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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1886)
THJ& OMAHA DAIIA BEE : WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10 , 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES Advcrtl crnents under this ho d , lOcfintspor line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for cnchsnb- ecqucnt Insertion , and 11.50 n line per month Ho odvcrtifement taken for less than " > cents for the nm tii'cit on. Seven worils will bo counted to the line ; they mi st run consecu tively nnd mutt bo paid in advimce. All ndvcr- tl ! t bo handed in before 3 o'clock ji.rn , nndtindPr no will thoj bo takpn or discontinued bj telephone. Pritlts adrertlflniflii Ihesu lOhnrnsmd hiv ing the nnsweMtu'dro cd In care of Tim RFE Tvlll DlcBf o nsk for nthccV tonnahlothem to cot their Icttcrp. ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of cho6k. All answers to ad- VMli'cmcnts should bo enMoWil In envelopes. TO ZOAIT MOWE * . ' rnNP money to loan ; onsy toims. W , M. Harris , Hoomfi , Picn/cr Hlk , opi. | P. O. 4M Dot ! 2 < Q MONl.VTc71.OAN At low rates , on irood city property. HatchoriJcCo.l2IH Douirlis Blrcit. 422. _ lo loin nn city and fnrm properly , MONKV rates , Htownrt Si Co. , Iloom 3. Iron Hnnk , _ f ONEV TO LOAN-At reasonable intcs , on W furniture , fine watches nnd olhor personal property. C.J. Cnswoll , room Itt lion Hnnk bu IMI HIT , 12th and I'urmim. SO l _ * " $ 3IOOO to loan. Bums JB03 and upwards , f < owcst rates. Ilemls , 15th nnd Uounlu\nts I ONKY TO LOAN-O. I' . Davis A , Co. Jlcnl If 1 Ettate and Loan Agents IDO'i Farnatn st , ONKV TO i.OAN-On real citato anil oh-t- loli. 1) . K Thomas. mi MONKV 70 MlAX-Inilltnftor $2,000 am ! upwards on first-class real estate security. I'otlir& Cohb , 1615 Parnam si. TO MO.NKV LOAN 1,1) at o7l lleed .V Co'fl.Loiin ofllcs , on furniture , pianos , lion > P9wnions , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal 319 B. llth , ever Illntdmm a rommlnslon store. All busi ness sfrlctlyconlUloiitliU. 31)0 MONI3Y If von Imvoitood notes to Roll , or v lsh to borrow on real rstalo or oliallels at fair Interest , call on J , H , Pnrrotlu , Ifith nnd CliIcngo sis' 1X30. MONKV to loan nt straight 8 per centNo commission. Hammond llros , room .t , 1522 Dbuplus street. 437-n9 UJ500,000 Tolonn on Omnlm oily proierty'at | ' B P percent , a. W. Day , over 1.112 Doujrlasst. , RH TOAN8 Loans IjOims. Heal estate loans. Collutoial loans. Chattel loans. I/DK time loans. Phort time loans. Money nlwayi on hsnd to loan on nny ap- piovcd security. Invcstmctit securities boiiplit and cold. Omaha Klnanrlal cichaiiKO , 1WJ riiumm Corbett Manager. . ' 102 Gl'Klt OKNT Money to oan. .1. J. Mahonny , 1UU raniain. ! ) PElTon.NT money to loan. It. C 1'iittorfon , 13tb and DotielHS. 04 ONiV : to loan by the imdoratRiieit , who has the only properly organl/od loan nirenoy in Oianha. Loans of $10 to JI.OOO made on fur niture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin ery , &o , without removal. No delays. All business strictly condilontlal. Tjoans BO mndo that any part con bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing thn cost pro rata. Advances madoon fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they me dealing with , as many now concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you nrod monar , call nd ioe me. W. n. Croft , Hoom 4 , Withncll TlulUllnir , 15th and Harney. 'I0" > BU8Illi:33 CHANGES. FOR SAI.K A flist-clnss 3 chair barber shop and cigar stand In u live western town ; reason for selling , on account of owner's poor health. Failles tnnt monn business may In- qulro At ( Jndoland & Co. , No. l'W2-lJOt Douglas. 711 10 * WANTED To trade , Impiovod SO and n sec tion of wild land for stock of hardware or diugs L D. Kvmis , Iloom 5 , V. O. Iltillding. C'Ji 11 * FOH SALE Host paying Lunch Cjuntor nnd Chop liouso In the City. ( lood reasons for Bellini ; . C. L Unnchott , 1J21 Douglas , | 4CO 11' "I71OII SALE Hnrlier shop , the best paying-one JL.1 in Wyoming , soils lor Jtl.V ) cash , prices -1o BDd50aowuoi engngod in sheep business. Ad- drcsiB. r.'Jllyu ulllco. Oil 10 * SALF A first , class furniture nnd un- FOH dortakliig business In a town of 2,000 Inhabi tants ot Northeast Neb. Address 851 lleoofllco. < 127 10 WANTED-PAIlTNEH-LRdy or Kentlemnn , with kinall capital , to tnkohalf interest in established , permanent , llrst-clnss city bus ! ness , paying $2,000 to $4,000 J early ; good rcit- sons for solllmr ; Brand clianco for right party. Address 8 4V , lleo ollicc. 609 FOH BALK-TO acres lyingliiongll.&ll. U > . , two inbea trom stock yards. $50.00 per aero If sold while owner Is hero. Wood enough can bo out off to part pny for It. Kasy terms. Address B 40 , Bee Ofllca. 4U1J TTIOKS ALR One of the best paying hotels In JL ; thl < city , making money fast. Host of reasons for selling. 82.500 cash required to got It. U. R. Leo , 1207 Carntim st. 475 Foil SAI.K A restaurant locntoil on a lively business stieot. Aduroia S il'J Iloo olllco. 482H * Oil SALIt llaidwaro Ilumnoss- otfur our shelf nnd heavy hardware- business for aalA , together with our lease anil good will. Trade ( unrest In the city nnd iocal'on the beat. Itetblng from the bunlnoas cause for gulling' The llnum Ilanlwiire Co , , 1028 O St. , Lincoln. , 7 7 EOK 8A1K .All furnished commercial hotel 28 rooms , also ( wmplo room , livery barn , wind mill ; only betel In town. Brndshaw Nob. M. F. HotchUljs. 760 nib * OH NALH-Ollo ot the oldest nnd host pay- ln Orocer > llusluess In the city. 1'or par- tlculnralnquli > it HI5.1onc st. 008 H f ots.rnrms.i.nnds monny loaned , llcmls. 15th and DoiiKlas itroota. 21'5 iOHT. LOST Gold band b'acelot , 'diamond - , betwoou Mlllaid hotel and transfer. Ail- flreia Heo office , council HmlT.s. 3C _ AST I'rom Marsh's filniuhter IIOUBP , 3 fal heifers mm ked with tar oror hips. Buwniil for information 01 rctuiu. S. 1) . I'm sons , 609 N. 10th St. 4M tl _ vr bST from . o. cor. of 8au rulers and l.ftkc ms. , Wednesday , ndaik bay mnro l > onr , 0 HUM ard for return. COO 10 * LOST--Lnd > 'a mn all wutch vrlthmono. irrara M. U W. on back. Finder iilousulnuvo nt this olllco. rbu.Mi. "ITIOUND A bunch ot keys , cor. 10th mid P r- -L' num. Onrnor can have sume by cnlllmr At this oltlcn anil pa ) ( HIT fur Insertion , 692 Clairvoyant. MADAM ALAPKA rnveals ji t piesentand future , how ninny in family , ago , etc , , bow tu hold dr ( cilon nf husband or lever , Hatli- factlon Ku r ntpeJ. 23 cents nml upwards. tU 8.lnthit. 871 BDJUBOIVO. ' t'LAHB di ) bo ml at HOI Dai import. . -lf thu jdiinR.iiian who advcn ( Unl lost pockutbc-ok vvllh rluiik in It wll call nt this ollloo he can wet thn ram * , 72 } 10' PKItON.M--I. Ji < H wishlu ? coed domicile help run be v\rll fiippllod by cnllinir nt Onmlia I'.mplojinont 11 menu , II'J Noilh ICth Ht. , Trounsu block. 