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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1886)
BEE SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 9 , 1SSG. NUMBER TM. A STRIKE CRISIS REACHED , Chicago Packers Dcclaro a War of Extermi nation Upon Trades' ' Unions. THE STATE MILITIA ORDERED OUT Sheriff IlnnchPtt Declares No Admis sion to I'ncklngtown Uxcoptnn final- iicis-ISustorn Ilutchprs Jtcfuso to HlniiKliter Chicago Untile. Tins Chlonuo Strike. CiiirAOO , Nov. . Alembers of the First nnd Second regiments ( womblcd nt their urmorlesnt 7 o'clock this momlng In obcdl- PIICU to eiders from Governnr Oirlesby. Per fect quiet reigned at the stock yards this moinlng , the tracks In the vicinity of the packing houses being palrnlcd by deputy Nherllfs who kept small crowds which Kathercd at the corners moving on. Around the outskirts of the jards pumps of strikers stood at the entrance , and men with dinner palls weio deprived of them by the strikers nnd in a number of Instances were severely Uncalled. There seemed to be tv determined elfort on the part of the sttll.ors to prevent any new men trom applying for the positions w hlch the foi mei hav o left. On the other Hand the umplojers seemed deter mined not to re engage any strikei. At lOthis moininic thu 1'lrst and Second reclmenls marched fiom theli aimory to the Lakobhoio station nnd fiom thete they wen ; nt oncu tinnsportcd to thu stock jatds. There has been no serious dlsturbinee nt the jards , but nssinlts on non-union men grew moie fru- quunt as thu morning processed. Thocrovvds surrounding the entrance to the jnuls In- crcatd , the strikei s bccimo moro obstinate and the deputy sherllts lound gieat dilliculty In dispersing them. Arnioiir.V Co. had about 150 ol their old men who lufnsedto strike at work killing hogs , but this was llm only ho , ? house in the yards rniuiliiL' . Knight of Laboi liariv said that he had not yet been able to get at ail the tacts in regard to the strike , and did not know what action liu would take. Ho proposed , however , to hnvo a talk wllh thu packers during thu day , and hoped to soon bilng about nn nmlcahlp settlement of the trouble. About U o'clock thu ciowd at the yauls got inoru turbulent , nnd assaults on non-union men became moio frc < | iient. Onu man who was on his way lo Povvlei's picking house was Intercepted while walking over the via duct which lends to the house. Tliteo or lour men picked him up and tlnevv Him over on the ground below , n dlstancoof over thirty feet. Ho was very badly Injured. At Kin : this evening an Assoclited Press reporter aulved direct fiom Packlngtown and the headuuaiteis of thu Kiist and bccond regiments 1. N. G. At7:30allwas : peileetly nulet In the vicinity of the stock vards. No disturbance had occurred during the day and there were no grounds tor fear ol any during the night. The neiiflihothood Is now de serted .save for the First and Second iegl- niiMitsol stale military stationed there and the sheriffs deputies and Pinkeiton men who have been on guard ilutv since the trouble commenced. Late this afternoon , about the time the packing houses were closing lor the night , the I'list Infantry patiolled thojards nnd approaches to thu packing district , while thu Second regiment matched up Root street to the Intersection of Halsted. in this way thu entire Held was covered , but not the slightest indications of mob violence 01 mo lestation of non-union cinplojes wuro mel with. The strikers oxpioss satisfaction at the arrival ot the militia , whoso presence they claim to prefer to that of thu I'liilterton men. To-nlirht thu strikers issued a clrcnlai wain- Ing men to keep away Irom the packlnu houses nnd nntlni : upon theli number the necessity ot bojcottlng Hquoi If thej' hope to win the lielit. The enloons In the Town of Lake were nil closed at 8 o'clock to-night , by oidei of the sheriff. There were few people on the streets ntter (1 ( o'clock , nnd nt 11 ovurj thing was ns ( inlet as If no strike existed. At the yards thu only unusual sound was tliu tread or sen- tiius and songs from impiovlscd qnaitcttes In the camp of tliu militia. Thu ynids arc biilllantly lit bj- electric lights erected slncu thu Inauguration ot thn labor troubles. Thu oxcutlvu connnUtco of the Knights of Labor v as In session all day and until late In tin evening. The seciocyot their piocecdlng was guarded oven moio ilgidly than usual. Ono of the mcmbuis said that thej had considered thn co-/peiitlvu / ulan , aiu were In lecuiptof olfeis foi substantial linaii clal hacking should It bu decided by the Knights to begin operations in thu packing business nndei that system. Air. Ilaiiv , who Is representing Powderl ; nnd the Knights ol Labor geneial executive board , said to-night that ho considered the situation n veiy serious one , and hu lookct foi n wotracted strike. Ho said the order to strike wns regular , nnd offered thn following statement to the public ns nn olllclal nttui nnteon thosublect : inn KMinirs' srATiivinxr. To whom it may eonceni : In justice t ourselves and thu 25 000 men whom vvo iep rcneiit , vvo desiru lo maku n few statements and correct some erroneous Immesslons. The committee having thu last stitku In thargo mndo all ellorts consistent with kiiiglithooi tocompromlsu the dlfllciiltv. Thu packets were oflered tliu following proposition which they tteated : I. A technical lecognltion of tliu eight hour day , the umplojes piomising to work ovur tlmo as much as thu packets" deemed neees bnrj' . I. A reduction In nay snfllelont to balanc. any loss which might bu incidental to suel an iiiiaiigumunt. Thesu iiecotiutlons falling , certain pntkei assured the comndtteu that ( t thu men wouh letuin to thu ten-houi plan lei n lew wends that the ) ( the packers ) would withdraw fron thu pat-Lets' association and retnin to thu eight-hour system. Anthoii/cd luiiresuntn lives of thu packers have since notified n that no member ol the association had a ilgh to tnko such action. Wu have positive pi oof that Air , P. 1) . Armour dcslics no set tlcincnt on any basis whatever. Hu Is light Ing lor another object. Thu ngieument ho reijidres nil the men to sign who letuin to his employ tlnovvs light upon his motives That aiiii'cment Is ns follows : ' 1 do Inltiifnlly piomlsu that 1 will 10 nouiico alleghuicu to all Inboi organl/atlons and Hint 1 will deposit S'i weekly until Hi tolil has leached $100 , and that 1 will not leave this Him except on two week' notlcuon nij pait under n penalty of forfell Inv all the money HO deposited. " Wo nro cmistncd for not putting the houses In older , a piecedenl which was established nt thu last still.u. Atthat tlmo Mi. Gianvlllu tiawvn. a liieinhci of tliu executive boaid of ( UsUlctOTasaiUod by All. Ciidahj to clean up his houses. Sawver lalsed volunteers nmongthu men and did thn work to Cndahj's satlstactlon. Next day an injunction was