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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1886)
HE SIXTEENTH YEA ! ? . OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 21. 1880. NUMBER ISC. If'M TIM T I' Ttll T t I P 11AHD1 TELLS 1IIL 1ALE , The False Proplitt Gives the Details of tie Pall of Khartoum , HOW GENERAL GORDON DIED. U IIP Jurj In Iho Colin OiiiM > t pll < ' e JlrliiK In ft Vi-rillot Ar < | Mlltlnn llotli Lord nnil Lady Oilier r ( > reli n. Poi' Ood's Snkc. 1' ofivrio'it ' ISM ; Ji/J | / < IM& ftoirtnu iirnntil 1 LONIKI.V , Die. ' .JO. [ Now Yolk Herald Cable-Sppclal to the Brr.J-Bythc klnd- nrssof Sh John Kirk IIiHMi consul general /aii/lbai , I liavi1 just lecc-lved thp follow ing cop ) of a leltei Imtii the Mahdl to Ills governor gpiieial of Lipiatoiiil Africa , glv Ing details of the cintute of Khaitoum. This letter was sent to Fmln I'acha , 'luikish xlceroy of llquatoilal Alrlcn , a * apioof of ( loidon's death , and with a demand toi Kmln's sutiendci , thence it was 1oi wauled toSIi John Kiik. 'I IIP letter Is dated li ! ll.iah , HW-Ajuil ( ! ! ( < , 1S-C , . ) Itheglns : "rrom the mlseiabh1 Mahomed Ahmed , who Is called Kl Mahdi. to his miser able Wall Karamella KI Shplkli from Iho poorsIavDof ( toil , KI Mahdl Bin Adullab , to his friend and covcinoi : Cod grant him , etc. 1 present to joti maiij excellent salaams , ptc. " Then : "I Infoim jou , m > deal ftlend , that accoidlng to the fulfilled piomise of < ! od , the city of Khaitoum was enteicd by thi ! help of ( iod on Hie ! Hli Kabcen cl Akhui ( Jaiinaiy 20 , IWo at dajbieak , Hiuingli help ers of out leliglon , who vvciu icady and jumped over dltch'js , acting uiioii the com mand of Iho Lord who nilcs the whole vvoild. It was In a quattcrof an hour ot less that tlm ) came upon the enu'iiles of the I .old , there cutting them off , even fiom beginning to end ot them. Notwithstanding they were btrong with theli arms ol sticngth , the } lied away before the lioops of ( jod. Though thinking tooblaln afety bj entcilng thclt enclosnics and HiinttniL' the doois , the ) wcic met face lo lace and hewn with swouls and htabbcd with spears until tliehcilcs were terrible. They weio cut In pieces al ime , theio upon the mound , 'ilien UK. tioops of ( ! od tell upon thu test ol the people , who had shut their dooi' fearing a Ilku fate. The ) vveie taken up ami Killed piopeily. None weio lelt hut llttk chlldicn and slaves- . But as to the piii-ui ) ol God. ( lOidoti , though wo hut waiueiJ 1dm , and talked Klndlv to him that ho might retiini to Cod , jet he uevei did so , because his mlseiable stale was loic mdUncd bv Cod. Dceiu-c ol his loolishnos- he vvasieinoved by ( Soil to the pl.ue of his wiath , which is a bid place to icmain in , Tlio end ol tins guilty people is that Hiev vveie cut oil , which thanks be to Godhe - lalls those who are to iccelvo hie a1 theli icward , while luht Is icseivci for these who shall uccivu heaver iis theii dwelling place. Theic vveie tci poisons only who vvero killed in tlm holj stilfefoi Khartoum. Theicttol om jieopli received ncithci wound nor hint. All ha' happened bj thu piovidencc of ( ioil , aud vv < lion our heads In thinks to Cod lei Hiuhcli received fiom him. May jou also do so 13uvv ) our heads to Cod and thank Hlsholv name. " This letlei Is scaled by thu Mahdl , and W.T the fust Infoi matlon Kmlii I'.iilia had of ( lei don's death and thu tall of Khaitoum. Ii fact , It Is the lirat olllclil Infoimatloi Khgland has iccclved of ( loulon's diath. Till : AUOXY OVCK. A I'i'Diillnr Verdict Ketiirncil in tin Colin Campbell Case. ICiipjMtIfiWliuJaittrtGanliin / / ) / ' Ihmirtl ] LONDON , Dec. ' . ' 0. ( New Ymk Heuli Cable Special to the Hi i : . ) 'len dajsairi the Campbell cable dlspati lies fiom her said : "How iad ) Colin will stand such i slmdy , teasing Scotch PIOSS examination a Advocate Flnla ) wlllgtvohci icmalus to b scon to monow. Cleailv , II HIP jurj bellevi IIPI. she has destrojcd au Ingoiiloiis eh ihi o little siisiiclons ] links which hei hud's conn sel have made 'I'lio tnr , hovvevpi , will se as a ip-iilt only a diawn cairnfoi hei tin Is , she imi ) deleat Loid Colln's claim , jc what is called the'Wntson Miles adullPi ) , on which she lei a dccice in IIPI lavoi has inidcnlablv tailed. Wheiefoie , In Hi end , Jmticii Butt maj bo c died upon to n peat what ho has thus lai oltcn slid : ' \\lia \ \ a sad vvasti ) of time. ' " This tin us out to have been a prediction AI a ipi.irtci past 10 this PV Piling the hungry looking twelve came In to court , whciP Judgi lintl looked tlihstv , and aunouiiivd Hut Hie : hadaciiuittdl both lIHi'auts. Said a Junior ban Islet : "it Is a nem con not a crlm con. " But when HIP jiny. as If In despilr , wen on to do something by icprphending Cunei.i Butlei lor his absence , pronouncing "hi conduct as unwoiili ) ot a gentleman an a sohllei , " thu latuhtci was loud. "Whydhl not the jmvalllxa ilderon vai : oils topics' ' " asked ( -otto voce ) one ol CPU pial Butlei's solid tots. .lunni. m 11 m iii n. Hovvover , to the Imitation ol lomnei' Juilcs , who otten add queer i dels to ilml verdict' ; , Jud o llutt , In his summing up , ha led HID vva > In these words : "It was not i thu power of Lady Colin Cam pi ell , or ot an one else , to call Butler on 4iihpn > n to deny achar.oot adultpij.lf he didn't ear to coiim fotwaid , bcc.uiso then * is a clause i HIQ act of pirliment ispe.Mally pievuutlii ; compuUlon in such eastMI. . Finla.v UIL'C that thu nou-appcaiaucu ot this geiitlema VTI\S pioof of his guilt. 1 have no iucllnatlo to go out of m ) vvaj olio hali'a biedth In , \ - fii t C jnoial Butler. If hu Is ( 'ullt ) let bin taKe tlm consp iieiiep. It he Is not guilt ; what claim has hu upon our lousideiatuu Tlio tact that IIP docs nut appear Is not cm elusive proot ol Ids guilt. But whcthci < not taking this clieiimst nice. In cnnjuctlo with othei facts , his ullt Is piobuble , i mil : Icavo jou todecldP. "It Is ] io iblc. that thoio may have L e ponuiotlier toason vvhj a peisun ehaigid wit adulteiy should fpar to jet into tlio vvltuci bo\ and submit hinisell tocio-s pxaminatliu Thoiu may bo othei incidouts In a m m's 111 that would nmki ) cio sexamlimiion I tlm tiox a tciror , and tlu- iiiay account for Cuiu-ial Butlei /on-appoarauco. 