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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1887)
* Tf-V . "T OMAHA DAILY BEE , - I SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING , MARCH 29 ; 1887. NUMBER 281 IT CAUSED A COMMOTION , The Expose of the Judiciary Committee Con spiracy Excites the Legislature. BOUND TO GAQ THE PRESS : The Ijlncoln Iloodlcrs ) lint nnd Re consider the Libel IJI11 Anotlicr Prohibition lilnck Eye Much Other Legislation. Thr Story ofthe Connplrncy. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 2S. ( Special Tele gram to the UEI.J : The linn's exposition of the conspiracy on the part of cer- tnln members of Iliu judiciary committee - too of the house to extoi t money from the gamblers for the purpose of killing the anti-gambling bill caused the greatest excitement All day yesterday the promised disclosure was the talk of the crowds In the hotels aud the same subject was continued throughout this morning's session of the house. As the noon hour approached preached , nearly ouu-half of the members slipped out of their scats and struck oil' for towu to get early copies of the JJin. : Among these were the parties whose names figure In the record of the conspiracy. The Hr.n never reached the legislators until the afternoon , having first to pass through the local and legislative postofllccs. This morning , however , enter prising newsboys were In the halls of the capltol selling before the recess. Although hundreds of the paper arc dally cliculated In the legls laturo at the state's expense , yet nearly every member bought a copy ami retired to read it In private. The general Im presslon prevailed that the chain of facts proving a conspiracy are conclusive and many of thoio who formerly V TO doubtful of the validity of the charges are now satisfied that the linn has moro than Instilled the promises made by Its editor In respect to the suspected members of the committee. Sul llvan and Slater were absent this morn ing and It Is not likely that the latter will rjtnrn before adjournment. The othcis could not bo found. The UKE correspondent later asked a few of the Interested parties what they thought about the conspiracy expose. Mr. Russell said : "I'm clad ho ( Mr. Hosowater ) pub lished it , because If ho hadn't ho might have made seine people believe ho had something behind his threats. There Isn't the slightest thing In the story that effects mo at least. The reason 1 was up In Omaha at the time was because I was looking around about thai Grand Army matter , and If ho had spies watching mo they must have been awfully disappointed. " Mr. Sullivan was also asked and said : "It's a outrage. When 1 got upon the floor to bring that bill before the house , 1 did It to vindicate the judiciary commlttoo be cause I felt that there were members o it who had taken money and been bribed But to take n man's ofllclal action on the Hour and construe it as It was coir Etrued was an outrage. It settled the busl ness and settled me Inevocably against tin bill. The evidence , however , Is oC the thin cst nature Imaginable. " The reporter asked Mr. Caldwcll what h thought of the charges. Ho replied : "Well , 1 liavvn't anything to say about them. II wouldn't become me to talk about otue members' affairs. " "What do you think about them as the ; refer to yourself. " "Oh , I don't care about saying anything. am disposed to let the matter drop. I don' like to talk at my own funeral. It doosn' ' look well. It would sound like writing one' : own obituary. " Mr , Caldwcll said this In an Innocent manner nor , with scarcely a suggestion of either sar casm or Irony. Mr. Majors said : "Tho reference made t mo lu the BKI ; In this matter Is not correct The Information came doubtless from Church llowo , who , I think , purposely mis informed Mr. Kosewater's detective. I voted for the bill In the senate and wanted pass , and I also wanted the Investigation. Mr. Slater and others will testify that I was not in the room as stated by your paper. " Clerk Cook , In response to the usual ques tion , said : "Tho expose was good lirst-class. You don't want any better , do you ? It was great , I toll you. " Mr. Brad Slaughter said : "Tho Jir.r says I was in a room with Its suspects. It is not BO. I was blind at the time under the doc tor's care nnd a bandage over my eyes. I was in darkness for a week. As rozards the proposition with which Mr. Rosewater starts out , that fact of Mr. Ilussell coming on the name train with a gambler 1 consider utterly ridiculous. " Senate Proceedings. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 28. [ Special Tele- cram to the DEE.J The senate went Into committee of the whole with Mr. Ma jors In the chair and recommended the fol lowing house rolls for passage : 3 , crea ting the office of roElster of deeds In counties ot fifteen thousand Inhabitants aud over ; 183 , rendering life and endowment policies non forfeitable ; 40 , enabling foreign railroad companies to incorporate In Nebraska. The senate in the afternoon passed the bill appropriating $130 to Grand Island errone ously collected by the state auditor. Six nor mal school bills were passed in favor of Fronklyn , Loup City , Wayne. Fnlilmry , Plum Creek aud Ord. Senate Ulo 31 was passed making it the duty ot the state board of equalization to examine the various county assessments and decide upon the date of all state taxes. The following bills were also passed : An act to regulate the policies of Insurance and to make the amount written therein bo the true loss In case the prupctty Insured Is wholly destroyed , and declare who are the aaeiits of Insurance companies and the olfect ot notice to such agents ; an act to provide for the Incorporation of cemetery associa tions and for the acquisition of cemetery grounds , and for the abandonment and relo cation thereof ; an act to constitute eight hours as a day's labor : an act to pro vide for the compilation and printing of the laws relatlug to township organisation ; an act to regulate the sale ot l.OoO-mlle tlck- ets ; uactto provide for thu pardon of cents - vlcts in certain oases ; an act compelling railways Incorporated In other states to In corporate under the laws of this state before operating ; an act to make policies of life and endowment Insurance companion non-for- feltable aud Ux a surrender value ; an act to authorize the state treasurer to transfer 87lVJ.b3 from the permanent school fund to the general fund. This Is the amount of the escheated estate of Leonard H. Smith. Itecesx till 7:30 : this evening. The senate met at 8 o'clock and went Into committee of the whole. A bill providing for the taxation of mortgages upon real estate as well as the real estate was con sidered. The bill was stronely opposed upon the ground that it would drive out money lenders. The senate foreclosed Us mortgage on the bill. The bill to prohibit bucket shops and deal ing In options WHS recommended to pass. 