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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 26. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS The Coast Wheat Oliqno Overwhelmed By the Amount Offered Tor Sale. DULL CABLES HELP THE DECLINE A AVenk nntl Unsettled recline I're- vnlles In Provisions Very IJltlo ClmnRO In Cnttlc HORS Knlrlf Active Quotntlonp. CHICAGO ruonucH MARKET. CinrAoolan. 05JSpeclal TcIcRram to the UKKJ If California was In the wheat market to-day as a buyer It was so overwhelmed by the tremendous rush ot sellers that It jvas completely carried out of sight. There was no war news and the quotations that camn In this morning showed thai foreign stock markets were not only bUber but were alto gether fiec from nervousness on tlio scare of war. There followed eveiy advance In wheat on the false basis of a European war a break In price. Holders were wilder | U > 3 > cll than they weie to buy , yesterday , and May wheat soldattho very opening to-day at 61 Jfc. Cables were null and helped the decline New York led In the selling and Knclish houses joined. The Influences that were present at thu opening lasted all tlnotigb tlio regular session and there were no new ones of Importance. Dispatches from Diilulh showed pretty liberal receipts there 107,000 bushels and said that the blockade having been raised Hide , larger receipts were to fol low. Cnblps about noon said the continental wheat situation had Improved n little , but It was not Improvement enough to alfect the iccllnv hero. Cables private and public , all showed that so faras tlio war excitement \ > as concerned the foreign stock markets were not to-day much Influenced. 1'rlces of consols , of rents and of American securities weru all higher considerably to-day than yesterday. 1'iom Californiatheic was no very exciting news. The weather In the wheat belt con tinued dry there. The condition of news was fairly Illustrated by the movement In prices. 1 lie collapse of the war excitement look wheat down to b4Je at the very start nnd there was no llucttiatlon from that IK'iirn nil the morning. May opened at b.Vfc ; , sank to and closed atSt > Vc , a droiiof l > $ eon the finishing figure yesterday , l-ebritarv closed nt 7ie , March at 7Se , April at THVc , and .lununtbflJCe. Corn was weaker anil lower. Timid slums covered on yesterday's bulgo. Tins morning when wheat and urovlsloiis brokucorn lollowed. Trading wasllghtand cntlicly of a small scalping nntnro within : t tee range. May opened ntfc \ , sold at 41@ 41' < c , and closed nt 41 > c , a Jfc de- cllno from yesteulay's last sales. The ship ping demand for low grades showed a plight Impiovcincntat steadier prices. Oats for lilt urn delivery were dull nnd bad to bo shaded \fc \ In order to tilled sales ; Januar 'J5 < n , KoDruary WMC , March 25Kc. May sold lit : ! OV < 3" > OJ c and Juno at Jilc. In piovlslous a weaker and mibi'tllcd feeling prevailed , but the lange of fluctuations was mnallcr. A treat deal of long stuff was unloaded - loaded as thu holder became scared at the bieak In wheat , the absence of war nuws and tint backwardness of shoits about coveting. Mt'.sspoik ' opened I5c lower at 31S.05. May Bold to ? 12.77) , graduallyili.'cllncil and closed nt 1 o'clock at S1SJ.07H' . Lard was olfeied quite treely bvabit : ojierator , and May sold at SO.07J.jW" . " ! > and closed at Srt.70. .Ilino sola at SO.WiflO.bO. Compared with yester day's close mess pork was liiXc and lard " } < ( Jlfic lower. 2iOj ; : ) . m. On the afternoon session wheat was unsettled , and after selling lower , closed n shade1 higher. Corn was stronger. Pro visions weio steady. Wheat , March , sold at 78i-7 V , April at 70 < rZi7'c ! > , May at WV 8ljcaml 84 S8 | C , elbslng at 78fc lor March , TUJsc tor April , SI CJ-HJ/e for May , bO'4c ' for June. Corn. May. sold at 41a c , Juno 42c , closing at 41J © 413 c for May. Oats , February , ' > % c , Marcli 2Cc. May ? a\c. Mess pork. February. S1U.45 , Marcli 81'J.W ) , May SlS.G5 < ai2.70 , ( > loslnentnS13.ri7K. J.ard. February. S0.47 > i(20.W ( , March 50.55 , May 50.07 (20.70. ( CHICAGO STOCK. CnioAoo , Jan. 25. ( Special Telegram to V the Bin. : | CATTI.U The market to-day was without much cbango. Salesmen asked higher prices and seemed to think they had good reason for so doing , as the receipts were moderate for the day and were consid erably lighter for the week than last week. Sales of the day were made somewhat un evenly , but on the whole prices were about hteady. Nobiasjsa 1005 to 1107 Ibs. § 3.05 ® 4.25 : Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 81.50 @fUO ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , SI.404.00 ) ( : fitockors and lenders , S'-.iMXaiJvlO ; cows , bulls and mixed , 8i.7or < zi.50 : ; bulk , t-' lions At the opening business was fairly active and prices fully as strong as Monday , but after the opening of the provision market down town , which showed a lower range of prices , the hog market ruled slow and closed weak and about So lower than the opening. A few fancy heavy sold at S5.00Q5.10 , and best packing sorts at sl.SO@4.U5 , with com mon at 4.50@4.75. Light sorts sold at 84.COS4.TO. _ _ F1NANUIAU Now York. Jan. 25. MONEY On call easy nt2@4 percent , closing at''K per cent , PltlMtt MUHOANTILB I'APKK 0iJ7 ( per rent tiTiciu.iNO EJCCHANOE Firm but dull ; M.Ki ) | ! for sixty day Dills ; 51.S7 lor de mand. UOVEHNMENTS ( iovcrnmeut bonds were dull nnd rather heavy. SrocKB Tlio stock market offered n violent contrast to that of yesterday , and in place of weakness strength and buoyunc * ' were de veloped. The oponl'ig was very strong , litst pilces Hhowlng advances over last evou- Intt's tinal figures of from K to 1 J ( percent trcnerally , while unions the Inactive stocks lilt ) Rains ranged up toi percent. About half of the active list showed advances of 1 per cent and over. Karly advances were In many cases lost , with something in addition , after which the market settled down with a firm niulcrtone.and prices slowly hut steadily Advanced , though suhiect to ono or two InMn- iilllcant reactions. The close was quiet and hout steady ot something better tlmn the openliiK figures. STOCKS Off WAU , STnKRX. V cent bonds. . . . 