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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1886)
THE OMAHA- DAILY ! J SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , SATU11DAYMQKNING , OOTOBEll 30. 1880. NUMBER 110. A COMPROMISE IMPOSSIBLE , Pucke-a and Their Employes Announce a War to the Kuife. il EMPLOYERS STAND TOGETHER. HldcH Demand Unconditional iurrcndcr The Ilccf Slcn < Jo Out Orcon HandH ICtnploycil A lloyoott Tlucaicncd , The Slrngclo < ? ompUcntcd. CnicAno , Oct. 15.-Special [ Tele ram to Hie Br.i : . ] The opinion Is general that a long and blltcr striiL-glo between the packers and employes at the stork yards Is Inevitable. The ordering out of Armour's beef men Is looked upon as the pinna ! for war , All at i ! tempts by Delegates Hariy and Butler to ne gotiate or compiomlsc the queHtlonsraised bv the strike have signally failed. The pack era have not shown a disposition to discuss the matter In nn official manner and the stiikcrsnro disposed to reiciird this treatment In the light of a challenjc. After the meet ing of district assembly 57 early this moinlng Mr. Harry cnhl to a reporter : "We have formally declared war on the big poik speculator and It \vlll be war to the knife and the knife to the hilt. 1 shall uot to Richmond now before the con- \entlon adjourns and jou may depend upon It that Armour'HiucatstliroughouttheUiiltcd ' States will be an unknown ciiantlty | In less than tlnce months. Wo Intend to light nn aggressive battle , and Aimoiir will either be hiought lo terms or he relegated to the position of n dead packer , nol withstanding ids millions. As tar as the men aie concerned , \vcslmll take care ot themicsldcs ( the closing down of the Industiy here dors not of neces sity do awa > with it. The demand Is bound to lie supplied elsewhere If not hcie. " Illus trating inu general feeling among the packers , one ot the most prominent ouc.s said to a icporlcr when npproachcd on the subject. "We won't submit to any system but that of ten hours foi a day's woik at the ten boms' pay. In other welds , an unconditional sur- icnderoi nothing. I attended a meeting nf imekcr.s theotherday when the matter was fully dlsciis-ed. Green hands wilt be hired and biokcn In lapidly. This can ho easily done , but of couise it will take time to till all places. We , as an a'-so- elation , intend to start big conceins again llrut. Wo ha > c ailvcitlsed lor men all over the country , and alicady men are beginning to come In as a result of these amende" . Armoiit and the Anglc-AiiK'iicau will be running With full forces next week. This will win our battle. When those two houses me running lull-handed the light Is piactl- cally won. Wo can easily lav up for a few- weeks , or months , for that matter. Ten hours we will liavc and we don't want to see any committee either. II the men wish to leturn on that basis they can do so as indix ( duals. " The opinion ol this packer was read to othcis and pictty gcneially indoiscd. Thegieal tight between the employcis and emplojes of the slot'k yaids has assumed nioieseiious propotllnns. Aimour .fe Co. aie to make the test case and establish the pieccdent of which shall have the siipicmacy labor or capital. Allcfloits at a compio- mlso or even consultation with the packers having failed , tliostiikcin met last night anil decided to call out the bed butchers and the result was about one thousand live huudicd men quit work. Immediately a committee of men weiito\er to Aimonvicualr shops , at Foity-nltli street , near HalstiMil street , where between titty and sev.-nty men aie eiuplojed. Thej went in , had a shot t talk , and the men quit in a bodv. nil , including the machinist ; , going out. The engineers nt Aimoui's also quit woik this moining. New men continue to nirive houily , and this inornlnir the Lake Shore dummy brought over two loads to Armoui's hoiibe. On the lost tiip , about 10 o'clock , the ti.\In was blocked all the way down from Forty-seventh street , freight Kirs having been lutt on the side ti.icks and swltclie.s in such a manner that thn train couldn't pass. Ulti mately the men were compelled to get out and walk. The new arrivals all enter by the tear entrance , and Immediately go to work. From tlio icgularltv with which each house luliigH its quota there Is little doubt that the packers have agents oat hit Ing men. The new comers are looked an contemptuously by the locked out men. and they aie called " 1 hosiers I" "Scabs 1" "Mossbacksl" and other choice names. It Is estimated that Armour has twelve bundled of them at work. The scale of wages whlcli the packers offer their men is as follows : Scaldeis. 3:1.00 : and 54.00 ; seraoers , Si.'ir ; ; shovers , sS.OO ; mess nork trimmers , S--S ; mess poik choppers , : i.OO : trimmers , S'J.25 and SJi.ofl ; cellar men , $1.7.1 and J'J.'i'i ; lank men. 51.73 and S'J.i'i ; coopers , SU.OO. This Is on a basis of ton houis' iiay for ten hours' pay. Cudany cxnressed some surprise that the men should blame Armour for the trouble. Nelso Moiils denies the Htatementciedlted to Him that the affair was n move on the pait of Armour to drive Swift and himself out of the trade , and Unit ho was endeavoring to dilve nil the tmslness tram Chicago to Omaha and Kansas City. The following document , addressed to "Thn Public , " was given to the piess to- nUht : CincAno , III , . Oct. 15. Having noticed the published report of remai ks ot Mr. Thomas Hairy , of the committee of the Knights ot Labor , In which ho throws the onus ot the liicsent labor troubles at thcstockyaids upon the house ot Armour > V Co. , and holds t.iem alone icsmmslbtu for Its lemdts. we , the HI- nialulng poik and beet packets ol Chicago , who have ciiteied their piotest against thu eight-hour s\stem , do heieby announce that v > o ate unanimous In our action and that Aimonrit'o. ( a ° iu no more icsponslhlu for the piescnt circumstance than wo ourselves aie individually and collectively. All M de ments and rumors that Aimour A ; Co. are Htnndlng In the way of , or In any manner op- poslni : the amicable solution ot the question at issue , are cnlliclj without foundation. The discrimination against Aimour it Co.'s Uicssed beet business by the ordering out of the company's Imtchois Is equally unjust and tiureasonahlc , as theli competitors , Swift it ( i ) and Moirls it Co. , aut fully In accoid and Rymp.Uhy with the ten-hour system. ThuAlleiton Packing Company. Hotsford J'acKingCmup-iiu , G. W Jligglns A Co. , Hidcly Bios. . Itobcit Waiicii , Mlchener Bros. & Co. , Washington Untcheis1 Sims , AiiL-lo-Amcilcan I'lovlsion Compaiiv , Un- dcrv\ood iV Co. , I'loyd , llulfmaii A : Co , L. B. Doud * Co. , Jones it Stiles , John M or iel Kt Co. ( Limited ) . William II. Selber- hoin , Inteinational I'lovlsion Company , C. L. llntehliiMin , of Chleago