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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1887)
TKu OMAHA DAILYITRE : : TTTTCKOA tr , APUTTi 10. " GOING FOR THE DRUGGISTS Papers Issued Tor Tour Dealerj For Selling Liquor On Sunday. THE ELEVENTH'S ' NEW JUDGE. A Womatt'H Anxiety For a liost IIus- htUHl A'Iroiilnr tu IMinrnia- cists Happening About the Capital City. IPIIOM Tiir. nr.r.'H MXCOT.X nmiEAtr.l It was understood yef-torday that papers would lie issued before night for the ar rest of four of the druggists of thU city , charging llioui with selling liquor on Sunday. Thu druggists in question had not the papers served on them at noon , but they looked somewhat as though ox- pirtiiig something would drop. It was Hinted thiit stowed safely away at police lieiidfiuartorH were four flasks of whisky and one bottle of beer that was obtained us evidence for Sunday selling , and one who appeared to be informed thought the city had sure cases against the four. ArruI.STKl ) JUPOK. ( Juvernor Thaycr yesterday appointed James K. Coehrnn , of McCoo * , district judge for the Ktevonth judicial district under the legislative measure creating now districts. This Eleventh district lies' at the west of Judge Gaslin'-s district , in the southwest corner of the state , and comprises the counties of Furnas , Fron tier. Hayes Hitchcock , Chase and Dundy. Under the law Increasing the judges there yet remains one vacancy to fill that of the second judge in the First ju dicial district , for which position a small army of applicants are awaiting the de cision of the governor. TO I'llAltMAClSlS. President Lane , of the state board of pharmacy , has issued the following ex planatory circular to the druggists of the state : On account of an unexpected largo number of druggists asking for immeiti- ale examination , an order has been issued for a special meeting of the board of ex aminers to b < ! hold in ( irnnd Island Tues day , May 'I , 18S7 , to examine applicants appearing at the meeting. Notice is. hereby mvcn that in consequence of this special meeting no examination will beheld held hi Omaha at the meeting of the pharmaceutical association next { month. All the time of the hoard will bo taken up in issuing cortiHeatos to druggists who were in business at the time the pharmacy law took effect.W. W. C. LANK , President Hoard of Examiners. 6TATK IIOUSi : NOTKS. The Walker Typo Writer company of HID city of Hrock , Nemuha county , has lilud articles of incoruorntion with the secretary of state. Thn object of the com pany is stated to bo the manufacture of the Walker type writer and other novel ties. The capital stock is $10,000 , divided into shares of f 100 each , indebtedness lim ited to two-thirds of the block , and thoin- corporators are as follows : G.V Walker , W. F. Wright , W. H. Jlawloy and F. W. Cowics. The state board of equalization for the assessment of railroads for the year 1887 will meet in the auditor's ollicc on tlio 3d day of May at ! i p. m. The board is composed of the governor , the state audi tor and the treasurer , and they will have tin immense increase of mileage to act upon the present year. The atiite auditor is at work preparing n tabulated statement of the appropria tions made the past session by the legis lature and also n tabulated statement of the expenses incurred during the session. The .statement is made preparatory to publication. The tinntcn City Insurance company , of Philadelphia , has been taking steps toward complying with the stale- laws nnd being admitted to transact business lu Nebraska. A LOST MAN. A lady residing at 1010 T street was a caller at the sheriff's ollico yesterday and was in a greatly agitated state of mind over the inexplicable disappearance of her husband , whoso name is Hiram A. Woodward. The family have been keep ing a boarding house , and Sunday morn ing , after breakfast , llio man wended his way down town for the purpose of selling a liddlc. Tim non-appearance of Wood- want through the entire day and the night following caused his wife to bo urea ) ly alarmed , and as all has always been peace'and harmony in the family the mystery becomes the greater. Olheers were iniuiiriug into the disappearance yesterday. AIIOI'T THE CITY. The sale of the Capital hotel and the multiplicity of other sales duringtho past weekhas revived the boom wilh 5ncreacd favor , i'ml a largo number of new anil important transactions were recorded for yesterday as nearmg consummation. 