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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1886)
THJE OMAHA DAILY 'BEE : TUESDAY. .OCTOBER 12 , 1880. A RUINOUS COMBINATION , J Depressing Factcn Unite in Sending Wheat Away Down. TRADING LISTLESS AND SLOW. Not a Single Feature to Give ttic Mar ket fitioynncj- Corn and Provl- felons Also Litfclcss Mar ket Quotations. CHICAGO I'UODUCK MARKET. CHICAOO , Oct 11. ( Stcclal | Telegram to the UEE. ] There was to-day a combination of all sort * of tilings to lo\\cr the price of wheat. There were the scandals of the board , the big receipts , the absence ot a de mand for shipment , a substantial Increase lu the visible supply (1,607,000 ( bushels ) , and a rnlse In the government estimateof the wheat jlcld to 453,000,000 bushels , t'ndcr the In- llticiice of this combination the price of cash wheat vent under TOc , nnd the price of the November option down to Tl. c , the lowest rrico jet. Speculation was very dull. .Brokers stood around and dlsctis.H.-d the re cent hutre defalcation of the provision pit. There was one little failtne by n tired out wheat bull. It excited no comment. Kvcn a good sized failure would have created no comment. The estimates early on the In crease In the visible supply nf wheat put It at 2,000,000 bushels. The llgtires were made public half an hour ahead of the usual time and showed an Increase of onl.v t.WTCwO bttshels. It did not advance prices , llutchln.son Fold wheat and It was said evcrj body else In thu pit , trom the millionaire owner of the Corn Exchange bank down to the smallest holder , sold all that he could. The October govern ment report on crops was made public about noon , but the big men here threw over the Washington estimates lung aso as too modest , and this concession by the Washing ton authorities had little effect. Operators here do not believe that 12 < bushels to the acre Is a fair estimate of tinIeld , but that H IH much larger. At anv rate thu govern ment iei > ort and thu visible supply lieures and all the. other ordinary new matters that came along was taken with utter Indiffer ence. The crowd was not trading. There were a few who thought thu Uottum was reached on all these discouraging features , but neltner the big men nor tlie little men , who have been dravvlnc their - jter cent per month dividends on the .selling side , were to be convinced.Vhealhuiigalonguiider 7Jc for November. The corn market was as weak as wheat , November felling ( low n to 34Jjc Provisions were steady on the closing of the houses at the vards. The close at 1 o'clock was 71 Ye for Novem ber wheat , JM'Cc for November corn , and SP.lC lor Januaiy pork. The afternoon tiading slatted at the latest morning prices , TIKc 'or ' November wheat , but the offerings were heavy and values soon declined to TlJic. Other articles were steady but slow. The closines were : Wheat was firmer , ovviug to ( ] itlte active short covering during the last quartet af thu hour : O''Kc ' for October , "IJtCJTlJ e lor Noveml > er , T3J-c for December. Corn was steady : ; Wfc , for Octo ber , JWJjc for November , 35c , for December. Oats were steadv : 'iSc for October-4stc for November. 1'ork was hrm , S\W ) lor Octo ber , SS.W } * for November. S\b5 lor the year , 810.00 for January. Lard was linn : S5.CO lor October , S .72K for November.55.57 } * ' for the year. Short ribs were a shade better ; 50.00 for October , S.Vio , January. Criiii.:45 : p. in. 1'uts on November wheat , 7114@71 ic , ; calls , 7i\c. Puts on No vember corn , u4-sg34 ( * c ; calls , S5c. CHICAGO lilVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Oct. 11. [ Special Telegram to tlieBEK. "I CATTLE. The Impression among salesmen was that values ought to IMJ hiclier. but thcro was only a small attendance of buy ers , and the eastern demand wnb quite llsht Fully one-fourth of the icceiptis , some 14,000 cattle were direct to arussed beef men from their buyers In the west. They evidently vcre afraid of not liavlnir cattle enough here to-day and so tried to secure themselves In this way. The small proportion of hand } ' choice natives , however , sold lOc higher , whllrt rough and infeilor cattle were barely steady. There was an uncertainty in trade that caused a weak feeling. The general Im pression Is that shippers w ho ran do so had better hold back until affairs become more settled. Shipping steers. 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs. 84.00(85.00 ( : 1,200 to 1.350 Ibs , S4.lCca4.00 ; KiOto 1,2W lbsS3.50S4.00. ( In nuiue cattle , jhe receipts were moderate to-day , and the cte- ruaiul not at all strong. 1'ricu.s tor desirable kinds vveie stronger , however. Inferior rangers vveie slow. Sales : SI Montana. : 67 Wyoming , l.lbl Ibs. saK : ; 117 Color.ido Texas. 1.0i5 Ibs. 83.15 : 'J43 Colorado Texas. l.ttX ) Ibs , Sa.lS ; 140 Wyoming feeders , 1,073 Ibs , S2.bO ; 47 COVNS , SSt Ibs. Si75. Hoes There was a brisk demand tor ship ping sorts , with an advance of .VXlOc on heavy ina fancy butcher grades , but there was not a regular local packer on the market , hence no demand whatever for packing eortb. except a.OOOor 4,000 that. lohn P. Squire may want for Uis Uoslon house , or , perhaps , a load or so to co to Milwaukee. For packing sorts thete ate no fixetl values. A shipment made up Sattuday for Squire cost only S3. 74 , and it was c.\i > ectud that a similar shipment would be made to-day at r > @iOe less. Shippers nd city butchers paid S1.004.23 for thu ordinary sort , and S4.4.r : > o for fancy heavy , and strictly Philadelphlas , light torts , sold at S3.40.34.SO . ; Yorkers , M.OUS. . F1MANCIA.L. N w York. Oct. 11. MONRY On call , Botivti at OS1U per cent , closing at C per cent asked. I'm UK MERCANTILE PATCH 4@fl per cent. tiTKiiMNO EXCHANGE Quiet and weak ; actual rates for 00 day bills , i4.M for doiunnd. UovKRKiihNTs Government bonds were dull and weal ; to-day. STOCKS Stocks opened active. The fea tures of trading wen ; New Kneland , Texas I'acilic , We.strrn Union and Pacific Mail. They weie all strong except the last , ahd the Kencrnl market was linn. It began to yield early , however , and Hcadlnc became in emi nent. 1'hc drclinucontlnnru with compara tively ciulet tir.illnc until the last hour , -.vlien the entire list rallied , and the market olosea firm nt IITOular changes compared with Sat- uiday evenlnc. STOCKS OK WALL SrilEKT. 