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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1887)
THE OMAHA } ILY , 3 SIXTEENTH TEAK. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 10 : 1887. NUMBER 3C3 EXCITEMENT STILL REIGNS , The Wheat Corner Crash Wrecks Houses By the Wholesale. A SKETCH OF THE RUINS. Ilic Hears Climb the Collar of the llH and Glvo Them a Death Squeeze Uraccd By Out- sldo lluyors. The Crash In Chicago. CHICAGO , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J This has proved to bo a day of Intense excitement on 'change. Everybody Is In a state ot confusion , and the labor of extrlcatcmcnt will take time and patience , and will necessarily bo accompanied by sonic embarrassment and loss. At tills writing the wheels ot trade are practically blocked. A general tie-up Is the result of a most extraor dinary proceeding on the part of Kosonfeld & Co. , the clique house whose collapse oc curred 'yesterday. It was formally stated this morning that the clique had placed on deposit In the American Exchange to the credit of 0. J. Kershaw & Co. SSOO.OOO to protect trades with that house down to a point considerably below the market. This announcement , which was made by author ity , caused a feeling of relief. Kershaw Co. dweil tbo clearing house In the neighbor hood of 3250,000. The 8800.000 deposited was therefore ample to cover any contingency that was likely to arise , and the trade breathed free. Kershaw checked against the de posit and the market firmed up. June wheat advanced to 78c and July to 7Gc. About 1030 ; a. m. rumors of & new trouble affecting Kershnw wore cir culated and the market dropped 3@fc. What the trouble was nobody seemed to know. The general feeling took form in the question : "Is the money really here ? " The money was hero all right enough , but llosenfeld & Co. had tied It up with a gar- nlshee. In general terms they Hot up the claim that the 5800,000 Is a clique money , and that the creditors are entitled to a show at It as much as these who have trades with Ker- shaw or any other clique house. Privately they set up the additional plea that they were . "bunkoed" the and by manipulators pur posely left to hold the bag. The statement Is made that the clique drew down profits on trade with Rose life Id & Co. , and saddled the firm with a great mass of high-priced wheat which is represented to have been inade quately protected. The fact that 0. J. Ker- ihaw & Co. had not gone through thn clear ing liouso was known at 13 o'clock , but the cause of their failure was not commonly un derstood for quite a time. The mere an nouncement of the bald facts paralyzed brain and tongue. The market foil to below TUc , but there was very little business. Nobody knew where ho stood or how his neigh bor stood. The whole situation was gloomy In the extreme. AmongSho suspensions announced were several strong houses , though as a rule the list embraced the names of firms whoso capital was known to bo small. Nearly evdry house on the iloor had trades with Kershaw , and a great deal de pended on his solvency. When it was known that he tiad gone down , nothing remained for many but to fold their hands and await furtiier developments. This was what they proceeded to do. By 1 o'clock everybody had learned what was the matter. During the noon recess , however , another lightning change act in this very singular drama occurred. Previous to adjournment a member of the firm of Roscnl'ield & Co. had stated that ho had authorized his attorney to attach or garnlsheo the $800,000 In question. A member of the firm of Kershaw & Co. stated that the money had been so tied up and that the sum was between $700,000 and 8800,003. Half an hour later the statement was mage at the bank that the story In every body's mouth was not true. About the same time Itosenfeld & , Co. denied that they had gainlsheed Kershaw's deposit. Evidently the njco distinction ia made that they olael to call It clique money and not Ker shaw's. The bank's statement may be susceptible to the explanation that It is dls < covered that the attachment or garnishec proceedings will not hold. The fact remain ! that the money placed on deposi t by the clique principal about SSOO,000 ls still tied tip ov some sort of proceeding , and that i local light for the enormous "jack pot" ha ! been Inaugurated. How It will end , or what the method employed to release the tund wll be , cannot now b stated. The tying up 01 the 8&OO.UOO virtually tied up the market , and the last hour of the long session was unevent ful as to the amount ot business done. Every body was disposed to wait before inaklnf another move. A few determined men o : largo means stood ready to lendnr what help they could by taking the wheat ottered by panic-stricken people. When the wreckagi could bo cleared away It was done , but uoth Init more was attempted. The 1 o'clock range of prices showed a nia torlal recovery from the bottom quotation ! and no change of consequence occurred dur Ing the afternoon session. June and Julj wheat closed 4X".and2Xclowerrespectlvely f he foreign markets wire flat and the do mcstlc markets in a tremor of excitement About 3 o'clock Kershaw expressed trio be lief that tils funds would bo released tomorrow row and that ho would vet pull through. Ai effort will bo made to get at the fund , that 1 ; certain. The wheat pit was titled with traders tlvi minutes before the hands of the big clod pointed to the hour of trading to begin tin morning. Unusual order prevailed , tliouul everybody seemed to bo holding his broatl and waiting for the linal tick , ready to d what ho hnd to do on the instant. More thai half hnd their coats olT , as though they re allzed tully that thcro was likely to bo warn work ahead. Tint galleries were packed , tli two front rows of seats being occupied by In dies. No two rows of bojs at a circus eve looked more thoroughly expectant of enter talnment than these two rows of bright faces shaded by bright ribbons and dainty summe hats. Their carriages had blocked the strut1 in front ot the board for halt an hour befor trading began. They knew that there woul bo big excitement when the board upone and they wanted to bee it. Thnro may hav been among them , too , some anxious wive who wanted to bo near their husbands in tli hour of peril. Jiut If there were any suet ; they aid not blinw It , Hack of them a row a escorts wore polntliu' out prominent broker and explaining how trading was done an liow prices A-ere Indicated by three dials o : the south wall near the landing In the prlvat gallery. The publio gallery was jammed a lull as It could hold , many of Its occupant looking as though they might have bee speculators In their tlmo , but probably uev would be again. The Instant the long hand ot the cloc marked the half hour between I ) and 10 ever hand In the wheat pit seemed to bo raised i mice and thrust forward , the palmoutwari the motion