617. aiul Yoke Culture , 121 N , Kill M. , room i % Cill Dru ! r 1)iilSONAL-Ml8 ; A. Lilliciieinn , iirofesslonnl nurin nitU yood roiomm n liitlons , i.)7 ) roilihlJth Etrcrl , 8d floor , room No. n , over Joiniiin'8 ili > poods tloie. Mi ulO PKIIS'lSAIMM. . Dr. Nimni * V. Warren cUirrtiynut. Mr Heal ml Imilnosa Medium Koom Na i ) , 121 Noilli uiu tt , , Omiiha , Neb J31 MIBCBI > IAVBOUH. ATItl > lSMAT-l'iipc.rcontnln7"n7.rrly ( ) 200 iidrerliscmunts tiom UiJlos aiitl fi-utle innn vruntiiitr corro poudunti. Hunt 2 luontlifi Uir ID conn Addit , Helping Hand , 70 li l-.illo t reel. til ! wiuo. ) 20' AHS H ACT3 orTLU rni < hril ol short milieu from in ) vtimplitotiU of tioo'it. It l * . PiUurson , i' Uolloo . C , rntufrou , ICth um ! Ill i-noy . .iOVSrRsoounYkn.l tyu-vfrlt. | ( in'f , UaoiuiTAiide , Iroa Uaak. U.W. linker , ' -iNl S , Jcic , ilirutji. to . plant-id free tm pr < oui burlliyof Uatii-lt * Co. Nuri rct ! J'to . .ll. O , fcoilW. MT-ai : * { 1 TAUANTEEn AnSTHAlTS rom my com L7 pleto nt of nb tr iet books on short notloo L 0. PMtercon , 15tli nnd llarncy. S91 _ : IjioitItnNTrRunsJ2 per month. JL1 1513 IJouitUd _ _ _ _ HKNT xqunrn Plnno , $ t monthlr. 1513 tloiiRln * . B33 WOAlEM llllml tomtileto nbstrnct of JL ! t.tlo troto the o 111 co of It. U l'atter on , 15th nnd Hat ney. _ f > T- J1 nnilNT l < qunro flnno $3 monttilr. A L1 Hfnpc.U131 > ouirlat. 33S .jirBorenn towels , cho p. Omnhtt Towel Co ,1517 Howard st. 7 9 n7 ! * rOS BAX.E MXBCELtAZtEOpa. _ _ TOH SAl.Tl-Clicap for cash , large horse suit- - nblofor fnmilv cnrrlaio or draught pur pose * , has been tlrlvon by n ladj for2ycorp , [ > erfictiygiMilIo nnd tru ty. Scott k 1'helps' atnhli171 , Ii nml St. Inrj's nvo. I170 ! > U SALB-Plovo , No 0 Splendid , In perfect order T. J. Hoard .V llro , 1110 Douglas st. 71' ) IjlOll S Mill Kurnlturo of six room hotisi' . JL1 Iloii86 for rent. LalUt 1710 UoiiRliK- t. l/OII SAM-All : the tool < nmin\ture ormy J- mont "plonlld chnnto to ire Into the lMif > lncs < ) n Ith amnll cnpltnl , nil thn bulldliiBS whlburentrd clii-np. Pull Information pUen on nppllcutlon I.utmo heir from j on if you nnnt n birRnln. 1' . Casey , Wnlnut , Iowa. 08.1-17 * TjlOUTKADK-Onu lot , n superior Up.ilht J plnno. 2JIU Cnlllornln si. ° _ J ° l _ OU SAMI 'Icntn of horses. Schlo < lnRor iiroi , nit y. inth st. t > vs U S < VI < i : Klnn loud horbo , with new TJUHl nnd hnrncKco'tSI35 : inunbofold nt once rovnrilloss of value. Inqulic nt 1401 IJOULflllS St. < W' ' rurnliuro ami icnioot six-room houeo , time on part. Cull 1MJ North . ' " ! th treottwo blocKs from Hcil Car Hue. _ bJl ou SAM : rlmoton bUBRj'iOno top buirgy theiip , A. lloipe U"ln3U H ODSK-i Ixiti rnrms.Iinndamoney loaned. lloinls Ilith nnd DoiiKlai streets. 'J' ' > Foil SAI.K tnonp. iron columns ind "In- ilow capsflultiiblo tor front on brick build * luff. Korpartlciilnrinpply nt thlsonico. t > l ) HZ1.P. \\'ANTiU : An o\porlonccd clrl toiooknnd ' ' do Iiouiuworic In fnmllj or 2.Vnno $ i,50 licrwool ; . Oalliita 3.'tltli ! St. 718 n' _ WANTIU-Olrl for housework , 1211 Dnven- poit _ CU IU 'ANTP.D Oooil Blrl for housowoik In- > > uire 17S1 Dodw. 720 0 "WANTED A wood trill for ponenil house- ITvoi It , lit B2J bouth t'ollego street. Jlis. Louis Hollor. 703 11 WANTRO-A trlrl for ( Mineral housework. Apply nt aw. cor. Joirorson st. nml Ciipltol n\c. Ci'i 'J * \XrANTIU ) Oooil ffirl to do llpht hou cworU In famili-of tlncc , Cull Immoillati-lv lit nis s. nth F ir > 8. WAfN 1 ED fiood Klrl lor Kcncrul hougeworlc. Mis. It. lilnghum,810Soutn IGth St. 071 10 * "Y ANTHO ( lood jjlrl 'or Beiicnil housowot I ; . V > 1UU Farunin. 0 ANTED-Coolc , nt 710 S. 14th 'si. 070 10 * ANTED A irlrl for ponornl housowork. W Cull 2218 I.ciu ouworth St. U7I 11 * WANTIID A ( rood ( rirl for trenornl tioupc- work , in n family of two. Cull nt 1112 S I'lth st 7JO W ANTIID Girl , for ( feiioral hoitsoworK , ut 503 Virginia tivo. 7 _ W ANTii > A ( food ( tlrl to do Kunurnl house- T > oikntH3SSflthst. 6VJ Y\ANTfiI > A icliablo woman will , good iot- T encts , to take care of small child ami do second girls work. Apply Jhs. Goo I'ntorson , 111) ) South 21th st. CCO 10 jlJnlnfr room girl nt Plantoid house , corner Doc'gc und IGth sts 002 10 * A > TEI At once u womnn cook nt 1'latto W Valley llouao. Ashland , Neb. A coiupotrnt person to do house work nt 82. ) South 2Jth street. GTil-ll WANTUD-Ilnlntr room flrl nt the Rmmot house. l > 78 WANrKD-GlilforfonurnlHouseworli : Ger man prcfcricd , Mrs. U II. Wheeler , r > . ' 4 South 20th nt. 131 W ANTED Lady room mntu. Hufcronces oionnngoU. 141Q Chicago street. 507 T\7ANTElJ-ChniuborniuId nt 912 Douglas , U1H A dish wnshor at Miller's Unstaur- nnt , 1001 N 10th at. 402 " \\7ANTKO-A good gill for goneinl housework - * work In family of two ueforoncos re quired. Apply to Mrs. W. K. AnuinH03Shoi- man avehead of Clark Btrcor 325 WANTKD-Lady of uno taste to assist in copying business , can woikat homo If preferred : permanent work , good pny. no sei- vants wantid. Hour * 10 to 5. Art Copying Itoomi , 322 N. IGth St. -'JO WAHTE1I UAIiB HEI/P. " \ OTI2D 1 Kood job prlntei * . Inqulio Ti Omnha Llthogrnphln & Stationery Co. WANTED A man to come nlghl nnd morn- Ins ; to take tare of u cow. Apply to Mrs. KtiiKintin , 601 IMeasnnt street. ? ' ! 10 * TVANTKD-Good nponts ; JI.60 to $ U a ilny W iruainntnod nirood woikcr. Call after li o'clock MM 8.11th Et. 71611 * VIA ANTED Experienced miller nt Saratoga VV "a'ry. ' 71114 * _ "WANTED One UiBt-tla s while barber ; llrnt- ii ciiiHs WOKCS KUiiruntoed : roferpiicoa 10- qulroil , AiKlro'8 John C. llnKinnninud ) ] Ulaml. - Cltrnr Mnkors on hand nnd mould WANTUDCltrnr ork ; etcMlj oinploymont ; union prices , nt N. H. Cohen's cigar factor ) , Grand Islnnd , Neb. 010 WANTKD Trniellnp * alesiiinu for \iliolo pnlo hate and cups foi 1W7 tor now Omaha house nuivlj oitfiuiUcd. Adareas S. U Dee ojllce. .V10 ' . ) ' _ _ W ANTUli TalioTiTiumedliitely. J. Cohen ! KIH. ) lltll St. Cnil 1 1' _ \\7ANT1SJ ) Agents for otu new burKlnr piootdoor fuatcuor ; best selllntr noxolty ever made ; JUKI out ; notblnir like it ; selln itBelfMnrKO prnllts ; wrlto iinlck. K. V. Home Co. . U7 ImUoal.lo building , Chicago , III. 876 14 * AM'UU I'alntrrH. VntTT'lTuTlilliiir UH O. W t'lntlon , Shull's 2d add. U7U 10 * \\7ANrEU-A imin of good nddiess to pell goods In city Sleidy employment. Call 421 H 10th mr. t)78 ID * _ ANTKIi Wonsnt a rnw Rtpnt-i U > M.1I the lmmmi' > cr's hjdrttulionshitr on com- n A very rood payiutr LiuslneSH for Rood men. Apply at 02J Doutjla * . _ fcs ) 2I \VA i4Tf. U A ji tnw with irood"iinpr rnnei.'s ' i lorn new HrtlLlo ; can muke $5 to $8 a dnj. rail atllJH i lltlmt. tiK ' . ) _ _ AClllN'l'iiliithoelty or country ciin rrmkoj'i to tlO it dnj Bclllinr our speilultiLS. N W , Nintlt ) company , 1-M7 I'lirnura et. 67T IIKI nil , O'Neill , V Cn .pub lllluire and guneral nirent * fur sujKcrlptlon bookibox4WOmaha Nob. OJ.ln WAN rr.D-TcrunsK rs nlul rorkninn for \Vjoinliu ; : $2 a day All winter's wink. Alibi lulu' * Labor AK < nuy , I3'W ' rurmim st. 4J8 ! SITUATION WAIfTKD. \VAN'IJD-Sllu : tlon ' . . . i stoek f rm or dalir by man and wlio ; bpciiki Uermun mid Ku llih Hnvo nooil e\- ) > eilunro AddloisiStil , lluuollii-u llbj \\7ANTKi-A ( < ltm7lloii Tn a Brcne M7inT ' ' li > ii > ouilir man wllh 'Jjo irs'i' inir-i'iioi. Hefiniiitc ( uinlilird. Adtlic' i hil ( , Hi u ollicc. 7W ll \\7AN 1 KD t3ltimTio7i "bl r yuunv limn us > ' oliirk or bookki-'prti' j e\H'rle'iio | ' andoin tuinlbli I cst ( it lufctiiues. ! sw , llio ijlllic. ; 7-0 III' WAJ > ni : > A sltunttoiiTij a llict-cl i- < bur lier. O.-vn xive thu bi'i > l of inOri'nc * . Addreit "J. It , " Hitol , loom I" . ANTKIt Sltiiktlou as diyKOo'.siliik b > l ady ol J > ears' ex pi riouoo lii" > I ro T- rnoei Address fi. fit , Hi e 11) , 11' TXfANTKIJ Position by ) oil lip ( lily ni us ' FiMant book-kvoi' r , top/let or olllco work. Oootl roli'-unit' . Ad liv.