1 say 'account fi It'loi 1 do nut think an ) thin ? lould Ju Hfy It. It hu Is guilty ho is worthy i any v cutlet ) im can give. It ho Is mm ( cut , it U dilUcult to PAaggeralo the iiPssof lh ! man whom wo havudowiibjil i a tine old suldtm. ' Whatovci mayhavulwu his view withlogaul tohlsduty to hlnisel iiolJilti eau e\ouso Ids conduct to Lad Colin Campbell , and It Is for vou to i-a wluuhertho fact of hU iion-uppearanco In taken Hu < case a.'ain t him out ot llw uic v ! puituablhtj. " Till Jill's 11NDINCS. luruedlatiljr on Killing tt o jurj Ijctau Mian'moiis ' ihat i < ad > Mile * ' evidence as i 1 oid Collu't. iutiilellly was to bo jej'Ctcd 1 i medical evidence us to the in plicr.lpd maid. Thej were equally unani mous in rejecting the evidence against the lJuko of Marlboiough. thus -Rjinp that l.oid CollnS witnesses were mis taken In that direction ; also in relcetlui : the Kejholp tcstimonj of Jaiould's old > acht steward as to vvbat he saw , thus convicting O'Neill of peijury In lejectliiL' the suspicions against Dr. Blid. I'.nt the juiy next dKigrccd as to Butlei. 1'iitii wue foradiudging him and Ladj Colin Kinliv. Altei two hours' delay , not to bu called delibeiatlon , a ( .omproml'u was anivcd at bj which the tout came over to iho eight In cotisidetaHon ot the laltci ameeiiiK to KlcK Cuiieial Butlei by eaih puttini ; his foot Into an inelevant Mdrr. tin : ftiowt ) MSPPOIVI t f. Theiewasaii ImmenM1 crowd of emio-ltj mongers outside thu louit house. Large numbeio had but on the ic.snH and the sub- divlsionsof the ipstdt. When the latter was announced it was leeched In sullen silence. All weio disappointed. All siw that the le.eal came of chance had resulted In a UIHVV , the queen of HIP case still ipnialiilng on het white square , out unable to move , the Duke of Angle's pettj klnp pinned in a coiner by a judlciAl look wnor vv s nu f OSTS' ' bom , hovvpver , the ciowd bcvan a now canvass. How about costs'.1 A law clcik , who looked 111.0 a pletuie of Sampson Biass In "Old Curiosity Shop,1' and had a gteen bag , loudly announced , In an oraculai olce : "Knch paity pajs Ids own costs. " tojoliied another solicitors clerk , who had wo gieen ba's : "No , no ; 'tis i pretty question. Lady Colin brought my loul Into the couit aud has failed In her action ; she loses and must Day. He , per contra. Do jou follow meV" the clerk died , as paits of he crowd were follow Ing him past Temple Bai toChauceiy Lane. "My lord biought ler Into couit with the co-respondents and las lalluil. Kigo , he must pa > bet costs and those ot her alleged paramours. " If the latter giecn bag disciple be light then Lord Colin is stiongly wonted in a buaiiclal view of the case. i oi. IN I'oiNruu.v. nrxorNri.ii. To describe Sir Charles Kussell's tleveri oinato and elTecthu speech , togethet vvltli Itistlt ) Bull's dissection ot the evidence cutting out deeishelv all tainted testimony and keeping In view Impoilanl Item" , would be a waste ol cable space. One specimen ol thu summing up , however , can be Inteiest In cly instanced lip said there was one inci dent in the Pails piucccdlngs which he could not pass over. That Lord Colin should have sou. > lit a waitunt by which his wile would have been tieated as a common piostlluU was an ouliage on common decency. Hi thought Sii Chailes ICtissell was fai toi : lenient upon the question , lie ic-id tlu application foi the vvariant , and said It wa > cleat that thu tact that Ladj Colli was lawlull.v seiiaiatcd fiom hei bus baud by au English court MUSI have been concealed. She had a per fect n ht to move about as she liked , 'llii ; uanant was ajiplied when the pi IK ceding' was pending m thu couit and he could nol conceive ol an ) tiling moie Infamous thai HIP attempt to put the lady In pilson undci such circumstances Dm lug these denunciations .Indue But looked pointedly at the noble 01 , if out please , the Ignoble loid below him whilp all the ducal blood in tlio 1 , liter's fact seemed tir.iiing uurple. But his biothoit sucked their caiio tops in true Pall Mall In ditluence. WHA i NIM' : ' "What will bo the next move'.1" I asked o a jnnioi conceined in the case. He sciatchei Ida wig with a pointless pencil and said : ' That's a mi//le just now , but on consul lations gioat may bu thu elasticity o Bntish proeedujes. " And I added : " the el.isticltj ol bill : of ciijts and appeal. " . I'llMs f OVIVII NT. LONDON , Dec. SL The new -papers In the ! comments on Hie Campbell tiial "xpie-s tin opinion that although HIP vcidlct is unsatis factoij the jurj cuulil have come to noothc conclusion and that the en e shows the neccs sitj of altc-iatlon ol the divoiee iitoccidlng in thediicclion ot camcia tilals. STAMIM.NO OUT ( ( - rniiinVonieii Sc-nlpiiocd l" < itOr l > anl/in I'pinalo l > : iline Unloiw. | ( niy ] ; tuhl As' * tin Jiimclunlun Hi niirll 1 Bi id IN , Dcc.'JO. ' fN'ew Yoik Herald Cahli Special to Iho Bi i .1 Anothei lllslanci ) o the Draconian ilgm with which Bisiuauk i tij lug lo stamp out social ! sin Isalloidedbj tin dial which heeau mi Satnrdij ot six leader of the Bcilin woikvvomeu's union. Fiai Ciothman , no pinlession ; Flareiitim Caiitius , seamstress ; Maigaiot llcblech selimldt , diessiii H.ei ; Antouia Stelnke , eiga maker : Mailo Wallet , tailorcss , aud Anni Marie I'optllng , talloie-s , chaiged betoio th second court ot coiicetioual police with hav liKbiokuii the law against holding publh meeting and { riPiulting membuis foi a jiolit leal society. The casp Involves a vital ques lion ol Diinci.Ie. | If t'to ' lieilln vvoik women's VCKIIII is dechicd a political society baldly mi ) labor veuiin In Cenuany Is neil political , aud all may at any moment b dissolved , 1111 roi inIIOOM c novvnri ) . Thu couit loom , a baiuUomo hall In Hi Lmdgciicht building , was filled with social 1st- and dctachiiiPiits ot police , the tac-c o each now atihal being carelullj noted by Hi dnoikecpeis. Tlm aidiicd , who mi ht b mistaken -ixii'spectib'o goveinussps , oc en pled a bench on the light of the picsldiiu ni.uistiate. and Iminndiately beiiind thoi lOtiUM'l , amen whom 1 noticed thu lainoii Livvjer Munckcl , Yan Anuln's dcfemtci ciiiisplemms by his mass of brown blacl Innand llaming bend. Thu piosi ciitloli w is hid listed to .St.ii Sanwalt Wisner , who sit betweei thu accused aud HID magistiatu. The accuse allplpadod not guiltj. l-'nu Cautuis , an c\ citablu httlo woman , volubly piotcstud tlm the soh' ' object of the van-In was to better th most wiPteheil condition of workwomci Fran Poettintr , the most self-possessed an intcHi.'cnt of tha sU , Fpoko In the sam scn i1. and , though sliu admitted that n eei tiiu Hen Si'hulmaiki soclallbt specchei at mpctingol the vciPiii In lis-'i , slio exiilalne that ho could not have been sober at th lliuc.foi ho pcislstod In addic-ssmg his It maloauditoisas "ineln hPiu-n. " ii siiMiisv. ot nu i-ot.u r About .1 do/L'ii liuliecnieii wt-ie called 9 witiipsses 1m the piiis-i- < i"it an I stumble and bunjjled pilnfullv winl s.ivm tiipii t-vi dcucp. None had anvtlm ; i.o'ioiiotibt uitvanco except Hut tn i iuIMJPU pu claimed an tntc'itiou ot , H > Iiu9 a nutvvorl ol women's Mirciiis ouu ic'i in uito tgltati for tixod woiklng lidUigShyitPi w i os an biHU'r uilueat'oii foi wlTmpnF i'olic. ) Lieutenant Benihtui-t si d : ' 1 di- solved ono meotlng btcaiise m n lecture o lelisious pvolution , the sppikcraid , 'Co had nut cteutcd man , but man uod. ' " nu : iiKrtxsj.