I'lickliu and PiovN'ou ' Company , Union Stock Yards anil Transit Company , by John H. Slier- niTiii , Gcncialmanager , Gcoine 1) ) , llaldwln Co. , Joint Cudaliy , Moian it llealy. Cnii'Aoo Mcssr * . Armour ACo. . . Gentlemen - men : I beg to Inform you that Swift & Co. utid Nelson Morris have contributed several thousand dollars In support of the movement inaugurated at the block yards In favor of the ten hour system. i ( Signed. ) H. HoTarnm > . So It will bo scon the packers are m-tinir as- n unit , and It looks like "war to the knlto. " The piosnect of a tettlemcnt on u com- pmmlso is hecomiiiR a thing of the past , A 1C , ot L. man said this morning that he would net ho sin pi Iseil lo see a committee walton the bwltchmcn and ask them to set out the cars. That would have the Hlcct ol blocking up the biiMncss entiiely , A gang ot Piiikeiton men weio sent o\ci In Armour'.s beet hoiiio this morning am ! thev aiogrr.duallv being siiread out over th entire packing house distiict. It Is claimed by thepackeib thnt Aimour's and Kovvler'f houscu will be icadv to kill cnily next week , but the packing company will not care todr so. ' 1 hey say they ha\u whcd all over the country for men. and they have no Intention of resuming work at anything but ten hours , As they say there Is nothing to aibllratu 01 comproiiiii-o II IsoUdent that Jill cffoits In thai direction will be stopped. New men continued to anhe duilug lh ( forenoon and this atturnoou It was reported that Armour hnd 1,5"0 men cnuaged. The tweutytwo parkin ; ; house linns at the yard ! this uttprncou issued n circular In whlr.l they dociam they will stand together for thi Ion-hour system , and that statements am rumors that Armour < & Co. nre standing Ir > riy of , or In any manner opposing an am ) carle solution of the question ut Isjue , an eiUliely without foundation. At the rolWtaUon of | \ 1) . Armour , S , P Oarry and M , J , BuUei tint ut thu big \w \ k cr'soniceto hear him explain his poMtlon regarding the dilllculty at the stock yards. He denied having been directly or Ind reclly responsible for the piesence of IMnkerton men at the stock yanK ? s-evertlielcss he ap proved of the tact that they ha\e been brought there and would contribute toward keening them tin-re. They afforded a pro tection that could not be otherwise obtained. It was false thnt ho was in the way of an nmlc.iblo Injustm nt of the dllllcultlcs. In company with other packers ho had made a revolt againM what he was ju tiiied in believing to be an Iniposl- tlon on the part of the men. Mr. Harry sue- cc led tn.d theie was no danger ot nil out- bn'iik. ' This Mi-ssrs. Allerton and Aimour denied. Armour expressed svmpathy for the men locked out , and expressed fetir that the stnke would end In bloodshed. Harry.nd he was nnaWn to ' assocla ion see how the packers' could iclusoasettlcmeut on a slight techni cality when such lutciests were in volved. A messenger handed Armour a tele- uiam announcing that the last batch of kill. his In his employ had been called out. Ho read the mcssaue nlninl , ami te.irliiR the paper In shreds , closed the Interview with the remaik , "U Is ton horns or nothing. " Tin : KMoiir.s OF IJAIIOH. The Sonthu-CHtoi-n Strike From n Knlclit'n Htnndpolnt. JticiiMOXi ) , , Va. , Oct. 15. When the gen eral assembly ot the Knights of Labor went Into session this moinlng at t ) o'clock the lirst business to be completed was the elec tion of the remaining Kcneial otlicorx and two members of the co-oneratlve boaid. It was expected that this would take but a short time , and the consideiatlon of the icpoit on the revision of llio constitution picscntcd by thecomn.lttee on law would be u'sumed. This. In tin n , was loll , wed bj reports fiom other comii'ltlccs ' , neat l.v all of which are readj to report. Amoiu the Hist to be presented Is the report ot the committee on tlio state ot the older , of which Ralph HOau- niont is chaliman. This lepoit eiidoiscs the icpoit of the committee on legislation , of which Beaumont is chairman , and iccom- mends that the supplementaiy repoit of the same committee , In which apian foi a con- giess composed of icpicsenUtlu-s ol the Knlghtb of Labor bo established at Was'ilng- ' ton. he sent to all local assemblies tor their approval. Mr. Heaumont is dally in receipt ol leltcis both from Knights ot Labor and otheiH commenting Ills idea. Tim commit tee on the state of the order also en dorses the penciai mabtcrworkman'.s address to the geneial assembly and iccommends tlio endorsement of the repoit ot Charles H. Lichuiau , special agent appointed by the genem ! mas ter workman to icpiescnt the order before the congressional ci.mmiitcc appointed to In- vestisiao tlio cause nnd ellect of the south- woi ; ctn railway shines. In his lepoit Mr. Litc.liman recites that the hearings weie held \aiiousplaces in Texas and Arkansas , and sa > s : "The testimony in bcliidl ol the lai road was mainly to show what great damage had been caused by the striKc to tlio laihoad pnmeity and com merce , that il had uten begun on a frivolous pit-text without leal cause , and that the older ot the Knights ol Labor was dlicctly responsible lor all the damage done and all tint acts ot violence couiiiiittcd With the unlimited ii'somecs at their command , it was compiiativcly easv I or the lailroad olllcials to c.iielully drill theli witnesses in a line ot statements which .should lit eacli other , and this pitlimiinii1 } drilllnir was painluUy an- paient In the teHliimmy iriven. Like a lot ot parrots they all re-echoed the statement that the only cause they hae ever heard assigned foi the strike was the dl < ; liaigo of a man named Hull , of Maishall , Te.v. The lin-l business of the assembly this morning was thoconipletlnnof the list of geiieialofllocrs by the election ot li T. C. Schlleber , ol Massachusetts , and L M. Bioiighton , ot Raleigh , N. C. , as mimibeis of llio geiieuil co-opoiativo bo.ird. David K. Gibson , of Hamilton , elected Can- dian .supply agent. His duty is to icceive supplies of piiutcd documents of all kinds in bulk and distribute them to the local assem blies throughout Canada. This completed tlie full corps ol geueial olllccrs and their in stallation immediately lollowed. Powderly , addressing tUo general assem bly , expre.ssetl full conlideiice in the men elected and pledged him..ell to tliu faithful performance of the duties entrusted to him. He uiged upon the assembly the Impoitance ol tempciaiice and asked them to endeavor to impi ess thn Impoitauce of this subject on I he various local assemblies. The geneial master woikman installed all the olllcers elected. None of them made speeches. Tlio following resolullon was presented by Delegate Hairett , of Pennsylvania : WHKIIUAN Hepoits have been circulated and Impressions been cieated by tlie press of the