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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY 3IAY 4. 1887 V 3PEOIALNOT1OES ; Advertisements underfills head. 10 cents per inn for the first Insertion , 7 cents lor each sulc ( ( uncut Insertion , am ) (1 Mn line ) > or month , K'o nilvuitl'tiinoiit tnkt'ti for Iossthun25 cents lorthu tltst liiMTtlon. Ho\on words wll , b < ! tountcd to tliu llnu ; they must run cnnsccit < .Ivc'ly iind must ) io pnld In advance. All ndver tl'omontH must be liundcd In before 1 : : n o'clock 1. in. , unit iinilcr no circumstances will they be ; akcn or dl/wontlnut / > d by tolephono. Pnrtlcs advertising Inthcfo columns nnd hnV' ni : tlio nnswcri iiddrp"S''d In rnro of Tut : UK * : Fill plcnso nsk fern cheek to unable thorn to gel their letters , as none will lin delivered oxcrtpl 311 presentation of cheek. All answers to advor Hsoraents should lie onclo'od In envelopes. All ndvortltementi In thcpn columns nro pub Kslicd In both morning nnd evening editions ol llm BFK , the clrcutntlon of whlol iggrcgntes nmro than 14,000 pnpni" Inlly. nnd gives tlio iidvortl or tli < bcnullt , not cmtj of tlio city circulation of Tin HEK tint n ! o of Council RlilIM , Mncnln , iim jllior cities nnd towns throughout this part ol tlio west. MONEY TO LOAN. FONEV to Loan , first mortirago note , L bought. H. I ! . Cole , 310 6. 15th. room 4. , , , . , i. . , . . . . . . . , , .i real estate. Apply to C. II Keller , 1505 Farnnm st , city. 015 inlO * 1500,00010 loan nt B per cent , Harris He Pnnip | son , 1510 Douglas st. 070 500.000 TO LOAN at 0 per cunt Mahono ; $ Llnahan 1509 Furnam. OU9 fONEV TO LOAN-O. F. Davis * Co , ren L estate and loan agents , 1505 Furnum st 071 "ONKV to loan on ronl estate nnd chattel M 8. Katz 4 Co. 1511 Farnam st , ground floor U600,000 ! To loan on Omaha city property nt P per cent. U. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. 673 ONKY TO LOAN-On city unit farm pror orty , low latcs. Stewart & Co.ltoom Ironjiank. _ 674 MONEV to loan , cash on delay. J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam lit I'axton hotel building. 875 _ M ONRV First mortgnEo notes. The DoiiRln county bank will buy papers secured bj first mortgage on city realty. _ 670 MONEV TO LOAN on improved renl nstutt no commission charged. Lonvltt Hum bnm , Hoom 1 Crolghton Hlock. 877 G PEUCENT-Monny to loiuT Orogory & Hndloy , Rooms land 3 , Hedick block , 320 S. 15lh 678 to loan on collaterals. Long an MONKNV short tluio city mortgages and cor tracts nought. II. S. Itowley , 314 South 15th s 67H mil _ _ rr\O IXAN Money Lonns placed on fir JL proved real estate In city or county f < New England Loan Jc Trust Co. , by Uouglo C'ounty bank , leth nnd Chicago st9. 079 MONEV to loan on Improved city property i 6 per cent. Money on hand ; donothav to wait Have a complete sot of abstract buol nf Douglas county. I. N. Watson , nbstrncle Harris Itcul Kstato and Loan Co. , 3208 , IMh si _ 6 Q MONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co. 'a Lou Ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wngon personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other a tides of value , without removal. U19 8. 13tl over lllngham s Commission store. All bus ness strictly confldontlal. CHI 6 PICK CENT Money. U. 0. Patterson , 15th and Harney. MONKV TO LOAN-bytho nndorslgned , wt has the only properly organized Ion agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mac on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagoni machinery , i-e , without removal. No delay All business strictly confidential. Loans I made that any part can bo pnld at any imo.onc payment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advanci made on flno watches and diamonds. Persoi should carefully consider who they are doallr with , as many now concerns are dally comb ' .ntn existence. Should you need money ce and sno mo. W. H. Croft , Hoom 4 Wthm llulldlng 15th and . riMlEOmnha Financial ExchangeN. W. co JL nor of Hnruoy nnd 15th sts. , over Sta : National bunk. If prepared to mnko short tlmo loans on ar Rvalhihlcd oourlty , loans mndo on chattels , ct lutnruls or real oMuto. at'eilrfonTrn/c"1" / mul0 on 'morovod ' real cstn Purchase money mortgages negotiated , i curoil notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlmo lonns mnno on second mortgng according to marginal Interest , nt collator rntes. Heal estate to exchange for good Intorc bearing pillion Grnurnl financial business of nil kinds tran nctod promptly , quietly und fairly. Money always on baud for approved loans < tiny kind , without delny or unnecessnry pu Hefty. Corbott , Manager. 1HJ BUSINESS CHANCES. FOH SALR-Drug store In olty. Will trai for real estate. Address O. 4 , Boo , 8573' "I71OU SALE A cash grocery store doing * . ' business of $8,000 to $7,000 per month : n ply at once to Fonron , Cole Hi Robert so n.)10 ; ) 15th st 810 4 "I71OH SALE or trade for city nroporty A m < A' stock ot Jewelry and silvoi-wara McCi loch A.Co. , 1509 Fnrnnm st. 7480 T710H SALK-A No. 1 saloon. Address M S - 1lice oiflco. 730 3 TjlOKTHADE-Soveral hundred acres of sple J-1 did land , or any pnrt ot it. In Codur Ci Nob. , for n stock ofgnneral morcbnndisq wor from $ : t,000 to $5,000. Enquire of Pierce & Ho crs , 1511 Dodge st 650 4 TpOH SALE or Trade , a first-class stock ge ' Joral merchandise , in a lively country tow same bands years. Sale last year $20,000. 1 voice about 14,000. To the right party ) i cas bnl. In ono yonr on approved security. J. Dlalr & Co. , Hoom 5,127 South llth Bt , Llucol Nob. 58S 4 THOU SALE A cigar , tobncco and fruit stai Jon n Rood street , doing n good buslnes Bmnll capital required. Address M 54. U office. 031-5 * "E1OH SALE-A flno drug stock Involcli X1 $2,71.0 Is otforod tor sale on very fnvoral terms Only n small cash payment Is require bill to suit purchaser. The location , and bu ties * U excellent. Address A. C. Spandu ( Jrafton , Neb. r > IS 8 * WE have some very desirable lots to e change for any kind of merchandise ; 1 N ISllnl. 1-2 bin n P. O. Harr&Toft. 354 FOH SALK OH THADii-For Omaha city re estate or Nebraska lands , a two-sto Drlck store , with a complete line of staple d roods and notions , groceries , crockery , gins ware , and n small assortment of hats and en all bought for cash nnd discount saved-m live Nebraska town , county seat , nnd doing good cash business. The second story rents f 12.1 per month , and now contains llrat-class te snu. On the Union Pacific H. 1C. and sv rounded by the best class of farmers in farms m tlio etnto. Two grain elevators nrol rated nl the station , and tap nil tno surrour Ink-country , which brings In a irrcnt deal outside trad , nnd Is ono of the best grnln mi kots In the state ; It also has ono of tholurgi llouring mills In the west The above property Is first-class In every i ipect and the stock Is now nnd desirable. C. Cnnnn. 