- , A mMift HIP vv uupssi's. called for the defciii was DC pui ) lkbe-1 , who is in piUoh an Diinble to apue u , and JPJI Yly Singci , ab > n in t , * & and. > i veral witnesses fstiue J tin f e ace ise l c hcnted tlws verc-ln to i'ccp aloe from politic. Dr-sn'to ' this , Prosecutor Wq , uersaldtho eenvral Political charade ; of th rrcln was evident and tnereforc It should be Issolvcd. M011T M'XTT.XCT.i. After long arguments Iho court at S this veiling senttnccd all the accused lo pay mall lines of 5 10 maiKs , except Fran Ilechschmldt , who was acquitted , and Fran Valtei , ipntPiiced to a few daj's impilson- uent. The dissolution of the \ercln was ap- irovcd. The trial causes the cieatest c-xclte- uent anioni ; the vv orklng classes. Tlio Situation In Al'rlcn. irrpi/f/'il / ( | ' it ? * * li > \ Jaintt flnrilanJfiiirtM P \ms , Dec. 20. 'New ' York Herald Cable -Special to the Bi i . | -Dr. William Junker , IIP Itusslan explorer and companion of Kmln Pa'-ha. vvlio , rlist biought to the outside wotldiirwsof Kmln's pluckj and successful Ipfcti e of the pquatoilal proThtces en- rusted to his clnige a defense equal in ictoism to Cotdon's defense of Khurlmim cables to daj fiom Xan/ibai the foilovvlnglm- loilanl message to the Paris olllcp of the Ik-raid , which is ( tie tii t dellnltc news jet ipcehod in I uropp as to the practicability and natuipof the expedition rcrnilied toi the icscupof HIP gallant Kmln : / VN/tiiAis , Dec , 20II a. m. An expedi tion to ic-ent1 Fmln Is mo t uigciit. The loiiles are now piartieabte if a stiong. thoioitglilj vvplloriiiii/pd : expedition Is sent. The best thing would bo a stion ? nxppdltion undei command ol Stanlev , Thcie will be lighting. 1 shall icach Cairu Jaiuiau y. Yv'lM.lAM Jl'NKint. Dcfpated Uy Govpi-nmcnt Cl A.V. A ( f' ! . , lc-c. ' 'O.-Vargas Torres , one ot iiio lulnclpil icvolutlonary chiefs , has been lecaptuied. On HIP llth In-t eighty goveiniiipnt troops defeated 170 Montcn- cciosat Amloitli , on thcbo.iider lietvveon Kcuador and the United States of Colombia , Seveial vveie killed and wounded. The ProccpdltiKS Alwmlonril. Dt iit.ijf , Dec , ! 20. Thu proccedlius against David Sliechj , Painelllte member ot pai Hi- input lor South Galway , foi accepting rents tiustee mulct the " ol " as "plan the campaign" at Templemorp , County Tippcratj , have beou abandoned. The Itpnt Campaign In Irplaml. Dtni.tx , Dec. 20. Joseph Cox , Jciemlah Jordan and JosoDli KennjPariiclllto mem bers of paillamcnt , succeeded FMday In col lecting all HIP icul dm- trout the tenants on the Vandclctn estates and escaping with tlio money , thus hoodwinking the police , who ex pected HIP tenants w ould assemble jesteulaj. Tlic Procppdincs Abandoned. Dim IN , Dec. 20. The proceeding1" luaiust David Shei-hy , Parnelllte mcmbei of pallia- meiit lor South Calway , lei accepting rents as trustee unilc'i "the plan of the eampait.n" atTpiiiplemoie , county Tipperaty , have been abandoned. _ Illness of Sir. Pnrnell. LO.VDOX , Dec. 20. Panicll Is at Ka ton Station hotel , in this city. He is 111 and con- lined to his loom. He Is unable to receive visitois , and is obliged to avoid ti.msictlon ol all business. Disappointed. SoriA , Dec. 20. The repoit that Counl Heibeit Bismaick had advised thu Bulsaiian delccates to accept Prince Nicholas , of MIn- giella , us niler ot Bulgaiia , has caused gical disappointment hcie. Terrible Kail way LONDON , Dec. 20. A teirihc railway col lision occmicd at Charkevv. Russia , on Sat m day , lesultiiig in the killing ot sixteen put sons and mjuilng thirty otheis. Socialist Sheet Seized. Butt iv , Dec. 20. The socialist pappi , the Thin Inger Weld Post , has been sei/ed a Munich foi publishing the aitlclo written b ) Lic-bknicht entitled "Faiowcllto America. The Ijc.-jRncrH1 Plans. DL iii.tNDee. . 20. The leagueis are tikinc piccautmns to jirevpnt another coup like tha at Lougtm-a. In some Inslanccs they au appointing fieli trustees. Bi iu.iDec. . 20. The rclchslag mlliliij committee by a majoilty ol twelve has ex emptcd cleigjmcn tiom mllitaij service. P.-Unl Holler Kxnlnsinn. LONDON , Dec. 20. Six pei sons wem killci b ) a boilei explosion In the town ot Lccco J.ombaulj , to-daj. Tnplvo lilvpH Ijot-t. LONDON , Dec. 20. The steamship Llanclly -illiug liom Mvetpool , has foimdciPd a lloljhcad. Twelve poisons weio diowned Illsmnick Indisposed. Bi lit IN , Dee. 20. A ( lispaluh to HID Stand urd to dav sijs that Pilucu Bismaick Is again llldkpo-td. Saw Her Husband Dnilie Deed. Hir IIVIOND , Va. , Dec. 20. Some month ! ago IHchaul ShlunliK , keepei of a. bat loom sold out his business and iolt the city lei tin west , leaving his wile behind. Last Satin daj Mrs. Sliinnlck , who has been an Invalid hnding her end last approachinir , made ai antc-moitPiu statement of the details ol ; nun dor pcipptiated bj hoi husband OVPI : \earago , Sh imlck lived over the bit 10011 and his wife was fipjiucntly palled upon t < assist him. She ajs that onn night last fal between the houKs ol 11 nnd 12 o'clock sin happened to entci the bar bj the Dnck dnoi when she saw her husband , who was In fion ol the bircoiiub i , knock down a vvhlto mat with a pali ot bi iss knuckles , diag the bed } behind the coiiutci , uib It of a loll ol moiipy , ralsp HIP trap at thopiid ot the bai and piisl the body into an old wpll undei thu lloui Upon this intoi ination the policu uent ti woiktoimd the u-mains bv pulling up tin lloorand digging tor the hidden well , 1m bavuas vet madp no discovery. The wholi Pliice , hovvovei.wlllbeHioroiighlyovpihaulPil Last tall two slatit ollicials . MiC.tnoll city tu-asiirei of Stumton , and W. II. Ciaw tout , cloik ot Bland countv lelt theli home toi l.iihmond , hincn whU-li ( Imp iii-ithei o them has been heaid liom , uul thu hcliet I stioiK-l ) pipvah-nt tint emi ot these vva Slniintek'H v U tun. Thu w Hit's de-ci Iption o the muulcicd man in some tcspccu agicc with tap appeatancp of both , but mine -o ii it-sard to Ciaw lord. 