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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1887)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEEJ TUESDAY. APRIL 19. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCJL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. DtlKcicd ty rarrlcr In nnypnrtof tliocltjmt tmnly cents per week. 11. W. TiLiojf , Manafer. TKI.ErilO.NG3 : ncFlKrcsOrncr , No. 4A NluiiTEiiiiuit No. 25. MINOIl MENTION. N. Y.riuniljlng Co. Wunlcd A pantry tfirl atl'.iclliu house. New spring Roods lit Heller's , tailor. ( jcortccV. . Thompson &Co. . real estate J.J Shea Is having plans drawn for a $0,000 rcslilenee. The Clucnyo , Burlington & Quincy pay car gladdened the boys yesterday. Major Dale , of the Salvation Army , lias gone to Atlantic to open a station. The popular resort is ' 'The ' Manhattan , " 418 Broadway. Rudio& I'onawine. Mark Sloan had to pay extra yesterday for belnt : taken to the police station in : i hack. The aldermen incut to-night as a board of cqtiali/ation , and to-monow night us a council. Oi > ciriJones ! paid $8.80 yesterday for the privilege of di > turbing tlie quiet of .Broadway on Sunday. Edward Unities is making improve ments on his Sixth street residence prop erty , the amount being about $1,500. Justice Jliggs ciuictly lied the knot on Sunday , uniting R. K. Worthing , a grocer of Omaha , with Adda Wet/el , also of thai city. John Jones , of York township , son of David T. JOIICN , died \esterdii.y morning at liis homo , of heart disease , 'lie was in ins twenty-third year. A line residence ) property fronting n\\ \ Jlayliss' park will be rallied Juiiel. Tick- i'ts are for sale by Smith Bros. , agents , at $5 each. ( Jet a home for $ " . The missionary collections of the llroadiviiy Methodist. Kpi.scopal church for tlie year , as estimated by llov. E. D. McCreary , will reach about ? ; 500. The city improvements , paving , sewer ing , etc. , already ordered for this season will cost from $300,000 to f')50,000. ) , This will make the streets pretty lively. The tiiovo for a business men"s social club is taking form rapidly , nearly 100 names having ueen secured. The membership ice is $10 , and the dues ? 1 a month. Leave to wed was yesterday granted Robert G. Budat/ and Anna Hischor , both of this city ; also to C. Kemblo and Eli/.abeth . Kelley , also of this city. The Married Ladies' Progressive euchre partv wilt bo rntcrtaincd by Mrs. W. H. Hums and Mrs. U. K. Tyler , Thursday evening , at the residence of Mrs. liuriis. A man named Connors yesterday fell from the first floor of the government building into the cellar. His injuries were slight and ho will be able to bo at work to-day. Hans Christoferson seems to bo getting Into numerous troubles. Yesterday an- olhor of Iho patrons of his bar complained of him for assault. The case will proba bly bo heard lo-day. Mrs. Mane is still at the city jail , and Is gelling more violent. Yesterday she smashed down the door of the room where she has been cared for , and was only quieted after a sharp struggle. .1. J. lirown is preparing to change his Main street building into suites of olliccs. A hydraulic passenger elevator will bo put in and other conveniences. The lo cation of the building is central , and of fices in it will be readily taken. A peculiarly sad case of insanity was before the commissioners yesterday , it being Mrs. Rebecca Lewis , of Carson. Two months ago her babe died , and since then her mind has been breaking down rapidly , until now treatment ami care in the asylum are rieccssary. City Engineer Soslqvin has been mak ing surveys wilh a view of having the crude cut down on Hitrh School avenue , from Willow to Glen avenues. It is thought that much ot Iho present Incon venience can bo easily done away wilh by a judicious culling down of Iho street. At the meeting of the Council Bluffs branch ot Iho Irish National Land League , the following were chosen as delegates lo the state convention : Rev. Father MoMcnomy , Rev. Father Healoy , Owen Wiekham , Martin Hughes , P. Sweeney , J.McWilliaius , James Matthew and John Short The Globe scribe rises to correct the JKK ) as to the parentage of the little waif left on Willow avenue. Ho says he knows nil about it. The BEE'S suspicions never pointed that way , until Iho young man began lo speak so positively concerning the mystery , and not claiming to bo fully