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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 28. 18SG , NUMBER 1)2. ) General Knulbars' Demands to Bo Acted on by the Qovernment , A TALK WITH RUSSIA'S AGENT. What Ills Mission Is niulVlml Mill- Must Ii to Secure the G'znr's Support Other I'orclRn Matters. nnd Ilnlgnrln. SoriA , Sept. 27. | Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to the llr.Kj The Bulgarian government will fouually assume an attitude toward the endless demands of General Kaulbars when these demands have been presented In writing. This fact may cause n further delay of several days In the settle ment oftho matters In question. KADI/ilAlts' MISSION. General Kaulbais told mo this morning that the "object of his mission here Is no mystery. If Bulgaria hoped for Uusslan sup port on vital questions she must ask It sin cerely and without icseivatlon. " Tlio ten- cralcmphasl/cs the word "sincerely" because latterly thlnus have occurred hero which are notcalcttlated to Insptio conllilence , but to shock public opinion In Hussta , which Is snrpilscd that tlio Bul garian government , vvliilo tendering to the c/ar by telegram congratulation on his ieto day , did not make public the char's answer , which the Russians had aright to suppose would be posted on every stieet coiner nnd In every village In Bulgnila. Itussia wished the elections heio to take place in ns ncaily u normal condition as possible , so that all uai ties ml ht take part. Itussia would only recojnlro as legal an assembly elected under these conditions , to Insure which the general Insisted on the following points : The necessity of the immediate lalslng of the state ot blcgo and an Interval of at least two mouths between that nnd the election to onnbio the Bulgailan people , free fiom out- fildoor Inside pressing to choose theli icpre- scntntivcs. But given a state of sieire , no election was piobable. The olllcers confined should bo released because Kussia considers them as represent ing n political party nnd does not find It seemly that the picsent Bulgatian govern ment , which is nothing but a political party Itself , should ucisecnto another political paity in the absence of a stable goveinmcnt. General Kaulbais condemned the burning of the flags on account of a btcnch of discipline or a breach of honor. It won d boas well to burn the cioss on an nltnr for the clime of n pilest. The cioss is the sacred emblem of n faith , so the stnndaul Is that of military honor. The ucncral in conclusion said that the conditions named weio necessary for a fiee oxeiclse of the pub lic judgment and that lie had enlbodleil them In n note to the legcncy this looming ; that Kusslahad no thought of naming a candidate now , nor would .she until the conditions were fulfilled. It they were icfused , he had other means to fall back on , Thogcneial , vrlth whom I had a previous acquaintance , iccclved mo In the library of the Uusslan agency. Ho woio the white , nn- < fros uniform of a ccmnnl oflleer. 1 am the liist correspondent lie has coiivciscd with. I'rcHR On I'urncll. LONDON , Sept. 28 , 4 a. m. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the UKK.I flio moinliiK papers comment on Mr. 1'arnell's American cablegram to President Htigcrald ot the Irish National league. Thn Post says : ' 'The note meditates a complete severance of Great Britain Irom Ireland nnd Is mainly a begging appeal for money. " The Chronicle treats what it calls "an appeal for moro"as undignified and nrcucs a against any statutoiy pailiiimcnt. The News gives great prominence to what it calls "Painell's Message , " but withholds comment. The tory Standard calls It "A Declaration of War" and suggests that It is the work of some virulent lieutenant. Then the Standaid itseld grows vitupera tive against the nationalists and the American subscribers. The doc ument has created a maiked sensation , it is understood that Loul Randolph Chuichill will mnko It one of the themes ot his eroat speech at the mass meeting In Dartloid , some twenty miles below London , next Saturday , for which twenty thousand tickets luue been issued. Anxiety Over ICntclnnd'H Moves. CoNBTANrmoi'i.K , Sept. 27. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Br.K.J Much comment , paitlculaily In Russian and French diplomatic circles , has been excited by the fact that several trnnspoits recently touched nt the Island of Tliasos with largo supplies and mniaincnt consigned to ngent.s of the British govcinmont. U IB felt that - the Kngllsh occupation and practical annexation of this Island will take place at the first sign of n Itusslan occupation of Bulgaria. All the more uneasiness Is felt because of Thasos belonging to Kirypt , to which , through Mehamcd All , It was ceded by the sultan. No technical objection could bo lalscd against Kncland's occupation so long as It was sanctioned by the khcdlve. A Notnltlo AVomun'H Dent h. LONDON , Sept. 27. [ Now Yoik llciald Cablo-bpeolal to the Bii : : . ] A very distin guished link between the two centuries died yesterday In Grafton street , near the resi dence of Hrnry Irvine , In Francis ilargniet Wulpole , nlnety-olcht years. She was , on the maternal side , the cianddauehtcr ol the great Loid ( . 'live , and patcinallv of Sir Thomas Wnlpolo , brother of Horace. She died a spinster , though a belle in her youth , nttiactlveand Interesting In her middle ace , nnd a delightful raconteur In her old age. The Broach Too Wldo. Aninxs , Sept. 37 , Seml-otllcial Journals hero , commenting on the statement that Loal IddeslelKh la endeavoilnz to bring about a reapproachment between Sorvla , Jiulgaila , ( Ireoco and Tin key , say his elforts nro too late , The breacli between those Mates , they t-ay , has become so wide that no ulplonntlc skill can close It , Turks Tulk War. CoNSTANTiNoi-LK , Sept 27. Turkey's agents report that the peace of Europe Is en dangered by the piesent temper of the Kn- Klibli and Austrian cabinets against HuRsla. war depaitment contemplates equlpp'iiK and dilllinu 00,000 KurdUli wen In the same manner that Itusslan Cos- escks aio equipped and dillled. The King Growing Worse. MUNICH , Sept. 27 , The condition of King Oltolo growing worse. Ho refuses warm food but devours n great quantity of cold viand * . Often In thu middle of the night ho talks loudly to himself and gesticulates yrildly. Ho Insists upon remaining in soli tude. Queen Mailo of Bavaria \Isltcd hci eon , King Otto , nt Furstcnrlcs. The Mailrlil Heyolt. MADRID , Sept 27. A number of hibiir- Scuta who took part In the recent revolt ap- icared In the village of Gcrona yesterday. A lumber were wounded. These were left In IIP vlllneo and the others then undo their way across the frontier Into France. They JInvcii't Hoard or It. LONDON , Sept 27. Iho press association sa > s the Hrltlsh government has no official rognlraneo of the allesed treaty between England and the United States. Carlos Threatens Spain. PAIHS Sept. 27-lt Is reported that Uaillst bands ha\o appeared on the Spanish frontier. ANOTUnti Fifteen million Three 1'cr Cents to he Kodccinnil. WAsinvr.TON , Sept 27. The acting secre tary of the treasury this afternoon Issued the one hundred ami foity-thlrd c.'dl for the le- demiitlon of bonds. The call Is for 515,000- XX ) of the ! ) per cent loan of 18S2 , and notice Is herein given that the pi inclpal and ac crued Interest of the bonds herein liolovv designated will bo paid nttho treasury of the United States , In the city of Washington , 1) . C. , on the 1st day of November , 180 , and that Interest on said bonds will cease on that day , viz : Tlnco per cent bonds Issued under net of congress approved July 12 , lbS2 , and numbered as follows : 550 , oilglnal number 60 to original number iVj , both inclusive ; S1CO , original number 0-11 to original number "C , both inclusive ; 5500 , original number 2bO to original number ! ! 4 ( > , both inclusive ; 81,000 , original number 2,4:15 : to original number 2.SM , both Inclusive : 510,000 , oilcinal number 7iOl. : ) to original number S,810 , uolh Inclusive ; total , 515,000OJO. Tlio bonds described abovoaic either bonds of "original" issue , which have hut one sciial number at eacli end. 01 "substltuti1' bonds , which may bo distinguished bj- the double hot ot numbers which aio maiked plainly "original num bers" and ' .substitute numbers. " Allot the bonds ol this loan will bo eallo'l ' bvoilglnal numbcis only. The thico months' Inteiost due November 1 , IbSI , on the above dcsctibed bonds will not bo paid by checks forwarded to the holders of bonds , but will be paid with principal to iioldcis at the time ot presentation. 