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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. FRIDAY MQUNING. JUNE 17J 1887. NUMBER 3 CROVER CONCLUDES TO HEDGE Ho Sees His Mhtake and Oountormanch the Confederate Flag Order , FAIRCHILD'S TERRIFIC SENTENCE "May God Palsy the Hraln That Con ceived nntl tlio Hand flint Wrote the Order" Fierce Indig nation Arouned , Cleveland CrawflHhes. vVAblllNOTON , JlillU 10. [ Special Tele gram to lliu UKK. I Tlio battle flags captured by thu union forces from thu men on tlio other side , who used to bo called "rebels" be fore Uie democrat renaissance , are nut to be returned to thu southern states after all , as will be seen by the following letter bent to the becietnty of war by the president to-day : " 1 have to-day considered with more caio than when the subject was orally presented me the action ol your department diicctlng let ters to be addressed to the governors of all states offering to return , If desired , to the loyal states , the union flays capturedIdiirln : the war of the rebellion by the confederate forces and after winds recovered by govern ment troops , and to the confederate states thu flags captured by tlio union forces , all of which formally years have been packed la boxes mid stored in the cellar and attic ot the wardcpiiitmcnU 1 am of the opinion that the return of the Ila s In the manner thus contemplated IB not authorized by ttic exist- lug law nor Justified as an executive act. 1 request , therefore , that no further steps betaken taken In the matter except to examine and Inventory these Hags and adopt proper meas ures for their preservation. Any direction OH to the final disposition of them should origi nate with congress. Vours truly , CillOVKK Cl.KVEIjANn. Never since the surrender of Appomattox lias an incident occurred that lias caused so much feeling amen old soldiers as the re port that the president had authorized the re turn of those emblem ? . Not only in thu states where the soldier clement is thn strongest , but In every section of thecouutry , the feeling engendered by this and unpatriotic order Is ol the most intense character. Old soldiers hero have been fairly Hooded with telegrams to-day protesting against the surrender of the flags , llete is a sample telegram received fiom a western town : " "Can It bo that there are not enough men In Washington who fought lor the union to prevent the removal of thosn Hags from Washington'1 If not , wo have enough here to burn every one of them before a ( sin gle scrap ot the bunting is c.irried uwav. " One man who lives In Georgetown had two brothers shoe down while defending the colors of their regiment. The colors were captured by the rebels and wcro subsequently retaken by thu company. They also took the Hags of thu rebel icglmcnt. These lings aru among the number which it WAS Intended to return to the poor fellows with whom drover Cleveland sympathizes so much. The news of thu Intention of tlio authorities worked upon the feelings ol thu man who had given up two brothers to thu defense of the stars and stripes so that ho was com pletely prostrated , llu had to bu carried homo in a cab and Is reported to bo in a critical condition to-night. No one can Imagine what Induced thu secretary of war , to propose such an asslnlnc move to the president. General Drum admits that he has not had a single request from a south ern company or southern state for the return ot the lings , llu must have been aware , too , that tlio proposition was in direct violation of the law , as tlio act of 1814 sets forth very clearly that cauturcd Hags shall bu displayed at the seat of government , utul , that thuy shall bo in thu custody ot thu au thorities , llu must have been awaru that they could only bu w.'thuiawu ' by act of con- cress. To-day General Drum was asked by your correspondent for permission to look at the books. In which tlio histories of. the captured lints are kept , llu declined to allow any one to see them , pleading as an excuse that the clerks were busy preparing the lists of those which woru to have been returned , llu bald that the flags would certainly bo returned In spltoot lliu piolesls which had been raised against such action , and Intimated that ho had no sympathy with the feeling of the men who piotest against their return. Colonel Dan Lament , private secretary to the president , attempted to shift the response blllty tor the order from the shoulders of UK president to thosu of thu adjutant ircneral ol the army. Daniel bald 'that thu president never slcned tlio order , and ho doubled it Ills chief was aware of the Import of thu matter lie was probabl ) correct In this , as no ordei has been signed , but Inasmuch as the prest dent gave voronl assent to thu proposition tc vrrlte to the governors of the southern states he alone should bear thu odium which will attacli to thu action. Thu wll not survu to wipe out thu stigma. General lioyiiton , acting for the governoi of Ohio , had begun legal proceedings and hat retained .Messrs. lloutwell and Shellab.irser to sue out a restraining order , and this lad became known to tlio president together will the further fact that tlio court was likely t < ' Issue an Injunction , before hu found out tlm there was no law for thu proposed action o : the olllvlals of thu war department [ Piess.1 The following statement will regard to the president's action concerning thu proposed return of thu battle Hags wai maku at thu whltu lo-nlght lo a repre sentative of the Associated press : When 1 was proposed to the president by the lulju tant general , an Important feature suggestei was thu leturn to the loyal states of thu flag ! which had been captured by thu confederate : and retaken by our army at the collapse ol the rebellion. They , with such confederati Hugs as had been captuiod from thu enein ; by our troops , had tor a lout time romalnec uncait'd for and neglected , packed away It the collar of thu war department , and hai been removed to the attic as a better pluci tor sale keoplne. Thu disposition ol tin Hat * , which bee-mud to bo answering no goo ( purpose whcru they were was me mall point , and the consideration was presentei to tlio president that some Hags hiui been re turned to the lojnl sUtes upon their rcques In Individual cases , and thu rest , If desired , might as well bu restored together. The re tinii of thu confederate Hay * which wen with the others In thu department was sug tested , but Ihuru was not the slightes ihouutof Interfering In any way with tin captured Hags now held by any state. Tni fact was apparently rccelvcd'with favor b ; the country that lately , In one or uioru cases , northern troops visiting their Into autncou Ists at til. south had returned to ttiom flag : which had been captured In battle from t'jos ' wtiostj hospitalities they were receiving. Tin lurther fact that Hit northern troops who within a slioit llmo , had been visiting south ern battle lields , had spoken In thu urines tones ot