8.13 TT10U SALE Ono-hnlf interest in the Nebnis -L' Signal , the largest circulation of any cou try weekly newspaper In the state ; large j office In connection. For full particulars i dress or call on E. 0 , Sawyer , Admr. . Fa mont.Neb. 684- 'lI'OK SALE oF Exchange A now a bbl coi A1 blnation mill situated on Little 111 river , near Hebron. In Thayer county. Will e change for wld | or Improved lands or live slot For further particulars address First Natloc lank. Hebron , Neb. 086 PEKSONAL. M1W. nUUANT Clarlvoyant from Hoston , reliable In allnltalrsof life. unites separat lovers S22N. _ 16th st , room I 691 inSDJ TJKHSONAL-Neat "and Uvaty all-woo'fbui JL nesa suits $7.00. Fine blue diagonal drc suits , $10,75. Call and see thorn or write f samples. L. O. Jones & Co. , Aniorlc Clothiors. Sou Fnrnnra t. , Omaha. 11 m i ; IJKHSONALlrrTvaleTio"rae7or ImTl'es'durT confinement , strictly confidential , Infut nloplcd , address U 42 , llco olllco. 819J2 * MrSi Ir. Nnnme V. W rr J. clairvoyant. Medical and business Medlu ttoom No. 8 , Ul North 16th st .Omaha. N rv ttso LOBT T O8T llrown sTia lon Farnair7 srreot"ne JU business oollego. Iteturn to 318 S 1Mb 8834' ' _ LOST A pair ot gold glasses between Lu crun church , Fernam and 15th und Cnpl ave , Any person leaving same at 1315 Capr vo , will receive a liberal reward. 841 3 , STH A VEir Oil " 8TOLEN-Ono black inafe hands high , two hind feet white Uboi reword will bo paid to finder. K. A. DroM thu cash grocer. 720 N. Itith st 7M 4J _ = "STOBAOE. jjlIUST-CLASa Storage at 110 N 13th ft. 887 First-class storage for nloo fur niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodtre-'t Storage Wnrohouso Corner 13th OMAHA sts , , for stornge of household goods and general tnorchnndlao at low rates. Ailvnncos made ; Issue warehouse receipts. H. It. switch at the bouse. Ofllce 619 South 13th Mrcetnnd 13 , 1310 nnd 1112 Iznrd street. Tele- phone062. M. 8. Goodrich , Mgr. 995 m3 * MISCELLANEOUS. A YOt'NO mnn with means would llko to -V form the ncqunlntndco of o young Indy. Address M 72 lieu olllw , city. * M ! IJ 0 PllOPiilTY : Owncrs-If you want to mjll T your property semi full description with > rlco nnd terms to Hurt's Oroat Western Honl : state llurouu , Crulghton Block. Wo hnvo cus- omors for every burgaln that is olTored. 81 Itn31 WILL the Indy who fnlled to got thn note written on pli-eunf programme nt llojd'H Saturday night , send her address to lock box U , 7 A voea , lowu , WO U * rpo the Ladles Prompt intention paid to nil JL kltuls of dressmaking ; silk , satin nnd vel- et drcsse" cleaned by the French drying pi o- cess. I'rlco from fl.fiJ to $ .1.00. Also gloves , aces nnd plumed , 1810 Knrnam st 715 fij "V\71L' ' ' the liidy who took n I'ltrnam street onr T T oust nt A. I ) . Morso's uoruor on Wednes day lust send hnr nddrces to tlio tfontlOMinn who ( stood on thn 1'nxton hotel corner opposite Ad- 1 ressQ'J' ' , nooolllco. ftM 3 iSS : 1'OOLS , sinks nnd viuilts cleaned , odor- C lesa process , U Kwln c , box 327 , city. 5W m27J FOK UK NT. Hqunro I'limo $ J monthly. A HoHpo. 1513 Douglas. l < 39 TIIO parties hnvlnir IIOIISOH lor rent , Itcntal JL Agency , llenawa & Co. , 1,1st. , opposite post- sITlco , Wo have turned over to them our rental list. Wo recommend them. McCaguo llros. 690 F oil UKNT Organs , * Z per month , tiorpe , _ _ C81 DHK SMAKINd-Mrg. R. C. Scofleld , par lorslK2St. ! Mary's avo. I.ndles coming tc the city for one day cnn hnvo tliolr dross made whllo waiting. 75 in 14 . C.-Houso furnisliltiKKOod ? . nil kinds Ol. ca h orinstallmontslowest prices at J , Donnor , 131K Do UK I UP st. 90U F OH KEN i1 Square I'lnno , ft montnlr. Hosce. IBlSDoutlAB. . 08'J LF you want to buy or sell furniture , go tc J. Ferguson's , 71.1 N. 10th. 091 FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. Showcis > os , counters and shclv Ing suitable for drugs or groceries. O. 10 lleo. 8h'J3 ' F OUSALE-Sodafountaln.chcnp n"tl20C loii ) | las street 845 5j * L Olt SALK Throe Hansom cabs In cooi J running order , nearly new , having bcei used about three months Are of the latos design nnd very light , nnd i-ost originally $700 Will sell for $275 each. C. Schawackor , 414 S 3rd8t , St Louis , Mo. e39 ! IJ F Oil ALi-All : kinds ol biilldlng stone n the Louisville quarry , low est prices possl ble. Address U. MoUgcr , Louisville , Nob. 82J 15 * B1OH SALE New light sidebar buggy. Cell 316 S. 15th. lloom 4. 769 7 * FOH SALE Or exchange $2,000 oqlty li Omaha and Kansas real estate to cxchang for same amount In merchnndlso , grocorlo proforod. Address quickly. Cariiilchaol llros , Hiawatha , Kansas. 880 5 * FOH SALK A good milk dairy , consisting o 80 llrst class cows , n good delivery wagon team and harnuss. milk cans , Ac. , uorso powo corn mill nnd hay cutter , and corn shelter , in eluding first cla s milk route , Immediate pot cession given. For terms , etc. call at 217 S lit st , Omaha. 741 FOH 8ALE A first class Homo built slngl seat road wagon , suitable for speeding o exercising. Cheap for cash. Ituncbor , 161 Fainam st. 483 ml T710H SALE Span horses , double wagon an JL1 double harness for $ -00. Also a lot of pot chonp. C. J Canan , 552 POU SALE 1 or3 noises , 1 spring wagon , buggy , cheap. A. Hospo , 781 ml3 FOIl SALK Cheap , the Abstract Hooks o Seward County , complete to date , Safe Blanks , Olllce , Furnlturc.good line oflusurnnc Companies , Loan nnd Heal Estnto Ouslnos : The only set of Abstract Hooks In Sownr County. Addros * Hamlln Hros. . York , Neb. 411 in wj SALK Snfo , nearly now , medium Inquire 21 Fron/or blk. , opp P. O. 357 F IOH SALE Square piano , $150. Woodbrldg llros , 215 Opera house. i J4 F OH SALK The best line of carriages , phaol ous , buggies , real estate wagons and dolh ery wagons. Columbus lluggy Co. , 1113 llarnoj 398m'J TO1OH SA LE A second hand spring wagon , tw J- ' seated , polo and shafts , chonp , at the Co umtius lluggy Co. , 1113 llarnoy st. li'JU FOHSALE-Drick. T.Murray. 093 CHOICE LANDS-$5 per acre. $ tO makes It years payment on IGOncros. Write for li formation W. F. Paine. Sidney Nob. 252ma > TT1OH SALK -17 bend choice bred Shorthor -U cattle ; also a 410 acre stock farm In Ho county. J. B. Callings , Ponder , Neb. 803 may I3J WANTED MALE HELP. rANTKD Kitchen Fireman at Mlllnrd hole 890 4 WANTED Partner to enlarge mill wate power. Uuslness Immense. Hare chnnci Capital required , 11,000 or more. Address A H. Gibson , Atkinson. Nebraska. 885 7 W ANTED Office boy. Must write well. , H. lllngwnlt. 318 S ISth 41. 8033 ANTKU-2 good hardware men. 2 baker 6 dining room girls. 