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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , 33ECE.MBEK 22 , 18R6L' DULL TRADING IN CHICAGO , TLc Ecan Have the Upptr Hand of Tra ing en 'Chance. ' A GENERALLY LOWER MARKET. Innctlvtty In Wheat Coiiiiiniiilcnti'd to OtliciCcroiilH Provisions Also Kailci T lie Cnttlf Dcinnnil Mght llofii ; l.o or. cuic.\o ( Iri-Tlilb ) : ] \\ns niry dull \\t\y \ In Ibo liti-ml stnlts mnitict. The wheat beaisero tiKain In cliarse but lln- > did not have it all their tmn way. Tim tenipcr of the loial H'cnilatlvorrowil ' contliiiH's dcridcdly boar- Hi. mid many bull operators arnorkintf that Mile "for a tuiii. " Shoit * ellrrh.vl \i-ry llule new iiialuiinltouoilt up Into news licMinil the fafl Hint rubles wuiu a simile eas ier all nionnil. There anslirns of aiolnxu- lion In the money niatkut , hut the sltu.itioii Is still lather diM'ouraKlin , ' to bonowem and t'ic.iiilersol iiiiiiicrlj- . The icrelpls of wlient cuinliiuu latge niul uxpoil elcatanec.s show ttiHM'll. Tliceliniiceln the tone of loieUn jnarl.fls H-ems to ho In a rntaln ibiireu ; a ie- lier > tlnii of the MPI | . ness here. The holiday InaotUlty ui.iy be another luotor. Thoio an nlinost utter abn-iico ot out'hln busi ness nnd the lilt was vii\ eloped III all ntmocplirrcol lisllc sncis and lansuor , Thu raiutu was K'1 ' and I o'clock pi Ices show n < tee.1liiVns ( eoiupaicd with yesturdav. ol . , < : . ThiMniPiiiiiK was at < ! v for Jluy. Kiom Hint point down to : ; | thn ilrellno nas iineherlii'd , lii'iulrj for \ \ heat to POUT shnit ales tinned pilrcsup acaln anil thu niailet : advanced to WtJ4enlse.iienlly ) | sell- liniiill tosi" rand etoslin ; at 'O e. I ho bull. , liv no lu'e.xiis Imp1 , ot business liaiis- iii led spcnu'il to fo done .it SJ'/.tsi''c. ' . ! Coin was onlv moileiaU'lyarlluj. and the tluetu- utionseieaualii within .in extiemely liar- inLime. . At Hie east anil abtoail the lln- Htinn was unclmiiK'i'tl and iho elosunl Inisi- ni".snt tbo ipRiilar. session here toniid iirtces Inv all t mines about the ' -aiuo as > estei- tlay's latest hid. Mav diopned Iroiu Ui e at tlitiopciilntCtiHIV1 , Jeaclod to Uc Vl\v , and elosetl at that. 'I lie IOIIKS - M some and tins huj Inir waspnnciiully by th slunK Oats wenairaln qu. et and Icatuie- less , Dcecinbcr and .Iniiiiiiry elimnif a shade easier at"ijfe. . May oalsiuled steady with Fairs sit : iO 4i ( .iO' c , Thuio was anolherday nt IlKht nvelpts of live hoes anil the itiou- sion maiUets ruled Reneially him. I he MI - nmijol tindlin\\ns llBht. and ; - lies do not show change , at I /eloeU what variations thuie wore , as eoui- liaieilllh jeslenlaveiom the illiectlon ol Improvement , The dullness in w wn- > rnmmillilealiMl toaceitaln dfiiJee to | iro\i- ) - mm , and at no time was there much aetl\- I Iv In the deal. 3lOp : ! in. In the afleinoon tiadlnc the feelln In thu wheat pit was considerably liimei lor a time. May aihanclnc to S' ! > j'in M\e. Hut towiiid the eloso thcie was such a pii'SMiio to sell that all the advance was lost. The Una ! eloiln.s weic : Wheat stronser and n shade hlKher at r..c ' lor Deccmtier. 70'4p tor Januarv. Ji'jc ' lei Kebinaiy , * > i < < ' lor > l.iieb. fr. lor Mav. Coin Iliuici at .OVe for Decemtier. : MVe lei .lantiai v , : I > VG for I-ob- jn.irv , JiT'iniiJJ'He ' lor .Mai'hU' c foi May. O.its In in afiVfu tin Dcccmbor , : XJBe ) lor .Mav. 1'iuK steady at tll.'iS lei Dei-einbur. Sll.fiO tor .lanuaiy. ? tl.10 lor Kehiuaiy. MiMJiJ. ; for Mav. l/ud tcadv at iW j mi Deeemliei , &OS71 , lei Janiiaiy , ' > . : ! 5loi I'ub- ru.irx , ' ii.U'i tot May. CIIICAOO I.I V 10 STOCK. < 'nu.\.i , Dec 21.- I Special Tclcci.un to the lfii : : . | CAfil.r. The maiKct to-day was ili. II. weak and on the whole juices weio lowei. ICaslorn sliipjicisi weie duiiiK but little and iln'ssed beet btiyeis weie li.iul to please. Snliseic mndi ) slowh all aiound and com- moii to fair stocK sold lOc lower. It is lee late tin any fancy holiday pi ices and the iiiai Kets east anil west aio lull ol ponltiy lhat w. s never before so cheap. Ituyeis jiii-Ked 01 t a lew dciiiable cattle at about steady pi ices , lint the demand was ver.v llabt ami the maiKet closed lowei nllaiolind. Ship- lHIIKBSleeis 1-TiO to l..OJ His , hU ; rmi in irn : s. sa..X' ' : ov ) to I'juii ib" . ! ! ' . ' : ! ( K.'i.o. .Sli.cUoisaiid tei'iteis falilv nclivi ! at ) ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , & 1 .MMti.tU : ; iulK. SilrWiW ) ; Texas cattle , S-.lOC : Ul > . lions Tuulu to-ilay was not finite as active us ve.slerdayetlho meat hulk of at rivals bioiiKiit ahout the s.mio'.o ol pi lees , lint lit Hie close the ieneifil marliet was fn- lower , v hilo li 'ht soils weio fullv ltd * lower than at the oiicnin , and at the decline the maiket closed dull , with siitvulatois vairylinca laiiro n.imlier ovei. Taney lieavy sold at l.r.Ow s.ui ; hcst nieUiis , ' soils , Vutoirturi ; iicht lilKed , SI.WWI.CO : liuht Unlit. * > UkX < ! .lU : "JoiKei < . - l.ieftil.iri ; luiijh and euiniiion riMANUIAU No.v York. Dee. 'l.-Movr.T On call ii | > iet at it to Opel eent.eloslnj ; at 2 percent. I'nixnc .Muuc.iNiii.K r.U'i : ! : 4'iS ; > iior Kin. STIMII.I.NO r.xciuxv.i : Steady ; St.ru1 r fur blxtydav bills ; fel.Kp. , ilemand. liovKUXMUNKs ( .lovcinmcnt bonds weie dull but steady. hinfKs-The slo.-k maiUet ofl'cied some violent contiustsclianuMin ; in an bom fiom extieme activity ( o mdstnnmer diillnc- Jrom decided weakness to Rieat .stn 'I he ( iprulni ; was acam extiemely weak , Iho di clines Irom last iiveniiiK's lijjnies lan im : liom 'i , to 1'j ' per cent. The. WCH veiy lamoand u I Hither decline was u , . In'.ilishcd lit e.uly dealing , Iteadlm ; hclin ; conspicuous with a "tiioi > " of 13 ( pur cent. 