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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1887)
OMAHA DAILf BttB : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 20. 1887-TWELVE PAGES. SQUATTER . SOVEREIGNTY , Council BlufTa Boomcro Lay Claim to the Old Elver Bed. DR. JEFFRIES GREAT SCHEME , lluliock Dofonts the Cnn.idlan Cham pion Youthful Dancers A. Jewel er's Knlluro Tickets for 1'attl Other Ajounl News. B < | iiRttnr Sovereignty. The boomers ot Council lllnirs real estate have not been content to confine their opera tions to the Iowa side ot the river , but have crossed over nnd Inaugurated a system ot squatter sovereignly upon a tract ot land .float Is within hnlllng distance of the heart of ttnalin ) , and much more valuable than seine of the additions upon tlio sale of which for tunes have been made within the past lew months. Tlio ground In question Is tlio old bed of the -Missouri river lying south and east nloog tlio entire length of Cut Off Inlce. All of this icrouml , comprising about 1,500 acres , 1ms been staked oil Into claims during tlio past week , and at least twenty houses are being erected thcicon. This sclicmo for acquiring - ' quiring property originated In the terlilo brain of Dr. Thomas .lellcrls , of Council JJIiilfs , a few days ago and ho at once put his plnii Into execution , lie came over with his family , purchased lumber- and commenced the construction of a lieu o for each member of his family. He staked out a claim of forty acres In the bed of tlio channel touching on the south what would bo an extension of (1 ( race street. Upon this ho commenced the erection of a ten room house which which will be completed within ten days when ho proposes to occupy It. Immediately norlh of this Mrs. JeflTerls , wife of the doc tor. 1ms a claim of some ten acres on which tlio foundation has been made for a house. Jid Porter , tlio doctor's son-in-law , has staked a claim ami another son-in-law , Flnlcy ] ) urk , a Council lilulls attorney , has his claim located. Thos. Jetrcits , the doctor's eon , has a claim and a house located on the next quarter , nnd nbo\o this is the beginning ot n house and claim for Dr. JclTerls daugh ter. Hugh Shields , a nephew of the doctor , completes the family cliclu with a claim on which a house Is being built. The JelTerls family do not have n monopoly on this deal , however. Other Council UlnlTs citizens have a hand In tlio speculation. Perry Keel , the shcrltr of Pottawnttamlo county , has a claim 1 ns has also Thos. ISowman , tlio proprietor ot tliet'louu and postm.ister. Deputy United States Marshal Kd. Troutman.lames ( ioldcn , Forrest and Earnest Smith andseveial oilier lilullltcH have Joined the squatters and hone fora fortune In the out come. Several Omaha parties have caught on tn tlio scheme and have staked out claims. Jiolln & Solvers , the Sixteenth street gtoceis In their anxiety to net hold of a desirable claim , paid a muffs boomer § 50 to go out Friday night and pick out a ten acre chunk of tlio property for them. A house was started on this location yesterday , and other Onmlm fortune seekers wcro Imsy driving stakes dellnlng the boundaries of their future rca ! estate fortunes. The piopeity in question Is the old bed of tliOThrr which was vacated by the change of tlio ri\or channel In ISTfi. It comprises about 1X)0 ( ) acres , and Is comparatively high and dry. beliiu above high water mark and reasonably free from overflow. It holders Cut Off Luke on the south and cast , and lies west of tlio Island , the property of which has been the subject of so much litigation. The property has been surveyed liv F. J. Urod- oeck , surveyor ot Pottawatlamio county , from tlio original government survojs ot Pottawattamlo county. Dr. Jcllrles , who is at the head of the boomers , when asked yestciday by a Uir. : roportci by vrlial authority he laid claim to the property , replied : "On tlio ciouiul that It belongs to the United States , and wo have as mueii right to It as any other cltl/eus , especially as it belongs to Iowa , " "Hut how does It belong to Iowa'.1" asked tlio reporter. "Fiom the fact that It was occupied by tlio il\cr when the gov ernment survey was made. The sunremo cotntot the United States has held that state boundaries are not clmnirod by the shilling of river channels , and the Xehiaslcu. line runs whcio It did when the government survey was made. " "How do you pioposo to get a title to jour claims ? " "Wo will fllo our claims and statements In tlio ollico ot the clerk of Pottawnttamlo county ami also nt Washington. Of eotirso wo do not expect to get the pioperty at pie- ciiiption prices. The land belongs to the government , and wo will ask that It bo ap praised lor us. We nro willing to pay any reasonable price tor It. " "Do you oxiicct nny opposition to your possession of thoclniiiisV "Wo nro not atrald ot any opposition. Wo have ns much right tlicie as any other citi zens and moro tlmn nny monopoly. The 13. it M. folks nio trying to get possession of tlio pioperty. but they'll have inn doing It , Colonel Tower sent asmvoyor down theio yostciday. Ho found our surveyor at work and nsked what right wo had there. 