1'attles holdlnir the bonds called by this circular can obtain immediate payment with interest to date of picsenta- tion by icquesting the same In the letter forwaidini : the bonds fur icdemption. Many of the bonds originally Included in tlio above , nunitieis liavc been tiansfeiicd or exchanged Into other denominations on "Waiver , " the original numbers being cancelled , or ha\c been leilccined under tlio of Seotem- ber 15 , lbs < i , and leaving outstanding the nppaient amount above stated. LiOVlSMNUHSANO IjASHJiS. A Voting Woman Cowhides n Itc- portcr New Jersey's Sensation. JII : : IY : CITV , N. . ) . , Sept. 27. On Tuesday last the livening Journal published a sensa tional aitlcle , charging that two joung la dles , moving in the first chclcs , had com mitted forgery by raising checks , given them by their father , fiom S8 to JjfcO , and fiom 310 to S100. No names were given , but n pretty close desciiptlon was ghon. On Fildpy nitlit tlio wiiter ot the aitlcle , a icj > oiter named Lenhart , was decoyed into a saloon and assaulted by Kajmoml Gilchiltt , son of cx-Attoinoy Gllclnlsl ot Now Jeisev , Itbolng understood that ho was acting on behalf o the daughters of Thomas Gannon , a wealthy coppersmith. This evening , Keporter Leii- hart was assigned to report a session of the hoaid of public woiks. While thobimrdwas in session Miss .Mamie Gannon , thu eldest datubter , stole nn to within teach ing distance of him and pio- ccedbd to belabor him uniiieiclfully with u cowhide. The room was quickly in an npioni , the lobby taking sides with the t\ouii lady anil the olllcers of the board try ing to protect the icporter. The enraged young woman was linally scpaiatcd from the object of her vengeance nnd was accompanied iiomo by iier father nnd n munberof filcnds , while tlio repoi tor , after adjournment ot the boaid , was accompanied homo by n policeman. The ailalr has cieated n decided sensation on account of the prom inence of the pi'isons Involved. Young Gllchrlst 1ms been nnested on charges ot as sault and consniiacy. Voorhces Opens the Sept. 27. A Demrciatic mass meeting was held hero to-nlglit , at which Senator Voorhees was the pi inclpal speaker. The senator began his speech by condemning tlio republican party for de nouncing the democracy tor things of which the former had been equally guilty , and then passed to the consideration of the Hayes- Tllden count , the lesult of which he char acterised as the tilumph of dishonest ballot nnd false count. In speaklnir of the presi dent's vetoes of pension bills , ho said he should not discuss their merits , and Insisted that thu president acted Irom honest and con scientious motUcs. Ho defended General lihick'scomsoas pension commissioner , nnd claimed that the u oik of the ollleo made a splendid showing. He charged the republi cans with insincerity on the liquor question , and argued In favor of the license system. Tlio remainder of tlio speech was devoted to tlio discussion of state gerrymandering nnd nn appeal to voters to continue tno democ racy in powci. Struck an lochorir. ST. JOHNS , N. S. , Sept. 27. The Uiltlsh schooner Lady Agnes stinck nn IcebcigMon- day last when thhty-elght miles southwest of Haealiow Island and became a partial wieek. The ciew had n nmivelous escape. They dio\e seaward In a violent gale fiom tlio west nndoro seven days at sea , pump ing. Thoiccberpwnsof mountain helghtn. With the torco of the sea wasli the vessel butted and lammed It frequently and baiely escaped alloat from Its feaiful suction. A Dakota Shoot ! HK Scrape. UiiAiNAiti ) , Mlnn.Sot.S7-J. | C. Policy and son Charles , aged twel\p , were both fatally shot on a cliilm near Pine Kuole.just over the Cass county line , this morning. The 1'olloys had called nt Davenport's bouse to icmo\o certain pioduco stoied there. Tlio 1'olloys \\oioainieitasthcio had been double before with Da\onport. A quaiiol nroso and the Da\cnports shot both lather and son. Mis. DuuMi > oit was at rested ana her husband gave himself up. Inflating CoITcn Dunns. Niw YOIIK , Sept. 27 , Cable advices from Havre produced a btroniier teellng In the collce market this morning , bosUUis there Is less pressure to sell , Prices show a gain of ten to fifteen points , leading to n moderate degieo of activity. Sales of 14,600 bags nt bO.bO for November , 80.73 for December , S0.05 for January , February nnd March. Prosecuting Honus News Venders. OITAWA , Out , Sept. 27. Initiatory stops have been taken looking to the prosecution of paitlns who sent bogus reports conco'iilng the nllegoJ now Ilstiery treaty. The otllcnco Is Indictable and In consequence of i > oputar Indignation over mimmous Impositions prac ticed lately It seems that the industry will bo put an end to , 1'roelftlmed Cntlle , MmvAtiKKK , bept. 27. ( iovernor Husk to day Issued a proclamation foiblddinc the Impoitatlon of cattle fiom Illinois , except when accompanied by accttlhc.ito of health fiom the state veterinarian ot thaistate.oi inspector specter of the United States buican of aul- uial iudustiy. The Silver Crock Wroukcra Inillotcd. UUFFAI.O , Sept. 27.- Conductor Harilson and Knt'lucer llrevvcr , of the excursion train In colllson at Silver creek , have both been In. dieted by the grand juiy at Iayvlllc. They are held in 88,000 ball cadi. Their cases will bo tried next month. llcnomlnntod for Congtess. Mi-Mrms.Ten , , Sept.27. Tne republican convention of this ( Tenth ) district to-day nomlnntbd Kach Taylor for re-election to congress. TO PROTECT THE CATTLE , The Nebraska Live Stock Oomrninlon Order a Quarantine , THE SITUATION IN CHICAGO. No Order Yet Issued for the Slaimhtcr oftho Dlsrnncd Cows Aid Kroni the National Tturcnu Of- fortd to Stale ? . Illinois Cnttlc Not Wnntcd. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept , 27. iSpecinl Tele gram to the BKI.-.J The live stock commis sion to-day sent telegraphic Instructions to their inspectors at Covinxton , Blair , Omaha and Plattsmouth , on the Missouri river , to hold all Illinois stock until futther distinc tions can bo forwarded by mall. Itoculatlnns concerning the quarantine will be adopted by the live stock commission nt their meeting to-morrow. - _ _ _ _ _ The Situation In Clilcn o. CHICAGO , Sept. 27. The Illinois livestock cattle commission has notordcied the slaugh ter of quniantlncd cattle at the Chicago dis tilleries. A meeting of the commission will be held to-monow moinlng when some de cisive action will be taken. Theioaiea laigo number of calves at the stock jatds and else- whcie. whicli have been shipped to Chicngo Horn the dairy dlstilcts In this nnd eastern stairs to be forwaidcd to the stock raising poitlons af Iowa. They are now stopped by the Iowa quninntlnu pioclaniat on luaiust Illinois stock , and it will bo nccosMiry to sc enic the veteiiuaiinn's eeithicatn to loruatd with each car load ot calves Into Iowa. TheollJcers of the Chicago Live Stoclc ex change and Union Stock "i aids company say they piopose to piotert the Inteiests of the cattle grovvcis ot Amcilc.ilth the best vet erinary skill that monej will employ , com bine. ! with nil the common sense nnd execu tive ability that they possess. They main tain that thcie is no cause tor alnini , nnd they do not intend there shall be any as far as the Union stock \aids are conceined , To- nlirhl the following telegram was sent : UNION HIOCK YAKDS. CIIICAOO , Sept.27. To Klchard J. Oglosby. ( Jovernorof Illinois , Spilngflcld , 111 : No .sign of the disease hen1. Our cattle were never healthier , but In older to facilitate the shipment of cattle to Iowa , and to other states dial may quaiantine against Illinois , wo would icspeetfiilly ie- quest yotii excellency to appoint and send to these yards nn additional vetetiimry , the most eminent that can be obtained , and if necessary we will pay his salary In any man- nei you may deem proper. ( Signed ) . Vlio President and ( Jeneral Manager Union Stoclc Yaids of Chicago III. Picsident of Chicago Live Stock L'xchangc. Aid Vrom the Government. WAsniNoroN , Sept. 27. The bureau of agriculture is actively engaged in devising nnd putting in operation measures looking to the extirpation ot pleiuo-pneumonia. Commissioner Colman says : "Tlio people must ue ciayy to think the depaitmeut will permit any of those cattle to be sold. We have quarantined them , doubled our forces Satuiday , and nro now going to send out some of the most