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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1886)
: ji ( jL F I 2 p THE OMAHA DAILYBEETUESDAY _ : _ , OOTOBER 12. isso. _ _ _ _ _ _ II I I t t h ' A LONC UCEkIN TRIP ENDED. 1 % _ _ _ The OvorauG f3teatnr Ancbora ! Pinally Arrives afe1y in Port. HER SHAFT DROKEN IN PASSAGE 1'rovIqIois Ittin 140w nml Two Hont MasilitMi nnd Sent. In Searoi of 4'kq3StflflCCSOIflfl AJrcctliig SCeIICH on Seven lliinilreil Jlnppy Hnii. 3T. 1O1IN , N , F' . , UcL 11.-The steamer Anchnrla , Cajtiin Sinai ! , ett ( flflQgOW on th 1th of S'ptinber , liUtIfl(1 for New 'York. Site had 700 soulS on bc'ard , ItICIlI(1i ( iig passen' gers anI ( CtUW. On Seitctnber t4 , four thiys niter she clesrcd trout ( iIngow , ii strong gale sprang Uj ) , during which a la'avy va struck the s1itp nltt ! Iii the lurch vhicIi slio iimtlu tim shalt of the IroIeUer btOk'il , .At. the time of the aecklont she wa rec1olied about 1,200 aillcs vtst Ireland , 'Ilto stio'k occasloneti ty tito brcakIii of the shaft tlitew the HhuI ) on her shtte. sany ! of the iassengcrs were Irightetseth , but upon the oIhhccrs asiirig thieni there wns no ( haliger of nktng a panic wnq ncited , 'I ho srnhls 'were set niut thi. ship became oino hat stcidher , hut the iudIer gear hiavilig been renIereI ( tise1e4 $ , t110 t1rhIU't ntiout at the itierey ofth' waves , Finns thio ' 2niI of Settoin' ber \Vehnehay ( ) cIobr ( , the shitp tlrttteil I ci theS8Iy ) atiunt , cli ort I ii thu Ifl.lflVIII he IL'I 0 I natt ) ( hUh ly t o I CIaI ) r h he biokuit shiiti t. on Octoln'r ( engineets etlected t teinpoinry reItr , ; nuit the Slut ) \Vaq 011cc lucre got unIer control. 'I'ho ca wns conlaratIycIy itiioothi auth the 8hIp moved HInwhy in a estPrhy dl' rectin fl , SI t iiiadi. fat ily good U I n t I II iitld' llh2ht on 'I'hursday , the 7th , when the engtiies * 3t01)DCl MndcleIi ly. Fears were entertaIned by t tseiigei that the shi alt Ii ol : iiil n broketi , [ nit they were asstireu by the ofllcei-s that such was not the cs&u & cml that the uiigtne would be started In the nsoriitng. At 10 o'clock on Filday the englns svio again started , but after liftecut ievolutlons the shaft broke again , tliht tiwe beyond all pro5ject of heln& repaIred. A consultation wa now hueki by the officers and the eaact huoItton of the ship ulSCVttulflJh. ( It ts founil she wait eIghty iiuhlcs ir the coast of New Foundland. As the lrovIsII1s ) were ruuinhusg short , all on boar.I lit fact , for souuio days reviously havhuig Ucen put on : uii nhIvaIueo of two meals ier day , .1'lrst OllIcci Mnctarlano aml seven others yolutnteerett to launch a boat and uuiako for the coast , 'l'hie boat's crew uiunnhtuhly took their places auuut the boat was lowered away. 'they took on boatd a quantity of bIcuult in tins and two c.tsks of water. 'I'Iuo sight of thuO brave fellows as thu boat put frouui the .hhp's side nilected liiauy to tear8. I'he 1hrt officer was Instructed bytlie captain in secure the seivices of a steamer If the boat leached ' 3t. .Jhll. ) ( in Friday the shIp nuade but little headway , aud the expected steamer did hot coIId3 to her assistauice on that ( la } ' nor during tIe following night. On Satuuiday at iiooui , however , the 1iu1 cry of 1auitI" rang through ole ship. Another volunteer crew was quIckly enlisted , consistuig this time wholly of passengers , 'hio PSIIICLL tuwarti the slime. it subse- iutntIy trunspireit that the hirst boat arrived at St. , iohuiis at t3 o'clock yesterday afternoon nuitt tile second boat reaclieti Pouch Cove , a bCttleIfl'flt hear Cape F'rancis twenty iiihles liortli of St. .101015 , at 1 o'eiock in the alter- noon of the stIIIC day. On his arrival - rival lucre the lust officer communicated 'with Sir Amnbiose Shea , agemit of time Allan hue at tim is pout , who huinmiediately negotiated 'wIth the local agents , and tile steamer Idirauida , of the ite(1 ( Cross line , was dis- ] uttCtled III search of time Anchorha at 0 oclock p. ni. 'rime steam tug 1"avorlto left about 10 0 clock P. 10. , amIti thought she tel t femur hours after the lIranda , succeeded In coming up with the d Isabled steamer about midnight. "l'iie Anehioria was taken In tow amid arrived lucre safely. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1CN1GILTS OP LABOR. Powdorly Assumes the Itesjomuslbillty - . - - - ot tlmo'Coiov Juno Agitation. 1LtrItMoD , Oct. 11.-To-day iSleVOteCl by thmei1elogates to tue general assomnbiy ot time Knights ofLnbor to enjoyment , arrm1cd in their honorby timekiuights of the local assenu- lilies of this city. In zuceorhiuIco with the Binyor's proclaumuatloum , all city oflmces are eIoed in order to permit employcs to take Part Ill the days i'es- tivities. Nearly all work shops , nmanufactorles mtmul other estabi ishuments am-c also closed.'hiemi tIme entire jroeesslon'as .Iormmied it contaIned four to live tiiousanml mmmcli. It was headed by a squad of police. Behind theimi redo on horseback , Cramid Marshall Lynch , vimltu amid colored aids riding on eIther side. Behind time marching mcii rode lii cat- xlaues Mr. I'owderly umiti nmenmhers of tIme executive - ecutivo board , otimer leading kmuigiits and laily delegates. A few colored wonien also rode ' In carriages. 'l'iio procession was comnnosed ' of white nmnlcolored , assemubhics. Time streets along route were hued with snecthtors. Time emmtlro coozed population seemumed to have turned out to witness limo parade. 'rIte carriage containimmg Powderivimalted at time entrance to the fair erounds and from It lie reviewed tIme procession as it mum-died ' through time entrance gates.1thmhmi time grounds the generaL uumaster vorkmmman held aim hmmforiumal receptiomm , a large imummmber of visit- lug knights being ilitroduced to 1dm , 'Pow- dorly amid tilO umemumbors of thoexecutivo board reniaimmei a little mimore thmuin an hour and then ttmrumed to time hotel to give time remimaimmuler of limo day to voi-k awaltimmm their atleuitlon. &voral speeches were umiathe. time subjects being emi time amuuus auth objects of time order. JJumrimmg time afternoon there 'as a bicycle race , a trottimmt i-act' , numb race amid tourmmut- imtemmL In time evening thmcro will be a bums- qumot. ball ammil exhibition of Iiresvorks , Ism Coimsetietice ( of liumestiomus whuicls have beomi raised by time nresemmco of colored stole- gales to the general assembly , l'owslorly has misluiressed a mug letter to time ptmbhic him which 'hO assUummess tim responsibility for time agitation - tion oil time giotuumui timuit he requested Farrell , after immature tiehiberathomm , to humtroduco him to time convention. After reform-lug to time consequent attacks by time moumthmcrmm press , Powdem-ly says that itis..solu object lii so rtctlmmg was to cmi- courage a mmd lie ! i mijul i It time colored mutco froumi a bomniuuro womo titan that which imoist timema In chmahmis twenty-live years ago , 'iz. : Iommtai slavery. 'i'lum atlmlress then mhlsdumse4 time tiif- Scencu between thmo sights of cltlzemmshmip 1mm -vhmhcii time colored race list's equal rlgimts sltii tIme vhites , mimmil time qunstiomis of 'sOtIisi , equity , 'I'imo latter \voru questions for each individual to ulecidu for huiumuseir. - ibid iso selected a cohomed uimats to htmtvodsmcn Governor it would have becmm a ulihierent timing. 