placed on Saw jet , restraining him fioin onteiing the j aids. That Is ono , and nn all cuilllcient , reason lei declining to assist the pnckeis In this lespect. No ngiecment wns ovei mndo between thu packets ami thu eveeulivu boaid ot the cattle butcheis' association. Thojiackuis olleitda schedule based on the ten-horn sjstem and signed It , but the butchers'eomndlleoiujecUd tlio pioposlllon. Thu oidei to strike was tliu woik ol no onu man m only a few men , It was In response to the unanimous demand ot 2OJO men whowciu peiteetly it-piosenled in the deliberations ot tlio committee which Issued that older Hollcving that tills stato- liient will irivu the publlu n better niidei- staiulln of soimi of tliu complications of the problem , wusubcilbe , leMiectfullj- , lAi'cntivii Commltteo ol Knights of Libor Al. A. M UISIIA.U. , Seeii'laiy. WAIt AOVINST I.MIOIl OIIOM.VI ION * . The Chicagopnckci > have declared vvai upon nil labor uiiiunl/.at'oiis ' and thU nlU'rnoon signed a lusulutlon declatlng that heiealtei none of them would employ any man con nected with any jahor oiKani/utlon. Thu following Is a losolullon signed by cveij packet at thu slocU vanU : Wluieas , II Uitvfdi'Ht that many men nre willing to work , bin , m > piovented by thu ac tion ot labor organisations ; nnd Whereas. Thupi.ckoi-saiu brought faro to face with HIM tact that their men are ab > o lulelv contiolled by fcueli organl/aUons ; tlieiiifore. bu It Ucsulvi'd , That wo will not employ nn > nmn u ho la a mcLubu of said laboi otjan I/-r.Uons. ( Signed ) Ainior Co. ; AIHJIO-\mejlcan l'io\i.sU > H > ; Chicago I'acLlni * nnd I'lrtwjsiou Joint Mori oil < k Co. ; Allcrtun Packlnp Cnmtnny ; Hntsford Packing Com- iciny ; IlntPlv Hro : Robert \Vatren & Co. ; .loncs & Stflcs ; M oran & llcalv ; Sllber- horn A Co. ; l < . It. Uciiil it Co. ; Intcrna- tlonnl Packing Company : ( } . I ) . Ilnldwln & Co. ; Underwood .t Oo. : Floyd , Hulf- man fc Co. ; W. Butcher's Sons , and John Cudahy. run minniKr's rnoci.M.TIOV. . 'Iho following piochmatlun was Issued this aftci noon bvSlicillT llanrlictt : Notice lo the Public : On nnd after November 0 , and until further notice , the entrance tn PackliiRtovvn v > lll bo open tor the ndniKslon of nil men vho de- ptto to goto work , nnd for all pctsons who deslio to do business with the packing houses , or in the stock yards. No other pet- sons will bo admitted. Ample protection will bo furnished lor all men who dcslto to go tow 01 It. _ An Hnntcm C'onipllcntlon. At.iuN , N. Y. , Nov. 8. A fr&sn compli cation has lulsen which will call for net ion by the Knights ot Labor. It relates lo the slaughtering of cattle foi dicsscd beef depots , nnd Is an outgrowth of thu great Chicago strike. Saturday nnd jesterday foity ear- loads of llvo cattle wpro ncoived at West Albany ftomChicagobilled to Ih.s city , Troy nnd points In New P.tulnnd. Agents of the dtes cd beef firms Instituted a seatch , nnd alter some little tiouhle found that only one butcheionld kill the block lor them. It Is thought that If tliu strike ) In Chlcigo , which hascau ed the lorwardinc ol cattle on the hoof bv thetu linns , contin- IIIM , they will havu dlllientty in lindlng nc- eommodntions In the east lor the killing of tluilr stock. The Knights of Labor nru bound to .support their striking brethien In Chicago , and will not kill any cattle foi dealers , nml they will also bring their influ ence to beat to prevent othcts from slaught ering them , 'llio llvo stock dealcis will nlso nso their he-it endeavors to prevent ea-ttern bulchers from accommodating theii business adveisarles. TJI13 CL.nltlXOS. . Tlio ltecor < l ofKliinuclnl TratiHactlons the I'nst Week. BOSTON , Nov. S. [ Scclal | ) Telegram to the Uii : : . ] Tlio followlm ; table , compiled fioin special dlspitches to the Post fiom the innnn- gersof thulcadliigcloirlnghousesot the Uni ted States , shows the gtoss clearings ( or tlio weekending November fi , and thu Incteaso or decrease from thocoriuspunding time last jear : "Not included in totals. British Grain Trade Rovlow. LOMIO.V , Nov. 8. ThuAIark Lane Impress , in its review of the Itiltlsh grain trade dur ing the past vveek.saj-s : Deliveries of wheat are restiictcd. The provincial markets aiu \ciy sparingly supplied. Quotations arc linn. Sales ol Kngllsh wheat during the week weie < 0,3J5 qiiarteis at UOsbd , against CO , I'U quai- teis at : ils Id during the corresponding period last jear. London wheat tradu is slow and values aiu unchanged. ' 1 he supplies of Ameiican wheat have laigelv Increased , ex ceeding all precedent. Stocks ot lloni are heavy. Corn is scaico and : i@d ( ! higher , l-'oiu caigoesof wheat airivud , two cat goes weio sold , two weru withdrawn and one 10- malned. At to-day's maiket wheat was veiy Him with limited dealing. Flour was steady. Corn was scarce and Sd dcarei. Barley and oats weio steady. Heans nnd peas weio Gd dearer. Linseed was Him. A Four-Ourea Knee. LONDONNov. . 8. The loni-o.ircd shell tacej between Banian , Teenier , Ham nnd Ten J'jcko In ono boat , and lioss , Lee , 15ei- bcarand Perkins In the other was lowed to day on tliu 'lhamcs. Thu lace was for onu hundied pounds a side. The course was tiom Dataeicse , Old Chnrcii , to the Hag-boat moored opposite Giovnnu's engineering works at llammeisnilth. Hanlon's crew made the best start nnd soon had n lead ot a This -was Increased at the end of the lust half mllu to two leniiths and to font lengths when Putney wasreached. llanlun's new won vastly. lloyalty Wedded. Bum IN , Nov. 8 The nuptials of Pilncess Kll/abuth , of Sa\c-Weimar , nnd the Duke ot Alnrklenbnig , have taken place In thu palace ehapi'l at Welmor. Among these piesent weio Crown Prlnco Kiederick William and Gland Dnku and Gland Daelii'vs Ylademir , of Kusbla. ItllllHll VoNHItl fjOSl. VAi.fAKV.iso , Nov. b. The loss of thu Ililtlsh baik Saiali Anderaon , eniouto fiom Coipilmbo lo Knglind has been continued , All hands. Including thu captain nnd his wifeweio lost , Heath of a Noted .Jockey. LOVIION , v. H. 1'recl Archer , the cele brated jockey , is dead. Doatb is the lesiilt ot a pistol sliot wound Inllictcd by Hlmsell whllu In delliium lesultlng tiom tjpboid fevei , with which hu was taken down last Thuisdaj- . No Havana CiKnrd Itnlne Made. HAVA.VV , Nov. 8. Woik has been again suspended In all thu mnnufactoiles In this illy. ' 'I he Kil-it Hecord. CAI o.vm , N. W. T. , Nov. t > . A lire yes- leida > dpslrojed P.ulsli it Son's grocerjLa - nionl s tin shop , Union hotel , Alnssuj * Maim- laeluriiff tompanj'n building , Dunn v ; Line- ham's paeklnir house , thu piemucs occupltd bj G , llakei A Co , nnd oilier buildings , Loss , 100,000 : Insuiance , about S' CailUlu Coinluc West. U nN.vvn , Nov. b > . The Times Slat this afteinoon ajs Speakei CailNIe , who is now with Air * . Cnilislu visiting their sons in Wichita , Kai , vv ill. alter the end of tlm tei m In eoagiess to w hleh ho Ins ju t b-'en i lei-ted , lemovu liom Kentucky and | > ioi > ibl ) make his home at Wichita , An nml > z/liM' Suiitoiu-ed. PiiisiiL'nii , Nov. s.