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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1887)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : HIESDAY , MAY 24. 1887 ; 5 ENCOURAGING THE ERRING , Governor Thayer Addresses the Oonvlota of the Penitentiary on Sunday , JOKING WITH A BARRISTER. Incorporation Notes New Notaries Criminal Matters Stnto House Nows-CJty Water 1'crmltn Al > ont the City. i IFP.OMTHR nr.n's u.vcor.x Sunday morning Governor Thayer nnd Senator Mlcklojohu attended church ser vices at the chapel in the penitentiary ami were guests the ronmindor of the day of Warden llyers. Sunday services nt fho penitentiary with the three hundred and odd convicts Hlintr. into the chapel in line , the choir niado up from amoiiK the convicts and the sensible talk that Kidcr Howe uivcs the prisoners , is nlwnys interesting to outsiders and al ways greatly appreciated by the con victs. At the close of the services Sun day the governor was called upon by the elder to talk to the inon , which ho did in his usual strong and sensible way and Senator Micklojolm also spoke to thu men. The IIK ! : has boon unable to verify the report that the senator prefaced his remarks with "gentleman and fellow cltlzons , " but his talk was highly appre ciated. At the close of the services there \vn3 a great demand on the part of many of the prisoners to hold conversation with the governor and he hold private Inter views with u do/on or more of the con- vtcts. It was remarked by some of the prisoners that it was the first time in ton years that a governor had publicly talked to them and they seemed greatly to ap preciate It. There is n life prisoner in the pen named Ulck Foster , who years niro murdered a negro in Nebraska City. Ho is ono ot the oldest prisoners in service , his prison number being 33. Foster , with the others , was very anxious to sec the governor and talk with him , but as he had failed to at tend the church services , the guards in formed him that the visitors would not want to see him. This old prisoner is a harmless , somewhat simple-minded con vict , and a.s ho wouldn't leave the peni tentiary if ho could , he is allowed almost unlimited freedom. lie lishcs n good deal from the briny banks of Salt creek , near the penitentiary , and has charge of the poultry that in raised in the prison lor the use of the convicts. "Old Dick , " as he is familiarly known throughout the institution , has nodeslro to attend church at the prison chapel on Sunday , and ho lias resorted to an ingenious method to appear very busy on that day. He has secured each spring the copy of an alma , und for two or three summers U has con his constant practice to consult his book and , In the management of the poultry , sot the hens so that Sunday I. nlways a day for a half-do/on broods or less to hatch , nnd consequently ho is busy enough without fear of church service. Senator Micklojohn , in conversation with the IJnK , was very warm in his in dorsement of the sanitary and other regulations of the penitentiary , and es pecially commended the discipline and management of Warden llyers and his deputy , Dan Hopkins. "The institution was never in bolter hands or better con dition , " was Mr. Micklojohn's verdict after his visit ; AUTICI.KS OF INCOItrOUATION Of the Farmers and Traders bank of \Vakciicld. DITOII county , were riled yes terday. The capital stock is lixeu at 910,000 in shares of $100 each , to bo paid in full at commencement of business. Following are the incorporators : J. H. Culver , VV. P. Manloy , F. ii. Moore. The Citizens Street railway of Hastings also Hied articles yesterday , the business being to construct and operate a line or lines of street railway in Hastings. The capital stock ii $100,000 , divided into shares of $100 , live per cent payable on the organization ot the company , the balance to bo paid upon the call of the board of directors. The corporation shall commence business on the first day of Juno , 1887 , and shall continue for the term of ninety-nine years , and the high est amount of Indebtedness is limited to IfOO.OOO. The incorporators of the com pany are Henry Shcdd , H. A. Doatty , HP Charles L. Jones , Del a van S. Cole and Morris L. Alexander. The Missouri 1'acllic railway has filed notice that the capital stock ofthe com pany was on the llitli of May increased $5,000,000. The signature of Jay Gould to the notice would puzzle a Now York Tribune "print" in the days of Grooloy. OFFICIAL BONUS FILED. Dr. E. A. Kelley , superintendent of the hospital tor the insane , at Norfolk , has tiled his ofllcial bond with the secretary of state , in the sum ot f 10,000 , with D. W. Saxe , Frank K. Moores and William F. Uochtol as sureties. J. U. Niohol , steward of the same in stitution , haa filed his bond , m amount * T > ,000 , with U. Wilson , C. L. Harris , N. 1) ) . Jackson , Carl Kober. A , J. Anderson , H. Krugor. J. E. Wilder , J. M. Column and John J. Hooho as sureties. The bonds of Sam D. Jones. Ji. E. Howard , Mrs. Urad P. Cook , William H. Webster and L. A. Dates , inombors of the visiting uud advisory board of the sol- dier's homo , have also boon tiled with the secretary. WKW NOTAHIES. Tha cover nor yesterday commissioned 1 the followimr now notaries ; L. A. See ley , Humphry , rlatto county ; 11. L. Strong , Kearney ; ( iustavo Krouger , Omaha ; L. Hosenthal. West Point ; Asa B. Wood , tiering , Cheyenne county ; Iko A. lie- ncau , Alnsley , Custor county ; Charles ri. Nixon , Atkinson , Holt county ; II. W. Mathews , Atkinson ; James W. Jordan , Grant , Keith county A. II. Humphrey , Lincoln ; W. H. Cartwright , North Flatto ; Hichard M. Lymau , Crawford , Dawos county ; Frank ! ) , iirown , Armada , Buffalo county. STATE HOUSE NOTES. Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Duildiugs C. M. Carter , has gone to Uawos and Uox Unite counties to conduct a sale of school lands in these counties. The Syndicate Innuranoc company of Minneapolis , Minn. , has compliua with the statu laws and boon admitted to transact business in the state. The Masonic Mutual Benefit society ot Indianapolis. Ind. . has boon admitted to transact business in the state , as has also the Knights' of Pythias endowment rank. Prof. G. Ii. Lane , superintendent ol publio instruction , has gone to Peru oil ofrlcial business at the state normal BOhool. Doputv Auditor Thomas H. B nton it in St. Louis this week. ClllllINAL MATTIBI. County Attorney Stearns was ont to the penitentiary yesterday afternoon , hold tug a preliminary hearing and obtalnlna testimony in the murder case of the colored orod man Jackson , who killed Gleasoo , This CASO will undoubtedly be tned ot an Information for murder in the tirst d grco , and it is not lit all Improbable thai a hanging will follow within the walls ol the penitentiary. leatorday- morning , before Jnstic < Coohran , Thomas Glenon was given i hearing. It appears that Glenon anc ( bis wife are seeking a separation in tlu courts , the suit of which is pending Ulouon. however , has been tuuusiug him Mil by kicking in the door of the l > ous ( which his wife Urea in , and In com o quonco will servo n term In the county jail.The The trial of Mrs. Leo Shollcnborccr has not yet been set for hearing. A JOKK WITH TWO KNI)3. A few days ago a citizen and an attor ney agreed to a joke and proceeded to formulate it. The clti/.un went to a well known barrister , who was selected as thu victim , and complained that he could not get ti deed from the attorney , and instructed him to commence suit at once. The barrister was loth to com mence proceedings against a brother at torney with whom ho was on intimate terms , but tlio citl/.cn wanted a suit , and after a visit to the attorney , who refused to settle , and said to go alicad , tno bar rister drew up a voluminous petition , tiled it in the district court , had puucipo nnd summons issued and the case was regularly on the docket. The next day the citizen again asked the barrister if ho 'vns pushing thu suit , uud was told that It was umior way. In the meantime the citizen and attor ney wore holding secret meetings and laughing themselves tired over the excel lent joke they had on the barrister , who suddenly took a fall to himself and real- i'/ed that all his work had been a joke. Hut ho was not at all disconcerted. Ho Immediately went to a justice shop and commenced suit for twenty-live dollars fee for the work ho had done , and went at it as earnest as only a man can who wants to got oven. cstorday morning ho obtained a judgment for the amount In Judge Brown's court , and it looks as though the citizen , with the district court fees on hand and the twenty-live dollar judgment , had part of the joke himself , and all ellbrts to settle with the barrister for ten dollars have boon haugliily spurned. AUOUT THK CITY. The Lincoln Fuel Gas company filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk yesterday. The company is organ ized to secure a franchise and furnish bolter and cheaper gas to the city than it is enjoying at present. The capital stock of the company Is fixed at $200.000 in shares of $100 oacli , business to commence - monco with the filing of the papers and continue for ninety-nine vcars. F. A. Korsmoycr , J. A. Iludlcson , F. W. Ho- man , Sam D. Cox , and N. C. Abbott arc the incorporators. L. A. Dorrington , of Plattsmouth , pres ident of the Young Mcns Republican club in that city waa in Lincoln yester day. This republican club is now fairly historic. It was organized on Juno 10 , 1884 , incorporated under the state law and has kcld to tha line since , holding on each anniversary day an annual ban quet , each one of which heretofore haa attracted moro