-j ir > - ! llor ciRtre. _ _ lli u ! WASfl'H A jKisitio > us lioii-eKneper by ludy of rijicrienco. AiUiusi b 4) , lieu oRicc , 48JI" MIBOEtliABEOOH WAMT8 , I ) Vniln to tat I'UckwIioM rukei n.pje yrui \vry luortilnirMt NorrU' Il'ilmunut , i'Jth ftt b t. Di'Jje ' an < t IXr.iifUi. Hlrnljbl botrd pir Vf tKJ.i ( | ! l lartl tie nt , I ! W. fOi. - nnd wife with little WANTKD-Gentleman boy M years old. ulrl 11 months old , want plensant rooms with board , quiet location. Host of reference ( riren and required Addre > ) , 'tutlnffloattlon and price , C. II Cordon , Twin Dispatcher'sofllco.U. P. Ry. 731-10 \VANTI5D-Sltuatlon-ny n ( rood l x > kVeetior. ' lifts hnd ton years experience. Can iflvo peed rfcfcronces. Address F. I' . II. , lleo ottice , Council IllulT * . TO 14 * " \\rANTKU To buy , R flro and bniKlnr proof I safe , sultnblo for ft country bank. Ad dress S , K ) , caie lice offlco. 6't8 11 * WANTKD-A sinfTll IIOURO or lint Id Jim-class location. Address , statinfont , S M , lice onico e-n : o \\A > Tii : to buy ono share o' flock In ' ' Omaha board of trade. S. A. Sloman.1512 rnrnnm st. ml \\rANTKD-Stook of drj Koods , olothlnir nnrt > > Rents' fnrnlslilnff or boots and shoes In erchftiiKo for Omnha real estate. Sohlciln * per llros.BHS. IQthst. _ BiM ) 14t v\A > riD Torcnt flat of 3 toSroomsfor llftht lioiif > okeeplncr , would rent , room * In noupoMith prhnto tnmlly or a small boijlc. Addiess at once S5j Hot onicos. , t , , CS ? P * " \\ANTIJI ) To purcbn4o , Jh 'prfYiito" biink in 'i uroHlnu town in Nohrnska or Knnsnn. ( live pnrllcnl r nnd nddrt > g.Inmcs Sutherland , North rinlte , Nob. _ _ 2 ? 10 _ " \\7ANTI5D-Gool writers nt homo , ( lood pny. Send 10 cents tor pnpcr nnd pnrtlcu- Inrs. I ! . 0 I < owls,7t Van Huron sUiChiniuco. , C9I.U * noladlps * . KOIUS to loirn tclo- ii Bt-nphy. I'rospeot ( rood for po ltlon when competent ; address W. J. 1) . , Iloom 1 , Crounso blk.Oninlm 137 WANTi20.000 ; ) j ardR of dirt on land noit west of Crclghton College. Hoggs < ! c Hill , i * 34 ? 10 _ rOB KURT HOUSES AMP.3LOTB. . . , 171 OH HKNT A nice now eottiteo on fnrnrtm JL ? St. , $ JO per month. Inquire nt llyron Itood o Wl 11 _ _ _ _ J _ _ 't KINT ( ! oed house- with 3 rooms , B. ISthet ,2d liouso south of Pierce. 7100 * FOH ltl'NT-2 hous.cscor 21st und Clnik sts. VPH 15 * Oil ItllNT-Storo bllildlnit E2tis. with " rooms tiunlshed uboionn24tb nod Mti on StB $ W per month. A. I * . TuUoy , 1304 rtuiiam Finnrixf"iruiTiisliod house"'Vu 1'Ui ' 1'nH imtn St. ; Use of tilrnltnro taUeii In honrd. 11 " \ * KB 10 * Ti OH HI'.NT Largo list of hilcknnd frnmo JL ! atoios , lints nnd furnished rooms ; best lo cation Keis , 15th and Douglas , oror Jtaj- inoiid'sjowoliy store. 601 U * TT10U I1IIN l-Itcsldonco Nof l'i4 | rnrnnm at , , JL. ' n room" , all modern Improvement Kent , $7fi ] ior nioiilb , ciirpela mid fiiinltnro for Ptilo. Apply S.jSlomnn , ir.U farniim Bt. _ ! ? _ HUNT l.nrirolioiiBo nith moiiorn Im Foil provements. 2Qth nnd Knrniim Ets. A. 1 * Tukoy , 1304 rainum et. OSJ URN I' House of ten ioom , with barn , Siat. , 570 Foil HUNT 80 ncrus niljolnlni ; city north west , suitable tor dairy or muikot ( rnrdon. Applj to Thoo. Williams , iloe Olllcc , U Far- limn. _ _ _ hOH POK HUM -Store 22\0 , lllfl Jackson st. _ _ _ _ J _ _ 78S _ FOK IlKNT-SIt room hoiiso,21th st , uoith of Dodge. Kmiulio J. T. Withrow , lilt llarnoy st , 7W _ B1OU HKNT Illp\on loom hoiiso cor21st nnd l.ouvcnortli st. ' 1 wo blocks from sttoot car. Apply to Hurko jt llarknlo\v \ , Douglas st or W K. Annln , tleo ollico. _ CM F OKHKNl' KIOKant 10 room residence on 1'nrnan , st. all modern Improvements , fur niture ami cnrpotforaalo ; nil now ; urn com pelled to give up on account ot Illnusj. ; Ad * dicBsltiS , Heo olllco. - - 512 _ _ _ ilKN'T-Storo BUltnbloTb r Hesluurnnt , U 18 S 13th at. I'otorson. 578. rtm nsirx BOODZ3. Fo'u ItHNT Nlcolj ftirntsliod roonw recontlj lilted up ; snunro piano. Sult'iblo forKi-n- tlcmnn and wllo or Kcntleinrn : tnmlly conxLiil- euces ; board It desired. OIS North 17th nt. TK 0 * ] jOIl Itr.NT Nicely furiitahud rooms , well lo cated , 1.118 Capitol a\o. luqnlro room 1 , exposition building 739 9 Oil HUNT Klcjrantly furulahol front room for ono or two gentlemen. 5 blocks from noMolHco ; has gas , furnace and bath. ! f-v ! N. 17th St. GO ! ) 10 * riOK UENT I'urnishod fiont room. 1004 1 Tarnum. 101 12'f TTlOIt KINT : Tno newly furnlbhod rooma JU nud upnilor on ground floor. 421 N.17th. _ Obll 10 T | > OH HIINr Furnished looms tor man und J1 wife , wllli board or for light housekeeping. Address 3. 00 Dee ofllco. 037 U * FOH HKNT- Furnished looms with .boiud 2024 Webster st , tefciciico roqiiiiod , 54J 10 * UKMT Purnlshcd room , 010 N. 17th , FOU GIB FOB KENT Two nicely furnished IODIUS , suitable for 2 or 3 ( rent lemon. Lov ely loca tion with ovary modem improvement 1415 Jonosstrcot. 025 RKMT I'loneant furnished and unfilr- Foil nUhod rooms with use of bath. 11110 Wub- ster street. tui 12 * T7HiT ltfeNT Sunuy , chocrfiil room , with JJ board , use of plino and tiuth. Pleasant home. Terms iciiBoimblo. 5-J5 Ploasnnt gtinet. 633 13 * olflfnNT Ono funilshodTiont loom anil F closet , sultaolo for 1 or 2 gcntlomon. S.V. . coi. 22d and Loiivonwoith. 02ii 12 * T71OU HUNT Three unfurnished rooms , suit- -D ixbla for light hoiiFOkoojiliiir , to a family without children , also two busomunt rooms ; 1I JN. _ jTth it. M7 _ _ T71OH Hi.Vr : Piirnlshed i-ooin for two . J men. N W coi Hlh and Cuss streets. Ofll 10 * HUNT 2 cast front rooms , nicely film- FOH , with 01 without board. t > 2G Pious- ant st. CO'i 10 * Oil HKN r-T'urnlshod"front rolmu i414 N 17th st. 007 Oil IIRNT ( looms , sinitlo or on suite , ih newly furnished house ; board can bo hull next door. Ill 8.18th St. , near DoiUo. 'AID * OlfllKNT Good , furnished rooms. 311 ti. 2kl si. , botv\eon Davenport und Chlcngo sts. ran n 171O1I HKNT Furnished rooms cniuonlont for JJ housoKeoplns. N-W cor 16th and Clark.3S1 3S1 Foi : HUNT Newly futnlBhef fiont parlor bodioom , gns ana flro ; nlno bleeping room newly fiirlnshed ; lout roasonuble. cull ut 11)05 Iniimmst. Kit u Itr.NT ( ! oed , fninlhhod , fiont room , i. cor. 21st nnd Davoilport , I'M U FOItltKNT-Slx nicely furulsliod rooms at No. 714 N. 19th street. 4T > 17 * TTIOH HUNT Front omTB , depend floor ; 15th Jst. . , near I'ainuiir Will rent one or two looms. Addi ess P , ! )0 ) , lleoofllco. 411) HKNT A handsomely tiirnUhed trout room , all inidern ) convc'iilences , vuth prh- llcgeot home. Address B1 ! , ll o otllce. 7UI 22 F I UK HKNT 2 unfurnished looms , n w c-ornor IMh nmnMlllams 70711 * F IOH HI'NT Kurnlfthod loom foi Kontlomnn. I50S L'liss st O'jo 14' 1710 It IHlNl'-Vurnlshod houeo S blinks from P. -U O. AddrfisS , lock boy 2JI ) . _ 721 11 FOIt HiNT-I'urnlsVed : ffont room snltaolc for man and wlfo or UKuntlemen. Heilt reasonable , 1PIK I'uriium ( < . 7U1I * FOU KK.VT NU-cly funiTshl'd 1onm BnoiR llougliibM. ' 712 10 * _ _ > _ TTioil 'ifKNT NiTo ! ) f 111 iiirhsdTooms "and J3 board , CIU NIDth M. 4 14 * _ OH IIENT ruriilslu-d rooms for lljht hnusu l.cpping , llucmeu Dock , cor ittliHoward. . _ _ _ _ ItHs P-A niie l rg front clminTerT - newly fnrnislioil , has CHS furnace and buth.Mt S2uthst , near St. M.iry'aa\o. i Ittl _ UUN11 AtfcrNer. 10 , fiirmshed , rooms I ' at J18 north 15lh si , J4 * 12 : N -Nleoly fiiriilshuT fFoiTt iTjoTnTu 516 South 'Wtli , nour Ht. Mary's avenue. 