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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 20. 1SS7.-TWELYE SOCIETY AND SHROVETIDE , Dereral Notable and Pleasing Receptions That Will * remembered , OUTCOMINGS OF ORTHODOXY. Callings , Cfirtl I'nrtlci and General O roc tines Brilliant Receptions Ornnlm'fl Antt > I < cntcn JOJTH Tlio Gay World nt \ Tim FnshlonnlilcVcildlnc. . English idc.-is are followed In fashion able Now York wctlUlngs. Instead of n retinue of ccutlemon oqiml in number to the bridcsmaids.tlie groom selects a "best man , " who arranges nil the business nntl Boclnl formalilics of tlio wedding. Invita tions nrc now engraved upon one sheet of paper , the separate cards of the bride ' nnd groom being seldom in tisd. The paper is thick , line , nnd shaped so ns to fold once. If cipher , monogram or crest of the bride's family bo used , it should not be printed In colors , anil the center of the top of the page is the proper position for it. Reception timl church cards nro inclosed with it. Friends who wear mojirnlng costumes should enter tlio church early anil conceal themselves so that their sable raiment may escape the eyes of the bridal pair , for black is omin ous at u wedding. The orange blossom is no longer a requisite of the ceremony. The bride in white is ornamented with natural llowcrs , which may be of liny variety. The bridesmaids , in delicate colors , wear no train , nnd their costumes nro far less grand than the bride's. They may wear picturesque hats or bonnets witn hliort white tulle veils , nnd they can carry baskets or fans of llowers in colors to suit their complexions- the fash ioning of their dresses is limited by the fctylcs of the period , if they are not , us they frequently are , historic. It is not uncommon for the Indies of the bridal parties to copy a notable picture of their garments and coiU'tircs. The bride often curries a sumptuously bound prayer book , also n bouquet or fun of lilies of the Viilley , white carnations or other del icate blossoms. After tlio breakfast , or in case of a re ception before the guests disperse , the Lride and groom retire to their dressing- rooms quietly , taking no leave of anyone ono , aud prepare for their departure. They don their truvoliiig attire , nnd only n fo v favored or especially invited friends remain with the bridesmaids and ushers to throw rico and worn slippers nfter their carriage. Tlio "best man" lias already gone to the train or steamer to look after their luggage , and to see them off without vexation or care-taking. No one asks them whither they nre Hit ting , sucii a question being considered in Lad taste. Tlio "best man" only is aware of the direction in which the honeymoon 5s rising , and ho is not likely to speak of his knowledge. Anctit Presents. It is no longer good form to send bridal presents promiscuously , or to intrude upon the sanctity of wedding anniversary with wooded , iron , china or silver articles for gifts. The fashion in these matters has changed , just as the fashion of sand ing ( lowers to houses of mourning has ceased to exist in tlio best society. In cases of death it is easy to set forth the wi.shcs of the family in this regard , and the meaningful pltrase , " .No llowers , " npiicndcd to death notices in newspapers , tolls its own story ; but brides and grooms can not well assume that they are going to get anything : , and so lind it dilllcult to forestall the friends who bob up at every wedding with glass pickle Jars , eard re ceivers and silver napkin rings and cheap onirravings. Neither can the couple who wish to celebrate their silver or diamond wedding anticipate the fnonds who eomo to the front on these occasions with gifts that arc often meant to be funny , and that are nearly always useless. To refuse these tendered gifts would be to affront the donors ; to scud word that no presents were wanted would be to oiler people ple an impertinence. There was at all times trouble in avoiding the custom , and so in order that there maybe no misunderstanding in the future nnd no danger of otl'cnso to" cither side , society now lays down the law that there shall bo no presents at anniversaries , and that where presents are received by a lirido from those who have the right to fimul them , they shall not bo exhibited publicly , anil shall not bo accessible to anybody until the cards contuininc : the names of the donors have been removed. "People of superior breeding , " says the latest authority on etiquette , "regard anniversary contributions to their house hold ollects with distress , if not with aversion , and such gifts , if not presented by those who possess a natural rijrht to make such testimonials , are likely to bo returned to their donors. When this cus tom of fiulf-respocting independence of material favors is fully established in our higher circh'.i , society will be pitched at least an octave above its late keynote. Indeed , there are not a few married people ple who refrain from asking their friends nnd acquaintances to participate in their anniversary rejoicings through , fear of bein : * considered willing to re ceive gifts from those whom they , desire only to bo merry with. Doubtless it is for this reason that fashion has frowned upon the grotesquerie of cards ot wood , tin , etc.which worn popular o.Uy a few years Biiico. The prevailing style of invitation is tini same as thcr card of any ordinary entertainment. " The Kvcnt of the "Week. The dancing party given by Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Smith at the Millard Thursday was a leading society event. Everything was on a scale ol inuniiiccnco and nothing was spared that might contributeto the do- Uji1 ! * ° ' 'UQ Klu'stsI'10 ' dancing hall whj adorned with numprom potted- plants and a huge bowl of claret punch scooped out of a block of leu attracted much admiration. This was set on an immense tray of ice and festooned with Einilax , In the dressing rooms the ladles were given a beautiful bouquet and tno gentlemen n boutonnieru and the same mvishucss was extended to ovary detail of the party. The table was beautifully ar ranged ami the supper worthy of thn oc casion. Mr. itiui Mrs , Smith were as sisted in receiving by Mrs , Armour aurt Mrs.Vheolock aud Mrs. Smith , of Kan- pas City ; Mrs. Andrews , Mrs Ut'.rrabrant ami Mrs. Cuutant. Among those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hiugwalt , Cotouul and Mrs , Henry. General and Mrs. Crook , Mrs. Ko.'id Mr. and Mrs. < * Yo5t , Mr. anil Mrs. ItoumU , Mr. and Mrs. Hothaker , Mr. and Mrs. li\on , Mr. and Mrs. UornWi , Mr. aud Mrs. MUcaH. Mr. and Mrs. Uartcr. Dr. aud Mrs. foll'man , Mr. nnd jMrJ. CalJawav , Dr. and Mrs , Jonos. Mr , and Mrs. 1) . V. Uarkalow. Mr. DtVkerson of Douvc-r , Mr. Chase. Mrs. Davis , Mr. ami Mrs. llimebaugh , Mr. iM : . Mr. and Mrs. Colpetzor , the Misses Wadleish , Mr. Posuo , Colonel and Mrs , Kddy , Mr. Lohmer , Mr. anil Mrs. Hichardson , Mr. and MM. Uilbort. Miss Gilbert , Mr , and Mrs. HvUcoek. : Mr. and Mrs. Swobe , Colonel and Mrs , Fletcher , Lieutenant aud Mrs. Kennon , General and Mrs. AVheatou. George Squires , Miss Moy < l , . ' Mr. Curtis , Mr. Draku ; Miss Lehmor , Mr. 1 Wilbur , ilr. anil MM. Patrick , Mr. ami Un. ' Fitch. Miss F.tch. Mr Vollum. Dr. ud. Miss ilcParlSir , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hums. Mr. find Mrs. Cowin. Mr. aud Mrs. William Hums , Mr. and Mrs. Bon nctt , Mrs. C. 1) . Woolworth , Mr. Barton , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns. Mr. llorbach. Miss Graves , Mrs.V , F. Allen , Mr. and Mrs. McKcnzic , Mr. Bishfcp , J.V , Morse. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Mr. and Mrs. rritchett , Mr. and Mrs. Hans- com. Miss Hanscom , Robert Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Barker , Mr. and Mrs. McCord , Miss Crocker. Many handsome toilets were worn. Mrs. Smith wore a heavy , black silk jotted { diamonds. Mrs. Coutant , gray silk. Mrs. Henry , handsome cream satin with wine plush en tram , diamonds. Mrs Kduy , canary silk en train garni- lured with white lace , diamonds. Mrs. \ > heaton , black satin en train with white pearl trimmings , diamonds. Mrs. Fitch , jcllow silk draped with blark lace , diamonds , Mrs. Swobo , a lovely dress of nile green satin en train garnitured with lace , diamonds. Mrs. Patrick , a handsome black bro cade satin en train yarnitured with lace , diamonds. Mrs. Cart or , white silk with cream bro cade front , diamonds. Miss \Vakoluy , white silk nud satin combination with crystal passameuturie. Tlir Dickey Itccnptlon. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dickey gave a large reception last night In honor of Mrs. Dickey's mother , Mrs. J. M. Jordan of St. Louis , who is paying avisittoOmaha. The hours of receiving were from 7 to 11 , and the leading people of Omaha were well represented during that time. Those assisted in receiving wore General nnd Mrs. Crook , Mr. aud Mrs. W. II. Burns , Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Tower , Mrs. Jcnni- son , Mr. and Mrs. Webster , Mr. aud Mrs. Callaway. The invited were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Adams. Miss Alrny , Mrs. Appel , Mr. and Mrs. Annin , Mr. and Mrs , Charles Atkins , Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock , Mr. and Mrs. Batch. Mr. and Mrs. Balcombe , Mr. and Mrs. Balcombo. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr. anil Mrs. S. D. Barkalow , Mr. Barlow , Mr. and Mrs. Barriger , Mrs. M. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs. Barton , Mrs. Buall. Mrs. llugus , Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bcchol. Mr. aud Mrs. Bennett , Mr. and Mrs. lliorbower , Mr. nnd Airs. Billings , Mr. nnd Mrs. lilickons- derfcr , Mrs. Botkin , Mr. and Mrs. Boyd , Miss Boyd , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford , Col- encl and Mrs. Brcck , Mr. and Mrs. Bright , Mr. and Airs , Broatch , Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. Loavitt Burnhain , Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Burnham , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burns , Mr and Mrs. Samuel Burns , Mr and Mrs.W. II. Burns , Mr. and Mrs. Boj'no. Mrs. Bauscrmau , Mr , and Airs. Aaron Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Calm , Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Carrier , Mr. and Mrs. Carter , Mr. and Mrs. .J. K. Chambers , Mr. and Mrs. William Cham bers , Mr. and Sirs. L. M. Cheshire , Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Clark , Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. II. Clark , Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Clark , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clarksou , Mr. and Mrs. Colpetzor , Mrs. Dubois , Mr. and Mrs. Cougdon , Mr. and Mrs. Connell , A. P. Connor , Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Conner , Mrs. P. B.\V. Cooke , the Misses Cooke , Mr. and Mrs. Cornish , Mr. and Mrs. Coutant , Mr. and Mrs. Cowin , Mrs. Gary , Mr. and Mrs. Crei h , Mrs. T. B. Ctiming , sir. and Mrs. K. C. Cashing , Mr. and Mrs. Coe , Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cutning , General and Mrs. Dandy , Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Davis , Dr. and Mrs. Dcnisc , Mrs. Meredith , Mrs. , Mrs. Collier. Miss Collier , Mr. and Mrs. Donel , Mr. and Mrs. Dcwoy. Mr. and Mrs. Doanc , Mr. and Mrs.Doherty , sirs.Windsor , Mrs. Dorrnan , Mrs. Pcrry.Mr. and Mrs.Flcmon DrakeMT and Mrs.Dumont , Mr. and Mrs.DundyCol onol and sirs Eddy.Mr.aud Mrs.Estabrook , Mr. and Mrs. iluslis , Mr. and MM. .John Evans , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frank , Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller , Mrs. Minerva Euller , Mr. and Mrs. I'unkhouser , Mr. and Mrs. Fonda , Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gannett. Mr. and Mrs. Garner.u , Mr. and Mrs. Garrabrant , Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord , Mr. and Airs. Gilbert , Mr. Goble , Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gray , sir. and Mrs. Greene , sir. and sirs. Griffiths , Charles Guion , sir. and sirs. Grogor , J. W. Griffith , Dean Gardner , Haiusworth , Mr. and sirs. G.V. . Hall , sir. and sirs. U. S. Hall , sir. and sirs. Haller , sir. nnd Mrs. Hamilton , sir. and Mrs. Hanscom , sir. and sirs. Harslia , sir. and sirs. Hartman , sir. and sirs. Ha vens , Gen. and sirs. Hawkins , sirs , siary Hayden , Col. and sirs. Henry , sir. and sirs. Hiraebaugh , sir. and sirs. Hitch cock , sirs. F. Sliolton , siiss Almy , sir. and sir" , lloagland , sir. and sirs. Hobbie , Dr. and sirs. Hoffman , sir and sirs. Hold- rejro , sir. and sirs. Horbach , Dr. and sirs. Hyde. sir. and sirs. C. B. Horton , sir. and sirs. A. A. Huncy. sir. and sirs. W. W. Harsha , Bolloyuo , sir. aim sirs. Hunt , sir. nnd sirs. Ijams , sir. and sirs. P. E. Her , Kr. and Mrs Ivcs , sir. and Mrs , Jarvis , sir. and Mrs. Jennison , sir. and sirs. 1B. . Johnson , Mr. and sirs.S. H. Johnson , Dr. and sirs. Jones.Vsir. and sirs. S. B. Jones , sir. and sirs. S. T. Josslyn , sir. and sirs. Robert Jordan , sir. ana sirs. Keller , sir. and sirs. si. F , Konnavd , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kennedy , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy , Mr. and Mrs. Kirkendall , Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Karty , Dr. Kuhn , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kouns , Mr. and Mrs. Lake , Mr. ami Mrs. Lander , Ole Larson , Mr. and Mis. Lohmer , Mr. and Mrs. l/mtnger , Captain and Mrs. McCaulov , sir. and sir.-i. McCarty , sir , and sirs. F. U. McConnell , sir. and sirs. J II. MrComioll , sir. and sirs. Mc Cord. sir. and sirs. McCormick , Dr. and sirs. McKenna , sir. nnd sirs. W. U. Mo- Kon/ie , Mr. and sirs. Market , sir. and sirs. Marsh , sir. and sirs. Mayno , sir. and sirs. Meday , sir. and sirs. Mendelssohn , Dr. and sirs. .Mercer , sir. and Mrs. Mcrriam , sir. and sirs. Metcalf , sir. and sirs. Adolph Mover aud sir. and sirs. MoritK Meyer , sir. and sirs. Max Meyer , sir. and sirs. J. H. Millard , Dr. Miller , sir. and sirs.Thos. Miller , Mr. and sirs. Miner. Dr. and sirs. Moore , sir. and sirs. Frank MOOITS. sir. and sirs. J. W. Morse , sir. and sirs. S , P. Morse , Mr. and Mrs.W. J. Mount , sir. and sirs. C.V. . Moore , sir. nnd sirs , Myersou , sir. and sirs. Molls , sir. and sirs. E.V. . Nash , Mr. and sirs. F. A. Nash , sir. nnd sirs. Horace Newman , sir. and sirs. Ber nard Newman , sirs. New. sir. and sirs , P. J. Nichols , sirs. Eloisu Nichols , sir. und sirs. Northrup , sir. and sirs. Nye , sir. Orchard , sir. and Mrs. Orr , Dr. Parker , sir. anil Mrs. C , S. Purrott , sir. und W. L. Parrott , sir. and MM. George Pat- orfion , sir. and MM. J. N , H. Patrick , sir. anil sirs. si. T. Patrick , sir. and sirs. D , C. Patterson , Mr. uud sirs. Paxton , Dr. and sirs. Peabody , Dr. and sirs. Peck , sir , aud Mrs. Perlno , sir. and sirs. A , L. Per kins , sir. and sirs. Popploton , sir. and sirs , Charles Poor , sir1 and sirs. Powell , sir , and Mrs. Pratt , sir. and sirs. Prichctt , Mr. and Mrs. Purvis , sir. and Mrs. llam- My. sir. and sirs. Hnyinond , Mr. and Mrs. R -dick , sir. and sirs. Byron Reed , sir. und sirs. Lewis Reed , sir. und lira Klicom , sir , and sirs. Kluhardsnn , sir. and sirs. Rlngwalt , sir. and sirs. Risdon. sir. aud sirs. Roddis , sir. and sirs. Rogers , itr , and sirs , buy Ross , sir. and sirs , A. Rosowatcrsir. and SIM. E. Rosewater , sir. and sirs , Rustiu , sir. and sirs. Roth- acker , Mr. and sirs. Round ? , sir. and Mrs. Sargent , sir. aud sirs. Haundurs , sir. and SIM , Saxo , sir. and Mrs. Carlos Schmidt , sir , and sirs.Viard ! | Scott , Mr. and sirs Shears , Mr. and sirs. Shelton , sir , ami sin ; . Sherrill , Mr. nnd SIM , Shivcrick , sir and MM , Shrove , Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Smith , Mr. aud sirs. S. T. Smith , Mrs. Wheelocb , SIM. Armour , Mrs. Andrews , sir. and Mrs. Sorcnron , Mr , and SIM , Squires. MM. Cole , sir. and sirs. Wil liam Stephens , Mr. and SIM. Stigcr , Dr , and Mrs. Stone , Mr. and SIM. Strang , Dr. . und sir . Summers , sir. and SIM. Switzler , sir. and sirs. Swobc. sir , anil JITS. Test , sir. and ijrs. Riggs , sir. ani ! sirs. ThurstonSIM Touzalin. Dr. and sir.j. THdon , ur. and atri.'L , H. Tower , sir. and sirs. Towlo , sin. nnd sirs. Tray- nor , sir. and sirs. Troup , sir. and sirs. Troxcll , Cadet Taylor , sir. and Mrs. trod Urlau , Mr. and sirs. Van Kuran , Mr. and sirs. Yi'akcley , sir. and sirs. Wallace , sir. und sirs. Watson , sir. and sirs. J. W' . Way , sir. and sirs. Webster , sir. and sirs. Charles ells. Dr. and sirs. Whinncry. sir. and sirs. Charles Wilkins , sir. and sirs. Walter Wilkins , sir. and sirs. John Williams , H. B. Williams , sirs. Silver.sir. nnd stra. \ \ ing , sir. and Mrs. B. B. Wood , sir. nnd SIM. Woodbridge , sir. and sirs. Woodman , sir. and sirs C. D. Woolworth - worth , sir. and sirs. J. M. Woolworth , Bishop Worthington , siiss Worthlngton , SIM. Collins , sir. Worthiuglon , Mr. and SIM. Harry Windsor , sir. anil sirs. J. L. Woods , sir. and sirs. A. P. Wood , MUS. Anna Yatcs , sir. and sirs. H. W. Yates , sir. and sirs. Willis Yate , Mr. and MM. Yost * sir. and sirs. E. loung , sir. and Mrs. Zahncr. lifllllnnt Ucccptlnn. The reception given by Mrs. Klmball and Mrs. lloldrego 5'e3torday afternoon was one of the most notable of the scries of receptions that have been given. The ladies who assisted were Mrs. Captain Palmer of Plattsmouth , Mrs. Swart/- lander , Mrs. S. H. H. Clark , Mrs. Bar- rigor , Mrs. Warren Cliaso , Mrs. Klmball , Miss Rogers , Miss Lucia Rogers , the Misses Kate and Ajico Chase. The house was an exquisite picture , with its profu sion of ferns and tropical plants and cut llowers , Mrs. Rnddis , Mrs. Boyd , Miss Boyd , Mrs. Biurbowcr , Mrs. Bcnnctt.Mrs , J. F. Barton , Mrs. Guy Barton , Mrs. Samuel Burns , Miss Burns , Mrs. Barber , Miss Barber , Mrs. Briggs , Mrs. Brown , the Misses Buttoriiold , Mrs. W. Cham bers , Miss Chambers , Mrs. Crook , MM. Read , Mrs. Copelaml , Miss Copeland , Mrs. Carter , Mrs. Calhuvay , Mrs. Car rier , Mrs. Collier , Miss Collier , Mrs , Congdon , Miss Congdon , Mrs. Coutant , Mrs. Crary , Miss Crary , Mrs. Dubois , Mrs. Colpctzcr , Mrs. O. F. Davis. Mrs. T. B. Cuming , Mrs , Dcnise , Mrs. Dinsmore , Mrs. Perry , Mrs. Dorman , Mrs. Dickey , Miss Dickey , MM. Doane , Mrs. Dundy , the Misses Dundy , MM. Dandy , Mrs. Eddy , Mrs. Iv-tabrook , Mrs. Eustis , Miss Eustis. Mrs. Ferguson , the Misses Fees , Mrs. L'linkhousor , Mrs. FranKlin , Mrs. Garncau. Mrs. Edgar , Mrs. Gilbert , Miss Gilbert , Mrs. Grant , Miss Grant , Mrs. Green , Airs. Goodrich , Mrs. Goodman , Mrs. Barriger , Mrs. Richardson , Miss Richardson , Miss Chanute , Mrs. Howell , Miss Howell. Mrs. Grilliths , Mrs. Grolf , Miss GrofT , Mrs. Hall , Miss Hall , Mrs. Hamilton , Mrs. Hitchcock , Mrs. Hunt , Airs. Harbach , Mrs. Johnson. MM. Keller , Mrs. Kniclit , Miss Lake , the Misses Knight , Airs. Lake , Mrs. Kountzc , MM. Jones , Airs. Smith , Miss Nellie Smith , Mrs. S. T. Smith , Mrs. Hanscom , Mrs. Lacy , Mrs. Kennedy , Miss Kennedy , Mrs. Henry , Mrs. Jcwett , Miss Jewell , Mrs. Lalk , Mrs. Lohmer , Miss Lehmur , Mrs. Ludiugtqn , Miss McConnell , Mr . McConnell , Miss Isaacs , Mrs. MeCormick , Miss McCormick , Mrs. Maul , Mrs. Mer cer , Mrs. Meredith. Mrs. Millard , the MissesMillard , Mrs. W. B. Millard , Mrs. J. H. Millard , Airs. Montgomery , Mrs. Moore , Miss Irene Moore , Mrs. Nilcs , J.Nilcs. E. Niles. Mrs. Nye , Mrs. Orr , Mrs. Northrup , Mrs. Pcrino , Miss Pcrmc , Mrs. Poppleton , Miss Poppletqn , Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Rustin , Miss Rustin , Mrs. Swartziander , Airs. Toft , Miss Toft , Airs. Airs. Sears , Airs. Savage , Mrs. Wheeler , Mrs. Pratt , Alrs.Stebbins , Miss Stebbin , Airs. Page , Mrs. Patterson , sirs. Woolworth - worth , sirs. Yost , suss Yost , sirs. Sherrill , sirs. Shivcrick , sirs. Carrier , sirs. Squires , sirs , sioore , SIM. Atkins , siiss Worthington , sirs. Collins , SIM. Way , siiss Atkins , sirs. Smith , suss Smith , sirs. Tracy , sirs. Adams , Mrs. Van Ostrand. Airs. Chosbrough , Airs. Hugiies : Airs : Bcall , Airs. Poland , Airs. Gannett , Airs. Montgomery , Airs. AicKenna. Aliss McKnnna , Airs , bhcltou , Airs , dishing , Alr.s. Van Kuran. Airs. Nartin , Airs. Hullman , Airs. Council , Aliss Connell , Airs. Purvis , Alr.s. A. S. Van Kuran , Airs. Stephens , Airs. Redick , Airs. W. A. Ucdick. Alis.s Bishop , Airs. W. E. Clark , Alr.s. C. Clark , Airs. Alillcr , Aliss Aliller , Airs. Wood , Airs. Evans , Airs. Taylor , Mrs. Barkalow , Mrs. Loomis , Airs. Hopkins. Aliss Ross. Airs Ross , Airs. Gibson , Airs. S. P. Alorse , Airs. Floyd. Airs. Randall , sirs , W. V. siorsq. sirs. R. H. Clarkony , sirs. Woods , ball , sirs. Hardy , sirs , , irs. : Put nam , SIM. Holden , SIM. sieCaulo3 * . sirs. Young , sirs , sicgcath , siiss McGcath , sirs. Ramsuy , sirs. Rollins , sirs. Saundcrs , sirs. Harrison , SIM. Saxe , sirs. F. Lawrence , siiss Lewis , sirs. Barrows , siiss Barrows , SIM. Win. Burns , siiss Long , siiss Hattie Long , sirs. Hyman , MM. Horner , sirs. Bliss , sirs. S. Lowe , sirs. Smytho , sirs. Curtis , sirs. Brooks , SIM. Peabody , sirs. Riedon , sirs. Watson , sirs. Nester , SIM. Freeman , siiss D. Harney. sirs. Rum- soy , sirs. Hughes , suss Wyman , sirs. Pierce , sirs. Bailey. An Enjoyable Tjunoli. Mrs. Dr. Jones entertained about sev enty-four ladies from her largo circle of acquaintances at a lunch party yesterday. The menu was unexceptionable and the excellent plan was adopted of serving the refreshments on quadrille tables. Cards and music followed and the qualifi cations of the hostess as an entertainer were successfully demonstrated. The invited guests wore Mrs. Beall , Airs. J. J. Burns , Airs. Joseph Barker , Mrs. Ranisny , Airs. Contain , Airs. Smith , Mrs. Andrews , Airs. Armor , MM. Wheelock , Mrs. Carter , Aim. Savagu , Airs. Curtis. Airs. Wakeloy , Aliss Wakuloy , Alr.s. Ringwalt , Airs. Sti- ger , Airs. Dandy , Mrs , Gaylord , Aliss Timmcrinan , Alr . Webster. Airs. Wil- lard Scott , AIM. Colfman. Airs. Dandy , jr. , AM ! , F B , John on , Airs. Ale- Whorter , Airs. Colpetzor , Airs. Dubois , the Alisses Wadleigh , Airs. Estabrook , Alra. Fitch , Aliss Fitch , Airs. Crook , Airs. Read. Mrs. S. H. H. Clark , Airs. Rotha- kor. Airs. Rounds , Airs. Richardson , Airs. J. J. Brown , Aliss May , Airs. Boyd. Mrs. Bierbowor , Airs. Kitchen , Airs , Cqwin , Airs. Hodgson , MM. Nvo , Mrs. Dixon , Airs Dorrance , Alra. Lieutenant Kennon. Airs. Whitney , Airs , Himebaugh , Airs. Pritchott , AIM. Brcok , Mrs. liorbacli , Airs. Frank Hull , the Alisscs Fees , Airs. larrowMrs ) , liiirginson.Alrs. S. B. Jones , Airs. Lininger , Airs Haller , Airs. Collins , Aliss Collins , Airs. Wakulieid , MM. Kubi- dons , Mrs. Doherty , MM. S. P. Alorso , AIM , Samuel Burns , Airs Gilbert , Mrs. Edgar , Mrs. Hotli , Airs. Babcock , Mrs. Keller. At tlio Wliito House. Airs. Cleveland's reception , February 15 , was onn of the largest of the reason , The hour was from 1 to 12 o'clock. Alisa Cleveland was present , and among other distinguished names were noticed those of Mrs. Senator Alandersou and Airs. Senator Van Wyck. Airs. Folsom was entertained at lunch eon the same day by .MM. Edward Halli- da } ' . At thi ) south end of the table , where the hostess sat with Mrs. Folsom , was a cherished heirlonm , an old Tliur- ingian "Jove cup" of glass set in a silver rim , bearing twelve small jpoons. This was filled with bon bons. At the opposite end was a largo globo-shaped bowl lillud with roses. The bouquets for each guest were roses with hyacinths and lilies of the val , ley. tied alternatively with broad pink and white satin ribbon. About the table werrt cut glass iliahcs of bon-bons , can < died fruits , cheese sticks , olives , candied violets and rose leaves with decanters ol wine. Thu guests wcra : Airs. Stanloj Alalthcwj. Airs. John Sherman , All's Isharn Hornsby , Mrs. Carlisle , ' Mrs , Hamilton. AlrsVAnaslasla Patten , Airs. Lament , Airs. . Edmunds. Mrs. Albert A. Wilson , Airs. Dr. O'Reilly , Alr.s , Knott , Airs. Senator Cullom , Alr.s Senator Sabin , Alr.s. Senntor.Mmiderion and Airs. Sena tor Van WJCK. Homo Circle's Itnnqnct. On last Friday night , in Masonic hall , the Homo Uirolo-club brought to a close its series of parties for the season of ' 80 nnd ' 87 , with a programme comprising eighteen nurubers. It was the close ol tlio sixth yr.atxof the club. In ovcry way the entertainment was tlio most success ful over given by the club. The occasion was signallzdd Uy a banquet , to which 120 members , associate members nnd guests ? at down. The spread was creatly appreciated , and conduced to a harmonious and happy feeling through out. It was" the culmination of a series of novelties which Imvo attended every one of the parties since last fall. The committee in charge consisted of W. H. Latov , F. W. Pickons. J. 11. Conrad , G. W. Bailey , W. H. Nelson. J. W. Cannon , B. F. Redman , C. W. Champlin , L. S. AIolo , Win Brown , N. T. Anderson. H. A. Capley. The officers of the past season were as follows : W . U. Latoy , president ; G. W , Bailey , vice president ; J. W. Gannon , secretary ; Fred Pickcns , treas urer. On next Monday night , the elec tion of now ollicers will take place at Masonic hall. Sirs. Gilbert's Itcceptton. Airs. Gilbert' * reception Tuesday was in every way a pleasing one , and the rooms were filled to their utmost capacity throughout the afternoon. Tno house was illuminated with candles and brightened with a profusion of llowers. The mantel was banked and a largo piece ornamented the table in the refreshment room. The hostess was assisted in welcoming the- callers by Airs. General Crook , Airs. Gov crnor Thaycr , Airs. Dr. Moore , Airs. Knight , Airs. Richardson , All's. W. F. Allen , Airs. Cleveland , Airs. Kountzo , Airs. Thorril , Aliss Gilbert. Miss Richard son , Aliss Uhanutc , the Al-.sscs Knight , the Alisses Fannie and Lottie Kennedy. Among the noticeable toilets that of the hostess was ono of the handsomest a black satin court train , with lace front over palest pink ; diamonds. Airs. Thayer wore an elegant black watered satin , heavily je'ted ' ; diamonds. Airs. Allen , lavender'silk en train ; dia monds. Aliss Gilbert , shrimp pink satin draped witli lace ; diamonds. Aliss Knight , graceful dress of white nomio cloth , with square corsage. Miss Fannie Kennedy , a handsome myrtle green satin en train , lined with old gold velvet ; diamond crescent at her neck. Miss Lottie Kennedy , cream nun's ' veiling , sleeveless aud s'hotilder gloves. Gforao Squires' launch. Air. Squires entertained a number of ladies Thursday At the club with an ele gant lunch. Tiho table was profusely decorated with HOWOM. A pyramid stood in the , center , Hanked by two smaller plucks. ISniilav and cut flowers were placed all about the table , and three roses of difurcut colors were laid at the plate of each jruest. The following menu was diacii.Hsed : Conso.tmiiu In Cups. Boiled pomfiaiitgy Potato croquettes. Sweet brefrd lartled with French peas. Chicken with trullles. Oranpo Ice. Koast quail with chestnuts. Celery salad. Tuttt fnilU-icc cream in form. AlaocaroonsT" Ansel's cake. Kisses. Catawba and Malawi grapes. Oranges. Fiomage do 15rio and crackers , Gate oir. These who sat down , besides the host won > Alrs. Armour uud Alr.s. Wheelock , of Kansas City ; Mrs. S. T. Smith , Airs. Andrews , Airs. DieU.Mr.s. Chesbrough.of St. Louis ; Airs. Cole , Airs. Squires , Mrs. George Wallace , of Salt Lake ; Airs. Win. Wallace , Airs. Garrabrant , Airs. Allen , Airs. Ramsey , Airs. Coutant , Alr.s. Carter , Airs. Carrier , Airs. Sargent , Dr. Smith. A Full Dross German. Miss Shears gave a very pretty gcrman Wednesday evening in honor of her fair guest und cousin , Aliss Kilbourne , of Mil waukee. Mr. Horbach and Aliss Kil bourne led , and the other dancers were Air. Dcucl and Aliss Clara Brown , Air. Wyman aud Aliss Burns , Air. Chase and Aliss Kate Chase , Air. Kennedy and Aliss MoLanc , Air. AlcCann and Aliss Shears , Air. Howard and Aliss Dixon , Air. Beall and Aliss Rawlcs , Air. Pike and Alias Chambers , Air. Reed and Aliss AlcParlin , Air. Downey and Aliss Woohworth , Air. Wilson and Aliss Lake , Air. Dickey and Aliss Hoapland. Air. Jordan and Aliss Aliller. The order was as follows : The lirst figure the cross ; the second , wish bones and bangles ; tfiird , masks ; fourth , fans and lighters ; iifth , the hoop ; sixth , crackers ; seven , pleiiges ; nine , baskets and match safes ; ten , sugar plums ; cloven , jewel cases and candy- boxes ; twelve , the allev , bugs and cigaicttes ; thirteen , lo bandeau. A Pound Sociable. Thursday evening was thu occasion of a "pound sociable" given tlio Uiiv. J. S. Detwilor , pastor of the Kounlzu Memo rial Lutheran church , as a surprise by a limited number of members and friends of his church. The party wns got up under the ex cellent leadership of Airs. C. B. Havens , who , despite the muddy condition of the streets , bravely gathered her fellow mem bers together at her residence on North Nineteenth snoot , and load the way to the parsonage.11 fi North Twentieth. Tlio reverend gentleman and his worthy lady were , to say the least , very much sur prised , and appreciated the "pounding. " After an hour of social converse the com pany dispersed to their homes glau that they had helped tochojir the parson. .A Cnnl Tarty. Airs. Cowiij gave another of her pleas ant whist parties last Wednesday night. Those present were Mr. and Airs , Kitchen , Dr. and Mrs. ' 'Somors ' , Air. and Mrs. Hanscom , AlssInnscom { , Mr. Alogquior , Judge and Alra.-Novillo , Mr. BurJow , Air. and Airs. Pritchott , Colonel nnd Airs , Henry , Air biu Mrs. Richardson. Gen eral and Mrs. Dandy , General and Airs. Crook , Airs. lU > Bd , Judge aud Airs. \ \ akuly , Air. ami Airs , Barker , Dr. and Airs. Jones. The'Capitol Hill dull. Miss Hoaghind entertained that organ ization Monday evening with a valentine party. A now figure was introduced called the "Fl6v&r Girl. " All drew cards , and the desired ono foil to the Jot of Alias Woolworth , who was made the recipient of about three dozen ruses , all the other dancers having to surrender their llosvers to her. Sirs. ISstabrooU'n UCcoptlon. Yesterday afternoon , a most brilliant reception was given by Airs. Henry D. Kstabrook at her residence on the comer of Twenty-eighth und Deeatur streets. Guests caino.and went between the hours of 3 and G o'clock p. in. in almost a never- ceasing train. . The residence was bril liantly illuminated and decorafed , and 'delightful music was furnished by thu Alusical Union orchestra. Among those who attended were many of leading ladies of .Omaha , who/ have known the hostess 'for many rears.- > MM..Estabrook wns assisted in receiving by Mcsdamcs Squires , Redick. ChesbrouehofSt. Louis , and Alisscs Collins , Rustin and Congdon. Onnl < * nml Prizes. Airs. Robert Purvis entertained a party at cards Friday evening. Progressive euchre was the game , and it proved to bo as diverting as ever. Those present were Air. and Mrs. Pratt , Mr. and Airs. Alice , Dr. nnd Mrs. Conner , Mr. and Airs. Hobbie. Air. and Mrs. Koch , Airs. Pierce , of Kansas City , Mr. and Airs. Council , Air. and Airs. Van Kuran , Air. and Airs. Heller , Mr. and Mrs. Hollman , Air. and Airs. Holdregp , Miss Council , Air. Fosbonncr. The lirst ladles' prize was a pretty bronzed basket , the gen tlemen's prize a paper weight. A whisk broom got up to represent a darkey was the men's booby prize , and a deck of cards and book of instructions were given to the other loser. Pretty souvenirs in the way of painted satolict bags were also given each guest. SurprlKCtl. Air. and Mrs. D. L. Thomas wore mndo the happy victims of a surprise party at their elegant homo on Idaho street Fri day night. The "surpnscrs" were at tired in sheets and pillow cases , which ghostly costumes afforded a complete mask tor every one's identity. After a half hour's spiritualistic Fcancc , .tho sheets and pillow cases worn laid aside. Dancing and refreshments furnished a pleasant evening's ontcrtaiuim'ut. Air. nud Alr.s. Thomas fully sustained their reputation as a charming host and hostess. _ A Progressive Toa. The progressive tea given by Air. llor bach Alondayovcninc , was so enjoyable that many more will doubtless vary the monotonj' of the Lenten season. Refresh ments Were served on quadrille tables and as each course was finished the gen tleman proceeded to another table , the ladies remaining seated.The guests were : The Alissos Chase , Carr , Dundy , Burns , Chanute , Kennedy , Kilbourno , Shears Airs. Robinson , of Kentucky ; Boyd , Knight , Alillaril , Messrs , Carter , Drafco , Clark. Chase. Kennedy , Pike. Ogdi-n , Darling , Wells , Rmgwalt , 'Hamilton , Dr. Wilcox. _ ProuroH-Mvo ICticliio. Airs. S. T. Smith gave a small card party Tuesday evening in honor of her guests , Airs. Whoelock and Airs. Armour , of Kansas City. Those present wore Air. and Airs. Cartnr , Air. and Airs. Callaway , Air. and Airs. Garrabrant , Air. and Mrs. Coutaut. Air. and Airs. AlcCord nnd their guest , Air. Squires. Mr. Drake , Dr. and Alr.s. Jones , Air. Horbach. Sumo pretty prizes were given including fancy bas kets , canes and bric-a-brac. Kir. Ocilcn's hunch. Charles Ogdcn entertained at an ele gant luncheon nt the club Thursday , sirs. llorbach , stissKilbonrnc , of Milwau kee , siiss Shears , siiss Boyd , Miss Wake loy , Miss Richardson , sir. Patrick , A. C. Wakeloy , W. R. Alorns. sir. WaJc , sir. Horbach. Tlio menu was up to the usual standard of the club. Mr1 ? . 8. It. nrown's .Reception. Airs. S. R. Brown received the ladies of her acquaintance Wednesday afternoon. She was assisted bv Airs. Rinsrwalt , Airs. Richardson. Airs. Kount/.e , Airs. Savage , Mrs. Carter , Airs. Watson , Alisses Jcssio Alillard , Ross , Weber , Richardson , Char- unto , Burns. Art Gossip. Airs. Alumnuch is again fully occupied with teaching and in tilling orders. She is devoting particular attention to new devices for draperies in all the new colors that are having such a run. A charming water-color , liy the same lady , is attracting much attention to Orchard's window. Miss Pclton is struggling con scientiously" with still life studies in black and white. Airs. Balbach has com pleted a liandsomo basket of pansios. Another pupil is painting a magnificent branch ot creamy dogwood blossoms on gen darmc blue plush to be be mounted in bamboo and utili/.ed for a screen. Mr. Collins , the talented artist , has been ab sent from Ins studio ihc past week , owing to sickness , but hopes to be able to ru- sumo work in a short time. Aliss Ball has decorated a largo mirror with a frog pond covered with water lilies , witli a frog visible half way out of the water. The sides have reads nnd rushes and Hour do Ijs and a flock of swallows show up effectively against a sky background. Small nnd Karly. Air. and Airs. William Wallace received their friends Friday evening , to meet Airs. George Wallace , of Salt Lake City. Alr.s. Hanscom gave a card party Fri day night. Airs. Paxton gave a small dinner parly Friday. Master Joseph Barker gave a children's cerman yesterday. Captain and Airs. Larson gave a card party last week at Fort Omaha. Aliss Alillor entertained the Capital Hill club Friday night at a domino part } ' . Mrs. D. V. Barkalow entertained the ladies' club Friday. Albert Rothory is doing some of the best crayon work in the city now. His portrait of the late General O'Brien at tracts great attention. Pythagoras Lodge Knights of Pythias Rave a delightful ball In celebration of thu anniversary of the order rriday night at the annex. Suventy-ilvo couples were present and nuioyed a programme of twenty-four dances. Airs. T. Alagrano's social to bo given to her frinnda nnd uupils , will occur next Wendusdny evening , February 23. OMAHA \VHOIjl3SAIil3 MA.KK.IiTS Saturday , Feb. 19. Tlic following prices are for roitnil lots of proilnccns xolil uii the intirltet tniiti'Jtie ] unotuttoni on fruits represent tlic jirlian at M'/iJc/t ' / outsltlc orders arc tilled. Ui'TTiiu The market Is weak and only an occasional pacKv.'ci of cholco stock will brine outside quotations. Cholcu to lancy country butter , lC ( $ l7c ; fair to good , H$13c ( ; com mon , fcglOe. Koos The receipts are not heavy , but the market Is extremely dull and stocks are niov- Ilia slowly. UXsHe Is the prevailing price , with an occasional side of a single case at 15c. 15c.GASH : There is very little came of any kliid comlnu' In. Ducks , Mallard , per doz , S1.7.-(94.00 ; Teal , per doz. Sl.liVgl.fiO ; - plump chickens are brimrlne mostly lOc , but large , coarse or poorly dressed are gome at 8@Ue. Turkeys aru very slow sale at bu. ( > 10c. Geese and ducks are bclliu In u small way at b@10c. 1'oTATOKs The receipts ara not heavy , but the muiket Is t-low and ict.dl dealers are for the most part only buying in small lots. There are a few Uuloiado potatoes In , which aroselliiiK . Home grown stock Is seiiini ; at SV. W5c. Arri.Es I'lio maiket continues firm. Choice Missouri stock pur blil , Si.OO ; Choice Michigan stock , pei Mil , S4.5Q4..rX ! > ; Fancy Michigan stock , perbbl , 5500. ? LKMOXS ilesilna , fancy , per box , ? 509. ( SilAl'ES-MalajM. lull welsht , 50'JOi7W. Large buuche- . , per bunch. OUAMius-VulencU per c.ve0.0 < afl.50 ; Calltornla. per bos S3.CKKS3.0 ; Florida , pbr box. $ :5.00' : < t3.25. OVSTBKS Mediums , 20c : staridards. itfc : selects , 2acextrai ; > ulectd , Sic ; .N. .Y. counts. Ssc. ( JxioxS'-Iloiu'e't'rowii stock , per bu. cl.oo CiitritY Choice stork , per doz. 1 ( > 21S < ? . . Oii.vN'UKitniKs ( Jape Cod , faucv. pur bbl , S12.0U : bell anil buKle , Ir' bbl , § 10,00 ; .Uell 'and Cherry , gy.75' . . SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES , The Provision Pit Occupies the Interest in Speculative Trading , WHEAT VALUES GO DOWNWARD , Cattle nnyurn Few anil nut Iilttlo Interest Mnnlsclled Hogs Fnirly Active nnd Higher General Quotntlons. CfllCAGO PUODUCK MAKKKT. CHICAGO , Feb. 10. ( Special Telegram to the Hr.K. | Provisions led In speculative In terest to-day. The prlco of the product ranged considerably higher , and trading was on an extensive t-cato. Thousand and live thousand barrel lots of f.ork . were passed around with freedom nnd the lightness was quite entertaining to witness. May pork opened at S14.72 > { , settled back to SlI.GTtf , and then sailed to S14.W > < f , with n few scat tering trades at S14.05. There were no signs of the top heaviness nnd weakness that the wiseacres of the pit detected In the deal a few days nco. The touo of the market was on& of bouyancy , and realizing on largo sales of large lines of pork did not depress values In the least. After potk touched 514.03 the price settled back to S14.75 , but again soared toS14G2 > j. There were lueieabcd offerings otpropetty on the last advance , aud during the last half hour the business done wns on n scale of declining values , the last May quo tation being at S14.70. May jribs climbed to S7.00.J7.07K ( nud closed nt Sf.C5. One lea- lure of the deal to-day and yesterday was the strong buying of laid by local parties , nnd nn advance that almost kept pace with that of pork. The general tendency ot speculative values of wheat was downward to-day. Out side news was bullish In the main , but less so than \esterciay , and the bears hail more to say. Cables bronchi In less encouraging ndviccs , nud UIOHI Irom London brought selling orders. Crop advices , so far as they wont , were favorable. The present move ment fiotn fnrmeis' hands Is nt low ebb. Predictions arc made that the visible simply will show a decrease of 1,250,000 bushels , nnd ono authority puts tlio licures at 1.500,000 bushels. First trades in May were nt frOac. which was yesterday's closing urico. That future ranged between bOc nnd bO ( jZiO > tfc most of the session with n disposition to clitic as clo c to SOc as possible. mirlnc the last hours the mariset assumed a heaviness of tone and the prlco settled to 7l ) fc , where it rested. As compared with yesterday the closing ranco shows a loss of i c. Coin was a sliaiio easier upon the whole , though trie market was relatively lirmer than for wheat , the closing bids for future deliveries being only 3 < c below those ot yesterday. Specula tive tuding was of very moderate volume. There were eiders here , both ways , but they were generally nt gcmes either a little under or a little over "the market , " and could not be executed. Local operators were conserva tive , but few caring to co short over Sunday , and no Ini o lines chanced hand * . Oats in the speculative branch of trade were fairly active. Half n million or to of short oats weie covered , aud this buying Imparted to the maiket considerable strength , and frac tionally Higher pi Ices. There was nothing else In the situation to firm them up. May opened at 2 ; c and ! -old to 2SJf(32bc ( to- Bcther , finally closing at 2sj c. . CHICAGO MV1S STOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 1U. [ Special Telecram to the Bii : : . ] U.VTTI.K Keceltits for the day 1GOO , for the week 42.3SO , last week SSG99. Business was about like any other Saturday. There \\ere but few buyers aud but little in terest in the general market. Sales were conlmed larcclv to accumulations of odds and ends of the week. A few straight lots of steers were sold at about the same as they would have brought yesterday. Then again , salesmen that had good stock nnd could not get what they thought the same was worth sent them tinder cover , ordeied feed and water and will hold over for .Monday's mar ket. In a general way fat cattle mo 15@20c lower than last wrek. Common cows arc 20Q2.5c lower than n week ago. Stackers and feeders me geneially quoted substantially lower than Saturday last. The following are about the closing quotations for the stock de scribed : Fancy , lf-00 to 1700 Ib steers. S5.00 ® S.2.V. tancy law to 1500 Ibs , S4.50&JI.IK ) : lair to good Mteers of 1200 and upward. § : i.b.V > 4.2.l > ; liL'ht steers of 1050 to 1120 and upward , Sf..riO @G.\i ; fancy cows and hellers , ti.25@D 7.1 ; fair to coed cows and heifers , S2.SOu.vib7H' : common old cows. SJ.OO@J.2."i ; bulls , S2.50yj ! 5.50 ; stackers and feedeis , S2. . )0(3 ( : > .50 ; veal calves. S3.0U@ < 5.50 ; mllken , and springers , S20gio ) per head. Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $4.iOc ! < M.OO ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , S4.COS : ) 4.40 ; 930 to 1200 Ibs , 53. xaaOO. StocKers anil feeders. S2.503i.bO : ; cow * , bulls nnd mixed , S2.10@3.bO ; bulk , 2.75@B.3U. llous Receipts foi the day , 10,000 ; for the week , 10 > ,2G9 ; last week. M.OGX Uut > lness wns fairly active , with a slight up tinn at the opening aud n slight down turn at the close , leaving the maiket in much tjm yime condi tion as tat the close-vAtSsfenlay. Uest tancy heavy are soldqy § .7 < Kfr-rj.75 ; packing sorts , S5.40Q5.CO , iind9niinon , S5.i.r > ( it5.30. Light sorts hold nt S5.00@i.50. with Yorkers weights , S4.7S < 3j.'J5 ; skins , S3.5'JQ.25. ) Now York. Feb. 19. MONEY On call , easy at : ; ® 4 pet cent , closing at 8 per cent. PllUlE MKUCASTIt.l ! 1'Al'KIC 530 JjOr cent. STciu.ixn EvciiAN'oi : Dull and un changed at 64.3jif ior sxty | day bills ; S4.b ! > X lor demand. ( lOVEr.N'MKNTS Government bonds were dull but steady. STOCKS The Monk market to-day showed some of the dullness and narrowness which marked it durinc previous days this week. Thu opening \vas linn to strong , wltn nrat prices generally l { to % per cent above last night's closing figures. The market wns ttmo nnd hplrltlcbs , nnd while there was some heaviness in early dt-allncs there was alter that tlmn n steadv hardening ot values until noon. Missouri , Kansas it Texas , New Kncland , nnd Western Union showed the gientest strength. A period ot oxtidinu dull ness succeeded , during which slight tractions were lost , Nickel 1'late common being prom inent tor weakness. An ndvnnc'i in Kansas A Texas then took place and the Improve ment was shared by UK * entire list , closing dull nud steady at an advance. STOCKS O.H WA.I.L srnrut. 31 ? cent bonds. . 100 preferred , . . 140 U. b. 4H's no K.V.0 112f New4's 12S ? ( Orecon Tran. . . . S2-v racllioC'sof'93. 120) , I'ncllioMall M .entrall'acillo. . aty I'.D.&E a' . " P. I1. 0 14-i Dreiefrea" . . , . 155 Itack Island 12(1 ( C. 1J. AU 133 St. L. &S. K. . . . Hli D.L.AVf 1.W preterred. . . fi-l4 ! I ) . &JI. 0 24 C. , M. &St. I' . . . 01 if Kne ff$5. preferred. . . 120 Miiforred , . 7IK St. f'.A-O. Illinois Cential. 124 prpferre < l. . . . IDSK 1. . B. tt\V 18 Texas 1'acilio. . . 24 Kansas ik Texas. 11J ! Union 1'aciUc. . . M.--i LakiiShoru. . . . , Wj W. , St. Jj.A 1' . . 10 > f L. A N ? > \X \ preferred. . . 2j Mich. Central. . . b9K Western Union. T. % Mo.l'aclDo 107 ? , ' 0. . U. .S-N. . . 103 Northern 1'ac. . . VW Canndi'i South. , . . S'sK Pieferrtd. . . 6 ! ' . , Keadint' 3IJ/ C. A N. \ \ JUKI 1'HOOUCU M.VUKI2T. Chlcnco , Feb. 1U. Follow Jnir quotations aie thu 2 : % ) dosing inurcs : Flour Unrhnnsuu : winter wheat Hour , S4.2.vg4.30 ; ! > outnerii , Si.lOS4.20 ( : WhconPin , 84.2 < X'J4.CO ; Mlchl/au * < ft sprlnr wheat , SB.70d < 4.yO : .Mlnneboia liakcrs , 83.7IW.30 ; patents , 81. . ' 0it4.w. ( low grades , 51.'J5g2.V5 ( ; no tlour , quu-tat. y.2' > ( fiWJ ; in tacks and barrels , $5(3. ( .70. Wheat Moderately * ctl\o ; lluctuatlng within a small range : casn , 73 > 4'rtt7 c ; May. t'or'u Fairl/'netlve ; lluctuated within n ) lo range , and closed , J < (3'4c ( ' below jester- dav'asli , V8f < &x > % oi ilaj , Byfj-liic ; Juno , 40S-10C. Oats Firmer ; averaged V"U/e bitter ; cash , 24c : Match. 24 mice : May , sslfc ; 'llye JJullntfilc. . H.irley-Nominal at.Mt5'Jc. Tiuiatby ieeil I'rimu. St.Sl ; Piaxsecu 1 0.1 , ' ' . - ' l'oik-OifcncaVtrongerwlth'hCivy | ( trail lot ; In May at n fi(310c ( ndrnnce , settled later rallied SoVKWKc , then dropped ! nnd clo < ed steadv 5 "cash , Sl.55f ( ( 14,60 SI4.71X314.72.H ; Juno. SK70C'il4.7a > f. Lord Active nnd 10i315e hither ; S'.ftyi .tfi1 ; Mnj' , 57.2037.22Kt JBBili ( ( { 7.27V. Uulk Meats Shoulders. 