1 told him In a way that stopped his surveying. " , "Vou think you have aloituno In sight , don't you ? " "Yes , mid I'm going to hold on to my Rhnro ot It this time until it develops. I hnvo let several million dollars Blip through my hands In Omaha and I'm old enough now to know better. 1 was hero In IbM , and at that tlmo owned what Is now Sulphur Springs addition. 1 sold It to eet the stnto cnpltol located there , but by sell It was located iicroon the high school lull. 1 owned lots of pioix-rty hero then , but let It go. J\ow 1 ma going lo hold this until 1 see my way clear to a comfoitable foitune , and 1 am Biiro 1 will. " A teamster nnlveil nt this tlmo with n load of lumber niul tliu veteran doctor cut the talk short , and turned his attention to the work ot constructing a house foroiioofhis numoroiidimiilly. BULLOCK. 1J1K CHAMPION. Tlio Oinnlia Knvorlto Heats All too- Mlle He cor tin. Tlicro was another record-smashing bicycle race nt the o.\position hulldliic last night and : tliu result gives Omaha another champion. The race bus excited n good dual of Interest from the tlmo the mutch was iimde. Kck , thu Caiindlnn clmmpion , recently defeated Schock by a mlle In a 100-mllo race ami Bul lock's greatnst admirers thought him gifted with the element commonly called "B-aU" in ctmlloimhig Kck. The match was made how ever , nnd both men went Into active training and both were In excellent trim when they v Btartcd promptly at ft o'clock yesti-nlay after- noon for their ride of 100 miles. The race I I \ > as a swift ono Irom the start , it appearing f\ \ that Kck , whoso chief hold Is in short dis tance contests , was trying to run llullock oil thn track In the first twenty-UNO miles. In this , hovtever , ho was not successful , llul lock either clung to the Canadian's wheel 01 set the pace Himself , Tim race was o\en li ra the liltietli mlle when Kck shimed slgno * > f n cramp in ono of his legs and slowed n . Hnlloclc took advantage ot his oppoi tunlty and s > i > t a rattling tucu whicli had the elfi'd of arousing Kck to a lliui ctfoil , in which ho took tliu lead and passed thu sixty-fifth mlle In a li M mln IS see , beat ing thu ri'coid tor this dUlauco by llvo min utes. ( ) n thii sixty-sixth mlle ills mounted and by active rubblnit was relieved of the cramps , by which hu had been solrod , and renewed theiaiv , having lost uutthau l l > a. Ho reappeared and rode well , trnlllut lUdlock until tlio seventy-foul th miff , \\hei 1m was again taken so violently that lie W.T f01 cod to h-d\o thu track and civo up the race After a fuw minutes he appeared nnd miuli thu uuiionnci'iiient that hu was not nblo U continue the nice , and requested that Piiiici CO on tliu tntck and tt thu pace for liullock to cnublo him if | ASlblo to beat the record llio niidlcncvcnuc'it the Idea with upplaus * and continued thi'li Interest in .tlio raoi against time that followed. 1'rinco rfadllj complied with Kck's re < ] uest , and for tlio las fwcnly-tivu miles of thu raw rode with Hill { ock.uncournglngjilm 10 a speed that make : him the holder of. the 100 mlle record Ir jiii'dca. Tliu audience , \\hlch muuberei 1 \rly 0110 thousand people , was prolut > i ih applause lot thu > ouiiK Oumlia chain . who has uiado sucU an enviable recort 'luisolf. ' for.lOO. mllej wiw 5 U SO &rc , llio best tlmo ever mmlo on nn outdoor or Indoor track In Amer ica. The Indoor record for 100 miles was mtule by Morgin In Minneapolis In December last In G hours , fl minutes nnd 13 seconds or 0 minutes nnd 13 seconds less than the Hum made by liullock. In October isso F. r. Ivesmado 100 miles nt Snrlngtield , Mass. . with pacemakers , on the liest outdoor hnlf-mllo track In America , In 0 hours nnd ft seconds. HuPock beats this time by 0 seconds ends and can justly feel pioud of his \\orK. Ho Is now ready to meet anv man In Amer ica for 100 miles. Much of Mullock's