Choice add
South Omaha , w d . 450
Uenruo E and Annlo Marker to Miulo
E McCoy , lot 7 , blk 17 , Orchard tllll ,
Wd . MO
Florence Land Co toil 1) Chapman ,
lot 10 , btk 150 , nud utulMdcd K of
out lols'JJT. 'Jt7 nnd IbS , In Florence ,
Wil . SOC
Mnithn U Chnpmnn to Jainoi .M 1'nr-
ker. lot 10 , blk l.V. nnd undivided
1-20 of out lots -i7 , U17 and IbS , in
Florence , q e . S
J M 1'arkor and wlfoto Mrs M 1) Chap
man , lot 17 , blk 10s , lu Florence
0 i : iViiyno nnii'wito to'iV U 'ciark''lot
13 , llnwt's' add. w d . DOC
F Siisatrom and wife to N O Hrown ,
enst 44 feet ot lot 7 , blk 15 , 1'atrlck's
2d will , w d . 2,500
John li Jlunc-itn , trustee , to Wf an
Vnlki'iiburK , lot 15 , oik 10 lledford
rinre. wd . . . COC
J I' Williams nnd wife to ) l E Pease ,
lot 4. blk 3 , Hillside add , w d . 1,500
Dnuclas county to William Cluhorne ,
lots b nud V , blk ° , Douglas add , w
The Characteristic Address of Eon , Charles
H , Van Wyck at Wakefiold ,
JtuliiN nn Infnnt In Sin Comparcil
With "Oil Gangs" A. I'liarnsntcal
Attorney Startling I'nota
and Figures.
Following is the speech delivered by
ex-Senator Van Wyck , at Wuki'lield ,
Neb. , July 4.
The people from ocean to ocean , from the
frozen pines of the north through nil trades
of temperature to wliero the orange trees
bloom , are met on this national Sabbath
day one in all the year on bended knee
with uncovered hcnd , all breadline the same
prn > cr of thankfulness , the same ncclnlm of
sratltudo and joy for all we possess of glory
for the republic , and prosperity for the indi
Civllbed nations , whatever form of gov
ernment tlm cruelty of princes or tlio extor
tion ot tnikniasterslndulged in holidays and
feast days ,
The Dle.isures of heart and mind cannot
bo repressed by untoward conditions neither
is tlieio any existuncu so fiuorcd thut the
soul I" not praying hoping tor a butter time
coming. Inflection in government has not
yet been tenclicvd , so that entire contentment
lias been obtained when in the ovurllow ( it
enjo > niciit , the people could sit down In
quiet and say , "now , soul , tnko thine ease. ' '
Nature anil man mo still In tiav.illnsnt
the early dawn. No paradlso yet reached.
Among the most fuvoilto the stale of man
kind has been one of unrest , of struggle , of
hopes dofeirod , ot promises broken , toll all
in vain.
Wo come tills day to volco our joy that , al
though short In tlio possession of all
man .should have , yet we stand upon the
highest plnacle of national excellence , In the
oxeiclse ot rights of citi/ensliln equal to that
of the haughtiest monarch , possess-
In : ; full liberty of conscience ,
not losing the prerogatives ot
the in these of the clti/on. Thank-
till for all that has been received through
thousands ol years by blood , Milleting nnd
saciilice from tyrants , moio brutal than w.ld
beasts ; from the heartless , unrelenting
of tliu sellish and avaricious. It would not
bo tedious or dllllciilt to make nn inventory
of the world's assets ot privileges and pos
sessions from tlio time Noah entered the aik
and settled accounts with the mocklng.uiibo-
lloving multitude , hut what a fearful b.ilanco
sheet to make un the debit account tor the
costs of the small bonolits , the scourges and
sc.itTolds , the oceans of blood , the gioaus of
men , the anguish of women , nnd the tears of
I know the regulation Fourth of July Is
expected to sip the lionoy sweet from the
flowers ami blossoms , oven though the HOW-
CM may bo poisonous and the blossoms never
bring fruit , no matter , sip the sweet for the
Wo must study the past to know how much
. sweet wo are securing , so that each rcour-
Inic annivorsaiy may add to the stock wo
niav gather trom the ( lowers ol life.
Wo mcot for more than the pyrotechnic nnd
tinsel of glided words , and exalted bombast ,
for n fusilado of hreworks. All that may bo
well , yet wo will do better to learn the actual
nnd serious , to study the past for Us warn
Ings , and obtain Irom the present a promise
and augury for the future.
The mariner will noverieturn to shore who
floats ceaselessly inn hummer sunshine on a
quiet sen , without lelluciiug upon the winds
that hove , nnd some again will l.ish the Into tempest.
If ho Is not pieparcd at the first muttering
ol tliu storm ; if he cannot wioath the lirst
mad surges of the waves , hls > bark will go
down ; so will man on the hind amid the
blandishments of society and the lust of
pow er.
The aggregation of the achievements of
tlio woild would bo greater to-day had all
been retained as gained fiom epoch to epoch ,
lint the enemies of man liavo never recog
nised his puawlul enjoyment of these se-
eineil , but continued to strugi-le nnd war , to
conquer back and steal Irom him the tithe
captured by centuries of conflict.
Tliu people nio in the MI mo position In-day
as In the ages past ; the relations aiu but little
changed. The rulers however designated ,
liavo the sumo Instincts and desires tiom the
1'haraohs until now.
Ho Is unwittingly nn enemy of the human
family , who advises to slug hosiunws only ,
to bo piayerlully content with the little he
en jots , and not attempt to make his own
condition or the world's better.
