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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1887)
THE OlfcAHA DAILY BEE M MONDAY. APKIL 25 , 1887. CJootl Renolutiotifl , The resolution passed by the South Omahii Land Syndicate is just what hoth T the poor and tlio rich man have been looking for. Head U In another column nnd you will bo convinced. There are inducements that will prob- ndly never bo oll'cred again. Instead of paying rent you can own your own prop erty end never nibs the htnall amount you will pav for It. If you will cull at the ollico of C. K. Mayno yon will bo satisfied that the South Omaha Syndicate is in earnest and mean what they say. No Wlltl Cnt. The new addition to Souih Omaha just placed on tlio market by the South Omaha Land Syndicate and placed in the hands of C ! . K. Maync , eorncr Fifteenth and Harney streets , as solo agent , its west line lavs just 500 feet from the Exchange liotel. Tlio prices on these lots are as low ns those offered In Wild Cat additions lying two miles farther south , which will not possess the accommodations afforded hy the street car lines which will bo in operation this summer , passing through this addition. The inducements offered by the Syndicate people to builders of homes , are such as will be eagerly sought for , having si tendency to encourage houses of n nature that will enhance the value of property in the vicinity , and bring dwellers who will take pride in making their homes attractive. The Very I/ntost. Parties who think of buying Iota In Bouth Omaha will please read the follow ing resolution. "Ifesolved , That any "one building a dwelling house and having the same completed by the first of January , 1883 , * filial ! hare a crccliton their last payments as follows : For a honso costing not less than $500. ten per cent of the purchase price of tlio lot. For a house costing not less than $1,000. lifti-on per cent. For a liouse costing not hsss than $1,500 , twenty per cent , and for a house costing not less than f2,500 , twenty-live per cent. This arrangement to expire January 1 , 1883 , nnd to apply to those lots lying we&t of the Union 1'acilic railway tracks and north of the stock yards. " The ttbovo resolution passed at a meet ing of .the land committee of the South Omaha Land company , held April 22d. This is undoubtedly one of the fairest offers over made to the people of Omaha. Now is the chance for the laboring people to make good homes. Now is the chance , < o save exorbitant rents. Own your own lionics , and every dollar that you put in this property will be like "broad east upon the waters. " Only onc-llfth cash ; balance on easy terms. C. M. MAYNE , Sole Agent. Transportation Facilities. There are still some very desirable lots in the original plat of South Ouialm for 3 ealo at low prices and on easy terms. I'Don't forget the transportation facilities that will bo alforded by the various rail roads , street ami cable car companies ithis Hummer , nnd that will surely war- Tant an increase in the scale of prices. Secure these lots through U. E. Mayno , wale agent , and double your money before Mothers take advantage of Omaha's ad vancement and rapid growth. Trains run every half hour to South Omaha. Cable and street cars run to South Omaha. With these facilities business men will make this point their j-etroat , and the terms offered by C. E. Tliiync , sole agent of tint Omaha Land Syndicate , make all parties rush for { South Omaha lots. No Wild Oar. The now addition to South Omaha just placed on the market by the South Omaha Land syndicate and placed In the , Jiands of C , E. Mayno , corner Fifteenth jiml liaruoy streets , as solo agent , its f. west line lays just 500 feet from the Exchange - change hotel. The prices on these lots inro as low as those oifored in Wild Cat ittdditiona lying two miles farther south , which will not possess the accommoda tions utlbntod by the street car lines which will bo in operation this summer , passing through this now addition. The Inducements offered by the syndicate people to builders of homes , are such as will