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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1887)
r ji " ! y5ffiffi ffifry 2 THE OIMAHA DAILY : MONDAY. APRIL 11 , 1887. t\n i 'iifi itA\Tn oTnivprrio DEA1U AMONG STRANGERS - > > . , J ; Particulars of the Accidental'Shooting of Mr , S. W , Morrison , A CAREER TO BE PROUD OF , Btato Superintendent Alters Notifies Teachers of Arhor Day The > Growing Strength of the Ija- lior Vote Other Iowa News. Morrison's nnmlsc. lr.s Mot.vr.s , In. , Anril 10. [ Special to v the HKI.I : 'Ihosudden death ot Mr. S. W. \ Morrison , of Chicago , while hunting near V ( this city a few tlstys ajo , deservns more than * " -a * * ' * passing notice , and Illustrates anew the force of tlio old saying that truth Is stranger than llctlon. it Is ono of tlio strange things of nature that men can go through periN In- iniiiiornblo by sea and land , and then moot their death In some trivial manner as ho did. Mr. Morrison wns only thirty years of ago at the tlino of his death , yet his brief career had boon crowded full of adventure. Ho en tered the United States navy some time ago , and when a call was made for volunteers to go to the relief of the Ill-fated Jeanettoho was ono of the first to respond. Ho sailed from San Francisco in the spring of 1831 In the John Rogers , a steamer bought by the government for that purpose. After passing through some frightful storms before reachIng - Ing the Arctic ocuan , tlio ship met Us late while In winter quarters oil the Asiatic coast Ono line morning it was discovered on flre and the ( lames spread with such rap idity that It could nut be saved. The vessel was a mlle from shore. Its boats were use less In the floating Ice nnd death by drown ing or lire seemed Inevitable , when Morrison offered to reach the shore In a little akin canoe and carry a safety line with him. Taking two men ho started on his perilous trip. With a couple of boards ho tcorcd his canoe from one cake of Ice to another , riding when nosslblf , and part of the time half submerged In the Icy water. After a hazardous voyage of nearly ono hour ho reached the shore , and drew after n heavy cable .by which the bal ance ot the ship's company reached land in safety. Then came weary months spent In the cabins ot Esquimaux , ana the fruitless ssarch for help , and the patient waiting till a messenger sent overland 1600 miles , ' could reach St. Petersburg and cable Uncle ( Jam for relief. In due time the help came and the would-bo- rescuers wore themselves saved. Mr. Movlson's bravery , which saved the lives ot the whole crew , called forth a special let ter ot thanks from the secretary ot the navy , and the promise ot promotion when the first opportunity should come. However , having had enough of the sea , as ho thought , hero- signed , and began business as an electric en gineer , and export and In that capacity visited DcsMolnes , three years and a half ago , su perintending tlio establishment of an olec- trlo plant here. While so engaged he re ceived notice of his appointment to a fine position In the revneuo mar ine service , with headquarters at Now York , and ho once moro entered the navy , and continued for a year. Then he sailed to' ' Europe and traveled abroad for a year , then came back and went into business , and while visiting old friends here a few days ago went out for a little hunt , accidentally shot him self and was dead In a minute. After sailing in throe oceans , facing death from tire , llamo nnd famine , ho at last meets his fate on solid ground by the accidental discharge of a gun while out on a little pleasure trip. It seems lite the Irony of nature. xttnon DAT. State Superintendent Akers has appointed May 4 as Arbor day , when teacher * anc cnll- dred In the public schools shall plant times oa the school house grounds , The code pro vides for having this done every year , but the practice has not always been kept up , and this yenr Superintendent Akeni calls special attention to It and will make the event one of ireat satisfaction. He suggests that additional interest could bo given to the exercises If the children were permitted to name the trees after distinguished In dividuals In groups. Thus he would have a president's uroup , a soldier's group , a poet's croup , etc. He designates this year's Arbor day as a memorial to Horace Mann , Now England's great educator , whom Iowa re gards with special pride and vener.ttlon. When the fathers of Iowa were framing the school system for the young territory they secured the holu of Horace Mann and ho spent some tlmo here and assisted In devis ing the present admirable school system which has borne such fruits that Iowa has to-day a loss percentage of Illiteracy than any other state In the union. It is very tit ling , therefore , to set apart Arbor day as a memorial to the great educator who hat donn BO much for the cause. It Is expected that ns a part of the exorcises of the a ay there will bo speeches of Horace Mann read by the teachers with quotations from his works , music , etc. Mar 4 promises to be a very Im portant day for the school children of Iowa. AN KFPOUT TOWAIID JU9TICK. The governor has done his duty toward Piping out the stain of the Corning lynching by offering the customary reward for the ar rest of those concerned In It , but It Is not probable that the men to whom It refers will ever bo known to the law. Just before the band separated after the tragedy was over , the leader solemnly Informed his associates t that If any of them over made public the names ot their fellows , his fate would be the II' fatfl of the man hanging from the tree before them. If the governor nail boon allowed by law to otter such sum as his discretion seemed best , there would be more of a chance to secure some result. Hut the law provides one Indexible nnd unchangeable reward foi the detection of murderers , and no mnttt'i now aggravated the circumstances , the sum at