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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1886)
/ THE OMAHA SUNDAY EE , SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , { SUNDAY MOHNING , OOTpBEIl 37 , 1886.-TWBLVE PAGES. NUMBEH 111. TALKS ON CRUISERS. The United States1 New Navy as Seen by Porcign Eyes. FRENCH AND ENGLISH OPINION. An Admital Who Thinks the Boats Alto gether Too Slow , HOW THEY COULD BE IMPROVED. Marino Warfare aud Lostructiro Engines Minutely Discussed Standpoints. NEWS BUDGET FROM BERLIN. ItiurcnHlttc thr ISxporln from Oormnny to llio United Klntos SHpprCRRlnc fioclnllMiiVnrllko Attitude of iOiiropcnn Powers , Thn Now Nnvy PAIIIS , Oct. in. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the lint : . ] I had an interview Thursday with Admiral Aube , the Ktencli minister of marine , at his cabinet in the mlnlstiy on Uio mo Hoyalc , In reference lo tlie utility of the new steel cruisers now being built by the United Stales government. 1 showed llio admiral the diagrams and sketches ot the lloston. The admiral praised llio Ingenious contrivances for lUlitlng , the pilot house , superstructure of the battery , etc. , aud then , looking at mo with a sharp , peueliatlne gliince , asked : 11 What Is her sliced ? " "Not unllo IhUieon knots , sir , " I replied. The admiral shook his head and said cm- phaticallv : "Then as a as war vessel she Is useless. A cruiser Is of no use whatever , un less she has speed enough lo calch a last ocean steamer that Is to say , unless she has a speed of nineteen knots. Ciulsers of less speed Ihan Ihlsnron weakness , not a strength to a navy , for they will only bo captured or sunk bv the enemy. The now cruisers to bo built for the Krench navy aic to have a mini mum speed of nineteen knots , capable of being Increased to twenty knots during live hours at a stretch by the application of an apparatus of teiajio farce. If they don't at . tain this speed tuo government will lefusc them. " HOW 1O SIAKK A NAVV. I then naked the Admiral If he would ex plain the best way for the United Stales to set about to get a navy. Tlio Admiral rang anelectile bell and .said to the attendant , "Don't let anyone Interrupt me for half an hour. " He rolled a cigarette , and bald : "You ha\e a duly magnificent body of naval officers , and you have splendid bailers , and you have no heavy lion-clads three points upon which yon arc most heartily to bo conmatiilatcd. Naval experiments have now clearly demonstrated that huge lion-clails , In which Kuropean governments have spent hundreds and hundreds of millions , liavo had tlielr day. Tfieso mastodons of tlm ocean have had their day. They will be scarcely more useful In the next naval war than the grand old line of battleships of Toufalbcan nnd Abonklr. These mastadons have been rendered worthless by those microbes of the sea , torpedo boats and swift cruisers. The fault has been that all the naval construc tors till lately have attempted the Impossi ble . They liave tried to unite in the same vessel all the means of modern naval warfare the ram , heavy guns , armor , flectncss and torpedoes , The result is a vast , unwieldy , floating f01 liens , liable to bo sunk by the first well-directed torpedo. The United States , 1 repeat , are sincerely to bo congratulated on having none of thesn useless monsters. Your slluallou Is this : in the tirst place you are not Immncrcdby having any mercantile marine to protect. In n naval war this will give you meat advantage. All your naval operations can be , therefore , confined to pro tecting your harbors and destroying the enemy's commerce. You can make your haiborn impregnable \ylth your laud forts , toipdocs and torpedo boats. Forty or fifty I T unarmed cruisers with sufllclont speed could < * l destroy your enemy's commerce , for all the Iron dads of nil the tleotflof the world would to-dr y be utterly Inadequate to blockade your coasts and prevent these cruisers from getting to sea. Hut these cruisers Bhould have a minimum speed of nineteen knots ; that Is to say , they should bo faster than Ihogieat trans-Atlantic sleamcrs. They should , besides the ordinary machine guns , have two or three guns of Hie longest possi ble range , tiring projectiles tilled wllh llio latest explosives discovered by science. Such cruisers could to-day destroy or demoralize the entiremarlnccommcrceof united Kuiopu. Kvcn if ono of these cruisers wore to be com pelled to n\'hl a high Kuiopcan Iron clad , the advantage would btlll be with the cruslor , for a crusler , Iwlng small and moving about with rapidity , Is almost Impossible to bo hit , while the high Iron chid Is a splendid larget.nnd the high sleel plate.s are now perleclly vulnerable to projectiles charged with fulminating cot ton or with menllene. " NKW KXl'l.OSlVKS. Here Ihendmlral showed me three stco plates pierced bv projectiles containing ful- iiilnutinir cotton , mentlenu and , as it third substance , a composition , which Is the seciet of the Kiencli Kovcinment , which has twice the power of menilenoand Is no moiu dan- Kcrous to manipulate than the ordinary gun loader. This now exjilo.slvo will enable the calibre and consequent wclidit of the guns to bo diminished and makes the steel plates al most as penetrablens tlie wooden walls of hijw In the days of Dccatur nnd Halnbrldec. The admiral continued : "Now , compaio ono of these cruisers with an Irunehul In attacking a.fort. IJotli are equally vulner able , but the crulbcr Is almost invisible from the distance tiom which she can throw her explofihes , while the honclad Is so hlth | and ciimbeisonio us to boa good miuk from the I j land , for even at night all of the movements of this floating foitruss can bo followed by clcctrlo lights. The crnlsor , on the contrary , Is almost Invisible because of her snuillues-s , and uncatcliablo because of lier speed. Those proposed crtilseis are merely tlie application of lu oni taught by yourgieat civil war. Thoyaro merely Ala- bamas adapted to Uia latest advantage ol science. The motto of your naval reform bliould be : I.os Alabamas , eucora It's Ala- bamas , et toujoura lew Alabamas. " THE NAVV FHA.NCK WANTS. After expiosslng the highest appreciation of the American naval olUcers , their pluck , their aclentlllc attainments , and thulr splendid seattmullko qualltlo * , the admiral ald : ' 'I am going to demand of tbe chambers the two hundred million ot fuucs to put the French navy on the footing that It ought tc Ve. I shall Insist upon the necessity of fast trulsers of a minimum i [ ed of nineteen knots. I shall not have tliese cruisers built Jn the covcinment docfc yard ? , but Ir tc j-f eat commercial dock yards of France. 