1'ovderly says lie did not at that thimio kmmov that colored mmmcmi ere denied nul- umittaumce to thmi'atmos lii ltichmmmmoumd. lie says that sonthmemii cimeap labur Is macro of a mmmcmi- ace to time Amsosil.camm toiler thaum time ( 'imhumesu nmid ummakes it mstmommg ilea for the education .o time coloi-cd i-nec. KumIghmtm Fumti a Strilce. T'mnfA1)r.l'JuIA J'Li. Oct. . ' ' ) } , , ll-'i'hmo exeesm- ithvo ioard ) or ExecutIve Assembly No , 1 , ' KuIghmto of Labor. this mnormmhmig orilermt oo srhkimigstove { mmioniders to return to work at time rates in forcim previous to Septemmi- ber 7 , vhmems the strike commmmmit'neeti , ( ' ' [ imero was a stormmmymwone at the assemmmbiy's nmeethmmmr , A miuuumiber of iromumhmsent leunhers imm . . time strIke wemo Iresemit amid violently oppoeti the nm-tier of time board , 'l'imolr opimmiorms , imqw- ever , relo eves-ruled , nnmi time outer ummt lisle effect at time yam-lotus stove foummdriea lii tlio city. _ p flit : Strike ems tim ytmmo. , - Vr.uivJt.Am : , Oet,1i-'Ihme striking brake- ncu of time 3tushsommhmmg divisIon of time New York , Peiumssylyammia Ohio iaiiroaii ummet the general othicers of the hue at Mi'advihie , Pa. , to-sluty I U uiiiohirt tO ad lust I imu'hr dmtTsi-enees , ' , I'lmu ummeetluit was a faihsmn' , an'I all tin' brake- mmmcli cii limo roast quilt vomlc. 't'n.umighmt time entire - tire jond. cxtciidhiij frmumm Cleveland to bala. misammea , N. Y. , Is closed to height , and mitsui- lug but nassengt'r nhmi expm'esS tm-allis ate nun. uhimg. ' 1'hum slmuis 01 Ilium commmpatiy home are choseti , amid lltmuclre1IS of mucu are out of cur. ployuiiemit. - - lick ! us time Tiulet. CIIICAtIO , Oct. hi.-'Bobby" Adamims , ohl 3iiovis to the police , was am-rested lmro last Friday , amid time police hmitlumate tummy hsavt uvhietmctm immsj icatlng him um the l1mmmio- aPollo postoihice robbery. lie w'as held oser to-day by time United States commiummissloner mnUl uext Wednesdayla ,0U0 bonds. Nebraska and Iowa Wentlmor. L For Nebraska anti Iowa : Local rains , Itatiol'iU7 temperature in westerul hmortioulS lecItttickhy.oo1er 1mm eastern portions. Tj1 F EPIScOI'A Ii CON % 'ENTlON. lniporthnt ActiorTmlccn In Relation (5) thio flirohhimicsumt , t'umncl , Cmurr-Mio , Oct , h1.-hio [ hsono of tlelutlcs 4)1 the l'rotestant EPiscopal chum-elm at Its Ses- ion to-slay reeci-eui ntnncrous ndthlt inmmi imiumirsria1s lii muiem-emiCe to hiroPoICti chmamuges 1mm time ImmayelImook , which were Inopehl ) ' i-c- 1cm-red. 11ev , .Jtmieks , o 1 umdinnn , isroseuitod a mmmt-mmuoriah to time lmmt'mmuory of ec-Vtce-1'resm- demit 'fhiomnuma A. h1ctidtiks amid Stllpio- immontd the iroseumtatiomm ithi a eulogy of time life of the deceased. Ihishmop ludiey , of 1cui- lucky , ntidrm'sed the Johmmt imoimso mt' to tilt ) 1meis of time ( 'Otom-Cit peoi'le him tm ! south. At pj o'clock a uieiemratiorm fm-emil time huovineiai i'3mmod of Caumada sas receivest by time johimt lmoum4t's , ammmi irtl llisImp ltidmmcy , of ova .eitIa , ri'sisonded to thu greetmms of Iimshop Lee nuid ic % . Mm. Dix , hiiiiop Doamme , of Ahhmany , opened tue aftt'm-mmoomi su'ssiomi of time boa i-ti with amm ad- mhress on time sork of time woumiali's tutxhiiary. 'fime biMimon's nthire45 was a tm mbumtm' to time mer- V lees o f t lie voimi mi of tim e elm mm m cii t ml this tilleint nrgaumiiaiitsmi. Time mum'd hiarmes total gift ast sear aummouimteml to 11O0. ( 4 % tleigato trommi ieas omlemeul a resolutioms that the board siiscns time early 1511(1 ehfective extomisioti of vork amimeng time colored people amid reeousuiemumiesi , , thmuit time iomivemmtion take eamionirni action for thoereathoms ofn mumisslomi' ary episcopacy. iimo iesoitmtiomtas Iminhim ) time special ordernIter two other sulijects Jimmy- 11mg hmrir consitieratiomm by pmoviomms order. A 111(1st immiportant ummatter wims tutu-educed for disemusmiomm , vvokimisc a spIrited debmte , 1mm vhmichm time Ieauiimmg delegates to time Comm YOu lieu simusred. I I was time must- tomof time emmrolhmumcmut lutmud , us Pmoicct imianned at thu timime of time bust tn- emmmuiai by iaymimn iii the l'cmummsylvamuiut dlo- cese to raise 81,000,000 for unisslommary inir- 1)ose9. Item' , Dr. hun-is , of that ( ulJcesL' ( , saul time totals so tar was $7SXJ , amid tin bimaif of time diocese of i'ommmusyivania reihumgtmlshed all respommsiblilty for time matter exeeimt SO far as time sciuemmue affected iuis owe diocese. it hiatt becomime a nmutttcr for the whmotu clmntchs amid to time elmtmm-ch this diocese how left It. After an ummiumsumahly loume tlisctmsslomi time hioumse va' rcatiy for thu upuestoml ( muuul siiccesslveiy amuti rilIlitihy mioptett each of ttn fohlowimm. resolu- linus , which Imati bemi introduced during time debatu : ltesolvr'ii , 'l'hmaL time board has hoard with eumthre satisfactiumu time stateumment of deputies fromis time diucemu of I'eimuusylvammia lii regard tt ) time mum I ssi omm amy cmi u-oil mmmemmt pin a ; that ti am board iioi'eby agrees that hmat huts isltimeito beemm done has been veil tlomiu amid that tim imarmi blils the iusymimemm vimo have it imu iisiiml to go forward 1mm time full convictIon that tlmeit zscat Otit'ct ) slil be miccomnpilsimed , Itesolvt'ut , 'l'lmtt : time wimuic sumtJect of time cnrohhmummmt fiummul be jefuireti with iuowor to a coummummittee of six of tIme dioeesc of l'cmmmisyi- vammia and suclm others as tlmy may add to timeir imumimber. ittiStlvtud , 'l'lmat lay mlopumtics of cads (110- cose uuimnhl be a special commimmmitteo for that diocese to be In cimmmuunumulcation itii time commtral counmmuittce , shah appoint timeir own treastmier , aimil iiroscuto the work to tIme emmil. I1esolved , 'riiat in time ophmmiomi of the board of immissiomus It is dedrabie that this fumid should be collected uupoum time sammue commditiomms and by the salute genesal mimetimods its hereto- fume ismOlioseti. Vkthmouit trutmmsactlum nmuy other busimuess of imnhmortaumee mtdJoumrnmmmciit was taken until to-mumoi-i-ow. No Comivict Labor. WASITIXOTON , Oct. 1L-likis were opened at time treasury depau-tunemmt to-day for time marhio work oum time post ollice at Battimnoro. Time lowest bitt was by Davidson & Somms , of Clmicago , for $ S0S5)S. ) Unusual inicrest at- tacimus to time letting of timid coumtraet , lii view of the ropresemmtatiomms mmmdc by the mmmarblo wonkers of i3altlnuore that unfair advantages huai been shmowmm to Joilet prison contractou-s in order to imusmuro tluenm time contract. Time result shows that thmo ommly fotmmmdatlon for np- prelmemmslomu timat thmtm svoi-lc was to be ilone Ii ConVict labor V8S in time tact that Mr. E. I Braiuuei-ti , who lmas a contract Wills time umsu- thmorititms or Joiiet prisomu , rci.mcsemmts , in lImbS Instance , a BmurlIntoii mmimnufactlmring : coin- Imuimuy , whose bid tar mnarbio workJs next to time lowest received. iiiBmainermt , in sub- mmuiitimmt his bid , accompanied it with a state- ummemut that the counpamiy whelm lie represcim test ( lid mmot comutemimpiate the use of commvict labor 1mm aumy way lii case their bid shoumhl be uc- Ceittl. Time olticials of time smuporvisimug arcim- itect'soflico'ssy thiutttlie chmtracter : of bitis re- cuiceit to-day hilly shows time injustice of repiosemutations ummade by time ilaitimnoro mumar- blo workers. Buffalo County's Fnli' . REAnEV , Neb. , Oct. 1l.