marked Increase In speed Is due to lilnuso of his new Champion inecr , which ho used for the Itrst tlmo In a rncnlait night. The following Is the time of the race at the end ot each live miles : Miles. lira. Mln. Sec. ' " / 8M 23 20 03K K\ \ Km 53 33 18 'JO 33 iii 'l7 53 A SOUAntJUjK KOKSI3AT9. The OpcntiiB Halo of Tickets for tlio Paul KniinncmoiU , At lOo'clocI : yrstonlay mointtiRSOO anx- oxs cltUcus wcro In line at tlio exposition liulldlni ; waltliiK for the opcnlni : of the silo ; of tickets foi the 1'oltl concert. Whun the nltulow of air liuprovlbcd ticket ofllco In the adlcs' dressing room was thrown open tlicro was a rush ) and demand tor tickets which ccjit .Max Meyer and his assistants busy until ! ! : : K ) o'clock In thu afternoon. At first It was announced that only ten Ickets would be sold to each purchaser. At lirst , therefore , the sale was limited to ten to each man. Later on , however , the managers of the sale bc an to allow each purchaser to Jiiy ten tickets of each class , S4 , S3 , S3 and SI. When this fact became known each purchaser began to double , triple , and even lundruplo his order some purchasing as ilgh as thlity and forty seats none less Lhan ten. Many of these purchabcrs bought s"ats for their less lucky friends , merely OB a matter of accommodation. A larco pro portion of these extra blocks oC scats , however - over , undoubtedly fell Into the hands of spec ulators , who will bo heard from next week. The tecclpts from yesterday afternoon's sales amounted to nearly Sb.OOO. The young l > oysweroon hand with their usual enter prise , and formed In line with the spectatois early In the process of the sale , selling their positions to late cornels at good advantage. The sale of seats will bo continued at Max Meyer it Uro.'s store at 10 o'clock to-monow niniiihiir. A largo number of excellent seats still remain uutakun. Work of the Wlml. On Thursday train No.101 on the Colorado division of the Union Pacific was struck by a whirlwind , as it was crossing a trestle bridge near Littleton. Two cars were blown off , 0110 of them making a complete revolu tion In the air and lighting right side up In a ravine , twenty feet below. The other car did not land so fortunately. Thirteen people twelve passengers and one trainman were Injured , but no one was killed. On the same day train 402 going cast , an engine and two coaches , was blown off a trestle bridge , near Como. Into a ravine many loot below. Only ono person was injiucd. 15oth tialns weieprMlv badlv wicciced. The Denver .t Itio ( jiando Imd a similar accident on the day , between Denver and Colorodo Springs. A train was struck by a cyclone and whirled olt the track. One man was killed. The Clcnratiue Record. The bank clearances tor the past week amounted ioS'-Vi > 0TSG.10. The dropping oil Is duo to a new method of figuring the clear ances. Jleictofoio the Omaha clearing iou e , as is the custom clsewhuic , in making its report , has figured the total debits and credits of the b.inks of the city that came tlnough the clearance house. Hereafter , owing to a now tilling of the managers of the clearing houses , the debits only will betaken taken Into consideration in tlio reports. The elcaiances tor thn past week bhow an in crease of 03.9 uer cent over the business of thucoiiespondiiig week of last year. Election of Church OiliclalH. At an election by the membcis ot Dr. Foy's congicgation ( First Chrl.staln ) the following official board wns chosen : Riders Kev. Dr. l ° oy and K. T. Ciadd ; Deacons : Samuel Aliirch , < ; . K. Ferry , J. H. Van Aernam , Itob- itKccd , O. 15. Kamov. .1.11. Taylor , L.I ) . llm nctt. The trustees are Alvln Saumlcrs , lico. S. Smith , W. . -Mount. . The congrega tion Is in a lloutlshing condition. Sent Up For Pour Years. In tlio dltt > ( ct court yesterday atlcinoon Itidgo .Neville np Me arcuments for n new .rial In the case" oWho state against John Bradley , convicted of tlio larceny of a cloak Irom Miss Jessie Xiles. The motion was o\entiled and liradloy sentenced to four joais in the penitentiary. PrcHliytrrlnn Soolaltlc. Friday evening a veiy enjoyable sociable was given at the residence of Hov. J. N. Uoyd , temporary pastor of the Southwest Presbyterian chinch. The evening was passed In social meeting and listening to leadings and music by a number of the mem bcis of thu chuich. UOUJK-M.iry Ada , daughter of V. O. and S. It. Hogue , was born atl'mtland , Oregon , September , 22. 