1 shall say to the mercantile conslructors : Hulld me n cruiser with a minimum speed of nineteen knots , capable of being Increased to nearly twenty knots , for a period of live hours the critical period of n chase , lly the application of Ihu tiravo force Instrument , lately ln < \cnted , skillful engineers assure mo that this speed Is perfectly attainable. I also say to the constructors : If the cruiser , on her trial docs not attain this speed , then the government will refuse her , and she can be utlllrcd for llio merchants' marine , The constructors will agree to these terms , fortheio Is alwavs a demand In commerce for vessels of this type , and thus there Is no risk ot the government having on Its bands n quantily of failures , as might bo the case II the cruisers were lo be constructed in Ihe government dock yards. 11 Is , In fact , jusl like ordering a pair ot boots iiom the boot maker. If they lit , well and good. I take them nnd pay for them. If Ihey don't lit , 1 don't take them. " NnrnI Opinion * . Oct. 10. ( New York Herald Cable Special to tlm BKI : . ] I Interviewed , to-day , Admiral Sir Spencer Hoblnson , t former lord of admiralty , who speaks as an expert In naval matters , because under hi' management the change was made from wooden ships to Iron-clad , and from smooth' bore to rilled cannon. 1 found him at hit residence In Eton Place , just recovering from an Illness , but quite willing to give the be no- lit of bis longcxpcilctice In ship construction , Unsaid : "Your 4,000 ton cruiser seems to me to com- blue more of thegoodqualttles a cruiser should possess , alwavs , ot course , provided slu at tains an estimated average speed ol eighteen knots an hour. This speed Is aboul as blub as Is necessary , as cruisers must IK built to combine many opposing qualities , none of which can safely bo subordinated to sueed. For Instance , they must be able to keep at sea In the rough est weather without straining , they must carry coal for long cruises , anil must also carry cannon and war stores ol considerable weklit. It Is true that the Italia and various other heavy Iron-clads at tain nearly the same speed as the unarmored cruisers , but can wo take the Italia as a sam ple ? It Is an admirable boat for Mediterra nean defence. | She irakes the Mediterranean practically an Italian sea , lint In the May ol IMscay she would roll herself lo bits. She might carry coal enough to cross the Atlantic , but when across shn would have nn coal to return with or lor bombardments or cruiser chasing. Yes ; I have studied care fully the subject of coaling at sea from coal transports. It's too risky. It Is a long and wearisome affair. You must remember Ihat tin ! modern ship is like an infantry soldier forced lo carry on his back food for Hie whole campaign or walk back to the depot for supplies when the food he carried Is exhausted. To attack Italy , America must have vessels of the Italia type , as well as Mediterranean coaling stations. Torpedoes , storms and coal supply will , however , effect ually limit the action of the heavier armor- clads againsl Ihe American coast defenders , who now have so much advantage that even with our West India coaling stations the BilUsh armor-clads can hardly endanger Mew- York. " cniTictfliKa TIII ; cnuiSEns. "I would like to criliclso ono point In your cruisers , , the rlggincIn action this Is certain to be shot away , and probably in ( ailing would foul the screws and wreck the vessel. Moreover , thcio Is notliinc to bo gained by running such n risk , since if these plans are drawn to scale your cruiser , nine days out of ton , would not make two knots an hour under sail hardly steerage-way. " TALK WITH A NAVAI. AnCIUTKOT. After quitting the admiral I met at the ofliceof the Thames Ship Uuildlnr company , Gcorgo Mackrow , the naval architect , who possesses the unique distinction of having either designed or superintended the con struction of llio first Ironclads ever owned by the seven Kuropean powers. Including Germany , Kussia and Spain. While await ing for Mr. Mackrow to finish his business with the Japanese commission sent over to report upon Kngllsh naval nichltccture , I examined a collection of royal decorations awarded Mr. Mackrow for ships constructed during the last fifteen years. Kegarding the now American cruis ers Mr. Mackrow said : "I have not checked their designs , put I judge the ships are likely to boa ciedll to the American navy. The Drltlsh navy has no man- of-war with over an eighteen knot speed , nor any ocean cruiser as yet even designed to exceed eighteen knots. One tiling jmzy.lcs mo. 1 do not bee how , with their stated horse j > ewer , the American cruisers can attain this eighteen knot speed. Yet ; such speed Is possible wllh Mtfllclcnt engine power. In tact , wo have just offered to build an ocean cvulsor of guaranteed nineteen knot speed. If the American ciulsors reach eighteen knots , that will be. I think , as last as Is needed. Never theless , I expect within a year or two to sec ocean cnuseis of twenty knots'speed. " AN 1DEAI , CUUISEIl. "Yes , my plans are hiilllclently advanced to give yon a general idea of what such a ship would bo like : Say about 0,000 tons , 14,000 horse pow er , coal for 5,000 miles at ten knots an hour , cost 1,350,000 , the frame stiongenough to support lour twenty-live- ton guns , as against the fix-ton guns tlie Ameilean steamers will carry. Of course Hits Isullttliiln advance of the times , but the development of thu tilplo expansion engines and other Impiovumenls make .such u cruiser to bo expected , lint armor clads ol over seventeen knots speed are not probable to bo laitiic.hed while steam in used for power. People torgot that ships are built for special jiurposcs , and lion clads ore for fighting , lieyond n certain poiut speed can only be ob tained by sacrificing armor or coal supply 01 wolglit of cannon as you say. I3y vast sl/.e it might bo pojslblu to obtain great speed added to the other leiiulrt-nients of an iron clad , For Instance I could desU-n a heavy urmor-clad , say of 10,000 tons , cost ten million of your dollar * , which would steam twenty knots. IJut no docks and few haibors , how ever , exist for such a vessel. On the whole crusleis are such masses of compromise that If Ihe American \essclsdevelop Ihelr speci fied speed it will be about as good as piesent know ledge can produce. " THE I.ATKST 8HEI.I , "Have you seen the new shell1 continued the great coiihtiuctor , changing the subject. "It jileicus sixteen inches of armor and ex plodes Inside the vessel. It's a terrible weapon. I do not ce how navies can guaid against Us effect. " All the great naval powers of Europe-keep In London ono or more naval attaches to gather regarding lirlilsh progress in shipbuilding. Thcso gentlemen aio alt ex perts and watch naval matters with a closeness which may ba Judged from the fact that I was shown by one foreign attache , whose name , obviously , I cannot give , a poitfollo containing almost every article yet printed regarding tbn new American crul r. I took pains to gather the ideas of tbete attaenu regarding thn new American uian-.ot-war , As diplomatic naval ellnuntto forbids n > their iiamea la such crit Icisms , I divide their opinions into three classes : OTHKII FOIIKIOX OPINIONS. 