4 female cooks , laundresses , 4 short order waiters , 2 men cooV nnd 75 girls for general housework. Omab Employment Hurenu , 119 M litth st 870 4 WANTED A smnrt American boy , 18 or ! yenrs , some knowledge of bookkeoplni good address ; wngos small to commcnuo. Spc man & Pierce , 1212 Douglas st. tot 4 TI7ANTEI-Agent8-To sell an nrtlclo thi T sells rnpldly nt sight. Apply nt317 S. 12tl at the restaurant , U. Coons. 840 3j ANTKD-3 or three carpenters , 311 S lit st. In thelorcnoon. John Hamlln. 83,3-1 YlfANTKD Cook ( male ) at Emmet t houso. WANTKD-A good reliable mnn to solicit 01 don In olty , for coffee and ten house , good place for the right man. Address M U Hie olllco. 738 W ANTKD-A good moldcr. John C. Kline York , Nob. 037 1 * WANTISD-Cnnvassera In every city nn town In Nebraska nnd lown. I < . 1 Watts , room 3,1010 Farnam st. 77U WANTED-6 bridge carpenters. Albright Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 043 _ WANTED -Commercial men for Nobrask trade to sell specialties In gloves froi castcm factory. Address M H , Uoo omco , 653 m3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\TANTKD A partner In good paying ous IT ness , ooropetantto take full charge c pffloo alfalrs. 12,000 capital required. Addros boi M. 18. Uee ottlce. 858 _ TITANTKO Laborers tor railroad worurETi T T Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 923 _ 'ANTED-Canvassors In Umahn nnd lioui las county t or I'lal form Echoes , by Joh ILOoiigh. Tbo best selling book of the da ) Call on or address , L. H. Watts , lloom : i. Iti Farnam St , Omaha , Nob. K.7 \\7"ANTEO-Scandliiavinn waiter ! mnn ) i i T Scandinavian hotel , llth und Jones. KM3J _ "WANTED 20 blockmanors tor Colorndi T > must ho experienced nnd have tools , t re pass. Mrs. llrega& Son.310 B. 15th 81 j 4J 'ANTKD Canvassing agents. Apply In tweeii 12 m. and 4 p. m. Acme Hnnft Co , . 812 B. Iflth t. _ Ml WANTED llarhcr , must btt llrst class woTl man , will pay from S,5 to JJJ u week I good man. 212 S 14th. _ 811 ; i _ \\rANTK 0 A young llohoniTan ifrui cTerl whocansponK KnglUh und ( Jerman. AI dress O 3 lleo omco. ; ; . _ 'ANTED Men , Wnmcn , Hoys and tilrl s Ti n light and prolltnldo employment N picture business ; no humbug. Bond lOc for valuable package to commence on. Only n fo hundred will bo distributed. Address Alhnii fcupplyCo. , Albany. N. V. M2 J2' WANTED A good U'Habio TmurtoTrh furnlturo delivery wagon. Must undc stand his business and furnish city lofoti'iici 1'rofor married man. Apply 17 S. 13th ft. n \\TANfED Agents , " either MixTTor n novefl f that Is taking Chicago by Btorm. 20),0. ) sold m this olty. J. It. 1'age , & Co.Chlc.igo. _ _ _ _ \\7ANTKU Good taatnstorriniift bo marrlo- - ' live In the vicinity ot 17th and Chloapo.Hii bcable to board two men. Addruns O l ! < olllco. bg 4 * \lfANTKn-Flrst-clasidre33 iroods salosrae TT ImmodlatQly ; permanent position : mu come well recommended. AdJrew C Llncol office lleo 878 4 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED First class Indy stenographer. Vlnontlnu Short Hand Institute. 870 3J J first class tewing girl 313 P. llth St. 673 5J " \\7ANTED--Ploasant sociable woman ns T > bousokcpper In country hotelgood wages. Mrs. llrega,310 south 15th. 875 4J "W7ANTED-A second girl Immediately. En- TT quire at 317 N. 17th or 1517 Davenport st 800 3J " \\rANTED-A competent girl for general T T hou < owork nt 2220 rruuklln st MS 5 \\r.\NTr.D--I.ndv housekeeper for widower T T with three children , references glvon nnd requited. Mrs. Ilergn,310S. 15th. 808 ( J VlfANTni ) Two dlnlnn-rooiu Kirls nt 1003 T > Daonport st. 820 4' ' WANTlID-Olrl nbmit 14 or If yrnrs oM for light housework nt llrowncll hall , 17th nnd Jones , room 1 , 824 3j \\fANTBD-Olrl for irrnuritl housoworKl > V U17CBS8 V43 i' _ _ Vt'ANTEn ImmcOlftti'ly , 10 waitresses and T cook for suction house , three liouso- < copi'rsund M girls for general housework. Mrs. Hrogn310 a Ifith. 810 4J \VANTED A goo 1 girl for poiturnl housework - ' work , flerman or llohomlan profi-rrrd. Good wages and permanent place. Cnll m 2M nml l < oa\cnwortn. 75o3 \\7ANTim A dining room girl nt once nl TT City hotel. 791 3J " \\rANTKD Chnmburinald , colored. Call m T T 1B13 Capitol nrenuo , between 1 nnd i o'clock. 784 fl * "Vt7"ANTiD ; Two chambermaids past 15 year ! T of ape. l-'nsy work. $5 per week. Applj B23 S I4th st. , on Wednesday and Thursday be twecn 2 nnd 4. 8W ) 4' WANTED to buy 5 or 8 room house nonrcni lino. Must ho n bargain for cash. Cole 310 S. 15th , room 4. 7713 * VirANTF.D A good girl for general house TT work , must ben good washer and Irouer 2100 Farnam st. 725 XVANTHD-Lady cook , must bo first class ' anply to Thos H , Hill , proprietor 1'arl hotel , Fremont , Nob. 722 0 * WANTED Experienced saloflndy In hoslorj department at The Fair , 500 W. 13th. 721 : "Vy"ANTlu-0o : < 'a girl. 1707 ICass. 628 WANTED An experienced girl , nt n o , cor 18th and l.eaveiiwotth sts , 710 flj \ \ 7AN1E1)Aehaiuberra ld at 013 Douglni T > st. 475 W ANTni ) Oood girl at 503 Virginia ave good wages paid. 231 WANTED At once , plnno plnyor , coloroO woman preferred Apply 112 S. Uth. 348 WANTED-rirst girl , 1013 Capital uvn. M4 mlj WAN'lED A good practical woman n housekeeper : wnuies $5 per week. Appl' ' between the hours of 12 and3 nt 912 Douglas st " \X7ANTKD-LndiPSto work for us at tBeli TT own names ; $7 to lo per week can hi quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass Ing. For full particulars please address n once Crcsi-ont Art Co. , 19 Central St. . Boston MUSS , n02o5 | ! * SITUATION WANTED. \I7ANTKD-llyn thorough dry goods man , i TT position. Hnvotho best rolerencei fron Iloston , Chicago and other cities. Address .1/ losFols,5547th St. , DcsMoincfl , Iowa. 8843 I AM well acquainted with the grocery trad ot Nebraska , Illack Hills , al'o city trade open fora situation , Address O 5 , lleo olllco 882 B' TSTANTED Position ns second girl In prlriit T T lanilly. Imiulro lloom 28 , Ooos hotel. 8.VJ 3J WANTED A position ns clerk or to do oftlc work by u young lady. Audioss O8Omr ha Deo. 8U5 ; ! * WANTED Position ; Iadyutonogrnphornn tvpo writer. Have had experience ; ad dress M 71 , llco ollicc. 813 "I BIIBCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Furnished room , or room am board In family where thoio are no chl < lrcn , by n young man of good habits and char tutor wuo'cnn ' furnUh rolerenep'lf requlrot Address , stntlng terms , etc. , O U lice oillro. 87 4 * V17ANTED A lady room-mate , central loo' TT tlon , references oxcmmircd. Addioss i 7 , Uoo ollico. tfiS 3j SEND description of yonrsell with Iflo fo -complete written prediction of your futur life &o. N. SI. Goer , Port Homer , JcUerso Co. . Ohio. WANTED To buy a barber shop In n tow ot 1,000 or lm Address Lock Hov * Walnut , lowu. 841 B4 WANTED House In good condition nn locality with all modern Improvement ; 0. A , Jacobson , K07 riirnain st. 817 3J WANTED Merchants in dry goods , elott ing , boots nnd shoos or genernl moruhai disc wanting to sell their stock , can find ens purchasers by addressing H. N. McGiov Omaha. nil mlij WANTKD-Mny Istto7th,0 , 7 , 8 or 9 rooi house , centrally locntea , bv parties ha1 Ing no children. Address M 33 lice office. . 