country icgardiug the imsltion of tlio Knr.'hts ot Labor upon the question of social equality , and WiuitiAs : , Wo believe the wclfaie of the order In tlio south icqiilies that this general assembly take such action as will dispel wrong impressions ; therefore. Kcsolved , That tlie oigaui/atlon of the Knights of Labor promises civil and political equality ot all men , and in tlie broad Held of labor. It recognizes no distinction on account of color , but It has no purpose to Interfere with or disrupt social relations which may exist between the dltlcieiit laceH in tiie vari ous poitions of tlie country. This lesolutlon was adopted without de bate. Dining the dav the committee on the state of She ( nder recommended the endorsement of the icjiort of Charles N. Lltchman , special agent appointed bv the geneial master work man to iciiiesent the older before the con gressional committee appointed to Investi gate the causes and effects of thosouth- wcstein railway strike. The leoort reviews botli sides of the question at considerable length and says It Is easy enough now to make Maitin lions a scapegoat and say he 01 doled tlie stiike without authority , but the truth Is that every local assembly voted to give the tltstilct board power to demand an adjustment ot the giievaiiccs complained of , and tliu lelnstatemeut of Biother Hall. Among the Interesting facts ot thu Investigation was tliu existence of a black list uuou which weie placed the names of all persons dis- chaiged. Them Is icason to believe that these black lists me Interchanged among rnilioads , thus making It difficult for men discharged by one ioid to get employment on iinotliei. At tlie altcrnoon session It was decided to hold the next annual convention at Minne apolis In October , 1S.S7. In the evening Fiank Wilklns , chairman of the slate executive Hoard of thu KnUhtsot l/.Oorot Wisconsin , telegraphed as follows to J. K. Chatlleld. Milwaukee : "Inseit In all labor papers and adveittse in local papers , over my signature , that all knights am heieby instructed and nil work- Inpmen n'qucstcdtokcepaway from Armour , of Chicago. Thu cause of his men Is your own , " _ I'ool , CHICAGO , Oct. 15 A Daily News special fiom Indianapolis , Ind. , bays : U Is author itatively Mated hue that the long continued litigation between thu liidlanai > ells , Bloomlngton & Western , and the Cin cinnati , Sanduuky A : Cleveland roads will tiu speedily biought to a termination by thi ) consolidation of thn two Hues under the name , "ImUaiiapolK Hloomlngton tV West ern , " Tlie now toad will tin O'ji : miles long , ana will inn fiom Pcorl.i.lll. , to Cleveland , O , The HlilLtny Kwltclimen. Mii.wAi'uuu , Wis. , Oct , l.'i. Supcrlnten- dent Clarke , of the Chicago , .Milwaukee .t St. Paul railroad , says his road has scented enough new men lo move its liainsat Minne apolis. despite tlieMtlVuihiiiitoO o'clock this mornliif. Ttu > other roadp Involved have not secured help buflicleut to move their trains. Donovan nnd Sum Patch , HocHEoiKrt , N' . \ . , Got , 15. Donovan , who Jumped off the Diouilyu btlilge , I ? here exauilnluv the Genuco falls , where Bum Patch nude his cslf brnted leap to death over fifty yi'MH ato. Donovan will erect n plat- foim utid aittiiapt ihnnxmo leap. Nohraik * and IOXVA 'NVcathcr. For N ct > rusks and Iowa ; Fair wrathr , sta < lloiiur > ( en fratur ? . ANOTHER BLOW FOR BAYARD , Consul Grcenlwim Adds One Moro Drop to tlis Bitter Cup. STATE DEPARTMENT DECEIVED. Politicians Disappointed Over Cleve land's Depurturc ( Unrlleld's Vn- dcrtnkcr Claims nn Unpaid nill-Cr i > | inl Now * . Prcsli Trouble For Hnynrd. \VASin.soro.v , Oct. 15. [ Special Telegiam to the Btu : . ] The state dcpaitiiicnt Is hardly out of one tiotiulo bcfoto It is In nnollicr. Just when Hajari ! had gotten Sedg.viek back f i om Mexico ami Culling cut utr and out of sight , GrcviiUjnm tin 113 up once moiu nt tliu Samoan Islands. When Giccnbauni was appointed consul to Samoa ho lull for that place before the senate continued him. While he was at the post word cnino to tlio statHdcpartiiicnt of his peculiar conduct , and It was tliniiL-lit , of couise , his nomination would bo withdrawn fioiu this senate. Hut It was not , ninl lltmlly the senate did con Him him , the slnUMlep.n tmoiit not telling It of Greenhaum'.s action. Kin advices again came to tliu of his peculiar acllons In Samoa , so that when he inlonucd the depaiimunt that ho Intended to come home for n vacation llayard told him to come hero.Vlien \ he did come , utiuiit two months ago , Sec.ietiuv Bayaid inlonucd him Hint Ins coiiuiil.vlua had been withheld , and that he was e\picted to it-sign at once. Gti-eiib.uim asked tor tlino to go home to San Kianclsco to prcpaie lib icslL'tintlon , and this was granted. Meanwhile - while Seeietaii Bayard appointed Mr. Hates , of Uelawuie , a legal envoy , a la Sedgwick , to piocced to the Sumoan islands niul btiait-'hlcn out the damages done by Gscen- bauin. The department waited lor Gieeii- haum's resignation , but It c.ime not , and ntiiilly Hates leached Samoa , llo found Crt'enbatiin already there , installed still as couiiH-1 and lefusing to pive up. The state department was dumb loundcd when they lieaid that Gieenbuum had placed them false. The dlunitj of the august dcpaitiiicnt was Insulted , but \\liat to do they did not know. Grcciihaum .still held on. Dates > egan to investigate and discovered that a Kienchnian had died In Somoa and lelt an estate , and ( iiccnbaum , as American coiibtd , had been aiiponikd iiilmlnisliator. The reason he was selected was because the American nation was supposed to bo ttie most Iriemlly to Fiance and the. Kiench had no lepiesenlative theie. liate.s continued Ills investigations and tound that Gieen- j.ium had been unlsiilhtiil as trustee to tin * estate and had mlsappiowiate.d some of the funds. The state department was atouci' . Then began a conespondence be- iween Hates and the dcp.utmcnt which has the secietary gicatly. The ollicial.s aie. veiy cautious as to what they say. They icknowledgo Greenuaum was appointed tiustee , but .say that they can sav no iiioio about the matter. The state depait- ment is , however , negotiating through Hates tor a settlement of the estate. While peiiiaps the United States could not bo held legally to account for ( iii'onbaiiiu's shortcomings , the department thought it would be best lor the United Stales' honor to settle the little matter out of Unelo's po-ket without any luss. The dep.utmont hoped to do so without Its gaining publicity. ( ! rcenbanm , It Is said , is still in Samoa , and is just about to write his i csisnution. Secretary Uajaul hopes so. so.HIS HIS A I'l'OlNTKn POI/mr-IANS. The iiri'sident's sudden depaituie last night has lei t quite a number of anxious poli ticians stiandeil. They had no Idea