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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1887)
WIT ' ' : THE OMAHA DAILY Bfit : TUESDAY. MAY 24. 1887 ; TIDE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , MO. 12 , PEARL STREET. ScllTcicd by rnrricr In nnypnrtof tliocltr&t twenty tent * per weak. H. W. TILTON , Manager. TLU2HIOHE3 : IJcsiicrps OmcE. No. 13. MIOIIT Knnou No. 23. MlMOIl MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring coeds at Heller's , tailor. Tim popular resort Is the Manhattan , 418 Hroailway , Huilio & Yennwiiio. A good girl wanted for general house work. MM. 11. W. Tilton , BIK : olllco. The inatrlinonial market is running light. Not a license Issued for nearly a week. The Jones murder case is expected to be culled on for trial in the district court to-day. The liavarian band has Leen cn/ingcd / to furnish music for the hop tit Hotel Manawa to morrow evening. To morrow night Ucecroft's omnibuses will leave the I'auilio houses for Hotel Manawa , the fare being 15 cents each way. Colonel Cnrhran is thinking of donat ing a whole block in his addition for n public parK , provided the city will accept It and improve it. Fred Kcsfcol , charged with stealing a saddle , appeared in the district court yesterday and pleaded guilty to potty larceny , and was sentenced to lif'ecii davs in the county jail. Young Thomas Evans was yesterday doing Imely under the circumstances. The surgeon who reduced the fracture re ports It one of the worst kind , it being a peculiar break in the elbow joint of the left arm. W. 1 $ . Arthur , who has just served a brief term for some potty oft'ense hero , was rearrested yesterday for jumping u board bill at Missouri Valley. A consta ble from there came after him yesterday afternoon. The work of the now Catholic church began in earnest yesterday. There has been a little delay on account of the scar city of pressed brick , but now they being suppliedthe work will bo pushed rapidly to completion. The manager of the Home of the Friendless has at last concluded to change his policy , and in some cases let the children be taken into private homes for adoption , where they can liud better treatment and training ; . Mike Kildare was yesterday fined for disturbing the peace. Mike is said to bo omployeu as 11 sort of suecial bouncer in ono of the gambling houses , and when a disturbing element appeared ho fulfilled his mission , and the house stood tlie cost of thus preserving order. Shcohan & Coyne's comedy company play is an exceedingly funny ono and was loudly applauded. They appear again to-night. The Knights of Labor have been lookIng - Ing after Dell Perkins , the young man who had Ins foot taken off by a freight train , ami who has been since at the Cot tage hospital. There seems to bo some dissatisfaction at the treatment Perkins has received , and the matter is being looked into , the chief cause being the character of the food furnished him. There was n largo attendance at the reception given to Rev. Dr. Phelps last evening at his residence. The ladies having the affair in charge entertained the callers well , and Dr. Phelps and t f family could not but feel that they are f most heartily welcomed to Council f Bluffs. As pastor of the Presbyterian > church ho has made a very favorable im pression , and socially ho and his will evidently bo no less popular. The need of some action in regard to securing a now hook and ladder truck for the city is very apparent. As it will take nt least three months to secure the truce ; ' < after ordering it , it scorns that therk t should bo no delay in the matter. The old truck nud ladders are pronounced comparatively worthless , and hence the J city is virtually without any In case of a f great tire , and at the best can not bo given the needed protection for months to come , even if a truck was ordered now. Arrangements are being made to push the Fifth regiment band into the front rank among the bands of the west , and the material is being got together for waking it one of the best bands in the country. J. Pospisil , of St. Paul , arrived hero yesterday to take n permanent place in the band. Ho is ono of the tinest clarionutists in the country , and is a musician of merit on other instruments. There are some others who are to bo en listed , and with the new members added to the old ones the organization will bo made one of the largest unrt strongest in the state. With practice together , it will bo not many wfleks before the band will be able to furnish the citizens of Council Bluffs an opportunity of hearing as choice music as over broke upon Iowa air. _ Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed to in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 103. Leave your orders for ice. Cheap storage in either small of car load lots at Nos. 23,24 and 20 Pearl street , J. K , Snydor. Buy the fashionable black screen wire .mil adjustable