677 3J Vl/ANTED Immediately by gentleman , goo TT size south front room , prefer with bonr with prlvntp fnmily centrally located , must li first ela s , stnre terms and particulars. A ( dress M 58 llco olllco. 635 WANTED Teams for railroad work , $3.50 dny , Albright's Labor Agency , 1U Farnam. qii : "VXTANTED Furnished or unfurnished rooi TT for single gentleman In house with modor conveniences. Unfurnished preferred. A < dress J. box 510 city. 659 WANTED A newspaper , paying circulatlo guaranteed from the start , for partlcu lars address Uank of Valley , Valley ,'16 fi'16 ' FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOIl HENT Or sale , creamery nnd dwellmi everything complete. Address J , II. Hoi shuw. Manning , In. (07 ( 5J FOIl HENT Throe-room houses 1017'Nort 20th St. 86'J ' FOH HKNT-Cottaireon North Twentieth s Gco. N. Hicks , 215 S. Hitli. b07 3J FOH HEST- Flat of sU rooms. Imjulro.Mr Benror , room 2 , 2nd lloor , old Browne ball , 8.17th st. KI4 ilj TjlOR RUNT Store , 9 rooms nnd bn3C'meut o -t ? 16th St. Apply b3 N ICth St. 7D7 8 FOH HENT-Window , good locality for Jo c-Ior or real estate. Ajiply to 3J3 n Ifith. fil > 3 FOH RENT-1'lrst class location for bar K shop. Shaw & Co. , CIO South 10th. 421 FOK KENT A store. Inquire 1413 S. 13th s Goo. H. Peterson. b99 FOB KENT Ware room cor. 13th nnd Cal ifornln on Holt Line. For particulars er qulro nt Union Nat , bank. 188 TJ10R HENT-Drlck yards , T. Hurray. 440 "I710R HF.NT Frame store bulldlrur , ZOx.V -I-1 withllvinir 4 rooms , on Phil Sheridan st.wi ; Improve ; put basement under store to suit an legitimate business Wm. Fleming & Co. , m Douglas. _ B70 TJ1AHM to rent. T. Iurray. 659 FOH HEXT House ; furniture , carpets , &o for sale. Apply 1909 Farnam. 213 T710H HENT Store nnd living apartments o A. Cuinlug near Saunders st. Apply nt Harr Heal Estnto Rnd i < oan Co. , 'JO } 3. 15th st , U9T FOB BENT BOOMS. _ FOH HENT In new home , newly lurnlshc rooms , south nnd east front , ono with bn window and alcove. C2J Georgia avonue. _ F" Oil KENT A woli turnl lied front rooi nnd board for 2 men or man and wife at 3 N. 17th st. _ B01 4J HENT-Furnlshed rooms f or gontlpm * A1 with gas , bath and other convonioncei W Ith or without menls. Terms reasonnbln. ft SilJthst. TjlOH HENT-Furnlshod room , 310 N 13th. 7083 * TTU1U HENT ( Suitable for parlor or office ft - demist or doctor ) Nicely furnished froi rnom with bed room adjoining. Apply at tool 3. 6)7 8. 13th SI. 831 i _ FOH RENT-Nicoly furnished rooms wit board If desired. 1412 North 28th st 815 i Oil HENT-Elegrantly furnished front rooi for gentlemen , 6 blocks from P. O , A modern couvonieuoer 323 North 17th st , _ KH 41 FOH KENT Front room for gentleman , 171 UouffUsit , 019 3J FOH REXT-KurnUhcd rooms from IT to $15 , 2nd ll'jor.old Ilrowoo ! ! luUI , South 17th Bt , , ' 835 4J I/UH MENT-Furnlghel room with privilege L' of sitting room for Indr. Object , ooinpnny or Imly whose huSbnnJ la ( jono pnrt ot the IH10.6018S01I1.- , _ 880 FOH RENT Two or four gnnllemen onn hi\vo two elegnnlly furnlshoil adjoining front roonn , nUo first-class boiird ! reference re quired. 1919 Dodge st. 8S.1B * RENT Furnished rooms slnelo or In Foil suite , for gentlemen. All modern convon- cncc . 315 N. 17th t Hospo. Reference re quired. C2fi 5 RENT Two room ) , corner 15th nnd FOH Sts. Gregory * Hartley ; t.0 So.JBtli RENT Two1oniros spaces on ground FOH In room 1503 Fnrunm st. Enquire of J. 3. lllclinrd on , In roar olllcu. 319 mil 1710U RENT-Furnished room at 1810 Dodge st , q8 | F I OH HUNT-Vurnlshod rooms nt 1810 Dodiro Bt UNJ FFOH FOH HUNT Furnished room. 1013 Dodge. bSl t , KIJNT-S furni hcd looms for Kcntlmen FOH lth pus , Imtu and other conveniences , SOX Dnvenport tt , bU 4J FOH HUNT rieiisnut furnished rooms suit' ' nblo for 4 Kenttomcn ; tilco Krounds ; oath , llofeioiices rt-nuired. l 10 Webster st. 8485 * F' [ ' HUNT Ono or two newly furnNhoil 1 rooms , 2117 Harncy street. 4IH UJ FOR HUNT 4 nicely furnished rooms foi Ilirht housokonpln roii ground tlooi1 , wntci conrlunt , ? 25. 719 N' 17th street near Hurt st. 1OH HUNT Ono nlcoly furnished front room JL also two smull rooms , SCO N. Kit It. 783 il * FOR RENT-Plensnnt front room , 1015 Cas ; 702-4 * HENT Nlcoly furnished fiont room am FOR board suitable for two gentlemen at CO. ! : lllth cor St. Muryanvt' , 750 3J FOR RENT Very pleasant nowly-furnlshm room near business center , sultnbo lor tw ( gentlemen , all conveniences , private family 1015 Capitol ave. 877 C | EOH UKNT Desk room In Kood location , ron reasonable. Apply at Hoom 17 , No. 15u ! Farnnm Bt. 8.11 4 * FOH HKNT Furnished room for gentleman 537 Pleasant St. S47 I OH HRNT Two nicely furnished rooms F 2218 Furnam st 713 OJ POll HENT Nlcily furnished front roou Apply l 0fl Farnam. ' 5'J2 FOH KENT Two clognnt furnished fron rooms , ca < t front bay windows , modern im provomcnts , also single room , b03 N 17th st 573 ilOR 3ENT-Deskroom. Enquire Young 1 Blaokman , 214 S 15th st. 540 UKNT Three room House west of Nortl FOH St. , between Chicago nnd Cnss. 0'2 ' * F 1011 HENT Elegant olflco rooms , best lo cation In Omaha. 310 South 15th st. 835 FOH HEST Third floor , 2'x80 , of bdok build Ing , 1108 Farnam street , use of elovatot Inquire above number , upstairs. 601 IOH HENT-Furnlshed rooms , 714 N. Iflth. : F UlUm'Jl * FOH HENT A pleasant front room , mod&ri coiuonloncoa , for ono or two gentlemen terms reasonable. 211 S 2Jd St. , near Farnam. 973- "IT10II KEXT-OlHi'es ' In Hollman building cor JFarnam and 13th sts. . In suites or singly For prices , diagrams nnd Information npply ti S.A. Sloman , 15,12 F < inmm st. , Hoom 2. FOB SAljEA-HOUSES LOTS. SALE- JD launders Street Hargnlns llyj. L. HlcoCo. . , over Commercial National Bank. 03 foot front , corner $ 0,50 6.1 foot front , oornor alley 5,5C 1211 foot iront , .corner 12.0J 120 loot front , aottuir 12,00 rei foot front , puviil In front ! i,50 7H loot front , pavexl In Iront 10,0,1 142 foot front , corner , Improved SO.Uf W loot front , improved 8,7i" h7 foot t'tont , cnnicr. Improved H , ' ( 112 foot front , near corner Lake 1.I.IX 40 foot front. Improved , Lake 7,00 40 foot front , vncnnt , Lake ' . ft , ® 4.1 foot front , corner 8,7f 60 foot trent , corn < -r 7.r > C 48 foot front , Insldo 4,51 22 loot fror.t. near corner Lnko 2.1C 24 foot Iront , corner 3,0 ( J. L. Hlco & Co. 850 7 STEVnNS PLACE Is whore to buy. Steven Dies , 1513 Farnam. 874 HOUSES and Lots. 1 tliio lot and 8 roomed house In Idlowlldi $5,000. I'ull lot nnd ono Broomed houso. ? 3,000. Term easy. This is In Nelson's addition and is chca us dirt. Lot and small house In Isaac's and Seldon1 addition , 1,500. Kitsy terms. Lot and 0 roomed house , barn , etc.Shlnus 3 ndd,2."iO. ) IlotoIlprvBt. 