Indicating Unit thtt owner wantu to sell , and a great roar swelled up throug the halt , completely drowning the cries c , the messenger boys as they nudged their wn About the hall calling the names o ( brokei ( or whom they had telegram : ) . From tli gallery the throng looked like nothing much as a swarm of bees on a busy da ; Those on the outer edge pressed forward a those In the mtddlo so Impetuously that the with difficulty prevented themselves froi being borne down by the crush. Now an tain some one half way up the side press * forward too Impetuously in his anxiety I buy or belland those In front caiijht him an hustled him across to the other sule , or t pome other direction , without too much roi nldoratlon for his wearing appaml. bom times a dozen would bo trying U > I nidi ? w II one , and In their mad entei prise seemed uci rather on tearlue him to pieces. Thi rush had lasted scarcely half a muni when the gavel ot Secretary Stone began I je iietrd Xrout the gallery , aud the wild u\ \ roar chanced to an uproar of another kind , but equally vigorous , which , ludlclously enough , was a demand that all the other up roar should cease so that what the secretary had to say could bo heard. It took fully a ininuto to get all quiet , and then the an nouncement of the failure of ouo or two small firms was made. ThH was followed by the announcement that Kershaw & Co. would pay their ( inferences and margin all trades down to 74c. This was greeted with a wild yell from the pit , and a rather stout , well-dressed lady near the secretary's right , rose In her seat and waived her handker chief enthusiastically. Unforo the secretary's voice had ceased to resouud through the hall the wild hubbub of trading began niraln. Frank Johnson , of the linn of Maurice Kosenfeld it Co. , said tills morning that ttio lirm could not tell just how it stood. Many of their trades were with other clique houses , so that their clique clients wore both their debtors and creditors. Ho also said that If the cllqiin stood by Kershaw It would have to' stand by his firm. Wiltshire , the representa tive , wns In town , and they wt-ro sparing no effort to Lct at him and bring him to time. They had their attorney on his trail and In tended to hold him aud his colleagues up to their promises. They had furnished his tlrm money yesterday to maigin down 14c , but "they failed to respond with an additional lOc called for , although again and aiiiiln wirlnir them that they would do so. Tholr first dispatch was that they were raising the money and would deposit atonco ; then that they would have It In ten minutes ; then that It was deposited , and on the strength of this encouragement they had stood In the gup almost alone until noon. Having been forced to the wall by failure of the support that had been so repeatedly and positively promised , they did not propose to tamely submit to have another firm made secure and themselves left unprotected , and they would not do so. The break In the wheat corner and the ex citement on the board has had the effect of cutting oil tor the time all grain shipments , both for export and eastern consumption. Shippers hero are all at s a regarding orices , and can do nothing until the panic Is over and trade nettles back Into legitimate chan nels. It Is believed In the railroad odices that shipments will not bo resumed until the first of the week , Hlthoir , ' ) ! all Interested olll- clals agree In asserting that the restoration of wheat to normal prices will have the effect to swell east-bound tonnage for the next three months to double the usual proportions. In the circuit court txwlay a suit was com menced by the falling lirm of llosoiiteld & Co. against Wiltshire , Eckert & Co. , of Cin cinnati , for 81,000,000. A deputy sheriff .secured service during the afternoon on Wiltshire while the latter was engaged in conference In a Dearborn street bunk. Mr. Itosenteld said to-night that the suit was en tirely of a civil nature , but what the develop ments would be lie was not prepared to state. The suit had been brought In a hurry In order to secure service on the defendant , Wiltshire , while ho was In town , and the de tails of the proceedings were still in a chaotic btute. The basis for the suit is the defendant's ( fo put up margins as thry agreed to. Wiltshire would not be Interviewed on the subject and left the city this evening. Frank Johnson , of the firm of Uoseuield & Co , , was asked this evening for a definite statement regarding the attach- ineutof Kcrbbaw A Co.'s bank account to-day by the firm. Hodenled it emphatically , but would enter Into no dibcu-sion. Ihe aspect of affairs In the ollico of C. .1. Ker shaw & Co. this afternoon was very different from that of the previous day , when It was the center of consolation , and mombeis of dozenirof houses passed to and irom the presence of their expected preserver. Aow the head of the tiiin sat alone In his private ofllce , and the few who sousht an Interview were stonily denied. Thecleiks In the outer apartments had ceased to labor on the books and stood about whisptirin ? over the gloomy outlook. About ii p. m. an unexpected visitor arrived In the person of DftputjiSherlff Burke. Ho was armed with a writ ot attachment against the firm in favor ot George D. Baldwin Ac Co. The writ was served on Mr. Kershaw , after which he went home. Handfuls of attach monts were taken out by various parties agarnst the em barrassed Arras and ft Is thought that all the firms were served upon. So tar as is known but one of the failed merchants foiesaw the dancer of such an event and took the pre caution to transfer any property. This was J. W. Yourt , who had a dcod to his wife re corded on twelve pieces , of real estate , the consideration named being S10ooo. The utmost uncertainty prevailed to-night regarding the status of the SHOO.OOO said to have been brought from Cincinnati this morning by Wlltshlic , and mppjtcd early in the day to have been depositcu in tm Amer ican Exchange bank to thn err dll ot Kirslnw & Co. Not a few went so lar as to fay the money was a myth ; ot es : said it hnd co mo but eono back to Cincinnati this . evening with Wiltshire and had never been deposited to tl.o 'cridii ot Kershaw. Still another story was thnt II had been attached by Koscnteld as belonging not to Kerehaw tmt to Wiltshire , or , more proptirly , to the clique. The itunrdvd denial ! of Hosonfeld's firm were quoted as confirm ing this view. It was said this cYfltilns that the American Exchanze bank ollicl.ili and Kershaw were In onferenco at the bank. When a reporter readied there al a late hour the Dook-keoper opened the dooi In response to a knocK. Cashier Do Wai appeared and said : "There has been bu one attachment issued agilnst the monej receivedfromClnclunatl to Korshaw'scredit , and that was at the instance of M. Hoseii- feld for a claim of 810,000. " Mr. Do Wai would not say how much money had been