window ! - - & Colo's , 41 Main street. Latest improved gasoline stoves at No 604 Main street , W. V. \ \ ood. Talk about organ sales , the Mueller Music company sell from ton to fifteen a week right along. The people are find ing out that the Royal and Century or gans have no superior. Gold Watches and Chains. The largest aid best stock to select from at the lowest prices , at C. 1J. JACQUKUMIN & Co'a. The Hambletonian stalion , Arbitrator , can be been at my stable on Fourth or Bancroft streets , three doors south of Ilattonhaur's carriage repository. Ho is u grandson 9f Rysiiyke's Hambletonian on the sire side , and a grandson of Mom- brine chief on the dam side , the ac knowledged principal products of speed and genoial purpose horses in America , and Arbitrator is no exception to the rule , lie is a horse of great individual - dividual merit and speed , and for the of convincing the breeders of Igh bred horses that ho Is all that is claimed of him , I will speed him a ton or twenty-mile dash on the road to 000 pounds' weight with any stallion owned in the country. Breeders of high bred horses will make a note of this ana carry it in their hats , as the owner of these horses puts all the money ho has or can borrow into straight horses , and not into books , pamphlets and wind , talking about their forty-second cousins' per formances. Also Colonel Rove , bred byV. . II. H. Colby , of Fort Dodge , la. , sired by Star light , by Star of the West , dam by Coupon pen , Jr. , by Coupon , by Rysdyko's Ham bletonian. This colt fs a stranger in a strange land , but his breeding is cer tainly all any man could wish for. His Croat and positive individuality , his true and powerful stride , bis wonderful con stitutional powers , and his powerful Btcel-convertcd frame work , insure ( or him a career that will place him among the grandest , itallioni ia the . D , GJUY , TALEOF TWO CITIES , Trial of An Omaha Datcotiva for Fleecing a Bluffs Man , THE COUNCIL LAST NIGHT. Much Trouble Over the Hells \nothor Move on the Saloons Amusements and Personal * * . The City Council. There was a full board at the council meeting lust night. Ql'otltion of John Unnforth for $1,000 damages to lots hi Grimes addition , on account of the sewer ditch. Referred. Property owners on Mynster street urged that the sewering and paving of that street be done as soon as possible. It was .stated by the mayor that it was un derstood that Mynster street should bo the lirst one to have .sewerage this season , and that the paving would follow at once. Placed on file. A committee of the Knights of Labor presented a communication asking that the resolution in regard to contractors doing city work be so changed as to make it compulsory for these contractors to employ homo labor , The communica tion was accompanied by the draft of an ordinance to cover the request. Referred to the judiciary committee. C. C. Oespainc petitioned for the ap pointment of paving inspector this sea son , accompanying it by endorsements of citizens. Filed. A communication of citizens was pre sented , stating that the Northwestern and Union 1'acilic railroad companies hail laid tracks and turnouts so as to en croach on the highway leading to Mynstur springs. They petitioned the council to take action to protect the public rights on the highway. Colonel Kcatloy spoke in behalf of the pctioucrs. W. A. Alynstor spoke on the other side of ttie question , claiming it was only a tem porary inconvenience , but would finally bo a benefit. Tins petition was referred. Petition for opening Seventh street and complaining of railway obstructions pre sented and referred. The contract for sewer , with W. P. Wightmau and George S. Miller , was presented , together with the bond of 15,000 , the work to commence Juno 1 and be completed by November 10 , with a forfeit of $ W a day for failure to thus complete the work. Approved and the mayor authorized to sign the same. The committee reported in favor of re jected grading bids , as they were higher than private parties wore getting grad ing done. Concurred in. The clerk was ordered to readvertiso. * The committee reported in the matter of opening avenue 11 and Twenty-fourth and Twenty-llfth streets , that private parties were cultivating them , obstruct ing them without authority. Concurred in. in.Tho judiciary committee reported in favor of allowing Martha A. Branch $100 for portion of lot used for sewer ditch. The final estimate on Moore's levee contract , amounting to $1U55 was al lowed. An ordinance was presented giving the electric light and power company right to use streets for poles. Alderman Keller announced that if agreeable , a test of the now lire alarm would bo made this morning , the council to meet at No. li's house at U o'clock. This was agreed to. Pinching a Detective. There was an interesting case on trial in the district court ycssorday. It was that of young Vannico , charged