the kind ami hospitable m-atmen they had received from former confederate soldiers , and thu Itict , too , lliat soldiers frcn the north and south went just gathering * Washington to meet In friendly competltloi ut the national drill , seemed to Indlcatuthu if the union Hacc were rotinned to Hiuloyn states which had lost them In battle , it wouli not be Inconsistent with the fraternal scull ment which seouicd to prevail to otfi r at th name time to the governors of the state formerly in rebellion the it'turu of thu II ig which we had taken from Ihoir soldier.Th right ot the department to make Hit'so n turns being questioned by the president , sue ! right WAS distinctly assorted and prn-cdcnt iu jed , and theicupon hit oral assent w.i ghen to the proposed action. The matter was dismissed from his mind until comment thereupon within the last day or two had brought It again lo his attention , when , upon personally examining tlio law and consider ing thu subject more carefullv , ho satisfied hlniFclf that no disposition of these flags could be made without congressional action , whereupon ho directed the suspension of op erations by letter made public this evening. Injunction Proceeding IleRun. WASHINGTON , June 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Hii.J : : Proceeding were Insti tuted to-day In the supreme court apalnst tlio secretary ot war as thu representative of the president to prevent the return of tlio confed erate ] battle Ilaes captured by the troops of the slate of Ohio. General 11. V. Itoynton , correspondenl of the Cincinnati Commercial- U.uette. made the necessary affidavit and Governor Forrkor Is In telegraphic communi cation with the attorneys , who are Messrs. Shollnbnru'cr , of Shi'llabargcr it Wilson , and ex-Governor Itoutwell. Earlv action will be taken by the court. Thu affair has set the ox-soldlcr element on lire and violent lan guage is being used against the administra tion. Fnlrchlid's Terrific Words. NEW VOIIK , June 10. "May God palsy Hie hand that wrote Hie Older ! " "May God palsy the brain that conceived , and may God palsy thu tongue that dictated It. " Grand Army of the Republic veterans heard words with Dated breath , and glanced at each other with awe as thu terrible sentences rang out from the cotnmandcr-ln-chtof of the Grand Army of the Republic last night In Association hall In Harlem , The occasion was the reception tendered to thu coinman- ler-ln-chicf by Alex. Hamilton. Post Ib2 of the Grand Army of the Republic. Visitors were present from every Grand Army post In this city and vicinity. Before tlio meeting opened It became known that General Uoss , of Austin , Tex. , had received a letter froth the adjutant gen eral of the United States army staling that the president had approved the recommenda tion , and the writer had been Instructed by the secretary of war to rnstoro all conledciale flags In caru of thu department to the south ern states from whoso regiments flags had been captured during the war ot' the rebel lion. General Falrchlld entered the hall with stern features. Without baldly wailing for the usual courtesies , the one-armed leader burst forth with the expressions recorded above. The general told of Iho news received by telegraph that the president had approved of the return of the "rebel" Hags and how those Hags had been won by the veterans of the Giaiid Army of the Re- publtc In open conflict with the enemies of the nation. The veterans had placed their tiophlcs in tlio care ot the war department. They were Intended , ho said , to be kept In the archives of the nation as mementoes of the hard won lields of battle. Ho continued : "How can Iho present loyal governors of the houthein states accept the emblems of treason after their professions ot loyalty to the Union ? Must they not return them to tlm secretary and say they have nothing to do with thu Hags as rebel organizations aru extinct and their governors are dead ? " Gen eral Falrchlld said he had frequently listened to sentiments which caused him to bite his tongue In an etfoit to maintain self-control. In the nine.months past he had visited Giaud Army of the Republic posts In every state In the north , cast and west. Ho had never In anv past meeting heard anything but kindly feelings expressed lowards thu men who had looked Into thu gun barrels of thu northern Iroops during Iho war. As com mander in chief ho had tried lo encourage this kindly It-cling. Now this was changed. The lime had comu to speak In thu name of thu organization. If ho could not protest ntralnst It as commander in chief of thu Grand Aimy of the Republic , he would re sign and protest as a private citl/en. lint ho was satisfied that oTiO.OOO Giand Army of the Republic veterans would rise as one man in solemn protest auainst any such disposition of Ihe trophies won at such fearful sacrllicu of blood. Raising his only hand , the general said : " 1 appeal to the sentiment of the na tion to forbid this sacrilege. " There was a moment's silence when a wild hurrah wont no and was repeated. Then came loud calls for Corporal Tanner. He apologized for coming without his Grand Army of the Republic badge. After the action of the president In thu case of the rebel Hags , the next thine would be an order demanding that the .veterans of the war should return their Grand Army of thu Re public badzes as they were made of metal cast from guns captured In the war. llo was not surprised that such an order should em- inalu from a man who , during the war was In the lull vigor of manhood , sturdy and strong , yet who was represented in the held by a substitute drawn from the Erlu peniten tiary. Every member should rlr.o in his might as a veteran and protest azalnst this desecration. Tlio proposed trip of Cleveland to SI. Louis had been discussed by Iho vet erans. Ho had advised western veterans to treat Iho president with the respect due him , but now had come an order from which noth ing could come bul condemnation and result In damnation. These remarks were received with shouts and cheers. Then Kdmiind Kendrlcks , late Inspector general of the department of New York , under General Sickles , leaped to thu platform and offered Iho following resolu tions : , The president of the United States , having approved the recommendation that all battle Hags In custody of the war de partment belonging to thu southern stales in rebellion during Iho late civil war , bu re turned to the respective states which bore thorn , for such disposition as they may determine , bo It Resolved , That this post views with sur prise the action of the president and records its protest thereto. Itcsolved , That the sacrifice of blood which captured the emblems represents a sacrifice to liberty , national union , and lo God. liesolved , Thai no sentiment of generosity and no expression of magnanimity is In volved In thu surrender of these covenants of national honor. Resolved , That It only now remains to di rect that the now battle Hags of thu union