'J'ho decline was checiied In llin Urst lew minutes , however , and f-licn tli as decided : IH Hie loimer weakness was soon displayed. The maiket becanio positively dull in the nl lei noon , pi ice.s lemaiiilni ; steady to linn in tlie meantime , hut tovvaid 2 p , m. thu up- vviud movement was atrain uiMimoil , accom panied by a lainer business and Urn maiKcl ilnally closed < iiontut about the hest Denies of the day. Kvcr.vthlin ; on the aHivu list material ( 'ain Iliis eyeniiif , ' , while i coal is down il percent. arocKR o \v\ri , centliondK. . . . 100 ? , C. .V N.V f. (5. ( 4'i's ' 110'4 ' Ix'cw 4's . . ' 121 I'nrliloG'snf To. 124' , OiCiron eutial I'aclllc 10'i 1'aclllc Mall. 17' ' g C.AA 1411 1' . I ) , it K. no ; 11' . I'.O c. I ) . A t ; ir > I Mock Island . . . J > . L. AW iKt : . .St. . L. AS. . K. . . . J ) . AH. ( J : il inefencd. . . oi Kne. . . . : K. MC..M. A-St. I' . . ! pnifcrici ! . . * 1 " ' ' ' HlliiolH Central. 1H1 LSI. / A-'o.e' ! . . ; : J. , Ii. ArW iii4l * piefcned. . . yi 'Tcxai ' , I'aclllc. . , LukoShoiu flit I'nion I'acilic. . . L. AN 01' ' W. , Kt. L.iVs I' . . Mich. Ccnlial. . . jei l picfuiicd . . . s t Mo. I'ncitlc ' \\V.steiu \ Dnlon 70 tt'ortlicin t'ac. 0. . H. A N . . pieferud co.fc i : tllv. : si A KICK r. Ii > e. SI.-Flonr Dull and ntirhanKcd ; winter vilieat Hour. 4.o./it 4.10 : sontliein , SiUOl.UO ; Wisconsin. .Miclil.Mii ( foft spilnir MinneMitn bakem. iM&fi.W ; low ur.ide. , j5l.7.VC-.7.'j ; i > flour , < iniL-t ut $3. ' 5iiaijO { in Uinels , am ) U.u\n.y'ju in sacks Wbeat .Modeiately net lvc ; opened easier t .Vi < < "iu lower nnd eloseit hte.tdv ; easli , ? 'i * i > : January , ' 0 fo ; Kcbrnary , 77. 0 ; .May , Kike. toin-Steady and moderately active ; opened about the saino as yeMeidny's eH > sin nd closed ' ( , ( < . " 4o bidier ; cash , : tnisc ; Janu ary. : M\o ; KeUrnaiy , lill e ; .May , r. o. < ) ntn-lnll ) nnd heavy but siijjiitly easier : cnsb , aSKe ; May , yo ; 'c. ilarley Dull at .V.'c. Tiinotliyseed-J'rlnie , ' ' WhisKy Sl.ltv J'ork V'nlrly active : opened easj at ic decline , Tell oil "KSHM nioie , later becuino Jinn mid rallied irxa'liKe , aim closed eoiu- parativelv btendy ; cnsli , Sll.v > ; January , fll.CO : Fcbrmuy. SlUU ; May , 512,07. Liud I'liocs a little moie favorable to sdl- fis > ; casb. 0.ii--'J-i ; January , 0.2rj < ij i'ebiu- ry , ; May , SO.av Hulk Meats-tJlioulders , S4.S&3US5 ; sbort i 'bs ' , 83 0 for January ; short ejuar , C.10@ l HitUrr .steady ; .cicauiery , 21QI7c , dairy , -Kuli cream elif < Mnr 1 > < ? 1- e ; Hals. U (31j ( c , j oi1 ng A inertias , u t < < ii * ; shtni , v , iire. Lui-l ? ! ' < J'i1ic. Hides In good rciiie | l at former prieei ; heavy tjicen waited , ; > , 'K7"e : iidl ) luiip , iV'Oe ' : dtyaltid ( , ll l''c : tlrj altcdealt , KWI C ; dcnenna , u - t-acli. Tallow Slow ; No. 1 country , 3"c ; Xo , 1 , 2V' ! cake , 4c. HfY.eluK Shipment * .'i ' 3J.OJ3 : U,0J Wheat , on . ' 15,000 Corn , on 13VC03 101'OJ On.On. ! . . IICI.IMO IM.OUU Hje. lilt 2.0(10 ( 3,00) ) IlRricy.O'.i ' r.,00) 2 > ,000 .New York. Dec. 2L Wheat HoeolpK 111,000 ; cx-poits. ; cash V-i'jO and options 'V'tV lower , closinz steady , do- rllnupirtiy lecoverod : ungraded led , 8103 Wjc ; No. . ' ! ted , " 570 ; No. 2 red , January , closing at ss , vp. Coin Lower , closing steady ; iecclpt , ni.OOO ; rximit , 4i,000 ! : ungtadPilKViNT'Sc ' : No. ! 5. 4''rt lV4'c 111 elevator. 17calloat ; S'o. 2. XO'.u ' In elevator , 4i ) , ifT 4'c allont ; .Inn- ( ) ats--Iecclpt ! , 4owj ; e\nrt ) < none : inixiil vve tcin , Ti < t' * . white weMcin , 37 i 4le. 4le.J J/ r I'nm : western 1\it1 \ r. I'otk-I'iim and In niDdcratodcmaiid. retroleinn .Steady : united closed at Gl c. Laid--.Modeiatcly active ; vvcstcm steam spot -ii..V. " , iO..V > . Mnttei Mini ; Wfslctn cteameiy , 20 < ' 2e ; Llirlh cieameiy. 31'rtoJe. ' Cheese ( Julotestein ; flat , ll'iUSJ ' f. Minneapolis. Dee. 21. Wheat Weak and lower ; No. 1 bald , cash and .laiiuaty. 7-le ; May. sje : No. 1 iioitliRin , cash and .January , i2c ; ' Oc ; No. 2 , cash and Jaiuniy , 70f > : May , ive. nour ( inlet ; patents , SLID/U-W ; bakeis 0 > ' llecelpis AVbeat. 2i.0.1. : bu. .Shipments U heal , 07,000 bit , ; llour , 21oo > ) bblsMllvvnukoc. Mllvvnukoc. Dec. 21. Wheat Kirm ; cash , 71 , n : .laiinaiy , ii5 : Mavse. " : ) Corn imcl ; No. 2 , : ! ' > jfc. Oats Steadj ; No. 2 , 2ic. ! l ! > cLowei ; No. 1 , ViJ.e. I > .ulev-.Steady ; No. 2 , 5l'/e. ' 1'iovisioim lliirher : pork , December , Clnoliiiiatl , Dec. 'il. Wheat Dull : No. S , led0 ( - . Corn In rnlrdeiiinnd ; No. 2 niixeil."so. . Oats Kiiinei ; No. U mixed , yO 4fa.Jle. H > aKilei : No. - . .V.K- . I'oik Nominal nt S12.UJ. Lard Didlnl Sti.'O. WldsKe.v Kb in nt St. 13. St. liutiU , DC11. . Wlioat-Wi-ak ; No. J red , cash , 7'J'4l.innuaiy ' ' ; , ' ' 'o'1 ; Mny , I'tim r..iy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , HVjc ; Iininaiy. "i-'i'i1- ; Mav , oi' ! e. Oats Haielv sleadv ; So. S mixed , cash , : s\m'J'.ie ' : February , ) , ' 0c bid ; May , :0'hc. : l\o ! I'.as.vat fii'c. . AVbNKv ? 1.K . I'oik steady at S11.7.- . Ltid-Slionc nl S' > . 10ii,0. ( r . Hutter ( Jtilel ; cicnmuryIlii'J7c ( ; dairy , lfiC'C-"c. ' Atteinoon Honid Wheat linn and -Voi' ' c libber. Coin , VH } u lilRhur. Oats , ' , il. Dec. 21. Quiet but toady and demand fail ; holders ollei inud- eratcfj ; ledvvesletii sprill. . Ts 4dii1sid ( per cental ; led vvi'slciu , inter , 7s 4itrfisUd pw ccnlal. Corn Steady nnd demand fair ; new mixuil vicsteinIsinl ) > ei cental. JVIIH---IM Citv. Dec. 'Jl. Wheat-Dull ; No.J led , eash , IMC bid : .Innuaiy , We asked. Coin Lower ; No.