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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. JANTJAKY 20 , KS87. 133 * ASHLAND PARK The Beautiful Addition of 116 Lots , Situated n III la I One-third Cash , which will be raised in 10 Days 25 Per Cent. Similar Lots Similarly Located in other Additions are Selling for $500. $ Any Real Estate Dealer in Omaha or South Omaha is Authorized to Sell Them. Call at once and get plats of D , R , CUT - THROAT COMPETITION , The Managers of Two Eival Orchestras at Swords' ' Points. THE MONGOLIAN FESTIVITIES. The Clilnntuon Will Cclcurnto "Okc- tny" Polices Court Ofllocr nioin'H Case A Funeral A lllcyclo Ilucc. AVnrrlnjj Musicians. A lively dispute , which threatens to lend to a wnr among local musicians , has arisen between Kalian Fr ko imil Julius Meyer , respectively managers of the Philharmonic and Musical Union orchestras. The trouble was occasioned by the fact that both gentlemen are anxious to furnish the music for the Elks ball , which comes ofT on February 7. 'It was the intention of the committee at first to lot Franko have the con tract. However , ho asked $50 for twelve musicians , while Julius Meyer agreed to furnish the same number for $25. Ac cordingly tlio agreement was made with Manager Meyer. This lunclo Manager Franko wrathy , very wrathy. lie was met by n reporter for the UKB yesterday , to whom ho declared that Julius was trying to cut down the price of good music , and that ho would never , no never , reduce his price one cent from $50. "Its an outrage that ho should make such a cut. I can't ' aflbrtl to do it , and \you't,1 " ho added. Mr. Franko evidently changed his mind later on. foryesterdayaftoruoon ho wont , to Mr. Miner and ollered toplayfor noth ing. When told that the Musical Union liud already boon engaged , ho asked that 'his ' orchestra bo allowed to play every alternate dance number. This would furnish the Klks twenty-1 I ' four musicians for the prlco which has hitherto been commanded by an orchestra of six men. The committee will meet at once to consider Mr. J'ranko's proposition , which it is thought will bo accepted. Mnnngcr l-ranko is determined to push his new organisation to the front , while Manager Meyer is equally determined that the Musical Union shall not bo crowded out of first place. As already intimated , it is probable that these feel ings of ioalous rivalry will cause a lively war and a drop in the price of orchestral imislo. A UEI'OUTOUlAIj JIAOI3. A Grout Athlotio Hvont Which U Boon to Occur. Among the nthlotio ovcnts which will occur within two or three weeks is a bl- cycle race between the newspaper men of this city , Several of the pencil push ers of the local press have , with the kind assistance of John S. 1'rinoo , mastered the intricacies of the bicycle , and arc now thirsting to exhibit to the public tiioir newly-gained powers. They wil ! there fore risk life and limb in the attempt to \ r run down each other , some three or four 8s weeks hence , in a throo-milo bioyclo raco. 6U' Already four entries are assured , and it U' is just possible that live men may go into the raco. Notwithstanding the fact that all ot the reporters are comparative greenhorns in this business , the race will be , no doubt , an , interesting one. The reporter ? aru men of brawn as well as brain , and their record , it is anticipated , will make 1'rinco. Uiucloy and liulloclc look , sick. Further particulars of the event will bo given to the public in time to insure n big turnout when the race cbinoa off , Au nuibulauco will bo at the door ready to carry off the dead and dying when the race is over , and a special corps of surgeons will bo engaged for the evening. TOXSOIU.YLi TALK. A Bnruor Tel In About the Latest " Hair-Gut. " "Tho pompadour ? It is going out ot style , " said a barber to a reporter the other day , as ho was clipping the scribe's silken tresses , "hike other fashions , " ho continued , "it has had its run , and now must take a back seat. It will prob ably bo revived in the future , because it is undoubtedly a cleanly , comfortable and good-loouing method of dressing the hair. " "What is to bo the popular method of cutting the hair ? " "Cut fairly short , parted very near the middle , and banged. That is , that is the eastern stvlo. Whether it will bo adopted extensively in the west , I don't know. Very few young mon in Omaha will wear their hair that way. They think it's too clleminatc. And they are right. Hut it's style. Tlio pompadour will doubtless bo worn a good deal by young men who cannot wear their hair any other way. or who do not care for stylo. Yes , that is the most dilllcult style of hair-cut to execute prop erly. Few barbers can thoroughly mas ter it. " _ Conkllni ; Place , On Lcavenwortn street. A NEW niSl'AKTURE. A AIovu Boon to Ho Mnclo By tlio Metropolitan Club. At the last mooting ot the Metropoli tan club , it was unanimously decided to make a number of improvements in the rooms of the association , as also to enlarge - largo the KCOPO of the club itself. The hail ot the association is situated in the third story of ICuony's building on the cor ner of Fourteenth and Uodge strcots. It is intended to remove the present ante rooms to the hall , thus throwing the whole floor into ono apartment , and thus conbiderably increasing tlio accom modations of the place. licsidcs , instead of being a club devoted folely to entertainments of a dancing nature , the Metropolitan intends to launch out into the social field , after the style of the Omaha , the Union and Doutsclicr clubs. For this purpose it now proposes to se cure the second lloor of the building in which its dance hall is now located , and turn it into card , billiard , reading and refreshment rooms , in the adornment of which the association will leave nothing undone to make thorn inviting and com modious in every respect. Notice. The South Omaha Land company have appointed ( J. K. Mavno solo agent for the siilo of their lots , lie will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. ( .Signed ] W. A. PAXTOK , President. Had Counterfeit Money. L. C. Taylor , an old time crook , wns among the prisoners whoso name ap peared on the jail docket yesterday. Ho was arrested latoMonday night at the St. Paul depot by Special Olllcor Thompson , While riding to jail in the patrol wagon last night , ho slipped several counterfeit dollars out of his pocket , under the seat. When ho was searched fifty cents in good money was all ho had. It is sup posed from this circumstance that ho is one of a gang of counterfeiters which has long boon infesting Omaha ana Council Ulufls. Taylor has tovoral times been arrested for larceny in this city and the I ) I nil's , About a mouth ago Jiuig9 Stonbcrg shipped him to a small town in Iowa on his promise not to return to Oinaha , i Con kilns 1'luco , On Lcaveinvotth street , A DOOK SMASHER. A Telegraph Operator's Offense JL'olice Court. D. B. Jones , a young telegraph opera tor who appears to have a special talent for breaking down doors , was lined by Judge Stenborg yesterday morning $10 and costs for disturbing tlio peaco. At 2 o'clockycsterdaylmorning the ooarders in Isaac Abraham's boarding house , at the corner of Tenth and Davenport streets , were startled by the crashing sound of their front door as it was kicked from its ) hinges and splintered to pieces by the kicks of Jones. When ho gut into the house the boarders allege ho pulled out a bureau drawer and began to search for valu ables. Five ollicors had to put forth their strength to take the man. They led him a captive to lliggins' barn and while tlicy were not looking the prisoner sprang against the barndoor and mashed it down. Ho was pursued and caught on the street after a lively chase. 13. Starts was sent to jail for thirty days for beating Ids wife. Mike Kelley stoic a tub of lard from Paxton & ( Jallaghor and was sent to jail for thirty davs , twenty of which time ho will feast on bread ami water. Notice to Flno Block Shippers. All live stock shippers of two years and more standing in Ncoraska , are re quested to meet at the Stock Yards Kx- change hotel , in South Omaha , at 1 o'clock sharp , Friday , Jan. 28 , for tlio purporo or organizing a Live Stock Ship pers1 association for the state of Nob. Signed : MANY OLD Smri-Eits. OLD-TIME JH3KOE3. TlioHo Who Foujjlit at C'liorabusco and Molina del Key. The mooting of Mexican veterans , which is to