Mr. Cleveland contemplated leaving the capital even tor a day or two , and them was much sin prise and consternation at the announce ment this morning. They aie heio Irom New York , Michigan , Connecticut , Pennsyl vania , Ohio , New Hampshire , Vermont , New Jersey , South Caiollna and Missouii. Ex-Senator Haninm was added to the list yes-terdav. and Hepresentatlves Stalilnecker , ot Mew York , and Krmentront , of Pennsyl vania , each with a number of followers , appealed last night. A number of New Jer sey politicians amscatteied about the hot-ils. They are all looking after the olllccs and are not pleased that Hit ! piesident should give them the slip in this way. Sceietary Man ning can't be seen by them and they are In a bail state of mind. Many lelt on the atter- noon ttalns tor home to-day. oAnrini.D's Kt'Ni'.iiAi , ixi'KN.sis : : UNPAID. " 1 have never been paid the amount of my bill for the ( iarlield funeral , " said Under taker Snoar to your cones-pendent to-night. His charge was something ovnr Sl.lKK ) , aim included the expense of gelling carriages , for which-the h.iekmun demanded $10 a day. None could be obtained at a li' s pi Ice on that occasion , because ) of the ver > great demand for \en'cles of every kind , but the extra- economical boaidot audit , never fora miniito thinking of the dlfliculty on Hiich a day of obtaining carriages , especially when so largo a number was needed , refused to allow mom than the ordlnaiy charge for such convey ances , and .so cut down Spear' < bill so that ho could not have taken It in payment except at a great sacrifice. Ho lefused to accept the sum allowed in lieu of his cliaige , it being onlv about .1 thiid of the amount , trusting that congress would In duo time render him justice. Hut ho has never yet received the money. About S55.000 was allowed by eon- giess to pay the expenses of the ( laniold funeral , but the board of audit so pared down the bills that a huge balance was left to tuin Into the tieasury. I'ltoviiiiNo roit KIIKNCMI HI'IISTS. In view of the fact that congress failed to make the necessary appropiiation for the en tertainment of the representatives of Kiaiico to the dedication ( ciemonies of the Hartholdl. statue. the piesldi-nl could not In vite the guests in the name of the nation , In order , however , to manifest the pioper couitesy of the govcinmcnt to the Fiench republic - public , the piesident Insttuctnd Sccietaiy oC State Bavaid to authorize Minister McLean tooxtend the Invitation In the name of the president. Assistant Secietary of State J'oitcrsald to your correspondent to-itay that the matter hail been agreed upon only a few days ago , when the Instiuctionu were Imme diately cabled to Minister McLean. llo did not know how many would bo Invited. "This Is all left with the minister , " said the assist ant secretary , "and 1 snpnoso ho will bo gov erned bv the wishes of the French authori ties as to whom Invitations should bo ex tended. " AX IN.H'HEI ) IA\Vt nil's Sl'IT , Mr. Jerome A. Manning , the lawyer who was debai red from praetico before the Ala bama claims' court , Intends to make thlnirs wai m for the three judges. He represented over t'OO cases , and claims that ho has been Injured greatly by the action ot the court , llo has Instituted suit against Judge French , of Massachusetts , lor 3100,000. He next Intends to siio Judge Hailan , in Iowa , and Judge Draper , In New Vmk , for like amounts. Ha also claims that Sccietary Hayarti , In his ruling and certification , has not compiled with the law , and Is liable to Impeachment , A WK8TWAIilllOl'M > > OKI'ICIAI , . Colonel Swltltnchief of the bureau of statistics , lett this inoriiini : for a visit to Ne braska and Ida old home at Columbus , Mo. Kate.n Iy Mr. STIW.IXO : , III. , Oct. is. Mis. well , a widow aged seventy years , left hci homo on Tuesday afternoon between Sand 4 o'clock to vibit Mr. MuVYIIIinms , distanl about threc-quaitcis of a mile. She did nol rot in n on Tuesday nlghl.hiit nothing btrangt was thought of It , but nmlety came when Wednesday moi nine did not hrlnghors anil search was made , and utter a tlmcboimi and pieces of her bloody tlesh weioouiut fiur rounded by a drove of hoes , who were figjit Inc over her remains , which were identified by scraps of clothing as those of Mrs. Green well. It is supposed that the old lady tnlnte.i and Hint thehotfs. attacked her before shi regalaed cousclimsntss. DHACH ItKTIIUCS. Tlio AiiBtrnllnn oKraman Wllhlrn\v ( Krom PnlHIo Lille. LONDON , Oct. 16 , ' 4 a. in. f\cw York Icrald Cable-Special lo the Hr.K.-J. ] (5. ( ) ecble , the Atislrallan sportsman and backer of Heacli , on his way to join the latter at lyinouth on the stvaincr Uisltnnla for Sydney , called on the editor of the Sports- nan. Tlielnltcrthls morning says : "Mr , ) eob1o nulliorlzcs ino to state that Ullllam Jeach has decided finally to retire Into yrl- ate life. The champion has beaten all the prominent sculls of his lay and therefofo considers ho is en- itled to icston his laurels. Ills private affairs now elaiul ao large a portion of his at- citllon that ho Is unable any IOIIKCI to devote - vote the wces-nry time to the pnrsnlt.'of scull- ng. He also feels that age is cieeplng on lini and that though he Is still well raid learty. the stilct ordeal of training will bo found too trying lor his constitution. In leaving thn tield for youngei men to eolitebt , IIP believes he Is tak- ng the light course , and coiisldeis that Imv- ng beaten every sculler of any pretentious to the championship , he has done all that can easonably be expected of him.1 On tills announcement , and Heeeh's refusal to accept's challenge. It is thought probable hat the tatter's friends will claim the chain- lionship of the world lor him. \'le\vs on Kolrllmtlon. Ort , lf > . iicv. Henry Ward Heecher delUerort an address to-day In Itev. I'aiker's City Temple , on "Pulpit Wmk. " llo dwelt upon the aid the newspaper run- leii'd the pieachor. A number of questions were asked Mr. Hcer.hcr as to his idea of the loctilno of ictribution , and his answers aused Intense excitement , several times the ludienoe ilslne to their leet and loudly pro- osting against his views. Mr. Heechnr re- .01 ted that any man believing in retribution , who man led , enteicd society and smiled , was a monoler. lit' prcfeired working through a ear springing from ln\eiather than throuzli t fear of the barbatie docttlne ot retrib- ition. In Kranue. I'.vius Oct. 15. The Temps announces ; hat beyond the credits required to alter the nfantry illles and to continue the artillery 'xperlments. General Houlanger will not asker ; or extiaordinary military credits. The employes ol the Hevanehes illlce , who were ariestcd Wednesdav for carrying in public lampoons on Hlsmaiek , havubeon released. M. 1'erya- nont , the dlieetor