bu distributed among the representatives of the so-called confederacy , and as lilting acknow ledgment of righteousness of the "lost cau e. " Resolved , That this post expresses Its dls- approbation of this act of the first president of the United Stales who has held thu office disassociated from the memories of war for the union. The resolutions wore carried with a shout Arrangements will be made to have a ma s meeting of veterans next week to proles ! against Hie action of Ihe president. A Washington special to the Evening Post says that Adjutant General Dunn. In answer to a query as to thu return of the flairs. standards and colors which were caplurei from the confederates during the war , said : "Wo are going to return them all lo the slates , uortli and south. The president has recommended that It bo done , and I am now having full lists made of all these trophies In the possession of the department. In a short time we shall have the whole collection assorted and ssparatod , that we shall bo ready to forward to every stale In Ihe union whatever Hags belonging to the slate volun teers foil Into the hands of the fed era army and Into the possession of the war de partment. " Tli ay or Files Ills Protest. LINCOLN , Neb. , June 18. [ Special Tele gram to Ihe BKK.J Governor Thayer to-day forwarded the following message to ( Jrover Cleveland : To the President of the United States , Washington , D. C. : In the name of the BO ! dlers and people of Ncoraskn , I respectfully but mojt earnestly protest against the re turn of the rebel lings captured Dy our armies In the latowar. In that sliuuule wo were right and Ihoy were wrong. To return these emblems of treason would bo to reverse this sacred truth , and tlio next net of humiliation would bo tor us to apoog/.u ! ! fur having cap tured and retained tficin sa Jon * . T"fi kl sons ollEe U18 Cv'S'r ' mnsl n.fl . and will uof Be reversed. The people are Indignant at this proposed return of these Hugs , and Ibev de clare with united voices and emphasis that treason must be forever odious. | Si iiedJ JOHN M. THAYXR , Governor. The tOvernor bad scarcely the above ices- sagu formulated and forwarded until thi messages began to your IDfQJH \ Irand Army post In the state and from prom- nent Grand Army men. Among the tncs- aires received were the following : HKIIMAN , Meb. , Juno 10.-To Governor lolm M. Thayer : We most earnestly protest against the leturu of the rebel flag ! ) . [ Signed. ) A. GA r.iN , 11. G. MuNPoi.rn. Post Ife'J , G. A. R. , Nebraska. OMAHA , Neb. , June 10. To Hon. John M. 1'hayer , Governor : Don't let the day pass without your protest In word ? that will bo leard against the return of the rebel Hags. I SUnpd. j T. S. CI\UKSON. SciiUYi.r.n , Neb. , June 10. To John M. I'hayer , Governor : In the name ot loyalty , the slalo of Nebraska and Hie loyal soldiers , irotest against thu return of the rebel flags. [ higned-l II. 0. Rutwr.i.i , , Department Commander G. A. It. i Indignation at Sclmylcr. SCHUYI.EU , Neb. , Juno 10. ISpeclal Tele- 'rnm to the BKK. | A largo and enthusiastic indignation meeting was held at the opera House him this evening protesting against tno action of President Cleveland in tlio mat ter of the con federate Hags. Speeches were made by Russell , lloxlu , Cody , Huhgos , Woods , and others , and Iho following icso- lullons were adopted : Whereas , Grover Cleveland , acting In his rapacity as piesldentof the United States , having ordered or poimltted thu icturn to the states recently In rebellion against the gov ernment Ihe rebel Hags caplmcd by federal Iroops ; and Whereas Wo , as loyal citizens of Iho gov ernment , believing Hits to bu a concession to the sentiment of tieason , therefore bu It Resolved , That It Is with pain and sorrow that we hear of this ln ult to our flat , and do enter our solemn protest. [ SUned.l JosKi'ii F. WOODS , F. M. HATCH , JOHN C. SiMtuoHKit , HAIIKV PiiEU'.s , W. T. HowAitu , A. E. CODY , committee on resolutions. Iowa VctcrniiH Itoillng Mad. DES MOINK.O , la. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.I There has been nothing for years that has stirred the feelings of Iowa people like Cleveland's order returning the rebel Hags. It Is the one topic ot conversa tion and men speak of It with the same spirit they did of Hie tiring 'on Forl Sumter. All classes unite In outspoken and unsparing condemnation of thu outrage. Tlio old soldiers especially aio lighting mad , and if curses could do It , Cleveland would be burled a thousand leagues under ground. From the governor down lo the humblest cillzen Hicro is one unrestrained expression of Indigna tion. Ever } body Is pleased thai Governor Larrabeo responded so vigorously tand In thu name of tlio state of Iowa protested against this surrender of the flags which Iowa soldiers gave blood and treasure to captuic. The governor said to-day that he should taku prompt measurus to prevent the return of the Hags captured by Iowa troops , and ho will either send a represoulative of the state to Washington lo institute formal proceed ings lo prevent it or ho will net through some representative already there. There Is no question about Iho public feeling In this state , and Iho citizens are proud , without respect to parly , that Iowa stands side by bide with Ohio In being the first states In the union to protest against this base and shameful act of dishonor. The old soldiers say that they have nothing against their former opponents , who touglit gallantly and accepted thu results of the war , but thuy denounce with infinite scorn and contempt the copperhead picsident who now Interferes to maku political capital by a gratuitous tender to southern pride. There are ninu rebel Hags in thu state arsenal hero , and there has been much talk nil day about Hie proba bility of their being sent tor by the war de partment to bo returned south with the order. It Is safu to say that they will never bo taken from here , as the Iowa blood Is bulllmr , ami the Hags will bo destroyed before they are ever given up. The list of these rebel flags hero Is as follows : Rebel garrison Hair , cap tured by the Eighth Iowa cavalry by Captain John Dance , of Co. K ; Inscription on thu Hair , "independence or death. " Kebel cavalry colors , captured by Sergeant George 11. Miller , Co. 11 , Fourth Iowa cavalry , from the Fourth Missouri rebel cavalry , nt Iho battle of Osae on October 25 , 1SG4. l < Yagmculs of the first secession flairs hoisted at Montgomery , Ala. Rebel flag taken train the south Carolina state house as the union troops marched through Columbia. Rebel Hag cap tured at YR/.OO , Miss. , July 14. W > 3 , by a member of Company A. Nineteenth Iowa iu- fantiy. Rebel cattle Hag captured by the Thirty-third Iowa Infantry at Helena , Ark. , July 4.1SG3. Rebel flag , "Small , " captured In a raid at Cairo. A rebel Hag and rebel cavalry guidon without description or his tory. lion. John A. Kasson , late minister lo Germany , and lor many years congressman from this district , when scon by a reporter , was found boiling over with Indignation at Cleveland's order. Ho said ; " 1 can scarcely trust myself to speak , 1 have so little pa tience with tlio whole proceeding. It is the grossest , the most Iniliululy gross outrage 1 have ever known In the history of this coun try. It Is not thu fact that the rebel Hags are returned lo Iho ox-rebels who carried them , but that Mr. Cleveland , without ask ing permission troiu the men who captured them , or from congress , or from any one authorized to speak for them , should assume to dispose ot government properly for Iho paltry purpose ot furthering his own politi cal ambitions. 