The solution ol the mission of man nnd
nations seems no ne.uor than when Adam
nnd Kvo took c.iro of thoK.uden in paradise.
The cnrso that man should eat bread In the
sweat of his brow continuin ? from that time
would seem quite enough of burden , but when
.supplemented by the oppression of govein-
mouts , the Injustice of society , the stupidity
or crinio of the Individual agniiibt Himself ,
the load was greater than ho could bear.
'Iho mass ot mankind bas been kept as
iu\vii3 : : or woon
nnd drawers ol water. The life of nations
has beun now or thun n Uiop of dow with
cyclones of oppression ami wrong , now and
then a mountain rill in n shaded dell
oceans of anguish , deceits of grief.
Jetlcrson claimed there were two classes
the coiwivatlves to keep things as they
vtcrc , the radicals to tiy and make them bet
ter. No matter tl > e form ol the goveininenl
or the extent of human liberty , the same two
classes over exist. Unfoitnnatoly the con
sorailclass hnvo in the end prevailed ,
Now and then masters liavo boon o\erthtowi
only to como back in another shape.
It was never Intended man should bo sat
Isiicd with oppression nud injustice , will
what should como to him by accident , or by
the Miltenmco or permission of his supuriois ,
either In the now or the hereafter. Man was
directed to seek , to knock lor the glory be-
jond the grnvo nnd that ho have bread only
by the sweat of his brow.
1'rovldenco intended in this moro than a
Turkish bath for tlio human family. That
ho should subdue tlio forces ot nntuie ; that
ho should build rude cabins or
comfortable duellings to protect from
winter's cold and summer's heat that ho
should dig to llnd the coal and piecious met
als ; that he should cast uon highway nud
hunlly railways ; that ho should control the
lightning in its com so nnd compel it to do
hisblddlnc , and apparently lias answered
the question piepared by the Almighty to
Job , "Uanst thou bond lightnings that thny
may go nnd say unto them , imro wo nio.
that ho should guide the tempest over the
deep and restrain it tortho hate transporta
tion of nierehiu'dlso nnd humanity , that ho
should liud out systems by searching the
heavenly boclloj.IN
there is no organized war by government or
wealth atfiilnst the activity of hand or brain.
The Creator Intended other nelds ot labor
far moro Important , jot when men seek to
search and garner there , then a howl goes up
fiom coiisenatlves In one dread waining of
danger It the mind should sc.nch ami fully
understand the rUlits ot man the miiltituuo
In the journey of life.
Wo proudly boast of the
from tno time when the patriarchs lived In
tents and transported grain by camel , when
Joseph the family i > et Mas sold by his
own brothers to the Mldiault-
Ish merchants nnd became great In
the land ot Egypt , not many miles
nwav , jet no tolcciupli , or lallroad , or mall
service \\hereby a man so dis
tinguished as Jacob had no tidinirs
of the countries around and
adjoining tncroforo knew nothing of hU
son's history nnd doings with 1'haraoh , until
the lunilno drove his remaining sons for
corn nud learned that Joseph \sns still alive.
Krom the time \ > hen Jesus gladly roJo upon
a colt into Jerusalem and the disciples , who
ucrn lisliermen guided rude barks on tlio sea
of Q illllea until now , n mere assault or
petit larceny In 1'alestlno is the next day ,
known thioiiL'hout the civilized world
l.evlathous of tlio deep plough ana nnd
ocean , iron bands span continents and trans
port the products of two hemispheres.
All this wo understand of the mighty
things done on the land nnd on tlio sea.
of the millions nnd billions of lives worn
away during the ages cone , and v hat of mail
to-day ?
Intelligence has been generally ( Utilised by
universal education so that the laborer lias
more knowledge than the patriarchs , the
riotcmjs or Httrods.
Kvun now knowledge Is not considered a
dangerous thlnt by conservatives unless It
leads to radical reforms In law or society.
We realize the grunt advance In the world's
projress , and again ask. What of the inun
who niadn it ? It li well to note that the
1 uieu uho made etate3 , dug canals , built
railroads made ships nnd nnvlgnto
them , built cities nnd palaces nnd
placed the \\orid on'tlris high vantage ,
Imit but llttlo pecuniary or proprietary inter
est In tliuorksot their aeatlon , really but
llttlo more than these Who move the pyrn-
muls-ln the desert.
Society , law and government wcro nt
fault , are they not nouV
Kxcept for a short time nnd at long Inter
vals the few here organlrod and go\erned
society , nud the still fewer who own and
control tno wealth of a nation frame the laws.
True , \ > e boast of the o\crolgnty of the
people In theory , practically nn Illusion.
"Y.ear after year jougq through the form
at the ballot box and stinposo j ou are elect-
Inn men to represent you , but you lind thu
few in the end dictate the laws In their In
terest aud adverse to your * .
A Nebraska nudlenco will need no further
proof than tholr own consciousness.
For years you have been seeking nnd were
promised legislation regulating railroads , but
you did not got It.
You have been socking nn equalization of
taxes , neither do vou net that.
You elect the olllcers who make the state
board , nnd the railroads owned by million
aires are not assessed to bear equal share of
of the burdens , with the farm which the
owner works with wife and children nil the
year through nd the returns barely pay
taxes , Interest , bread nnd clothes for family.