1. "America deserves congratulations on hcrnewciulsers. If an eighteen knot speed Is realized It will be sufficient There are few- vessels so fast In the woild as eighteen knots. The speed of naval vessels is crcatly over es timated. The fact Is , wo have the eighteen knots about reached the limit for ocean cruis ers. This Is shown by the fuel that In the last ten years Woluueonly really added one knot to the speed of the fastest ships , America must remember one point In construction by the lowest tender that It docs not guarantee the best workmanship ; also that the speed ob tained from marine engines depends almost ns much upon the builder's knowledge as upon the sire of the engine. " 2. "Tho new American cruisers will bo admirable stilus. Ot course your 4,000 ton- ncr , with Its estimated elgntecn knots , will , afler the trial , never exceed fourteen knots nn hour. That does no harm , however. With all their talk about speed no Kngllsh cruiser can make over fifteen knots' steadily and regularly. A fonrtccn-kiiot speed will over take slow merchantmen. As forsuced to overhaul big passenger sleamcr.s , that cruls- ci.s will He In wait for , such Is not needed , for they can use cannon ball to overtake them It they try their heels. " 3. The American navy needs minimum ten-knot cruisers which , on emergency , could steam eighteen or twenty knots an hour for the hours. An clghteen-knot cruiser would now compare well wilh any atloal , bul navies go ahead quickly. Your cruisers may bo an- liquated beloie they aie built Why not build new vessels from new designs , guaranteeing nt least equality with the mercantile marine ? Of what use will your new cruisers bo If the Atlantic lines and Kuiopcan crul&efs steam a knot or two faster than all vour cruisers ? " Such Is a summary of what I gleaned from the naval attaches of four legations. GKUMAXY'S KXPOItTS. Increase In Her Trade With This Country. nnni.iN. Oct 1C. | Special Cablegram lo theIJEi.j : Ket.nn.s giving tins exports from Germany to the United States during the past year show that the exports from Herlin have increased SU'JU.OOO ; from Hiemen , SX5)34 ( ) ; from Chemnitz , 51,800.000 ; from Dre-den , 5.T.y.,000 ) ; from Hamburg , S2.100- 000 ; from Lepsle , 5S--0,87fi , and Irom Stellln , SXfl.COO , Keturns from South Ger man consular districts have not been Issued. They , however , will probably indicate the same rate of increase , Frankfort heading the list with nn increase of S700.000. The piotec- lionist oryaiiw seek to prove Ihat the increase Is duo to the proteclivo policy of the goveinment whllo on the olher hand the National Xcitung , a fiee trade journal , con tends that the return of stability in American trade Is Ihe sole cause of llio revival of busi ness. The annual report of the Dusseldorf chamber of commeice stales Ihat the expor tation of paintings to Amuiica has almost ceased since the rise In the American tariff. Thecxportalionsof palntlnits Irom Paris lo America has decreased troni 8,000,000 francs to 1,500,000 francs. ON THE nounsE. Toward the close ot business on the Bourse to-day H was reported that the Impe rial Bank of Germany would raise Its rate of discount on Monday. The rumor arose from Uio fact that a meeting of the bank committee has been called for Monday. An uneasy feeling exists In financial circles over the extent of German capital risked In Russia. Leading bankers have placed a full slalement of the position of German Invest ors In the hands of Prince Bismarck , and have received from him private assurances that the extcuto cordlalo between Germany and Russia remains undisturbed , and that a perfect understanding exists between botli courts. courts.KMPRiton WILLIAM'S .MOVEMENTS. Emperor William will return to Berlin on Wednesday. He will give r.n audience to M. Jules Hcibett. Ficnch ambassador , on Friday , and will afterward go hunting at Blankenburg. Crown Prince Frederick William , King of Saxony , and Henry of Prussia , Duke of Saxo A He burg nnd Duke of Saxo Coburg , will meet the emperor at Blank enburg. It Is supposed that the object of the rendezvous of the princes Is something beyond hunting. SUPI'ltKSSINO SOCIALISTS. The socialists attempted to hold reunions In the suburbs of Lelpslo to-day , but the meetings were suppressed by the authorities. The mass meeting which was to have been held at Kaufbeurcn , Bavaria , was also forbidden by the police. Herr Vle- reck , editor of the socialist organ , Deutsch Wortenblatt , which was re cently suppressed , was to have presided nt the mcellng , Krewlnkel , chief of the socialists at A Ix , has been Sentenced lo ten months' Imprisonment He was charged with sending socialist pamphlets , printed In the German , Polish and Uusslan languages , to confederates at Theme for secret circulation. The crusade of the police against socialism is being cairicd on more vigorously than ever. The authorities have succeeded in completely sup pressing every labor organization In Bcillu , Hamburg , Lclpslc and Zurich. The Social Ucmokrat boasts ( hat police peisecutlon can not stop the socialist ptopocanda. and it asset Is that socialism Is especially spreading In the ranks of the army. PKAOE Oil AVA.IV. It All Doponils Upon ttio Ability of Itusslu to Dlseiilnniilo Ilorsolf. PAIIIS , Oct If ) . [ New York Herald Cable- Special lo llio Bun. J Peace or war all de pends upon how Kussia gets out of hei Bul garian entanglements. Tlm czar is by nature obdurate , impetuous , overbearing ; he cannot- allow the Idea to galu gioiind that he Is devi ating from the traditional Muscovite foreign policy , lie has the moral support