85.80 < W.OOj clear , S7.WQ7.M : short ribs , SO.0@0.&S. lintlcr qulot ; creamery , 2026o ; dak Cheese Quiet : full cream chcddars , ( ! MBc ; lints , l2Sc ; young Americas , 13J < c ; ski ins , 7Hirtl3)tc. ) Kecs l.VftiOc. Tallow Slow : No. 1 country , solid , No. 2.2 { ccako : , 4c. Hides Urcon , PC ; heavy 7c ; salted bull , Cc ! green salted calf , diy salted hides , 10c ; dry Hint , 13@1 deacons , 40c each. , . , Receipts. Shlf Flour , bhls 15.UOO Wheat , bu 20,000 Corn , bu f.\ooo Oats , bu 10.,000 ( Rye , bu 1.1HW Barley , bu 40.000 Now York. Fob. 19. Wheat Rccel 40,000 ; exports , CO.ixw ; spot generally it options declined S@n/c , closing heavy ; graded red , lUW'ic : No. a red , Wo ; 1 led , l > 3J < e ; e\lra red VlfcNo. \ \ . 2 red. In elevator. lil'ioll c alloat nud dcllT < March closing at CO'tc. Corn Spot quiet aud about steady ; opt . i an wenclosing weak ; receipts,75,8" " lXHirl 10,000 ungraded , , , QlsJfo1 ; ] 4' WV ; i i h i t\ii it fT ' 2 , 4Sii ( < $4S > { o ill elevator ; 49 } dellv * 4bS'c f. o. b. ; Marcheloslnc at . . , Oats A shade better ; ri-ceipts , 53,000 poit , IWj mixed western , 37@3Sc ; western , $ < 342 v. Pottoloum Steady ; United closed ntCl Kggs Dull nnd easier ; western , 17'4 e. rork Fairly active aud firm. Laid A shade stronger nnd modern ! active ; western steam , spot , 37.20fit7.a6. J Hutter Qulut ; . western , 12 < iJ20c ; crcameiy , 27 ® ' > c. Cheese Finn nnd rathcrqulet Si. Louie. Fob. 19. Wheat VrcakN red cash , 7S@79o : May. bOJfc : Juno. ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 83X < s ; " ' " Oats Firmer ; No. 2. mixed , caib. May. 23Ke. llyo 1-lrin ntMc , Pork-Stiong at S14.7531G.OO. Lard-Firm at SO.S7X- WhUky-fcl.13. Butter Steady nnd unchanged. LIVE STOCK. Oiilonco , Feb. 19. The Drover's Jour lenorls as follows : Cattle Receipt" , 2,000 ; steady ; olripeu steers , S ! ! . . " > 0 < 25.UO ; stackers nnd lnedcnv 2J Q3.M ) ; cow > . bulls and , uilxed , 8'-J.10@e.W bulk , S2.75@U.HO. Hogs Hecolpts , 10,000 ; steady ; rough aml mixed , S5.10 ( i5.r > 5 ; paeklng nnd shlpnluj. ' S5.35Q3.75 ; llglll , S4.75Q5.05 ; skips , 53,60(1 4.75. " . i Sheen Itecolpts , 700 ; steadv ; nntlTM.1 SS.SOrtJfl.OO ; western , S.50Q4.70Texans : ! ; , 52. j © 1.2,5 : lambs , S4.50@5.50. * J' National Ktoulc Ynrilg , Bast St-i Ijiuila , 111. , Feb. 19. Cattle Receipts , 100 shipments , none ; steady ; choice heavy na tive steers , S4.iOiJ.lH : ( ( ) ; fair to peed sblpnl R | Bteers , S3.75@4.50 ; Dutchcr * ' steers , falr > , lo choice , 33.10g4.10 ( ; feeders , fair to g ( " S2.bOQ3.oo ; stackers , fair to good , 82. 3.00. 3.00.Hogs Receipts. EOO ; ehloments , none ? cliolcu heavy and butchers' selections , 55.30 ® , S.70 ; packing , fair to peed , S5.35@5.43 ; ! Yorkers , medium to prime , 5.10@5.30 ; pits , , comuiou to good , S4.50 < 35.00. f ' KansaH City , Feb. 19. Cattle Receipts. , 0,000 ; Bhlpments , 000 : Etcadv and iirui ; ronimon to choice , 3..rA < 4.40 : stackers , S3.003.10 ; feeding steers , 53.25@3,00 ; cow Hoes Rpcelpts , 5,000 ; shipments , none opened 5@10e higlier nnd closed weak , i vance lost ; common to choice , S4.75@4.40. OMAHA STOCK. Saturday , Feb. 19 , C'nttlc. The receipts were very light asnln to-da The market remains about steady at yl terday'a prices and was active. The deuifl was good and eve rythiUK was taken. " * * 'J'he receipts wore fairly liberal for Snltif day. The market opened up active at yester-5j dax's quotations and cvcrythlng'was sold tjj an early hour. SlllC ! | ) . There were no liesh rceeipK but' n < | that had been held over changed hands. Receipts. Cattle rrcvnlllnij Prloo * . Sliowlng the prevailliii ; iirices paid for llrff stock on this maiket : * Choice steers. 1350 to 1500 lbs..5l.25 < 31.50 V Choice steers , 1100 to USOO Ibs. . . J,15i.Wil ( Jood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.va3.BON Fair to medium grass cows 8. XSfl.50J Good to choice bulls 2.25 3.25 , ' , Ughtand niediuiiiliOL's 5.0CKa5.X5,7 Good to choice heavy nogs 5.2Q@5.W ( ! oed to choice mixed hogs 5.15M5.3 Cholco blicej ) , 90 to 120 Ibs 3.50j4.00 ( Iloprcscntntivo Halos. * $ \ sriins. : * * j No. Av. 1'r. No. Av , Pr. H No.a a , . . . . * ' ' ' 1 . . . ( CO S.M ) 57.1283 4.15V' 1. . . .10W 4.00 H2..12SO 4.90 ] HULLS , * No. Av. Pr. No. AJT. Pn 2.fO 3..14 .2.7S/ , . . .1030 2.fX ) 2..1800 8.00 * . . .li-i5 : 2.75 U..1900 , 3.0C . . .1730 2.75 OXK.V. Mo. Av. I'r. COWS. N'o , Av. I'r. No. Pr J 0. . . .ion 5.00 ! ! 3V..1000 53.3C , 3.00 * Jr i Mixr.u. No. Av. I'r. n.oi snuur. No. Av. Pr. . 03 31.10 irons. No. AV. Shk Pr irons.No. . Av. , Shk. W ) 85.00 | 01. . 2111 200 s.i. ' 65. * S7 01.OO. . . . ' . ' 100 5.15 57. "Wfn to 5.15 70 , .TSa ice 20:110 : 5.15 oa. . .227 40 5.15 fiO. . .HH ) 100 r/j. . 257 200 5.20 57. . .3W 200 t ( SO. . .227 40Nl 5.20 68. . .2-J7 120 5.80 co. . .250 Nl 5.20 71. , .251 M 5.Wi ) 77. . .220 bO 5.22l < 49. . . .320 2KO 5.80' 77.M. . . .241 bOW 5.2-iW 63. . . .SS5 ICO B.W , 70 227 5.25 UniiRO oTPrlocs. Showing the highest nnd lowest nrlc paldi'urlovlsof hoirson this market durl thupaiC seven days nnd fur tlio s mo , ni lait month and n vear aco. ' . Juu. Fob. nth Sunda 3.77 wati , Hill HunJav 1MI ) t.'M ® < .C3 aoi ICUl a.To a ITtti 4,40 fH.fl' a.76 9 1Mb 4.12 ttJ.M ' * 1'Jtb t.-'j UtM ) & .00 a.76 i Alls.-\losof htoclc in this market are mail perowt. live woiglit unless othervvisostatuj IJead hogs sell nt Kc per Ib. for nil weight " .Skins , " or hog * weighing less tUan 1W ( lu. no value. 1'ro nunt sow * are docked 40 to. and stagiSO Ibs , by the public inspector. Notuu. Hogs steady. , Cattle active , * i A light run of cattlo. The yards wore cleared of everything , Thcio Is a very fair demand for cattle otjji kinds. ' i : . Pettys , Shelby , was here and bold a < of ho s. , 11. 0. Dawdon , Kndhott , N'eb. . was looking over tlu < market. J. U. Alter , ( irand Ibland , was In and w rotj-fl three loads fif corn fed fcteprtr ' - Mclntosh < Suiton , Cliapuiau , V b/r Ijotli in to-day looking o\ertho uiMkcL ( J. 0 Pierte , Dexter , la. , a feedfr and Mil ixsr , was In marketed three loads ot hoga W. J. Davis , Grand Ipland.was In' sold a load ol liogsiunl catilo-at very satii lory ] > ri.ces. \V. \ K. McCIoud. manaecr pf the fir McCloud < ff Love , is out again after a ; conllnemonl with the lieiiralgla- } " Messrs. F.vanx and Huel , of the iluntei. KvaiiH A l'u.foiuiutsnlon tie ' I'lilragonud Knnsa's CHv.Vwera via Iho jaub tp-day. V '