8 ? cent bonds. . 1W C. & N. W O.b ' preferred. 14-j New4's l'J7 ? N.T. 0. l'aclliotl'iiof'03. ISO IQrecon Tran. S3 LVntral 1'aciflc. . 4i > . , Pacinc Mall . . . C. AA IMij.IM . ) . & E _ luvierreo. . . . 100 1M' . C 144 C. ft. .VO J87 i Hock Island. . . . It. I , , fcW ISO St L , AS. K. . . It ( ! 8i > , preferred. . . . . . . . 3IH 0. , M. Jc .St. I1. . . W pro erred. . . V5's prefened. . llliiiolB Central. 184 St , P. .to L , H. AW 0 > 4' preferred. . . 111 Kansas.VTexas. SGi Texas Pacific. . . 20 LakeShoru. , . . . 91 * | < Union Pacilio. . . UAN. . . . , 6IVW..SLU& 1' . . Mich. Central. . . WH1 pruferml. . . HaPacilic 114 Western Union. Northern Pac. . . e i4 O. . It Jc N 104 preferred. . . Kii I'ltOlJPOE MAKKUT. Chlcauo , Oct. 11. Klour Unchanuedj winter wheat Hour , 84.05@4.10 ; fcouth-' ; Michigan soft sprint ; wheat , S3LHX.4 4.10 : Minnesota bakers , 515034.10 ; patents. 4.30 4.00 ; low grades , Sl.-VSiTS ; rj e dour , miu-t atVJ.VaXM ) ID bun els. aud 53.00 i'.M in sarks. \Vhe tVwik.aud t lower at the opening : market advanced We , then declined Jfc , rA\- \ Jlcd a tiillehiid closed fc | lower than Satur day's closing : cash. CDH i.70c ; Ortobcr CUUc ; May , torn ixivwr ; opened trifle stronger , but declined Kc later , and closed founder Sat urday's cfosin ; cash , XWiHlRc : October , SSc ; November , JMh'c ; Uecember. S5& ; May. c Oats- Dull , heavy but not quotably lower ; csh . i iits : * : OVtoU-r , aSc : November , 4 ic ; May. 'j - Kye Dull and loner at ibe. Hurley Dull nd depressed at 52c. Timothy seed I'rlmts 81.70(31.71 ( , KUx-seed Opened at 81.00 , fold down to e. - . ' . Pork rather oj-cned strong at 5'ar ? < cadvan then declined 7S ( < UOe , rallied and clpiejl Meady ; rath. S\v , : October , SS.'v November. saTOia's.W1 ' * ; January , Lnrd Easier earlv : receded 5 < aiO , " or near and 2-fi } 8o en more deferred ; later feeling firmer ; price * , rallied and clo ed steady ; cash. S. ' .f .Vo5.70 ; October , S5.57,5y > .GO ; November , S5.07lti < i570 ; January , SS.Wnrf.VO'.JK. Bulk Meats-Shoulder ? , $5.70,45..5 ; short clear , SO no ; short ribs 5C.G.ygG.70. Mutter Quiet ; creamery. 'J0 t5sx ; : dairy , lV22c ; packing stock , 7' @flc. Cheese Lower : full cit-ain Cheddars , lO'-f ( alcdo \ \ Hats. ltrtli' c ; young Americas , ll'iWlthc ; skims. 4S7'c. ( fcirirs Scarce : 10al7c. ( Hides llcavv crecn salted , fully cured , Ike : llcht. do'S c ; bull hides.Vfc ; drv. 2c ; salted Il@l2c. Tallow No. 1 country , 33J/c ( ; No , 2. 3c : cake , ! ? ; c. AfV'rnoon Hoard The markets ruled a NovembcrS4\c ; December , 'i > ' 4c : Mav. PorkNovember.Ssiy ) : . ) aiiuatjS10.00. Lard1. November. S5.7VX ; December , S5.SO ; Janu ary , S5A { ia5.(0. Keerltns Shipments.'s ' . 1S.OOO Wheat , bu. . 112.WW IO.IW ) Com. Du . > 0.tWO 4M.OOO OfttS.DU . 213.000 IN.tvX ) Ure. on . 5,0W ( l.OCX ) llarlev.tu . 77UK ) W.O'JO 8t. l outs. Oct 11. Wheat Weak : (3 ( Kc lower ; No. 2 red. cash. Wiej < 37'-Sc ; November , 73 ; December , 7.V : a-sketl ; May , . Corn Weak and ' 4@\'c lowerNo. : 2inlM > < l , cash. r3c ; Nnv ember. t c nsked ; De cember , 3.i\c ; May , 37 * < c. Oats- Weak ; No. 'J mixed , cash. 2 H 24 fc ; November , 24 c ; December , 25 c ; May , ' 3)Xc bin. Jtye Steady at 4Sc. Whisky S1.13. Pork SP..W. Lard-C..VVSf.00. Hulter Fairly active but higher ; creamerj'i 24(3-jrc ( ; tlalrj' , I2t-0c , Afternooon board Wheat Weak ; " 40 Inwei ; Corn Eas.l . , c lowerOats ; At ' 1,0 lower. Lilvcrpoul , Oct. 11. Wheat In more. demand ; new No. 2 winter , steady at Os Gtfd } ; new No. 2 sjirinir , steady at Os Od. 1'lour In poor demand , dull nt fes 4d. Com In poor demand ; spot , steady at 4s 4 VI : October and November , dull at 4s ad ; December , easy at 4s 3Ud. New Orleans , OcUll. Markets quiet and unchanged. Corn Dull , wenkand lower ; mixed , 49'jt 50c : yellow. 'lOAolo ; white , 51 ( 52c. Oafs Firmer at 35c , Corn meal Steady. } Joir Products In fair demand. Lard-SO. 00. Bulk Meats Shoulders , 85.50 ; lonjr clear and clear ribs , 50.025 . Toledo , Oct. 11. Wheat Opened dull and closed lower ; cash , 75J c. Corn Dull ; csh , 37c- Oats Steady ; cash , 204'c. Knnsns City , Oct. 11. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , cash. & 2 c asked ; November , teJi'ebid : May.COVc , Corn Lower : No , 2. cash , 2S' < e ; Novem ber.2s'4cbid ' ; December , SOc bid ; Maj5c. . Oats Nominal ; cash , 24'j'c aNew York. Oct. 11. Wheat Spot , H' @ Ic lower and heavy , with fairly active trade reported ; options opened film and advanced VHe , later ruled easier and declined J < ( ! ? l\c , closing steady with slicht recoverj- ; re ceipts , -JOO.OOO : exports. 3-1.000 : unirraded reu. 7H < iMc : No. 3 red , iVJ jifOc ; No. 2 red , 'j@ic afloat , hij c 1. o. b. : No. 1 , bG c : No. 2 red October closing nt M Vc. Corn Sx | > t K@84C and outions 9ij { 6 < c lower , closing steady ; receipts ii9r > CU ; ex ports , 1 ( ,000 ; tingraded , 40Krf45c ( atloat ; No. 2 closed October , at 43'jc. ' Oats } .fjPc ( , lower : receipts , 101,009 ; ex ports none ; mixed western , S0g ( : > 2c ; white western , S.XaSi c. Petroleum Firm : United , clo > ed at GSJ e Poik Dull nnd easier ; old mess , S9.75 ; new , S10.0CK210.50. Lard Ojioned n@lO points lower , west ern steam spot , S6.00@0.10. Cheese Firm but quiet EKES Dull and easier ; western. 20@20 > c Butter Quiet and unchanged. Minneapolis. Oct. 11. Wheat Weak , unsettled and cenemlly lower : No. 1 hard , cash and October. 09Kc : November , 70c ; De cember. 72c ; No. 1 northern , cash or October , 07 } c ; November , CS ! < c ; December , 70c ; No. 2 northern , cash or October , 05c ; November , GOkc : December , G7)-gc , Flour Dull ; patents , S4.ia/34.25 ; bakers' , Iteceipts Wheat , G27.0DO bu. Shipments Wheat , 00.500 bu. ; flour , 20.000 bbls. Cincinnati. Oct. 11. Wlieat Dull ; No. 2 red , 75c. Corn Weak and lower : No. 2 mixed , ffi c. Oats Quiet but firm ; No.2 mixed , 27'c. live Dull : No. 2 , . ' > . ' } ( < Vte. Pork Dull at 5SI.S.T. Lard Firm at 5 ? . " > .bO. \Vliisky-S1.13. Mllvrnnkce. Oct. 11. Wheat Steadier ; ash , O''U'c ' ; Noveuiber , 70 } c ; December , . Corn Steady ; No. 2 , f Oats Dull : No. 2. SJ Hye-Easy ; No. 1 , 51'fc. Barley Lower ; No. 2,61 Provisions Firmer ; pork , October , SS.b November , LIVE STOCK. , Get 11. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : D Cattle Hecelptfi. 0,200 ; fat cattle a shade higher ; shippinc steers58.50s5.0i ( ) ; stockers and feeder- , S2.25'U50 : covve. bulls and mixed , S1.70g.UO ( ; bulk , > JW 60 ; through Texas cattle , steady ; cows , Si20@-J.C5 ; steers , i2.yocn3.40 : western rancertJ , strong , Hoes Kccflpts. b,0K ( ) ; shiniiliig srrades lOc higher ; rough and mixed , s .50@4.SO ; pack- in and shipping , S4.oo@4.00 ; Jight weights , 5-3.rXKaH.45 ; bkips , 415(33.25. ( Sliei-i > KeeeipUs. ' . ' JO ; natives , S2.25C ? 4.0a : western. Sl.'ft : 3.75 ; Jambs , . SiUM .fiO. The Drover's Journal's si > eclal London cablegram repoits the cattle market l < c bet ter under very small supplies. Best Am erican steers , iSc per Ib , dressed. Kanans Cttr. Oct -Cnttle Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none : grass range stionc and active and a shade higher ; good to choice , 84.00 4.50 ; common to medium , StSO@.K ; ! ) : slockers , S'.iV < ? i7.r ; feeding steers , t2.KK-i3.oo : cows , S1.W 2.CO ; grass range steers , S2.3.VS.VJO. Hogs lleci'ipts , 1,500 ; shipments , none ; strong , active and lOo hlcher ; good to choice , S4.4CHgl.SO ; common to medium , tawa-us. St. LouU. Oct 11. - Cattle Ueoeipts , 2 , 000 ; shipments. 1,000 ; grades a shade hlcher ; lair to choice native shippers , S4.2S@4.05 ; butcher stf-ers , S l,403-4.'i'i ; mngers and Texans , S2.70Q3.00. UOK& Itecelpu , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; ftiong under llcht receipt : butchers aud choice heavy , S4.SOVJ4.W ; packing , S4.00Q 4.SO ; Yorkers , S4.'JOCij4.S5 ; pigs , common to extra , 8a.lK)3.XlO. ) OMAHA tilVE STOCK. Monday Kvenlng , Oct 11. Cattle The fre U receipts of range cattlt were liberal and a few changed Hands to-day. Theru are a good many range cows In but they sell siuw. Native butchers' stuff is In fair rexjuest , and the receipts are fully up to the demand. Corn fed cattle are In demand. Hogs Thu receipts weru extremely llehl and not enough to make a market The de clining market of tfle past week , as well as thu laboi trouble ) In t hlcaeo , Has had the effect ot cutting off shipment * . For some time past there hax been no bu > ers for Chicago on this market and the hogs bouirht here nrr either for local bouses or for Boston , Hoi this reason the closing of the Chicago packIng - Ing houses will have very little etlect upon this uiaiket The market to-day was about steady with Saturday's prices. Everything was sold. Sheep A few sheep and lambs were sold by the head. HECKIPTS. Cattle . . . 2.00C , . . . . . . . . SOC Prevailing 1'rlcoa. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market Choice steers , 1S.W to 1500 Ibs. . 84.e.V34.a Cholct- steers , 1100 to 13W Ibs. . a.75 ( < J-t.fil Medium gtcers , liV ) to law Ibs. . . 3.GO < < r4.15 Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150104 . . . . Coed feeders , . . . , . , . . ( Jood to choice corn-red cows . 2.0 Fair to medium grass covvn . a.0 liood to eholce OulU . . . . . . , . . 1.50C42.0C J.Ightnnd medium nog * . . . , . 3.f * ' < r3.7 < ( Jood tocholc fttovy t ) gs . 175i3. ( Good to choice mixed ho s Roncli throw out . . . . 2.'O < f3.uO ( iood to ehoieo sheep. . . . . . . . R,00S.i5 ( Falrloeood sheeu . 2.7.v3oo Q'oipmon sheep . 1.50S2.50 Representative Males. WESTERN COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Vr. 05 l < 00 2.60 . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 40. . . . 1130 fS.CO CO. . . . 1170 SS.52 W. . .10bS S8.15 BOG * . No. Ar. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 77..24S 240 S3. 75 W---W SfiO J3.S5 48. . . . 2W 40 aSO 00..2SJ 120 3/.0 47..2 * < J W ) 3.H ) Til HOW OVT5. No. Av Shk. Pi. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 31. . . . 140 40 8.20 VtnnRc of 1'rlces. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid for lends of hogs on this market during the past seven dajs and for the same time last year : T Sept. Is v J Oct. tss < Oct. IP'S. 4th 6th Sunday. Ith L30 @ 50 7th 4 © 5.15 Mh < 0 O4.CS till 4 40 14 65 Uth { 4.45 O < .70 All sales of stock In this market me made pcrcwt live weight unless otherwise staled. Dead hogs sell at Jc j > er Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs vveighinc than Id ) Ihs. novnlue. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Iba audstiics S3 Ibs. Notes. Few hogs in. QA quiet Monday. Cattle market quiet. L. Anderson it Co. , Mead , sold a load of hojs. J. E. Hunt of Papllllon , was here buying sheep. Hicks & Florin , Coleridge , marketed a load of hogs. E. O. Hcdger. West Side , la. , was a visitor at the yards. / . Dillon , Dorchester , was in alter a load of feeders. M. P. Williams. Louisville Neb. , was In after leeders. Orallaley , Hawllns , was here with eighteen cars of cattle E. UuiiL-erford. Council Bluffs , had a load of calves in to-tiny. P. J.Jensen , Fairtmry , Neb. , were in lookirnr lei tceders. O. F. Nelson , Stratton , had five loads ot cattle on the inatket. G. W. Weyant lied Oak , la. , was here and bought a load of feeders. D. Anderson. Columbus , marketed a load ol seventy-seven hois. Mr. Henner , Dewitt , Neb. , was here aud bought a load of feeders. One hundred and three head of small lambs sold at C5c per head. ' E. F. Leach , Ked Oak. , la. , was here and 'bought t y head of leeders. It. A. Torrey. Hock Creek , had eighteen loads of cattle In the yards. The North Loup Cattle company sold a load of hogs on to-day's market Seventy-one dry CA-BS were sold to Papll- lion parties for feeders at S3 a lipnd. Ed. Cooper , of Cooper it Tewksbury , Weep ing Water , was a visitor at the \ards. Tinnen it Luman , llockCioek , were on the were on the market with 71 cars of cattle. Colonel John H. Cook , Carrel , la. , stopped off to look over the yaidj on his way to Ains- worth , Neb. Mr. Hitter , of Morse , llosers & Co. , a prominent live stock hrm ot North Bend , was a visitor at the j ards. Swan Land & Cattle company , Uuttons , had thitv-one ! loads of cattle on uie market * Mr. Dotey came in with them. Tipler it Wbittaker were both here with eleven cars of cattle from Denver. Mr. Decker was also in with them. The cattle weru sold on the market W. W. Davis , of the Northwestern Live Stock Journal , of Cheyenne , is taking in the yards. The Journal Is the leading range paper and is indispensable to stock men. OMAHA. WHOtKSALiE 3IAKKUTS General Produce. Monday , Oct. 11. are JOT round lots of produce , as sold on ttie tnnrtet to-day. Ttie quotations on fruits represent QIC prices at wJtich outstac orders arc filled. jCaos The ecg market is ver- firm at quotations. Iteceiptsare about equal to the demand. Dealers do not look for any change in the market as long as the present mild w wither continues. A cold spell , however , would very likely cause an advance. Strictly fresh , candled , per doz. , 17c. BUTTER The demand for choice creamery and dniry , as well as Jresh country roll , Is very on'sk. Inferloi grades remain ns dull as ever. The season is now suiliciently ad vanced to ship roll butter. When properly ciaded and packed nicely in clean boxes , not containing more than about eighty pounds. Fresh creamery , 25i2sc ( ! : freshdairy , lS(520c ; choice country roll ,'JOc ; choice country roll , solid pacKed , 17 ( lbc ; good country roll , 10@17c : good country roll , solid packed , 15fi ICa ; lair , IKgHc ; common. 4 ( ' . c. Pori/iuv Live poultry continues very dull. The demand for dressed chickens Is daily increasing. Arrivals thus far have been extremely lieht : Live Chickens , old. choice younir , per Ib , lloil'Jc ; choice old , Sia'Je ; duties , He ; ceese , He ; turkeys , liaise , GA.MK A more healthy feeling Is prevail ing. Prairie chickens and grouse , when in good order , sell readily at quotations. Ducks nre in much better renuest Quail in llirht receipt and much called for. Snipe , fair sain. Deer aud antelope scarce and wanted , bhiptiers should bear in mind to ship all game while it is fresh , and not hold off until they have on hand laruo quantities. Prairie chickens , per dozen , ? : : .ou ; quail , Sl.500ai.75 ; saddles , per Ib. , ll@l''c ; deer , carcasses , per lb.,7@yc ; antelope , saddles , ll@Uc ! ; ante- low- , carcasses , " ( y.'c ; elk , saddles , I02l2c ; ; elk. carcasses , O rc ; jack rabbits , per doz. , & 3.50@ .00 ; small , per doz. , 51.021 , 5. Ovsrins : The weather has been most too warm to admit of a very heavy oyster trade. However , trade Is better than usual at this season , and a good many eiders from the outside are boini : tilled. Mediums , a * > c ; stand ards. KOc : selects. S5c : New York counk , 40c VEOITAHI.KS Our potato market Is in a rather unsettled state just at present Car- lots arc hard to place Fanners are supply ing dealers with whatever tl ey require for immediate consumption. Buyers do not show the least anxiety to lay In their winter stock , warm weather being , apparently , their only excuse for holding off. A change in the weather would undoubtedly cause a much better feelint. Onions also meet with slow sale. There is hardly a dealer * In the market who buys more than live or ten bushels at a time. Sweet potaaoes nre plenti ful and low. Cabbage in fair supply. Pota toes , choice , per bu , 5t' @ ' < 0c ; fair to good. 40 ( 45c ; onions , choice , tOcJiSl.OO ; fair to good. 75 ( < Oc ; In small lots from store , per bbl , $3.00 ; sweet potatoes , choice , per Ib , i' @ Xc ; cabbace , choice , per doz , WXsCOc ; cel ery , 40c. Arn.i'.s There Is plenty of fancy stock now arriving from all sections , the demand , however. Is limited. Dealers are not fully prepared to lay In their winter stock. Com mon stock , S2.00@ ' . ! 5 ; choice shipping stock , gif.ott3.00 ; fancy Rtind , S'.75@3.00 ! ; fancy Michigan , SS.00 3.25. HoviK-nnowN GitAi'ES Are very nearly out of thy market. The market Is supplied with New Yoik Concords ; 25 to 50 basket lots per basket I5dt-t0c ; 10 to IS basket lots , 40T < i < 5c ; 1 to 6 basket lots , Og-'iOc. LEMONS Choice , 860 size , per box 88.50 , OiiA.voKh The only changes on the mar ket are Jamaica , which are lower than last week. Jamaica , per box , $0.00 ; per bbl. , 811. CKAMIEHKIKS The market Is fairly well supplied with very choice stock. Cape cod , fancy , per bbl. . 8S.50 ; Wisconsin , 87.50. BAKAXAS Bananas are selling at about the same as last week. Bananas. Yellow , per bunch , 1.5Uv < v.U ! ) ; Bananas , vellow , l&nre bunch , SiSO < 33.SO. BKAWS The market is aimost cleaned up. Nice clean beans in fair request H. P. Navy , ll.7CH31.75 : H. P. Medium. S1.5CX3 clean country , Sl. ' > ( gl.W ; uood clean coun try , KK < iS1.00 : Inferior , Hs75c , CALIFORNIA FIIUITS Two cars of Cali fornia fruits were received this week. On ac- couutof tlie cooler weather they arrived in very good order aud met with quick sales. Peaches , J2.25 ; craues Tokays , tiOO ; crapes. Mack , 5iW ; pear * , vicar. & 3.00 ; pluuis , fcl.75 @iW ; quince * . 5iWyji75. Mrtoxs A ftvv Are still coming in.but the demand is liclitnml tev ! : ate slow sale. MAI-I.K Sroxn. strictljpure. . 50-lb boxes , 15e per pound ; ? tnctl > pure , 10-lb tin palls , 1C per pound : cljolce5j bricks , 2Mb boxci , lie per pi'U'j ' ; Cl C ? penny cakes , 25-lb Hoxr.Y Ncbriskn , choice , white clover , IVglGc. : Nebraska. dark,12iS14e. ; California , extra white l.V. : choice , iajtl2 sc PnovisidNs Ham. suear-eured. 13e : boneless. 50-lb bo\e , ll > fcpicnlc ; lO c ; breakfast bacon , sticat-cured , Oc ; shoulders. sncar-cuml , be ; clear side bacon. SK 914C ; dry salted sides s\c ; dtied t > eef ( hams > . l.V ; dried beef * regular i. 12o lard. 40-lb can ? . Fair- bink's , S' e ; 10 , 5 and S-lb palls , Fnlrbank's , S' . nPe. Fiorr. AXD Mn.t , Tfrrs \ \ Inter wheat flour , best quality patent , 2.75 : second qual ity. S2.40 ; best quality spring wheat Hour , patent SiCObran.50cpercwtchopped : fctd , 70c per cwt ; vUilte corn meal. SLOO : > cllowcorn meal , POeptr cwt ; screenlnc , V ; pcrcwt ! hominy. S2.00 per cwt : shorts , .w per cwt : eraham. Sl.CiO ; hay , In bales SS-W ® 0.00 per ton. ( iiiAix Corn. 24c ; new oats , 23c ; rye , 40e : wheat. No. 2 , a > c. _ Ovoccrs' Jilst , PICKI.KS Medium , in bols SG--O ; do In half bbls. S3.75 ; jmall , in bhls S7. . ' ; do In half bbl * , SI.S5 : gherkins , in bbls , SS.50 ; do in halt bbls. I4..V &YIU i'-No.70 , 4-gaiion kees , S1.20 ; New Orleans , 33 ( Ce per gallon ; Maple Syrup , > < ; barrel. " < il < l t me.1 7-'c per gallon ; ! gallon cans. SiO 00 per doz. ; J < gallon can SA.OJ per doz : quart cans , S3.00. StOAHs Powdered , 7Hd7J < c ; cut loaf r < i7 4c ; granulftted. OK ' c ; contectloners' A.C'c ' ; standard e.