received from Cincinnati , but admitted that it was a "pretty big roll. " On hearing this the reporter said. "And Kosenfeld's claim is for only 310.01)0 ) ? " "Well , " said DeMar. "It's 52),000. Tot know thn claim Is double ! to provide agalnsl damage. " He would say no more. On 'Change at St. LouU. ST. Louis , June 15. The opening of to day's wheat market was characterized by in tense Interest of local traders in the situatioi at Chicago , and the market was helped a lit tie at the outset by reassuring news Iron that city. But pit traders had no faith In th advance and soon showed their desire to sell When the Chicago tumble came sellers be came moro excited and the boar feeling ragei unchecked. Trading , however , was muc lighter than yestord ay. There was no fea felt here that any trader or house In thl market was or could bo financially danuzei by the collapses as the whole gang iu the pi was short Quito a number , however , wer caught , but not to any heavy extent. On Now Vork's Exchange. Nnw YOIIK , Juno 15. The big drop of 7)4 In June wheat and 4)c In July wheat e Chicago from the opening figures , announce In the New \ork produce exchange at o'clock , created temporary excitement , bi seemed to meet no corresponding fall i this market The drop of iks in Newer from the opening quotations refused to K any lower , and the market remained cou parattvoly steady. The News of the failure of Chicago nnvis caused some nervousnss : At the close of the main session at 'J o'clocl , Iun wheat went at We and JulyatbTK' ' Thu iliml lates show an irregular leactlou ( 'i'C'ilc , most marked In June. Duluth PocU the Shook. Dui.UTii , Minn. , Juno 15. A nervous an panicky feeling characterized the wlies market hereto-day. The close was weak i 71 c for July. Trading amounted to aboi 10,00'J.OOO bushels. Arthur Water < te C < were long about Sfto.oou bushels bougl around sue. It Is doubtful whether they wl resume. H II. Kershaw fc Co. were force to suipeud on account of the failure ot Ke shaw fc Co. In Chicago. Henry Dewitt close out his trades on account of thu Kersha failure. A Short Cashier. COXSACKIE , N. Y. , Juno 15. Uuinors ha > been current for several days that tl : national bank was In trouble. Yesterday was learned that Sidney A. Dwlgut , ciMiie who 1s sixty-live years old , is betwre iSO.OOO and $00,000 short in his acchunts. Cuko Workers' Troublo-i. PITTSUUKO , Juno 15. All the coke pr ( ducers In the CounelUvltle region excel th-j Carnegie brothers have resolved noi I grant the advance demanded by thu worker Striking Oar fioailari. 11 CI.KVKI.ANP , June 15. The striking ci loaders at the docks this mornlugagaln droi the colored non-unlonlsts from work. The ; was , ho'.vcvcr , no rlotlug , STARS AND BARS SEiNT BACK The Betnrn of the Rebal Flags Intensifies Feeling Against Cleveland , OLD SOLDIERS INDIGNANT. The Riulit of the War Department to Dispose of the Banners With out an Act of Congress Called in Question. The Hcbcl Flag * . WASiriNOTo.v.Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.I The return of the confederate flags captured In battle during the war of the rebellion Is actually In progress at the war department by direction of President Clove- land. There are 545 of these banners , 150 of which have a complete history recorded , 150 have a partial his tor v on tile , and the remain der are without ulentlllcatlon that can be de pended upon. Most of the rebel llacs were won at the cost of life , and nearly all caused the shedding of union blood. The Indigna tion and exasperation among old .soldiers and loyal people generally , as the action of the administration becomes known , Is most In tense. The alfalr caused an excitement and protest beyond anythlugyot attempted In the recognition of states' rUhts , as the official notice to the governors of the southern states In this connection simply alludes to the captured colors as belonging to the troops of their respective states , to whom they are returned. No mention is made of the confederacy or of the rebellion , and the deli cacy observed by the administration In awarding the tender of the Hags to those who lost them Is remarkable. Thcro Is serious question of the right of the president or the secretary of war to restore property captured during the rebellion. It took an act of con gress to get the Hans to Washington , and It naturally follows It ought to take an act ot congress to give thorn away. At the war de partment the only reason given for tho.actlon being taken is that it is the desire and order of the president. Senator Maudcrson , of Nebraska , a mem ber of the military committee , was asked to-night what ho thought nf the order. He replied that the president has , In his opin ion , absolutely no authority to take such ac tion. As ho understands It the Hags aio in the nature of co ntrauamls of war and are the property of the United States. The presi dent has no more authority over them than he has over the funds in the treasury re- reived from the sale of captured cotton. He mi-'lit with equal right order the repayment to states of moneys received from thlssouice. "It would be a parallel case , " continued thu senator , "It a burglar was captured' In the commission of cilme with his tools In his possession. He is convicted and pardoned and then his tools are returned to him. I have no bitter feeling toward the men who fought on the southern side , but 1 am op posed to this action because 1 think it unjust to the men who tought to maintain the union. " Other union men arc equally forcible in the expression of their opinions , aud it is possi ble that the feelinc may develop into legal proceedings to restrain the president from carrying out his designs. IT CAUSKflTniTTKIl.VKSS. NKW YOIIK , Juno 15. | Special Telegram to the UKI : . ) The Tribune's Washington special says : The order of President Cleve land to return to tlio authorities of the lute rebel states the rebel Hairs captured durin * the war , has excited more Indignation among union veterans of the war in Washington than anything that has happened In many years. The order came like thunder out of clear sky. . For forty-eight hours rumors were afloat that it was to bo Issued , put no man who had been a soldier could bd found who would believe thx lepnrt. lint the order has been Issued and the adjutant general of the army hastens to declare that It Is his pleasant duty to communicate it to the gov ernors of the late rebel states. The Tribune correspondent called on him and said that suggoMtlons lit a been made tnat the presi dent and secretary of war had no authority to surrender the captured lings. ( Geneial Drum replied that ho knew of no law to forbid it. Ho added : "It is not proper for the government to preserve as trophies flags captured in Internaclne war. " The correspondent asked : "What Is to bo doue with the rebel ilas which are In posses sion of loyal states. " General Drum replied : "They must be re turned also. We shall return to the loval states the Hags capttirncd Iroin them , and 10- captured by national forces. General Drum did not hcem to realize that this action will only make It moro clear that the design of the order is to wipe out as far as possible the distinction between the stars and stripes and the stars and bars. Section No. 218 of the revised statutes require ] the secretary of war to cause to bo transmitted to him all Hags , colors and standards captured from the enemies of the United States. Sec tion No. 217 makes him custodian of all the books , records , papers , furniture , pictures and other property appurtalnlng to the depart ment. Ho has no right to dispose of any of the property In custody except by authority clvcn to him by con cress. No longer ago than last year It was regarded as necessary that congress should pass a Joint resolution betore the gov ernor of North Carolina could bo furnished with cert I lied notices of "The ofllclal lettei books of the executive department ot Nortli Carolina , now In the war department. " The rebel Hags went Into the custody of the secre tary of war , by virtue of an act.of congress , Nothing less than an act ot congress can lawfully remove them trom his custody. Although - though It 1ms been rather difficult for union veterans to attain a glimpse ot the captured rebel lings since "tho confederates captured the capltol , " there is reason to bollcvo thai they number about 515. Thry are stored In an attic room ot the war department , tht door of which Is kept locked , so that the son slbiliiles of the southern democrats may nebo bo shocked by a public display of the em blems which show the "lost cause" was regarded garded indeed as lost at one tlmix An otllcer who has spent forty years in His country' : service , said : "I do not nndorstanc this. I suppose Cleveland cm gut thn nom ination any way , and , of course , if ho 1 $ nominated the south will support him. II hardly seems worth while to Insult over : man who fought for the union. " An old army ofllcer remarked : "Wellyou know , neither Cleveland nor Endicott ex actly appreciate the significance of the flair , I presume that thn stars and stripes seems u be nothing moro than a few ynrds of biintmt or silk to either of them. The stars am stripes and the stars and bars are about the same to them. " Among members of tin Grand Army who were seen the feeling I ; f bitter to the extreme , and It probably wll result In some ofllclal expression at the na tlonal encampment. Jk. PROTEST FROM OHIO VKTKBANS. Coi.u.Mitus , O. , Junes. Governor Forake to-day received a telegram from the depart ment commander of the Grand Army , urirlni him In behalf of .71.000 comrades of the Uhi department to protest to the authorities a Washington airainst thn return of the lebc Hags captured by the soldiers of Ohio. Thl return of all captured confederate flag.- which was recently ordered by the ptesldoul Is now being carried out by Adjutant-Gen oral Drum. The governor forwarded th telegram to President Cleveland , am In the same connection said "In transmlttlnz this message , deslrn to comply with its request , and d most earnestly protest against the action wit which It relates. The patriotic people of thl state are shocked and Indlgnantjboyond an ] thin ; I can express. I 'earnestly request yo to revoke the order which has given such ur qualified offense. " The governor also sent telegram to General Boynton , asking him t take legal advlco and Institute proceedings t enjoin the return of thu rebel Hags capture by Ohio troops. ANOTHER FROM IOWA. DKS MOINES , la. , June 15. General Tu tie , commander of the Grand Armv ot th Hnpublio for Iowa , to-day asked Governc Larrabce to protest to President Clovelaui against any rebel naif capture by Iowa troops being surrendere e by the south and to take leai Steps to enjoin any sucU Burre ej Jj UI contemplated. Governor -Atrabeo has tele graphed the president rvqVuiphatlc protest , and f will legal BteM 'Vccessary ' to make the protest effective. Thi " " . 'owing ' was sent to-night by Governor l/irralH > t : DES Moixns la. .June 15. ' ' > tlie President of the United States , VtowS .tm , D. 0. : 1 send herewith a request made tipon mo as covernor ot Iowa by the commander ot the Grand Army of the Republic 111 this state ngalnst the proposed return to Uie south of the war Hags captured by the union troops during the rebellion. I add to this re quest and piotest of tlm surviving union sol diers In Iowa the icspectful but equally urc- cnt protest of the people of the state , and shall deem It my duty to use all proper en deavor to prevent any such return of the bat tle flags captured by Iowa troops. ( Signed , j WIMMK LARUAUEK. The American Telephone Company. WAstntNOTON , June 15. ( Special Tele gram to the UKK. | The American Telephone company has been very much annoyed to-day over the statement telegraphed from lioston to the effect that the concession from the Venzuolan government , upon which all hopes of Its success Is based , has been re voked. The directors deny that such action has been taken b.v the Vcnzuelan authori ties , and they still insist that their rights in Veimiula glvothem authority to state that Investments In their company will prove of great value to the fortunate possessors of stock. They admit , however , that their cir culars were painted In colors altogether too glowing , and th.U they have promised more than they can tultlll unless they secure a stronger foothold than they will bo able to do under the concession jts U now stands. They are willing to admit that they will have no exclusive rights In the four principal cities of the republic , but still they nope that they will ho able to force out thn Bell company and thereby enhance tbo value Ot their itocic. This inorniru the directors authorized the publication of a notification to stockholders that dissatisfied purcluseis of snares could have their monov bacK within the n xtten' day.sand this has served to restore Jwhat the confidence of the public In thenbilcttrn. lint a number of the slonkholder. ovi\iled themselves of the privilege to-day and sur rendered their ccrtlilcfttM upon the receipts of the money paid In. , It Is learned upon authority that the two men sent to Veiuuela took with them less than a do/.cn telephone ? and a very small quadtitv ot wire. There are no present indications ot any active con struction operations upon the part of the American company , and If it is their plan to do business In South America It will bo many mouths before "central" ofliccs will be estab lished In sufficient quantities to pay thn ex penses of the men who have been or who are to be sent to put the exchange in operation. Hop IJOIINO HabltB Discovered. WASHINGTON , Juno 15. Prof. Hlley , en tomologist of the department of agriculture , has made an exhaustive Investigation Into the habits of the hop louse. Ills