1 class the flags In the same category of government properly as guns , wagons , artillery trains and other munitions of war captured fiom the enemy. They are the properly of Iho government and cannot bo disposed of ex cept bv permission ot congress. Mr. Cleveland looks at the flags as If Ihoy had no value except for thu muslin and poles that compose them. Hu overlooks entirely their moial valuu to thu moral sentiment of Hie nation and lo the men whoso Individual gallantry In so many Instances captuicd them. Ho does not attacli a bit of sentiment to them so lar as the south Is concerned , and pretends thai they will assist In the work ot reconciliation between the sections. On the contrary , they will have the opposite elfect. For some time after the war they were kept In thu department at Washington , exposed to public view , but as Iho states came back to tuo union , and fraternal relations were being enromaged , it was suggested that It wouln bo unpleasant for citizens of ) ho south visiting the public buildings to see before them tlio reminders of their defeat , and so congress authorized thu removal of thu Hags to a separate room out of sight and yet In tlm cuslody of the covernmenl. lint 'now , if they are relumed lo Hie south , they will nt once bo put on exhibition In their state houses and public buildings , and be flaunted In the face of all to perpetuate the old rebel mem ories and the animosities of ibe war. Re turning these Has will do more to keep open the breach between the sections than their peaceful rest at Washington would In a thou sand years. Nobody has asked for thorn , nobody exaecled to have them returned , and If there are any governors of southern states who have any manliness or chivalry , they would refuse to receive them from tlio president , but would send them back with the message : 'These flags were won by fallant men from gallant men on hard- fought fluids , and they shall be kept by Hie callant men who captured them until they themselves shall choose to give them up. ' If there was a district attorney at Washing ton with surllclent spirit and pride , he would tlln an Injunction enjoining the secretary ot war from disposing of government property without permission from congress. 1 have carefully examined the statistics and the re ports , and 1 find no authority whatever for Mr. Cleveland's action , and there never , since I have been connected with public af fairs , has been a precedent for this outrage. " Crocker post G. A. K. . | representing the leading ox-soldiers of ibis city , held an In dignation meeting to-night , addressed by Hon. John A. Kasson and others denounc ing Cleveland's order returning the rebo Hags. Rini-ing resolutions of protest were adopted with great entuslasm , * * , - . . . . . & . , . . . - Warm Comment at Now Haven. NEW UA.VEN , Conn. , Juno 10. The Gram Army posts ot this city united in a monster camp fire. Fully 6,000 persons were In the armory tbo moment after the doors opened Many dlstlniulsbed guests were present among whom were Generals Falrchlld , Sher Hb rldan , pchoiueld , Terry , Grccly - V , . ' lawlny and Porter ; 1 Colonel Fred Grant , lovernor Lounsbur.vand others. Com- nander Talntor wolcftfrtrd the distinguished guests , and , referring' to the contemplated return of the confederate flags , said : "I bo- iovo the Grand Army has aproprletary right n those Haus purchased -with blood. " Com mander-in-chief Falrchlld said , among oilier hlngs : "Since about iwr , the Grand Army iaa been Iho friend of the soutb. Wo have no sort of hate or mallco against our old foes anywhere , and nro ready to extend to .hem the right hand of fellowship. NolwithstandiiiB all this , I most emphatic ally assert that the southern states have no manner of rleht to take from us relics ot the late rebellion In the shape ot rebel Hags. Would the governors of Ihoso states place them In thclrcapltols as emblems toboruvcred and teach coming generations treason ? No loyal governor of any state In llils union will recoivti them. " General Fairchild - child concluded by saying ho spoke In de fense of the southern people , whom ha full sure would feel Insulted by having Ihoso flags thrust upon them. Governor Lounsbury said he should enler a vigorous protest against the removal. General Sher man excused himself fiom speaking. Sena tor lluwlev then tend n d.spatch Haydn : the president had countermanded the order. This was received with much applause. Genurals Sheridan , Terry , Gieely , and Colonel Grant also spoke. Haynrd Believes It Brave. NEW VOIIK , Juno 10. The Post says : A dispnlch from Washington to the llnltlmore Sun of this mornlnc quotes "n gentleman of prominence in poliilcal circles" ( probably Secretary Uayard ) , as saying : "Tho order Is one of the bravest , wisest and most patri otic over performed by the uxucutlvu of a great people. By a stroke of tils pen the president has done morn to unite Iho stales and confirm the union than all precedent proclamations ainl legislation. Theie never can bu a united people so long as the con querors In civil war clory over the conquered , and anything which keeps nllve the feeling of once existing sectional hatred should be wiped out. The act of the president Is brave because It has already aroused the rage of the professional otllce-seeklng soldier organ- i /.at i on and partisan journals which serin , In many cases , to have no other excuse for a being than to keep alive and bequeath lioui father to son the never-dying spirit of hatred. _ The Feeling In Illinois. CIIICAOO , Juno 10. The Chicago News Springiiuld (111. ( ) special says : Represeuta- lives of aboul thirty Grand Army of the Ke- publlc posts of Illinois met this morning and adopted resolutions protesting In vigorous language against the return of the captured con federate Hairs to the original possessors as contemplated In the order recently an nounced by the war department , and asking Governor Oglesby to telegraph Piesldunt Cleveland an earnest protest against the action and request for such action ns may bo necessary to pieserve ojid protect for Illinois soldiers the flans and 'tropniea ' captured by them In thu war. ULOOMINQTOX , June 10. Djprriment Com mander Sweei/.er. ot thu G. A. R , , to-day re ceived telegrams trom many different posts throughout the state protesting