870 , l Ullin.Trr Fur7ibHod room , 1816 l. 1 , 011 HKN J'-Part of lloor ) or ' tiirlut , ' purposes. Uenti ally located. Low rent. 1207 I'arnam Hi , up stalls. 4H , OK ICKNT-Puriilsheit lee m for gentle * ur > n , t ttSD06K * t. 75 _ _ ITloll IfK VT NlRtTTurblsheTT "liud lioatfd JJ room sultablv for two trenllemun at 1WI V'urnam st , _ _ 824 _ "IjlOlillKNT J-'urnUhed loom for one or twiT Kentlemon ; fnrnituro ni-ir. pleasunt laca * lion ; Howard > t. , bet. 8tb and 9tb. ; south , aid * . T71O1 } 1IKKT- nlcoly "furillslief Iront room X1 mtliBlooio , to tentUmon only , nt No. IjJl rArruunsJ. _ _ 51i _ I710U KKNT-NewlyfuriiUhed rouiut2SlfSr -I ? ilr/ ' r . 311 ? on nr.VT-Elejmnt furnished room1 * . ICO , I ' Doufrlsi. nofercttccg requlroJ. _ 651 Soil l r.ST : A larrr , clejKntly furnished I room , for tire sciyjfrnen , 1P19 Oodio l. Tjioit ith T Lira , ( ronl room Kood ollicc J location. 11.V \ , Htlitrcss.l303 ( Karnnm , SS2 I.OT3. IflOHSALE-lly Jl. 'L ' ; Hlpglns & Co , ltii)6 JL' Douglas st > 1 a very choice lotaln Manhattan ,1 very choice Ictslh Lincoln Place. H vrry choice lotVW Ho'orvolr add. 3 very choice lottyirt IAIWO'S Klr t ndd , H very choice Intu In thlun's I irst ndd. 3 very choice lot In Prospect Plnco. livery choice lots In Orchard Hill. : i very choice lots m Dollono's ndd. n \ cry choice lots In Isaio .V Scldon's ndd. a v crv choice lots In n lo's ndd. a verycSolce lots In llnnsconi 1' 3 very choice lots In Klrkwood. 3 very choice lots In McCorinlck's ndd. n v ery choice lots In Iti dlok's Crove. 3 vorychoico lots In Kllby Place. 3 v ery choice lots In West Side. .Morj choice lots In Potter's add. 3 very cho'co lots In llrookllue , ( acres ) , ! l verv choice lot sin Pollnml'laoo. 821.10 3 very choice lots on 1'nrnam st. O NH acre In tlelvedore , ? lw. IlnmmotulA. ( llbson , lr,14 Douglas st. 701 GOOD TITlTK-Warrnnty deed nnd nb. stinct free with every lot In Hnsh A Sclbr's ndd to South Omnlm , only H blocks from South Block Vards. Prlcas $230 to ? I25 ; only 5JO cash , Hush A boltiy , 'J13 8 nth St. 015 1J10U BALK -50 lots in Vowler plnce , South JL ; Omnhn , nee ards from I'ow lot llms'.piuk- Ing house , southwest. IMIcos $ ) TiO to $500. Terms U cnsh. Chenp , peed nnd aurr. J. II. K\niH , < ( Co. , solo ageiitB 727 ll (1OOD TITI.T-Wn riinlv dP il nnd nh- stractfroo vlth e\crvlot In Hush A Solhy'fl ndd to f-outli Omnhn , only 8 blocks from South stock YnrdB Prices $ JV ) to $125 ; only $ iO cash. llush fc Solby. 218 8 15th si. BIO CvltOOM liou'o,2 closoUi cistern , c-ellnr ; nlso ) pnloon building 20x24 ullli bnr nnd llxtnics complete : nhci burn Kill ? , lot rovlio , nil for $ lt > UO. fl.'JiH ) cash , bill , monthly pnytiionK Hammond & . ( llbson , 1511 Douglas st. 70- . l'Ta.VCO. , MA. Tnrnam , h ivo the following Gilt IMgo Insldo 1'roporty for sain for 5 diiya : aixlJJ on Hownrd street , 00 fctit fiom 15th street. iie\en : room hoii'o 1'inlng nml all other a osuieiita and taxes paid , for the ox ticnulylow pi Ice of $11,110,0110 half cash. COxlJt. , corner 14th und Chicago stiects. .1 nlco cottngcs , ninth f 1(1,0 ( JO foi $12,503 , ono- third ciiftli. nOx78. cor. 10th nnd Davcnpott streets. 10th street Cable line " 111 I. " ' north of rarnnm ; trncUrisro ; \ cry cheap for $5ooO , 42,030 ca h. lltKLU corner 12th ntul Jonca. An awful good piece of business piopcilj for20rO , ( ) . HOvlUon rnrnauicast nfJJd street Do you know Hint the largest nnd most olegnnt retail di v goods and other Rtoi OS will bo on rarnatn bctw con If Hi and 23d trouts insldfi ot II vo vonrs 'Ibis propoity will thonbu worth $1,09) to S1.ROO front foot. It can now bo boucht for J2 > .030 ; will sell 22 toot for 5J01 per fiont foot. liKzliU HO tt from cor of 12th and Jackson ; lmpri cd Boino , f 10.000 , cnsh. COxlU'Jeor Itth nnd Jnckson ; lmpio\od some , $1"WO ; 1-T cnsh. Shi 13 CO foot from cor llth and to proporU owned by 1'rod Ames , of llojton , nnd the llth st viaduct- $ l-0n : fVWO ensh Iiot wlthn-ioom houn3ou2lstfct,13Sfeet from St Marj'sn\o , good bnrn , city water , etc ; f7- ONniio ; third cnsh Look this , up , it will pnv \ ou. IHIxl.lOto 17 foot alloy on 2'itn at , 121 toot from Fiiinnm st ; wlUsrlH4xMj or thn uholo for $123 per front loot ; one-third cash , No liner resi dence property than tnls Coiner , east fiont , on 10th st , noailj opposite new llmwnell lull ; pa\od stieet , wnti-r and newer jilpcn to curb Hue. Rtid iiiid for. This Is ( .oluir to bo the mort dlAtlnctixoly laslilonnblo rosldonco portion of the city , llciois a coiner lot Hint will lie orthJ4V10bf fore 1837 Is through It ran now ho bought foi i 1,0)0 ; one third cash , bnliineo ens } . IJJxIll u. o. cor. 2Ith nnd Doilgo ; expected cnlilo line ; JVAX ) , l-3c4 0. 78 foot front on St. Mary's inc. , 2.1th St. ; Duo residence : $11.0)0 ) , VJ cnsh. Kli-gnulU-room house , full lot ; all modern ImpiovomonlH , line b irn , ovqrj thlnpllrst class ; close to pnx od street und In splondld neighbor- boodSH.IOO ; Itoincmlier those nro ln ° ldo bnrgaliig. Wo inuo lotrtimd 1 luils , Impiovod and unlinpro\ed , imvlicro In Omaha linclicinitv ; gixousik cull if you want to buv or sail. We limotho flnejt real nslatu rigs in ( hn city nnd "It is no troub'o ' to show goods. " M , k. Upton S. Co. , irXJ'J I arnaiii st. 000 _ A cTOoiT rllTLK Wnnanty dcod nnd nb strnct free Itli oor \ lot In Huah V Solby'8 ndd to South Oniuhu , only 8 blocks fioni South f-tock j urds. l'rIco T233 to f 425 ; only S50 ? cash , Hush .V Sclby , 2IH S 15th st. _ < I18 FOIl SALfi M lots III I'onlor place , South Oinahu 300 yards from t"o ler llros' . patk - injr house , southwest. I'llccs ? .lf > 0 to $500. Terras 'i cash. Cheap , g-ood ani ! sure. J. 11. Kvxns & Co. , sole agents. _ 727 11 NSIDlf XcKE LOTS are hanl to ( rot. llrlgrh- JL tonistho neniest acre propoi ry for sale. Prices , $103 to $450. If J ou want ttcro lota como and see It. Ames , 15QT Fiirnam. _ 47:1 : 8 TjlOH SALII A 4-roomhouso with lot , front- JL ? Ing on two streets , $1,500. 17-ioom bouso , 1 J room hou o with lots frontnifr ontwo street" , both $2,210. -4-rooir house and half lot , 81.250 : 10 per cent CIIHII , balance monllily iniyinonts , all the above within tlirt'o-qtiartnrs of u mile of postotllcc Cor. lot , llth nnd I'ncltlo , fiilxli ; . with three elegant cottagoa , would tent for $75 per month , for a lou dnjg nt $ i > ,000. I'nrm loans at lowest rtito of interest. Flist-class ical estnti ) mortgiiges , or com mercial paper , discounted. Mend & Jamlrion , ilJSSJ 'JU' _ M OWL1 NO OHEP.N-Our now nddltlon Is B wi > t ol Walnut Hill , on llnmllton stieot. By selecting lota at $150 for Inside and $175 for coiners , you will mnko n good Investment , TCI mg 10 per cent cash and f.1 monthly. No rhurgo forHhowlng the lots. Mninhnll & Lo- beck , 1509 Fnrnum _ 3tO iSnTllAUUH iiad I'nttcrson I'lnco Is on Lenvonwoith M. by the depot anil oiin- iilng lactoiy. Lots are laigo nndery boiiutllul dicing the east. It. C. PattoiEOn , solo iifront,15th ami Hnrnoj. inso.v : iiiain * . AfiOODTITLtt-Vt'arimity deed and ab- Htraut free with uvmylot In Hush\.Solbj'iJ add to South Omaha , only Sblockg from South Rock V Pi Ic - > B $210 to J425 ; only JKhiiHti. -oll,218 fi 15th st. 01(1 ( TinAI , KHTATi : UMtOAlX Two full lots -It on 24th Htroot , runnlnir tlirongli to 21d sticot , uinUliiir W. fout frontiijfo on both streets by lid feet deep , with ! ! two Morj flats and 2 cottairos fiontlnaron 21th street , lent Ills for $109 per month. Iloom to build 0 flats to front on 2ld : street. This property Is Just one-half of n block bouth of Leavoiiworth nncl two blocks IroiiiBticel cum Can sell for 5111,000 Heller t , Campbell , lioom 1,15031'arnam. : t7.r > . 