100 O. & N. W 112 ; u. a. 4H" . preferred. , liii ) N..C J'ncllieO'sof ' 03. Oregon Tran. . . . at : , ential 1'ucllio. . 87 PacllicMall. . . . , 61 C. A A 14MW P. 1) . &K 61M ! > prfierrco. . . . 155 P. P. 0 140 C. H. AQ Hock Island. , . . 124 1) . U.t\V ' ' 1) . Alt. 0 prefeired' . ! liljf 0. , W. & St. P. . preferred. . - - preferred. . 117 Illinois CVntral. St. I' . &O I8 J..1I. iMV preferred. . . 107 * KinbnsifcToxas. 1 Texas Pacific. . Lnkn Slioro I'.i'aunion , r J. . A N fiajV. . , St. I ' Mich. CtmtrM. . . M' l 'pieferrod. . , Wo. Pncilio K \ Wfstern Union. fiorthern 1'ao. . . J7VO..K. &N. . . . pieferrcd. . . 1'UOUUOE M.VICKUr. Chlonicn , Jan. 2.5. Following quotations art ) thu : 'M eluding ticures : Klour Dull aiul nominally unchanced ; winter wheat Hour , S4. ViN.80 : simtiiern. (4.10 ( 4.20 ; Wisconsin. 4,20i < i4. 0 ; .Michigan coftsprlnir wheatS'J. 0&l.W ! : crs. S3.7iKS4.HO ; patents. E4.0jt4.w ( : low urades-SLOya Wjoetlour , ( juiet at ti .40j In Barks and banels , 5aai.70. ! \Vheat-Tho \ denial of Kurunran war rn meta , circulated ) t > M > iday , blither consuls , lower cables nnd llcln t-xpott clearances , jnndo the market weal md heavy , It ' ' about H o under yesterday ; cash , AlarchTNl\'c ; .May , 81 iMfic , Corn Dull , easier ; moderate tradliiji. and cloii'd at CC'Wit ' Mow yesterday ; cash , March , ft ! l-lGe ; May , 4Uie. Oils Dull , weaker , but moderately active ; casb , 25VMarch , 20o ; May , Itye htondy at 5lc. llarloy- Dull at oOyi Timotuyseed PriuiH , Klaiseed-Sl.Osif \Vhlsky-Sl.l8. Pork rradlnir light , mniket easier : cash , eit.45Mnn-li. ! S1&0 ; May l2.G7Kiil2.70. ( Lard Quiet , 2' < c lower ] cash , S0.47K March , 56.SS ; Muy , fl.07K. Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 8S.80A.S5 ; short clcv J.'hSWrfO.SS ; short ribs. SO J. . IJJrSfr Dull , weaker ; creamery , 15@2Sc dairy , llS lo. Cheese firm ; luL' ' cream tbeddars , 12KC ; flats , 13o ; young Americas , sklm.o , s'Mific. Hires Firmer ; ° /VJl2.c for frwb. Hides Steady and unchanged ; ( keen. , < e : heavy green salted , 7fc ! ; salted bull , C'/e : dry salted , Il@l2c ; Iry flint , KMjHc : deacons , a'x ; each. Tallow > o. I country , SJfc ; No , 2 , 2&c ; cake , 4c. Receipts. Shipment ? . Flour , bbls 34,000 * 21,000 Wheat , bu. . . 44.000 8.000 ; < > rn , bu 112,000 4 ! > , ooo > ats , bu 142,003 ICOtwo tje , bil 1,000 2,000 llarlcy , bu 23,000 si. Louis , Jan. 23. Wheat Weak ami lower : No. 2 red , cash , SlJ QS-'c ; May , Corn Weik ; No. 2 mixed , casb , 34@r5c ; May , STWfiKfec. Oats Weak ; No. 2 mixed cash , 27 > fc ; May , 29Kc. Hye Weak at-ViVc. Whlskv-Sl.13. Pork-VlrmntS12.7 , " . Lnrd-Steady at S0.40. Butter Quiet and steady ; cicamcry , 2.1 ® 27c ; dairy , 11BCl'il c. Afternoon Hoard Wheat , steady and un changed ; coin , baiely stealy at unchanged pi Ices ; oats , easier. Knti ° ns City , Jan. 2. " . Wheat Loner ; No. 2 red , , 71c ; February , 73c bid ; May , "ti'/c. ' Corn Lower ; No. 2 , casb , 30/c ' bid ; Feb ruary , : Vc ; May , 3l } < c bid. Oats Nominal ; cash , 27J c asked. Now Orlnivns. Jnn. 2. ) . Corn Steady ; mixed , 40c ; vvhite , Mj ) > ; vellow.52o. ( ) at-t-ulet } but linn ; JJ-'KQiWc. Corn Meal Quiet nt S2.i ! > . Hog firoitucts Good demand and tciulltic npwaid. Pork-S12.75. Lard-Rulincd tierce , SO.371 . Hulk Meats Shoulders , S5.W ) ; Ions clear nnd clear rib , S0.3.f. Liverpool , Jan. 2" > . Wheat Dull anddc- inand poor , holders offer freely ; red western sprliu' , 7s , r > dM7s , Od ; red western winter wheat , 7s , UKg'a , ( VI. Coin Dull nnd demand poor ; mixed western , 4s , 7d per cental. Now Yorlc. Jan. 125. Wheat Receipts , fjl.OOO ; oxpoits , 30,003 ; ungraded red , Ul@ ukc ; No. : i ied , Ji-'c ; No. l red , ! ) . ) ; Vo. a red , M'b'QOfl'.j'c ' ' In elevator , 'Jlw ' .U'rfc afloat , ift&GiW c , f. o. b , ; February , closing Corn Lower but closed steady ; receipts , 10XK ( ) ; export ? , 141,010 ; ungraded , J79i ( * lUjIfc ; No. 2 , 43\@ic \ In elevator , 4'jj c dellvcied ; February closing at 4i > ; > 8c. Oats Lower but more active ; receipts , 71.000 ; OXPOI ts. none : mixed western , 37i ' whlto western , 3v < il2e. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at i , _ _ . Pork ( Julct and firm ; now mess , § 12.75 ; old mess , 812.500512.75. Lard Lower uut moie active ; western steam , spot , SG.S5. llutter Dull ami weak ; western , 12g20c ( ; Klgln creamerv , ! .031c. Eggs Firmer and In better demand ; west ern , yj&XQc. Checso Firm and in better demand. Milwaukee. Jan. 2. " > . Wheat Weak ; cash , 7Ue : Kcbrnaiy. TS ifc ; May , 84j c. Corn Dronplnc ; No. 2 , 3T > i c. Oats Steady. No. 2. 2G > c. Hyo-WeakNo. ; 1 , Me. Itarley Higher ; No. 2 , SlHc. Provisions Lower ; poik , January , S12.15 ; May , 512.70. Cincinnati , Jan. 2. " > . Wheat Firm and quiet ; No. 2 icd , S.V. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed. 37 } c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , KO ij. Hyo Firm but dull ; No. 2 , 5b' ' < ; iiJCOc. Pork -Quiet nl 813.00. Lard Dull at Sii.fiO. Whisky Steady at S1.13. Mlmioaiioils. Jan. 25. Wheat Easier lint In active demand loruood mllihu ; No. 1 hard , cash and Fehiuary. Mc ) ; M av , &I % : No. 1 northern , cash and February , 7Uc ; May , 82 ? < c ; No. 2 northern , cash and Feb ruary , 77e ; May , bOc. Flour Dull ; oatonts , S4.50ft4.CO ; bakers , Kucciptd Wheat. 153,030 bu. ; Hour , 110 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 25.000 bu. : Hour , 14,000 bbls. LI VIS STOCK. Jan. 2o. The Drover's Journal follows : Cattle Receipts.0,000 ; market steady ; ship ping steers , Si.40@5.10 : ; stackers and feed ers , S'J.20.iuO ( : ; cows , bulls ana mixed , 81.70 ; l.f > 0 ; hulk , 82.35@2 > 0. ilotfn Receipts , 17,000 ; market strong , hut not nuotahly higher ; rotich and inlxod. SI.40 ( > ; packiHK and shipping 84.70 ( 5.10 ; llBbt. 84.2r > @ .Ki ; skips , S'-.7r > @i.30. Shcop Receipts , 5,000 ; market steady : na tives. si.00@5.oo : ; western. 8 : .00ai.i0 ( } ; Tcx- ans , 53.50@4.0i ) ; lambs , S4.00@5.75. Kiins.iH City. Jan. 2. . Cattle Kecelpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 300 ; shipping irrades fitroiiK and 5 < ailOo higher ; cows and butcher's stutf a shade hlvher ; common to cholco shipping - ping , Si.40C : W.J5stockeis. ; S2.fiO@3.00 ; teed- ilK ) btcers , SH.10@3.20cows. ; S1.50@3.20. Hoes Hncehits , 8.000 ; shipments , 'JOO ; stronc and actlvo anil 6e hlu'lier ; cominoii to Choice , S4.154.85. ( Bt. I > unlnJan. 25. Cattle Hocelpts , 700 ; shipments , 100 ; strong ; choice heavy native steers , 34.3'iC < M.)0 ! ) ; fair to ( ; oed shipping steers , 8..70ft4.0 ! ( : ! ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , S3.00@4.10 ; feeders , fair to Rood , S2.00v33.50 ; stockurs , lair to good , S2.00@ 2.00. 2.00.Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , none ; opened actlvo and strong hut closed quiet ; cliolco heavy and butchers' selections , 54.45 iTJMO : packlnz , fair to good , 5fl.75@4.UO ; Yorkers , medium to fancy. 81.00(24.75 ( ; pigs , common to good , S3.UOi4.45. OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Tuesday , Jan. 25. Cnttlo. The receipts were heavier than yesterday by a I ni nil red head but lighter than n week ago by 400 head. The market opened actlvo and .stronger on all grades of cattle. There wcromoru buyers on the market and not enough cattle to go around. The demand was especially strong for good butchers' stock , such as cows , bulls , etc. The pens were cleared caily In the day. The receipts of hogs were more tlmn double what tlioy were yesterday but when compaicd with the receipts a week ago they show a loss of 1,200. Thn market opened actlvo with a strong demand. Light ho s wore In better demand than usual and sold for bettor prices In proportion than heavy hogs. Heavy lings .sold at about yesterday's prices. The bogs were all bold early. Sheep. There was ono load of sheep In to-dav but theio was no demand and they were re shipped eastward. Iloooints , Cattle , fiOO Hogs 2,000 Sheep 100 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo Moult on this markPt : Cliolco steers , KIM to 1500 Ib3. . . . S4.30iJ4.05 ( Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.K ) @ .40 ( iood feeders , 2.75g3.00 ( ( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2,75f < c3.25 Fair to medium grass cows 2.UOOW.50 ( iood to cholco bulls 2.005M.75 Light and medium hoes 4.r ( $ ( iood to choice heavy hogs 4.X ( ) < < * 4.75 Good to cholco mixed bogs i&O .fiO lloprosonliuivo Sates. No. Av. Pr. No. Av , 1'r. 7. . . .1003 53,05 11..1212 S3.HO 0.,1 U S.70 20..1200 4.00 1..1140 3.7.r 18..1314 4.10 21..1114 8.75 SO.1201 4,15 21. . . . lifts U.S ) 17. . . . KM ! 4.20 10..12IW S.85 ll . .1271 4.25 ll.1- S.IX ) 30. . , . 1800 4.25 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr. 7..1017 2.25 7..114 82,8'i ! I..1010 2.75 22..1157 2.M I.1112 ) 2.75 M . . .1074 2.05 1..1200 2.75 12. . . .1050 2.95 1..1100 2.75 21..1230 2.15 * lit. . . , 01 2bO 0.-.1240 8.05 IS.1000 2.fcO 1..1100 3.25 HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1400 52.25 l..14bO S'-.M a..1070 2.V ( ) l..lbS ) 2.75 CiiWS AXH 1IUI.I.S. No. Av. 1'r. J\o. Av , Pr. 7,11W S-.75 nons. No. Av. Slit. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr , 70..277 109 S1.SO OG..2 V > 24081.00 73..2-J4 ICO 4.57K 74..2JO 40 4.00 6.'J..2rJ 40 4.00 S7..V&0 200 4.00 bl..21l COO 4.ffl CS..2.M 60 4.05 04..254 bO 4.00 68.2Vi 200 4.05 00..275 460 4.00 CO..273 40 4.05 75.,883 liiU i.00 01..253 60 1,05 T7..027 X ) 4.00 GL..077 40 4. < V > 3 84.237 200 4.00 fiS , . . .T07 120 4. & > S 73..244 2N ) 4.fa Co..275 120 4.05 74..241 200 4.00 W. . . 840 200 4.03 C.5..2.V5 2 0 4.00 70..2S3 120 4.C5 07..257 120 4.CO & ' > . . . . .TOO 2W 4.03 75..1W 440 4.CO 00..291 2X ) 4.05 78..ISO N ) 4.CO 04..278 120 4.0'i M..277 240 4,00 OS . . .2 3 . . . 4.70 0 < J..271 120 4.00 O1..2- 100 4.70 120..3IO Vf 4.00 70. . .210 40 4.70 77..275 2 < 0 4.00 60. . . 851 120 4,75 CL..230200 4.CO 53..ail 80 4,73 Hnnco or Price ? . Showing tlio blgbost and lowest prices paid for loads of bogs on this market during ; he past seven days nnd for the same time ast month nnd last year : Doc , 1 SJ. Jnn. 1SS7 Jan. lest ) . 19th SunJay 140 20th 4.W 75 n.1 : . " ! 21Pt 4.50 H.77' { y.r. ) SA 4.40 . 21n 3.40 .Mth . 3.40Stmrtay hollilny 1.60 © I.7A n.40 - Shipment * . Showing the number of cattle , boss and sheep shipped from the yards during thu day. CATTI.I : . No. cars. Rt. Dest. fl N. W Chicago S Mil Chicago sinir. : : 1 N. W Chicago All sales of stock in thU market are made iiercwt. llvo wclithl unless otherwlso stated. Drad heirs sell at Ke per Ib. for all weight * . "Skins , " or hogs weUhlut ! lo than 10J Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs. nnd stags80 Ibs , by the public Inspector. Notes. Hogs all sold. Cattle stronger. Nocattloloft over. Light hozs stronzcr. Two additional buyers on the market. J. II. Bluiiktron , Coleridge , had In a load of sheep. E. II. Gribblc , Wakcflold was in and sold a load of cattle. Andy Haas bought-10 head ot cliolco butch er's stock to-day. Light hoes weio sold bottsr to-day relatively than the heavy. Lnbiuan & Rnthchlld brought eight cars of cattle on to-day's ' market. Undo Adam Graham , Springfield , Neb. , was a visitor at the yards. H. C. Dawsou , Eiidlcott , Neb. , was In looking over the market. Gcnigo Smith , Herman , was In and mar keted a car of eattle and a car of hogs. J. H. Johnson , lllalr , a heavy cattle buyer , began buying In the market hero to-day. A. H. Wilson , Locan , la. , was In with a car ot cattle which he sold on the matket. A. T. Tuinev , Red Oak , a well known Im porter of blooded horses , was a visitor at the yards. John Sandburg , Oakland , came In to-day with : t load of eattlo which ho sold on the market. Sam GoMicy , hog salesman for Savatro it ( ireen , lett to-day for Chicago on a visit to his family. The Anglo-American Provision company bought on to-day's maiket 1,753 hogs averag ing 275 Ib3. Mr. Morcan. a modern cow boy , was in from Broken Bow with a load of cattle lor K. Ciowdsen , of Tuckervllle , Neb. C. P. Way , tlio noted constable ot Ord , Valley county , Neb. , was inith two loads of hogs , nnd took in the city at night. Mr. Fletcher , agent of the Ciowell Lumber and Grain company , Bancroft , was in and sold n load of hogs and a load of cattle. J. H. Hunt of J. E. Hunt .t Co. , Tapllllon , sold sixteen steei.s on the maiket to-day which had gained 200 Ibs. , on an average , In ft ) days. Fiemont Hey , Silver Creek , who has been confined to his bed for sometime with dip- theila , was able to bo at the yauls with a car of boss to-day. 0. H. Hammond & Co. were on the market to-day as cattle buyers after holding off for a few days on account of not having cars to to ship the dressed buef. Fall & Spencer , livestock shippers of Sil ver City , la. , were both in looking over the market preparatory to shipping here and were well plt-ased with appearances. There are scores of complaints made about the mail siTvico fiom South Omaha. Im portant letters are fieuuently nil sent , caus ing great annovancu and not uufrequcntly losses. On the market with cattle : E 11 Gribble , Wakellcld ; R B Gammcl , Herman ; John Piokes , Sclmvler ; Guthiio & Co , Claries ; John Dern , Hooper ; Charles McDermott , Colon ; F Stolnkrans. Plainvlnw : 11 H Gray , Hastings ; Arbucklo it Co , Villlsca ; George Warner , Emeison. Among others havlnir hoes on the market wciethn following : J W LIhl , Stromsburg ; F M Jiftroy , Osccola ; H B Dexter , Blair ; K li Ganimel , Herman ; Heine it Maloncy , Albion : H Eversou , Cedar Rapids : Jolfu DLTII , Hooper ; A M Spoonnr it Co , Hooper ; A F StuelTer , Dodge ; O Burgess , Weeping Water ; Reno it Storrs , Oakland ; A Citiise , Atkinson : Thomas llairis. Cential City ; J G Hall , Gibbon : James Danlcy , Abhland ; Wilson it E , Hnbbell ; Spelts it 1C , David City ; It W Smith Eudlcott ; J T Goodell it Co , Western ; B W Blair , Broken Bow ; Rodcr it. ) , Missouri Valley ; Stitt & Bryant , Coin ; John Bower. Blaiiehard : R E Robcits , Kennard ; Monls Lulu it Co , Nodaway ; Rae lire ) ' ; , Cornlnir ; Hall it B , Stantou ; J A Fia- y\i \ r , Gutlirir ) Center ; L S Doane , Scotia ; J E Hall , Ord , IlakoJIros , North Loup ; Trokcll it Beahn , Coitland. OMAlIiV WHOLRSAM3 MAUKT3TS Gcnornl Prixlnco. Tuesday , Jan. 25. tnij prlcci arc for ruutitl loti of j rjH/i/ccji / / MI/I/ / / j /i the iixtrhct tndiiThe ) / jyiiij/Jiltons / onfrnlttt represent the prices at which iiuMtlitHrilermtre filial. llUTTini The receipts aio not very heavy but the demand Is Inclined to bo slow. The bulk of the butter has been selling at 10@lSo for so long u lime that It is dilllcnlt to rafso the pilco while thu demand Is no heavier thin at the present time , at the same time a lew sales arc made as high as ltijE20c ) ( : Fancy country , 1020e ; clioleo country , 10f7 < ! l c ; sweet table- butter , 14@15c ; fair , 10@12Kc ; common , N lUe , Koos The egg maiket Is In very much the samn condition as it has been lor the past week. While the receipts are liberal , taking nil kinds of stock together , tlio receipts ol Mrictly fresh eggs nro light. There are a gco.l many so railed fiesli n 'gs sold at 23 ® 2-le , but strictly tiosh and bright stock that has been recandled at the commission houses Is bringing 'J5c. CIIKESI : Full cream Cheddars , single , 14e ; lull cream lints , twins , lie ; Vouuc Ameri cas. 14e ; fancy Swiss , 15@lOc : Imported Swiss , 25c : Llmburgor , Ito ; brick , i4 r3l5c. 1'oi'i.Titv Poultry Is not bringini ; iiulto as good prices as a week ago. The market Is glutted with tmkeys nnd Ihcro Is very little sale for them at any price ; 8e Is about the outside for ibo best stock while a gnat deal of it Is selling for 7o. Chickens nro In taU demand at HO for the choicest stock whlln good stock Is selling as low as 7e. Gceao and ducks hell at SQ'Jc. ( l.vjtK The market is overstocked with 6inr.ll rabbits. Jnck rabbits are also In icculpt but abide from that there Is very little game coming in. 1'ralrio chtckens , miall and venison are out of season and It is con- truiy to the law for dealers to handle them , The law has never been verv strictly en forced. anil n good many dealers handle them alter they nro out of season : Ducks , Mallard , per do81.75(23.00 ( ; ducks , Teal , S1.2.W1.50 ; ducks , mixed , 81.115 ; geese , S2.W , < ' i3.00 : Brants. S2.00 ; Jack raoblts S3.00'smalt ; rabbits , MXSCOc. I'orA'roua There are no now features In thu market. The trade is limited almost en tirely to the sale of small lots trom the store. Cnoico stock trom store , small lots 00 © 05c. 05c.VnoETAHLES VnoETAHLES Brets , carrots , parsnips and turnips arc quoted at 0c. Hoibc-radi&h roots S4.00 ( < ! 14.0 per bbl. The appln market Is firm and stocks on hand are light ; Cholco Missouri stock per bbl. S3.75ii.00j Choice Michigan stock IH > Ibbl. . S4.00 , ONIONS Home grown stock , per bu. 81.00 01.40. CKI.EHYCholco stock , per do * . 40y45c. LKMONS A car of Messina lemons arrived this week In goodaliape ; Messina per box , 5.00 , Ou.VNQKS Valencia oreangcs have arrived In the market : Valencia per case , 87.25 ; do , 3 to 5 cases , 57.00 ; Santa Anna oranges per ORANitKnniBS Oapo Cod , fancy , per bbl , 812.00 ; bell mid bugle , per bbl , 810.00 ; Bell and Cherry. SH.75. BEAXS Inferior stoclr , 75(331.00 ( ; good clean country. Sl.TOi.jl.25 ; medium , liana picked , ; baud picked navy , 1.00 & 1.GO , cans , 7V ! lard , 3 Ib cans 7'tfe. Ov tr.ns Medium ? , 20c ; standards , _ v. selects , 30 ; extra select ? , 35c ; N. Y. counts , 40e. Groocr * * Iilot. rtcKi.r.o Medium. In bbls. Sfl.OO ; do , In half bbls , S3.50 ; small. In bbls , 87.00 ; do , In lialf buls.S4.00 ; oghrklns , In bbls. S8.00 ; do , In half bbls , 81.50. CANNT.D ( toois 0ystcrsstandardpcr case , S3.lf > crrs.2. ; : > : strawbeirles , 2 Ib. per caso. Si20 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , S2.vo ; California pears , per cafe , S4..VJ ; apricots , per casj ; S4.00 : peaches , PPr Cfvse , S5.1H ) ; whlto cher ries , per can1 , S < " ' .00 ; plums , per case , S3.i > > . blueberries porcase , Sl.M ; utx plums. 2 Ib per case , S2..W : plneapplns , 2 Ib , per case P3.20i < f3.75 ; t Ib nibJkeroi. per doSI. . 10 ; 1 Ib salmon , pci do ; , S1.WJ1..V ( > ; 2 Ib goose , benlt's , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per ca e , SI.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per ca e , SI.00 ; Dnir.t ) Fnt'tT-N'o.1 quarter'apple' , . . . , Cc ; In evaporated boxes. I2i@l3e ; blackberries - berries , boxes. 10 i@llc ; peaches , Salt Lake , 1SN ) , 100110)40 ; pcachps , evaporated. iriisc : 17c raspberries , new SJc " ' ; , ; currents , "OviJi'Ji prunes , new. OV'WsC. Sl > oAIM Powdered. 0'sM7c ; cut loaf. ; prime . 15' (31Ce ( ; choice , KKriir-He - ; fancy gieen and yellow. 10dji7c ; old cov- eminent Java , SOfrrJOc ; Intel lor .lava , Ki fJJ ) 2 < ) c ; Mocha , 22n'Mc ( : Arlmcklo's roasted ; ; McLaiinlilin's AXXX roasted , 20lc ; north's,23'ao ' ; Rod ( _ 'io n , 20 , c. . -A1CIIK3 IVrcaddlo. 2bi ; sntiaro cases , 51.70 : muli'siinare. 81.2U No. 70 , 4-gallon krgx , 81.20 < $1.2r Now Orleans iierirallon "S/Mfio ! maple syrtit ) , half libla , "old time , " per gallon , 7i)0 ) l pal- Ion cans , per doz , S10.00 ; halt gallon cans. per do/ , S.'i.W ; quail cans S".0v ; . Mirror U\AS \ * . 1 Ib , Oc ; mirror 3 Ib , fiVc ; mliror gloss , oib , < . /a , Graves corn , ub.G c ; Klngslord's corn , I In , , . closs , fi Ib. 7 c , Kluesrord's pure , 31b , Klncsforda . ( JAxnv MiM-il. u llVo : stick. S' i CHACKKIW ( iariieau'a soila , butter ami picnic. S' c ; creams , a sc ; Ringer snaps , btc ; city soda , 7X. tioAi-s Kirk's savon imperial , S2.70 : Kirk a satinet. Sa.OO ; Kirk s standard , SU : ) > ; Kirk'H whlto Kiisslan , S4. 00 ; Kirk's wblte- cap , SC.W ) ; ilome , S3.S5 ; washboard , S .10 ; white cloud. S3. 75. General Mnrir.Gt * . HIDES ( Jrecu butcher * . .VflyGe ; crccn cured. : c : drv flint. lir U'c ; dry salt. IXiflOc ; rjiien c.tlC skins , ' .ifijii' o ; damaged hliles , twotldida price. Tiillow 'JJfc. Grease Pnmo whlto , 3 < < ; yellow , 2l.fc ; brown , ! / Jsheei ) Pelts , 25 < si7Ac. \AUXISIIIS : llairots , per gallon : j-iirnl- ture. extra , 31.10 ; furnlturi' . No. 1. Sl.OO ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. l , S1.30 : Da- mar , extra , 51.75 ; Jnpau , 70c ; asplialtum , extra We : shellac , 53.60 ; hard oil linish , § 150 FLOUR AND Jliu.sTUFrs Winter wheat flour , best iilinllty natuiit , S'J.75 ; bucontl iiual- Itv , S'J.aVd'J.M ) : best qtialltv sprinc wheat flour , patent. SU-TOQiiO ; \ \ \ J. NVelshan's buckwheat flour , per bbl , SC..OO ; do. double sacks , Sii.00 per bundled ; \\r. J. welshnn's cwt ; white corn meal. UOcOSl.OO ; yellow corn meal , NKgWc per cwt ; screeninir. 50f(675c per cwt ; hominy , SI.50 : shoits , 7oc per cwt ; graham , 81.75-hay : , in bales , S7.oOpertou. HEAVY llAitDWAitK iron , rate W.75 ; plow sti-elspccl.d cast JJcicruciblestcel.OKc ; cast tools , do. 12ijlbc ( ; wagon spokes , per set , S2.0Dij.50 ( : ; hubs , jcr set. S1.U5 : telloes. sawed dry. 81.50 ; tongues , each. 8Uc : nxcK. each. 75c : snuaio nuts , per Ib. Ole lc : coil chain , per Ib. 0' < il2c ; malleable , 7ji9c ( ; iron wedces , Cc ; crowbais , fie ; harrow teeth , 4'sc , spring steel , 704'Jc ; Burden's horse shoe * . 54.CO ; Burden's mule shoes. 35.50. Darbrtl wire. In car lots , S4.03 per 100 Ihs. Nails , rates , 10 to 60 , 8V 0 : steel nails. S2.UO. Shot , Sl.05 ; buckshot , 81.55 ; oriental powder , kegs , S3.50 ; do. half kegs , S2.00 ; do. quarter keis , 81.50 : blasting kegs , ' S2.a5 ; fuse , per 10 feet. G-ic. Lead bar , Sl i 1'Ai.VTs i.v OIL White lead. Omalia.r. P. , 7c- white lead. St. Louis , pure. S7.25 ; Mar seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2c ; Kronen zinc , creen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie : French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c : French zinc. 75c ; vermllllon , Enu'llsh , In oil , 75c ; red , lOc : rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- sou's , 2Jfc ; Venetian red. American. lVc ; red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , We ; ochre , rochelle , lie ; ochre. French , 2 fc : ochre , American , IKc ; Winter's mineral , 2 > p ; Lehlgh blown , 2 > < c ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; I'rinco's icineral , 3c. 3c.BPIJUT.S Colotrno spirits. 168 proof , 81.17 ; ' do 101 proof , Sl.'lS ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do Ibb proof. 51.10 Alcohol. 188 proor , 82.20 per wine trallon. Kedlstllled whiskies , S1.00@l.rx ) . Gin , blended. 81.50 ® ? .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00ao.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 52.00C < 40.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , Sl.Wi33.00. Brandies , Imported , 85.0008.50 ; domestic , S1.30Q3.00. Gins. Imported , S4..W QC.OO ; domestic , 81.25(33.00. ( Champacnes. Imported , ncr caso. S2S.OOQ3i.OO : ; American , per caso. SlO.OOtSlfl.W. , , Duv I'AINTS White lead , So ; I rcnch sine , " - whiting , Kllders , brown , 8e ; umber , hurnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4e sienna , burnt , 4c ; slonna , raw , 4e ; I'anc green , cenulno. 25o. 1'aris green , com mon , 22 ; cliromo green , N. Y. , 20c ; vcrmlllion American. l c ; inuian raw and burnt umber , 1 D > cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke brown , We ; relined - lined lampblack I3c : coach black and Ivory black , lOc ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultraiuarino black. 18c ; chrome irrecn.L. , M. &l ) . , iGc ; blind r.nd shutter green. L. . M. A I ) . , lOc ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , t'e ' ; Tuscan. 