of Ger many to re-establish a Husslanlzcd Bulgaria so long as lie con tines himself to pacific means , but that Is ( be end of tb , $ tether that binds" him to the 'triple alliance. The mill- tary occupation of Bulgaria a move for which four Infantry divisions In south Rus sia have been designated and fully prepared since the end of August would bo a leap In the dark that ( he c/ar , with all his rashness , docs not daio yet to make. The I'llKSKKCK OF ItUSSIANTItOOl'8 INIIULOAIIIA would so arouse Hungarian public opinion , fan Into ilamo the latent Austrian hatred of Itusila , and force the hand of Franz Joseph tbat war would bo the Inevitable result. Those who know her statesmen best feel that Hussia would neither abandon Bulgaria nor occupy it. but with tough perseverance and ceaseless pertinacity would threaten , promise , tease , cajole , bully and worry the Bulgarian regency and the Bulgarian people until they had been worked up into a state of acute fever and had become from sheer fatigue humble pawns of the czar. FUIITJXO WITH FKAXCi : . Meanwhile Kussia keeps up a desperate fllitntion wltb France , based upon the propo sition already submitted to the sultan by the Itusslau ambassador , by which France would regain her ptexllge In the tavant aud In Egypt , but tlm flirtation Is not marriage , aud tbo Franco-llusslau alliance yet exists. OLAIIINO AT KiCU OT1IEI1. ilunlk , . Austria , Uerinauy , France And Turkey alt stand Wilh hands upon their sword hilts , and there Is no tolling at what moment the blades may leap from their scab bards , for even winter snow hhd choked mountain passes diet not'last year prevent the Bulgariansntul the * Servians frdm lizhtlng each other until far IntoDccember. Kussla , In fact , Is linprcenablb from attack hi win ter , but winter wlll not prevent Russian troops from occupying Bulgaria. TIIK FIIENCH AUMY IN FK111T1NO TIIIM. One thing is certain It is clear to Ihe most unatlenllve tourisl-tltat , whether Boulanger be an Alclbladcs Or not French otllcers and soldiers have never before been so neat and clean or In such first rnto lighting trim as to day. No doubt Doulangcr Is a splendid war minister. He is dally becoming more popu lar and still keeps on Introducing new army reforms , the lalesl of which allows soldleis to rest on Sundays , instead of putting on tine uniforms and parading about to please holi day makers. JRnrnn llothselilld Dend. FHANKTOUT , Otct. 10. Meyer Karl Hoths- chlld , head of thu great banking firm , died suddenly to-day ftom heart disease. A CONVIVAL I'AHTY. The President' * West Vlrjtlnla Trip Uojiortcil nn n Jolly One. WAsiiiNCTOS1 , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to the Br.K. ] Those who went with the president on his trip to West Virginia say Ihat they had a grand time. Certainly the party was a convhal one. Secretary Fairchild - child , it Is said , c/ui / enjoy a good drou of liquor. Commissioner Miller Is the govern ment head ot the liquor business aud can sample as well as anyone. Thomas Blkins is a fac simile aud the president docs not mind a sip or so. Colonel Lament plays pro priety and carried the bait. They all cot i'.ome at fi o'clock'this ' morning and one of thn Hist tilings 1ho president did was to ap point Cousin Bcnnle Folsom lobe consul at Sheflleld. England. Ben Is Mrs. Cleveland's cousin and took lior to Europe. Ho Intended to come here andispiiiid the winter at the white house , but evidently Cleveland did not want him. Some * , jieoplo are saying to-day that Mrs. Cleveland was so put out by the president's leaylng her for thu hunting trip that as soon as ho got homo she made him appoint Bennlc. Certainly the appointment has caused more talk than any made for a year , especially since the president has talked so much lately against nepotism. Shcflield Is one of the best consuls at the dis posal of the goveinment It pays a salary of SifXX ) and many fees. Theie were hundreds of applicants for thu place. JIKS. CI.F.Vm.ANU SAID "NO. " Among the callers pnthe president lo-day were Iwo saloon keepers from Buffalo , old Iriendsofthc pre&idcUif. lie used .to goto Hiolr place wlien he Jived In Buthila , and this was their lirstvis-it lo him. lyisl year two others called ion him and he took them out ridlnc. . 'The visitors to-day ex pected the same treatment , but Glover Is married now , and Mrs. Cleveland said "No. " A IIUFKAWXAN 1'IXr.l ) . . As Indicated In tbeso dispatches , the presi dent is beginning to get fiightciic-l at the action of his old BufTolo , friends , and he In tends to glvo them sonm .places. To-day ho appointed Frank Xiobdycar to be commis sioner to examine thd Northern Pacific i.ill- road. Goodyeay la.a brother of Charles Goodyear , a law partner of W. S. Blssell. the piesmont's best friend. Cleveland offered this ran to Buffalo but , Ills friendi do not think much of It * > 8IIKItmAN-.IIOI.l4 ( JEjlONtMQ'C VATK. After a vast amount nt talk and red tape. General Sherldan.wlit probably have thocast-1 ing vote in TGen > niinofRate. . The general Impression is If Sitting Bull's .life was spared after the Custer massacre ; it would bo incon sistent to bank ( icroniinoniil , ( If the knotty legal question Is decided in favor of handing llio insuigent over to the military anthoiities , which Is now expected , General Sheridan's advice as to the punishment will be followed. General Sheridan lias just returned from a visit of Inspection of tlie division or thn Mis souri , and has had a conference with the president within a day or so. As far as any prejudice exisling against General Miles , as it volunteer ofliccr. and In favor ot General Crook , as a West Pointer , it is generally con sidered that General Miles hns the stronceit political influence of nny olllccr In the army. WESTKKN PORTAL CHANC1KS. William Golkan has been commissioned postmasleratSt Charles , Neb , The following now offices and poslmasters were established to-day In Nebraska : Wayne , /ullenberger ; Leonard , lawes county , Hamilton M. German ; Yankee , Keith county. COI.KMAN'S CHAIIOKS. Colonel N , E. Colimian. a former account ant In the disbursing otlice of the United States coast and geodetic survey , to-day tiled charge.s and specifications with the district attorney here ulleglnit fraud a-/alnst the fol- lowlnirollicors aud cmplorcs of the buieau : F. M. Thorne. superintendent ; B. A. Calona , assistant superintendent : C. O. Boutclie , H. ( } . Ogden , John W. Parsons , Kdwln Smith , F. II. Pnmnnsand'Il. ' M Bache. Warrants have been issued for all those