1SJ , and died In Omaha , Fi'brumy , 10 , ibVT at 10 : ! ! p. in. Funeral will take place on Monday at : t p. m , tiom the family reildence , U4i ) Dodiro street. Ft lends Invited. OH * the Trnck. Engine 1017 , on the Union Paclllc road , got olT tlio track Friday night about lii o'clock , Eleventh .street , and , besides being considerably Injuied , lequlred Mncial hoiirb to get It again upon thu i.iils. Injured. Hose cart .No. 3 Injured Its reel at the fire Friday evening and had to bo tent to the Hlioii. The company put Its lonuer wagon Into use. HrnvilioH , 'llio friends of Mrs Kmnm S. ( iibloy will bo sorry to hoar that she is lyinjj dangerously ill with typhoid fovcr. Fred Sly , u newsboy , was arrested last night for assaulting T. J , Ityan. Slythiowu chunk ot coal at K > an striking him in thu forehead and inflicting an ugly wound. fiormun , DnnUh , Swedish , in fact all languages : ire spoken in the otllco otV , ( J. Albnirht , the real estuto owner and dealer , 218 South 15th St. All clasios nnd all niitionnUuc * pnrcliaso of him , and yon cannot do better thun so- onro a lot in his valuable addition to South Omaha , known as Al.llltlOIll's CIIOICK. \V. 0 , Albright has other property , improved - proved und unimproved , in till parts of the city , anil ollera tliu bargains. A Dargnln. Lois 1,2 , 7 und 8 , bloek 10. nnd lots 7 and 8 , block U , Isitau & Soldou'a uiUl. I'ach lot ( itlxliiS feet ; if of them corners. Impiovuinonts cost K.OUO. Will sell the Whole btinch for $17 , 00. This is tin ) createst bargain offered to-day. The Lcavenworth street front alone is worth the money. O. K. Mayno Heal Kstato n'uil Trust Co. . 10th and Hartley , For Sale. Furniture amj lease , 10 room house , en" prominent 'street , near center of business , lease lias over two ye4irs to run. 'funmake rental by letting live rooms. House put in good repair , I'lifs is an unusiml opportunity , you .can 'pur- cbuso thu ontht on very cusv terms. Address E.G7 , Ueo oflice. s. i . Monsn & co. New Check Nainsooks , etc. , cries , I'ltiiico , Welts , etc. utc. Open To-5Iorro\v Morning. To-morrow ( Monday ) morning we will open n fresh now stock of plr.ln and checked nainsooks , piques , London cords , wells , etc. , at very reasonable prices. These arc n direct Importation from Messrs. Jones & Co. , Manchester , Eng land , and wo can conliduntly recommend them. S. 1' . MUKSI : & Co. CHKCK NAINSOOKS : The prices 10 cts , M cts , ! . ' ( ) cts , 25 cts , nro nbont 0 cents below last year's prices. Wo hnvo India Linens in this lot at 10 , 15 nnd 20 cents. 10-CKNT NAINSOOK CMKCK ; these arc splendid value , nro line ana sheer ; the 213-cent quality is as good as sold last season for " . c. S. I5. Moitsi : & Co. FHKNCll SAT1NK ; wo are thu lirst to show now Salines this year ; wo placed an order in Paris last August , and our customers will lintl the stylus very rich. THK 1'ATTHUNS. Tins year the patterns - terns in Kronen Satlnes are down to small neat silk effects , stripes and checks predominating ; a few larger patterns are here and tlicro shown , hut do not meet with the favor that the largo "Sunllowcr" ' styles enjoyed two and three years ago. S. P. MOIIM : & Co. Ouu iiititoiniitir.H : : : , all imported di rect from St. ( iallcn , Switzerland , are simply lovely. An iigunt from iho largest wholesale and retail Chicago 110110 said to us n few days ago : "No house in Chicago shows n ImiuUomer line of em. broideries than yon do. " S. P. MOUSE & CO. The South Omaha Land company have appointed 0. E. Mtivno sole agent for the sale of theirlots. Ilo will show the prop erty and furnish nil desired information upon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President. HENXISON IUIOS. , 1 5 1 11 GUI Special Inducements Monday. 120 Yds. of Heavy Muslin , $1.00. Tor .Monday Only 20 Pieces Canton Flannels , 5 cts worth 8 cts. 10 Pieces Fancy Stripe Tickings , 75 cts Yd. 100 Pieces Choice Dress Prints , 0 cts worth 8 cts. 25 Doz. Ladies' Collars und Cuffs. 