his disposal Is never more than 3500. . LA11IIA11KK AND TIIK ItAtl.UOAllS. The contest between the governor and the Chicago. Uurllngton & Qulncy railroad de velops the fact that the executive of the state Is very strongly determined to bring the railroads to a strict accountability. Ho In sists that they have been violating the law tor several years , nnd have never been brought to tlmo. He proposes that they shall now , and It the present railroad commissioners dc not assist , it Is hinted that ho will dispense with their services and appoint a commission who will. Ho Is thoroughly In earnest In this respect and has fortiiied himself with t large amount of facts and figures In supporl of fits claim ; TUB 011ANT CMin. The Grant club of tills city Is making preparations to celebrate General ( irnnt'i birthday on the 27th by nporopriato cure monies. This was the lirst club In the state to take the name of the great republican leader , and It Is composed ot thu loading so- publicans hero at the capital. Colonel Hop burn and several other orators of aeknowl \ ttdgod reputation have been Invited to makt addresses , and an Inspiring and patriotic oc caslon Is exucctud. IOWA'S I'llKSlDKNTIAI , FAVOIUTK. Senator Allison , whom so manv regard ai the strongest man for the republicans to nom Inato for the presidency , Is home for the sum wer and quietly engaging In his regula : work. He Is making no trips through tin couth , nor attempting to attract any specla attention to himself , but , nil the same , no I constantly growl" ! : In popular .favor nn < proving his fitness for a nomination to an : Ii IK h olllco the people may have to give Blalno has still thn warm regard of Iowa re publicans and If he will consent to be n can aldatr there la no douiuthat Iowa will stand and If he Is not a candidate there Is also in doubt that the Btato will shout enthusiast ! cally for AllUon , and be prepared to supper him with a determination to win. I SONS Or TOIL TO TUB FUONT. The crowing strength of the labor vote IiI /I so many cities U the talk of the hour. Whei - . - , tiie laboring men captured Dubinin * nt th - - . ' recent city election they surprised no on v re than themselves. It Is the new fuctor- s * this labor vote that Is going to play a ver Y * , Important part In the politics of the future ' * Ho far thn labor vote has drawn largest her T IB Iowa from the democrats , fcevoral mor ' surprises are expected In the fall elections. : , The llahwny Mystery. - RAHWAY , N. J. , April lO.-Ex-Chlof ot PC ' lie * Yaleo , of Elizabeth , telephoned to Mayo i Daly to-Blght that he could positively Idei - , fcfy the murdered ulrl. Call and BOO the Peorlew Vapor Stove ' a.1OWN. 10thSt. TIIC OIIO1 * OUTliOOlt. lloporta From tlio Winter Wheat licit Hhow Diuiiago My Drought. ! CIIICAOO , April 10. The following U tlio weekly crop summary of the Farmers' Ite- vlow of this city : Complaints of drought come liom all parts of tlio winter wheat belt , and are especially numerous In Ohio , Indiana , Illinois ! Kansas and Missouri. in nearly every county of Illinois the icports Indicate that tlio ground Is dry , and together with the prevalence ot cold winds , has retarded growth and caused homo Injury to crowing grain , in Johnson , Wayne and Whlto counties the grain is looking poorly. In Champaign , Clay , Clinton , Crawford , Kninihaiu ; and ( Sallatln counties the crop Is described as In fair condi tion , while In IJrown , Fulton , ( Irecno , llnrdln , Hamilton , Hancock- , Kankakcc , Madison , 1'ulasUl , Stcphen.son and Wabash counties , desplto the need of rain , the prospects are still excellent. In I Knox and Montgomery counties , nt Indiana , the crop shows Injury from drouth and cold wind * . In Carroll , Clark , Clay , Crawtoid , Klkhart , Fountain , ( llbsou , Joy,1 La- urouisc , Monroe , Morgan and Verinlll lion counties the prospects are stll- rcgarded as'fnvorablo. In Aslitnbula. Dela ware and Hancock counties ot Ohio the wheat Holds show injiuy , but In Coslioctou , Crawford , Darke , J lock Inn , Huron , Jackson , Lucas , Montgomery and Sandusky the out look Is favorable for nearly an avcrapn crop. In Kills and hyon counties , ot Kansas , considerable grain has been plowed under , having been winter-killed. The crop Is reported looking badly In Kllswoith. Jewell and Pawnee counties , but is still In fair con dition In Anderson , liutler , Cherokee , Cow- ley , Crawford , Jefferson , McPlicrson , Miami and Washington counties. Winter wheat In the southern tlcrof counties of Michigan con tinue' ' } to look poorly. Keports from Missouri , while describing the need of rain , are nearly all of a favorable tenor. Spring seeding has commenced In Illinois , Iowa and Ne braska , but not under favorable conditions , owing to the dry weather. The fruit pros pects In Illinois , Indiana and Missouri are poor , peaches especially havini : been Injured and will boa short crop. In Ohio nnd Wis consin the fruit prospects are considered good. IMhaitlMAOES. " The French War Question nnd Gen eral Iloulnnccr's shrewd Strategy. PAKIS , March 18. [ Correspondence of the UKE. ] Dcspito M. DoLesseps' paeilic pilgrimage to Berlin , General Houlangor has commenced opening "parallels. " Ho inveigled the ambassadors to dine with him , nnd drove thorn into ccstaoios , not only by a Lucullus divine but a wittily composed blll-of-fare , whioh served us Attic salt. Among the ancients , n repast was n religion ; men had no other sign of union moro cxprcssivo than to cat m common. Many a man who abstains from church-going will accept with alacity an invitation to a dinner ; iio may reveal the "Seven Sleepers" at charity sermon , but will reserve his 'orty winks till ho lias feasted on the fat .hlngs. . Houlangor is the shrewdest of trategists , knowing that great events do- end on a good or bad digestion , ho put ontho _ whole strength of the kitchen ; o captivate , not capture his guests. Charles IX rose ono day