'I lie Cincinnati author itliH huvu beun tehv'iaphfd toanest bhin nick it ho cm bo lonnd. An VIISVVPITiled. . H \imi-nuiu , Pa. , DJC. 20. An aiisvvc was tiled In .1 juothonotuj's oftko to daj Ii thu injnmt.on suit of the comiuonwcalt ! against the Peiinsjlvama tailioad compan ; and others In the South Puiinsjlvania i.ii ! road deal. The answer is on the motion o tlio commonwealth to make thu mjnnclioi perpctuil. Ttio I'eniisvlv.inla company di mes tliu ounci ship ol thu denlus that the South Pennsylvania U a pai allc-1 coniit'tin'lliiic | : , and sajs that they hav no Knowledge ol the puuiantcpliig of Hi Bcdfoul and Biidsepoit lailroad compan ) ti be used to puuhasu thu South Pennsvlvanln 'ihobalaniu ot thu paper is a contiadict'Oi ' of tlio allocutions made bj thu common wealth in iu ai Pi PS Id en i la 1 WA-IIINOION , Dec..1' ' . The piesiden to day remitted a line of * . ,00) and cost- niuonntiiu to'iOu , In thu case of Llihn Ii Case , who was couv icteo in the district com of the noithern district of lllinolc , July if lbS5 , of obtaining a pension b > fiaudand pei jury ami bcnteni t-d to two jears in Jolie penitential- ) , and to pay Hie abovu UUP. Cas was Miuitod a pension ot1 a month in IMJ ici r iptiuu and In tI ho npplk * 1 for an In cri'i e , On invest igat'on It was shown oi Hvi ti Hmoiiy ot his divorced wife that hi a I'c'lon antedated the vvai. laro is ) iov t ) live ) cars of ago and iu fccblu health , OUR TROUBLOUS NEIGHBORS , Janadn , Mexico and Venezuela Threaten the United States. A CIVIL SERVICE ANANIAS. \n IJfTort to HeMade to Amend Die I.avv ItiMutliiK to Sumatra 'loliaeeo Capital News. l.iillo Duqs nark Lund. \V vsttiNiiiov , Dec. 20 iSpeclal Telcpinm to the Bii. : ] A congressman Iromtliuuoith. easlein countiy , who thinks the lishlnp dis pute moio unions than most people do , has obsei veil an older In council that the Cana dian coast be examined ( ally next jeai in ic- gard to a suitable place of coast defences. Since ISO there has been scaicelj any mili tary foice in Canada except militia. One liatalllon of Infantiy Is all that is usually kept In Halifax. Theic are now said to be in Halifax lorn companies of euglneeis , A submaiine mining batalllon , a compauy oi iMiil-on Piigluecis , two batteiies of niUllciy undei ordeis lor Halifax The Second battalion of York and the Lancaster in- lantry regiments , foui battailous of the the Duke of Wellington's leglment and auothei icglment of Inlantryis said to be unilpi orders for llalltnv. The Cutting in cident Is pieiiutcdto Involve further dtlll- cultj' , becau-o Mexico will not waive and wo will not concuih ! their light to tiy Ameilcans foi offenses committed in the United States and as a thhd possible complication Cu/maii Blanco Is ipptpsented as lapldly increasing tin- land and water aimameiit of Vene/uela , with a v lew of annexing Colombia to \ cne- /uela and becoming the agent of Fiance In thccontiolol the Panama canal , and being icadv , in the Intciest of tl.e French owneis , to resent anv Interference on the part of the United States. This means that Blanco proposes to wipe out the Colombian government In oulei that a mlerot Ypiie/ui-la and commaiidci of Its aimv ho may control Its lorritoiy and atfakss The Yene/uellan anny Is today laiger and better equipped than the United States army , it consists of : ,000 line and iiO.OOO ipseive , aimed mainlv with model n bieech-loadlug magazine guns made In Fiance. Blanco has icccntly made additional largo puiehases ot aims. It Is believed be will soon show his baud. The United States lias a nominal pro- tcctoiato ovei Colombia. This government will bo compelled to keep open and piotcct the Panama nillioail , and in this way cannot avoid being embroiled In case ot hostile advances tiy the Yeiip/iiellans , nnd In theeventol be coming thus Involved it Is believed that it will bu compelled to assert itselt on the Monroe docti iiie either dcclaic agui essh el v tor Its maintenance or make a squaio bide down. The protection ot Fiench inteicsts at Panama will give Fiance all the oppor tunity she wants to use torco if nccessai v to cat rte success this , her second attempt in twenty jtMis , to obtain a foothold on the Ami-Mean continent. This Is not a scare storj' . It is simply n relation of some of the inside talk among Washington diplomatic and naval people , by whom It Is believed the United States will gel Into close quaiters with Franco before long over the Panama canal. - , A CIVII. PKHVirE AVANrA . The civil serv ice commission has a messen- gpi or doorkeepoi. who lejokes In the name ol Ananias. but'L'ommlssTonei Obcrly says it is a misnoiuei. 'I ' Im other day thp commis sioner , desiring to devote himself to some piesslng business , went up stairs to one of the more secluded rooms , leaving word that be should not badisturbed. Soon altei wauls a gentleman called vv ho Insisted on hav lug his caul taken to the commlsslonci. Ananias tv ok it u ) ) stairs and the commissioner told him to tell the callei that Mr. Obcrly was "not in. " Ananias went down stairs , ie- turned the caul to the caller and said : "Mi. Obcil ) savs he's not in , but he's upthcruall the same.5' "If we had auothei ii.essengei named Sapphire. " remaiked the commis sioner , when telling'he story , "the coinmis- sioneis would nevPI bu able to secme a mo ment to themselves. " A VIUOINIA II.OI'JMINT. : : : Last Frida ) morning , at the residence of Mi. Schiiialla , a well-to-do lariiici In King Ceoigp county , Virginia , neai bc-ie , Alice , bis handsome seventeen-cat-old daughter. Kissed hei mother good-bje as she stalled tin school with her books undci her arm and said she would not letuin home that evening , asolichnd promised to spend the nluht with one of hei schoolmates. Samuel I'armci , twenly-ono veais old. who lives In an ad joining county , was notlai fiom the Sihin- alla lanu and a few minutes altei Alice lelt IIPI mothpi at iho gate the couple vveioto- u-tlipi on thi-ii way to the nvci. They leached thu vvhiif In time lo embaikoua stpamei ami , u lived hei e Fridaj night. The hour too late to piocuiu a nminaccli- ( Ciiseaiid the ) went to the hoiisp ol an ac quaintance Satuulaj moniini : HIPJ vveie married. Aftei the ceioiiionj Iho hiide vviotc alcttei to hei motliei , In which she said : -'It jou'll lourlve me this I'll nevei do so again.oungFaiuiPi paid a visit to King Ceoigecouutj some months ago to lool , attci his lurnbci business , andkwhilu them met Mlssfechinalla. Fiom that Hum until theii elopement they coiu-pondul , hut on account nt the objection of bei nau'iits IIP paid but few visits to tlio Schiiialla icsidcncp liom the time IIP hist met Alice until thej vcic man led. Tlm joung couple let ) lei then lionie this morning and HIP all.m ciealpsau upioai in Old Dominion click's InVash < Ingion. Ingion."M N-'in's" siTd.ssoii , It Is announced bv ( lie ti lends of Ccneial Kgbeit i. . Vide , now the representative ol HieTnlitPonth New Ymk dlsiilct , that tin president Ins tciidcud him thcTurkisi , mis sion , made vniant by the icslgnatlon ol " " CoxiPiicial ( Vii-ln Is "Sunset" Cox- . moio a sci entist than a politician. Ho Is a ciaduatonl HIP West Point mllltaiy academy , M-ived in bill h the Mexican vvai and the vvai of Ilioic hellion , and has slnco been piactklng hl- piofpssioti as a sanltaiv pinnm-Pi , being 11111- sideicd thu loicmoit authoilt ) In the couutiv on w. IPIICP. AN I X-CllXOni VIAN s DI Mil. Thompson H , Muich died in the ins mi asvliim at Dauveis , Mats , \Vednpsda ) , at HIP age ot fmlv-puht JP.HS. Mniclihadn Miuular caipor. When ho was nominaieil lot Congiess he was a dav laboiei , a stone ciitlc-i at Lastpoit , Mo. , and being a man ol native ability , although uneducated , was .1 Icadei among woiklngmeu. 