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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1887)
r HE SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , JANUAKY 27 , 1887. NUMBEK 223. HOW KNAPP WAS COXlWIiD Senator Majors Makes a Successful Play on QoTcrnor Tbayer'a Credulity , DOINGS IN SENATE AND HOUSE. Many New lllllq Introduced The H on 10 Coiiiinlttec Doclilns to lie- port l < 'nvorally ou AliollshliiK tlio Knllrorul Commission. Tlio IjR-ilslntnr * Surprised. I.X , Neb. , Jan.lW tSpcclal Telesram lo the HUB. ! Much surprise Is expressed nmong members and outsiders at Governor Thayer's course In connection with Dr. Knapp's confirmation as superintendent of the insane asylum. The circumstances under which Knapp became superintendent are Btlll frcsti in tlm public mind , Knapp was brought out last fall by an underhanded elfort of the Into Collector Post , and the York county delegation to the republican state con vention , which was generally conceded to Thayer , was tied to the coat tails of Knapp. Among the knowing ones Knapp's candi dacy was said to bo meiuly an open bid lor Dr. Mathowson's place. Thavor's over powering strength In the stnto convention made all trades with lightning rod candi dates needles" , and Knapp went homo with out the desired pledge. Hut Governor Dawes put In his oar for Knapp , by sum marily deposing Dr. Maltliovvson about three weeks bolore the legislature met without as signing specific cause for his action , and Knapp was appointed. It was given out that Governor Thayer had been consulted nnd Knapp's appointment met his approval. This the governor most emphatically denied. On the contrary ho declared that Knapp's ap pointment was an Impudent attempt to fore- fclallihlm , and when thu legislature met he quietly expressed the hope to a number of senators and friends that Knapp's nomina tion which Dawes sent In would either bo re jected or held to the end of the session , iluantlmu Knapp enlisted Senator Majors to his support , mainly because Church Howe was known to bo friendly to Mattliewson and adverse to Knapp. Majors played his cards very shrewdly. When the leglslatuio began balloting for senator , ho registered his vote for Thayer right along , although ho had his own lightning rod up and had no more de- elre lo elect Thayer than ho had Van Wyck. While voting lor Thayer ho kept his own nnnio before the legislature thronsh his No- malm county colleague , Alexander , and made vigorous elicits through another col- Icaune , Dr. McGiow , to bring Van Wyck's supporters over to himself In the republican caucus In his credulous simplicity Governor Thayer has up till now regarded Majois as his most staunch and earnest suppoi tor in tills legislature. Majois , who appeared anx ious for Knapp's continuation , made a can vass among the scnalors this morning and found many of them in doubt about Gov ernor Thayer's wish In the matter , so ho finally got Governor Thayer to glvo his as sent , and when the senate committee called on the governor this afternoon to ascertain what notion would please him , ho gave them to undcistand Unit Knapp's continuation would bo satisfactory. Scoio one for Majors this time. Ho played It us sliaip on the governor as Chinch Howe could possibly contrive to play it. Scnitto I'rococdincH. LINCOLN ; Neb. , Jan.C. . [ Special Tele gram to the Ur.i : . | The senate met at 10KO : o'clock. A shower of petitions were received one Indemnifying owners of cattle killed by authoilty of the sanitary commission ; to prevent the spread of contagious diseases ; nine more from dilicicnt portions of the state praying that municipal sulTrago bo t'ratiled to women. One of the ladles who desires to vote took a circuit of the senate with nn arm- lull of these petitions , and of course the senators who introduce them don't read them , but picscnt the petitions because It pleases Iho ladles. A petition fiom Iho state board of agriculture asks the senate to recommend the passage of the airrlcultuial experimental station bill now befoio congress. The same board also ask that the legislature resolve In favor of the passatoof thu Miller bill now befoio congress , for Iho pievention of the. spi cad of contagions diseases. Another petition asks for Hinds for a suitable bulldlmr for a state vetetlnarv school. The committee on fed eral relations repoited fiivoiably on the bill relating to thoamendmcnt lothoconstltutlon of the I illicit States providing for the elec tion of United States senator by dliect vote of the people. Tlio committee on university and 1101 mid schools reported favoiably on tlio bill auihoil/int ! the state treasurer to transfer Si ; , MX ) from the university lund to the state geneial fund. The rules were suspended and a resolnllon adopted Instiuctlng the attorney general to repoit to the senate what action he had taken on the leport of the committee on peniten tiary of Hie senate of lbsr > , which recom mended the payment of certain vouchers , and whleiiwas ref cried for examination , Eighteen bills were Introduced and a num ber put on second reading. Thoconlnma- tlon of the nominations of ox-Governor Dawes v\eio made a sueclal order lor 'J o'clock In the atleinoon. Ai"i III.\OON : SKSSIOM. Al 2 o'clock the senate went Into execu tive session to consider the nominations ot ox-Governor Dawes. Tin appointment of William Knapp as supcilntondont ot the In sane hospital was continued. The other ap- polnlments wcioreleired to special commit tees , At the close of the executive session , a com munication from the state assembly ot ' Knidits ot Lahoi novIn session in Lincoln was lead. Inviting the simato to a meeting this ovmilng where a discussion ot inoper legislation In thulnteiest of labor v\lll take place , Tlie senate then adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow moming , The following are the bills Introduced : Hy MelKlojuhn Memorial and joint reso lution urging upon congiess the passage of the Miller live stock bill to prevent of plcino-pucumonla among live stock. Hy Wilght Memorial and joint lesolutlon tequestlnt : removal ot duly on barb-wire , lumber , salt , sugar , Icathci , and materials of Itrt manufacluie , My f frown To repeal an art entitled "State veterinary live stock commUslon. " Hy Snell To Ingnllre tlio s.ilo and convey ance of certain lots In Fairbury , Jctleison couiitv , Uy Colby To provide clerks and assistants lor county indites in counties having over Pr\ iiVWO inhabitants , and to piovldo salaries theiefor. Hy Colby To prevent frauds and injus tice in matters of tlie liiaiirauct ) policies. Hy Lindsay Provlilin- ; that no Injunction shall bo granted to icatrain collection of any laves , Hy Uobblns-To juovldo for a central normal school at Ord , Valley count v. Hy Shervin Peitalnliii ; to auditing ac counts of insino hospital. Hy Vandemark 'lo lix maximum bridge tolls. Hy Kent IJccommendlnc the passage of Iho Milk-dive stock bill now Uutore congress. Hy Casper Fixing quallhc.ition fur adndb' fen | to puiuticolaw , 11 } Heaitwell To provide