'One evidence of the stability of affairs is iiotieeablu in the great number of new , residences already in course of construc tion tlio present year. These , in addition to thu now business blocks , give real es tate agents substantial evidence to point to with the customary pride. The First National bunk has commenced suit in the district court asking that an injunction He against John Hay dim and others restraining them from consu- muting Iho sale of a certain judgment. U seems from the papers that the inter est of the bank in the case is the collec tion of a past duo note. Sunday afternoon the police headquar ters wuru telephoned that three men had been held up and robbed on the It. X .M. tracks , wesl of the city. Two ollieor.s of the forcu wont immediately lo thu scone and found the man they wanted in the iicrnon of a colored man named George lluU.s. When limy nUemnUid to make the arrest , the highwayman showed light and drew a murderous looking revolver upon the ollleers. Ho was arrested , however - over , without an exchange of shots and the purpose of the ollicors is to send him over the road to thu penitentiary. The now AJethouiat chapel at West Lincoln was dedicated Sunday , the cost of the building being $1,100. A debt of $000 was raised nt the meeting , and as they needed an organ , p.x-Jlayor John H , Wright volunteered to pay one-half of the expense of s > eeuriug it. The other half was quickly raised , nnd the suburb of West Lincoln now has a church of its own. own.The newly appointed jailer , under Iho jira-ent administration , succeeded in holding down the position Iwo days when lit ) was suoeondi'd by J. L. Itajdwin , who now carries the key lo Ihn city bastile , nnd feeds the hungry crowd of incarcer ated victim" . J. 11. ( irccn. traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific railroad , was in Lin coln yesterday distributing Ihe company's latest supply of advertising matter nnd doing it in his usual energetic manner. Mr. ( ircen enjoys talking up his road and spares neither tricnd or t'oc. Colgate' * Cnnlimcrt < Iloiitint Toilet Soap is better appreciated the more it is used , and disappoints no one. A Sow Telephone. Paris Correspondence London Times : 1 was Invited lo be present to day at ! > onni telephone experiments between Paris and Urussels with a new apparatus known as the "micro-telephone push-button , " * Those experiments , which were made on uehalf of the two telegraphic adminis trative departments of France and Del- > , .produced a very lively Impression. i on thosn present , nnd t believe the now itiiritus | ) ] : : to bo the most purfuct yet pro duced. i As its imino indicate * , it hns the form otW mi ordinary electric push-button. When tint button luu been pushed in , niul 1ms tmuln ii sound nt the other ex tremity , it Is tiikcn out and found to bu attached to n long clcetnc wire. There isw Huts exposed the telephone plate , which Is'extremely sensitive , M > that where it is necessary to si > ciK ! at short illstdticcs it is not necessary to come close tu the instrument. For communication ino the same street , or the same house , the operator | places tliu upper part near him self , and without changing his position sihi can speak with the correspondent at the opposite extremity , lie is 'not obliged to put his ear to the part which contains the button and brines back ; the reply. Thus for short distances those who make use of this apparatus , speak in their ordinary tone without ciiunuitiK their customary attitudes. They may sit or walk about , and speak just na if those they were addressing were pres ent. When great distances intervene , as in the experiment performed today , in which the speakers anil hearers were sep arated by 200 miles , It is necessary to como nearer to the aojiarattm , but with out being obliged to speak ipiitc close to it. it.Hut Hut what makes this apparatus the most successful of telephonic instruments is , that it can be made for half a crown , that is to say , for not more than the price of the ordinary push button. Now , as it can bo litled to the wire of the ordinary ring - IIIK apparatus , it follows that it intro duces a complete change in our ordinary mode of Intercourse. At front door.s , in the interior rooms of houses , everywhere , in short , where the ordinary electric but tons are used , the telephonic button may bo introduced. It will by tills means lie ponsiblc to give or receive instructions , to know who is knocking at the door , 10 communicate in short , by speaking as well as by ringing. On the advantage of this in every day life it is unnecessary to dwell. 