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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
E& 8 THE OMAHA DAILY JEE : THURSDAY. APRIL 7. 1887. A BIG CONFIDENCE GAME. Moro About the Missing Chicago Bride , Lilian Snavely Watson , THE BURLINGTON'S BIG SCHEME Quietly PiiHtihiR nn Airline to the NortliwcHt A Demi llncly Found I'niton'n New Ilcsl- Icncc Other Local. A Stupendous ConlHloiH.'o On inc. The arrival of City Marshal M. 1 ? . r It/- gcrald , of Sterling , 111. , and A. A. Wolf- crsbergcr , u well-known Jlawyor of that place , both of whom arc at tlio Cozzens mills an ( input lunl and interesting chap ter to the sensational story of Mrs. Wat- fcon , the mlisinir Chicago bride , whose ventures were detailed in yesterday's J5ii : : . It appears from the story told by Mr. Wolforsborgor , who is the lawyer of Mrs. Snavely , the mother of the missing girl , that the bride has been the victim of one of the siobT sniT.xi > ots cosni r.scn OAMIS over played. She has fallen , it seems , into a gang of sharpers , who are simply ' playing her for her money. " "The story of the girl , " said Mr. Wol- forsbergor to a reporter who interviewed linn ut the CO//.QIIS hotel , "is a very sad and peculiar one. She is the oldest daughter of a largo family of children. Her father died some time ago and left his estate to be divided among his widow and children. The share of hillian Snavely amountnt to about $8,000. Lil lian was a lively , pretty girl , well thought of in Sterling , Ills. , where she alwayrf bore a correct character. She had many friends , and had a bright prospect in life , had she not been ruined by this INFAMOUS OANO of confidence men. Her mother look a good deal of nrido in her and she received n good education. About a year ago she was sent to Chicago to study painting , as she had developed decidedly artistic tastes. Here she lived witli a school friend , Miss Ida Duncan , at 2t)5 ) West Van Huron street. "It was while hero that Miss Snavely was introduced on the street one day to the man M. 11. Davidson , with whom she fciibsofiuontly came to Omaha. Davidson represented himself to bo a wealthy cat tleman from Texas whereas , in reality , ho is known to the police as a gambler , blackleg and conlidenee man. Ho was a rather nice looking fellow , well dressed aiM polite and Miss Snavely , who is an innocent country girl was rather taken with his appearance. A few dayrf later Davidson having learned that the girl had a good deal of money concocted with two of his asso ciates. C. V. Watson and M. 11. Hell , a scheme to confidence Miss Suavely. IT "WAS A KISKV OAME , but it has been successfully carried out FO far. Watson was introduced to Miss Snavely and soon succeeded in ingratiat ing himself into her conlidenee. He was Somewhat of a masher and in less than three ceks time ho had won Miss Knavoly's love and consent to a mar riage. The girl's folks in Sterling , sus pecting that something was wrong , forbade - bade her to marry him. She was head-strong , however , and wouldn't give him up. Finally , ns a last resort , the relatives of Miss Suavely telegraphed her to conic home immediately , as her mother was very sick. Of course , she returned at once , only to Jiiul that her relatives had adopted this as a ruse to savn her from A DisiioNou.uiu : MAUHIAGE. "She was indignant. She declared that pho loved Watfon and would marry him. That gentleman , hearing that she was in Sterling , came down to the place , but her folks refused to lot him see Miss Lilian. Ho hung around Sterling two or throe days and then disappeared , failini : to pay his board bill. Ho returned to Chicago , from