-SiuiMl AI ( Jay , de faulting chief pension pi ] i ! , -\li.i plead guilty to twelve Indictments tin I'liil-ei/iciucnt and lotgeijwasAtMtunced b.v I'm ' United htites conn todavtu tivu * liupilsuunaut In the Weatcin penltunturj' . The 'IVIcplumo \\"Aini\iiov. \ ( Nov. S. The supreme ponrl todaj grHiited the motion timde last week to mlvnnctin ; I hear thu telephone casis , six In irnnbor , new on thodo'Uct , niul tliej will beet -et lei aiKiimnlt as out ) tase , Ji.iuuiij.M j m\\t at luv boA'l.or the cnlcuilar. FAIR HARVARD'S ' CENTENNIAL Her Hundredth Birthday Celebrated With Becoming Pomp and Splendor. A MOST MEMORABLE GATHERING Men ol' Letters of America nnd the Country's Dl nltnrlos 11 os- cnt Pi-pRldent Clcvplnml's AU drees Tlio llaiuniet , The T'lcoldont In noslon , Uosio.v , Nov. S. Piesldcut Cleveland is n lioston nnd nt Harvard college for the irst tune. 'Ibis nlornlhg ho has had the toners ofliclnl. Ho Is now receiving thu tonorsclissleal nnd this evening huvill bo accorded the silute popuUr. At 0:15 : Gen- . rals Dnlton , Holt nnd Ncttleton nnteicd the car and thu piesident incclcd them. Alter a military silute General Dalton said : " .Mr. Pie ident , 1 ha\e been s"iil by hl ex- rellenev tue governor to welcome jouto Mnssacliusetts nnd to Inform jon that ho wilt await jon on .vour nnival. " "Itnlfords me great pleasure to receive your greeting antl I extend my thanks toAIassi- eliusetts for her welcome , " said the preslpcnt. "How about thu Fanuull hall receptlon'i1 1 want to hu sure and give tlio pcoplo a chance. " llo was assured that thnoppoitunltv would bo given him. As the ttnln leached the submbs ol Doston as far as thu eye eould reach Lincoln stteut was thronged. " Dtawn np on etthei side was thu escort ol thu cadets and close by were eaitlagcs awaiting thu luesidential p.uty. As the president nlighted Gov. Itobinson met him and said : ' 'It Is wltli great plcnsuio that 1 vvoicomo > ou to Alassacinisetts. Her pooplu "aru expectant with cotdlallty and abundant regard to expicss to jott , sofm ns may bu wltliln their iiowei , their profound lesnect tor vonr veiy hoiunntile nnd exnlted station , and high appreciation of j our emin ent ability , vom.staunch Integrity , nnd jour patriotic devotion to the wcltaio of the iiitlon. Regretting that thu piessuro ol jour duties will not iiurmlt yon to make an ex tended stay , 1 will not detain j on n moment longei tiom enjojlng thu hospitality the commonwealth Ins extended to you nnd to thu distinguished persons who accompany jou. " 'Hie president briefly replied , thanking the govcinor for his cordiality nnd expiebsing pleasure at thugencial welcome. The presi dent and governor then entered thu first car riage and Gunotal Holt and feecietailes Uay- ard and Lunar thu second. The police led thu way and then came thueariiagcs guarded bj companies of militia. Thu president was greeted with cheeis by the crowds ot people which lined the streets. As the cariingus tinned the corner ot the Common on llojlu- stonu bticut , a salutu oi tvventoue guns was tired , The piesident and party breakfabtcd at the Vcndome hotel. Airs. Cleveland and several other Hdies were present. Aftei bieakfast the president , thu governor and General Dalton took seats in carriages diawu by font prancing white hoisus. The lemain- der ot thn pat tv took eairiages and the pro cession started for Camhildce. The piesldentinl parly nt < Ived nt liars aid college soon after 10 o'clock and were re ceived by the president-elect. At 10:15 : the procuabion started foi banders' theatie , wheio tliu exeicises weroopened with piayei. Hus- bull Loivcll dcllvetcd a lon.'clissical addiess , at thu close of which several pieces weru icn- dcred by n chorus. -IHI : IIAXQUIIT. After the benediction the members ot the various association with their invited guests , took up the line ut march 10 Memoiial hall , w Inch was soon leached Tlio invited guests \verelirstto entei , and were saluted by n song by the anniversary chsrus. Piusldcnt Cluvelind entered thu hall and walked to his nlaceby tbesuloof Judge Duvons. No hall In New i'ugland probibly evei held such an ariay of distinguished men. The president's table was .suuoumlcd with the f ices of men whoso names are household words all ovci America , and many of them sucli tlnougliont the civlll/ed woild. Piesident Cleveland sat with Secretary Uayaid on his right and Gov ernor Itohinson on bis lelt. At the presi dent's tablu weio seated the follow Intc dis tinguished guests : tjecrotarvof War knill- cott , Secietaiy ot tlio Navy Whitney , Secretary ot the Intetlor Lamar , Hon. Kobeit. C. Whitney. Unltid btates Sunator Hoar , Prol. limlolfoLnnclunl ot thu University of Home , Hon. .lames Russell Lowell , Dr. Olivet NVendell Holmes , Alex ander AsasslGcorgo William Curtis. Pres ident Charles W. Kllol , President Timothy D wight ot Yalu colleuo , Dr. Charles Tajloi of the Unlveisity ot Cambridge ( England ) , President James H. Angell , llov. Alaudell Cieighton of Kmanuel college , Camurldge ( Kngland ) ; Ulght Hon. Sir Lvon Playtair of thu University ot Kdintungli , Pre.-ldent KosweilD. Hitchcock , I'lesident Kj-ckicl Gllman Hoblnson ot Drown Unlvci- slty. Piesldeut James AlcCosh of the college of New Jeisuy , Di. Alaik Hopkins , Jndgu Walhrldgu A. Fluid , Chief.Iuslleo Hrigham. .Iiistltu tooloy. Dr. Fiedeilck 11. Hedge , 1'iof. Kdward A. PinkJohn Qiiluey Adiims , Theodoru I'liomas. President Julius il. Seelje , of Amlicist college , PiesideutGeoiKO Williamson Smith ol Trinity college , Picsi- ident ( ieorgo D. H. Hopper ot Colby I'm- veisity , Oliver Ames , Piealdent Kldei H. Capun of Tttfltscollege. When Judge Duvens tailed the company to oidei theic Mr 'ie twelve hundied jteisons seated about the tables. Prol. Alexander AIcKen/Iu Invoked the dlvlno blessing nnd thebaiKiuet began. Whilu dinner wns in iiro iess Ali . ( iiovcrClovuland acioiupanieil bvAIis.Kiidieottiindtliowlluotl'xesldentr.ll- ot. ol llnrvaid , entered nnu ol the galleiics with a numbci of hei Invited cuests.aiul was enthusiastically received by those present. At thucloeof the baiKjuut thu alumni sung St. Martin's in chotiis , alter which President Dev Ins lose and dellvoied the address of in troduction. At the close ot the address , thu nudlenco losu and , led by the annivei.sarv chorus , sang "Fair Harvard" with gieat soil it. TIM : TOASTS , Piesident Devlns then gavu the ( Irst .sent ! input , "Our Alma Alater , " calling upon President Klllot to respond. In thu comae of his address President Klllot bald : "At this high lestlval , In which tender iccollcc- tlons and hopeful anticipations , thanks/iv- iius tor thu past and ampliations lei the tnturo are mingling , wo all think llrst of our beloved conntiy. Illciu t'lilet Alaishal Leo