bo eagerly sought for , having a ten dency to encourage houses of a nature that will euhanca the value of property in the vicinity and bring dwellers who will take pride hi making their homes at tractive. Transportation Fncllltioa. There are still some very desirable lots in the original plat of South Omaha for sale at low prices and on easy terms. Don't forgot the transportationg facili ties that will bo afforded by the various railroads , street and cable car companies this summer , and that will surely war rant an increase in the scale of prices. Secure these lots through C. FMayno , eolo agent , and double your money before - fore others take advantage of Omaha's advancement ami rapid growth. The Very Latent. Parties who think of buying lots in South Omaha will please read the fol lowing resolution : "Hosolved , That any one building a dwelling house and having the same completed by the lirwt of January , 1883 , Hhall have a credit on their last payments ns follows : For a house costing not less than $500 , 10 per cent of the purchase lirioo of the lot. For a house costing not less than $1,000,15 per cent. For a house costing not less than $1,500 , 'JO per cent , nnd for a house costing not less than $3,500 , 25 per cent. This arrangement to expire January 1 , 18S3 , and to apply -4. to those lots lying west of the Union Fncilio railway trades and north of the stock yards. " The above resolution passed at a meet ing of the land committee of the South Omaha Land company , hold April 2ml. This is undoubtedly one of the fairest offers ever made to the people of Omaha. Now is the chance for the laboring people - plo to make good homes. Now is the chance to save exorbitant rents. Own t your own homes anil every dollar that you put in this property will bo like W "bread cast upon the waters. " Onlj I1 one-fifth cash : balance on easy terms , 'i ' 0. K. MAYNE , Solo Agent. ' The Duty of Wealth. Gath in the Enquirer ; Wealth owes ii to its own Security to bo thinking also 01 the public. When the French rovolntioi broke out and the great toesin of tin commune of Paris was sounded and tin palace of the Tnlleries stormed , most o the Swiss guard which defended the pal ace was murdered , ana when climbed up the statuary in the gardens of tlio Tulleries to escape death , theii murderers were noted to bo carefully BBving these statues while they killed thi guards on the top of them. That sami Bplrit has produced a very poor clas o governments in Franco , but a very lini class of r.rtists. Hoforo You Starr. On a jonrnov , go to a drug store ani get a uottlo of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera ami Uiarrha-a Kcmndy , as asafu guard against an attack of bowel com plaint. Many prudent and carofnl per eons never travel without it , .Hundred of traveling men are never without i bottle of it in their grip. Many live and much suffering has been saved by it timely USD. No one can atl'ord to travc without a bottle of this pleasant , sufuaii' ' reliable preparation. Transportation Facilities. There are still sointi very desirable lot- In the original plat of South Omaha fo eale at low prices and on easy term : Don't forget the transportation facilitio tnat will oe afforded by the various rail roads , ritrcct and cabin car companic lids summer , -und that will surely wai rant an increase in the scale of prices. Secure these lots through C. E. Mayue , solo agent , and double your money be fore others take advantage of Omnha's advancement and rapid growth , Tlio Very Parties who think of buying lots in South Omaha will please read tlio follow ing resolution : "Resolved , That any one building a dwelling house nnd having the same completed by the first of January , 1888 , shall have a credit on tliclr last payments as follows : For a house costing not less than § 500 , ten per cent of the purchase price of the lot. For n liouse coilintr not less than $1,000 , fifteen per cent. For a liouse costing not less than $1,500 , twenty per cent , and for a house costing not le s than $ ' . ' ,500 , twenty-live per cent. This arrangement to expire