discoveries are expected to prove of great value to hoe growers , as ho has succeeded In learning the haoitation of the pest during the winter mouths , and tracing It through the varying stages of insect lite. T'no professor believes that the lotiso has been brought to this coun try from Kuropn on plum stock. The dis coveries render it possible to check the rav- nges of the louse either by the use of Insecti cides in the sprlns time before the Insects have reached the winged state , or by the destruction of sheltering plum trees. Internal Keveuun Districts. WASHINGTON , June 15. The president to-day issued an order modifying his recent order consolidating Internal revenue dis tricts so far as affects the collectors of dis tricts In thn states of North Carolina and Iowa. The consolidated districts ot Iowa will heroattor bo kiiqwri as the Fourth dis trict of Iowa aud August II. Kuhlnioier , now collector of the present Fourth district , Is designated collector , of the district. Xo changes have been made In the boundaries of the districts as fixed by original order , and It Is understood that the president decides there shall bo nouo. Nebraska anil Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , June 15. [ Special Tele gram to the UKI.I : The following Nebraska pensions were prantcd to-da : James Craw ford , Harden ; William J. Babbldae , Kush- villo ; George Shepherd , Sidney. Iowa pensions : Mary K. lloyt , former widow of John . Hall , Beacons ; Eliza , mother of Paul Brandon , Charles City. OrlcinaU : Joseph lluuh , Dubuque ; William 11. llollis. Mount Pleasant ; V. G. Johnson , Cinirlton ; T. U. Sells , Mount Ayr ; Jnmes M. Thorp , Kstervllle : William K. Lau/hlin , Fort Dodge ; W. W. Church , Troy Mills. Restoration and increase : Isaac Nash , Snringvillo. Uolssuo : M. L. Elliott , Marion ; Ilaydon Reynolds , Now ton. Finns For Onr Nnvy. WASHINGTON , Juno 15. The board which was appointed by Secretary Whitney to se lect suitable designs for a 0,000-ton armored cruiser and an armored vessel of the same size from competitive designs has made its renoi t. The board approves the design of an armored battle ship submitted by the Barrow ( Knghind ) shipbuilding company , and is ot the opinion that such ship would bo a valua ble addition to our navy. As the board has failed to find a desizn suitable for the cruiser , the bureau's plans for that'vessel will doubt less bo used. Postal Cha'ngcs. WASHINGTON , June 15. [ Special Tele gram to the Bee. j U orge D. Merrvlan was to-day appointed postmaster at Bordeaux , Dawcs county , Nebraska , vice William B Messln er resinned ; ' Charles E. Irwln al Henderson , Mills county , Iowa , vice An thony Baumgartcii , deceased. J . Doll Telephone ArnumotitsOoncIiHlec : BOSTON , June 15. In the United State : circuit court argument In the Bell telephone case was continued .to-day. Judge Thurman reviewed the manner In which an Invention may be patented. By this rule patents arc all locked up from the public. lie then ex plained the different modes of procedure In patent and law ofllees. If the | governmenl had a right to appeal to thn courts to sot aside a laud patent , much'biore had they the righ to ask the setting alide of an ordinary pat out. Judge Thurnun also devoted some time to consideration whether ttjo Bell Tel rphono company wrt a bona lido purchaser and also the statute at limitation. Mr. Dick inson , of New York , ipolco for the telophoiu company , Idalmlnc U'.hurman'fl argument t < bo erroneous. Tills'closed ' the argument Decision was reserved. Sabln'n Supporters Victorious. S-iv PAUL , Junn 15j At the annual meet Ing of the MlnncsotaJThresher Manufactur Ing company a new poard of directors am executive committee was elected by u vpti representing SO per &nt of the stock. Thl puts the control of th * company , which wa formed for the purpose of rnorg.anlzln ? tin Northwestern manufacturing and car com pany. Into the band ! of the supporters o Senator Sabin. Theieompany purposes ti petition the court IQMH order of sale of th plant and franchise * of the Northwester ) inruiufacturlnir andr | company , and th purchase of the sainft } Sunday Giro I nit In the Saloon * . ST , Louis , June { (15. ( Preparations ar bolns made here for putting lute effect th Sunday law as provided for In the legisln ture last winter. Under this law all salodns beer gardens , billiard1 rooms , shooting an bowling alleys , theatres and base ball park must close. The chief of police has. been In structed to rlzorously enforce the law. Th saloon interest has held two or thrco nieel Ings aud decided to Icloso all saloons nox Sunday in the city , except 'Schneider's gnr den , wnlch will be kept open In order to tea the constltutlonalltyfof the law. Young IJovd Released. DKJfvnii , June is. jSpeclal Telegram ti the BKK. | hous ( Boyd , son of the manage of Boyd's opera house at Omaha , who wa arrested here last month on the charge 'c 1 I crand larceny , was arraigned In the crlmlnn d I court yesterday. No ouo appearing airalus 1 the onsopcr , the entered ; s I nojle , i\ud liord was released. IDE LONG AND SHORT HAUL , A Decision Finally Made on Section Four By the Commission. ITS PROVISIONS DEFINED. The Koads Must Jutlce of Their nights luCJrnnt Special HatrH Without 1'rrJudK'iicnt Ry the InterState - tor-State ttuard. Decision or the Commission. WASHINGTON , June 15. The Intcr-slato commission rendered to-night the long ox- > ected decision upon the fourth section of 10 iutcr-stato commerce act. The decision i very Ions , comprising moro than 15,000 vords. The commission , after mature con- iduration , Is satisfied that the statute docs ot rreqiilru it to prescribe In every in- tauco an exceptional case aud grant Its rder for relief before a carrier Is ut liberty n its tariffs to depart from the general rule. The carrier must judge for Itself what are ho ' substantially similar circumstances nd conditions" which preclude the special ate , rebate or drawback which Is made un- awful , slnco no tribunal Is empowered to udge for It until after the carrier has arted , .nd . then only for the purpose of determln- 112 whether Its action constitutes a violation f the law. The carrier Judges on peril of he consequences , but the peelaU rate,1-etc. , vhlch It grants Is not Illeml when-It turns ut that the circumstances and conditions TB not such as for bid It , Tim commission will not undertake to decide In advance what ocs or does not constitute discrimination 'under ' substantially the same cifcumstaces nd conditions , " but will leave the railroads to act upon their own judgment , subject to kccountablltty bofoio thu commission and : ourts. For the guidance , however , of the .illroad companies , the commission has con- ildcrcd at gieat length nearly all the ques- lens raised under the law , and has reached 'onclusions which are summarized as 'ollows : 1. The prohibition in the fourth section ugatnst a greater charge for a shorter than or a long distance over the same line In the ametlliectlon , the shorter being Included ivlthlu the longer distance , as qualified therein , Is limited to cases in which the cir- itimstances and conditions are substantially similar. 