- , cash , C0c ' old ; Jan- tiarv , : ' 0' ' c ; May , ; l" > . > .c. ( ) . ; ts Nominal ; "c hid for cash. I'ork .Stioiigcrat Ml.'j'imU. 17' ' j. Hulk Mc.tts-bhotildeib and lout ; cleai , sc..OO. NIJW Orleans , Doc. 11. Coin Steady and in tali demand ; vvliitu and mixed , l' ' < < 47c ; yellow , -IS1. Oats Quiet , white wet-torn , r.7)Pc. ! ' ) Com Meal Quiet at filft. Hojr I'loilucfs Kirmcr ; polk , S11.50 ; laid , led tied lleice , ifi.OO. Hull. Meatshlintildcis , S4.)0 ; long cleai mtdc'leai nhi , 50.10. lilVK STOCK. Cliloaun. Dec. ' 21. The Diovei's Jouinal follows : Cattle ( liucvlut.i , C.OOO : slow and 5i10o lowei i ; shippinif steers. si"0@I.S : ) ; sto-kur- . unit loeders laiily active at S-.OO-ii-i.'iO : eow . bulls and mixed Srl.Mia.MO ; hulk , ' . - cattle ' : ! . . .W ; Texa-j , 'MO < L .10. Ho s-Kcct'Ipts , o'J.OOU ; .slow and rather weak ; ronnh and mixed , ! ! ! ; paek- IIIK and blilnpine. 3l.ajl.CO ; liiht , SS.sOvie -i.'i'i ; skip" . W.ttV < i.W. : ) Sheep Itecelpts I'.dOil ' ; weak ami 10&l."e ' . ' . ' . ' ' westein . tow lower : natives. f''J.Vnt.'J'i ; , 2. ; ; .oo ; ; i'o\aiis , _ jji.g'i@3 0 ; .lambsg i-oucj j. > a Ii n n * > a S"CM y , 1 JiTCll " Catfln I'Hfeci i its , ) ,400 ; bbliunenls , 100 : weak ; cows , 5 ( ,10c lower ; good to choice shipping stecis. vi-itt C I. : ! . " > : common to medium. i".U"iu..N" ( ; ) ; MoeUeit. Wi'iftiLT'i : feeding steels , V .M' ( < ( , : i. (0 ( ; cows. M ; iO.t ( . , ' . ' . 0. llo.'s-ltecelpts , 10.,00 : ; shipments. 100 ; weak and lOe lower ; common to choice , ' Kt. l.niiU. Iec.11.-Oittic-Iteccipt , t M3 ; ihipinenti. 'DO ; uood choice heavy nativu sleciSI.yOin4.iS ! ; l.iii to icoud .sllipplllZ , SLoOciiMl : inilchL'i.s' stcuis. lair to choice , ( Oilid.iri ; leeders , lair to L'ood , S'"jOi.l.'i ( : ; slockeis , lair to jrooii , Sl.OOic..i-'i. Hogs I5ecciit ] , V,000 ) ; shipments 100 : ! ; film and closed Mioii } ; : cholco heavy and bnlcheis' selections , < 4.5r : ; < f i.Vi : jiacklnt' , litir to n < " 'd. ' Sl.'l.nil " > 5 : Voilu-rs medium to laney , 8 i.iw < . ' ( ) .10 ; pis1 ; , common to { rood , 0.11AHA litVK STOCK. TiiCiJay , Dee. ai. CiUile , Thocalllc m.iiket was more active to-daj and tinner , ( iood CHHI ted btccis weio in di > - niand and sold at heller prices than hnvo been obtained lor some time. ' 1 hcie is veiy lillle demand lor liull fill stock and no de mand at all lei old Udli covvs. The lecelnls weio Il ht n alii to-day and the maiket opened active at an advance ol " ' . . The demand was uood ami cver > - jjjwas sold caily in the day. The lew latu aulvals weio hold as soon asiinloadc'd , Sheop. Theio was ono load In to day , hut none sold. Theio Is some demand lor choice sheep , lint common aie not wanted , HcceiptH. C.iltln 200 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'rpviillins I'rloos. . the pruvailliiK prlciii paid for live on this market. Cholcostceis. lilVJ to 1500 Ibs 51.00 ( 1.50 Choicestecn. llouto HSJJJbs S. iiUK ) ( ioodtecders y.ififa..i.m Coodtochoicocouncil cows . . . 2.f fan-to nici mm raks cows 2.0 . ( iood to c'lolce ' bulls ( ! Liu'htand medium nous 4loc < i < .20 ( iood to choice heavy no s 4.1 84.27' ( Jood tocholco mixed nos -1.10 4.25 ( iood to choice hlieep 2.75'iM.iO : Fair tos-ooil sheep 2.2-V.ii2.50 Itt.'presentativo Salcu , coiix-rnn snins. : : No. Av. I'r. . , Xo. Av. I'r. l'l'rlccs. Showing the hlirhcst and lowest nrlces paid for JoftJs of bo s ou this market durlui , ' the past evcn days and for the same time lastjoar : Dec. ls. 0 7 WecTTtsS 15th JflOTi a.J.0' , UMWl.15 ' ,1 11 O3..V ) Hill 3.6 ® l. " ' > 401 ffU.'M ; ) .S7'i'iH."i ' a 9i 01.1. i 3.27'iH.I.M IMh 3.70 ftl > , i 3 , o Ol.lS'i ' J.2.1 5J1.VI , 13tli .1,70 UI.IH i Snn'lnv i 3.-1I $ ( ) .l"i 20lh 370 5A1.90 4 Kt Ui"1 SUlitlny 21 t Sinnlny , 4.10 fU.'iT'j 3.2J 'B.'l ' 4ft I All siles of tork in IHU mirlietare made ' m-revvt. live vveiuhl miles * otlicrwlsestated. I Dead bnsi sell at'ifl i > or Ib. for all weljrhts. ! "Shins" or hogs weljlilns lcs than 10J lln. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 10 Ibs. and stag * SO jbj , by the public Inspector. Notes. Hogs all sold , Cattle stronger. I In * : > nl0u higher. Light lucelplsofhog * . The bos inaiket continues lo loom tip. Theie Is a demand for need tat cattle. Veiy little sale tor poor butchers' stock. K. lllssellVnhoo , had two loads of cattle in. Cattle icaelied n higher point than lot some time. T. J. Coffee , 1'oiica , had n load of c.Ulle at the yauK < ! , \ \ ' , Siicncer , Ulno SprliiRS vy\sn vlsitoi at the jaids , \V. it. Stone , Plum Creek , wus In with a loiil ot sheep. ilnlm Mall , Cicstnn , In. , was looking over the m-iiket to-day. Samuel Seolt , Cl.iiK , was here and sold twocais of hos. The Anulo American Piovislon eompany boiifrht UWi ho s to-d'iy. .1. K. Lmiford , Tekamah , was In and mar keted two loads of cattle. 1 ! . A. Tompleton , Tekmnah , was heic and sold two loads of fal cattle. .1. Cov. llamptiin , was at the ymds again to-il.iy looking after feedei * . Thomas lla/.letoii , Claiiuda , la. , was hem nnd maikcted a load ol cows , i ; . \V. Hhick. I'lattsmouth. was here and i'ot the toil of thu maiket tor bis boi ; < , .lames Kaily.Vlnterett , la. , was beie and iiisiosud ) ol a load of coin ted cattle at a vciy satisfactory pi lee. A. A. lirvmit , rii'idllla , In , , was here and sold u load of choice coin fed Meets that biouchl the hliihesl pilcu of anything .sold on the maiKet torn Ion ; ; time. William ll.iy , Valparaiso , lnoinht ; In a ear ol lioi ; and the ehlldron. Tlio foimer weie sold and the lalter taken to the city tel l > u supplied with Christmas piesonts. AtnoiiL' others who sold IIORS on to-daj's maiket wuiu the following : I1' . Dunning it Co. . Shelby ; Spflls A Co. , Uralnaid : it. leirioy , ( Kccola : Moise , Uoiters ACo. . , Void ; Itund ; Ktiller iV Paten , I'nlleiton ; Slater , Pra/.ler A : Steele. Wayne : I.atla Aiieen. ( . Ciaiir ; A. L , Spcaiman , Spilngnclil ; Wlntois A .Mnrjrau , Shelby. In. ; . ) . It. ( iihson , Italian ; ! ! . K. Kolierl * , Ke.inard : I'ennAhtons , Kvvliu : W. .1. Davis. Daniiebroi : 1) ) . A. Hale. Madison ; . ! . W. Davis ACo. . , llow-ud ; T. 1 ! . Mmpliy , Central City : C. C. Caniir , Platte Cenlei : L. S Powell , Orand Island ; .folin QiiinnVooit Iflver : I ) , b. Handy A Co. . LonpClty : M. Kellar. Madison : Nelson AOIIIIL' , Oakland ; W. C. Cunniimham , Miltotd : ( ! . L. Smith , l'lj"s < . ! ; .lames Danbv , Ashland : Snoll iv ; Amiovv. Ashland ; " Llnn"A.Co. . Nodnwnv : c. II. Hall , Villnca ; Knbbs McKailaiid , McPaul , la. ; II. I ! . Dexter , Ulah. O.M.VIIAvaoMISAM : : .iiAKici-rrs. Gen urn I Proidtoc. Tiietday , Dec. ' . ' 1. / iirtfci nreor routi'i lots nf , ttsinldun the market tn-ilitu. V7ic qwititUonton li'ttlli rcureicn' tnc prices J U'/ile/i / mitxlitc onlcri arc tdlctl. J > ns--Tln ! maiket lum.iiiis about .steady , the bulk 2 lc. Porr.ruv Divsicd chickens have been in a little butter demand during the past few davsand have hold at Ifffx' . Tuikeys are sellinj : at lOdillc. ( ; cc e and ducks 'A ' < ilOe OIIKISI : Full cieam e'noildais , sln.'le , t'c ) ; lull cioam Hats , twins , He ; young Amcilemi , 1-1 ' " .e ; fancy \vlss , NmPi ; Swiss , impoitod , J.V" ; Llmbiiritcr , l'J } ( iIe : ! : biick , 1-K1. ( i \'ii : i'laiiio chickens , choice per do/ , S4.00 ; iiiail | , per doSl,0 : ducks , mallaul. pel do * . -I.i ) ' 'c.l)0 ' ) ; ducks , teal , pel doisI.'Jij ril.'iO ( ; ducks , mixed , pet def > l.3 ; > : eese , per do&I.OU : deer , saddles , per Ib , lOnl'Jc ; deer , caicasses , per Ib , T@-c ! ; elk saddles , jiur HiilOe ) ) ( ; elk , caieHsfi ; , pci Ibr. . , t7c ; antelope , saddles , put Ib , 10M1-V ; antelope , carcassc- : , per Ib , 7 < ! i"e : .lack nibbits , per dogi.5UC : 1.00 ; aiimlliabblts , per doOde. . Ai'i'J.i:1 : The storks on hand mo not heavy and the maiket is lit mm. Choice Missouri and Michlican stock at VJ 25 : ! . ) . ONIONS Theio is no liomeiown stock on the market to speak of. ( jnotatious are nominal at 'rl.ij'ijl.rjO ; Calllouila , per Ib , 'JJ. , ( rf"e. rf"e.Cni.r.r.v The maiket Is steady. Choice stogie jierdo/ . . USe : exlia laisje , per do/-IOc. ( ) \ si rits Mediums , ao.1 ; standards , iMc : Delects , - > ; c.xti.i selects , : i'c ; N. V. counts , We. We.Ci ! Cape Cod , fancy , per bb ! , ? 1 5.00 ; bell mid binlc , pur bbl , fc'.i.w ' ) . \v\s- - Jinnaimsellovv , jmr bunch , ttJ.i'i ; bananas vellow , larve , pel bunch , . a , per box S i.OOf 0.fiO. Uu v.\rs Floihla , choice , l.VJji jiu to box S.r.00 ; do , 5 box lots , ? 1.7/1. / ( liiAi'i.s Mala''iia , , per bbl , COlb gioss , S'l.uu. ' M vri.i : Si Slilc'ly pure , . " 0 Ib boxes , per II ) , l.V ; enoice oc bricks , i" > ib liox-es , pel Ih , l-'c : choice p.-nny . cakes. ' > Ib boxes , per Ib. l'J } < e. SAI i iiKii'.i r Per : gal bbl , C0.00 ; in sal , hull bbl , : i.ri'J. Per viors ' 1 he market Is Hi in. rheioiiro very lew coming in , and transactions aie mostly limited lo the sales ot small tots fiom thu store at < 0ny ( > p. I'novisioNs-llaiu. snij.u-eiired. 11''c , , ; bieakfast bacon , stuar cincd , boneless , 10'4 ' , shoulders , flc ; clear side bacon , ' e : dry salt sides , 7e : lined beef , hams , lie ; diied bed , regular , lie : mess poik. ) iei bbl. M1,1..VI ; laid , Will ) cam , KaiiOanUh , ii- ' ilaid. ; . 10,0 and : t Ih pads , Fairbanks , 71 fti'Se. Ki.oi'ii AND Mn.i.siTrrs \ \ Inter wheat Hour , best ( juallt ) patent , ' . ' .73 : second nual- Itv. - ' . 10 ; best ( juality spilnj ; wlieat flour , patent , 5J.OObran.OoperewtcliOiped ; ; ) fen ! , 70c jier ewt ; white coin meal , I'Oo ' ; yellow corn meal , MC ) percvvi ; sciceniii ! ; , We percwt ; hominy , SiOu per ewt ; shorts , .Ixi ) iercwt ; irraham 51.00 ; hay , In bales , SL-jOrf C.OOucr ton. _ Groocrs * Ijlst. PIC-KI.IS : Medium , in bbls , srr > > 0 : do. In hall bbls : ! .75 ; finnll. In bbls. 87 . ' > 0 ; do , In halt bbKSJ.-ri ; cliiklii ; ! , In bblst.r.O { ( ; do , In half bbls. Si ! 7.1. Svnri1o. . -t'Kiillon fcnss.Sl.00 ; New Oilcans , p r uallon 3yc < iOc ; maple ; fiyiun , halt bbls , "old time , " per gallon , ' - ' 1 gal lon cans , per dofclO.OOj half gallon cans , per doS5.M ; quart cans , fjii.ou , Minor glass i | b , 5nfc ; mirror Toii\cro I'Jiiu , climax , TC , i , , . , - , , , , , - , ! 17o ; btar. RUe ; api'aiheadi'Jc ' ; piperheldslek , COc : gold ohlehl , 3c | ; mciry war , 2Jc : : J. T. J. , ! ! 2c. ToiiAfro Smokiti ? , Duihani , Is , Mo ; Ks 5le ; li , ! > 7c ; Us , OOc ; mceischiim , JiOc : old bl.vio , 2.'c ; U. N. ( ) IRe ; hiiit | ! cuicd , 45c. MA rriiK.s 1'ercaddieJSo ; bipiaio eases , 1.70 : mule sniiaie. 1.20. CANDV Mi.xed..i.ail'sc ; stick , ? V < t'J'ie. CiiACKiiih : ( ianicair soda , hutter and picnic , , ' > ' ; ( ; citams.b'jc ' ; ginger snaps , dt\ soda , "Hi SOAPS Kirk s pavon Impcilal. S2.70 ; Kirk ssaiinel.Sii.00 : Kirk s standard , S.'UIV Klrk'h white Kiisbian. S4.00 : Kiili's white- cap. Sfl.fX ) ; dome , gil.M : washboaid , gy.10 ; wlillo cloud , 8:1.75. : Jloi-K-W Inch , We ; 1 Inch , 10 - ; ' 4 Inch , 10' e , CA.s.\Kt > ( ioons-Ov.stersManilaiiIpercasp , S'i,15U.y5 : ; btiawbeiries , 'Jib. per ease. S-'iO ; lasjiberrlch.'J Ib , per case , Sill ) ; CalitomU pears , per case , S4./XJ / ; apricots , per casj ; $ i.fOueauhcs. . IIP"- case , S5.'J5 ; white cher ries , per case , 80.00 ; p'ums ' , jier CKse , Si.C5 : , ulut'beriies ) wro\sc , Sl.b. ) ; iue iilnms , 'J Ib ncreaso , $3.fiU ; pineapples , 'i Ib , IKT case Sl'A5.75 : ) : I Hi mu-kercl. per doz , Sl.SO ; 1 Ibbalmon , per doz , Sl.Ji/XjJl.GO / ; U Ib goose , beiilcs. percale. SI.75 ; 'J Ibetrlni ; beans , per case , S1.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , Sl.oo ; JJb marrowfat peas , ) ier ease , S.-JO ; U Ib eaily Juno peas , ) Hr case. S'.7. " > : ; i Ib toma toes , V.MOi.-,1.'J.- lb.ioin S.MOiC'J.eo. IIUID : Km ir-.No. 1 mutter apples , -WiS Co : in evaporated boxes , r@U > c ; black berries , boxes , lOKSUo ; peaches , Salt Lake , ISsO , 10 10' e ; iieachps , evaporated. 17c ; raspberries , now'J.'e ; cnrieuts , ' jirmiui , , new 5 jdC'Wc. . . 1'owdeieu , Tc ; cut loaf. jri-anulatcd , Oi.wC'io ' ; contwtloners' A. O'tc : standaid extra 0 , O'cw.'i'jn ; extra C. 54'j5'io ( ; lucillnm jellow , 4 @ " > c. COKKLPS Ordinary grades , 14'4 ? lie fal I iitl5 > jc ; pinnc , Ti' iaiOc ; choice , IfiQP'Hc ; fancy giccD and yellow , lCJlTc ( ; olU gov- ernment .Java , OOci Cc' Inlr-nor 20c : Mocha. .Mif.'lei Arlmcklo's l 10 , e ; MeLaiiRhliirs \ \ ro.iscd ; , ' ' % e ; Diiworth s , l'4e ; Icd . ! - OrossPc. ii \ ? . T ( ciicral Starkot * . Wool Medium IVit.'Uispei Hi ; line heavy , 14'alC < " , lliht { , lfl@is. ; coarse , llytWc ; burry wool , Sot Volt. mm : * tlreen bntvhei . fi .jc ; ceeon cured , So ; ihv Hint , ll * l-Vj dty salt , UfillOc : creen calf skins , Wflt.p ; tiuinaccd hides , two-thiids price. Tallow : ! Ve. ( ! rea e l'ilino white. So ; yellow , 3c ; brown 1-V fchcen Pelt * , i' < i7' > c. liATiitn : : Piime slanshter sole leather , Kicncn call , S1.S1.M ) : Morocco , bout lep , : ' 0 < { : > > : Moiocco oil pebble.s ! < : r.'e ; toppings mid lining , oo ! > 0i. ' . MKAVY llAnmvAnr.-lron. into S2.i'fl ; plow si ! el special east , jCiciiiciblesteel.oXc ; east tools , do , VJivjisc ; wapm spokes , poi sot , Si.OJi.tJ.'iOj ! : InilM , per set. sl.K ! : icltoes , tawed dry , S1.50 ; toncues , ovb , 8'c ; axels. each. 7'V : siniaid nut * , per Ib. l ( ile ; eoll chain , per Ib , fVifl'ie ; malleable. 7ta''o ' ' ; noli uedciN , Oe ; ciowhais , r-c ; hallow teeth. 41e. ( , sprlnir steel , 7i Ve ; Hunlen's horseshoes. fcl.50 ; lUiulon s mule shoes , $ \ttO. Uarhed wire , In car lots , Si.oo per UK ) llw. Nails , lutes , 10 to j. S--0 ! ; steel nails S2. < " . Shot , ? l.'Vi ' : buckslmt. Sl.Vi ; oilental powder. keps , Si 50 ; do. ball kt-ifs , ? 2 no ; do. ( piaiter kecs , * 1..VJ : hiashiii : kci ; * , $ j.5 : ! ; ( use , per 10 feet. < Vic. Lead bar , S 10 \ AIIM III : < ! limreK perKallon : ruriit- ture. extn , S1.10 ; liirmtuie. No. 1. M.oo ; eoAchpxtr.1 , SI. 10 ; coacli , No. 1 , 1.SO : Da- mar , extra , SI. 75 : Japan , 70c ; asphaltnm , e.xtra We ; Miellae , 5i.oO : ; haul oil tiiiish , C'oloirnesiiiilts. iss proof , SI 17 : do 101 proof , SI. ! < ; .spirits , second iiuallty , 101 proof , SI. 17 : do is > pioof. 51.10 Alcohol. is * piooi , SJ.'ii per wine rnllon. licdlstllled whiskies , i.oo 'i l.r.o. ( i'.n , bleiiiied , tl.fiOji J.OO : Kentucky bomboiis , t-jiiOiJ ( < ! .oU ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania r.ves , s..HMifl VJ ; ( Jolilen Sheaf hoiirhon and ive whiskies , si.fiOitU ! . Hrmidli's , Imported , S.VOo lS.Ni : domestic , SI. : iO'aHI. ! ! ( ( iins , iuipoitcil , 54 .V ) (1(0.00 ( ( ; domestie , Sl.'i'i-iU.oo. , Imported , per ease , S'Js.oOvs'j.5.oO ; American , pei cjisc. sio.u . PAi.xis is On. White lead. Omaha , T. P. , 7l < c ; white lead. SI. Louis , pine , S7.75 ; Mar seilles fiicen , t to. Ih cans. 'Jc ; I < 'ieneii ? iue , iireen seal , 12o ; Krenchinc. . led seal , lie ; Kienchinc. . in vainish nsst. "Oo : t'lencli 7nc. ! 7'ic ; vcrmlllion , Emiliuh , In oil , 7.V- ; J''c ' ; Spanish blown , 'y e ; ' I'iince's iclneial , - Ditv PAIN-I s-Whlte lead , kc : Krench sine , lie ; l'aiivhitin' ' , a-je ; whllini , ' , ullderu , " fe ; whiting , com'l , 1'jc ' ; lampblack , mmistown , l''c ; lampblack , ordinary. sc ; Prussian bIuo-Vonltrimarine ; , lscvandyic- ; brown , sc ; limber , burnt. < c ; umber , law , lo sienna , bninfJc ; sienna , lawle ; Pane gieen , ceniilno.We. . I'mU uieen. com mon , 2'ijj ehroinu cieen , N. V. . v0o ! ; vermlllioii Aiiiencan. lvc : imnnii law and bin nt umber. 1 11' cans lie ; raw and burnt bienna , lUc : vandyke blown , ' : 'c ; re- liued lampblack 1'Jc,1 ( each black and Ivoty black , lOc ; di op black. KV ; Pitishian bine , Wo : iiltramaiine black , l e ; chrome meen.L. , M. AD. , Kle ; blind s.nd shutter Kieeii. I. . . M. it IX , lOe. Pans meeii , Ise ; If.dlan led , 15c ; Venetian icd , ' . 'c ' ; TIMC.III"c ; American vr-rmilllon , L. A I ) . , ' 'Oe ; yellow ochie , "c ; L. M. & O. D. . IV ; good ochie. Ific ; paten drvei.Sc ; unilnliiK color. HebloaK , daikoaU" , walnut , cliesttiut and nsh , ] ' .v. Dii'js ! vNii . Aciil , carbolic , Held , t tai leVM balsam copaiba -c ; it , - ; , per tfi"o ; liai k sassalia- ' , per lt > , lOc ; calomel , iier lo , 7sc , chlnclionldia , per o'We ; ehloro- loiin , per Hi , ,7ic ; Dover's powders , jiei It. . $ ! . > ; cpsom salts , per Ib , y.e ; glyceiine , pine , per Ib. I'l'e ; lead , acetate , per 11. . 'Jlc ; nil , castor , No. 1. tier irM. , S1..0c ; oil castor , No. ' . ' , per iral. , SI10. . oil olive , per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil 01 iran num. TiOc ; opium , i.l.-O : quinine , J' . AW. . and It. A 8. , per m. Tile ; potassium iodide , per ll > , Si.r/i / ; salloin. per olOc ; sul phate inorulilne , per o ? . Si.i.0 ; .sulphur , per V > , Ic ; slijclimn"roi. . sl.'H , Ury No.l Con. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 ft $17.50 No.'J " V. , H audlfi It H.1I Xo.3 " " 124 and 10 It 13.50 " " 12.14 and 10 ft i2finrti ( ! rtis ftjo tisjit it . 1G.M ) solP.5J.Ool8.0U S1.OOS1.00 SXB . 10.00 iii.nOiiii.r.u ir.uj ib.uju.ijo-js.oo , sxs . n'iOifl.1iiiifl.r1n ; | ) 17.WI iH.iwji.K,2t.w ( ) , ) 2\IO . lit ) GO IUfilBiOll7.liO | ! 1SOO'JS.IOSS.W1 ( 'il'J. . . .111.5 ] fi.iUlli.MH7.U ) < lllH.IH&MiilSS.Oa ) _ l | Ifl yijlH riO17.0Q | lH. ( > > ' 11 ( IQ'gU ' CK.I PHNCIN'O. Xo. 1 , 4 & ( > Inch , 12 and U ft. , iomli..Sl7.05 ; Ko. ' . ' , KVOiiicli , Wiinilll ft. , lonu'h. . . 1I.OJ ( nil.lXO AMI I'AKTITIO.X. 1st com. , j/lu / White Pine Petition . . .P"1.00 " " " " " . Sd . 27.10 2d Coin. ? a In. Norway Pine Cellini ; _ 14.01) ) SfOPK IIIIAIIDS , A 12 Inch. 4\C ( \ . t"'t'.00 Itl-Jineh " ' > . . 4 : D . U.V.O No. 1 , com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. . 10. Ib A 'J'J ft. . . 'il.OJ No. 2. . . . . ls.r,0 So. 2 , " " " 18 A U ft . 17.00 " " " Wit . JC.O.T fill IP i , vr. No. 1. plain.Sand 10 mc'i ' . S17.53 Xo. ' ' , pIanS : and 10 Inch . 15.50 siiix' : , I.ATII. XK clear. S3.l : A standard , S2.10 ; No. 1 , : ; Lath. 5.Vil. Posrs-White Cedar , 0 In. , } ; s , f.'c ; S in. qrH'vC. ' . _ _ Kcal ICsciti Tiled December 'JO , 1S6' ! , icportdl for the IJn : . ICveictt ( ! Hallou and wile 10 David W Vomitf. lot 1 , Piuyu's siihdiv , vv ilUJOi. . 'J'he Union Pacilie Ifv Co lo.Iohn .Saun- dei.s , lots 2-9 , bll ; l\ Platte VnlJej , w d noo. .lames S Itennelt and vvlletoChas K Dils- col , lot 2. ) , Nelson's add , w d-roo. : S II 11 Chuk ( tnistee ) to.Sninl Moi'lonscn. lot -21) ) , blk ' . ' , We , t Side , w d-fri'W. ' Allen i ; Kilby and wife and Maicu.s I' ' Mason et al to .lames Stockdale el al , lots -WMO-lM'MM : ! ! I , blk 111 , CiiitltJKe , w d-- fc.KhX ) . Cieo N Hicks ct nl to ( Justaviis Klnkle , lots 21--J. ' blk-fl -S-tlOO. . - . , IHiiseom place , w - - O PSevvard to Ceo W Paiker , vBO ft ol njj of loir. , blk 1. Pail , pliwv , w d-feinoo. ( illbeit M Hitchcock and wile lo Oih.nds TelTt , loth 1-2 , blk 7 , .leiomn paik.w dS4000. . City of Omahii to the belts ot ( ieo Kleiner. deceased , : Uxsjj it heiriunlna at the MY coi ot lot r. , blk 22s , Omaha , n e-5 J'.i.2o. ! ) Custaviis A Klnkle to Wlllielirdne Iau- ! maun , lot 22 , blk 0 , llanbcoiii jiluce , vv d WMX ) . .lohn Svcacina and wllo to Chas Metx et al , lot 10 , blk Ji. Kounl/o's : ! d add , w d Sn.fiOO. John S Miller and wito to Win Paine et al. f > \4 , boinf ; 'ij.xl''i It ol lot " 0 , Smin > Mlde , vv d ? 1 500. Albeit .Johiis-nn and wife to Hans Olesen , lot 10. blk ' , ' , Aibor place , w d § 1000. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK run THE BEST K.OUTE . frtQ mm acd rouncii. BLOKS i TWO TRAINS IMILV nKTWKBN OMAHA COUNCIL Chicago , ASH St. Paul , BHiinoiiiioHs , t'ednr Ilnpids , Clinton , Dulnirjue , Davenjiort , Hock IsiandI < 'reiurt ) | , Rock ford , Elgin , iiailison , Jancsvillu , lieloit , Winona , La Crosse , Aud all Other 'mportnnt IHI.IHI Kast , Kurllieast and Houtliuust. T'ovtbroufrh ttckoti call on thu TioVst Aan nt 1401 Fnrinni htiutt ( In I'axtoa Hotel ) , or a Unlun FftctUo Depot I'uUinau blufDt'iaaad the DnJSt Dlnlntr Can IE tk * rrorM nr * rue o'l tlie inaiu lluei at ilio ClllOiOO , Mll.VTAIlKSK i ST. 1'AL'L , ltAIIVf V , aoil * Torutentlon U paid to paiJeayoii by courlooni employes of Ihe campnay. H Mti.l.Ei ; , ( Joiif rMManajjer. J. F. TiH'KKii , Arslittttil Uenertl M ncr. A V. H , Cxiu'LMKii , General l'a.M ag i and Tloket Agent UKO. E. Htirroiio , Atnlitaat Qinerkl Puion- ger mid Ticket Aueul J. T. Cn.uit , ( ikioeriu BuperintoadeDl. TUP TII1T1I1T I11 AIP T < I 1 1 VP fllE RAIUA11ME \ \ TADLliS OMHA. . Anive Leave Oainha dmalia I/NION pACirir. l Depot 10th and i'ieree sK 1'acilic l.xnrcss Ht.'iOnni * > :20 : pin Denver Kxpiess 3:20pm : lOi.Viniii ' Local K\ press 11:00 : am Kvcept JMinday. lY. , V ALI ! . It. It ! Dci > ot loth nnd i'.icliic sK Mall and Lxptess C. H.Ay. . 18. 1 ! . Depot 10th rind lVille t . Mall and IXpios * Chlcairo Kxpu'ss K. ( ' . .St..I. A-C. 15. Depot 10th and I'acliics'.s. Via riattsmonth Lincoln Lxniess * r.xccpt Monday. HCxcept Saturday. C St. 1' . .M. A0. . Depot I5lh and Webster st. Sioux City IXpiess * llancioltecoiiimodatlon * K\eent Sunday MISSOl'IM I'ACiriC Depot 15th and Wetisterst. Day r.xiuess M ht Kxtiress Lincoln IXiucss t MON'S'KiClv VAISDS Leavi\o TISAIXS. rs\M Omalia Sundav. r > :0'.lam : ' Tiainslt'iiviiicU. 1' . de | * 7 : ! > Tinin pot In Omaha at ld : ' > 5 a. in. , .VOTip. in. and s'M ; p. : (0am ( m. , and these leaving 10 : . * i1 am : "iam I'liion stock yards HI 0:011 : 1 1 : ! . * ) ami -.oupm a , m. and 10M : n. m. ate 1I 50pm :0:1 : pm thionuli passnncer trains : JiO'ipm all otlieis are le ular. stock I : n | im > ; 0."i tun > aids dummy trains be 15 pm : , ' : > pm tween .slock jtnds and ; 2pnr Omaha , r.'Opm i Leave i Lenvo r.l'.UlMDCKTiINS. : . Tiansler. Omaha. * Kxeept Sunday. ! Connects with S. C. A- I' , al Council ItlulK i H'Jimn : ConnectswithC. I ! . A- ( . > . , C. A- N.V. \ . , C. M. A- : : i7 nm * lOHmn : ( ) SU 1' . . C. It. I. A 1' . at 11 :17 : am n.ldam Council mulK : ( ) pni , 'MKpm : ( ) Connects with \V. St. ; ii7pni 'Jii L. AV. 1' . at Council lilnlls. iConnccIs with all eveii- vl ! : . ! 7inn int ; trains lor Clileaifo at : .Vpin * tODpm : ( onncll lliuirs. ' 1'iaiiis , .V.oOpm leave ( liiiaba nt I'uloiii 1'acltlc depot , lOlh and : -)4pm ) I'leice stieets. | : * iOpm 7Kim : ( ) | : l7pm : . ' ( toSpni IOiKipni : il-liipm IthlTPKS. | Leave i Anivo CONNLCTIM ! LINIvS Tiansfci 'J'ransfei1 depot | depot Only Itvnn'nr ' rilKP Ur.n.lN'I.NG C IlAllt CAHS. belli ceil Oiimhtt , Jjiiicolii. KHHIUH Cilij < ( ntl .S7. Lotii * . 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 'I'liihis Mill miivn ut aiictleaie fiom the ( C , Ht. 1' , JI A. U ) depot , ITitli inul Webster ticcl- > , llliott lonneelidii iinulc in I'muii Uppol , KMII HIH ( ity , lor all points onlli and \Vt-i-l ; in I'liion Uc'jioi , El Luiil" , Icir till i oints Disl nuil It. ITU.MAN lirrn.TSI.Iilll'INO CAItSonnll niKlu trains. I'or tlekvls , hleoiuu ? a'irlieillis anil other In- 1 c i mi t i . 1 1 II < n i 1 1 1 1 i f 1 1. 1 . ( ' . , M. I'M. 0. U. H.iuiut ) ! | , 151 n and \VHi : | < -nrets. i . in- r. 12 'MouitEs , T. r. ( jooiim'.v , Ticket Aifent. Trill elln ; ' 1'a-s. Atfeiit. I.J F.un..m Mrc L'liiiiilia. ( : VV" . H . Nl VVM IN . II. ( XTHVN INI ) . ( icn Trullie Mun'cr ( loiil. I'n-bXJ'Ickel A t St. I.iinlt. FISHER D. L. SJfAXE , Sintri'lnffinlent. mm JQD&EHS' D1REOTGHY Artists' Material , 'A. iiosi'E , , in . , ArtistB' MuterialH , I'iunos unit l..KI lliiuKlna Stri'ft , Onuihu. Agricultural Implements , CJIL7JICH1LL 1'AltKEIt , WbulCFAle DfHlc'i In AcriiMiltitrnl Jmiilements , Wilsons , C'urniik'i'0 mid IlucGlcn. JCMICK nlrfet , mid lUlliOmnliu , IM'IJ. \fi \ M ETC A LF Airiculturnl liupleinenty , VVuionn. ( ' rrinifCf , IliiBcIc.Ktc. . , Wlm'e talc , O'nnha , 1'A JiL IX , OItEXJOJtI'\V MAJtTlN Wliuleralt Healers In Agricultural Iniil | < > meuts , mill Uu , " iu . Wl..rtl , ' .Oj undiu ; , .lonn t Butter nn'tl Eggs , Itnyers of Hutter and K mml 1'aiVlnf lluutu lltli imil Lenten- illiflt , IM * . A. It. 'lra'-l.umahn Builders' Hardwaie and Scales. 1IT , P TA YLOIt , "iouivniKl UuiTalo H-nle > . H'Jj ' , v Oiuuha Neli. LEri , muTTi ) ifco , , Joljliers oT Ilnnlwaro nnd Nulls , Tinware , Shcel linn. iic. : Atolls fur llowu bcului , niul .Mtmnl I'lmcirM i > Omalia.Nt l > . JtECTOJlytLHELMY ( \ CO. , AVliolcsiilc Hardware. Wrttrrn nci'nlt for Jrfi-rfoii r-ircl Knllt. Auttln " j. laiil.snk Mundaril r-mlri Luiucr loth mil llnnicinnalin Iron Worts. Iron Works , XVroui-ht ni'il Tail Iron Uulluinc Work Iron Main. Hulling , lloiuna aiid ( jlrdf m , htcaui f.iikiinit , Hra i vvcr > , < iini'r l tToiindrr , MM Into ui t \fotk OCueuplWurkiU , 1' ttj Boots and Shoes , AJiEnic.tx u ixn siwnn MIOK coMTAxr , MMiuf ftmrrtiiti < l Wluknloc.ilm ) ) In lUiotw u nil Shop" , rprrr > lctf Hrrk nf II bl-rf ( Socxl * R | T on hind - ' ir. r. MOUSE , r co. lobberv of Hoots and Shoe . 1 VnriiuiiM .Oiiinhk , Nrl > . Miiuutiiclor ) . S' HtlTI , llottdll. / . T. Li\lJsJs r , ( > ro. \Yholes-nle Kiibbet' HonN ami Shop * . HiiMtrr nmlOlle.l Ool'nnn iimi lull Uootn , V'u ' ii : l I > > ntcrliili ntnl II.MIB n Beer. for Aiiliciiser-lmsli ItrewiiiR As'n I ltrnml I'mitl llinlncl-cr ninl 1 rlnncrr. .sTo/f/r , < > ILKII , Liifrer Heer Hrpvters , l"il Sorllt 1eih Strip ! , Omnlin , Noli. Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Coffee nnd Spire Mills. Tea * . CoTrc Spi.p. . liakinc I'owilrr 1'HTonn * Kx * ttnitt , iJiundrr llliio , Ink , Ktc 1IH HHliirnrjr HttTl.Ouinbit. .Nob. 'tr.lTES. COLK . ( ' Mli.EV. llonip CoHeeund Spice MilN M'f'ir Co. I'offppTtoHMors nwl Spit Mlrtndprp MnntifMtiiiirf of linking lowdor. I lirtim < I'xir.ut * . llluliiK. I If 'l'r onn t n n nf ii rl n | > iuUticr lloiuollli'iid Uo.ifUi ] OiITro litU iluiuiril l Omihi N li. Cornice. ' E.tULKCOHXICE ifonKN , John Kpcneter , Prop. lUnufaftiircr \ fiMlMinlrnl linn mill rnmlrp. PU Htiilcpunri 103inul lei N , 1(11)1 ( ) M. . nrant'fc.Neb. Mamifiuimci * f Oruinneiitul ( Ailvstni/.ed Cornices. Purmir VVliulont. 1 Uml > . .McinlU .skjliflit.i'lc. MUS. K'li M . ( liimliR. "WEST'mtx coitxjcliJToit S ; C. Speelit , Prop. finlvnnlrcil Iron ( "ornlro" , clo. SIMM I'uliniirorrrt Put- ent Jlrmlli' | | MB f l.'lhM inn ijm. _ C res. > . ' ' 'OMA'HA cAitrE'rco. , - , liilbor Pf % Curpets Cnvtuins Oil Clotli . HuirSi 1 i c cMnn . .V'.nlllic Kt" IMl DniiK'ft ' * tlri' < t. " , S. A. OliCJIAItl ) . AVliolesale Curpets , Oil Cloths. tialllncb , ( urliiln Coodv Ktc. 1123 I ainnm Mrcct , Otnnhn. Not ) , Crockery and Notions , I } ' . L. II'ill ( f JIT. Agent for ll.i > Mumif Uiirci < nml Importer * of Crockery , OlasHWiire , Lump' , < 'hlnmu > B , ( to. Olilci' , oir South 13th ft , Oiunhn. .Ni > li. Commission and Storage. " ' I ) . A. Hl'KLEY , rouiniishion and .lobbing. lliitlrr. KiKsnml I'rotliiri' . Cnlulpi ini'ni * follntcil. iml'iu.tili'tti ' for Monowaii1 , limy lloxt'S HIM ( .lilpu HHUl-i'lf. I'll Do.U'iTtii'i t.ULimlni. [ in Jierehiints. s I'lpiluro ninl lroTli loiiF , Onuilin. Nrli. ir. 'R Slorapfo nnd Commission Mereliuiil. bpptliililp nmte" ICpff * . Cln'oao. Poultry , ( , nme , ti ) lrri > . HP. , Ttu lI'jsQiuii mil Hicet 'I ED EMAX d1 CO , , jo Commission ilereliiints , Voullrj , lluticr , ( , niiiv. rtull . tu. V''O f. llthnt WEEKS ( ! l Commission Jleiieliiiiit , AnlJohbrinnf rorolun nil Domrsilc I'rullf. Coiro- flioiulcinc mlli'itoil. VVarnliouKOitiul ollicv. HON. Tblrirrnth M .Omnli.i , Ncli. 'lcli'i'liiini7'i. Coal antf Lime. J' . MILESTONE ( ' CO. , DcaU'ia In Hard ninl Soft foal , ml > iir > l , IMli ni-il Nldiolni nt. , Oiunlin , Nob. V HI-"J Cfi. GUI. i . HiiAiiH , rrcc. ( ' . K. GOIIIISIAV , V. 1'res. J. A. si' viiuilA.-n , hoc. ninl Trcnu. OMAHA COAL , COKE . LIME .lobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. : W south Ylilrleonth Street , Oimihti , Ncli. Mannfiietiiroi's of Illinois White Lime. Aiul shipper * of Cnl riiitl Co > tc. ( Vnieiil , lla lcr , Ijrue , JlHlr. Kio ItricK , Iriln : , Tllft ittxl SI.\T ( > I lip < * onii'c. I'.llinn Ilfil l. KAriintn f > t. , Oiniliu , * NCb. Tclonhono Ml. Confectionery. r. P. I-'A r .r co. , Mannfactnriiift' Conreetioners , Jolilcu of J iiiin , J.utii nnd ( i ms. Ull 1 iirnam El. ( HlMl'll. Live Stock Commission. M. Jil'liKK ,1fiOXfi , Jjlvo Stock C'imiiiiisbioii. ( loo. Iliirkp , Mniinpnr Ui.lonetcclt Var4 , M dnialm. 'lelypiiinp f'j. SAVAUE d Live .Stock t'ominiHsioii Merchants , MilpiucnK of iin ; cnil nil kliulg of htoek tullciltd. I'rjlor. Moikuid ( irnMhii , : , i'b Cigars anil Tobacco. MAX MKYEIi , ( ' CO. , .iobbers of Cipai's 'i'obai'i'O , Minis niulimrmnloi ! ! , ' 'I' ' lo "ii" P Illii M. , 1WO lo ' ff'EST , Jlaiiiifuetnrer.s of Fine Cignrn , And Wliulcrnlr lli'Hlrn In l.cnf 'liibinoi , Nof nii'l III ) N. Mlb i-lri-ei , ( i-ilin. JIOUtiEll , { } ll'OODLAXI ) , VV'liolOFalc l'H'or < In , 'L'obuccorf , i'iiies uinl SmokcrV Avtie.les , Ascnttfor II. I , el Iprijorf i. 0 . I'lno-t'iil ami Saiot. InzTobacnoi , Mllw/inVoo , VVIi'-on'la. No , 112 North SI iteeotbstraot u-nnb'i , Nub , Dry Ooods. M. A' . SMITH tCO ( , , Dry ( Jooils , Fnrnisliiii ) , ' floods A > Xntlnns HOInndllOl HoiiKlaii , cor lltli HI , Oinnlin .Vlli. Distillers. Dlitillcnnf l.lquori.AlralmliinilPplrltP. lni | > nrleri > nn > l JcilibcrfolVlinn r.U Jiinrr. ! | WIL1A ) n'fil'JtlXdN JHSTILLE'V CO , ami JLElt ( > CO , , Importer ! " ninl Jobteuof 1'lno Wlnri inl I.linorB bolu inmiulnolui l < if Kt'lini'ilT'n Kan linliii Hit * | gi HiiiioiufiiilliiioiH. | | | | Ill' ; llu Drugs , Paints , Etc , H. T. CLA11KE DHUfJ CO. , Dnur , I'aint.Oil & GinsH lionso VVtMol Cbluipu Coiciilrlt1 I.lno of DrutrgUU SUB- ilnr 1111 llHrnfj ft .Oiimlm , Drain Tile , Etc , A. IIS M FII l'ip J VV.Ilrnrnitn ee4..Tiea II. J. C r.iiox. V.l'rvt. itiiil hurl. THE ( fXlOX HYDliAULW JJItA IX TILE CO. , OWca 21,1 t > . lltli ( I . Omdliii. Neb MnOHnrr nud ' for Munuruclitrlnt ; Crmcui Drain Tile. Fur nit u i e , JE11'E\ \ bTOXr , Wholesale DealeiK in Furniture. l-uiniiiii H , ( iniMlin.i b. Furniture , lloililinir , Mliror , etc. ltor.1203 UM ! I''IO KanniuH , _ tirab . Butchers' Tools. LOWS IlELLElt , Itntdiei-H * 'I'ools ' ' and Siipiilieh1 , iuuugo C'uncc. ( > [ nil lir.ili ulwuit Jb mocn , 1214 9MAHAJOBBERSDmECTflRY Groctrits , PAXTOK GALl.AGUKIi ,0 CO ? ( Jrocorlp and Vrovisions , MC conn , ) Vhole < ale ( rorer.t , I1" ! ! npil l.raTCiiworlli flu , Omnh i. Hardware. llenvy Hnnhrnro , Iron ninl Steel. Fl'fiiif. Win-on Mott. . lUnlinre l.unil > cr. tc. 10 _ _ miilU'll ' llirnpy M , Utintin , H'lixKi'ip GilTnox , A hole < iil ( > Iron mid Steel , W FnnnirBrrljppWoo.lStoa ! . , HMVT llunlimm -Jl HlnUZh ) l. < -.iTcii' orili ft , Dnialin ch M r L TO . .v7o fv77Tsr7F .SO.N .s , Stoves IJaiiijos I'lirnncpi. Tllee , ( .rntof , l'.in ( , ( xxl- . lvlni ! | futi m Mtpot. Lumber. Denier in Lumber. Luth , Lime , Sash , leer ) , l.'lc. YimlConiprJlli niul iKnician Corner niiinna noii4in. CHICAGO LCMltES ! CO. , Wholesale. Lumber , fl . lUliMrrpl.nmihHiVnb. I . .I'olpctterHinxi.rr. . Jewelry. Wholesnk1 .lp\\elers ami Music Dealers , IMPM | III MlTi-rwari' . 1 hinonlritrlioi. . ( lorlo. Jv\tt'lci i > Innlmnil MnlcriaU , v\e. nil anil 10. ' l lh M .ciii.ltiMlt , ! ' , ( iinaliii , Si-li. Lumber. I'lli n I rnllfcirln Mrr < > t , Omnlm. Npl , null ) ir. ( ; IIA r , Lumliev , Lime , Cement , Kte. . ICte. C < r.flli Hnil lKiiisli < 5U , uiiei'u. ' Xo ) . Jumber. 'J11' . IIAin'JtYLUMliEli C0 'J'o ' pciilors Only. OlUcp , 14(11 ( Knrnnni rIrcPt.Omalii CHAS. It7 LEE , Jiurdxvood Iiiiiubc * , . \VcoiIOntpilB mill 1'nrqiipt t'lomliie. Vlli ninl I Om ilin. JOIJX A. It'AKWIKI , ! ) , Wholesale Lninber. 15 1 c. l niul .Atm'ilntn I'mthinil ( NMiicnt ltntc urlllliMUiki't' ' llv.liniilic rcini.Mii anil lii'M < HliCH- > \\hltcMllll ! . Lire Stock. I'XIOX STOCK J Alll > ? > CO. , Or Omaha. l.licltril. John V IlojJ , Siperlntorrtant. Millinery anil Notions. < ) i'Kiti''KLni-it < r c > . , lnipnrleri > aii'l.lublii ' > is t Milliiifry and Notions , i'iil 1311 IlnriiPt MiGul , Onrilnt , Vol > . Notions , ii , r < < t. , . \lolhooill. ' IMicit lliipirloisi'f Oennan & French Toj s A Faney d'oods ' In .Vcli-rsVn. CliUnKii | > rlcci iliipllcntdl ni'llinut hilil- lll lirlchl. Jll'l I'll ! r , I- , , fl | | , ! ! , OliKlllll. \VllCU"SlO ) ll..lU'M 111 Notions anil KimiNhiin ? Goody , 40.lmiil ni ] Ti'iiUlM . ( Minim. Jobbers la Notions , Hosiery and ' trcnls' J'nrnisliiiig ; l Firnma Kt Onrilii. Vnli Paper Boxes . / . / . . D'lLKlE. itiircr of I'ajiei1 HOVCM. f.S.llt'iS ,11m-ill n , .N > liri Vn. OnliMi by ninlleu- llrlltil uinl nlll receive iirouipi nllfiitlon. Overalls. .Maniifaetiircrs of Overalls , Jcaim r.uiU , L-lilrlF , Kir. lID'iiii I not DUII.IHISlicct. . ( > IIMM. | v , , | , Printinj. ro. ; i' A vr .loh Prinl r.s lUank Hook Jl.iKera , A tul Jiouk llii ] < lcr . KM iiiul IIH * > 'iuin ' loiuCcir.Ul Htruet : . ' ' ! ! . Auxiliary 1'iiblisliei" ' . " * ninl I'rlnlcr * hupii'iOH ' M'J r < vi > tfilistiivt. Pickles , l/itirgar , Etc. Ar MonitiK co. , Miumfiutuirix , 1 * . i > ) he.ilr sin ' & ' V I'icUlei'&Stilctly I'ure Apple IMkl'ii ; Pimilor , ritTnrinu' Ktltarli. 'Inbli' h mi > , I ii nfli Mii lin l > V ill lllnlnn , ( iiiH-ptc - f ' ' ' hole iifffni Icr lotl * liitu fc ti l ICuriitil Applu Cl * ( Irr. 14UG I o.ivciiH'Jllli M . ( Miiiilii. Safes , Etc. r. no run , i'o. . , H for Hall's Hale & Lock CO.H' I'lre nii < l Hunt in I'ronf Stf > ' . 'lima 1Tkcuulti Jiiil Winli luJl I Miont ( liimlin , Neli. Oiiuilia Safe Works. Mitnufi I'hurmif Tlr uinl Kjrclm.l'rnoi ± * 'rr Vnul l > ! Wcirk.Miutivis unUiio Uol. . ( or , I till i.nil Jo < k ori Ht , oniHlib. N * n Sttsh , Doors , Etc. M. A. JtltiltliOir , f > CO. , Wiioli'rulu Minufuitiirt ! > i nf S'asli , Door.s , liliinl.-i and Moulding , Ilinnrli oairc.ljlhiinil l/nnl 1" . ( ll.'iilm. Nch Kasli , Door , Itliii'ln ' , Mouldings , l'lliis ' 1'ii.or. utc. mil Su'ith Tiiii n mill Hlrcct , Uiualin , .Nuu. A roinpli-tv mutL l lluilileri' BO//.Y MAJ'l < 'A"ri'Ttl.\ CO. ] Manufacturers , of Sas/i / , Doors , Blintle , Uotilii'iipii ' SlujtVui kHiul InliNioi ll.n lV l toil I inl b Jutt oi.riitil. . 3V. r. tor h'h niul IAU . uiivvui Hi blr * Omntm , Nrb. Pumps. I/ILL J'l'Ml' CO. , J'limjiu , I'iie | , Fittings ptcniuin < \VntiTS.imilirj l llpijriu IIICIH I i Ml.H i o ift CO'B tiui U 11)1 ) 1 iiriiuni Mt , ( Mii.iliu .Ncli A. L. fiTJt.t XfJ ( ' < ) . , Pumps , Pipeniul Kn 'ineH , BtCHni. Wiilcr , lltllmr un'l ' .Milling K > pplif Kin IM > , ( Mar.ilV.'t huruuu at . ( iinih i ' < fli ilio Wml Milli ; n > cnm tin.Vl.lrr ; Pui'i lC ! , ml.liiiMi'oi' ' llcllliiK Muiv V1H ninl ( 'tl ' lur- uaiu t , ouiiilni. H K I wlloii , Alunui'ir. ' Ti unks. / / . ii. .M Wholcsak' 'I'l'iinkH , Millani llotol IJIoik.OajaUa Wagons and Carriages. A , J. fiuii'fioy , TIio Lending Uarriatra I'actory , ll ifUU Kill I ) Ii.ll ll.i ! and 111 ! Jc ulreoi , Building Material. OMAHA hl'MHKIi CO. , jK'-Htr - . Ai l > n > l > uf Knildiiif. .Material at U bolcsar ! > . iStliHlrcoltiU T ion 1'unllc ' Truck , OnmU.