'Hie gic-cnback' pis took him up to patch the lahoi VOIP , and He was elected to rongiess ovei Kiiguhu llnli in IS ii , the only time Hale has ovi-i been dti < felted Mutch was out ol place In tongies1 and acquired ta ) < J habits theio. At the cue of his ( ci in ho moved to Boiton , oi | > ned i Miloon and went liom tlm t'utiei to the in- iio , is\lum. 1111 ; AiiMt Thp speretarv of the Intel lor today rp fprtcd the application toi it rcheailng td UK timber culture caRu ot Johannes Haiiscom vice Anna W. Hobiiison , on an appeal ot tin latter , tiom N'oith I'latte. ' 1 IIP M'erdni ) held that there vvtno no giounds toi allow jut a icheaiing. icheaiing.mi : run r or PI.IMI H. . ' 1 ho uewspappi publisherH and Ijiiojiaphl cal union h no afitt-d on .1 basis ot 41 cent' pel l.Out ) urns Ini attcinoon papers and -Ci ii-iitapi'i iXK ( > ems toi moinliiir papers as the jirico of composition to uo Into effect on ilaunarv 1. ThH Is an advance ot tiom 1 cent ) pei 1,000 eni" , the in ho at piesent paid h ) both morning and attprnoon papers. HIP lAllJll'AIION Ol C\iril. Ills ! * S's ! , Mr. Carey , \Vjoming , has introdiuod In the house a bill lot the e\tnpaton ! ol pk-uro-inunmi ] > nla and othei o\otie disuasoi amung cattle. This bill has nupn luejmeil with a uu-at deal of care under tin ) diiedion of acommlltppot the Nation il Cattle tJiow- eis1 association , which ieit'ntl > met In Chi' tairo 'I lie bill piovides ioi a CNIIIUIIS-IUI with full powers to condemn all cattle thai havobten exposed to thu disease and pa > - mont thuiofor to the O > VIIPIS It pi ohies toi angid quarantlno ot all InfeMul dbtiictr. It Is believed b ) thucommittoe that If the bill couht bo paspii that pleuro-pilpnmouia whkl to-da > threatens to destroy the i-xnoit trad * ot the cattle , lrc-.h mid cainip I beet buM nc- could be t'uHreh txtujiuit l v\uhiji . comparatively > l'ort ' time. 1111 I.1 A IOVV * A MI " If Mr. L > mui , ol Jona. ri'rn'lurcHl it the housu today a bill piovldini : tlml no giant of public land of the t'nlkd Mates for the bonellt of or to aid in the constiurtlon of any railroad made by the United States to an > st.iio or diiect to any rallioad companj shall bo valid a * against bona lido < -cl tiers on the public domain w Hhln the limits of such Riant. I'he ratlioad com- panv lo which , or foi vvluxo bouellt , such ciaut Is made shall have tiled In the laud ofllco at Washincloii , also a duplicate theicot with the local landolllcpof the I nttcd Slates , inthcUls- ttlct wherein surli laiiil Is situixted , a map sliovvlng the dellnlle location ol Iho lallioid of such compinv and the lantts claimed bv it. Muiphv.of Iowa , Introduced n bill apiuo- lirlntlng t42u0.l . foi the construction of n lios- pltal building of stone at liock Island at- senal , ol such Diopmtlons and dimensions as furnished b > * the commanding ofllcei , Colonel F. ( i Ha lor. mi. in i \ ON si M vrn v tun vt'itii. An pxliaoullnaiy efloit will he made In the house to amend the law ic- lallni ? to the dut > on Sumatia to b.icio. It is held bv tob.-uppiiisls tha > 4 | im law Is vague and admits of the Importation ot Sumatra tob icco o tensiblj foi wmppcis , when In loalltv It Is usnl lor tftaUiiB cigats complete. The desks of > ' mbei's VVPIPCOV ered with lltpiatuio or , tu. | sbH'ct , , and Spealtei Caillslo huluomlsed lo iccognl/e a motion to mo > :0vv to take the bill up. , i't".7'.i iitiiniMi ISTIMAII . Manning has trausinitteil lo Oon ross an cstlmale ol Supci vising Au-hitcct Hell for - < | ieclal anpiopiiatious foi continuing woiK on vaiious nubile buildings. Thcv contain ttinatcsor Sfi.OOJ toi the extension - tension ol the public Imlldln ; at Nebraska ( Mt.v and Sll.oou lei the building at Council Hlulls. MAiifiis\in. Llouteiiaul-Colouel Moutgomerv Bijaiit and Flist I.ieulenanl P. II. Itav , I'Jdith in fantry , who weiooidpretl to .San FrancNco as vritncssi s on the trial of Lieutenant Wi a\ei of that regiment , have been ordered by Majoi ( ii'iieral Howaul to join thch uevv station at Fort Niobiaia , NVbraska. Auny leasps gianted : Jlajor 'aauiupl UecU , assistant adjutant general , Omaha , until .Ian- uarv 5 , 1SS7 ; Captain Daniel 11. Flovd , assist ant quaitcrmastci , Bullalo , until December ! ! 0 ; Flist Lieutenant Daniel r. I'caison , regi mental iiuai lei master , second cavalij , Foil Walla Walla , Washington Teiiltoiy , two months. NIIllUASKA XOMIX V I lO.N's. The ineshlent has sent to the senate the nominations of Klliah I'atnom , of Weeping Watei , Neb. , and James W. Caison , iMi'ai , Neb. rosii niAM < rs. The following Nebi-aska postolllccs wcio discontinue ! ! : Easton , Holt county , and Langhorn , Dawcs county. 'Jnomas Fit/patilck was appointed post- masterat South Side , Holt countv , vice Mis. Kslher Amei , resigned. A i HIE OV.PII VL. Charles 0. Itabb , of Junction , is iiithocllj. Ilaiulcil Onvvn Ity the United States Supreme Court. WASHINGTON' , Dec. 20. A decision was rendeicd by thesupieine couitto-daj 'n ' the patent case ot Louis 1' . Sutler and others against Isaac Robinson and anothei , brought up uy appeal tiom the United Stales ciicult couit tor the roithein district of Illinois. This wasasiiit biought by Itobinson A : Sut- lei , appellants , to ie"tiain alleged Infringe ment ol a patent Rianted nlm .lime 10 , 1879 , upon an apparatus foi ie-.svveating tobacco. Thin com t holds that the patentee has no claim foi the piocess ol steaming tobacco by means of steam , or steam and body of hot water , or by any process whatever. Ills invention must bo limited to his own specliic appiuatus , and as that , as he was x-picssly ic < ] Uircd to state that Its stiuctural plan was old and not ol his own invention , tuedecreo of thodistiict court In favoi ol the patentee is reversed and thooaso returned with in- Ktiuctious to dismiss the bill. A decision was also icndeied bv the su- memo touit in the case of thu Cliieago A. Xoithweatern eomjianv against thepxpciitor ol John O'Neill , deioispd bioiipht by wilt ot crioi liom the United States clicuit com I foi the noithern distiict of Iowa , 'lids was n suit biought bv O'.v'eill , an ciiiplove ot the lailvvay company , toiecovci damages foi in- juiles sustained by him while in its scivlce , ami. as alleged , thiougli the negligence ol Its cmplojes. Tlio juij in the couit below found a veidict awarding damaces to the amount ot Sl.l.OOO. The justices ( it this com t ( Justice Woods being abseul ) ate equally divided In opinion upon the question pre sented , and the judgment ol the court below against the railroad compan } tluicloic stands as Imal. A decision was al o reiidPicd in the casp ot William L. Huso and otliois , a | > pcllants , against Joseph ( Slovei and others , . coin- inissloneis au a | > pcal liom the ciicult couit of the I nlted stales toi the noithcin distiktot Illinois. I'he questions pri'spuipd by this case iclato to the navigation of the Illinois liu'r. 