2 story seven roomed house and full lot , wel cistern , burn , otc. . $ .1.000. Terms ensy. Full lot , pouth front , nice house , etc. . 1 Omaha View , $1,750. Terms u0y. W foot lot , one 7 and ono 3roomed house , etc prlco , $ .1.000. Terms easy In Omaha View. One elegant south front lot In Kount/o Plac $2.000 , easy terms. 2 choice east trent lots In Ambler Place , $8C each ; a bargain. 2 nice lots in Ambler Place 1 a cor. for $ tj" each. 00 lots In Orchard Hill , $750 to $1,000 each 2 south front lota In Orchard Hill on Hnml tonst.MOeaeh. ) 1 fine lot on 31st st , in Omaha View. J900 ; bargain. 1 choice corner lot In Mavna Place , $2,000. Ono elegant lot in llurr Oak , $1,500. 1 lot in llurdotto Couit. $500. 14 lots In Bedford Place from $750 to $ ' . " ouch. Flno cor. lot on 15th and Lea\onworth ; bargain A big bargain in Washington Hill ; good nn' 7-roomed house , barn , well , cistern , etc , lor M,000. M95 SELECTS , nro the carefully listed bargain hunted doirn by Cake & Billings. Our sun plo case : (10x140 ft on 10th street for $6,600 , pnrt 1 nnd yours. 4 lots , Meyers & Tllden's add , cnsh needed enl $ cno. Homo lot In Plnlnvlow , only takes , cash , $5 * Picked In Sherldun Placo.only $1,30J for $1,5J lot 2 lots with2 houses , J. T. Rcdlck's sub , enl block from sttoet car line , 108x12J ft on stieots , hlg money bore for you. Iloauty of Bartlctt , fruit trees , flue vlev only $1.600 cash needed. Cheapest South Omnhn stuff on the market. Conic , over 101 , corner Dodge nnd 15th , un we'll make It pleasant and profitable for vou. 85il VTO trouble to show Conkllng Pluco lot : J-i Come and let us take you out. Oil OR SALE Dodge St.two lots In Kllby pluci fronting on Dodge street , 125 feet Tw blocks beyond the lots have sold for $2.000 , th sumo prlco wo usk for these. Only $1,200 ens required. Shaw & Co. , 510 S 10th St. aio th agents. 190 C ONKL1NG Place Is the most accessiblenro | orty on the market. Oil STREET cars In tindnys to won side depo only 4 blocks fio'iii Conkllng Place. Oil UR LIST OF DXtlGAlNS. 01 If Three and one-hnlf acres ton blooks fret postolhco. South Omaha : will mnko okrhtoo tine lots , only $2oa Throe acres' on'-fl uhdors street opposlt KnunUe Place. Cnll for price. Fifty-eight feet uiFurimm street , n cornet Corner , 74x121 , Kountzo Place , very flnobulh Ing Jot , $ .1,250. i-i.jiK. Pouth front Wnshlnirton square. $2 , < JOO. 100x124 cornijcaoji Twenty-Seventh strcc TwentyFvofqatDB Lake street , fillxUO on Twenty-third und Baundors stroo . . If you don't see what you wont hero co around and wo.wm ihow you our list. 527 btcveut Ilro , 1513 Farnam street f TOUdEundlonjb Meyers , Richards at llden's add , Jli50. This Is u bargain an don't you forgot a. ; Come and got terms &o c L H. Watts , lloom 3' , 1010 Fariium St 829 mwo beautiful south front lots In A S. Pn JL rick's add , $1,000 each. Easy terms. Two fine lots In Wilson's add. to Kountz place , near Saunders st , $1.500 each. Splendid lot In Hanscom place , on Virgin ! av. , only $1950 : $350 cnsh. Lot In Snundois Sc Hlmobaugh's add , , nort frontonly $ , VX } ; $175 cash. . Two Uno lots In Orchard Hill , $950 each ; ! block from Hamilton st. Four lots In Clifton Hill.two corners , 725 cacl TwolotslnKountzo pace , lxl2lon22nd st only$4OM ; Jl ,010 cash ! Full lot and 2 houboa on division ft. nea Cum I n sr , only $4,700. Full lot und 4 room house In Hitchcock's ndi $1,400 , $150 cosh , .Thoio nro bargains and nlc little homes. Call and look at our list of Orchard Hill pror erty , The cheapest property on the markc Mitchell it Lvyonmnrok , 1510 Dodgu st T IBT your property with Wm. a Leach , 1 JLJ. Fnrnam. . . 705-1 $40.000 will buy property bringing nn nnnunt rental ot $7,311. ShnW 4 Co. , 510 S. loth at. _ 027 \VORK1NOMEN buy a homo In Conktlng T T plnco. Oil " 1710 H SALE-A corner lot. 00x132. on 16th nml JL ? Cumin ? st , one of the best locations In the city fern wholesale house , with wntcrworks nnd sewerage. Apply nt premises , Thos. Sin clair. ill 1m 21J /-10NKL1NG PLACE Is on Lonvonworth street \J the great eu t and wo t thoroughtnte , only 20 minutes ride from postollltft. Oil OR SALE Lot on 7th an.l Lake ets , with tiousoO rooms , kitchen , p.tntry nud good lirlcx collar , Applvto the Omaha Estalo nnd Trust Co. , or Wm. Doming , Uth nnd Doug- Ins sts- Will rent to gooJ parties if not sold Immediately. S71 f pffETfE IB no property East , West , North or JL South of Conkhng Place to uqunl It for beautylocation and quick access to the city , nnd the prices on Conkllng PI icn lots are away below the > o of adjoining property. fill rpllACKAGE-Chonpost track property In the L marKet , prices rnnglnir from $2OJJ to J2.WO Lots ohvlin. These lots nto right In tow n and It Is easy to jmliro by the corpora tions who hnvo already inailn puiehascs hero that this property Is the chocpost nnd will bo the best ti nonage In Omnhn. Gregory & Iladley. Rooms 1 nnd 3 , 320 South 15th St. 313 I 1ST your property with Wm. B. Lcnch , 1509 J Farnam. 70.VI BUY n lot In Conkllug 1' Oil LIST your property w Ith Win. B. Loach , 150'J rarnoin. 705-4 joPPOlirUNITV-ljot in Knuntre Place A { 2,200. , John Gallagher , 317 S. 13th st. Mil , ' rPO NON-ltRSlDHXTS nnd out-of-town cus- JL tomors In buyinif Uonkllnir I'liico lots > ou will bo certain to roullzo a hatidtioiuu protlt In the Investment. 611 have n lur o list of choice Insldo residence WK dence and business property nt bottom prices.Vohnoproperty lor sale In nil part ! of the city. Tn\os paid , rents collected , eon- veyiinclnir and transnct nRonornl real estate business In all Ita brunches. Wo solicit corre spondence and business from non-residents nnd will ulvo same carof ill and prompt attcn tlon. To buy or sell call upon us. .1. A. Griffith , leal estate , roomsCO and 21 , llellmnu blk. Oil CONKMNnTl'LAOiS Will soon bi reached b > nil the cubic , motor nnd street car HncB. ( Ill UY A Hplcndld corner lot In Coiikllng 1'lnco > only JWl ) . Ull FINK small barpaln" , I3'J per cent , fl-roon house rents for ( V > per month , lot 22x0(1 ( or 14th st. bet Ca'-s and California , price f3,000 fl0 ca ° h , bnl 1 and " ycius. J. F. Hani inoiul , 117 ij. 10th at. b72 a Street business property with trnck JL n ; o 1 310 per foot , cheapest trround on the street Patterson & Moore , Omiihu National Ilnnk. 4TJ TT'OH BAri-ly ; ! .1. U Hlco & Co. , on Tak JL ; street and cur line , fronting on t o 00-foo streets : Corner lot , T.ako and S5th atn , 133 Toet on 2,1tl HtM feet front on IMIO st,4ts teoton Krsklno st nil fern paltry $1.000 , worth double to im prove. OJ feet front , corner on Lake and -51 h t V"OJ " , frontliiB on 3 , 00 loot streets. ' 40-foot front on Lake and Krsulno streets $3.0" > 0. 