2. The phrase "undnr similar circum stances and conditions" in the fourth section is used in the same sensn as in the second section , aud under the qualified form of pro hibition In Hie fourth suction carriers are re quired to judiro In the first instance with 10- gard to the similarity or dissimilarity of cir cumstances and conditions that forbid or penult a greater charge-for a shorter dls- tanro. 8. The judgment of carriers .In respect to circumstances and conditions is not final , but subject to tbo authority of the commis sion and courts , 4. The provisions of section 1 , requiring charges to bo reasonable and just , and of section 2 , forbidding unjust discrimination , apply when exceptional charges are made nn.dur section 4 , as they do in other cases. 5. The existence of aotive competition , which Is of controlling force In respect to tratllc Important In amount , may make out dissimilar circumstances and conditions en titling thu carrier to charge less for the longer tlmn for the shorter haul over the same line In the same direction , tne shorter being Included Irt the longer In thefollowinccases : IMrsU" When In competition with carriers bv water , which are not subject to the pro visions of the statute. Second. When In competition witli foreign or other railroads , which are not subject to the provisions of the statute. Three , in rare and peculiar cases of competition between railroads which are subject to the statute , when a strict applica tion of the general rule of the statute would be destructive of competition. 0. The commission further decides that when a greater charge in the aggregate is made lor the transportation ot pas- sen iors or like kind of property for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line In the name dl- dlrection , the shorter being included In the longer distance , it is not sufficient justifica tion , therefore , that the tariff which is sub jected to such greater charge Is way or local tranic , and that which Is given more favor able rates Is not ; nor is It sullicient justifica tion for such greater charge that the short haul tratllc Is more expensive to the carrier , unless when the circumstances are such as made it exceptionally expensive or the long haul tralllo exceptionally Inex pensive , the diffcrcnrn being extraordinary and susceptible of proof : nor that a lesser charge on a longer haul is merely a continu ation of the lavorablo rates under which trade centers or Industrial establishments have been built up. The fact that the long haul tralllo will only bear certain rates Is no reason for carrying it for less than cost at the expense of other traffic. 'Che petition on which the decision was reached was tl-at of the Louisville & Nash ville railroad. In considering the cases gov erned by the fifth section In ttio above ab stract , the commission takes up , first , the competition bv carriers by water , and states that it was fairly shown along the routes of the petitioner's lines that the competition of waterways forced clown railroad rates below what It Is possible to make them at non-competitivo points. The only question Is whether competition was knpt within proper bounds. The low rates are a necessity 01 ° the situation , and If the railroads compete with water transportation they have no choice but to accept such rates. To compel roads to observe strictly the gou- eral rule laid down by the fourth section would necessitate their abaudoment of some class of business In which their competition with water trans portation Is now of public Importance The railroads must either bn allowed to com pete with vessel owners or leave the vessel owners In possession of the business without the check upon charges which competition wovld afford. The commission is of the opinion that congress had tlicso circum stances In view In passing the law. Compe tition with the Canadian roads may , It Is believed , present a ease ot dissimilar circum stances and conditions. Whenever such roads , compote with American roads for business between one part of our country and another.a state of circumstance H arises and exists as to such business which justifies the American roads In meeting such competition by a corresponding reduction in rates without regard to the tact In so doing that the rate between terminals may bo re duced below the rates to and from intermed iate places which are otherwise reasonable and just In themselves. The commission thinks the cases in which competition between the American roads will permit ol a deviation from the long and short haul clause very lew , but cites two or three In Pennsylvania , Ohio and Indiana. Those are parallel with the trunk lines and make * a smaller charge for a longer haul because their direction compels It The commissioner says they wore unanl inous in the opinion and concluded as fol lows : "The order for temporary relief madt in favor ot tbo petitions will bo allowed tc lemaln In force until the day originally limited for Its expiration. " The other petitions for relief under th < fourth section of the law numbered , thf commission says , fifty-live. The temporarj orders made In some of these petitions will In like manner , be permitted to remain IE force until the expiration of tin Uroe limited In each. No further order wll be made upon any petitions , for althotigl two or three of the cases may not , by tin facts recited In thn applications for relief , bi brought strictly within the principles abovi discussed , yet they all present what an claimed to bn dltfcient circumstances am conditions adequate to authorize exception to the general rule : and If the putiilonois art persuaded that the fart Is as they re present they should act accordingly. The Car BulldorH Convention. , Juno 15. The master ca builders to-day elected officers for the ensu Ing year. The whole morning was devoid to the levlslou of the cede , of rules goveralni the condition of and repairs of freight cars for the interchange ot traffic. At the after noon session HIP special committee on prices for the settlement of new cars submitted the report , making an cntitely newclasslllcatlon. In no cao was there an advance of moro than Si5 per car , and In two or three cases no advance was mado. Sons or Veteran * . DnsMotNHS , la. , Juno 15 , [ Special Tele gram to the BEI : . | Early last evening the city bozan to till with well-built , military-ap pearing young men In natty blue suits and blue fatigue caps , who came from all parts of the state and were welcomed with the stirring sound of the life and drum , heralding the fourth annual encampment ol the Sous of Veterans which began tills morning. The business sessions aie necessarily