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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. SUJPTEMBETt 27 , 1886. Ttir ? T"I Wl ITPO ? / THE R DELliCAlEb , Capital City's RcrresenUitive * to the Slate Convention For an Appropriation , COMMITTED TO NO CANDIDATE. lilncoln Praotlonlly Without Police Protection 'llio Invcstlunti" " ' - Tonight night Travelers' I'rntmulvo Association Oi HER' a I.INCOI.X nuunAU.1 As the day for the ropubllcan stale convention draws on npncu , Hie query is wafted townnt Lincoln as to what men tind what measures thu Lancaster dele gation will bo seeking when the doors of the convention are opened. A careful view of the Hold locally is productive of but one answer : Lancaster county and Lincoln will bo , ns usual , "for the old llr K and an appropriation. " To this end the state delegation was shaped and selected , and the candidates for governor or any oilier olllcc can expect a very kindly feeling and a part of the delega tion , no matter where the candidate conies from or what may l > ) at issno. It Is thought by a number that when llio latter end of the tlckot is reaehed , and llio delegation succeeded in assisting several candidates at the lump , that it may pre sent a united front for the renoiiiination of Superintendent Jones , but tliero is nothing vrlmtovcr eoniinittc < t. The dele gation will ahow up when thu time conies as the most non-committal body of delegates - gates on the ground , and if appropria tions the coming winter arc not materi ally assisted by that line of policy , it will bo the time on record that the Lan caster men have missed llio mark. Tliis line of policy is found by inquiry to hayo a goodly number of opponents even in this city of expedited appropriations , ami among the newer and brighter citi/.ons , who sc.o Lincoln In its individual worth with all the sounk pos cjslon.i necessary for self-support and solt'-propellinjr there nro those who would like to see Lancaster county represented in state convention and legislature with higher motives than a grasping hand for a semi annual appropriation. The remark is often made that whjle Lincoln oneo needed to tight for spoils to place the city on permanent grounds , that the day is now well passed , and with 30,000 pcoplo it ought to look higher and rcalizo that permanent state institutions hero will bo sustained and maintained generously without turning the intluenee of the capital city forever in sordid channels. The history of the present republican work at Lincoln is evidently a repetition of past years , and the state convention will llnd a delegation from Lancaster working in the old channel that , in Mm words of a Third district gentleman , "will run dry one of these days. " WITHOUT VOUCH. Lincoln has been practically without police for two days , ana the calm peaoo and quietness that reigns shows what peaceful citi/.ons live in the capital city. The absence of police is occasioned by the chief formally asking the resignation of every man on the force pending the nromisod investigation , and the chief himself , when the council meets to-night , proposes himself to hand iu his resigna tion. Then it will bo dillicult to sec just what the council will have to investigate if an investigation should be decided upon. The police have for a week past been doing practically nothing , and hardly an arrest has been recorded in that time . Not that there has not been need of arrests , for on Saturday evening ladies on the street had to dodge _ drunken mori wlioso proper placn was in the cooler , and the city has not become so good and law-abiding all atonco that arrests should drop oil' from a do/.on to twenty a day to none at all. When the city council as- Bumbles this evening there is a gootl promise of a great time , and nn investi gation that would reach down to the roots would bo replete with interest and instructive to those who follow after. An investigation ot thu captain of the night force would bo of especial interest. T , P. A. . Lincoln Post A , of thu Travelers' Pro- tcctivo association , hold a long bus'ncss ' session Saturday evening , in which heir constitution , by-laws , etc. , were adc cd , and the post is now legally orirani/ed. In the city of Lincoln there resides a very largo number of the traveling men of the state , and their action in organizinga post of their own under the state organ. ixatlon. is in evidence that they are wide nwakn and determined to have the comforts of * n homo of their own , a club room ami all that a thorough organ ization can givu. In tha matter of se curing rooms , thu president nt the jneut- ing appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Whitman , Martin andSohns. who will take this matter in churgo. Their report will bo asked for at the meeting of October 8d. In the constitution and by-laws of the post all the preliminaries of times of meetings , ollicors' duties at same and the like are provided for. As there are many Lincoln traveling men who have not yet become members of the post , the follow ing part of the constitution governing membership , who may belong and how the applicant shall proceed in joining , is given for those who may desire informa tion : MEMIlKIlSIIir. Any person of j-oo'l moral character rein - in the city of Lincoln , state of Ne braska , und holding a certificate of member ship In the national order T. 1' . A. for 1BSO-7 , and sucli rostdanU of said city of Lincoln whnaru entitled to such ccrtlilcate anil make application for the name , slmll bo eligible to inumbcrslilp In this organization. Honorary members may be elected