'Jlic railway companies are making experiments with this ap paratus as a means of com munication between compartments of carriages. It is being lilted up on trial in hotels. I have seen it at work at the door of a private house , whore 1 was replied to by those within without their having stirred from their plftces , and without the door being opeicd. : Uetwcou 1'aris and Brussels , this instrument , cost ing half a crown , worked with admirable preeision.and it was not ajtogothcr without a queer feeling that 1 listened to a voice with a slight Belgian accent coming to me from a distance of more than two hundred miles. The inventor is Dr. Cornelius day nominated grand olllcor of the Leurion of Honor , next day described as an emissary of Germany , and lastly as the friend , adviser and confidant of Gen eral HoulanKor. Ho is in reality an electrician whose inventive talent has been stimulated by his residence in America , where there is a boundless de mand for improvement in electrical ap paratus and in all mechanical contriv ances. The French minister of posts and telegraphs , under whose auspices the ex periments were carried out to-day , has approved the report made to him , and proposes to give orders for the intro duction of the new apparatus into all the public administrative departments as soon as it comes into use , for as yet it has only been an experiment , Coughs , Colds niirt Sere Tliront illicitly relieved by "Mroinfs Itronchtid UYoc/ics. / " A AVoin nil's Liuck. Chicago News : Hack in the sixties Cclia Burns was a society belle in Wash ington , U. C. There she was mot by John Crann , who foil in love with and married her. After a few years of wed ded life in Washington the couple came to Chicago. The husband was soi/.cd with a speculative fever , and decided to seek his fortune in the far west. His wife refused to accompany him.nnd in 1877 lie took his departure alone. A year passed , and Crann returned to this city to share the fortune which ho had accumulated with his wifo. In this , however , ho was doomed to disappointment. His fair young wife , disheartened at his long absence , had ceased to care for him. Nearly heartbroken , Crann again left Chicago and | becmio a wanderer. For nearly two yearsuotnina : was heard of him , but in 1880 ho appeared jn Wash ington , ami shortly after his arrival there dropped dead upon the street. He left his wife property valued at ! jiO,000. : .Soon after Crann left Chicago the second time his wife disappeared , nnd nothing was hoard of her until yester day. For seven years attorneys and de tectives have boon trying to discover her whereabouts in order that the fortune left by her husband might bo placed in her hands. Six weeks ago the case was | ) laced in the hands of Robert Bruce , the ( elective , of this oily. I In had made every ellort to lind her , and had about given it up when , as a last 'chance , he sought the advertising columns of the Uaily News. Ho enured a reward of $100 for any information which would lead ; o her discovery , and received u letter from Mrs. Corah. Merlon , an artist , at 1IM3 Wwbasli avenue , in which the lady said she could enlighten him ou the mat ter. He called upon her yesterday and was told that Mrs. Celia Crann , the lady ho was in search of , is engaged in the Iry goods business at Portland , Ore. Ho will at once take stops to prove the identity * of the Portland woman , and it it is loimd that she is the purson wanted , what remains of Hie estate will bo trans ferred to the rightful owner. A Great UcUtlo. is continually going on in the human system. The demon of impure blootl jtrives to gain vietory over the constitu tion , to ruin health , to drag victims to the grave. A good reliable medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla is the weapon with which to defend one's self , drive the des perate oiioiny from the Held anil riwloro peace and bodily health for many years. Try this peculiar medicine. Oyster I'roiliiollon. Oyster production , although carried on to a large extent in Franco , is not yet a profitable investment. The reason