Mammoth corporntlons induce tlio men
your votes elect , jour servants forsooth , to
assess railroads fromS5ooo per mlle
stocked nnd bonded from ; $ > u,000 to Sioo.000
pur mlle on which charges are extorted Irom
tlio people to pay Interest and dividends ,
while the net earnings on samu yearly will
bo one-fourth of the nssessed valuation , thus
three-fourth of the population are wronged
by their own act through the audits they elect.
And M ) you bless the hold and glvo thanks
that you are not as other mlsor.iblo people ,
but exon-Iso political sovrelguty ana elect
jour own rulers.
The gient majority of the poonle In the re
public , particularly the west , have for years
been pleading torHIKV.
HIKV. T.UMiun ? ,
without paying tubutolo the few pi no baron 3
in America , but your prayer is no more le-
gardcd than was tlin prayer ot those who
built the pyinnilds In the desert.
" \ our musters hero sport with your claims ,
deny yom honest demands and then in mock-
ury tnuut you with being sovielgn in elect
ing men who iiiuko the laws.
The people demand
, rmi : : ,
they sqe no icason why tlio laboring man in
just government should pay the two cents
ix per pound , the same amount Gould nnd
'nntlei ( milt pays. Sugar must bo piotectcd
y thn tlio paternal government , a parent lor
he few , the strong , the wealthy , so that a
.irgo profit may bo made by tiio sugar
ilanter. Why not some tax for the corn
rower , ho Is needing it as much as the cane
rower. Vet the people e.xnnot obtain this
list demand ot free sugar.
YOU iir.u FOI : rnr.n SALT ,
ot your taskmasters , part of whom
csldo in Now England , Insist
pen the highest protection for ewtry-
iiing iimnntnetr.icd in thnt specially
rotectcd section , Insist that tax shall bicol -
ectcd upon nil the nation. Except the New
England lisliermen , and this paternal gov-
i ninent shall pay back or rebate to him the
ax he pays. A tax on salt to euro your beet
nil poik , but frco salt for curing the fish
, .innht bv New England.
Possibly 1 should not sooak too frankly of
heo things , for this Is ono ot the two days
n thevoiir when the American citizen boasts
pechilly of his freedom and sovereignty.
lois expected on Julv-4tli to talk loud and
one of his political birthright , his sovereignty
eignty , nnd on election day , he ctopos-
ts his ballot , which in childlike simplicity
10 thinks will "execute a freeman's will as
ightning does the will ofod. ( ! "
rotmrn OF .in.Y WA.S ! A rnoncsT ,
i radical declaration against consul vative
ippressiou and will boot , llttlo value to ns
unless continued ns Mich.
The spirit ot injustice nud agresslvo tax
ation against which our fathers fought still
pxlsts , nrul wo can only continue the glories
> f this dn\ and them brighter by tlio
ami ) detciinitiation our fathers manifested.
As wo look down through the vista of the
nst , and upon nil the nations ot to-tiny , wo
) east with pildo that this is the grandest ro-
mblic on c.irth graiiflcst in its foim
> C government , In the territory em
braced within Its limits , in the
rights exercised by its cltl/ons , and in the
irosperltv and happiness ot its people , wldlu
rawer hero Is often unscrupulous and wealth
. xacting , giasnim : , avaricious , the toiler has
letter compensation and more enjoyment
than anywheio under the Min.
1'et this fnct Iiitensihcs thn interest In this
lay nud shows how llttlo In all this world ox-
sts , as the result ot the achievements of the
Jiave , the gooil , the true. How little civll-
v.atlon and Christianity has really accou.
> lished for the great world.
It wo have the most , these having less
mist bo miserable indeed.
Millions ot people during thousands of
vi-ar.s. liavo been jostling along the highway
of life seeking
to receive n fnlrrewnrd for honest toll. And
when It became a grave question whether tlio
lorrorsof this life wore greater than the
hoirorsof the worst heroalter , governments
allied with state religion have sought
through corolod and mitred priests
to impress upon starved , shlveiing ,
suffering , oppressed humanity that
Tim two elements ot
nroas strong and antagonistic to-day as at any
peilod in history. All that education , In
vention nnd science has done the irood has lu
tin ) same de.'reo Increased the evil.
Human nature has remained the same. Wo
hava alluded to Jefferson's dasiliicntlon 1800
years before , when the world was In some
respects moro wicked , heveral characters
woio plainly drawn.
The htiangcr who traveled from Jerusalem
to Jericho anil full among thieves , with the
usual results. The conservativepilost c.imo
down and gathering his garments about him
meekly crossed to the other .side. Then came
the conservative Luvlte , looking at him with
nn exclamation point In his ojo , muttered
"I'oorUent ! What a pity 1" nnd dalntly
passed by. "
Then came the radlral consorvatlvo ,
who nt once bound up tlio wounds , lifted
him on his horse , took him to an Inn nnd
paid the bill.
How dllfeicnt had been the world then nnd
to-day , had the now commannmunt "yo
loNoone another , " and the practice of the
good Samaritan , been universally adopted ;
war among nations , injustice among indi
viduals at nn end ,
The onlv way to escape the scorpions and
the hres of hcicafter wasclieorfully to endure
tlio scorpions and bear the stings and injustice
heaped by the piivllcgcd few upon thu toil
ing multitudes.
Of course Iho conservative would revile the
Samaritan and exclaim impossible , thnt it
would violate the Intentions ol the Almighty
if happiness should ovurywhuio
Thu schemer , the stock watorer , the pool
orutuiUerand rebate pay In , ' corporation , the
money lender nt usurious Inteiest , heartless
speculators lu the nueos > arles of life , vile
nibltrators of lood , high-toned gamblers
whom the law and society tl.ue not touch ,
would all denounce It as an attempt to make
the world butter , and thus thwart the doings
ot the great Creator.