1 OOI ) 5-room house , lot 72132 , near school and o'uiix'li.olioiip nt $2'tOO. , Hummoiul & , lr > 14 ' _ " ( JOOO Tpl'LHWai riintyTuTT-d and abstract free with ovary lot In llush H Selby'H add. to South Omalm.oiilj 8 blocks from Sonili Htouk Vnrds. Prleita t2"iOto f4i" > ; only | W ciihh , Husta & Selby , 218 H. 1Mb el. _ 010 1 KI HK'S ! < JK01K-Lots on 11 Bpoc-lul bill- Xk ( rain at f I' M ) to f IflTO pet lot. riirimni street pavi'inont nnil Htreot car track to this addition. Its east HUH Is 81st ft , Ames. 1507 rnrnam. _ _ _ _ _ 473--J IilOHHALK Clioap , | U ucrol writ improvuj , ' } mile north ol doafi and dumb institute. Adjolnlnirlots sell lor 2,00) ) Apply J. I'.Hooh , on pieinlHcn. > ' Hutl nl'J' A" (1OOI ( ) TIl'LK-VVarf-tinTFiTooirand nTistrtict ficu wjth oveiy lot , in Hnsh .V i > ulh > 's add. to South Omaha , only H Blocks f i om South H topic Viuils. Pilces2Mtof { | : ' > ; oiil ) JMcnsh Hush A-fcull.v . lHH. 1Mb st. , ( , _ _ l I7 ) lt &ALi-ll : } Hchl lnxoi Ilios. , 1 ait South lOlh st roet - ISrt fi ot on 2"ith st. lie iff l'n i mini , w III sell till or pai t. * 6 nc i ii lots In raiuim pink , $125 per iicio. Kiixy tcrnib. 'llils Is veM-desliablo for garden- Kl'noro , improved , AVar city ; IIOIIPO , linrn , rllK.i-tc. Olie.ip mil on'uney tot ins Iots lii hcliIealntfiir'snM'litiun I , ' ) ) to * V > 0 , on cn'-y lei ins I' ' * _ Jj J * _ B.MtjAI.V-Houcu ( a btioms , bains and out biilldlmrs , lot 10Jxl4tltft neil Lnavciinoith all for ttM ) , onn third msli 1' I ) . Tanner & Co. , Ifllfl Howaul st , 72 * II AftOOin'JTLtt-Unntuil ) ilood and iinstratt treoulth ovc-ii lot Wi It' li A. Bolby'n mid to South Omiilin , only 8 blool < ! > f lorn Hoiitb block Vanls , Prices * J.'iO tu $ U3 ; only ? M cash , Hush Aeclby,2IBS. _ IMIiSt. _ _ UIO " H OtSKS Lou , I m nib.l.ands money loaned" lleinlt. llth and Douglas stucts 2)i' V1 I'.HNON HPmHTS-nW beauty nnd varloty of sceuer > unsurpassed In Omaha. Ml 14 ' 11 C. PATTIJli > UX-rTtti anil Tfui ney. Doil/o . , . 118,000 tklxl.Cift l.'lhund Jiic-knini ( imuioveil ) . . 2JUOO Mxl70ft hlionimn d\e Improved . 10.0 K ) IMxiaJ ft Fnrnum st , . . . , . IS.WW New iMittatto and lot monthly pnjments 2,20) THO lots Klrkwood , lacli. . . . . . . . . 800 ( Uses addition one lot . l JO SI acres ijiiltublb lor plnttlnir . , . 8,000 lOacKssultnuloplutliiiK , , . . . 6.0U3 lluslnesH and residence properly In ull parts ot tlio city. Abstracts of title from , ray complete abstract books on short notlco. Oluir cunt money. H. O. Patterson , owcOrlS an.d Harney , ground floor. _ 8W 4-KOOMlicuse , closets , pantry , cistern , barn , lotSOiIBS ; mint bbfkl ( ; price 11'JOO. Ham' oild fe UibsouUU Uouifla * tt 7W Foil SALK-lZlol * 44x133 feet , fronting north on HrlMol Street , half W y between P un- dots nnd State , near street our * , flty wftterln front , f < 00 ench , 1-4 ta h , tmlnnco In I , S nnd 3 ) o\ra. Ai3ilrc 8 U.llPO oniCO. 2i3 G001) Tin.K Wnrrnntv deed nd nb- tract free with o\ cry lot In Hush A 5elby' ndd toSouth Omnhn ; only 8 blocks from South Stock Vnr < l . l'rlee $2.V ) to $ li\ ! only $50 ensh. Illl'h > V Selby , 218 S I.Mh St. CIR BUIOUXNUthonenrp ! tncro property for snlo A ride to thl * property will conv IIKO you. Prices , HOJto $150 per ncrc. AIIIP , 1VI ) Fn run in. 4TJ l COOlPlTTU'-Wnrrnnty deed nnd nb- strnct fr6c \ \ Ith every lot In Ituili \ Pf Iby's nrtil to South Onntm. only 8 blocks from South Stock Vnnis 1'rlces r.i . ) to $ l.l ; only fW ruth Hush AcSrlby.218 S IDtli St. nin "ITItlU Hir0fl : ft 'fronting on Oolpo st. 2 J-1 blocks en t of t IIP po tofflce. A bnrjriiln nt $18riOO : $10,0')0 ' cnjh. iarhnlUt ! lKbeck. 11J9 rnrnnm. U59 iM K Knst front lot < i In llntiecom 1'lneo $ . ' 00 L to JlWehenpei than niljolnlni ; property V. II. Tanner A Co , 10IS Hownrd st 7'J5-II SAIiE ffl lot * In Fan lor ploco , South Omnhn.WM.vnrils fiom l'o lor Itrot' . piuK Inc houie , southwest. I'rlcc * t-Va to ) . Trrma U tnMi , Chenp , good nnd sure J II I'\iii8 ( 4. Cd.,3olG ft cnts. 72 * 11 0001) TITIiK Wnrninty ileol nnd nb stnict free with o\crv lot In Ituih , V Sulbj'n aihl to Moutli Ouintin. Onlys blocks from South Slock Y rd < . l'rlct > ftJ.jO $ % only f J oi\h Hush * Sclny.SlSS lothst. _ CIO l l5.vFEfTir''rntTM"A9 tins mTiTouinnndirinim JLto the city of Omnlm minimi Mnscotto , nnd wo notice tnnt the * troot nro pniporlv nnmi'd Itolx'o , I.liron/n. Hottln.i. 1'lppo nnd Irodorick , iindtcelnir thut the miino N on the Belt Hull- win ntid nt ft point whoio the Omnhn Northern It. It. promises liililyto mnko a junotloti with the Hell l.lnc , nlul lots only 10J toAW. . wo think the locittion well nnincil , nnd Unit the inir- clii nr < will liun n Mnicotto , ns the Indluntlous point the lota to bouirtli from $ "iUtoJi ! > 0 soon. ThcAolottnnMoboiiolil on cnntrnct.20 percent cnsh nud biihinco $1 per month. Apply to Dexter L Tliomno , Iloom 8 Crulftliton lilK 3 jlINIJ loti in .Icronio I'nrk unit Kllbj I'lnco LJ snv ) to $1SOO t-noli , It rm en y V 1) Tnnnul A. Co .Kiln Hownid si 72H I-I A : . - Jl liropeity In this popular direction nt JV > U to f Kill. ItN siirioundpil by Improvo- mcnta , nnd will tUuiapldl ) Inaltie. . Ami .1507 rni'iiiun. i i u ? i lJNtfTNiliAlillAlNS-T : vo comer lots in VI llnidottocoiirt. only 4 blocks from Sunn- dor's bticol cais.v M. llushmaii , Iloom 10 , Iliislimnn Hlock , N 12 cot IGth nud Douglas. ( ibob TfTI.U Warranty ilc-edami nti- slnu-t fret with oorj lot In Hush , V Sulby'8 ndd to South Omaha , onh S blocks from South Stocks Vnuls. Prii cs fiv ) to $421 ; only $50 ctish. Hush A , golb ) , 2lbjn5lluit. Cin KST PjfANTfLOANs-U. ! It. Bill A. RIIAL Co. in S. llth st 70 _ . A SLOJIAN 1512 Pot nuni hi. . S. Heal I''tntp , Offers the following choice Inv eslmcnH in in- Mdo business mid residence propoity : Cor llth and Mnrtha tluoly improved PHxltt . . . . . . . $ G.iWO JackMin st. nitni 17th Inipiovcnioiitsroiit ftiilpc'r uionlli 7,200 S. Kith Ht. ncui Haitmnii school 40vl02 . 3.TOU S llHh st near Li-avonworth 50x110 Im proved . . . < WO 20 st. near M. Marj'snvo " , UJO Cor. Chicago nonr 2lsti0\132 ? . . I2.UOO Cor. Chlciuo npai 21th st nr\l 11,2 IIOIIMM H.'M ' ) ' California 24Ui , HU132.3 houses . S.ijQO Uodgo sleet , eoi ner , 10J\12"i In grade . 2.8DO Douuhis " neiu 22d , tiilxl.U 7.HOJ Fnrnain " cor Smith Pt. , birguln 1.K11 " " ne.u-court hoiisu , 4Ux1J2lni | ) . 18.0.X1 " " cot. 2id. flnclj Imiuovod . 14,030 Vliglnlaiive , nTixPi ) , .1 loom house 2rflfl llowind st. neiuHib ) , Improved. . . fi.OK ) Hurnoygt. near 20th , MxlB7 7/00 larnamst.cor lUth.lKKIBO. Impiovrd. . ll.itOi ) llnrno > St. uoai : ilstbxU2 ! . . . . . 