which point he tele graphed to Miss Lilian for money. She nt once sent him $200 and ho returned to Sterling. One night Miss Lilian came to town with her sister , and , after giving her the slip , met Watson and went with bun to the house of a preacher , where they were married. They then wont to Chicago , whore they stooped with Mrs. Duncan on West Van Burean street. Watson all the time kept working the girl for money. Finally , ho found that HIS OAME WAS rr.AYEP OUT , and ho gave way to confederate number two , Mr. M. 11. Davidson. Watsor wont cast on what ho claimed to be im portant business. During his absence lavidson , his co-worker went to Mrs Watson nml playing the part of sympa thizing friend depicted to her , in black colors , what a scoundrel her husbam was. Ho told her how ho was a biga mi st or a trigamist. That ho had a wife living in Chicago and another h New York .city with a famil } of two or three children Ho told her how Watson had worked a pretty girl on the south sulc. whom ho had induced to give him JJUCO to buv wed ding dresses , etc. , on the strenShh o n promise that ho would marrv her. Ho told her all this and a. lot more. Mrs. .Watiou was TcniijLY ; OROKIX : UP gycr these revelations , but \\hcn David ton wooed iier she listened to him read ily enough. Ho proposed to her thr.t they run away together as man n 'l wife. como west and to married. The girl thought this a splendid scheme to got revenge on her husband. IM course she fell Into trap. On March 21 she left Chicago cage with Davidson and cauio direct to Omaha. The rest of the story you know. " "How did you learn that the girl wa ! stopping in Omaha ? " was asked of him "trom a letter which BIO ! wrote , while licre , to Miss Ida Duncan. She probably mailed this UNlir.KNOWN TO DAVIDSON , ns it was for his interest to keep he : whereabouts a secret. " "How much of the girl's money ha Davidson in his possession now ? " "Probably between $1,500 and $2OOC The girl , as 1 already have told you , hai about $3,000 , left her. The balance , for tniintcly. is in the bank at Sterling , whcr those fellows can't got it at present. I Is a pity that such a bright prelty gii should have fallen a victim to TIIKSK TllltEK SCOUNDKKLS , lt ll , Watson and Davidson. Thoschom of Davidson and liell , who am now wit the girl , is undoubtedly to work her t'c all her available money and then dro her penniless at some lltllo station t find her way home as best shq can. It \ astonishing to mo that this girl , who i naturally lir ; ht. doif.t appreciate th fact tl'M ' slu ? is bcins plucked by a gan of conlidunco'iuen. bho must bo torribt Infatuated" . As * eon as City Martha ! Fitzgcral Mr , Wolfcfsbergcr found that tli > lrd had llown in company with " ho vultures they telegraphed "to the leart-broken mother at Sterling. They it once received the answer "I'IN't ) IIKIt AMI ) Illtl.NO IIKK IJACK at any cost. " As mentioned in the HIK : i"tonlay , the girl , with the two men , Javidson anil Hell , started on the HOtli for Denver , intending to go irom that ilaco to 1'ortland , Oregon. Telegrams Yero to-day sent to the chief of police at ) envcr , and the one at I'ottland , asking .lint the party bo watched for and appro- twilled as soon as possible. Messrs. i-'it/gorald'and Wolforsborgcr remained in he eity until 7:50 : last night , when they eft for Denver in pursuit of the warty. They propose to spare neither money , .imo nor pains to run the scoundrels to .ho earth. As will be soon by reference : o the BIX'H dispatcher , Watson is now in jail in Chicago , on a charge of do- Irauding a hotel" M. H. 1'it/gerald , one of the gentlemen mentioned above , left lor Denver yester day morning , anil A. A. Wolforsborgor , the other , has gone to Marshalltown. In the trade mark case of Kdward and ilohn ISurkc against 1'hillip I lone for using on his bottled Stout an imitation of liurku's licit Head Capsule , the linal de cision of the Court of Appeals of the stnto of N. V. has continued lhi < decisions of the previous courts in favor of Kd and John Burke and agaitibt the defendant. I'AXION'H MAUN1P1CI5.VT I1OUS50. A Structure and Surroumlltii ; * to Cost * Illoclc. $ llHMlOO-SlieclyH IJlK Contracts wore being lot yesterday for William A I'axton's magnificent new brick and granite residence , which is to be erected on the block bounded by Twenty-sixth street , Twenty-sixth ave nue and Douglas and Farnam streets. His lot Is nowbi'tuii brought to grade. The building will bo three stories high , in the style of the French renaissance. The low basement will be of granite , the two upper stories of brick and terra cotta. The roof will bna gable one with red stating. The details are very ornate and very tasty. The interior of the house will bo mag nificently rich. On the lirst lloor will be a large drawing room , reception hall , stair hall , sitting room , library , dining room , breakfast room , kitchen , and ser vants' dining room. On the second story there will bn the sleeping apartments , while on the third story there will be billiard rooms , storage rooms , and addi tional sleeping aptirlnu-nts. The interior will be furnished in the very linost hard woods , while the glass work will be ol the stained , jeweled and beveled order. In addition to this building.Mr. I'axton will erect a line system of barns and out- hoii'-cs. The square will also be iingni- licently parked , so that the residence , in all its appointment , will undoubtedly bo the I'nu'st in the city. The cost will"ap proximate $100,000. Mendelssohn & Lawrlc are the architects , t The same architects have drawn plans for a big live story block which is to be erected on the corner of Fifteenth and Howard , adjoining the Kamgo block , by .J. V. Shecly. It will bo of brick anil brown stone , with the same general in terior arrangements as the Hamge block , though the exterior will be dill'erent. The ground dimensions are OOxllW. Contracts for this are also being let. "Yon run this paper , do you ? " said a sad faced man as he lugged a cowhide into a western editorial room. 'Tye been waiting to see the birrgcst liar in Illinois for some' now oh now ! " And the editor got up and tumbled him out ot tlip window on top of some sliaro iron railings and went on with an article on the merits of Kirii'a "Juvenile" Toilet Soap * 1)011 tl. The newly appointed postmaster , Con V. Gallagher had ins $ ? fi,000 bond drawn up and attested by a notary public yesterday - day His bondsmen are four prominent citi/.ens of Omaha , who represent wealth to the amount of over .f 1,000,000. The bond will be forwarded to Washing ton at once and upon its approval Mr. Gallagher will step into his now position. This will be in about ten days. Mr. G. says that ho has about seventy-live aupli- cations for positions on tile but will make no changes for the present. llastlngq. The Mo. Pacific and Northwestern have submitted propositions for bonds which will bo voted sure. J. U. Hilcy , the real estate broker , has great bargains in busi ness lots and acre tracts. Dawc.s & Koss' addition a specialty. Rooms , 0 and 0 , Opera House. A. C'nse of Glanders. State Veterinarian Gerth was in the city yesterday called hero by n case of glanders , which developed yesterday in the w.est part of the city. The horse is in quarantine and will