from table with a colic ; ho believed ho protestants had poisoned him , nnd 10 ordered their massacre at onco. Car lisle's digestion made him anything but an "angel of the household" at least it a believed that was his wife's opinion. Rossoau was most misanthropic after his dinner , and it was duo to a burnt mutton- hash , that ho dooidcd to send his child ren to bo roared and educated by the state in the workhouse. It Is only the boa constrictor which is most dangerous after meals , bonce , why it is avoided. If , ns Rousseau lays down , the charac ter of people can bo derived by the choice of dishes , the Germans ought to rank Boulangor with their own emperor , for botli their paths nro peace. Thus , the general served his diplomatic guests with Dutch soup so good as to secure the suc cession bill passing in Holland ; Sarony crusts , a la Vienna , suflioient to mollify Count Vain iky : lake trout , a la German , symbol of Bismarck's clear policy and Moltko's uurulllcd calm ; haunch of venison , a la England , a com pliment to her "high" foreign policy ; fowl n la Portugal ; then the pheasant ragout , a la Russia , to symbolize the o/ar's political hash ; slices of wild dunk and Spanish sauce , emblem of Iberian canariU ; American lobster salad , sug gestive of Liberty Enlightening tlio World , or an excellent corpse reviver. There was lloman punch to drink the health , though in spoonfulls , to the now Italian ministry. The Danes were remembered - membered in roast plover andgclmottcs , birds that never Hock together , like the king and his parliament. The Athenian salad , served as rosemary to the Greeks for remembrance. Asparagus , a la Beige , to calm the nerves of the good folks of Little Britain , who fear they will be invaded. Ices were a la Japan , the bonnes-bouchcs a la Chinese , and nibbling confectionery was dedicated to Sweden. The Bombo , a In parisionne- exploded , owing to a chorus of admiration from the guests the only mollenito visible. The emperor of Germany is on the threshold of his ninetieth year : his dearly beloved Augusta is seventy-live. His majesty dies as often in Berlin as in Paris ; a change in the wind may produce not only ono fainting lit , but n succession of thorn , so ho will continue in perfect health till some Now York Herald weather signal announces tlio coming mortal blast. Till such arrives , the grand old man of Germany will show himself daily at the palace window to solute the regiment passing below and smllo a blessing on his loving subjects , between two twirls of his thick snow mouslaoho. Some conclude , the emper or's straight back is stiffened by sta.ys ; not a bit of it ; the drill sergeant and practising his lessons during seventy years , , explains the mystery. His majesty lias no marked passion save to bo 11 "son- tinol without reproach ; " ho has no cranks , he is neither devotee nor materi alist : neither a heavy cater nor u hard drinker ; ho desires to bo a military "Lord Shepherd of Peace. " When presented to the old warrior , his first glance Is to take your weight ; to guess do you belong to the infantry , dragoons or artillery. Ho looks imposing in ius uniform of black , with rod braid ings , a little the worse for wear ; but It lits comfortably llko nn old slipper. From his neck falls the decoration of thu "Order of Merit , " not for good work alone done In the nast , but for ovorv-day labor at his desk. Llko Victor Emmanuel , Ills majesty keeps twirling his moustache when speaking , as if a younii man with the down on the upper lip comraoncinc to harden. Ho only speaks in short , word-of-comniand style ; something ol the mlnuto-gun delivery. His French Ii not Parisian ; ho is bettor up in English having learned it in his exile days , tairty nine yours ago. in the headquarters ol cooknoydom. But ho prefers shakinu you by the hand than conversing , and al Biich oftlclal duty ho would boat the pros ! dent of the wldto house when in fill swills. * The emperor cares nothing about literature aturo , and still loss , art. Ho hates music and theatres ; adores the opera in it ballet parts. A pit full of ofllcers ap plaudlng thn leg business of tin dansonses , acts like a fortifying elixir 01 the old monarch bla boys are happy , a they should be , like frco-passcra always The only book his majesty reads is Suo' "Wandering Jew , " ho commenced i when a voung man , and keeps pegginj away at it still. What portiuacityl Bu bo turns over the pages of the chief illua 'tratcd Papon ol every couutrj. Noithe he , nismarck , nor Moltke , wcro over known to be Inside of a museum in their lives. They all devour military pamph lets , to which the chancellor has'to add , for liU own account , any despatches that his son Herbert , cannot deal with. When the emperor ascended the throne , he had only debts ; to-day 1'cis ' wealthy ; his little pile Is estimated 13 fr millions , nnd ho goes on saving still. He is as frugal as Queen Victoria , and only lits banker is his confidant. Ills savings are destined for his grand son , his pot. * * Ills majesty pays n tea visit every evening - ing to the empress , who returns Ft next morning at breakfast time. With this exception , they live apart , trying to avoid meeting rather than to encounter. The empress Is nervous and irritable , Ho old ladles of honor dote on the emperor they wear In their watch lockets a pellet of the shot extracted from Ins majesty's wounds when riddled some years ago by nn assassin. It will last longer than aleck lock of hair and brings luck , as the dames scorn fated to live us long as an annuit ant , who , Byron says , novcr ilics. The crown prince and princess are still kept In tlio social go-cart by their majesties ; there is nothing for it but to grin nnd boar it. But , Lodilel , Louhlol , beware of the day when the heir and his resolute wife succeed to the throne. There will bo a clearing out similar to what might bo expected if in Franco the monarchists hadtho