4.0JO Jackson. Hloppj. ( loo's new liottl , ( > Gx "Ii Imp 15,000 cor r > tli , impiovod , rent " " beldon , 44x112 2ill ) 25lh st. near Loavcmvoitli. luo\H8 lmj > 4.20J WP. HAVK conslaut Inijulry for all kinds of business and resilience property It 3ou linvoany property for sulo list sumo with us. Schloshiger Ilios ,014 S. loth. CGI 14 AniliS PI.AO'I" The neiucst property on Kelt Line fronting ou Snundaiti , at pilccs $550 to 050 on easy terms. Ames , 1507 Liu num. 47 ! ) A 0001) TITkU Warrant * ocodandiihstinct free with every lot In Itush & Seluj' add. to South Omnlm , onlr K blocks from South Ntock Yards. Pilce . t.'K ) to $1.5 ; only 850 ca h , Hush & , < clby,2L8 S 15th Bt. Cl V I5HXON SRI 14 AOOD ( ! TJTLi : Warranty deed and abstract free with ovcrj lot in Hush .t bolbj's oild. to Soulh Onriha , onlr 8 blocks from South Stock Yaids. Prices , J2V ) to $125 ; only $5J cnsh. Hush & . doiby. 218 S 15th St. flirt : AVKNUK-S bonutlful lots on SlliitMAN paved street and grade. One n corner. A bargain at , $0,000 foi botn. A bnrirnln 1 full lot on Sherman nvonuo , op posile Popploton , for only $ .IIWO. Unrgnln b7 feeton Spruce St. by 122 feet on 20th bt. , vtlth good house. Only $1,000. Call ana see this Two magnificent lots in Orchard Hill at n bar gain and on otir-y tenus. South fiont lot on Hamilton and 30th Sts , Only ? I , MO. 20 acres 3M miles from Poslofllco at $1M per ncro Splendidly ndnpted for plattlnir. jiiisy terms Call Hnd look ever our list. Stockdnlo & . Mlchcll , 1510 Dodge St. OflS 10 fiOOI ) TITLK Watranty deed nnd nb- A ft met free with every lot In Hush & Selby's add to South Oinnba , enl } 8 blocks tiom bouth Stock Yards. Ti lci > 8 $210 lo $421 ; only 10 cash. Hu h & Sclby,218 S 15th st. (110 ( flTrr.-Wnitantv deed nnd n atractf reo with every lot in Hush > V Sclhv's add toSouth Omnhn , only 8 blocks fiom South Stock VnrdH. Prlco $250 to $ IU'1 ; only $ V ) cash. IMi'.li " Sel by , _ 218S llth t. _ Mil H"MIlAI'iI ] ; and Patterson I'lnco Is Hut best , choapc&t and most desirable , liny ncir nnd pnvo money. H. C. Patloison 15th and Huinoy. 5')1 ) I K v"oirw7\NririocntJon on Holt Llnc thl8 aldo ot whom It cioHsosSnundcrs , at Arnea TIaco , Is the location. Level Lots Bold on cuay puniuutHat$5.r > Oto $ ,110 , Como and Bee it If j ou want n bargain. Amei , 1507 Pnriininj < t , 473 I' ' ( looi ) TlTLi : Wai runty deed iiiid ab Htinct free with ov cry lot In Hush A.Knelb > ' ndd to Suotb Omnlm , only 8 blocks from South Slock Ynrdx. Pi Ice $2 K ) to $4 J3 ; only S50 cash , UiiBb & Selby. 218H11tliBt. _ UUl TTlT.ACIC I IIOM * N , JU Heal Ustato and Loan llroltors , Frcn/er block Opu Poatotllce. Lots in Kllby pinto ffiio , $700 , { 710. and * m South tiant lolH on I'annim t in Jerome PurU $ lWJto tJ.t/OOeuch ; on voiy easy terms. Klogantaoiith fiont lolHonllilstol st. between FHundors nnd State -tRmi3 , ' . for { BOO ouch , $2)0 cash nud bnlaneo 1,5 and , ! > i'nr- < . 2 beniitlfiil ciml fiont lots on Lowe nvc , In Kllby plnco lor $1.100. > 4 bcuutlful east front lots in llaiifLom place , on PhllSbeildan ft , $ ltiu nch. Tno elegant south fiont lots on rmnnnist , S--IKW each A coiner on Paiindflis street 8J\120 feet , R frpkndldplccoof bu'lnesu piopoily , lor $0,000 ; ciish.VOo. A i > 0 foot south front lot on llainoy it. for $1Wlli cash , $2,000. Kyi JO. ii curner on Ilurdi tt andl ith sts , front- ingoii tiiirubt' . . for $1,200 ; ono quarter cash ; bnlnnco , 1 , i ! nnd 3 yi'Mri. 1 ncro , south front , 204 feot. nn llilstol st. , milkrs it lots 4U.xlUft , for * Inoj ; $ | . ( OI cash , bnlHiuo 1 , J and II jimia. 'Ihla Ua baigaln 2't ' Hues on SUIIIKIC-I s st Dhldcit uji Into II lotii. AdJtilniliK lots nro Milliner lor $ iW ( taeli , Alf for $1 , : : yO. Thoio is iiathlng better ou the , A.ini3lno. s lot In Boulh Omaha , 60x150 , foi f 1,100 Cash , tW ) nml lull In 1 , 2 and U youix , 642 l.H I'l. \ < li ; otfors special mdiicomunts m AM prlccr , terms of piivinont mid loiatlon. The hoii'-oMiiow on Amos pi ice mo good ones If you wantlo nuj uco tliogronlnl. Ames. I&07 I'm num. 473.U pHl' HINT In found in Illmnbaugh nnd Pat _ Ltorion Plnco Knsj toim * und lingo leinrna. It. P. Paltott-oii , I > th und Huilley , fi'lit OWLINIi < : KilVlqtti : : , ( M lUpnroentcash nnd f5 per mouth Mai shall tt Ixiboek , Arpi\tH | , 1 03 rnriiam si root. 04J A ( IOOI ) TiTLH Wuiirtiify "iTocd und ub str.iot free vviih every lot In Hush tc Holbj's add to Honlli Omaha , ( till/8 block from South Hlock Ynnlb. I'rlres t.iW to $ IJ ; only f W cash. Hush'elby,2IH8 > Pithkt. UH FOIt SALK-Two n noli ami 1 room houser tnn loni'fu h.all mnilerii linproveme-nts , In- clinling bnth rooms , grates , mnntlcj , gnt und c-lty waterubout SUJOcash. biiliinco riisy terms , DP. D. Tuimer A fo , IHlri Howaiil Bt .2H.JI _ ( IOOI ) TITLP.-Warriinlv deed nnd nb A siractfreowltiKivciy lot in llii li APhi'lby' * and to South Omaha , onli K lilorUslrom Soiltli Stock ViinU. Prices J2'X ) to $481 ; only * Wi it'll. Husliif-ulbj.SIBS 15th st. UiO fill 8ALK A til giout hinxalii fora few weeks ouU , ten tlioiitiunil acres of land ill ! Bok'clvd at * 4.0j ( jieracrb ; ! f2.40cu9ll und 8 jours , Marshall tc Lobce-k , PiM 1'urnain _ r 'j lT-vTorrant ) ilted and abstract -CV frto with oveu lot in llusli i. Selby's Hdcl , toPoutb Ouuiht , only B block * from Soutli block Yards Pikes , 2iO to 421 | only f < fj 4c Selby , S188 I51h el. 8PJ i LotsFarms.Lunasroonoyoane | > i , H llerais , ISth aad Douglas strooti , < fii CJl'FCIAL for a few day * only. Southeast O cornerof llth nnd Martha Sts. l.tixlll , room house , modern Improvements , oosllnjr over f,1 , < XK ) . lr purchased * t .once w 111 sell for fi.MA ) . Only 1.VXW cash , balance on time 'Iho property U chonp nt 1 1 0,000. Inquire of T. II , llnrton , 1599 1 armyn S t. 722 9 A OOo TlTLrV-WArrnnty deed nnd ab stract free with ovtri lot In ltn a Js Sclly mid to South Omnlm , only 8 MOPKI from South Stock VnnK Tricon fir. I to f US ; orly J53 on h. Hush & Selt > r.21S 8 ICth St. 810 \\T II MOTTPU Hint Rstiiti Afrenoj > , orter I ' iho following clioloo biirtfaltis 1 lot In Slilnii * . 'M addition , Rood ft room liouso $700 cnsh. JJOtW. Lot 2 block 1 , lllllsldo No. 2 , tn > cash ; Jl.fiOO. 2 lots In Kliiffxndd , JlKU o.'ich , $ WJ oslil > nl. ftncc > V ) ov cry three months A bnnrnln. Lot 2S block 2 HlmobailBh A Patteison'a mid f4" > 0 tj. cnsli. 3 cm nor lot * In Arllnalon , $1.0VI each , I lot on llnmllton M.fl.OW ; $ JT' . cii li. I.ota in Cntnlpn plnco , ( MO ; t 0 cash , Imlnnco Lot 11 block P.Prospe-ctphco , Jl , Mj t ( cash , cheapest lot In Iho eity. n full lots on Sannders ono n corner , $ J,500 , 'I ' cn h. Ono elrgimt lot lnShlnn's2d add , 00 ft front , I.VUO. Don't let this slip Nlc'o 5 loom house corner lot , 0,1x120 , Shlnn'8 tltl ndd , $2,000 , rash 1 lot in rosier' * add , $3,005 , > j cnsh. Corner lot In Klrkwood , $721. M cash l.loguiit east fiont lot In Plalnvloff , onCOth ( ' ' ill lot on f < oavcnwoith St. A hiugnln nt * i * ' * One of the flnon lots In Hillside No 1 for * M , $ ltXKcnsh. ) Pine lot In Wt > t Slilp , $105. $75 cnsh Ono ( TOO 1 lot in Wiishlnitton siimro | , $3,200. Two lotsone n e-oiner , the Illicit lots In an pom Place' . $ ' . , 'idi ) . H'lwo lots In .leroitio Pnrk , $1,100 each , $10J cash. Ono of the best lots In Hnnscom's Place for $2300 , $ < VX ) cash. I'lnoft east front lot In Hiuiscom Place , f2Vl ) ( , Sl.OOJ cash An elegant east front In Hnnscom Plnco , $ I'W ) 'Iho best lot In Potter's nId. for $1W. This IsllOfcot < < a t Iront , caij tcims t-cM'iiil cliolco loB In Amblur Place , $500 ; $150 e-nsh , Imlance monthly U uast front lots ou Humidor * st. . one n cor ner , $ .1,100 , $700 cash , Imlallrolong tlmo 3 line i > ii l fionl lolsin hull's add. , $1,000 Finn 5 room house , Lnku'H tuld , fj,21 > 0 ; $400 cash. Pine- act o In Ilelvldore. Jl'0. Tills Is oulv n pin tin I list of otirbnigaln * . and If you want iiii'lnoss o > - tcsidcnco propmiyln any part ol theilt > cull on us nml wo can milt ion. W II. .Motle-r Huul Kstnto Agoncj. 