They would Insist that murder , arson , rob
bery and other crlmas could not bo cheeked ,
but the class which the 'law leaches is not
really lar/e , not so large as the society pro
tected nnd glided criminals whoso olfenscs
nro morn numerous.
Many years ago the poet bpoke solid facts :
"Plate sin lu gold the iaiico of justice harm
less bleaks , '
Clothe It In rags a plpmy 'straw ' doth pierce
are the most dangerous wrongdoers.
Severe penalties aio propwly imposed upon
some , notably milk waturlng , nud the of-
tense , by the lactometur , Is easily detected.
Farmers In the great dairydistrict Adjoining
the city of New York realizes net 1 } < rents
per quart , and there is so llttlo difference In
value between water and-Mhdk that it would
seem unprofitable for the dealer or tanner to
taku any chances by adding water , but the
authorities are always vigilant to detect
and punish any Intractlon. The grocer
sands his sugar , the druggist adulterates1
medicines , the great meat dealers make
creamery and dairy butter from grease , tal
low and lard , and exchange. It for the hard-
earned wages of the laborer. Through
much tribulation congress finally passed a
law which prohibited manufacturing the arti
cle and calling or selling It as butter.
Hut the most dangerous and destructive to
the Integrity nnd prosperity ot the nation
moro than nil others combined , for which
then ) seems no check or restraint , Is when
organized capital , Incorporated under sauc-
tion of law ,
iitVKbrsoN'E AXD nu.urus IT
Into three by Issuing stocks und bond' .
Your grain Is taxed , the wages of the day
laborer is taxed , nil the farms und every In
dustry Is taxed to pay interest and dividends
on capital three times diluted.
And to-Uay the great mass of people , you
yourselves are , as the nations since the time
of Christ have been , traveling the eauie road
from Jerusalem to Jericho , with th snino re
sults , not always so fortunate as to Und n
good Samaritan on .tho way.
The children ot Israel , Clod's chosen people
ple , reached the highest point of human nu
ll u ran co when Plinrnah compelled them to
, At this ago wo nro not many removes from
that point.
A kind I'rovldcnco has mndo our soil more
fruitful than the plains of Kiopt , nnd n gen
erous gos eminent has given In homestead or
cheap prlco 100 acres to "every man who
will. " The mass of our people should bo not
only prosperous nnd happy , but rich. How
much of riches wMl bo attested by the num
ber of mortgages at high rates of Interest.
i car after > ear , In portions ot .Nebraska ,
corn Is burned for fuel , because the rnilroads ,
more heartless than the taskmasters of
Pharaoh , refuse to transport nt such rates
that It can bo exchanged for the coal of
Corn Is our great product , as It was lu
The farmer hero who raises 5,000 btishols
pl\es 3ooo to the rntlrond to transport the re
maining -OtX , ) to Chicago , COO miles away.
Fiom Ids share must bo deducted the cost
of production , payment of taxes , Inteiest
money , subsistence and clothing fur family.
In the whole northwest > ou cannot prob
ably find n farm which , if fair prlco Is paid
for the labor of father , wife and chil
dren , will return any profit to thn
producer , not even any Interest on
tlio money vnltio of his I'nrm. If
that Is not makif ? brick without stiaw , then
there is no Ion In llirure-s. linyontl sulv
sistencu and ordinary homo comforts the
great bulk of your earnings nio transported
to the east nud returned from thence to build
ralltonda still further aided by precinct , city
and county bonds and owned by the stranger
and taskmaster , and In the further generous
net to ornament vour farms with mortgages.
Money Interest In railroads In this state
fully tepnld lu lands from government and
bonds ot cities , precincts and counties , Is by
tricks and devices made to represent 3 In
stocks and bonds and then our taskmnstois
insist they must Impose exorbitant charges
sons to pay Interest nnd dividends on tills
enormous fraud and forgery of watered
stocks nnd pav to their presidents nnd man
agers from S'Jo.OOO to SW.OOO per year moro
than at one time was paid to the president of
the United States , moro than tlio farmer
with n well stocked Inim , frco of dobt. can
nako in a lifetime of the labor of himself ,
Ufunnd clilldien.
The great millionaires In this country have
icconio eiioimously rlcti , the ( loulds , the
> andei bills , the Scotts and Saccs , from the
'onstruutlon ' nnd management of railroads ,
, \hlch they claim will bankrupt the owners
f leslrlclcd In cxtoitlonnto charges , which
mount almost to confiscation and will in the
ml make > ou bankiupt.
Yes , but say their paid defendants nnd
pologlbts , these men Hliotild all bo paid for
real skill , tact and brains. What brains I
The same that belong to the schemer , the
n.uiipulator , the corrupter ot legislator nnd
he couits , slnewd to fmmo tricks nnd deices -
ices , to get the money of others without
The brains of the sharpers Issued 54,000-
XKOW ) > ot watered stock without tlio payment
if rx dollar. Kewnrd with million ! ! the brains
which Is criminal enoui'li to devise Ciodlt
Jlobeller and other fraudulent schemes ?