cliaucoto plav equality and fra ternity with the republicans. * * A person carries their lifo in tlioir hand whuu alluding to anything jubilocic ; indeed the very appcarnnco of a big J , makes ono fosl immediately , "not quite well , thank you. " In thn British colony here , the ondcmic has boon raging in a limited , but not loss intense form. Some gave way under jubilee on thn brain , so far astoronounco the distribution of tracts , and of cards to collect money for the conversion of the Jews why not lot Mareehalo Booth toll otVn few battalions , to do skirmishing duty in the rue Laflitto before Roths child's ollico ? There was not a coterie but rivalled the tailors of Tooloy street "Wo the people of England ; " they had an axe to grind , counting upon a C. B- ship , or a knighthood. In the midst of this chaos came forth order , thanks to Mr. Blount , the banker , and the popular director of tlio Gro'it Western railway The Hlounts wore always tothcrcforo at a pinch , at least consult Shake speare. The present descendant will secure a baroncicy. and eycry- ono who knows him will congratulate him on the honor. Meantime the hat is to bo sent round , and tlio collection ex pended on a Paris refuge for the British poor , and u slice , for that brick and molar head-contra of loyalty the imper ial institute , if a site can be found. The Americans have movable houses , as Ire land has moving bogs ; why not solicit our cousins to run up a transportable I. i. " * The republic is also going in largely for building , as the erection of the Revo lution institute Is Uccidod upon , and 12,000,000 , fracs will bo voted to run it up this can be readily voted as , thanks to the now income tax , the treasury will bn as full of cash as an egg of meat. It is not a site which is wanted , but a plan. Architects arc left a fruo hand to submit theif illustrated ideas to commemorate the 1870 triumph of popular .soverigiity. Monarchal .architects are free to com pete. Tlio institute must contain a museum , and a valhalla palace not for the aouls , but the marble statues of the great men and martyrs of the revolution. i Mil to rest in the pantheon , and set up in the hall of tombs , even if in plaster of par ! " as at Versailles for kings and courtiers , who could hesitate to mourir pour la patrio ? Two mem have boon condemned to death within the last few days in Paris. The lirst was a soldier , looked to by a court-martini , ilo shot a comrade dead , who was continually dialling the assas sin ; the punishment , however , was too icavy for the liorso play. May M. Urovy je in ono of his clement mood days when the soldier's petition for pardon arrives at tlio Klyscc. The second death sentence , was passed by the Assize court on n recidivist , a scoundrel , who was taken in from motive of charity , as a waiter in a wino shop. The proprietor had to put in his twenty-eight days militia drill ; his wife kept tin ) shop going ; 0110 night when she was counting up the day's receipts the waiter murdered her , tore oft' her trinkets , decamped to Algiers , where ho was arrested. Ho eloaervos , as the Ger mans say , "to be put under the knife. " This is the way Parisians at least exercise - orciso the summary jurisdiction act on gpysies who steal children. The parents of a pretty girl , aged twelve , lost her ; they searched in vain tor her , as did tlio police. One day the poor father in his disconsolate wanderings near the out skirts of the city , saw hi * child , and quietly followed her to a showman's van which was laid up in ordin ary for the winter , and sur- roum'cd ' by a stockade of old planks , ho peeped in , recognized the child , who lied into tlio van when ho called nor. A crowd had collected , and thickened like a snow ball. The father wont up to the Van door to claim his child. The proprietor , an acrobat , re plied by lodging a bullet in the father's head. The crowd now broke in , pulled out the showman , and worn pounding him into jolly , when two policemen ar rived , and with difliculty dragged the girl-grabber to the station. Tlio show- mairs wife took to her heels , the small boys spotted Her , and perhaps ignorant of her being a Jewess , stoned her. The other part of the crowd , after taking out the living occupants of the van , includ ing learned dogs , linnuistio cockatoos and a monkey unrivalled for tricks , etc. , put the palisading ever the van and set lire to the lot. dancing around the bon- liro. The police arrived to record only a pllo of ashes , and a monkey that would not "movo on , " being on the limb of a poplar tree , though invited to do so m the name of the law. What was feared has arrived ; thn bull- light has become an institution. How ever , there is nothing repulsive about the display ; the most peaceful of the mem bers ot the peace sooioty might sit it out ; children do , and go homo promising to bo good lor a month. The Oiler circus has an arena , which serves also as a basin of fresh water , for aquatic clowns , mermaids , naval combats , and speaking seals. This is boarded over for the pony business , the jumping through paper hoops , waltzing elephants , monkey sup per parties and asses nt liberty. At a signal given the arena opens , when earthquakes are Hying about and thous ands of people bolting from them , the vis. ion is not inviting ; a fuw spectators , those who have done the earthquake at Mco likely , clutch tlioir scats. When the flooring slides arise wo nro in tlio pres ence of n Spanish fair nt Seville , the town famous for oranges and the depot of the prettiest girls in the world save where they can bo surpassed. Isoxt rushes in a bull with tremendous horn. " , bellowing and switching his tail ; the animal makes a rush at picador , who seizes a horn and keeps it ; around plunges the bull- that has n nice , nut-brown lildo , and said to belong to nn Anglo-American race ; and another picador , in self-defonso , grasps the second horn , which