than state attention. Mr. Dorrington states that the coming ban quet of the club on the Kith of Juno will bo made to eclipse all former efforts. A number of the state otllccrs includ ing the governor will attend , and the club expects to secure Senator Ingalls , of Kansas , a.mong the guests from outside the stato. In the district conrt yesterday the case of the traveling man against his house occupied the forenoon. County court was quiet and police court showed up with a very light docket. K. H. Zcrnccke of the county clerk's ollicc , has handed in his resignation to take effect Juno 1 , after which time , ho will enter the real estate and abstract business , giving especial attention to tbo latter. The demand for city water still con tinues , the total number of permits up to yestenlay morning numbering 871. Manager Shriver and O'Loary , Ross and Hart , the pedestrians , departed at 3:60 : yesterday for Omaha. The popular blood purifier , Hood's Sarsaparilla , is having a tremendous sale this season. Nearly everybody takes it. ry it yourself. _ EXTRAVAGANT SALARIES. Items of Interest from tlio "Houve iilrs" of Maurlco Strnkoscli. It is estimated that Madame Pattl , dur ing her transAtlantic seven month's tour cleared upwards of 1500,000. The receipts averaged $5,000 per night , arid the"primadouna"was not only on sharing terms , but had a certain sum guaranteed/ / The "souvenirs" of impressario Maur ice Strakosch , Madame Patti's brothor-in- law , which have lately been published in Franco , contain some interesting facts. In 1800 the late E. T. Smith engaged Pattl to come from America to London at the then heavy salary of f. TOO per week , Smith ( according to Mr. Strakosoh ) sold his Drury Lane season to the late Mr. Gyo , and for the sum of $20,000 gave that manager the' monopoly of opera. Mr. Strakosch offered the Pattl contract to Mr. Gyo , who curtly refused tt. Event ually Mr. Gyn offered to give Mine. Patti a hearing at Co vent Garden on the terms that she should sing for six weeks gratuitously. If Mr. Gyo were dissatin- fled with her the matter would then bo at an end. But if ( as tlio event proved ) ho chose to do so , Mr. Gyo was to have the obsolute right for five years at $750 per mouth during the first year , $1,000 per month for the socond.f 1,250 for the third , 11,150 for the fourth and ? 2,000 per month for the fifth year. She was to sing no loss than twice a week , and thus her fees for five years averaged from $90 to $ JOO per nignt. This salary was paid to Madame Palti during the whole five Tears , although Mr. Gyo graciously gave nor a present for extra nights. Until Madame Patti married the Marquis do Caux , Mr. Strakosoh , who then managed all her business , declares she never re ceived from Mr. Gye moro than $600 per night in her life. Grisi and Marie , according to the same authority , re ceived in the zenith of their fame $250 per representation , but during his fare well season Marie certainly was paid more. Strakosch states that in 1802 Madame Pauline Lucca was paid at the Berlin opera bouse $300 per month. By the time she reached Paris Madame Patti was a great star , and the empire was at the height of its recklessness. Yet the prlma donna received only ? 400 per night for the first season and $000 for the third. Patti's engagement for Russia wore at the rate of $1,400 per night , and the era of extravagant sal aries began. When Madame Patti and Nilsson were in fierce rivalry all artists' salaries rose still higher , until they cul minated In the disastrous American eca- son of Mr. Abbey a few years ago. It is to be hoped that the climax of a system which renders efficient opera niving with a reasonably efficient en- sombre , financially impracticable , has been reached. MOST PERFECT MADE Uaed by tha United Bute * QoTernment Xodoreed br U * h ada of Ida Great Ualveraltlaa e d Public Food Analy eaaTaehtr < > j atPur at. nd moet liealtuf ill. Dr. Price'a tha only Baking 1 ' feat doe * not etataU AmnoalaUaiaoe Dr. hrl 'aKitracWVan SHE WILLED TO REST IN PEACE Bat Natnro with Majestic Stride Destroyed the Beauty of Her Tomb. A MARVELOUS MAUSOLEUM. Caroline von Hilling's Strange Pro * pnratlonn for Her last Heating Place A Mysterious Cheat A Romance of Titled Heads. There is a remarkable tomb m the Eravoynrd surrounding the Utirdun church at ilanovcr , Germany. Mans- oloutus of noted men have uot attained the celebrity that this grave has , though the Caroline YOU Ruling whose name Is on the marble would havu boon wholly forgotten but for a certain occurrence connected with her burial place. 