secret. This morning Colonel J. 1) . Itowcn called the as- scinblv io order and" the boys appointed a ommltteo on credentials , on ritual , on oports of oflli'ors and on rules , aud regula- lens , alter which the reports of ollieers were cad. This afternoon tlm division council net. This uvciilHi a rousing camp-tiro was leld. Eminent speakers from all over the taU ) arc In attendance , notablv Cato Sells , > f haporte : K , Showvan , of hcntson , and Ohnson Brlgham , of Cedar Rapids , who poke hero Decoration day , and 11. C. Nash , if Creston. To-morrow morning will occur ho annual paiado at 9 o'clock , the column n.irclilng to the capltol , where It will be ro- tnwcd by the governor , after which the boys will make a tour of the capltol. A Fatal Haso nail Game. DKS MbiNEs , la. , Juno 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK.J A special from Albla ays that a young man by the name of Baker was killed In a Sunday ball game In Wayne ownship , Monroe county. Some words had passed between Sylvia O'Brien and Baker about a pipe. * John O'Brlon came up and mgaeed In the conversation by asking , What's this racket about" Sylvia made answer that they had bad some words. John aid , "why don't you slug htm ? " Bak'er said , 'maybe you would llko to try it It. you do ' ' ust step out here i. v John 'then 'scooped , > lcked up a ball bat , a home made one , and very heavy , and struck Baker across 'the lead , breaking his skull and crushing his lead in. Baker remained unconscious till he next day when ho died. O'Brien will beheld held to await the action of the grand jury. Iowa Sitprnmo Court Decisions. DKH MOINK" , la. , June 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BKF. . ] The supreme court ren- Icrcd the following decisions hero to-day : John E. Francis vs M. E. Griffin , appol- ant. Clay district. Affirmed. The State of Iowa v.s Fred Stegncr and iVilllam Kohl , appellants , Calhoun district. Affirmed. Mills County National bank vs Henry E. ferry et al , appellants. Mills circuit. Af- irined. W. D. McCash , appellant , vs Clfy of Bur- intrton , DCS Moines circuit. Affirmed. The State of Iowa vs Frank Richards , ap pellant , sentenced to the penitentiary , iiicas district court. Kovcrscd. Conrnd ( leaner , appellant , vs Warlield , llowi'll & Co , , Polk circuit. Affirmed , Sundiiy School Convention. DKS M6i.NT. , la. , June 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK. I The twentyseeonrt jyi- uial meeting of the Iowa State , , t School association began .bore this l _ with an attendance Of several huncUei&dela- gates. Governor Larrabee dellvec4'the ad4 4 dress of welcome , to-which a response was ; made by Senator T. E. Clark , of Clarlnda' . ' The annual address-was. * l6.n | .delivered by' ' [ lev. Dr. J. C. Wi Cwxe'' of- the secro- tnTlfs.otSuWbj-.BcUoolwork In tha.Jtv'E. church. Iowa Oourhoni Nnme.tho 'Day. DKS MOINICS , la. , ' June 15. The demo cratic state committee met here this evening and fixed the next democratic state conven tion for September 1 at Dos Molnes. Turkey Reminded of Her War. CONSTANTINOPLE. J.urjQ 15. The Russian ambassador has reminded Turkey of the iu- Icmnltv duo on account of the Russo-Turk- sh war and has Intimated that If the liabil ity Is not met Russia will take pledges to guarantee Its payment. It has been lull- uated that Turkey need not entertain any Tears respecting the outcome of her conduct In concluding the new Egyptian convention with England , the assurance being given that Germany , Austria and Italy sldo with England. A Revolution Suppressed. PANAMA , Juno 15. A dispitch has been received from Villa Marl , a town In Argen tine Republic , to the effect that the rcvolu- : lon which broke out In the province of I'licuman , In that republic , has bcon sup pressed by the general k'overnmont witli a loss ot 400 lives. The * dispatch also states that the governor of the province aud his ministers have been takoit prisoners. The CofTno Mtirlcot. NEW YORK , June 15. Tjio cpffeo market has assumed Its natural tone and.thcro Is no excitement In trading. At the opening this morning , when the gavel fell for the lirst call , some hesitation was shown by buvvs and early transactions w'oro a little below last nlifhtVclo.sini : , but iu a low minutes the hesitation disappeared and bidding became bolder , and prices advanced about ton points. An Epidemic tit Rabies. ArAi.Acmcor.A , Kla. , Juno 15. Reports from the adjoining county of Calhoun state that an epidemic of rabies among the dogs and cattle prevails there. Several persons have been bitten by rabid dogs. Much ex citement prevails In the countv , and dog and cattle killing parties are organizing , Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Fair weather , nearly sta tionary temperature , southerly winds , be coming variable. For Iowa : Southerly winds , fair weather , slight changes In tomporaturc. For Eastern Dakota : Fair weather except rain in northern portion , winds becoming northwesterly and cooler. St. Paul's llli : Strike Berlin. ST , PATH , , Juno 15. The strike of all the building trades In thocity decided upon by the amalgamated council of the building trades last Sunday went Into effect to-day very quietly. A Youne Woman Hnncml. AMIP.NS. June 14 , Mile. Gaussen , a young woman , was executed to-day lor matricide. She was taken to the scaffold hamfooted , wearing a whlto robe and a black veil. Vlrclnla Democrats. RICHMOND.a. . , Juno 15. The state demo cratic executive committee has duclded to call the state convention for the 4th of Au gust at Roanoko. Chandler' * Election. CONCORD , N. II. , June 15. William E , Chandler was formally elected United States senator by the joint convention of the legis lature to-day. Manitoba Crops. OTTAWA , Out. , Jufio 15. The first eror. bulletin In the Manitoba department of aerl < culture reports the condition of thu crops a ! most favorable. Wheoler'H | | ] , Tnov , X. y. . Juno 15.