too comes away. The matador now advances to put the animal out of pain with uplifted sword not made of hoop iron ; ho Is on the point of striking , when the bull bursts Us sidos-wlth langhter , as two clowns emerge with a "Hero wp are acalnl" The individual that .could not scream at this , should at once make his arrangements with souio economic company , TIMBER'S ' BIRDS OF SONG , The Arrival of the'National Opera Com pany by Special Trains. OVER THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE. Treasurer JafTrnj Talks Iho At tacks Upon tlitt Conijinny " The Plying IMitdbninn" To-Nltrlit Tlio Stngc nnU the Scenery , The National Opera Company. At 10:45 : o'clock lust night the leading inoinbcrs of tlio great National Opera company arrived at the Council Ulull's transfer. They were cosily quartered in the Wagner sleepers , Missouri , Geneva , Oscoda and Traveler. Their baggage was carried in three cars of the West Shore lino. The arrival of the train was anticipated by the BKE representative. When it came to a stand it was boarded by tlio scribe. Mr. Locke , the manager had scone out to attend to some matters while a corps of U. P. employes busied themselves In Inspecting the running Rear of the sleeping palaces. Mr. C. D. Jafl'ray , the treasurer of the company was found reclining in the sitting room of the Traveler. Ho was pleased to meet the BEK'S repre sentative nnd took occasion to tell how greatly had been appreciated by the man agement the cllbrts the paper had made to bring the National opera company to Omaha , as also to entitle this city to rank with the largest places in the country in establishing a school for the cultiva tion of operatic music. As the cars rolled Irom the transfer over the britlgo to this city , Mr. Jafl'ray spoke of the malicious attacks which had been inutlo upon tlio company. Ho de tailed a number of instances wherein hirelings of tlu ; press , avaricious man agers , and creatures whoso will was compelled to yield to the rules of the or ganisation , had done everything that hcemingly lay in their power to compel the venture to result in failure. "So great and numerous have been these at tacks. " said Mr. Jall'ray , "that there is now nothin'g left for them to do , to at tain their malicious end , but to burn our scenery or theater in which wo play or tear up the track and run our train to de struction. Nothing loss than this can have any cllect upon us. Wo are not en deavoring to make money. Wo are simply striving to pay our expenses and that wo are doing handsomely. To do even that is something great when you consider that everything wo attempt Is carried out in a style of splendor and perfection heretofore never attempted. Our costumes arc the tincst that the pieces will allow , " -our scenery the best that can be puintca , " whilu our singers , dancers , chorus and orchestra are such as have not yet been , 'approached in this ' country. We have'abolished the star sys tem , or rather wo have not in practice the star system. NV < J have artists , not withstanding , amfiovery part is ( illed to perfection. L met Mr. Hosewaterin New York several times 'Jast ' season , and ap- ireciated Iho efforts Jus made to induce ho company toco'mh to Omaha then , but wo were so engagwd that wo could not nuke an engngomorit at that time. " By this time the train had rolled across .ho bridge , and Miasi Emma Jucli came nto the parlor with buoyant spirits , bursting into a rapturous exclamation of delight over the aspect of the Missouri , inpcd as it was with the raclianco of the Brilliant moon. Miks Juch is a beautiful woman , with a wealth of llossy hair md possessed of vivacity which , with her wonderful vooal , powers , will un doubtedly conduce to strengthen- ng the favorable impression which she has already made upon our icoplc. The management in deference o this gifted lady ought to abolish the paper macho alleged likeness of her which appear in some of our store win dows. They are libels , making the fa mous songstress look more like an Idiot , han the beautiful and intelligent crea ture she is. The Union Pacilic management al- owed the train to roll into the middle of : ho depot on this side , instead of on the track adjacent to the platform. As a consequence , the visitors were compelled : o walk along the dirty tracks until they found an opening in one of the trains which enabled them to reach the car riages. The principals with their husbands and wives were driven to the Millard , where they registered in these names : Mr. Hock and wife , Mr. I'icrson and wife , C. D. Jall'ray and wife , Miss Fabris , U. K. Locke , Miss Jucli and mother , Will iam Ludwig and wife , Miss Van /union , Pauline 1'Allemand and William Candi das. das.The The following registered at the Ptixton : William II. Fessemlcn and wife , M. W. Whitney and wife , Miss Philliiips , Ar thur Mees , Gustavo Hinrichs , A. E. Stod- dard nnd wife , A. W. Hillcnthal , O. SchitT ! , F. Volker , H. Schliowcn , G. Nic- colini , G. Mnllcr , II. Bahrs , J. Jaegor , W. H.Lcc , W. H. Hamilton. The second train , containing the ballet and chorus , arrived at 12 o'clock. The parties on board remained in the cars. The third train , containing all the bag- gnge , arrived here at 1 o'clock this morn ing. The bccncry required for the three operas to bo presented hero will bo put in place this morning. The Stage and the Scenery. The exposition buildinghasbecn trans formed into a mammoth opera house to accommodate the army of artists who take part In this musical festival. The stage proper is 78x01 feet in dimensions , built of the best material and equipped as completely as in the largest opera houses in the country. Dressing rooms for 800 people have been provided in tlio rooms in the cast end of the building and in the unnux. The musicians have been pro vided with a seiftr\ta : \ dressing room under the gallery. ( JA space of sixteen feet between tlio stagti and the orchestra rail