expert veterlnailaiis wo have so as to btnmp out the disease at once and do evci tbliig tlio department legally can do. We did not get through congiess1 tlie bill we attempted to pass on this subject , so wo can only second the elToits of slate authoiitles and assist in canylng out state laws. Under the existing law wo cm only stamp out tlio dlseaso In a st.ito with the per mission of tlio local authorities. Somclimcs tlio governor ot a state will not consent to federal interfeience , some can only second our utloits. " The commissioner lias drawn up and for warded to the governors of all states and territories a series of uilesand icgulatlons for coopeiatlon between the United States department of agrlcuituio and tlio authori ties ot thcsevcial states and tciiltoiles for the suppression and extirpation ot conta gious pleuro-pncumonia , and if they iccclvo the consent of the state autlioiltics thebu- iean will make a systematic and determined eilort to .stamp out the disease by attacking every infected district. The circular recites the piovlsions of tlio law , laying particular stress on the section which it'akrs It requisite for action by the depai tmont to lirst secure the consent of the state authorities nnd then lay down tlio rules and icgiihttions which aio deemed necessary to insure lesults com- mensuiato with the money ( SlOO.OOOj author ised to be expended. * Quaiaiitlnuiestuctions , once Imposed , are not to be removed by state authorities with out tlio consent ot Ino proper ofllcers of the department of ngrlciiliuie. The peiiod of quarantine will bo at least ninety days , dating from thoicmovnl of tlio last diseased animal from the held. During this period no animal will be allowed to enter the herder or to leave it , and all animals in the herd shall be carefully Isolated trom other cattle. When possible , all Infected herds aio to beheld held in qnaiantlnn and not allowed to leave the Infectwl premises except for slaughter. In this case , nosh animals may bo added to the herd at the owner's risk , but aio to bo considered as infected animals , and subjected to the same quarantine regu lations ns the other members of thn held. All animals alTccted with contagious plcuio-pncuuionlnnro to bo slaughtered ns soon alter their discovery as tlio necessaiy niraiiircmentscan be nuulo. When diseased animals nio teportcd to the state authorities they shall promptly take biich slops as they dcsiio to confirm the diagnosis. Animals found diseased aio then to bo optimised , ac cording to tlio piovlslonsof the state law. nnd thn proper officer of the bureau ot animal Industry ( who will bo designated by tlio commissioner of agilcultnio ) notified of the appraisement. If this icprcscntntlvoot the bureau of animal Industry confirms the diagnosis and approves the appiaiscinonttho department of agilcnltuio will puichaso tlio diseased animals of the owner , and pay such proportion of the appraised value as Ispio- vlded for compensation in such cases by the laws of the fitato in which the animals nro located when they nio condemned nnd Blaiighteicd by state authority. All the nec essary disinfection will DO conducted by em ployes of Uio bureau of animal iiidusti v. Inoculation Is not recommended bv the de partment of nmlculturoand H , Is Ibcllevcd that Its adoption witli animals that aio to be aftorwaids sold to go Into other herds would counteract the good icsulls which would otherwise follow tiom the slaughter of dis eased anlmaU , It may , however , be prac ticed by state authorities under the following rules : No herds but those In which plcuro-pneu- nionla had appeared arc to be Inoculated. In oculated herds are to be quarantined with lock and chain on earh animal. The quaran tine restrictions aio to remain in force as long as any Inoculated cattle suulve , mid these animals are to leave the premises only for Immediate slaughter. Fiesh animals are to be taken Into Inoculated herds only at the risk of the owner and shall be subject to the same uiles as the other cattle of the inoculated herd. The chlet of thp bureau of animal In dustry Is to bo piomptly notified by the state authorities of each hcid inoculated , of the filial disposition of each member of the heid , of the post-mortem appealance. and of