pioposed three cheeis for thu president which weiuheaitlly given.J Huie wo greei the luprcsentntlves of other Institutions 01 learning who comn to icjolco with ns , am wo vvelcomu men distinguished in the public survicu nnd piofessioiii , In letters , seienco oi art , whose favoilng piesenco adds luster to oui asjsombly. " Goveinor Itobinson delivered an addles' which was received with gieat favoi , nni President Dovlns Introduced 1'iesldcni Cleveland , who spoke ns follows : Tilt : I'llI.SIDK.NT'S SI'Khf II. Afr. President nnd Gentlemen 1 lind my self to-day in company to which I am mini unused , and when 1 icallzu that the nliimn ot the oldest college In the land , sin round Ins , ' , In their right of sonshlp. the materna boaid lo which I am but nn Invited guest the reflection that for mo there exists no alma mater gives ilsu to n teellugol regret width is kindly tempered only by thu coi dialltv ol joui welcome and jour leassiirln kindnus . II thu tact is leealled that enl > tvvelvu ot my twentv-onu picdecessois li otlko had thu advantagu of a collegiate o uiuveisitj educition , a proot Is presented o tlio demotiatle sense of our people , rut lie than nn aignnient ntralnst thu snpteino valuu ot the best and most liberal education li high public Position : , , 'iheio ceilainly ( .11 bu no siillklent le.ison tot any spate oi ills tanco between tlin walk of thu most elassiia idiKutlon and the way that leads to politic. ! peace. Any distinction on thu pai olj tlio most leained and ciiltmei of | our tltl/ons to ntint'lo ii public nilalis. and the con > coucnt abandon iiiont ot political activity to those who have but littlu r-'gaiil tor Ihu student and seliola In puiitifN ate not lavorablo t-ondltlon under a govcuiiiiput suci ! ns ours. And i they Into o\laicu to a damaging extent , vcn icceiit cnonts appear to Indicate that thu ed ncMlion and coiivorvatisiu of thu land nioto be hrreaitei more plainly heard in the ox- pu'bslon ot thu popular will. Suiuly this splendid destiny width awaits natrlotleelfort In behalf ot our country will bo soone leached if the best of our thinkers and edu rated men shall deem it the solemn duly o citl/eiishlitoaetht'lv and patilotically en gagu lu political aUuhs , aud if tue force am of tholrlliontht nnd. learning slullbe vlllingly or umvlllintly acknowledged In ) arty management. If I am to speak as tno iresldont ot the I'nlled btates , I dcslro o mention ns a most pleasant clmrnc- eristic feature of our s > stem of government IIP nearness ot the people to their president ind olhcr high officials. The close view af- ordcd our citizens of tno act * and conduct of 'io o to whom tlicvbavo intrusted their In- erestsseive as n regulator and check upon emptatlon and pressure In olllcc , and Is a constant reminder tint allcgence nnd faith- illness nro the nipasuro of public duty , nnd such relation between president nnd people ought to leave but llttlo room In the popular udgmcnt and conscience foi tinjttstand false ncctmtlons and tor malic-Ion's slanders In vented for the purpose of undermining the it'oplc's ti ttst and conllttencu In thondmlnls- .tatton of their covenitlient , No public oHi- cci should desltc tochect llm utmost ftcedom of criticism ns lo all ofilcial acts , but every igbl thinking man must cnncedo that .ho nresldcnt of thu United States should not bo put beyond the protection iVhlch the American love of fair pl v and de- piicy ncconls to every American cltlron , This ttalt of our national character would not t-ncouraeo If their extent and tendency ivein full.v appreciated the sillj.mein and cowaidlv lies that every da > nre lound In the columns of cettain nevvsp.ipuis , which violate every Instinct of Ameiican manliness , and n ghoilllsh irltp desccinte every acied lela- : ion of private life. Theip Is nothing in the highest ofllco that the Ameiican people can confer which necessarily makes tlieli presi dent altogether selllsb , scliemlngnnd untrust worthy. On the contraiv , thu solemn dulles which confront him tend to n sobet t nso of icsponslbllity. Thelinstof the AniPiican people , and an appreciation of their mission uiiong thu nations of eaith , should make him a patilnttc man. and tales of distress which leach him from ll'O huniblo and lowly and needy nnd nllllctcd In eveiy jiast of thu land cannot fall to n.nlc.kPii vv-lthin him ever kind impulse and tcndei sensibility. Aftei nil. It comes to this. The people ol the United Stntes have ono nnd all n sacred mission to perform , nnd jour ptesident , not moio surely than every other cltl/en who levi s his ooun- trjr , must assume put of the responsibility of the demonstration to Iho world of the success ot n ponulni government. No mm can hide Ids talent In a napkin nnd escape the con demnation which Ids slhthfulness deseives , nor evade tlio stern sentence which his faith lessness Invites. Ho assured , my friends , the prlviloces of this dajso lull of the improvement and enjoyment ot this hour , so full of pleasuio and chpcrtul encouragement , w-lll never be forgotten ; nnd In paitlng with vou now , let mu express mv earnest hone that Harvard's alumni mav alvvav s Honor the venerable Institution which has honored them , and that no man who foieets and neg lects his duty to American citizenship will lind his alma matct heio. The president finished his speech amid enthusiasm nnd thci strains of the "Star bpanglcd Hannor. " Piesident Devlns then Inttoduced the members of thu cablnetpresent. The piesi dent nnd cabinet olllccrs then withdrew to itttflnd thn public icceptlon at Fanoull hall. They were escot ted by the lancters. College dignltaiies from abroad nnd othei dis tinguished persons present spoke in icsponso to the various toasts and sentiments pro posed , and witli a lew valenletory remarks from Piesident Devins the meeting came to an end. The rccentlon at Fniieuli hull was \erylarpelyattended. Air. Cleveland's ap- pearancu on the platform -was greeted wllh gi cat applause. Not uioro than half of those iK sent weio nblo to Bhakc the piesidcnt's hand. THE ci.o .vo itrcnrTiov. Owing to the delay in the arrival of the presidential party from rancnil hall , it was neailv 0 o'clock before tlie lloors ot the Hotel Vendome weio opened for the evening recep tion , the piesident having dined in thu mean time. Mis. Cleveland remained at Cam- bihlgo after the formal exercises ol the tiny VrCi concluded , and held a private iccnplion at the home of IVesident and Airs. IZliot , but letmned tci the Vendomo in season to receive with her husband. It is estimated that 8,000 persons availed themselves of the opportunity to cieet the distingiilshad cuests. For fully two hours a steady tide of humanity ponied through the elegantly decorated parlor , and lor each and all the piesident had n kind word. Airs. Cleveland's pialses weioupon all lips. At 11:80 : ilio picsidential party left for Washington In n special