January 1 , 1888 , anil to applv to those lots lying west of the Union Pncillc railway track and north of the Stock Yards. " The above resolution , passed at a moot ing of the land committee of the South Omaha Land Company , held April S2nd. ! This is undoubtedly one of the fairest oilers ever made to the people of Omaha , Now is the time for the laboring people to make good homes , Now is tint chance to save exorbitant rent. " . Own your own homes , and every dollar that yon put in this property will be like ' 'bread cast upon the waters. " Only one-fifth cash ; balance on easy terms. C. E. MAVNI : , Sole Agent. Tlio Many South Omaha po.shosscs advantages that many of our neighboring cities would gladly -exchange for , having packorlcs , stock yards , and other largo industries that have come to stay , bring ing a small city in themselves in the way of laborers anil llieir families , and ap plications for sites irom other such en terprises coming in every few davs , all of which cannot bo disputed , will in crease the value of property in the vicin ity and draw people desirous of locating in a thriving community. \ \ hy delay when you have snrh glorious opportu- nitiesV Call on C. E Mayno , northwest corney of Fifteenth and Harnoysts. , who is solo agent , and DO convinced. The Ijnst Chance. The last chance to got a lot on Farnam street at a bargain is in iiriggs1 I'laco , I have ten choice lots on Farnam street in Hriggs' I'luco , which I will ollor for sale next Monday , April 25 , and they will remain on sale for four dayf > unless sooner sold. The Farnam street car line will bo ex tended past each of these lots this spring. "Farnam street will bo graded a milo beyond Briggs' I'laco this spridg , Farnam street will bo paved nearly to iggs1 i'lace this season. Please call and cot prices on these lots and take a free ride to sec them. Take ii-map and liguro it out for your self. self.W W o will soil these lots and give the deed on a small cash payment , and give long time on balance , ai wo regard tno secur ity ample. It takes no eloquence to convince an Omaha man or woman of tlio desirabil ity of Farnam street property , and it will take no more of a notice than this to sell these few lots , so I advertise as the last chanco. C. E. MAYNH. No Wild Cat. Tlio new addition to South Omaha just placed on the market by the South Omaha Land syndicate ami placed in tlio bunds of C. E. Mayno , corner Fifteenth and llarney streets , as solo agent , its west line lays just 500 feet from the Ex change hotel. The prices on these lots are as low as those ofl'ored in Wild Cat additions lying two miles further .south , which will not possess the accommoda tions afforded by the street car lines which will bo in operation this summer , passing through this new addition. The inducements offered by the syndicate people to builders of homes , are such as will be eagerly souclit for , having a ten dency to encourage houses of a nature that will enhance the value of property in the vicinity , and bring dwellers who will take pride in making their homes attractive. LINCOLN , NEB , Ten llallroails , nnJ moro nro cumliu. l.Vj Trains Dullr. si ? m SS . HI f "P * " ail hiM * 111 ( H Stnto Unlvernlty , Wcsloynn Unlrerilly.Stitto Capi tal. Most of the HnilncMliOU bnvn dntililpil In price In the last 1' . ' months. Acroliunlvllliin2 inlloi of the rllf , lncrciiiod over two hundrpil ( KTCPiit. Lincoln Is the Broati'it K.illrnul Cinter iif lt nun In the world. I'rlrk lilocktiriyXto31 percent. Viteiint lot * IIIITP nro B 'iiil 1JJ per cent per uiinuiu on lint'iooli ) IsnV'ri'a'- distributing rnlnt. Sumo whole- Biloilnilori huTO undo prim cly turtunei. lluiurtu' < K l" "P In "II dlrui-tloiH. llu < lno < i turn. orally vnnil. Il.inkcrj , retitll merchant * , mecliniiUi ) , etc. , gottlrg rich. OROPSEY & 00. A. J. . ltu m4I , Itlt-linrtK Klock , eat Estate Kg ents & Loan Brokers Hare for tale brick block ) , IniMneJi Ion. all kind * ol rcalcstnte. 