is that the rates for transportation from the oyster beds are too high. In Auny , for instance , oysters are worth ! ) francs per thousand ; in 1'aris they cost moro than 50 francs. An attempt is being made to secure transportation at less cost , a A movement is on foot in the North sea towns of Germany for promoting meting oyster culture along the coast , supported by government grants. At present there are lifty-ono banUs in the North sea , yitwentysix : at Fano.Homo nnd S.ylt , and twenty-live at Foiir , Aniruin and llallingernu. In the Baltic , on t'o ' other hand , all attempts at oyster culture have failed. * * * * Young or middle-aged men Enduring from nervous debility or other delicaw diseases.howevcr induced , speedily - ily and permanently cured. Address , World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. . Cultured DoHton Fakirs. Even the street fakirs of Boston are "cultured. " One of them , the other day , thus learnedly descanted on the works of a certain salve : "That's right , gentle- mon. como right up. Don't mind the east wind , which , as my friona Emerson used to say , pierces our solitude. This salvo would have made the Concord philoso pher stand tno weather better. Only throe boxes , and going 'way down east ? How foolish ! Why , ua Lowell said , that is the vague Orient. This salve would cure the vagueness every time. Curat mluhuis. " . . . . . . THOMASON & GOGS' ADDITION Lies just south of Hanscom Parkonly 2 miles from the court house , on high and sightly ground. 176 beautiful residence lots. LiOTS SOI O , Events are shaping that will make these lots an investment of SURE PROFIT. $800 to $1,000 will Buy Lots Now , but one Year from Today You will Pay $1,800 $2,000 , and $2,500 , for Them Ten months ago we told you there was big money in SOUTH OMAHA property. You were skeptical and waited , and what did you miss ? Some people say , "Oh ! its all luck , this making money. " Luck to the dogs. Its Foresight , Judgment and Sand , These are the elements that go to make up the sum of prosp erity. Tak a square look at the case of Thomason & G-oos' addition , who own the 600 acres adjoining it on the south. A RICH AND POWERFUL SYNDICATE Who , without any further effort , could peddle it out in the next two years for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Do you suppose they are Idiots enough to do this ? . No ! They will either build or subscribe to A CABLE LINE and realize three millions from it. A to yourselves , do a little investigating and figuring and yeti will see that there are the "Greatest Bargains on Earth , in lots in this Key tu Omaha and South Omaha. Remember , that this is no washings of the Missouri River , nor farm lands diverted from their natural uses , years too soon , but choice suburban residence property , situated on the everlasting Hills , midway between two cities , that are last closing in to one solid mighty metropolis. M. A. UPTON & CO. Pharmacy Building , South Omaha and 1509 Farnam , Telephone 73 Odd Items From Everywhere. A Mr. Uartlctt from Taylor county , Ga. , was in Montc/.uma trading a tew days ago. His father's family consists of twenty-throe children and sixty-nine grandchildren. A family in Lexington , Ga. , are the wnors of a litler of ten pups only a few voeks old. One morning this week they vcro visited by ono of the family , and magino the surprise nt ( hiding an old at anil litter of kittens in the same box vith the puns , alj seemingly happy m he companionship of the other. It is printed that a Chicago blonde , vhoso eyebrows are very light , was in ho habit of penciling them , "just a ittlo. " The other afternoon , while her young man was waiting to take her to drive , and she was flurrying with her ollct , she grabbed a blue pencil by mis- tike , and then thoroughly surprised her escort by appearing with eyebrows but a shade or two darker than her own ovnly eyes. Preston 11. Leslie , governor of Mon- : anu , used to be n ferryman. W. L. Greeloy , a grand nephew of Horace Greoloy , la the village barbur and iddlor at Spring Crook station. Penn. If everybody in the world stopped work we would bo starving and in rags n just three years. With all modern nachinory and devices supply Keeps only thirty-six inonths'aliead of demand , and that is hardly wiilo enough to provide igamst famine. Prince Itnpert , who will probably be cing of Bavaria some day , is