-FSpeclal to thuo Bmr : . h-'i'hmo sixths aumuiusi fair of dmis county has just closed. Time largest crowd In at- tendamuce on any ( lay was estiumated froni site to sevomm thousand peoPle. The sli owln of horses , catt its lOud hogs surpassed anything that has ever beemm in this hart of time state. Vegetables froumi time farimmors weme not so 111mm' , bnt time reforumi faimum scht)0l mmmdc imp time do- licitmumey. Souse of the futrimmors asked Stuimr- imteiuieuut ) 3lai1ulku Imow they raiseti suich mmmsimmimmoth ommlomis mmmiii beets tIml season. lie replied au they imaul done is'as to lice ammd cmii- tivato thmemmu. 'i'imov ' hail sIxty acres of vege- tait's and trni of time boys Immul tinnu tIme snorit. 1'.Talhilietu is time rimrlmt man to tIme right iiace _ lie Is certal'mly domng homier to our state in tiic WilY lie niuinages time lmimiiates of the ro- formmu school. "flue ireshieumt , 11. A. Leo , and his assistant - ant tleserve.lmommorabio umentiorm imu tim quiet , orderly way they commultmcted time nest fair BnhTaio county has ever list ) . Pay Tomnpictomi's Third. Nuw Yomuc , Oct. 1:3.-Miss : F'ay 'reumpleton , time sommmowhiat erratic comic opera slngerwimr ) arm-led WilliamimVest , time negro imuimustrel lmrformuior , emit ! who iVuts divorceti front hums timice years late ! ' has sailed for Europe Jim commmpmsuuy with howell Oshormu. It Is stated 1mm soimme qtmarttirs thmat thmevhuavebeen mimi-ned. Osirnnmm is one of time richest young mmmcmi imm "tYall street. ills wealth is couumuted 1mm mmmii- iiomus. 'I'he coumple were togethmi'r at Simu-atoga last sumumumi'n , ss'iien Fay said they veme mmmar- nod , but howell said they were not. Aumothisur La Mnscotto 'lctixm ) . a.tu' Oullkiui ) , Oct. h1.-Ueo. S.Daviulson , carpenter of time 145 Mascotte , tiled Satut-dumy imicimt , mmmaizimig time total utimabor of ticatims frouim tlmedh.aster timhuty-omme. Several others nm-ti stil I him a tiamugeroums eommd I I I o mm. Sr. LoL'ms , OeL Immfoimnation fm-omit Cape ( liruirdesu is to time etlect timattho bodies of time uummi5uis ( ) tlrowmmesl he tie La .Maseotto disaster are uuomy mmmakimmg their aphmearausco. Jiesitles those recov.'red fmemmm time liver Sat- ui-tiny mmmgimt time bottles of Vuhhiamu O'Jlnieum , lu-st engineer , two roustabommts , luaummes immm- kmmowmm , Mis.Vimeeler , and ommo otlmer not yet Itleutihioti have bcemm t ecuzed. Ams limiportamit lcoisioum , 1)ITmmoiT. Mini. , Oct. 11.-.ludgo Browmu , of time United.Stntos court , this morninu imantled mioWiu isms decision in time case of time United States agahumst , Jtdimi ( raig , aim muetion brought 1(1 recoveu- time Peimmilty of S1OQO , provideti 1mm time "assiteml imummmuigmumtiomm act" of Febiunry ( i , 18-41. Ii lmivcived mmot only time Craig eutstm , tuumt symis a test upon ss'Imicim time wimoic lass' ivums to stammmt 01' lull. This umuoruhumg Juthie hiross'mm dt'lIs'em'ctl an elaborate writtemm oplnlomm , i-c- viswimmg emucim objeetiomu to time law amid over- rtmlhmtg them all , 'ito time objection that muir laws eanumot litmilish aim olTonso cou'mmiittett iii Caimaila lie uuisssers timat CraIg's olfemiso Wart comtsiiilth'd on this side by time actual landing of luiuported Caumauhiamms. Cherry Coumity News. : , Nob. , Oct. I1.-peclai [ Toic' . grammi to time 1)ius.1-iistrict court is lii sessioum imero , Junigo I'itIammey jmresimIimii , A. iarmo mmummiber 01 Immiportant crhuumimmal auth clvii cases nrc ems time docket. 'limo county fair , just closed , swas us comcupiete success , time emutmies being inr'e , over tss'o tlmoimrsand peO- isle iii nttemmdammeu amid splendid weather. TauIimuzIIu ) I'uuls llosvltt F'orsvurd , NEW YOuih , Oct , 11.-Time 'i'nmmmummammy hail city ctmnyeimtlon umiet to-ui igtmt amid nonmi- imateti Cougressmmmummm Ain-aimuimmi S. lh'ss'itt ( or umisyor. thereby declIning the ProPosition frommm Iisiumg hail for a etsmmferommce , niumi Igmmor- lug a mequmest ( mmmii tim iiuisiumo.-.s mmmuui'sc 5550- ( . .uumtiomm uimskhngthmo ; euidors&'mmmemmt of J. Edsvard lmim mmioims their candidate. Fluimmg ibm' ZIanumlmmg'is % ltmrtmmrmi. WA8mulNOTOf , Oct. 11-Sect etary Maui' lilni ; Is expected to totem-is \Vmmsiuimsgtcms by \Vcmiumesmiay mmcxi. Ills rermlmlm'muco fluiti his otlices 1mm time treasury dopartimment are i'mmpidly beIng hiut iii coutlitioufor his occupation. EIghts Dairy Mar1et , CIIICAO0 , Oct. 11.-Time hmmtor Oeean's Eighmu , lii. , speciusi says : 'rime butter sums-lcd remaIns tirmmi. 'i'Imere svere megu iar sales to- ( ISV Of 3i,0 lbs. at c and regular baie of o boxes of sicimmi cheese at 7. - - - - - - - - : : : : - AN ENCOURk\CINC \ REPORt Bright Prospects For the Entitling of the Omaha & Northern. THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. Time Osmuahma Iociailst-A Trunk My- tcry-T' , M , C. A. licction - Itmo Commuty 1Iosimiti - Accittemital Siiootlumg-Local News. The itoartl of Trade. There svcis a fair nttcndamiee of nueni- hors at time regumimur montiui3unctetumig of tile beam-ti of triulo held Inst evemilug. Ylee i'resitlemut Clarke presided. Time muiiumtos of time nseotiimgs from Jtmly 2d to date wore reati mttud unproved. 4 eonuintumilcntiou fromu ( i. l'egunsof , AthuummulmVmlmiuigtomi \ commmmty , oflcring mini to time ( Jilmaimsi Northermu , wits read ummmtl meferreti to the Osnutha & Northern colts' initteo. A umtmnsber of tmnhinportmnt : conuinuui- catiotis wore i-end usmd reform-cd to prolmr conuinittecs. . 'l'imo special comnimmittee on time proposet ! Ouumaiua road to time noi'thwest reported as follows : Mr. President - Your comimmuittee to which svuts meferreti time nimitter of time prohosetl Omnaima road to time northwest beg , . leave to report as follows : \.o have canvassed time sbjoct ss'itir 501110 ( lI3gi'ee of timoromighmmmess amnomig time mncsnied mmmcmi , bmmimkors :111(1 : ( hmeavyproperty owners of time city amid hush snbstammt'mn [ tmmmammlnmity of opmmmiomm Upomi time nccesr4mtv mus svoil : ts lipomu time feasibility of building time protuosed road of Ommmaiua capital. \Vo 1111(1 that general suntinmemit favors the orgasm'mzttiuim : of mm colmmpamuy to push tutu i-omtd 1mm a nortlms-cst direction for a disttmmco : of 200 mimiles to sttu-t : with. To of- feet this sviil require four niuliiomms of dol- ltrs : , svim'iehm ivill muchtumie a light equip- uiieimt. Of this sum 1O&O.OOO csmm , it is be- iltmved , be raised by smibseriptiomi iii Omuuthirt : , iO0O0O cute probably lie sectmretl froiui 1)otmgias ) county timid umeanly 20O 001) ) ' can be secured in preeimmet iOmmtiS of ot'imcr comiultics. 