train of loin sleep ing coichos over the Uoston & Albanj * road. HONOIUKV i > nnmis : coNi-nitKun. The honornrv decree of doctor of laws wns conferred bv llnrvaul college to-day on GUOIRO 1) . Hobinson , Rovernoi of Alassa- chusctts ; Lucius Q. f. Lamar , sccretaiy of the interior ; Geoigo Frlsbce Hoir. United btates bonator fiom Afassachnsetts ; Chirlcs Tnjlor ot the University of Cambiidgp , Kinlniid ; John ( ! . Wldttier , and on thu presidents ot leading Institutions of learn ing , eminent piotessors aud others to the numbci of twenty-live. FOR THi : 1 > AIIA1)E. The khopkecpcru or Ijondon Itcndy For the Mob. tCV > pl/rflM / ( 11W1 t > u Jamn fimilim Itrnnttt. ' ] LONDO.V , Nov. 9 , 4 a. in. fNovv York Herald Cable Special lo the Unr-J The sounds of hammers and of handling of bonds has been he.iid throughout Cornhlll all night. Shop keepers not having windows with lion shut ters have been boaidlngthpm , thus delight- lug the early bill stickers of the city. The llei aid doors , which also open Into an ad jacent bink , aiu decorated with sockets for cnkcii bars and the same precautions have been taken all nlonc Cheapsldc , TheSttand and tlnoiiKliout Iho entire loulu ot the coming lord major's piocesslon , as Vii-11 as near lljdo Park , whcio the socialists , who have been prohibited from paiadlng , will assemble In great force. The otllcials nt Scotland Yaid , however , aio em phatic in asseiting that there vvill bo no dls- eider todnj- . Nevertheless , London will doubtless soon awaken to a semi-panic. I found jestcrday among many classes a glow ing prejudice against any loul major show- taking place. baidouo : "Why hpend seveial thousand pounds In silly glmciackcry good enough for tlio iviedielval ages instead of giving It to the iitiemplojed. " To show thu feeling of the panic J may Instance a icmark made to mo by an old .Mansion Honsu oflleial , who said : "These police pit-cautions remind mo of thotlmu when a chartist procession wns stopped and Louis Napoleon was eniolied as n special con stable. I'.very olllclnl pi police not ill orof thu highest rank has been ordered to ho at call. A do/en magistrates nro to bo stationed along the route ot tue piocesslon In readi ness to load the riot act , while all the in III- tarybanacks are to have dragoons nnd In- Iniittjicndy for any emergency. " The Unitarian Muddle. SOFIA , Nov. 8. The dm Ims telegraphed to General Kaullmrs , directing him to con voy Ids thanks to thosuTltilgarIans ! who show adcslio to comply with the Imperial conn sols. Kaulhars caused the icpoit to ho widely circulated that Prlnco iPerdinand of Holiun- /ollern will shot tly b proclaimed successor to thu king of Koiiinauliu The Russian lion clad Mercury has ni rived nt Hour/Mrs , the scene of theiecent revolt. IJoL'isAUt' , Nov. 8. Captain Nabokolf , the Russian who led the revolt litre has been ai- ic > ted. Son \ , Nov. f. A state of siege has been unclaimed tlnoughout flnlgarla. It Is expected that thu sohianjo will elect a prince to morrow. TII OVA , Nov. 8. The sobranju to-dav adoiited the rei-ent'saddipss and ndjourned until Wednesday. In thu meantliuu theiu will lua pilvato iiiiinion of ntembeis to dls cuss thu election ut n prince. Olndslniin'H Iliilcni-lan Viovvs. LU.VDOX , Nov. 8. Glidstone , In reply to thu tiilegiam of the liulgatlan deputies , sajs : My opinion mid desiie.s concerning thu einincinated oi autonomous piovl.iccs of the Ottoman emplro have nlvvujs bcon the same. Thu llbeillca obtained tor them fiom thu .sultan 1 consjdt'i to ba intended lor theii o\vn no and l netit. nnd it In not proper Unit they should IKJ banded uver lu whole erin in pait to nn > boiy | cl > e. I have novel thought It in > duty to raise my voice on the present occislon , becansu 1 believe theiu is no dltleitnce of opinion In Kns-'Innd on thu subject and no lenaon to doubt fiat thu sen * tlment of thu nation is faithfully represented In the councils ot Kiiropit by Loid I A POLITICAL PECULIARITY , Senator Vest Tackles the President and His Hobby. VEST SEEKING VINDICATION. Democratic Congressmen Iliirrylns \Vii8liltift < > M to Tay Political Debts lllaltic's SlUqloii to New York \VasliliiKtoti Ncvvg. Vc t niul the President , \VAsiti.NOTox , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.r . ] The nccoitnls of Senator Vest's Interview with the , piosldcnt about District Attorney Uenton's removal conflict , but n re port , undeistood lobe on Vest's nnthoiltv , sijs the Interview was long and that the president juopobed to whin thu devil nronnd thu stump by giving lienton some other olllce. If this Is to bo done , It Is notcloar wbythocaso should have been refetied to Attornev ( < ( i.uland for nn opinion. Vest , It Is said , cconld not nndeibtand tlio picsldent'splan ' of putting Demon into an other position it he hid abused his trust in the district allot neyhin. liven were It con sistent with civil service refotni , Uenton's friends would not arcu to u lett-linnded vindication. It Is fnither repotted tint Ihe Missouri senator pointed out to i'lovoluul that democratic cungressmcn In that state who had given admlnlstiation the heartiest support had been badly cut at thu polls. He Is also said lohavocalled the president's attention to Postmaster General V lias' part In the Wis consin campaign. It Is not unlikely that Vllas tnav bo punished a trifle vlcailously by the acceptance of henchman Delnney'.s roslg- nation. The president Is n psnctical politic ian and thu way Dulaney let the democratic majority get away from him lias not Im pressed the whlto house people vv Ith the Idea that ho would bo worth much In getting Cleveland delegates In 18ss , so n new man with morn Influence w-lll peiftaps be made listrict attorney \Vlbconsln. . The Alls- lOttrl case Is not so easy of solution. It wns taken for granted that thu Missouri benators , mindful of fiitutu patronage , would not wor ry themselves much ever Uenton's re-lnstato- mcnt , but homo snntlment seems to have stlllenen Senator Vest's back Done and ho is able to talk positively to the president about the Missouri delegation two years hence. Senator Vest has been In consultation for the past two houis with Attorney ( icncial Cnrland. Ho has just left the department of just I eo and is In excellent humor. It Is lenincdat thodepaitiucnt that Mr. ( iarland Is favorable to the le-inst.ilcinunt ol Mi. Hen- ton , and will. so recommend to the picsl- dent. This , of contbc , has but little slgnlh- cancc , aa All. Cleveland will use his own judgment and listen to no one. The scnatoi will again call on the pieshlent as soun as lie icturns trom Boston. in , VINK'S MISSIONro vr.w vnutc. A leport Is cut rent hero to the effect that the presence ol Air. Hlnlno In New- York is toi the purpose ot reconciling the two -factions In the republican pitty In that state , and that is to be done by the election ot Air. Conkllngto tlu'M > nnte to MIC- ceed