against Ihe re turn ot Hie flags lo tlje confederate stales. He telegraphed an earnest protest to thopies- Ident. _ The AViir Department Denounced. NEW VOIIK , Juno 10. Winchester post No. 197 , G. A. It. , mutlto-night in Brooklyn and passed a series oC heated resolutions de nouncing the order tort-turn to thu several states the captured battle flags. A copy of the resolutions was Ordered .forwarded to Iho president One ot the resolutions road as follows : , Ifev / - . Hcsolved , ' 1 hat In the opinion of this post the olllclals of the war department in advising this unwarranted action have proved them selves unsoldierly , unpatriotic , and unlit to wear the unll'oim of their government. Wisconsin's Governor Protests. MILWAUKEE , June 10. A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Madison , Wls. , says Governor Rusk , who Is greatly roused by the determination of. the administration to return all rebel flags to the original south ern companies from which they were taken , has sent a letter to Adjutant-General Drum , requesting that the rebel flags captured by Wisconsin troops in the late war bu returned to the stato. Governor Husk also wired a protest to President Cleveland a.alnst the return of the 1 1 avis. Grand Army posts in Wisconsin will hold meetings to protest against the action of thu war department. A Howl From Kansas. ToriiKA , Kan. , Julie 10. Much Indlgna- nation Is expressed here over thu return ot Iho confederate llau's to their respective states. A largo number of G. A. R. men called upon Governor Martin to-day , who sent a telegram to President Cleveland , protesting In the name of Hie citizens of Kansas against the action as an Insult lo Hie heroic dead and an outrage lo the surviving comrades. Hu added that no oflicer ot the government had the local or moral authority to surrender the Hags. J _ How Ohio Veterans Took If. COI.UMIIUS , O. , Juno 10. Governor Fora- ker iccelved to-day many telegrams from all over the state approving thn stand he took In regard to the rebel lings. The announcement that Iho president had revoked the order caused great rejoicing here tills evening. Ar rangement had been made to hold mass meet ings to discuss the matter , but the dispatch from Washington seriously Interfered with the resolutions which hud been prepared. Vigorous Resolutions At Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , Juno 10. Every Grand Army post In Cincinnati passed' resolutions to- mxht condemning the proposition of the ex ecutive at Washington lo return Iho cap tured confederate HaiS. The attendance at all of the meetings was large , and thu leso- lious vigorous. A Kick From Colorado. DINVIU : , Juno 10. A meeting of Grand Army men was held this afternoon to take action in regard to the order rosloring tlio captured rebel flails to the southern states. It was decided to telegraph Conimander-iu- Chief Falrchlld the protest of the depaitmcut of Colorado to the removal of the flags. Sherman Approveti Falrchlld's'Spocch Nnw VOIIK , June 10. The Mall and Ex press says : General Falrchlld had a long talk with General W , T. Sherman this morn- Ing. It Is understood that General Sherman approves of General Kairchild's speech last evening , but neither will talk on the subjet. California Wtirfels Into Line. SAN -Fit-VNCisco , June 10. The depart ment commander df the G. A. R. has tele graphed the commalider-ln-clilef , protesting against the return .of the llass , and asking the Institution ot legal proceedings to pre vent It. . Protest. LANMNO , Juno 10. A resolution will bo presented to thu legislature this afternoon , calling upon Hie president to rescind his or der for the return of- tHe rebel battle Hags. The Sharp Trial. Nr.w YOHK , Juno'lO.- ( he Sharp trial to-day , ex-Alderman FulgralT , who was the first witness called , teld about the same story of the "combine" that be had altcady told In former trials. He tripped himself up , how ever , on cross-examination , by swearing ho received only $10,000 for IHs vou\ whereas he swore on another trial It was § 18,000. Scv eral other minor discrepancies were also de veloped by the searching questions of Sharp's counsel. News in the DEADWOOD , Dak. , June 10. [ Special Tel egram to the UKE.J Another smeller com pany has been organized ne re , with a capita of 850,000. The dry house and l.W.OOO feet of dry lumber of Tinner & Price burned this afternoon. No Insurance. Mrs. J'eter Metro has eloped , leaving her husband and three-months' child. CALM SUCCEEDS THE STURM , incitement In Chicago's Wheat Pit Cools Down and Reaction Follows , THE WORST OF THE PANIC OVER. How Kcrehi\v'H Trouhlo In Ilccard to Ctliic | Money Occurred Ar mour G'vcs Ills Vlow of the Situation. The BItuntlon in Chicago. CHICAGO , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to : ho Bui : . | The unexpected occuned to-day. Thu hope that Kurshaw might pull Ihiough was not realized. Ills tulliiro seems lo bo complete. When this fact was fully appre ciated the market did not "go all to pieces , " but actually advanced and closed steady al nearly the best prices of the day. The bad effect of his failure had been In a large mcasuic discounted and the great majority of the commission merchants who had trades with Kcrshaw it Co. had closed them out Only one additional failure occurred to-day , that of J. J. Uryant , who was carrying 'J,000- 000 bushels of for Kershaw. In simple truth thu worst Is over. It may take a few weeks or oven months to clear away the wreckage , but by this lime everybody in Irado knows what tholr individual losses aru and the panic may bo said to be now a thing of the past. Of Iho ihrco recognized clique houses only Irwln , Green & Co pulled through. The creditors and victims nro con testing for their portion of what remains In the hands of Rosenfcld it Co. and Kcrshaw < te Co , and the cllqitu agents and their principals have also fallen to quarreling among themselves. Wllshire and Rekert , of Cincinnati , brought SGOO.OOO to Chicago yesterday to sustain Iho market and protect their crippled and Imper illed InteiesU. It was brought on for a spe cific purpose , and , judging from the returns now in sight , It did not produce the results tlnl were expected. How Hits money was used , where It went , why it didn't get whcio it was started tor , and ail about It are tacts that may comu out In the litigation that Is springing out of tills ugly business. The gen tlemen who Invested § 4,000,000 to 83.000,000 In cold cash In a futile attempt to corner the Chicago wheat market are not likely lo gut back a very large percentage ot It , but they may have the satisfaction of finding out just how It was they didn't succeed , and Ihoy may also luvu something to say about thu final disposition of tlio skelelon over which such a llvelv light has boon Inaugurated. Thu calm that succeeds a storm was wit nessed on 'change to-day. There w ru no signs ol outward excitement lo cnlertaln the sweltering crowds In the gallery , and neither weiu there wild fluctuations In prices to dis turb or excitu the commeieial world in Hie wheat pit. Only a moderate amount ot busi ness was done and steadiness was the ruling featuio. Thu market has been bumping on hard pan and It was only natural that there should bo a reaction. An Immense amount of wheat has been bought on thn break by foreigners and shippers at prices that leave a handsome margin of prolit for actual shipment , and at thu quotations ruling to-day ihero Is a differ ence ot about 20c between Chicago and New York.