'l'iiu road csmi : be bondeti for time remainder. Bonding caum he'ium mis souls uts lilLy immiles are eonmplL'tctl mtmitl iii operatimmg order. \Vc find general approval of the propo- sitious that 00 uor cent. ot time stock shmtil : be uluiceti iii time imnutis of three trustees to bolt ! jut trust for time s' " tout' ycztrs , This ss'ihl secnihL t , i-6l of. time road iii Omaima. Vc find that sonic favor the orn-ausiza _ tiomi of tIme eoiiipmtn upon bumhldnr its own road and cosutrolhimig its own town- sites , whmiio others thimit mm , coiustruct'mon eomnpamiy iartietPttetl ) : ill by mill time stock- hmoiders of the railroad would be ads-an- tageous , and give flexibility to Use enter- irmse. We find that nil difYerences of opinion arc communed to mnimmor details of comnpar- umtis'o littie iliiiortsnce. Amid we believe timtt : the necessary umoney can be rairtoti. We desire furtimor to report that we imutti secrai joint mucctimurt with time corn- nuittec of the Oniahma Fremghit Btmreau at ) . Poitited for time santo lnm"pose us out- selves. Timat as a resumit time committee hmts'e : jointly issued aim invitation to a nummibor . of busiusess men amid property owluei.s stupose(1 ) ( to be most interested jut the plan , to libeL 1mm this noons 'l'uesday- , October 'Pith , for the ptmrvose of exainiui- li-mg - articles of incorporation amid a trust deeti prepared by Jutjgo Savage on ro- qtlest of tue Fremgimt Bureau. It is opeetet1 that this meeting will en- ( lorse as prcsomiteI ( time proposed plan or modify it as nuiiy be eoimshiercti best. In any event your committee feel justified in saying that matters Jiavo progicssed so far thmmmt the Omaha road-to time northwest - west sviIl soomm be orgummizgetl upon a suit- isfactory iiasbl , amid that tlmq Ilamm syili combraco time smmgoostiomi heretofore music at a nmeetimmg of [ his body , of placing a controlling interest in time road in time hands of trustees for ii. jnmriod of years as safcgumard. A pubimc sviil be emdlcd ss'imcn details have booms arranged. We subumit this ieiort o progress for yomir approval of our action. Respectfully submitted : G. I'd. IlmTokcocjc , FiNmc Coi.i'xrzrn , C. IIARTMAN , - JoaN S. BmtADY , ANDEW IIOSEWATER. C'omnmuittoo. Mr. hitchcock cimairmuism of the corn- mnittee , stated that time committee hind. nunde a very general canvass and fotund that even time cousserwmttivc buisimmcs men tire entimtisinstic in their cmucouurngenmemit of time scheme amid utmost of them consider ii ; fcmsibie. : Enthusiastic as tue citizens may be. they nutmst remember they hisvo : a big undentikimmt : on their hands , and vhl1 tmmmtioumbtcuiiy nmcet s\'ithm opposition. Oppo- sitiomu iviil ho niet by paruthlol Buses of time Cimicago & Northwestern - western , right of way contests , amid questions of subsitiy.Viuen time comnpmmmy : gets fully orgmumi-zed time Chicago & Northwestern - western wihi oiler to compromise , amid time icsmmlt xviii be au Onmaima pooi that svili pour uuieney into time liii ) of Onmalma , as time Cimicuigo imool tins poured money iumto Cimiengo for. ho , timeso miuumuy yemrs. : Time OipositiOfl settmus great , but svitim time itbtmmitlmiiit i-csourees at lmuud : , backed by time emithmsisiastic smuiIout ) of time emitiro city , time smmccess ( if time project is assured. After sommmc fmn-ther miuscussiomi of time smmbjeet time report was placed on file. : I\1i. \ Cimmis. ilartmnumn front time eouunsit- ten nppoimmtctl in July inst to see 111)011 ) vimat termims gromuntl etum ho sectmred mmetr : Fort Onmaima and. at other piece mis time vicinity o time city for time location of time govcrnmueumt fort cud hiotulqimmmrtors : , rtm- pomtcti timuit time comuimmulttee immmtl hold one meeting. bmmt lmul : mmot ticemiled uhioms mu i-c- por. lht dommhtetl if atiditlonmil gromiustis onus be secured any iiitce : smear time irtmsQUt ) iocntioui of time tort at termims thmutt would be accmJhtaiis ) ) to time govormimmient. A mimocting o time coummimittecs irons time 1)0:11-mi : of trade msmmtl thu freigimt bumrenum svil t be held at the inmtml of ti-mimic roommis this cvcmmium to consider time Omumsima & Nomtimerim sliemne. TIlE JEMOORA.T1 C PluM ARIES. The Slaughter Iloimso Factious Secure - cure a Scoop. 'lime ( tonuocratlo irlnmaries were lucid yestertiny evcimirmg from 5 to 7 o'clock to sohmct delegates to time cotmmmty convormtiomm Hint wilt unmet in time city Imutil at 3 o'clock tlmis - utft-oimiooim , to place in nomimiumation cmundldutems for time Icgisintmiro , a county attorney , cml a monsOon of time board of county comnmmuissioiuors. 'l'iiero s'mss time usumsl exhibition of mieimiocrtitio imarniony In tlmo contest. Jim every ward two tickets wore iii time field , romrcsomitimig time slaughter house amid time packing house fmtetiomis. Time contest was short mitl decisive - cisivo timid m-cstmltetl in a victory for time slatmgimter house faction. 'llmo result by svnt ds is as follows : . . } .hlts.r ivuta. Tue war was oum in earnest 1mm tIme Iurst ivard. Time voting pitee : was at ' 1' . Casey's snioumi aunt was crowded during tim entire Lime allowed for votung. In time absence of ballot boxes , cigar boxes waru used anti stowed nivuty tinder time jitmigo's chair as rnpltliy as they svoe lihied. 'l'i'e contest wits mm close one : mmmd svas oniT- decided by time count. ' 1 lie lloyd ttdo' es were choseim by S8i votes whulo thmo cmvii fiction mmstsde a good second , it dcktut polling iT5 'motes. .1 lie tlcle"ato' ' cimosomi ara 1W. . Lowry , h' , Iesmmmp1 ' 12. Casey , 0. ) Cutufrnmsn , Vm . A. Sniuithtmg , V. Nuvo utnd U. llriumdes. SECONIAlii ) . It was a good dciii of it jmig-lmanllo af1ui iii time Second syard. Lotus llemm- rod captured thu primary cornphmteiy , - - - - - - - - - - - Ie&nhmig time Boyd , psat badly omuf iii th cold. Of time vote -aslislmiclm was greater luau tue vote jol1tsd at the inst eiectiomm , limo hleimmmrnul ticIeatc so cu-ed 78-I votes nest time Boyd fntThn1. Time delegates chosen arc ; ' Lofui lieimroti. l'otrit-k ( nrvey juilitis Nalt Auutlrt'w st urpum3 Fdsvard JremuumanGtorgo ! Anethmes , and Jnmne O'I'oo1o. 'riihij M'AnD. There were two. tkkets In this ward ituti time voting at ' all tinics swas quite tmjrjsk. 'l'ime foiiosving 'tick't svns elCctei , having reeciveti P vqes : I' . Forth , Julius Zsleyor , Ammdy sIoDilmtttm , , Jost'imii 'l'eaimnmu , Chmulcs Nebem' , 11 l'atnisim , Aug. Utofl. 1(11. lifli AIlt ) . Jut this warti timore were two tickets in time lielti , oiuu boiomu"imsg to time Boyd imiction and time OtIthmi'Io thmmi Browis lute- tioum. 'l'imo "mackluug imotmso tiomuoc'rutts' 101(1 ( nuutk"mpatcd us waiknwnv iii this ward , mmmiii timougimt by placing ilrowmi's name omm their tieket , tlmey couuish clusily ' 'fix timhmigs" w'itlm imis adherents. lii thus , imoswoser , timoy irene greviotusiy mistaken , for time ib-osvmm mcmi quimckiy bobbeti mmp ivithm situ ( ) liiOSitlOim tieket that svoui time ( lay. Time umamumes of limo SuiC'CSsfuui ( ( bit- gates are C. S. Goodwiehm , .1 .1. Neilgim , iCO. lluiTummimi : , . 'J. I. . l.oycttV. . .1. Mount ausul J , \Vootbimmaii. . rir-m'ui w.uw. 