\tia C. < xa Hc ; extra C , 5 ! < c : medium yellow. 5Uf45'ic , KOPL h Inch , ev ; incn , lOc ; > flnch , , . Dntr.n FuctTs No. 1 quarter apples , 3 ? @ 4c ; in evaporated boxes , UV@Vic ; blackber . GOOD * Oysters , standaid. per cas S.1.30 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case S2.10 ; raspberries 2 Ib per case , $2.10 : Calitorni.i peait , per case , S4.50 ; apricots l > er case ; peaches , pt-r case. S5.2o ; white cherries per case , 3 > .0 " . plums per case , 83.5s ' blue berries , per case. Jt.v , ; egg plums , -Jib , per case. fi50 : pineapples , 'J Ib , per case , S3.30 Q5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal mon per doz. FL.VVitl.OO : 2 Ib gooseberles per ev.p , 81.75 : 2 lb strlng beans , per case , 51.70 : 2 Ib lima bcens , jnt ; case. Sl.CO:21b marrowfat pp\s. i > er case , 2 40 ; 2 Ib early June peas , per case. 82.7 5 3 Ib tomatoes. COFFEES- Ordinary graces , ii ll c ; talr , l 'fi15lic : prime V. V < il3c : choice 10c : McLaughliiN XXXX roasted , Dilworth's. 15fc : Bed Cross. lOc STAIICII Mnror gloss lib , 5fc ; Mirror gloss , 3 Ib , 5V oj Mirror glo a , 0 Ib , 6 > fc ; Graves corn , 1 Ib. f-c ; Klngsford's corn , 1 Ib , 7cKingsford's ; glofs , 1 Ib , 7c ; Klncs- ord's jrlofs. 0 Ib , 7'jc ; Kinssford's pure. 31b. Jic ; Kmeslord's bulk , 4c. TOIIACCO Plug , climav , 42 ; horseshoe , 37c ; star. .S9j ; spear head. 33o ; piper heidslck , OOc : cold shield , 34c ; merry war , iJ5c ; J. T J.,32c. TOBACCO Smoking , Durham , Is 51c ; KS. 54c : Jfs. 57e : "ts , 60c ; niearschutn , SOo ; old stvle , 2Jc : V. N. 0. , 15c : spirit cured , 45c. MATCHKS Per caddie , asc ; square cases , $1.70 : mule square , Sl.20. OANDT Mixed , 9 HKc ; stlcc , SH' Kc CiiACKKKfr Garneau's soda , butter and picnic , 5V ; creams , SH'c ; ginger snaps , i city MKla. 7kc. i SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. 82.70 ; Kirk's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. S3.05 : Kirk's white Uusaian , 54.03 ; Kirk's White Cap. 50.50 : Dome. S3.b5 ; Washboard. 53.10. AVhite Cloud , S3.5. General Markets. WOOL Medium. lSS20j ( per Ib ; fine heaw , I4 < ai6c ; light. KXglNj ; coarse , 14@l6c ; burry wool , 'j@5c oil. HIIIKS Green butchers 0 } c ; green cured , Sd'S-Vfc ' ; dry Hint. ll@13c : dry salt 9(210c ( : erean calf skins. .Kff'J'jc ; damaged hides two-thirds-price. Tallow 3'4c. Grease , prime white. Sp : yellow , 2c ; brown , Iffc , Sheep Pelts. 25(375c. ( LKATiinit Ptime slaughter sole leather , . . _ _ ip. avglBc : French kip , hem , calf , Sl.OOfgl.lO ; oak calf. Sl.Ottgl.2S ; French calf , SU-J.TS1.BO ; Morocco boot les , SO as-Jc : Morocco oil pebble , 2S33ic toppings and linings , GO@CKc. ) HEAVY UAIIDWAIIE iron , rate , S2.00 ; low sU "V special cast , 4c ; cnicib lesteel , Cc ; each. 75c : square nuts , per Ib. 7@llc : coil chain , per Ib , G@t2c ; malleable. C@Sc : Iron wedges , 6c : crowbars , Oc : harrow teeth , 4c : sprint : steel , 7@Sc : Burdsn's horsesnoes. f4.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. S5.4Q. Barbep wire , in ear lots , 4.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rate-g. 10 u > 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails , S2.W ; Shot 51.05 ; buckshot SLb5 : oriental powder , kegs S2.X ! ) : do , half kegs , S2.00 ; do. Quarter kecs. SL50 ; blasting , kegs , 52.35 fuse , per 10 feet 05s. Lead Bar. SIO. DnrosAXD tjHKMiCAi.9 Acid , carbolic S2c : acid , tartarlc , 5 ic ; balsam copaiba , per E , 4-'Jc : bark , sassafras , per tt > . lOc : calomel , per Ib 72" : chin cuoniuia. per oz. 40c ; chloro form , per c : Dover's powders , per & . S1.25 ; epsom salts , per ft , aj c ; glvcerine , pure , per ! t > . ISc : lead , acetate , per HI. 2lc ; oil , castor. No. 1. ) > er gal. , S1.5D : oil , ca = tor , No. 2 , per cal. . S1.40 : oil , olive , per fral..S1.40 ; oil onsannum , 50e : opium , $3.20 ; uuinine , P. A Vi . and It & S. . per oz , 70e ; potassium iodide , per Ib. $ i-5 : sallcin , perez , 40c ; sul phate morpnlne , per oz. S2.3 > ; sulphur , per tt > . 4c : strychnine , peroz. SL15. PAINTS IN OIL Wiueeao. Omaha , P. P kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. 57.75 ; Mar- eilles green. 1 to 5 ID cans. 2e ; French zinc. preen seal , 12c ; French zinc red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst 20c : French zinc , 75c ; vermillion , American. ISc ; Indian red , lOc : rose pink , 14c ; \ enctlau red , COOK- SOU'S , 2Jte : Venetian red. American. iKc ; red lead , "J c ; cnrome yellow , genuine. 2oc ; chrome yellow , K. VJc : ochre , rochelle. He ; ochre , trench , 2J.c ; ochre , American , IKc : Winter's mineral , 2kc ; Lehich brown. 2' c ; Spanish brown , 2Kc : 1'ruice's mineral. s. \ Aiixisnn * Barrels , per gallon : Kurni- ture , extra , fl.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI.00 ; coach extra , S1.4I ) ; ro.ich. No. 1 , Sl.'JO : Da- mar , extra , 81,75 ; , 70c ; asphaltum. extra , b5s ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil tinlsn , * imvl'AKr.a White lead , tc : Frencnzinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. 2Kc ; whltiny , gilders' , fc ; whiting , com'l , l c , lampblacK , Ger- manstown. 12c ; lampblacK , ordinary , be ; Prussian blue,55e : ultramarine , ISc ; vandyke , brown. So : umber , burnt , 4e ; umber , raw. 4 < j ; felenna. burnt. c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans green , genuine asct rani green , common. 22c ; chrome treen. M. \ . . 20c : chrome green. K , 12c ; vermillion , Enclish. In oil 70c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib cans , r c : raw and burnt sienna , 13e : vandyke , brown , isci relined - lined lampblack. 