'I lie slate ol Illinois , acting under the authoiit > of vaiious acts of her legislatuie , adopted about IMiTn s\ stem nl nipasities lei the impiove- mput ol the navigation ol the lllinoU nvoi Among these measmos weie the ( oiistiuclidii ot locks and dims at lleiuj and at ( 'oicias ) ] cicek , and the apiiolntment ot a Doaul ol canal commissioners to manage iliem and picsciibp latps ol toll lor the lass.igu ol vcs- SI > IM , The complainants , , Loomis \ Co. , aio engaged in putting Ice at I'eru and othei points and tianspotting it down iho llliliolsand Mississippi Mveis to St. LOUIS' , .Memphis ami othei southein maikets. The ) contoml that the dams and locks al Heniv and ( . 'opeias ] ) ( Rek con-tiliile an Impedi ment to Hie n ivlgalion ol the Illinois iher , and that tolls ( olieeted liom VPS PS ! which ] > TSS tliiongh the looks aio In violation ol aitlclo lei tliooiilin.mre lei the goveinment ol thetenitoiy of the I'nited Stales noilh- west ol thp Ohio Mv PI pissed Julv 1. ! , KS ; , and of that aitlcleol the United States con stitution which piohibits the imposing ot dutv on tonuago by anv slate without thu consent ot (01121 ess 'I IIPV thcrcfoio piny tnat the defend nils in tills case , w ho nro canal pomml soneis | , mav be ipstialui'd Irom collecting sui h lolls and tiom Intpikring in an > wav with the lice invigillon ot the ihei. llilsioiirl holds , lust , ( lollowing Its tleiislon in case ot Ls- iMiiahivx. Chicago. 107 U. S. , ( ! 7b ) . that the oidinaiici * of li 7 could not contiol iho au- t hoi it > and pown ot antatcalli i hci > id mis sion , Whateur limitations on hei power as a govPinmcnt whilst in the condi tion , whethei liom the oidmanu' ol ITsT 01 legislation ol cougicss , ittcised to have any opeiatlvp forcu.pxpppt usvolutitaid ) ailoplnl by hei attci nho iiicaiiii ) a stain ol Hie union. Second , that , apail tiom thice consldoratloiiK the teims of tlm oidi- nance ot 17s" v\oio not viohiled bj the conjunction oi the dams and lnckin ipics- tlon. 'lliliil , that the ex u lions ot lolN tniongh the lot ks Is in tlio intino ol coinpea- satlon toi the u-oof aitlliclal facilities and not imposis upon the navigation of the stream. It , In the opinion ot the state , gieatci beiipht would icsnlt to hei ( ommcnp liom Impioveiucnt ( linn tiom leaving the iivei In Its natiual condition , and that point the stale must nccssiiil : > dcteimlnu foi it- sell , then it liaslnll io\vm ) to auihoiue sm h iuiiiovpment- | < , oven ulihoiiu'li they may fan so Inpuaspil IiuonveiilPinu and pxpeiiso to the business ol individuals. ' ) he deeieo ol the tin mt lomt in favoi ol the canal com missioner KallUmcd. National Capital .MlsCdlluii v. WAsiiiNf.ros. Dtc. 'JO. Lstlmates of the sii.eivislng | architect for the tepalis of public buildings wcio today sent to the suiatu. Among them weio the follovving : Chicago IllatOIII llOUM' , PXtPllhiOll Ot ] IOStOlUl'PLlltI - Jation and rciiau , Vli .COd ; Chli-ayo Mailiic hospital and brcakwatei. b < HK ( > . 'I no colh ctiun of internal icvcnuo during the lust live iiioiilhsor the pitsfiil iisr il amountPd tovlsuO"bOO , belnir < 57i.'i/J ! ( li-s- , tlmn the collections' duilng tlio coneapond- ing jieiiod of the lust liscal > eai. Thu col- Ipctlons Inini oliomaigariiiu up to Novniibti Gould ( iuinu to Cliiircn. < IIIK , Dec. iO fSpeclal i'elcgiam to the Her. I The Sun sa > s Jaj Gould has bccoiiioa cliunli goer tor sis conseeutlve Sunda > & HP has jittended st-rvioe * In th < i l'iehterlan clinich , vvheio Doowns a iie-w , I Ids Is u novelti liii'Jhollnauctei. Dr John J ( . i'axton Is tlio pienehvr who expounds scriptuicsto ( loul'l , and the chinch eilllico is on Fort ) second bticct near ilfih MANNING oiNiis. tip Sajs He Was Not Drunk Hut Onlj Hlclt. Ni w Oui.r\N " , Dec. W. The Times- Dcmociat to-monow morului ; will publish a lettet vviltlen liom the Cilv ol Mexico on December lit b > Minister Manning ( o fr. 1'eicy Kobcits , and siatuniruts f.nclo rd thcieln from paltle who uphola Manning In his denial of the uiihllMicf' , .llspntches u- I'ecllug ' upon his chaiaclor-ns to tempeiance , etc. . In the Citv of Mt'Aioo. In his letloi Manning say * , levelling as HIP sublcrt Is to him , lu laniiot allow his fiicnds and the publit ; ( o bo deceived b ) slandetous inlsiPprpsujtiitloiH. Itefciilng to ac'ouuts of HIP Kuiquet given in Ills iioiiot , at which hotssnid to Inve got diunk. Mailing --avM iliprc was uo bampict but sluiplj a bipakf.isi it HIP licm o of a toimcr rc iticnt of Now Oileanswho tiivllrd bj Manning's de-Ore , All. llianlf anr ! Mi. Canuu ho , both cai > ital- I'-tsaud nmong the muii tluougb whoso cllorts tlm countij has been developed. loin VVPIP at bipak- last. Kiom HIP gentlemen mentioned the mlnlstpr sa > s he sn-uicd much valuable In- foimatlou Wine but In modern lion , and ut the end ol the breakfast theiuin Islci went to the legation and tiaiisaited the business ofhis olllcp. The Icltei iitiok'- * tiom a statement bv his phvsii-ian detailing the sprloninpss ol Manning s attack ol pneu monia which , the mlnistci says , pieveutul his going out at night foi seven weeks. Though piostiute at the time ho accented an invitation 10 a diplomatic dlunci but was foi- bidden to go b ) Ids phvsieiaii. Manning's statements arc couotioiated bj tlw < o of Messis. Drill ill' and Cumaucho , which aie also published. A DUADiivT un I\DII : ; ) . The Htnrrs and KormniiHVnuc H \ \ \ \ roT oT Kvtlnctlon. Foiii SMITH , Ail , . , Dec 20Foi mini jeais tlieie has o\Mod adeadlj feud between the Formans aud Stalls of the Chciokee nation , About six months ago Sam Stan had his horse shot tiom under him \\lilloi Id- Ing out alone thiougli lonely woods in tlio nation. Suspecting Ben Foi man of the deed , ho dctei mined to avongp it , but was waylaid and shut by omo ot his enemies neai Younger's llpud. Ills wounds being