1,2,5,10,20,10 , SO , 320 and WO cro tracts ftirmt nnd cbcap land * . MONKV I.OANKI ) . ISVKSTMKSTS 1IADH. KrtVKUKNCKSi-Flrst nd Lincoln National IlanksloT ( > rnorTh'ior , Juduo Cobli , Itpr. Dr.l ! . K Crelnhion. l.lncolo : Kcaittor H. M. Cullum , Illinois ; and General Hen. HunlBon , Indlnnn * CHICAGO SHORT LINE - OF THE - The Best Route from Otnaha an < > Council Bluffs to THE E.A.ST Two Traini Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil muffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi Rock Iiland , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton ) Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janemlle , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important point * East , Nort'heai and Bout beast. For through tickets cull on the Ticket Affon atUOl Purnain slrout.Un i'axton hotel ) , or a Union 1'aclflo Dopot. rmlmnji Hloopent and the finest Dlnlnj Car IB the world are run on the nmlnlltiua of thi ClIICAnO , MlI.WACKKt & BT. 1MUI , 1UU.WAT nnd every attention U paid to p 4s Dior bj courteous employe * of the company. It MILI.EB , General MHnajrer. J , F. Tuuuin , AMlftantauneral Manager. A. V. K. CAmrximB , Oenera ) Paweacer aai Ticket Agent. UKO , u. HcArronn , AitUttat Oeatraa Pal rengcr and Ticket Agent. J. T. OtuiKUea raiauiorlnt i > d ftt. Lawrence FAMOOS "BELLE Is Death to Consumption , Malada , Sleeplessness , Chills and POVOM Or Insomnia , anil Typhoid Poyor , Dissimulation , Indigestion , 01 Vood- Dyspepsia , Tdn Years Old , ftuigical Fevers No Fusel Oil , Absolutely Fura. The GREAT APPETIZER This will certify that I have examined the Rcl'e of Bourbon Whisky , received from Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the same to be peifcctlv tree from Fusel Oil and other deleterious substances and strictly pure I cheerfully"recommend the same for Family use and Medicinal purposes. J. P. BA.RNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky. For sale by druggists , wind merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $1 25 per bottle If not found at the above , half-doz. bottles in plain boxes will be tent to tnv address in the United States on the receipt of six dollars. Express paid to all places east of Missouri River , LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , RICHARDSON DRUG CO. , < tn < l ) RILEY < & DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , \Omnha. \ Families supplied In/GLADS'IOA'E ItliOS. a ) CO. , Omaha. II. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , IDEAX BROILING. can bo done In tlio OVPII of the Chat'iur Oak liaiiKP or Stove with the Who tinim ) Oven Door , more pel fuctly than over * ho live coaK Lay the bleak , chops , hnm or fish on n whourollor or meat lack , placing it in an culinary baku pan lo catch the duppiiujs. Allow it ton-main in the oven with the door closed 15 or 20 minutes. No turning is UTMiircd. At the end of this time it will bo found nicely cooked ready to serve. Tins is TIII : in EAT , WAV TO niton. MT.ATS. There Is no taint of coal-gas or smoke , and the meats ai o more tender and better In flavor than tboso broiled over the coals. The convenience or biullipg in the oven will be appreciated by every nouse-keenur , and adds another to the maiiy teasons why the Charter Oak Kango oriStovo with the AViro Gauze Oven Door should bo prclorreil SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AND PRII * LISTS. to all others now in the murkct. CHABTEB OAK BTOVES and BANOES are SOLD IK NEBRASKA'as ' follows : MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. TANNKLL&SWKKNBY P. KENNEV , GORDON. GK11LK& FAUUK V KRANKLIN. DALLAS it I.UTSON , HASTINOS. N J JOHNSON ,11..NORTH BPNO. K. C. HRKWEK HAV SrRisr.s. J.J McCAFKEUTV , [ . .O'NEILL CITV. H.AIRU&CO NKBRA KA CITV. R HA7.LEWOOU OSEOLA. W. F. TEMPI.EION' , NELSON. J.S DUKE . . ' . .PLATTSMOUIM. J. n STURUCVANT & SON , ATKINSON. A. PEARSON STEKIINC. J.KASS&CO CitAniiON. I G. GREEN .T.SiROkiscuiir. . KRAUSE , I.UIIKER & WELCH , . . .CoLUMnus. 1.A PAODENficSON I. St'i'FKiou ' OLDS 11ROS r.t.GAR. 