suitable court house , jail , iiiul other IIVCU > S.IIY county build' int * * , Jly Wright To authorize the governor tc appoint a state aeent to attend to the bust- ne > sof soldiers and sailors. Such aijent tc uuiiitaln an ulllco In Washington , Hy Fuller To COIUIK. ! trains of all railways .ocoiiia to full stop at junction of other roads , Hy Uuras To it'tiind moneys to countie : soliectoj by tlm st.Uo to maintain iiuaiie. has. iltal. By Uuruliatn ProvUlln'rthat the veterinary surgeon shall make a continuous scientific study of cotitaeloiis diseases. Hy Tzschuck To provide for three county commissioners in counties of not more than 70,000 pooiile , and live commissioners In counties of more than 70.00J population , Hy T7. chuck To fix fees of county clerks. Hy Tzschuck To authorize the board of any county In which thcro Is a city of metro politan class to pave certain roads. Hy Vandcrmark To compel railroads at Junction points to construct ami maintain connecting switches. . . Senator Llnlngcr has arranged to maintain a complete fill1 of all printed senate bills In the olllco of the Omaha board of trade , where his constituents can see them at pleasuie. He will al'o send all stall1 documents and re ports of tlm various departments for the peru - ru il of the public. Senator C.uper Is suffering from an attack of ilicumatbni. Ooliii ; < ) In the IToitsp. Ltvcoi.Jf , Neb. , Jan. ax [ Special to the Hnr J The old conundrum as to the length of tlmo It would require Iho frog which jumped up one foot and slipped back two to gel out of the well , Is applicable to Iho house of reprcacntallves. Hills , hills , bills thirty- six new ones to-day and three passed. The bills which go to the senate lor action by that body may bo considered as good as laws. Two are the appropilallon measures In which the present leirlslature Is Interested. The third provides for an additional judge of the district court In the Fourth district. Durlntr the day Watson Pickerel ! , Senator Paddock's in in Fihlav , has been sliding mound amour : the legislators extending an Invitation to a ur.iml love feast which It Is proposed to hold at Hcatrleo next Monday. The programme Is for the legislatuie to oc cupy n special train and en ina'iso cole lo Heatrlce , whore the senator-elect wdl tteat them well and often. If the signs be ilelit tbo Invitation will not be accepted. While Senator Van Wyck's Irlends do not feel uncoriilal to Senator-elect Paddock , they think their brief tlmo heie can be more profitably utilized than In a day's junketing and b.ubeciio tilp , as the guests of the latter. The committees aio getting down to busi ness this afternoon and it Is probable a num ber of ropoits will bo readv by morning. . . . . All the members of the house of repre sentatives were piesent , except those excused until to-moriow. Under reports ot committees , the resolution and memorial on John A. Logan's death were recommended lor passage. A blM to Inciiipoiato the divi sion of Nehraska Sons of Veterans was also recommended tor P.HSHKO. Mr. Nlcliol intro duced n resolution for the bonctit of the finance committee. . The resolution iccitcs : Whereas , The committee expected to rec ommend apDropriations tor the state Institu tions , and us It has no means ot knowing the propriety ot the appropriations except upon the amount asked for , l'esohcdThat the committee visit the stile Institutions and the secretiuy ot btato fur nish tianspoitatlon and expenses. Messrs. Kandall , Smyth and Pcmberton asked an explanation of the necessity for thu committee' ! ) trip. Mr. Nlcliol said such visits last year saved the state S" > 0,000. Mr. Caldw ell Introduced an amendment that the committee on public lands and buildings shall bo furnished llks transportation and expenses , and Iho amendment was incor porated in tlio lesolutlon and Ihcn adopted. A number of bills were Introduced , but none of general importance. Tlie bill apnro- pi iatlng 5-45,000 to pay incidental expenses of llio legislature passed. The bill appio- prlatlngSM.OOOlo pay the salaries of mem bers and employes or the legislatuio passed. Preambles and resolutions from tlio state board ot agriculture , asking the legislature to memoiiall/e congress to pass bills pioviding for experimental agilcultural stations , and the Miller bill to prevent the spread of con tagious diseases in cattle , and also asking the leslslatine for an appropriation to erect a st Uo veterinary school were received and read. iteccss until 2 p. m. Arnn.voox SI-.SION . The following bills , to which are appended those of the moining , were introduced : Hy Whltmore To piovldo the manner in which the title may bo acini i red by lallroad companies , incorporated under the laws of this state , for right ot way and other neces sary mn poses , across the educational and other lands of this state. Also , To prevent fiaud upon livery and boarding slaulo proprietors and keepers , to declare such fraud a crime and to prescribe therefor , Also , To provide for draining and protect- Ini ; maish , swamp or bottom lands in the state of Nebraska , and to repeal an act en titled "An act to provide tor draining marsh or swamplands in the state or Nebiaska , " npnroved February 'J8 , Ibsl. Hy SmythTo amend section 01 of chaptoi 77 of the compiled statutes ot ISSt entitled " .Revenue. " Hy Kelper To amend section 11 of subdi vision 4 , chapter 71) ) , entitled "Schools , " of the compiled statutes ot lbS5 of the state of Ni > . braska and to repeal said original amended .section. Hy Wolenvveber To amend soclion MO , chapter TXJ ot the criminal code of the com plied statutes of ISSI. Hy Dempster Incorporalincr the Hantlst LMiicatlonal Association of Nohraskn. Hy Ciildwi'll To piovido for the erection of a building for the University ol Nebraska to bo known as Iho "Grant Memorial Hall , " to be devoted to the uses ot tlm military do- paitment of said university and for u cyinna- slum , and to uppiopilato money lor that pur pose. Hy Kcgleston To provide for the erection of a bulldlnc for the Univei.slty of Nebraska for the practical and scientific fnsttuctlon ol the Industrial classes and for instruction In the mechanic arts , and to appropriate money lor that purpose. Hy Dickinson To provide for the erection of a building for the University ot Nebraska. for the practical and scientific instiuctlon ol the Industrial classes and for the instiuetion in the mechanic aits , and lo appropilatc nionuy lor that purpose and to authoii/o the board of reironts of the university to erect said building. Hy Lelsveld To provldo for the organl/a. tlon of the students of the University ot Ne braska into a battalllon , and to provldo for the commissioning ot o Dicers of said organi zation. Hy Shamn To appropriate the matricula tion fees ot the University of Nebraska and State Noimal school tor the use and support ot their libraries. Hy Wrlght-To refund to Dlxon county. Nebiaska , the amount ot state tax illegally collected and pild Into the stnto ireasuiy and atterwards refunded by said Dixon