posted In the matter , the BEE stands cor rected. City Assessor Patton has about com pleted his books , and will turn thorn over to the city council to-night. The board of equalization will meet daily until the work is complete. There 1ms been many chances of property and of values , ana the task of equalizing will bo greater than for years past. Thorc nro many protests to be expected. A special invitation is lo be extended to the ladies of Council Bluffs to visit "The Manhattan" billiard and cigar parlors , No. 41 Broadway at any time they may desire. They will receive the most cour teous attention , and can see the celebra ted oil painting that cost * 500. Tnuy will bo given a view of the brilliant oar- lors from a private room. Uudio & Ycnawmo. 'Squire Rriggs is going to ask the county board , or the town board , or both to supply his oflico with a constable. Constable Rickelts was supposed lo bo self-assigned to Briggs' oflico , but now the gallant Dick is said to bo frequently employed in other business , and paying litllo attention lo Ibe oflicc. The 'squire is wearying of having to hunt up some constable every time there is a paper lo bo served. Rickolls is said to be running a lunch and lemonade stand on lower liroadwny just now. Personal Paragraph * . Mrs , .John Woodward loft yesterday for Avoca on a visit. Hon. L. R. Holler , of Logan , was at the Pacific house yesterday. A. J. O'Brien and Charles E. Williams of Denver , wore among yesterday's ar rivals at the Pacitio. Captain O'Neil and Major 11. C. Uarncs left last evening to attorn ! the G. A. R reunion at Dubuquo. Justice Burnett yesterday returned from a Sunday stay with his daughter in Weeping Water , Neb. , whore his wife will visit until Friday. She will then return to her homo here , having been absent in Colorado since last August. Mr. Chapman , of Vermont , who has been visiting L. W. Squire for some weeks , left last evening for Boston. Mr , Chapman , during his visit here , has formed numerous happy friendships. Hi is a line singer ; and in social , us well a business circles , speedily becomes a fa vorito. II. R. Stewart , the crayon artist , lof last evening for Kansas City , where IK expects to remain for some time. Ho t planning on returning hero for pcrm ncnt residence , and will then open up a studio in Omaha , as well as have head quarters in tills city. Ho has established n wide reputation for Hue worn , and now .has no difllciilty in securing all Iho orders tie can fill , : NEOLA AGAIN SCORCHED , The Busy Little City Loses Several of Its Bnsincsii Buildings. EISEMAN'S GRAND OPENING. Meyers Accidentally Killed By His llrothcr Annual Meeting of Con- Krcitntlonnl Churches Fruit From Missouri. | The Ncoln Tiro. About 2:30 : o'clock yesterday morning lire was discovered in the northwest end ot the Farrell & Koley frame building in Ncola. The discovery was made by a freight crew on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road on their arrival. The shrill blasts of the engine's whistle awoke tlie inhabitants , who turned out of bed , but all ellbrts to save the building were without avail. A telephone message wus sent to this city for lielp and Chief Tcmplojon , of the lire department , with live men , the steam engine ami 800 feet of hose starlet ! for tlie Chicago. Rock Island & Pacilio depot at : i:15. : On their arrival they discovered that no one had asked for transportation from the Koek Island folks and a long delay necessarily followed while instruc tions were being waited for from the train dispatcher tit Atlantic. Orders wcro finally received to take u switch en gine and Hat car , but while the switch eiurino was being lirod up additional orders came wilh instructions to take a passenger engine as , the trip from Coun cil Mind's to Ncola could thereby be made in better time , the distance being twenty- one miles. To lire up the passenger en gine the liremen were Informed would take about thirty minutes. This , with what hail ulrcatfy transpired , provoked the liremen , as tlio entire town would bo liable to burn down in that lime. When Ihe engine was about ready , tlm chief , at V.IiO o'clock , received a message stating that the lire was under control and that the presence of the department was un necessary. Yesterday morning Chief Teniple- ton , and a representative of the BEI : took the U:23 : train for Neola J. Q. Anderson , secretary