1'lffoot front on Lake st , same on Krsklno st f7.BCO. J. U Hleo A : Co. M8 7 S E Cor 13lh nnd IJXTEll L. THOMAS'-Has the choicest lot : D in Lincoln I'liico. 2 cor. acres In Soloman's add $700 each. 3 lots in block r'j , i-outli Omaha. Also H , block 00 , nnd lot S , block 65 , 7 in 83 , i m ° 7 , cheap. HO acres bv Central City to siill or trade. 1,120 acres In a body near Stuntou. 480 ncrcH near Wlsnor. Also lots in Ilcdfonl Place , Dolones addition West Cumin ! ; , Renter's add oh Cumlng st Thi boss lot In block C Shlnn's addition. Also lar o lots in Shlloh. 0 acres on Amos' avenue. Also tracKapochotip on Holt l.lno , for salt o lease. 0 law lots on Hroadway , Council Illuffs. Lot ; tblk % 0 Impiovemont Association , UOxlSi- $2,210. L < 5t8blk7 , same odd , same sl/.o , corner $4,000 , &o. , &c , 1 own the above and can make terms to suit Come and soo. Doxtcr It. Thomas , room f Croitfhton Itloclc 75J PLACi : Is north , wlioro the boon it growing , nnd there's where you wan to buy. Stevens llros. , 1513 Farnnni. 874 UNKL1NT PLACE lots nro bettor am cheaper than any surrounding property. /10NKLINO PLACE is everything wo claln \J for It. _ _ Oil O ONICUNH PLAOR lots will'pny the pui chaser 1UO per cent protlt In 3 months. Ull ALU-ny slCatz & Co. , 151I Farnnm sfl J. Corner rnrnam and 31st , 130x132 . . .J17OJ Corner Douglas and 12th . 3,1,1V)1 ) Coiuorl'lorco and lth ! ) , 140x9S . 15,03' ' Corner Kith and Martha , 03x140 . ,0) ) ( Corner 18th nnd Hurt . fHO ( Corner Uth and California , 1" lot . 2.r ,00' ' CornorCapltolnvoniio nnd20tn st . fiW Choice residence lot. Summit Hill . 11.50 Cnolcu lot , I'arnam near 33th . il.oj Corner Saunders and Hurt , 184x51 . 7.001 ( Miolco lots Walnut Hill . 1,00 Choice lot , Virginia ave . 3.7S Choice lots on Kurnani st . 2fiO Choice lot , Dortifoand 27tn . Ufl'j Choice lot , 13th jolnlnir Cosmopolitan. . . 3,00 03 leot fronting on CumliiK nnd Hurt , 5 houses . , . 15,0 } Lot B2'4xl81 ' , Just north of Cuming,0-room houbo ; n tfrent bargain . 3.60 300 font frontage on 17th nnd 18th sts. , in the heart of tno city .with 5 houses . 20,00 ( OJ feet front on 22d st. Just north of at. Mury'savo . 5,59 New 8-room cottage , choicest location in thoclty . 4.50 Vulllot on Franklin st . l,35i Call in and see us nnd wo will make yoi money. S. Kntzi Co.,1511 Farnnra. | 227 _ _ STKVKNS PLACR is on Amos avo. , the rnoe popular drive In the city , between Saun dcr and State streets , nnd is the prettiest pice of ground In Omuho. Lot us snow you th property and vou will buy , Terms easy Stevens llros. , 1513 Farnam. 1874 \ \ , O. SHIUVRH , Special barsalnS-Slgbtl T > . lot , II. front , KilbyPlaco $ ! , . . Corner 60x112 , 1 block off lied car line , on ; build 4 cottnjros , $ J.50. ) . 2 lots , west Ride , E. front , 57x110 each , $1OOC Full lot , 2hth and Webster , $2,000. Full Iot28tli nnd Hurt , f2 , ' 30. ( lood lot in Denlse sadd. , > 1,70 . Hcniitllul E. front lot on tioorglu avo. , 200 fl S. of Loftvoiiworth , $ .1000. 8. front lot on llurdotto near 20th $2,000. 2 full lots s front near Saunders on Maple ? 2H)0. ) 68x140 ft on 21st nonrOraco , $4.000. Full corner lot on Cumlnir and 3lKt , $4,000. Lot on CumliiK near Lowe uvc , $1,600. 22 , 41 or 68 i t front on Snnndurs near Haml ton. ton.Lots in Shrlver place $450. lilot the llnost lotwiii West side , lies within nnd 2 blocks of the now street car line , s fronts price low and very easy terms. Improved Property. Cottojroand corner lotG3xl2u on Saunder and Uurdctto sts. , $0,000. 2 cottiiBes and oO feet east front on 29th 8t , near DoiiKlas , $5,700. 60 feet on Park avo. nnd an 8-room house , , 01 feet nnd two now 0-roora collages on 1011 : near Lake , $5,200. 10-room house on 24th st. , near Capitol ave , s'-room cottneo2.Mh nnd Parker st , $2,600. fottace and two lots (12J ( feet ) In Lowo's add , corner , $3ouo , luoxlAQ ft corner on Virginia nvo , 5-room cot taire , barn , \o. , $7,500. New 10-rooni house , cost front. Hanscor place. $ l0a. Full lot and 5-room cottage in Shinn's 3d adi $3,000. 1'iiUlot nnd 7-room house In Walnut III1 52.7UO. 6-room house , full lot In Nelson's add , $3W ( W. (1. fchrlvor opp , P. O. CBJ TJIOH 8ALE-By J , L. llico & . Co. over Con JP merclnl National Hank. fl choice lots In Corells add to Crclghto Heights $375 oach. T , beautiful lota In Institute Place $000 cacl Will trade tor house nnd lot. 4 north front Institute Place $175 each. Ilni gain. 5 north front Institute Place , fenced , $50 each. 2 elegant Crolghton Heights Iloulcvard lot $750 each. 4 splendid lots in Hilllko's first add ! < mil from fair grounds ? 375each. 5 lots on 16th st , Hillbko'p llrst add $400 each 2 lots In Crelghton HcluhU $400 each. Thrso lots nro gilt oljro euburbuu proport within the thrno miles circle. Will tie sold o easy terms. J , U llicu & Co. solo agonls. 850 7 _ TAKE NOT1CF.-I hnvo moved trom 1509 t 15 Fnrnam st Cnll nnd list property an look at some of the many good bargains I bnv for sale ; 60x1 ill go front on Capitol ave , Insldo ono mile . , . $ 2ft Itcftutlf ul lot In Uurr Oalt . i , Nice east front , Hanscom Plnoo. . . . , . lw Lots on State near Urlstol . , . lie A btrgalnon Lake street. Something good In all additions. 81 a 3 L. 8. Bklnncr. 15 Farnam. _ QONKLING Place lots nro BclUng rapidly- FOBSALE-Corlot , Win : , on capltol nil tnuit be sold looat Cull ut C222 lluvenpoi FOH SAl.1 ? M acres .1 miles from th oily limits southwest , beautiful land with con stant supply of water. Apply to Omnhn Heal l.state nnd Trust C * , , or Win. Fleming S71 DAVKNl'UHT Strooriots"f,2ol U "cash , nnit lots , Patterson * Moore. 471 t FOH SALT1. Ituslno59 property , nw cnrnor 13th and Dorcas Ms , iVnl.U foot , with n Inrgo lousonnd othnr Improvements , nt n bargain , For sale , 317 acres of land In Nuckolls Co. , Neb , , within t'l miles of Superior and H. It. Icpot. For particulars call oil M. HedlnKton , HU1S.l3tht.Oinnhs. OMtnnytij OONKLINO PLACK lots renulro no brass bands and street parade to foil tluini , 611 $209 ca h and $ . ' .1 per month buys n now six. room house , city water and gas , 1 mlln from | > otulllcc < , price I2..10J. Pntterion & Mooio , LnimliaNational Hank. 471m4 GONKLINO PLACR , choice Insldo lots $150 , corners fWJ. Oil FOH 8ALI ; A"g > < > d farm In Dlxou county ! well Improved. 1'or particulars apply to Omaha Heal IMnto and Trujt Co. , or Win. Fleming. 14lh and Pougla ? . 871 "VT/OTa poor lot In Conkllnir plncui every lot -L > hlk'h nnd siirhtly nnd level as a lloor with 11 magnificent view In all directions , LIST your property with Win. 11. Loach , 150J 1'iirmun. ; iVi-4 45 ACHia : north of IT. P. shop * at $200 per aero. Terms to suit. DavM M. Connell agent , 313 Uth st , opp Pnxtou hotel , or 0. K. Crallo.J49Joilgo ] ) st U87. KII.HY Pr7ACK LoiS $ lOoO to $ ICXH1 , one ) , llfth down bnla n * 4 annual payments. I'm tcrson & Moore , Omaha National Hank , 471ml OON1CL1NO PLACE lots sell on their merits ] Ull TiO THADi : for Western Lnnd-'Wl acres ot well improved land laying near Scitnlla Mo. : nlso 120 acres of land in Mills county Iowa. Address H. li. K. Mellor , Malvorn. town , 503 3J STKVKNS PtiAGR on Ames avenue , noiv ! Stule and Satinders Htroots , and a contln uatlon of Sherman Cavcnue. the line drlvei ot the city. Sto\ens Hroa , 1513 rnrnain. 