Unlimited wealth necessarily guarantees
o its owners unlimited Inesponsiblo power
ind they
f by any preadvenUtro they make any con-
'csslon ' to the majesty of numbcis they take
care to keep control. They consent here nnd
them to n commission which ucnarnlly Is cre
ated by themselves nnd n plaything in their
'lauds. '
Iho danger to this country Is not from an-
nrchlsni or communism. Tlmt uxcresenco ou
Hie body politic will easily bo repressed. It
can gain no strength or sympathies with the
masses. Jyuamito may bo the onlv remedy
wheiu ages ot oppiusslon have left man no
oilier reso nice. Kiissian despotism will nec
essarily boKut Russian nilil'lsm. '
lint in tills lepublic where the people elect
.lieu own ollicers , and In theory make their
own laws , and will do so In tact when they
shall become weary of making biick without
> tra\v , the law created by the agents ot the
: ieoplo must bo obeyed.
No occasion to lay awake o' nights ; the
oor and humble , no matter how small or
gieivous tlio offense , stealing a loaf of bread
or nuuduring by dynamite will ne\er escape ;
' 10 will suflcr the pimalty of tliu law.
IT is OM.V Tin : Mii.t.ioNAinn ,
anarchist nnd communists who will escape.
No attempt to increase the standing army
to restrain their villainies. Oh , no ; the man
whodaiu nlludo to their sins , though deli
cately , Is denounced ns woithy stripes nnd
Tlio Impoitanro of railroads cannot bo
overestimated , but the men who own them
will probably never boranomsed as saints.
The gilt ot the franchise by the people ,
igc donations of land and money , nnd the
creation of n moro oppresMNO aristocracy of
wealth than has 1:1 own up in England dur
ing centuries , would inspire in culinary mor
tals n leuling ol gratitude nnd a small teturn
In modurato charges , but nothing of the
kind , they claim at once to make you vassals ,
surfs , s es , to bo your masters , taskmasters ,
allowing you to work your larms on shares ,
they taking the lion's share , and then by the
millions they e.xtortlroni the people they cor-
nipt , purchase too oiten the men in ollice ,
thn men whom jou elect to make aim ad
minister the laws.
The letters ol liuntlngton , tlio evidence of
( lOiildbutoiu a committee , ot the New York
legislature unbluslimgly set foith the manner
In which money Is paid tor this Infamous
The ordinary common criminal withdraws
from exposmo nnd public ga/e , but this gang
ot law bicakcis suom to court It.
The most withering and blighting Is the
Standaid Oil , yet they boldly came Into the
United Statescourt In Ohio with a la'iioad
in the hands of a receh or and attempted to
justify a bold \iolation ol law In n rontinot
to pay rebates to this unnatural monster aim
thuieby destroy the small business interest of
many honest eiti/ens.
In our state such practices were denied by
tliu dllleicnt railroads , but tt fitw dav.s ngo at
Omaha a piomlnuiit olllcial suore that such
things weio done here , in robate.s to largo
lumber companies , elouitor companies and
smelting companies in which owners ot
Union 1'aclliu stock were interested.
In this connection I can say , without tin
fear ot successful contradiction , that no man
has o\er been noininat"d , or the people sought
to elect one , who was opposed to railroads or
their management , except to compel a just
legulatlou , a reasonable cimrgii for transpor
tation , no rebates or special pilvileees to one
man , or dealer , or locality , yet before a com
mission created by nn act of congress to investigate
vestigato the conduct ot certain railroads
aided by the United States , the sumo
ollleial fuither sworu that in
caucus nnd convention nnd nt election
ho had sought to detent men who were hos
tile to rnllioad.'i and in the legislature he had
nosTir.r. iiAii.itoAn i.nnisr.ATiox ,
and oy hostllo they mean every one
who does not worship the iroldon calf or
Iron rod our masters M-t IIP , who dares re
fuse cheerful aciiulslonco in every act or demand -
mand , or has the. hardihood to question the
suionlty or Infallibility of railroad magnates.
Hostile legislation Is that which the majority
ol tlio voters demand In the inteiest ol jus
tice and lair play , and nu or unl/etl laid Is
more olten the legislature. High pi Iced at
torneys nro kept during the entire session to
talk nud - with the members , and others
nro there to ontertaln nnd - the same
members whom > ou elect , to pass such laws
as will bo tor your Interest and the state.
This same Union I'aclhc ollicial testiilcd the
rallioad owned or was Interested in papeis
nnd that ho wrote editorials tor newspapers
on the railroad issue ; that all thn mitn in
their employ , that their friends , uf course , all
who had rebate ; , and special privlliges , the
hhre wil attorney and slick editor , nil pretending
tending to be working for the public t'ood
nnd ever ready to denounce , malign thu * > )
who wt-ro nr lnc your Interests , and , of
cour o , according to the railroad manual ,
hostllo to their Interests. I know you will
pardon me. An abstract from the
before btiid commission by one Ceorgo
Crawford , who nfter being \\oin
upon the holy bible , tor 1 tnko It a
high conscientious individual like George Is
no Inhdcl. and Christian ns ho Is no doubt
subscribed to the orthodox oath. He was an
Improvement upon the ordinary railroad wit
ness. He was willing to como nnd then ho
readily told the truth whuu ho dlu come.
Would that alt thn jtcoplo of Nebraska
could lead it and tben resolve to do what the
conscience of every man dictates.
You remember the railroad crowd have Jnl-
ways Insisted that they spent no money ,
paid no men or ever attempted to Interfere
or control elections. Crawford and the
Union 1'ncllic olllelols ha\e been compelled
tn swear and thny confirm the charges heiu-
toforu mndo against lallroad Ititlnunceb.
Hut hero U thn extract :
"Ho was employed to labor with members
at Lincoln Inst winter by Mr. Thurston who
paid him HX ) or thereabouts for his serv
ices. He was there to help keep the demo
crats solid and defeat Van Wyck for United
States senator. 1 wanted to defeat him b -
cnuso ho was nn nntl-rnllro.vl domhcoimc.