of the Council Bluffs insurance eompanv , and Captain L. Kirscht , wcro also passengers on the same train. The former went to look after the losses , while the latter was interested in a building that was con sumed. There were four buildings enlirely de stroyed , and nothing remains but their charred ruins. The buildings burned were on the west side of Third street , north of Front street , and directly oppo site where the lire of July 20 last occurred. The corner brick building of D. J. Far rell , occupied by McDonald Bros. , was not damaged , except the wall , which the heat , threw out n half inch or so. All north of that to Dr. I. T. VanNess' resi dence were destroyed. The origin of the lire is not known , but supposed to bo in cendiary. It caught near whore Dr. Van Ness hud a barrel of gasoline stored , just outside of Farrell & Foloy's building , and continued to work its way south until it reached the brick building occupied by McDonald Bros. In the Farrell & Foley building there were two families named Rodgers and Homun. They lost all their ellects , and sonic of them barely escaped with their lives. Peter Kilkenny occupied one of the stores below them as a saloon , the cn- ire contents being destroyed. Tlie build- tig of L. Kirscbt , of Council BlulVs , occu pied by Minturn & Pogpe us a hardware itoro , D , D. Watson's photograph jjal- oay and John Mueller's bakery were the balance consumed. The insurance was light. Farrell & Foley loss , $2000. Insurance unknown , as they reside at Willow S pings , Neb. Peter Kilkenny loss , $1,500. No insur ance. L. Kirscht loss , $500. Insured in Home , of Burlington , $800. D. D. Watson loss , 400. No insurance. J. Mueller loss. $000. No insurance. Minturn & Bugg loss small , as most of he stock was removed. Insured for $000 n State , of DCS Moincs. M. L. Rodgcrs loss , $300. No insur ance. Iloman loss , $300. No insurance. D'-Tlio entire loss will not exceed $5,000 , although reported in this city to be u $15,000 lire. The insurance bo far us as certained docs not exceed $1,500. The residence of Dr. Van Ness , forty- -hree-fcet north of Farrell & Foloy's building , was considerably scorched while the grass on his lawn was set atiro by the heat. His home is insured in the Council Blufl's for $3,600. A few coats of paint being nil that will bo required in the wuy of repairs. All tlay yesterday the ruins wcro ul- owed to smoulder when ton or twelve buckets full of water would have de stroyed all chances of an outbreak. PREVIOUS FIJtKS. In 1682 a destructive firn occurred at Neola , which started in the same place as this one. It spread farther through , the loss being about $15,000. The volun teer tire department of this city went to the rescue ami made the run on a Hut car in twenty-one minutes. On July 20,1880 , about the sumo time ut night as this , another lire directly op posite this one. occurred. Loss $10,000. The Council Blufl's tire department made the run in twenty-six minute ! ) . NKW WVTKKWOUK8. At asuecial election held last full bonds wore voted for waterworks , bat nothing hud been done toward securing the same , as them was much opposition under the old political regime. On Saturday night ut the council meeting a committee was appointed to look alter the issue of the bonds and they hud appointed to-day on which to come to this city and sec about having the same printed. Contractors and builders will find it to their Interest to get prices on lime , cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council Bluffs Fuel company , 539 Broadway. Telephone 130. The tJrniul Opening. Last evening there was a crush of eager gazers and enthusiastic admirers ut the People's Store of Henry Eisemun & Co. The mammoth establishment was A blaze of light and bedecked with beauty. The sonii-unnual displays have become nlraady events of such interest us to draw ninny visitors from the sur rounding towns , us well us throngs from the city itself. This time , however , all previous events were celiosed. The ex tended front on Broadway presented a wonderfully beautiful sicht. all the sto ries being lighted brillluntly. The crowds wcro surging m and out of the doors of the main lioor , and gazing nt the displays in the great show windows of the various departments. The corner windows wcro filled up like parlors with a bewildering display of elegant goods. Ono window was tilled wilh elegant fans , another wilh Japanese fans , of the most novel designs. Shirts occupicil mill anolher , hosiery fitted another , straw hats unothor , boois nnd shoes un- oilier , and the lust was filled with huts and caps. The interior of tno great establishment was made brilliant by numerous oleetric lights in every department. The Ba varian band discoursed sweet music. Cut plants und llowers were In profusion. Each department is , in fact , a store of it self , and m each u special display is made. Iho mam entrance leads into the one contninlnir dross goods , silks , satins , etc. , and spring suitings and novelties in this line , The goods were draped tastefully so ns to show them off to the best ad- van tape. The department In the rear , down stairs , had n display of domestics , lawns , table linens , etc. Parsing up stairs one finds I displays of embroidery , muslins , underwear ! , embroidered robes , luce cur tains , c'c. tC In the cloak rooms arc shown numer ous wraps , shawls , tea gowns and pat tern t dresses. The notion department was full of hosiery 1 , luces ; meltings , ribbons , hand kerchiefs , gloves , corsets , parasols , etc. . The clothing dcnnrtmcnt and gents' furnishing goods wore also well dis played. The store devoted to hats , caps and shoes was made as attractive ns stock in IhLs line can be. Allogelhur Ibero was enough for n moderate sl/.c , exposition. The only trouble with1 the event was tliat there were too many who wanted to sec and too much that ought to be seen. The displays will be retained in place to-day and this evening , thus giving further op portunity for the public to gusto and ad mire. Sherradeii is still making cabinet pho- at $3 per do/ . , best finish. Crayon or India ink life si/.o pictures only $10. By F. M. Woodard , a/list. Monjoy to loan on real estate. Counci Bluffs Heal K tate Loan and Trust Co. Room li , Everett block. Sail and Smtdcit. Yesterday the remains of .T. II. Myers were brought here from Co/ad , Neb. , and buried hurc. The death was a ercnt shock to his family , relations and friends , as it came without warning. He was out gunning with his brother. The brother in loading I'lisgun found a cartridge it > be n little large. It stuck , and in attempting to dislodge it an accidental discharge fol lowed. Mr. Myers was standing near by and the shot hit him in the back of the head , killing him instantly. He was a son-in-law of J. B. Allen , of this city , and the remains wnrc brought hero for inter- nienl in accordance with the desire of the family , who formerly lived here. There were no services ficro except a prayer at the grave offered by Rev. G. W. Crofts. .7. W. &E. I/ . Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the success they are enjoying. Drs. Ilanchctt & Smith , office No. 12 Pearl st. Resilience , 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No. 10. Congregational Churches. The annual meeting of the Council Bluffs association of Congregational churches is to bo held at Tabor , begin ning to-day and closing Thursday. N. P. Dodge and A. B. Walker have been chosen to represent the Congregational churches of this citv. This afternoon "Rev. G. W. Croft , of this city , speaks on "Tho Church and the Applicant for Membership. " Other topics arc to be treated by other clergy . In the ' 'American men. evening , Cus toms and Turkish Costumes , " will tbo shown by Miss Brooks , of Constantino- vie , and other ladies. Thursday afternoon there will occur the dedication of Gastcn hall under the auspices of Tabor -college. Address by Rev. A. 1.1. Frisbic , D. D. , and other ex ercises. In the evening there will be a platform meeting. Fruit From Missouri. J. L. Ratekin has returned from a trip through Missouri. He brings back 500 bushels of apples , which ho is rapidly dis tributing , lie reports that the corn is coming along nicely in northern Mis souri , that pencil trees nro in bloom , fall wheat is several inches high , the plowing is nearly all done and the season seem ? about a mouth earlier than here. The largest single order forjrcfrigera- lors and IPO chests over made from Coun cil Bluffs has lately been received by us. The best goods made nt n cash purchase and cut freight enables us to make close figures. COI.K & COJ.E , 41 Main st. Masonic. Regular communication of Bluff City Lodge No. 71 , A. F. & A. M. , Tuesday evening , April 10. All members are re quested to be present , as the annual elec tion of olliccrs will take place. Visiting brethren cordiall invited. A. J. liuoWN , Secretary. Slightly Inaccurate. The physician who claims to bo re ferred to in Ihe Uni : of yesterday as the "professional gentleman" in Iho baby case , slates that he was attending the mother of the girl to whom the gambler's chilli was born , and had another doctor in consultation as to Iho mother's troub les. Ho states that the article referred to is correct in every particular except with reference lo the child which was found in the wash basket in the yard of William Morris on Willow avenue , and the influ ence of the professional man being brought to bear upon the gambler to marry the unfortunate girl. The doctor , ns soon as ho read the article in the UKI : , went to sec if the child of Ihe girl was still in charge of the person with whom'it was left and reports thai it is. and that the Morris babe is another child , in m : way connected with the case ho was knowing of. Office of Mulhqlland & Co. , removed to in under the Citi/ens' bink. Telephone No. 1C2. Leave your orders for ice. For acre properly , residences and bust 'Ss property call on W. C. Stacy tfe Co , No. 0 Main street. Iiltcrary and Social. A first-class time may bo expected a the Y. M. C. A. literary and social thii evening at 8 o'clock. 1MEOI1HAMMK. 1. Reading Miss 15va liarnnrd. 2. Debate Led by Mossis. Mandel am lloaclauil. 3. Solo Miss Young. JXTr.liMISMO.V. 4. Answering questions asked last week. 5. Heading C. A. Luiick * . 0. .Miscellaneous. Special attention will be taken to ntnk , all .strangers feel at home and to Intro duce them. No. 244 is Iho now telephone placed ir for the convenience of Iho patrons of Ih fruit and vegetable farm of J. U. Me Phorson. A Coin's CitrtouH Career. St. Louis ( jlobo-Dcmocrat : J. B. Ray mend , n butcher of Nicholasyille , Ky. sometime ago purchased a cow for tin purpose of bulchoring. In cutting UK cow open an embryo calf was found. This surprised Raymond , because ho had no idea that the cow wus in such a con dition. He , however , having Ins hand in , continued culling , and dissected tlu embryo calf. His knifocamo upon some lliing hard , and upon examination a f cold plone , bearing the date of 18JO , wiu found. Naturally ho was surprised a. such a discovery , and after exhausting all his own theories lo explain Iho presence enco of the piece in such a renmrkabl place .without success , ho determined I make inquiries. He had bought the cov from Pat Mulligan , living in ( iarran county , who was asked whether ho coulii explain it. Mr. Mulligan said that ho had ownc the cow since she was a calf. Ho sal that early in life he took Iho gold feve and went to California , returning littli boiler on" Ihan when ho went , but having picked up in his wanderings coin GRAND OPENING I" ! I"v " " -A.T- Henry Eiseman& Go's PEOPLE'S STORE , 314 , 3i6 , 318 and 320 BROADWAY. Monday and Tuesday Evenings , April i8th and ipth , Elegant array of Spring and Summer goods. All former efforts to be outdone , to make this the grandest dis play of European and American Novelties Ever exhibiteJ in the west. . Every Visitor will lie Presented with a Souvenir at tlie Door The entire house will be Illuminated with Electric and other Lights , THE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED To Attend Without Further Notice. Resp'ectfully , HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , P. S. No goods Avill be sold during the opening hours , from 7:30 : tp 10:00 : p. m. , Monday and Tuesday evenings peculiarly marked and bearing the date 1819. This coin he gave to his sweet heart , afterward his wife. The coin had been lost by one of the children years later , and no one had since given it a thought. Ho described the peculiar marks on the lost coinwhich wore found to correspond with the coin found in the unborn calf. The Commercial's First Editor. | The Magazine of American History : Noah Webster is not so well and widely known as an editor as for his spelling- book and his dictionary.bnt he did signal service in the former field between 17SKJ and 1708. As school-teacher , as lecturer , as essayist on the English language and on American polity , he had made him- coif an intellectual power in the young nation , and thus came to lie called from his law oflicc in Hartford to the editorial chair of The Minerva. ( such was the name of