87' r ONKLINO PLACR-nost nnd cheapest loti \J on Leavonworth street. 611 Plneolots are nil beautiful nm CONKL1NO handsomely located nnd iiulcklj reached. 611 LIST your property with Wm. II. Loach , 150 ! Fnrnam. 705-4 GKTn homo in Conklinir Placo. Mnko n gooc thlngout til nsuiall invostmctut in Couk- ing Place. 611 COMPAIIE the beauty nnd location of Couk llmr Place wllh Poor Farm lots which wor < sold nt Irom 4 to 0 times the prices wo ask foi Cankllng Place lots.- 611 B 1UY A choice Inside lot In Conkllng Place only $110. Oil T ,1ST your property with Wm. B. Loach , 150 i-t Fnrnnm. 7W-4 /CHOICE lot In Clarendon Place. Ono blool \J from street oar , $1,700. Smith &Wolsl Heal Estate 219 south 14th et. cor. Fat nnm. 7W1-2 "READ this splendid list : JLV Gibson , Aylcsworth 4 Honlamln , 1513 Farnnm st , For 5 days only we offer the following " lots In Rrlgga place front son Hnrnoy am n on Farnam. 1 lot In Hawthorne 4Sxl09 , cor 33d nnd Dnvon port , 0 room house , A-c , , price $3j300. Eas ; terms. Lot nnd house InLowo's 1st ndd,60xl20 , $1,751 120 It on St. Mnry's nvo with S n-room house gas nnd water. Will subdivide. $31,000. Warehouse or business property In block 192 815,000. Easy terms. Lot on Douglas street , 40x139 , with C-rooti house , $5,100. Full lot on Dodge street , 3 houses , rent fo $801) , price $ .1,2JO. 5-room house on N. 17th st.good well nnd cistern torn , $0,600. Wanted 3 good business lots. Two or more lots with trackage. Ulbson.AylosworthA Ilenjamln. 1512 Farnnm st 502 NOTICE-Houso of 10 rooms , cit ; SPECIAL water , Bower , gas , steam , barn etc. , Inrg lot , Farnam street noar24th. Only $10,500 am very easy forms , this prlco for 10 davs onlj Van Houron , Douglas nnd 14th sts. 630MO F1IAHHKTT & CO. Lowe's add , fine corner $1,15 Pclhttin place , lot 8 . - . . . 1f : ! llrlstolst , , 79 foot near Sounders " ,20 Cotner * Archer's O. The best cornur Ion South 20th , 4 feet frontHgo 5,0f State street lots , Ilodford plnco 1.0J F. Ilurrctt &Co..31Iii South 15th. 778 3 T > K.MEMI1EII wo shall hnvo n street car line i S\i operation only 4 block from Conklln Plnco in 00 day s. Nothing to equal Conklln Place. Choice Insldo lots , $150 , corners $500. 611 STRVKNS 3'LACE lots soil themselves ; n they roqulro is an Inspection. Stevei ; Bros. , 1513 Farnam. 874 TCH SALH-50 choice farms less than 5 J miles west of Omaha. Address J. H. Sllvli Heal Fstato Agent , Klkhorn , Nob. 641 m28J BKFOHE buying anything In the real estat line go and BOO Shaw & Co. Wo can sc you anything to suit your pocket-book , nil tb way from $300 to $40,000. Houses nnd lots fr. sale In nil parts or the city. Wo arc hem quarters for safa Investments. 510 8. Iflths I.H our office. 653 BAllflAIN Ono hundred foot front o BIG South Klovonth st corner lot , only $5,000 Part on tlmo. V. U Voilloka , 5JJ South 13th si 699 A P. TUKEY , 1314 Fnrnam St. , makes It -.X vestments for non residents n special ! with guaranteed interest or share ot profits and takes full charge of property ; referone Riven , 396 PONKLING PLACE lots nro for sale by J. i \J Griffith , sola agent. Rooms 3d nnd 21 , Hoi mnn building , 13th and Farnam. Take elevate on 13th st. 611 /"tONKLING PLACE , only 20 minutes drlv \J from postoffico , < Oil 100cash will socnro 10.1 acres of first clos farming land In eastern Nebraska balaric Tory long tlmo and no taxes for 20 years. Tfa O.F.Davis company , 1505 Farnam st 924 m 15 DltlVE Out to Conkllng Plnco nnd see ho easily and quickly It is reached from tb city. oil S1IUCAGO StloU $1,201 , J { cash,3 blocks froi \J street cars. Patterson & Moore. 471ml CONKLING Plnco. Choicest ground o Loavcnworth street , high and level as lloor. oil SPRING VALLEY , Our new addition. Acres $400 to $50) per aoro. Near South Omaha , And Sydlcato H1IL Marshall * Lobock. us 1509 Furnara. SOLU-Wo have sold all but A few of thoi Lonvonworth htreot residence lots. Thei wo hnvo for our pntrons nt terms nnd prlct that boat any list in the city. Wo moan it nr will prove It to you. Wo have also these moi ay-making chances : The prettiest place In Plalnvlow for th money , and only 1800 cnsh , If sold soon. "J'ho Apple of My Eye , " Home only % bloc off St. Mary's ave car line , convenient to bus r.oss , built "not fern day but for nil time. " Rargnins In business property. List with us for we put them whore they kee hot. Cake It Billings , over 101 South 15th st. 647 3TOR SALE-By J. L. Rico & Co. Fnrnum Street property. 40 foot corner 27th , $12,000. 40 foot Inside bet 2'nd and 23rd , $12,003. K3 feet iront * 2.V ) per foot. 133 feet front * * H per foot. hO foot front 1100 per foot 100 foot front , $11,500. Kach nnd all are extra bargains sure t double In 12 months , In our judgement. Co and get our reason for such a statement si property got prices and terms. J. L. Rice Co. , S. E. cor 13th and Douglas St. 855 7 FOH SALE-Lot In Kllby place , $900. 4 rooi house 18th near Paul M , $3,50U. Lots 1 ar 2 , block 20 , Walnut Hill , wllh Broom bous burn , etc. , only $2,200. H , W. Huntress , 151 Farnumst , 809 7 OUR LIST of Bargains. Kouuu pluco , So oral lots at a burguln. LnkoKt,25 feet for $ 81 Saunders st , 3 lots , cuch S.O Saunders st , . ' 1(4 ( acres opposite Kounuo pluco , leth st.BOxlfX ) fi.Oi I'urnum st. corner. 60x123 , 11,0 Furnnmat,3 lotseach 3,111 Lowouvocu9t iront 1,7 ! Vlrglnluavo l f Georgia ave , 75x150 2,0 Georgia ave 2,1 Twenty-sixth st , near Popploton 2 , : Facing on Park 2,0 Hamilton st , Orchard Hill 1,21 Orchard Hill.2 tine lots , ouch T. Truckage Iotsr/xl25 ) a Trackage lots 50x147 2,2 ; Loitvenwortlist , 114 foot corner 3tt llefcldcncu Property. Wohavo a. largu list of residence proroity I all parts of the city at very low prices , Stovei Bros.,1513 Farnnm et 775 "fiKHt SALB Furnlture , nndfl room house ft JL' rent , about 8 blocks from the postolllco ; bargain. Apply to F. F. Williams 4 Co. . lot ' and Chicago eta. . 