implicated In the alleged fiauds , and It Is ex ] > ected that thcie will be a general shaking up In this staid old depnrtuitMit. wiioi.KSAi.r. iiiscitAiiui : OF rniNTnns. Senator Manderson , who has been here for a day or so , ban been quietly in vestigating the numerous removals and chanties In Iho government printing ofllco under Benedict. The senator is chairman of the senate printing committee , nnd he has notified Public Printer Benedict that llio committee Is empowered to inve.stlg.itu the government printing onico at nny time and he thereby served notice on him that the committee would begin an Investigation of his dismissals ami methods In n very few nays. Messrs. Manden-on , Gorman and llawley , compose tie | senate printIng - Ing committee , aud there Is a lively time | n prospect. Goiman has suffered most , and his men have been turned out unmercifully , It Is staled this mornlne that there will be a discharge of 300 moie employes of the government printing ofllco to-nlglit The employes of Ihat place stale that the large discharge aliendy made , nearly GOO have crippled the work going on there. There Is need of every ono discharged and moro besides to do the work rcqulreuby t' ' > e government. In the bookbinding department the work Is throe years behind time. The rush ot reports Irom the departments'wb.lch ore soon to be placed in the piinter'n Iiandx will require a largo Jorce to get them In readiness for con gress. When the Ujsr ariiu takes place It- will mnun nearly , ! XKpuV oiis thrown out of employment since Jm jLSmicdlet look charge. Tlio.First jMlifai ) p. 91. O.'B Report. WASIUNOTO.Vj ( icti ' t-16. First Assistant Postmaster Gei/erfU' / . A. Stevenson has submitted to tbef jiosjiaasu-r general his in- nual leport upon tbuap ratlonsof the bureau for the fiscal year ojn.d 4 June SO. It shows the number of.postelllcs established during the year to bea,4 2'pumber ; discontinued , 1,120 : net Increase , ? , : JG3 ; whole number of I > osloftlco3 , 63,0)4 ) ; Buwjjpr filled by appoint ments of the DostuvMtcr peneral , Sl.fiiy. The appo ntments madmlmlBS the year me given as follows : On ruMgn.ulons and commis sions expired. ' . ' , Ui ; increase , as compared with the previous > u r. 3W3 ; on removals and suspensions , tt.OfiO ; Increase , as compared wllh the previous year , 8.7.V1 : on deaths of postmasters. ! W7 : on establishment of new postofuees , , 8-J,747. General Stev enson icnews his recommendation of last year that the government pay otUce-rent for postmasters or Jhe third class. 1 Arrested for Car Itobbory. ST , l.ouis , Oct. 18. For some time past freight can on.llie Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain railways have been systematically robbed. The thefts lir every instance have been so completely covered up that detection for a long time seemed Impossible. The mat ter watt placea In the hands of detectives and nineteen brakemen were arrested at Fort bmllh , charged wllh bains implicated in the robberlw. humjrwlsof dollars of merchan dise nave in tuts way been stolen. SAD TALES OF DESOLATION , Heartrending Incidents of tlie Terrible Storm Along the Gulf , A FEAST FOR THE BUZZARDS. Wives nnil Children Drowned Hcforo HiifilmmtH nml Knthcra Tlio Death List Growlnir Appeals for liumcilliuo Aid , Theorem I > lnnipr. GAI.VF.STON , Tex. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tolo- ifram to the lii.j ) : : Kuithur particulars of tlm grertt disaster nt Sahlno Pass arc con- Btatitly being received. Tlio situation has not been exaggerated In the least A corn's- pondcnt who has just returned from Sahlnc 1'ass telegraphs from Orange that turkey buzzards are soarlint over Sablno for miles around on land and wntcr. It. Is ono vast charnel house. The town Is swept out of ex istence. What was n prospcious village when last Tuesday dawned. Is now the center of wreck and desolation. There are 12' per sons missing ana supposed to bo dead. Only about twenty-live bodies have thus far been recovered. There Is not ono sound house In the town of Sabinc. The residences'of Dr. GHIIland and Editor McClanahan are the only ones that can he repaired. Evciy other house Is an absolute wreck. This , In brief , Is the story of the storm. Innumnablo touching and heart-rending Incidents of the storm nro lolatcd by the smvlvor.s. One house , containing fourteen coloied persons , was seen to go down with a crash ntul every one of them was lost. Incidents are tclated of husbands lashing wives and children to floating wicekago and then seeing them killed by heavy logs being driven against them. The damaire to ptopcrtycan only be estlmatod by the value of the town , for all Is The Sablne. and East Texas railioad Is washed out for a distance of ten miles. The ties have floated oif and the rails arc twisted like wires. An effect of the great hurricane Is that millions of dead fish wc-ic easlup by the waves , and thousands of birds also strew the cround , A young woman lit n porfcctly nude state was louiul roaming arounil on the prairie , live miles fiom S.iblne. Hho was de mented and could not tell her name. When the government tug I'onroso reached Sablno ycsteiday Columbus Martin was found lowing around the delta looking for the bodies of his family. JIo said : " .Myself , wife and three children were clinging to the floating roof , which was gradually bicaking to pieces. One of the little ones went and then another. 1 was holding the youngest , and soon my wife said : ' ( ! ood-bje. husband , J am going. I could not reach her. The pieces of tlm roof supporting her liroko oil and she sank before my oye. . 