apprenticed to a wood turner in Munich , and daily works at the bench. Dr. Kovalonski , a verv wi o Russian lector tells frightful stories of the num ber of lunatics in his country. There is room for only 10,001 in the asylums , and there they are brutally treated. About 00,000 roi'.m about at largo without .any care. They are to bo mot on all the country roads , and they avenge ill-usage by maiming little children. A'London correspondent learns from a private letter received from Vienna that a niaguihcunt dinner service of the Dres den bright yellow ware , only used for royal presents is being made thorn by order of thu Emperor William for the queen , for presentation on the occasion of her jubilee. Each plate will have live medallions , having on them either alle gorical pictures recalling memorable in cidents ot' the Victorian era , or portraits of celebrities of the queen's reign. There are to be in all t83 ! largo and 120 small plates and 73 dishes of all sixes , besides tureens , sauce-boats and truit dishes. The centrepiece for flowers and fruit will bo surmounted by n statuette of the queen and have medallion portraits m relief white on gold of the members of the royal family of England. C , C. Woolworth , of Albany , head of the concern that makes postal cards for llio government , says that at thu factory in Cnstlcton. Penn. , they manufacture between two and three tons a day the year round. The largest order they over filled for ono cily was 4,000,000 cards , or about twelve tons of paper , for Now Yor.t. Wo use here about 0,000,000 cards a month. Chicago comes next , with about ! ) ,000,000 cards in the same period. There are 100,000,000 postal cards manu factured annually. Two-cent postage did not lessen the use of postal cards , bill cheeked the growth of their use for some little time. The check has been over come , and the public are using more and more postal cards every day. A family of Florida natives recently passed through Gainesville , four of whom , boys from six to ten years old , were almost exactly the same size and weight. The father explained that where they camu from the chills and fever were so bad that the children stopped growing when they wore about six years old. The Hotel World gives a list of thirty- six hotels on Broadway , twenty-six of which are conducted on the European plan , three on the American plan ex clusively , and seven on both the Euro pean and American plans. These thirty- six hotels on one street alone in Now York city contain 7,575 rooms for guests. Mrs. Mary Cunniimjiam , of Btioksport , Me. , la ii strong anti-tobacconist. , She sod Ihc weed tor sixty-three years , but ince slio stopped , not'long ago , she says ho feels like a girl again , and she wishes hat she had stopped long ago. A visitor to the penitentiary at Kanes- 'illc. Oiiio , while casually looking hroiigh the institution last week , dis- overed in ono of the prisoners n brother i { his who has run away from home at ho ago of seven vears.and was supposed iy the family to have been drowned. John Goo. of b'ltchburg. olVorod to bet , half bushel of apples that when Bunker Hill monument fell it would fall north , lonry Oaks took the bet , saying it would 'all ' south. George I'arrar , without indorstanding the nature of the bet , jrought in the apples , with the promise hat no should be paid when the bet was lecidcd. Ho now .sous the point and vaxoth wroth , but will wait for an earth quake. Couo , Cramps and Pains in the Slom- iiacli are quickly subdued by taking a ow drops of Dr. .1. H. McLean's Vol- ante Oil Liniment on sugar or mixed in Syrlll > ' Trndo Dollars. No ono knows exactly how many tiade .lollars there are in the country. Many were undoubtedly molted down in other countries , as in this country feomo prob- .ibly were when they ceased to pass cur rent except at bullion value. There were coined in all ! ? ; ! 