bo held at Desmond's hull on next Saturday afternoon , is warmly anticipated by all the old soldiers of that time who are now in this vicinity. They propose to make It the happy occasion to review old scones and incidents , and at the same time folioitato themselves that their services have at length been appreciated - ciatod to the degree of having a pension of $12 per month cranli-d " them. It is supposed that there "aro now about eigh teen of those survivors in the city and vicinity , of whom the following are the names of some : Tom O'Connor , Jacob Houck , James Sn.xton , Judge Welch , Moritz Huswife , A. Moreton , Uobort and Knooh McCarthy , A. Kammorma/.er. A. J. Hanscom , Win. Snowdon and J. Uoliber. _ Halcsman Wanted , To sell a line of spring cashmeres , flood Commission. Call on or mldrc&s J. A. Hollman , Manufacturers Agent , -105 South 10th St. , Omaha. Time Extended. The county commissioners yesterday , in response to a request from Architect Meyers of Detroit , decided to extend the time of remodelling the plans for the pro posed county hospital from March 1 to April 1. _ _ _ _ _ A Much Married Mute. The following paragraph was sent to the UEE last night , from Baltimore. It seems to bo an extract from the Ameri can of that place ; Wo lo.irn tnat the woman "Ll/zlo Fulil- push" Ims been lately married to Uus Siintn , ofXebiaskn. This liuly has three husbands living and divorced I com none. Mutes should beware of such a woman , The Huss Smith referred to is a deaf mute compositor who has worked , for several years back , in this city , ana is now engaged in the newsroom of tho' ' BUB , Ho was married to the woman in question about two months ago. Alter a short marital experience , Mr. Smith , for various reasons , refused to live with the Feldpush woman , but not before she had gotten § :00 of Ins money. Mr. Smith has commenced proceedings for a divorce from her , and subscribes to the statement above that mutes should beware of such a woman. Miss Noally Stevens plays before the Ladies' Musical society this ( Wednesday ) afternoon at Lyon & Ilealy's hall at half past 2 o'clock. Also Mr. Frauko will sing one number. Officer Blnnr.s Suspension. Oflicor Blom of tlic police force has been suspended. On last Saturday morning he claims ho wont into the Gees hotel to warm himself , after ho had been out in the cold for four hours consecu tively , with the temperature about fifteen degrees below zero. While there he was discovered by Roundsman Mostyn , who removed ISlom's star. Tlio latter claims a roundsman has no authority for remov ing a star , and proposes to fight it out. The mutter was brought up before the council last night , and referred to the committee on police. Lea vcn wort It Street Property is considered by many tlio most desirable in the city , and CONKUNO PLACn is justly classed among the best to bo had there. Js'o liner lots sold anywhere. W. (1. Ai.iiiticirr , Solo Agent , 218 South Fifteenth St. Han Uoon'a Wife. San Goon , the South Tenth street merchant whoso wife ran away from him to go with a handsomcrChinaman.isonco more happy. His spouse , whoso maiden name was Miss Katie Peterson , has re turned to Him , and their family relations are once more peaceful and huppy. How ever , Mr. Goon deems it a measure of prudence to keep his wile under careful watch , as ho believes that "an ounce of precaution is worth a pound of euro. " To a reporter to-day ho confided the re mark : "Mo watcheo her close , no Chinee boy comeo near her. " Headquarter * Fou llKAr , KWH BAUGAINS , W. G. ALL- uiaoiiT , 218 S. ICth St. Ijnlil fu Proipont Hill. The funeral of Andrew Oloson , nephew of G. A. LiiKjuust , took place yesterday af ternoon from the undertaking rooms of II. A. Htirket , North Sixteenth street. It was attended by a number of friends and all the members of the Tailors' union of this city of which the deceased was a member. The remains were interred in Prospect Hill cemetery , Colliding Plnoo. Largo lots , excellent location , safe and prolltublo investments , W. G. Albright , sale agent. $ ! > ( - , , 000 In this court yesterday morning , Wm. Farqulmr , brought suit against the Union Pacilio railroad , to recover $25,000 tor injuries