'rime successful ticket lit tubs ssard re- coiveti lOS votei time opposimug ems about 100 less. Time ? ormuuer t'omitaimmed time fol- lowimmr uluumnerl : imt'itI Kmsox , Gus Cary , E , E , Pimillirbek , 0. fl l"ammumimmg , Josepii Cnrnmtby , I' . Crow , Jolmmi icrcmuzoi' . six-i'll wmiu. TIme smmccessftml ticket irs this wit-ti con. tamed time foliosvimug mmnnmns : C. F. % 'iil- hamius , C. V. ( : uIhmmghmcr , 1' , ? sI. l'uie , J. 1st. i\icCmmrty \ , F. L , Fmieomier : , F. B. hirmtton , 1' . .1. Ilansomi. There svcre thmreo tickets jim time hold. Time above received 12 votes , _ _ _ - OMAhA SOCIALISTS. They Demmonumco ( ho Ammnrcluiqts' Comm- viol ioim nimd AlLeni 11r F'nuids , - At m's nmectimmg of time vnt-iotms grotmpcs of socialists of Onmtima : time following i-esolu- tiomis were passed : Vimcreas , At time late nuuuiu-cimlst trial In Chl cage sescim immeim lias'o becim comulcimmuucti to deummim lor time alleged cm-hue of iimutrtbcr , rmmll \Vimcmeas , Such trial wa-s imot amm orttimmar3- one , taut lmuvolvetl lssmmes of time Iirst Immipor- tanco to os'ery American citizemi it helmig iutuiilv assortwi byummmuy lust tins real qiucstiomm on trial ss'as liberty of Siucocit and time i-mglmt or asseummbiage , amid Whereas , 1mm qumt-stinns of sucim Importance time Pcopie have a i-mglmt to the mnost commupiete imuformmuatuon , timat timey may satisfy timcmn- _ elyq tmuilv rmts merits of time cumse , whmiehm hms-tiuls imustaumet t1lmmve : been mmnnbio to do , hiavimmg ( ) iui time garhletL nccount sf preimudiceul imoss-paiem-s to foniut their jmmdg- uuient by , amid \ VimeueasVo behiee amid ] cnosv that time trial ivas imotiming hut a farce , govermued Iy pt-eJtmtllce , amid a bless' at time iabnnhimg ole- ummemit of Aummenica nmmd time civilized is-os-itt ; timerefore , be it Itcsolveti , 'i'imat we wilt do miii iii our power to Procure those ummen a mmcii' tush. as there has beets un-proof trioduceti its to who jim-ed time bomuib. Resolved , 'I'hmat if timese-moim am-c iumtmug' it will be a cninmecommmmntttcd by time wealthy eu time 1sor ) Sumehm as timertuis none In time history of tiucuvorhri. i Itesoiveti , 'J'lmat we ask nit triuc' mmiemi hum time cabse of jtmstico to iie4i imft In this stmumggie , as it svlil take mimi mmbm-immois summit of mimommey to cairy timis case to time'unmpr'me ' comuit. Any tinammeini : tid-huimnj be sent to Dr. E. Scimunitit , iso. oi : Fifth : tvcntlo , Cimicato , Ill. , treasurer of tft lerai dcfemmso fummd , or to the counnmmtte of'\ime legal dcteiis fuunui , No. 1100 imruuaui street , Omuimthmi , li-outs wimere it ss'iii he fbnsvai-dcd to Clii- cago. 'rime comzittcq is : ts foilosvs : Frammk ReitorVmudsIarrisoui , .Tas. Katul- barky , Sig Lornuuini , ll ilurtibus. AN OMiullA T1111'STEIt. Another " .Inum 1mm Bhtb" Gets Iii lime - . - ' - on atu day hstt uutmul1 , . falr4ooklng : ybung. man , dro sd1 ltt"piihlconmats bitm , " - azmd.liamrn'g time reguilaticin buttons and time usual circic-oncoscd sta ; appeared on Teuith street in apparently a senti- immtoxicatqd condition. lie wa a : , btmt , nevertiuo less , time oflieorsof this city felt bad to see an officer in ntis- form nuaking stick a display of iminmsolf. lie wamidereth towards time doptii runt was rmoticeml sitthmmc on a ti-mink mmuarked 'It. C. OCoinor , csv Haven , Commim. " Iii answer to sonic questions from time ever wuitcimfuul JtufT Green , lie saiti lie ivuts it western officer mimid. had been to Joiiet with sonic prisoners. Notimitmg was seemm of 1dm after time 13lOdmmnmmuypuiledoumt : for Council Ii1tmf1 , and notimisig more woimid have bccmi thought of lsinm , Perimn1)s ) , listtt not time followimmg cveimts vividly recalled his presence in Onmaha to mind : It so happened that out Satuadny Miss Rose 0. O'Coimmmor1 who for souse timimo huts bcemt time imumtimful imoumsekeepor itt Bisimop O'Coumnor's residence , anti who limes siuisdo so many friemmds dumriug liar residence iii Onmahm , was about to leave time city. Sime hmmd : i-esolved to join the 1"raumcisctmi : sisteis aumul wits going to lake her dejimirture for time immother-imouso lit Lafa.yotto , hid. Sue intomided to lcmivo time city out 1slomuday , Slt3mitling time pros-i- outs two days with sisters at time iiospitai , ss'imo bulonmi to time Fratteiseams order. Ito- corthingly mimi oxprcssrnttn took lion trunk t'b flits imosiititl. ) .Jtmst before they brought It in a " 1)Oiiceimmami ) " : umissvcruuug exactly time one seems itt dm0 depot , ontemcd time imospitmil and asked to see a sick mumnu , ' -ivimig sonic coniumson phmice munimun. Aim cxmtmmiiimatitimm of tii records disclosed limo imesmmce of no sumois JCr$0m1 as muemmtiomietl by time strtm"cr : , Ho sauti lie wovid call umgui'imi , amid timatuking time sisters lot' timelu' troubit.m lie said lie siid : lie would cmtli migain whmaim puelmaps mimoro imifornmutiomm mtbout his febumul comiltl be obtaincti. Outside limo door lie meet time OXiresSmfltili with time tnummik , "Look mire , ' ' said time wilful dotiger , ' 'l'oui have biommgumt that ti-mink to time wroui uhmiec , 'l'milcc it tiosyn to the hotel Gui-ni. ' ' i'imimiking cveiythibmug sris all i-igimt , time tmxpressnmmmm : metuiriiett time tu-imuik to time iVmiLtOum huh reumiovcul it to the hotel which is , jtmst iois'ii lime stmeot ( remit time Imospmtul near time cormmcn of 'l'emitim Street. Timero It svusms loft anti time pohieommin registered as " , Joimmi W'elsimVmtrtimingtomi territory. ' ' Sonmetimno miftorwnrml lie called utmiotimer oxpressimman emit ! imui tIme trunk takemi to I lie (101)Ot auth cluuscked'1'hmo bmmggmtgeuimeui mit-c mint cortmimt : td loint ) it was clicokesi , limit isa's-a ' timmit. it was to Coummeil iJlumtl. At mmny rate time trummmk mmmiii the slick young'bimm4 arc gone with nil . cimamicos of their imuvuir b6lmugsctmn agnimm by time Putrti5 muost muittrrestcd in tint case. Miss O'Commumor time property iuimkbmig timid it iiui.1 . bbemm tielivoroti mmii rigid at time imOSpitlf-iUti she wits hmnovtr- : lug to leave yestui ttSt. , , 'J.'hen thmo opera- tiomis 0 tIme mmuystdmius ( ; UEIfl his bitmo syoro traced ( rein tue liopitaJ to I ho depot amid mmmeans tmmmdortnkemf tO 1usd thief mtmmd time trunk , ¶ l'hme latter , ntItlmmcti ss'oaving up. iusrul and ptimi'm' mirt-icics to time -miiume of about i0O , 'l'his us. cu of tlmt boldest mimiy light thefts tummi : mt5 : OVCiimmiipenctt jut timms city mmml .n cuummhimg emi time part of time b ) umot mmlwts ; dis. plmtyctl by uuemmilmr 'cit time stmr : fritormuity ; cr011 silica workumig zum mu good cause. , x _ , M. C , - : ; : : ( ) liiotrsm , Time aummuuutl iiicetiim ' of time Y. 1st. C. A , for lime clcctiomm of ofll'umers svas imeiti at time association roouiirt 1:1st cycimimmg. The tot- lowimu" oiliceis srete cmiiOteui : 1'reltiimt , I' . C. iliImIelmuii-fh ; ; vice hires. idemit , J , I. lcammumedy rmreomtllng secro. tary , 0. E , Iteymioltlrt. COrrer3pOmitlifltt secretary , George A. Joplin tmuma.tircr , C. F' . liarrson. : Directors-Baptist , 0. P. Sesvard Ciuristimmum , G. K Ferry ; Congregatloumal , T. Ii. 