a new journal established in New York in December , 1703 , as a strong administration organ "Patroness of 1'eaco. Commerce and the Liberal Arts. " Mr. Webster announced , at the outset , that his journal would be the "friend ol government , of freedom , of virtue , and every snccics of improvement. " He carried out Ins promise , insomuch that ho elevated the character of his fellow- journals by the inllncnco and the exam ple of his own. making it more than a more mercantile organ , and giving and inviting discussion on topics of national moment. There would seem to have been eontimtcntion between the mana gers and the proprietors of The Minerva about 17117 , and it soon after was changed In plan , management and name , a'nd known as the New York Commercial Ad vertiser ; known as such to this day , in its vigorous and youthful old age. Mcnsnrlnc Sunshine. Manchester Examiner : There was a lime , not many years ago , when the sun might shine andshino with all its might and yet leave no scientific ) record of its presence beyond the efl'ect of mere heat shown by the thermometer. Nowadays all Ihis is changed , and there are scat- tcrcd over various portions of Ihe coun try instruments whmh catch every gleam of bright sunlight and write it down in delibly , so that by looking at the picture presentedwe nmy see at aglanco whether Mich and such a day was really fine or cloudy. .The contrivance by which this is eflectcd is exceedingly simple , consist ing as il docs of nothing more than a solid glass ball sot on a pedestal , with a .sur rounding frame in which to place ; at a suitable angle a liltlc strip of blue card board. The glass ball plays the part of a burning-glass , and when the sun shines brightly the rays are focused upon the strip of cardboard , where tinelllet is soon in scotched patclrof more or less distinctness. As the relative position of thn sun changed Ihp scorcli changes , too , so that at the end of a bright , sunny day the picture on ihn card consists of ; i long scorched lino. 'Jy $ measuring this line wo cot a record qf the number of honn > ' sunshine prevalent during the day. The instrument , although conunonduuly sim ple , has one grp | drawback. If thn brilliancy of the su'n's rays bo shrouded even ton very small extent by mist or by a thin veil of cirrus cloud tno heat pro duced is sullicinnt to produce a burn on the card. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special dvcrtUomonti , such a Lost , Found 7o Loan , For Bulo , To Rent , Vinnts , Hoanllnir , eta. , will linliisorloil In this column c.t the loir ratoof TEN CENTS 1'Klt LINE fortheHrtt inset- lonand FivoCentsPcrLlnororoach subsequent Insertion. Leave advertisement * nt our ofilco No. U 1'tnrl street , near BrotJwar. Council Bluffs. , WANTS. " OH BAI.r.-Or Trade. An Abbott c rt , nearly new. Cooper Si McGpo , ilOK RENT PurnlBhod roomfc , No. 709 Bro 4 * 1 . wsy , Council muffi. . , , _ . . , FOR niJNT Pnclflo Iiouso bnrbor shop , In- quire Oco. W. 1'ur/ution A : Son. WANTIHpprontlco Kirls to lenrn dress- milking. No. 711 Myiister at. WTANTKD-rirst-clnss fflrl to do Kcnurnl IT liougowork. No.l.0Fourth street. FOlt KENT A Inrgo front room , nret lioor , turnlelicd new , suitable for two irontle- men. Located In the central part of city. Water and BUS. Address W , JJco olflco , Coun- cll niuffa. FOH SALK Complete plant and cquinmcnt for li. B. bridge work , consisting of 7 pllo drlvorn , carpenters tools , touts , bedding and bonrdlnp outtlt for JM men. In good ro- pair. Now stored at Cliciionno , W. T. For In- ventorv and terms nddressNo. 13 , N , Mnm tit. , Council lllulls , Iowa. CROCKERY , LAMPS GLASSWARE , , AND FINE POTTERY. I'rlccn Tci'n Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 2t MAM ST. , COUNCIL MLUFFti , : : IA. FRANK S. HIVE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Designsestimates and reports.on bridges , viaducts , lonmlnllonaund iruiicnilonxlnocrini , ' . Blue prints of nn.v xlzn ami minntlty. Office No 1U N. Main St. , Xatlonal Bank Block. Star Sate Stab/es and Mule Yards IJroadwuy , Council Illulfs , Opp. Dummy Depot DO 5 ? S _ _ Jlorscs and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SIILUTCK & HOUY : , 1'roprietors. Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner 1st. avo. and 4th street. NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseShcll etc.Hair Or naiiiciita , as well as the , ' , { > ( newest nov- g V'clticsln liair ? BOQll . Mrs.C. L. Gillette 2'JMr ' lii street. Out of town work so licited. FINLEY BURKE , . Attorney at Law. . 