undoubtedly bo killed. This is the first case in' four mouths. Woodman on Iturnliif ; Slack Coal. The recipient ot the following letter , solicited it for practical proof of the al leged economy in using slack coal and allows us to publish it ( as confirmatory of the article published first in the Kvun- ing UKE of April lirst , entitled "Slack vs Lump Coal. " ) which wo arc pleased to do. it being from not only the pioneer in burning slack , but also the recognized authority on such matters : Woodman Linseed Oil Works , ) Omaha , Neb. , April 4,1887. f Dear Sir ; Referring to your favor of the second inst. I take pleasure in giving yon my experience of over twenty (20) ( ) years in burning coal. For the lirst twelve years of that time I used lump coal. Kight years since I ordered the lirst slack coal ever brought to Omaha , and have used only slack since. The important points necessary in burning slack , that many do not give sullicicnt attention to , and therefore fail , is the proper style of grate and correct L'i > ilcr setting. I have tried many style .of grates and furnaces for burning slaciT , as well as ex amined most kinds in use , and can say without qualification that the "Dorranco" grate is tar superior to any other device 1 huvccver used or know of. The large percentage of air space given , in these grates , together with Iho rumbling move ment caused by tlio simultaneous lifting and lowering of alternate sections when rocked , for the breaking up of clinker , and the largo openings created between the sections , when the shaking lovoi is thrown to its fullest extent for Iho es cape of clinker into the ash pit , are peculiar advantages to the "Dorranco" grate over all others. Those prates not only save largely in fuel and labor , by maintaining the cleanest lircs , but increase largely the steaming capacity of a boiler. Such grates pay for themselves in a much shorter time than would bo supposed , my fuel bill showing rtn economy of fully ono-half sini'o using black upon them over lump coal. Yours resii'y , CI.AIIK WOODMAN. A Crook IMendu Guilty. John Kelley , a notorious croo * . guilty in police court ycstonlry to : charge of grand larceny and asked that tube bo brought before the district court ai soon as possible. He wont into the St PhilomrnacathcdralTtuvicU'.y night tun while the rtiolr wai rohi'ar.-iug Kastoi music , stole an overcoat uud u puekc bcok containing a $25 notti from Her man HluufiKs. He will 1m brought be foru Jtitlj Neville as soon as possible. Seven Vnrlellrs SeudSweetPotatoesl' 81liS18Joneid J VST UKCUIYKD , Q lUftUU , i < C T11U llAMHjtON UUOT1IHits' CASH It Involve * ) tlio Constitutionality of ttic Five Ilny'N Notice Section. The en so of the Hamilton Itros against tlio city of was arptuud yester day m district court before Judge Neville. It is a simple case as to fact. " , but out of it Is arising tlio constitutional question of whether tlio legislature had any right to incorporate such a provision as suction CO. The plaintifl's , through their attorney , W.V. . Slabaugh , Ksq. , contend that the section is unconstitutional. If they suc ceed in establishing their point the city will have three or four other suits against it which have boon held back because of this section and the failures of the plaint- ill's in complying with it. The following is section 00 , which was not incorporated HI tin ) new charter : That no cit.y of the lirst cla s shall be liable for damages arising from do- 1'eetiVc streets , alloys , sidewalks , Dublin purk $ , or tlio public places within such city , unless actual notice of the existence of the defect by reason of which the in jury