-The will of the late William A. Whcoler. opened at.Malono. give' Si'i.OJO to homo missions , 85,000 to foreign missions , 3500 to his housekeeper ana a tu\ > bequests to various friends. .Tho Rahwuy .Mystery. UAHWA.V , N. J. , Juno 15. U Is reported that Caspar Strombach has bec-n arrested or acharire of murdering the unknown gir found with her throat cut last March , It I' bald that the arrest .was made yesterday it J uka or Salem , 111 , SOMETHING MADE HIM SKIP , Myatcrions Disappearance of a PromlnejJ > Norfolk Lira Stock Dealer , f HE WAS ALL O. K. FINANCIALLY Hut llln Matrimonial Halation * Bo Moved to Have Boon Unpleasant- * Xho Trial of Mr * . Hhollen- Begin * . Ho Jumped the Town. . NORFOLK , Neb. , June 15. Special to thl n UEK.I The disappearance of W. II. Loucka , the junior member of the prominent Norfolk livestock and grain tlrm ot Hudat&Co. , last week , Is town talk , ilo left on Tuesday for Omaha , tolling his partner that he was to meet an undo there from the east and thai ho would return thu next day. Previous to going ho secured something dyer 9500 b'f draft from tils father , "who lives in an east * ern state. His failure to return'led bis parU iicr to Inmflro Into tile miter. HrtiMulll accounts all tralght and tiotbt ft"4aJCTaV of a business naturorthat woulTiautfcaJUtt to leave. Something over K year ai o hs ( father , who Is wealthy , Invested S4.U03 or 95.000 to secure a half interest In the grata and live stock business. Matters ran along pmoothly , and several months ago be mar ried a lady who had but reotmtlf secured a divorce. Rumors of trouble between - * tween them have been rife , and It Is bellevtd flint these caused him to go away. A few days after Ills departure his wlfo received an envelope through the mall containing ISO ; and since that time she bas received a lettel from him dated at Denver , Col. , In which Ho still professed a regard for her , and ald Ilo could not got along with h'.spartner , but his partner , who says they were on the best ot terms , thinks this Is a ruse. It In general ! * believed that his matrimonial alliance Is at the bottom of the difficulty. ( Mm. Sbcllenl > crger' Trial. J j LINCOLN , Nob. , June 15. [ Special Tele * gram to the BKK. ] Atlp. ro. to-day In thf district court , J mice Pound on the bonrh.coin * [ iicnced the trial ot Mrs. Shellenberger , hareed with murder In the lirst degree In UiO killing , with Leo Shellonbcrger , of her step * laughter Mageie In Otoe county. Two hours iverc consumed In getting the jury , only foul if the original panel beln ; accepted. The .ury as finally secured was reirarded QS a good one aud compnsed the following cltl- zensof this county : George Kllng , D. F Dinges , A. liinkcnbergor. John K. Adams' ! W. F. Hensloy , J.C. F. McKesson , 11. P. tjubbard , A. Wettencamp. W. 8. Do- nare , C. S. Plnklmm iV. Hoed aiu ] George Barstater. The defendant , Mrs * Shellcnbcrcer , appeared In court clad be * comlngly with a hat profuse with white crs and her hands encased in blue silk Shc fanned herself with great regularity and y was the picture of self-control and com- posurc.and exhibited a koejiheHs In prompting tier attorney' In cross-examination that t > x\ cited . comment. Mrs. Shcllciibemer Is , * t whether a murderess or not , cold uluodcd anq heartless , aud when she turnea her steel-gray eyes upon the prosecuting attorneys at cri cal points In the evidence , a cold wavo-'wot raidlato around the Immediate yleJnlt' ' Therewere a largo number of ladles'- t anaiencq during the open.hours , but they a 2- . - > s pijarejl to have little tlf'an.yjyin.PBthy for t wonmn-ohrtrt l , and .her e\erv appearance uilikhO alked - " - ' tiMil' " Thi yT TrjfTffitniGiibarger.'WSj ' nm llrsl witness. and herelated tlioclrcutnstinicei surroundlna the troitic death of his sister In a clear.stratght forward manner. Ho rclntrd his being seat to the barn ; that In ten minutes his inothes came and told him his sister hart rut beif throat , and all his evidence showed the vU cruelty of the murder. The iclimlnrtor of tna afternoon was given to the evidence sur-4 louiuling the murder , the work of the coroJ nur and all details establishing the crime nnd surrounding circumstances. The full line and policy of thu prosecution had not devel oped at the adjournment of court for the day , nn < l the case promises another lull day's time betoro the end is reached. 1 Board of Trado. STIIOM.SIIUIJO , Neb. , Juno 15. [ Special to IMS Br.u. I Last evening the organization of the board of trade was fully completed. Stroms- ' 4 ; burg now has a head to Its numerous business enterprises , and outside parties wanting to know Romothint ; of the Inducements our city can hold out to capitalists , can carry on a re 5 liable correspondence with the secretary of thu board. Already two largo brick blocks arc being planned , the work on ono of which will commence in a few days. In one of these blocks It is proposed to put a handsome opera house , a much need institution In 0114 city. _ Railroad Work at Falrbnrjr. FAIHIIUHV , Neb. , June 15. [ Special Tele gtam to the BKK. | Grading was commenced to-day on the southwest line of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska , the Rock Island. Tula Is the main line to Denver , and Falrbury Is the junction between this and tire northwest line , which Is built to Nelson and being built beyond Into the coal and cattle country of tlm not th west. Falrbury's bo in Is greater * than ever. i Accidents In thn I1IIU. Di'.Amvoon , Dak. , June 15. f Special lele gram to the BKK. I Peter Itourke , a promt- * uent resident of Lead City , died to-day from the nffccts of poison taken by mistake. W. S. Allison , buperlntcndont ot the Ore Fine mine , was thrown trom his horse and had his arm broken , Nathan Franklin , while running with the hosu company , fell under the cart and bail his leg broken , Unrirlnry at Hchiiylcr. SCIIUVI.EI : , Neb. , June 15. [ Special Tele gram to the Bui : . I Burglars effected an en trance by cutting out a panel of the rear dooc of Swatek & Vystrlcll's hardwarn store last niu'lit. About S150 worth ot goods were stolen. lIllnnlM LugUlaturo Adjoiirna. SrniNOFiKLO , III. , June 15. The thirty- fifth general assembly adjourned to-ntyht at 8:30o'clock. : The closing hours of theses-- sion wore boisterous but good natured. The only unusual excitement of the day pre vailed In the house Iu the last two hours of the session , when an attempt was made by resolution to add the names of tour boys to the list of pagns who. unauthorized , had bnen acting In that capacity dunnv the tcs- sion. The necessary vote was found want ing after a few hours' fiuht Both branches passed to-day twenty-two bills each. This makes 204 bills passed by the thirty-fifth as- scmhlv , eighty-six of which arc bouse bills nndllti senate bills. The Sharp Jury Complete. Niw : VoitK , Juno 15. The jury box In th Sharpleaso was filled to-iUivand the jury will bc sworn In. The whole njuuber of jurors ex- amiiicd In order to sccuro the final panel was 1.10G. Alter the oath was administered to the jury , Judge Bat roll Drought up the question of Sharp's commltmnnt. Ho did not want to endanger thu defendant's llfe.aud after borne discussion It was decided to have a squad of deputies cuard the prUonur In hU own house. After reces.- " , Assistant DUtrict AU toriicvNIchbll boxan the opening address for the state. Amalgamated Sonic. June 15. The now scale ot the Amalgamated association was given out this iiftmiouu. As lias been expected , It Is an advuncu gout-rally of 10 per cent , on the hnviHt rates , ; \nd besides this a ntimbor ot new stipulations die made. The a rcomont stipulates amoiu the now clauses that iiluo hotmi shall constitute a dny'H work , mid In no case shall Itcci'd tun hours. The hcalo will bo mailed to tinnnfacturerfl tlirou-'hout tha country to night. A wage canfuiuuco Will (40 ( held In this clly next Tuesday , ' "