1 ' 'eld onto the youngest child , named Pearl , some time longer. The child , addressing me , said : 'Papa. I'm tiled : won't you walk with me. ' 1 he niece of tool 1 wason was now crumbling to pieces. I told the little ono to kiss me . She put both her litilo aims around my neck andgaMiini'a big sotiee/e , , and just then a wave dashed us oir and L saw her no moie. ( real Cod ! , why didn't 1 go down too. " He was piessed to go on boaul thePcnrose , but ionised , MIJ Ing , "Hero amonir these lagoons aio tin-bodies ot my wife and chil- ilrcn , and heiu will I stop till 1 find them. " No tongue can tell how the people have sufleied during the past few days. Destruction nt Johnson' ; ) RnyonT OliANoi ; , Tex. , Oct. 10. | Sioelal Telecram Lo tho" Bii.J : : The village of Johnson's Bayou is on a high ridge on the sea coast , and the jayou from which It takes Us name runs ilirotieh the Inhabitable juris of Ihat section Df the settlement , In which Is also situated : ho postoflico station known as the Uadfoid. They nro in Cameron parish , on the Louisiana ihore , six tulles east of Sablno I'.iss. This Jayou is nineteen miles In length and varies from one to four miles in width. Ridges face the gulf twelve feet above sea level , and n the rear Is a dense ana impenetrable narbh. The population of Johnson's Uayou Tuesday nnmbcied TCOhouIs. To-day cighty- ivo of that number nro counted with the load. Itadf'ord was very thickly settled and populous. It boasted of its cotton gin and : otton and cane plantations. It was : ho head of navigation and the stores were nany. Principal amoni ; Uieso were those run byJ. Pavert , who also operated n gin , mil turned out annually 800 bales of cotton , aroduced In that section. Other stores were nvned by A. H. Smith & Co. and J. Griffith , general meichandise , and other small niei- lintits constituted the commeielal commun- ty. The handling of cotton and sugar cann products in the dlsttlct was the principal In- Justry. These ridges composed somu of the richest and most fertile grazing land ( n ountry , 8,000 , head of cattle and horses being jwned by the thriving community. Com munication with the outer world was had through two steam vessels , both owned In Johnson's , Bayous nnd Hadford , while a lleet of trading vessels plied the waters of the Bayou , On the mornlnprof Tuesday last liajtpiness ind contentment was the lot of the ) > eoplc , until 4 o'clock that evening. When the itorm descended upon them all took to their liomes. and waited with bated breath the fate which they foresaw. The waters began rising and the wind swept tlnough the lower stories of the building , driving the iitlrightcd people Into attics and upon roofs. By 10 o'clock the first lidse , which was twelve leet above the sea level , was ten feet under water. House alter house foil In or was swept away. Cotton and stores next succumbed. It was a night of terror , de scribed by the surtlvorK as appalling. The people could only cling to cuch other and pray for mercy and tor the souls of those whoso despairing shrieks rang In tlielr ears. For tweho hours the storm raged over the devoted settlements , and then there came n lull. Hope was boon revived as the waters receded and the storm jiassed away , and the survivors gathered on the most elevated points , viewing the scene of desolation around them. The houses that had stood tno action of the storm were completely untied , 'lucre was no food nor drink , the salt water having Invaded everything. Then the search lor the dead began. Those whose bodies lay pinioned by the ruins of the houses were speedily recovered. From the marshes more coipsos wore taken and bulled , TIIK DKA'IH ItOI.I. . The death roll was then made up us fol lows j Mns. FHANK TUIINKII ami two children. LOCKK. wife and seven children , Ou > .Mns. LOCKK. liiis. W. FKIIOUBON and three chlldien , ItitAin-oiti ) Br.nuv and daughter , Mrs. AMIKIIT IMMIIKHT mill two children. HAM HimwicK's eight children. MHS. SHKI.I , WAI.I.EV and four children. CKOIUIK STIVKXOK and fourchlldien. ! " "AK8"AM. , wife and grandson. Mas. b. GAI.I.IKII and four children , LON/.O SMITH and child. Mns. ' 1 ooriiAKE's four ehlldien. JACK loooiiAKK nnd seven children. Mist. HAWKINS and thieo children. un , CIOIIOE SMITH , wife und lour chil- All the above weie white people. The fol low ng is n lint of the colored jxioplo whose beetled lecoverod and Identified : EI.I'.VKU-JOIINSOX and wife. JACK hKwiH , jvifonnd brother. ItlCHAHU IlAMUntOK ) WlfU ftlld five cllll- Yeiterday woriilng a packet stein-wheel steamer called the Kmlly P. arrived nt John- eon's bayou nnd brought to Orange as mauv as .she could carry-rabout sixty peofclo. Not one of them bad anything but what they blood In , and many of them were minus liats. shoes , coats and. dresses. Tlielr wan's wer * promptly supplied by the p oplt > ot Udi jtlace and the refugees were made comforta ble for tinnluht. . This morning the I'.mlly I' , and steamer I.ark will return and from thonrc make regular trips until all aw itroughttoa plneo of satety. All the people , sasou few who Iwv" stock Interests , s.iy they hasp abandoned the place torestr. They are descendants of n raeo ot people who. In the past , made Johnson's bavou n vast oratigo LIU\O. The Irost came and ruined them nnd then they tinned to cotton and sugar and stock rnlslne , only to meet Hie fate of their forefathers , of the M.OOJ heail ol stock which of which once the b\\tm : . boasted , 0,000 nro ( downed , while the icuiain- der will die of thirst , as all the water Is salt. OIIIKII I'.MITIcn.VU' * . Nrw Ottt.v tN , Oct. 10 , It Is now learned that over eighty live of the Inhabitant * ot Johnson's Hujou. lost their lives In theslorm. roily of their bodies have been leeovered anil consigned to gia\es In Shell I lefts , while the decomposing corpses ol the remalninir for'y- ' ti\ollo tesleriiu In the marshes. Uodfonl was very thickly settled and when the stotm negnn I'uodav everjbody tool. to their homes and waited with bated breath a fate which theforesaw. . Tlio w.Ueis began rising , the wind swept through the lower Morlcsol the buildings driving the altrl hlcd Into nttlcs and upon tools. Hy K1 o'clock the Hist ildiro which was twelve feet above the sea ICAC ! was ten feet under. House after house Sell In or was swept away , either tvru.vlng the doomed people In the debris or hurling them into the passim. waters. The village of Itoaford and Johnson Uayou weicdcstioied ascomplelely as if nn Invading army had done the work. For twelve hours the stoim lagcd. Ofy.OOO head ot stock which < nee the luuou boasted. ( l.HW ( arediowncd. while the lomalndcr will die ot thirst , as all water Is salt. J. S. Spen cer , one of the Inhabitants ot the place , says this Is the third storm he has experienced , having been thioui'li the stoim nt MoiRau- thaw In Juno last , nnd at Indlanola in August. Ho was making a handsome liv ing supplying noithein and eastern maikets with bird skins and feathers. lie loses over SHOO In pnllcilcs. Spencer wns formerv ! editor of the liloomlngton (111. ( ) Pantagraph. There Is no estimating the total loss , as there Is no way of iiscerlnlning the valuation , hence It Millices to say that the town Is des troyed and abandoned. UIAIMUNT : , Tex. . Oct. If ) . The train which went toward Sablno to day as far as the track allowed , retiiincd here nt 8 p. in. Ftllecn bodies wcio leeoveied on the high land called Hack Hideo , west ofSabine , and were bin led. Six bodies of women were re- eoveied on the west shoie of the lake , two colored and four white , ono being that of .Mrs. W. A. Junker , of Carlisle. Mr. Junker Is still missing. The steimcr Emilj 1 * returned Irom Johnson's bayouLn. . to Oiaiiiro. and reports that those drowned at that place weio chiefly coloied people. Tlio deaths at Snbino Pass and vicinity will ag- LTCuatomoic than ninety and nt Johnson's bayou about elclity-tlvo. Only thice houses ate left tit lor human habitation , though pel haps n do/en are standing in a precarious condition. The people who escaped with their lives are com- pletelv ruined financially , a majority of them not being able to provide themsclvos with the bare necessities ot Hie. A telegram from the meichaiit of Oalvcston to the relief com mittee heic says : " ( Jalvcbton subscribes ? 