county tu tax-payers theieln , Hy Newton To prevent fraud. Hy Veach To amend sections 'Ml , 2J , 2si ; of chapter 'J I of the compiled statutes ot No' braska entllkd "Decedents. " Hy Pcmbcrlon To provide clciks or assist ants for the c'liinty judge in counties having over 'J'l.OOO inhabitants , and provide for pay ment of the sanu * . Hy Cole To dedicate to Iho nso of the OX' ecntlvo committee tor the Nebraska yearly meeting of Freewill Haptlsts In trust lot number 0 In block number is > 7 In the city ol Lincoln. Hy Wolenwebor To ropoil section KT ol chapter M ) of thu criminal code of the state ol Nebraska , Hy Hiown To regulate Insurance business In the state of Nebraska. Hy Garvey Piovlding for the submission lo the electioners of this state of an amend ninnt to section nine I'J ) ot article eight ( tij of tlio constitution. To amend secllons forty (40) ( ) and .seventy-four (71) ( ) of article one (1) ( ) ol chapter seventy-seven (77) ( ) of the complice statutes ot Ibs5 entitled "Kevenue. " Hv Schamp I'o require .ill tiains run upon railroads In this statu to come to n lull slot before ciosslnir any oilier road and to pro vide penalties for Us violation. Hj E0'itleston To provide lor the sinkiiu of test wells In tlie state of Nebraska tor tin discovoiy of salt , coal and other minerals' , Hy Wllsev To create and determine llu liabilities of counties nnd towns for damagi to persons or propeity caused by deloctlvi Hy HontloyTo compel lallroads lo erer and maintain switches at ciosslngs am junctions and to regulate Issuance ot bills o : uden and shippers' receipts. Hy Loul 'I o amend section 1. chapter 45 compiled sUitutes of Nebraska , ontitlei "Internal Improvements. " Also , To amend st-ctlor ) 7 of chapter 10 o the compiled statutes , entitled "Hoiid am Oaths Ollldal , " etc. Also , To amend section 01 of article 1 o chapter 13 of the compiled statutes , entitled "Counties and County Officers. " Also , To amend section 4'i of chaplcr S3 of the compiled statutes entitled "Fees. " Also , To amend sections 03 , 70 and 07 ot article 1 of cnapter77of the compiled statutes entitled "Revenue. " Hy Case Authorizing comity commission ers to appropriate funds. Hy Veach To piovldo for the payment of legacies and distribution of shares of an in testate or testate estate belonging to minors which Is under the valtto of $50 and oC the value of S.'iO and over. Hy Mlntitx To amend chapter 8 of the compiled statutes of ISS.'i. entitled "Hrawls. " Hy Veach Providing for the payment of legacies , distributive shales of nn Intestate or testate esUlo and money in the hands of n lesldciit guardian to a non-resident minor or minors or guardian ot such money duly appointed nt tlie domicile of such minor. Hy Andics To provldo that where the ownership of personal property Is con vcjod anil Iho former owner retains actual posses sion of the pioperty a written Instrument of conveyance shall bo executed and the Insttu- munt or a copy thereof filed with the county cletk. Mr. Whltmore's hill res-aiding purchase ot state lands by lalhvav companies provides that railways taking or havln ? heretofore taken state lands for right ol way. station * . side tracks or other purposes , shall be entitled to deed In lee simple therefor bv paying Into the county tteasnry the lull value ol such lands , toirether with the amount ot damaecs Inclined by tlm railroad havinc possessed It. The county commissioners or supervlsois shall constitute a board of appraisers who shall appraise the value of the land per acio al Iho tlmo the land was taken. The lands shall not bo "old at less than 87 par acre. "At the time the land was taken" may or may not bean Afilcan In the -.voodpllo. Another bill by Mr. Whltmoro makes it a misdemeanor to fall to pay for a livery rig , or hired horse , or for board of horses. Mr. Cahlwell's bill , a tac simile of which Is also introduced by Mr. Shamp , appropriates Ji''O.OOO ( $1BC03 fiom the general fund and 55,000 from the temporary university fund ) with which to eicct at Lincoln , as an adjunct ot the university , a "Grant Memorial hall" lobe de voted to the uses ot the military dopaitmcn ) of the university and used as an armory , dilll room and g.vmnaslum , nnd to remain a public monument to the memoiy of UIvs es S. Grant. The bulldlnc must be completed by July , iss * . An Invitation was received by the house fiom thn stain assembly of the Knights of Labor , icquestlni ; the presence of all mem bers Interested In labor legislation at Ma- sonle hall this evenlmr. Mr. Audros , one of the committee on Invitation , sild tliat at the meetlni ; ceitaln bills now pending which In tend to change the condition of laboring men would bo discussed. The bill cre.itlmr an additional ludco In the I'ouith judicial disli let was taken up and passed without dissent. It makes an imme diate vacancy to bo tilled bv appointment. The house adjoin ned until to-moirow at 10 a. in. _ The Knllroiut Commission. LINTOI.X , Neb. , Jan. 20. ( Special to the Hii.J : : The house committee on railroads held a meeting this afternoon and after a brief conference , by nearly unanimous vote decided to repoit a bill to-morrow moinlnc to abolish the rallroid commission. The chaliman of the committee ( Whltmoie ) op posed the motion to have the bill abolishing tlio bill repoited. It is curicntly reported that several of the railromio members of the leidslatuio are threatenliiK to introduce resolutions to expel the representatives ot tlio HUE from the halls of leirislation because the paper hasrnadodls- rcspcctful comment on their conduct. The Knights mid Legislation. LINCOLN , Neb. . Jan. 20. ( Special Tole- giam to the Hr.n.j A largo meeting was held this evening at Masonic hall composed of the state assembly ot theKiilidits of Labor and members of the legislature. Senator Shervin presided. The knights presented requests ( hat the following bills be passed : To establish a bureau ot labor statistics ; to tax mortgages by taxing moitgaices' interest In the property and peimlttinn tlio mortgagee to pay taxes on the mortgage and present such tax receipts In part payment of the moi tgago ; to declare it Illegal for any rail road to enter Into a pooling contract with any other railioad ; forbidding usuil- ous Inleiests on loans. and dc- clailng tlio principal forfcifed if iisutlous Inteicst Is exacted or taken ; providing for the publication of the names ot owncra of personal property and ' the aifionnt of moperty assessed to'each ; Kolper's i.iilioad bill , with tlio amend inent reducing thn rates allowed t 70 per cent ot the ratu of IbbO ; to urohibit telegraphic chariios on a message of ton words 100 miles exceedini ; " 0 cenls , and lor more than 100 miles In the slate Stt cents ; to penult the as sessment ol SJOO worth of pcisonal propeity at only one-loiirth value , and to assess all other peisonal propeity full value ; to give mechanics Hen on building and lo on wnich building stands precedence to inoiUasn 1C mortgagee be given notice prior to tlio work beiiiK done ; Andres' convict labor bill ; to lepeal the railway commission law. The knights are opposed to tlm bills to grant liens to landlords , and to give attor neys' lees on collection ot moitgages bv law. Several members of the legislating , Knights of Labor , and Mr. Huiiows , of the Fanners' alliance , addiessed the meeting. ANOTHI3U : BIIjU A. Now Measure to Uo Introduced iii tlio Senate. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. The senate committee mitteo on postolllces and postroads to-day authoil/cd Senator Wilson of Iowa to report an original telegraph bill as a substitute for that introduced by Kdmunds. In the new bill the schedule of rates Is fixed at 20 cents for twenty words whore the distance of transmission Is 1,000 miles , and ! > cenls lor every additional 250 miles , piovlded that no charge for twenty wouls or less shall bo moro than 50 cenls. Night rates are fixed at 15 cents for 2,000 miles or und r. All wouls except the date are to bo counted and for every live words or less in excess ot twenty nn addition of ono-llftli the twenty word i.ito Is to bo charged. Press i.ites are iixed at not exceeding 85 cents for each 100 words sent nt night and 7 > cents during the day , and at the same pro inta rate for each word In ex cess ol 100. "Diop copies" an ) not to exceed 1W cents per 100 words at night and 50 cents dining the day. The postmaster general Is leqtilied lo ict.iln ' ) cents from the charges upon each messi-ie , and pay over the 10- malnderto the company as full compensa tion tor its services. The company may maintain Its own olllco outside postolllccs lor the transmission of telegrams upon Its own rates. The contract is to oxtand over live } i < nrs , audit the company shall have tullv and fairly performed its duties ft may be extended another live years upon condition that a unlloiin rate nt or below the lowest i.ites speclliod in this act , and without icgatd lo distance shall bo adopted , In which case the government will deduct only 2 cents for each telegram instead ot : ) . The company entering Into this contiact is lequiied at once to open for use , as provided in this act. such lines as It may have at the time , and I.s allowed tour yeais within which to put in opeiatlon Mich additional lineas HUI > be required. Tcniperanao l ulicH Applaud Mrs. Cleveland , Ai.isA\iir.iA , Va. , Jan. 2 < 5 , At the an nual mooting of tlio Woman's Christian Tern- pennies union of this state in session here to-dav the following lesolntlon was adopted : " 1 hat heartfelt thanks our are hereby ten dered to Mrs. Frances F. Cleveland for the ponltlon she has taken In the chief social cir cle of the nation as a total abstainer from all Intoxlc&tln-z drinks , andwe pray God's bless ing nn her young life and her home , bollov- Ini : that history will applaud her action as all sincere inluUa must even now approve her motives. " _ _ Tlio Acme of I < o < > nl Subterfuge. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2-1. President Cleve land has received a letter from the national legislative commlttoeof the Knights of Labor asKing him to veto the Inter-stato cominoico bill on the jrround that It U "tho acme of lo al subterfuge , " and a t'eueral uncertainty as to its iueauiu , MISS ANTHONY MUCH ELATED , She Bogards the Vote in the Setmto as a Great Victory Tor 'Woman Suffrage , INGALLS1 SCALP HIGHLY DESIRED Charges Mndo Against the Personal ConductorOuilKoCliurcli , Dakota. ' * Newly-Appointed Governor National Capital News. Sti nu H. Overjoyed. WASHINGTON , Jan. CO. [ Special Tele- grain to this UK * ; . ] "Does the vote In the senate progress , " repeated Miss Anthony alter mo when I asked her that question. "Hoes the vote In the senate mean progress ? Well. 1 should say It illil. 11 was Hie longest leap the suffrai-o mtnempnt has ever taken. Wo have been waiting and working fortwcnty-tv-o years for this blessed day. We are ptomlor and happier thane can tell. We haven't had such a good time In years .19 at our meeting this morning. Just think of It twenty-two years work cul minated yesterday In the vote In the senate1 and Miss Anthony pulled hcisell to-ellier proudly. "This Is tlie first time , " she con tinued , "that the question ot woman surTiago has ever been voted upon dltcetly in con- Kress. Pioncss , " she oxelalmed , "I shouui think It was progress.Voluvobeen \ com ing to congiess for twenty-two yeats and In this blessed day of our ! Lord wo have got a vote at last. While It doea not como within a long way ol the two-thluls , thcro , was as a vote In our favor as wo expected. Sixteen senators voted aye , so\cn moio were palicd in our laver and tliat'makes twenty-thiee. Then there were Ilvo or six absent who womd have voted with us , which shows that from twcnty-llvo to thirty sonatois arc In favor of woman sutfrage , Now , isn't that progress ? 1 nm astonished at Jones , of Ne vada , " continued Miss Anthony. " 1 never thought ho would do such a thine. Wo have always counted him for us and wo had a food right to , because ho has contributed lib erally to carry on our Work and wo supposed , of course , that ho would vote the same way he shot. .Hut you never can tell. That vote \\asaiovclatlon In mAny other icspects. Wo know now who our filends arc. It is all light for the senators mid members ol con- cress to bay pleasant Words to us and act the gallant gentlemen , tu ; | that is not what wo arc alter. What we 'want is votes , votes , votes. The roll Call In the senate yesteiday shows us just who our fi lends arc It was not . lest of . . . , l t test of . a IV.TIJ * politeness > i > i : * a njoc VJL pilnclplcs. and wo know now wfrero to go to worK anil what to do. Hltheitq wo ha\e been woiklng in the dark to ti amain extent , groplni : aloiii : for gencial rosaits. Now wo have got a basis to go on and will oiganlyo at once. What are we doing ? Wo are going to attend a few ( list class fanerals and wo aionot going as mourners , U lUUi. Wo will furnish the corpse ! . , wo will kiig the graves , wo will pieach tlm sermons rud we will attend the wakes. We start ou this morning to carry the war Into Africa , Wo shall oigani/e In every state and kl I oil those who voted against us. Ingallsl as cot to go , lie mis- lepiesetits the sentiment of hib stnte. The legislature ot Kansas uns a largo majority In favor ot woman eittlrago. It now has a bill under consideration toglvc women a vote nt municipal eiectta , ' , There is a majority of seven in laver ot it In'tho ' state senate and an overwhelming majority in the house. The icpubllcan platfoin " of Kansas declares in luvor of woman suffi igo and Ingalls niisreiv- lescnts it. Ilo must ; o and theie ate others who must follow hln Wo know wheto to strike nnd we shall s riko haul. " mi : OKAnnis : rnuticir. The committee 01 teirltorles lias not yet disposed ot the IK : ninatlon of Governor Church , of Dakota , a id the piosnect lor his continuation ib doub fill. Thorn are charges nled with the committee affecting the per- honal habits of Juilgo Church and the committee - mitteo consider them