Watner AIHlcr. It is understood that Senator Allller's friends are very greatly ex ercised ever the situation and nro bending every energy to prevent the consummation of this plan. rtllST FAMILY FROTH. Thu feeling which hab been engen dered In Virginia against the ndmln- istiatlon because Airs. Cleveland did notnt- tend the statu talr with her husband , has been nlven anew- Impetus by the incldont of Aliss Davls nnd AIrs. _ Cleveland traveling on the"aaiiTe "tratnTTioinAVashlngtou to--Ncvv York. Vliglnlnns hoto am bitterly crltclsing Mis. Cleveland beca\ise she did not make her ) ) iesenco known on the train to AIlss Davis and s-vy she owed the latter an apology for refnsinit to go to lilchmond. That Airs. Cleveland's lunching on the train within sound of the voice of'AIlss Davis and not In- vitlns the latter to paiticlpatu. Is nothing less than elfiontery. They declare that Airs. Cleveland would not have traveled on the sanio train with Miss Davis had she known It beloic It was too late. TAinrp mroiMins : ! : .TAIIKD. "Whether tlio people want the tat Iff re- founed or want it left as it Is , one thing is sure : Tlio tariff will bo left seveicly alone , so fai as congress is concerned , for the next two > cras"baida Virginia congiessman now In the city. "Tho sentiment expressed at the polls on Tuesday last has had the clfect of trluhtenlng the ropiescntatives In congicRs , and have made a piofound impression at thu vvldto house. Kioin what the ptesident told 1110 to-day I believe the administration will haven decided leaning toward the tari It here- aftei. It Is n matter of grave political Im portance and no man or patty can light It The Ibsue In New York state was almost wholly one of tariff or free trade. Virginia wants tariff protection. That is burp , and bo do thiee-foniths of the soutliein states. " wsonu.N-i r.ii : > DIIMOCIIAI s. Upon being asked what ho thought of the statement that the democratic defeats weiu dim tea light votu and dcmociatlo Indilfei- cnce , the Uld Dominion statesman said : "Taken nltopether the vote was an nver.iso one. 1 do not think the lesultisnn endoise- muntoforaHlapat the administration. It nero signlhcanco In this dliection In somu localities , but It wns purely local , and 1 think the pieshlent Is light In Inteiiirctlng It to mean no veullct as to the ndmlnlstration ili- lectly , but , " and tlio con Kress in in glow led in the tace. "It settles the question of Mr. Cleveland being our nomlnio In It&S. Ho will not bu nominated because thu people have struck down all of the iiiinclnles piopo- gated iiiulei his administration , although ho is not directly responsible lor them. The vety fact of a change In the politics of the ndmlnlstration has had a disgruntling clfect upon the people at large. It may be that the partv oxpecled too much , and that the s imu condition ot aifalis would luive iixMed h id any other man been elected. Hut that a hvstcm , a condition now exists I do not know who Is responsible which Is objection able to thu partv there can bo no doubt. To my mind and I think Air. Cleveland , from what hosald to me , believes thu same thu detoatat the polls was intended moiu as a reunko tn vvhathudors ot the partN and men under the president have done than to the piesident himself 01 his adminlstiatlon ns whole. " HO\UCH O.Vr.-Dni.IAII CKIiriFIO.VTES. "Wo have no one-dollai certificates , " said the cashier ot thu treasniy depaitment , when usked by vom coi respondent foi somu ot these notes in change. "We have been unable , " licconllnned , "to get enough ahead ot thu outers trom banks to supply the changu lieiuls ovt'i t'iu countei. 1 have never seen such a demand for money as vvo have had for the , ceitllicites ; nnd it doesn't ' look as though wu would ever get ahead ol thu bank orders. The standard stiver dollars threaten to bu at n discount when this money gels In circulation II Its Issiio Miould bo stopped. Hut 1 think there will bo liundicils- o | millions of the one-doil.u certificate- . Issued betoro the pushes stop. Thu niithorltr tor their Issue seems to bo nnilmiU'd. " Already twice ns much paper cuiH'iiej In in- clved in the hanks nnd stores ot Washington as usual. 1'ivo yeairi ago theio was llttlo sliver In circulation nothing uitu-h hut leg il tenders or United .Stales treasury notes. Now , It Is hoped , the onodolliu et'itllltatus will bo universally used foi small bills , as Iho indications at present point. The coun try will have piper money Instead of hlivui dollars In abundance at the end of thu jear. jear.n.KVKf AMI ON rivii. SKIIVKK in Konvi. Ity tUix-nd ( it Iho week about one-thlnl oi thu niuiiiboisot tholoivei house ot - and qultt ! n laruo portion ot tlio sunatois vvlli be in Washington. It has been iinmrUd that ho many wtro never seen heio so .soun nllei n congressional election as now. J'ho eaily return , however , Is explained In tin fact that nearly all uiu friends ot the admin- Isuntion , and they comu to look niter patronage - ago 101 in ibtilntc'iits. Doubtless verj man } promire.vveio ma < l during thu cani ] > iign and obligations aru being paid oil. Tin picslilent's oulci uxt-ludlng vlsitoi.s fioin tin whlto house , and e-pcuially ttiosilio ) v\un ollk'o. Including congressmun , after two weeks hence , has also acted to hasten i.iauj here , and It isohseived tliat tlio vis'ls now aru lreiient ( | u. ml the .stops long. Mi Cleveland land , with a llttlo linixtuoslt ) , t.ildaoon giessman joueiday tint hudld not intend to turn republican- ! ) out of plli'-iutol lixid bs tentued blmply bccan o tiny % vei iPnW | | ! cans llu lemarked luitlier , whl : e-iijiL carrjlncdotiblonipanlncr , tint ho proposed o st mil by the iwords and the promhes no lad made , ns tar as civil seivico reform Is concerned , and he wondered why men In his > arty could not sco his Intention. tin : ts-nuvA srx mwsmr. "I don't see how ( Jovcrnor Oiay ran bo a candidate for the United States bemto In ndUiu , " < ald represL'titatlvo Watson ol Hint state to a Star ipmrler , to-day. "Ills election 0 the senate , " continued Air. Watson , would elevate thoiomibllcan llcntenant-gov- ot nor lust elected to the govoinotshlp. It is scaieoly probable that the governor would vint to go lo the onato at such n coil. " Wat son added thai nccoidlni ! to his Infoimntion lociih K. AleDonnld would be elected to the spnale. The Impression concrally piovnlls ICIP , however , that Setntor Harrison will sucoecd hlmoclf. Colonel W. W. Dudley , who has juit returned to Washington trom Indiana , sa > s the lemiblicans h.ive undoubt edly clectod a majority of the leglslatuio and hat Senator Harrison vv ill bo ro elected. < * # v t\ itnt'm : rtcu m : * . It Is now ligured that the lower house of he Mllletd congress will stand 17 ? demo crats nn I lahoiois and 15J lepublleans. See- retarv McPherson , of the repuhlican cam- liaign committee , avs tint ll thu lepubll- : inshaven