alleged to have been received by being thrown from a hand cur while ho was in the employ of the company. Farquhar was a suction foreman. Jlis injury was sustained on Juno 1 , 1685 , which ho claims 1ms disabled him for life. _ A Car Line to Hcnson. C. E. Mayno , J. S , McCaguo and Erastus A. Henson made application to tlio county commissioners yesterday for a right of may for a street car line from \ \ est Cuinlng street along the military road to liunsou. The petition was granted , and the county clerk instructed to enter into a proper contract with the parties for the protection. of the county's interests. MONGOLIAN FESTIVITIES. AVhat the Chinese Ornnlmns Expect to Do 011 Saturday Next. Learning that the Chinese of this city intend to give a grand celebration on next Saturday , in commemoration of some event , a reporter for the liisi ; set out yesterday to Hud tlio exact nature and occasion of the demonstration. Tlio first Chinaman interviewed was the proprietor of a Tenth street laundry. After making a profound obeisance to the heathen washec-washeo , the reporter opened up the interview by asking : "How do tiio China boys expect to celc. brato , next Saturday' ' " The Chinaman pricked up his cars , stared vacantly at the reporter , anil with an air of profound contempt , finally re plied in some such language as this : "Ivi oski usk. Quong-a-wonir a wing. " After a few more remarks of this kind , the Chinaman turned to I is washing and left tlio reporter standing in an embar rassed attitude near the door. The next Chinaman interviewed on the subject was the proprietor of a Japanese ba/aar on South Tenth street near the tracks. Ho understood English moder ately well and gave the reporter a fair insight into the plans of the local Chinese colony concerning a celebration on Satur day next. On last Sunday , ho said , occurred the Chinese Now } car , which is celebrated very much as the Americans celebrate their New Year. On that day ajl trade is suspended , laundry work is laid aside and customers are barred out by the Chinamen Jrom entering their re spective places of business In fact the day is a sort of sacred holiday. This sort of tiling continues until the sixth day following. Then the Now Year's week is considered at an nml. Calling cards are laid aside ( for cacli Chinaman has his cards which ho distributes among his friends ) and the Mongolian celebrates tlio day with great eclal. Next Saturday the Cinnamon of thin city intend to cele brate with firecrackers and fireworks , which will be exploded in the afternoon and evening , in front of the Buckingham. The reporter's informant said Unit the China boys had raised $100 to buy "filo-elackas" with. As yet tlio supply of firecrackers has not boon received. Last night tlio Cinnamon telegraphed to Denver for 75,000 crackers and it is expected that the supply will bo hero in ample time for the celebration on Saturday. The day's programme also includes a Cliinoso banquet at the Buck ingham , at which it is expected homo twenty-five or thirty Chinamen will bo present. Tliis anniversary is called by the Cliinoso , "Oketay , " which signifies "opening day. " It is said that on Sunday most of the Chinamen celebrated the Now Year with moro formality than did their American brothcrn a few weeks previous. Most of them kent open house , and regaled visitors with nuts , candies , Chinese fruits and cigars. The visiting cards are red pieces of paper folded , with the name ot the Chinaman painted in queer hieroglyphics on the outside. A eopv of tlio "Storm Chart" for 1897 by the Hov. Irl II. Hicks , and Calendar for 18S7 , mailed free to any address on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Write plainly your name , postolllco and state. Tin ; Dit. d. II. McLiuN MCDICIKI : Co. , St. Louis , Mo. To Ho Married. To-day , Mr. Frederick Dollono , the well known contractor of this city , will bo married to Miss Margaret Boyle , also of Omaha. The ceremony will be per formed in the Cathedral of St. Philo- mcna. Conkllni : I'lacc , On Lcavenworth street. Evening ; Services. There will bo gospel meeting -services mi preaching every night the Third Congregational church , corner I of Nineteenth and Spruce streets. The