'riMMERMAN &HIAKKR VtKDON. Display at their warerooms , ' 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1305 SL 1307 FARNAM STREET * The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co , N. W. COB. 10th AND HABNKY , OMAHA. Property of every description for snle iu till parts of the city. Lands for snlo in cvory'connty in Js'ebrnskn. A COMl'LKTE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titlcsof Donplns County kopt. Mu)3 ) of the city , statu or county , or any other information dcsirod furnished free of charge upon implication. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. WoTk warranted. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker ISr the Union Pacific Railroad Company. J WE AK ME N ! lAni d thr * t. " < - , X , CO'tn.n. _ . . . . . . . . . u ti : TO or era * IIT Ihn MKr IMI'EOYIH v t i r : - NI33 , BIT- InffronI - ? ? .linuoui.mllil. oolhlnrurrcntl of f.lfctric. ' U' HjdlrKlljr thouzl , all wk ptrti.rtrtor. liittlhimtJYSv0 | h"lth " < VlforouiSlMBgih. Eltrtrlo Current - 5Vftll Iniunllr or e forftii fi.uo In cnh. Ureatett Imprgrn nti o tr ll olhtr htlti. Wont CIKI Mr. rr.intnilj curt. I In three months. Brtlrrl piropliltHe. iturn The Sanden Electric Co. 169 USillctU Chicago 1887 Spring Valley Stock Farm. 1887 , OMAHA , NED. George Wilkog 51B. Record 2:22. : Measured by L'SJ : , the ! : > and tho''rM stnnJ ard ; was the irroHtcKt that over lived , lluvins now 53 sou * and dauclilcra lu the 2:3) : list down to2U\ : . Tlio only son of George Wllkos lu tlio State or Nebraska , 3541 Black Wilkes 3541 Standard. Slrtnl by Ceorno Wllkes 619 ; 1st dam Fanny llell.strvil by Confodcrato Chief , own brother toWoodford Chief , U H'nd : ilura llysdyk's llambletonlan. Will stand for mares at the above farm at $35 the season , cash time of tor- rice , with privilege of return should mares nat proro In foul. Limited to 20 mares besides my own. Season commences Fob. 1st and ends August 1st , 1M7. For further particulars send tor circular , . . oftbe lioS/'r BUrged ami itrrngUierKir Txllr particular * wet < e lcd ) free. JUUK MJUHCAL 00. , Uufltlo , M. K. WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS FOK TIIL ol Decker Brotes OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BOLD MEDAL , PABIS , 1878 , BAKER'S Warranted nbtoliitclir ] > ura Cocoa , from which the cicrei of OH liu been rcrao\cd. IthaiMrct tlmii tht ttrengttt of Cocoa lulled with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and U therefore far more ccooomU cl , coiling Itu than on * ftnt a cup. It U dellclou > , nourltblng trengtheolatf , cully dlgeited , ani admirably adapted for Imalldi 04 well a for ptnpa * In health. S ld by Oroce7 Tr'erynlitre. , f . BAKER & C0 , 0 The only road to tnke for Den Molnei Mar- Khnlllnwn , Cetlur llanldfl , Cllntan , DUon , Chlca- fro , Milwaukee mill all points oust. To the pi'O < pie of Nobrnskii , Colornilo , Wyoming , Utah , itlnlio , Nuvuila , Oregon , Washington ami Cull ( ornln , It OITAM superior advantages not possi ble by nny other lino. Amonir nfow oftho numoiotia points of su periority enjoyed by the patrons of tblq road between Otiinlm mm ( 'hlcimo , nro Its two tralnn a day of DAYCOACHHvhlchnre ! the finest Hint luiinnn nrt anil linrunulty can ernnto. It * I'AIiALKSLKKl'INU OAKS , which BIO inntleli of comfort nnd elegance. Its PAULO It DUAW- INO KOOM CAHS , mi4iirmiR < iM by any , nnd Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAUS tun oqilnl nf which cannot bo found oleowhoro At Coiinoll nitillfl the trains of thoUnlon Pacific lly. connect In Union Depot with those of thu Chicago & Noithwrstorn lly. In Chlcniro the train * of this line tnnko close connection with those of nil ea tnrn lines. KorD'jtrolt. roltimlino , Indlannpolls. Cincin nati , Niagara Falls , Hnffnlo , Vlttsburp.Toronto , Montrnnl , Hoitun , Now Vorit , Philadelphia , Dnltltnore , Washington and nil points In the oast. a. k for n ticket via the "NOHTHWESTKRN. " If you wish the no t neoommodatlon. All tloket aeentg sell tlukuti via this line. H HUOHITT. B.P.WILSON. Mnnirer. Genl. Pns 'r Agent Chicago , III. W. M. BADCOOIC , L B. 110LLK3 , Weitorn Asent. City 1'ass'r Agent , 0 limit a , Nebraska , Notice to Builders and Contractors. Hliis will ha received by the trustees of the . . 