majoiltvon a vote bv states In iliohonsotliey will illlbnstct to { ho end of jolh sessions tiefoie tlu-j will allow llm dem- ociats to change ihc lesiilt by a contested election caso. Thu only \ilaces \ whcio a change of one > ot j would effect um thing , ho savs , nro wlicio voles aw too decided to ad mit of a contest. MII.ITAIIV \TTrns. . ( loncral Luther 1' . Hradlev , colonel of the 1 hlrteonth Infanlry , has been lolleved fioin command of thu dlstilot of Now Atexlco nnd ftom oilier duty , and ordered to his home to await his retirement , which will take place December H , on teaching sKtvtour joars of Lieutenant Albeit L. Alyer. nnd Lleutcnnnt lotus A. Kmcry , Eluvcmh infantiy. I'osrAi , AtTAins. hpeclnl mall service tiom Alcernnnto Ilui- loy , Cnslor county , Net ) . , will bo established on the IMh lust , nnd the special service to Lltchhcld will then be discontinued. Oideis affecting star mall service In Ne braska on the Ibth lust , have been Issued as follows ; Alaienco to ( Irand Island Omit dtand Island nnd Alnirngo ; begin nt Unston nnd end ut Hervlck , deci easing the distance. Lonp City to Htokeii How Omit service from Lonp City to datiesvllle , foity-hve lI'V. Kearney to Lonp City Uednco service from Keatney to liavcnna , twenty-eight and i hall miles , to tn-weekly. TAVO nnoonv EIGHTS. Warren Knocks Out O'Loary nncl Ktl- i-nln PiuilRticf ) llcni'lil. Lot isvu.i.i : , Ky. , Nov. 8. Toinmv War ren , of Louisville , and Patsv O'Leaiv. ot Cincinnati , loiight twelve rounds neat Mull- dtlglt Hill , AIoul county , for the fpather vv eight championship , 51,000 a side , kid gloves. Police ( ! a/etto i tiles. The tight was iwarded to Wanen on n foul allowed by O'Lcary leaving tlio ling in the twelfth lound. A spiclal ttain wllh ovet n thousand licople left the city this inorulnir , pavingST n lieadtovltness the light. Itepresentatlves from Cincinnati , Chicago and the east numbering lully MXveio ) present and took part In the betting , which was one-sided , odds beimr offeiod on Wai ion. Up to tlio sixth round the light vvis about uven. Then Watren forced the hghtlitb' and punched O'Lcary terribly in thu mouth , llo had thu best ot It , and O'Lcnrv's face was covered with blood. The seventh round was n lively one. Wsrren led off , striking O'Loary on the face and receiving n counter onthbbofly. O'Lcarvthon'lnrtfle n iush and forced Warren around the rlncr. When tlmo was called Warren btruck him in the face and a foul was claimed. Warren did not hear tlmo called nnd the foul was not allowed. There was much excitement , but thu light went on , and the eighth umnd opened with continuous sparrlnir , and both clinched. Wai ten got In a good one on thu mouth and leceived n heavy countei on the throat. In the ninth , tenth nnd eleventh lonnds no ma terial ooints wciescotcd. thotlmu being con sumed In span ing. In the twelftn nnd last round , alter opening cautiously , both men made n lush and clinched. They wcio oidered to break away , and as they did so Wnrron struck O'Leaiy a heavy , swinging blow with his right on the loft jaw. A foul was claimed by O'Leaij's backer and ho pished mulct tun ropes and out of the ling. The reieieo old not allow the tonl nnd O'Leaij wasbiought back. The refeieo con sumed fifteen minutes in leading the mles ami decided that O'Lcary had committed a loul In leaving thu ling and awaulcd the light to Wan en. _ Kllraln and Ilourlil. liAi.TiMom : , Nov. 8. Fully ! ir , > 09 pcoplo braved the cold to-day and jouinejed hvo miles to see .lack Kllialn nnd Flank llcaild spar at Honing Hun lace tiack. When time was called , Kilraln at once began to work on the offensive , and after a low moments spar- nnp : got In three wicked blows on his op ponent's face in rapid succession , each In Ing- ing blood. Heaild then made one ot his fin Ions rushes , hut Kill am dodgeil him ( ievrly and they clinched , but in breaking away , Kllialn , by a tpilck move ment , landed Heaild souaiely on his hack In the cornel , wheie , ho Ia > bio-ding trom the month and nose and pintlng heavily , when the police lushed thiongli thu lopes and stopped the fight. Tim slioitoik nnd two nnnco irlovus used showed conclusively that both men meant business and wanted to see which was thu slti gor. Theie is talk ol' the light being linlshcd with haie Knuckles to-nnlght. The Manhattan Safe. Host ov , Alass. , Nov. -Captain Ilallell , ot the stcamei II. F. Dlmock liom New Votk , leports that at l ; : ; o jt. nt , yesteufay he saw the United .Stales culler .Manhattan , which was lopoited to have foiuuleied off New Haven , Conn. , about ' .t-.M > esteiday iiioi nliig , ] > asslng thiough Pliimgiil nil right. ( iitiiKM'oni , L. L , Nov. : t. Tlio revunno putter Manhattan , repoited lost , niilved hei'i vcsteidav afternoon , unit wlllleavo to-day on n cruise. ( iKUKM'oiti , L L , Nov. " . The luvenuo cutter .Manhattan aiilvcdhcio last nlghtvvith all safe on bo , ml. , shu snsfilned somu sIL'ht 4lamage by thu stoim , but has beun 10- palicdand left hoiu for Nuvv York slioitly ullei noon , _ A. Liinntic AHsaiilts a 1'rlost. PiTf nriKi , Nov. b. Whllo bajiiu mass this moinlin , ' , ICuv , Pather Klowter , pastoi ut St. Phllomuiia's C.i too lie chinch , was as saulted In the pulpit by nn Insanu Jlohomlan named Alanna Kclbteiateriim. His enttanco was not noticed , Keistomleioni strnuU I''athei Klowtei a lorrlblo blow bauk of tlio ear. Tim pi lest reeled nnd staggeied limit thunlt.u to thu steps , w hero thu liiiiatlestiuelc him again , knocking him down. Hu then nttomuted to kick thu jiio tiato fathet , but was dtagged away bv members ot tliOLiingie- uatlon. KinKlowtir Is not seilonsly In jured. Kelsleiatei nn vvill bu iiunt to an uibaiio as him. A rrnhli'ws Sc. i ch. I'd. Nov. 8-Tho United Stiles po-tal aithoi ' .L'- , have abandoned the search lot the legNtejid mall pouch that wan stolen last summer between Nuw York , Plttotmrg and Indianapolis , hoveial cine * Iriu : been follow i d lot weeki- , but nolioot I hem ie-ultcil In thu upon lii-nslon of thii thluie.s 01 the lecoveilni : of thu stolen propeii ) . All of the paitles who had package In thu pomh line not been he.udf join sut , but It IM raid that thus Jai thu vaUu > ut the Miou n contents a.- " " fivnt \ > \u \ aiut lutv.i Wc.ilhcr. For Nebiiis ! . i J.Uht rains mliovved by IMi weather ; cooler winds , .shilling to noithwcstcily. Kor Iowa Local rains ; cooler winds , aUlflln * ' to llOltllUllMiHl } . 'J IIP. MI'M > iiri Lifslnnrc ( ) , Hi Loris Nov. t. I'lom ret in as ho fai re C Ivcd It I : , ndi : J-tinatp , demoi lats a < , o < ' ] n3sit'.0n 10 , u e , Jcmouui't dO , cppi.bUlun w , 'I ' IOWA AND NEBRASKA NEWS. ll State Senator Graves , of Dubttquo , Arrested For of Oourt. INCENDIARISM AT NORFOLK. The Holly or n Mnii AVho DlHnppnnru 1'roin Crcsco tjast < luno round 1W Ncnr That IMnoc Hut. 1Wi i uldo nt North IMnttc. Arrpstod I "or Contpiniit of Court. Dt'iifiifK , la , Nov. M.