any other facts In the history of the hcid which may prove of value. The co-operation of farmers , of live stock commissions , and of other olllcers who may bo In that branch of service provided for tlio control of contagions diseases of anliqaUin states where ptenro-piicunioula exists , Is earnestly requested under those rules and adulations , which have been ai ranged with a view of securing unlfoim and elUcient action throughout the whole infected dis trict. It U hoped that with the vigorous en forcement of such regulations the disease may be pioventinl fiom extending beyond the present limits and may bo In time en tirety eradicated. JPIcuro In Dakota. Sr. I'AV' ! . , Scut 27. A Mandap , Dak. , sppcml IP tbe Pioneer Press susr Pleuro- pueumonia has broken out In a herd of cattle belonging to W. J. Ktliorlncton , twenty-live" miles norlli of here. Ten hav * died nnd fortv more nro affected. Two weeks ace a car loul of cattle were hronclit there from Chlcaeo. The local board of health is prepar ing to quarantine. Professor I'toctor Attempts to Knock Out AVlKKliiH. ST. Loft . Sept , 27. The English astrono mer , Richard A , Proctor , In nn article con tributed to the niobc-Dcinoornt , entitled "Wiggins' Prophecy , " says : U appears to me shameful thnt ; any man , even though ho be not a student of science nnd.theieforo fully aware of ( he mischief ho Is doing , should spicad Abroad predictions of a coming disaster In such n way that foolish folks nro likely to be dlstuibed nnd terrified. Wiggins , n half-educated and wholly unscientific ctn- ploj oof the mclcoroloelcal ofllco In OtUwa , has long rmlcavurcd to acquire n cheap iepii- tntlon by a weather prediction of that kind of which Itself assures students of science that a weather prophet Is either utterly Ig- nniaiit or exceedingly knavish. After noting several Instances of failure of former ptedlcttons made by Wiggins , "Wig gins" continues the wi Her , "claims to have picdlctcil nn earthquake August .list , but truly ho has so continued to threaten storms and cnithqnnkes that no great disturbance of cither sort followed his predictions. Ho now loudly pioclaims that on the SOth lust , there will bo another gicatcnithqunke , one ol the most terrific subterranean upheavals over known on tliir continent. He knows that such mediations will attract attention for awnllu to hi.s name. It may , however , tie nsked whether there is some leason for legaidlng the " 2Uth of September as tlio day of d'inger. Even Wiggins , it maybe suugested. must nt least Imagine n leason tor his piedlctions , ns the Tices , Verniers , ( irlmme * . and othirsof the mischlovious tribe have Imagined for theirs In past. " Pioclor goeson toshow tlintceitaln well known as- tiologlcnl facts have probably Induced Wig gins to make his late piedictlou , one being a slight tendency to earthquakes to Incienso during the monthsof August and September , and another that earthquakes are mote likely to occur when the moon is in or near thu nuint of nppioach to , with and in or near the line of the earth nnd sun ; that the moon will be in such n position duiini : the latter part ot tlio present month , but such condition , Proctoi observes , recur year after year , and earthquakes arc no more liable to occur this year than In nny September of the coming centuiy. pn the contrary , ho argues that there has already been ono great e.nth- quake aad It Is exceedingly probable that the impiisoned forces of the earth beneath the Amci lean continent have for u vvlillo found lellef , and that no great earthquake will oocur In the same legion lor many years , possibly centuiies. Sends In Antics. Dis : MOINIS : , la. , Sept. 27. [ Special Tele- pram to the Bii.J : : There was n heavy lire this morning In the building on South street occupied by tlio lovvit See 1 company. The basement and two npiior floors contained bulk seed , and the ground floor , the general merchandise peculiar' to the seed business. Tha stock , which was valued at 817,001 , wns n total loss , and was Instiled for 810,030 In the following companies : Amciicaii 81,000 , State Sl.OOO , Milwaukee Mechanics 51,000 , Etna 82,000 , Hamburg nnd Bremen § 1,000 , Noith American § .5,000 and Continental S2.030. The Insuianco on thu bulldini : Is , dlsti ibnted as follows : Homo. 52" ,000 , ' . the building will , rcadi 815,000 , The watot leaked tlnough and' damaged some of the Mock of L. Trcpanlcr , dry goods merchant locked un In a vault nnd escancdtiama o Hla stock was insuicd lor S-15,000 , placed as follows : National 55,000 , Koyal W , , Phoenjx ot Hartford 55,000 , London and Lancashire § 5,000 , German Ameiicin S3ro3 , Homo ( two nolieios ) S9.000 , North American 52,500 , Continental 52,500 , ( Jlnns Falls , $2,500. Norwich Union. 32SOO | , yitna ; , 52,500 , and Washington , § 2,500. Arrc-st or Forcers. Br.Aiit , Neb. , 27. [ Special to the Bii.J : During the past season the Beatrice Life Insuianco company has had a largo foice of agents nt work In this county , piin- clpally among the farmers , nml as a result se emed avery largo number of note , ? , which they have disposed of to various persons , among others being Charles McMemmey.who purchased the greater amount of this paper. It now tm us out that ; at least two of the agents , E. D. Bradley and Paul Newman. have sold to McMcmmcy about S700 worth of paper that wns forged. On discovering this MeMemmey Immediately filed an Informa tion against Newman' and Bradley and sent an olllccr alter them , who caught 'them ncnr Fremont. They were brought bask and lodged In jail. llovvo ' 'Scolujj" tno Iloj-H. LINCOLN , Neo. , Sent. 27. [ Special to the BEK ] . The campaign in the First congres sional district was formally opened to-night by Church Howe , who was "in the saddle" fiom 7 to 11 , with headquarters at room 3-i Capitol liote ) . To this haven Chaliman Conrtnay , of the republican congiesslonnl committee , at convenient Intervals , escorted some of the assumed leaders of the labor vote , with what icsnlt remains to be seen. The pro rauimo , as Inntiginated , evidently was a taking ono with uumeions paitles and tlio campaign in loom 'if was opened with n vigor to cheer Iho heait ot the maiketablo vote. The results of this opening lite will bo closely watched. - An Influx of Stars. Nuvy YOIIK , Sept. 27. Tjiero was nn In flux of nctors nnd actiesses from Kuropo yes terday. The Aurnrifn brought over Augustine Daly's company nrjd Violet Cameron and Iierlroupe. also V. A. Fionch , Miss Cam. cion'H manager , and Lord Lonsdalo , her treasurer. Miss Cameron's husband airlvcd ten minutes 'ahead' of her on tlio Alaska. Mrs. Langtry and ( lr. Charles Coghlan , hoi leading support , came over with their com pany on the Alaska , as did also Dion Boncl- cttult. Picsident llobcit Ganut arilvcd on thoAuranla. Mrs , ' Langtry says she pio- poses to icmaln In this country , Thirty-first nWrlct Itcnuhlloans. PI.UJI CIIEKK , Neb. . Sept. 27. [ Special Telegram to the BKt ) | The republicans of thoThirty-fiifitscnktoiIaldistilct met in con vention hero this afternoon for the purpose of placing In nomination n candidate for state senator. Catitaln C. W. McNanmra , of Dawson county , Vrnayiomluated on the lirst formal ballot. Hu uHa staunch republican nnd old soldier , ' and an able man. The gieatest harmoiw prevailed In the conven tion. f L. _ AVhalirtyjlWlmlort . LourCITV , Neb ! , Sect 27. lSpeclal Tele gram to tbe IlKtiOp'rhe democratic piinm- jlos for this pjccipet hold here effectually downed thp protoijslojw of E. IS. Whalley ns a candidate for state senator. The opposi tion was headed < hy F. W. Sailers. K. K. \\halley has made a valiant light , aided therein by a mmnuer oftho republican stnte delegation , Mathies. Whalloj'a partner. WUalley was defeated six to one. Wreck of Duni'QVK , I . ,8ept.27 , ISpocIal Teleeram to the BIK.J : Sunday night a freight train pulling out of Spencer on the lown and Da kota division of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , broke In two. Tlnco cars ran back , colliding with the passenger destined lor Du- buqiuj , 'I ho caboobo nnd two freight cars were "smashed. One passenger was thrown through a coach window down an embank ment and hurt Internally. The engineer es caped by J mulling after reversing his engine. Itounltcil Veterans. KAXKAKKB , III. , Sspt 87. 