12c : coach black and ivory black , lOc ; drop black : lOc : Prussian Diue , 40c ; ultrninanneblue , 18c ; cnrome green , LI. . M. Ac. D. , lOc ; blind and Miutter irreen , L. . M. & D. , lOnj Panstreen , Ita ; Indian red. lac ; Venetian red. Oc : Tuscan. 22c : American vermillion. L. &D , , 'JOoi yellow oclire , 0c ; L. M. < k O , D. , 18a ; good ochre , lOc : patent dryer , t > c ; gnuiiini , ' color , liriit oak , dark oat , vvlnnut. chestnutand ash , 12c SPIIIITS Cologne spirits. l 8 proof. 51.17 : do 101 proof , $ l.'lt ; spirits , second ouality. 101 proof. SL1 , : do Ibb prt > of. S1.1C. Alco hol. IKS proof , eais j > er wine canon. Hedis- tilled whiskies , SLOXffll.50. Gin. blended , L50a2.00 ( ; Kentiick/ bourbons , J2.X ; ) ( .00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 5-iOO@fl.5Q ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rve whiskies . , " " ' ' * " " r" " - Sl. , 0 9.00. domestic. 5V. . 61.00 ; domes. . . , . . _ _ , . _ , , Imported , per case. S2iOO@33.PO ; American , per case , 810.00 < 21G.OO , Dry IIOAHDS. No.l Com. 8.1.8. 114 and ta ft S17.50 Na3 " 12,14andl6ft 14.75 No.3 " I'AHandiett 13.50 No.4 " " 12H ndlOft 12.CW AND TIUllEHS. \IS \ ft'll ' ftl ftlB ftSO * ft's ' 18.60 16-W 16.W 1T.O .le.W.lWJ'lt.W . 1T.OO 18.01 Sl.OOSl.dO 16.50 16.M 16.M 17.Hi If.WJ2.W ) iCO 16.5. 16.M 16.W 17.W 18-dO 22.00 ± U ) i6. ! ie.M i& . , i.oo IB.OO a CM 20.00 FENCIXO. No. i , 4 A 6 inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . § 17.04 No , 2 , 4 & Oluch. 12 and 14 ft , roush. . . 14.00 SIDING. A 12 , 14 &lCft , 21000 C . $15.00 , WXD ) . 11.00 CKII.1NO AND 1'AirriTIOS. JilnYhltcPinfi Partition. . . . $33.00 1U1 " " " n 27M 2d Coin. % in. Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14,00 PIX > OUI.SG. A ftlnch , white pine , 26 C . $29.00 C flinch. H 84 D. , . , . ! iL50 PTOCK DOAUDS. A 12 Inch. . ! fc 400 > XOO B 12 inch " ' 4iD . 28.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , IS A CO ft. . . Sl.OO No. 2 , " ' . . . i\W No.2 , " " 12itl4ft 17.W If , ft 10.00 1st and Cd. clear. 1'i Inch , * , 2s $5 .00 Sd , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 s 45.0J 8d. clear. Ul't.3 In 47.50 H select , l inch. s. 2 s 20.00 13 select , lif , IV 2 in SG-W SHIP LAP. No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 Inch S17.50 No. 2 , pla-.n.S and to inch 15.50 SHINGLES LATH , XX clear. $2. ! ; A standard , 52.50 ; No. 1 , S1.S5 ; Lath. S2.25. POST * White Cctlar , C in. , ifs , 12o ; 8 In. qrs. . P'tC , LI.VIK. Kir. Qulncy white linn.1 ( best ) SOe : Cement ( Akroti ) S1. V > . Hair , 35c. Michi gan plaster , S2.75. Sash , 50c. JJIInds , 50c. Doors , Kto. Mouldings 50 FJVhT Mew usit nr MT iru'or nm M ) 100 W 60 40 13 10 Brn's S't-Xo 1 1/b 7 00 I fQ 3 M 2 0.11 70 e-'i I/CO Olli'd Knticy 5 00 3 CO S 75 1 K1 3) 50 Vg It'd h'ro l"c > 6 W Qia 75 1 K , \ 'M M U " LAKE nfH. ITT Mt UMsQr Iibiii I'TSlJts rlp" ' ll W W 40 12 10 No , 1 White Fiih. 7 Ol 8 ,1i)3 wn 1(11 ( 04 , SO Kumllv White rish. 3 to 3 K.2 K < \ M IS 55 Ko-ltrout .4 frM tti2 Ml Bi 74 65 IMI'OIITKP FIPII. jllrlcHf lltilsO'rlltilsl'Rllsor Kits * " - 0 W M 40 12 10 KKkllcr'npt 14 .X)7 ) M 80'3 ' 908 | 10 ] . . . . 1 04' ' Holland her. rln ? , new. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 30,000 H. W. Yates , President. A. E. Toii7.lin.irc : President. W. H. S. Hushes , Cashier. DIIILCTOIIS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Heed. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : TIIE IR ON BANK , Cor 12th anil Farnani Sts A General Banking Business Transacted. 3N. . . HARRIS & Co. BAXKEHS , CHICAGO. DfiUflC Of Counties , Cities ana otbere of BUtlUO hlph pradcboUKht nnd sold. Eastern office Ch Deronshirc BU. lloston. Corrc'ft > ond- encowjilcltpil. Notice. Of the clttlnp of the City Council , as a Board of Equalization. To the ownert of olllots and real estate In any of the pavinir districts , sewer district ! , or alone the line of any of the Improvements bcrolnatter nnuiod. You ami each ot you are hereby notified tliHt thoc'ty ' councilof the-city ol Omuhn , will ( It a < n bourrl of ciiiiull/iulon , nt the ollice of the city c'crk. In the court house In suiil city , on Tufsdny nnd VV'i-dnofdny , the 12th and Uth days of Octoberl1 , between the hours of 9 a. in. and 1m. . ; und between the hours ofp m. end 5p ra. . lot the iiurpo'o of oquBlizln ? the pio- post-d levy of the spec.ul taxes and assessment * an 1 correcting nny erro therein , to cover the co-t of certain Improvements. nsfollo\v , to-wit : Tocoiertlioco't of pnvinp , as follows : 10th streetTrora Mason street to VVllllnm street. To cover the cost of constructing scwors , ns follows : Sewer In i-ewer district No. 30. To em er the oo t of curbinp , s follows : 10th street from \Villmm street to Center Hrect'JOth ; ftreetfrom t. Mnr > s Avenue to 1'lorec street : SSth Avenue Irom Furuutn street to Douglas street To coverthe coftof prnJlnus follows : Hnr- nc ) sticct,30th to west Itnu ot Mo ormlck's addition ; U.'th street , Dodjre street to Cti\s it. ; HSfth Avenue , Fiirnum st. to IJoJce st ; Cumins St. , Seth Avenue to inside of block between 31st ndtia ; ) sts.7th ; Avenue , Cumiiif.6t. , to north ern terminus. You nrolurthor notified tlmt by resolution duly ailopte.l by said council , It Is proposed to levy the i-uld ces' ot said improvcmuntt upon ull the lota and real oi-iato in said districts or atonjr the line of said improvements , respect ively , nocordmB to foot fronta.'C. nnd accord- ins to the usual Fcalltif ? back process us hercto- fore adopted and followed by said council , un- Jc s for peed cause shown , some chan 'O shall appear to bo proper. You and each of you arc hereby notified to appear before said board of eiunllzutlon at the tlincnnd place above specified , and make any complaint you may wlsli concerninp said pro posed levies or uny part thereof. J. H. SOUTHAHD. City Cleric. Omaha , Neb. . Oct , , 7tb , IBM. odGt-7 Commissloner's Sile. In the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance 1 Companyot Hattford.Coun. , i In John C Christian et nL J Korcelosure of Mortgage : "pt'UMC notice Is hereby given that In pursu- Jnneo nnd b.