'J ho bill tor a joint resolution to amend sec tion 1. article 15 of the constitution of the state , entitled "amendments" was recom mended to pass. A number of bills weio killed. At l > :80 : the committee arose and the senate adjourned. Doings In the House. ' LINCOLN , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tele- aaw Jo tue Ct&l-IU bQUM wet morning with little more than a quorum pres ent. Mr. Klhle-y of Madison surprised some people by moving to reconsider the vote by which the anti-libel bill was killed on last Saturday. The motion pi evaded and a vote was taken. During Its progress several mem bers displayed unusual eagerness to secure the requisite vote. Mr. Young of Domrlas was equally busy In working against the movement. The following Is the vote : Ayes Agra , Andrews , Hahcnck , Ualrd , Ilowman , Drown , ( 'aldvvell , Cannon , Cole , Cope. Crane , Dickinson , Dlller , Kloley , Fiantz. Fuch , Fuller , GafTord , ( ! reen , Leltiveld , Marshall , MrCann , McConautrhy , McGrow , Newcomer , Newton , Nlchol , Nor- rl8Pemberton , IVtew , Itaudall , Kiiyninml , Jiiissell. Shauip , Thornton , WardlavvVI1 - holmseu. Wilsuy and Yiitzy 39. Nays Andics. lUHaid , Dempster , Kwlnir , Fox , Glllmorc. Harrison. Heimrod , llorst , Keipcr , Kief , Smyth. Tyson , Wcthcrald , Wright , Young , and Mr. bpe.iker It ) . Absent or not voting Abi.ihamson , Alkcii. llalloy , Harrctt , Hciitlov , Hick , Cam eron , Craig , Ku'glcslon. Kills , teuton , Gam ble , Garvoy. llaydcncary , Konnny , King , Knox , Latla. Lord , Mntthiesoii , McKcnna , Miller , Mlnnix , Overtoil , Satchel. Schwab , hlmiii ; ? , Slater , Sullivan , Sweet. Tingle , Tracey , Trut'Mlalo , Turner , Underbill , Veach. Watson , White , Whltmore , Wilson and Wolcnwebcr. Uelore announcing the vote Mr. Young raised a point of order to thu effect that the vote of Saturday on thu libel bill could not bcicconsldercd. There were but a few members over a quorum present and to re consider required two-thirds ot the members elected voting In the ulllrmative. Kulo r > G reads : "No bill or question which has been passed or rejected shall bo called up for re- considoratlondurlng thesaiao session unless two-thirds of the house shall bo in favor of taking up the same. " Uy the word house Mr. Young claimed 100 members were Intended and contrasted with It another section where. In regard to changing rules , thu woids "members piesent" occur. The chair held thu point was not well taken. lasked Mr. Kisley , whohad stood against the bill on Saturday , why ho changed. Ho said at the request and with the understand ing that the bill would bo amended so as to cut out the feature providing tor the prose cution of the olfcndlng editor In any county In the state. Mr. Russell , who was active in support of the reconsideration , said the Intent was to pass the bill as It originated In the senate , as iollows : Section 1. If anv person shall write , printer or publish any fatso or malicious libel of or concerning another , or shall cause or procure anv such libel to bo writ ten or published , every poison so oirendlng shall , upon conviction thereof , bo hupd In any sum not exceeding 5300 Imprisoned In the county Jail not exceeding six months , or both , at the discre tion of the court , and moreover be liable to the party Injured : provided , that If such libel Is published in a newspaper having a general circulation the person so offending shall bo punished by Imprisonment In the penitentiary not less than one nor moro than three yearn. Section U. That section 47 of chapter 7 of the code of criminal procecduro bo aud the same Is hereby repealed. The house wont Into committee of the whole , Mr. Shame lu the chair , on the order recommended by the committee on selection. The following bills were passed : House rolH"7. providing assistance to the attorney gcncial , was recommended for passage , and 479. cieatlng Thurstou county , was laid over Informally. The committee rose and reported and again returned to consider senate files. The following lile.s wore recommended for passaeo : bS , tor the relief of John Glllesple ; 10 , making the age of consent ilttccn years ; 33 , relating to at- tornoys'lieca. Files 5 , making general elec tion days legal holidays , and 8 , relatingto the passage of the Interstate commerce bill , were Indctinltely postponed. i''lle 13 was hide fi nitely postponed. B9 AFTKn.VOO.V SESSION. The house read a number of bills the third tlmo and passed the following : House roll ISO ! , perfecting the title to n parcel of prop erty In Lancaster county ; 310 , providing that the plain tilt shall not recover costs In actions if the damages be under 55 ; 353 , appropriat ing $1,000 for furnituie for the adjutant gen eral's oflice ; 3C3 , extinguishing the adminis trative , powers of an unmarried woman in case of marriage ; 257 , providing tor the em ployment of a county prosecutor where chance of venue has been taken from one county to another ; 220 , providing for a stu dents' battalllon at the university , and -"J , providing for the erection of a Grant memo rial Imti at the university , to bo used for the military department of that Institute , S'20- 000 are appropriated for this work. House roll -ir was Indefinitely postponed. The governor announced that ho had signed house rolls 473 and 435 , for the relief of Kearney and Cass counties respectively. House roll 4 , for preventing the illegal sale or giving away of malt , spirituous or vinous liquors , was recommitted by a vote of 37 to 35. This bill enables two resident freehold ers to Ilia complaint that Intoxicating drinks are being sold or glvomiway by certain per sons. If the charge bo sustained the seized Honors of the accused are to be destroyed and the owucr fined , It was discovered that a mistake had been made In the count and that thu motion had prevailed. The bill was accordingly placed upon Us passage and for the third time this session the anti-liquor ele ment received a black eye. The vote was as follows : Ayes Abiahamson , Alken , Andrews , Uabccck , Bailey , Ualrd , liallard , .Cannon , aughy. Mclirew , Mlnnix , Newcomer , New ton , Nlchol , Norris , Pemborton , I'eters , Han- dall , Shamp , SImms , Thornton , Underfill ) . Ward law , Wetherald , Wilson , Yutzy , aud Mr. Speaker 11. Nays Andres , Ilontley , Bowman , Brown. Caldwell , Dickinson , Kisley , Kills , Kwing , Frantz. Fuchs , Gamble. Garvey , Gllmoie , Harrison , Uayden , Heimrod , Horst , Helper , Knox , Leisveld , Matthleoon. Miller , Over toil , liaymond , Kief , Ilussell , SImanek , Smyth , Sullivan , Sweet. Tyson , Watson , White. Whltmore , Wilhclmson , Wilsey , Wrlnht aud Young 89. Mr. Itaudall lirsl voted In the negative and said that his object was to move for a recon sideration , but as there was a majority pres ent who could pass ouly free whisky bills ho would chance to aye. House roll 03 was passed authorizing the appointment of a deputy attorney general ; also ' - ! - ! " > , amending the statutes In decedents. Mr. Dempster's compulsory education bill was passed by a vote ot 04 to