0,000,000 , of which."J. . . - 000.000 are known to have boon exported , and only $2,000,000 are known to have boon brought buck. This would leave about $0,000,000 in this country. But the mints hold that moro than $7,000,000 exists hero , while the 1'iiiMicial Chronicle urges that thu amount is 20,0(10,000 ( or more. Exports anil imports of silver were not very accurately or reliably re ported some years ago , but the return of these coins lias never been favored by their free acceptance in largo amount. If not more than $10,000,000 are to bo re deemed , the stop will make little difference - once in the nwruot. MOST PERFECT MADF ) Prep iiurod with strict regard tfTpnrltTi Strength , an& lleutbf nlneee. Dr. Frico'a Baking Powder contains no AmmonUUmeUUnm or Phosphates. Dr.Prtco'n Jl tfmfai YflfltiTfli l OItlfffl. OtC * flATOCdOUfiiOQ&lT * nn CmefAHin ST. fen ? . btlllilfdlhr * udltcriiioni or _ IllKtHTlT * WHKNIi . Slv- -r Jinuoui.niltil. oothlngcurrent ! of Itj dlrxtlihrouU all vtlk p tll.rtilor. . . - 'lo health and VUotoui Birtciih. Elcclrla CumDifyfti \ loitauilr or w < forfill 5ux ) In ciih. OrtatMt ImproTcmenti oter all otktr b IU. Wont nuti per. mtnintljcuMdfnthrraDiontbi. ficAltd prapbl t4c. unin Tb Bindaa El ctrio Co. 169 L8 lic U Chicigi. . .M lima anil h n h r th.m r tur ac tin. f " , , ' , " " : I bit * atda tli * dktout of KIT * or FALL1M1 BICSMtSI a Uto-loni lUidr. i arra mTramaJtocurj ( ha went etMt. DMiaia eli r hara fatltj U M naaon for not now ncelrlgr a e r . etojuuocolor alr itlManJ 'r Bottl owy uralllbl * ranwdy. ilf ll prjM n4ro Offica. It e < UTOa notKtnj fw a trial , and I wiu tor * you. . H..U. ttOOT. INnartUjtlaw Twk. iiuir1" And many other complaints cured by EVIDENCE OF 1887 A Prominent Buffalo Physician says : lU'l'I'.H.o , N , V. , Tob II , IW DrIIorno. C'llcni ' * . lll.-l'oir Sir. It U vomothlnx imuij tl lor nim of iho incillcMl proin slja lo Imlono an ii'lvertl art article ; yet 1 UUe plruinrc In Intoriu- 1112 you that ono ot jrour Hleotrlu Ili-lu mint moot rliutimtitlsm. from which 1 hail MitToroil 'iyiMrI IMVO ii'i'o miicmlt'l your Invention to at leist forty of my put enUiiiirorm * wltli i > lnniilcril < o > o > r vn- rloiii * . \ir 1'iilDltJ Ion nllho hp.irt. ncrvnn debility. ( M'lli'piy. rlio irmitl'in , I uln In thu hmkiin.1 . klilnujri' . Pto . etJ. . oio All hive min'tiM < M sml norn thiMii with m v. KnitltyliiK roum * . I run bUUly recommend youi Klectrlo lloltj ui | ) OJe'nn RICH merit. I'rntcrn illy yours. I , n.Mr.Mjruu.i.M. Ii.mNltte.ira.9t A Cliieiit'o Pliisipian Suys , Dr Ilnrna-lldirSir I IMVJ n-u.l soveu'klnd ' ot mnxiiotlc nn > t Klri-trlo Holts on p.i'loiitfiint myself. I rnn lionoallv Klvj the priifi'riMi ' < * tnynurs by nil < ld . tloni'i ) I ciiii'iniUlo letonmioml ynitrion'r'ill olhuri. Vuur tratonmlly , J. II.Joilini.N. M l > . Jim II , IW. onioo.fi7btutc. ! t. . ( hloa.'n A Physician Says. All of My Patient are SatiMlloil. . lrW. Mlorno. Inventor -IK'ur Sir I rpcimimun I your Hlestrlo Woln to all wlm s-i.Tcr with liny norrnus tioublt ) , any rhriiiilclivot or klilnpt illtuii < * i'H All of ray pultinti that aia tuliiit > imr Iliottrle H < > lnuio nutlslloil. rraternully. M. ruiii'tr. M I ) . riijTulcKin and S'lrioou A Minister of the Gpvmim Kvangulir.a Church. Snys : TON , Allot : ! ! ] i o , Sllch. , Ki > b 3 , 1 W Or. W. .1 H .rue. rinueu , lll-Dcir blr. Vour iloall > ou il-ilin. Ono or thorn hulnud moot tlydpuojlu , rointlintlon nnd goncrtil ( K'blllty 1 nouM ( Ike to Intro. In rooili herd Will you let luo h.tto then cnry lor Ihli tonmhlpTlo'iia nlve your term * I mn the niiirator of tint ( iflrnt.iu l'vrtn-clloil : : Church ol l.oliihto'i ltc : > orttully , IIIIV I.III'IH IIIII'MM. lle'hlencc , MlilillDTlllo llniry county , Mlrh. Neuralgia of the Slonmcli Ciirod. ClIISTM'T. ll.l . Jnii 01. IW Ilr. llornaHour Sir I was ntTiTlna with noiirnl el iof thu .iioin icii , niul me llclnu seomeil to Imro im niroot.ovi-n m irph'.uf ' ill.l notralimt- much. The Mtt-ick would Uiiitinuvury ovoniiii : nbout nlnu o'clock , ami last nbmit < ! < IIOUM. I Rrit lor - ncol ) our Klon tr.o llcl'n , cot t. mil put Icon ami Imvn't hml the loan symptom of. nuuiaUii : since IMIII well plu'isuU Vimulrul } , A.O. . II vuuiuur. Dr. W. J. HOIlN-K"ll ! ) M'almsU-aveauo Chicago. Solo IntT'intor , I'rlotor in U Miimifjcturar. t'enl < ' " > c itlo { ! ) . C iw causoM , nncl a new an. d aucccsattil GUUli utyuur own homo iij- ono wlm wns iloaf twouty ol li yoiirH. Tionioil by most of tbn notud spncliil I H without Uoiiutlt : ouroJ himself lit tliri.-j months , uml smco thuii bunclrodi of oilier * . Full tmvtlculiiH sent on tippllontion. 