25 cts Sett. Always Sold for 40 and 50 cts. Deut Fail to Head Our Am > s. Owing to the limited space wo can't quote half of Our bargains wo will oiler next week. Como and See Them. Them.HENN1SON HENN1SON IJROS. AVantoil. Wanted , two experienced typewriters , gentlemen , at ollicc of O. E.Maync , N.W. corner 15tli and Harncy. UOAVIjlNG GHUEN. Blocks 17 to : $2 , thn Best Part of Bowling Green. The cheapest property on the market. One-half milo from Benson car lino. Five acre lots $500 per aero. Two and one-halt acre lots $550 per acre. Acre lots $000. Lots 50x127 on Hamilton st. , § 175 for inside $225 for _ corners. Full Commission to Agents. ( ict plats of Marshal & Lobeck , Telephone 73 , 1500 Farnam St. Itcnu'inhcr. All yp seekers after Keal fttate. Now is the time to invest. When the spring boom opens in real earnest and prices go up us they surely will , yon will bo sorry if you do not got a lot in South Omaha. Whan buildiiigcomniences down there this spring and you see tlio mam moth structures going up , yon will think all the pork packers from Chicago are coining here , and in fact yon will not be far from the truth. Now' is the time to buy. Prices will bo advanced again verv " soon. Ever.y day's delay is dangerous" . For plats , prices , etc. , call on or address The C. E. Maynu Real Estate and Trust Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LINCOLN GAVE I11BI A BOOST. Senator Blackhurn'H Kocollcctlnna of ills Firm Mooting With "Old Ahc. " Washington Critic : Senator Joe Hlack- bnrn , of Kentucky , was , as is well known , a dashing southern leader in tlio late war. At a social gathering n few evenings ago tlio senator paid a glowing tribute to tlio exalted character of Abra ham Lincoln. He said ho considered Mr. Lincoln the fairest man that over presided over a nation , and that his tak ing oil' by thu hand of an asstssin was the most cruel blow the south received from the war. Then tlio senator related the incident of his lirst meeting Mr. Lin coln , whieli in substance was as follows : "When I was nineteen years of ago I located in Chicago , nnd commenced tlio practice of law. One of niv lirst cases was in the United States court , which was presided over by Jiiitico McLean , of the United States supreme court , and Judge Drnm- mend of the Illinois circuit. Tlio oppos ing counsel was Isaac N , Arnold , tlioimt tlio head of the Chicago bar , who was subsequently a prominent member of congress and author of thu lirst biogra phy of Mr. Lincoln. I hud tiled ti de murrer to Mr. Arnold's pleadings in the and when the case was reached on tlio calendar 1 was quite nervous at having such a formidable and experi enced antagonist , while the dignity of the tribunal and tlio prounca of a largo number of Jawyorn m the court all aided to increase my timidity ami embarrass ment. I was young , inexperienced , and naturally felt dillident and norvons ; in faot , 1 was willing that any disposition should bo made of tlio ease , PO 1 could bo rid of it. 1 was ready to adopt any sug gestion of tlio opposing counsel whieli would relieve me of the embarrassing sit uation , I wanted to gel away from the ordeal as soon as possible , Air. Arnold made an argument in which ho criticised my demurrer in a manner that greatly tended to increase my confusion , However - over , I had to make an olfort. J said but littloand that in a very bewildered man ner , and WAS about ready to sit down and let thu case go by default , as it were , when a tall , homely , loose jointed man , sitting in the bar , whom 1 had noticed as giving close attention to the oaso. arose and addressed the court in behalf of thn position 1 had assumed in my feeble arguments making flu ) points so clear that when hu closed tlio court at once sustained my demurrer. I didn't yet know who mv volunteer fiiend was.bnt . Mr. Arnold gel up and attempted to robnko him for in terfering in the matter , when 1 , for the lirst time heard he wns 'Abo Lincoln,1 of Springfield. Mr. Lincoln , in his good- natured reply lo Mr. Arnold's strictures on his interfercneo , said that he churned the privilege of giving a young lawyer a boost whnn struggling with his lirst case , especially if lip was pitted against tin ex. pericnct'd ' practioner , Qf course 1 thanked him and departed from thu court as proud as a young Held marshal. 1 never saw Mr. Lincoln again , and ho died without * over knowing who tlio young struggling lawver * was ho had so kindly assisted'and relieved from defeat in his maiden e'.l'ort before u United States tribunal , " * - . . . * * ' THEY MTISTOO. Special Snlo This Week in Children's ClonkH. Wo have just 80 garments left ranging in sixes from 4 to 18 years , nnd in prices from $1.00 upward. If you do not need them this winter , bttv for next , for the prices we have made will never bo dupli cated , One moro special bargain. 15 DOZKX coitsnTS. Urokcn lines , which have sold at 75c and $1.00 , will be closed at 35c EACH. All sizes in both white and colored. Just received. Ono case trench CorscU nt $1.00 , sfl.oO , $1.75 , ? 2.25. 