1,000. " The Mexican schooner Heieules Is high nnd dry nt n point called Oil Ponds. Her captain icpoi Is that he was I'oiind for > 'ew Orleans wltli HV5 mahogany logs , all of which are now supposed to be lost , A circular will bo addiessed by the finance committee to the principal business houses in the leading trade confers ot the country. It will requlio Irom 875,000 to SlOO.tMO to meet the emergencies of the caso. The Michigan Storm. r > KTitoir , Mich. , Oct. 10. Hcports are slowly comlne In of M Mlamage clone by the storm. In most easei lamage Is to fences , trees , roofs , et f ses the ualo was up the river. St.9 ( .Talfwas ralsc hcltjliC'booing seven higher than e.ver known. icported all along the-slioro of tlculaily on the Ainerica'n'alde ' , bcU alr Haven and Nej sfi JL'lift-SrtitOT extended - tended a mile a'nd a'lij'lff ' upon the land , and floated away much valuable timber and sniilll houses. The sloop yacht Turk , of De troit , was carried away by the water , and tin- ally lodged In an orchard 150 feet from shore. Fields were generally inundated , The sloop yacht Annie S. , of Detroit , broke her cublo on the eastern side of the lake , nnd was landed high and dry a quarter of a mile from shore nt Suy Curly. Gil EAT imiTAlN'S GAliE. Extensive Destruction and linsa of Ijif'o hy the Storm. LONDON , Oct. la The troop ship Tyne , which Is thirty hotirs overdue at Plymouth , has been sighted elf there , laboring terribly in the storm , The greatest anxiety has been entertained concerning her for the last twenty-four hours. The British ship Tevlot- dale , which sailed from Cardiff , Wales , on Thursday last , was wrecked during the storm on Carmarthan bar. There were on boaid nt the time twenty-eight persons. A boat rescued nine from the wreck. The others , among whom were the captain and officers , left In a boat , and but two of them succeeded In reaching shore alive. The other seventeen perished In the waves. The L'reat hnmcano which hns just passed over England and Ireland was accompanied by the heaviest rains within memory. Duilug last night there weio many collisions and wrecks , and n number of channel llshlni ! boats were stranded. The storm was very furious on the Irish coast. The streets In many towns were flooded. Corn-stacks were blown away , and corn standing in thu fields destroyed. Theio have ueen destructive floods in Wales. The galu and floods along the honth nnd west English and Irish coast continue , having extended far northwnid. Many re ports of bridges and buildings bolng swept nwav are constnntlv coming In. In Ulftter , Iioland , the Htoim and Hoods seriously Impede railway tralllc. Many small vessels ha\o been wrecked. The loss of llfo ashore , HO tar , caused by the f torni , has not been greal , Tlio bark Uollaport has been wrecked oil' Skellgs Islands , on the southeast coast of lie- land. She was being towed by the tuc ( iame- cool ; , when the hawser parted nnd thobailc was thrown on the rockyshoronnd debtioycd. All her crow perished. Tlio CoiiKrccntionnl Council. CIIIOAOO , Oct. lO. When the Congrega tional council was called to order to-day Pro fessor liennei , picsldcnt of the Salt Lake academy , spoke airalnst polygamy. The fol lowing was adoplcd : Kusolved , That we rcco < nilzo with respect the loyal and Intelligent minority resident In Utah , nnd Ihat wo protest In advance against the admission of Utah us a stuto at any ilnio without the consent of that loyal mi nority. A bliort icport on the now west education commission was read , and other churches were urged to take moie Inteiest In assisting the work of education In the west , Itev. Albert Alvnh l'iintj"c ! , of DCS ilolnes , la. , read a paner on "Churches on the Border hand of Self-support. " This was a powerful plea lor dependent chinches. Tlm council will continue Its work next week. They SHU 1'rotPNt. , Ocl.lG. Gtoat crowds were pres ent nt tlm session of the Kpl.scopal con ven. tlon to-day to listen to the closing arguments on the piopo.sltlon to expunge the woids "Protestant Episcopal" fiom the piayerhook nnd laws of tlnu-hiiich. At thu conclusion ol the debate a vnto wi > | ; , by illoeives , witli the following ii-Mdts : Clergv of tottv- nine dioceses voting ; Vo.t * 17. nays 'Ji ; ill- vlded. 10. lay deh .itcs ol lorlv-four dlo- wises voting ; Yeah 11 , nay < t l ; illvldKii. 41. Thoiesolutlon was. therelore , declared lost. Tue convention najoiinied until Monday. Captain Hint Crew Lost , ST. JOHNS , N. F. , Oct. 10-Frlday night thu schooner F.millne , Captain Urant , bound from St. Ploire to Hay lMpalr.i ) > tiiicU on Ihv Dragon j-rouiontory in H imlta'o | bay , on the west coast of New Foundland , and sank im mediately. The captain and crew of six men were all lott THE PACKERS' ' WAR STILL ON , Crowds of Idle Men nt tbo Stock Yards Using "Moral Suasion , " WORKING IN THE NEW HANDS. Complete Arrangement ft > r thn l'ro lection of Properly Kvcry thlnjj Jlvndy foe nn Knierceitnjr l-'cw Violent Acts. Tlio C7rent Lonkout. CIIICAOO , Oct in ( Special Telpfiram to the lii.J ) : : "His war now for sure , " s.xld a stock man , ns he stood on thn Transit house steps alter his 0 o'clock breakfast. At this hour , usually so marked by ciowds ot men on their way to work , there was llttlo sign of llfo on the stnols.Vheie a week ago thous ands of men Hooped through the big pate leading to the yards , scarcely n ilocm at a time could be seen. Over in the exchange building , usually teeming with cattle bujere and sellers , eager and noisy as so ninny boaul of trade speculators , the great hall wap almost deserted , nnd the few that , from old association and custom , still made their ap peal a nee , stood aiouiid In a listless