arose for which damages are claimed , shall b'j proved to have been given to the mayor at least live days before the occurrence of such injuo' , and it n hereby made the duty of the mayor to keep u record of such notice , showing time when and by whom such notice was given and describing tlio delect , complained of. A WAVWAKDSON. Clo Costs Ills MoihcTls 10,000 in Two Years. "There is no question , " said Attorney llawcs , "Hut that the woman who came up from Kansas City and got the pick pocket John Loomas out of jail by put ting up $1,000 , was his mother. Slio told that that boy had In two years cost her , by similar scrapes , over $10,000. Anil 1 have no doubt but that she was telling the truth. She told mo that slio used to live in Hrooklyn , M. Y. , whore her boy got into bad company. Hoping to break oil' these associations Mrs. I.,00111 , as moved to Kansas City. Hut the boy's associates followed him out. Loomas has been going from bad to worse , until ho landed in jail hero. Mrs. Loomas is a wealthy willow and young Loomas has consider able money of his own. " llorsesliorsrs' Contest. Among the sporting events in great favor in the cast nowadays arc these among horseshoors , the point at issue being who can make the most shoos in a given time. Chicago workmen were all agog last week over a contest of this kind. Tuesday an ox-chami > ion horse shocr , William E. Carroll , arrived in this city , and the prospects arc that a match at shoe-turning will take place here. Mr. Carroll is nota member of the "anvil chorus , " now but a representative of the Northwestern Horse Nail company , the largest of the kind in the world. Mr. Carroll will bo in the city a few days and his reputation as a practical workman throughout the country has made his visit notable among horsoshoers. Ho lias been nresidont of the National Horse shoes union for seven dill'erent terms and Is a representabivc K. of L. man. J. D. Ililcy , Heal Kstato Broker , Hast- ingNeb. . Ucfercnces : City Nat'l bank anil Adams County bank. o Fireman John Taggart , of truck 1 , Iris secured a ten days' leave of absence and next week will lead a bride to the altar. Absolutely Thispowdernevervariei. A marvel ol purity.strenRth and wholesomeness. More economic than the ordinary kimli and cannot be sold in competition wiih the mul titude of low test , short weisjht.alum 01 phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal naUntr Powder Co.ilOB Wall street , New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. [ Contimtwl from Seventh ] 1J10H SALK-Wolmvoao lot * for unlo in Mey * J crs' , Illcharn fc Tildcn's mid , call on us for term ! ) and nrlcefl , llcnawa& Co. , 15th t.oppo site post olllce. 171 7 SHAW & CO. , 610 S.'lOth at. , have for enlotlin following : $ 000 will eociiro you n gond lot In Walnut lllll on I.ouo uvo. , ear line , 7,500 pii h will secure you n lot In Wnshliifctoit lllll , Mind , property will never be tiny elH'apcrthcri1. Cnmoin and irowltlt us nnd look nt a Int In Door 1'nrlt , cioso to Hatiscom 1'urk , forSV-W. 2,000will buy very fln ° lot on Eaunders St. : III ho worth JII.OJO Inside ol a your. 1,2(10 nlll buy n house and small lot on IHhst. near Ciiitollur : siniill payment ieiiilrcd | , llcmcmborllio place , 6108 lull st. 1"7 Sl'P.riAl , Two line east front lots In Ambler place on the county roads , Kn < y terms , f HM each. llurilutt's ndd. , r,0 ft south front , t,500. llodlord I'lacc , lots from ? " > < ! to * MU llftker I'lueo , Inls Irom tI.V ) to f .TOO. 5'Mt ' lot IiiCrestoa IrontliiK on Pleasant st. , $1.50 J. Lot In disc's ndd. , JMO 6 acies In Ilytlo 1'ark at J.'PO per aero. ll lots In llnrhacu'- add. 2 oust I rout lots on llith st , In HitKcdorn's ndd nt J7UC each. C > lots In Highland 1'ark chenp. ! 2 line lots In Molrogo lull lor f'tno ' each. ! 1 lots In McCurmlcks add nt ? TiO each. rim1 soulli front lot In Uiford I'hi''e for $ ,00. I'ino puuth front lot In Omnnn View Sl.fXM. &il tt south liouton I.aKu st $ l.jJO , nnd terms ca y. Ouchanl hill lots from f 7V ) to 51C10. 'J r\ii'J ; ft , about six blocks from the postolllco , JI.OOO. Coiner lot in I'lnlnvlew , $1,2:0. I ! nice lot in Itccd's ! ld add at Jl..fOi1 Tuieres In Tuttlo's sub at a br ! | liniralti ( Corner lot on the llollevue road for $1VK ) . HcBldeneo 1'ropeity. A flno corner on Virginia avenue , 100x130 feet , with a nlco n-roomod house having all modern Improvements. A tcn-rooniud IIOIIBO , 1 lot , 50\l" > 0 , on Ocorpin avenue , lor ? , ooo , putt casli and Imlnnco do- lerred piiMiients , In 1,3 and 4 years at 7 per cent Interest. G-room house on 1'applcton nvo , lictwcen 2."th nml 21th us. wlllmaku alow Ilirureto buyer. Wo h'i\o a very choiceINt of resilience piop- eity. We would bo pleaded to show any ono slrliuf to purchuso Improved and unimproved property. I'ranK I' . Williams Ac to. . lUtli nnd Clilcnfe'O ronr DoiiBlas Co. 'Hank. OMAHA llKICHTS-.lust west of Ft Omaha , Hallrond Bhops and depot assured , lluy s atonco , Wlots soli ) , jiliiccs1II bo ad vanced boon. Clarkson & Ilcntty 21'J S 44th. 1)7U ) 0 1ZTII and Dodiro N. W. corner , CCxSJ. lam Solo IIKOIlt , 3 nieo places two block * south of Ilrownell Hall on 10th street. 0 , P. IMsasscr , S18 S 10th St. U34 OMAHA HUlOHTS-Kremout , Klkhorn & Mo. Vnlley shops adjoin It , depot on the .round , lliic < t addition on the market and will iii'ikc the puichnser lilir money Como quick before the advance , Clarkson Ac llc.itty 21 ! ) S Mill st. HVJ 11 JIOI ! SALlllluelne s property , nw corner L1 iith ; and Dorcas Ms , Cb.xl.U leet.wlth a laruo oiifo and other Improvements , nt a bargain. For S'llc , 317 ucretof land In Nuckolli Co , Neb. , within I't miles of Supciior and H. H. depot. For partlriilurB call on M. Kedlnirton , H'UsS. Kith st. , Omaha. H'limayiij F AHN'AM ST. ncroairo , 111 acres , Sl.biW per aero. Itush A : Sclby , low rnrniim W3 lT rcTiTestnteolliccof . ) . U ItlcoCo upvn until UiU : : ] i. in. Telephone. UK , 123 ,13th St , Cor. Capitol /Ucnue / ton rat TIIKATMENT or A&T , Chronic & Surgical Diseases DR. McMENAMY. Propr'otoiv Hixtccn ji'ara' Hospital mid 1'rivato I'ratlico Wo have the facilities , apparatus and remedies for the pucccfsfill treatment of c\ury form of die- injo requiring cither medical or purlcal ) ; trentnmil , and imlteall tocoinanudluvistlijaturortlicinsiltci "r correspond ttlth us Long experience In treat Ini ; cnecs liy letter enables ui to treat many easel clontiflciUy without coclnp them WltlTi : FOIl ClHOULAIt on Deformities nnd Unices , Club Feet , Curvatures ot tlio Sjilnu DIBEASES opVouKN , Piles , Tuniors , Cancel. ' , Cttt.irrh , Droncbltlr , Inhnlation , Electricity , 1'aral- y la , Epilunsy , Kidney , Ke , Ear , Skin , Blood and nil surgical operation * . lliitUirlos , Iiihalrra , TJrnros , Trusses , an ] nil kinds of Mrdlcrd and Surgical ( ipliauceti , man ufactured and for rnlc Iho only reliable Medical Insl.tiile miking Private , Special f Nervous Diseases rA BL'ECIAI.Ty. ALL COXTAOIOUS AND 1II.OOD DISEASES , from ' liatevcrcaiifcproduced , fuccessfnlly treated Wo cm rumoro Hjiiullltic jioUou from thosyetem > vithuut inurcury. Now restnrati > otrcatmrnt for los of vital power ALL COMMUNIUATIONS UONKIDUNTIAL Cull Hnd consult us or nend name nud iiost-ofHcc ixddrm jilalnly written enclose stamp , and we will lend you. In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEtf V'i'o.x PRIVATE , SPECIAL ANU NKHTOUI I , WlAKNEDB , Hl'BlltlATOIinilUIA , IMTOTKN rr , SrrniLii , OoNommmA , ULEST , VAUICOCE E STKICTUBK , AND ALL DISBASBS or THE Grniro UKINAIIT OHUAKB , ortccdhlttory of jrour care i ui an opinion. Persons unable to visit ns may tie treated at their bonus , bjr correspondence , Mtdlclnts and Initru- racnts sent by mall or eiiircss H2CUUIILY PAC'K KI ) FUOM OHSEUVATION , no marks to indicate contents or sender. One personal Interview preferred ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the a" modation of patlcuts. Board nud attcndancu a' reasonable pilccs. Addne : 1 < Lcttcm to Ornaba Medical and Surgical institute Cor. 13th SI. anCCaoltnl4vc. . OMAHA 'FP Catarrh Throat Troubles Cuiod In from thrco to six Sere Throat , Hoarseness , months ; warranted. ete..iint | > kly tulievuil Loss of Voice and cured. I'rom Inllnmmntlon of tlio COULilDS , Vocal C'honls.iti' . , speedily relieved and cured. bimplo Colds cured in n faw hours : Cold * on Ihoclittl BRONCHITIS in 12 hour ? . Cured In every cnse ; war- i anted. Catarrhal Neuralgia Deafness AND Ciucd III from tliroo to six Headache month ; ' . SORE EYES Insinntly relieved and will Intlnmcd or Granulated not i etui n II' tlio remedy Lids permanently curtd Is occasionally WHIT ? noes the ' 'Carbolic Smoke Hall" accomplish what other remedies fall to i c o7 I clause i i ; ROCS dlruclly tothoseutoniiodiSfiiBO in all troubles noted abe vo. where ' the JfliSlI0o } [ JWTiX' 1STSOI' AN JMLMIO.N , liui A once commences the work ot ulliiylntf all iiilltimmatlon. IT U1SCOVEICV1 . _ . . , . CATAHIllI A.\'D HEADACHE CUKKW. OMAHA , Neb. , March 10. 1P8T. SMOKE HAW. Co.-aontlomon : I purchased one of jour . belle Sm o llalb last January , at llnst St. Louis .III. I was suilorlnir at the tirao with 0 > lcr ° 8.fb9'e [ * " ? " ' "f nnd continuous ittoppltiBS of the mucous matter Into the throat. I "stl" , * { em aoho. which troubled mo i. unrui deal. I hnvp used your remedy r , ithft % . ? ? ' J " direction * , and am entirely cured. Vourstruly. . " , M"UAUT'-J1- Bubscril-cd unsworn to Ucforomolhls Ittlulay o' 'Yf ' 'iHtADIUCIC , Notary Public. STATE OFNEnHASKA. Douoi.AS CouHTV-ss. OM u | Neb MnrcU .v , 1R87- t Co timo. . , "Deuollator" piiekago which Bliould bp useil 1 TUP COMWinTE TUHTMHNT includes n CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. , lloom 11 , Civiohton SlocK , Ju-xt to Ponlofllcc , Omaha , Xeb. . . con. U'-'ii ws o BTnccm ' UAST 1-1 i r\fGnr < J UNCOI.X , SID - Brancli Onices i HooMX ) , cA - FOU BALE uv READY. This is our first spring season in Omaha , we are now ready tenet not only an entire new stock of Spring Clothing for men , boys and children , but also that we are selling our entire line for less money than any house in the United States. Our large assortment of Spring Overcoats surpasses anything ever exhibited in Omaha. We call special attention to our $5.75 and $7.75 line. The latter is trimmed with silk facings and satin sleevelinings ! The prices of these will surely surprise everybody. The better grades which do not exceed $15.75 in price are as good as you get at the cus tom tailors and for which you would have to pay at least $35. Our offerings in Spring Suitings , of which we have an enormous as sortment , will give us a wide reputation , for we have marked them to sell 25 per cent less than any house in the city , and particularly to our strictly All Wool Men's Suits at $5.75 , we challenge any house in the country to compete with us in price. Commencing to-day and continuing the coming week we will oflter 200 Pleated Suits for Children from 4 to 13 years for $2.95. Also 400 Children's Knee Pants at the nominal price of 25c per pair. We mean to give you all tlic details regarding the clothing we sell Those ivho traded wltli ns last fall Jiave long since become convinced tJiat we are not misrepreseutatives as to styles , qualities and prices. All goods are marked in plain figures and at strictlv one price at the Nebraska Clothin Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omaha. MADE ON HONOR AM ) PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT Ilic only Machine that will sew ami forwards equally well , ami the Lightestr Jtunniny tiewimj Machine in existence. The Union Sewing Machine , We. desli'c cnci-firtia ami reaponslblctlcalcra in ycbrash'tt , Colorado , 11'noHilng , Dakota ami Western Joiva. ' Jf you are looking for a cheap Machine , tlon't answer this ailvcrtlnement , but if uon want to hamllc the bent Scwlny Machine that money can , address for particulars. 209 N , i6tli St , , Omaha , Neb , Mention Omaha lice. SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE ! The YANKEE style is to know what to do and how to do it. We struck the lead and it will pay. Success Crown our Efforts ! People that have eyes can see that after looking over the display of Clothing at the Two Orphans , the prices are lower than all others , as largo stock to select from , as good taste used and careful judgment in selecting Spring Clothin The next will ho the prices , wo arc bound to undersell all. Two Orphans never call pee pie into their store to lie disappointed. We desire the confidence of our townsmen. We will never betray it. 5 BROTHERS YANKEE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS , At 1113 Farnam Street. FOR . A lixrco number of recorded I'crchoron and Clydesdato Stallions. Also Homo Ilrcd i.'olts livery animal iruurnntcod breeder. I'rlesi lensonableniid terms easy. Ourslock hits born eeleeted with rulercnca to both Individual merit and pudlKruo. A larjro number of our StttlllonBHre aeelimnlod and Colts of tholr jjft can bo Khown. Vork in on the II , U M. II. it , two hours' rldo wi-bt of Lincoln , or can- louucs nnd further Infonntitldii. address l-'KV & I'AIIIUIAUII , Vori , l > . One Agent (31 > r < "i nt onlr > wnntM In * < rrrr town tot Ihavorctttlloa yourols-ars for 18 yearn and I conaldor your "Tauilll's I'unch" tliu beat to clsar 1 evcrjjrtw. JNO. W. AITKI.-JI DrutrgletCarbondale , I'a. UOBESSr / ? . W. TANSILL & CO. , CfllCIU RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Pine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. 1'ricea the lowest. Repairing a specially. Work r.'ariunlcit. Coiner Douglas an J 15tl > s'.reuts , Oinaiu. Licensed WiUchtnAer for Ihc Union Pacific Railroad Company. WoodbridgeBrothers STATK AUKNTS KOJl THK Decker Brotliers IPI-AJNTOS. OMAHA , NKUHASKA. lllinnn " " * TpnED. ATlctlmol flUHIIIIII 70uUijnui.ruileDX-niuibv . > | | MJI i-irmxun Urcay. Iktrrouj DtUnij. Ixiit M nhoJ , ct * , tut lute tried In vata trrr I Down nxi ( tlnrutrrul a ilmpla < art wtu-h t will trail FREE 'a M Mlow I'ctnn- ' . TM.O. * < ) & ' , CM Ji-7 , K W Vwkintjk urrut fi iinprottmtmici'r PJI faintr vtlll n ortt ct tnintMlj riirt d hi Into pn.ji.IM. hi ill nl | irrotltl < e. 7h 8jnJer , Clotl'ieCo. IP9U0--- ' ' I.awettlCate RterOarrrril frnmMo. Kit TRIP SIGLCK'S Grand Pullman Car Excurslo , I'rrinaally randucleil , Ic rn Chekn ! | > , it. I.ouc ( Kanui C'-ly ; Omaha and cihtr Uctteni Cltlet isonlblT.or t'tlirornii orcr tlio C , U A Q. ajd ih IjltFflT SfiFfllR RnilTF of " " "llUror C" ' ' ' "UUIt Hir ? . , " P5ntculireai ! < lie i U. C. moLUll. iUuw : r. 1A Clir < | ( veu CuiCAUi.