'nlinifUn u'esleyrtii Unlvctflity for furnlshlnu iniiturlal and conatructlm ; a university litilldintc nccordliif to plans , specifications I'.nd details to bo seen on and after April ± 2 , 1847 , In the ollico of ( \ A. Atkinson , secretary. Uids inny be for snld buildlnir complete , In- cliullns plumbliDjiind heiitlnir , or for any or all of the sopiinUo Items as follows : Uxciivntlon , gtono work , brick work , plaster- Inn. Rla q , plumbing , lioatlns , paintingnnd roollnfr. The said trustees reserve the right to reject any nnd all bids. IlldS will be received until May 12 , 1887 , at 7 o'clock p. m. , and to bo eont to the secretary at Lincoln , Neb. lly order of snl < 1 tni'toes. C. A , ATKINSON. See . April 16,1837. Lincoln , Nob. npr 10 d IU "RUPTURE CURED. nr Dr. Sni > diker'a method. No operation ! No I'nlns No Detention fioni bualnest. Adautod to children a > irvll a urowii iioople , Hundred * of autograph teslluionliiljon Ule. All Iristnuu strlctlr cuuDde Hal. tO.NbOl/l'ATION I'KKK. 1COOK , Room G , 1511 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb , NF.nVITA if.anr " > ' , B U at > ntthrul trton FREE TBIAL Munhoud , , . . . . , " . UB. ' A. O.VlllVcO. . rfo. l 1 BUMt , Cbli gel 111. l Ui > crl' > ck ae. SUforSD.OO. Notice. rpHRNortolk Street railway will receive pro Jpo rtlsfor tlioiminediiito construction anil Ouj ( | ! > incnt ( it ono itiul one hulf miles of street raihrny In the clty'of Norfolk , N'otiriiska 1'ro- posula received lit the oinco of the secretary of company at Norfolk , Nebraska , until the 'Itli day of April , UWT. IL C. iJUOMU. Secretary. OCEAN STEAMERS. A TRIP TO EUROPE. Send ttamp for pprinfj-and summer pro grams , just'ittued , TIIOS. COOK & Sos , , marO.-2rn . . ' .235 Clark St. , Chicago , U ) . Omafia Jokers' Directory. Agricultural Implements , " ciTuitcniLL PA RKER , WhoUsnle Dtaltr to Agricultural Implements , Wngnns , C jrU Bi Hud Uticglr * . Jones Mrcet , b two a 8th anil lUtb.Omnhi , Neb. LINING EJtWMETC'AJ F CO. , Affi'ictilturnl Implements , tc. . Whol alt , Omh . LEE , FRIED ( > CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nnil Nnll8 , Tinware , Ph t Iron , Rtr. A * nli for How * Su\gi ! , and Miami Powil n' < > . , OrnnhaNoh. PARLIN.ORENDORF.V MARTIN Wholesnlarkcaloriln Agricultural Implements , ( YneonnnJ Busplc ; . 901,10,1 , 1)03 ) andiW , Jonei it ' Material. Artists' Material * , Pianos anil Grgnns , 111.1 DonglM ( "trcot , Onmha. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bulldors'Hard ware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools and IlufTalo So te . HKi Douglat it * A Oniahn , Nub. floors and Shoes. AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE COMPANY , NanufKCtur r mid Wholesalen al ri In Hoots and Shoes , Complete Ktock of Itnblur tioorti nlwaii on htnd Ml 1.13th t. , Omnlin , Neb. A. T. Auttlii , AKOIH. jr. r. MORSE < c co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1111 Kanuui St. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer Z. T. LtNDSEY d > CO. Wliolesato llubhor Uootj and Shoes Huhhur nnJ Oiled Ulothlni ; iiml Volt Hoot * and Shoos. Southeast Corner 1HU mid Douglas. Beer. . Agt. for Anheuser-Uush Brewing Ass'n SpeclHl nrnnds. Faust , Iludirelpcr And Krlanger. STORZ Jb'fLER , Lngcr Uecr JJrowerg , 1521 North 1Mb Street , Omaha , Nob. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS "HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Sausage CmlnKi of all kind * nlways In stock. 121 ! Jone it.Omaha Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. A CO. , Omaha Correo and Spice Hills. Teai , Coffees Spleen , ItaklnR fowdcr , Fl TOrlnsB * tracli , Lun5ry Illuo. Ink , Rtc. 1114-10 llurner Bireat.omuhn. Neb. GATES , COLE tfr MILES , Home Coffro and Spice Mills M'f'ff Co. OITca Rmstera and Spice Qrlndjr * . Mannfactutera nf llaXInit 1'owdar. Filtering K lrct , Hilling. KU- . 'i'rvone en * ? of our ! ! packnce Home Blend lloa.Med OoffcB. li V low rit nt , Onutin. Nt. . Cornice , EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epeneter , Prop. Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron nivl Cornice. 