12.50 and $2.76. The most perfect litting goods m the market. Look at thorn. One case now Buttons of the latest im portation , also new Headed Pussommi- tcrios in both jet and irriduscont. These goods are all marked at prices that make an appeal lo the sense of the sensible nnd economy of the economical. TnoMVsoN , Hiu : > ix : & Co. , laiO Farnam St. NKDL ) & ( JHAUC UclH" Estate , 1100 r urnam St , Don't forgot that Falconer's new Scotch ginghams that have been exhib ited for the last three days will bo for sale Mondav. Cuiiilnc Street. 22.vl.13 feet , between 17th anil 18th streets , with a house , 1,500. C. E. Maynu Real Estate A : Trust Co. Keep it Before the 1'coplo That South Omaha properly is a safe and sure investment. Get a lot there buloro prices are advanced. C. E. Mayno , Keal Estate nnd Trust Co. , 15th and Harncy. Spring Vnlloy , Near South Omaha , 2J and 5 acre lots at ? 3J5to $100 per acre. MAI-SHALL & Lonr.cic , 150'J Fnrnam. _ Den Danekc Korciilntr. ATTT.NTIOX , VKMIIKUSl Grand Masquerade- Gcrmania Hall , Saturday evening , February 2Cth , 1887. Tun South Oninhn. The future great Packingtown of the west lies on tliu main linu of thu Union Pacific railroad , by which the cattle and hogs from the farms and ranges of tlio west and northwest arrive. ALiiumiiT'b cnoicn is the only property through which the Union Pacific railroad runs , and is there fore the Hest Addition in South Omaha. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Solo Owner , _ 218 South 1 5th S NEDD & CRAIG , Real Estate , 1400 a main St. Corner Lots Arc good , and the corners of 2lird and Cnming .streets are tengood. . Wo will sell the N. W. corner , OUx88 feet , with two stores and two housus , for 15,000 , and tlio S. E. corner. 00x182 , for $20,000. Sixty days hence , when these prices are advanced 25 per cent , somebody will wish they had bought. C. E. Muyno Real Es tate & Trust Co. , 15lh.and Harncy. * * NEUD & CKAlGKeal Estate , HOG Farnam St , _ _ lOOxMl cor. on Dodge , st. , improved , a bargain. For terms call on NFI > D < \ : CRAIO. 1 100 Farnam St. Special bargains -Jamam st. , liar- noy St. , 10th t. , 20th St. , and other prin cipal streets. Nr.w > & CitAir : , 1400 Farnam St. Remember that Falconer will sell Scotcli ginghams Monday. A Jluro Clmnco. During the latter part of January and the lirst part of February wo sold 5(1 ( acre lots in Solomon's addition. This cleans them all up and Mr. Solomon now wishes to sell his home , consisting of ( JO acres of land , the very finest part of the whole tract , for $ ( ' 0,000 , including his two-story brick residence and barns. Tl.o improve ments cost over $ ! iO,000. This is a bar gain. A man can easily get $75,000 to $100,000 out of the land by platting into lots and have all the improvements and a beautiful plat of ground left. Will sell for small casli payment and the balance on ton years' time at 7 per cent. C. E. MAYM : UIAL : Es TATI : & TIU-ST Co. , 15th and Hartley. W. G. AlhrlKht'H South Oinnhn Office will bo opened soon in charge of Mr. John M. Campbell , who will have horses and buggies ready at all tinios to convey intending purchasers to the valuable busi ness and residence property known as Ai.nitKiiiT'.s Unoioi : . ' * This is the nnlv property through which " the U. P. and ! $ . & .U. R. R's. and Hello- vue avenue run. _ George II. Hoggs has advanced the price of lots in his addition to $200 for inside nnd ? 275 for corners , one-third cash , balance ono and two years at 8 per cent interest. Tlio demand for these lots has been much greater than was anticipated , and has denioiiFtrated that moro people than Mr. Boggs are of the opinion that money invested in lots' in this high valley will prove a safe anil prolitublo investment. A little money risked on an investment in these lots cannot do much harm , but may do a great deal of good , and for thoMi who are distributing their money whore it will produce the host returns , these lots of ! or greater inducements in tlmlr favor than mobt other property in thu market. Ileinoinhcr Howling Green Lots and acres bought now will realize a largo profit. M UJSIJAI.I. it Lomxic , 1509 Farnam St. H ItiiRlncss and Real Estate is valuable only where there is iii'si.Ni : s , Purchasers should bear this in mind and not buy lots far away from the center of business , just because they are cheap , Auntianr's CJIOICH lies in the great industrial and commer cial mart of South Omaha and thu ini- mensu business interests theru insure a rapid advance of values. Eighty acres adjoining Albright's Choicu are reserved for pomu of tlio largest establishments in the world , W. t ; . ALBRIGHT , Solo Owner. 