U. Mr. White's bill requiring private benevo lent societies to submit to examination by the state auditor was reported amended by the senate ami the same concurred In. Mr. Caldvvell's bill , providing that a ma jority of the taxpayers of a school district may determine as to whether books may be famished free to pupils , and Mr. Kolpcr's house roll appropriating JS.OOO fora state geological survey , were recommended for passage. Mr. Sweet's bill , preventing cruelty to ani mals , Including dogs , was next passed. Mr. Cope's bill , establishing an industrial honm with a view to aid in the suppression of prostitution and appropriating 315,000 for the same , was recommended for passsge. Uecess. KVENINO SESSION. At the night session house roll 434. provid ing for farmers' Institutes , and llayden's bill. 05. setting fees for Inquests , were passed. Mr. Shamp's bill , paying K. It. Hoar , ot Concord , Mass. , 81KM.45 for legal labor In the case of Motion vs Nebraska , relatlnc to the Saline lands , was considered. Mr. Can non wanted the roll recommitted. Several members spoke In favor of the bill , but the emergency clause was stricken out and the bill finally passed. Mr. Nichol's bill , providing pay for surveying , was passed. Mr. Watson's bill , providing for change of venue from county Judges In civil aud crimi nal cases , was passed. The object of the reconsideration of the anti-libel bill done this morning became ap parent when Mr. Caldwell's roll 340 was called. Under the title of amending the civil code it contains the same objectionable feature , though of a civil nature , which the timid ones had Inserted In tbe criminal bill before It was killed. The exponents ot that measure knew ot Mr. Caldwell's bill and im posed on Mr. KUley , who knew nothing of it when they sought him to move the recon sideration. This ho admitted to your cor respondent this evening. Before the nature of the bill could be brought to the attention ot many of the members ther had voted against tbe oonvjptlon which had guided them iu cowldcilug tyo crlnjlna bly l eye referred to. The section In this bill Is : "An action for llbol may bo brought In any county where the libel Is circulated. " The bill was passed by a vote of 67 to 19 , Messrs. Knox and Garvey of Douglas voting In the a airma il ve. ve.Mr. . Slater's bill , No. 114 , Is one of the strangest ot the session. It makes It unlaw ful for any railroad company lu Nebraska to employ any person who uses as a beverage any malt or spirituous liquors during the time he may bo In the actual service of the com pany. The tltlo was found defective and linally Imperfectly patched. Mr. Cole's bill requiring railroads to keep crossings in re-pair was passed. A number of senate flics wcro read the first tlmo. Mr. Uandall's bill for the sale of saline lands und developing salluo Industries , was passed. Mr. 1'utcrs' bill prohibiting the catching of game and fish on certain occasions was passed , Adjourned. The Now ICIcotlou Imw. LINCOLN. Neb. , March 08. ( Special to the BIE. : | The Andres election law for the metropolitan cities aud cities of thu llrst class , which passed the house a few days ago , and which will certainly pass the senate , Is herewith synopsbed. It Is a voluminous document , covering foity-ilvo pages of line print. It is a transcript of the Now York election law , and Is certainly detailed enough to adapt Itself to purifying and otherwise Improving the elections lu our cities. It will require In telligence and study on the paitof the of ficers governed by It to memorize Its rules , though the language Is such that It may read ily be understood. Hereafter the boxes at elections shall bo marked and successively numbered as fol lows : Number , "pnslden't , " two , "state ; " three , "congross ; " four , legislature , county : " five , "city ; " six , "local : " seven , "judiciary1 and eight , "educational. " At elections where ballots are to bo deposited tor other than these offices mentioned , additional boxes shall be supplied for the same. The illots for these ofllcers shall bo endorsed vltli the same word which designates the jox Into which they are to bo deposited. The lolls shall be open at 0 o'clock In the morning nd close at 0 o'clock In the evening. There s to be created by the council a bureau of ilectlon , to bo managed by a chief , whoso alary shall not bo more than § 2.000 per 'ear. He shall bo removable by the > ollco board for cause. Registration looks are to bo furnished by the council In ivhich shall be entered the name of each .treet or avenue in the election district , the lumber of each dwelling and the names of 11 males residing In each dwelling who shall , pply for registration. These books shall iach contain not moro than 700 names and hall show the residence , room , address , na- Ivlty , color , term of residence , assembly dls- rlct , county , state , date of naturalization , : oiirt erantlng the pai > ersdato ot application , llsnualllication. whether or not thu voter was tmllenged at the time. The board shall have no authority to change thu boundary or umbcrofany election district save wnen ho customary enumeration of the citizens of ho state Is made , when as early as Septem- > er 1st , a general registration of the city , by election district , wards or precincts upon the basis of the registration ot votes for the year 'ast preceding the time of such redistrict- nir. In which members of congress ihall have been chosen. : Such redlstrlctlnc shall bo made In such a manner that each election district shall contain as near as prac- 'Icablo 330 voters on the basis of such regls- ratlon. On or before August 15 , 1887 , and every second year thereafter , the common council may dlvido such election dlstnctsand nch only as by registration of voters of the wo preceding years shall be found to 1mve an average registration of moro than 400 voters. AH judges and poll clerks shall be selected by the council and make all removals and transfers and 1111 all vacancies which may occur. In thu months of August and Hep- 'emuer , the council shall appoint four elec- , lon judges for each dlstiict , two of whom ihall bo of different political faith from their other associates , and those appointed to rep resent the minority political party shall be named by the representatives of the political minority party on the board. These ap pointees shall be able to write and speak the English language undorstandlngly. No Inspector specter shall bo required to bo a resident of the district to which he Is appointed. Ho shall hold his office for one year , unlcss'ro- moved for cause. The poll clerks shall also be of different political complexions , and shall hold their offices for ouo year. Judges of election aud poll clerks shall receive 35 per day for each day of registration , revision of the same or election. While holding their positions both tlieso officers shall bo exempt irom both military and jury duty. Knch person notified bv the bureau of election of his selection as