211 S. 1'.111 . Si. fi'iT ItT : VNT LOT In Tnboi Place ten. ICi iioRinit : lot In Klrknuoil lor VOO tor. lot. witt mid noitli fiont , on cur line , In north pail ol city , a bniirnln . , Iot In Kllliy I'liu-u . UOO uocnit front lots on VliRlnln inc. , In Ilun'ciiin I'lnco , CIRI | . 1,7M " ' ' full lota 1'nrk ioRiint room lieu e , - on mo. , nenr Iim\unuortli bt , chcnp nt 8iOOm ( Lot In 1'nik 1'lnoo . \m \ iiCKiint : lot In lilotk 9 , lnii ! coin I'lncc S.tiOO 'llio lie ° t built liouso In ttia city , with i'ltvatei , pn . Idtlironm , oicctrlo bulH , hnitlnooil HnlKb Inslilo , heiiti-d with furniico , oiiuoi. lot WvlJ ; ) on Vlr- tllnlH , noMhol I.oiucnuoitli st T..WO Foiitli fioiU lot InVilnul Hill , two bloel.s fiom l.ouo nvo und ono I'look ' fiom llnmllton Rl.\rllli elt'irnnt 0-room cottngc , ilt > wntcr , elnto mnntcl , tto. , . n bnrtfiiln lit . . . . . . 2,800 The llno'jt built T room cottiiuro In Ambler lor Pluto , with two oust trout lots ; lei jou thH propem 11,300 lloltor A ( "umpboll. CTa II Iloom I , irOO I'arinuu bt rplr. riNIIST I.O'I'S In mniKut for tin ) X money Is In Illinobauch nnd 1'nttoreon iii-o. . . It. C. I'.vlteison , 1'th mid nnrnoy. 557 Douglas and Sts. Lot vvllb double cottnga , 8 rooms each , louts tortWX ) per j em. only. . . $5,500 10J v 11 , ' , corner on CHllfor nla St. . 2 2-storv lioiiMS doom foi nblock ol 5 inoio ) . A baig.ilti . . . . 12iOO ( n ncrc lots. Coin Hi Illiante . , . DUD House and lot , HUH tlmino add . 1,503 If/KlV ) on Mercer HV i > . . now bouso . . . . ! l,100 llouao and lot. Davenport , nonr 27th. . . . " ,1oO I ot nnd laigo housoon CHldvtcll Bt . l/iOU Cote Itrllllunte. nci o lots , cheap . HU Lotsln Huidolto Conit . 350 Ii lotnndstoie,27thstu'nt . 4 , WO on-o nndi ncio , Cnliloinla sttcct 2r > JO 5 loti , Cn B street 800 lOlxlUtl , roinoi.on Hurt St. , house. Ao 3,710 2 lots In Oichnid Hill , near rosorvoli l.'IOfl Lot 20 block l.Wr-6tEnn add 2'iOO Lotslu Van nouion I'lnco ! U,1 Sightly ncie , Helve lei o 57.1 beautiful lots , California nticot , . Jl.-JO to l.MO Cull nnd let moplunrjou bomo of the many baignins 1 have listed. Proposals for Grading- . SEALP.D proposals will bo ncclveil by the tinJeisigned until 11 o'clock a. in. Nov. 1 tth , 13bfi , Tor grading Jjpaven worth Ntrcel fiom Tth to 8th stu.'cts.iu pel oidluanco Nn. 1201 , and In nccordance with plans und spocltlrntlons on file in thooiliio ol the Ho.inlof Pnbllaorkg. . Hids will bo iiiado on printed lilunks furnish- nl by the boaid and will bo accompanied with a coriltleil cluclc In the sum of fl\n hundred dollars , paynhln to the city of Omaha , us an ov I- doiiccof good faith. Thorlglitto iejict nny or nil bids or nalvo dotocta Is ie orvcd. J. E. HOUSr , o-30nov-1 Chairman ! ) Board of PublloVorki. \ . MOIIR CATAnilll. Thf Gr'tlUcrmin Jlcmcdy 10 a positive cure ) * rccBRniiito Ipackaieniiil llonK ( or ll > renti In tlamui. f 10. II , llKDICAL CO . JCKt lltmiitu Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following- tlio tlmo of arrival * ulcln- paituioof trains by Contuil HlnnjHrd Time nl the local deputK ' 1 ruins of thn C , St. P. , M. A O. arilve nnd depart frorn tholr depot , corner of 14th nnd Wcb tui Htrcots ; trains on thq II. A M , C. IAQ. \ . and K. C , SI , .1. & P II. from the II. * M. depot all othou from the Union I'.ieitlo Hridgo trains will leave U. P. depot at 0:31- : 117:35-8.00-8:49-8:50-1110:00 : : : : 1I-.OU in. : 111:3 : 1:20 : 1:50-2:00 : J.OO114:00 5.0U 5.30flO : - 7.00-11:10 p. m. Leave Transfer for Omaha at7i2 B8riSO : : 0li : 1110:15 : 10.I7-.I1J7 : : a. m.IlT aU : 2:37 : 3J3-3J7 : ; 1:37 : 5.60 8:12 7:207:51 : ; : -1:40- : ] l:5'n. : ! m Lcnvn Ilroadwny 10 35 p. m ; ArlvoOmuha 1100. Lv , Omaha 10 00 p. in. ; Ar. lirondnay 1021. In effect August SUth until further no tice. This Is additional to present tialn survloo. .1. W. MOHSK , ( ! . P. A. CONNHCriNCi LINKS , Arrival and departure of trains from tli Transfer Oopot at Council Kinds : DEl'OII. AltltU E. niKuno , noc * isr.Ain k PACIHC. It 7:15 A.M. D 0:15 : A. if , Ilt15A. ) u. II 5:30 : p. u. C6:40i- : , H 7:1)0 : I-.M. A 9:15 : A.M. AU:15A. : M. A :40i : > M. A 7:00 r. u. nuuiiMiio- ( < \ AO.tiA. U. A 0:15 : A. U. 1J64UF. ; U. IIDJMp. M. A 7.00 P. U. rillG\RO , UII.WAIIKCI hT. I-AUL. A 9. 15 A.M. I ABllGA.M A 8:40 : r. M. I A 7.0) ) P. if KANSAS CITV , ST. JOE * COl'M'lf , lU-ttrKl A 10:00 A. M. I f ) 0:1)1 : 1 , M. C'b.Ml' . H. I A5MJI- WAIIA9II , 6T I.OI'IS t I'AOIIH A 8.WJIi i , | AU'J : u motix c'n\ i'ioina A7flA. ( M. I A1 : ! \ tt. A 0:25 : 1 > . if. I A 'VJ r u. Dcpnrj. \Vi ; rnvAHI ) Arriv * A.M. p. - .P < icllluKxpi ( < ii 7 50a l Dimvur KxpiMi 5:05a , . , , I.oial Kxpinsj. . II. & M IN Nitll. SIOn : i Mull und llxpiess Mil I Night KxprnSrt Hl40ll H)1)T1IWAIID ) , All ho. A.M. r. M. MiaSUIMII lrAI'll'IO" A.M , i' , u. " .Day Hxprc b fl2Vl ; . DllOb. Night KipiiBs _ K. 0 , , SI' .1 * C. H. U:20n : 8l5b : Via Pliiltsinoutli 7:00.1 7:11 Uoiart | NHTiAVATlT ) ) . _ Air Ac. " A.M. | l' . U. | ( ' . , hi' . P. . J.I .V O.r. . .M. l * . ) i. Hlonx City llvimss i fi'45o _ 5tfc Oakland Aftommod'u " Iu.i0n " ! Dopnil. KtHlWAIID _ All Ivo. A.M. IM. . r " c. , H. \ o. i A.M. it- . r 9.20) ) fi.O'li ' Vu : Plattsmoiith , I liJ' ; ) | 71 ; < ) NOT ) : .v.t.iilnmbilly : II , < l ulv ( t"fpt Him- dayCdull ; > i reejithniui U ) ; D.dnily Monduv SI'Of'K VAltn TIUINS will kivpp. [ . it.ipot. Omiilia at 'O-IO T'I5- bJ5 ; O.Oin. mt JW-'lni : 40\-"jl1-o.OO ; ! p. m F&ulflc lixiiro ? * , $ ; Ap , m.j Ionv r hr,10V\ : . in ; Loiul Kr. , 1.0.1 p. m. Ltmv * stock yardf for O.naha t 7i > 3 ? : | 0 l:80-llttii : ra.s4:30 : 3U1-l:3.1- : 8:55-8:5 ; u m. Atlantic Ki . I H. O. tHa. in. ; CUIcuc.t IU. . I * B.O 6:07im.s : LofMKr.lo H. O. J9it a m. Mo. P o. Kr. , ! . 3a & : ! n : 14 U. V. Hi. , ' llonl Kntnto TrAtmrcrs. The foUowiitR transfers \vcro ( licit Nor. 8 , with thu county clorki .lolin A Inwronro nml wife lo Olms lmt > er , lotnblk 1 lillcivihl mid to Umnlm , wit S4.700. Uoo T Crl nian ntulvlfo io G oSKIph nnlson , lots in , Kblkl ! ) llaiisconi place aild to Omnhnv il Sd.OOii. ChnsTlilrmnii nnilvlfe to John S lUch- nrdsoii , lot S Pralfs subtllv ot 81 , 1\ lit , w < 1 * S'Wt ) , Sainl r leers ! ntulnlfn to.Ini rinnnrrr otnl , lot 0 lloiiert * ' Mill In llt i < nll A HOROFS * itib In S 13 Uugi'is' I'lnt of Okollonia , w it S'l ! l. l..Mmcntct P.bere nnd hush to Joseph SU'i.lion . , 'i lot H Hascall's add to Oko- lioinn , w d Sl.oco , lipo AtinstioiiKniul vvlfo loSorcn , lot a bl k I Armsttonii'a 'Jd ndd to Onmlia , vr M T 1'atrlck nnd wife lo Cnrrlo T Hill , lot H , Wk H PntilcU's 2d mid to Oinalmv d- * ' 'ii M Hitchcock nnd vvlfo to Meiroll II Coin- stock ot ill , lots IB , l . tt , 15 , 10 , 17 , IS , IH , 20 , aiWWk3llUclicocU'sUt ! hild to Omnhn , w ti-SIlxw. ( U-o \ \ ' Iioonils nnd wlfo to Walter ( t Phpliw nnd vvlfo , lots U , 19 Arlington add lo Omnlm.v t ' . ) W. Win Solvers amivlfo to ( ! co Ilplintod , loUt U , 4 , , 0. 7 , H , Ii , 10. 