921 Dodge and 103 and 105 N. IQtli at. , omaha. Nab. RUEMPING cC ItOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows. Klna'fl.MclallcSkjIicM.ttc. 310S. U'tn st. , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornices , etc. Snccfs Improved Pat ent Mi-Kilte hkyllshl. tai and 510 B.IJth at..OniHha. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber ! * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Clotha , Mnoluunm , Mattings , Rtc. 1511 Douglan atrcct. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnf s , Curtain Goods , Etc. 1U3 Karaam street , Omaha. Neb. _ _ Crockery and Notians. W. L Agent for tlio Mimifactnrcrs find Ira porters of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chlrnnoys , etc. Ofllcc , 317 South llth St. Omaha. Neb. _ , Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Bnttcr , EKfsnnd I'roducc. Coailzr.aionti solicited. Ile Jq rtcts for Btnnamm. Ilerry llori" * and Urnpo Itnvkfls. 1114 Doiigoiitrmjt , Omaha. PEYCK'E IiROS. , Commissinn Ifcrchants. Frultn. 1'roducn end ProvUlonB. Oninha , Nob. W. E. RIDDELL , and Commission Merchant. Specialties Mutter. Deif. Chcpso. Poultry , ( lame , Oynter , Kte. , Kte. 113 Soum Ulh ntreet. jriEDEMAN C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Iluttor , Gnruo , Km In , etc. Z3U 8. Utb It Om ha. tieti. Coal antf Lime. Gilo , l. I.AIIAOH. rres. C. F. QooimAK , T. PlDI. J. A. SUNDiULiBD , Hoc. and Trent , COAL , COKE tV LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. m South Thirteenth Street , Oraaba , Nob. , r. , T. JOHNSON , f ; CO. , Mannfucturors of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper * of Co l niul Ciilot , Cement , Planter , IJnio , llalr. Klru Itrlck , Drain. Tile anil Sewer I'lpo. onico , raifin Hotel. Knrmim ( t. , Omnlia , Ni < b. Trlopnono 811. Confectionery. Mannfactnrinf ( Confectioners , Jobbers of KrulH.NutB iintl ClfBin. 1211 Karuam SL Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER t& CO. , Johhers of Cigars , Tohacco , Qan and Ammunition , 215 toJM H. 1UU Bt. , 1(00 ( tc MU Kitnmiu at. , Oiu li , N li. WEST 0 FRITSCIIER , Manufacturers of Fine And Wbolesnlo Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Noa.lK nncl 11(1 ( N. 14th trct , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH < D CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods & Notions 1102 and 110 < Dou lnn , cor. llth St. , Umuha , Nub. Distillers. DUUllere of I.lqunrs , Alcohol nnd Pplrlt . Importer ! mid Jobbersot Wtne > uu > l Liquors. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLE' i CO. and ILER as CO , , Importer * anfl Jobborr nf Kino Wlnon and I.lquorg Hole lunnufnnliireia of Kfnncilr'K Knit India lilt- tern unil Domicile l.lquorn. 111 ! HarnoyM. Drain Tile , Etc. A. Il.8AUZK.IV > 1' ' ' . J.W.ninrnnn.Bec.ATrai H. J. CAnnnK , V.I'rcs. und Kupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlco 213 P. llth et. Omaha. Nob. Machinery nn < topplles for MatiuCaciurlng Cement Drain Tllo. ELEVATORS. .OOEUI , , . . n. S , nvii mnv p > T MlMSIIfM 1ST i. \0 | . I'm OMAHA ELEl'ATOR and GRAIA COMPANY , Johbcrs and Stororn ol Grain. i I , U.iDTI trunriiutcoil. Oniliau Noli. Furniture. ' * " " ' DEWEY ,0 STONE , Wholesiilo Dealers in Furniture. Ftrnara t. . Omahn. Neb. CHARLES Furjiltnr , Uedding1 , Ujiholstery , ' Mlrrofi , etc ! 1300,13)3 ) and 1210 Farnam it. . Omalio OmahaJotters1 Directory. Groceries , PA.rfON , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 7ur-.7t > 7 , TOO and til S. 10th St. . Omaha. X b. McCORD , It.UADY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , llh ? and I.tArentrortli t . , Om hn. Hardware. , H * . , r. Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel , Springs , Wiffnn Stock , 1Urd r ro Lumber , etc. 139 and 1111 Harrier ft. , Pmulia , Wholesale Iron nnd Stpol , Waiton and CurrUne Wood Slock , HMTJT Hardware K1C. UKuiul UK l.tiircnwurU M. , Oruaha , Neb. MILTON RGERS < C SONS , Stows , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantlet , Crntti , Drais lioods. 