1 am opposed to Interfering with railroads
by legislation. 1 frankly gl\o you my
opinion that these railroad' bills
wore simply Introduced by political
demagogues to further their own
ends. " "JJo believes that the slnto of
Nebrn 'na would bo demoralized weio it to
permit the passage of hostile legislation by
political cranks nnd complaining shysters'
who make that subject their crazy hobby. "
"Ho also cntcitnlned the senators nnd ret > -
rescntntlves In n soclnl wnv and cheered
them tin with llbctnl supplies of refresh-
moiits. "
This Is the railroad platform , I hesitated to
rend It as a matter of delicacy , because It
does mo the honor to nllmlo to myself nnd
required tlio special effort of certain rail-
loads to accomplish the result of Inst winter ,
and that , too , as the evidence shows by n
combination of straight democrats nnd
straight republicans. Hut It Is Important
that the people of tlio state should understand
the moans used to over-reach nnd defeat their
demands , hence 1 have taken the liberty to
read It nnd trust all the papeis , whoso editor
ials nre not written by rnllioad malingers ,
will publish tt fully.
They can also publish the testimony given
by straight republicans who alwajs
throw up their hands In holy horror nnd
trow white In the fncu when any stiggi'Siion
Is made of connection with democrats.
There was the testimony of ( iurlcyaml
Hntilon branded straight republican ,
Of the later the report In straight demo
cratic and straight republlcnn paper.s say :
"Mr. llnnlon briefly related his work nt the
legislature nud his connection therewith Mr.
Thurston jat the conclusion of this part of the
examination , ( ioveinor 1'nttlson , ono of the
commissioners. . rild to Comptroller Mink of
the Union Pncllluiond :
" 1 agnln make n loimnl call for the appear-
nnci ) of John M. ThurMon before the com
mission , Wn liavo M'nrched ONorywhero for
him nud haven't been able to lind him. John
M. Thuiston Is one of the olllcial nttornoys
of this road nnd ho Is aeiy Important wit
ness , nnd the olllces of tills company
hnvo said they had no desire to conceal any-
Ihinij , but wanted a fieo and full investiga
Hero was an elegant quartette of straight
dcmociats and stiaight icpubllcans. This
piebald , ring-streaked and speckled political
Sanhedrim was lilted like tlio Hessians of
old , and like them ready to tight under any
banner which paid Uicm tliu most.
An ambitious Union 1'acltlc attorney , ono
of the strictest ot this sect ol political 1'hara-
sces , who wears broad phylacteries and
thanks Cod ho is not ns other men , especially
the poor publican , hired this gam : , musteied
them Into the Union J'ucllle service , paid
their bills and gave them money In the uiul ,
to hunt in couples , to howl straight politics
one tortho democratic and the other for the
republican party a motley ciowd blatant
nnd bold , wanted the people to understand
tlioy took tholr politics as they did their
whisky stiaicht.
Craw foul sw as they wore thcio toamuso
thti legislature , lo tell stories nnd anecdotes
nud set up tliu wine and clears.
Hut the chief , the lawyer aforesaid , ho of
saintly cast of countenance , who assumed
the kravlty and purity of the aforesaid I'hnra-
seus , nnd who also copied the npostles nnd
ometlmos went fishing , possibly on a Lake
ionesarath , called In modern and moru
nicked times Lake Mlnnctonka ho the nius-
.erlnu-and pay olllcor of this crowd of po-
itlcal vampires , it Is claimed furnished the
more substantial , solid paitof the feast nnd
banquet promised for some of the mun whom
he people elect. What a public exhibition.
Do you need anything moru to arouse the
people of this state on this Fourth of July to
ruaolve that sncli proceedings shall never
rain disgrace its lutrlslutiiru.
.Railroad managers and the politicians caio
nothing for paitv politics , only ns they can
make them subserve tholr ncliish purposes.
And then they expect the people should bu
moulded by tlio tools they puMinbe. The
democratic party must be kept solid by such
lieu as Ciawlord , nnd the republican paitv
mist bo kept straight by the combination
under the ver.satll attorney who. alter lislilni ;
for gudgeons , becomes absorbed In less ex
pensive fishing lor pickerel. All this must
bo done to defeat demagogues and hostile
legislation , which tlnee-tourllis ot the voters
ot the state demand.
Such mun must run your party ma
chines , no matter it they crush out peisonal
independence nnd ovuithrow the piosperity
nnd lights of the people nnd make them the
\ictlmsof hiich taskmasters , and year niter
year the people are betrayed bv many of their
own chosen legrslatois through tbo manipu
lation of such Influences.
The point of this struggle Is In the above
testimony of the oppicsslon. Injustice , over-
beating dictation and contiol by railionds of
elections nnd legislation. And It Is already
time > or should issue your declaration nnd
manifest tliu spirit of i our forefathcis when
they threw the tea In Boston harbor.
Then tliu lawyers , liberally paid Py money
cxtoited irom you , and tliu editors whoso
editorials are written by ralhoad managers ,
in the meanness of bypocncy pretend they
are laboring In the interest specially of the
people , the farmers ot the state , utul under
thut mask they appeal to the pcoplu.nnd with
the lash of patty dictation seek tohn\e the
people help them duleat the candidate hos
tile to railroads , nud too often under such
lead they nro inveigled and unite in the cry
of the yelping hounds owned by corporations
and unleached by them. "Crucify him I Cruci
fy him 1"Till'
is when "wealth accumulates and men
decay , " when wealth gravitates to the hands
of the few , and the toiling many cannot t > eo
the dangers , 01 hnvo not tliu courage to meet
nnd overcome them.