\ virtue of n a clfcree entered in the above CHUM ? on the > : thdayot November , 18Ci , 1. Kills L lllorloworspecialcomrrtii-sioner In fold court-will on the 12th day of October , ISsg , at the hour of 4 o'clock in the afternoon or the said day , at the west door of the Hlchard- son eountr court bouse. In tbecitvot KullsCity , HicnnvtlBon county , state nn.l district ol No- brasiiii , fell at auction tiio lollowiny descilbed Iir3 | rry , to-wlt : The southw cst iiuurtor ol the northwest quarter of section number six (0) ) , of township one (1) ) , ranee fourteen i4) ) ; also the east hull of the southeast nuirter nnd the south east quarter of the northeast quarter of pec- tlon number one < 1) ) , nnd the east half of the northea-t quarter of t-ection twelve < ! - ' ) , in townOilp number one ( li , nin e thirteen (13) ( ) , conttilnlnir In nil two hundred end lorty ncies , a-id are situated In tlio county of Kiclinnlfon , In the Elate of Nooruska. Et-i.tsI * . Ilir.'nioivrn , Special Commisfioncr. n. KVniTU , Solicitor lor Complainant. Sin 4 : i i ) . ) Hardware , Tinware , Cutler } ' , Tools anil Stoves. O /iHA / JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , , rit. , Artists' Jfaterials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 ] ) nuliis : Mreet , Omaha , Agricultural Implements. CirUItCIllLL PAJlItElt , Wholesale pcjler In Aerricultnral Inipleiuents , Wagons , CsjTiaecs and HucpUi' . Jones street , between Sl and ) llb.Onr.liu. Nib. LIXINGEK .0 JfETCALF CO. , Agricultural Iinplcincnts , \VsKon , CarTiMei , Dugrlet , Etc. , Wboleule , Omh . Wtiolecalc Dealers In Agricultural Implements , and Bugjriei. SOl.OT , sOi and KIT , Jones > t Butter and Eggs. McSlIAXE ,0 NCITIiOEDEIl , liuyers of Gutter and Eggs. Uefrl jrerawr nnj Pack Ire llouic , lth and lTeo - worth St. , L' . P. H. It. Track , Omaha Butchers' Tools , LOUIS UELLKR , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , laasnge Cuslncs of all kinds alwajrilo stock. 1)11 Jones si.Omaha , Builders' Hardware and Scales. jmrEHA uair TAYLOJI , BnildersMiardwarc& Scale Repair Shop Mechanics'Tools and Buffalo Scale . 140i Douflas su. Omaha , Neb. LEE , FHIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tiowudbheet Iron. Kc- : Agents for Hews Scales , and MUrol PtnOeM'o. . "JiECT01t 0 H'lLlfELMY CO. , V * holesale Hardware. WerUrn. arents tor JtSencu ttrrl NaHs. Aaitbi Powder Co , lulrbanks Mandard f ) . Corutr 10th end liaruef. licuta. OHJJHAJQgBHRS'DIREGTGRY' Boots and Sfiots. I n.t.D sE SHOE lUnuIatlurcrf aod VVholciale I > al rt In Boots niitl Shoes , omrlftp Modi of llubl'sr ' uoodf nlw j on rmod f.e.l > Uift , Omaua , S > 1 > A T. Amlln. rr. .ifsi' p co. lubbers of Hoots nnd Shoos. llll rirntra L , unulia Neh Mnnuttcto-j , Sutmnsr Mtfl-l Ihistnii. _ _ Beer. Apt , for Anheuscr-Bu .h Brewim ? Ass'ti frpeclal Hrand . rau l.ludwel er nd Krlanpor. STOHZ ,0 JLElt , Lntror Heer Brewers , l'SNorth \ 1"h Strirt , omMm. Neb. Cof'ce , Spices. Etc. Omnlia Coffee niitl Spire Mills. Tea * . Core e . ? plcc . lUklMC Vo drr H tracts. Ijimijrr Hlue Inl. U14 1 bmct-Omnhn , Neb GATES ; COLE d > Homo rofleennd Spire Mills M'ftr Co. Coffee HoiMennnapic - Grinder * . - rl UaMnc Powder , Hammm lirtract" . Ilhilnr. itr. : Tr > oncca > e of our l-l pitcknrp llnmelllend lioi llo anl * t . i > mab.n Neb Cornice. EAGLE COIIXICE 1IOHKS , .lolin Kpeneter , Prop. Usmifaclurer of GslTanlicd Iron and Cornice , ( C3 Hedge and IMsnd lai.s.lOlti tt. . Omsht.Nen. Jti'EMPiyG tf liOLTE , UanuiArturcrr ol Ornamental Gnlvnnizcil Cornices. Dormer Vlndo * . Hn l . Metnllc kjllnht.ctr. S10S. 12t \ t .Omaha. irESTEity'coitxTi w WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. GaUantted Iron Cornices , etc. Ppeil ! > improtod fat- rut Mrtnllc J-Kj-llEht. anil Mo ! - l.Mh tt..nnmhB , Carpets. Jubbcrs of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloth , Linoleums , Mattings. Ktr 1511 Domini ptrcit. Wholesale Carpets Oil Cloths , Mnttluc" . Curtain Gm X Kte KM Putnam Mr t , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. ir. L. witiGirr , Agent ( or tbeManufuclurers nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps Cblmnere. etc. Office , 17 South Uth ft. Omaha. Net. Commission and Storage. J5. A. HL'U'LEY , Commission and Jobbing : . Bnttcr. Ecccand Produce. { Vnsici ments solicited. Headquarter * for fcumcware. lli-rrj : lloxrn and Grape llurkv.r. 1114 IKKlKOMrt-et , Omaha. PEYCKE Commission Merchants. Frall ! > , Produce nml Pruvlflone. Om b . Neb. IfE. . 'JUIJDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. pccl ltl ' Bntter. Effe . Oi'ese , Poultry , Game , OjHetT. iicEti II ! south Uth Hn-et. W'lEDEJilAy fCO. . , Produce Commission Merchant ? , Poultry , Butter , Cinnie. Kniltt. etc. 120 S. Hthtt. Omaha , Neb , WEEKS cO MILLAHD , General Commission Merchant" , And Jobbers of Forclen and Dometttc Fniltn. Torre- aponclcncc f-oltcllcd. Warelioupp nnd office. 11U N. Tnlrteenth MUmnbH , Neb. Telephone T7X Fruiis. r. HOCCO a1 co. , mportcrs nd whole ae dealers In Italian Produce , Kcrelcn. Dornctlcand California Fruit * and Com mis. ion Merchant * . 104 S. Uth st. Onlj exclusive fruit home In Omaba. Coal antLime. . ' 'P. MJLESTOXE CO. , Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Office and yard , nnd Nlrholan ) > ! & . , Omr.h& , Xeb. yard Tclej'bone.fC ; . GI.O. r.i.AiiAdi. rres C. F. GoonMAN , V. Prta. J. A. SUXDEULAXD , Sec , nnd Treas. 03IAII.L COAL. COKE A LI3LE COMFAXY Jobbers of Hard and .Soft Coal. VU Sontli Thirteenth Street. Omaha , Neb. , r. , T. , To nxsdJf < cco. . , Jlannfacturers of Illinois White Lime. And S-hlppcro of Coal nd Coke. Cement , H t r. Utne. lltilr. > 1re Drtife , Dniln , Tile und Setter IMpc. owe * . Pixton Ilutel. K rnim ft. , Omtiia , Neb. Telephone Ml. Confectionery. r. P. p ii'tO co. , Hanufacturiner Confectioners , Jobbers of I'llilIf.Nutf nid Clean. 1211 Faroam SU. Omaba. Live Stock Commission. M. nuitKE .0 Live Stock Commission. Ceo. Burke , Manager. UnlcnEtoclt rardf.B.iminha. Telephone KS. SAVAGE , D GKEEX , Live Stock Connnissioii Merchants , EhJpmcnti of am and all timln of Block solicited. Union t-tock ard , Omaha , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER ,0 t'CU Jobbers of Cisrars , Tobacco , and Ainmiinltion. 