con-hint t.d tatal , ho was taken to a house and whllo all Iho guaids weieat dinnei , Sam Stair , wounded as he was , s-pi/cd a Winchester nlle. dl-amipd hi- guaidaud e capeil to Vonncoi's Bend , where ho lay concealed until his wile , the notoiloiis Belle Stan , assisted him to c-capo by swim ming the Aiuaiisis nvci ami tiaveling bv nisht to Foil Smith. Sam Stan was charged with lobbing the United States mull , a < id whilp tu-io he siiirendeii'd himseil tothuau- thorities , but when able to tiavcl Stair tc- tuinulto thu nation , Satuiday ho stalled lor Foil Suillli but stopped at a dancp near Foi man's i.inch. Ben Forman was theie. Starr demanded pay forlhp hoi e ho killed , when Foiuian laiscd his pistol ami hied , shooting Stan through the heait. Sinn had out hN tilstol and hrod as IIP lell. The bullet biokc Foi- mun's neck and both men died almost in stantly. This ends one ot the oldest and bloodiest feuds ol man } that have existed in the Cheiokee nation a lend tlmt has lasted lor hltj jears and lesiillpd in the death of many men on both side" . ItlCV. Kn.NNAUI ) HICKS. He 1)1(1 Not Hoe the l > i//y Knllot and \Vants It Known. * CIIICAOO , Dec. UO. A coiumunleaiion dated Now YoiU has been received bj the ceueral manager of the Associated jncss liom the Hcv.-l. Spenici Kenn.ud objecting to the use ol his name In the dispatch scut out on the night of the ICth descilbing the appcaiaiitc of clerg > men al the iei- rcbcutation ol the opeia of " ( JalalP.i" aud the atleipiPi'p ol llubpiialeln's "Hal Cos tume.1' toi HIP pin IIOMol passing judgment on the ballet. Mr. Kenuard savs : "As I have been In this cil ) foi the past two months , and was not within nine bun dled miles of that ballet last Thins- dav evening , it is plain that the ie- portPi was in enoi. The ehaiaitei ol the dispatch is such as will do mogieat damage whcievci it goes , hnnginirmv name into ( ontpiupt and cnpplmg mv iiiiliiciup , In simple justice v.ou .110 iimtei Ion lo coi.eitthe. mattei at Ihc eailipsl momeiir through vout dispatches to the -amp napcis. " Mi. Kennaid is entitled to tlie com Ltion. 'Ihc list ol cleigymeu was made up fiom the invitations that wcio piospntpd at the boxes in pxehangp foi s , . , , , , ' ] ' | | t. iiian.ueiiR'iit Kept the envelopes , uid fiom 1'iein ' made out the list whidi was -uppllcd lo the PIPS-I. , md impiopeilj included the name ol Mi. iven- naid. I'pndj I'of "Mom Cnltli * Cnir vr.o , Dec. :0-ThPShiile'dt : Distillpi ) compinj announces that it li.isthoioimhh dis- infeeteditssheds , which VVPIP leicntlv occu pied by cattle alh ctcd w ith plcm o-piipiimoiila , and will al once nil them with stpcts 01 oulls. A w'ltehmai ) , to be des giulid hi HIP hlatp MVP stock commission and paid bj the distiilpi y coiniuiiv. is to bo lined lo M. , . IMI | no cattle aic removed fiom tlm sin ds except tin si.iughtei aud then onlv illei h ivmg been passed upon In thu slmo veleiiiiailau. The comiau ] > atriees to IIP ictpoiislhlp lot alij online , ik ol cont.mlons disi ise in the .sliwls. 'I he ( Oinp.iiij nelieves with Di. dad-dpii plenio piieiiinonla em onlv hecommuiiuated b ) the bicalh ol a ll\in- aiilinil , It Is said tlu Sehiilphll ( Oiupans has Hid sticis liom Montana ic.ulv to put in the sheds , I'lllldtlH ( i.lll'H ,11 Soil. Vi w VOKK , Dee. -Special ( lo the III r. | 'I he'oi \ hl's Halifax special savs : The 1 unless line steamei Ulanila anivcd last night ninetipii ilavs liom London. Captain Hill icpoils having sailed thiougli a wcsloilv huulcani ! foi elglil < la > s. and dining the whole lime IIP made oulj 5'iO miles , Hencvci s.iw llu ! wind blow in oiiPiiliectlon lei sm h aloiigpenod All Ulautie vessels , he savs , must have stilfeied teinbl > , and ho Is ot tlm opinion t1' ' it mail ) which weio out slot in will nevei he liend fiom , as they could not pnssibl } stiivlvo it. Dining the eight ilajsthe seas vveie swi-eping over the sle imei all the lime. Thu tops of vv.ives wcio blow n liutoio the lurv ol tin ; gab * Ilku a dillllin. ' snow btoim lor hums together. The olllieis ( ould not -cu a ship's len Hi alu ad. Dp.ith ol' a Noted llofso liiucdor. Xl w in mm , N V , Dec. . ' ' ) \lde-n ' ild- smith , the Unions horseman , dhd at iniil- nl ht last nlgiit atVilnnt ( iiovu laini , in the town of Hloumliigton ( iiove , Oiango ( onnl ) , after an Illmss ol HIIPH WLiks. ( loldsmith was bom Duemtx i I , lso. ; I'.ailv in life he begin to bieid line noises , ( jold- hiiilth Maid , tialiii-d and dpvtlopedby him , has linked the name ot her ovvnei louuci with the hoiio lllti-lests ol the < ouiltl > . Ho also biought out dlost > i , Hunt ! ss , , Diivei , Allov. Voluiild-i Iliplagon , Duine-v tic , Castelai and semes ol olliei noteil tiot- Ki.-i. For niiieiLeii viais he u\ni-i ( Vnlim- teer , pirhais | the most noted aUilion in Amtika. Tin ) ISiink T.ix WASH i xii ION , DLC.0 The L n u.l St tea supreme coutt gianted tn-U.ij a niotlnu Id advance the impoitnnt bank t < x . .i- oi the Mcicautllo National bank agaiut > l llu citv of New Voik , Involving the. k. iltiv i.l t.i\t- assessed upon Mi lie , ot national uanliti ol that iit > to the amount of $ . ' , OOiUO < i. Tht envois set foi argument the hist u.i > utter the ' 'Jim lo\\a Pool CIIK.o ( , Dec. 'W. KoiiiPscutatlvps of Hit railway * composing thu Iowa J'asnongei as botiatloii held a tut otlng nero to day foi the putposo of continuing thcii azu'emiMit Aflei making SOIIKJ inlnoi anu'iHlnienls , ( ho oh contract was irauoptut lot Hie Kilning juai and was subitiitietl to 111 bji.df ot all tlu loads. A Hit ; StiiKo I'jj ilii' i.o , DroTim ( LI u . " 't -tc at a niettln this aTttruuun uins i in t j m' ' the deiimn da of their vvoikmen \ rvnfi I .strlko vMll plobaMy fullou this ar l 'ii i 10,000 im.n be iliiuvvir out ol i-mpKo'ti ' ut. A BLOW TO BOODLE'S ' BRAVE Alilermau McQuado Sentmicod to Seven Years' Imprisonment and Fined $5,000. GONE TO THE BAD ENTIRELY , . Itcoot dci- SUM HIP < ! t\e n 'timely liiK to KniinolinitViud U'olvcs Win ) lliliiK They Own the \Vliolo Tn\\ii. y Ni.w YOIIK DPP 20.--1.X Aldpiman Mo- ( iuadp vvai sentpiieed tills miuuluc | o m < vi > n v ears' Impilsonmcnt and to pav a line of I'liecotul loom was detiselv ciowdedto witness HIP inint act ol the tilal denpint liacj , on hchall of Miljuade , mnvi'd that sputeiiccbp ariestcd lor vaiiouteihnlcal ipa ons nud on Hiecuumd that the evidence was Insiinicleul to convict Hccmdei Snnthu -aid ho thought It was Ills duty to take IIIOIP than HIP usual c.mthm In all the details 01 this case. I ho olhYcis vvuiw picked , a ipspiiitahlc. lintel WUH Delected for theaiciiiiimodatlon ot the iuij , tlm juror * vveie uuiscieiitluusl ) w allied on each occas ion of Ilipir leaving HIP court loom. L'lu. 10- pordpi ul o took es ] > eclal ) iilus to caution the juiois that HIPV would not 1m allowed to ic- cclve letlpis oi palls limn an.v one , iiolcvcti mc-mbi'i-Miftheir ( famllj. In l.uU , special caution Inn been used and Ihu until was satisfied Hint the Inteipsts ol Hie prisoner had been caictullv guaulcd. Miljuado VMIS then oideied to stand np and did so with his thumbs In Ids pantaloons pockets. "Ihedeleusp , " lemaikod Gciic-ial Iracv.'Mias nothing toaj whj sentencn sliimlu not IIP pioiiouiiccd against him : wo i el von his toimer good ch.iract.'r ami the pstppin In which Im Is slill held bj hinelish - hors and aiqttlintanuvs who ate nmuv ol them lieu ) now to a-k lei lontonej of thu couit. The u'coiilei said in substinco4 "Arthur J Meijuailp. yon liavp been faiilv and | u > .tlv convicted ol brlhciy. You v\cio elected to poi foi m a public diitj and public U list. In stead of doing < : o sou violated tlmt liust. i mil dminclci aa hiiliic s man. lather , elti/en and husband Is u'ood. Yon should have eoiisldeied Hnmi betoie MIII did vvioiig You did not add lo Hie eiime ol which jou have been as Jaehuo did by taking thuland and eommitttiu peijury. 1 have ica-nn lo bcllevu vou u'ceivcd an much money as Dullj ( Ihl-MO.OOii That miiiipj Is not VOIDS it is not the mopeit ) of Mini lamllv. II It is leil with them it will vvoil. HIP inevitable ipsiilt ot Illiiotlcn ? ains. 1 would advlsu vou to give 11)1 ) and pav back to tlm cltv Ihu money which you have leeched , and I h-ivo no doubt that It will wotK lo join hum-til. fho sentinc-p ot the couit Is that vou he confined in -latppiison at haul liboi tot seven JP.IIS and jou pav a HUP ol0V ! ( ) . " Dniinir the sentence Mcljiiailu stood up , his anus loldcd acioss Ids bosom in a mannei habitual to him. Counsel lei McQimdc ob tained ucopv of the -cntcnre aud Ilien lett the loom. Mc-fjuadu was immcdlatul ) taken to the tombs , and attpi thu usual lonualltle.s was locked In a cell. Mi ( Jiiado will be given a lew days to fix up his bank account , look alter his business ana draw the ntccssarj powerol attorney. MOW VOItK STOCKS. Very Mi Ho Mtc Shown In the Trail- Hiioiliins Vcslc'diiy. Ni vv YORK. Di c. W [ Speoial Tek'jiain ; to the BI.K.I J'hcii ! was ver ) lltllollfp In the stock m uket to day. London was weak and lower at the opening , and bulls * . ; * ' ic-stialiied fiom dnlnt : an.v thing ol conso- qneiiiu bj thu leal that on any advance London would unload its l.ngu holdings of AHUM lean - -ecnnlio- lamu .sliaieol which were bought above piesunt prices. The Bank of Knghud late ol discount was high pnou h lo pipveut ail ) linthci shipments of gel l fuuu London , and at the sumo time lo mai.o iiumej seaiiu ami inlciPot latc-s Htilt at the Luglisli cipital. It le.'iipd that the high lales toi moiic ) in London might PIU-P a suliiiiR movement b ) toieiitu holdpis , and in that event a b'g ' slump was ptodlcted. About HIP oulv tiling whlili sbowpil much stiuiigth was New l-'nglaiiil , vvhli Ii udvatued I ) ici cent. CiaugPis vveie all vvcnk and low ei Nolwilhslimdliig Hie laitthat lei the sciond VM-ek ol Diccmbci Soilbv\pstPin cai nin'S iiieieasid HJH.OOO and Omaha stiuH ; ) , ( ( , Hieru vvue still -mm < appiehi'iislmm tclt in uvuil to this inoiip ) Hales to dav VVPII * on a still T to h put cent liusin , and although it uas aimmmcc-d that homo SHOO 0 > in gold was on HIP vvav lo this loimtn , il was thought that this would not VPIV malcil.illy impiovp thp situ ition Mote- ovei , lUHLrold was not minipdiati-h avallahlo and the In .us mluhl nl aus limit hid up ialt-8 am ! bimg about amdhei s mp. Al noon thu was dull and qmi t iiinl about * j to $ ( pei cent IOWPI Hum al the opening. Sales to noon wem iSi.uuo sbaies Thu beais laided the in irki l ( lining the last limns , breaking St. Paul , Western Union , Union Paemc ami Hocking Vallej abuut " . pel ( Put ami tlm u-st ol the list at about I pei cent The most conspivallve houses uihiscd ciistompis to kieii out lei the pii-seiit. I moil Pacihc-was laiili-d on new * limn U iblim toii tout con- slilpintloii ol HIP luiidm bill had bei-n laid ovei until .limn u v \ ' > Tin * whole list i lo-dl veiv VM-al. al the lowps ) point ot tl'c dav. 'I IIP total sales WCIP about KKI.OOU sliuii-s. Ilrillhh ( Irani Tr.idp Kpvirvv LONDON , Dec. 20. Tlm Mail. l'\- IIIPSS , in its vvccklv IPVIPW of thu BilHsh giam Hade , h ijs 'Iho heiv ) lainful eaily in tlio week inteileied with vvmk Later host heni till d thu CIOH. | Dihveiips of Lllgllsh vvlieat eolitiliue sm ill In the pio- , vinc-lal malkels pihes advainula shilling , and lliPiu is ipimpeilol .iluiil , . i Use , Ju the London miil ; < t the d ( in md lot Lliglisll wheat h is been bettei , and Ihu i iii advanced ( t pence Sah'i ol who it dm nthn wick amnimtdl toil ! 8 rfi iiu.iileis HI . -Id against iiOs'i , : it lei the ( iirtPsimi duu , pulled ol lusi veai. Piuos lei lou MM wiii-at .no Imuieiiliig , and tluio is miihin t > i pievent , i matenal advamc imiiii' the next linen mouths except la , 'i. blnp- inputs fiom the Uiiiti-d sa ( 4 ( j:1 : ( ) laigu ol ( ulitoinia giant an.d elf thu KI si. Fiom vva. In little dmumd and 0 pome deuui. lkaii > and pels \ \ < M i hilling ileaiel. 'lo-dajjamodeiatchn nu was dime. U In at vvii-sti ulv at an .uhain e m l shilling lot I'.n.lish and liom d pern e in l ; lei loii'igii. A incur-all toiiiid cum vv i < iicnii | ) de.uei. Bailevsweiu 0 pi-im ' i aami \ hlead ) . Oats WPUI in belli i u i < iv vvilh pi oes agaiiist liuvpii , llean ) ( nMh ad vanced b pc'iiic . Lin epd oil \ \ ir > lima i. 'iin IIvdmiilinliia ' Si Lui IH , Dec. 20 I'he di M > li n dioiliobli ) ot a dan shtei ol I out- u I cli.iliman ot Iho tepiililic.ini U ci mineami a pioininciu i a id { Ti n liactoi , wax reioiti.d | to tin- Bulbil i iii/jbi'lli ; ( iiimd , F.IM KI hiiiuu Hum ii go un ni.ijiii- . . iUppunU ) ) two months old , u t lu-r. J'uu wound was not suiloiis SHI l lai as Known bud iu-\ei in i. ot the lioUHe hlnco tl.e dav ot its Ii d hid IICVPI been with otlii i do-s n il | l' VVdH llioiubt ol it About ei-lit d i i o hniv- PVPI. the joung Indv began t" vv vinji touts ot the du ad dlM'asu and i . in i 11 Urns VVUKcalled iu. I'lu n cllmts i HI > < < In r hiiltcjin N vvcie ol no avail . " > i i iirtiilv gli-W woise until josli uhiv , vv h 1 1 1 u 4f * tin- : IKUI liairv - l n CUK vi o. Ike. auHi - i i O ' ( HI , ; t , la ul sajs. t > I I to da > ii\i.U ! i omuls vv in t .iO'uWMi ' , , p 'I'heuiw s itsu' 'J utiil nak-h. Ni lirnsl.a iimt Inu.i \ \ < - ulK 1 > r N In i vi iii t < . . 1 1 u . ; i ' vv ; < l U i ) fi1 1 > i t rt p < n. H u i i ( * i -1 'J e i IP iiinr ' uu iM u - ' H u i i i i I I I ll' I I- II t I ' * t ( VU u Ui 1U H u > - 'X ' " I