1'ow go to Hanover nowadays who do not look at this house of the dead. It is an attraction for the curious , the poetical nnd the religious an elegy and sermon combined. A young German named A. Illnrich- sun , who lately paid a visit to his native land und visited the spot , brought back with him to San Francisco n photograph of this tomb. To n reporter who visited him at the Kuss house , whole ho is em ployed , ho gave the following account of the grave : The churchyard in which the grave is situated is In a central and very fashionable part of Ilanovcr. It is on Marion , about live minutes' walk from the National opera house , which is located on the principal nvcntio in the city. The church itself is a small build ing. It is very old and plainly shows its age ; but it lias , nevertheless , a wealthy and fashionable con gregation. It still boars the namn of the Garden or Market church , which was conferred on it more than a century ugo , when the locality was chlully the homo of the market gar deners , who cultivated their vegetables here , and wont to this little church every Sunday morning. As the city spread the churchyard became surrounded by resi dences of richer people and those belong- ng to the nobility , and when they died liny were buried in this cemetery. That s how Caroline Von Killing's grave came o bo placed in the market-gardener's graveyard. As the "Von" in her name indicates , she was a woman of rank. There are some people living in Han over now who boar the name of Von luling , and I am informed that they nro descended from the family to which she belonged. They are persons of wealth. According to the inscription on the tomb , she must have boon a young wo man when death claimed nor. The epitaph states that she was born in 1750 and died in 1783. The statement is also carved on the tomb that "she died after bearing throe sons to heaven. " This in- cription is also on the stone : 1'artlng Is the fate ot mortals. How blttor to be loft so soon I The rest ot life Is nought but darkness : hut deatli will be the break of day , To meet again eternal lictit. The tomb was made of big , heavy blocks of sandstone. The top one on which these inscriptions are is an im mense piece of granite , over which is fashioned a black cloth resembling a pall that partly conceals the representation of a torch that has been extinguished and is still smoking. It is on this stone cloth that the inscription already mentioned are engraven. The most remarkable words those in fact , that lend an inter * est to the grave are on the highest of the two sandstone steps below. This in scription , like all the others , is in Ger man and is thus placed : Dieses aufewljf Erkaufto Grab dart nle goelluot Werdon. Its moaning in English is : "This bury ing place , bought for eternity shall never bo opened. " This waa a strange declar ation and simple people who resided in the neighborhood never road it but 'with awe. It was not the more result of a whimsical wish , apparently , for it was whispered thatsomo horrible secret was buried in this tomb , which Caroline von Ruling and her family wished to have forever concealed from the knowledge of man. Not only was it sacrilege to trouble a grave so inscribed , but the German law made it a crime for the tomb to be opened against the express wish of the deceased. Consequently the Von Rulings presumed that they could hide for eternity whatever was buried there. But the striking manner in which the vainness of this presumption has been shown makes this churohrard truly worthy to bo called God's acre. No desecrating hand dare touch the tomb , but years ago , remarked Air. Hin- richsen , so many that I could not find anybody on my visit who know the num ber , a little birch scud found its way into a llttlo crevice between the top block and the others on which it restod. Some soil was blown in with it. Gradually the seed sprouted , throw out its shoots , took root in the ground and season after sea son continued to grow. As it increased in size it raised the big block , which yaar after year became displaced. Al last Its spotted trunk and branches rent all the stones asunder , and now every one who approaches the tomb , can gaze into its depths and ponder , If they be go inclined , on the impotence of man. The tree is still growing and in summer it rains down showers of leaves on the grave of Caroline Von Ruling. The story about the tomb , which hac been talked about and repeated until it became a legend , was that Caroline Von Ruling was never married , and when ly ing on her deathbed , told her. parents of some horrible secret that was locked up in a chest which she wished placed in her grave when she was interred. She wished the chest und the unknowable thing it contained forever bidden from man's gazi > , and her parents had the repelling polling inscription made according to her desire. There is another tale also which is toll in Hanover concerning the tomb. I sounds more poetical and not so practi cal as the other. Ihis legend represents the occupant of the tomb and her three infant sons as having been secretly poi soncd by a