will furnish room'for ' the renowned Theodore Thomas orcliestra. The appli ances for manipulating the mr.ny changes of scenery have bednrcarofully arra'ngod , and the opera wjll bo presented with every care to the niecjianical and scenic effects. J To-NiRlit'H I'v/iKrammo. / The initial performance of the Na tional Opera compunjj will take place at the exposition building this evening. Wagner's brilliant" opera , "Tho Flying - ing Dutchman , ' ? -i will bo pre sented with tho' iull strength of the company , and'wl be followed by the grand ballot bal costume. Especial attention has been paid to the arrange ment of the scenic effects in the produc tion of this opera. In one act a huge ship is seen approaching in the distance. It gradually increases in size and finally lands at the wharf with sixty sailors aboard. The doluslen is perfect , 1)19 ) scene being ono of the finest over pre sented , and alone worth the price of ad mission. In the cost of "Tho Flying Dutchman , " Charles Bassett , tenor- William Ludwig and Alon/.o Sloddurd , baritones ; Myron Whitney , basso ; Emma Jucli , soprano , and Jessie Bartlett Davis and Mathilda Phillips , contraltos will appear. In the grand bacchanal ballot will appear such principal dancers as Marie Glnri and Fcllcita Carrozi , as sisted by a splendid corps do ballet. Tuesday afternoon Leo Delibes' grand opea , "Lakmo , " will bo given , with such leading singers la the cast as Pauline L'Alcmaud , Alons ® Stoddard , Cttarlea lassotL William H.Lcc , Amanda Fabris , lese Ritchie , Matlldo Phillips , Jcssio Uartlolt , Davis and William rcssondon. In the second act the grand ballot ot the "Hayndorcs" will bo given , in which will appear such queens of the ballet as Mllo. Carro/.l , Mile. Theodora do Gellert , as sisted by all I'.io coryphees and twenty advanced pupils of tlio ballet school , tin whole to conclude with n , grand march nnd sacred dance. Tuesday evening Hichard Wagner's grand opera "Lohengrin. " In this splen did opera will appear Myron W. Whit ney as Henry I , of Germany , assisted by William Candies , Bertha Picrson , Will- am Ludwig , William Morton and Corne lia Van Zantcn. Omaha has had a great many notable musical events , but none that will com- [ iaro with the feast of song that will bo presented during this festival. An awak ening in the higher class of music is In- catcd by the interest that is being taken in this festival , and the exposition build ing will doubtless hold the most cultured nudioncos that have ever assembled in Jmaha. That Iho audiences should bo the largest that have cvor asscmUod in [ ) maha , the promised excellence of the performances will moro than warrant. KOnnUHY OF Til B OFFEKINO8. Trinity Cathedral Visited by n Sneak Thief Wuo Stools $ UU. While Easter services wcro in progress at Trinity cathedral yesterday morning , some enterprising crook was calmly ap- iroprlatlug the morning offerings. Dean iardncr carried the contribution of the early morning service to his study nnd locked the door , placing the key whoroit was customarily hidden , just above the door. When ho returned the door was still closed and the key was whcro ho had eft it. The offering , however , was gone. liio amount was about ? 00. It was not a serious loss to the church , but it was a losplcablo theft nevertheless. The thief nust have obtained access to the vestry through the church , as all of the outside leers were locked. Ho escaped before cnowlodgo of the theft , by the door. The offerings of the day amounted to xbout ! jJ HISTORICAL HISTU1ON1C8. How the "Quccn'8 Kavorlte" Takes in Important Knglish Events. BOSTON , Mass. , April 5. [ Correspon dence of the BKK. ] In my last letter I made some mention of the play called 'The Queen's Favorite , " which was bo ng presented at the Park theatre in this city by Miss Genevieve Ward nnd her company. The play is so full of historic md iitorary interests that it will certain- y warrant a moro careful exposition. To the thorough student of English listory , the period of the reign of Queen Anne is an interesting ono. At that time there was n constant and hitler struggle between courtiers and unscru pulous attendants for the favor of the > oor , weak queen , and it is with these in trigues that the play deals. Besides the queen herself , the most important per sonages are Sarah Jennings , duchess of Slnrlborough , and Henry St. John , who ifterwards becomes Lord Bolinbroke. As is well known the duchess was Queen Anne's groom of the state or mistress of robes , and was , therefore , very inlimnto with her. Her power over the queen was so great that it was a question which was the queen and which the attendant. The duchess not only exorcised a rigid inthority over matters of dress and the charge of the royal household , but often dictated to her upon affairs of great importance to the stato. The mmumco of the duchess at the court of Anne was not only well understood at ionic. but it wns recognized by the conti- lental powers of Europe. When Charles [ II , of Spain , was on his wedding tour , 10 wont to England to pay his respects to .Jueen Anne , who received her royal nlly with great courtesy and entertained him with royal magnificence. All kinds of > coplo crowded together to see the young ting dine svith the queen in public , and .lie deportment nnd appnaiauco of 3harles excited much admiration among the spectators , especially the fair sex , whoso national beauty was highly ex- : olled by the comely young monarch. i'ho duchess was there. Though no longer youngSHE SHE STILL I.OVED to grace the court which she controlled. It wns her duty after dinner to hold the basin for the royal hands to bo dipped after the manner of the ancient lover : md ewer , likewise the modern finger bowl. Charles took the basin from the liamls of the I'nir duchess , and after gal lantry holding it to the queen , and re turning it to the duchess , ho drew a valuable rino from hi § linger and placed