'I' . H. 1'ACJi ; , No. 41 WMtaiit St.o w VortOit/ . Embody the hiuhesl excllcncics in llness , Comfort and Durability anil are the Reigning Favorites fl fashionable circle , Our name is ou eve ry sale. J. & T. Cors INS , New Voik. DREXEL & MAUL Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , UNDERTAKE US AI\I > At the oldstand 1107 Farnam nt , Onlera brtelcgrauh solieitott and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. li'J.'j. Proposals for Painting the 16th Street Via'duct. SKAM'.D proposali will t > n rocolvod by tlio umlorslKiieU until II a. in. , AurilSUh , 1 7 , for palutlnir tlio Iron anil woodwork or llio Kill Btrcot vlailuat , with two coats , lluwllns mlnuni nnil nil. or Carter Miinuluclurint' Coinpuny'i iron and inlncrnl imiots. Work to bo ilono to the sutlafactlon of tlr board of publio works. Illda to emuracu the ontltovorkooinplole. . Thu rltfUt to reject any or nil lililn m ruj 'rvoU J. K. HOirSK. . olft-H-25-24 CUdlrraan Doard or 1'uhllo wurkt. The "Smoke Ball" Overrides Disease Evidoiu'o Verify our C OMAHA , NKII. , April lo'.h , 1887 , Carbolic Smoke Hall Co Gentlemen . I have used your Smoke H.dt to urcat ad- vaulaac for headache , colds and catarrhal airectiouf'froin , which I have been a suf- foicr for a considerable period. In ever/ case relief bus been promp , am ) lotlay I am cntirclv ' free ftom such ailments. For such causes live Smoke Ball U all you claim for it. Yours truly , C. W. SMITH , 511 South 18th St. State of Nebraska , County of Douglas , ss. Subscribed in my presence and swoin to before me this 16th day of A pill , A. D. ISSf. fsu.u. ] HIRAM A. STUIUJKS" , Notary Public. Cdtai'i'h ami Jli't iclittt Affections. Sr. f.ot i1Mo. . , Mat-oil t , 183'Catholic Smoke Hall" Co. : . Gentlemen. I have administered yom'Carbolic Smoke Ball to my twochddrcn for Catarrh and Bron chial atlcclioii , with grntift ini * results , speedilv curing both diseases. j. T.'DKUMMOND. Presideul'Duiuiuiond Tobacco Company. t -ilboiliiiulaiTnrii ; . . . tn'bcforc niollilslt i ilny of Murcli , l ! ; . WAI.TKII C. CAB" . [ > .h\i. | . Notnry I'uUIIC. Tlieoiil.\ unfailing icmcdy in Calarrh , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Ncuraljjia , Croup.Calarrlial " lJiqfne < s. Whooping CoughSore Throat , Headache , Coldsetc. A "PTI ? pyp nrp7Cinr K'vcn ' lo a11 callers at our Ladies' and Gents' Par- * * * * * - ! - ' XvJ J. | opi ) Room 11 , Crulghton Block. ST'Our "Ucbcllalor Package" lor purifying tlic blood , should be used In connection with the Smoke Hall in all chronic cases. Smoke BalU senl on receipt of price , $ J , anil 4 cent in stamps. "Dcbcllator" , ft. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO , , Itooin 11. Ci-cluhtoii Jilock , /j//j , sf. , Xe.vt to I'ostojjlcc , Omaha , Ai' & . A'ol for attic l > n ( li'u < /i.ilii { , cnni'tisficrs or pctlillcrs. The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co , N. W. COB. 15th AND HARNJBT , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands for sale in every county in Nebraska. A COMPLKTK SKT OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douglas County kept. Maps of the city , state or county , or any other information desired iurni.ilied free of charge upon application. DEWEY & STONE A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture- maker's art , at reasonable prices. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION now TIIU oii\c'i : or SIKDICINI ; HAS "I'mfevsiounl Ethics"Voibe than Eastern Caste A Letter fiom a l'liyi > i'iatiWho Follov/s the "School , " Hut 1'icfcrs Humanity lo Ethics. " Wlillo the mollrnl prufoolon lii ; nmlnKro-it proir. [ Bit iTlthln tli i > fiitim , U IH nn in K'n wlc < Ko1 f.ict tlniitlMt | irogri'i9hiinot : bcun it * Kroat l'ii' : m ulo In utiierirleiH'Ob. 'I'hUli i.iulojlii illy iu ! to tint Inhlli.itloii tlm ) iiofu * li > n lui lalil u.i luclf. iiii.l known "pruo il < iri.ili'tlik.t'llion * cn-lil In IKI hut olio cbo tl nf inu < IIC'lii ( ' , nnil thuy ahonltt unit rru o\oiy knu\Mi inoillflne ( iul trfatnifnt 'l' nth Is not tha cam , IA neon In llinn\iiiiiuu ol tl : ( nile * p-Utilc , homeopathic , nnil the ccluitlutch ml. ' . ThUbii i.17iHttnco4 ! aru ituc tu HIM ' | iiort' * liiriul ntltlcti'1 wh'oli ' jirolilbtt nun < HKJ | from [ .ill.mlni ; ih' tliu of another. "I'lolimlomilUiUK" In tikln i cnMolnlho o.tjlern tnuntr.o , u tk'itlly i-nvinr tu pruureHK. Ocrasluiiillf : , liowcvor.i ; pliy K Inn | > Conn I wlin rhci ubovo tha inltKhiiO' . * nr , uofcvi.liiiiHl clhlcii , Hiid I'Diiii's ouvlUt.lo.iUid fur the ui > ui > laainl proprlj- tury Mciliclna will uno > uf : > . > rcri without Ihu hulnofu doctor AiiKXiuiil'lo nt fciich n niun IM Dr. J. N. I lionii' , of lilliivlllc. hiihluy c amly. ( in llu unit hli i > nrli 'r havi > , lif nil uitili. thnl In thu cimnty. So hlu'li > 1oi > i Dr. ( 'I tnvf ntHiid In tlio * illmutlun nf hit lulluw totinirrincu. ] that lie hat : boon oloctorl rleik ol the uponnr court fur nlno coiikecutlra limit , nnd lit ) huliN that onira lo-O.iy. 