malicious enomy. The mur dorcss , who was an adopt in the art o magic as well as poison , in order to per fect her diabolical revenge , bound the mother's soul within her body by means of dark spells , that it might remain in the grave and not fly up to hoavon. llu the spirit of ono of the murdered SODS was allowed to descend ia the form of a birch lew ! , which grow into > tree nn < forced open the tomb. The mother's ion wa * freed and rejoined those of her sons I am inclined to believe , said Mr. Hin richsen , that there was some truth in the first story , for when I looked into the tomb I could see nothing but A little boxer or chest about & foot or ( o long Strangely enough there was no coflln or oaiket visible. The wonder of this occurrence does not end hire. Adjoining this tomb ! Mother one , also belonging to tht Yea Rulings , on which Uere is a similar pro totting inscription. It In apparently destined to be opened in the same wai s tba ether was. When I visited the grave a little birch sprout had gainoc headway through one of the erannica o this second tomb. It KM supposed tha it was tno offshoot from a root of the big birch tree close by. There are more than a thousand graves in this cemetery , but th * e are the only ones on which there li.ivch an iniorip tion. Though the place ia tilled with al dmls of trees that are growing near nnd around graven , none has burst n to nib asunder like that birch has. Graves that 1.1 vo been them for more than a hundred ears remain unopcrtiid. As the birch roe continues to grow It will gradually hrow the oblong blocks of sandstone to ho ground. A rich old man , bearing the family nanio of Von Ruling , owns the plat whore these tombs nro , and will allow 10 one to touch the box in the open grave. I was Informed that ho has a entry or detective posted constantly In ho cemetery to prevent any ono from Breaking this box or taking it away. liable * ' and Child rons' Ichcato skin requires a perfectly pure oap like Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet. Wolves Killing Door. Oswcgo Palladium : A pack of wolves are said to bo making great haoc imong the door in the vicin- ty oflJog lake , Lewis county. George Mulr of Lowvillo , who Is well known as a successful hunter and trapper in the Ytlirondack * , reports that ho has seen ho carcasses of as many as six door in one day's travel , all of which had evi dently been killed by wolves , as they vere partly devoured. Karly in the win- cr ono of n pack of six wolves was dllocl in the Hog lake region by a hunter , ind they have since been pursued by > thers without success. Mr. Muir has cilled two panthers this winter. His dog treed one of them and ho brought him lown with his rillu. The other was caught in a trap and afterwards killed. -The wolves are killing oflf the deer in ho woods faster than a do/on sporting jartios could do in the onon season , and inlcss they are exterminated it IH be loved there will bo few door found by luntcrs in the vicinity of liig Deer pond this year. In cases of Kover and Ague , the blood s as effectually , though not so danger ously poisoned by the diluvium of t atmosphere as it could bo by the dead- lost poison. Dr. J. 11. McLean's Chills nnd Fever Cure will eradicate this poison from the system. 60 cents a bottle. Sam Small Denounces Dornliardt. Chicago Inter-Ocean : At the revival nceting at the Minneapolis Exposition Rink on Wednesday Sam Small was the chief preacher. Ho turned his attention ,0 theatres , taking as a text the fact that Sarah licrnhurdt opens her engagement lore this evening. "Not all the oxen In he northwest , " ho said , could draw him ; o the tlioatrc. He continued as follows : 'If you have any decency , you ought to ( ucp out of that thoatru to-night. It you make any pretensions to decency you ought at feast to want to try to hear someone ono who is at least decent. None of the people who claim to bo respectable who ; o to that entertainment would lot that lilthy woman cross their threshold. She ; oes Haunting her Indecency and parad ing her nameless offspring at the first hotels and In public places , and is the ; reat attraction of the day. " FBOM MFE TO" " DEATH s but a moment if rheumatism or neuralgia strikes the heart. Theid diseases are the most painful and the most dangerous of any to which human kind is.liable. They fly from one part to another without a. mo ment's warning , and liniments and other outward applications are in themselves dan gerous * because they are , ; liable to drive the disease to some vital organ and cause in stant death. Rheumatism and neuralgia are diseases of the blooii , and can only be reached by a remedy whicjh will drive from the blood the dangerous acids. Such a remedy ii Athlophpros. " It has beep thoroughly roughly tested and it a safe , sure cure. George Schneider , employed at the sash