- . Tlie facts In recard to the deposit of money for Kershaw & Co. yesterday at the Amer ican Exchange bank , on which ho founded Ills promise to pay in full , were these : Wil- shire did deposit 000,000 to the credit of Ker shaw ite Co. yesterday morning. When C. J. Kershaw left thcio at S o'clock after an hour's consultation with Wllshire , D. W. Irwln , lloyt , Cashier Dewar , C. 1) ) . Eggleston and several of Iho directors , there was nearly SbOO.OOO on deposit , subject , as ho supposed , to his cheek. He hurried down to tlio oflice ot Armour > V Co. and there told his friend , P. D. Armour , of his position , and his ability to stand everything down to 70c. It was not until 10:45 : o'clock , when ho went Into Ar mour's oflicu again , that ho was told that his checks , were being thrown out by Hie American Exchange National. Ho went out of Armour's like a shot to ascertain the trouble. The trouble was that Immediately after Korshaw left the American Exchangn bank , ana when Wll- sliiro produced the 000,000 , to go. as lie sup posed , to the credit of Kershaw , Irwjn , Green & Co. demanded half of it. President Irwin is senior partner In this house , and had this advantage Hiat ho could credit tlio money as he was disposed to. When Ker shaw s cneck for $ iOO.OOO trom the clearing house went down for certification , It was thrown out. Somu Dig checks had , however , gone through all right be lore. Amoni ; them were checks to Schwartz , Dufreo it Co. , P. 11. Wearo & Co. , and a few others , asgregat- Inir , perhaps , 8150,000 , so that Kershaw's promises were made in good faith. If it had not happened thai the presidenl of Iho bank was nlso an applicant for ruoro martins , Kershaw's chocks would have been certified. There A'cro two things which upset Ker shaw's calculations yesterday morning. The most important , of course , was the seizure of a part of that SCUO.OOO by Irwin , Green & Co. , but Korshaw also checked out Stb.OOO to pay the claims of Schwartz , Dufree & Co. , of Orr & Comes. P. U. Weare it Co. , William Dunn & Co. , and of ono or two other concerns. Even after Irwln , Green & Co. had taken $300,000 of the de posit , Ihero would have been enough to pro vide for ( ho certification ot the clearing house check , if this 6GS.OOO had not been checked against , and It the holders of Iho checks had not rushed at once to the bank and gel their checks certitied. Dewar , Kershaw's partner , claims tills morning that It was a great blun der not to pay thu clearing house check be- foru all others. That would have saved the day.Armour Armour said this morning : "Tho amount of loss to this market is not nearly so severe ns some of the unfortunate ones nro claim ing. There were more losses on'theadvancu , lor when this clique was advancing the mar ket wo who were straddled and between dlf- leront markets paid out our money , lint mostot the falluiusso far announced weiu ot men who were broke before tills panle and who were simply waiting tor a good excuse. They have been thus for twelve months , some of them. No body can lese money on Kert-haw , for he Is margined way down. Hu tells me this , and I know ho would not He to inc. Ho would have gone through yesterday it there had not been a muddle at Hie bank. He came In here and said that ho would pay down lo TO cents. The wheat Is worth that , and the man who sells July at New York and buys cash wheat hero has r cents a bushel secured. I oifmed 11 % cents for 500,000 bushels of wheat lo thu baiiK ycsterdnv when Iho mar ket on the board was nominally TO cents , and the bank would not sell it , thanks. All say tney will not sell. There would have been a great deal of cash wheat taken yesterday but you could not do business. The banks would not talk to jou. They were lee busy with margins. " Per Cincinnati Money. CINCINNATI , June 10. Late this afternoon the American Exchange bank .of Chicago brought an attachment suit with an applica tion for k'arnlsheo lo recover money belong ing lo Irwln , Green & Co. , of Chicago , said lo bo on deposll In Iho Fidelity bank ot Cin cinnati. The suit socks lo recover S317.6W on a draft Given by Irwln , Green & Co. , of Chhngo , lo the American Exchange bank , which thu Fidelity bank refused to honor on the around that Irwin , Green & Co. had no such amount of money on deposit. How It Is In Milwaukee. MIUVAUKKK , Juno 10. The sltuallon on change this morning Is devoid of sensational features. No settlements have been made and everybody Is watting to hear what Ker shaw Intends to do. It Is said a failure will follow If Kershaw lays down altogether. The maiket Is stead v. A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Minneapolis says Grlfllth , Marshall & Co. , itraln brokers , have suspenacd owing to their close business relations wltU the Kershaw firm at Chicago. ' THADB DOLLAUS. Kx-ConerRRsntan James or flrooklyn Intcrvlcwrul On the Hnlijcot. WASIUNOTON.JUIIO 10. [ Special Telegram o Iho HKK.J Ex-Congrossman D. It , James , of Brooklyn , who was the leader ot the re * niblicau minority of the house coinage com- iilttec In thu Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth congresses , and who Is Interested In the colTco business , Is In the city preparing to cave for Europe. Ho salts on Saturday of next week. Mr. James coos In part for plcas- iroaud partly to look Into the silver question , n which hohas always taken a great Interest. Speaking of the subject to-day hu said that he thinks that Ills esllninto of T.000,000 to 10- : OJ,000 as the number of trade dollars likely to bo presented for redemption will provo to bo the correct one. At first he I cared that the number would reach M.OOO.OOO or . ' 50,000,000 , nnd for this reason hu did all In his power to prevent the passage of tliu redumption bill In [ ho Forty-eighth congress. In thu interim between thai time and tliu passage of the bill ho made n careful inuuiry Into the number likely to como from Japan , China and thu .straits settlements and ho soon convinced himself that there wervery few uncut tradu dollars in HHHO countries. Now hu does not think that Hie number to bu redeemed will ex- cend his outside estimate ot 10,000OJO. Speak ing ot the silver question , ho said thai the public has become apathetic since the Forty- elclith congress vetoed the action of the ad ministration In Us attempt to make silver odiou.s by authorizing thu issuu of 51 nnd S" silver ccrtilicatcs. llu thoughl that the time would certainly