services will commence at 7)0 : ! ) o'clock and bo conducted by the pastor , Kev. A. B. Penniman. The public is cordially in vited. Can Thin lie Heat ? As sole owner of AI.HKICUT'S GIIOICI : in South Oinaha , containing the finest acre and residence property in that ac tive packing town , ami as sole agent of CoxKuxn PLACI : , Embracing 100 of the most beautifully located lots on Lcavenworth and Howard streets , largo and cheap , with easy terms and of IlAicnn PLACE , on military road , \yhero lots have ad vanced 50 per cent in tlio last few days by reason of tlio street car line building through early in tlio spring. I can as sure real estate purchasers that I can oiler them uurrmt IIAIKIAINS and greater choice of location than can bo found anywhere else. W. G. Ai.nuimrr , 218 South ICth st. A ClojjKed Hewer. For the last couple of days the sewer leading from tlio county building has boon so clogged as to bo practically useless. As a consequence , the atmosphere ot the basement has been in a horrible condi tion. Yesterday morning the obstruction was removed byMr. Lahoy and Commiss ioner O'Kooflb. Cniiklini ; I'laco , On Lcavenworth street. Roy. John lloo was knocked down by a runaway horse on Douglas street yes terday afternoon. Tlio only injury ho sustained was a sprained knoe. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A maivclof rength and wholcsomeness More economic than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition wi'h the mul titude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal akin Powder Co.,100 Wall street , New York. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. Eye , Ear , Hose & Throat Room D Williams Building , cor. 10th and DoJgc sU , Omaha. Ours 8 to 13 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m IKBJI % /VfnR | } Il > " ' " " ' " " ' " > ' " " orl" ' * B5 AiVt , I CHATOHS. rj''L ' ' BcmiraroornrwIlliuliaUa ' ' ' " 'lvTaYBlUlrethr'al | 3HHHEBH9BBB tiuij toiie uiL" Atoiut MCKCK Ajai.i , mo civiale Agency , 174 Pulton SL , N. Y. ' f * * j OMAHA 13th St .Cor. Capitol Avcnu , FOR TI1K TKKATMENT Or * I.I. Chronic & . Surgical Diseases , DR. WIcWIENAMY. Proprfotoi' . hittecn jenr lIoaMul mm rrlratu 1'rncUce Wo Imvo tlio fndlitii'i , npjiarnluf and icmuillM for tlio cuccctiful treatment of ovury form o ( ill * . ifia rcnulrlni ; ilthcr medical or treatment , And Invlto all to coma and Invcetlguu ! for tticmiehtj or correspond within. Lung oip rlcnce la freaU lflijc ci I/ letter fosblc un to trcut luauy calci iclcntificully without prtlng thorn , L'ntarrh , UroncblUl , niailutloti , Klo ( trlcllf. rural. j'lx , KpllentKiilney , Jfo , Jl.r , Hkiu , Ul&bJ & nrt-1 - all lurglcnl nprratlon . ,7 Iluilurlrii , Inhnlftfa , Tlrnm , TrijijiM , fM nil klnch of Medical Dil KarglUl Applltucci. IHIUv ufuctureil anil for into ' The only reliable nlidlcil Inttilute maklqg Private , Special n Nervous Diseases ' "A HPBC1AI.TY. coNTAoioua AND ni.opn from uhAtuvcrrutife produced , > ncccMfal/trtncd | ( , W can remove 8y | > ullltlc jiolion from lue i/itoui \yth | iit inrrciiry. New rtitoratlre trenlmf ulor Ion of vital nowfr. AM , COMMUNICATIONS rONKIIIUNTlAI , Cull nnd conmilt ua or rend unino nml ] iort-ofllc nildrni plulnlf wrltton rnclo'to Mujt > , uuj no ulll rund roil , In ] > l ln nraiiiit-r , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEf * fpoN I'nivATK , Hrxcm. AMI NFRTOUI Iii im , WXAKNIM , Hl'CUUATOIIIIIIUIA , C7 , BirjIIUJ , ( lONOKIIIIIBA , Cil.rET , VllllpOlSLS , HrillOTUIIK. AND AM , JII"KA r. OP THE OtNITO- UIIINAIIT OiiuAMa , or toed lilttory ofour caiefoi mi opinion. ' . I'c ruoni ! nnnlilo to vltlt us mrij bo treated at Iliflr liomcaij \ rorrii'liomlcnco Mrillclnr * unit Initrii- incntH rent liy nmll or fipms BliC't'UflXY ' J'At'lC ' Kit HIIOM murk tollnllciila content ) or tender. One prraiinl inteivlow pro. furred If convenient. Fifty ruoim fur tlio t-cnid , moclfitlon f patlinls lloaul and nilt'mlniica fit ri'a onablu pilctn- Address all l.i'ttcrn lu Omaba Medical and Surgical institute. or 1311) ) St , anfl CaollnUvc. . OMAHA. NEB. PIANOS CHICKE VosecfcSons , rental nml t > ltl on , lusltnu Factory Prices , Instrument i slltflitljnurd tti , GKREAT BARGAINS , w Max Meyer &Jro Omaha , Neb.