with ob taining money under false pretenses. It was claimed on the part of the prosecu tion that the young man was employed last fall in the Noligh detective agency in Omaha. His business was that of an of fice boy , and ho was given some little work to do to give him a chance to learn something of what it was to bo a detect ive. Ho was in the oflice several weeks , and had been used on a few occasions on some trivial work outside the oflice. Mr. Harris , who is the manager for the Ilus- sell manufacturing * company in Council Blnfl's , was suspicion that ono of his traveling men was too fond of poker on the road , and ho thought it would bo well to satisfy him self on this point before discharging the traveling man. To secure the needed evidence , ho bethought him that it would bo well to employ a detective. Ho ac cordingly applied at Neligh's office , in Omaha , ana found young Vannico in the ollico. Vannico told him that Mr. No- ligh was out of the city , and learning what he wanted , told Mr. Harris that he was himself an experienced detective , and could do the work for him. While talking with Mr. Harris Mr. Noligh en tered the olllco , but Mr. Harris did not recognize him , never having mot him. Ho asked Vannico , however , if that was not Mr. Neligh. Vannico replied. "No , that's a friend of mine. " Mr. Harris , bing satisfied that Vannice was ono of the detectives interested in the agency , made an appointment to meet him in Council Bluffs the next day and arrange details. At this meeting in Council Binds Mr. Harris furnished him with $50 to cover traveling expenses , and agreed to pay him $25 for his services in ascertaining whether the traveling man. named Young , was playing poker on the road. Vannice went out on the road , but learned little about it , and a second trip was made , for which $00 moro was put up by Mr. Harris. Ho also paid Vannice f 3 on account of services. In rendering Ins ex pense account , Vannico accounted for spending so much money by claiming that he had to play poker himself , in order to keep in with the boys. and got pointers on Young. Ho managed to lose the money thus placed on the cards , and failed to secure any information about YounK. In fact , the work was bungling. and Mr. Harris realizing that ho had been duped , had Vannico indicted. ; On the other hand Vannico claimed that ho undertook the job in good earnest. and intending to act squarely. Ho claimed that the prosecution was malicious , be cause ho had left Neligh's employ , and Neligh was anxious to get oven with him for not turning over the money which ho had in his pocket for the traveling ex penses. He insisted on the stand that ho had not misrepresented his ability to Mr. Hams , and that ho did not obtain the money by any false pretenses at all. Attorney Stow , of Omaha , is prose cuting the case , and Stone & Sims de fending. The examination of witnesses throw a good deal of light upon the In teresting workings of so-called detectives. It afforded much amusement to the listeners , especially when ono witness , who claimed to bo a detective , was pinned down to defining what a detective was. Ttio best definition ho could give was that ho was doing what ho was told to do. When pressed for a statement of any of the principles which governed the pro fession , the only one no could think of was that a detective should treat people about right. Trouble With Taxes. There wore a goodly number of tax payers who called at the city building yesterday to look over the raises made by the board of equilization. The total assessment has been raised from between four and five millions to between live and six millions of dollars. There are nu merous opinions expressed. Nearly every ono whoso property has been raised thinks ho is a little hijrner than uhy neighboring property of about the same Talue , . nd altogether out of proportion to other property. It seems eoucoded that the raised assessments even are not In excess of forty per cent of the cash value of the property , and the chief pro tests will bo on the ground Hint there have been discriminations. It is stoutly asserted by some that the board has no right to raise the assess ments. It is a board of equalization , and not ono of assessments. If the board Is to do the assessing , then there is little use of electing mi assessor. If the board in creases one assessment it sLould reduce some other one , thus making the total the same as originally. Such Is the view taken of the matter by many. The mayor and other olllcials are equally con fident that the board lias been exercising simply the rights and powers given under tlm law. It was amusing yesterday to sec two men. Ono was wrathy about the increased - creased assessment of his property , and bitterly denounced it a.s a scheme of the bridge company to reali/.o moro money out of the twelve-mill tax voted for by that enterprise. Ho had only got through airing his convictions when one of the bridge company came in , equally in- cen ud at the raise of his property. Ho was hot about the action of the board , and thought it was a scheme to help the city expenses along , when these should be met by some other way. There was a stream coining and going all day , and few of them smiled. There'will evi dently bo some hot boxes before the assessment runs through to the end of the trip. Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc. , Council Blulfs Fuel company , No. 5U'J ' Broadway , telephone I'M. Ijltrrary anil Social. For a first-class time attend the Y. M. C. A. literary and social to bo held this evening at 8 o'clock. All , both ladies and gentlemen , arc most cordially in vitctl to bo present. Special attention will bo shown to strangers , and an effort made to have them form pleasant ac quaintances. Admission and reserved seats 1'reo. I'llOailAMMC. Song K. U. Stacy Readmit Miss Ateii Qul/ , led by 11. Curtis . . . .Subject : "Tuo risk Univeisity Jubilee Singers" Jubilee SOUR CLolr Social Intermission. Organ Solo 1'rof. Mat Hmirlclns ltu.idiiiK. J.E.Matheny Debate , Jed by Messis Hunter and ( ioehriiiK . . .Question : "Resolved , ' 1 hat education is more benollclal than wealth. " Selection Miss E. Barnard .7. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the suc cess they are enjoying. More Injunctions Wanted. The notices for another batch of saloon injunction cases have been prepared , and the sheriff will proceed to servo them. This batch includes all the saloons omitted in the former proceedings , so that the next batch of injunctions , if these are is sued , will include all of those not pre viously enjoined. The injunctions will not issue without another light in the courts , but it will probably not be as pro longed as the previous one , as many of the points in controversy have already been passed upon by the lower courts. In the meantime the voice of the higher courts is expected to give utterance to some decision winch may affect the whole matter. A DCS Mollies lluyer. J. G. Tipton yesterday sold to James Cunningham , of DCS Moines , Iowa , the beautiful live acre tract of L. P. Judson near Kays landing at Lake Manawa. Mr. Cunningham is a business man of splendid qualifications , and is largely In terested in real estate in the capital city. In becoming a property owner of th'is promising city ho will not bo found wanting for energy and vim to push im provements forward. In making the sale Mr. Tipton has done well in thus inter esting such a man in the growth and prosperity of the city , and Mr. Cunning ham will doubtless liud it a profitable investment. Personal Paragraphs. Mrs. Jameo T. Anderson has gone on a visit to her old homo in Castcna , la. G. A. Dow , A. A. Fischel and Davy Gibe , all of Dow City , dined at the Ogdou yesterday. Mr. E. U. Young is entertaining his better half , who is hero on a visit to him from Muscatine , la. J. J. Fraincy returned yesterday from his sad mission south , summoned thither by the death of his father. John Owen , of Living Springs , who still remains quite ill after a surgical op eration , is gradually gaining. Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , ofllce No. 12 Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Telephone - phone No 10. The Lnntry Kiss. Now York Sun : There is nothing more talked about in theatrical circles than the kissing of Charles Coghlan and Mrs. Lantry in "Lady Clancarty. " It was so deliberate , so utterly oblivious of the big fiddle , so unconscious of the bass drum. The seemingly rapturous kissinc that Lrnma Abbott used to bestow on Castle never stirred a hair on Husband Weth- erell's head. The kissing of Mary An derson was the most transparent make- believe in the world. When Clara Mor ris used to kiss Charlie Theme in "Ca- mllle , " she would take him on his knees before her , muss his hair , devour him with loving looks , dip down upon his face , and kiss him llugonngly on his nose , to his intense amusement. When Iticnold was m the country ho awoke the town kissing Sirsan when he played William. The women in the audience used to admire , but Susan suffered , Rig- uold was a wiry , red-bearded man , who shaved twice a week and no oftenor. Ho would powder the stubble on his face till his complexion was lovely , but poor Susan I A section of sandpaper could have hurt no worse. When he got home from sea in the play and mot Susan , she would lly into Ins arms very much as the victim sentenced in the inquisition to undergo the virgin's kiss knowing she had to , and was going to got hurt. Ho would hold that poor girFs head back , make a rush , kiss both oycs.root a second under her ear , and then kiss her straighten on the mouth , and all the while the ad jacent field of cheek and mound of chin were taking out her cuticle like a nut meg grater. But this kiss of Coghlan's is realistic. The remarks it elicits