215 lo''JH S. lllhu. , 1030 to liJ.'l I' ft. . Ornnhu.N'eti. WEST .0 MantiJactnrors of Fine Cicrars , And Wboleralo Healers In beef Tobacron , No . IDS iindlllN. llib street , O nvlin. Dry Goods. co , , Dry Goods , Furnishini ? Goods Notions 111C and 1104 I > ou l-i , r..r lie ill .Omaha , Nel ) . Distillers. DUtlllere c.f IJqni'rf , Alcohol and cplrlm. Importer * i.i ) JoUber uf Wtnoaml Liquor * . WILLO irtii'ItlXdN DISTILLE'l' CO. ami ILEli < ll CO. , Importer ! and Jobber * or Fins Wlr > < > end I.tqnort. bulemaiiutictiiririnf Kennedj > Kan India Uit- ten and liiimii leUinurt. 1112 llnrnejM , Drugs , Paints , Etc , IT. T. CLARKE DRUG CO , , LargeM. Drujf , I'aint , Oil & Gluss Uonse Weitof CUica < ( > . Complete Line nf DrufirUla BUD- < J | [ . llll llnnidf lUOiaaha , f DRUG CO , , Wholesale DiU'Jsts. ( And l > eiler ln I'Klnli.OiliandWInduw Olit , pm ha , Drain Tile , tc , A. H.8 1 ru.rn-i. J.W.ntnronn Pec.iT'e ) U J.CiKSoX. V.l'rti. iindfcupt. TJIE irxjoy iryjntAULic DRAIN TILi : CO. , Office JIJ P. Uth it. . Omabu.Neb. Mkchlnerr and huppll for ManufieiurlnK ( Vmrnt Iirkiu Tile Engineers and Contractors , RA YMOXD , C CAMl'HRLL , Engineers and Contractors , Brldtet , VUdurii. ItoolTrciieif-tfjia IMa Irt lnj , 1'llIug.Oak taJ l'rr : Ilrldte Lumtcr , Utb H. , bur Ftrnutu , Omaha , Nrb. Furniture. DEII'ISY cO STOXE , WhoIcHaloDealprs in Furniture. Karnam tOuih , Neb. CJIARLES SlUI'KltlCK , .Furniture , HeiMing , I'jiholstery , MUrori.ete. ! X6irj3 and KIO faroam it , O ab JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Groceries , IMATO.V , GALLAGHER , P CO. , Wholesale Groceries nnd Provisions , Neb McCOltD , KUAD AVlio1e ulo Urocors , 1Mb and Lrsrcnwortli Hardware. ir. , r. Heavy Hnrdware , Iron and Steel. f print , Wucon Stoel. , llardwnre l.nniltr etc , 13CH nnd I. 'I I llatticr " Omul a. AVholesalo Iron and Steel , \V : on nnd ( anlspc Wood Mwk. Hcaty H n1w r , Tic r.'l ? and ll Lfaronworth .1 < > m lm , Nfb. ,1/7 LTOX ROGJHtS ,0 SOXS , Sto\i . Ifnuges , Furnaces Tiles ( .rater , llinMrk < d > . 1JJ1 und l.iJ Kain n t-tro.-U Iron Works. Iron NVoi'ks , Wronpht anrt Ta t Iron llulli'ltijVotk Iron Plalra. lUlimu" , Helm anil ( ilrder * . Mourn rn inrr , limn \Vort. ( U nernl Kotnidrv , Mnrhlne atid IIUek nittn Won. llfllre and \VwrV * . f 1 * Itr mid r tli meet. Jen dry , EDHOLJf cf Wliolesalo .Jewelers niulMnslc Dealers , DealfM In MlTvr iar . Dlnmumlr.S' lche , Clorku , JeweleriTooli and Mntcrialv cic laiandltUlllU ! . , cor. IVnfe , IMtinUn Neh. Lumber. LO ns JIHAD FOR D , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , IKiurr , Ktc. Yards-Corner7th and Dank-las : Comer .thand IKiiuln * . CJ TIC AGO Ll'JIltER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BUS.l4th trrelOrniihaNct > . r.Oolpctjcr , Mannpcr. C.V. DJETX , Lumber. ISlh nnd Cnllforrla bltvem Pmaha. Neb. PR ED If. Gil A r , Lumber , Lime. Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. rtli nnd Douclut Hf. . Omuhn. Neb. JIOAGLAXD. Iiiimbcr. T. 7 ' . JFARrEYLriLRER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , I40d rnatn streetOmabn. CHAS. It * LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrptts and Pnrquft Floorlnir. Vth i OiuaLa. JOIIX A. TTAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported timl American Portland Ccnirnl Plata Agent { orilllnttiikco IlTdrauJlc Ccuciit und IK'H yulncyVVbltt'Llnic Live Stock. UXJOXSTOCK TAJiDS CO. , Of Onialm. Limited. John K. Bojd , Supcrlntcrdont , Millinery and Notions. I. OJlETiFELDEIt P CO. , IraiKirtcrs nnd Jobbers of Jlillinery and Notions , IIH and 1215 Hnrncj St.eet , Omaha , Neb. Motions. c. .s Aretbponlr Direct Importer * of German & French Toys & Fancy Goods ln-Ncl > raV.- . riilcsKO price * duplicated without "lid- Inclrclclit. HIS r.-irndiu Mreet , OmaJia. / . T. itoJirxsoy XOTIOX co. , Wbolewle. Dealers In Notions and Furnishing Goods , OTInnd 40i S Tenth St , Omnhn , riXYAltl ) .0 KClDfElDElt , Jobber * In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Iton nnd 1KB Parnam t .Oiiaha , Xsb. Overalls. Jir. 1 COMPANY , .Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans runtk , Shirts , Klc 1102 find 1194 I > OUKHI ! feti-ect , OniKhN , N b , Printing. Job Printers , lilank Book ifake.ra. And Bock lliiulers. lt > " . nnd Kouiu > enth Urcot. Omaha , Neb. Auxiliary Ptiblisliers. Dealers In TJIJP. I'refjcs and Printer'Supplies. U33 South Tnolnh Street. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. x jroitiiis'.rco.7 Mnnufacturc : > , l' ctcr and licalers In Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar liallnp I'OHrtcr. llnvorlnp llilnifie. Table Huurc , hrfnch Muna" ' Wsfh HluliiK. Croce ! > ' ! rt"s ! : hole htnni. jor Vnik Mine hunil lU-t/ned / Apple Ci der. 1 jCkj LeivcnnortU Ft. , Omaba. Safes , Etc. G. AXDKEEX , Onialia Safe Works. Uanufactureroof Mrcaud Hurtlar Proof Safef , Violt Uoon. Jail \Vnrt , InH ere mid Wire VSuik. Cor. lllh nnrt Jarksun his. , Omthu , N b , P. JiO YE ft P CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' nre and Hunt ar Proof Satis , Tlmo Ixicki , VmilU and Jail Wiirx. I'JJi Kanum utreet Omaha , Nob. Sash , Doors , Etc , M.A. P CO. , KJO Manufacturer * nf Sash , Doors , Winds anil Mouldings , B.anclj oOlcvIZIli end ItarO rlf. , Omaliu.Ncb. G. P. LY3LAX , Snsli , Door , liliiuls , 3oiiIlIiifirH ! ( , Dalldmir ) ' .i | r. etr , I'm South Thirteenth Street , IHubuu , Neb. A cnmpletu ttockuf Uullittr * ' llunlwurc. Bony M Ay UFA cfriuynco. . , Manufacturers , of Sash , Uoors , Blinds , Monld'/ist.S0rvrirliiiil | Interior llan ! W vl I'lnUh Juu oiic-ncJ. N. K cor. Sih and I/.riui c > ; ilit < u. Omnba , Neb. Pumps. crrntcjrrLL PUMP co. , WholoFiilo Puiiiin , Pipe , Fitthiffp , Steemand VVatvr bupiillci , lies 'gtinncn f r M > t > oj t < V liiHKlii. llll Kurniim n .llmaUa , Xci A7 L. liTlfAXG C67 I'liiupH , Pipes ami Engines , 6U.-.IE. Winer , lull war nnd Mllllin : Hui > ) > llC5. Ktc , V2Q , rjSund Wi Karnuru M. , Ou iihu , \t , , t/TTiril'TXjntXGIXEaml PUMP COMPANY. IIilUdiT Wind Mill. ; rleam nnd Wkter Fuppllei , J > luiDl'liiOoM . llullint' . llntp. I'lt. a d 'O fu > nimiu , Umiihi. H K. Kfllnn , M i : i'ir , Trunks , IL . Wholesale Ti links , Mlllinl Hoif Wagons and Carriages. The leading ( Jnrrlage Factory , ! 4'O and llll l > < > dco tlrctt. ( lnrha. Building Material. O.UA IIA LPMHEJt CO. , IHaltr la AM K'udi of nnildiiir { Matei-irtl nt Wholesale. '