worthy of attention. Delegate Gllloul was sent tor to-day and shown the charges , which had not been seen by him bofoic. lid says they como fiom re putable men and was requested by the com mittee to notlty thjiso who filed tliem that they must produce fcvidonco to sustain them at once. The commUtco does not pioposo 1t > enter upon a drag 6et investigation , but if Judu'o Church is in the habit ot becoming in toxicated , as chaiged , his nomination will bo lejected. There arc a good many U .vCis in his favor and onehvas iccclvcd to day tiom Governor Pierce , the ptesent incumbent , asking that Church bo at once coiilirmed. Piercu evidently knows nothing about the charges , for ho writes as it ho was under the impiesslon that the delay in confirming his successor was intended to benetit him. Ho says that Chinch Is a cnod man and should bo continued without delay. INI nn-srATiroM.MissioN : GOSSIP. Thi evculnu's says : "Thoro is a movement of apparently a good deal ot foice and backing to procure the appointment of Senator Van Wyck as one ot the inter-stato i.iilioad commissioners under tlm new act of congress. It is claimed that his appointment would satisty the ntiDlIe that the commission Is not a tribunal designed to benefit coi pora- tions. No senator or representative would bo eligible until utter the adjoinnment of congioss. but It Is suggested that the boaid need not bo made up until alter the -4th of March. In connection with the board the names of Itepresuntatlve Morrison and Sena tor Conger arc also mentioned lor appoint ment. The board will consist of three demo crats and two romiblleans , and Moirlson , Conger and Van Wyek ate nelng more gen- eially mentioned than any others tor tlneo of the places. In fact written requests ( or the appointment of two of the gentlemen named are iilie.idy being ciiciilatcd for signatures. Theio Is no tlmo fixed In the act within which the boaid shall bo appointed. The president can defer making It up until alter the adjoiiinmont of eoncress if ho sees til. " Congiessman Cilsp , ot Georgia , has had a talk with the president about tno inter-state coinmPice bill , and s.ij.s ho Ib authori/oit to Mate that It will piomptly bo slirned.and tliat the commission will bo appointed at once without waiting lor the adjoinninnnt ot con gress. The number ot candidates for com missioners Is o\or liX ) , and tlio following aio the most prominent : KxGoveinor 1'attlson of Pennsylvania , Colonel Wllllum 1 ! . Mor rison. Civil Seivlca Commlssiuno Obcily it. .1 , Morgan , jr. , of Illinois , H" . Lorrlng , Coiujrossnim Levering ot Mass achusetts , ex-Governor Pioctor Knott , "CeiID Gorclo" Williams and Congressman Willis of Kentucky. Senator Van WICK , Allen W. Thnrman , son of Judge Thurman , John 1) . Kernan , aon of nx-Senator KIM nan of Now Vork , Congressman lioylo and ex- Attorney General CasMdy of Pennsylvania , ex-Governor Smith , John Scioven and General - eral A. It. Lawtonof (3eor'Ia , Senator Con ger. 1C. W. Kenslloot Massichu ctts , John F , Switt and \V. H. Fnote ot Calitoinla , J. Kan- dolnh Tucker and Itoburt IV. Huverly nt VIi- U'inia , 11. 15. Andrews and C , S. Mitchell of Texas. William W. Lai if. consul nt Ham- burp , K. K. Conversaol New Oilcans , Col onel George Davis ot Noith Carolina , John llmnies , president of tlio Atlantic it Noith Caiolina railroad , et-liallroid Commissioner M , L. Honchamiind General Kd McCr.idy ot South C.uohna. and W. 1. Hraci ; , late pre l- dentof the Alahima latlrond commission , Joseph Nlmino , ioimcrly chief of the buieau ot statistic' ' , nnd Colonel W. W. 1'cabodv of Cincinnati , formeily niesiilent of the Ohio it Mississippi railroad. I.AMAIION IHK n.ooit or TIIK SINATK. : Seerutaiy Lamar wason the lloor ot the senate to-day lor the first time since ho was married and was uproarously greeted DJ Ids fointiT colleagues , v\no acted like so many school bojs. Mrs. Lamar. the bride , made her hrst appearance In public at the Kermiso last night , but sat under a shadow In a box and very tow people saw her. .Sho iccched calls tor the lust lime to-day und her pallors were crowded. NirRA8KA : ASH IOWA lTNSIOXiiS. : : The following pi HMOIIS v\eio issued to day for Nebraskans : John Cummlngs , Lincoln ; William II. 'lucker. Wymore. AUothe following - lowing increaspsof pensions : Daniel Yottt , White Itabbltt-WUliani Cox , Sheltou ; Jud- sou Clark , Falrbury ; Henry M. Whitman , 1'lattsmouth. Pensions were Issued for lowans as fol lows : Martha J. , widow of Stephen M. Urown , Monroe ; Maria , widow of James Quick , Manhattan : Joseph M. Johnston , DCS Molnes : Horace Carpenter , Marshalltown ; James H. McKlhonev , Aldcn : Isaac It. Cram- let , WIntersol ; Christian Althou o , Usslan ; Samuel 1) . Wagor. Wintered : Stephen M. Urown , Drosoau , Monroe ; Casiwr , LcMars ; John Moreland , Central Cltv ; Simon P. Moon. Columbia ; Joseph \V. Nelson , Altoona : Sjlv.uiusC. Oppett , Ven- Ion ; Charles A. Kl . Cieco : James I'ott , Ulucgrass ; Lewis Haker , Mechanlcavlllo. I'OSTAl. rilANOl : " . The following Iowa postmasters wore aopolntod to-day : 0. 0. Thompson , Leland - land , Wlnnebaco county , vlco John 1) . Leland removed ; O oar riioinburi : , Keo- Kuk count } * , vice Fiaucls Hamilton re- siVnod ; Mrs. Kttta F. Glllctl Unique , Hum- bolt eountv , vlco S. A. C.uletto lo-dcncd. 'I'Uo following Nebraska postolllcci wt'ie tlNcon- tinned to-day : Kureka , Vork county ; North ItMiich , Utoo count > ; Union Khlge , Caspe.t county , and Wlrt , Cimer county , . , . . ( ienrgo S. Moore , of Iowa , has been ap pointed a SWelcik In the dead-letter olllco. George L. Miller , ol Omaha , Is ald to have been sent to Mexico on a seciet st.Uo depait- mcnt mission. Cnpitnl WntNirov ( , Jail. CO. The house com mittee on agrlcultuie to-day decided to repoit ad\eisely the bill Inttoduccd by Delegate - gate Carov ol Wyoming ieiardln : plcnro- pmninionia and other diseases amonc cattle. This bill was drafted by the National Cattle ( Iroweis' association at their lecent session In Chicago , and provided lor an appropria tion of 81,000,000 lor carrying out the provis ions of the 1)111. ) The action of the committee was based upon the pondency of Hatch's pleuro-pneumonla bill. The tariif and luvenuo bill prepared by Itandall and his ftlends has been printed and the date of Its presentation in the house will bo h\ed ata meeting to bo held to-moirow night. It Is entitled "A bill to rcduco and equalize the duties on Impoits , to icdiice in ternal lovenue taxes , and modify the laws In relation to the collection ot tlio icvenuc. " and It will boa substitute lor the house bill introduced by liandall last session. Tlio president has pardoned .lames I ) . Cum- niliigs , convicted In January 1 55 , ot making false vouchers In what are known as tlie naval fraud cases , and sentenced to Impilson- mcnt in tlie dlstilct jail lor two ye.nsand to pay a line of S2.0UO. ills time of Imprison ment would have expired to-day and the paidon icmlts the line. At a business meeting of the Woman Suf- Irane association heli ! this afternoon officers vv cto elected for the coming ye.