ara funny. The other night , as the lingering kiss was pressed upon the upturned mouth of the famous Lily , a lady said with a sigh , "What a pity it's In a play. " An old fellow , who looked through a pair of glasses and over u lot of chin whiskers , just us Horace Grcoloy used to do , slap ped his leg with a big freckled hand , and ejaculated , "Whew ! " Everybody laughed almost us much ns they did another night , when a small boy , half over the gallery rail , cried just as Cogh lan's lips mot Langtry's , "Let her go , Gallagher ! " lied , niauk , lirown and Blonde. Medical Record : A German inquirer has , it is stated , taken four heads of hair , of equal weight , and then proceeded to count the individual hairs. Ono ( red ) was found to contain 1)0.000 ) hairs ; another ( black ) 108,1)00 ) ; a third ( brown ) had 100,000 , and the fourth ( blonde ) 140,000. Leopold band i. LONDON , May 23. Prince Leopold , who has been making a tour of the world , has ar rived at Southampton from New York , l Tlll.l.Unpli tm lnttd of Cvrirt. YIELDS TO EVERY" MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OwlnirtntholHlCONtL r.l.tMMITT of the cloth ( nlilrh our patents rover iihi'lvt'lr ) will nt iitrfertlv flirt tlmeworn nqnirc noliiciklnln mrtKY lirTlllM'D ' by jplter nft r ln-lMff wnrn tfruliO" If lint foun't flip 11105 1 PKIIKKCT riTTJMJ , HKAI/rilFlTI. nml Cumroriiihle Corset overworn. Bold tjr nil Um-clnss dciilcrt. CUOTTY 1IHOS. . Chlcuao , III. SPEOIAL NOTIOESr Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found 'icLonn , Kor Sato , To Kent , ftnnts , Honrdlnir , etc. , will tiolneortO'l In this column nt the low ratoof TEN CUNTS PEIt LINE Torino flm Inser- Ion mid i''lvo Cents Per Line foremen subsoauont insertion. Lvnvo ailvotllsomiMiU nt our olllco No. U I'curl stivut , no.\r Uroailwur , Council lilulTs. _ WANTS. _ _ QTHAVrJb-Or Stolen Two bltd dons. Ono O rod spotted. Ono rod with nlckol plktod iilatcd collar innrkod "J. It. 1'oppo. Atlnntlp , la. " Mboral toward for tliolr return to J. H. 1'oplic , No. 1517 Slxtli uvonuo , Council IllulTa. FOH SALK A nice pony mnro , will drlvo sin- trio or double and good under s.uldlo. S. T ' Fiencli , No. atl 1'oarl blicct. _ V\7 ANTKD A peed ninn for carrlnco washer ; T > also n good hostler. Apply to Mnso Wise , Council liltilfs. " \\rANTHD Voting man to work about stable and house. Apply to Horace Kvcrctt , nt olllco , No. 10 1'enrl street only. HIINT-Ono olllco and ono business FOH room near the now postoltlco on Brouduay , One live room house , $12. Olio three room house , $10. One seven room house , f'-J. U. Mnyne , No. 829 filxuh avo. Olt TKADH- section of good land In Lin- eoln county , Neb. , for n stock of hard- w are. Address Odcll llros. & Co. , No. 103 I'oarl street. Council niults , or corner Farnnm and ICtli streets , Omaha. FOH SALE A Btocu Kcnornl merchandise In n good to\ui In western Iowa , A flrst- clnss chance for anv ono wishing to ongngo In business. Stock will invoice about ffOO and will bo sold cheap. For further Information Inquire ot M. E. Smith & Co. , Omaha , or N. C. Phillips , Orokcr , No. 419 tlroadway , Council lllullg. _ | _ _ _ SALE-Or Trade Six sections of good FOll In Lincoln county , Nob. , on U. P. railway. Call on or addrcsi Odoll Bros. & Co. , 103 Pearl St. , Council lUtiffa. _ NOTICE Will pay the highest price for first- class cast-oil lady's , gents , and children's clothing , boots , shoes , hats , etc. D. Goldstein , Nos. 217 and 2t > Kroitdway. House Cleanlne is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in the spring. Now is the right time to do this. For ladies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid able work , and wo make the offer to do the most troublesome work of all , that is TO CLEAN THE CARPETS. Wo clean the cancels , velvets , moquettes , brussels , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. Wo guarantee THAT THE CAIH'KT AV1LI. BE 1'KKHECTLY CLEAN , THAT THE' COLOKS AKE ItESTOKED , and that no dustwill : bo left in the car pet. Wo guarantee our work and refer to prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and wo will call upon you and explain in what way our cleaning takes place. G. A. FISHER. No. 033 Sixth Avenue , Council Ululls. REAL ESTATE. Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms. Acre property in western part of city. All Boiling cheap to make room for spring stock K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room 6 , over Officer A Pueoy's Bank , Cou . Bluffs. FRANK 8. MICE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Demons , estimates and report * on bridges , Tladucts , foundations and general engineering. Blue prints of nny slzo and quantity. Office No 13 N. Main St. , First National Bank Block. E. S. BARNETT , Justice ot. the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. OFFICER tB russr , Council Blufls.Iowa. Established 1S5T. Korses $ Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or do-tble. MASON WISE , ' Council Blulfs ' ) Large hats III whlto , black and all colors. Pat tern bonnets , bats and toques , n specialty. No 15U Douiflas st ; Oinaua. C. R. ALLEN , EnpeerSurveyorMapPublisher , , Kb. 11 North Main St. City and countr ranps. of cities and counties In western lawn , Nebraska and Kansas. CRESTON HOUSE ! Theonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire Escape , And All Modern Improvements. 