218 South 15lh St. The most notable event of the coming week , the Turner's great masquerade ball , is being looked for with eager in terest. Thu preliminary ttrrantruments have been completed , thu hist grand re hearsal having taken place last Friday night. Thousands of people are expected to participate at this grand mardi-grau , the sale of tickets being unusually brisk during the week. Exposition hall will certainly present a most animated ap pearance no\t Tuesday night. Thu mam hall will bo tastefully dceorated and the national procession , which will comprise all nations of the earth , will nlono bo a sight worth seeing. The o who wish to avoid thu rush will do well to secure their tickets' before the night of thu ball. i'lat-en where tickets can bo had have been advertised in all th daily papers. Kr member the Clos'ng Sale of the E , B. CARTER Stock of WA'ifiu : * , CLOCKS and SIIVKU'Air. . at .your own price. * 10U 15th st. opp. P O. ; . . ALMA E. Kemi , Administratrix. AMUSEMENTS EXPOSITION BUILDING OMAHA. Positively Farewell Tour Mr. HKNHY R. AnilKY.vory respectfully on nuunccs the appearance In Omaha , of Qne Grand Operatic Concert , Which will take place on Evenin Pel ) . 24 With the following Distinguished artists : Mme SOFIA SCALCHI , ' ' SIO. ALHKUT GUIIJiK , - Tenor SI ( ? . ANTON 1A GALASSI - linritono S1G- FRANCO NOVAIIA , - - Uasso AND Sig. LuigiArcliti - - Conductor At this performance the above artists and MMH 1'ATTI will appear in a Grand Concert Program ConplstliiR of famous selectionsand In nddltlni , t ho second Act or Koeahd's Opera ( In costume ) SEMIRAMIDE ASSUR Sip. Franco Xovara AKSACE Mme Sorta Scalehi AND SEMIRAMUE ) , MMK. ADELIXA PATTI With nil tlio acccssorlca of costumes , niul n GRAND ORCHESTRA. of riFTv SEi.EcrnD MUSICIANS , under tlio (111cctlon of SIG. LUIG-I ARDITI SCALE OF PBICES. $ l$2$3and$4Reserv6dSeats , , $ $ , Sale of scats begins Satin-day , rob. 19 , at 10 a. ni. , at Max Meyer & Bros'Music ' Store MARCUS It. .MAVER , Acting Manager. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGIIT ON I A' , Thursday , Feb. 24th Tlio World's Monarchs , Ilavcrly'N Oriiiuil ; J. II. llaverly in Personal Command. The Great and Only BILLY EMERSON , Gov.Ad Hjiiuui , and all tlio Old 1'uvorltcs In an Untiloly New l'ioiraminii Sale of Scatij OPCIIH Wodnt"-dny inoniliiK at the IIOY ollico. "PEOPLE'S THEATER" Commencing Monday , Fob 14 TlioTalcnlod Young Actor , EDWIN STUART Supported by the beautiful American Acticss Lilah. Stuart Tonight In the ffiout fonmtlimiil ilrnina , THE GOLD KING Merchandise stored at li1215 : l.eav- unworth St. , on railroad tracK. First c-lass storage on railroad track , 121IJ it I'll , ! Loavonworth St , Aero property suitable lor plattinc , for sale by Niw : > & CHAW , 110(11'arnam ( St. Itumombcr that Falconer will sell Scotch ginghams Monday. Como everybody to the practical cook- injuxhibition ; with Horslord'.s Making Powder at the / > toro of llonry Pnndt , 1218 Farnam. Monday , Tuesday , W'jdnerday , February 21 , a-J.l'a. The masrpiorado ball given bv tlio la dies of thu tierman school at ( 'ermania hall March 5th promises to bo a urcat sncccsfl , A Inrcu number of comical ex hibitions will form a part of the attrac tion. No tic-kots will bo sold at tliu door , but can be secured from members of the committeu , Mrs , C. C. SchaoH'ur , Mrs. Max llomplo. Mrs. S ltclchi > nburg , Mrs. M , Tibku and Miss Ida J'omoy. Price , ? 1.00 , including supper. Oliiuico. A first-class business in one of the Ian ; ' est cities ul the statu for salo. Showing of largo prolit can bo made sincu estab lished , Small capital required. Satis factory reasons for s > ellin- } Address 1) 72 , Uec Ollico. _ Ijovgrou & JJal/.cll. Every onu of these lots are bargains : fiUxlilJ feet , and Jackson ; 1U,000. COxMO feet , near thu viaduct , with live roomed house , new , JJr ( , > ( K ) . This is a special barjr.iin. Lot in Walnut Hill , two blouks from postotlicoj frfOO , touth front. Only live more line lots left in lioll'man Terrauo at present prices 'IhreuTmo lots inust \ fuming addi tion , fachifj east ; sfOOJ eauh , easy terms. Lot in Polham Place , cast front , lays beautifully ! 