'lint hol ii nun iri > rtliy til conlMcnri' , the publU'li i nuthorUoit In look a Vnu\vlcil c nf hl > i h.irjcicr from any proriitnonl publtc urni In lloorvUttroni ( iuriiriiurC.oiiIontlowii. 'I'lilnutlrr l < iruu > Tithuui 1 cnnjulllnv any uno of Me unit I ill a'li'i'oiliil. Ilrro U Dr.Chunuy'HOwn Icitor , nlilch fur inaMv I ( riinkiu t.forcluuriicri of uiprjihloii.aiul fur tin. it | . uJce of 111) eubjutt. mutt canmriiiil thorivpnitnr nil ; | Ki.i.AViLi.r. Si lili r I'ounty , u . ( Marcli JI'I.Ktl. t 1 HwlftHpoinoRo , , Atlanta , lliMy Dfirrilrii : Kor koinu iluiB. I C'jnlt'iniil ' itlnil u U'tln tu yon. Do you know Hut your H. S. b. niolloliiu h revohiilonUBii the ( .Id irfiool pnivtlco nf inrdlclnu , nf which I nm bolJ tu lay I am u faithful illKCIplo. I or h i been held Unit thn only MHO treatment uf tint incut ilromllul > iuiuu'a of ll Ihn lilt of hum IK lleih. iMiuulo.iii'liln' " ! | uUon. WHK mercury.Tho dm. for of tUli ttojliuen' Ii known tu all. Avaro of thl dinKT. tlio priifri > alon Inia boon lortunt'triiiiioi-klni. n iiannLMH ( iiru. 'HiMiiKh nt IhuiiKD' , troin ilinoio tlinu. hnvuiirlsun iirriunn who il.-ilp.i tiihoiililo tntn o It by Yaji'Ulilniiiiil hiirnil HH itinmlti'f.rrin > y Inivtialwiua liuwi wutCLruol l y Iho ii'U" ' nuil mfiinf tin'inuillcil : | nof09oii | , wlio tire ' e riif > r fur Anyllilnjt. finin ii'iy source , PIVIIIIMIIK nnioi toitirrcrlnu Inni unity. lnna ) | > i > lly , no iirnnu. npia r"iill 'Ofl oaolit vvino n'curi'd. Incli'cil. It not to hjirrolvcd niiisctt'uil ii > t n i o llclno.iliat HKI tl 9CHEO ( ou'ilonly tioc'r.r.Ml hy nilner.ll nnd ilitniror. uiu InialMc'iU. Innsplf nliliinuh I r.nivht up In llu , I to io 'l"o M liocil , v.-liU'h I mill < ! mc'ly foil in In nil ll ( oritiln Ho.itmu it , harloiul thla liolluli nnd I Khoulil prnhiililr | K > In Hi" nanui lillnd faith now , had Itnolli'ni ilein n ' aicd liJond Ihu peiadvunliiiti of nilunbl. It CM ib into.I by a mimlyouulalilu nirl IrirniU'Bi Ire ilnil'litl .Mwllt Hiioclllo , .VntwIthitiindlnM tlxi tact that ever Vnco a hey , I li.'uknown of tint riTlpn in n fnni'nin ( it.iiri.'la planiu. tliininodli'lno Inrlliu alHVen , nnd thin 1 nim lunillliir nlthminy liibt incut wuro r-rcilrid - hO"n cl.ilini'd , yet r wudUo I w.i I to inv pro'e t'lorril i'thli' tl'nl I 1'iiuld not I.uitun lu tlio Innmnvr iblo wlinewt1 * nbuut lay. ycnri nin n nrurn curao to me for treat ment of a vrry tofciu un > thruiil. 1 uuilorUud u onro , l o > , tlirex tlnitx. mil without other limn tiMiipiimrr bum-lit. On the luiirtll visit ho iniiile my ollico I tola hliu.nftcr u Ihoionsh oxninlniuloii.llnit hn h id con'riKtod b oed potyonlnir , lln ( onlusttrd that ho had ! b it mid n doctor had cnri'd htm nllli b'ark ' I Ilia mercury , ol ruurji > . I Inillnx Ihu lonl iiiidf Hilnl ill i'ii o yut In Ms M ! I'JM , I Ihnnithl 1 would Jutt I'vpi'rlmeiit on him nnd HMI If Iliarti nan any \lrliinln , llio Invoiahlu ri-pmla I had liuun hi'iir * lux for yar > nt Ht < lll' Si"-'olllcmi I p'lt him under trentmuni of iiotlilni ; bnts.1. S Km r l-irjo bnttlot luinplniy cured him. unit loft Ilia thront m bvniitl * full ; hi'uled at I fnnl'l doilr'l , Slnoithon I liaro ni"d H. H. H. In numcroui dues In my prnrtlCR , nnd I have npvi'r failed to innko a rnfo , ptirlo tand porniinint rni , wi-ru the imtlontii hafi.llinio 1 yon ; direction * fuilhfully. II it bceiiKnnf 1'iom 11:111.i-knlili' : t'iiro4 Unit I harp in ido In my own iiraitlcn with H. H M. thut I rlioer. Inlly Bond yon l'U tn-Uiimuy of Hullt'a b | > elllc'ii Diirumivtou In all tnchc § ? . Tlio > o who lioow Iho nlinml Inivllaljld. | icrin . m nil ! d iiiier < ' ji vtfu'-K of moirury will wolc nm your flit mry vl C , S S anil IHHHI Kilinmalilt ) . Tlio prjfu ilon , ulwio * winy nfproprlolnry tucdl- c-liio , laionilitK > lonlyHnd In mime IBIOI auirully. to the inuuf SM H. hi rutri nf bum I dlnunlor. Or rnuriou mi-nlrlne th it inioi | olnonlnu In lu worat form mint pnrlly thu hlood ol every dUordor. Your , ncctfu..r. . . N CI11NKV.M. . Trai'Uo onllloodnnd I'lln ' lllniuson mallcii frco. imrCtf..Uruwer& Allujila.O * . ,