upon application ot members In good btmullnc In tlio national or stnto orcniilzutioiis , but hav ing their permanent residences outside of the city of Lincoln. Any business man residing iu Lincoln may bu ailndttoii to the privl- li'tfcit of thu post club rooms upon payim : the BIUIIO dues as regular members. All applications for mumburship must bo accompanied by an Initiation fee of one del lar. lar.To To prevent wrongs anil Impositions upon tlm association , provable falsehood : ; and pre varications with reference to any application tor membership , shall oppratu against such member In nvtpuct to his claim upon the bun- clitH of this association , and all such cases shull he decided by the board of directors. In this manner admission is gained and if any of the uoys think there is no way of ogress provided , they will son their mistake in tha following regarding sus pension and expulsion ; Any olliccr ot this oriranlzatlon having been voted guilty by a majority of the board ot directors ot u misdemeanor agnlnst this onlor may by them bo suspended from olllcu until the next regular muctlug of thu post , when ihoy shall report thuir action to the nieutliiL' , who by their votu siiull confirm or reject the action of the board. Any member of this association who Is guilty of any felonious or Indictable offense. or gross misdemeanor , habitual drunken ness , or any violation of cciidltions or agiee- munis which ho may accept us a member of this association , may be expelled from the as sociation upon sulliclcnt proof , by action of tha post at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose. OK 1.KSSKH KOTK. Mabel Smith , a harlot of the town who has served sontoneo in till thu jails along thu line of the Chicago , Hurlington w Quinuy from Hed Oak to Lincoln , and who especially mndoit Interesting for the police courts of ( ilenwood and 1'tatts- moiith , will bo up for trial again in Judge Parsons' court to-day. This fallen woman , who it scema has K jealous streak , saw her man talking with a Mrs. Dougherty on the strtiot Saturday oyening and she tackled the woman m the greatest fury , fighting and howling until the police bad her in a cell and then she quieted down by smashing up a chair or two by way of diversion in cooling oil' . Tha woman hns earned n scntr-nce ns long as the law allow * and ought to receive it. Lincoln people nro beginning to give n good deal of credit to the rumor that the Union Pacific is building to Nebraska City for an pastern connec tion with the Wabash , and that the last * named road is already locating its line arros the river nt the last named town. Another through eastern connellon with through U'abash trains into the capital city is n consummation overj property o\vnrr in Lincoln desire. * . A tall , athletic man of some forty years of age , dressed in female apparel , at tracted no small amount of eurio ity at the I ) . iVc M. depot the other day. lie had a voluminous stock of baggage marked for or from .some Itnssian town , and ho was recorded as a missionary. A veritable tramp who had counted , ios from Denver , except when nn occa- lional inamt'iivrp secured n ride on a rain , statcil lo some comrades in kind hat while he was riding with a chum on brake beam of n fast freight .own in the Republican valley hat his companion foil from his lorch and must have bpnn killed in- ilu'Jtly. if mutilated remains have been ound out in that section the tramp's lory innv serve to explain. One of llio complaints that is lodged ivith a good deal of force against the ately nominated republican county ticket s that it is a "shippers' ticket , " and that n representative farmer who farms is not to bo found on the list. It is also tated that the aiiti-inonopoli.xts in tha lotinty will add the name * of two farmers o the vacant places left on the demo- : ratic ticket and with the labor organixa- ions give the ticket as completed a .lulled support. llov. O. O. I'icrco , who for some time past : ias bonn the esteemed pastor of the Hrst 'laptist church of Lincoln , priached ; his arowoll sermon last evening to a very arge audience of his people , llov. Pierce * ocs lo accept a church sit Philadelphia , mil thus far no pastor has been secured o take his place. A H. & M. railway man states that the .vork of ironinz the new Ashland cut-oil * s to bu pushed forward with increased > 'igor at once and that no delay will now occur until it is finished. Lincoln pco- , ilu are anxiously awaiting this now line md the expected early train from Omaha. A citi/en requests the BBB to inquire if the sewerage work in the oily is being crowded forward us it should be. and if the business part of the city will bo Mip- plied the present year. Referred to the city council. ItOTHL (1UEST3 in Lincoln yesterday numbered among ,7. U. Wallace , Hastings ; J. J.Vhito , J. Aaron , Omaha ; Alex Loverly , Ashland ; P. II. Steele , Crete ; H. Prcsson. Beatrice ; A. II. .Nelson , Utica ; J. F. Baker , Omaha ; J. H. Dunn. Pltitlsmouth ; 11. 0. Carey , Nebraska City ; O. D. Palmer , Broken Bow ; W. II. Brown , Omaha. A. B. C. Cranstonloot-walkerfor ( Stern Brothers , 33 West Twenty-third street , Now York , together with his wife , was troubled with malaria for upwards ol two years. They both were entirely cured by taking one or two Brandrcth's Pills every night for three months , with out interfering with their labor or House hold duties. There is a wise dog in Morden , Mani toba. Ho slipped his collar the othei day , and when liis master called rcfauei to come , evidently fearing punishment but in the night ho returned , managed to get the collar over his head , and in tlio morning was found chained to his ken ncl , wagging his tail in conscious virtue Poz/.om's Complexion Powder pro duces a softand beautiful skin. It com bines every element of beauty and purity Sold by druggists. A trackman on the Grand Trunk rail way insists that a drove of squirrels crossing the tracks at Petrolia , Canada absolutely blocked the road , and a ham car running into them killed over a hundred. 