\r , the old ollicersbelntr re-elected in neatly ovciy case. NEW YOKIC STOCKS. J/nlcc Klioro tlie Only A'niidcrliilt Stook Sliowina ; Any Ijifc. Niw : Yoiiic , Jan. CO. [ Special to the ltii : . ] The stock maikct opened tame and rather weaker , a few stocks showing blight gains over yesterday's close , whllo otheis were lower , although no marked changes were recorded on early dealings , nor wcio there any now factors ot a pronounced type to produce such results. London was a model ate bujcr at the st.ut , but the good cited that might have been expected from such sunpoit was neutrall/.ed by the uneasy feeling regarding the influence the Inter-suto commerce bill will excite in lallway levenue. Hence opcratots aio disposed to wait until they become bettor advised on that point. There was a fair foreign demand for LouisviHo & Nashville at the open ing and an early advance of % per cent , but It lost * tlltf Improvement when the buying for that ac count ceased. The "Coalers" were less active and prices very unsteady within a moderate range , Hc.ullnir and Lacitawanna nelng the most acl 1 ve , while Jeisoy Central was dull most ot the day and a shade lower. Vanderbllts shared much the same fate , Lake Shore being the only stock on that list that showed a movement woith rccoidlng. St. Paul was modeiatoly active , but alter a small rally we.ikoned and declined I point. Union Puellie was the most active stock on the list and utter an eaily decline of 1 point , duo to renewed reports ot decreasing earnings , larger opeiatiug expenses and in- cieasing competition for now lines , prices rallied on the covering of shorts , nnd with the assistance of longs , who bought to support prices , it gained l' per cent , but airain receded on incicased selline. New Yoik and New KiiEland was active , but very Inegulai. nnd alter an caily decline ol per cent , rallied IV per cent on bull manipula tions and icceilcd sharply when thy bulls at tempted to reali/e. Other stocks weie also unsteady , and in the absence ot substantial Influences prices were controlled by room tiadeis. who were winking the maiket In tlio hopes of Inducing outsiders to como In , It was , however , a hopeless tusk. Tlm public show a decided aveislon to trading where no Inducements are In sight. The following teles-lam was sent to a prominent Chicago stock house : "Stocks opened In in , with London in lees a half point lilcher , but Union Tacliic soon disnlaycd consider able weakness , nnd the entire list sympa- thi/ed inoic or less , but soon inlliirl acain on a Washington special , which slated that Picsldcnt Cleveland objected to some of the features ol tlio Inter-stato bill. " This started shorts to coming in Union Pacific , and the entire list had advanced to a fmetlon over last nk'ht's closing prices when Kansas A ; Texas suddenly dropped a point on the an nouncement tlmt the Atchlson it Santa Fo was negotiating lor a loan ot 815,000,000 with a view to paralleling Gould's loads. This news caused another and worse slump of the ilnv. carrvln ? prices down a point and a half , from which thcio was a small recovery. A Cownrrtly Murder. Cmevoo , Jan. 20. John Walts a char acter well known about the shipping docks , was murdcicd by an unknown man In a dilnklng icsort kept by Geonro Wilson nt the corner of Clark and South Water streets eailyt Is morning. Watts had been at a dance at Uhllch'shall , near Wilson's saloon , dining the night and had had a quaiiel with the man uho murdered him. about a woman. Watu enteicd Wilson's place accompanied by iiiiutlior man and two women and wont Into the wine room in the . of the saloon , Shortl ) at tni wards the man ho assiiled at the ball cnteiod the place and , after listening at the dooi ( H the wlno room , entered and with out a word of v\ainlng , diovo a Inncdlik kulfo Into Watts' heait. The muidercr escaped and has not boon attested. Tlio Comiiiorco Hill. WASHINGTON , Jan. mi. The piesldent re ceived the Inter-state commerce bill last evenIng - Ing , and has leferred it to tljo atloiney- general for examination. It is not likely the president will act upon the bill much bcfoio the expiration ot the ten days' period , A number of applications have been icceived for appointment on the commission pio- vlded for in tlio bill , but thopresldont has not ghcn that paitlcular subject serious consid eration , firilo ol'ti SAN FisAxcisro , Jan. 20. John AV Maekey , of the Postal Iclcgtaph companv , has purchased the iiiy and telegraph line bn- longing to the South P.tcihc Coast railro-id , which runs fiom han Francisco to Santa Cm/- . The price Is not muntioned , Tlio ( lock Island Train Ilo ! l > cr. CHICAOO , Jan. CO. Tne IXilly Nous" Morils , 111. , fipet'lal says : Henry Sthwart/ , charged with the murder ot the Koek Jslaml express messenger , was before Justlco AS'oodbnry for pielimlnary examlnntlnn. The examination was postuoned until Wed nesday , next week. Two -Mi-11 Killed. ) , Jan. SO. A Steubenville , O. , special sa : The boiler in tha Han y paper mill at Willsburg. W. A a , exploded today , killing John und Thomas Nvlson , and he verely Injutins John 1'arlb. THE I'MSlUJIUnS IHSfUTD. An Interview Wllh the Cnnndlnu Pre mier on tlm Sitiintlon. NKwYor.K , Jan. CO. | Spcclal Telecram to the UKK.J The Herald correspondent telegraphs an Interview with Sir John MacDonald - Donald , Canadian premier , nt Ottawa , In which tlio Canadian states that the passage of the Kiliiuiiuls tishcrlcs treaty Is a great suiprlso to him. Sir John sajs : 'The Canadian government has not attempted to coerce the United States. On the contrary , does It not appear as If there were n sort of wolf nnd lamb spirit shown , with Canada as the lamb ? We aio willing to have ; \ reciproc ity treaty re-enacted in plaeo of the former one , which was concluded. " Sir John was asked how far Iho Kngllsh government would stand by Canada In her position. Ho ro- jilted : "The Kngllsh govet nment relics nnon Us law officers In questions ot thi.s kind. The whole subject Is one of law , and the Knclisli law olllccis have sus tained the position of Canada , " Sir John intimated that the Icgisiatuto not complete when the bill was passed , that the president had linal notion of ( he enlou-e- ini'iit In his discretion , and the piesident might not bodi-ipo ed to net hastily. H was MiirceMi'd tint Iho plesiilunt would scarcely dally with the mattei which mliht pass thiomli congress nearly unanimously , and which both democi.its and republicans unite ou. To this Mr John M.iclUtnahl added in a medltatlvomanncr ! "Yes , the piessutowill bo very stiong. " "What would bo the elltct on Canada ol tlio lielmont : bill prohibltlm : the Import of all Canadian products and the passnun ot talhva ) eais Into the United St.itetV" blr John said -softly : "That would Indeed be severe , serv severe. I cannot think that congress will proceed to such n length. " Tonov-io , Out. , Jan. 2rt. Uofcrilni- the Washington llsheiles legislation , Iho ( Jlobo ol to-day savstlmt the United States senate has become a caucus of and that their Kiimo Is an old one of alarming Gieat liritaln into bulldo/.ing Canada. OTUUIl liKciS I'rocccdliiKS of tlic Illinois Solons and Various Slntes. SiMiiNnrir.t.u , 111. , Jan. 20 , An pxcltlng debate In the house was caused this morning by a motion made by Maker of Monltrlo to recall from the s-ennle the bill urovldlng for an nppiopriation to the livestock commis sion. The motion w as the icsult of the iip- pcaianco of the lepott ot the commission , which asks for an nppiopriation of S",000 since the passage of tlie bill which appioprl- ales Slo.OJO. llciilngton stated thct the re- pott asking for an appropriation was made last December , and since that time the federal go\ei nment had withdiawn assistance in the matter of Mippressing plouro-p mumotna , which necessitated the appropriation ol a laiRcrsum. On motion of Little the motion to recall the bill was laid on the table. Another flood of petitions piotostlng apalnst an amendment to the same law to prohibit spring to\vl shooting was presented. On the recommendation of the committee on appioprlatlons Littler lopoited favorably the passage of the bills appioprlatlng 510,000 for state ptintiiift expenses and 515,000 for the contingent ot the gonei al assembly , Among the bills Intioduced was one by KioUlngcr , apnropiiatiiiK S II. 000 lor the constinctlon ol buildings and tmprovemi'iits nt the asvluin lei the feeble minded at Lincoln and tfi'1,000 per annum lor theoidlnary expenses of the same institution tiotn Juno 1 , 1 7 , until the hrst quaiter after the session ot the next goncial assembly ; and one by Iam out , pio- vldins * lor a commission of live persons to bo appointed by tlio governor to investluato the liuiior tralllc and its effects upon the people ot thostaU'-v In the senate the Logan monument bill was read the liist time and amended by adding the name ol George AV. Smith ot Jfinplivs- here lo the commissioners named In the bill. Senator Cochran asked and obtained pei- mission lei a second tending of Ins lesolu- tlon complimenting Senator Cullom on the passage of the intcr-stato commcrco bill. Senator Itoll olfcicd an amendment to add the name ol Cousressnmn Iteasan , ot Texas , to the resolution. A tier a lengthy discussion tlie resolution was adopted by a vote ot ! ! 3 to U without amendment. ly ! Mlllei , Inielallon to tlie management of thepemtentlailcs , piovlding tor the consoli dation ol the boards ot state pilsons with the governor as e.x-ollclo ! member and desig nating one of Iho prisons tor a lolormalorv and the other as an Institution lor Incotrigl- blcs. blcs.A A lesolutlon was passed calling upon the live Block commlssionuis to lopoit to the house at once the condition of disease amonc the cattle of the state known as plouio-pncn- monia. _ Bciintoi'iiil Deadlocks. Tunxiox , N. J. , Jan. UO. At the joint session of the legislature to-day only thlity- ninc mcmbeis were jncsent , all demociats. Thlity-clght votes woio cast for Leon Abbott and one tor Jos. 1) . Ueaillo. It U'qtilicd loily- one votes to constitute a majority ol tlm leg- Islatuie. Senator Chattle and Speaker Danil ( democrats ) , two labor men and all lenubll- caus remained out ot the session. The assembly this afteinoon adjomned for fhe week. Tlio senate will not meet till Fil- day. To-moirow at noon Is the tlmo for the next joint meeting to Inllot lor United States sonator. No new developments , how ever , aie expected at that time. In fact , the most of the democrats as well as republicans , have left town to-night. The few remalnlnu heio will meet and , in the absence of a quo rum , will adjourn to the following day. This mogrammo vvlll bo kept up till next week , by which time the democrats are Impel ul ot seeming iMiouuh votes to elect ox-Senator Abbott. The lopubllcnns do not think ttheio Is any likelihood ot the democrats being soon successful in that dlicctlon. iNmAXAi'oMs , Jan. iJO , No chanso oc- ctnii'd In the senatorshlp vote to-day. Arsriv , Te.x. , Jon , U7. Tlm legislature voted as follows today tor United Mates senator : Neeo saiy for choice , 03 ; Maxey , 15 ; Keiganin : liel.iud , Bii. and Terrell : iD. On the becimd ballot Tendl withdrew. The fouith Uillot was taken which 40MiIlcd as follows ; Itegan fil , Maxcy II , hulaml'J and Shecrd ) ) ] ) 1. A motion to adjoin n was strongly leslsfud by Kenan's sunpoitors , but Maxey anil Ireland men joined loiees and can led the motion to adjourn until tomorrow row noon. CIIAIIM.STOV , W. Va. , Jan. 2fi. The sen- ale and lowei house met In joint asscinbly at noon today anil piocccdcd to ballot for United States senator , The ballot resulted ; John Comduii , , ! l'.i ; ICx-Sonator W , T , Willoy , lopiibllcan , 10 ; 13 scatteilng. Ciimdcn test 0110 votii which will at the bal loting to-moirow no toVIIIey. \ . Ciiuulen wants seven votes , as U takes lorty-six to eket. Torrlflu Itollor Oir , CITV , Pa. , Jan. SO. At 1 o'clock this afternoon onn of the most tcirllic boiler ex plosions that over ncciimid in this section startled the men woiKini ; In the vicinity of the Wolf and Kn.'ler wells In the Kgypi oil dlstiict , about live miles fiom this city. The explosion completely demolished the boiler house and Instantly killul Siumuil MtCor- mick , aged loin teen , and William Mai ! ! , aged nineteen , who were In charge of tlm boiler. Fragments of the boiler and engine vveie thrown several hundred yaids in e\ciy direction , eutting down tieeti t o feet ind [ < ametor. _ An Kdltorlnl I'osinia.sicr Arroiloil , M it. WAUhr.r. . Jan. " 0. Postmaster Fiancls K Sharp , of Oconto , WIs. , was lodired In jail hero last night. He Is charged with having rilled a lar. u number of registered letters , so- curlin : a sum variously estimated at fri m .Vi to 1,000. His arrest wnb the result of decov letters tracing the robbeiy diiectlj to lit * of fice. Sharp was appointed postmaster a a -o. He is uditoi ot the Oconto ' KcporK'd Indian NooAl.i'.s , AilJan. . 