Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Move for a Permanent Record of Living
Tiirnvoroln Celebration The Hcunlon
A Cnltlc Thief Ciumlit I-'MIeil Up
On .Morphine Captain Slarsh
and tiic LnsL Hnlhvny
( Jrillnnncr. .
Hot ) nl' Honor.
All the Grand Army posts In the cltv
have received r. request from a commit *
tec , conslstliiK of K. P. lloggrm , K. S.
Dudley , mid II. A. IJnbcock , to have tlielr
members use their inilucnco with the
local members of the house and senate to
neourn the passageof a soldier registry
law , recommended at the last slate en-
campmcnt , hold in lied Cloud. Ft-brunrv
17th and 18th , 1"M ) . The bill provides
Hint uvcry precinct iw-ussor ahull furnish
the county clerk , at tlio time he makes
his assessment returns In 1S87 , and every
two years years thereafter , a corrected
list of all persons who .crvod in the
United Slates army , navy , or marine
corps during the war of 181' . ' , the Mexican
war , and llio war of the rebell on. Ho
blinll : ilsoilu 1jiintu the rank , company ,
regiment , battery or vessel in which they
hurvcd , together with their place
of rc < idonpo and postolHeo
address. These lists slril I bo certified to
by tlio county clerk , \\lio shall forward
them to the secretary of state. The latter
will arrange the names In an alphabetical
manner by regjments and statcsantl , pub
lish 2,0(10 ( copies of the same. Three
copies of thesu shall bu furnished each
post of the ( J. A. K. , 100 copies bo clvon
to the State library , llfty copies to Ihu
commissioner of pensions , and the re
maining be retained by the secretary for
An ISffort to bo Mntlo to Itiivo it
Marked nml Kncloseil.
The following circular , concerning a
monument for the lamented Captain
Crawford , was received at army head
quarters yesterday.
"The grave of the late Captain Craw
ford , Third cavalry , is neither marked
by a headstone nor suitably unclosed ,
Several olllcers have wiitten to mo expressing -
pressing a desire to be permitted to con
tribute towauls the expenses of a. bead-
stone or monument , and home money has
been sent to mo unsolicited for that pur
pose. 1 have been willing to contribute
money , time or labor , or all , and liavo
intended to sec the matter attended to
oven without aid , but L have had some
delicacy in constituting myself manager
or custodian of tunds for the undertak
ing. The responsibility has boon placed
upon mo mid 1 will cheerfully exercise
my best ability to have the matter well
accomplished , but cannot proceed 1111-
derstandmirly until L know pretty well
about the probable amount of funds
J think it eminently fitting that a hcad-
Btono should bo erected by his conira'Jcs
and friends , ami my ideas are that it
should be a substantial 0110 ot polished
pranite , of ijlain design , in harmony with
its surroundings and his character , tocost ,
with suitable imperishable fencing , be
tween if 300 and ? 100.
Captain Crawford hold the deed to the
lot , so the entire fund can be devoted to
the monument and fence ; and I will en
deavor to secure assistance in trans
portation and probably some aid from
the citizens of Kearney , Neb. , who paid
him such marked respect at the funeral.
1 trust that this will not bo considered
brjrgjng , but what it really is a simple
notilieation to the friends of Captain
Crawford that they now have an oppor
tunity to participate in paying a tribute
to his jjtiro and noble character and
Any assistance anyone can give in
spreading this infoimation 1 am sure
will be appreciated by all inteiested. "
Captain Third Cavalry.
Four CONCIIO , Tex. , Jan. 18 , 1887.
A Now Knapsack Major Hurt's Ar
Colonel Merriam , of Fort Laramie , is
in the city on a leave of absence. Ho
called at army headquarters jcsterday
nml was cordially rhccivcd by his old
Colonel Merriam is the inventor of anew
now knapsack , which has been patened
mid in now being tested by the army au
thorities. Ho says that every report
made concerning it has been tavoroble ,
and he thinks that it is only a question of
a short time beloro it is adopted through
out the army. It is so arranged that the
weight of the knapsack is carried en
tirely on the hips , instead of on the back-
as in the case of the old fashioned knap ,
Major Hurt , or Fort Robinson is in the
city. _
BclioclclH ClmllGiiKcU t > y Kdward Bul
Ed litillock is desirous of meeting
Albert Schock , the long distance rider ,
and has issued a challenge to that cllcct.
lie desires a race of from one to 100 miles
and his friends think that ho could win or
lead the older rider a hard race. The
following is his challenge :
OMAHA , Nob. , , lan. 80-r-To the Editor
of the Hir. : : During the six days' race in
the exposition building several weeks
ago Albert Sohock , the forty-eight-hour
bicycle man , ws pro fit HI in bis com-
menu on "tho green rider1' and said ho
did not HKe to ride with "green hands. "
Thcbo comments wore directed at mo.
Since that raeo took place I have bean in
careful training and have just purchased
iv now racing wheel , i would like to
meet Siihoek in a race of any kind from
one mile to lility. oven up , no favors
asked , for any amount of money ho may
inline. 1 think the "green rider1' has
enough mettle to beat Schock , if that
gentleman will accent the challenge.
Yours truly , EI > WAIU > ISri.i.ocK.
OMAHA , Jan. 27. To the Kditor of the
UKI ; Hearing that John Honrilmn is dis-
batislicd with the result of our race last
summer. 1 will mnko tlm following prop
osition ! 1 will run Mr. llotirihan twenty-
llvo miles accepting the same start 1 had
last summer ( two miles ) and will run the
two miles before Mr. llonrilmii com-
jnonccs to run , for not less than $200 a
eido , Money ready at any time.
llAiatv '
An Attempt Will Ito Made to Secure
it for Onmlin.
In an informal tall ; indulged by the
members ot the council and a number of
prirate citi/.cns last night , it became evi
dent that there wa a strong desire to en
deavor tosecuro the location of the next
soldiers' reunion of this state in Omaha.
It was held that any amount of money
required by the department for the locat
ing of the reunion hero could easily be
raised and would , beyond the possibility
of a doubt , bo an excellent investment.
In some of the smaller cities , the attend
ance on cormiii itays has reached
ns high a tiguro as 40,000 people ,
That number , it was held , could easily
inc It would of course spend something
In the city. Members of the council said
they would bring the matter up and dis
cuss it , and they had no doubt that n
committee from tholr body could bo ap
pointed who would loin a O. A. 11. com
mittee , and n third committee of
citizens , to secure the necessary guaran
tee , which is to bo presented to the Btato
encampment , which is to bo held in this
city on the 10th and 17th of March.
Ten acres for sale cheap.
EVANS & JOHNSON , Ml S. 13th St.
How tlio Ttirnvcrcln Celebrated Ita
Fourteenth Anniversary.
Tlicro was a merry gathering of Ger
mans In ( tcrmania hall last night and
the gathering did not break up until a
very early hour this morning. The fes
tivity was in commemoration of the or
ganization of the Omaha turmerein , the
fourteenth anniversary of which had ar
rived. An excellent programme of
dances was indulged in , the orchestra
being seated upon the stage behind
a profusion of llowering plants. Model
exhibitions of turning were given by the
following well Known athletes : William
Hloedeir II , Koseiuwcig , Albert
Ileintze , . ( Jricf , C. llehs-
huli , F. F.lsassnr. C. Newman
and ( J. illattcrt. This feature was greatly
admired by all the spectatois. The event
of the evening , however , was tlio address
by the president , Louis lieimrod. It was
a carefully worded ell'ort and created Ihu
greatest interest and enthusiasm among
the members and \hitora , every one of
whom received it with appreciation.
_ The vercln was established in 1872 with
fifteen members. It now lias a member
ship of 107. Two of the original mem
bers , Charles Hurmester and Aaron Calm
are still members of the vercln and
graced the occasion with tlioir presence.
Conkllnn IMncc ,
On Leavcnworth street ,
He Takes In n Shrewd Cattle Thief
From Dakota.
A successful piece of dutcclivo work
was accomplished yesterday morning by
cx-l'oliceman Nightingale , in the arrest of
a man named Thomas Iliett. Ho had
stolen several head of cattle near Cana ,
Dak. , and sold them to a butcher named
Hull at that place. Hull.suspected that the
cattle had bocn stolen , and after Hiett had
left town followed , overtook and brought
him back to Cana. He kept him there
several days , and finally Iliett left with
out receiving his money. In a short time
Hull became assured the cattle were
stolen , and the owner , a man aNo named
Hull , determined to patch the thief.
Iliett was tracked to Omaha , a couple of
decoy letters sent him , one of which told
him a cheek for the value of the cows
would bo sent on a certain day. Night
ingale watched at the general delivery
of the postolnVi' , and yesterday inornini ;
Iliett appeared and was promptly ar
rested. Ho will be taken to Dakota.
Cnnklin < ; 1'lncc ,
On Lcavenwortn street.
A Narrow Ksoapo.
A man named . Lincoln , who
registered at the Millard , was last nteht
found in his room under tlio influence of
morphine. His heavy breathing attracted
the attention of tlio porter who was pass
ing along the hall , ane medical aid was
summoned with fortunate results. Mr.
( Jriflinwill not explain the circumstances
under which ho look his danccrous dose.
Yesterday afternoon at throe o'clock
Drs. Hyde and Shaw were suddenly sum
moned' attend Cirillln , as it was thought
ho was dying. Ho had fallen into a
faint , and relief was given him , but he at
last accounts was in a critical condition.
It is thought that ( Jriflin had been accus
tomed to taking morphine , otherwise the
dose of ton grains which ho must have
taken would have killed him. Detect
ive Night of Lincoln wis in the city yes
terday looking for ( Jriilin , who is wanted
at Lincoln to answer to the charge of em-
be//.lement of bonds from a fruit tree
firm in which he has been omB. | > ycil
Conklint ; 1'luuu ,
On Leavcnworth street.
Twenty acres for sa'.o ' cheap , a bargain.
521 S. 13th St. , Cunningham Hall.
It AVus a Ilrass Watch.
K. L. Howard , a negro , was arraigned
before Judge Stenberg yesterday charged
with being a Mispieiotis character. The
policeman who arrestwl him had done so
because Howard was trying to disjioio of
a watch in a saloon Wednesday night for
$13. It looked like a gold watch , and the
officer hastily jumped to the conclusion
thit ho had stolen it Howard proved that
it was the watch which ho had Wednes
day purchased foril. Ho was released.
'J'at Lynch and Italph Van Ness , two
bad boys , who had been caught wander
ing about the streets late Wednesday
night , were discharged with a severe re
primand. Two drunks were released.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. K. Maynu solo agent for the
sale of tlioir lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and timiish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. TAXTON , President.
Mads Toft , residing on the corner of
Saunders and Charles streets , has secured
an order from Judge Wakely , restraining
the Omaha ( ! as Manufacturing company
from taking its meter out of his house.
'loft thought his gas bill was greater
than the amount of gas consumed war
ranted , ami rolused to pay what was
asked. The matter will be hoard Febru
ary -1th.
ll. 11. Hayford petitions for divorce
from his wife , Kate , whom he married on
the 27th of May , 1870 , and who deserted
him two years ago.
The case of Airs. Wilson vs. Wood-
bridge brothers is on trial in Judge
lierKii's court.
Few lliui. KST.VTT. HAUG.U.NS , W. G. ALL-
intiour , 218 S. 15th St.
Captain Mar.sli'n Views.
"If the first ordinance had gone
through the council Wednesday night , "
said Captain Marsh , "wo would now bo lay
Ing track on tlio Eleventh street viaduct.
Wo did not want exclusive right to the
viaduct , but wo did not want to waive
rights which we claim under our charter "
"Do I understand you to moan. "
asked the reporter , "that if you should
build across the viaduct now that other
lines may run their card thcro also , you
would waive the rights you spealc oily"
" 1 do not say that. That is a matter
wo h.ive not considered. Wo leave that
t o our attorney. When Mr , Clark re
turns , wo may talk the matter over. "
Five , ten and twenty-Hero blocks , ad
joining South Omului , tor sale cheap.
Just right for cutting up into lots.
Call ut once on
Fallen vs. Itothery.
Yt'sterday afternoon at 2 o'clock the case
of I1 , J. IVillon vs , John Itothory was called
by Judge Anderson. Ualdwin and Duruam
appeared lor the defendant , and Parkc
Godwin for Fallen , A chnngo of venue
wastakcu to Judge lleldlcy to-day at 10
It Costa ft Coiit , Fifty Dollars And n
Dig Check.
Yesterday morning , about 1 o'clock , a
man named John Kelley , full of beer , ram
bled Into the police station under the delus
ion that it was a depot. Ho sat down to
wait for the train but Jailor Slgwart
thought the wait would bo too long nml
advised him to look fo'r a hotel. Ho was
shown the Canllcld house and thcro ho told
of his adventures. Ho had como from
Ccresco in this stale in the morning with
twenty-two head of cattle , had sold them
at the stockyards to McCoy brothers for
$1,011.18. The not proceeds of the sale
amounted to $1)03.22. ) Fitly dollars of
this amount ho received In cash , the rest
was in a check on a bank in Valparaiso.
After his sale ho took in the city with
another shipper also named Kclloy from
Lincoln. Ueforo midnight the pair be
came separated anil when the first men
tioned was discovered yesterday morning
he could not tell what had bei'omo of his
S-oOor his overcoat -which contained his $ l > i 0
check. When ho got upycsteniay morn
ing ho tried to discover where he had been
during the early hours of tlio night but
willmut MIPOI'S. The payment of the
check will bo stopped by telegraph.
Can This lie Heat ?
As solo owner ot
Ai.uuiiiiir's Cuoirn
in South Omaha , containing the finest
acre and residence property in that active
tive packing town , and as s'ole agent of
I'mbracing Hi ) of thn most beautifully
located lots on Loavenworlh and Howard
stieets , large and cheap , with easy
terms and of
1UKKU 1'i.Arn ,
on military road , where 1'its have ad
vanced f > 0 per cent in the last few days
by reason of the street car line building
through early in thn spring. 1 can as
sure real estate purchasers that I can
oiler them nirn. : it \IIIIAINS and greater
choice of location than can be found
anywhere else. W. G. Autumn r ,
218 Soulh 15th t.
Shooing ,
The following horse shooing shops in
Ontilia employ union men exclusively :
L. Kecord , James Shaw , Simpson , C. 1' .
IVtorson , G. A. Henuet , 1) , Cunningham ,
Watson Hros. . A. Murphy , J. 1' . Moore ,
llagan & BurgoV. . M. Uaitt and Lewis
& Dickinson.
The following shops do not employ
union men : J. 1 * . Knrbaeh , L. T. hon-
prey , I' . J. Christiansen , Rogers and
The members of the horso-shoors'1
union hereby request all owners of good
hordes and the public generally not to
palroni/e any but union shops , where.
there are skilled mechanics whose work-
is guaranteed and can be entirely relied
on. O. S. WAISON. Pros.
Twenty acres for sale ehoap.a bargain
KVVN1 ? & > I)1INMN ,
021 S. Wth St. , Cunningham Hall.
I'l.icc ,
On Leaveuworth street.
AAVIdim'H Journey.
Mrs. Fred Cl.xrk , widow of the late man
ager of the Pacific Hotel company's
house at Grand IMairl , with her thirteen-
year-old daughter , passed through this
city yesterday morning on her way to
Adrian , Mich. , where her husband died
Wednesday. She will hereafter reside at
that place , which \v-as her old homo.
Moth mother and daughter were nccom
panied to this city by Mr. C. C. Hulett ,
ot the Milhird.who went to Grand Is
land Wednesday to bro.ik the news of
Mr. Clark's death to lu& widow.
Five acres in South Omaha for sale at a
bargain. KVANS & JOII.NSON.
Ijcavon worth Street Property
is considered by many the nio t desirable
in the city , and
CO.MCUNC ; 1'i.Arn
is justly classed among the best to be had
there. No liner lots sold anywhere.
W. ( ! . Ai.nuiiiiir ,
Sole Agent , 218 South Fifteenth St.
Jttittn Ne lllcN Upturn.
Judge Neville has returned from St.
Paul where , as announced in the 15ii ; : . he
was confined to his room in the hotel by
sickness. His throat suH'ered from the
intense cojd. The judge states that
diphtheria is quite prevalent there , lie
speaks in a very warm manner of the
business spirit , push and energy of the
St. , Paul people1 , and eommends the mag
nificent buildings ? which they erect for
all kinds of purposes.
They Arc ( ining Past.
Lots in Randolph Place addition to
South Omaha for sale cheap
521 S. lUh ! Street ,
Cunningham Hall.
Ten acres for sale cheap.
EVANS & JOHV.-O.V , r,21 S. 13th St.
- -
lioliominn Ai lilotcn.
Carl Stulik , the renown Bohemian
tumor , who has been giving athletic in-
slruclions to Bohemian young men in this
city , for four weeks past , leaves on next
Monday for St. Louis where ho will give
a series of lessons ot the same nature
On next Sunday night , the most advanced
of the young men under his direction
will give a gvmnastie exhibition in Na
tional hull , on Thirteenth street , in which
Mr. Stulik will take part.
Conklint ; I'lacp.
Largo lots , excellent location , safe and
profitable investments. W. G. Albright ,
sale agent.
Tlioy Are GoliiK Past.
Lots in Randolph Pl'ico addition to
South Omaha for sale cheap.
521 S. liith Street.
Cunningham Hall.
Mrs , i''lshoi'n Illness.
Mrs. Charles Fisher , wife of the well-
known volunteer fireman and now fore
man of the Diinuus , is suid to bo dan
gerously ill at her residence. Chicago
street , between Twelfth and Thirteenth
Kor finlp.
10 acres 1 } miles west of stock yards ,
on ( J St. ; will make -10 largo lots ; per
acre 1150. J. A. DOIHJI : ,
Rooms tl and 5 Frenzor Blk. , opp. P. O.
Hero Acaln ,
N. 1.1) . Roloman placed his addition in
C , E.Mayno's hands as tolo agent this
morning and before ! 5 o'clock this after
noon over half of the lots were sold. Mr.
Maynu says if there is a lot left in this ad
dition ten days from nowho will agree to
give anyone a here ,
m -
Kuv. A. W. Ijainar.
On next Thursday evening the ladies of
the First Baptist church will give a so
cial in honor of Hev , A. W. Lamar. the
now pastor of the church , who will bo
present on the occasion.
Crclshttm'x Halo.
Jno A. Creighton sold a plcco of land
for $3.r)00 per acre , which adjoins Solo-
man's addition , O. K , Muvno is offering
aero lots in Soloman's al $500 each. Go
to C. 13 , Mayne's oflico for bargains.
Fiyo , ten and twenty-aero blocks , ad
joining South Oniaha , for s.ilu cheap ,
Jnst right for cutting.
Call at once on
Itchl KstatP.
Real estate transfers filed January 20 :
Oeo 11 Hoeijs and wlfo to Minnie C llau-
mnnn , lots a } niul 34 , blk 40 , Oco II
ndil to OmnhavtlSROO. .
Goo It HOIK * nml wife to Wllholmlna .
niHti , nil of blk 17 , Oco 11 Hoggs' mid to
Omaha , w il S.l.GOO.
Oco H HOJTBS and wlfo to Ousslc M Halt-
man , lots 13 ami 11 , blk 47 , Oco ll Hoggs'
mill , w d SSOO.
Arthur 11 Uriccj ctnl to Frank Itoynolds ,
lots 14 nml is , blk K , Saumtors & llliue-
baui'h's nihl , w a gtw.
Nettle Larson nml husband to Frank
1'okorny , lot 13 , blk 3 , Kouutzo's 3d add , w d
Knlph 15 Oaylord anil wlfo to Lunctn W
Smith , n lor It ot lot 15 ot Koycs' sub , w d
II ) , blk 17 , Ili-ilford place ,
Aaron O Putnam ut nlto klli-ii M Coad , o
44 ft lot 7. blk 117 , Omaha , w d SSO,000.
ThosS .Mc.Murr.iv to A J Taylor , lots S3
and SI. blk ! i. P.uldopk place , w d S3,50 ( ) .
S.unl K Uo.-ers and wife to Henry OMc-
mnnn , n8 , ot lot 5 , blk 2 , Imiuovenu'ht asso
ciation add. w tl 3x50.
Kredk T Vntix and wife to Lena Moml , lot
s , lllmpbatinh place , Omaha , w d ? 2 , loo.
\V ( < AlbrlKlit ami wile to Ounnaul ALInd-
milst , lots 10,11 , is , 1" , H and \ \ Limlnuist
add to South Oin.dta , w d-51,000.
Aloiuo 1J Hunt ami wife to Ppwltt C Spa-
vcr , lot W. blk ! ) . Pat i Icl.'s add. wd-Sl.M.
Deluert 1) Dmo and wife toOcoV .Shields ,
w1 , nw'j M' < 4 : lo in-rt , w tl S4oix ) .
and s 11 ItoC lot II , P.uuiPiitcr place , w d
.1 II ll'inpato ( tni'stro ) to Chas A linker ,
lots 10 .mil 20 , Ueilfoul place , w d Sl.loo.
Omaha ISo-il Kst.itc and Trust Co lo Smith
S.iutuli'is , lot 10 , WaMilncton Square , w d
Wm AIcaltyand ! wife lo Hush 0 Claik ,
lot 2s , Tuttle'.s sub , w d-S l.wo.
.liio.l llaullu and wile to Sauil .1 Pallor-
son , lot 14 , blk 5 , Drake's add , w -S..UM. .
Chas \V lialncy to Walter T Paire , > a inter
est In lot IS , blk 11 , llaiibcom placp. w d
§ 400.
400.A .1 Slmptnn and wife to Ilcmy Doyloct
al , lot 11. Patrick's Saratoga add , w d'iUO. .
Jno P line lo Jno Limlerlielui , oKlot" ,
blk 51 , Omaha , w d-SM.NW.
.Mary S P.motte lo .Nellie M limns lot 3 ,
bbt : i. Thonibcrc plaw , w d S57.1.
.1 II IhniL'ato ( trustee ) lo II M Trimble ct
al , lots 5,0 , 7 and b , blk 17 , Ucdlord phico , w
d-S.UW. !
\Vm Somcrs lo Chas A Li-onlro , lots I and
G , blk I , Tliombpitf place , w d # 1,100.
Caroline K Mimi-ll to Jno C Diexel , lot 7 ,
blk ID I. Omaha , q e SI.
.1 II llnupiti ! ( tpislpo ) to Jacob Mcchtnl ,
lot U , blk s. ami lot L , blk IS , ISedroiil iilaoe ,
w d-JI,000.
Anna M CJ McCormick and husband to
Ailolph Dicscn , lot 10 , blk 13 , Ueoi paik , w il
ilno T Flack and wllo to Prank L McCoy ,
lot U. , blk 1 , Potter's mid , w d Sl.SOO.
Jno A Wakciield anil wile to Kila K Lat-
son , G acres in 5-15-13 , w d-SlOO.
A hand of Iiioprty Iniiceil.
New ; York Mercury : The mayor of
Paris in a single day recently divorced
liOO couplps. It was done by lightning
process. The mayor smiled on each lady
as she eaiue up , congratulated her : i < - she
limshod her deposition , and wished her
heller luck ne\t time as hu handed her
the papers ot her freedom. E\en Chicago
cage might h.ive learned a lesson in con
nubial incompatibility in the Champs
Kljsees that day. It Paris will give this
out as an additional attraction to for
eigners , tlio American eolonv in that city
will bo quadrupled in Ics than no time.
Franco alone , for oppressed wives and
husbands , is the laud of liberty.
I am one of the oldest horse-ihoers in
town , and 1 have used vour Salvation
Oil for cracked heejs , mange and sand
eraoks Wilu horses ; it gives perleet satis-
faction. ( 'HAS. W. Li.i : ,
111 W. Baltimore Street , Hallo. , Mil.
A Methodist preacher hinted that it
would be nice to go to Europu as his
throat trouble was getting worse , but the
> iooit deacons sent lor a bottle of Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup , and consequently
now enjoys a good seriiion.
Five acres in South Omaha for ale -it a
bargain. HVAXS it JOHNSON.
Union Paoillo KiirMon. .
Yesterday morning another train load
of excursionists loft the Union Pacific depot
pot for California under the direction of
John Grepn.
This powder never varies A marvel ot
purity , strength \\holesoineneRS More
economic than the ordinary kinilii anil
cannot be sold in competition wi h the mul-
titiule of lov. ' test , short \\eijjht alum ot
phosphiite powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal llakin-r Powder Co. , 1 00 Wall street ,
New York.
lott ItTfthKharrnn rr ! * 1
jjiatllt * " tiinjr IM | irif > * \\f \
I/I rmiiirdhjrtho nowCwiale Urethra !
ONSi , Bentfurourn wmun i
Agency , 174 Fuium bi. , N. y.
Importer's Prices
And until Saturday , January 29 , inclusive , we will offer the following
closing out bargains :
18 doz. fine all worsted mens' Cardigan Jackets reduced from $2.75
to $1.50. 40 doz. striped camel's hair heavy weight Underwear re
duced from 60c to 35c. 65 doz , scarlet all wool men's Hose at 12 0.
25 doz. all wool Wristlets atlOc a pair.
In clothing we offer the following specials : Oassimere lined Overcoats
reduced to $2.75. Blue chinchilla beaver Overcoats , reduced to
$3.75. Fine all wool plain beaver Overcoats , in black and
brown , reduced from $14.50 to $8.90. A 1 , heavy blue beaver suit ,
Grand Army style , double breasted and warranted pure indigo dyere-
duced from $16.50 to $11.75 ; second grade reduced from $14.50 to $10-
All of our heavy winter suits which have been selling for $12 , $14 and
$16 , are marked down now to $9 , $11 and $13 , respectively.
Ja addition to the above tee will close out riflS 1VJ8I4M , fiO
SHftNcr'itt'car at fhe uoitiinal price of tGu each. These can not be
at less than 23c at ant/ other establishment , and in order to prevent
dealers from btiyiny them , trc have decided nut to seH more than tire
to aj y one customer *
Please bear in mind that we brought new goods into this market , and
our only object in these sacrifices is to move goods in such quantities
so as to insure xis plenty of room for spring goods. 1
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cam Ins tlio nclfclnm llovnl mil ITnltoil Slnloj
M-r > Mitunl.iy
Bsf weesi & eiv York
Enlou from I'M to ST. Kvcurr > ion trip from
,110 to $ lii. Second Cabin , nutwiirii , $ r > :
picpnlil , $ > 1. < ; incursion. * K ) . Stomnpo IIIIISHKO
nt low rntoa. 1'otor Wrlcrlit it Sons , Uonora
Apnnts , 55 Brondrtny , Now YorK.
Homy 1'iin U , 1UIS ruimiiist. : rutilscn fc Co.
US ft : 1) . I ) 1 ri'i'iimn liil 1 mn.ira
Taxidermists t > \
IlC'lkMSlll If'MICIMl llll-g 8J&8V& *
tinnl hNtorv aiulinii &
iV V 7it
Cilll uj 04 , KIM4sUS. OlO
rut.toiuorlc of nil
lilll'l.H Hill IC-CUlM
prompt iiltoiitloii.
KJUC.ipHoI Ave.
A liuw number of ro oidcil I'ciolicron nnd
Clydosdalc Slnlllous. AIM ) Homo Iliuil ( 'oils.
I very miiiiiuiti'od 11 breeder. 1'ilcos
ioii > ( ) iiiiboitiul ! loiiiis oii'.y OurMock has iiL'un
pcleilod vith rclciiMicj to lidtli liidivldiiiil
mcilt mid iiiidlurt't' . A luriro iiumborol our
Siulilonni 10 iifflliii'itcd nml eolts ol tlioir K1' !
an ho hbdwii Vorlc Is on llioll. A. M. It , It. ,
two lio\irh' \ rMoi > M. of I.liuo'n. ' Tor oiilii-
lollies uml liiithor inlni minldii , niMirss
rilV A : rAIIKIIACII , York.ueb.
CVd ! H A
ISM'ky ' I3ih St , Cor. Csnlto ! AvcFu T
foil TUB TReiTHTM or * , I ,
Chronic 6c Surgical Diseases.
Suit-in ji-ar ' llofinul nnU J'rlvulu
IVulmto the fncililio , apimratun nnil tenudlri
for the eurcoii.fnl trei > lnievt of every form ( if dls-
, isu rtquirint ; iliher nifjiat or biirBlcnl trentinmt ,
ami Invltonll tocomBaiiJiitvrttlcntofi.rtluiimliM
> r rorri ! iuil ullh in ! / ) " „ ' o | ifrlince In Irrnt
ing inset liy Idler cnnblf UH In treat many Cunus
i.iintiflcalfy wltliont rcrlna ; them
\\H1TU you PinUULAIt on Deformities nm )
Ilinccf , Club 1'ctt , Curvature * of tbu hpliM ,
DiSEitE ) or WoMrx. riles , Tiimurr , Cunccru ,
' utarrli , Ilroncblliv , Innalntion. Electricity , J'urnt-
r li ( , Kplleiiiy , Klilnry , Kje , Ear , fckln , Wood auc )
a.I iiirslcal oncrniion *
It.ittnrlei , , InliitltirK , Hrarre , Trusirt , on I
U MuAi uf Mrilicnl anil Surgical Ajijiliaucn , inun-
nfncturril unil for eile
The only reliable n'edlcal Insl tule making
Private , Special Nervous Diseases
1 A hl ( TIAI.TY.
from uhflttucroauec iirodiicetl uccccifullrtrintfd
Uu can ntnoTB Kji'Lilitio | iuitou from Uio > bUin
vvitboul mtrciiry.
New reitorattie treatment for Ion of iltnl now r
C'nll rnJ consult us or tend mine nnJ jiott-otllir
n'ldrm plninljr wnltcu-t iitlom itamp , und w (
\ \ til * tnd yon. In plain nrapptr , our
ITON J'uirATC , Si'tciAi , AMI bmiTcii * Dniiin' .
, Si'EHUiTOKr.iiiKi , Ivroit >
cr fiiriiii.ii , ( Jose liiiiui ! ! , ULIKT. VJHIICOIHT
I'niSAnr OiiuiM , or tti.d h.itorf ofour can. fur
cu opinion
1'erioni unable to visit ns may lin treated nt ihdr
! icm < , bjrtirrtrpoudttici ! Medicines and Inttru
roent * if-nt by mill or npreasSEC UHri.Y I'M K
Kl > XKOM ( Jllsr.HVA'lloX no ruarUtoluduatc
conttuta or"uJcr One persool iutcrvleu pn
ferrrd If convenient Fifty room * fur the A'com
mo.htion of patient * lloird and altc&dtUvC n
iinoKabls ptl ei. Addrcit til Letter ) tu
Omaha tfedical and Sar ical iostitule ,
Cjf , 19th 5U BnU.Cullal Avc- AMNJJD , - .
Lav/rence Ostrom & Co.
Is Do.itli to Consumption ,
Slct'plOHSlU'SS ,
Chills anil Or Insomniii , nml
Typhoid Foyer ,
Indigestion , Of Food ,
Uyspvpsiii. Ton Yours Old ,
Suificil ; F No Fusel Oil ,
' Absolutely ruro
1 oed i'oisoniii,1 ?
"Ju rtiSf !
Tills ulll rorllfy tint I Imro prnmlnoil llio aHIM ! or not'llllOV WrilSlfV , rccnlvM from 1i\vt-
' " M'KO-Tlll MAP i iin < { [ fount tlnmmu 1 1 i ilia pcrlci-tlr free fruni rnii l oil niul Mil iillir dcili-l T
uuBaiiiitt.iiiccaanil Htrn'tly | > iirc , 1 cliuumilly rucoiiiiiinnil thci n nn for Kimllr nml Mi'illclnil pnrii
WlnoMorrlwnt ,
* a
LAWRSISTCE OSTKOM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
soxjutru co.unti )
DILLOX , Hliolritl , > l/i < inor nrnlrrsOnuiltif. .
ipnllctl l > n < ! lAI > H'l.OXli JlliVS. DC'O. ,
Jl. T. CLAJtK DltL'U CO. ,
Tlirio Is not n caoklnx nppnrntui ) inn In tiitnic th
? olll Ovnii Door , luttliuttlmlci lnw 'lllitof uinal l
from tHuiily Uoto fbrtypurMint urilittinnittrimblui ] .
] iintli r wnnli , arlbnr l fxinliililiia tnn i < oun < l < 1C
roobtoJ inpillunt in unll iltinu will JUMJ Ilirn0)xiua < lv.
Ihu Btuno ronutod in the Chartur Oulc
Itanco utilnu the V/Iro Qauzo Ovun Door
Iouo3 about ono pound.
Tnnllnwm tnttoithrliik In to Innon Inrgn itnrtlon of
{ ( julctH nml llavnr. 11tu fllirrjn ilotiotpupunite , uuil
5JCK3 FOR ILIU3TRATED CmCULARS ANQ PRICE LISTS. iwluuub , luotulu u and uuimlutuubla.
MII.TON UOGLKS&bONS OMAHA. TAVNI 1 t , ft SWFr.NEY , . . . I AinnuRV ,
1' KKNNI.Y , GOKIIOH. Ol.l II ! ft I AU.K.
DAM.AS&I1 1SON , HASII.GS. , N \ JOHNSON , N , i < i n IliEtini
1. C IIKEWI K , HAY SPKIM.S. j f M < CAKI icurv , O'Nrin ' tlTY.
I II S'lUKDIA'ANT &MN , ATKIM.OM A , I'l ARSON , Si mi IN' , .
1. KASSfi CO . . CiiAimuH I C. I.KI.KN.
KKAUSK , I.UUKKK K WIJI.CH , CQI uHrus , 1 A I'ADDI'.S ft SON. . SurKniuK.
The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. 1/unh foi bale I
every county in Ki-braska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Mans of tlio city state or county , or any other
Information ilubhetl , furnished frco of eharao upon application. .
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Prices tlio loweit. Kupnirn ! < rsi > ecrilly. All work warrant
ed. Coiner lou < ; las unit ITitli t > tri'UU , Onrali-i.
NViitoliiiiiiki-r for the Union 1'ueilio Ilutlroulcoiiiptitiy. :
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Hose S Throat
Room 0 Williams Huildin , cor. ] .Oth and
Dodge 6t $ , Omaha.
ours § to 1 9,10. 3 to J and 7 to 8 p. m