of the paper , will Drlngan ictlon against the authoiitles lor violation of ho press law. Owing to tlio hostile attitude > f some Met/ tradesmen durlnc'tho visit of he Clown Prlueo Fiedqrlck William to Unit ity , the German office resident then * have xiycottud the shops , acting , U is supposed , inder orders of the Gciman government. in Gcnnnii" _ . Hnni.i.v , Oct. 1. . Ofiibial circles here con- inno hopctul of an amicable settlement ot he Hulgailan question , The conservatives in the leichstag will pro- IOHO a motion to replace the military septc- uate by an unfixed period. The effective may piojects have been ostensibly abau- loned hy the government , in order to allow .he coiiseivntives to lake the initiative . The official binleinuut issued yesteidav hews that tlio value of exports fioui Ger- nany to Ameilca diu'ing.tho fiscal yearend- ng In September was sjoOJO,000 more than hat for the urecyulng liseal jear. Kmperor William lirs accepted an luvita- ion Item the regent on Brunswick to go boar muting In the Haiti uuiuntaljis ut the end of liis month. , Dolcijatna to Inbcrly's 1'Aiii" , Oct. 15. Hie following arc the ad- lltional names of delegates who attend tiio iartholdl'.s statue dedication ceremonies in New York haibor : M. Kobcrt , chief of the lepattiuent of public instruction ; Haron and jarone-s Salavadpr , Commandant Pusy , of lie Kcolo 1'olyiechnlaue ; Colonel Laussedotc , litector of the Kcolo loaits et Metiers ; jleiitonant Villegente , aide-de-camp to M. \iule , minister of marine and the colonies , uid M. Hieland , the delegate ot the Paris chamber of commcrca They will leave for Vow Voik to-morrow. < ; 7. Still \iiv\i\K- \ \ CITY OK Muxico , Oct. 15. The rumors originating In the United States of the assas sination of General Gon/.ali/ ! , cx-piesldcnt of the republic and pow governor ol the state of Guanajuato , have readied here , but In quiry shows that there Is no truth in them. Goveinor Gonzalez ; at the latest accounts , was In good health and attending to the duties ot hisoflice. ' A PollHh Jlunlr. HKKI.IN , Oct. 15. Eighty Polish land own ers held a meeting at I'osen to-day and rc- ved to establish a.oan | and trust bank with a capital of i,000,000 ! maiks , toasslst the Poles n resisting the efforts ot tin * government to Geunanize tint Polish provinces. Treason In Hong. Hiiu.i.v : , Oct. 15. Abbo Saboura , of Vion- vllle , is beinc prosecuted In the Metcouit for having had patriotic French hymns sung n his church. The German protecutlon asks that the abbo 'be Impvlsoned six months. Judgment was deferred. Halo of I'Orlllnrcl'H Flno Stock. JOHNSTOWN , N. Y.Oct. 15 , At the Han- cocas breeding farm to-day I'lwo Lorlllard sold alt of hla stallions and brood mares. The [ irlces received were fair , and the total re- all/ed was 8142,895 foreighty-three lots. The average for the live stallions sold was 50,390 , and for blood marcs 5rll'i'Jroquois , the winner of thu Kngllsh Detby , was bought hy William 11. Jackson , of the Hello Meadu farm , Nashville , Tcnn. , who , In n short speech , declaied he bought the cairler of AniTlcan colors on foreign soil for fear ho might he taken away. The piico paid was Ovorliiiid SAN ? 'iiA.vci ! < coAJct. 15. Hntn cutting on overland fares , wlucli has been practiced in a quiet way liflotof | ( > ritlg now done openly. The schedule rate to New Yoik Is 381 , but it Is stated that tickets PJft being sold as low a * SOT , Another fa to vtar similar to that of live months ago Id believed to be imminent This state of affairs Is jtue to the failure of the attempt of local jjarjiwuger agents to toriu an association for jnutiW jirotectlon agaliibt rate cutting. f ) i n i Cliioapto U\H tbo lOdiioatora , CiuoAno , Oct. 15.4To-ilav , for the first time , It became positively Known that the National KditcaUona ! association will hold Its next meeting In < 4ljlcaKO. ! The selection of a place of meeting rested with the execu tive committee. The , leadline leaunoofthe a''reument Is with thy njllioads , to theelfeet that tickets will bo sold for lonnd tare , plus S3 , which wilt pay for > a membershl ] ) ticket In the association ; and thus' in tuinwill en title the puicliaser of the tlclcet to have it olliclally stamped loftliu letiirntiip , A Stupendous Claim , Pn'rsiiL'jto , Oct. 15. The claimants to Ilnilcm commoiis-in New York have finally completed all the details necessaiy to begin their legal light , and within. tau days will hie In the United States clicnit couit In Now V'nil : a .stupendous bill In cnulty. The valu ation of the land Is S3000XX ( ) , and they will bo willing to bottle oil a basis of JO per cent. ratal Hotel Tire Ki.i/AnKrii , X. Jj , Oc ( . 15 , The AVindsoi hotel , 'at Koselle , was totally ileslroyed by lire to-day , Johanna Sullivan , u launiliesi. , was bn'rncd to death. The hotel was v.i'ue ' * ! at S-lCiOi\iiil was owned by Colour ! Jui.ies Moore , and t'.io ' G. G. lirovvn cstktc , of ICHzii' belli , and Saufotd HM. > . , of New York. Tti iusurauco la tfl.Sw. IT UT i o vnrri I'M * i ppi n i 'Pt r\ IT WAS NOT EXAGGERATED , Reports of the Disasters Along the Gulf Only Too True. HUNDREDS OF LIVES LOST. llcllcf Uonts KctuMiInc With Trri'llilc TnlcH of tlip Cntaslroplic Aliolo snlo DuHtrtiRtlun of Property Aid U'nntcd. Tlio ToxiTSTlorror. BEAUMONT , Tex. , Oct. 1,1. The first re ports of the great disaster at Snliini * 1'ats were not In the least exaggerated. In tact they undcrestlmatod tlie number ot deaths caused by the Mot m. The death roll now reaches ninety , with a number missing , ills thought that fully one hundred UCIMHIS met their death on the nlnlit of tfegale. The le- Ilcf party that went down as near Kabine as possible on the S.iblne it Texas raihoad aio still there. The tialn could nol get within twelve miles of tlio mined town. Xtw : OitiPANS' ] .a. , Oct. in. A special dispnleh to the Picayune says the toilet boat I.auinrlins relumed to Heaumont liom Sabine - bine Pass. Only two homes aie left In the latter place. One bundled and one p.'iMins are missing. The lellt'f committee leports that theieaie many peisons in the vicinity of S.ibino Pass who are utteily destitute , being without elothlngto cover their naked * nvs > . The committee icquests aid for tlie destitute. Evcrj thine fond , clothing , money Is needed. Out of 1M houses in the village , le. s than slv ip.maln " landing , and they aie ruined. Whe.s and ehlldien weie swept away and diowlied in the ptccncc ot thulr hiHb.uidsanp lathers , who were power less to save them. The wine broke against tiie li < ht hou ( > in a .solid wall fifty I cot high , tearingout the windows nt the uuv top of tlipstruetuie. Cfu-pses liave been picked ui > at a distance of thli ty miles from the scene ol the disaster. The pecunlai } damage at Sabiue. Including that to the goveinment woiks , will