come , however , when the continued colnago ol sll\er would Inevitably cause great financial depression. Tills tlmo would arrive when thu volume of silver dollars lars and their equivalent certificates exceeds the normal demand for currency. Or a simi lar result may be looked for at any time If from any cause the flow of gold Is outward Instead ot towards the United States , as now. Mr. James added that Hie bl-melalists ot England are surely gaining strength every day. Speaking of too recent flurry In the coffee market , hu said that for some } ears thu prices nl Amsterdam , Paris nnd Rio Janeiro have been higher by several points than they have been In Iho American market The flurry was caused entirely by speculation , although Iho demand Is heavier it has been for some llmo. Hu thinks that In spite of the fact that ttio market has recovered to some extent , prices must drop , ns they have been maintained principally by European speculation. Military Matter * . WASIIINOTON , June 10. [ Special Tele- gran to Hie Uinr.J Captain James M. Ken- niiiL'toti , Fourteenth Infantry , who was placed on the retired list yesterday afternoon for Insanity , Is now under treatment at St. Elizabeth asylum hero. Hu Is a native of Ireland and enlisted In the regular army in October , IbTil , in tbo Second Infantry. Ho became a lieutenant In 1MU and captain In IST.i. The vacancy In Ihe regiment promotes First Lieutenant Julius E. Qulntln to captain of company 13 , nnd Lieutenant Joseph H. ( iustin to first lieutenant of company 11 , in the Ninth infantry. The retirement of William B. Pease , who was retired for tlio disabilities he Incurred during the late war , promoted Lieutenant James W. Uonn to captain of company 1 and Lieutenant Frank S. Dodils to first lieutenant of company K. Captain Regan Is the well known writer on military law and practice ot courts-martial. Armv orduis : Captain Chambers McKib- bin , Fifteenth Infantry , has been , at his own request , relieved from recruiting duty nt Hnrrtsburg , Pa. , upon the expiration of his .sick . leave , and nnlonnLto join his company , Major S , C , Overman , coips of engineers , has bccn'appolnted Inspector ot camp and Fifth infantry. The Butchers Complain. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. [ Special Tele gram to the HEII.J The principal beef firms of the country , Swift & Co. , Armour & Co. , Nelson Morris & Co. , George Hammond & Co. and the East SI. Louis Dressed lioef and Canning company , S. W. Allllon by Camel & Custer , Dupeo Judar , Willard A. H. Vee- der , of Chicago , and Don M. Dlckerson , of Detroit , have tiled charges botoro the inter state commerce commission against the Chicago cage & Grand Trunk railway company , Lake Shore it Michigan Southern railroad , In dianapolis it St. Louis railroad , Pittsburir. Ft. Wayne itChlcagorailroad , lialtlmoro it Ohio railroad anil the ChicagoSt. Louis itPittsburg railioad , complaining of the unjust and ex cessive rates ot fieight charged on dressed meats in ear loads , and less from Chicago and St. Louis to seaboard points ; that they are charging sixty-five per hundred on dressed meats In refrigerator cars , which is more than 30 per cent in excess of tlio rates charged prior to Iho going into ott'ect of tlio law and moru than 40 per cent In excess of Hie rates clmrced on other loads of provi sion on the same cars and between the same points under similar circumstances and con dition. Pensions Granted lownns. WASIIINOTON , June 10. [ Special Telegram to the IJr.K. | The following lowans were granted pensions to-day : Emellno C. , widow of Samuel Chart , Oscoola ; Rodllla Ryan , formerly widow of Thomas Archer , Delta ; ElDerry , mother of Elbert Code , New Market. Original : John McCloskcy , Melleray ; James May no. Clinton : Elscy Chanuy , Hcntons- port ; John Schall , Berkley ; Edward Lewis , Farmington ; Calvin S. Carey. Waterloo ; Philip Klcster. Otlumwa ; Caleb Baker , Fair fax : William F. GalTer , Brooklyn ; Isaac N. Gocheneur , Pacific Junction. Increase : Na thaniel Stout , Keota ; Thomas W. Giles , Kel logg. Kelssue : Solomon Harvey , Laporto City. Kncvrtls Land Claims. WASIIINOTON , June 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Bun.J Senator Mnndcrson has succeeded at last In Inducing the Interior de partment to picpare the forms and Instruc tions tor making claims under the Knevals bill. ' Hu has sent copies to the Br.E and they will arrive in Omaha by thu latter part ot thu week. Appointments. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. The president to day made the tallowing appointments : John G. Nelson , of Minnesota , to bo receiver ot public moneys at Fergus Falls , and James Greoloy , of Minnesota , to bo register of the land oflice at Redwood Falls , Minn. National Opera In Trouble. BUFFALO , Juno 10 , The Musical associa tion of Buffalo was compelled to pay thu rail road fa res of the National opera company hern so they could fill an additional date to-day. Last Monday , It Is stated , Theodore Thomas called at the olllcu of thu association and told them tlio opera company was In a terribly embarrassed condition , llo had not been able to get his salary for months , had been the victim of gross Injustice , and only remained with the company because If he abandoned It on Its California trip the poor members of the ballet and chorus would bo lull thousands of miles Irom homo without a cent , Thouius expressed himself In tlio strongest terms regarding thu treatment. When the performance of to-day was ready to begin llm orchestra retuscd to play until some payment was made , nnd thu Musical association was compelled lo advance i'-Y-iOO. Business Failure. CI.KVII.ANI : ) , O. , Juno 10. The Prospect machine and engine company , formerly Iho Cummer eiwine company , made an assign ment to-day. The liabilities aru estimated at J200UOO ; assctls , 5VW.OOO. Thu president says the assignment was caused by the dis satisfaction of certain share holders , who op pose the present oii tnlzatlon , Katal Kallrniid Accident , FAHOO , Dak. , Juno 10. A heavy rain tell hero this afternoon. It is reported that near Grand Forks the north-bound train wau blown from the track and four persons killed and six seriously Injured. The Grand Forks round-house was blown down , and much other damage done. The wires nru ull down. DAMAGING TO TOE DEFENSE , j { The Evidence in the Shollouborgcr Against the Prisoner , SOME COLD-BLOODED RECITALb . S'orfolk Considering the Question of Waterworks Stromshiiri ; Citizen * I'ruparlrkR For tlio Fourth- Other Nohraska News. Ti'io Shctlunhcreor Trial. LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to th4 lin.I ! : In the wannest court room in tin United States u largo audience , about equallj divided between l.vllcs and men folks , swol < lered through r-dny listening to the story ol the minder or Magglu Shullcnliorgur as re lated by the witnesses against Hie step mother , who sat thiough It all without sign of excitement or a