factory of Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co. , Muscatine , Iowa , ssysM "About a year ago my wife was afflicted with both rheumatism and neuralgia. She had used numerous remedies with no apparent relief. Having learned of tome of the cures affected by Athlophoros I bought some for her. I think it wa * four or five bottles she used , since which time she has been entirely well of both rhematistn and neuralgia. As she was a very great sufferer I consider Ath lophoros a very efficient remedy in curing such a case. " W. C. McClain , clerk for Smith & Bone- steel , Druggists , Atlantic , Iowa , says : "I have tried everything I knew of for my rheumatism , but nothing did me any good until I used Athlophoros , It was in July , ibS4. I was confined to the house for over a month , and was obliged to use crutches. I suffered with this rheumatism for about a year. Finally I decided to give Athlo phoros a trial , thinking it wouly be no bet ter than the medicines I had used. I felt a change after I had used a bottle. I con tinued using it , and have not had any rheu matism since. " Every druggist should keep Athlopho ros ana Athlophoros Pills , but where they cannot bo bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co. , 118 Wall St. . Now York , will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt of regular price , which is $ 1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 60e. for Pills. For liver ami kidney dlseixsos , dyspepsia , indigestion - digestion , weakness , nervous debility , dlnuases of woroon , constipation. lienJuotiii , impiuo blood , eta. Athlophoros Fills are unequalled. TRIED IX TOT CRUCIBLE. About twenty you * ago I dUoormd o YttU ore on iy cheek , and the doctor * pronosnwd Itctneer. IhT0tr1edanaraborof phyilcUni , but without recelrlnj any permanent bcoeflt. Among thenumbcrwcraontortwotpectalUU. The medicine they applied WM like flra to tbo ore , oaudng latent o pain. ' I i w t tatement In the pa peri telling what S ( J3.'s. hod done for other ! similarly afflleUd. S procured tome at once. Pcforo I had UMd the second bottle the neighbor ! could notice thiVfW cancer waf beating up. My general health bad been bad for two or three year * Ihadahacklageough and eplt blood continually. ) I had a serero pain In my breait. After taking ttx bottlci of B. s. s. my conch left mo aijd'l ' grew atooter than I bad been for ieTcrai-yeert. My cancer ha * healed orer all bnt a Ilttle pot about tba lUe of a halt dime , and U IcnpUly dbappear- Ing. I would advUe erery wU cancer to gtre B. . B. a fab trial. ' ? Mas. VAMCY J. Mc NACOIttV. Aihe Qrore , TfcWc no Co. , lad. Fob.I * , ltd ' " Bwlft'i BpecMa U entirely vegetable , and aeeme to cnracaaceri ky forcing omt tbo lopa- ritlet from the blood. TreatUe on Blood and Bkln Ptoaama nulled tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , , BAW 8 , ATLANTA , OA. Embed/ the hlghett exellenciei in Shtpe lineti , Comfort and Durability and re the Reigning Favorite * n fashionable circlet Our name is on eve ry l . ) . & T. COUSINS , New York. HAYDEN BROS. SPECIAL SALE 1 case Lawns , elegant style * , nil the dllloront shades , atOo a yard. Ucsl vnluo in the city. 1 case Lawns , CO diflbrcnl styles to select from , at lOc n yard. Special good bargain. 3 cases of Saline in light or dark shades , at the low price of 7o a yard. This Is the best value over oflorcd in tills city on Satlnoj quantity limited. CO pieces Lauo Diluting in 12 different shades , our price will bo Go a yard- , well worth 18c. 000 pieces India Linen nnd Victoria Lawns at tfe , 5c , 8c. lOc , 12c } , 15c nud 20o tv yard ; worth double. CO piucus of Scrim for curtains at 7Jc , lOc and 12c a yard. 1 case full-size Marseilles Bed Spreads at $1.25 each ; worth $2. CO tloztm Turkish Towels at 12c } each ; worth 20c. IIAYDCN DUOS. Special Snlo oi Bcinuniit * . Remnants must fly. the dollar. Extraordinary Sale of * Gentle men' * ruriilNhlng Goods. 100 dozcm Gents' Laundrlod While Shirts , double hncknnd line linen bosom,75c : worth $1. U5 do/on ( Jems' Porcn'.u Shirts , with collars nnd cutrg , ut 47c. A great bargain. Quins' 4-ply Linou Collars , In all styles , 80 cinch : worth 15c. GJ dozen ( louts' llalbrlgg-an Shirts , 30e : worth 60c. 60c.BO BO doz dents' Clouded Morlno Shirts und Drawers , C > Jo : worth $1 , lIMdoz. Kolnlorccd Iliilitundrlod Shirts , linen bosom , 4Ho : cost 7 : > u to inako. 2idoI'ntont ! Wire llucklo Buspondors , X5o : roifiimr Drlco We. An Immonsn nRsortment of Gouts' Neckwear , now styles , in every shndo , I'Jc : worth up to f.Oc. 100 dor. Imported Funcy Half Hose , We : worth : Jjoto5'o. ' ) dents' Domestic Half Hose.Gc per pair. liiullo * ' and Children' * Hoilcry. r > 0dr > z. Children's Hlblied Hose , tegular mndo , nil sires 6 to 8. to bo olosod out at 15c pur pair : reduced from 25o. 100 doz. Children's Una Corduroy Itlbbcd Hose , In tltiakonlv.21c. ClilUlron'9 llliick LIsle Thread Hose , all sites , 35o : worth 50c. lOOiloi. Days' Long Hose , ribbed , lUVio : worth SOo. SOo.Ladles' Ladles' Bnlbrlgirnn Hose , double boot and toes , at KKJ : worth 2oo. yohoppors Fast Black , extra long , 39o : worth 6 0. 