-fSpcc1al Telegram - gram to tlio Hn : . ] KvSunator.1. 1C. , of this eltj' , \vas to-day attested by the Unl'ed States marshal of northein 111 I mils on the order of Jtuliro Gic.sli.un , of Chicago , for contempt ot court tn faillnijlo deposit incointtho sum of 5100,000 , obtained from the Insolvent liriuof Moles I'av * Conkoy , on a fraudulent confession tit judgment. Senator Giaves had been a silent paitm-r In the coucein. Ills ani'St caused a decided sensation hete , whcio thu t-enntoi Is M-ty popuhvi. KIIOV County's Political Oyolotio. UliiuiiiroN : , Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Special to the llKK.l Kim county was struck by n po litical cjclono this jcat. With n republican majority of WX ) , the democrats elected eveiy candidate as follows : W. L. Tinner , for leprosontatlvc , Wiover O W. Itlce. reimbll > can , .Vi'.i ' ; H , II Honestec ) , demociat , for sen ator , Ittl , ovet Spcneei republican , CM. Hone- steers majority In the district Is about 5M. Holli were elected by thu lileilds of Vim Wjck and pledge themselves to tils suppoit. Thu total votn In the county wns l.WV ; ro- DUbllctn , 8M ; democrats , 'riTO ; prolilbltlon , 148 : prefcienco tor United Sinles senator , C. II. Van Wvck , 1,0'f. , over two-thirds ot thn full votu , with thu onemle.s ol San WjcW \voiklng against him her.'I DotsovToi congress , inn nhead of his ticket , receiving about K(0 ( majoiltv. Thu Indo- icndent tepubllcans letused to support the ticket nominated bv the dictation of u cor- rnjit ling. The iioheuiians supported the democratic ticket on account of the piuhlbl-c lion plank In the rcpulillcan platform. A aiyBlei'3' Olcnred Up. Di.s AIoiNi.s. la. , Nov. b. [ Special Tele gram to thu Hi.n.J A Ciesco dispatch sijs that a hunting party has found In thu woods near that place , the body ot John lloborly , who injstertously dlsaiipeaied from Ciosco on the I'.Hh of last June. The tlesh was neatly go no from thu bones , but thu clothing was Intact , so that Iho boy's father was able to Identify the lemalns. There was a bullet hole in tliu skull and a bullet was found In side , which , with olhci suspicions circum stances , has led to nn Investigation by the coronci. As a result onu man has been put In jail and lurthei developments are Or peeled. It is expected the joung man may have been killed b ) jealous ilvnls , as he , with two or tluce others , was wooing the same girl. Two Incendiary Attempts. Noiiroi.u , Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele gram to the Ui.K.J The citj- was excited this evening over n mjstcrlousnttonipt to burn the residence of George Graves , n linn- bet man who docs business nt several points along the KIKhoin valley. While ho wns absent Friday night tliu Hie derailment ; barely saved his house from burning , and to-night the department Avas palled out ngaltt to save it from destination by lire. They Started It with Kerosene. Dis : Aloises , In. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tclot giam to thu liii.J : This morning the ro.sU deuce of All. Aljiens , a Svvedu iniuui nt South Align1 ! , was binned with nil Its coi tents. Two children wcronlonu In tlio liouso at the lime , and the oidei , a girl ol twelve yeais , was seriously and piobablv fatally buinud. It was supposed ttic clilldiun hau attempted 10 llglit thu ( lie with the kcioscno and the can exploded. Thu youfiaer child , tt ) baby , was also binned by the explosion , as Was a thirteen j ear old boy vv ho rushed Into ; the house and lescued her. Commencement ' Ui > .MOI.VKS , la. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele gram to the Hri : . ] Commencement excrcisra nt the state nzilcultiual college nt Ames aio in session this week. President Chamber lain dcllveied his first baccalawenlo addiess yesterdaj and to-moiiovv night iiu will glvo the foimal inaugiual addiess on thu occasion ot his installation. Govuinoi Laitabeuleave ? to nun tow to attend tliu commencement nnd a laigc nninbci of vIsItoiB have nlieady ar rived. Theiolsa Inrno class of giaduatrs and the nllulisol the tollt'gu aiu In u veiy hopulul condition. Dentil Kroni Ahortlon. ; Si'UiMis , Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Special TulcL-iam lo thu Hi.i : . ] A toionor's jury , summoned to Inn'ilio ' Into thu death ol .Men linda Johnson , n glil of 17 jears , today re4 tuined n veidlct that hei death was caused by an aboitlon. him was under Ihu imd'cal caruol Di. Joslah Hoop , but thu veidlet dom not chaise him with having committed thii crime. ChPjomio CountJ-'H Olllolal A'oto. SIDMV , Nob. , Nov. 8. fjspeclalTcleginin to tlio Jli.r.j The lollovvlngare thu oflleial majoiltles In Cheyenne county : Thajct 155 , Shcdd 150 , Laws 17.1 , AVIIIaid 1W ! , llabtoclc ir.S. Lcesu I'M , Scott 157 , Lane 150 , Dorsey KJI , AlcVamar 107 , AleCann r > 4 , Smith , for commlssloiior , lepuhllcan , 200 ; Itlluy. county nttoinej , 101 ; total votuol county , lo' , > 7. Hnioldo nt Not-Ill LMntlc , Noitru Pi.A i 11 i n , Neb. , Nov. b. [ Telegram to tlio ) HIM.I : ( ildeon La > ton , llv ing north of Kearney , snltuled heio lust ) nU'ht by taking laudanum and died this moinlng. Lajton vvasa Hiangcr and WHS heie lo tile on land. No cause lei committing the act is known. Koal llucc. Krout'K , In. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele iam to the Hii.J : : yesterday J. W. Kennedy and 1M Halm , of ( Jnincy , 111. , lowed a tlnou mlle racu on thogoveiniiiunt coinsu hero , which was won by KennedjTlmo 2iWt ; , About , ; > , OOD peoplu witnessed thuiatc , a liu/jn / 1111111- hei being piesent fiom Quincy and other towns. A Memorial Meeting. Ci'DAii JlAriiJo , la. , Nov. . [ Sec.Ial ] Tulpgiam to thu Hi.u.j A larxo union meeting wns held nt thu npuia honso last nlKht , being memoilal seivltes to the late John Dei in. ol Aloliup. It was addicsstd bv Senator 1. P. . Claike , ot CIaindi : , aitlhor ot the Claikopiohlbitoi } law. Chnir l''a tory Iliu neil. KOI : i AlAiiisntf , In. . Nov. b , [ Spcpial Tel- niitaiii to the HI.I .j 'l'ho waiu loom ot the J-'oit .Madison chait Lonian ] ) > at this phico vvasbuined to daj. Loss , ante , Siu.uoo. WJN.MIM.O , Nov. tA t di-pitch liom Don. . aid , H. C , . announces a sellout accident hiiin * da > to a I'aclurail / load cotiilt iilion ti.iln In Ihu hcikiik range of Ihu J'oelles. : A car l-iol.e IIHHII liom tlui C'il-iiii ) on n steep up giado , and , iniinint ; b c-'i , rolliiliil vvllii i'.n- otlici wink train following In tlio tear. Jiotli tlains wio vvii-ck-d. .M-liae , Aloi'onald , Koss , roieinan Lev ) Code and nn unUnovm woikiiinn wfiu l.iUcil , and a mi ml XT In- Jut'il. _ _ KU AlaJorllV. Nov. * . Tliu onicial cyunt de- eidid that Lawlei. ( .uididalo foi congie's- man li m thu stt-on I disliht , h elctud by.n in ij u ty of six vote * His fi')0re'tt ) ) , by \ \ < i . lol | ' ! i it ; " 'ti i4lfui t.u ii''ati- ' .