20. Information hat bcon brouuht IIUIH that the seven Indians who cscupud from Captain Law ton l.ut snin- mur , ittlackcd a Mexican family travolinu troin Ojiuia to ( iuo-ub i. Mexico , and killed one man and wounded anotlicr. The n.n.r- durcd iuiuvai st.iijiul and fe.nfully jiiuti < latcd. Lively Skirmish in tlio Honsa on tlie Rivoi and Harbor Bill , NO DEFINITE RESULT REACHED j The Mc.ism-o lo Como Up Kor l-Mnnl I Action To-dny Tlio Sonnto Stops t Jetintu on tlio Unit road ? Attorney SInttcr. _ _ i llonso. . WASIUNOTOX , Jan. CO. The speaker latin before the house a loiter from the secretary of the tro.isiury submitting estimates of the appropriation to meet the pxnendttures ic * quired by the Mexican pension Mil. Ho- lerrcd. U Is estimated that 5MWi,000 : w lit bo tequlted for the Hrst jc.ii's payment of pen sions , nnd asks for an apinoprlatlon of S " > 7 , 000 foi foice. The Krantlng of leave to leport at miy IMno Die senate ll hetles bill tecclved unanimous consent , them being no objection on the part of any membeis , As It has boon frequently held tlmt the light to lopoit at any lime car ries w 1th It the right of Immediate consldct.v lion , the bill will have right of way In the hou.'o ns soon as It has been passed upon by the eommittae on foielgn nlValis. Mi. lliagnof Wisconsin submitted the con * feience ropoit upon the nuiiy appropriation bill nnd It was agreed to. Mr. Payson ot Illinois , from the committee on public lands , icpoited back the lesolutlon lequestini * the seenitaiy of the Interior to piocnio the opinion of the attorney general whether any further legislation 1 necossaty to pi event unlawful fencing of public lands. Adopted. Altei a struggle for precedence between tlie pluiio-pncumonia bill nnd the river anil h.iibur apinopiiatlon bill , ( he latter proved successful , and the house went Into committee - tee of the whole ( McMillan ot Tennessee In tlie chair ) on that measiiie. Mi. Nelson of Minnesota olTcrcd the fol lowing amendment as a substitute for the entlio bill : That the sum of § 7,500.000 la hcieby appiopiiated out of any money In tha treasury not otherwise oppropilated winch maj 1)0 ) expended by a boaid of ctigiuitrH. consisting ol the ehlct ot engineers and lour engineeis now senloi In seivlcc , either for topali , pioseivatlon , constiuctlon , or com- plellon of such public iiniirovemimu ot rivets and hathoisast' . In theii judgment nlforil practliMl and Imp itant lacllitleb l > y water of. inter-slate commereo. Mi. Hcpbmn ol Iowa said the proposed substitute was a parliamentary tilclc ami nothing more. The lilend.s of the bill , de- spall hit' ot cettlni ; it throiiu'h , piopo.seil to appiopiiate this lump sum and thus stop all ciiticism on the dilfeiunt Icalmes ol the measuie. U was expected that the senate would lefoim the bill , that It would be luuimht back to the house by a conleronco committee , and that no oppmtuntly for amendment would tin granted. .Mr. Nelson expicssi'd Ills surprise that the Kentleman liom Io\\u ( Hepburn ) should make such clmiges as ho had. The gentle man had charged that the substitute was a tilclc bec-iuso It attempted to make an appro- pi iatlon In gloss. It it was a trick the gieat tilumvlrate- gentlemen fiom Iowa , Kan sas and Wisconsin ( Hepbuin , Andeison and La Fullnttu ) liail been resorting to just such tilckery for the past low days. | Laughter. | 11 theie was any tiick In this business the gentleman fiom lo\\a had himself sot the ox- amnlo ; and mote than that , the gentleman had attempted lo cairy out Ills tuck by till- bustcrlinr. I Laughter. ) Mr. La Folletto of Wisconsin denied the right of any man to accuse him of n trick as the gentleman fiom Ohio ( Grosvenor ) , ImiJ done. His opposlllon had been oion. Ho had stated Ids leasons tor It , and he belloved them to be sulllcient. Ho was not opposed to the liver and haibui bill , constiucted upon pioper principles. After some further debate the Hiinstltulo was lejected yeas-10 ; nays , 1711. The orig inal bill \\as then oideied engrossed nnd itad the third time jcas , ! ' ! ; nays , 87 and the previous question ouleied on the final pass- atru of the bill. Mr. Hepburn demanded the reading of thq engiossed cony , and as the bill had not beeii cngiosscd , the hniiso adjoin ned. The bill will como up lor linal action to-moiiow. Hennlo. WASHINO-IO.V , O. C. , Jan. 20. Charles H. Faivcll , sunaloi-elcct Irom Illinois , was ad ministered the oath of olllce. Ho took tlio iccently occupied by Mr. Cullom , whllo the lattei took the scat of the late Senator Logan. Tlio ciedentlals of Mr. Gray of Del aware , D.uvos ol Massachusetts and Oockrell of Missouri wcio piesented and placed oil lilo. lilo.Mr. Mr. Morgan , from Iho committee on for eign lelatlous , made a report on the petition of William Webster , a cltl/.iii of the Unlteil States , with icsoliitlons staling that after duo examination of the matters presented In the petition and ol the evidence in suppoit of the claim for indemnity fiom the ilritluli government for lands In Now /calami pur chased by him In good fnlth from nntlvo chlels , and duly c'liiveved lo him befoiotho govcinnient of Gieat Hrltaln acqiilied BOV- eiiilgiity over country , the donate con- bidcis such claim to be founded in jnstico and to diiseive Iho comil/nnce and mippoit ol the government of tbo Unlteil StatcH. The senate mo leeiled to the consideration of the lesolutlon lupuiled yesteidav by Air. Ho.ii instructing tht ! commllteo on privlleueJ and elections to liwsllgato the iilleL'atlona made bv thico lesldents of Washington county. TOXJW , as to llielr belnir diivon Ironi thulr houses , compelled to abandon thole propcity and depilved of the iluht of sullr.iLO In that county. Altei along discussion thu icsolulion was adopted by a vote of HI to " 0. Tim senate then resumed consideration oC the till ) to establish a.-i ( cultural experiment ; stations In eonncctlun with agricultural col- lewes established under thu net of July a , lsij. ; Altei a long dlsctisoion and the offer * Ing of. and vutlnc on , a have number o ( amendmeiit.s. Mr. Havvloy olleicd a substi tute lei tlio bill , und , on IIIH motion , the bill and btihstltiiteeie iniierod inlntcd and tlm matteient nvt'i till to-moiiow. The i.iilioad attoinej bill was Hum taken IIP , and Mi , licm ohtalned the floor to Ulo cuss it , but thi ) senate ImmedlatDlyont Into secret session , and when the doors luopuned ! ml join mil. mil.'I 'I lie I'corlii I'ool , C1inr\fio , Jan. 'M , G. J , Giammer , traflla mnnnu'iT ot tlie Pcotin , Deeatui .t ICvansvlIla lallroad , staled to-day that ho had received n tclej-ram tiom Commissioner lilancharil say * . Ing that ( icneral Manager Talmago ol tlia * VVabash had ouleied the WabaNh balance In the 1'coria pool up to December ill pain forth' with. The Pcoila , Dccaiur .V Kv.insvlllo. Gr.immcr said , would therofoie pay what It owed in thelVmlapool , Headdeil thatComv inissloner Ulanchard would at once uriangq a coiilcii'iicc with the Uock Island olllclali * undendfavoi to have them cancel their notice ul wltbdiawal from the pool , thus removing ) all giouml tor ( hi ) lecent jiredletlon that thq tumble * ol the IVoila oigam/ution would ] speedily disrupt the Cential Tralllc assocla * lion , Tlio KiiMiieliiiiiiia | 1'Mood. L f MIAVI..N. J'i. , Jan , SO. The Immeiisd Ice ja'm at 1'Vrney has Intoiinptcd travel on the Philadelphia < v : Kiiit railroad and iia tiainshavi ) mme west of this city slncu late jesterday. 'iho jailioad tiaek for the ills * tancoot ner.ilj : t iiiihi i.s covered w'ith huga cikeb of lee and timber to a depth of froi-j , eight to twelve fuel. Tiouiilo is fcaied lierq In tMbo the jam liienl.s nnd much anxiety tix- < ists amonu' tlm people hvlnu along thoSubt qiiehaniM iner , Tj'i'iiHurcu *'d .Now Position , .Ni.w VOIIH , Jan. ! JO.A new Ixmk to M knovMi a the Wcatcrn National bank of New York , has hi en oiganucd hero with u capllat ot fet,0Xoco : ( , all of wh'fJi has been sub- kcribud. C \ . Jordan , lien mcr of the I'mtcd tale9 , Is to bo its piesident. Ho V.1IJ not uinuliis.diitiea uii