100 do * . Lading' Solid Colored Hose , will to foot , 1-Wc per pair. T.ndlur Lisle ' 1 broad Hose , 14o : worth 75c. Will place on ale 60 doz. of I.adioV Drop Stitch Lille Thread Hoio nt4lo : worth II. Underwear. 2 oases of Ladles' Vests , silk flushed , Me : worth 4l3o. 1 case of Ladles' Ralbrlgtran Yosts , high nock , short sloovri'Me. : worth SOc. 6) ) doz. Ladle * ' llRlbrlKiran Vests , low neck , abort loovo,3'ai worth ( We. I.udies' Llitlu Thread Vests , Swiss ribbed , 880 : others atk tl.RO. LadloV Mottled IlulbrlgRuu Vests , Jersey , rlnboil,41o : worth tl. Liulloa'fino Hlbbcd Vests , Jersey fitting , 7Bo : worth $1.25 , Corsets. Just received another lot of Corsets to bo closed out at very low pricos. 10) do ? . Ucauty Coriet , l c : worth ilTic. 100doMonocrum Corset , Z5c , wnrth 50c. 50 doz. Elsie Corset.iWc : worth HOo. Our IIulu Corset In black and rod only , at COo cannot bo brat for the money. HAYDEN BROS. , lOlliSt. , Hot. Dodge and l > outflnn. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ' Paid up Capital. . $800,000 gurplu * . 40,000 K. W. Yates , President A. . Touzalin , Vine President. W. H.S. Hughes , Cashlor. W. V. Morse , John S. Colling H. W . Tatcs , Lcwii S , Read. A. E. Touzalin. ' BANKING OFFICE ! THE IRON BANK , Cor. liith and Far n am Sts. A Gtaoral Banking I ? USIUPSS Transacted . ON 30 DAYS * TRIAL. - THI8 NEW ELASTIC TRUSS fiu a l'd diirercnt ( ram all otbor . it am shMXJ. wltb lf- djuitu > c HaUinernt ra < UpU Htiflt to til puitlom of Ilia jrvhlle the ball In the cup _ _ resses back the Intea * tinea fust a * a person does with th fln er. rtrfnKh p . .ur tB.tier. ni b held securely < taj and nlrhtu > d a nuilnl curt cert&ln 11 it , dnntbl * wid rh an. * * ! hr null Cir cular. Ire * . INCUVTOI TBVM CO. , CklMC * . W. And many other complaints cured by EVIDENCE OF 1887 A Prominent Buffalo Physician says : nurrAi o. N , V. , Fob. II , HV DrUorno. Ohtcuzo. III.Dear Sir : It Ii eomolhlru onuiuul lor one ui tlie medical profojilon to Indoria an uilvertlsaa article ! yet I take ulnasurd In Inform- Ingyou thatuneof your Kloclrle Holts cared meof rtiouaatliM , frniu wblcli I iiad tutored 3 year * , I bHve recommended your Inrcntlon to at letit forty or my piitlent * lufforlna irlth chronic ( llnnioi nf T - rlnuiklndt , vizi I'nlplUUoii of tha heart , nervoui debility , epilepsy. rheamntLm , pain ID tha back anil kidney * , eto. , etc * eta All Inve purchJtdl nl worn them wltb mom gratifying reiuln. 1 cia nighty rernmntiMid your Klccirlc ifclla aspouoiiln izr l merit. Fraternally rnure. L. U. IICMICHAEL , M. D. 61 Niagara-it A Chicago Phislclau Say * , Iir Huru3-loxr sir : I hare u > oil lareral klidi ot magnetic nnd Kloctrlo Balls on putlenttainl mrtolf. Iran lionestly ulre the prefetenco to yours , bj all odda. llaoca I cnnanddo recommend younorer all other * . Tourj fraternally. J. 11. JounuN , M I ) , Ju 14 , 1G37. Offlce.w sute-n. . Chicago A Physician Sayn. All of My Put lent are Satisfied. GENEVA , NED , Jan 31. 18J7 DrW. J.IIorne. Inrentar-Uear Sir : I raco.nnmnl your Hleotrlo Beltt to all who snfffr with Hnynerrnui trouble , any chronic llTer or kidney dlea ei. Allnf y patient * that are utlng year Klactrlo Uelti ata atliQed. fraternally. M.l'nowrr.M l > . Pbyiiclaa and Burgeon A Minister of the German Evangelical .Chnrch , gays : IjimnTON , AlleKun Co , Mich. , Fel > 3 , 1 7 nt. W. 1. U > roe. Chlcugo. Ill-Dear Bin Tour Klectrlc Dolti do all you claim. One of them helped meof dripepila coaitlpatlon and gonernl debility. I would like to IntruJnce year coodi here. Willet > ot let me hare the agency fnrthl tawnehli > ) l'leaia glre yonrtermt. I amthamlnlitornf the Oer Kracgellcal Church of Laightnii. Hvetuctfullr. Nenra Igla of tbo Stomach Cared. CIIMTXUT. lu. . . Jan. Dr. norne near Rlr : I waaeufTerlnx with neural 81 > of the tiomach. and medicine leemed to hate nu irectiareniBorphlaadldnoireUeTBraenach. Tha ittatk would begin orery evening about nine o'clock andlaataboatrixbnin. laentfor one of yonr Hlec Ulo B lii , tut It and pal .Uon. and barn'l and th leut yraplom of nauralgla etnce. Imuwall pleaia Touritraly , A.q. lUitcottitr _ Dr. W. J , HORNR. 