'i'aylor ; St. Mary's Avoumue Con- iregsmtIomuiti , George fl. l'oyno : 1)odue btreet l'resbyteriun.'mirrcn Ssvtzier ; Southwest Presbytormmtil , Di' . % V. I' , Mit- i-os ; North PrcFbyterlan , Low .Amidersomil Cuibtehlar Street 1'rcbytorlnmm , 1te , M. Wilson ; luiitem1 i'resbytcricuu , Everett ( iiIis ; } 'irst 1st E , , 14 , 0 1nmums ; Scsi-anti Street lit , 1- , - ; I4uitiieran , lr. Ii. S. Leisont-ing , 'i'hmo nssoeiaticuui decided to imimumu' its an- until supper I'riday evening , Novommiber it Im . A cotuumuittee was nppoiumted to se loot ( l'legntt's for tue state coumi-ontiomi at Limicoin , October 21-24 , A Case of Destitmutlomi , 'rhicra lies Iii it simmall amid the lIctliy mm. iiivmtiuig umpartimuent ims a house bit lime alley between 1'ifleouutiu nmmd Sixteenth , timid Lt'mivensvom'tim lifll ( .lomies streets , a sick maim to iviuommi time attent'uomu should lit , ( lirecloti. lie isemv 1(5W iiitim tiiiioitl fever itiuti hums tn'eim sick fem over a ss-eek , having received ito umur'thieal ttttemmtioim umithi I ) r. lnrrossetiietl ) : on imimmi 3-t'ster- ( hmt3ills lialmm ( ' hi liossiami , ' lie ensue litre from 1ss-a , nmutt hums Lucemi workimug on omue of time soss-urs. lieimmg entirely witimoumt immoumey amid friemids , lmavluig a ishfe mumuti two little ones ticpeiidiuig on imiimm lot' suiti- imort mind sick } mimmmsei f uuigh iimmto death , lOOiBowhmmi ) 'S cllttt mmtc'u-iLs liii umit'tiiate ntteumtiomm by time autimotitios utnut the tmtu- immaimu. Thin Itetnhuuhmi 'tVmtli. The county counmimimusionom-s have coin- mucmmced to lurge thmo contractors who have the svom-lc of building time court imouso mu- taimibng wall , to hurry up nn(1 tcmt time work comnphetol ly Noveumuber. The cmi- trmtctors reply that it Is hot their fmumlt : that time work Is beluug tlelusyeul , but time fault of time Colorado Sandstone corn- pauiy , wlmo have not furnished the stomse ums rapmuhly ItS it is imeedmud for time wet-k. 'l'iue ( 'oiorado Sammdstomicm coitipaimy rtipiy thiitt time fault lies muot witim them , as tlmey have simibpeI ) ( time stone as fast as it lets been ortlencd tumd that timore are nosy four carloads of stoma , eu time track in Omuuimn.Vhmocver : is to blame time corn- imimssioiiors are going to see thiust tue work Is completed by November 1 , if possible. They Strike 1n-Gm-mutm It : is said that : iil time eoimdtmctors emi limo ( iiil'tmemmt i'tiii'otl : : ( hues loathing iui to tue trammsfer have loft time Vachfio hotel cmii- rumimy's Transfer imotel for the Ogmit'mm , Coummmcil Blu1l's. TIme remson : is that tIme uundo of umucals tins necmm rumsrd : lrouuu time oltb tiummo card 2i edits to 8i cents. 'i'iie raiiruad umems say it is uiot only a umoumop- ely oumtimge : but us violation of cents-act niusde amid eiitomed immto by time comimpany. The Commuity hospital. The coimmity comsumuissiommers lunvo re- tumrmied from thudtiip to SL Louis , Kan- sits City and Cimicmsgo out busimmess comi- nected with tiu proposed couumty amid city imospltal. 'J'hmoy report tiimt : they swore highly ploaseti ivitlm tIme county poOr' iiouo jut St Louis amid wills time hospital iii ( Jlmietgo. : .l'lme bids for time piamms of time iirOPosOd ] ) ougims : cotmuity hospital is'ilI be oiicmittI 0mm Oct. 16. a- ShOt in time Rant ! . Suimitluty time tdn-3'caroltl soum \Viihinun 1sleliugis and utnotimer boy rtbotmt time saiimo age siorc playing out time bottoms with a revolver. In some way it was premna- tureiy disclmargetl , the brsll emmteriumg youmug 1sIcIlugIm's loft imutud bctwccui time little amid time nin Iimmcr amid commmimmg out isear time sviist , ' 1 ime wouumd 'is very 'ain- ' fat and will rcqtmiro sonic timimo for imoal- smug. _ _ _ He Hiurt his Tom-i , Thonuas Ftlhomi comumuienced a suit imi the district cotmrt yestcmit3' : agmtimmst Kitcisems llios , prolrietors of time l'axton hmoumsc , to recover dmmminges : iii time suits of t1-lO0 for mnjuripsreceivetl by fnliimsg I imroimgii an unproteetetl eotl : hole jut time sidess'alk iii front of time hotel iii October , 188-1. Time mlamntillailegus that ho imuimt one of his big toes , svimich caused him to bo laid up . ' ' , ' - forever ; t year. - Time Saloon Licenses. Time city trensumcr is i-ceoiviuig saloon iiccmmses for time tbmird quarter of time yozmr. Of time 177 saloons imi time city , 102 have paid this part of their yearly Imeemise , 20 each , and the aiuthmoritmes arc notifying other saloon naomi that they mimust pay p at once. Death of an Old Tiummer. At the Trenmont House yestords y mutter- noomi 1)tvitl : 'mY' . Javidsomu omme of time old- o't resitinmuts of Oumiutli-a , died of Bmigiit's disease of time kmdmmoys. Time deceased wits years ot age and imad lived iii Oninimmi for nearly timimty years. lie Was a hotelier by trade. lie was unumarniect amid imas mio relatives living oumtsido of Scotinsmd. -p fiICOimHC(1 to Wed. Judge MeCuhlochi yesterday gm-antcd numirrimuge licenses to tIns following parties - ties : Namn flesidence. Ago. _ i Charles Mics..Oumunima 23 'i Agathmm : Cmunuenzlmmtl..Oummahma 19 I Aibei-t 1st. llixsomm. . . .OmmmaIma 82 1 Mars. Mary Sampsomm.Ommmaha 33 Ammothier Glove Contest. Iumican McDonald , time Montana ohmammipbon , arniveti in time city last evomi- lug fm-ens Stilt Lake , where Ito rceeimtly worstcut Siade , time ? slnori , in time mminthi rotmmmd of a glove contest. A nittclm : will prOiabiy 1)0 ) mmuutde between ? slcDonaltl ni-md McCc'rmaek or 1sIeIomirtid amisi Cho iv. _ 1I Jinuiisem. Ssrn : IiikolT it big brmuiser ss'imo tends bar for humus Yotmumg , wits arrested last iiigimt clmtrgmid : witim having mtssuuited : Chancy Xtntmug mumiti a nina svimosc rmuumie : svmms tmmiicmiowmi. 'Yommumg had a torn biy potumideum fmste amid time other immin : a hrokcms nose tiutt : swill be ofl'rcd its cyitiommee un-sums t Icum-lolr. p Commmitomfeils of Nosy Hills. Cutuctno , Oct. Il-ISprelmmi to 'i'mmm : Bnu'.j- Soumm clos'or couumiterfoitems hmavmi been work- lug iii Chicago tIm iast few ( lays amid imavo smmcceednib in snidely chmcumlatiumg sinmriomms $10 silver certificates. 'l'iuo coumuutcrfeits ale of a mmciv scm-los bearing time portrait of 'Vice- Presittcmit lluimdnick'mt. It is icmmosvn that time bamitl had amm ngcmmt \Vashmingtoum wile as soomi art the umotes sseme oblaimuabie iamrciiased a utummuher of them. Froumi tIme iapidity of their appearamico it is stmrrnised they hiss ! somuc urortioim of time iiiates coumupietm'd before time bmii-s were out. o ditlicuity was cxjmenitmiuccil iii working timoumm oil , owing to time lack of familiarity ivitim the mmciv bills omm time hart of time gemue'rai iuimiuiic. 'i'tue seem-el sers'ice oiilcera siuceectied Saturday imm casturimmg ormu of time gauig si'hmo is nosy locked imp. 'I'Imo mmmtltcr : is being kent very quiet in imOimes of gettimuj time others. it is boliesed Chicago poopie mmaso beemm badly victiuimizt'ui mind time ofuiclais tiuimmic sommme unemimilers of time canic have gomie to cities west of hero to svoric timeir scheme. -0 - I'm-oP Pt oum GrammI's i'd comol m's , Nisv Yomum , Oct. 1 l-Mrs. Gemeral : Grammt received iroooo to-day as tIre secomi vay uuieflt of imer simaro of time profits omm her imus. hjanmi's nmemumnirs. Mime wiii , it Is salt ! , receive imaif a immililon him all , 'l'hmorc will hems nucetimig of time Jotmglas county reinmimibeaui coiiumiiltteo omm mmesdmty eyemiimug lut 7:30 : o'clock , nt time ohlico cf ) Simneral & lietlick , 1509 Fumrnmimiu ' street. A full attentlanco of botim eons- znittctumuemm amid cmiuithitlattts Is requested. \v , F. IIECIIEI. , 1\I. \ F. Guimz.E5 , ' Cbcirmrmu , See'y , ltflf ) . IAVI DSON-In this city , October 11th1 at 4:80 Im. mum. , David W. lavldson5 agee ycams. Fimmieral will take place to-day at 2 p. ma. , ' from irexel & Maul's to l'rospect 11111 : ceumetery , -p - Cisretto urnioking by persons while iii limo surf is time fashiomimublo cimild's play at San Diego , CaL I. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - . - - TIIi CA,41'trnAN , QUESTiON. Scnatom' Pryo time JiishmcrIes - Out rnge. l'oimiu..s , Me. Oet 1l.-ISiu'c'lal 'Fele- gramiu to time Jim-u. iSemmatnmFrye , -of time et'uiitiuittt'o Oh foreigmm reimtiouus : of timc ' 11 filet ! States seumate si-luicli imas becum iumwestlgatlmumt time difilcultit's ss-ltii ( 'mitmacia , 5q iumterih'ss-ed. 'l'Imc eotiuimmittotm lets jtist conipleteit its ivork , and si-Julie time seumator coultl not mumakm-m ptmbt ic time ieport , hue saist hint testhiiiumiv ( hiatt bceum taken at ( ioumcester , hioston , l'iovliut'c'toss'ii i-mud l'ortinmmi , amid it iiidieatesl timat tlmere was lie necessity at all for oem flshmhumg sesels to cuter horis ( if Cammnla fom- emmy irumimose e'i- capt those irovi&tetl for Iii time treaty of ItSiS , i-Iz : For Imvltt'r , s-oml , ss-ater nimmi ucpalms. 'l'hmo Camimuiians m-'fmi'e ouur hisimem ameim also- I sit ely alms ! uummqtmaii fled II' ai 1 coma mimeuci at m lhmt w-imntes-er , timid m-eruse to m-ecomnize as wails ! oileumstoimm permmutts to 5tommeim amid tisie. ' ' Both fisimem-umiemu tumid osimmem s migr isIthm guest mmmmammimumity timat thmoy tequmire ab- soluitely lmntimimmg of ( 'aumrmsiis oilmen thmnmu time tu-eaty rights of 1519. 'l'hmey agree that time prlshiege of hislmhumg inside time thmrc'o mumilo ihimult ha absoimmtciy ivortiuiess mind has beeui for tlttoerm yesrs _ Pimmalhy , limo remmicily for expected troumbli's is ii Ii I duet iltmty out sutI t fish , mm ii ( I also a ditty emu fresh lIsh. By umiothermi frm'ezhuig ) mflrdmscs fish can be kept as long as thmey caum luv _ s'mu-immg ( iii otimm- ways , or simmoklumg or salt- itig Umt'uim. 'fimey camm he st'mut frommm Caumsula alt os or time Puuituui States in m-efrhcm-ator c'ams mu mm ii irmnileti as fri-sit ilsiu , aim ti eseahul mml i ( htmlimmuiber time Iruesent roumslrumetlomu of time iasv , ' ' 51y 0 p1 ii mum , ' ' si : I ti Sen at or Fmyc , ' ' is tlmat the ad mimi mm I si inti cmii humus sufilcioum t iiOsi'c't' In Its iuistuds to stop these outrages cmi tim tram t of ( 'aimada , amid thmmt : tlum'm-e is no menson ii'hithmmt : ioss-cr siioului mint ham oxs'm-elr'tl , Cammauhlaim fisiming vessels enjoy all time rights lii our lmrts which ommr osimi vesseis (10 , ivhmiio oumr sc.ssels urn mirac'- tlcaiiy deprived of thmemmm all Iii hide urorts , I timimi k timmit if Camiambis , vcre once satisfied that imer immtiltt- t bum s umomm mum lisim Lrmmme mu is-cu hi mu ot m-estmi t In a reciprocity treaty of tree iisim , oumirages wommimi ummmmmmetiatoly cease , bs'cmtustm. as us Inst. It'sof fad , their owmm PeoPle are stmiierimuz munich mumomo tunis ours fromui 11mm ilgitl exeimm- sion. 'I'imi'y iutvo lieemm mmeemistouumeui to rely imuuucim umpoli our vessels fm a market for their bait amid I liei m imeuri Im r. 'I'h u is ( i's I lou to timeimu Is a very sem-ioum mmmmtier. : Canasta us'- aim-mrs our mel ket. time best 1mm time isoritl , for iii I Imor I mum-mum prtrsimmets , imem svhi eat , os Is , iuta- time" , imay , stamehm , imorc-s , cattle , sheep , etc. , amusE also hmmorimuets of tIme sea. FOr timeso timings her miuarhcu't to us Is utterly ivortimiess. Ours to imcm is aimnostaimecessity. ' 'Shoot hums ems I he Spot. " hIAluuAx , N. S. . Oct _ il-'l'Ime Amumenican scimoohmer Marion Cirinmes , Camutaimm Lamidry , is detaimicut at Skcibmmi-mme by Captaium Quigley fos' breach of time cmmstommms laws iii hot leport- Immus to tue custommis house aim caterIng time hmmrbor timis afternooui switis time Ammmerican flag llyimmg frommm her mmimsthmcati. : Qmulgley , ss'imo was on board time 'i'ei-ior , wimicit si-mis nuucimored Oimfl lmumiullre(1 ynruls below tIme seiuooumer , nimicred Ciuntalu l.ammttmy to huaui tlosi'ui the Ilmig. 'I'lme hatter did so , but simomtly atterss'umiti time hag sn-as mmirahmm seems ilyimig imulmm tIm mast- iiezul. Qtuigiey again om-themett time fisic to be hauled dossmm. ' [ 'imis tinie time Ammieticaum me- fuset to obey. An untied ci-ew ssis : at 011CC deputrimCt1 : from the 'l'erroi. who boam-dest the sehoommer amid Qmmhglcy iilrnself Imauled down the Arnericaum thug.a . - aRYAN RYAN ANI ) SULLIVAN. Pho Two SiuggersAs-rauusro For a Fight iii Salt Prmuolsco. ClrmcAc.o , Oct. 11.-Patlsly ltymmu : has signed articles to light , Johui L. Sulihvamm eigimt romimmds ssithm smmmahl gioves at Sami Francisco witimin sixty days. Time ltgimt will be for f5 ammd 8 per cent of time gate receipts. 113aui swill commmuumemmc'e active tm-sing to-imiorrow amid -mviii is-ave for Sami Frammciseo mibotit Novermiber 1. SullIvan is expected to amrh'o here the latter isuit : of this week to affix his slgimatmmie to time agreemimeumt. Il. Six-liominui Contest , ItocmcAWAv Hntcmr , N. Y , Oct. iL-Dan- id Crusty , of Lom'mt-Isiand City , and Louis Jester , of 1)etmoit , emmgaged hum a prize light at an early iuoui this mmmormubng. Six reminds iseme fouglmt , hasting twenty-eiglmt mimismutes. Crusty wus : uleclamed time swinner , hmmvlmug : kmioclced lmis aumtagoiuist timi-omighm a ss'indosv. Latomiia .loekoy CIutm Races. CixcusNiTz 11.-Three-fonni ims ummile , Oct. - - : Tomiy I'astor w'on , Dais-n of Iaysccomtti , Lord Ciifmit'n third. Thuuuc-1 : i7f' . 'l'ss'o furlongs : I3auu NaIl won , Varina second - end , Vislette thmird. l'iumum-l : Gl. Sevemu-ehglmths mimilo , two heats-FIrst heat : Elsie B. won , \Yahmoo secouid , Malva It. third. 'l'iuume-1:31. : Second heatVahoo : won , Muii'n : .11. second , Elsie B. third. 'rlmuic- 1:80 : 1:80Mile : Lhcra si-omu , hattie Cam-lisle second , Loumgahim-iImt lhmird. Thmmme-l : . Mile nuuti Imaif tumrlonu : iCeimsmngton won , hattie S. sc ontl , Uobb3 Sulam third. 'i'imnc- 1 : f,0. , _ _ _ _ Coney Island flitecs. JIIUOIITOx lhm-AciI : , N. Y. , Oct. u.-'rium-ee- qmmartors of a miuile : Bum-b ivan , Behlevime secomud , Stutter third , Timims'-l :17k. : One ummile : ltosoico ssonVentiusore secoimd , May \V \ third. 'l'immmc-l :45i- : , ( . One immihe : ( iraumd Dmiko ivon , J3aimarmma ec uid , Eager third. 'ii muuc-i :403g. : One ammo ouue-eighmtim mimiitms : Bomummie I'm-inca sven , Boaz secommd , lhhg Heath thmnti. 'rhumme- 2:0O4. : Oumo amid one-quarter immiies : Top Sawyer is-slim , Em-host second , Adomuis thmhmti. 'l'mumme- 2:12- : < . 2:12Ouio amid omme-sixteentim uumIies : Treasurer ivoul , 3tmiliieVsiitomm secommd , Chmammtiiiy timiid. 'i'immme-l ; 5i4. ! The Init Cnmmme. WASXfPGTON. Oct. 11.-Time last game of time cimmumuiIonsimip : se.isoim si-as iime'l : ' hmt're to- ( l5s' betsvecmm tIme Vasimiimgtomm and Kansas CII ) ' chub-s. 5'msiuimiiztoim..0 1 0 0 2 0 2-5 Kauismrt : City . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 0 1 0-7 Fimst base iuits-\Vumshmlumlomm S. Kammsaa City 0. Errem-s-\Vashmimigtomm 10 , Kaumsas City Ii. Ummupire-Qiiest. l'IrrsmmuRO , Oct iI.-l'ittsbmurg 4 Metro- poliimuums I. Fimst base imitss-i'ittsbiurgim , leIropolitaims : i. Emmors-l'itt'btmmg 2 , Met- ropoultamus 1. tJi1miriu\riloiituiic , 'rime Straimger ' . % 'ins. 1sIniumritumntfllnss. . , Oct. 11.