'Tis vain to seek a powder that dcfie. detection , but use Pozzoiii'B to improve the complexion. Much amusement was excited at the Baden a fortnight ago by the ap pearance in the first steeplechase of two "gentlemen jockeys , " who rode arrayet in full military uniformand one of when wore a pair of lavender kid gloves dur ing the race. Their "mounts" wore beaten a long way. llnlftml Sauce Is invaluable for soups etc. The Xoma ( Ohio ) Gazette proudly an nounccs that in that neighborhooc twenty adjoining farms are the property of as many widows. A person could begin at sunrise , and by steady walking from one farm to another , keeping going till late in the day , and not in all tha time pluco his foot upon nn acre of sol absolutely owned by any man. These farms , in the aggregate , comprise some where in the neighborhood of four thou sand acres. With but three exception the premises are occupied by their respective spectivo owners. Ifnlford Bunco enriches hot joints chops , etc. A Knoxville , 111. , policeman , who actei as doorkeeper at a dramatic performance anco , gave a nassjwonl , instead of door checks , to those who left the building before fore the curtain rasa. Within a slier time nearly every one in the town know the pass-word , and before the ( irst nc was over the house was crowded to suf focation. When Hood's barefooted battalions struek Schotield's men at Franklin , a beauty spot of Tennessee in the bend o the Ilarpcth river , thuro was as quick and sulpnurous a tussul as over hap poucil. In it all Captain S.B. Watts , a young Mississippi lawyer , was tripped and lost his sword to Captain S. M Knapp , a young Oliionn. Tha other day Captain Watts journeyed 1,000 miles am got hia sword back , The brotherly reunion was at Myor's lake. Ohio , where the ox rebel found himself tha guest of the On Hundred and Fourth Ohio. MOSr'PERFEGT MAD0 iontaUmoAli , , Hi tracts , YttclUa , Lemon , etc. , flavor deUciotuly. CFBJKf/ff'PDWDFKCOjJU/etttL'XSP ' [ Sr feutf. THE MSTEItf OF DREAMS , Visions of Slumber in All Agea and Climes. HIDDEN TREASURES DISCOVERED Talcs 1 hat Have Captivated the Cred ulous and lJc\vllilercil the "Wise. Cincinnati Enquirer : The dream of the 'rincu of Condo is one that engages at- enlion at once from the number of eo- neidcnccs demanded to'coinpletc its ver- llcation. It was during the trench re- igious war in which the prince was the irinclpal protestant chief , and just be- ore the batllo of Dretix , that he beliold h < X vision In question. Ho dreamed that to had engaged in three successive battles and had gained as many victories , cosi ng the lives of liis thrco leading enemies of the opposition the marshal of St. Andre , the Duke of Gttise , and the Con stable of Franco. Ho himself mortally wounded , expired among their corpses. The historical fact is that St. Andre per * sheil at Dreux , the Duke of Oulso at Orleans , and the constable at St. Denis , while the Prince of Condo himself met ils death after them at the battle ot Dassac. Bon Jensen , the careless , but graceful , dramatist of the seventeenth century , used to tell his friends with profound conviction how n dream warned him of the death of a fnvorito child lit ) was Visiting at the homo of Sir Robert Cotton in Huntingdonshire , when ono night u vision of liis oldest son , a child in tender years , who was at that lime in London , appeared to him with the mark of bloody cross on his forehead as if it had been cut with a sword. The dream so worried Jousou that ho passed the remainder ol the night in much anxiety and early the following morning hurried to lay the mailer before his friend William Camden , the antiquary , who was stopping at the same house. Camden en deavored to persuade him that it was merely the result of apprehension concerning - corning his family and that ho should not bo dejected. The dramatist , however , still remained uneasy in mind , and a short time subsequently received a letter from his wife informing him of the death of the child in question. Jensen after ward stated that in the vision the boy ap peared "of n manly shape and of siu-h si growtli as ho might be at the time of the resurrection. " Stories of the presentiments ot soldiers , in which they have been warned of an approaching danger , are familiar to sill readers of history. Whether they are produced by the continued liability to in jury incident to the life of a man sit arms , or owe their existence to some other cause , is uncertain ; but that there have been cases in which these presentiments have existed and been verified is unde niable. And the same may bo said of dreams. During the siege of Chio , in 1-131 , a Geiicvian named Urimani , who belonged to the garrison in the town , dreamed that a huge serpent attacked and endeavored to swallow him. In the morning he related this dream to several friends. Thoj , thinking tliis betokened a violent death , adviseu him not to go into the light that day , and , accordingly , when a sortie was made during the fore noon , Grimani remained behind. Think ing to view tlio engagement and at the same time avoid danger , ho concealed , himself behind the ramparts , but curios ity getting the best of him , he stepped and peeped through a loop-hole. At that very instant a shot from the ene my's gun' pierced his aperture and lodged m the brain of the luoKless sol dier. Despite his caution his dream had. met with verilieation. The death of Ilenrv III. of Franco , who was so distinguished in the war of the Three Henries , is another example cited as proof of the reliability of oneiroscopy , or tlio interpretation of dreams. July . ' ! ) , 1589 , the kins dreamed of seeing his royal ornaments covered with bloodaml tramnlcd under foot by monks and the populace. This was just after he had formed an alliance with Henry of Na varre and the Huguenot , and when he was advancing upon Paris at the head of 40,000 troous. Three days later , August 1 , Jacques Clement , a fanatical Domini can monk , under pretense of having im portant tidings to impart , secured an an- die.nee with tlio French monarch ami as sassinated him by plunging a dagger into his body. The murderer was slain by the royal guard , and his victim fulfilled the prophecy of his vision of warning by ex piring the next day. Another case involving the diseovcry of hidden treasure is found in the annals of Franco during the reign of tlio Mere vingians. It reads like a veritable fairy story , and when ore considers that it has "been handed down from a period antedating the dark ages , this is not to be wondered at. KingGoutrand , so runs the narrative.- was a noted hunter , as monarelis in those days were very apt to bo , and wandered up hill and down dale , far and near , in search of sport. Ono day , when ho was hunting in the forest of Touraino , ho became weary and laid clown upon the border of a little moun tain rivulet and went to sleep. His 'squire , upon whoso breast ho was lean ing , also dropped into slumber , and dreamed that ho saw emerge from the mouth of liis royal master a. small white animal , which ran back and forth as if endeavoring to cross the stream. Ho extended his sword to servo as bridge , the strange animal crossed to the other Hide and entered into a recesa in the opposite mountain , reappearing al most immediately , however , and return ing across the torrent to the King's mouth. At this point ( lie barking of tlio approaching hunting pack awakened Goutrund , who appourctf much vexed al the interruption of his slumbers. "Why did you waken mo ? " ho asked. "I was Just dreaming that I crossed a river on an iron bridge , and that I en tered sv cavern filled with rich treas ures. " The 'snuiro related in turn Ins own dream. The novelty of the circum stances so impressed tlio monarch thai a short time afterward , ho ordered the mountain to be explored , when an im mense amount of wealth was discovered. It is a familiar fact that matters occu pying the milul during hours of wakeful- DOSS uro reproduced in dreams when the mind is buried in slumber , This is espec ially true in regard to atlairs of serious moment and subjects that have previ ously demanded severe mental attontioii. In proof of this may bo cited the dream of Tartini , which led to the composition of his famous sonata known ag the "Somite dn Diablo" the Devil's Sonata. The celebrated composer , after vainly endeavoring to finish u sonata , foil asleep in his chair. The subject followed him in his sleep , and he dreamed that ho again applied himself to his tasic , but with out any apparent success. Ho was in the deepest despair. Suddenly the Devil ap peared before him and proposed that ho should complete the sonata provided the musician would surrender his soul in return - turn for the tuvor , Tartini , without the least hesitation , accepted the proposition , and his Satunio Majesty at oneo proceed ed to exccutu the long de-sired sonata in a charming manner on the violin. As the concluding strains fell upon his eai the composer awoke in A transport of delight light , ran hastily to his desk and nolct down from memory tha piuco which has rendered immortal the name of the Italian violinist. It is a well-known fact that Caloridga's "Kubia Khan. " that "piece of inuohe r.onoy , " was dreamed by the poet am written out afterward , up to a certain > oint , when liA'criMld remember no nloro Icrmas stated that it was while ho slept that he heard a voice dictate to him his celebrated treatjso , "The Shepherd. " ) anlo's "Dlviua Commedia , " according to the maintenance of some , was sug gested In a drca'm. Voltaire imagined one day that hn had dreamed the Hrst canto of his "Hdnrlndo" different from what ho had , written It. "I said In n Ircam , " ho writes of this singularity. "things which I could scarcely have said when awake. 1 must , therefore , have Iiad thoughts and rcllcetions in spite of myself , mid without having taken the least part in .them. I had neither will nor liberty , find yet I associated my ideas with propriety and sometimes with ; cnui9. " Wo close with the account of a dream a \\arning of death which recently eame under the observation ot the writer. Of its reliability we stand ready at all times to attest. In the relation named are suppressed for the reason that the in dividual concerned would scarcely deem It proper to bo brought before the notice of the public Iu connection with the mat ter. Mr. George W - , the morning of March 31 , 1880 , related at the breakfast table a dream ho had the proceeding night. "I saw mother last night , " ho said. "I saw her just as plainly as I see anything this moment She was dead , and they were just putting her into her coilin. " This was at 8 o'clock. After breakfast Mr. W went up town , and In less than an hour received a telegram announcing the death of , his mother. Ho could not possibly have received any intimation of her dceeaso before , RS her homo was 200 inilea away , there was no direct tele graphic communication , and the death only teen Dlaeo tlio preceding evening. Indeed , Mr" . W - was not aware that liis mother was ill , for , though an old lady and an invalid , she had been for some time in remarkably good health. Of the causes that produced the dream. wo vouchsafe nothing. Of this , as wejl as all other instances cited in this arti cle , wo say , in the words of M. D'Ar- gaud , biographer of Mary Queen of Scots , "We judge not ; wo only relate. " Kirk's Gorman I'llo Ointment , Sure euro for blind , blccitlns : . and ItchhiK Piles. One box has cured the worst cases or ten years standing. Nooiio need stiller ten minutes after usliiff this wonderful Kirk's ( .icrinaii Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors , allays tlio Itching at one- ! , acts as a poultice , pives Instand relief. Kirk's German Pile Ointment is prepared only for Piles and Itchlm ; of the private parts , and nothing else. Kvery hex is warranted by our agents. Sold bv dnieglsts ; sent by mail on receipted price , Cleveland , O. Sold C. J ? . Gooodman and Kuhn A Co. , Kit la and Uoiiitltis 18th and Cumlllg. A Midwife Tortured to Dentil. San Francisco Examiner : Lying at the Union street wharf is the schooner Has- seltinc , just returned from a six months' trading cruise to the South Sea Islands. The master , Captain Saxe , reports a very good trip , both ns to time and revenue , and relates many instances of internecine strife among 'the' ' ' natives of Tarawa , or Cook's Islamlfin the Gilbert or Kings- mill groupe. cJt appears that there arc two chiefs who are constantly at war and are aboiiticyeiily strong as to foltow- era. The only time whim an armistice is declared is _ , when a man-of-war fires lior anchor and lies "off the island with her gun jiovts open. Then both whites atidiiativc's'feel safe , and the dis agreeing tribes resume the quiet and poacc.iblo pastime of domestic duty , such as eating and drinking cocoannt milk. It was wliilii thfe schooner was in the harbor that knowledge came to Capt. Saxe that : i bnrbarous murder had been committed a'lfow miles inland. There was no man-of-war in the harbor at the time , and t.hanutly.cs aont. word to Capt. Saxe. The maringr had no authority to take steps in thi ( matter , but made sulli- cient investigation to learn that the mur der oecurred in the following manner : A native woman was confined in child birth , and the midwife or rather doctress of the tribe , believing that the patient was with twins , treated her in such a manner as to cause death. The facts in the case became Known among the woman's friends. The midwife was caii- tured and after a short hearing , she being unable to satisfactorily explain her actions , was sentenced to death by tor ture. ture.Five warriors were appointed from the island baud. Tha woman was stripped and tied to a cocoanut tree. The decree was that she should bo carved to death. A description of the murderous work is too horrible to bo detailed. It will suffice that at first the breasts of the woman were sliced oft' inch by inch ; then her nose was cut off and was followed by the cutting oil'of both cars. The barbarians next cut oil' the arms just above the elbow and then cut the toes oft' the woman ono by one . Following tno slicing of the woman's breasts came insensibility. Caiitain Saxo is of tno opinion that should a man-of-war cruise about the South Sea Islands continually , there would be iittlo or no trouble and all inter necine strife would stop. A Beautiful 1'rcscnt. The Virgin Salt Co. . of Now Haven , Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every family are making this grand offer : A Crazy Patchwork 1'lock , enameled in twelve beautiful colors , and containing the latest Fancy Stitches , on a largo Lith ographed Card having a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in the center , given away with every 10-cont package of Virgin Salt. Virgin Salt has no equal for household purposes. It Is the clean est , purest and whitest Salt over scon or used. Remember that a largo package costs only 10 cents , with the above pres ent. Ask your grocer for it. a Cow's Philadelphia Press : "How much do vou suppose that cow'll weigh1 The cow a line , largo Devon at the state fair , from whoso horns fluttered blue ribbons indicative of the 'judges' opinion of her pure blood and rare form- looked up proudly into the visl tor's face , evidently expecting a credit able reply to her , owner's inquiry. She got it. , . , "I'm a lawyqVj.said the man , "and ray profession doesn't keep mo in very good practice at judging the weight of cattle , so give mo lot * ofnune , " Ho looked at the cow from every point of view. He et ) . f her sides , looked in her month nmLllltxd. up her hoofs. Fi nally tlio oracjo eifcoko r',800 pounds. " "You're too high , " said the farmer , consolingly , ' 'Sho'woighs ' just 1,800 not fat , yousuo. " t "Ah , that's it , " aid the lawyer , pokii her plump sidusr'-lif ' these were full she'd weigh a ton and a half , " "Full of duiib-/.olls ) / , she would , " said the farmer as the lawyer moved on : "they say these legal fallows know a little ol everything blamed litllo of cows ho knows,1' lj n _ No Uiiutii-tninty. There is no uncertainty about the cffecl of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuiedy.No one ncod to suffer a single hour if they will take ono or two doses ot it. Treading iiiTlioir Sires' Tracks. Chicago News : "Hero , boys , stop thai lishting. " " \Vo \ ain't fighting , mister ; we're play ing politics , " * " VIiut do you mean , then , by scratchIng - Ing each other and pulling hair and kick ing oath othur's whins V" "Oh , you see , him an1 mo is on one side an' we're icttiu' the oilier boys see how muoU harmony there In in the party.1' Great good results Jrom the nunistia tion of St. Jacobs Oil. Ualtim'oro Ameri can , BOGUS JEWELS AND GEMS , Precious Stones and Hock Pearls for the Trade , INGENUITY IN MANUFACTURE , .There nro Trlclcs In All Trtlcs , anil Especially In ho Trail o of tlio Jewels. Chambers' Journal : That old saying which tells us there are "tricks in all trades , " would appear from recent ex posures and explanations to bo almost more applicable to jewelers than to other traders ; and if only one half the misde meanors with which they are charged be true they deserve to bo placed In the front rank of trade tricksters. There are , however , jewelers and jewelers , and although bappily , as a class , they are above suspicion , yet , as our courts of jus tice occasionally reveal , there nro also not a few black sheep in the Hock men who do nol scruple to deal 5n "doublets" and paste , and who pass oil' jewels and gems as genuine that they know to bo olthcr altogether false , or to possess some hidden Haw sulllcient to greatly lessen the.Ir value. Every now and then wo find in the newspapers a paragraph or longer article concerning "mystery gold , " "forged gems , " or "false jewels. " Hoctnl examples of this kind of news have appeared to the oll'ect that an im portant discovery iiad been made regard ing the crown of n foreign potentate , as well as the diamond necklace of a lady of rank , many of the gems in the latter article being made of paste ; while the diadem of the king is announced to belittle little better than a theatrical bauble , most of the real stones having been ex tracted and their places filled with imita tion ones. Another announcement of the kind calls attention to the fact of several imitation stones having been found in a jeweled collar hitherto sup posed to bu of very great value , and which had been sold by an illustrious person in ignorance of tno fact. "What is paste ? " asked a London magistrate in the course of his examina tion into the charge of selling imitation stones for real ones. "Paste , sir , " re plied the witness , "means a mixture of violin glass and borax ; " from whichas wo have been informed , the closest imita tions of diamonds anil other precious stones can be made. Visitors to Pans who have feasted their eyes on the made- ill ) gems so lavishly displayed in the jewelers' windows of the Rue do la Paix and the Palais Royal feel surprised when they arc told that four-fifths of the glitter ing baubles are composed of paste anil are of little value as compared with real gems. It used to bo said that most of the jewelry shown in the Palais Royal was manufactured for use on the stage ; but the actresses of to-day , unless obliged to wear paste , will , when the they can af ford it , adorn their persons with none but real gems , The names of several artists might easily bo given who are re puted to be passing rich in diamonds and rubies , and who arc possessed besides of pearls of great price. Some actresses , indeed , seem to draw audiences nowa days as much by fho aid of their jewels as their talents. When a female star visits the provinces pains are frequently taken to proclaim the number and value of her gems and jowels. Who , then , wears the paste diamonds and other imi tation gems which are manufactured ? To this question an answer of a rather startling kind has more than once boon given , and one of tiio latest may hero bo noted. A gentleman who was deeply in volved in tno pursuits of the turf , re quiring a considerable sum of money to pay hi ? debts of honor , stole his wife's jewels in order to pawn them. To his consternation the pawnbroker refused to look at them. "Why ? " was feverishly askf.-d. "Because they are paste. " "Paste ! My wife's jewels paste ? " "Yes. I snpi plied her with them. The originals are in my safe ; I advanced l300 , upon thorn. ' ' Unfortunately , the gentleman's wife was as great a gambler as her hus band , and she had been obliged to pawn her diamonds to meet her own liabilities. The ingenuity of persons who "got up" precious stones and mock-pearls for "tho trade" has been often commented upon and frequently censured. A London lapidary who works in the groove indi cated was called upon , a few months ago , in n court of law to explain his mode of procedure. "I nviku all my imitations out ot real stones , " was his reply to the judge. On being asked to bo moro ex plicit ho said : "Perhaps I possess fo mo palo stones which are so small value ; these I split bv the aid of my tools ; then , introducing a deeper tone of color , I join them together again having considerably increased tlu-rr salable value. " In this manner the colors of many stones nro said to bo intensified , such as emeralds , sapphires , amethysts , and others. Diamonds mends ore constantly utilized by being split , each half of a gem perhaps doing duty on a pasta foundation , on which u has been carefully mounted. A stone which may bo of the value of 10 , hav ing boon split at little cost , is carefully mounted and becomes transformed into two gems , each allirmcd to bo worth that sum. It requires a clever expert to de tect , such frauds when they are cleverly executed or to discover that the ' 'lire" imparted to certain stones that would otherwise bo dull to hue and greatly deficient in sparkle is conferred by so simple an expedient as a backing of tin foil. foil.Tho The invention of what are called "doublets" in diamond dealing can bo traced back for centuries. One mode of getting up false stones hiisbcon described by Jerome Canton , who has published in dutall the method of the inventor , cue Zocolino. This person's way of working was to procure a thin flake of a very In ferior and cheap example of the stone liu desired to ' 'improve ' , " choosing one which had little color , and might in consequence - sequence be procured at a nominal price. As u bottom for his "make-tin" he took a bit of crystal which ho had shaped to his purpose , covered this with a transparent glue , with which ho had mixed the nec essary coloring material , so as to bo like finest specimen of the gem ho intended to forge , ho carefully llxed on the llako of the stone andt concealed the joining ot llio two so deftly by carefully setting aa make purchasers fancy that his gems were not only genuine but really liner than those of other jewelers. For a time Zocolino nourished and was enabled by means of cunning workmanship to de ceive the cleverest lapidaries ; but detec tion came at last and put an end to his fraudulent practices in pom making. It may be mentioned us a warning to travelers tiiat the Singhalese at Colombo are exports in such frauds , and frequently persuade persons to purchase cleverly set up doublets , or pieces of rock-crystal cut and polished. Doublets in many eases , especially when both parts arc really diamonds , are somewhat dillicult to de tect even by men who have had great ox- perinea in the gem and jewel trades , Bo fora leaving the diamond wo may men tiou another kind of fraud connected with it. Often , when these gems have been sot in a cluster , it has been found on examination that at least one of the stones is made of paste , or is perhaps a doublet. .A rather curious story went the round of the press some years , when , on- the death of a lady of title. It was found that moro than one-third ot the family diamonds worn composed of falsa stoned. These imitations had been so beautifully' executed that none but the Severest dealers were nblo lo delee' thorn ; whila in the case of some ot th- stones it was not till specific gravity hu. : boon tested that a decision could he ar rived at , It lias been found on examination , wo believe , that neck laces of so-called real diamonds have often contained 'JO per cent of doublet * or other atone * of ipiesttonable quality. Ho- sncetablo dealers in jewelry maintain [ hat it is the public who are to blame for the production of false jewels , knowing well enough that genuine gems could not lie given at the prices offered for them. Retail jewelers are not seldom deceived themselves , not being , perhaps , so well versed in the technical knowledge inei- to their trade ns they ought lo be. Tradesmen of repute , however , are ex ceedingly careful in their selection of slock , no gem being oflorcd for sale un less It Is known to be genuine. Many gems are really gems of a kind , although not the gems they are pretended to be , but in all probability are composed of piecrs of quart"got up" for the mar ket , quart ? being selected ns being able to stand the test of the lile. which glass cannot do. There are varieties of topaz and other stones wlileh are as hard as the diamond ; and , being entirely colorless , they are often cut and polished and suc cessfully palmed oil'as diamonds. This colorless gem material is costly in consequence quence of the use to which it can bo turned. One bottle of Red Star rough Cure cured my cold. Mr. K. Kontscltlur , San Francisco , Cal. Blackbirds are damaging crops on Long Island. Many have been mudo invalids or erip- pies for life by taking mediejiies for chills and fever that nru filled with min eral poisons. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillets are harmless and will surely cure. ! ii cents per vial. Sioux Falls , D. T. , Intends having an lee palace and carnivals next winter. "That tired feeling" from which you suffer so much , particularly in the morn ing , is entirely thrown oil' by Hood's Sursaparilla. Statistics , more or less accurate , show that John Bull is by no means the beef eater that he is cracked up to bo. En glishmen oat but an average of15 pounds a year , while the Australians average 150 pounds , and the clci/.ens of the united States 130 pounds. Prof , Clias , Ludwig Von Seeger professor of Mcdlclno at the Uoyiil Knlulit of lha llovnl Austrian Order of tlio Iran Crowns Killcht Commanili'r of the Itoynl Spanish Onlerof lRiiboliiKnltht ) of the Itoynl Prussian Or- clcroftholloil llaitloi Cliornllvr of the Legion of Ilonor.otc.etc. , av : -LKIHIG GO'S OOdA I1KEK TONIC should not bo conAmiKlcd wltli thuhonU of tranliy euro nils. HH In nosensoorthe worrtn pntcnt remcily. liimthor- oiiililyconvor niitvrltlilt morto of prnpnmtlon nnrt know It to bo nol only H Ivaltlmutn phurnmccutlcnl product.tmt itlsowortny of tlio high uoininonilittlon itlmsrocctvfci In ull part1 * of the world. It contains cfluncu of Hoof , Coca , Quinine. Iron and Culldiirfl. which nre dissolved In pure coniilnu Spnnlsh Imperial Crown Sherry. " Invnlnnhloto all who nro Hun Down , Norvons , TJy - peptic , nilloua. Malarious or nrtlctod with woiik kidney - ney > . IlEWAiiK or IMITATIONS. Her Majesty's FaYoritie CosmeticGIycorlne Used byHorUoynlHIctmo'i the I'rlnccss ot Wales and thn nobility. For the Skin. Complexion , Kritp- Uons.Clmpplna , HouBluicsMt.lXI. Of ilniKKlsts , IiIKtllO CO'H Genuine Syrup of frirsuparlllii , la guaranteed uctho host Hurenparllla In the market. - -FULLY WARRANTED Uoo.J. ArmbruBt.M ) Ginning st. 1) . H. Ilowmnn , 1217 I'nramn at. Jolin Hu3soS497 ! Cuminjr at. Herman Kuiulo , Olil South 10th St. O.Lnusro.aiS South lUtlist. W. F. Stoot7 < 1,1B21 Howard at. 1 > 1. TJ. Vnti Scoton , 1510 Io < l o St. C. W. Slcopor. 