The lew men who control capital control
tliu go\einment nnd hold the masses In bond
age. How lemnrlcnblu that the only man
agement of railroads which can possibly
benefit the people , accoidiug to their doc-
tiine , is one which adds millions to these al
ready possessed by owneis and mamuers.
Ten thousand two hundred millions of dollars
lars rupii'sent the money value In ( arms.
Yet two-thirds ot the fauns aio mortgaged.
> either is tannin ; ; anywhere lemiiiieratlvu.
It is said the west is so far from maiket , ns
thu excuse lor absoibing two-thirds of the
crop for transjioitlng the lemainllii : one-
third to tlio sen boat d , and does not return
the actual cost of pioductlon. At this time
beef does not. yet when it teaches the Atlan
tic cities , the boast ot meat three times n day
Is not a reality to ninny laboring men.
It Is thu same doleful story In the oast. Jn
New Enclnnd where republican protection
ists make the fanner believe a high tarllf Is
the open sesame to great crops and Inigo
prices , nnd In rennsyhanla dcmociatlc
chiefs assure the unadulterated democrat
that protection to coal and lion , nlthou h In
creasing the price ot luel nnd machinery
will more than compensate by piovlding n
homo market tor pioduee. Unprnlitablu as
may be this Industry in the west , it is lan
guishing in Pennsylvania and decaying In
New Knuland.
llm money value of the fauns In the
United Suites o.xclnsUo ot cattle and inn-
ehlnury , $10-00WJOOU , equals thu combined
vnluont iiiUtoid property , nuatly T.OOO.OOJ-
ooo , ol which 8-1,000,000,000 irt watured Mocks
and bonds , nnd thu capital Invested in imtnu-
factoiles nearly mme , whllo
tieblo the miinberol population Is engaged.
Yet agnciiltnru Is powerless ; niamitiictnn.'is
can secure all the legislation they demand ,
and inllroads ovn leL'islatiucs , congress nnd
too many of the courts.
Here nru the plain , unvarnished facts : The
admitted powei is with tliu uvriciiltuiallsts ,
You lack the couraL'o to demand and secure ,
th > will bedonc.ns has been said by another.
"A mob of consumers subject to an oiganUca
nrmv ol manufacturing and railroad piotcc-
tionisls , " which means to piotect tneir in
terests at tliu ox penso of the balance of thu
nation ,
Ithecmsn grave que"tlon just now with
divines and philanthropists whether the
world Is giowln * better.
In thu tlmiiof Christ mote than llioavornge
humanity was found in His npoitlits , let
when thu end tlrtiw near nnd Clnist was led
away , all lied , a dismal recoid ot devotional
rournue. Peter was not wanting lu physical
couiugu , for he smote with thu sword thu ear
of the.sen ant of the high priest , yet Inn lew
short hours ho thrice denied his Master.
On thu other hand thn greatest term of
ignominy nnd reproach Is betrayal , and the
name ol Judas.
Yut tliu class ol which he Is the acknowl
edged head have , during l.bou years , Im-
pioved In basrness upon their leader. Judas
was only an infant In that kind ot wicked
He had some conscience , and repented and
brnnuht back the thirty pieces ot silver lo thu
chief priests nnd ciders , piotesting he Lu-
trajecl Innocent blood , but thev it-piled in
something of the spirit of Vandurbllt :
" \ \ hat is that to us ; Bee thou to that , " whllo
tney look the money and used It In charity ,
buvlng.n . potter's field to bury strangers.
Thu bribers ot the daj would probabl ) not
manifest the saniH conslilmatu guneioslly ;
neither do Iho llttlo Jndase i wlm bctraj ron-
liiltiigeonstltiieiices experience any prickings
of conscience. Thirty pieces of silver would
be no consideration to n modern leusllator.
The trust renosed in his hands by tin * ballots
ol thu people , ho holds for his own tain t < |
M.-11 to thu bidder. They never bu-
como conscience-stricken and otfer to tuturn
the blood money , nor hnvo delicacy enough
to go ns did Judas and hnnc himself.
lint you have reason to take courage that
PO many co up to your leglslntUo halls c\erjf
two years and stand Ilko n wall ot rocK
ngnlnst nil the reductions of vice and the lu >
flue-nee of money , whllo they * co ? omo bar
tering , tholr honor nnd souls for gain , they
nro subject lo the revcllngs of such gangs ns
Crawford described organized by Thurston
nnd paid by the Union Paellie nnd other
load" , but they came to Iho people w lib clean
hands nnd bravo hearts nnd the people should
toward such courage and honesty by * aj-lliir
well done good and faithful senntits , nnd
return them to the positions they hnvo
This day will bo well spent nnd full of
future blessings If the American people will
restore ns ono man , with n Fourth of July.
1770 determination the f-amo protection nnd
privileges to nil ptoperty , the same lights tu
each citizen.
hawjers on pay rolls nf corporations and
editors whoso editorials nio written by rail *
load maniiKcis nro trembllnglvcloqiiotit as to
the danger to properly fiom the nvgicsMnna !
ot the multitude , that danger never comes
nlong on schedule tliuc , The multitudes nre
always i
THK orriiKSSRD ANM wnoxnr.n.
It Is the human nature of the humble and
oppressed , to bo long Millerlng us were oui
fathers ot the levolutlon.