-'iie tluimd amid hum-st of time series of races between time Anmeric in sheep 'l'itotis amid time iumgiisim cut- tem Strammger svms ; : mhit'd mill' half % 'ny htock niitt time Stn.ummger woim by cinsci : ummiumutes In ml sabi of lmVCimuhiVm4. @OLERA'POREJ $ OR EVERBOD\lS5UBJEGI'TO \ HO'MILY'SAJmTt HAViNqABOTTLOF WJT1JN 's'i RlAC IT 1SA5AF.E5PEDY 'VR } c&7 ALL PUi3E1L Jr i-- A tukk. Curom-or _ _ , 5 % . aknaxoqu&ctrc Or- M E vounz - N .tmipuomA. . IruMaiIo.k . . -IrI , .ei , , t8 . Jii ( iSU. OO..ilUkAW. - - - A STAItTLING - It Is umt C'oiimmnoumt known timat a Iaru Porliofiof tlio rlmm'umnrstistut mind iim-ut.- m-m'mlgit : e-s.tant is traeoibio : directly to 11mm-i , dist'tsc'ti : ctimiditioim ou' immuperfec't : it-tion o liiikitinc'ys anl ( hiser therefore si retumemly islmit'im cures time resuiltimmg disease must luivi : , foumuitt nuuui snmbttun time first caumo. sI tuuu3 iic'msomts um-silug Athmioiuimores fom' rhmeuu unatistum nimmi uus'uralgia iiaso boon sumi- - litiseil to iliuti t lint ciiromuue disorders of tiumi liser amuul kitlness hmnso : ulo hicois s'nm'ntiy ret ivcsi : iimtf t hey imavt' svrittett ' ( ur :111 : ) . stint inmi. 'Elms' : us.t Is , timat thu iouiis'tiy uiCts ( iim''thy ( III I h1I'Si orgamms , eleamutng tln'miu from stil lm-ritrttiimg stIb- stnmii'es mind regulating theIr notioum. 'i'tkemm : hi Ciuiul'cIimi ( si-it Ii A timioplmots I'iils thus is , svitiuoumt e'eptbomi , I him ) lilOst vaimmable kitiiut'y miumul his-u.n rummuuculy iii limO sst.rhd . numd is-i ii cuut'e mi imulgO ironotti Oil of those sihmo huts-u timeso diseases. Cimsi-hes F. ( hilUn , Stuart , insva , says : ' 'I hmtio : miot hind aim mtu'Imo or hmilmm : of rlmu'lm- Iu1tti5uii mliimue I use(1 time I'tlmlopimoros ' , ssidehm k noun 05't' ml yotm : migo tii thmreti 11111111 Is roy stome si-as ciosemi , hot beimg mmiulo It ) nttt'umd hi lily bmisimmm'ss at mti I. 1sly joints ivero awohletm mmmiii timeio thld iu Seoul to bt , miny pamt of iuiy body that diti not ache. Alter suflerimug in thus ssmsy . immithi time iliili iVztrt mibumuost iit'ommt1 , enulumr- - timid' , I wont to the Cohfumx Spriumgs to tuv time etl'ects of time svntem. ' [ 'ho tiny 1 hoff 1 imnmmio I had ljt ) be t'umrit'sl : tltiwmm st4uinO. .A _ ( ten remmumuimiiug at. time Spring a mnommt ii I caine buick , being somums' bettor. After 1)011mg iiommmu ii ( civ svceics I hind a rt'lmimse , It. swas at this tiummu I lemm-mmed : of At iho' uliti'OS. I , scumt jotii bottle of it amid iii fifteen mimimitites after I limit ! tmmkuimm time tim-st (15)50 1 felL its oflucts , : tuui si-lit-li I Immul : 11mm- ) thus thmirul bottle I was sseil. 1 linvo umot iunti usimy mimctiumimitismii simice. Eierv drturrgist should keep Atiiloplmo - ros : mumtT AtiIt'OIimoros ) i'iIls , btit whore thmoy eanimot be bntigimt of limo druggist time Athmlopimoros Co. , 112 VaiiSt. NnwYork si-il I send oithmt'r ( eamriige : ieiitl ) on reed II of reg-uultr : inice , which is $1.01) ) nor bottle \thmhoiiimoros nuuti te. ) for iufhs. I'srr I I 5cr mmmm ii kustum ny d isnmisqrq , .l-srcrlmi , In' digest loll , wcaikumt' , mmt'msouls doblilt y , uuiresuscu cm I r-oiim 0mm , CO II St I Put moum , imemuimmeimo , liii uur itiourl , m-e , , .i 1 imitsisimu ) i-os l'i us mit-c uummesium niorl , ii S ; ir " (117 St Cimarim" , irt. , , Loumtss , 3to. A i-rmuugia.i , , , , f ( .0 Udici ( 'eul.g , . , hi , be , , . Io , e.t.d in it. .p.tam ( e.ezrI of CNftc. N.-tI "irl md (5 , er. . , . . , , tb. , , nv ott.r ii. aOit. unSi. Loui .j .mt1 mm' , , , .rnw nDt mmu .ri re.idnu. . . . , , . NermouB Proattatlon , DebIlity. Montmut mind Phisical Weaknomis ; Mercurini and otiitiAlice. . tion of throat Skin or Bones. Ulood Poisoning , Ud Sores nd dIccr , r. ltm , .s.p.r-mmm ueeu. , 1 lattt . , tntltia pri.clpue. miafel , rm.tm7. Discaso Arising from indscrolon ( ( , xccs , mposuro or Indulgence , wtii. mrodn. , pmo , f 45 $ ioiIoiV .StI S .i.biflty , dmj. , , , . or timism ird d.tctl , . . , .wary , pmmpl. , on 15 , ( ne , ph d.e. sverplrD lotS. ocltyof tmtm , , , e.rfnioi , of idt , , .td. rend.rlng Martiao tmnpropcr or uarhp5y' , ilu - peI-E.Dtl .uF.d. Fmhu. (24 ( parc. ) , n 0 , br , , , , iol lQRttlel eu.lope , fl1e59 ay iidi-i. . C.IalisLma&Is . ( r..rby . . .mm m-e. , iyuIu a pomemmy cs@dnimsi. A Positive Wrilimin Orntco guy. , tu , voryc. , ) leiicmn , .rt Is.rJ.mrr , by nimm oreii-r , . . . MAA 560 I'AQ3. P1N5 Pt.ATES. elcs.t oot5 .d 1mt bitdir , ieti.1 ror sco. In po..u.orurr. . . Ove , iii , oder.m i , itr' " . tt. . 5. mit. u sOlOS. , , . , (5 , kmmo-u uiJeii ! bO .r5y mFTy. "ho Lot , hf r ni,5..4 , Ird. dcay , .e.m , re.itc1 , . , , a , , , , , , iii. piy . . , . . , . . - - lou.ri ofr.prolctfoIr , SD4 my tror. Tbi u..rrsS o cont..pifl.rj mil-ige iruld ? r.l tt I.m. . per . , . . 0Wiltticz rltlo0 _ ' . 21t329E3L50 TansH1sPunchC1re ! : b'5' . tmlppe.t cimrdrmg tim paet : Lw , , year svittout a ttrmiui- L ; mnor Imi our cmurio , Xn other . 1 imirimea in the world cams tt-tmtlm- . ftriiy make auli a tuowIjmg. 5c CuCP' One rtgeumt ( ilr'itkr only ) - , - t wammioct In ozmch town. SOLO SY LIADuNmI Diuccisis. RW.TANS1LL&CO..B5StaieSLChicaaa. I - A P00k that every frther , ulsoulS 'laeo in SI. , on's mnrni , " , ' grrsi imrsif m tl'r , uto.i , c-4ro. omv-s trii SIr. , , vnhmtorn. irni tei-rmbmd r.-rrmt oti.a- iIuutO Lrrmy vi .ua Igiror- " " ' -c-- tm--r. JoIr cmmumo. ) 1uirbn'k irnS iIe,1 , or iTam. i'arl' . Wrarrce ) tiles xed iS. Tt'.tiinonltrL frorir .minet , , Loodon Poetogi FflEOH HSPTAL TREAThEUT tor tirajirs , moetiy , Venkrre. , , Loet Yltailiy. Etc. Sent rnh.eti''i i'-c-c- ( ' , , , , eullntIn. Fron , ) J , 0'S uM. . ELVIALI AGL'OT. i4 kitoi si. . xtw York. ¶ OODBRIDGE BRO' ' State Agents Foil. 'J1ILE DCKPH IJRO'S. ' PIANOS. Omaha , Neb. _ . . - AND HF'ANTINVAUDS . - . - MAR11. bo Uni' aerfoct oubmitituto ror Motlir'mi milic , sovaluobmn mrs Cholera Intantem anti Teething A pro.dlg.rmucl rood lur Dyn- miontics , Connumptuvon , ConvLiIeSCOfltmi. i'oi-toot nutrient In iril Wimstln flIsensemi Rocpsirono cool.lng. On.imoosc , The Care and FecdIn of mnrantrj , malmod froo. Jot.inmcis. oooumz.mi & Co. . jiotou. Maa ji ,4 I : ; : YLf-1L1T WHSKY Ipu'ri.ul I UI t I I I..t . for iii-tmt _ .11 tril Iitami I I'tSt9. IJfIEOUALEIfor ) CONSUMPTIOII I3W. tASlING DISEASES and , GENEJIAL DE13ILIIY. PERFT8 T.i)5' it i5'MJINO , Sur- - ? - eJ ; Eec. , , hr ( ' 1rtf , 'iaulusral 4Juri crN.J.,5mmuc. "Iiatt.nmhir , wa , raliect U your lleyiituno M-mu il1l.k.y bj i' Mr. I..tior , Om irgslat , sf i-r rston , ni.i I ui-4 , t f-w trottl . % ltIm ( ii lttsrffuct thrrn y . il.:2 : in's-n iisii l mris , m'oeourauenalnl . . i-our l.riicifl Is , mary jrCtCO , , , and ! ; _ ri' ' lurid Ii very atiuctury. : 3ZAIE O IMITATICIT. - , ? 5' fQTh. ( ient , , , , ba. IS , Nl.muM Em8Fs 8 Ta-Lrntlu if Etttto. " EsIa 8m ELSi , (1(05. ( A $ ' ( ( or lb. C a , 2113 , 81B aad 120 Race IlL Pmiladelchia. ! Pa. ( oodmumzmmm Dmug ( 'o , ( ; muruhitgurntsOummaim a Nubruskmu. : - . -FULLY WAFRANTED- ' - .BEST' ' 4URLb ; ; 'po-nt.o ItY , t u.UtttKELMmMj , Y' . ST.LOIJiS - 'I PORALEBY.9..5 ( -o. J. , tz-umulrusm.Pi ( Jtuimitzmg at. 1) . ii IIiwmmamtn. ii7 : Vsui-uiaiim st. .fnlmmi lIuisio , 21'tT Cmmmming , at. - - Iiormnmimi Ku mmsl. , , ( Un Hitl ( ii Ohm at. 0 , l.mcum. u , .115 South iRims'S. ' . i'msui4em Mu Ci(1it ( North hith t. .1 I , . itsy , SD Nersim utitii at. iv i , tputzei , Im:1 : howard . . 0. S' , ttuepum , u.0T 8utti 20111 t. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -