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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1887)
1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY , JANUARY 13 , 1887. DEATH OF LORD 1DDESLEIGII England's ' Late Secretary Tor Foreign Affairs Suddenly Stricken Down , HIS END CAUSED BY WORRY. A Sensation Produced Throughout London Various rrcnch Coin- in'MitH on HIsuiarck'H Spcocli In tlie Kclctistnj ; . Dontli rollovvi Dononitlon. \fownloM \ ltt by Jamt * tinntnn lltnnrll. ] Losno.N , .Jan. 17. [ New Yoik Herald Cable-Special to the Hi K. ] At the club breakfasts to day Hlsmarck and Von Moltko were the sole topics. Atthoclubdlnncrsthls evening tlio id convoke ran only upon Lord Iddeslelgh. llo died of sjneopo of Iho rlardlac region , says the medical bulletin , around which on Immense crowd Is gathered in Downing sticct. Ho died , siy the vvNo iiiciiotthoCarllon club , of "worry. " Ills lihjslclan , Dr. Granvllle , said this evening that what Is oflcn called apoplcxj' , or con gestion 01 heart disease Is nothing but vvoiry , nnd "worry" was the true word to bu used for tlie cause of tlie death of so maiiv brain workers , t ins TO I'r.r.nvor. A jear ago last Julj SlrbttlToid Northcoto icluctantly entered the pf crago. Lahouchcro paid at the time In Truth : "lie was kicked njstairs" The elevation did not really rnnoblo him for his baronetcy dated from Kill nnd Ids lirst traced ancestor died In 1103. When he was made foreign secretary last nutumn hecamolnto friction in tlio cabinet with I.old Kniicloluh Churchill Just as he had licen In friction with him , ns Is well known , In the commons. Lord Salisbury practically turned Lord Idduslclgh out last neck and took the foreign olllco himself. Some news- jnpcrs have spoken unkindly about tlnsu dllTcrcnccs within the past few dajs. ins HO.N'H STA.IIMIM. : Only two dajsaco his sou , vv ho will now micceed as the second eail , sent to the dally papers this card , vv hlch Is peculiarly Interest ing under to-day's ovcut : "Allowmo to contradict In jour inner as to the health of Lord Iddleslcigh. It Is not true that my father vvaslll and dejected when In Devonshire last week. Ho has not suf fered from tlio ardotis work of the foreign olllco and ho is not about slxty-nlno years uf age. It has been the universal opinion of Ids family , friends nnd medical advisers that Iho Inteiestlng duties on which ho has been engaged for the last few mouths hnvo had a cncllclal effect on his health , and that ho Is nctually better and stionger at the present tlmo than ho has been Mnco ho loft the house of commons , Your obedient servant , ST. Cvnr.s. " This card was much commented upon be cause Hurke's "Ptuiage" showed the earl tel l > o In tils sixtj-ninth j car , and the statement of his ago In the caul was thought deslgnous nnd tending to discredit the rest. HIS LAST woitic. .j It Is said that this moinlng the call was K I preatly agitated when leading the e\cltlng v speeches of Uismaick and Von Mollke. llo wasan old-school tory , sympathising with France , not Gcimany , Hespent ashoittlmo proparlng notes for his aftemoon speech at the Mansion house , vvhcro ho vvas to meet thn Prince of Wales and drlveis peers about thn Imperial jubilee Institute. Thou ho vis ited his late olllco and conversed with his mulct secrctarj' . Mi. Stanley was In waiting thcio to meet him about Iho African trip. Ho appointed to sco 3 tr. Staulej at 0 , because ho was due at the Jilnnsloii house. Ho ciossed the street to call on Lord Sillsbury and bid him an olli- t-Ial farowLll. While waiting toboannounced ] io died in an arm chair , within twenty min utes alter leaving his old ollico and without i chaining consciousness. ins Dii.vTii cAvsr.s A nvs.vno\ . No death since the Plm'iilx park assassl- iiatlon of Lord Fiedorick Cavendish has caused such a sensition throughout the city , dust at the Mansion house meeting was won- doling vvhero Lord Iddeslelgh could be , the general Inquliy vvas answered bj' a tcleiriim to the Pilncoot Wales , who was deeply af fected. A telegram fiom llawarden icports that Mr. Gladstone Is much shocked by the man ner of I-oid Iddcsluigh's death and by the Btrnnuo political mattci s surioumling It. "blrbtaftord" enteied on his political circer ns pilvato secretary to Mi. Gladstone , whom on two occasions ho defended by personal pamphlets Although they had drifted npait politically they weio warm personal irlonds. There will bo no Inquest. It Is expected the funeral will bo largely attended. Ttio late peer will bo burled In the family \ault but parliament will vote him a statue in "Weslmiiibter abbey. ' P1SCUSS1NO niSM/vKCK'H / SIM3KOU Various ConiniontH ol' the Ki-oncli i'resH on tlio Dcclni-atlon. IComiluMSS7 by Jninat fionlon Ittnnett. ' ] PAKIS , ( via H.ivro ) Jan. 13. fNew York Ilciald Cable Special to the Uii.l : : AH the evening papeis devote an entire lin > t pigo to IHsmarck's now famous speech and , with tlio solo exception of tlio Itoiiajnrtlst 1'nys , all praise thu uiiconventlonal fiank- uessoL thu chaiKelloi's speech , and icgaul it as a piesagoof peace fet at least the iear IbST. Titn ei-nrcit AI-I-I Airnri ) . , Tno modeiato republican T nips bays : "Thu Machiavellian adage , that speech was given to man that ho might conceal his thoughts , nevei found favor with PiInco lilsmaick. Ho nlwajs stales the truth frankly and biutallj * . Taken In this t-unse his speech In the relch- Mag will bu received IhioughoutKuinpo as an earnest of peace. Prince Uismaick recog- nUed the fact that France does not dioam at the piesent moment of attacking Germany , nor does Gunnany Intend to attack Fiance. Ptlnco lilsmatck's speech has cltaicd the atmosphere and lemovcd the gen eral uneasiness. " t NO TEAU rnovi oi.itMxv. . The Oppoitunlst Pails . ' - ' b.ijsi'llnco : 1Mb- maick's declaration that neither Gcimany nor Franco wishes to srok a quarrel with each other forces us to bellovo there is no danger In this quaiter , but the real danger lies In thooilont , wheioit will bomo tdllU- cult for Get many much longer to maintain fileiully relations with both llubsla and Austria , As to Lnghind and Italy , Instead of leganllngllii'iu as possible allies Prluco Dlsimuek icfiiscs oven to notice them. They don't come Into his calculations , and little niatteih It to him what they maj think about Ids policj- . What a slap fet the Germans of London. What a suvcio blow for the lib- m.mkors of Homo. " . 1IIIUIAI.1Y rif\NK , Tlio republican France > ijs : "Piliien His- maick pionoiinced jcstcrday onci of the most important apoechcb hu ever made. Never before - fore has ho evinced moro vlgoiousthought nor moro powerful lo lo and pitiless jiru- cUIon , and thu brutal frankness that alwaj s cliuractcri/es his oloinienit ) never shone moro brilliantly , llo moieover provided us v with on argument that soon wo shall be able to turn to oui own proht. Ho declares that It was woith ( K'riimnj'b while to have usas allies , nnd that a similar military bill would not bo tefuswl by the French clumber. Wo bhall recall these wordsvvhen our military ro- orsauUmlou bill comes up for disposition , " ACCCltAli : AMI br.NSIIJI.K. The republican National SAJS : "A wlso frauU Is better than a doubttul trlend. Prince UUuiarolc has come out frankly , and his \ luw s on the domestic alTafrs of Franco -nud iliclr chances of vvarqr peace are perfectly accurate and sensible. Ttlnco Hlsmarck U tlcht when ho says the majority of Frenchmen do not want wan llo Is al orlcht In siyini ; a ministry tnUlit como Injo power In Franco that in a rash moment would nro- clpltitc a conflict , for Franco is becoming Amcricani7cd. and the direction of uffalrs mlL'ht come Into the hands of Individuals without scruple , who , to conceal their squan dering of public money , would hoist the bacrcd Hag of tevanche. " A VIOI.KST ItAlUVOtT. The Honapartlst Pajs sivs : . "Princo Hls- marck predicts war , for , although he declares ho will not attack us , ho nevertheless alludes to certain clnnges In the power of France In which war would bo the only safety valve. After the chancellor's violent haraiiRtio wo sh-ill bo mistaken If ho does not Inteifcre be fore long In our domestic concerns by means of his famous moral pressure. " HP. TI'I.I.S 1 HK Tllt'TU. The radical Nation ajs : "Hlsmarck Is an orator \vho alvvajs tells the truth. For many jcais holias been the diplomatic cassaudta of Htiiopc. Today ho declares for peace simply because It Is Iho supreme will of his Imperial master not to compromise his laurels by a new sliugitlc during the remaining months or j ears ot his life. " THI. JUAI. nANcinij. The royalist and Catholic Universe sajs : "Ptlnce Hlsmaiek justly points out that the real danger Is the Instability of the French government. Foi this only the republican government Is to blame : " WEIOII ins \vonit > , The Orleanlst Francals sajs : "Tho Ger man clnnecllor has spoken , nud after all who Is ( hero In Kuropc that can guarantee that war shall not break out to-morrow or In a week or month'.1 Kvery Frenchman should weigh every word utteredJLiy the chancellor. llo draw s a picture of the spoliations to which Germany would bo subjected If Fiance should Piovolctorlotis In Ib'JO ' tlio resurrection of Hanover and Holland and the loss of every thing to the banks of Iho liliine. " KIIP : iitK nirt is : in : VDY. The conseivatlvc Llberto sr.js : "Princo IHsmarck's utteiances meau for the moment peace , or rather a prolonging ol the aimed truce. Wo must keep our titles ready In hand , but must not lire them , " A Ijiinntlo'H Hallucination. Ifopjuil / / /SS7 / bu Juwc * Ooiilon Itcnnrlt. ] HKIII.IV , ' Jan. VJ. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Sped il to the HEII.J llaully a month pisses without some lunatic trjing to force Ills way Into the kaiser's palace. It Is not always the same lunitlc , for each tlmo thu disturber Is aricsted , Hut nearly all the cranks In question have hitherto had a strange family likeness and have acted moro or less In the same fashion. A worklngman w ho vv as arrested a couple of day s ago marked a now departure. Ho might bo described as a Dllssful Hulgaroinanlac. A policeman grabbed him as ho was trying to smuggle himself Into the hall ot the palace. On his being examined at the police station tlio prisoner remonstrated with his captors. "You must let me go , " he said. "I have been appointed piluco of Hulgarla by an angel with glittering robes. The angel said : 'Get thee unto the German kaiser , thoti fouith godhead , ( vlcrte gotthelt ) , and tell him thy name Is Augustus , prince of Hulgarla. Jov and glailncss shalt thou bring unto the world because thou has power to banish poverty' . " Having delivered himself of the icmark- able statement the prisoner relapsed Into dlgnlticd silence till alter supper , when ho became upioarous and was looked up lor the night , llo has since been lemoved to an asylum. Possibly the excitement continu ing to day ovei the army bill and the mys terious allusions of Von Moltko and Ills- marck to Fiauco may beget ftesh lunacy pre tensions. _ Germany All Kxcltoincnt. rroj > i/ry/i ( / JSS7 bv James Gordon /f'nndl.l Hi.itux , Jan. t'J. CNow York Heiald Cable Special to the Hn : ] Tlio day has been ono ot the utmost intciest over the icichstae , the tiibunes of which were fairly crammed. Hoth Prince Hismarck and llorr Windtlioist spoke long and eloquently. The popular leeling Is with the goveiumont. Manj ask If the opposition Is willing tooto for from two to livej ears , why not for seven' . ' It Is believed that so many of the opposition feai to lose tholi seat if there Is a dissolution and new elections held that thej will vote the lull bill. _ _ TJ1I3 , JUClIj ! n IIUGATXA. 1'rcriarntions for tlio Great Jluco in liiitlsli AntcrH. . Lovnox. Jan. 11. I New Yoik Herald Cable ble- Special to the Hi.E.J A cable dispatch from New York to the Field , lespecting the ocean sweepstakes laces , sajs tliat the owner of Coionet has issued a challenge , nnd that jachts aio ready to join fn the race. This dispatch , notwithstanding that such particulars ol the iaco as jet known hero arc but scanty , excited great interest in the/ jacht clubs , although the jubilee race con tinues at tlio fore. 1 found Lord Alfred Pa ger , vlco commodoio of tholtoval Thames Yacht club , and owner ot the jachts , Alice ( ninety tons ) , the banta Cecilia Oil tons ) and the Maiia ( : :10 : tons ) couitcously willing to talk about the svv eotstakcs. He is a son of the great Wateiloo hero , the lust marquis of Anslesov , and Is himself a in the army , an ex-mombei of paillamont , and over since 1810 mitshal in the queen's household although seventy-six voais of oge. I saw him at his tesideiicc , No. M Queen Ann stieet , a blulf and heaity gentleman who seemed to bo about foitj-live. A conldor and drawing loom into which I pissed had the ceilings and walls fiescoed with ocean views , yachts and sporting Incidents. 7.0UI ) Ai.mnn's UVVDSIIAKK washeaitv , as ho said : "Let the Herald tell every Ameilcan j-achtsmin you have got to ( omoovei , but , joking aside , 1 am delighted lit the pioipect ol seeing homo Ameiican jachts ovei heio thN season. Tell them 1 , as v Ice commodore of the Thames 1 acht club , of which the mince of Wales Is com modore , promise them now an honorary membership ot tlio club. 1 will bo glad to beat full paiticulaiaas to the names of the yachts which are coming , etc. , so that 1 can personally arrange bomo festivities after they have got heio , " "The race that will suit them next best Is our channel race. Pri/es of course , they will win. Why it bhould not do to let them go back whipped , be-ildos there ere the Capo May and Hicntonrcct cups over hcio which thej must tiy to regain. I hope some , If not all , will enter foi our jublleo race , complete details of which , now that the Amei leans aio coming , shall verv shortly bo announced. " mi : coii \ r will , I believe , bo mound lieland , not as su.'gctted to the A/oics 01 to Gibraltar , be cause if It were to ellliei of these places the jacht's would not bo seen uftin- leaving until thulr retuin , whereas uioitnd Ireland they could bo signalled from many points. 1 can only add , tell them to como and wo will them as biothcrs.uot as strangers. Why American audKnsllshjachtman aid closer , I bcllevo that oven brothers. Did jou say the Dauntless is tomlng ? Why wo know her well as an old ocean racer. I don't ulvo jou my full vluws about the prospects ot the sweepstakes race , because I do not yet know the full pai- tkulars. " Secretary Grant , of the Hoyal Yacht squad ron at Cow es , sijs : "I have heard of tha Coronet's thallengo with giuat pleasure , I consider the race a most excellent and spoils- manlike idea ono that will give a stimulus to vacht-iaclng lu this countrv , which Is much needed. The owners of American j adits are Mire to meet vv 1th most cordial re ceptions at Cowesandat all othci yachting centprs they may visit. The Coronet herself , ovcrjouo thought wlio saw her hero last sea- Con , Is n firm seigolni ? schooner , As to her speed , we had no opportunity of Judging : iiOvertheloss she should h.xvo a good chance In the challenge race , hut 1 am afraid she would find our Solent course lather cramped. " 1 next called upon Captain Scovcll.sccretiry of the Hojal Thames vacht club , in Albe- marlo street , who hod his table covered with heaps of and checks. He said , with a plea ant musical brogue. "All I knovvjctH thatAinerlcan jachtiucn are comlnir on to the sweepstakes i.icc. Let me tell them that I , on behalf of thu members of thn Hoj-al Thames j acht club , look forvvaid with great pleasure to the proposed race. 1 promise them Ilir HKAiniKST OllhKTtNO. It was with the object of Inducing Ameri can and jaclits ot other nations to enter our jublleo ocean race that our committee offered Bitch a rlctt pri7c , albeit only half the monster sweepstake prize. I think cicdit Is duo to Mr. Hush and these who have already accepted Ills chal- Icnco for encaging In such an ocean race. It must do a deal of good In the luteicst ot jachtlni ! tioth hero nnd in America. Doubtless tlio live jachts may Increase to a dozen In all. " I then visited the club house of the Hoyal London Yacht club , In Silrloiow , which has a branch house at Covves. Mr. George W. Charlwood , the secret at y , said , smlllnirlv : "Speaking on behalf of the mcmbcis ot this club , 1 say to the owners of the Ooronot , Dauntless , and other yachts , como along ; wo shall give jou n thoroimh Lngllsh welcome. Personallv , I don't think American j-achts have much chance against our ciacks , unless tlioMajllovvcr , Puritan and Prlscilla come over. Hut thcso others otieht certainly to pick up some rich plums out of what 1 may call our Jublleo regatta. Wo shall feel honored If some of thorn enter for our annual logatta at Covves In the beginning ol August. OurCommotloie bli Geoigo Curtis Lampoon , the former owner of the schooner Mci.anda , and now the owner of a steam jacht of the same name , retains trom cruising In the Mcdltcnauean this week , so that by the end of the month i may bu able to tell jou all about Tim nm juniLnn r i7i\ This club may oiler a slmllai pilro to that offered by the Hoyal Thames. The nile for races around the coasts Is that the entries aroonly demanded foitj'-elglit house bcfoio the event , so that tlio American jachts In such i.aces will have plenty of scope lot en- teilng when they arrive. " Major Lwlug.ovvuorof the 230-ton schooner Giicndolluc , 1 found at his home , No. 95 , Gloucester place , Portmas sqtiaie. llo was busy with his luncheon , and while thus engaged ho said : "I , as a jaclitsman and a member of the sailing committee of the Hojal Thames jacht club , will extend to the American yachts n hearty welcome. 1 am sure they will bavo the bame greeting overywheie. I know the Dauntless and Sappho very well , but 1 am afiold they will , like my Gwendoline , bo outsailed by the crack English yachts. Still there will bo plenty of races In which they can compote and 1 think with a flir chaiiwo of success. Hut everything will depend upon the weather. I would very much like the Ameiican j-achts to enter for our jublleo laces , lei , after the boating they gave us last jear , it would bo only lair and spoitmanllko If wo beat them this. Above all , 1 should dearly HUe to seethe Majllowcr and Puiltan como over , but I suppose that won't be. " f sent a Herald card to Mi. Dlxon Kemp at his residence , No. 39 , Palace Garden 'IVrace , Kensington. Ho is a designer and j-acht owner and the yachting cditoi of the Field. Ho Is icgarded as an undoubted authorltj' In jacht racing In England , and Is also well I * mwilit A.morloa In hia on pacity as the deslgnei of Mr. Malcom Foibes' Lopvvlns and other yachts. llo said , " 1 also have 1'eard or the coiouet svv ecpstakes w 1th gieat pleasuic. 1 1 am smo the race and the pi esenco here of Ameiican yachts will ic.allj become acreat feituro of our jubilee regatta. Most ot our j-acht clubs have subscription lists foroxtia pn/o money open so tint the pri/cs this season will bo I'AU VIOIIi : VAI.L'AIILK than an j- jet given. I had a lettoi a few days ago from Mr. Tankcivillo Chombci- Ijne , In which ho sajs ho Is anxious to race his old Anovv a.aln. 1 am sine every jachts- inan in Kngland will oxcit himself to glvo our American * v Isitors a great welcome. He- sides there is no doubt municipal and other public bodies that will also tetc them , but wo can not pretend to get up such a display as was shown last vcar in Now York bay when the Galatea was there.slmply because London , unlike New Yoik , is so far lemovcd from the seaboard. 1 had lio.nd there was to bo be a steam j'achtr.iee across the Atlantic. Had that been so thoie would notliavo been the slightest iutciest taken hern about It , but an ocean iaco among American j-aclits uiiiici tlicirvvlilto spicading canvas sails arriving hero In Knglind will cause such genuine excitement thioughout the yachting world as has never bplorc ex isted. With all my heart 1 say to Ameiluan yachtsmen , como and wo will give jou a heart j Lndisli welcome. " The great mnjoiity of the best known j acht ow uers aio still liolid ly making out of town. The lew 1 saw who aio not = owell known in America simply ie echoed with de- llclit thu e.xpiessions of welcome above given. " Usi-lenH Mission. i : , Jan. 12 ' 1 ho mission of Xankoll to Tin key , it Is expected , will bo without result. Xankoll hoped to obtain assent - sent ot the pnito to his lesumptlon ot power In Hi'lgui.i , but Hit unlikely will hu gain ' 1 inkej'b siippoit , as It Is considered Impiac- tliablo that no bhould bu replaced in olllce in wow of the opposition to him ot the Hid- gtiritm atinyand people. CANADIAN V15XGIJANOC. An Innocent American Handed in Uritloli Columbia. OIIAVVA , Out. , Jan. 1'Hobeit ' Kvan Sproulo was hanged at Victoria , H. C , , to u.iy for the alleged murder of Thomas Keitlngs In Koatiumy , H. C. , Juno 1 , ibyj. Two ic- piiuveswcro gianted thu condemned man by thn government. Spionlu vvas hanged by oidorof the minlstot ol justice , who refused to iiitoitero , nlthoush nigcd 10 by thn major and some hvn hundred lesldonts of Victoiia , as well as by the societarj of stito 01 the United States and others who weio acquainted with tlio facts. Spioulo was an American clti/en , a natlvo of Weeks Mills , Maine. Papeis show Ing his innoLcnio bujond question had been hied jesteid.iy with the secretary ot state hero , and the biothei of the dead man , Frank Sproule , of Wteks Mills , Malno , hasiusttuctcd thn eou'i- sel hero to bring biilt acalnst the piov Incu of Hritish Columbia foi $ ' > uCOO damages In con- bi'queuco of the wronclnl execution ot his biother against tlio absolute eider of the su- ineino couit. Application was made befoio the siipieiiio couit lor the dbclmrgo of the pusoner , which was gianted. ThU ordei 10- cuhud no iittttitlou and the pusouer vvas ImiiL'ed. Failure. CIIICAOO , Jan , 12. The Chicago Diug and Chemical compauj confessed judgment this morning in the asgiesato of 578.000. The principal judgment Is lor $75,000 in laver of Georco Khrart , the New York bievver. The stole ot the company was closed by thu bherll ) this noon. All block with thu ex ception of three shaios is owned by W. T. Hones. I'lio company 1ms been In business heiu lor thu past Iho jears , but never made money , and during that lima Khrart has mndo several loans , which explains Ida beluga creditor. It was stated at the stoio to-day that the assets would inobably cqaal thu liabilities. Killed at a Crossing. \VisciiESTKRVa. , Jan. 13. Jame Miller , a farmer , and Abel Campbell , n laborer , vvInle crossing the track of the Haltluioru & Ohio railroad In a sleigh near Charleston , W. va. , this morning , weto struck by Uio south-bound train and blatantly killed. CA1NE DEFEND POLYCAJ1Y , The Mormon Delegate Opboscsthe Edmunds Bill and Upholds the Ohurch. QUOTATIONS FROM SCRIPTURE. Senator Mnnilcrson Introduces n Hill Artny JSrtircwents The Intor-State Commence 11111 In Doubt. DefetiOlnff ttic Mnrinon Ooctilne. WASHINGTON , < laii. 12. ISpcelal Tele gram to tlio Uhi : ] There was iitilto n strik ing scene In the IIOIHO to davjwhen Calno.tho .Mormon delegate In congress , defended Ills religion , his people , and denounced the Kd- nninils bill asatie.xcuso for the adventurers of I'tali to despoil the church niul Its mem- Dors. Mr. Cnlno Is a umn ofguodnppeiranee , nnd , like nil these the chinch Ins scut to Washington , of more than unusiul nblllty. llo Is not n polvgamlst himself , but stood up in the house to-day nnd dufriulud the prac- tlco of polygamy as a dlv ino rUht. Ills con duct \Vnshln \ clou 1ms been exemplary nud ho Ins won the icspect of everjonolth whom ho has been associated , both for his ability nnd his niauly qualities. Although ho Is perhaps the only man In Washington \\lio believes In the doc- tJlnes of the Mormon chuicli , ho novel hesitates to defend them In piivato erIn In public with the real of a fanatic nud with such skill as to sllenco the average debater. Ills speech to day w as a close pleco of reason ing , nud the seveicst critics expressed their admiration tor it. llo quoted scripture without limit and went so farastonbscrtthnt the Mormon church WHS the only ono In ex istence , except the Jewish , that was founded upon liteinl scriptural doctrines. During the speech , at times it seemed that Mr. Caluo would lose control of himself , but ho did not , although toward the clo < < o ho spoke with n great deal of fcelintr. The bill will un doubtedly pass , and Mi. Calnc , ns well as the Gentiles ol the tciritory , ibclio\o the church cannot sun I\e under It. It confiscates the pioperty , destiojs the oreanl/atlou and makes the piactices ol Moimonlsm prattl- cally impossible. inn TitAriE HOT. ! . MI. Tlio house coinage commlttuo to-day de cided to report tlio senate bill to tudeem tlio tiado dollar. That clause ol the bill provid ing that the amount ot ti.ule dollais ic- dccmcd each month shall be deducted fiom the inonthlv purchase of sll\er bullion under the act ot 1878 was struck out by the house committee. DI.HATH TO COXTIXI n AM. vcr.r.K , Tlio debate In the seu.xto on the Inter-state commerce bill will bo continued through the week. Senatoi Cullom , who haschargo of it , is anxious to obtain a vote , but as there Is no means of cmtaillnc the debate in the senate , he must wait patiently until the seiiatois o.x- liaust themselves It Is expected that the question w 111 bo disposed ot about the mid dle ot the ( online week. Theic seems to bo consiclor.iDle misundoistanding about the par- llimentaiy status pf this bill. It was rtusbcd by each house , wlth dlsaciecing votes and the difference4) ) were roteired to n conference coinmittcfi. Tlio confoieiice com mittee reconciled tlio dlflcronces. Their report Is now betoro the senate. The report cannot bo altered or amended , and each hoti'-o must vole ducqlTy qn the report of the confeieucc. .Neither is it pompleto for either house to Instruct coijforeos , ns each in struction would preclude "a full and free conleieuce. " Hut the hetiato might indicate bj aoto on a collateral question Its feoliiiK on a disputed point and should he but rec ommend the senate conferees would doubt less tool bound by uqh a ivote. It will bo thus seen that there ip no lorce to the in some newspapers about auicndinp ; the bill as It now stands. It , musj bo accepted ns it stands or bo iejected , i HUMOUS AiiotirjuwiTT's nnATir. The report ot the death of Mnjoi Hewitt Was generally circulated -this moinini * nnd Konor.illv bellescd by > the e who were nw.uo of his critical iiitu.itloii , whliih is blmllai to that in which Logau lay n week before - fore his death. The contiadlctory dibpatehes were welcome , lot Mi. Hewitt , despite Ins etceutiicitles , has numeiless Irioiuls In Washington. A lettei was received at the white house last oveninc from Mis. Hewitt , stating hei husband's Illness would render It impossible tor him to attend the cabinet dinner , to which heliad been United. Information has been iccolml In the cltv byliiendsot Mr. Hewitt that for the list three da ) s his sickness lias been n source of anxiety to his lamllv. It Is said by uequaintiiices Ml. Hewitt lias long been iindei the linpiessloii that ho did not Ions to live , anil lei this lo.nson made it a positive condition of his candidacy foi the in.tjor.iltv that ho should name the caudidatn for piPsIdent ot the boaid ot aldermen , who would succeed him in case of his death 01 disability. AV IlNnOKsTMnXl OF VAN VWCK. H.ilpli llcatnnont , ehairmaii of the execu tive committee ot the Knights of Laboi. Is in Washington to nl ht and expressed the gieatest anxiety for thu re-i-lectlon of Sena tor Van W\ek. lie sajs General Van Avk is the most staunch and elfectlvo Irlenil ol labor there is in the senate , and that the Knights of Labor of Nebraska , and in tatt the whole count ) v should lend all eiicoura e- mont tow aids his lee'ecllon ' possible. .Mi. Hcauimmt bus telegraphed to Van Wvck to know If the organization ot Knights ot Laboi can do an\ thing to help him in bin campaign , ami .luthini/es the use ot his name as in ad- voiate ot the senators ic election. Kalph Heatiiuont lias toi many joais been tlio leadei of the labor movements of the cast , having been tlio piluciplo lectuier in the mining regions of I'cnnsjlvnni.i for two > cais last past. Theio is no olllcei of a na tional oigani/atlon moio intluentlal 01 belter autlioii/ed to sneak or organised laboi. Ho sijs the liillueneo of laboi should bo suf ficient to settle the contest. In bcnntoi A an Wjck's favor. MAMIKKSON'S AIIMV mri. . Mi. Mandcrbon Introduced a bill in the senate to-day to taeililato piomo- lions nnd letlro fioin nctivo sen Ire upon thuli own application ollleors ot the aimy vvhoseived duriui : the war of the lebelllou three voars as ollicers 01 enlisted men ot the volunteer 01 regulai aimy. It movides that an ) ollicer boino on the active list of the arm v wiio served In the war of the rebellion at least tlueo jcaisasan otlicer or enlisted man ol thovoluntoei 01 regiilaraunvot thol'nlted. .States nliall upon Ins own application to the president ol the United States aftci twenty- live veais sen Ice , including that as anolllcor , 01 enlisted nun In the volunteer or regular army of the I'nlled Mates bo placed on the retiied llstof the aimy In addition to the number alieadvauthoiUed by law , tlio 10- tiled list bc-lng lu-roby extended to conform to thorequMoiiienls of thlsact. mi : ) Nn K-STATJ , coviMr.itci : nit/r. . Theio hat , been n. deal of inquiry by professional biokersiln the western .mil cen tral states men noi located In the lareo cities conceining die. probability of tlio Iiitei-stato commeico bllf becoming a Jaw by net of tills consiess. ,0f , couifO the ilcsign is to speculate on tlio luloimatlon. Your cor- resiiiinilent to < h ) went to ono of the oldest and best posted bWia.torn in icgard to the mattci , for tin purposooS being able to pi\o pointers to the Inoniiujs. llo said : My joungliiend , Mrer rleauof all Hpcciilatlons on the stiungthof Uio Inter-state commeico bill. 1 am lei tlto imvtoiirv , but 1 can tell \ou that Its pissao Is a Nt'iy doubtful matter. Ho far as the stoclolnnrket Is concerne < l the bill ims been dlbcoiintooi The brokers haso discounted eveij pln a it cm assume. If it only gets throiigii ti | MJnlito mat will cause a ilurrj.but tliat has beoi anticipated , 11 It bhould go throutth tl house then > ou ml.'lit do soim thing , Uuihn tlio iirusent aspect of ntlairs the mailcet i Ju-iUas llicnlj to go mi as down , when bcais v\ould sutler Instead of tlio bulls. "In the event the bill should go through the honso 1 ought to bell trunk lines , ought 1 not1 ' 1 ho senator smiled at the Impertinence and then leplled : , , . . . "bell shoit lines. The short lines will suf fer morn under the law than the tiunk lines. Why ? Well , I will U-ll ion. The trunk lines can take care of their through business , and therefoio meet the IOUK haul provision without the assistance ot othei loads , vvhllo the short ones are at the meicy ot the long roads , and can only getwlnt Is tin own In their vvav , so far as uirouch business Is con cerned , as they v\ill not bo allowed to pool ' It is , repented , however , that members of congress have the outlon on hundreds ot thousands ot bh'iios ot the trunk line stocks , and that they intend to play havoc In the event the Intei-stato commerce bill passes the house. The story that Inieusumb of money havobcen epent in deffatlnir this measure and heljilng the Tacltlc funding bill U ro- cched as nn nlisurdlty here. There may have been a good deal of money expended on nt- tornojs. but not In bnj Ine votes. It Ins be come plain to the rnllroirt mauacers tint the public demand for an Inter-state law cannot jnntici bo Ignoicd , nud tl e > have mndoup their minds to submit ntidsavo tlielrbrlbu money , les | > eiateeToitsaio ! to bo made to recom mit the report on the bill , to cet further con ferences to stiiko out the null-pooling clause nnd to finally thwart consider Ulon final. It Is conceded oy the friends of the measure that II maj 0 Into the hands of scvcinl con ference committees , but the best judgment is that It will bo finally pas ed Theie Is an Immense demand from Iho country tor the pvs-ureof Uio measure. Throuch illlllgotit v\ork the railioid companies have succeeded In dividing the sentiment In son-oof the linro cities , but the country seems to bn solid foi It. Arn.vit ) or Tintii : sirfATioN1' . The death ot .Senator Iozan eutsed a innlo amoncthe senate committee clerks. Thov feaied the results ot the elnngos vv hlch w ould ensue In the chalrmnnshlps. borne times the creallou of oneclnlimanshtp makes ndoeu , nnd the change ot a chali man means , under ordinary circumstances , changes In the com mittee clerkships. H looked for tlueo or fotirdijrsns though the ileilh of benator Logan would displace nt least a do7en , per- lnpslv\o dozen , emplojes. The eleiKs nud secretaries emplojca In the committee-room ol Senator Logan arc popular , elllelent nnd worthy , nnd It took but a moment to quiet the trepidation when U was brouclit to the [ at tention of those having contiol of It. A gen- einl understanding was perfected by which the cleil > s of tlio various committees alfected bv the dentil nud the consequent changes should all bo retained. There was a general jubilation bj the inlcf-stitckcn cleiks , and they are happy once acalu. Theio nro ' . ' 00 men at the capltol whoso \eiy exislcce seems to depend upon ccilnln senatois and members. w TAII romiirnt'XTi nvrornr-MAimAT , . The tinubles at Fort On I'hesue , I'lih ' , which post was established lnvt summer , have cuimluated In the detail of n general couit- maitlal to try Colonel b'redoilek . 15onteeu , major of the Ninth cavalry The court Is to coiivcin' Februaiy 7xt I'oit lu Chesno. Colonel Ueiiteen Is the olllccr who distin guished hlmsell at the battle of the Little lllg Horn while captain In the Seventh civahy , and was selected to command TortDu fhosiio when the post was established. (5eneial ( Absolam Hird , Inspector gouoi-al , Is now on his way liom this eltj to 1'ort IJu Cliesuo to make n snccial invostliratlon of mattets at the post under special orders tioiu Lieutenant General Sheridan. This evoninir's Critic says that it is the Impression among army ollicers that Colonel Ueiiteen U being made a scapegoat foi other ofleudets. ( icueial bhcridan was u visitor on the lloor of tlioHcnato today. . Thonimy nnd navy general hospital nt llotSpilugs , Ark. , will be formally opened next Monday. Lieutenant Call Kclchmanu , Tvvcutv- fourth Infantry , has been appointed recruit ing ollicer nt roil bill. Indian teirltoiy , lor all tioopsseiving in thodepiitment ot Mis souri. Lieutenant Alex Oglo. Seventeenth In fantry , has leturued to Columbus tin racks , Ohio , liom n tiip to Fort Douglas , Silt L-iko Cltv , with a detachment ot iccruits for the Sixth Infautiy. Annv furlough ? authntlred : Seiueant John M. Williams , company V. Twelfth In fantry , Madison barracks , Sickelts Harbor , New 1 ork , ono month from .lainnry 15 ; Private \Valtei 0. Cooper , batteiy 1C , Second artllleiy , I'oit Monroe , thlilv dajs. Aimy leaves pantedMajoi Edwin V. Sumnei , Fort IJeuo. Indian lerrltoiy , ono mouth ; 1'list Lieutenant William H. C. Uovven , fifth inlantiy , ToitTotten , Dakota. ono month : Fust Lieutenant Itobert J. C. Irvine , adjutant Eleventh Infantty , Forl bully , Dakota , one mouth. rosiAi riivvors. Mrs. K. iMcKonnn to-d.iv . Anna was - ap pointed postmastet at Gietua , b.iijn counts , vice Augustine 1' . MeKenmi , lesigned. .sums. ,1. II. Cole , Keokuk , la. , Is in tlio city. lilds weie opened today by the supei vis ing architect ot tlio treisury for the stone woik on the new postollice building at Keo- kuk , la. , as follows : Loekvvorlhv t Jlenkv , Cblc.uo , Sll.Oj ] ; John Mooic. bviacuse , N. V. , S'-lWi ; John Uameron , ot Keokuk , thioe bids , s U,7iO , = l'J.r.O , 511,1150 ; like it Hassctt , Clucaco , S12.1M : bteelo Fletcher , KeokukJO.OTj : McCaithj it Corbott , Wasli- Iimton. Sjl7J'J. : ! ' ' 1 ho casket contalnlnc ; thoromalns of Gen eral Lo an was opened jcsteidiy by the 1111- dci Inker in the pieseiuo of .Mis. Lo an and hei daughter , Mrs. Tiukor. TJIO fea tures weio In a perfect stnto ot jneseivation nuil pi evented as good an appeirancoas they did on thediy ol the tuneial. MH. Lo an and herdiiightci lemained so.ue time by the side of the casket. A HAD MAN TO MAUKV. Tht-co AVi\esancl a Stci > iliuiKl > tcr Jle After liolnir IiiMiiod. Cinc oo , Jan. li ! ' 1 lie nolleo stopped the of a girl named Lucy Iviuir , aged nineteen , ami who loimerlj lived at5ii Lai- i.ibeostiect , slie h ivingdied under suspicious circumstances. Soon aflcrscveial detectives and n deputj coionei and his nssistants ar rived on the scene. In beptembei , iSS'i , Lavvieuco Knitr , a carpenlei , was married to Mis Keidelmejer , and Lucy was hei dauglitcr. King and his wife started on a wedding tour to New Yoik , he pie\Iously instiling hiswifu's hlo for Sl.OOO in the Knights and Ladles ot Honor. When on then wedding tour Mrs. King died , and Mr. Kruc ; imuiicd again in New \ ork. Ho had been at homo but a slioit time vv lien his second wife , whoso life hadhOi ( ) Insured In the suno association , alsodled. 'Iwo months alter her death lie nmiricd .Mi * , liolu , who was nluo jeais oldei titan Km. . 'I Ills was in iseptembei last. Six weeks lalei she was attacked with typhoid fever and died. This last wife was also Insured in the samu association as the oth'Ms. During hei lllmiss she was attended bj Dr. Kiillsteiu. biibplcions were aioused at IILI death by the fact ol the iiisinanee , which was undo out to hei daughtei , Mrs. Cliailes Andeison. w ho wasfoiced by Krug to makeover hei claims on the liiRUiance to him. Lucy Hlddelmujei. 01 King , as show w as iistiallj called , was insuied in the same association , and the nolley was made pavablo to her htoptatliei , Krug. Ho was placed undei Miivcilhincc. Di. liluthnid madi < n post mortem examination of thu body. The funeral college vvasdel.ijed lei .m hour and a hilf while the post moilcm examination was helm held , tih 1'hjslcl ins Uliillmidt and Ktost ] > ei formed the autopsj , 'J ho ie- hull \vas thnaiiiiiuiR moiit the gli 1 had died Irom eauses In the foi m ol allec- tloiibof tlio liver and ludne.b. King , who had been dunking \\hitUy and curs ing in a bxek loom , undei police guaid , was lelcascd and the funeial jiiocceded. The coroner's jury adjourned until I'lida ) . It lias not bui-n geneiallv known until now when Krug's thiul wife died the Knights and Ladies ot Honor weio greatly iiiousid and secietly exliumed the body. Nothinir hiisplcloiis could bu found , liovvevei , nud tlio ouanl/atlon paid King the Insut.iucc. The policy on the fointli victim lapsed n lew weeks ago. but thu lact was unknown to tlio gU I or to King. IrisI ) Ijidtiruors In Council. Civf ixx'An , Jan , 12. The oxcculivo coun cil of thu Irish National League ol Ameilci asaombled hcio to-day , 1'iesldent Fit/corald in tlio chair. Twonty-hvo states weio iepro- sonted. Alougseiles ol resolutions will ho adopted on tlio "pi in ot the campaign" In Ireland , which concludes as lollows : llosolvcd , Thatwoappeal to tlio Amcilcin people lor continuance- that uneour- ageiuent and svmpathy wldclt have been sucn import int lac tors In leading out Mi ugglu up to Us present stage and success , and In retmn vvo promise that tlio principles of oiiulty which led thorn to repmllalo Impeiial dictation ot a century ago slinll bo our mild- nnco , as thoj mo our inspliation to-day. Allei thu adoption of resolutions ot respect to the memory ot General LO..MII the council udjouined until to moirovv at 10 u. in. Picroo to Dalcotu'H llisMAncK , Dak. , Jan. I1. . T he council and house met In joint session thla afternoon and Governor I'lerco delivered his farewell mus- page. Thu finances of the territory a * well as Us educational and charitable Institution ! ! are shown to bo In n nourishing condition. hpeakingot thn admission of the territory , I'lerco sild : "Kxoerlonco has proved It illtll- cult for n state to force its way out of tlio union. It is oven more dllllcuU to force Its way in. 1 take the icspoiislplllty of saving no such ntteinut will bo matlo by conbcnt of thepcoplo of Dakota. " Up With Nnlls. PiTTsmniGir , Jan. 12. At a rnentlncof the Western Nail association held here to-day it was unanimously decided to advance the card rate from g.-W to gli.GO per keg. XII K INDIANA Lloulrnnnt-Govornor llobortion T n llcmonitrnnro in thn Scnntc. IsnuxAroi.ts , Jan , 12 , There was but little diminution In the number of people at the cnpitol this morning nnd the usual care ful scrutiny was maintained In admitting Isitors to the scinto chamber. Drake , of the lepubllcau minority , presented a preamble nnd resolution which a democrat moved to bo rejected without reading. On this motion the democratic majority divided , Weir , .McDonald nnd llnrrett protesting against such methods of procedure and Insisting that members of the senate had a light to know what it was thej wore called upon to \ote. Weir asserted that the lieutenant gov ernor-elect find done nothing that ho ( Weir ) would not have done under slmllai circum stances. Finally the motion to reject without reading was withdrawn. The pie- amble recited that Lieutenant ( lov- ernor h'obeitson was pie ent nnd having quilllled was icady to perform the duties ot picsldinc olllcor of tlio senate , The resolution provided for tlto appointment of a committee ot two to escort him to his chair. 1 ho preamble and lesolutlon were defeated by a pnrtv vote , Presiding Olllccr Smith not voting. Winter of the mlnoiitywlll lilo a niotest , claiming that further oecupancv of the chair bj Senator Smith as an u < mipallou of authority , and this will probably tend tea a bolt. After the i ejection of Senator Drake's reso lution lo-dny. Senator Campbell pn" < ented to the senate Lieuteiiaut-Gov ernor Uobcttsim's formal claim In writing to theolllcc of the presidency of the senate as lleiileiiant cov- urnor , nud It was read for Infoimatlon. It is ns follows : To tlio Indiana Senate Gentlemen : I have the honor to Inform jou thathavlui ; taken tlio oath ot olllcc , which Is heioattaehed , 1 am In possession of the ofllco of lieutenant governoi of the state ot Indiana. I am able to attend jour ses sions nnd le.uly to enter upon the constitutional lunctlons prescribed In sec tion ' - ! ot intlcli' 5 of the state constitution , to-wlt : To bo piesldent of the senate with nil the rights and duties In said section pio- vlded ; tint voulnvoln my judgment vvioui- lullv excluded and prevented mo liom In cieaslni : that function ol the duly ot my olllco. Against this , v our action , 1 do herein most eariiestlj piotest nud remoustiate , nnd ii'spectfiillv demand mv rlehts. It. t > . Koni uisox , Lieutenant Governor. A cony of ( lie oitli ot otlico which had been administered by Juduo Walker was attached. A motion to lojcct pievalled by a pail } vote. Senator Wlntci announced that tlio lepubll cau mlnoilt.v would consider Colonel Hob- orison as lieutenant governor nud Scnatoi Smith as a ustirpei in maintaining the olllco of tncslitcnt ot the senate , and the latter in- vlled Senator Wlntci to test the matter In Iho com ts. At a late hour this nfterurJon President I'm Tom Smith Hied quo wnuanto Pioceedlnirs ngnlust the Ileuteiitaut governoi-olect. The jnpers were tiled in the Marlon ciicult court and the Iieaiini ; will begin befoio Judge Ajeisnt t > n. in to-moirnw. Juduo Avers , before whom Smith's complilnt was Illed , istho jtidso who held his com t had no jurisdiction when Smith sought to restrain the secretary of state from transmitting tlio result of the vote on lieutenant governor to the spcakei ot the house , which ruling was sustained bv the Mipiemo couit. A speedy decision of the piesent case Is oxjiected. The Now ferHi\v Tii\TO.\ : : . , ) . , Jan. 12 The house met this moinliig with Speaker Dalnt In the chair. Several members weie sworn In. The policemen who exercised tholi authoi- ity In the assembly chamber ycsteid ay were anested to-day , but were at ouco admitted to bill , the object of an cst being simply to lay ground lor piuceedings against Governor Abbett , who diiccted tlte police men's actions. The purpose of tlio icgiilar demoeratb to org.ini/c an assembly on their own basis Ins brcn abindoncd. lu aecoidaiico vvilh the icsoliitlon adopted M'steiday the cleik did not call the names of Tin ley and \\allers , both dcmociats. This ( icitccl another scene of lontiislnn. Two demoeiaticmembeis , McDeimottaud Feene- . sui/ed thu toll liom the cleric and attempted to add the names ot Turloy and Wnltnis , hut aftei a fieu liL'ht the clerk lecovcred the loll. At 1 : JO j ) m. tlio house , bv a viilo ol lifl ( o 2s. adjourned to ; > p. m. The scinto met at 'I p. m. and oigaiiled , but was again postponed to to-morrow ntilp. m. The excitement ov or the conte , led seats in the assembly continued in the afternoon. Fimlly a votowas leached on a motion to sent Tmley. i'he motion to seat Wallets , of the Second Mereei dlshlct , hiving failed , it vv as voted to relui all evi dence in Ills cise and Turlej's to the commit tee on elections when ( hosen. 'I he woik ot tliu house now pincecdcd without dillleultv. ( JiVernor Abbott's message was received and ordeied pilnted. s Arvv Senator. CAIISON , Nov. , Jan. 11. The legislature In joint convention to diy elected William M. Stewart United btatcs scnatoi by a vole of 10 to O'J. Thn C'onl Huiiilli > r ' Strike. Nrw YOIIK , Jan. 12. From coil men It waslearued this afteinoon that at least ten thousand men will bo llitovvu out of employ ment and that : iflOJO poisons arc sullorlng as a result of thostilko ot ! iOUJ coil handlers. Thestiikers mo scatteied nlong tlio coist fiom Providoncb to tills cilv. They have been confident they would win , as they thoiuht llitj Imii the coal supplj ot New Lnglind entlielveut olT. It mm seemsthat the New Yoik \ - Now Kugland nillioid 1ms been using ciis of every dcsciiptinu and uisliliiii huiidieds of thousands ol tons of coil into New Kimlaud dally. Tills has been kept a seeiot , but on Its leaking out to day It seemed to depress tlio stiikers. A Frondi Reply to lilsinnrrlr , P\nis , Jan 12. The speech of Ulsimrck In the leii-hstag jestetdnj cicatcd a deep im- picssioii here and the geneial opinion Is that It does notiiieiease. the itrospects of peace. The Slatin , In Its comments on tlio Geiumn chancellor * utterances , s us : " 1'lin iiceount oiiened In ISTO will nevi bit settled ns long as tlio deimaii JUu llo Us ovt-i Met tind Stuisbourg. " PURELY VEGETABLE. PBQHOUNCSD CUKES. I'alnfnl I'm nxj MH > " < 'iiiiil. Slli > s I'lniiHiio Alilxitt , lJIMn ) i Avn , WiiKlilnirtun l > < . i"i > s "I li no until iuit fin inioij jeiiiH flout mi istliiniilli i unnli. lilliMnioiI with illslrthsliiK' mill p.iliilul i inn ix ) unit , and Innotliul mun > rcini'dlcs vvttlioul iltrU liml htui lNmnli ( uruL'ivu mo vMinikrliil H'llcf , ami I huvc nut. bttn tiuutiltd with tlio | hU < ix ) ms elni.u " Indiiininulliiii of thu 'Iliiout Oiiiccl , 11 I'ovvill St , Hnn l'rnml ( ii , Cnl "I Imvo liein HUdtrliiK vitli u MI PIO oouuli f > 'r u I" K 'lino ' , < au > .iii tlimlly jnlliiiiniiitloiint tlio tliinut Sim ml phj flil.ini l.dlcil li > U IK lit l o I irlpil lied hl.u Cuiisli cuie lli'Sin In fill Insluil I'rop I'uilflc Ciinlufo to All Antliina Siifli-n-l riuiil. JriH ! V Winliliuton St , lUItlmoio , Md ll.uliii ; liin u Milfi'iirfri' ' ! ) uttlirnu lor n numlici uf } c.n- . uiijl li iylii4 Irl. it iniiny ipmoilk * wlllioiit ullof I n-uil Itirt Sim couch l inn. i"1 llin Oiinly 1) ) iniuu Cured. llioncfillU Tnionto Out I'or Kiinn vvn-kn mv lit i In ( rlil vvaj Irmiblixl with an iil'ui U uf lnin ) ; liltU t iiitil dim ant umiillii. im lia'l l r tronttd by a plijMilmi vvlllimit ifTunt. llimlll vvo tiitil Ii ! l Mur ( niwli < uro , nnd htfuro tlio holt In VMIS iiwul flm v\aa 2c"n | , t"l > "iro.1 JOSI.l'll lllUihiiN. Afcdut .N , V C'l l > l" > ru & IJulIalo 1 ! It All Kiprilouro of < 1"'J Mailliuii M ChliRKn III I linvn liul f < > rl > jca cxnilcnic In unlit' ull kiinU of uiugli inuili IIH s in mv family ujnl I < i.iisid.r ( ItcJ tlur vuili ? tuiu tlio bust of ull 1. J > Oltlll Till \llllSA\nOI _ _ _ _ I I It < 'O llMHiior Mj JT THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY IOWA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting and Eloo- V ] tion of Officers. A VERY GRATIFYING SHOWING. t'rocrrtllnR < 4 of tlio lovvn StAte Tire * men's Assoclntlon nt les Molncs- * Another AVItucss Dlscov ct-c l in the llntlilock Cnsc. Iovvn > Htnto ARi-ioultitrnt Society. Di.sMoiNfo , la. , , Ian. 12. [ Special Telo- pram to the IJt.i : . ] The thirty-fifth annual session of the tate agilcultural poclctyvas held In this cltj to day. Sevcnty-llvo coun ties weio represented with delegates. The chief Items ot business weio the piosldentM address , the reports of the secretary and ticasuror and the election ot olllccis. I'lcsl- dent Wheeler , reviewing I ho work ot the past jear and the Improvements on the new state fair Grounds , said that SOU.OOO had been expended there for buildings and roids. Chairman McNeil , of the llnanco committee , stated that the receipts of the last fair weio S55 , , V.G3 ) and tlio disbursements S.Viirm ) , leaving a balance In the treasury of S'-.OsSW. 'Iheiovvas eonslderablo strife over the elec tion of dlrectots , nil of these whoso terms o\plud bolnc ic elected except t\vo. Mi. U 1. Smith , ol Mason City , was elected n dl- lector In phceol L. V. Newell , of Agenry City , and Mi. John A. Kvans , of West li | > 'itv. In plnee. of Georco C. Dullleld , of 'Iho following ollleeis weio elected : President , A. C.heeler. . fcnc Cltv : vleo president , .1. . ) . Bumiirer , Codnr Kaplds ; secielary , John 15. bhallcr , Tali- llcld. _ Town Stnto Flronion's AuRoolatlon. Di.s MOI.M-S , la. , Jan. 12. [ Special'Tclc - piam to the Ht'i.J : The atinnil meeting of the State Fhemeii's association vas held In this city to-day. Mavoi Phillips and Aldei- niati Diadj welcomed the association on behalf - half of the citj and Mr. P , I.ncy , of Council muffs , piesldent ol the association , 10- spnmled. Tlmro was cousldoiablo discussion regarding pioposed chances in the rules to latlug to touinaments , and an amendment was added to the ellect that all champion companies before taking possession ol any in bo awarded them shall Illo a bond ot 3X ) with tlio president ot tlio association , signed by a lespoiisiblo poison acceptable to thebnaid. 'Iho association adopted nnaiii mously a icsolulion foi llo fi.imlng ol n bill to bo presented to the next leglslatuio nskinir tint thn state provide a luiid lor pensioning dlsnblcd fiicmeu. Mr. A. Despie/ Stuart , was elected as delegate to the national con vention ol lliemen at Atlanta In September next. _ Another Witness In the Jlnddock Onsc Siot'X CnIn. . , Jan. IS. ( Special Tolo- Bram to the Hi n. | Anothtr witness , one not heietoforo mentioned , Is said to have been found In the 11 iddock case. The paity in question is Gus bchmldt , a hainessiiiaker , who was boat ding at the Columbia house nt the tlmo of the murder , llo claims to have t-cen Haddock shot , and that Lu.iv ill tired the levolver , when he and three other mcuwhom ho did not ieconni/o , ran away. M. K. Htou t1 , editor of tlio Chicago News , Is heio to day in consultation with the local attoi tut } s for the prosecution. Hon. John O'Connell and State Attorney Haker are veij active anddll- igeut , and tlie woik of tircpiratlon Is now L'oiii ! ; on In the nttoinevs on both sides and the case w ill be commenced in all probablllt j within a fuw davs. Hwaslinallv agieed tint the murder casa should bo cilled Frldav inoiiilng , when tlie time lei tilal maj be IKed. Some of the law- vcisthlniv this is a blulf on thopaitot the defense to discovei whether the state is ioulAioiisdoirscabo will be called Hibt. Note * Not Pnlil-Up Cnpltnl. DrsMoi.M s , la. , .Ian. 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Hi i.J One of the Ili't ques- lions htibmltted to Auditoi hvons was as to the vnliie that wis to be attacbed to the notes of stockholder of Insiirinco comianieb ) foi ninmld capital stock when making up their assets. He icfei led the question to the at- loruev geiiend , who liis informed him that smli notes must not be icgarded as assets unless si-iiied bj lealestatooi olhei volua- hie cell iteisil. and that In icckonliig assets thov ciu be called cajntal , but not paid up capital. Native Now Yorkcis Pi sMoiM.s , la. , Jan , 1' ' . ' . [ Special 1'elc- gram to the Hi r. | Tiio Kuipiie association ot Native Now Voikeis hold its hut reunion and banquet in this city to-night at tlio Aborn hoube. Ono hundred and seventy-live Now Voikois sit down to the tables. Hon. Uarlow Gianici ; , the mayor of Fort DCS Moltics forty j ears ago when It was a hamlet ot put 1)0 people , presided. Itov. Di.Filsblo , pistnt ol I'lv mouth Coiiuicgatlonal cliiiich , lespiiiided to tlio toast "Out Old Home. " Hon. 1) . O. Finch , United States district attoiney , responded to tlie toast "Om New Home. " hhoit speiches went also m uln by beveial other natives of New Yoik. There are 600 New Yorkers In DCS Monies. A Prooor-ioiis Hoy. Di.s MOIMS , la. , Jan. 12. { .Special Tele- Riain to tlio liKK. I The fourteenearold son ol J. \i. \ Monls , ot Sejmour , jestcrdav forged his inthci's iiamo to aelieck for 5 > 10 , which ho collected liom one ol the met chants. Ho then jumped Into a box cai on a westbound freight to co west and grovup v\lth the countrj. 'Iho forgeiy w is dis tovered In time to head him oil at Lines ville , iiuil bo was bi ought back this morning. lie will piobabl } be coinmlttLil to the lefoim bchool. Purl n ir Illulnvay ICohlioi-y. ] ) t in i/t / r , la. , Jan. 1'i | SpeelaI Telcgiam to the ltri.l : Miles h\veeny , of Holy Cioss , a larmei who had been stopping In the eitv lei a day or two , was assaulted by several dcspcialo characters as ha was bonding thu Mihvaiikeo tiain ( Ills evening. Ho was inasued fiom the car platloim , knocked heiiseless with a eiiib and lobbed of 1 , - ' ) , whhh ho had iicuhed to-day. U wan the most dating lohberv tint ever oicuucd In l > nb'iiiie. | Tlio jobbers escaped with their pluudci. Tlio Itevival Itimi-H ( Jood Hi.t r. bi-in.Nds Neu , Jan. VJ. jhpcclil to the Ui r. 1 The revival at the Lewis sclmol house , thico miles east ol liluu .SiMlngs , N htlll juoziessliu mid about fifty heads of fainllios have lit-en convorlcd 01 leeialiued. This maj tmlv bo called a converted com munity. Hut a low joung folks jut romiin to IxMonvuled and lh y UID now woililnir on tllifin witli great hopes. Hov. Maxlield. of the M. J : . thurcii. Is tondiistlng the meeting. A Olpjdo lliiinnil to Donlli , Di in < H.T , la , Jan. 1'i [ .Special Telejiiam to Iho Ili.r. ! Geoigo Luck , a dlinlnutlvo rrlpplo aged boventeun , last evenlhi' net I- dentally pulled a lamp fiom the tab ! " Into Ids cindle. ' 1 ho lamp ixplodul In thouadlu. Thebo ) died thlb moiiiing , A U'otnun Ajipolutno , 1)1 ) s MOIM.S , In. , > iiiu 1'J. Goernor Lar- iiibeii to-day appiuntid Mrh. G , S. Robinson , of htoim Lake , to bo adircttoi of thu cl.ilo Imliihtiliil schools at Kldoia and Mitili il- ville , vicoL , 1C. Hahkins diLiasLd. I'll i ) iti u Foundry. IVini DouriK , la. , Jan. U. [ Special Tele- pinm to the lli.r. ] Hich & Vineont's loundry was damaiadhv llio last UMIIII-T to thu amount ot e < ! > 0 : Iiilty infilled. lillllitMl to I'U III. VT i , O , Jan. 1 J. ' 1 im Times-Slur PottHinoiith bpetlal t > nvs that a fuo wlilch stinted hero this imiining bin m d bin end btoios , An old man who himidcd above a baleen was burned to death , l.ositiii bulU- Itigs small. . A niviilcinil ( or H'uilc ' CKiillloiN. - WAElll aJON. Jan 1J ! The comptroller of tliecuueiKy has drrhiuid the first dividend of .W PIT oont In favor of. the cfr dltors of Iho 1'list Nutioiul bank of H ! tlr , N'uh , IJMivt-d , ruiiotiutlii , ; to 5'il-7b 30.