11 , 13. I ! ' , 1 1 hlk 4 Fostli ko Place ndd to Onmhn.v d-fcJUKX ) . August Ulo\ps to Allco O'Donohoo nnd Tims ItuMtnon , lot 6 hlk 2 O'Neill's subot l'J , ! ! I.owoV-M ndd lo Omaha , w d1 Dennis Ciintilnu'lmin nnd wife to Tlios Jitt'iiiiivti ct nl.Jnt'JI AlbrlKht - A > lc3\vortli's ndd , vvil S.W ) . ruh-lla M Van Orsdalo nnd hnsh to Flora Ko\ , lot 10 lilk 17 lliiimooiu Plnco ndd to Omnlmv d-SJ,000. Kdvviird 'V Petor-iin * to Cniw W Wnllstrotn , K hit In ( Iraiucrcj Pnilc ndd to Omnhn , w d svxw. Mnry.l mhnm nnd hnshnnd to Anilrovv (1 Pclcisiin. lot lOblk 0 Kllby Plitro , vvd-81,000. V M Tluirnton and hnsh.ind to l.lzzlo U Snmsoti , lot l blU U Idluvvlld Place , \vil- S4.NIII. A 'Podd tuVm A Wilson , lot injShclhy lli'luiils , wd-SIOO. Kplirlntn F Clillds nnd vvlfo to J M Louis , ot al , lot ( i hlk l Arinstiong's 1st ndd to Omnha. w il-SU.GOO. ( PoWSmlth to Jns 11 McCnrdlo , tot 0 ( JKo's ndd , q o 81. Ailn P Dr.iko cl nl to 1) L Thomns , lotO DMlvu's mid to Omnlm , w d 81,100. Win i : WilKht to A S Hillings , pnil lot SO Clntk Plncp , w d-S.TO. IVilluc Court. Nine drunks were nrraifncil. Three of thorn vvt'io Klvon btpuil mid \vitor sou- tcnccs In tlio county jail. M. Kollnur ntul Al Slater , two little hoys , njjeil t hit tuon nnd nine ycnrs , had bum cniltv of the henioiis ollbnse of innk- ing a bonliro on : i vacant lot Monday night. They vvino nrrosted by the pullco ml locked tin in juil till night , lostcr- div they vvoio roli-aspd. A11. . Ko bin o WHS arrested for an nl- Ipced tin list to lill iJtiliiis Troitsehko. Ho is held for ttitil. CHAHOZ OF GRADE. Ordlnunoe ITo. 40. Ordliiiinoo doclinlng the upcosilty etch AN ch inglng thu Rrndu ol 18th street from south curb ol llnrnuy street to north curb line of St Marv's luuiuo. and appointing thieo dlEtnteieolcd nppinl'-ois to assess and di ti-rinliui the damages to properly owners , whlih mil } bo uiiiHo.1 by aui'h cliiingo of guide , iindoiderlng thoillj unglnuor to iniiku a piolllo slinvtlnwNiioh i IIIUIKO. lie It ordnliiod by the City Council of the City ol Omnhn ; Suction 1. That It la pioper and necessary , and It laheiob ) declared propel and necessary to change the gindo of IBtb stioot fiom tlio south curb ol Iliiincj htioet to tlio north curb of St. Mar } ' * avenue , no Hint silil crndu oluvn- tioiiKwIII be us lollowR , the gnulo bctnocnthe polutsillod being unlfoi m Etinlght lines : I'.lisviulon Klovatlon olKCuib olWCurb Boutli curbof llninoy St. , . . . .121.0 121.6 North curb ot St. Mary's nvo. . IWO 'J7.0 Section u. That the city engineer be , and bcioby ! > , to nuiko a profile Hliowlng bncli proposed clmngo orgiado. Section 3. That the mayor with the approval or tlio city council appoint thioo disinterested iipnrulseiB to appraise , iihSona nud determlno thednmiigoto piopoityownuid which may bo caused b } s ich nhaiuo ol grade , taking Into ronsldointlon In making Mich nppiiilsomont , thu bonolIM , It anv , to such propcity , by reason of Huchohiiugnol grade. Section 1. 'Hint this oidlnanco take ofToct iinil be In force trom and nflur Itspnsiago. Passed October ith , I8SO WM P. IIEOIII i , . President City Council. J. D. SouTHAiil ) , City Clerk. Appiorcd November 1st , 1SH8. ) lei i ) , Jtnyor. PHOPOSIID cKArraE or Ordinance So. 48. AN Ordlnunro iloc.liirlnt tlio necosMlly of chiinglng the grade ot J'Hh ' stiuot fiom the south ouib of Ilnrnoy street to the north curb of bt. Murj's avenuoiiiiduppoliillng three ills- inteiebtcd uppriilfors | o nase s nud dotormliio the ilainago loprojieit } oivnoip , which may bo caused by mich change of gi nile , nnd ordoilng the cltj onglnoer to nmku n piolllo allowing KIH li chnngi * . Ho itoidalued by tlio city council of the City of Omaha : Siellonl. That It Is pioper and necessary , nml Hlsbeieby declared proiiur and necoxfiiry to change Iho grudu ol i'.Uli Hi reel from thn south curbot llainoy sticct to the north curb of at. Mary's nvcnuo , so that fculd gi ado elnva- 1(0119 ( will tin ns followH , Iho piade butvvoou the polntMcltcd being unlfoi m Htrulght lines : Kim t Ion KlovHtlon ot li.cnrb. of W.aurb. Boulh rurhol Hurni < > st. . . 124 U 1U.5 North curb of HL..Mnr } ' live KstnblUhod Orailo Section 2. That the city unglnoor bo , nnd ht'icb ) Is , lustriirtt-d to nmku 11 piolllo Ehowlng euch pioposedchanproof giadc. Bocilon ! ) . Thai the mayor wltli the approval oftlioclly council appoint tbieo dlnliitorestod npj'iulHcis , iwoyM u.iddeleriiilno the ilumngo to propoity OWIKMS which may bo uuipcil by such clian/to / of giadn. taking Into coimlilorullon In nmliliic nuch appraUoiiiunt.tho buncllt.s , If nn.v , to Hiii'li pioporly , by i-onson of sucli ohiuiijo ot . HoctloiH. ThHt this ordlnnnco lake effect and bq In foice iioiti and after Us pnssngo. Passed October 2 < lth , IhSG. WM. r. llKCiici , , President City Council. 3.B.80tmtAill > , OllvClcrU. Ap | > rovcd Novcinbpr lstl Wi. .1 AMI/H 1C. HIM 1 1 , Mayor. Proposals for Curbing , SEALin : I'roiio'siilti will ha received by the UtiJouiljsiuiil Until 11 o'clock n , in. , Nnveni- Iicr20lhlit'rilorctul'liigthiit ' pint ol 1 nrnnni slriuit. In pHvliigdUtiicl No. , 07 , in uccoulnnco with | lans mid KiH'olIluitloii'j ton Illo In the olllc'o otlho lloiild ot Public Works. Proposals will bo mndo on pi luted MnnUsfur nlaliod by tlio board , to bo lucvmipanleij with u ci i tilled check In tltejiuin of one ihouiiind Jol- lius , pnvubki to thu city of Omaha , ns an ovl- denco of guild Inlth. T > IH boiird inclines the right to rojcct any or all bids nud to wulvodclnuts .1. K. IIOUSH , Olinlrinun Hoard of I'niilla Worki. Oinuli.i.Ntli. NUT , blh , IBHil. nil 10-18 It Sewer Proposals , . ; ) pioposalH will bo rocelyod by tliu SKAI.ii iiinU'rclvnoJ iinlll II o'dookn. in. , Nov. llith , ISSfl , lor Hut construction ot sewers In new. er illMrlotpNoH. 118 iinil , ' s > , an per plans nnd spuu < ItUatloiiMOii tlio In llio olllui ol tlio iluuid of J'ubllo Winks Proposals In bunlitdn upon pilntril blnukjfui. nlHliud by B Id llnnrd and to lin Hi loinpiinlod with n certified clinkIn the Hum ot llvn liun- diedilollats piijuhln to the ell ) ot an cvl luiirn ul Koodfallli , 'Iho hiinid risi i vi s the light to i eject ttUy r nil bldi nnd to M alvu dcfci It- , Chilli miin lloiin ! ( I'fl'ulillu TVorkg. orl III novl-HV. Notice. JTN TIIR Illsli'i I Conttof UnliiilM County. Mniy HlBl' ' > . 1'l.imllil , 1 \ > > . V lleni.i Hhtlif , lli'lerilniu \ 'J'lio ilelend int. lleni ) Hub ) , will lake nutli-o that on thu 7lh iluy til , ' > pti-mboi A. D. hit ! , hlti itllv , Mai. , KlK'iy. ' "lo I In thn dMllei idllit nf DoiighiB Kn.rty , Nolirif-Kn. l > nr petit on r.sU < Inir lorn dlvoi. e fiont l.u nld liiinlnml. Iliniy HUbyiui'l ' tclll'u' fuith.oi I cr giounds foi nnlil i HUM ) of auliont Isl , tlmi hoi said hiiHliiind hail boon guilty ol rxticrno < r > 'nt ! > lo\vmJ \ her ; "d , ho Is all liiiblliiiil driililinrd : Hud , Hid , Him lie lin iliillril lj Himpoit and iiiulutnlii lu till' Mat ) High ) Di ft-iil.'iil ulll luilliurlnko liotico tliul unlcis ho nii'UfrH bald | ir > tilloh on or befoni tllii'JUIhila ) nl lcfi ) > iub < ir A. I ) . liSW , Iho iilli5i-.itloi .tor snl ( icllt'on will bo lhl.c'ii to I bo true. M\PT ItlOJIV , Dy T. II. HIVAIUV , Her Altoinuy. Kotlct to Property Owners or V"JU nri lieriiby nothlon to Ivy Jl U lion tint umilol tieets 'A fcut from the OUl bllne'-H here llio nduio if mlinhmblo-iin t : o llio itjlnlillflifd cruau of street liilnr ortlo is nnd alley d < > . * ltiji. J , U. IK ) I'.SI' ' . I'halrmnu lloarj of I'.ib'.lo tforkt. Omiba. Nib. . Nov. Ut , IMC. rtiLUl