215 , 217 and 319 Main St. MAX MO1IN Prop. JOHN V. STONE. JACO11 81113 STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , actlce in the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL Eujrra. WALKING People's ' Store Have tried all kinds of adver tising in newspapers , books , by hand-bills , signs , circulars , etc. , etc. , but the most success ful advertisement they ever put forth is a walking adver tisement. Have you seen them ? Of course you have many a time. We refer to those walking advertisements so frequently seen on the streets of this city and all over the western coun try in the shape of one of onr Suits with a man or boy inside of them. What a splendid advertise ment each one of thess : All Wool Suits , $10. We have a large on Jtainl and they will talk for themselves. Sec them. Four Button Worsted & Imported Corkscrew Suits In all Shade ? , $12.50 , $ I4.00I6,50I8,00 , $20 and $22. How they advertise us ! It is true we don't make much on the S3 goods , but it is a sat isfaction every time we see a customer buy one , we know that he is ours. The fit and satisfaction our clothing gives him will cause him to return for his next suit as well as advise his friends to do likewise. We offer no bait with the hops of selling you something els3 when you reach our store. The same principal of BIG VALUE for your money ap plies to every garment we offer. Our tailor-made clothig has proven a blessing to man kind ; the high-priced mer chant tailor has been com pelled to divide his trade and give us the largest share. Our tailor made clothing are made by the same men who work in custom shops. In addition we will say that we carry more ready made clothing than all the other houses in the city combined. Don't fool your tlms and money away , come to the Popular I'co- jtle'a Store , where yon yet fair and square dealing and more than the value for the money. Seat quality grand army suit * with butt onu thrown in , at $8.5O. & GO'S. Peoples' ' Store Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - I A BARGAINS IN NEW COOPS Harkness Brothers , Broadway , Council Bluffs , la A large stock of fine white summer goods and wash fabrics. - * A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , Sun , shades and Umbrellas , ALSO A FULL STOCK OF YOUNG LADIES' CORSETS , Summer Corsets and the Noted Little Jersey Corset. CARPET Department is yet well stocked and invites the attention of everyone about to furnish a home. Also oil cloths , matting , rugs , mats , etc. Do not forget the number , No. 4O1 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Telephone 163. o. cr. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Blulfr Office , Klimuiiic Temple. Oinnliu Office , Wo 111 North lUlliMreel. Particular attention given to In venting fundH for non - retti- dciit * . Special burgnln § In loin & acre properly In Omaha A Coun cil Blulfk. Correspondence tollc- Itcd. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mail Orders Shipped Promptly. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway Con neil Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , CAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES. Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western CotlageOrgans A few comments regarding the Estey Pianos. In every civilized country on the globe the name of Est < > y is a household word witli lovers of music ; it is n guaranie * for.Uie exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments . , bearing the name that com mands confidence , admiration ami enthusiasm. THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2915) ) Sired Ijy Almont No ! J3 , and "HcjrUtfir. " ( Standard No. 5813. Sired by Tramp No. 803. These stallions will make the season of 1837 at the Coun cil liluffs Driving L'ark. For particulars inquire of or address , WADE CAUY , Council Bluffs , la. It. RICE , M. 1) . Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knile or Drawing o Blood. Over 80 vears Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Uluffs. Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards Uroadway , Council lllulla , Opp. Dummy Depot CX * W * H = n Horses and mules kopTconstantlyon retail or in car loaa hand , for sale ftt contract on Orders prompUy filled by short notice. Slock sold on comm ssion. SJM.UTKK & Uor.KV , Proprietors. Fofr ± y ° oKeiYsale. Stables , corner l t. avo. and 1th street. jv. sciruitz , Justice of the Peace. Ottlce over American