507 South 13tU St. The First , thn Orlclnnl nml Only tlnrrli lltHl U put up l > y mm lu > hum n prnrllrnl hnowlnftn of tlii > Iniimlry tirufr lim , It toqulrrJ no rooMnj , kcfpsthotron from illcklnit and llnnnfrom MUtertnit while Ironing , and iMvrs iMtts , cnRi and cellars that UltTnou nml btsutlrnl IwlUIi thty bars ithrnnew , whlco , everybody knows , kftp * them clfan twlcn as lonz , llrwtro of ImllMlon * . Pt thit the mine J , U lltmi.VUKIl A IHlua. , New llartn , Couu. , li On otrry i' . < ckjjc\ Hold ty nil llrocers. 11-lw maw 017 AturuUrcnamUof lu * UtAlenlOolltrx , IIM > lonetf engKKtdln tb p lftllr fttin nt of CHNOIMO. NmrAV , 8tir sod hieon PIIIIMI ihtn snr nih r Pht l un InSI. Lonti , ss rllf pipers the * * nd nil old rslldenli Rnsw. Nervous Protlrnllon. Oebllllr , Mental and Phyilcnl Weakness ; Mercurial and other AfTec * tloni ol Throat , Sklnor Donee , Blood Poisoning , Lid Sores and Ulcers , nro ue.i.j iih > rtt tMi iufei , oaUtfitirlrntlflaprlnelr1 . Hiftlr , frlTtltlj. Dlsnaies Arising from Indiscretion , Excett , Exposure or Indulgence , nhlcK troiw-t i msor ti > i followlDf efttaUl tmTouintM. tltblllir , dlcmcM of tlht snililerrollTOmemory , pluiplnoatht f M. Ihilf Hc r , avenlonuth Melolynf rrralei , oo&fiulas or Melt , etft. , rendering tlsrrlago Improper or ttnhippy , am penufcnvnutnrail. . rfrorht tSAriftilon ( Ihanbovo , sell Iniptlrdcnrctopa. rrtetotur adilriti. CoDiutlttlonalof. Dee or by null rtfp.liiTltod tml su telly fnfliltmU1. A Positive Written Guarantee cir in iteryoa. nblo eux Uedlilua leol c < crjuhcra b ; mill ot tiprui. fUsAKRSASE & 131 BE , flfiO I AOE3 , PtNK PLATES , t1c nt eUth d Ul Undluff.ncmlfklfor'SCo. -oitMeorcurrtnsy | , Urer tin/ WandtrCut r u pleturvi.true tf > Ufa , ntlcU on thn foliaU < lubjuctn who lutf miiTT.wlmtiot , wliy | in ub6oA , v iu * i. liooJ , ph/ilfml iUetT , pfM of ct-llnipy nd CKCOM. tbi fbjr. Joloir of rfproJusiIon , nut ! tnmijf mat * . Ttioie ratrrl d or conu-TnpU'lnr ' mvrltm .rinuM trA It. P 'r rUf Jlttnn ( ( - - . , * . rS , WVI..I - 21,829,350 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars Tvoro shipped during thn past two years , without n , drum * inrrfnouroiuplnv. No other lionso In tlio world cnn Until- Oiio fiKont ( dealer . . wnntod Iu encH town. SOLD BY UADII10 DRUGGISTS. R.\V.TANSlLL&CO.,55SIMoSI.Chicane. \ tSTTioao VITALITY U falllnp.nratn IlItMNRD and tBXHAB TKi orPow rphEMA1illMll.y WAST llnd K perfect nnd drain * promptly cncclwd. TIIKVTIKU Hlylnir new * pnp-r and midloil eaitonicintnt * . Aq. . VU Cl' . tfon/ult * tfoilColtlcooi- mallHYlth six emlirent doctors ITIlKIt , oa/lAUE AiiENCY. No. 174 Fulton Slroel. New Ynrfc JOHN C. GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE , OK MJW .IISKSUY , imiNClSTON , NKW JUILSIiV. IlOKulnr four-yonr courtos , a follows : I. Ii'or tlio dt > nroo of llacliolor of yclonoo , uitonoml coiiistf ! iiUK elective coursei In CliomUlrf. Itlolnuf , Go lc > y. Miitliomntlcnimil I'tijrBlcs. II. For tlio ilcxreo of Civil Kniilncur. InchulliiH. boxldoi llio usual prutcmloaut Btuilloa. npilloitlona | ; of Kluctrlcltjr to the Arls. I'oit Kraduate luitructlon In lIltiliur.Mnthorantlra.unipnlci. An lytlcul mm Applied Chemistry mid Assuring. ItloloKT , I'hynlcs. nnd Anlronoray. ffintrnnco exnram- atlonj Sept. lull nnd litli. ! . ! . Fur nnoclnl courao ] uudotharlnformatloiiuuplr totbo CuUuuoTroaaurar J. E. WILKXE , jrimuructurorol' 100 S. 14th st. Omaha , Nob. Orders by mail solicited and vlll re- ceiyo prompt attention. _ WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And other * nufforlnir from nerroua iloblllty.exhauatlni ; chronic dtteiuei , nriiinnlura decline of young or oil ro noiltlvpfr currd 1 > T Dr. llome's fanioua Electro. " Maitnetlo Uelt TItouutlill In Tsry tP\"Stnto ; In the union II TB b on ounu , Klcctrlil W tTiriJtanllyfoU. Paten twl aud ola 1O ycnri. Whole funllr can wrar aamo belt. KlectrU Hn.pentorlo * free with raalo balt > . ATOld worthleBt Ini- Itnlfoni Rnct bogus compinlcu. Elcoti-lo Truxei lot KuMure. 70O curfd In'Bo. Bend itamp for pamphlet. Dg. tf. J. HflRNE. lHVU4TOa. IBI WABA1H AV. . CHIWC. " TWCHICAGO MAIL j ( dullr ndltlon ) will bo ont to any addrosi In tlm U. K. or Canada 4 month * for SXa. Address TUB CHICAGO MA1U 11B CtU-av. , Clilcaeu. DEWEY & STONE , One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA NEB. THE C. E. MAYNE REAL ESTATE and TRUST GO. H , W. COR. 15th AMD FARIVAM , OMAHA. Property of every description for snlo in all parts of iho city. Lands for snlo iu every county in Nopruskn. A COMPLETE SET OP ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douplas county kept. Muns of the city stiito or county , or any other information dosircu , furnished 1'rco of charge upon app.ication. Display at their warerooms , 13Q5 and 1307 Farnam Street * the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found a1 any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tha highest class and medium , grades , Including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALV Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , whllo the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their mo'st liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials or workmanship. . LYQN & HEALY , & 307 " ARNAM STREET