22c ; American verinllllou.j. . & 1) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. < k O. I ) . , liic ; good ochre. lOo : natcn dryer. So ; training color , light oaK , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nsh. 12c. OnuosANn ijHEsucAi.fl. Acid , carbolic , 32c ; aciit , fcirtarlc , 52C ; balsam copaiba , per fl > , fiOo ; bark sassafras , j > cr Hi , lOc ; calomel , per tt , 78c , chlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , per tt , * we ; Dover's powders , per n > , 81.25 ; epsom salts , per tt , a c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30e ; lead , acetate , per tt. 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per ghl. , 81.60c ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil ork'annum , 50c ; opium , $3.20 ; quinine , 1' . .fc W. and K. &S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium Iodide , per tt , Si.7.1 ; sallcln. perez , 40c ; sul- ohato morphine , per o5'3. . < i5 ; sulphur , per & > ,4c ; btrychnliifl. oernz , Sl.'Jf ) . Frits AND &KINS The following prices are for prime , well handled skins ; Beaver , prime , clean per pound , S1.50@U.oo ; fall.Sl.2 , ' ) < § . % .00 ; meaty aim interior. Sl.00@t.25. Bear , brown and grizzly , 85.0 ( ) < iS.OO ; eubs mid yearllnu's , S3.oVrf4.00. BadKer. fiOJ ( < OOc. Cat , SlO.OC'fiJ ' 10.00. Flhher. Si.OOC' < 0.00. OtterS4.00 00,00. Martin , 81.00(21.75. ( Muskrat , win ter , large , luc ; fall , 5c ; Kitts , Ic. Mink , large , daik , Ii5@40c ; small and pale , 15@20c. Kac- coon , largo prime , 40ft.riOc ; small and Inffilor , 20 ( < T Oe. Skunk , common , 15@J5e. Wolf , largo ciey , Sl.0@2.50 ; coyotti or prairie , 75 ® lKc. Doer and antelope , 'winter ' , per pountl 15c ; fall and summer. pountl , 20c. Ory Liamoor. 11OA11II& . Conug. 1.5. 12 , Hand 10 ft $17.50 No.J l HandlSft 14.75 No.3 " isj 14 and 16 tt 13.50 Nat " " 12 Handle U.12.QQ IHMENHIONS AM' , L rKIM.Vn AND PARTITION. 1st com. , f in U'bjte l > lno Partition. . . .5S3.00 Ed Cora. in. Norway Tine CoIllnsM ; 11W KP * VCI NO No. 1 , 4&0lnclil3n'ndilft. , roujli. . . 517.05 Ko. 2 , i & Olncli , 13 unit 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00 . , . . STOCK IlOAUDa. . , . A 13 Inch. B.B. 4(10 ( . S31'-00 ' 1 13 inch " y i ) . . . . 2-1-50 No.1 , com. 13 lu. , s. ia , , 10. 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.00 No.3. . . 1S..V ) No.3 , " " ' 13 A 14 ft. . 17.00 " " " ' 10 ft . 10.00 No. l , plaln.8 and"iolnclur | ! . 517.50 No , 2 , plain , 8 and | 0 inch . . . . . . 15.0 l'o8Ts-\VhiteCedara ln.H . S 8 In. i /lC. 7tOpm : P:20 : am Lincoln K\press. . . . tSlo ; pm * Kvcopt Mnntliiy. tlXcepl Saturday. C. St. 1 . M. ifc ( ) . Depot 15th and Webster st. Sioux City Kxpress i pm 3:15 : am 'Bancroft Accommodation lO:3Jam : 5:45 : pm Except Sunday MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depot 15th nml Websterst. Day Express ( . .Mam 11:10 : am Night Kxprcss CiKim : ( ) | , ( ilii : pm Lincoln Kxpiess U50nin0lU ! _ ; pin UNION STOCK YAHDS Lea vo l.ea\u TUAINS. US YMs. Omaha Except Sunday. 0 :0' : ) am Trains leaving U. P. de * 7s : ( VT > am * 7:35am : pot in Omaha nt 10 : . ' * a. * s m. , 5:05 p. m , and 8-0 : p. ! > : . " ( > mil 10:00 : am m. , and the < o leaving * 10 :5lam : Union stock yards at 0:00 : ll : : t5am 2 : ( X ) pm i , m. and 10:51 : a. in. are : ; opm 305pm ; thromli passencer trains : : w pm 4or.pui : all othoisaio regular stork ' * . 'iiv : > pin yaids dummy trains be 0:15 : pm ri5pm : tween stock yards and rsjoopm Omaha. s :20pin : _ " " Leave" U. P. . Omaha. Except Sunday. I 7 : 12 am 10:3r : > am Connects with S. C. it * 8 15 am * 7:35am : P. nt Council Bluffs. 0 : 8:00 : am , iCouiierts I ) : : 12 um ' , iS.V : > am < } . - . * : . * N : . U' . , C.M.it10 : ! I7 am 10:00am : bt. P. , C. H. 1. A ; P. at :47 : am 11.10am Council Bluffs. :30 : pm * l:00pm : Connects with W. St. :37pm : 2:00 : tun L. .t P. at Council Bluffs. :37 : jun J2'JOpm : ( Connects wit hull evenIng - : : ! 7)im ) 3:00iini : Ing trains for Chicago nt :50pm : * 4:00pm : Council Bluffs. Trains :42 : pm r > : oopm leave Omaha at Union : lOpm fl:30pm : Pacific depot , 10th nnd :42 : pm | 0iOpm : Pierce streets. :50 : pm 7:00 : pm :47im : | 8:15 : pm :55 : pm CODNOIfj Leave Airivo CONNECTING LINES Transfer Tiansfer depot depot C. P. : * 7:1S : am itijin a m Except Sunday. ! ) : ir a m * r : z i\im \ tKxcept Monday. C:40pm : * 7:00pm : C. it N.V. \ . Ml trains run dally. . . . j nl5a ; m 0:15 : am 0:40 : p m 7:00pm : C. B. & Q. All 0:3. : a in 0:15 : am trains run dally. . . . ] 0:35 : p m 7:00pm : C. M. ifcSt. P. All trains run dally. . . . . j 0:15 : am fl:15am : 0:40 : p m 7 :00 : p m K. C. St , .1. , fr C. 1) ) . Except Saturday. 10:00 : a m OjWn m tKxcept Mondaj. # b:55i : > in 5:30 : p m AV. St. L. & P. I All trains run daily. . . . ] 200 ; pm 3:30pm : S. C. it P. All trains run daily. . . . . I 7:05 : a m 0:35 : am 0:25 : p m 8:50 : pm ESTERN RAILWAY. Council Bluffs And Chicago. Th only ro d to take for DCS Molnoa , Mnr- aballtovrn.roilnr Hnnlili , Clinton , Dlzlo , Chlca- fro. Milwaukee nnil all tiotnU oust. To the people ple of Ni'hnisk * . Colorixdo , WyomliiR , utnh , IilKho.Novndn , Orofron , Washlnifton nnrt Call- fornln , H offers aiiiioi lor aJvnntagoa not poajl- blo by any other line. Among'a few of tlio numerous points of m- perlorlty enjoyed by the pntrona of this rend uotwoon Omnhn and Clilnneo , are Its twotrnlms adayof DAY OOACIIKS which ore the flnoat thnt hurann art and Ingenuity can create. Its PALACK SLKKI'INO CAHSwjilcli are modoli of comfort and olotrnncn. Hi I'AKI/JIt DRAW. INO ROOM CAHS , un urpas oa by any , and 1U widely ( Mlnbratod PALATIAL WNINU CAMS , the equal of which cannot bn found elt whero. At Council IllutTs the ( ralni of the Union I'aol- flo By. connect In Union Depot with those of the CblcAtfo tt Horthweitorn Ity. In Chicago the trains of thle line make close connexion with those of all eastern llnnr. Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indlunapotfi , Cincin nati. Niagara Falls , nuffalo. I'lttaburtr , Toronto , MontreaT. Iloston. Now York , Philadelphia , Hal- tlmore , Washington and all ixsliits In tli east , ok the tlokotecnnt for tlcknm via the "NORTH W EBTKUN. " If you wish the ho t nocommodatlons. All tlrknt airnntii foil tlrknts r' thl lino. M.nuonrrr. _ r. . r. WILSON. General M nwr , Oonl. I'nss'r Afjent WM. 11AI1COCIC , ChloBg0 > IIIV/ll.nOIiLEfl , U WfbteniAirt City I'asj Af t . Hncdlker's method. Noopcrntloni No Pnlnt No Detention from builnens. Aduotcd to children nsHcll as crown people , llundreda of uutoitrnph tl monlub on Illo. All bimlnon utrlctly conildo tlal. CONSULTATION KHIIB. IMCOT. IV. I > . COOK , Hoom G 1511 DouKlim it- , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA JOBBERS'DIREGTORY Artists' Material , A. HOSPK , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Donitlas Btrset , Omaha. Agricultural Implements. CHURCH 11 * % PARK ER , Wbolctala Dealer lu Aarrlcnltnral Implcnients , Wafiroiia , and DuciMer. Jonei nrcct , tictwttu tilt ) ml lOth.OiiiHbu , Nut ) . LINING Ell iO METCA LV CO , , Agricnlttiral Inijilcmcnta , WnzoniCarrlarft' . llugglei , Kte , . W c , O-n h . LEE , FRIED < 0 CO , , Jobbers of Ilurdwnro and Nitils , Tinware , Phoot Iron , Klc. AKVOK tar IIow btilti , and -MUnil 1'owrtfrl u. Omutn.Neb. RECTOR ,0 W1LHELMY CO , , Wholesale Hardware. Westprn menu for Jeffcrion Heel N ll . Audio JOKderCo , rulrtiank Mundard K-ak-i. Corner lOlli and Ilarner. CJtaahai PARLiyOlENDOItl\JMARTIN Wholesale Denlem In Affritulttirul Jinpleiueiits , ( Vogon unJ UUKglet. UC1.1O3M and.VUT , Jonei it OMIHI JOBBERS'DIREQTOnY Mutter and Eggs- yn o scintoEnEit , Huyers of Untter nnit KKZS. RtfrUerMor unrt PutVIrn lloujp , llth unJ l.earen- wort lift. , r. 1u. . U. True * , Otr.nhn. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Builder3'Hnrdwnro& Sen loHoimir Shop Mechanic : ' Tools and nnflslo Scale * . UOi $ U , Omaha , Net. floors and Shoes , ly JfAyfT SHOE coMPAyv. Mnnufacturemntiil Wliolcs.ileDo.ilcrs In Koots nnd Sliocs , ComrlJ-tc f took of llnhlu-r ( looils nlwurn on h n < t . S. 13thst.l > mnlin , Neb. A.T. Auttlii , Atcnu H * . r. MOUSE o co. Jobbers of Hoots nml Shoes. lilt rarnam t. , Onmhn , Nrh. Manufactory , tiummot meet , llo'ton. 'S. . T. LINDSEY < l ! CO. p Itulibor Ho < ) N mil Shoo * . Hub aadOllad Clot hlnu and fell llooti , South I'nMCornor llth mid IKniiiliu. Beer. M. Jf EATING , Apt. for Anhensor-Hitsh llrowiiipf Ass'n fpcclnl llrand * . VnuM. lhulrtp | cr nml STORX .0 ILEK , Lniror Jloor Hrowerg , 1M1 North l tb Street , Omiln , Noh. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELL Kit , llittclipvs' Tools and Sniiplics , OifliiRj of nil klniN nlwnyglii ntuck. 1215 Juiicrpt , omnlii Building Material. co. , Dealer In All Kinds of .Building1 Material at Wholesale. l < ! th street nncl Union 1'nclllo Track , Omiilm. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE 11ROS. P CO. , Omaha Cofleo untl Spice Mills. Tca .Coffee.qnlcev linking 1'omlor. Klivorlnz Es trada , Laundry lllno , Ink , Ktr. 1111 10 llurpoy Btrcct , Oumua , .Nob. GATKS , COLE .I1 MILKS , Homo roffeonnd Spice Mills M'f'p Co. CntTeoRoislerannd Pplculrlnilcr , Slnmifarlun-rs of llnklnii Powder , rlivortnt : llxirnrK lltulnir. Kt < - . Try ono < > or o ir l-n > pnrkneii Homo Hlond llonMcd OotTeo , liUj Howard st , Om'ibu ' , Ni'b. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponctcr , 1'rop. Manufacturer of RalTanltnl Iron nnd Cornice. 025 Dodge and 103 and 105 N , lUtli St. . Omnhu , Nob. RUEMPJNG tO HOLTE , MannfncturGra of Orninncntul Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , I'lna's. ' JlctnlleSkyllnlit.ctc. 3108. I''tli t. , Omnlm. WESTERN' CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. OalmnUcil Iron Oornlco , cle. Kiieit'n Improved Pat ent Mrtullc Skyll lit. KB utid 610 H. IJtli M.innhn. Carpets. OMAlIA CAItItET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. Knars Linoleum * , .Vnttlnirs. Rtc. 1511 Dmit'ns nln'i't. Wliolcsalo Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtula Gnodv Etc. 1123 Kurnaui htrcct , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRK1JIT , Agent for the Munufncturcrn and Import ere of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , CLImucjB , cte. nmec , 317 Bouth 13th ot. Omiina. Null. Commission and Storage. Commission and .lobbing. Hnttcr , KKBBnnil 1'rortucc. Conilm.iDcniB rollclted. Iluatlqunrterii for btoncwnrc , llorry Iloii'n und ( irniiu lliiBkcte. 1(14 Dodncntrcut , Uiunlm , P'EYCKE IiROS7 Commission Jfcrchants. Fruits , Produce nnil rrovlilons. Onmliu , Neb. W. E. RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties flutter. KZRI , Checde , Poiiltry. flnmo , OjBtcrs , Etc. , lite , msoutli 14tb Btreet. WIEDEMANA CO. , Prodnco Coniinission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , ( 'nnic. Kiulti , etc. 220 B. llthlt. Oinnlin. Nt'b , Coal ana" Lime. PrWiLESTOXE it > CO. , Dealers In Hard and. Soft Coal , Odcoand yard , nnd Nlchulas am. , Onmlm , Nob. VarrtTelenliono , cci. QKO. Y. LAIIAOII , Pros. C. r. OOOMMAN , V. Pre . J , A. hUMiiiANI ! ) , bee , mid Treun. OMAHA COAL , COKE cC LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 803 South Thirteenth Street , Omnha , Nob. j. , r. joirysoy < o co. , Mannfiicturcra of Illinois WliitoLlmc. And hlppcrtt of Coal and Coke. Coniunt , Plnntfr , IJino , llHlr , Klru Ilrlck , Druln. Tllo and buwerPlpu. ( )0lr ) . Patton Hotel. Knrnum ( t. , Omtlia , Nt > b. Telephonu hll. Confectionery. ' " " \ FAY' & co. , Mannfactnrlng : Confectionern , Jobber ! of Kinlti.NuU and Clean. Ull hnraum St. Omaha. Cigars and Tobacco. XMEYEll < K CO. , Jobbers of Cipars , Tobacco , Quni mid Aniratinltlon , 21i to 233 B. llth Bt. , 1020 to Itf.'i Knrimm t.Om U , Net > . WEST C FinTSCJIEIt , iranufacturcrs of Fine ClirarH , And Wliolcenlo IK-nlcr ID Leaf Tobaccos , NoilC3 and 110 N. 1 th ttrti't , Hmabu , JIOUSER ,0 WOODLAND , \Vholi > aln Dealer * In Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers Artlclot. A enttfor I ) . Leiden Jurf & Do. , Kino-Out and Hmok ngTobaco-H , MllwniUea. WUconiln. No.Ill c = ] NortUSIxtoaatbStriat , Omtbn , Neb. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH .0 CO , , Dry Goods , FiirniBliiiitfGooilH < fe Notions lltCnnrt 1104 Douulai , cor. llth St.OmnhuNob. Distillers. Distillers of I.Inmim.Alcnhnl nml Pplrlti. Importers and JolibcrnofVlm' uml l.lguon. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'Y CO. anil JLKR i ) CO. , Jmportern and Jobbertof Kino Wlnei and Uqnors. bolo niuimr oturti u ( Kcnnedf'h K n India lilt- tertcnd Domci'lo ilqunn. III ! llarney fct. Drain Tile , Etc , A. II.BArEll.Pr'f J-W . It. J.UAHSON. V.I'iei.itndKupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC JUtAJN TTLK CO. , Office 113 F. llth it. . Ouiulm. Neb Machinery and buppllo for Manufacturing Cement Drain 'I furniture. DEWUY STONE , Wholesale Doiilcis In Funiitnrc. Kurntm tt. Oinolia , Neb. CHARLES SHIl'ERWK , Furniture , liodding1 , Upliolstery , Mlrriri , tc. 1300,1203 and 1210 Karuara it. , Omtba. OMMJ00BERSDIRECTORY Groceries , PAXTOX- , GALLAGHER P CO. , Wholesale Grocorlpg nnd I'rovlslonB , 0 * . 70i. 7(17. ( apiiiiiirns. 10th St. Omnhii..Vcb. McCOltl ) , JUtADY cC CO , , Wholesale Grocers , 13tti Hardware. w. , r. Heavy Hnrihvnrc , Iron nnd Steel , Sprints , Wniron Ftpck , ll/mlrrnro / l.nmbor , etc. IWf ' 'll llarner M. . Gjnnoy AVIiolesnlo Iron nnd Stool , , . ' i ni Klf. mluiii l.c-vvrnwurtli tt. , Oninhn , Ntb. in soys , Stoves , Uaitcres , Furnaces , Tiles , Uaullci , Onttci , llratMoo ; < l , 131 nnd 1333 Mnvt. Iron Works. Iron Works , rroiiRhl nnil Cntt Iron lliilMlnr Wort , Iron Ft , ItnllliiR. Hcnm § nnil ( Union , Stoum Kniilnr * . llrnn Wdtk , lihtu-ral IToiinilr.r , .Mnchlno nniMllirkimlth \fntt. Ufflco unJWotkii , t ) . r. Ity HinlUtuMinuU I1. It. MrMAja'S. o St'l.MVAX. OMAHA WIRE , ( TUON WORKS , Jlnnurnctiirer * of Wire nnd Iron Hailin-js , Desk Rails , Wlnilow ( ! unr l . l'lo or Stnntlii , Wire Pl n ICto. Ill .V. lull. tnlcr ) by mull promptly uttcnjnl | j > . Lumber. LOUIS liltADFOltD , Donlci * lit IiUinber , Lntli , Limp , Sasli , Doors , lite. Ynnli CornrrTIn nnil Douxlnst Cornet Otti nml Douelns. i CHICAGO LUMHElt CO. , Wliolcsalo Iitimbor , 811 8.lltliftrcol.OmnhaNrli , r.Colpclxr , MnnAtor. c. y. y.Lumber. Lumber. 13lh nn < l rnltrornln bltpptn , Ornnlin , Nob. FRKD W. GRA Y , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Cth nnd Hanging it > . , Oiniilni. HOAGLAND. Lnmbcr. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , p t\l \ To Dealers Only. Offlco , KM Knrnam Mroct , Om li . CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrpctt and raranct Flooring. 5th nnd DoaglM Onmlm. A. WAKEVIELD , AVholcsulo Lumber , Ktc. InipnrlPil nnd American I'ortlanil Ccrarnt. Pint * Agent forllllwHiikiH ) llfdiniillc t'cmout Bad Boil ( julncr while 1,1 inc. Live Stock. NSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omulia. I.hnltoil. John K. llord , 8'iporlntcBdBnt. Live Stock Commission. M. HURKK ,0 SONS , Live Stock Commission. _ floo. llurko , MannKC-r Dnlon Ptoch Yard" , H. Omnlin. 1'olephone M ? . SAVAGE , D GREEy , Live Stock CommiHsion Jlcrchants , BhlpmcnU of any nnd nil klmlu of .Slock solicited. Uulon iStoc * Vnrdn. Omnhn , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. Importcm nnd Jolilicrn of Millinery nnd Notions , 1213 and 1315 Hnrncy St.uct , Omahn , Nab. Hotions. C. S. GOODRICH ,0 CO. , Are tlio only Direct Importer * of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Gooda In Kcbniskn. rhlcngo prices Oupllrntod without Hdd K frelKht. HISKnrniiniMrcvt.Omnhi. j. T. jtonrysoy NOTION vo.t Wholesale nenlcrn In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 4m and 405 H. Tenth .St. , Dninha. VINYARD < Vi SCHNEIDER , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and ( icntH * Furnishing ; ( foods. nd 1008 Fnrrmm nt. , Omnha , Nob. Overalls. ' ' C ANFIELD 'MANm sr * * COMPANY , t ri ( Jfamtfactitrors of Overalls,1 , n Jonns rnnt , Hlilrta , Ktc. 1102and 1101 Uoujlaa Street , , \ Ouiiilni , Nelj. , ' Paper Boxes , L L. WILKIE , Mnnufnrturor of I'nimr Boxes , B.lltliHt. . UinntiH , NobniHka. Orrton br m lloltudand will receive prompt attention. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANYt Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Hook Hinders. 101 and lOri Houth Kourt enU Blrect. Oraaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In T/pe. I rfs nnd I'rlntcri'Supplloa. 608 onlliTwelflhStroet. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , AVhoIofialft Pitmiis , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamtmd VViitrr Hunplica. lleadijunrtera fur Mu | roD tCo' Uuo'U , 1111 r nmrn ui. , Omaha. Neb , A.L. STRANG CO , , Pumps , Pipes nnd Knprlnea , Btonta. Water , Ilalltvay end Mllllnit Hupnlles. Et4 1IJU , VT.'ar.O U21 Kurnniii et.Oin4liM , Nub , U , S , WIND" ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. Uillndny Wind Mlllii rleem and Water RiippllOf. iubnuOordi , lleltlni ; . Iloi. VH und ITO l r > unuitt. , Umnlm. H K. Kellnii , Tululilunie No , 2IU. Safes , Etc. J' . JWYER , ( ! CO. , for Hall's Sufo & Lock Co.s' Fire nnd llnni'ar Proof H.ifoi , Tlml Ixirki , Vault * nud Jail Worn. 1WI Knrnam str t Omalm , NeU. G.ANDREEN , Omaha Kafo Works. Mannfarlururxif Urumul llurnlir I'coof Sutm , Voult IJoun.J'll Work.hliutu-it und Wlru Work. Cur. iltli and JiicHoiiHU.Oronha , N b , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. Disnttow < e co , , Wlioleialu Mmiufncturcriot Hnsli , Doors , Ulinds nnd Mouldliir/a , llianchoSifo.lZUifciid lurt MI. , G. 1 < \ LYMAN , Hasli , Duor , Dlimlx , Houldliiffg , Uulldlnir 1'iper , etc. llfll hiiuth Thlrtrcnlh Hlreil. Oiuuliu , Nub , A coiuplrtu ttocUut Uulldeik' lluntwiiii' ItOILV MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blindt , lr Worlilind Intrrlnr Kuril Wood hi a I ill JuH , N. K. cor. 6lli uid l.uaveuwoitUgl * . OuiMlia. .NtU. Wagons and Carriage * . A. J. SIMPSON , The LemliiKytiurrliitfo Factory , ( IidrAHI.niur. : IM. ) ' HIH and 1(11 Uudy * meet , Ou ba.