1M1 and U33 ' Rlrcnt. Iron Works. I'AXTON < C VIERLIXQ Iron Works , Troncbt and Oust Iron Building Work , Iron SUIra , IlalllnKi HCHBU nml ( llnlors , meant KiiHlnrt. Urau Work , uciioral IToundrjr , Macblnv und HlarksraUh Wort. Offlco an 1 Works , U. r. Ity.andl'thsnett. K. 11. MC.MANUS. C. 8UU.IVAN. OMAHA WIRE , P IRON WORKS , MnnufnctiirAM of ire and Iron Mailings , Desk Rails , Vlndnw tluardk , Khmer Stands , Wire Signs , Kta 1WN. 15th. Orders by malt promptly allendodto. Lumber , OMAHA TUMKER CO , , Uo lc' . . All Kladiof Bnlldlngr Material nt Wliolosalo. 13th Street nnd Union Padflo Track. Omnha. ' LOUIS ItRADirORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yardi Corner 7th and Douglai ; Corner IHIi and Douglm. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 8148.llthgtreetOmahaNab. F.Colpeti r , Manner. Lumber. 13th and California Streets , Omaha , Nb. fit ED JF. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Ctb and Douglas su. , Omsb .N > . HOAGLAXD. Lumber. T. Jr. HARVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Farnam atrcet.Omuha. CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carp ta nnd rarqurt Flooring. 9th nnd Dongta ! Omaha. JOHN A. jrAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Onipnl. Htntl Agent ( urltllnaukeo llydraullr Cement and licst ( Julnry WhltoLltne. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John V. Bojrd , Superintendent. Lire Stock Commission. M. BURKE ,15 SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Uurkc , Manneer t7nlon Stock Vards , 8. Oninhn. Telephone S82. SAVAGE ,0 GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment ! of anr and all klndi of Slock solicited. Union Stock Yards. Omaha. Ned. Millinery and Motions. Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1113 and 1215 Ilarner ! U-eet , Omaha , ( fab. Notions. J. T. troniNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale l > cnler In Notions and Furnishing' Goods , 40.1 and 405 S. Tenth t. , Omaha. Overalls. C A NFIELD MA NUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans PanUSblrta , Ktc. limand 1101 UoujlmBtrtet , Omahii , Nob. Paper Boxes , T. L. Wl Manufacturer of Paper Boies , B.llthBt , . Omaun , Nabra k . Order , bjr maltn IKUidaua willrcotlT * prompt atMatloa. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANYt Job FrintorH , Blank Book Makers , And Hook. Hinders. 101) ) nnd 10D Ruutu fourteenth street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Tjpo , l'rn i nnd Printers' Bupptle . 509 South Twelfth hlrect. Pumps. "Ii BROWNELL ,15 CO. , i Mannfucturcrs and Dealer * In , IJoilers & ( icncral Jliichinery ghoct Iron work , Htoam l > ump . Suw .Mills , Acme Hhaftlnir , Dodge Wood spill IMlloys , lloltliiK. etc , Also wuKons , i > crai | rsutid balotloi , \ . rennorthst. OniHha M.f f ; RECTOR , C WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Western agents for JofTcmon Hlenl Kslls , Austlq 1'owderL'u , Talrbank * Mandard Mcales. Corner loth and llarnuy , omalin. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Suppllut. Hi-iulquartrrs f r Mail FdOstCo'stlo.Kli. lilt Kariiiini ui.iunliu. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE ami PUMP COMPANY. nallndny Wind Illliss rtcam and Wtter Supplies , , . naui st. , Omnlin. H. K. Fpltnn , 'leli'phunu Nu.ilu. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pnraps , Pipes nnd Eiifrinea , Etcam. Water , ItallRiir and MlllliiK Kuitlitt. | ( ICtO. mi , jiaandiKi Hrnam St. . Oiuahii , Not. Safes , Etc. P. BOYER ,0 CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' I'lrts und llui-u'ar Proof Sf < is , Tlmo I cks , Vunltl .nnd Jail Work. 1UJI Karnam iitreet Omaha , Neb. G. ANDRE EN , Omaha Snfo Works. Montifactureranf Klrennd HurKlnr Proof Snfcs , VHII ! | Doori , Jnll WurkSbut4rr nnd Wlru Work. Cor. lltb and Jackson hi * . , ( ) , Ndb , Sash , Doors , Etc. IVboIoalo Manuf.iclnrcuof Sash , Doors , Blinds and llrnnrh oSicu.niu and Uard it . .Oia hsy ' ' . BOIfN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mnnld'jiSs.Stnlr ' Work and Interior llurd Wood Hnlsli Juit uiJCind , N. K tor. 8lh Hbd l.uurenwoilhbw. . . Omaha , Neb. . . fI