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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1887)
IHE OMAHA ? DAILY : BEE. SIXTEEZNTJI YUAN. OMAHA. TJIUHSDAY MOKN1NU. MAKGJI JH < I HOT. NUMBJBH 280 THE'RAIUIOAD HILL PASSED , Tlio Kotiflo Aflnr n Mvoly Htrugijlo Adojits tlio Honntu Moamiro. TWO REPORTS KNOCKED OUT. A Hilrll | < j < l Dnliiilo nil tlin < iM < Nllon ill' MiMvIni ; lo HID Will or tlio Hctiuln 'Ilio Kill 1'UNHUM. Ill llio HntiMtt. LINCOLN , Niih. , Mnirhw.-.Sieclnt : | | Telo- urnni to tlm Ilicu J Tlio riillrniul ( im-Mlou nuiiii iii | thin mornlnir , tin * uwjoilty mill minority roportH of HID nillioad liommlHi-o icci'iilly miulo liohiK muter roiwldi'rntloii. Tliu former icroiiiiniiii'li'd ' Um piisna u of IIOIIHO roll 1W , with llio iiiitxliiiiini cl.iiim ) In- ncrlcd im an nineiidiiiuiit by Mr , llmlnti stricken out. TlilH hill WHH Indefinitely poMpotied liy thu Hi'ii.itc. Tliu minority MI- luirt recommended thu substitution ot UK ! nftcr tlm oimtliiK claim ! ) nrminutu Illull , n hill fashioned after Hint of thu liiler-slato coin iniTcn net. Mr. Hinyth moved tlio mloitlon | of llio inl- noilty report. Mr. Wliltmoni amended to accept tlio report of tlm majoilty. Mr. WntHon itiiiiiiiiluil tlm nmondimmt tlml tioltlior rupert ho adopted , nnit that Hctiutu llliHl ho advanced to third reading. Mr. Wliltinoro wanted ovorjbody to haven fnlriiiiiloifitniidlntf of tlm ( | iiiHtIon ! , tuiil for that reason explained tm ! fttaliw ot tlm hills nHnto\eiiynopsl/ed. llo illil not. however , cnro enough for oltlirr of HID bills to Minims tcr about them ami hoped uvury nmniliiT \vniilil consider thuin honestly and Intulll udiitly. Mr. llnllnrd hoped thnt Hennto Illo II would not IIHHR llio holme. It wan not what tlioy wauled , neither wns It what the people of tlio sintu wanted. It W.IH In no in spect nn Improvement upon tlm pri'Hcnt law , , and if they could not enact HometlilriK better than tlio present commissioner law , tliuy might us well go homo and leave that as It la Mi. Watson did not think that It was lire- csmiry to tiiKii ill ) tlmo In discus-dim thost ) fluvornl lilllN. The ineinborH , Im full , had niailo up tlinlr minds ns to tlm manner In which they would voto. llo would nav , however - over , that In tin ) eaily part of tlm Hussion tlm Icxlslatiiro hail sent n comiiiunlc.itlon to tlio Nebraska representatives anil senatoiH In congress , asking them to do wlmt lliuy could to hccuro the passage of the Inter-stnto commerce - morco 1)111. ) Now , If Hint hill was good lor the union why nhould It not bo good for the fltntuV This was Hindi butter than tlm old law , nnd , anyway , ns tlio111110 W.IH short , Im wns disposed to tnko what could bo gotten under tlm circumstances. Mr. Cnldwcll H.ild that tlm commissioner bill was based upon the national commls- Hloner law , nnd If the commissioner law wa enacted In this state It would enable the Illlnu of complaints with the national commission nnd tlm latter could tike cognl/aiicu ot them nnd remedy them. Then , the state commis sioners would have tlm guidance of the national one. Mr. Hnivtli said that thrro wns llttlo dlffer- cnco lict\\cen both the bills , became nolthur contained the maximum clause ! . This was o vital liiiportnneu at this tlmo. If limy wcia point ? ( o pass a law which did not contain a maximum clause , why let them tnko the till which had passed the senate. Ho counselloi them , however , to return to tlm senate itt ! with the maximum clause nud have thai body assume the responsibility before the people of declining to L'lvo them the railroai legislation which they had demanded. Air. Aeco said that the majority repor Nlinplv struck out the maximum rate nnd til lowed t lie same to bo lived by the coinmlB- slon. The .senate bill had no maximum intent nt nil. Ho was tmrprlm-d tlmt tlio Kcullcinai from Douglas lind not noticed this dUtiuc tlon. Bill 1U2 was identical with that of tin commissioner law of Illinois , where It wn working well nnd where ho knew charge were so low that the people ot Nebraska would bo glad If they could .secure rate within ' - " > per cent of them. Besides , the bll prevented extortion nnd compelled the com mission to lix fair and reasonable rates Which would have to bo posted In all depot and which would bo considered prima faul evidence tlmt they were reasonable. Mr. Tlnu'lo warmly attacked the state montsof Mr. AKOO , anil slumod that all th rnllioads would have to do , to set aside th commission , which no siiKKCstcd , would bet KO Into court and refer to the uncunstltu- tlonality of the same. Mr. YOIIIIK called tlm chair's attention to the fnct that Mr. Tlnglo had spoken bojoud his tlmo. Mr. Knox said that It Mr. Tinclo would ox- nmlno the record ho would see that six years ago the charges for carry tut ; merclir.iullso on the rnllioads In tlii.s country was urcnter than In Cermnny or Kngland , but if he would look up the records at the present time ho would lind thnt the rates were less than they are in Cermnny and Kntjlaud. Mr. llarlau said tlmt the house of lords ot Nebraska ( the senate ) had refused to concur In the notion of the lower house In the pres ent railroad dlsscusslon by Indefinitely post- ponliiK the law which the house had passed and which the house thought voiced the sen timents of the people. Ho favored the bill containing the maximum clause , and yet It had been hinted that ho did so for political purpose * . Who was it carried political power and who was It conferred political favors ? Was It not the people ? It certainly was the people. If ho spoke for political favor , was It not therefore because In so doing ho was talking for the best interests of the people ? It has been said that tile 41 was based upon the Intor-stato commission law. Suppose It was. Was that any reason way It should be adopted ? Wore not the people of the country now standing with their eves open to see how that bill would work ? Did it not look as though , instead of walking to the Interests It would conduce to the dKid- vantage ot the business and producing Inter ests of thn country ? The inter-state bill , everybody knew , was a compromise. Cer tain features In the Ctillom bill did not con form with others ot the Keagan bill , and then some of those of the latter were sacri ficed just for the sake of passlnc a bill ot some kind. Now , what was there In it to justify the assertion that it was just what the people ot Nebraska wanted ? It was an Insult to the people to make such nn asser tion. He appealed to the house to vote down the amendment ot the gentleman from Otoe. Either of the other bills would bo preferable1. Let thorn send the bill with the maximum clause to the other house and let tlmt body take the responsibility for the defeat of the people. The people had asked them for something to protect them against the ex tortion nnd rapacity of the roads. The latter were crossing the btAto In all directions and running up every one of the valleys , and It would not DO long before the cry which had been hoard alons the lines now in operation would come from all other points yet to bo reached by these unscrupulous corporations. He wanted the members to stand tirm and Insist upon the maximum clause , and op pose the bill which recommended the com mission , because the powers delegated to that body were powers which resided aloua With the legislature Mr. Smyth said the duty which they were necking to Impose upon the commissioners was an Important one. If the commissioners were elected by the people It would bo pre ferable to appointing them with several other duties to attend to. He Insisted upon some thing belni ; done nud favored the maximum clause , and If uecvssajy. placing the respon sibility for the failure of the same upon the benato. If this legislation should not bo car ried out by the present republican senate , two years hence n legislature of democrats wonUl come here to satisfy the people. Mr. Cnldwcll made a few remarks. Mr. Watson withdrew his amendment to the amendment Mr. Harlan nald that ho noticed by the wlthdiiuvat ot Mr. Watson's amendment tlmt there was n gathering and n mashluir ot two forces , solely to Impose upon the house th i bill for which the railroad lobbyists wore working.To him the minority report was best Nrxt camotho majority and what was practically worthless wns the Inter-state law. I ' 1 hat law was what their enemies wanted , and he believed It was Alexauder who had Mid that what his enemies wanted was not the thins which he wunted for hlmielt. The people ar rtsluK to beat down these corpo * tatlcu , Thw corpoiatlons fix ( be rata and rondo ! HID prlre.ii of tlio nmikeli not only of tint Mule inn n No of HID country. 'I ho p < opl < ) me Hied nl tlili fulling of unreal nnd pin- crnhloriilinn , mid thu uvorlnitlnK dufcultiK of Niiitleiiiiintiit u HUM' . Mr. llallnrd Mild ho luul tiled ( cud nil wlntiir to llx u maximum nile but iio thought It would bu u < lei to lonnei think of dolntc no. 'I o liirunt HID bill Into the Hnindo wltlc out amoinliiiont , etpcelally aflor It had been podponed by Hint body , would warcoly war- Mint HID belief thitl Ihdv would patn It 11 * miimiiled , 'I hli wan their last elmieo and hu wan In favor of thn majority report , Mr WatHon itpoko iiKnln roterrlni ; to th'i I nspliiitloiiH which linpijlli-il HOIIIO of tlm iimmlx-rH to favor tlm denr people , and Hi'Oiilliitc HIM rallro.ul Infoimntloii of thoio who Hliouled lor HID iniixlmiim uluu'ie. claim. ItiK Hint not ono of llii-m toiild li-ll what would hit tint cost of nlilpplng ri car load of homes Iroui Omaha to CIIIAKO. | : Mi. I'nlerM wniited the majority teporl , and mild Hint If lliu hill VYI-MI p-insed In nccoril * iitii'o with It , It would bo nonciiricd In by the Hlllllltlt. Mi. Mlllur Hahl that If lioroiilil not get nil Im wauled. Im would take nil ho roulil gel. Tint lillls In iii | ( > Htion were not nil Im w.mted , but he would now favor tlm majority MIDOII , Mr. llond. Mild the blllH had been dlutited hy tlm r.illioad InleriistM mill tlm Hour pie * honiedHmHpcctncloof Mlltoad lobbylittH li-glrt- latlng foi tlm people. .Mr , Raymond moved tlm pluvious fines- tlon.A . A vote wns takmi on the adoption of thu ruajoilty iDpoit. II WIIH loUf'J to'i. ! ! A volit on the minority recommendation resulted a" follows : Alllrnmtlvo Ager , Allfln , Amlrcn , Ililwock , Mallard , lluntly , Illck , Cameron. Ciiiinoii , Cinlg , Dempster , KIIU , Kwlng , Canihle , Uilmote , Harrison , Hayden , llnlmroil , HoiHt , .le.iry , Kelper , Miirnliiil , Mnttliloson , MeCoiiauglmy , Me- Kuiinn. Newton , Overtoil , I'cter . Itlef , IliiHBi'll , .Satchel , Schwab. MIIIIIIH , .Himauek , myth , Tliiirlc. Truesdeli , Tyson , Underbill , Wctlmiald , Whlttiiore Wllhelumen , Wolun- wi'bcr , Wright , Mr. .Speaker 1' . Nnyn Aliinliamson , Alexander , Androww , tally. Baud , llowmnn , Brown. Cnldwell , Jolt- , Cope , Cranu , Dlckotmoii. Dlller , Kgglo- ton , Kind } ' , Kotifon , Fox , rrntiU. Kuchs , 'ullor. Cnlford , ( l.irvuy , ( Jieeu , Kunnoy , vlnir , KIIOX , LclKvcId , Lord , McCann. Mc- Irow , Miller. Mliinlx , Nowcomer. Nlchol , SorrlH , I'cmhi'rloti , Kandall , Kaymond , Sliamp. .Sullivan , .Swot. Thornton , Ward- aw , Watson , White , Wilson , Wllhey , V ut/.y. oiliuc 4l. ! This vote shown llio uniting of the forces ) f those who favored tlm majority report mil Honato llio II , to defeat the maximum lauso. During the taking of the saiim every iiemher In the house was on his feel and omo of them were moving around Inducing ho chnriKO of votes. Among the crowd ho ralliiud lobby , which eliculatud without Imino or fenr. Mr. Agee moved to amend ono of tlm sec- Ions of tlio bill. Mr. Watson moved that senate file 11 , the nt'ji-stato commeico law , bo read n tlilnl Imo. Imo.Mr. Mr. Smyth moved to tablo. IVnding this motion recesn was taken. AKliiiNOO.V : 8IISMO.V. A long ilel.iy ensued , with u call of the IOUM ) . When all the iinoxciised absentees were nought In Mr. Smsth's motion was lost , anil Rctmto llio It , notwithstanding motions U table , to defer , and Indollnltcly postpone wii nit iijion Its third re.uliiig nnd carried will Im following "vote : Yens Abrahamson , Agee. AHclri , Alexander , Andres , B.ibcock , iainl , lianett. Bowman , Blown , Caldwell , Cameron , Cunion , Cole , Cope , Crane , Deutp hter , Dickinson. Dlller , Kggioston , Elsley. Kontnn , Fox , KrautKuchs , Fuller , ( inlford inrtoy , ( iieen , Kunnoy. King , Knox , Lntt.i , Llesveld , Lord , .Marshall , McCann , Me Conanghy. Mcrow ( ! , McKcnna , Miller , Mln- ilx , Newcomer , Nlchol , Noirls , ( Jverton I'omberton , 1'eters , Kandall , Kaymoiid , Kus- scll , .Schwab , Hliamp , Sullivan , Sweet I'liornton , Turner , Tyson , Underlilll , Ward law , Watson , Wethernld , White. Wllhelm- M-ii , Wllsoy , Wolenweber , Wright , Yut/y Voiing. ) . Nays Andres , Bailey , Dallard , Bently Heck. Craig , Kills , Kwlng , Clllmorc , Harrl son , Hayden , Helmiod , llolst.'Jeary , KCJK.T | Mattheson , Newton , Kief , S.itcliell , Hinions Smlank , Hinyth , Tingle , Truesdeli , Wnlt more , Wilson , Wolenweber and Mr Speaker 'is , When this vote was being tnken nil Inter loiters were excluded from the Hour. The bill locating a normal school nt Fre mont was referred to the committee on uni verslty and normal schools. Thu following bills were passed : Senati lilo 51 , relieving persons from contracts ti purchase or lease stands when the Intte have not bcmi ottered publicly for lease o salo.V.t ; ; defining the boundaries of Inman county ; 17-1 , apportioning the state Int thirteen judicial districts , the house concur ring In a few minor amendments. The senn torlal amendment to the teproseiitatlvcaud .senatorial districts bill were not concurred In. They were ns numerous as the features In the original bill nnd n conference commit tee of seven was appointed to adjust the dif ferences. It consists ofMessrs. . Newcomer , Watson , Fenton , Lord , Babcock , Whltmon and Itusspll. The anti-gambling bill was brought up. Mr. Smyth moved to recommit. The motion was lost by nn overwhelming vote. The bill wns then placed on Its passage nnd carried by the following vote : Ayes Abralumson , Alkcn , Alexander , Andrews , liabcock , Ballard. Bowman , Cam eron , Cannon. Cole. Cope , Craig , Dempster , Dlckenson. Ulller , Fenton , Fox , Fuchs , Ful ler , Uafford , Korst , Jeary , Kelper , Kenney , Lolsveld , Lord , Marshall , McConaughv. Mc- ( irew , McKenua , Minnlx , Newton , Nlchol , Norrls , 1'cters , Itnudall , Itamond , Kusseil , Setchell. Stump , Sims , Sullivan. Sweet , Truesdeli. Tyson , Underlilll , Wardlaw , WItherald , Wllhelnueii. Wilson , YuUy , und Mr. Speaker 53. Nays Acee , Andres , Balrd. Bentley , Blck , Brown , Caldwell , Crane , Kggleston , Elbley , Kills , Kwine , Frantz. Gamble , Garvey. Gfl- more , Harrison. Hayden. Helmrod , Knox , Matthlcsou , McCann , Miller. Overton. Koif , Schwab , Slmanek , Smvth , Tinele , Watsou , White , Whltmore , Wilscy , Wodenweber , Wright and Young-SO. The libel bill was then called. Mr. Smyth moved that it bo recommitted. This was lost on motion of Mr. Itussell , the amendments to the bill a few days ago providing for the prosecution of editors charged with libel In any countr or the state in which the libel may be circulated , al o the emergency clause , were stricken out and tlm bill was passed ns it was published in the 1UE : a few days iuo , with the following vote : Ajes Abralmmson , Agee , Alker , Alexan der , Andrews , Habcook. Balrd , Bowman , Brown , Caldwell , Cannon , Cole , t opt- , Crane , Dickinson , Dlller , Kirgleston , Elsbv , Fox , Krantz , Fuchs , Fuller , UalTord , Gamble , Gar- key. Grcon. King , Knox , Llesveld , Marshall , McCnnu. McCatiaughly. McGnnv , McKenua , Manix. McComer , Newton. Nichols. Trues- dell , rcmborton , Peters , Kandall , Kust.cU , Schwab , Schamp , Slmins , Sweet , Thornton , Wnrdlaw. Wetherald , White , Wilhelmscn WIUny-M. Nays Andres , Bailey , liallard , Bently , Blck , Cameron , Craig , Dempster , Kills , Kwlnir , Fenton. Harrison , Gilmore , Hayden. lleimrod , Horst , Jeary. Kciner. Kenney , Lord , Matthloson , Overton , lUcf , Satchel , Bismarck , Smyth , Sullivan , Tlngh. Tyson , Unilerhlll , Watson , Whltmore , Wilson. Wol- enwekcr , Wright , Yutzy , loung and Mr. Speaker 38. During the progress of this a number of members explained their votes. Mr. Underlilll then mo\ed to reconsider Hie vote by which tlio gambling bill had passed , as some of Its provisions were too sueoplne. Mr. Watson seconded the motion. Mr. Kulner favored the motion bec.uuo ho had voted under H misconception. Mr. 1'eters moved to Uy the motion on the tablo. Mr. Underlilll asked to withdraw his mo tion , but objections were made. The motion to table was carried. v Senate tiles i > 3 , relating to the rolluquNh- mcnt ot titles : TJ , providing line and Impris onment for the wearing unlawfully of G. A. It. badges ; and 10 , make liftcuu IhonKeot consent , were passed. The novernor signed house bills ISrt , lo cating the asylum tor the incurable Insane at Hastings ; 417 , throe-quarter mill tax for the completion ot the capltol , and 471 , cntntlnK telephone companies rUht ot way along highways. The Indignation of many ot the members wns nrou > ed when unexpectedly a motion to adjourn was made and carried vociferously. The fact was that a large num ber of the members had been supplied with complimentary tlckeU by lome fricndt to Jim O'Neill's "Monte Crtsto. " This at traction was too great to be overlooked , evou i V In vlow of tin tm I Hint but onn morn nluhl leiiiiilni of llione ldii und the Din U piled with m ; tin to I .IN ( oi v , Neb , , Mnirh : / > , --HtHy'lal | T"lo tmuii to lliu llr'i . ) - Tim fenittn thin morning p-mcd hoiiii ) r"lh HI , W , ! ( ' < , V.I , l.'J'lnnil ' 'H , nil of which IIIIVM l > ; en dutnllod In tlieio columnn. Tlm Rvrintn Mill afternoon p.iiied tin : fol lowing billH. Hoiinu bill iipjiroiirlutliii : $ iHi/n ( to ll"v trlcu for money crroneounly collccleil by tlm utatu auditor for reglHt''rlru Wat'irwork * bonihi ; liotisu lull for teglituriri tlio ntnto Into Aunalorlal and ruiireiuntatlvi ) dUtrlcU ; liouiio bill for nn t ' ; t to croatnnd rorillrinu n bniuiiii of labor and Iniluitrlil Ktatlitlui nnd ilellno thu duties of its iifUcer * ; liouvi bill for nn net to provldo for the erection of n linlld-r Ing for the nnlvemlty of Sehrnnkn to txi known at ( tntnt Menifirlnl hull , ID inilvotcd ' ) tlio n-i- < of lliu inlllury il'jtinrtmeiu of ild university nnd for u l/jliliiailnm and to utliorl/e tlm board of rodents I' ' ) erect KII ; | | ulldlng nnd to nni'ronrl.itu uioneyi for that iiirp'iso ; si-nntu hill for nn a'-t lo am'-rid HOO Ion Hill of tlm cede of civil iirficeditrc mid epeaU.ild ceciloti ; honsi ! hill for nn nut to novlilii for ntid tegtilnUi thn tulmlrMlon of er'ions lo HID de i'-o of nltorney nnd conn- ellor at Hw , to ileiino the duties of atlor- iiy/t / nnd counsellors nnd to rupunl iertiln cations niinicd therein. djourned until to-morrow morning , Hiiti : ( > UHTc ; < ; iiuN'r. ; I'roiiiliiont C'ltl/.cn of In. ) u red Ity n llunawtiy Tnttrn. Cot.i'MiiUM , Neb. , March M. LSpeolal Teln- 'ram to tlm Ifi ! ; : . ] An nccldunt occurred lero this morning that may prove nor Ions to mu of our promising young nttorncys. H. H. ilcAlllster ls' ) | . , whllu crossing thu Union 'aelliy track on Ollvo street , near which wan landing n locomotive blowing elf fttcam. A : eam belonging to Barney MeFazgort became rlghtenod , and In running across thu track Mr. McAllister , partly enveloped In thu u - laplng steam , did not HCO which way thu earn was coming , was knocked down and rampled on by the horses , and the wheels of huungon passing over him. lln was nicked ip unconscious , nnd takun to his ruHldonco iVlilch he had left bntn fuw minutes previous. Doctors Hchuif and Martyn wuro ( | iiickly lolng all that could bu douo to rellusu Ills njurles which pro\ol to be thruurlb-i broken , | ilnu brulned and faeu badly ciit up. Ho IH resting comfortably at this writing , although his condition IB watched with much anxiety by hit friends , nnd mcmberx of the bar , many of whom are here In attendance upon the district court. Knvcnth IHxrrlct . C. T. U. NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , Maich > A ( Special to thu IIK. : ] The fori'noon session of the evunth llstilct convention ol lliu W. C. T. U. was luxotod to reports of superintendents of de partment work. A piper on temperance- - raturu was presented by Mrs. King , ot Wayne. In thu afternoon thu following oil- ! cers were elected for the ensuing year : ( 'resident , Mrs. S. C. ( ) . Upton , I'ierrp ; vice president , Mrs. M. II. Osborn , Norfolk ; treasurer , Mrs. J. 11. Aiitlu-t , I Ian ton ; re cording fecretarv. Mr . Bacon , Wnyno : cor responding secretary , C. h. IIaye < , 'Norfolk. Mrs. Jennlu IIoliiieof Tucumseh , president of the Ktatuorgnnl/atlon , recited the failures of the legislature BO farns legislation In favor of woman was concerned. Mrs. Mary Folsom - som made an address in favor ot the "Vs. " Mrs. ( ieorgin Waterman presented a paper on "I'ress Work" In the district. In tlie evening Mrs. Kllen Blair , of Knox county , gave an entertaining "Chalk Talk" to the children. Grand Itdand'h New Ilnnk. GUAM ) I.SIAM > , > 'cb. , March SO. [ Special leJegram to the HKK.J The Bank of Corn- merco ot Crand Islnnd filed articles ot Incorporation yesterday with the county clerk In tills city , to Ixjgin business with 850,000 , with the priv ilege of increasing to 5500,000. The Incorporators - corporators are J. N. March , T. 1' . Lanlgan. John 1) . Moore. Charles W. Scarll and W. W. Ulner. T. I' . Lanlgan was elected president. J. D. Moore vice president , and. I. M. March cashier. The new bank will occupy the Scarlf block and will be finely lo cated on Third street. The gentlemen who virtually .stand behind the Investment are capitalists , but will give the new Institution whatever support may be necessary for any amount ot business. Business will bo com menced the nth lust. , or just as soon there after as thu necessary furniture can be ob tained. _ _ The Pacific In > estljatorn. XKW YOIIK , March 30. [ Special Telegram to the HER. ] The Herald's Washington cor respondent sa > s : The statement that Gen eral Bra < g. of Wisconsin , will be phcn a place on the i'aciflc Investigation commission Is premature. The president has determined , howe\er , to offer him one of the commission- crships and a telegram was sent to him asklnz if he would accept Should ho do so tne names of all the commissioners will be made public to-day. Should he decline a further delay of several days way occur before It will be known what the president's selection has been. It Is not believed that General Bragg wilt agree to sene. He has been troubled for some time with Inflammation of the eyes and hl.s friends do not think blscon- dltlon will admit of active work for possibly several months. He and General Abbott , about whose selection there Is apparently no doubt , would represent an clement in" the board which the railway Influence could not affect. Littler , of Illinois , who will bo the republican member of congress. Is a man of wealth , whose natural Inclinations as well as business associations would make him friendly to the corporations. The Ruck Island Train Holibcrs. CitioAoo , March SO. The Dally News' special from Morris , III. , says : In the SchwarU-Watt murder trial to-tlay Engineer Woods described the blood stains in Nichols' car , and said their location Indicated a despcrato struggle. He said the smoke nnd cinders from the engine fell so thickly on Watt's car it would be next to im possible for a man to remain upon the roof and cover Watt with a revolver thrust through a transom. Witness returned from Davenport thoe\enlng after the murder , with Conductor Danforth. Schwartz was on the ( train and talked with witness about the satchel which Danforth found in the car clo < et The train pulled out of the bhute so rapidly that It would be Im possible for anybody to jump abo.inl. Con ductor Wagner was recalled and corroborated most ot his own testimony and that of Woods. The defense has decided to sum mons its witnes > e to be here Monday morn ing. Mexican Assassins. ST. Louis March SO. A ppeclal to the Globe-Democrat from Bio Grande City , Texas , says that Corporal Boycr and another soldier were approached by four Mexicans on the government reservation at Fort KlnegoM , the evening ot the Cth. One Mexican shot Nojerju t nbo\e the heart , at which the other soldier retrvattM. Thivo Mexicans \\eroarreMed last night on Mis- Plclou. The survMug soldier declares himself able to Identify the assassins. A Snow Itlnckmtc Rrxiken. HALIFAX , March SO. [ Spochl Telegram to thu BKK.J The five day's snow blockade of the Intercolonial rail war was broken last ntcht. One thousand men weie encaged In shoveling snow oil the track. The blockade con-red a distance of twenty-seven miles The Intercolonial nnd New llrunswlck railways - ways ha > u already dlrvcttr e\pende l 570,000 f or shn\ cling snow ott their trucks. Tlio snow drifts In one place completely covered the telegraph poles. The Qiirou'H Jubllpi * . LONDON , March 80. Members of the House of Commons w 111 In a body attend the state lublleo services In St. Margaret's chapel , at Westminster Abbey , Jay 2J , Hu Ilolatcn In IJhUll the Killing of the DAMAOIMO TOT THE DEFENSE. J IMI , Mlnl t ir' Willow , OvfMiomn lit llinHinrjr nfUio 'I rncni1y , 1'nlriU Aw. r l ilin Crowded Court Itooin , Itlninaidk A n1n On tlio Htnnrt , HIOIX fJnv , Marjjh W.-Allx-rt Kovli- nlM'kl , rill. n Dlr/mnrri , occKplu'l ' tlm vrltnrm box tiK.ilfi thli tiiornlri In the HffMock Miir- tier trial , The court rortni was pwrkcd u double Its capacity. At tlio head of tlio Ubl'i of tlio dcfuriff ) IU John Arorivlotf , with th'i nniiifi ilurnbncsi ai v/li n thy lrl l IfX'Mi , Kfvhnlckl ' ono of ittn two Dutch men rclMcd In Lcavltl'n t < : * tlinony wl/o / vtai hind to "do up" 1 1 a'ldock , and \K \ under Ire ill ( trricnl nn tiiin tit the ( y > i. TJio city nuthorltlr * * , while VTiirnulatln nvMftic rir-c' ' ) iiry for hit arrcat , ki-pt tr.ick of Mu iniiniii't.ln from the day of the murder , nnd wln'ii hu left the dtylii Hri'tomber ' r/ltli liU Ininlly n vlullaut vtch v/ftji kept on thurri. On tin : Knh of Kcptcrnbcr thecn \ \ \ ftiithorl- Ih'H of Hun Cr.irir.lftco were riotllicd to ktt t him In Aluht until protior panoni c/Uld t > n nerved for his iirreit nnd return. On the 10th day of October , at the ln tnnc < ; of the Hlonx City anlhontlfs , Koichnlvkl : wai arrtttol at that pi ar for consplrato murder. Chief of I'ollco .Scion , of Slonx City , arrh l nt .San I'rnnclKco , and on vltltlnx the prisoner at the Jail , Koschnltxl confeivxl to Ills complicity In the tragedy In Auxmt and namwl .John ArcriMJurt us the : ; ian vho Miot the rilnl t r. Tlwconfwslon of Lcarltt had not ti ; < : n unvli : public until thu 7th , tlir c dayo provinuxly , hut Kf/vhnlnkl ; wan uri- \saro of any such confeiilon. .So far JIB i * thu only ( lerrimn out of the large nurnbor inpllcatcd that has turned states evidence , nnd hl.s testimony IM 1 1 n ( Utcncd to by that rlis-tof : with deep Interest , llu It the moil daniayin. : wltniis yt In the Jury txix , nnd the reveUtionsofthc crime made by him Maintain In detail nnd daU an nxactnu.ii with the testimony of Fit/jhmnotii and Lcavitt. Th < ! position of the awas'ln when fired the shot Is accurate -with other Ujitl- rnnny already Niibutcd ! ( , but he ( leicrlbc * vlth horrlfylni ; Hlu-strjUlon the face and expression of 4lhe minister as the ball penetrated | Uc neck" . He Is the only Vfltriris that has so far 1'iveii the true ami natural soun J that fof- lows the everlnz the wlndp pc. This part of the evidence ycmcd deeply to affect a sUiut , heavy lady , with hair well tinted wltli t-ray , ulio Is drjfxxl in mourning , and hura Hated mannfrand flushed countenance drought her universal sympathy. It was Mrs. Haddock , widow of the martyred min ister. It was her list appearance In the court room , she havlcfe but Ju t arrived from bur home in Wisconsin. Ko-chiniski reaiirc l Ills cvldwic from jcsterdai'B lntetrupUono5 follows : Treiber said , "There Is where the - of a preacher lives ; Jnvill give youJV/Mf von will whip hlm. " ; cn said he would eive S'iVJ if 1 would uhlpjtfifr tHrAftked me if I knew Fred Foleer ; x&fK ± es ; hnxsked me if 1 knew Grandavi"isaM yes ; he said. "When yoj sec him tell him I will trlve him trV ) to whip Haddock. " I ted ! < ; randa what hu had H.ild ; I then went with him to his house ; this was on the afternoon ot the same day. ( i ran da , when I told him this , said , "I will meet you at Trleber's saloon to-night. I went to TrieUr's that evenlnjr ; r.eaid Ciranda was not here last night ; he said "jou go and see him and t/ll | him to coma down , that he will get S.VJO sure when he whips the preacher ; " saw Grandaazain ; told him that frluber would clve him SW3 sure wh n he whipped that preacher : Oranda said. " 1 was at Trleber'R last night but Trleber was not there ; " 1 then met Trlebcr on trie street later ; I tolu him I seenGranda ; Triebersild , "you come up with him to my saloon to-night sure ; ' ' I then camu un to the court room with Tnebcr ; saw I'CT. Haddock there ; the in junction cases wens goins on in the court room ; remained In the court room until about lo o'clock , then left and went home ; in the evening 1 went to Trieber's saloon ; Trieber sent me to Oranda's house to bring him to the saloon. He gave me > cents for car far and I went noun to GramU's hoa e ; he was not there ; I then returned to Trieber's saloon. He was not there , and I started down Fourth street for home. 1 saw 'irieber , Granda , I'latb , Mnnchrath and Paul leader on the corner near the Sioux Xatlonal bank. Trleber said : "Show Granda where Haddock lives. I went up towards the preacher's hous- with Granda , then WP nt back to the bank building. Wnen near the preacher's house Granda said he would not whip the preacher , as there were too many men who knew him. He told me this when near the preacher's house. When we got back to the bank Paul I < eader , George Trie ber. S. 1l.eaitt , Henry Peters and Munch- rath were standing there : did not know Leavltt at the time , Granda asked the fel lows to give us a drink ; Plath gave Granda 35 cents ; we wentand got a drink and went back to the corner. Tneber said. "You go down and asK Charley Eberhan if thebu gy has come back. " He went dow n. This about one hour before Haddock was killed ; Granda went wlta me ; I asked Etwrhart if the bugey had returned ; I called him out ot the Columbia house to ask him ; he went back and sent a man out ; I remained there about an hour ; did not ask Fltzslm- mons about the buggy ; he went Into Merrill's ll\ery st.iblo ; sawabupgy on Water stree that night about one hour after I had left th bank corner ; 1 was standlnc near Dtneen's fence , east from the Columbia hou e. The bucey came and I walked up toward Fourth street The buggy came from Fourth Mrwt and turned nortn on Water stnvt. Granda and I were on the east side of Water ; tres when the buggy camn ; Granda and I wen. up to Fourtn street , when the burgy me , and saw a crowd of men coming down th sidewalk up to the corner nf fourth and Pearl streets. Tfcc wen were going down Fourth --treet ; met tnem the alley be tween Water and Pearl streets ; saw th leader (\itt ) , Granda , Arenvlorf , PJath nnd Munchrath were in the crowd ; Arenvlor was there ; had on a blank sack coat ; Lea\it had on a rubber cost ; we all went toward ! the Water street corner : Paul Leader and : ere In front : he and I went south on Wate street ; Aren > dorf stood on the corner with the other men ; Leader and I were five feet from Arensdorf ; I taw the man coming across the street ; Arensdorf said to Grands , "I don't want you drunken men around here. " Hev. HitMoek was coming acre $ > Water street ; theuen were on the corner Haddock was coming east on Water strwt ; : saw Arensdorf > tart out toward the preacher when In the middle ot the street ArensUor. fired the snot ; Haddock ni > ed his hands to his head and fell : Arens dorf stood still * moment and then ran across the bridge followed by IVter > : mean the bridee across Perry creek at tli foot of Fourth : Jtrfrt. I then starts ! to run and did not fee which war the other men nn. I ran through the alley between Third an Fourth streets : Paul Leader was with me nu we ran to the Milwaukee hou e : saw Aren ilorf on Fourth street with Paul Ix der ; saw hlui In a beer garden the next Monday atte : the shooting ; Frwl Folder was al o there. Arvnsdorf said : " 1 puess I want to s-ee you. ' ' We went out. He Mid. "I think you hid bet tercet out ; " I cald. 'Why ? he said , "You saw the shooting and you bad bettercet out'1 I sshl I had no money ana he uld. " 1 will give you S1CO and you pet out ; FreJ Foljvr will drive you out on the road , tomorrow ; " he ssld to Folwr , "You come to Junk's tonlirht and see. me ana uke him to Sails. * ' He said It I remained hero I would cetdrunt and talk aud would get Into the wniteniLinr. Thn second dajr ttter Haddock was killtM Tleber came to mr house and he caw me money ; aw Hear ? Peters at the beercAtxlen next day ; Folcer Mid th t It vr&s better tor me to leave , as I was liable to get In the peni tentiary : FoUcer Hid be k t Uvn told by Granda Uiat Arcstdorf had klllevl Haddock ; he Mid that It U mined U next moratn j ho . In II wo \ , ly im tlorch : flnr lt v Ilk/lilr k i " 4 klll ls Ml rKkln Umni f iriK. Cr l r'olz'-f with id * , yiil l/i H .IU f//it / tny ! < On irieiUyaJworc ilorf wl'l. ' "Vvhr fll'l y / nul ten fllti lift W > ( Jo'/r 'j 'it Ulr ar ywi will ! > Jim I tw tMif , I/tit mil ruitil yint tt nn lutnvKnnt \ < c nway. " On th c/r/ ' /ilr tlr > ri > i l l i < ) w < Ix/rn In rrtru | 'MU U : wm a f In in * old r' ; int/t i * m r l"-'l In l on < ihlt f f * fin yc r Miiit unit- liu hfii ) , y/M it'll tn llt'i wtttletillnty In Hit old ctiutiltr' r foully fvn - In tbli itmnln tinn yi-Jit Ofom Iiino I ! ir y frilltaw t\\- \ \ iw 1 1 Hloiu Mir. vrwrkwl Itit Jnlitt Arrnv d' ' rf a Ji' rt tlwio aft < 'r rfun'itix lm . rrlf ) alMt w rl " l Uirr S ' ( ( * "r ' ( Id m/t / l tnt In vililu thy iirri/iliir I MII * I * > * not iltimit i-tiotii'li ; I can talk l'i/r Ont/fi anri high Dutch : 1 dirt not "twrt t/ > fiy ut llin % ' * f > wiiirli vttit lit w.l liit v/iii ) < i/lri < iir Mcti < 'r : .John Annvorf ( lad iitittil \ \ tanUtttlhu time "Una mnrdrr It U nul f vt tliU I h'ivf'.H \ In prlvm : found v.hiil tf < ) 'id Iri front of .ItinK't whirl I wtrtt MnrfhraHi wvl rwM rr/rtt" ! on ; tivl tilk > yilfi Ihnn ; ' ( rW/cr ! ! Ii < ; bwl lit ni ddjrllVtttr stfwt and * k < ? J A tent/Inn It lltu bug/yl d mint \tvk' \ * Vy ( f' ' Maift. whoMl'l h 'llrtri'tkn r , t'l tfr * > xt t an hour : Kt > "rJi t vnt rrun , who r tif. tnck and Mid twnt luul ctiw. . ' r t' riH t/i fJramla , who vnl tKf"r i t' i for a drlr/k ; didn't go with him ; didn't want any drink ; att > T l , i cam ! bvk ; r nt O'Cfinnor' * ; a kcd tlict ! and r/niMn't e rt ores : went t/vk to ( > r rida lij ilrien'i iriop ; iUyM fjiiM awlillc ; i.ivr < 're/al I kriftw tuMlnMnnc ; i- rath , Trfst tr andtii joth 'f ' ) 'rc not Uirre , no one b'lt rriyvlf and < /rari'U : tlut M tiattiii Iti'iiugty cam : ; -vrhn It earnI I went to Fourth , then Tn-tit rwki : > OlnwrA : Orari'U went mli JV M ; I * Uld t lit * * \\i-i \ \ till tlio ctovril cmr' I'rnl litsulti ' * * vlttauli ( at'tt y who vi in < ! % t ; think HVIM l > - rltt ami another : n n ; ( walkt-d with J/swlt ; didn't M him cUan rjati with anyone : can't ar that IMJ crran ; { xl haU vlln ls-vlist ; couldn't W ! what t' okIMV. \ filr 'l : If any one had taken l vlvr'n lial off wo-jl/J tiw. rii It ; no one did ; I/al-r hvl a rubVsr coat l/nt no nrnhrclla ; is-vlir ami ( t//tp" l at Watr itrect and tiirrixl aronn'l ; didn't we tli hat chanzln ? ; it/xxl tfiiri a cnnpto of KWind * whtn ( l ( M'/"i : nUtted acrow the utiwt ; , Ari-nsdorf met him. ( ' ! v.iclf'1' i'/ < > arid a little north of the preather ; didn' the preacher r li fils riand * l/cforfe > . r iriot ; after John noth- went Mwr l ittt brlrtsje ; wallt l fait , Peteri alv < ; nnthcr ran ; only WfT th rofa a eonpte of * SAJ . when 1 ran ; fxswler VM ahevj. f folio- * * * ! 1/rMer to t ! ) MilwaukM honfe It l not vt that I was at Fifth and l'e jl trfc rUt > * n Haddock waAklllwI ; wa/ri8 > t Uiere afx at filtten fe t away ; wanVwlth John IK-M- rich iyirnfr of IVarl and flf th : I'u a - lie U > av I V/M ; don't xnovr Ie'irch ! * : wtnt down Fourth Mri L wh * 1MI Lroat < J f * Ullf tit Insc : went horns from there : tui'l horns . . . nlzht ; the next time I saw Arenv dorf va < i on the aet rnctrnlng ; ris/1 no Ulc ! with hlrrf ; the nit tltr.e he talked with w.neiaVat ) the Vilhn w the next Monday at J < * IV > rvb' : r > -r gar den ; he didn't say "I and Tre.ter will yo in killing j > reach s ; there iva , more nonein It. " | The vritnhwUu/hwl a he denied f- Ingihis.l John DMrlch did not hear Mm say -uch a thins ; you tain ) : I wa. % crazy ? a feed the witn&u : at tnepJac * ot the tilling it-Aa ? dark , but there waj plfnty of lUnt ; c/mld see that It WAS Areawlorf an l not Henry Peters who fired the iiot ; I was arrtited at .San Hranciw/ ; told no one of the shooting on th'j vray home ; irM tne governor about lU-f at DM Mo5n . did not read l > s * ifs statement ; did no : IneWof It I told the gorernc/r ; < u.i 't expect leu punlthment t.'ian arrest ; did not talk with Ixavitt about the shoo'.in ? since coming tnck. On re-dlrwn evideoe * he testi fied to rneetlne Mayor Cleland aadM 'i4 * .Shanley at Ornthi on SI * way l/aci : from fcai Francisco. Thee oflicials showed him a j.hci torrar > h of l.earitt and ioueht to hare nlra state ttiat Ixratitt was the one who a id the shooting. He refused to u-l ! other than the truth. After he went to the room " with the chief of police to ? et a little rest tae rnaor airaln wu/nt to nave him ilate tan l > eavltt wai a murderer. He zaln refn' L He went to Ue ? 3Iolne > and told the governor Ms story. Kona-chimti proved tot- * the mo : danzerons vritne = 3 for the defense jet cal'cd. Geor/eA. l nWA ? recalled and swore that after the shootln he went to tbe - < ae of the murder and met Henrr Sherman cos ine from that direction : Mr * . Mary Rj-an , to whew I avitt ran after the 'i' > 5tinr , te-tilK-d to having heirJ the roand of a sbot ; heard men rannla ? by the hoa- < ; one en tered the front door , ran up iUirs and into the front room occupied by Ifrljcr ; Wiilian D&or > orn rooaied at Mrs. Kyans ; was ia the room at the time of the shooinz : abxit three minutes after the * bet was nrr-d L anu ran Into hU roost , sit down on tae side ot bed and coterrd b fa e with bU hands ; identined the ranU pet on exhibit and swore they were ja-t like the ones I.eavitt wore on that c-sea.-ioa. They were dark pants ; he also wore a ti t-.t brown hat. hat.Atx Atx > nt 3 o'co ! > : i In tfie afteraoin the ex citement and close atmo-phere o ! the eocr : room cau-ed Mri. Haddock to faint. With this exception she bore up bravely turoc-h the trying ordeal. Only at one ocer time , when Konoschla-ki was azala rep atlnr the actual shoot in ? , did the lady o : t no-rn and. covjrins her face , sobs coaid t beard in tne stillness tut ! cam a as a calm ot pauiy. _ A Bottle Conrentlon. Dn * MonfE * , Ix. Marca S-.Sr 5al Te ! egram to the BEE. . , Representatives ot bottling Industry la twenty citln ot lovra met in this city to-day and forced a > : ate as sociation. Tnefolowlno2ieers ! were e ! td : President , John D.Vaille , Marihalltowa ; vi president. J. A. Hero'.d. Conncil Blu j ; c- retary. O. It. WheIer , Council BlnSi ; t a5- urer , C. Mathews. liarllngtoa. Several com- pacto were made for the mutual pMecion of tne memter : , amen ? other * onet&a : no ceo- t > er of the a.v > oeiatlon should 11 ccojstoany person who had Kvn refu < d & ! < > oa ac count ot exce&Mve Io-j of bottles uatll nli od ! account wa.5 settled. Al o that no focxl * ial tv ent out to any rianies la tae United au : in quart bottle * unle the boal = are charfe l and added to the Invoice at tie rae ot ' * ) cents a dozt-n and ra > $ at ctnt. The cex : annual mer'tini : of the Ass vaIoarill ! beM la Davenport la April , ls . State UnlTcrsltr Recent * . IOVTA CITV. la. , Marca JO. Sr-Kial Tee- ! craru to the BKC. The b rd of re-feats of tne State nnlr * Ity met here to-day aad elected Dr. A. Ketnodof ! Clinton , is l - turer on insanity ia the icolhral deportmeaL. No choic for president wa * cadf , bet tw selection xs left : oaconiraltt of fite.coa- Ppyed of Governor ljirrxte ana ilf r * . Thomas S. Wright , of lv Moine * : D. X. Kkhinlvin , ot Davenport ; 11. A. BomfU , ot Washington , and J.v. . Uich , of Ylntoa. Killed ny an Emory Wheel. GrrnntE Cr.N-rin , Ix , Marth J5-X [ Special Tolecratu to the BEE.Orrll D. Mercer , while operatinc an etaorr wh l In his shop here tm eveainf. vra * tUiiM by 5t bur > tlnc of the vrhel. One p eoe , \ < < lctiinc f < vty-ls pounds , cru > ld la his brex > t , Sill- ins til in lnUntly. A Crook oil CommUiinn Firm. Cutcjioo , March 33. Jo , t h Striarp , of Sioux City , ( a. , tyfin a < nlt ia tfc * * a ] rJoc court toUj - against the catncaK < iaa - : = ! of D. H. MclMnad * C x , of this c ty. to rc- cow Si.iXW Straaps . id the tirm bai tva -flllnc nitfr\-h\uitlM for oa # price and re portinc annthlnc , and the dbcrepAacy. it is i , aiaounted to the itove : Lalxir Troulilr-t S < cil < Hl. Prrrsiiv no , Mrrch SI lVo relf n * strain In the eoke region . The trouble Jvtw a th * r\vo l\N > r cvrcnitatU\DS hc Knlctits cf Ijtvraml the Amalramatcd a. < M.vuU a mt miners ana cilue utvtrers WAN > iled th-.t fort noon by % conference of the lxborer . Union PielflcOtHocr * Ktecttst. BOTOX , March : U. At a moctinc ot tne .11- rotors ot if. * Union Pdc r-4lltvu4 ihU afternoon. rrcstJent Adaats af d tae fcrcwr oftccrs w rc-clcctcd. t't1 tlt < H * fittiimtiy.j * i t ux tint * IwwJ it ? onul i tt > iUl l/ > fUtut lu * ntn > l c ftM * it | In vrtitrtttmlj nll w/yhl'/n % i/i Hit Inlfi tltlf rf/ttimvt" ; Ml , nt aiilrtznlwlr ) /Aj/J fftrfl ? ut rtHtitrttty tin two in'tttl > n " , tvtt no ItrVH * It/t > < * lii\tt lh" lh"l l > n sill r ( . * of t rvIf'Jvli'iz tv/ < - * ! on vw l tit nt tit ettxttir M fTftfl. v It- * } n < jyrtf"r * tut Ihfi i/i jy tin vJt- I/I 'prl ttw-U ! Mil * io n'J tfjo t Vt * for irly ) l r . Itf. CUlut will tntllrt \ cXtrA Awll I. ' ( luti wilt li * ti'i i-titnz * , ti nittm wt in f th" W\t\\n \ \ . tfw.tltlt \ YH \Atvin\l 1/we.wr * nn > rti tt'ri'-t , will I * i < * uwj in im / ! / < ; * - of its : U til Kritttt + titux Il/fi , t t wA nn tir in nr tnimxt nt Hint t\ttilllf * nlf win iti * . ttnt * l ot xn ritZr-i tr/at.etfri in follow tt \fttrt \ nl IM Uv , w try w. lnrfiW'j JJr llfin ! * tsarj lit , * . . . itttl U > cinruti A hL Ix/a ) rl"vl ) " ! trf liiiniti. \ . It ' * ? > > : * r i ( IKK , IT * cfmtuiKm iff ite T-ask J r ; t * .sA CVntral 'ttxfilc x. vxlul/ fcW tn fr.v x/runt rsi * "tln t &imittvtlrKi ) } 1 i * tK'iffliit city. ir4r an/I tfc * t ? ra't oJ li * t-c ttulwith la tern * ttr mn all trtn lit * e/yo irr. WA vt H IW * . 'list * xtlsjft ; t tf n all ore ? uanitj. 7te IttWAi'v/n U vt ntn itnl only * in I/T / ! : * to U " ' I/tit alv > in s . . fe / VMiJ 7-W f/H * nrunn tetlmk * t/t : Iio * * ewia > : Wnz with tb/yv ia Tb * nnmtr of l.rit * Ui : I : It will \tifs * ttt'iia etlftztrt tf upu in th * ism * & .I&AVM wiifcft Into \ < iw. onJy on tt.rijty-yfc i \utn enorrAMi * vttiVKVttfriJisU it IH f-ytirfnt * " ! 1 : J tfce tfcehu hu In 1wJay. . I fc/j eommiv 'n.ts VIA instrisM v > < M > cic Ur ctrrtrint t2 U a. ijn. . TWi evf/tsUr rtxv-edi * . ' fo.IOTn : "la icwcdva's * * i.ii . A a-V/re v ilos yea r * t * iyliS * l ttiu no eorarniwSoa 01 o'Mtt fssjitH Uir/3 t ' any Kind or cJitji rt r nil t tniA w Hi IM tti * * oJ t t&eu 0 ? for rfv.r.r.p o ! tA > , wsy r HtZx itr w * lines OT any ol ts wa 'rorv ltd zJr April 14. 17. Tt * isrki' rUc : < 3 t ! i * Ute to afxjlivj tkitel efjttiutltolrjci crKaytw * ttoi Central urifi a-vxaatioa. etxiol ot juJ is- and wt oJ it,1- - * * liuw. the - all Jn t > - : < no B . 63 tii * art on she ; . > a rer rern : Iin j : o ! ib > ' itif Ubto Kaand ! i.v ni'.ion. fCMin ; I1 ssjt-ri' Unt rajwij litfc * ia NV r EnrU.S'J. " TSs * nxeft blr.dtat eopBjinie will i.n if area : ; . > : ' " - . .eswjio eoatiQce u rT * * cosntai .orj. Tale at Cf/sssants * * _ . _ 5 troo&Se with J6e < tii--1 Trsalr run if. Caaily dtfitdtd in Ut = = o i u 3 : a tt * f * - nue' . KEYXOLOS' KASH ACT. The Ei-Lient nant Gorernor of ionri Commits Snlclde. ST. lx > cis i-Jirtij OX Hon. Tibegui C. J > y L He ItI3 1 dii vcoi ci frtJ and era'txd ia hi * itcJ. TE * eis. i ci r . -h tot wi.i dri f by hallaciaitiosi Shit b Snsiae. A few rsisnits t icre 'i use l .ldi&c ! ajyJ iai : : SIA : cocr ! roits. STtr se : him la : h boildis ; icd i t ijj uii t = hU ussil hoaor. He was j ta 'Ji 5a.Tt i late the eerator ! ? il pu 4 c ct T ST. A rt 5 > e wi. tcacsiit cci o ! "i * lal-OJ t lieaeaL3t fOTernorol At Jiu OB tte 14 = 2 * .kte ; irt s tief _ idi tfc * eoaf * > 3rA T. A : ; & * & * oi ii * tto iltiito acu t rip * Tecy ist ; HEA3 * 1O 41 * * . * 1 - C'i"ift M. s ion fn' to S ati A uro la tr.e ia : < - - coi L"a. : d SAS. In B. Griit Drawn tn s ni * < 45 : & : ; K yso i > wit SIM tees cij. It is tinter tai ! ( ioTB R < TBoWjoaJy _ tra : < ; il to calm Borra. rw"caad Still Vo .Votnination. Hard : * 'X ' .S the BEE The < it ofsy ? os tocth taij i.i r. x > s isd i < f hocr'i wore pJifh < < i cjos Joi- Jif.\.T\ay ciyor. He. l i cf ci ic ot A lirr * tft rsa h < and W-A.J o = the Cirs llur' ticket for sr Aj rer. bcs wtsiirew his s. wfc a he * AW this th * haj w-cclc nisi this he nia scijiity sh ij h.i. : : * < i iad rfre tta i show foe ifcj T ad ascocscizx stis th r szn sill * il ! cs- thu LL # rftU ixi : w-j. < > c.c < iruzj.i s t irss * . a Rriuch Soldier * ' florae. WAsui.vr.iov. ilirrti ? O. Is n isswcs i si * tdiri * Kew Vcei City a ApctS 19 next to duccu She lya + ilMo , O.J Si * KVO- tiv\a o < i a th * U-t confr * * * : = M as itl te kei : < i ta Ci ! - f ocaia aad < it& r ta IJ-M Aaceki * ? as. 'Jtw- narne < t. A r A5s a , III , * vj J Ji c is S * " < Sui.-i. AU sh * tni &inetati d sr j ! i 44 A A , < hc * fa.-ti T 'h lirfxst la laA EpraiirESAVY YARD , \ M it 7/Mi-fc.gtw/ / HUT0vi THE V/OHK TO KZ flUSMCO , VIU A iM&i ( A > ! US UWACt fWlJ- S-J i itfM.itfjaZA U-WMiltif WiS i < * T.l irj t. J-ervrdvyd , r u IVMH t-t * . An * * * ? li * ucUuw.r JTJTSS 1 iy ai * j v t V hti u Ju ti tl n * i rtiaiu t iS rfii 'l.4 tilt * U. V * Vt * S7 i- 8 < 5 > > . ir. wHW > * Siiii ; iMit' t. w/w1 out jAirj Sill i * ICJ I4 ti Ji * fj'Avr isvj * i'.a-v/n.v.t T JT- a U t 4M7 iff ! iiVii * uwa * . At tovsi t iJ 5J.-t.rj : evM a aleiyvasi u.-x. > tt .i''if ( . a * Sai " * ti : t * JiC : * frt.JS.ii-l.IUW > * * lit Si * ij 46 * 19 S * iti * : . ! . uw ! v 3 Si * wuvtlS ) ai.tsj j r- s. Hisri tir * i 'JC' ; ui.wi i > , oii ft < sii * Ei w , * . % tni u-i j i.Tt ) t J. u to : & > * ? ii sj Ai tiit tA : i * Ll > r KtU Jit Stitiz * : iil & ; / & , : i < a s * U.UMS tutii. TiiStit'wiBISii-jiniJBa ty siif Tvsi.uu fZlUi * . . TfSlJ ti * H ill > - * a. > CUBTt i2 Bl f 1 - ili Ittrruts J _ Kiiry G : : * , S-ta Bw ; Jsiuii R rtfonr < Hitcai' * A. tftu * . Kaa- N l.lii ! EMl UX > * llf Bt&lTb | y.fclllf ! * BolTKttclii-Susicc Cirj : Ait cl ti. B- A. Bsscn Vffi ; AEs B. x > .n ; DiVai Wuiiia. Piis OS , WI W. Wje m.f ; t > > TTW jfiwa r fej > a liit St- 12 Fart i : Rffti'in W D ; viiy SIT 3i w n < iiTy ii Fort A. Ra.-fZI. Ci.t3 aaif . i , Jlt-riT 5. l TTtft.T ai A3 Ci-ay Pustw E t * ! tzi Gicr * Ei. I > ti5 TUtfli 4 5IWUTUT tu Ars. ja ivri - JfAjiic ABiiJtia. WT JV irtlxrr. * i zioaiaf * * T'a. > .jc. , 013- Ilia R.irii.vr.i A- .t ! Lur * tf H Bi''rt.i , cccstf ci < anai rfc , Ui- J ' " * . - . . > , l > iiij. Wiji * ia win r itet V. T. Hi- ac 51 J. Put ajciitiii il f iMS . AJ sycvac * CWiB.r. . Ijj-nft. 111:1 * S > _ Ru sii * i. MclJ Uii.\JL V A3 t ll ; D BiSc-X-iE miuMi i ; # 5ifn " , IA , C It.T . TitV S. R. Btwww. w i" iwJ ; SLI 5 * * V UkXuJtiir. \ \ > zt C An 5 5 Jus- * . . 15 , , IxrKocf tvvvi.iviJ ! jo. 4jjita'a.5 i Jf * Ot * < , ti < t iljjn u * jrj , titoifi "yc &c Lti I j-lXiuj- 8 t f lJM Ti - Wi.B ja xi-o. - w.c lAfciKiW WAS t * Dfv&