'view of all Omaha , and this view cannot bo obstructed ; $1,000 , one : .half ou h , % I.QVIIKN : : & IHr.zKi.1 , > 115 N. 10th street. HARNEY 72 LOTS FOR MOO TO $550. $ Three Blocks Jrom Proposed Cable Line Midway Between J , R EVANS & CO. , Sole Agents People wonder at our low prices for elegant suits to order and when , looking at our immense display of fine goods , from the best looms in tlie world ; one imagines himself in one of our large houses in New York or Boston , where one dollar buys one hundred cents worth every time. We have brought all these advantages and luxuries en joyed by the larger citiesboth of Europe and America , in line tailoring at moderate prices , to Omaha , and are much \ pleased with the patronage we have so far received. Our low prices and fine work are sure to win first place for us in this city , as it has already done in 82 of the largest cities in the world. Our $25 niul $3 < l > Suit * , to order , are perfect In style and lit , iiml In lliese points will compare \villi any ss.'iO orT5 suit In this city. Why slioiilcl lliej-not lit asM'eli ; Tliry are out by I lie hcst nr- tfsls and made l > y tliu same skilled workmen as tlie higher priced nulls ; the same eaii he said ol * our IroAV.sern , to order , from 5ft , < $ < i , $7 and up. Our Hue of Spring Overcoatings , to order , from SIS up , are pro- nouiieed superh l y every one. The most careful and critical Inspt-clion of our gooilH , irim- igf , making , etc. , clc. , u huffed. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Open Until 9 P. PIT Bought , sold or exchanged , at s 715 North 16th Street , Furniture , Stoves and Carpets , cai-li or easy paynicuts. Sat isfaction guaranteed or money refunded. No connection with any oilier house in Omaha. A I'leasixnt Surprise is what awaits every ono wan'iii" clolh- ing or furnishing goods if they will onlv estimate goods and prices at 707 North lUth St. AIIIICI ; < A.N C'j.oniiNj Co. DcnlrrH in Nedd A : Craig , tlio re-il estate agents at 1100 Farnam street , aru establishing a reputation for Inuguins in real estate , making thu Interest ot their customers identical with their own. Parties du- siring safu and sum investments will al ways find it to their advantage to deal with Nedd te Craig , as they are good judges of real estate values ami ba\o bargains in every part of the city. Intending to move to Floreneo in the early spring , I oiler my residence at the northwest corner of ( 'rant and Virginia aven , o lor sale. F > r particulars apply to my agent , II. ( J. Clark. ( J. J. HI-NT. First class storage lormereliandlM1 and furniture. 121J--12ir ! > Luavenworlh St The rejrular meeting of bt. Leo Hraiicli 293 C. K. A. will bo held at St. < 'eoriro'h hull on Monday evening , February 21 , at 8 o'clock. All menibur.i are requeued to be present , llusincbs of importance. Ktimliiiu DevclopiiioniH await thoio interested in clothing purchase chaseif they will stop in and ask for prices at Aiir.iiiCAN Ci.niiu.w * Cu.- > , 707 North llirh St. Don't forget that Falconer's now Scotch L'inghnimi that have been exhibited for the last thrco days will bu for sale Mqn- day. _ _ For Paints. Oils. ( Slaw , t.\o : , go to Cum- 6 : Nejls'jn , Ills 1'uniaiu St. . 'i lie Hush. The rush for the P.Uti tickets- llio ex position building wa only equalled yes terday by the crowd Unit all day lung blocked the way in front of I'JO South Thirteenth street , where the Hanlunvt Shoo Company nil'selling "H' llieir t'lfor mons stock ol boots and Mio s. The i iish was 60 great , in fact , the company went compelled i-cveial limes to lock llio doors in order to wait on the ciistomei s already in the store. .Monday morning an addi tional force of clerks will bo on luinil and if the crowd is mil too great they will bo able lo wait on nil who call Head the fol lowing price list for Mond.ty and Tues day : 1,000 pairs Women's Huhuurs , lOe. 1,000 pair , Men's Hi'stliiitn Huntsfl.Ml I 1,00'J pairmen's S A. Alasnas , < > 0 . i 1,000 pairs .Men's Fine Dross Shoes , worth ? * . ' .50 , Sl.O'J. ! 500 pairs Men's Working Shoos , ( fin. i DO' ) pairs .Men's line Dongola Shoes , worth if.'iO' . : < i ro. , 'JOG pair.MeiiN ( Jrain Hoots , bust$1.10. i 500 pair ? Women's Slip-Hir * , "Snow ' 1 down.1 ' 'So I AUO pairs Women's Kid Hiittnn Shoes , worked button holes , worth t.07'K > ) ) . J'JO pairs Women's Kid liiitton , hum- ! turned , \yoitli ? 1.00 ? 1.7"- iiO'j pahs Women S French Kid , hand * turned , wmth W 00 ? ; ) .7.ri. Kcni'jinlmr they are to ho had only at 120 South UHli street Look for big sign of Tin * : UANKIUJPT snoirco ? Only a I'ctv ' More DayH Y until we must leave you and will oll'c ? special inducements to close out our fin est biijts on Monday , Tuesday and Wcdneiday.AMIHIOAN AMIHIOAN : { . 'i.oriiiNo Co. , ' 707 North 10th St. Jr. Hanchctf , llomeopath323 ' S. iotU-