aggie- gate nearly 5500,000 , as man ) of neighbomig plantations sustained seilons Injury. The names of Mfiy-ti > c colored \icliiiishave not been ascertained. An Orange ( Tex. ) special to the Times- Demociat tiom a coiiespondeiit who was with die relief ] inty on the steamboat Lai- in.irdisiialclied . to the seeny of destruptlon by the Hood at Sahine Pass and Johnson's H.i > ousasol the latter place : The small bunt sent out to Johnson's Hayou returned to the .steamer in the alternoon with most dls- ticssliig reports Item tin : community , hun- dieds ot peisons being drowned as well as tearnl ! and complete destruction of property , including thousands ot heads of live stock. Hie Camcion Heaoli hotel was seiiously threatened , but was saved by the cattle ciowdlng Into the lower story , thereby preventing the Imlldlnir from tloajlngoli with its nppei sioiles tilled with ti'iior-.strieken humanity. The hmlly P. and lelief puty for Johnson's H.ijoti nui yet nnhcaid fiom , and full paitlciihus of the disaster in that section cannot be given out until her letnrn. It Is safe to say that no such destiuction of life and propeity was ever known beloro on thu Gulf of Mexico , and help will be needed and Is asked fiom all quaitersot thecounfiy. LATIH : The Kmily P. has just ar rived with sixty-two smvivors. Thirty-seven bodies of peisons who were drowned at Johnson's Hayou have been iccovoied and sixty-live aie still mlss- ing , but tlioli'-names cannot jet be ghen. .Previous accounts have not been exaggerated. The relief party icpoit fearful devastation. Tliu govoiiimeut tug Ponui-,0 has also anivod bringing the body of Mis. Junker. ' 1'hose on loaid give gloomy accounts ol the situation at the Pass. Captain liallcy , bar pilot at Port Kails , re ports that theiu weie twenty-six lives lost during the ii'ccnt stoim on the bayous lead- lug from thc-Gultin the uliectlon of andback of the quarantine station. Dcfltrnctlon at BufTnlo. HLTFFAI.O , N. 1. , Oct. 15.-Tho wind storm whlcli visited Hulfalolast did a vast amount of damage. For a time tin ; wind reached a velocity of seventy miles an hour. On the lake fiont , In the vicinity ot what Is known as the Sea Wall , fortv small houses were totally destiojed by the wind and water , and their occupants had to IIy for their lives. Several persons are known to have polished. Among them are Charles Mitchell and an old man named Jolinathan Edmunds. The bodies of twochlldicn were lecoveied this , morning , also two bodies whlcli are unknown at present. On the Ilambuig turnpike , near the city , twenty or thirty families have been rendered destitute , and an appeal for aid has been Issued , Thiougliout the city many buildings were damaged. The most sellout , damage was sustained by the splendid new music hall. In course ot construction. A large section of the rear wall , which was neatly i ady for the roof , was blown down with u tcrrilic crash , shaking tlio houses In the vicinity like an earthquake. Thu dam age to the building is estimated at J1'J,000. ? Work on the structure will be gieatly delay ed. Mrs. Itobcits' saloon and boarding on the Turnpike load was caiiied about live hundred feel , and the family were rescued trom thebnlldlngbj thcpolke. The oHiccrH also lonnd a family named Qiilnn up in a tree. Their house had been demolished , and their lilied man. John Kd- munds , who could not climb the tiee , was diowned. Another house on the Tin npike was cat lied away.and the tamllv aio missing. The scenes on the beach this morning nom the toot of Ganson stieet and for half a mile or more to the east bailie descilptlon. People weio passing In crowds over the heaps of wrecked houses and along the beach near the sea wall , where the houses had stood on spiles. Of thu forty or more houses that stood on that part of tlio Island yesterday , but tluee or tour remain Intact. Initnlicr OiaflH RatV ) . CHICAGO , Oct. 15. The river this morning between Its mouth and tlic lumber market presented one of the busiest sights of the season fiom 8 till a few minutes after 0 o'clock. Twcnty-thieo vessels , pilnclpally lumber hookers , had passed the barge ofllce at Itush street. All these crafts were fortu nate enough to have gained the west shore before thu stoi in caught thorn and in consequence quence were enabled to boat down without difllculty , all aiilvlng In poit .ship s.ifo with the exception ot a tew that lost some of their sails , Humored Htiiiinihont BOSTON , Oct. 15 , A special to the Herald from Uigby , X , S. , says : The steamer .New Brunswick , of the International line , when about twelve miles out from Dlgby last night , was BCCII to send up rockets , and ( lames were seen In the place where she stood. It Is supposed her boiler burst , There weie one bundled passengers on boaid. Two captains of lishing vessel * saw the steamer and corroboiato the repoits It Is thought the steamer's boiler burst because , II she had taken lire , the boats would have had timeto leach the shoie long befoie now. as the bay was calm , Evidently something hail happened to the steamer , as all agice that before daik she remained in I lie tame placi for bourn. Many poisons having filends on board are ulmo- t wild with suspense. ST. JOHNS , N , H. , Oct. 15. The steamci > ew Hiunswick was seen this moinlng , al right , folly miles below Grand Monad , No Dlxeuscd Milk. CHICAGO , Oct. 15. Justice Tuley thU morning dissolved the injunction which UK milkmen had soon red against Health Coin missloner DeWolf , who had prohibited thi sale of any milk taken from the cows at anj of the distilleries wheio quarantine exists The judge commented severely on the at tempt ot the milk dealers to trullle In sue ! unwholesome and dangcious food , and bait itv.t Dr. DeWolf's order should bo enforced bomo Ueuty-tive milk dealers are allecteti. 1UMSCOPAU TltlKNM.VI/ . Work of the Oront Cliurcit Conven tion in Chicago. CtttfAoo. 