it on that of the stately Sarah. The casual observers called it a notable piece ot gallantry , but the long-headed ones sot it down as a cunning bit of "snipory " Such it was. King Charles on the bait and the Duchess of Marl- orough bit. Two years later , this same duchess and not Queen Anne , received a letter of thanks from Charles for the as sistance granted 'aim in the way of troops and supplies to help him iight the French. The above is but ono of the many his toric instances going to show to how great an extent the duchess made herself the power behind the thrown. It is oven admitted that the rigid surveilance of the duchess amounted in some instances to rank Insolence. When once the qucon , attended by the duchess , wore driving through London to attend some public ceremony in St. Paul's , history records that these august persons engaged in a highly tempered quarrel which was lis tened to with wonder by the populace which crowded the royal procession , ami that in a lit of passion thn duchess per emptorily suid to the queen "Hold your tongue1' ! This disgraceful scene was caused by the queen having refused to wenr n certain drees selected by the duchess for the occasion. But to return to the play. Henry St. John , whom our English friends are pleased to call "Sint Junn , " with n marked accent on the "Sint , " is the avowed rival of the duchess for the favor of the queen. The dialogue of these two persons with each other and with the queen makes up the principal part of the play. To say that the whole thing is charming suoma insulltclent. To begin with , It is n de lightful cbnngo from the farcical coarse ness of most of our American comedies. Iho listener feels himself transported into a highly literary realm , where the mind canfccd on intellectual bon-bons of the most delicate llavor , and where a sluglo grain of comnum-placeuess would embitter the whole repast. Added to the keen wit nnd skillful construction of the play is the admirable acting of the load ing artlsU , Miss \Vard \ and Air. Vornon. TUB MiNim : r DKTAILS of the play Imvo received Mlt > s Ward's careful personal attention. She lias spent many hours in the British museum examining old prints , to get the correct mode of dressing the hair , and the proper materials for the promir costumes. Even so small a matter as the black patches on the face had to bo historically correct , as the lory ladles wore their patches on the left side of the face and the whlgs wore theirs on the right. Tlio old pleluro gallery nt Blenheim palace , which was begun in 1701 by Queen Anne for the dukoof Marlborong'h , plays nn Important part in the mnko-up nnd personnel of Miss Ward's company. The pictures thorohnvo given the correct styles of the dresses worn by the queen nnd the Indies of her court. Miss Ward's features , voice , and matronly liguro are such as to peculiarly lit her for the role of the duchess , while she says that Mlsx Kellogg was especially chosen to take the part of queen , on account of her ex traordinary likeness to the pictures of the qucon at Uh > nlicim. The most pleasing situation in the play is the incident of the cup of water. Queen Anne was receiving the French minister against the wishes of the duchess. The queen called for n glass of water , and the duchess , unable to control hnr temper , dashed tlio water on the quoen's dress. This is n singular historic inci dent , as it virtually ended the duchess' power over the queen , nnd it is said to have brought about the treaty of Utrecht. BOSTON IS ATHLETIC To bo sure it is. The auciont Athe nians took great pains in training their bodies , and why shouldn't modern Ath enians do the same ? But Now York is nthlotio too , isn't she ? Well , rather. The fact is that most eastern cities are thus inclined , nnd thu result is that wo have a healthy , muscular , and , physi cally , well-developed class of people. A wholesale clothing dealer told mo the other day that the men were taller , nnd , as a rule , better proportioned in the east than in the west. "Wo sell our tall stock at homo. " ho said , "and for a beer- drinking city like say Cincinnati , where the men , like tlio jokes in 'Town Topics , ' are as broad as they arc long.we have to cut clothes to suit. " Wo grant that Now YorK is ahead of us just now in the way of a mammoth athletic club house nnd riding club , and all that , but she won't keep the lead long. An athletic club has been formed at the Hub which will beat Now York in every respect. Before the end of the year Boston will have the greatest ath letic institution in the worla. The Now York club with a membership of 3,000 charges an entrance fee of f 50 , with nn nnal duos of $40. Even at this price it has no tennis courts nor bicycle rooms. The Boston club with an entrance fee of $10 nnd annual dues of | 30. odors to its members a finely equipped gymnasium , fencing and sparring rooms , tennis and racquet courts , bowling alleys , with separate al loys for ladies , and bicycle stalls to the number of 100. Besides the above , which are considered necessary to the modern gymnasium , there will bq reception , smoking , reading nnd billiard rooms , moro extensive than those of any other Boston club. The lavatory arrange ments will bo very complete nnd will in clude , besides regular bath rooms.lurk- ish and shower baths , and a largo plunge both. The building , to bo cen trally located on Dartmouth street , will bo n commodious and handsome edifice , and the whole affair will add another to tin many public institutions for which Boston is noted. The two important theatrical announcements hero for next week are the Al'I'KAKANCE OF BEUNHAIUIT at the Hollis street , and the production of "Iluddygoro" At the Globe. Bernhardt will appear in "Fedora , " " " "Camille " "Theodora " "Adrionno , , , and "Frou-Frou. " The production of "Ruddygoro" is looked forward to with considerable in terest by the lovers of comic oporn. The charming