121. BKAUTIFtlli Conkllng Place , It will prove t < be n lioniuua for the purchaser. * . BU _ ES- HOM - 8 room house worth $1,900 , on I south nnd rust Iront otirnor l.l.'xllll , on btt dnry's nvo Ono of the nloo t homes In the city. Cnn sell on easy terras , ( Joojj. Kino 8 room homo , bath room , hot nnd cold wntcr , gin , mantles nnd trrntes , ? olf-fomllnir uird coal furnnco with reel < ter In fivnry room , 1 foot cellar , well lighted. Good btrn for I vehicles nnd 5 horses , city water In bnrn , lot 30tl.t2J10OU Flnpst pn t front lot , Ooorgli nvo between ; , rnven\roi th nnd Jnckson sts , 7'ix 113 , with good 7 room eottntre , barn , otc. , f J.NXI Is fair vnlua- Ion for ImprovomoiitK nnd the lot nlono M worth f 7.W. fsrVX ) . rorni'i-lotfi2ijxl20. east nnd north trent , 3 locks from Cumlng and one from tfaundors st , J-story , sioom house , city wntor nnd gns , . . On Park nro , north ot tnnrcnworth st , 85 1 140 , 8-i-oom house , complete lit nil respects , A nice home , I8,0 < H r.n t front , 50x151 , on Gorgln nvo near Pop- | ) loton avo,9-room hou-n' , city water , barn , lot n little above st grade , $ ' ) , U > J. West front , BOxlS'i ' , on Georgia nvo , near I'opploton nvc , 7-room house and barn , I4..VVI. last ! front , AOxlfll , onlL'd st near llanscom [ iark , 7-rooiu house and barn , J.I.'WO , East front , BOrl'l , on ir.'d st near Pacific , 1V < story house , 0 rooms llulshed , 2 rooms unllii- Ishod.good barn , l,700 , Houses nd lots In all ( inrts of the city nt Hrlcus ranging from f l.OJO upwards. l'urolm o ? can In many Instances bo mndo with only n small cash payment nnd the bnl < unco In monthly payments. payments.Gregory & Ilndloy , Rooms 1 nnd 3 , ; t-0 South 15th st. Telephone ST > I. _ 317 AHK'EH * llUHIt , Heal Eslale and Stock Brokers , 15ii ) Furnmn street. llarnoy street , near 12th , 41x132. $2(1,400. ( l.cavcnuorth street , near 13th , 60x132 , $20,00\ ) , Jones street , near 12th , dttxllt. , $1HIKX ) . I/aid street , trnckngo. ( M.xl32 , $0.01)0. ) Bliernmn nvrtiuo , opposite now Mlssoml Ja- cllle diHvt | , TiOxIlO , n bargain. lledford Place , a corner , 100x128 , n bargain. Lot 2 , blk 111 , PutrlCK add , 50x132 , $ JXW. ( _ lli\ii3ooni Place , lot 8 and U , blk 2 , 103x153 , Kllby Place , corner on Dodeo. 100x177 , $4,000. Thu finest truckage property InOmuhn. Itwlll pay you to look thi ! up. Lnrgo lots 0& U7. $2KH ( ) . List your property with UP. UP.llarker * Burr. 787 1500 Fnrnam. PI.ACR Is near Kountro Plnco , STEVENS where tboro will be 200 houses hitllt this summer , costing from $2,500 to $10,000 ortoh. Stevens Bros. , 1513 Fnrnnm. 874 FOR 8Al.E-By J. I , . Hlco * Co. , over Com- mcrclal National Bank. 3 modern 8 room houses , houth front on Do- cuturst$4,000 each ; joash. 1 modern 8 room house , east front on King at. , $4fioO ! h'cash. 4 room house , good liarn.woll nnd cistern. Lot50x127. Just on grade. Houth Iront on Hamilton Bt. ! i mile from postollloo. Only $ s.soo. Elognnt modern rpsdlonro , finest In Omaha , on Dodif st. Only $30,000 : H cash. Choice Washington square lot , south front , $3.250. worth $4.500. S Washington square lots , ono n corner fronting on Sherman nvonuu and paved st $3,500. 3 Washington squnrc , Sherman avenue frontscorner Mndlfon nvonuo , $15,000. Business block on Iflth street , $30,000. J. L. Rico & Co , B53 7 n procession every dny to Con lmg Plnce. Keep up with the procession. 611 PLACE Is near Plalnvlow , where STEVENS selling double the prlco. Stevens Bros. . 1513 Farnnm. 874 PURCHASERS of Conkllng plnco lots will double their money In S months. Oil LIST your property with Win. II , Lench , 1509 Farnam. 705-4 132X1J2 cor Kith nnd Pierce , $20,000. * 197 ft on Cumlng st , $20,000. Houses and LoU. Orchard Hill f2.200 , 43d st $3'700,0nvonport § t , n corner , $5,000 , Dodge st $13,500. John Gal lagher , 317 B. 13th st. 7476 T 1ST your property wllh Wm. H. Loach , 1509 -L < Farnam. 705.4 LIST pour proporto with Win. 13. Leach , ISO Farnam. UC5-3 OONKLING PLACE lots nro sold upon Tory easy terms , 1-5 ca h , balance In 0 equal Bcml-nnnunl payments at 8 per cent. Oil T 1BT your property with Wm. II. Lonch , 1609 -LJ Fnrnnm. 705-4. BKST corner InShull'sSml add. $2,500 , $700 cnsh , balance 1,2 and 3 yours , Will bo worth $3.01(0 ( before the snow files. L. H. Wntts , room 3,1010 Farnam St. 828 OETOKflfsoo W. II. Green , 215 South lith st , JJ Hbout the following or anything else you want ; 100140on South 18th St. , $11,000. ( JS.xHO on South 10th et , f 0,000. t xl25 on South Iflth Bt , good house , $11,500. 120x140 on South 15th st , $7.010. GOxUO on Houth 16th at , M.0 : . 110x140 on South 15th st , $2.00) . 40x100 on South 15th st , cor on Wtlllnms , Im provements on this cost $1,800. Good business cor , $7,500. 0 Iots6)x220 oust fronts on South 20th st , These are first-class , bettor come up and set aboutthoso. fiflxl32on Loavonworth st , good house , for $70 per front foot , property soiling : 2 blocks be yond In a hole for JUU. Ono of the best corners In Shlnn's ndd. with good house and other Improvements for $3,590. $800 cash , bul 1,2,3 years. 100x150 east front on Virginia ave $5203. 105x150 east front cor Vlrginln nvo $5,500. 21 of the finest lots In Hanscom placeeait and west fronts on Park nvo and west fronts on Catherine st. This Is the cream of the plnoo arid the first tlmo they over were on the market. Small cash payments nnd easy terms. 60 of ihe best lots In West Side left laying di rectly on car line and only $5011 for Insldo and $550 for corner. $125 cnsh. bal. to suit. W. H , Green , 215 South 13th st. 609 ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH- The Bent Laundry Starch in the World. Contains all the Ingredient * used by Laniult'i/men , Can be used with or without boiling. Will not stick to the Iron. Saves work and time. Makes Colfars and Cuffs look like new. DON'T TRY TO GE1 THHOUGll WASHING DAY W1T11O UT IT. Don't take an imi tation. Insist on having theaenulna JSLECTltIC LUSTRE STARCH. Look out or our trade-mark , A woman using ti shirt bosom for a ir. If your Grocer won't get it for you , write lo us and we will send you a sample and notify you where you can obtain the ELECTLIC LUSTRE STARCH. ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH CO. , 64 Central Wharf , Boston , Mass , DRU&D.DAYIESON 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Gicsen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their at'tentien SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous. Chronic DISEASES , More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so buffering to correspond without delay , Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily without - out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drtitjs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated 'or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. AlllelUrs receive ImmediaU attention. JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any addrcii on receipt of one 2 cunt stamp. ' 'Practical Observations on Nervous Debility au'd Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added ax ' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters ott DUeatcs of the Reproductive Or gans , thu whole forming a valuable incdica' treatise which bhould be read by all youni men. Address , UKS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St.St. Ltmis.Mo.