111. , Oct. 15. The Protestant [ "pl convention was opened this after- Kinn by thn reading of piajers by Nov. C. A. lllchardsoii , of Uhodo Island. The mes-sauo 'loin the hou eof bi hnps , while cxpiessliig i.Hiipathy for all wUo ellorls to Incieaso the ; no\vlcdgo of the bible In heathen land * , Iocs not deem It expedient lo Incur further \pensi > ? . The house ot bishops al o rceoni- uend the appointment nt n joint committee o whom shall bo refeirod all loporls relating o the tucil and Infirm elerey fund. Another message recommended that the I wo com m t- Ue.s on Christian education , under the auspi ces of tlio church , lepoit Mich wajs and iieansas seem practicable. The consecra- Ion ot Itev , Dr. Malilou ( lilbeit , lo oc as ist- atitliHiop of Minnesota , wasappioved bv the IOII L' nl [ ( Khops. The house of hMiops also pnsoil the fol- owing : "Tin1 house of bishops takes the oppmtun- ty to assure the house of deputies ol Its pro- 'ound symiMtbv with the spit It of their icso- ullons. This house declines Its hearty re spect and affection foi all those who lo\c the Lord Jesus Chr'st ' In slncerltv , and at this time especially lor their tellovt ehilstlniisas- iMiibled In this city as the national council of ongiegntloual churches In thoUnltedStates. This house ul\\i\i. \ ! avows Its solemn pmpoi-e tinier the guidance ot the Holv Spirit to pro- note , with the eoncunoncc of the house of lepiitles , some practical plan for biinging ictoie all our fellow cluKiI.uis In this laud , he duty to our common Lord and Savior , of leimlnatlngtliR unhappy divisions whicii lishouor Ins beloved name and hinder thn Humph nnoneait hoi his glorious kingdom , " The communication states the lesolutlon Is eturiiC'l with the foiegolng statement as the reason lor tin- failure to appiove thn resolu tion contained In the message. The house of leputies agieed to the change of the name of 'he diocobu of W ibconslu to that of Mllwau- ; eo. This afternoon , after considerable discus sion , a resolution was adopted establishing a Missionary council , which shall meet an- uially Legal advice Is to be obtained , ro- atlve to uiving the missionary bishop a vote therein , Tlie boaid adjourned till Kilday. The Oonyrogniloiinl CTnnnctl. CHICAGO , Oct. V > . The entire moinlng of lieCongreiratlonal council to-day was taki'n ip in listening to reports of committees on ionic and foreign missions. Upon reassembling Kev. C. < ' . Creepan , of Syiaeuse , X. Y. , chairman of the committee in Congregational Sunday School and Pub- Islilng society , made a report locomincndlne hat churches raise for the use ot the society SIOO.OOO annually during the next tlueo eats. Without action on the report the con- entlon took up the resolutions deliuini : the landing of minister. Kev. Mr. Oiwlnt ipened the discussion by leleience to what 10 cnlled the ilivldilnus distinction made bu- wi'on HID iictine and legulailj installed pas- nr.s. Kev. Dr. De.xtor moved that the reso- iitlqns bo releried to a committee of live , to ie appointed hy thu nominating committee. Hie committee will be announced in the Homing. Adjourned until to-monow. TIIK K ! 'lames' Swoop Awtiy the Entire Biinl- HUSH Part oT Town. EASTPOHT. Me. , Oct. 15. The fire which broke out at 2 o'clock yesteiday altcinoon raped finiimsly for ton hours , defying all ef forts to control or aircst It. It started In Capon & McCleai's sardine factory and swept in a northcily direction along the water fiont and thiough Water street , burn ing ten sardine factories , two hotels , about thlitv dwelling houses , the custom house and postolllce , and eveiy place ot business wheio goods ot nnj desciiptlon were kept tor sale , except two small cioccry stoies , which were out of Die path of the tiie. It is impossible at this time to make a detailed repoit of tlie osscs sustained or to asceilain the amount of insurance , but thu totil loss will piobably ninount to at least 8500,000. talily covoicd by nsuraneo except the loss of the sardine tac- : oiies , which could not procure liisuiaucc. The factories gave employment to at least 2,000 pel sons. Much . 'KiiHei ing must ensue unless immediate aid is icntlercd. Contrl- mtlons can bo forvvaided to lion. N. B. Nutt , collector of customs. Telcgiaphlc coinmunlcatlon was cut off at 4 o'clock p. m. yesteiday , and has just been opened. Ills raining heavily now and the lire is ox- tlnindshcd. All the Insurance ilgcnls' records are lost. Neatly all the safes were also de stroyed with their contents aim many insur- mce policies. Tito acgrpgate loss is esti mated by the chlet engineer of the lire de- lartmcnt and Insurance agents at 8500,000. The custom house , postolllce and U jilted States signal service rccoids were burned. Snivmlll Hurncd. WiNNJi'io. : Oct. 15. Tlio sawmill of James a n nice. , at Port Arthur , was totally destroyed iv the last night. The loss Is estimated at about 8100,000 ; only partial Insurance. Tmlnuia Jtiokoy Club llnccs. JixnxNATt , Oct. 15. Seven furlongs : Watch 'Km won , Lea second , Monaieh third. Six. fin longs : Hobby Swim won , Matlio Corbctt second. Piobtis thud. Time I'.W'f. Mile and hall a fuilong : Little Kellow won , Klin ; Geoigo second , Atlilone third. Time 5J } < . One mile : llaltin Carlisle won , Wanderer second , IlettloS. third. Tlmn 1:15. : 1'ive finlongs : Hanburg won , Katie A. second end , Van thlid. Tlme-l:0iK. : : 1'oHtponod Jtnll GAIIICH. AT PIIII.ADKI.IMIIA Athletic . U 4 Metropolitan . i ! 0 0 a 3 0 0 a * H Haso hits Athletic 0 , Metropolitan 10. EIIOIS Athletic 0 , Metiopolltan ' . ' . Umpire Valentino. Second Game Athletic . 5 2020-0 Metropolitan . 4 0 0 n 0 4 Base hits Athletic 12 , Metiopolitan 4. Knurs Athletic ft , Metiopoillan 5. Umpire Valentine , Conor iHlund Uncos. liKArii , Oct. Oct. 15. Three- ourths mile : Theodosius won , Pool Box second , 1'ayniastor third. Time 1 :18. : One mile : Bell Owens won , Mentmorn second , Moonshine thlid. Time 1 ; W/i. Seven furlongs : Wynona won , Peteinbuig second , Miller third. Timo-1 :3J. : Onuaiidoiiu-elgiitli miles : Lancaster won , Joe Mitchell. second , Supervisor thlid. Time One and one-sixteenth miles : Jim Douglas won , Saxony second , Mamie Hunt third. TIme-l:5l. : AfTulru In Manltolin. WINNIIMHJ , Oct. 15. In opening the norlh- west council at HeglnaVedneKday last Gov ernor Dewcy stated that the 1U7 townships In the teiiitorios heard from reported that 71,051 , acres wore under cultivation and that 1.400 acres of now land had been broken , There weio ninety schools In the teriltory wlthiTbi : ( pupils. With regai ( I to Indian allaiisthe lieutenant go\einor stated that there never waa time when thu Indians weie more contenlfd and ehcei fill or better disposed towaid their white bretlncn than at present. _ A Kentucky Klllinu. SOMI.USKT , Ky. , Oct. 15. Henry Bogle , special United States bailiff , and Kdwaul Logan , special United States commissioner , met In the olticu of the latter this morning , and , altei a lew words were exchanged , both diuw their pistols and began III Ing. Thief halls took eileet in Boglo'H body , and two in Logan's. Both are dying , aio old levcnuo ofticeib and piomliiunt citi zens of the county. Jutitico. llKi.viniih ; : , . ' . J , , Oct. irThe Jury In the TltU3 case iciidcri'd a voidict ot niui- der In the first tlcgrni' , at ft oVJt > ck this luoiuiiiK , Foreman Lilt. ) buiM into after annoiinciiig thu venllct. On UK hut ballot the jury stood 0 to 8 auuliibt the prlsoii'T ab guil'y o ( munlei4 In lh" util dc ga-e. il The Slayer of John Schon Tolls Hew Ho Oommittorl the Deed. HE WANTED HIS VICTIM'S WIFE. Another Story or How Haddock Wn ' Killed The CotntnlHslon of the Crime IMnced nt the Dour of n I'otiftli ntnn. A lilootty Hoed ConfeHscd. lis ) : MniXKs. la. , Oct. 15.