1.1 Wabash-sreuue Chicago. Fola InTeator.poPrletor al Manufacture rend ttauiu forcatlugue. o7uelKMy'eeTargt4an4itrrtiUuad. YnlfurU ) | : * . teat ( M4l d Jlre * . SKI * JUUtGAL CO. . Bufio , tt. t. ATTENTION DEALERS And Listen to the Song of the Chief. We wish to call yonr attention to the Minnesota Chief Threshing Machine for the season of 18(57. ( We tuko pleasure in introducing to our customers , the bust Separator in the market , being perfect in every detail , > V spare neither pains nor expense to make THE "CHIEF" THE loading machine iu the market , and have added , therefore , To the soperator alone , which makes It beyond doubt , the most perfect ma chine offered to the trade for the year ilt 7. It threshes everything a farmer can raise wheat , oats , rye , barley , flax , timothy , millet , clover , and peas , requiring no change of parts , except con caves and sieves. Why docs it do all this ? Because It Is neither a VIBKA- TOll nor an APRON machine , but surpasses either iu all the essential re quirements of a perfect thresher. We call your attention with pride to the "Chief's" Cylindar , Side-gear , Elevator , Straw Stacker , Shoe Separating Table , Bagger Attachments , Wagon Loading Elevator , .stylo of frame , finish of ma chine and above all to its simplicity of construction. We also wish to call your attention to our and also the "PITTS IMPROVED. Three stvlos of powers , all of them first class. Some prefer one kind , some another. We also state without fear or contradiction ; that wo manufacture the beat STRAW liUKNINtt ENGINES now in the market * Our Giant and Traction engines have no peers. One of the chief merits of steam power is to have an engine which steams easily , with little orlno trouble. Our engines cannot bo beaten iu this respect. For further particulars , address , HJ. S. BROW-Itf , Receiver of the Northwestern M'ff'g and Car Co. , Stillwatcr , Minn , and 0. P. McKESSUN , Uonerul Agent , Council Waifs , Iowa. RAIL-ROAD REMEDY manipulated a to produce the moslondcrful results known to the medical world. Its action Is both sure and * , .eedy , giving Instant relief from < f ' " " to which flesh Is heir. A positive cure for Croup , Catnrrli , lora Morbus , Colds , Sere Throat and Lungs ; In their worst forms ; Headache , Toothache , Earache , Lftiiio Back or Side Sprains , Cuts , Uralses , BuniB. Scalds , Corns. Chilblains anil Frost liltcs. We make no claim for this itemed ? but whal hundred ! of tcstlmo- nlals of the highest character have established. We publish the following : Hon. K. P. UOOOKN , Secretary of Stale , says : "I liavo kept * supply of Kallroail Uemcdy on hand Jor ue in my family. I fiund It all you granted , and cheerfully 'Wjf"- - ? ' / . , , , Ncb. I have u t < l Rallrtttd Kemedy for rheumatism , pain In the hack anil kidneys , and have ound Imme- Bllle relic. . . I confer , t the art " ' Wu'miSrJcMSr'w. ' . . . T . , F. * CO. , Nehra.ka C.ty. nuS0f ± W , " , lef ? ly advfc , I tr Ud RAIUIOAU 'ujitllpV. and enjcnrol U. . . Unit " . * , " % , 'uSi'tSffi ' ara -ndcrlu , , the cKccUof .W. G-UU d ' Over 3,000 oa cases ourod. Fort Rio by al Iflrstcln sdruirirists. Trade supplied by Kick- nrdson Drug Company , Oman a. ASBESTOS FIRE-PROOF. JPH1S is the perfected form of portable Hoofing , manufactured by us 1 for the past twenty-seven years , and is now in use upon roots of Factories , Foundries , Cotton Gins , Gnomical "Works , Railroad Bridgoa , Cars , Steamboat Decks , etc. , in all parts of the world. Supplied ready for use , in rolls containing 200 square feet , and weigh * with Asbestos Hoof Coating , about 85 pounds to 100 square feet. Is adapted for all climates and can be readily applied by unskilled workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. , BODS IJiNCf iOTUREEH OF n.W. Jolm 'Flro nd W tor-l'roof Asbestoa Hlieathlnc , Ilulldlhff Felt , Aabcstos SUam Packings , DolUr VoTerlng ! , Liquid Paint * , Fln > . Proof Paints , etc. VULCABESTONi Moulded Pl.ton-ned Packing , Kloi ; * , C.B.kots , Uhect P.cklnr , eta. F.t hiUh.d IH5B. 175 RANDOLPH ST. . CHICAGO. " " MUIJ.IJIILI For Sale by Chicago Lumber Co. , Omaha , Neb. , and Council lllufls , Iowa. tun at atom * autl ubro4. TO THOSE 11 ( ll'tftf 01 * HeUmil , Hrmiitum IJttim wfclch ln ( 1 ft full hMocy of llwir divaa * . UvtuliHi Mut ( wpthOTll'ir viiiMMi dvir t > / nwr. CoHiultatlou tin iiw cv * Ji Ul , , Kr i tw ) bjr | H ! | IN C Hue 1 1C DUKiSCI orncK uoctsi r r. U | t . . , t U I sad T U I p. m. Omit , Km. UANl wl evry KOO II rMiwvtr , bu diMr > v < r , vMtk tewtUMiuff * gf to fcta Mloir g < r * \ U. i. HAhOH. Teat odEae fu . Mew lockUR9 I WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS FOU TllL Decker Brothers ? FIA3STOS. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Oait Agnt ( V niaat aly > w M > rr town fir It if tbv unanimous opinion of nip oiistomeri Cl't your TunjM'n Punch l the heat fie rixar tliey lmv erer amoVod. Many claim that It U ns Koncl as tlio majority or these at lOo. ( X C. Cbnlmors. Druiulit.HmllhrUild.Va. 8iiK. K. W. TANSILL I CQ.HIC.U DHEXEL < k MAUL , SncceDsori to Jno , O. Jacobs , UXDEUTA1LER8 AND K.XBAkMKKS. Al the oldstanu 1407 r'urnarast. Ortlora /telegraph solicited and promptly i > iMdoifto. Toltphouu No. m