change of features. Tha court was latu In opening owing to the ab sence of one of the jurors , who lived tea miles out In the country and who was late In arriving. The judge lined him $10 and th case was taken up where the evidence ceased Iho night previous. It was a day In Itself U try human endurance , fur thu heat of tin room was ten Hie. Not a breath of the brceza that blow from thu south and west could cuter the court room and Iho sun all the flrsl Half of the day shed Its fiercest rays against Iho only side of the room possessed with wln dews , the latter of which only added to tlio effect of tlio sun's rays. In the hottest part ot this heated room the jury was con lined in the jury boxes and the crowd In at tendance added to the heat and discomfort of the occasion. The state continued Its case to the noon hour , examining a number ol witnesses , the most Important of whom was the sheriff of Otoo county , Mr. McCallum , whoso testimony added facts of the minder hoietoforo brought forth. The .sheriff saw In the cellar the evidences of Hie Klruggle be tween the victim and the mtuderer or mur derers. He Imd examined the surrounding In thu cellar minutely ; had seen the girl was at work when seized upon : had seen her footprints In the soil caith , footprints of H.e child and the larger footprints oT a grown person where the short nnd unequal struggle ior existence had taken place. In regard to Hie defendant , Air. Slwllciibcrger , hu had much thu same testimony as thu other wit nesses. Shu was as cool and heartless around the house a few hours alter the mur der as she was at the present timu wlillu on tlio stand. Shu was no uioic solicitous for the caiu of thu dead than she had bjcn for the caru of the child while living. Thn witness testilied lo the welts and bruises that ho found upon the back of the dead child , showing what the child suffered at the hands of her unnatural prents before one or both of them ended tier existence. Thus far Iho prosecution has failed to show that the Ocfcndaiit was In the cellar at the llmo Iho child was murdered , and Iho evidence Is entirely circumstantial and such ns can bo deducted from all the surroundings of the cnso. The prosecution lias shown that she was on the premises at Hie time the murder was committed ; that she was totally Indifferent to feeling or acls in the matter alter tnu murder was com mitted , and whatever additional evidence they have against Hie woman remains to bo developed in redirect. Dr. N. 11. Larsh was the last witness to bo examined directly after the noon hour for the piottocutlon. The climax In thu case > ras reached In the afternoon session when Airs. Shcllenborgur took the stand in her own behalf. The court room was crowded even more than in the morning liourt ) . In givinir her testimony Mrs. bhcllenberger spoKe slow and deliber ately and evldenlly weighed every sentence. She told much ot the family story and main tained her perfect composure. In her rela tion of events procedlng the tragedy her story w s much Hie same as Iho boy "Joe's. " ' She criminated her husband , Leu Shellen- berger , entirely , told of Ills going to tlio cel lar where Maggie was at work and shortly after comlninm again with his hands cov ered with blood. Ho asked for water and In renly to her question ot what ho had done he told her that ho had cut her throat and had done a "d d good job. " lie ordered her to send word that Iho girl had killed herself and threatened to kill her If she did not remain quiet. He re fused to lot her sec the child or toke any part In caring for the remains. Her testimony followed on In explaining her conduct at the tlmo nnd subsequent lo the act as largely Irom ( ear. Oilier witnesses were called in her behalf , but the defense quickly closed the testimony. The attorneys Mes.sis. Stearnes and Strode for the state and Stevenson for the defense made tholr speeches brief , and , at 7 p. in. the casu was given to the jury. At 10 p. m. nothing had been heard Irom the jury room or the deliberations therein. Injured in a Ilunaway. Coi.mtnus , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to tha BKI : . ] This morning as Edwin Ahruns , a farmer living nine miles northeast from Co lumbus , was on his way to the city Ills team ran awav , throwing Mr. Ahrcns out of the wacon , his learn running Iwo miles before they were caiight. by W. .1. Nowtnan.who , on reluming with the team , found Mr. Ahrens had received severe Injuries on the shoulders and head. No bones wore broken , but Im.waB badly crippled troui the coucusi slon und fall. Norfolk Moytnc For Waterworks. Noiuroi.u , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special to the UKK.I A well atlended citizens' meeting was held at the opera house last evening to consider tbo waterworks question , and to test the sense of business men as to whether the city should Kraut a franchise or bond and put In works. The discussion was in favor of granting a franchise , and a resolution was adopled lo that effect. Mr. A. L. Strain : , ot Omaha , submitted a proposition to put In works with Utty hydrants , liio city to irrant a franchise lor twenly-Uvo years and to pay . him 5UJOO ( per year lor the Iifty hydrants ana SCO for additional hydrants , tlm works to combine the dliect pu-ssuio nud stand-pipe systems. The cltv council will now take steps toward sceuilng works. ' The Fourth at BtrouiRtmrc. STUO.MKHUUCJ , Juno 10. [ Special to the UEK.J An eiitlmsiasllc meeting of citizens. , was hold last night to prepaio for celebra ting the Fourth. Committees were appointed ; and went to work with a will. Everything points to a great celebration. No money nor pains will bo tqmied lo make It a gala day lor Hie masses. I'aplllion Tone-hern tto-Rlootod. I'Ai'ii.MON , Neb. , Juno 1C. [ Special Tele gram lo the UKK.I Tnu school board met to night and re-elected Principal K. M. Currlo and all assistants , giving to each 310 per month advance on salary. Iowa Supreme Court Decision * . Dm MOINKS , la. , June 10.-Spcclfrf | Tele * gram to the HKK.I The supreme court rendered dered tlio following d < cislons here to-day : State vs. Alfred Chuk , appellant , Story * district. KeveiM'd. , , HlsklllM' ! prison & Co. , nppcllnnts. vs. William llanlon and othcis , Keokuk circuit. Itevrr.sfd. John T. lllair vs. J. T. Kulolph , npn llant. Harden circuit. Reversed. J. Riiblcman vs. D. o. Hummell et al. Guthrlo circuit. Afliimed. ' , A. liildgman , jr. vs. city of Keokuk and. county ol Lee. appellants , Leu circuit. Ke < ' vers n. Esekiel Clark , appellant , vs. Clinrlci Hol land : unl 11. L. I'hel ) s , Uoono circuit , lio. * .versed. Dnnvor OllleU1n Indtoiod. DK.NVRII , Juno 10. Tlm tr.ind jury re- tinned six Indictments against Sheriff Cra mcr for faUu pretenses and uiali'uasanco In ofhfp. An Indictment was also returned against Under Sheriff Ohuvlnslon and two ili'putlPS It is alleged that thcuo ollleors Imvii ovi'i charged and defrauded the county I in v rui : unit. They enter a general ui'ii'.ul. '