judge of election must sub mit to examination within five days , and if found qualified , unless excused by the board for 111 health , bo bound to serve ono year. In case of failure to comply with this re quirement , ho shall bo subject to a fine of 8100 , recoverable by the board and to be used for the police fund. Thu judges of election are clothed with powrr to enforce quiet and order at the polls. The registra tion for a general election shall take place on Tuesday four weeks , Wednesday of the third week and Friday and Saturday of the second week before the November election. For other elections there shall bo a revision of the registration mentioned on the Friday and Saturday of the second week preceding the day of such election. On the days mentioned the judges shall sit for registration between tbe hours of 8 a. m. and 9 o'clock p. m , and before entering the name of any applicant shall put him to oath that he will truthfully answer all the ques tions put to him regarding his right to reg ister. ister.A A number of paces are devoted to recount Ing the duty of judges when registering be fore election day. At the latter tlmo they shall use the books prepared and no vote shall be received unless the voters' names be found by at least three of the judges upon a least three ot the books. Before the tilth ol each month , the clerk of the district couri must tile with the chief of the bureau thu name , age , residence , sentence and place of confinement of every party charged in that court with any offense. .Failure to comply shall be considered a misdemeanor. The council must hire , clean , warm , light an maintain all places of registration , and no building or part of a building in which In toxicating liquors are sold shall bo used for such purpose or with the holding of the polls. When possible , such places shall bo lighted with gas. The space In front of the ballot boxes shall bo equivalent to a room twelve feet square. Kach political party shall bo en titled to designate achallcnger to remain rtur Ing registration , revision or balloting. Tin judges and clerks before election day shal UIIIKO a canvass of their districts to ascertain the truth of the statements made by the parties registered. City authorities shal' not number , re-number any street or chanter or alter such number save oetweon the 11 rs of May and the lirst of October. The roou. in which balloting takes place shall not be locked , but may be guarded by one or mori officers to exclude disorderly people. Karl candidate may appoint a party to represen him at the counting of the ballots in each election district in which ho Is Interested. If two ballots be found rolled together , they shall be destroyed , It the number ot ballot ! in the box exceed the number of voters , bu not otherwise. A ballot found In a box marked differently from the endorsement o : the ticket shall not bo destroyed , unless i shows an excess over the number of name : recorded. If there be more ballots In the bo. , than there are names of voters on the list , one of the judges , with his back turned to the box , shall take out and destroy the num ber of ballots In excess. Tim bill does away with the old law pre scribing for a tallying ot evcrv name upon every ticket , as it Ts read out. resorting to that only In scratched or xplit tickets. The others are to be counted as they are now gen erally counted by judges , all tickets con taining the same name being put In a pile and a number of votes corresponding to the number ot the ballots being credited to every name put on the paper. Immediately after the announcement of the result of the balloting , the judges shall give to a policeman a statement of the same , which , attested , shall bo borne Immediately to the police headquarter ) ' , and the captain or sergeant shall telegraph the same to the bureau of elections. The judges shall sub scribe to three statements of the result of the election , oua of which within twenty-four hours after the signing shall bo sent to the councUjanQtier ) to ttjo c mjtjr cleric , aud tu third t to the chief of the bureau ot election ! ) . Ono ( of the poll-books within the same tune. shall bo Illed with the bureau of elections and the other with the county clerk. The official canvass , immediately upon Its completion by the board of county canvassers , shall bo advertised for ono day In two dally papers. Jury Fails to Agree. Nonrot.K , Neb. , March ' . ' 8. [ Special to the BKK. [ The case of the state vs Frank Mc- Nccly terminated In the district couit at Madison late Saturday afternoon by a failure of the jury to agree. The case has been pend ing since November. IbbS , at which time Me- Ncely , a switch engineer of the Klkhorti line , was arrested on a charge of committing a rape on Maud Taylor , o thirteen-year-old niece who was llvln * at his homo In this city , The ca o was closely contested by the at torneys , able arguments being made by County Attorney Hoblnson for the prosecu tion , and by Messrs. H. 0. Urowe , W. M. Hobertson and VV. V. Allen for the defense. It Is said seven of the jurors were lu favor of acquittal. _ Spring Httlldlna Room. AINRWOIITII , Neb. , March ! ! ? . | Special to the BIK. I Articles of Incorporation have been drawn no and signed for the organiz ing of a bulldlns ; association , with a capital of S100.COO. Already 340,000 worth of stock has been taken. The books arc being pre pared and will bo icady In a few davs lor Htork .subscriptions. A number of cottages will bo b.illt this spring , and several brick houses am in contemplation. Alnswoith , like other Nebiaska towns , will have a lively boom and a prosperous season. Pint to County's District Court. COLUMIIUS , Nrb. , March US. [ Special Tele- ram to the Br.K. ) The district court , his loner Judge A. M. Post present , opened o-day with 113 civil and twelve irliiilnaljases on the docket. The udiclal labor of the district is apldly Increasing and several Important nilts are to bo heard , the most notable being hat of Itobert Williams for embez/.loment , rom David City under change of venue , and iCdward Grant , for arson , \ Rontrlcc Drtujclst Falls. BCATIUCK , Neb. , March 28. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK. I George J. Knbleman , rugglst , was closed up to-day by the sheriff n an attachment sued out by his wife , Kate lubloman for 83,000 monev loaned , Other attachments by wholesale dealers soon fol- owed. Whether the § 3,000 attachment Is nade to cover up and save the stock Is not inown , His sales of family medicines has iccn good and h > j was thought to be making nonoy. Found Dead in the Snow. Br.ATisici : , Neb. , March 28. [ Special Tele- ram to the BBC. 1 Washington Cunning- iani , a prominent farmer , near Libeity , was 'omul dead In the snow near that plaeo this uorning. Heart disease Is supposed to bo ho eauso. Ho was a temperate man and u iood citi/.cn. _ A Beneficial Snow. NoriPOLK , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to the BIK. | A gentle snow-fall prevailed last night covering the ground to a depth of four- ami a halt inches. The largo aieas of wheat and other small grain sown In nortn Ne braska will be greatly benelittcd by it. The Klein Dairy Marker. ELCIIX , 111. , March 23. The butter market ivas a little weak to-day. but regulur sales tvcre 2,14(1 ( pounds at 31c. 'Nothing was doing 'n cheese. The Highest Tribunal On the Insol vent Manufacturers Itniik Case. WASHINGTON. March 23. A decision was rendered by the United States supreme court o-day in the incolvont bituk case of Alonzo Itlchmond , Charles Comstock and others against Agnes F. Irons and Andrew II. Foskett , executor and executrix of James Irons , deceased , and others , an appeal from the United States circuit court for the north ern district of Illinois. This was a suit to en force the personal liabilities of stockholders for the debts of the Insolvent Manufacturers' National bank of Chicago. A master , ap pointed by the , court below to ascertain the amount of tlio debts and assets of the bank , reported on the 25th day of Mity , 18Mi , that the Indebtedness of the bank at that tlmo was S34G.733 ; that , 09,340 should bo added to that sum for the expenses of the receiver ship , making a total of $410,079 and that the necessary assessment which should bo made on the stockholder to pay said Indebtedness was t3.3 per cent upon the capital stock of $500- 000. Many exceptions were made to the master's report , but they were overruled and the decree was entered against each stock holder sevetally for the amount computed to be dun from him according to the amount of ills stock. From this decree Itlchmond , Com stock and others appealed. This court holds : 1. That the action of the circuit court In per mitting amendments to the original plead- Inus Is justified by the rules on that subject as stated bv this court In the case of Nealo vs Neale f9 Wallace 1) ) and in the Tremolo patent (33 ( Wallace 518) ) , etc. 3. That the statute of limitations , even If applicable ns a bar to this proceeding , ceased to run against the creditors of the bank enti tled to the benefit of the decree from the time when the amended bill was tiled in October , 1870. It had not then taken effect. 3. That the obligation of the deceased stockholder survives as against ins personal representatives. 4. That Comstock Is liable on stock sold by him In good faith but not transferred by him on the books , as well as on stock sold with a knowledge of the bank's insolvency. 5. That the stockholders are by law exonerated onorated from obligation to contribute to the payment of all claims in class D , amounting in the aggregate to 918,500. 0. That the creditors are entitled to Inter est on the dates of the bank as against the stockholders. 7. That the stockholders are not bound to contribute as a debt duo irotn the bank or themselves to a fund for the payment of the expenses of the receivership. The decree of the circuit court. In so far at It U Inconsistent with the foregoing decision Isieveraed and the cause remanded will directions to proceed therein as justice and equity may require in conformity wltn this opinion. Opinion by Justice Matthews. Another Illinois Hallway. Si'itiNOKiELD. III. , March 28. Articles o Incorporation wero'flled in the secretary o state's oflice to-day by the 1'eoria & Western railway company.v The capital stock is $4,500,000. It Is prepared to construct a rail way from a point on the eastern line of the state In Iroquols county , westerly throuirl Iroquols , Ford , Livingston , McLean , Wood ford , Toiwoll , Peoria. Fulton , McDonough Hancock and Henderson counties to ti townot Hamilton , on the Mississippi river , and by a branch -Burlington , la. The Cotton Trade farnlyrod. NEW OHLKANS , March 28. At Lefou : Saturday , various weighers and re-welghen and cl&tsors received notice from their em players , factors and buyers , that they shout report for work this morning , otherwls their services would be dispensed with. Th notice , however , had no effect , as the strlk ers feel certain their places cannot bo filled , While the trouble continues no cotton car be shipped or sold , and tiade Is paralyzed , Sinking Ground. . Wu.KEsnAiirtE , Pa. , March 2S. A cave In occurred over the vrbrklngsof the Delaware' & Hudson's mines at Plains , last night , and the ground settled hbout four feet Prop erty In the vicinity Is greatly dannged. Wells In the vicinity of thu cave are reported dry this morning. A Disabled Steamer. NKW YOIIK , March 28. No tidings of the disabled steamer Salerno , reported disabled In mid-ocean by the steamer P. Caland , has yet been heard at the oftlce of the agents of the Wilson line steamers and some anxiety U felt for ber safety. LEAVITI TARES THE STAND , The Killing of Haddock Eelated iu a Straightforward Manner. ARENSDqnF FIRED THE SHOT. The Testimony Listened to AVIth Interest anil Itn Truth Strongly Impressed on the Im- inoiiHo Audience Present. Bnnsatlonal lny In Court. Sioux CITY , la. , March 28. [ Special Tele gram to the Ur.K. ] This has been by all odd" the most sensational day thus far In the Haddock trial. Heforo the hour of conven ing court It was reported that Lcavltt , the confessor , was to be , placed on the stand by thnstuto. This had the effect of drawing during the morning and afternoon nc-sstons tremendous crowds. The stairways and all approaches to the largo court room were crowded during most of the day and every bit of available space Inside , Including windows dews , aisles and oven the judge's platform , was packed. Among the throng were a largo number of ladles , many of them prominent In temperance work. H Is'needless to state that the proceedings of the day were watched with the deepest and at times breathless In terest. Leavltt was put on the stand carlv this morning and It was not until 2 or 3 o'clock this afternoon when ho completed his graphic story of the great crime" and tragedy and the defense commenced its cioss-examlnatlon. Leavltt was well dressed and made a very favorable Impression. His statements were all made with a posltlveness that added weight and the defense found It impossible to Impeach the same or gain any advantage. Whatever clso Leavltt may have testified to when before the coroner's and crand juries , the general Im pression seems now to bo that he Is telling a straight story and the truth. Melville K. Stone , editor of the Chicago News , who has taken the deepest Interest In this case , Is now here and a close observer of everything that -tiansplres. The llrst witnesses to testify to-day wcro Albert Adams , William Williamson , George A. Lang and Simon Adelshlem. Nothing of importance was developed moro than to corroborate the statement of other witnesses and stroncthcns thoclmlii. Harry Leavltt was then called. His testimony In substance was as follows : 1 know Arensdorf ; bought from S.10 to S75 woithof beer from him every week for my theater. 1 returned from an eastern visit three or four days before the murder of Hev. Haddock. The day before Simonson told mo ho was going to call a special meeting of the saloon men. 1 saw quite a number , and at the suggestion of Simonson 1 joined the saloon keepers' union. 1 went to the meet- ng that night with Doc Darlington. I lirst went Into a saloon and got a drink and then went up stairs. There were present Adels- lielm , Tilcber , Platli , Cormeny , Junk , Doc Darlington , Simonson , Arensdorf , Munch- rath , Uosslgeu , myself and others. Adels- licim presided. Arensdorf was present. Adels- lelm said that ho did not know what tire meeting was canwrror , as it was out of ho regular order. Simonson said It was called for the purpose of maklnc Darlington and myself members of the association. I asked what it cost to join and they said $25. I told them to como up and get the money at the theater , as I did not have the money that night. Datllngtou said I could not show over S5 , but I was admitted. Uesslgcu then uoved to adjourn. The meeting then ad journed. Trclber and Muuchr.ith both called mo ( Arensdorf was In the back part of the room ) . They said "wait a few minutes. " I waited ; so did Simonson. I'relber , Plath , Murcnrath , Arensdorf and some others were waiting In the front room. One of the par ties that remained 1 did not know. Trelbo said ho had succeeded In getting two Dutch men to whip Haddock and Walker , If they were paid for It. Arensdorf said there was § 75 or SbO In the treasury ( Junk's safe ) , aud that ought to be sUfllclcnt. Murchrath asked If the doorkeeper at my place wasn't a good slugger , and I told him ho had slugged one or two at my place. His name was Dan Mo- riurty. Munchrath said ho owed him a board bill and would go with mete to the depot to see him , and that would be a good excuse to broaah him on the matter of "doing up" Haddock. Aronsdorf said we ought to blow or burn down Had dock's and Tumor's housesand | that the breweries eries had too much at stake to be drowned by those . 1 met Munchrath iu front of Nash's drug store on Tuesday at lli0 ! and we went down to the depot and saw Dan Morlarty. He was at the Milwaukee & St. Paul yards. We both talked with him In relation to the matter brought up at thu saloon men's meeting. The conversation was lin l reference to whipping Haddock and Walker If he got paid for It. Wo said that we wanted them llclced. Moriarlty said that he had a good job and wasn't going to lick anybody. This was about 11 o'clock. We offered him S200. 1 was at the court house In the afternoon. The injunction cases were in progress. The audience wan mostly men. 1 staid in the court room ton or hfteen minutes. I saw Fred Munchiath in the court house and George Trieber. Alter supper , In the fore part of the evening , 1 think about 8,1 was in Cochran's gambling house on Fourth street After leaving there 1 went to the Encllsu Kitchen to get a bottle of beer anil some sandwiches to take home. The gambling room was over the Chicago saloon. I came down stairs and went east. At the Sioux National bank corner I met Plath , Tiieber. Munchrath , Peters aud two Germans. 1 did not know the Germans then ; have since learned that they were Granda and "Illsmarek. " They were stand- ins there talking. I conversed with them. Wo were talklnc about Haddock and Tinner going to Greenville for evidence. Trieber proposed to co and see how Haddock cot his evidence. In the hack wore Trieber , Peters , mvsolf and , I think , Plath. The hack drove off. Tuebcr told the driver to go to Green ville , At Greenville Peters got out of the hack and wont Into the Greenville house and asked the proprietor If a roan horse and biiffcv had been there. We drove back to Junk's saloon , got out and went In. Triebi-i paid the driver. He got It of Arensdorf. We got out of the hack und went into the saloon. I can't say who wont In first. I treated to cigars. Wo' were there three or four minutes. I saw Scollard , Grady , Junk and Arensdorf there. I can't say whether Arens- dorf was In there when we went out. Wi went out the front door of the wholesale room , and when on the walk "lllsmarck" came up and said that the buggy had got back. This was Just as we had got on the walk. Arensdorf said , "let's co and see. " We all walked down toward Water stieet Peters , Munchrath , Trelber. Plath , Arens- dort , Sherman , myself and "Bismarck. " We leisurely walked : along. Arensdorf and I'eters took the lead. Henry Sherman walked with mo. 1 baw Jack Hyan next to Weaver's gallery and 1 said , "hello , Jack. " He said , "hello , Leavltt.1' Wo continued walking along and stopped at Dlneen's cor ner. Munchrath then said , as we were wait ing , "If they lick Haddock , clro him a black eye , or something , so as not to get us Into any trouble. " Arensdorf spoke , but I cannot remember the exact language. He said some thing about drunken Dutchman. I haw HaddocK as he came from the stable to .Mie Colrrnhia house corner and started east acro'r Water 'uwauls Dlneen's corner. Arensdoff started towards him. After Haddock got about ten feet from Dlnecii's house Arensdorf and Haddock met. Arensdorf looked In Haddock's tare. The latter raised Ins hand. Arensdnrf passed him one step , turned and tired. Haddock stumbled and fell. Arensdorf went straight abcad. I uUrted to ruu lu two or three uec- ends from the tlmo of the shot. I was so slat tied l eould not stir for a moment. 1 ran towards Water street. [ The witness showed how the shooting took place. The description was just tliosmu : as that given by Fltz- Simmons. Arensdorf stuck his lace In front of the preacher. Arensdorf stepped to tlie north aud back of him and then whirled and fired the fatal sliot.J Hero court adjourned for noon. In the afternoon Leavltt resumed the stand and continued Ills testimony. Ho said that Peteis followed Arensdorf seven or eight feet behind. Witness r.ui to Kyan's house : , where his wife ami others weie. He saw Aiensdort next moinlnir. He said ho Mt well and askeil witness If ho B.XW the shooting. Ho asked Leavitt to keep still and , as a brother Knight of Pythias' ' , ex pected lie would. Some days latur wit ness suggested It would bo bettor to plead self-defense , but ho said no. At the hour for adjournment this evening Leavltt was still on the stand , being cross- examined. During Leavltt's of thu story Aiensdorf was very visibly affected. Ho scomiHl to Hush as never boiore during the trial. It Is plain to bo seen that the state is gaining. Everybody seems to bo well sat- ished with the piogress of the trial. Convicted ol' MnitMlaughtcr. Four Donoi : , la. , March2S. [ Special Tele- cram to the Hni.l : The trial of John L. Porter , Jr. , for the murder of Mrs. Jameson September 15,1SW5 , resulted to-day In a ver dict of manslaughter. The jury were out twenty-seven and one-half hours. The last ballot before the voidlct was reached was ten for murder In the llrst degree and two for ac quittal , showing the verdict to bo a compro mise. The highest penalty under the. verdict Is eight years imprisonment and a line of 81,000. Thu veidlet Is by no means satlsfac- toi y to the people , who think It ought to have been murder in the lirst do- trreo or acquittal. The tcstl- uony covered sou pages of full sl/cd legal ap in short hand and the arguments weio troug on botli sides. The defense will move 'or a new trial. The court house was rowded to overllowlng during the entire Imo of the tilal and It was the most Import- int murder case over tried In this county. September 10,1SSO , a man entered the coun ry homo of the Jamason family , sixteen mlIcs southeast of this place , occupied by Mrs. Jameson , two daughters and a Mrs. Neymyer. The mmderer demanded the money in the house , aud when she failed to produce it lie shot her dead aud then lied , 'orter was shortly after arrested on suspl- lon and tried with the result named. A Drunken Desperado's Deed. DCS MOINISS , la. , March 23. ( Special Telegram to the Ini ) : . | While Joseph iVhlsen and William Smith weio sitting In nn old shanty on South Sixth street , this af- enioon , Sam King came in in an Intoxicated ondltlon and , after standing around for a ew miiiut''s , made some remarks to the two men. Not caring to enter into conversation h him , they started tojgo out , when Kins pulled a W-calibro revolver and shot Smith in Hie leg. lie then pointed the revolver at Whisuu's forehead , who hit King's hand , Mid the ball took effect In the left side , just 'jolow ' tne ribs , and passed upward. King ivas arrested and is now In jail. King Is a ; lesperato character well known to the police ind sheriff's officers and is at present under 'udictmont for assisting a sheriff's prisoner o escape. The DON Motnrs Iilquor Cnne . Dr.s MOINUS , la. , March 2S. [ Special Tele gram to the UIIK.J JudcoLovoof the United Slates District Court while in town to-day ssuod an order compelling Constable Frank Pierce to appear before him at Council 15lulls on a charge of contempt for refusing to plve * up the liquors seized from Hurlbut Hess & Co. . some tlmo ago and roplcvincd by order of United States court. The Anheuser-Husch company ot St. Louis have begun suit against Pierce and three deputies for damages ot SO.OOO each 'or selling the liquors consigned to the drug store. Think Ho Wan Murdered. Sioux CITY , la. , March 2S. fSpeclal Tele- ram to the Ini.J The verdict of the cor oner's jury sitting over the dead body ot Dennis Itagan Is that ho came to his death from causes unknown , and that ho was dead before the train that ran over him struck ilm. Uaaan was found Saturday night In the Chlcairo , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad yards , audit was generally supposed ho was run over while lying on the tiaek drunk , but the verdict of the jury would indicate otherwise. There is now some ground for suspicion that Itagan was lirbt muidcred and then placed on thu track. Davenport's Political Situation. DAvnNi'OHT , la. , Marcli 28. fSpeclal Telegram to thu BKI : . 1 The democrats of this city are so much demoralized by the renomlnation of Mayor Clausscn fora fourth term that the republicans have hopes of bcatln * them at the city election Saturday. Accordingly thu republicans to-day held a convention and nominated for mayor F. H. Hancock and a full city ticket. Ordinarily this city gives 2,000 democratic majority , but things are very much mixed tills spring and the republicans are very hopeful. BAD FOIt BADEAU. Colonel Fred Grant Speaks Ulspar- ingly ofHIm In an Interview. CHICAGO , March 28. fSpeclal Telegram to the UKH.J Colonel Fred Grant , who Is In the city , was seen to-day by a reporter In regard to Adam Dadeau's latest letter , In which the latter treats of General Grant's relations with James G. IJlalno. "I don't like liadcau's letters , " said Colonel Grant , "as lie has made Rtatcments that I know to be Incorrect , have not much conlidenco In his stories. Concerning my father's relations with Mr. lilalne , however , he presents the facts pretty correctly. That my father had any bad feel ing toward President Garllold for taking Ulalne Into his cabinet I don't know , and It Is probable that if he iiad any bud feeling toward Arthur it was on account of some thing liadeau himself told him. As to the campaign ot IBM , father was for l.o/an , and being for him , said nothing abou * Jllaine or anybody else. 11 Is uot true tlm ho refused to support lilulnu after ho was nominated. Father was a republican and never went back on the ticket. In all official Intercourse between him and lilaine the two were friendly. Hadeau Is not justified in many of his statements. Ho assumes too much. Ho was on father's stalf and was dis liked by every other person on the staff. For that reason , and because ho was friendless and lu a sense helpless , father helped him along and took care of him almost m > to the time of his death. For that reason Biuleati flatters himself. Ik-cause 1m was treated kindly ho imagined ho was consulted about everything. Asa matter of fact , he was never consulted about anything. " Crookfld WhNky Unnnrthnd. ST. Louis , March 2S. [ Special Tclezramti the IJnK.l. Deputy United States Marsha Wheeler , of St. Louis , raided a crooked whisky ranch about two miles from New Malla , Mo. , yesterday. Peter Nlowlg , an eli ; offender , seventy years of age , was arrested and In a false cellar was found eighty gal Ions of Hue old whisky. At Hi bt the dwelling houses and outhouses were searched with IK result Finally , in u little alcove cut otf frou the grancry and adjoining the well , a stll house was encountered , but the still was at > sent , Tne worm , tub , furnace , slulco-bo ? aud now ashes were there , but the still hoc been removed. While probing around tin searchers accidentally struck a hollow wall and on tearing It down tound five kegs : o ! luscious Mountain Dow. Peter was. very sick , but his wife was well and proceeded to battle with an armful of rotten potatoes and apples As the marshal could not remove the atuif o prisoners , ho locked the cellar alter taklni. i-auiplcs and returned to the city , notifying the district attorney of the and. Sfcnmahlp ArriviiU. Nr.w Yoinc , March 28 , ( Special Telegram to the UKB.J Arrlved-Tho Alaska fiom South Uaoiptouaud lae Elder from JJrcmen , Irishmen Urged to Eonow tbo Deadly War1 faro On Englishmen. A LEADER'S WORDS OF ADVICE. FltzRcrnltl'N ! l'roolntuntlon Created Sensation In New York nnd In Construed Ity Homo AH i % Cntl to Arms. An Aip.Al | For force. Nr.w YOIIK , March 28. | Special Telegram/ to the Hii.j : : A local paper to-day says : ! Since the time when the members of thai Irish National lea uo ot Boston , with John ) Uoylo O'ltellly at their head , Issued the an nouncement that SI,000 would bo paid if an . Informer could bo found to tell who assaulted ' Lord Kiedcrlck Cavanatigh aud Mr. llurko In Phtt'Ulx park , Dublin , nothing has oc curred lu this country that has created such a sensation amoni : the Irish-American cle ment as the proclamation by John Fitz gerald , picstdont of the lilsh National League of America published yesterday , os tensibly nn appeal for money to help along the I'arncllltc mode of wiulaie. It Is thought by many to bo ically a call to arms and a distinct threat that picparatlons will be made on a largo scale to cany-out the dyna mite explosions , which was the order ot the day two years airo tti London and other largo centers of Kngllsh population. If the Irish sentiment both here and In Brooklyn Is to ho believed , theie will soon be a reign of "blood and thunder" In Kngland should the coercion act bo passed by parliament. Sev eral Irish nationalists from this and neigh boring cities mot last evening to discuss the present position of the liish question and to siugcst what , In their opinion , should bo done to meet thu proposed coercion act. William J. Knoudns present and his speech was the most Important of thu even- lug. JIu said It was n waste of time to rely any further on parliamentary effort and that It anything was to bo donu It should bo lu the line of force of some form or ether so that the Kiiu'llsh would understand that the day lor speech-making and wordy resolu tions which hint nobody had passed. Ho added : "Mrs. Parncll , mother of thu great Irish loader , was under this roof several months , and what 1 told her many times 1 nowtope.U : That while I'arnoll may bo an able man , his usefulness has leached IU limit and the woikot Irish nationalists hciicetoitu must bo revolution and dynamite or other lorci ! that will help to paralyze thu oppressors ot our country. ( Applause. ] 1km can wo liuht , do you ask ? Look here | pointing to ild swords and guns and revolvers that be irouirht baci ; from the war hanging around ho room I , do you see these ! ' We have given .ip attempting to liuht England with sunli weapons : Wo will Unlit her now with dyna- uite , poison , knives , lite , every weapon the ngenulty of man can device , In the words ot he manifesto if , of course , the coercion bill ) o passed. Do vou know that this continued ) crccutlon of lieland has made dynamiters ) f moderate monV" The Coercion HIM. LONDON , March 28. A conference of Iber.U-unlonists will bo held at Devonshire louse on Thuisday to consider the coercion ill. An exchange of views tu thu lobbies on ho bill disclosed the fact that several of the unionists disapprove of the measure , but the mass of the paity consider Its provisions not .00 Etrluuent. Lord llartlngtou and Cham berlain will glvo thorough support to the ivholn proposals. The threatened defection of unionists will probably not exceed ton otes , leaving the government still with a - potent majority. The I'arncllltes held an In- onnal meeting and united In denouncing , vhat they termed thu atrocious character of ho coercion bill. The mensuie , they bald , concealed under its provisions powers for ho extinction of the liberties of the U'csB , public meetings , fren speech and all ndlvldunl rights. The Parnellttes disre garded the threats of Smith to continue de bate until the second leading of the bill. They say that It the protraction of the sit ing results In a test of physical endurance hey will be ready tor thu struggle. It is the opinion of a great many pcisons that Bit- Four's speech , which was of great length , was we.xk , confused and pointless , and that on thu llrst chance ho has had to show If ho was capable of rising to a great occasion ho nan made a notable latluiu. 1'arnell has post poned the introduction of his amendment until Im consults with his colleagues. Lord llartlngton is about to Issue an ad- diess thiough a new unionist paper. In it ho says : "We are confronted at tin ! present moment with u moro acute form of the problem ol Ireland than has ever boon presumed In past times. The dllllcultles of the problem have been Intcnsltled by thu action of the liberals , who , suddenly discard ing every remedy hitherto approved by the liberals , have uiado a change of trout unpar alleled in completeness and rapidity aud adopted the policy of the avowed enemies of the integrity of the liritlsh empire. Their action has stimulated thu courage and hopes of thu separatists. It is the duty of the llbaral-unlonlsts now to endeavor to bring back the liberals to their faith In constitu tional reform , resolutely exposing the delu sion that the abandonment of their pr'nclplcs ' or the sacrifice of any class of their countrymen can be an act of conrato or Justice. " He- ferr Ing to thu coercion bill , he says : "Not ft single unionist believes In coercion as n pol icy , but all believe In the necessity ot every civilized country asserting the supremacy of the law. The object of the separatists Is to prove that the government of Ireland , as a part of the United Kingdom , In an Impossi bility with or without reform. The object of the unionists must be to prove thu union In- dlbsolublc while doing justice to Ireland. " The whole tone of the manifesto Indicates that there will be no compromise. Messrs. Calno and Chamberlain endoisu the muni- febto. Dillon Tnlks on Coercion. LONDON , March 28. In the house of com mons Mr. Dillon followed Mr. Ballo .r. Ho bald that this coercion bill would never pass Into a law. IJrlsh cheers. ] It ho believed that the people of England wcro capable of sanctioning the measure ho would give up forever the hope of seeing the Irish and Eng lish shako hands. The Irish people would be slaves indeed , If they submitted to It. Either ho would leave a country where no Irlslnren could live unless ho lived llkoa Mavc , or , If the people were willing , ho would bo proud and hsippy to lead them In battle. [ Cheers. | The measure could only result In causing Increased disorganisation and driving thu people back to the horroin of foimcr years. ( Cheers. I Karl Spencer , believing his life to bo In danger , had tin courage to face the people of Ireland like a man , but small credit was due the present government , who did not know the dnngor they were facing. [ Cries of "Oh ! oh 1" and cheers. I More miserable excuses on which , to found coercion had never been heard. Halfour had succeeded In proving nothing but his own Ignorance of the country willed ho sought to govern and the sooner lie quitted the olHce the better for Ireland and lor himself. The government was practically treating Irlshmim like tdavcs. They sought to stamp them out like vermin. The govern ment offered them the prosuect of a favor able land purchase bill If this coercion bill passed , for neither a land purchase bill nor any other Itisli measure would live to bo accented at the hands of the Kngllsh parlia ment. * _ i - i r a Kenrnuy Came Hack. NKVV VOKK , March 2S. Jarnes Kearney , a lawyer who was reported to have absconded with the money of a number ot clients , has returned and declaim that the stories am false , lie declares that his debts are only about S300JO , while his as.'cts nrn nearly j-wiK)0. ( ) Jin admits that he did wion : ID al lowing his partner to uxu Sflh.OOO hi'Ioni : n ; ; to one of Kearney's clients , hut fays he ,1 * ready to uiuko the amount gooii.