kind of way. A passenger ( tain came In on the Michigan Southern tracks , but Instead of piilliui : up on the usual side-track nt the depot , the engine kepi on around "Tho lloin , " and took three coaches up l-'orly- Mivcnlh stiect und stopped at the alloy whlch leads down to Armour & Co.s houses. ] Nearly two bundled men alighted and' walked to the ol..ce , wheio they were given jumpeisandoNcralls and set to work In the old house. What woik there was for thorn to do is n mystery , iia no hogs were being killed , but the authorities say that they were "set to work , " and as no one could see them there Is no evi dence to the contrary. Theio has been n committee , either appointed by the strikers or self-constituted , for the purpose of dis suading any new men from going to work. Thu members of the committee keep close wntch on the terminus of the sheet ear line and on that of the dummy trains , si ml sue eceded In Inducing a nunibei of seoken after employment to mturti to the eltv. They cannot obtain access to the special train * , however , and consequently succeed In divert ing but a very small proportion of the crowd thai dally applies for work Irom llm packing houses. However , Ihpy aio enthusiastic iu their work and hall each man who weakens with lusty cheers. The precautions for guarding the property of thu packets havn britn greatly Ineicased. In Ihu town hall am ascoic of cotson which the regular police sleep. Toleuraph wiles lead to each of the p.icklng nouses , and night and ihiy nn opera tor is on duty. The watchmen at the packing houses repot t by signal to the teli-phonu olllee eveiy hall hour , nnd n patiol wugon eicw is icady tor duty at a moment's notice. Klec- tric lights have been hung throughout all the alleyways and Illuminate cvtry nook and corner , turning the dnrkcst nlulit Into the day. Last , but by no moa'im least , In piotectlve mcnsuros , Is the PJukcrton force. Their barracks In Washington U itch- er's Sons' packing houses present the ap pearance of a military camp. All through the day and night sentinels , armed with tlielr Winchester rifles , pace tipand down the alley ways and tracks which surround It. The usual crowds of Idle men remained In the vicinity of the packing houses to day and bo- TOUcht men wlio could bo reached not to work. JMnny. applicants , for .work , ihowuver- \vent outon the regular and special passen ger trains and were landed nt the doors of the packing houses , which were guaided by' armed patrols. The strikers slonped a wagon containing clothing nnd budding for thq PInkerton men lust outside the city llmltu to-day and handled Hie driverroughly , throw ing the clothing in the atrect. A wagoii loaded with bread tor the Plnkcrlon guards was slopped outside the city limits , when thu police arrived the wagon hau'dlsuppo.irjd. The MinucnpollH Hu-ltohmeii's Strike. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Oct. 10. The switch men's btrikc stands In status quo. Superin tendent Kgan , of Manitoba , complains that n crowd of 200 slrlkeis this afternoon un coupled the cars und killed the engine of n trnlnload of wheat the company was try ngto inoyej Also that the police refuse to inter fere and Mayor Ames cannot bo found , 1NT1UHVJ13WED. His YlcwH on Prohibition and Henry Gcorcc'n Canilidnoy. Knw YOIIK , Oct. ! . [ Special Telegram to the UEK. ] A IJoston special elves the follow ing account of an interview with James O. Blalno : "i am just from Augusta , " said Mr. lllalne , "and on my way to Philadelphia , where. I speak Saturday night. I shall visit Pills- buigh nnd seycial other cities , returning about the middle of next week.1' "What } n the situation in Pennsylvania'1 was asked. "It Is about the same ns It was In Maine. The prohibitory j > arty'aro creating havoc , and seem determined to destroy the icpubll- can paity. " "How aboul Xew York staleV "It Is n little dltTcrcnt tlicic , " lepllcd lllnlno. "I prcsuino If the question wire Mibmtttcd to a popular vote It would bo de feated , and that Is the very reason why th temperance fanatics oppose such a proposi tion. It Is true thai llio lopubllcan party has never formally advocated prohibition In Its I'lnlform , but eveiy law that has tended In any way to the liquor linlllc In Uia slalo has been nassed by lepublicaii Icglsla- tiires. 1 remember an anecdote that Governor Seymour told me himsell. which hears on ilim vuiy < | iiestion , and which Is , by thu wuy , iigainst prohibition. Seymour was converu. Ing with Mr Dclavnn , of Albany , about the cflect of absolute prohibition In the htatu of Xnw York , 'Now , ' waid Seyniour , ' we had a community In the btato where llio bale of Intoxicating dilnk * was absolutely urohlbllcd , wheio everybody had all the food ho wanted to eat ami clothing he wauled to wear. ' 'Hut von wav talking of Klslnms , ' interrupted Mr. Jehivin ) : , 'lint Uwt'n the kind of n community you ma striving to cieate. Isn't It. ' 'Ve.s , perhaps so,1 rejdlcd Mr. Delavan. 'Well , ' mild Mr , Seymour , 'we huvo'J.800 of just such peoiilo as thchu in Sing Hing. ' Dulavan faiiw iho jtolnt. " "Do yon think the prohlbllory'party move ment much more dangerous than the labor movement ? " inqulied the correspondent. " \s ! , for the icason that the ioimei tends to dlsiupt nnd destroy the republican paity. It Is the strangest thittg to me why the third party men think that wo uio continually fighting temperance when wo are tor It. It Is a pcrtoisltvof liuman luitnio almost Innx- pllcable. 1 think that the campaign In Malno Injured the thhd party movement veii-mucli. Neul Dow'scondiiftcan only be explained on the ground that he Is nn old limn , " "What do > on think ol Henry Oeoige'a cnndidacy for Mayor of New YoikV" "I don't see how he is going to cairy his land schemes Into practice , " said Hlulue. "It may bo all well enough to limit the amount of land ono man can hold , but I don't neo how you can limit the time. . Ton cau't limit II to less limn a year , for a man will not ROW unless he can reap. " "Aio you satisfied with the n In Maine ? " "Yt' . , and more than satisfied. Wo had A good candidate for Governor In Hod well , oud nu will iiiuku an excellent Governor , " llntvltt niict Itnosovclt Aocopt. NF.VV VOIIK , Oct , 10 , Messrs. Hewitt and Koosc\elt have written formal letters accep ting ictiprctlvcly the democratic nnd ici can nomination ) ) tor mayor'of Mew York. Noln-anka unit lo\yu AVoathur. For NcbumKa nnd Iowa ; Kalr wcatlier , fet > lowed by local rains In the eastern poll Ion ; nearlf > latlonary temperature.