004 Broadway , Up Stairs , * ' % ' ' " Council BIuQ'i. : . . . ' . ' O. J . Real Estate Broker and Dealer Council Illulft OflU'c , IVmplc. OmiiliitOllkc 111 \orlli Kllli Direct. Klvcu lo In- fuiidK for lion real- dent * . Snuclul hurKtiliift In loin A ncro properly In Omnliii V Connell - ell IlluHV. 1'orrcnnonilcncu llcd. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Mall Orders Shipped A. 11. HIVE. E. II' . K AX MONO RICE & RAYMOND Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor. 'First National Sank , Block * C ouncil Bluffs , Iowa. TELEPHONE NO. 239. VALUABLE BDSINESS PROPERTY AT AUCTION I'ropcrfy Situated on the Corner of I'cnrl Street and Sixth Avenue , known an the CRACKER FACTORY PROPERTY , WILL BK- Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th .A.T S E5. 35v . SA.3JB COST FIRE ISIEJS , H. H. INMAN , Salesman. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , GAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES. Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western Cottage Organs , A few comments regarding tlin Estoy Pianos. In over ? civilized country on the ulobo the nnnio of Est ( < y is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a piaranlco tor the exquisite quality , of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com- H confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. Announces Unit Ills stock of Fiuelmported SpringMillinery In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets , Together with a LaryeTAne of Noveltlesln Fancy Ma terials Is now lieadtj for Your Careful Inspection , 1514 Douglas St , , Omaha , O. B. ALLEN , EnpeerSufveyorMapPuWistier ( , No. 11 yorth Main St. City and county mnps , or cities ( indemnities In western Jcntu , Ncbiuska and Kansas. Korses Mules For all purposes , bought and soli ) , at retaif and in lots. Large quantities to select fioin. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or do'ible. MASON WISE , Coyncil Bluffs THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2016) ) Sired by Almont No ! ii ; , and "Repistor. " ( Standard No. 5812. Sired by Trump No. 808. These stallions will make the season of 1887 nttho Coun cil Ulutl's Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address , WADE OARY , Council liliifft , la. J ) . II. McDANEMl 4 CO. , ( Kitnbllilied 1S.H ) No KO Mnln Street , I ! : Council CO.IHI ! . * > ! * I O.V ] M AND DEAI.UO IS HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OwlniMo the UUkOIiL IMMUITT of the cloth ( which ctur fftUMU rorrr oxctutltely ) * 1I1 flt IK > rfi > tlv tint tlmtwoin. Kr'iulirifiolimklnRln. OUT lltTl IKKIl toy tt-Htr after t > * lnif worn tenrta > If itot fritind thi > rnuit FKIIFKGT PITTIftU. IIKAI.TIIKill. nut ! Comlurtulile Corset eTtr worn , hold by ill ttrtt ClaM df leri , . , . , CUMTTY UltOS. , Cblc , 1U. It. HIVE , St. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the Knilc or Drawing o Blood. Over ISO vcars Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. JOHN V. STONE. JAC011 SIMS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at- Law , Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL HLUFFB. jv ; scnunz , - Justice of the Peace. Cilice over American ExpreuB. as rusur , Council JJluiTtiJowa. Established 1857. REALKTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms. Acre property In western purt of city. All celling chimp to make room for aprlnir stock K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room6 , over Officer 4 Puiey's Dank , Couno lllutri. be at the Pacific IfotelCoun cil Jilitffn , every Saturday forenoon. OmahiiDental Association removed to Ilellman lllock , cor. liUh and Fnrnam. Host sets teeth ! JO , fully warranted. All operations rendered painless by the use of our now amesthetic. Dr. Jlaughawout , Manager. E. S. It All \ISTT , Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any hank or business house in thv city. Collcctiorib a specialty. ORESTON HOUSE. Theonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fir ; Escape , And All Modern Improvementi. 215 , 217 and 219 Main St. MAX MOJfX , Prop. 11' . L. VIGUS , V , Justice of the Peace. No C01 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Collections a specialty.- . Refers lo Ihe UEH ' ,