-Speelal | Telo- ri.iui to the HKf.-The ] muideii'r of John ' . Scliou , who killed In llellevllle town- hip , calioiitas county , September 83 , hnv list made a confession. His name Is Otto Vtlien and hevas \ ainsted hist week on usplcioii and to-day ho has confessed that ic imndcrcd John Sehon at the Instigation of Ids wife. . A is confess I on undei cxainlna- lon Is as follows : "I am about twenty years old and ll\o < l vlth John Scliou about two ye.irm HO icated mo all light , " "Do you lemomber which John Schou WUR vllled'1 " \es , " "Who did ? ' "I did. " "What made you do U' . " ' "Mrs , Schon told me to. " ' 'What did she say about > our killing "She said she wished ho was out of the vny ; said if I would get him out of the way he would marry me ; told me so about n lo/en times. She told me that she was lea ted mean. Once Schon choked her. Sim old mo to Kill him isnhl if 1 would put him nit ot thn wai she would many me. " "Did you ha\u Illicit Intel couise with lierV "Yes but don't know , sir ; how many lines" "When did you kill Schon1' "Thmsdr.y night , two weeks ago List night. shot him with a gun. 1 was at Schon'n lon-e , alter I killed Tilm. all night. 1 killed ilm because .she told me I could mairy her. 1 thought ot shooting Schon eaily In the summer. The night 1 shot him wai I very daik. I had been thinking j about shooting him in the afteinoon. 1 oult | woik at .sundown and went about tluee milex fiom Schon's to my house , and on the wayu mule up my mind to shoot him. When I'1 shot- him the nui/zle ot the gun was about .wo feel tiom the window. His head was about a lout liom tint window. I walked ivvnv the miniile 1 Ined and went to my louse anil went to bed and rlepl * > Ittle. In tlio moinlng I went lo a lek'hbor's to help dk a well i\nd \ leard them say thai John Schon had been killed. I supposed It would be all light iff ml Sclion out of the way , as 1 had been told o do so by Mrs. Schon manv times. I came 'rom Get many to this counliy and h.ive been it'i'plng batch all suunuor. Mv onl.v icason or .shooting Schon was that 1 wanted tils vile , and took this means ol getting her. " ANOrilKU S ACCl'SICD. ' A Fourth ? Inn Clmi' cd With the Jlnd- dock fllnrdcr. Sioi-x CITV , la. , Oct. 15. fSpcclal Tele gram to the Hii.J : : Another storx' bearing on the mjsteiious Haddock minder , and In vhlch anew man the one who lid the shooting , is current hero to-day. It' < s based on what Is alleged to bo the. stato- ucntot "Hismaick , " now under anest , hav- . up been taken In Callforulai lie names Jliailes Ganders as the miiidcier. His4 statement Is said to belli substance that Gan- leis and himself weie the men hlicd to do he shooting ; that they weiu paid money o do the job. and that when iiindcrsappioached Haddock to Mi ike him , the latter diew something from his poeltet , when the assassin lircd. All tin1 nine or ton- witnesses immediately tan off in vailoiiH lirectlons , Gandeis and himself going to gether. They hid themselves until after nldnight , when they seemed a rowhoat and Irllted down the liver. At the lower end ot ihocity "Hlsmaick" got out and went home , ils partner continuing on down the river. [ landers , the now claimant for public atten tion , Is but little known here , having lived in , the city but a short time. Ho is said to bn a1 ! ilisu'imtablo cliaiacter , a hanger on ut I Leavht's theatre and saloon. Ho ' figured frequently In the police court. and is certainly just' ' such an abandoned character an would be ready lor a job such as he wan selected to do. He was always heavily armed when arrested , and was no doubt n very desperate character with a history , Ganders Is still at lar c , and the odlecis aio very reticent as to whether they III\M \ ) any clue as to his whoieabouts. Tins makes four accounts of eye witnesses oir recoid. three namiiiir ditfcient parties as the guilty ono , and the lirst. that of Trelber , not agreeing with any ol the others , owing to the lace that lie claims the assassin approached .stealthily liom behind and tired. A Knddo'ik Itlotnorliil Mooting , Siorx CITV , la. , Oct. 15. [ Special Telo- gtam lo thu nii-Tho : : ] eleventh annual convention of the 'Woman's Chi 1st an Turn- peiance union ol Iowa , whlah has been in | session heio the gi eater poitlon of the week , adjourned to-day , llio business session closcil dming the afternoon , and a Haddock : memorial meeting was held In the evening at tile Methodist church" . The crowd could' ; not bo accommodated , and manv weio turned away , The cxcielses were participated In by j manv ol the leading tenipeiaino woikci'H ot thoslile : , andwcie ot an iinumallj intciCHt- Ingnatuie. _ Pushing Knilroud Work. DisMiiNi.s : , la. , Oct. 15. ( Sueclal Tclfl- gram to thu liii.J : : The Minnesota & Noith- wcstern , which Is prxctically Identical with the Diagonal , now has a loree of ciiRlncerK running lines fiom DCS Moinc.s to .St. Joseph and Kansas City , the Intention being to push the whole system to an caily completion. By the lth ! ! ot November they will open up 110 miles ot now load between Iubiiiii ) ( | > and Miiineajiolls , and giadlng Is beinir ] iusligd between lubuiue | and Chicago. When com- uleted this will be one of DCS Molnca most Impoitaut throii 'li lines , Itid of Hi * AViCo. IuniTtiK ) ( , la. , Oct. 15 , [ Special Tele gram to the HKH.J The house ol Otto Wcs- tcimyer , u fanner In Noithfork township , Delaware county , was binned this niornliitr. His crippled wife perished. Wcsteimver was discovered by a neighbor rescuing hlri child ren. llu is suspected w Ith having burned the ' house to destroy h ! wife. It is alleged ho 4 has been intimate with the hired gul. Afl'ulfM In Mexico. CITV OKMKXICO , Oct. 15. It is believed i here ( hut the new mortgage loan to bo placed ' by the National Hallway company to com plete its main line will be largely Htibftcrlbeil toby the American bondholders despite the prediction made here thot thu Kngllsh IMIIU- holdcis will take the new loan and M eoniiol the load , ( Inder thu iiirangiMiients pioposcd the Pacilie division will lemain in charge of the coiibtiuctlon company , and will have no connection what ever with thu financial airangemonts atl'ect- lug the IIIHIII line. Two American and oiu JCngllsh company are contestin tl o e niiiact , to be awaided tor the dialna e of the \alluy ot Motico. i'liectititiaut Invches iheo\pen- dilute of $0,000,000. The Wuhat-h'u A ( Tali H. Sr Lot is , Mo. , Oct. 15. The deed of the Wabish pi opeity was acknowledged In tie fedeial court to-day by the muster. An In- teivenlng jietltlon was lllwl In the case , > ieckr Ing to establish H claim of 81.\f 0. ) . in respect of the iciital coupons of the ] St. Louis , ( t > tiniiwa A Ccdur Itaplds indio.ul , as a ehur o upon the Wabatli rniuU in ihu luuJs ot tl.'O