As wcro the Israelites who endured for
years rather than even flee from oppression.
The pilvlluco to oxoiclso perfect liberty la
not willingly gianted by despots In a mon
archy or aiistocracy and tnsk masteis In a 10-
public that Is only the result ot long , bloody
t'tlorts nud sacrifice. Itut lor the struggle of
the pati lots of 1770 wo would to-tiny bo sub
jects of Knxlnml. Within our time the sacri
fices , blond nud life of your lathers , brothers ,
husbaiuls and sons saved this great chrlstalu
republic liom dUmembeiment by n Blavo
holding luistociacy nnd establishing a con
federacy lestlng on slavery ns Its chief corner
This nation owes n debt It ran never pay to
the soldier of any nnd nil our wins , who fol
lowed tlio Hag , who slept on the Held with
nothing but thu bhiu canopy nnd the stars
nbo\u him , disabled by wounds and sickness ,
yet you bin o witnessed n most deteimlncu
contest has beun necessary and will bo in
Inline days to Keep them fiom want , from
alms-houses and from eating the bread ot
Capital in the money centers fiercely stlg-
nmtise elTorts to creatu or Increase pensions
ns ftnuils. Twenty-live je is ngo capital
bulged these men to leave wile and children ,
father nnd mother nnd enter thu survlce.
Most of these who tell In the ranks nnd who
lolt widows and ehlldieii were really least
Intcicstcd In the unity ot Iho republic. Not
many of the class to which ( inuld
nud Vemlerbllt belonged wuro
found on the lolls of the Union army
Yet , sulfurlnc ns ho limy bo to-dnv , Ihcio
could not bo found In nil our broad land ono
veteran who would not prefer to cut the
bread of poverty , suiter want nnd privation ,
and cheerfully sacrllico the remnant of his
clajs rather than see the nation's trophies ,
Tin : KKiiK.i , Ki.xoy ,
captured on many hard-fought fields , from
brave mun , crimsoned by tils own and made
sacred by thu blood of his dead comrades ,
again retunied to these who carried them In
delianco and death against the great republic
and its starry banner.
Wo are now one peoplo. AH the bitterness
of war hns passed. The conquered shaie
with the conquciors the glory and benullls of
the victory.
lut ! the repose which covers thn grave of
the past nnd the crimes of rebellion must
over retain the captured Hags nud the
trophies of the war In the capital , which lins
always boon defended by lo > nl heaits , over
which the stars nnd stripes hnvo always
And moro and morn Is proven thnt there Is
nowhere tor the most In'.ulnblo nets "rest for
the wearj" iioter has been and ne\er will
Thu Jews of old became despondent and
weary nud mm mured , nnd thu leader
to eiicomnirc told them. "Fear yo not , stand
still nud sou thu salvation of thu I.old , " but
thu l.oid overruled him , nud oulckly nsMiicd
him of his uuor when ho ordered him "bid
the children ol Israel that they go forward. "
K\un tlio salvation ol the I.out was not to
bu exhibited to "htnnding still. "
It u\er has been nnd is to-day the same
journoj with thu b.iiuu results to escape
oppiusslon , Injustice thu tnskmaslui close
behind , and tin-beauties nnd benefits ( > t the
piomlsed laud just before. Dm to escai o
ono and irach the other. It Is necessary oven
In this republic thnt the Aircrlcnn pcoplo
should "go lorwnrd. "
AVcstcrn Men Growing r\H Inventor * .
From the Indianapolis Journal : 1'Jvory
ono interested in the patent list notices
that the west is ranidly developing an inventive -
vontivo genius. A few years ago it was
a rarn occurrence to find tliu record of n
patent issued to a residence of ono of tlio
western states for any invention not con
nected with agriculture. Lately , how
ever , tlio spirit of improvement pucms to
have taken a tleop hold of the western
pcoplo , and among them are many of
the most mcenius devisers in tiie coun
try. Now England still retains tlio lead
in the matter of complicated mechanical
duVices , but the west is RniniiiK rapidly ,
and especially in electrical machinery ,
is fust coming to the front.
V.IPI ! liy tlio United fitatoa OoTornmwit.
Kr.dortml liy the hcmlant tlio Uicut UnUiTcltlon
and I'ulillc Food AnnljstsmTliobtronKoat.I'urtDt ,
anil mmtlltallliful. ] ) r. I'rluTa tlio only IlnklDK
I'owdortbat iloea not contain Ammonia , 1lino or
Tipim. Jr. ) 1'rlco'H Kxtracts , A'anlllR , Ij'iiiini. i-tc.
7ordellcfously. 1'JtICK JIAKIN
CAI.LANAN ( Vlluxo ) , Met MoIncB , town. A
lloinii School lor Ohl-i. h'llll L'oiircfg ol
Htuily. Hpuulal adviuitiiKoa In Mn lu. Ait , .Moil-
cm l.Miiyimircfl nnd lilcciillon. I'all tiuinljij-
fins bcpt Bib. Addicts the pitslilent , C. It.
HOTEL' ' "
( HICAGO ° -opR _
Successors to .Jno O .Jacobs ,
Utf 7 > JBMTA K ID It S
At the ohlrttanii 1107 Fiinuimst. Orders
byUili'grapii solieltoU and promptly at-
Undedlo. Teltphouo No. 2vJ5.
THEINIIilliDT & 111
omcu.Souln Ora li Hnom' . Ilunti llullaiiiK.NIntli
Uraabii Hoj 6. orer Cutamrrelil Matlonal ll nb.