music of this opera will bo now to most of us , although some of the airs arc already familiar. The first produc tion of "Iluddygoro" in Now England was given in Waltham hist week by local talent , and some of the music was given nt the sumo time by the Harvard D. K. E. theatricals in Cambridgoport. "Ruddygoro" will have a long run in Boston. But ono of the best treats our muslo loving people have had lately has been the playing of the brilliant young pianist , Fraulciu Aus dor Oho. Mr. Gorickc , of the Boston Symphony orchestra found out the abilities of this delightful lady in Now York only a few weeks ago. Ho was delighted with her and immediately engaged her for ono of the Symphony concerts in Cambridge. Her playing is exquisite and remarkably frco from the imperfections common to BO many players. And now the city of Omaha is to DO honored by a visit from that wonderful combination of musical talent , the Na tional Opera company. It seems almost a waste of words to endeavor to describe the magnificent performances of this company. Such an effort too is unnec essary , because 1 know there are enough people in and about Omaha who appreciate - ciato nn artistic operatic production , to give the company n rousing reception on tlio eleventh nnd twelfth of this month. FUANZ SIPKL. According to state superintendent of schools Lane , the now charter provides for the election of nine members of the board of education. The six now in office hold over. The Young People's Missionary society of Omaha View gave a very pleasing musical nnd literary entertainment at the Hillside Congregational church on Thursday evening. That Tired Feeling Is nocencral teuton Hint crerr "no knoiri wli t l mount l > r the oxprcxilon , Achanjo of sea son , cllmalo , or of life , has uch a dciro | > ilng offuct upon the UoJf that one ( eels nil tired out , almost completely pro trate < l , the appetite U lost and there U no ambition todoixnythlnz. The whole tondedcy of the / t8m Is downward. In tills condition llood'n Sarsipralll lsju t the raeJlcIno needed. It purlNo the tilooJ , sharpen ! the uppelilc.overcomos tlio tired reeling , nnd Invlcorutes every function of the bodjr. Try It. Hond'n Sarnapnrlllu. "For man r months I suffered ercutljr. My whole system seamed to bo entirely run down , my nmblilon was gone , had pains In my back , and a fecllnz of Ins- sltudo which I could not throw off. I wits treated un * successfully for kidney trouble. One day At my brother's I snw a buttle of Hood's Sarsapurlllt and determined to try It. llcforo the flrst bottle was tak en I can cundldly say I win relloreil. I hare UM > d luo medicine off and onererslnco , and recommend Itfor kidney or llrer complaints. Musi. W. II. STUANQ , OT7 Atluntlo Arenuc , Urooklyn. N , Y. X. 11. If you have made up your mluil to getllood' * sariupartlU do not Uko any other. "Hy son sutlcrcdfrom spilng debility ana lost of appetite , and was restored to health us soon a * ho began to take our farorltomcdlclnc. Hood's Kar n- pnrllla , Wo recommend It to nil our friends. " M H3. THALIA K- SMITH , sclnloTlllo , N. Y. "I suffered considerably , being for nearly a year troubled with Indigestion. I um now on my fourth bottle of Hood's Sarsaparillo. and nercr felt bettor Inmyllfu. Ulius mudoanow man of me. " II. M HILLJIAX , Oi 1'lalncs Street 1'ollco Station.Clilc.ijo. 111. makca tlio Weak Strong "Two months ago I commenced UkluK Hood's B r saparllla as nn eiperlmcnt. as I h d no appetite or strenfrlti , and fnlt tired ull the time. I attributed my condition to srrofulojs humor. I bed tried xereral different kinds uf mndlelne , without receiving any benefit. Hut as soon as I had Uktm half nbiitllont Hoods Sarnuparllla , my appetlto was iuslori'd.iiii'1 ' my utomacb felt belter. 1 ha o now taken noarlr three bottles , and 1 never was so wall In lay life. " lilts. JCSSIK K. Doi.iiUAne , 1'aicoag , It. I. A peculiarity of Hood's S rsjp.rilliu Is that U strengthens andbulldt up the system while It eradi cates disease. Now Isthetlne to take U. Hood's Sarsaparilla . fort * . by 0. i BoMbvalldruwrlsti. : ! * fftrli.Preparedbj , Sold by all dtiffU.illx Prepared . LUOOD * COT , Apothecaries ; Lowell. Mass. C. L.HOOU & CO. , Apotliocarlcs , Lowell , HUM. ! l > o ei Olio Dollar . ' J 10 Doc Ouo Dollar A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. With Iho approach of spring nnd the increased interest man ifested in 'real estate matters , I aiu more than over consult ed by intending purchasers as to favorable opportunities for investiueuttind , to all such would say When putting any property on the market , and advertising it as desirable , I have invariably confined myself to a plain unvar nished statement of facts , never indulging in vague promises for the future , and the result in ev ery case has been that the expec tations of purchasers were more than realized. I can refer with pleasure tv Albright's Annex And Baker Place as sample illustratioi . Lots in the "Annex" liavo quadrupled in value nnd nro still advancing , while asti cot car line is already building past Baker Place , adding hundreds of dollars to the value of every lot. Albright's Choice was selected by mo with the greatest care after a thorough study and with the full knowledge of its value , and I can- conscientiously say to those Book ing n safe and profitable invest ment that Albright's Choice offers chances not excelled in thin market for a sure thing. Early investors have already reap ed large profits in CASH , and with the muuy important improvements contemplated , some of which are now under way , every lot in this splendid addition will prove u bonanza - . nanza to first buyers. Further information , plats and prices , will bo cheerfully furnish ed. Buggies Ready at All Times to Show Property , Respectfully W.G. ALBRIGHT . . , SOLE OWNER , 218 South 15th Street. Dmnr.1t ofllce atfiontli Omaha JV , lit IVojjerf / fvr tale in ctU ' ' part * of the city , / ji