'Hie survivors of the Ono Hundred and Thirteenth regi ment , Illinois volunteer Infantry , began a three ddj s reunion here today. EDWARD EXCELS HIMSELF , Hanlan Challenges Beach to Bow Either in England or America , THE BUSHRANGER BACKS DOWN. ICrd Cloud llnlllsts Grow White AVIth Ire Jlurkc niul Dennney The Hnsc Hall Hceord 8iortliiK Xrvvi. Itlvnls. LONHON , Sept. 27. T New York Herald Cable Special to the IIK. ) : ] At the boat race won tills afternoon by Christian Nell- sen , of musical fame , there occuiicd n meet ing between Keach and Hnnlan. It was a chance meeting with Ue.ich. The other scul lers Induced Hanlan to pay \isltto the ilvcr- sldo jesterday alter noon , when ho at once hied to his old quarters nt the Star and ( > rrtcr at I'utncy , and renewed acquaintance with his former sun- porters , W. J. Innes , Uoss , Teenier , Lee , llubear and others , and subsequently Han- Inn boarded tlio steamboat Fuchsia , which was about to follow the race , when lie met with a hearty reception trom tlio geneial public lining the tow-path , nnd also fiom those aboanl the steamer. Consideraolo curiosity was evinced to wit ness the meeting of the two great oarsmen , nnd on Hanlan making his wnv round to the side of the \cssol , on which the champion was standing , milta a little crowd followed cncer to see and hear all that took place. Hcachnt that time was In conveisatlon with Clnsuer , the tuitions boat builder. Hanlan at Hist did not appear to notice licacli , who was .seated on the side of the vessel with his back to tlio water. After he had gieetcd a well known boat builder and one or two others , Clasper drew the Canad ian's attention to the picsonco of the champIon - Ion , sajlng : "There Is nn old friend of yours. " Here Ilnnlan at onctt turned toward his great rival nnd apologized for his oversight , but to the surprise of many on board who woio not up to the Ins nnd outs of the affair , Ueacli completely Unored Hanlan's existence for the time , till at length , after nn awkward pause , tlio ex-champ on broke the Ice by saying : "I guess you know me ? " The champion ippllod : "Yes , I know jou well enough , " in no very coulial terms. Thence , however , a somewhat lengthened and desultory conversation ensued. Of com. so Haitian went to the challcngn ques tion , but IJcnch In a maiked snubby to no said : ' It Is no use to except on the Parametta when I will lay i on 1,000 to bOO I w in. " Hanlan said , "if jon will not row mo heio you are not much of a champion. " Beach piomptly icplied , "Hut lam cham pion enough to beat j oil. It is a pltvwodld not meet on the Thames , as I should have liked to piovo to the British public ns to winch is the best man. " Ilanlan objected strongly to Beach saying nasty things. Beacn replied that everything he had said ho could substantiate and that the strongest expression lie had ever used was v'xyicn | calling him a. "gas bag. " ' 'Ho ' * * had called him' a gas bag mvcausc no was a good hand at binding. The discussion was cairlcd on some little time longer , but bcfoio the pair separated the Canadian acknowledged that ho had been treated in a most handsome manner In Australia and that many icmaiks fo'i\xyjilch ho was held ie ponsiblo weio totally untrue. After the race a large , gathering assembled at Beach's quar ters at the White Halt , at Baincs. Bejond any amount of toasting nothing further transpired between thccincks. Subsequently , however , Hanlnn at the Fox and Hounds at Putney Issued a chal lenge to Beach , thus : "I will row Beach on tlio Thames or Tyno lor 500 a side and the championship of the world , to take place within seven weeks of signing of the articles. 1 hand the represen tative of tlio Sportsman a fhst deposit of 100 as an earnest on my good faith , and i will Do pleased to meet Beach ot tlio Sportsman ofllco on Tuesday after noon between 2 niul 3 o'clock to dinw up the articles and make all arrangements. " All sporting men seem unanimous that nothing will come of this. Not a tew openly say that Hanlan would never have come un less convinced that Bench would not accept any challenge to row on the Thames. LOXDOTJ , Sept. 27. Kd ward Hanlnn has challenged Beach to row a lace on tli9 Thames for any sum up to S'AOOO and has olfoiedto low in Ameilca or Australia , Hnnlan to give Beach 810,000 in the former ca o nnd Beach to give Hanlnn 610.000 In the latter. Beach has declined nil challenges. The boat race for 100 a hide between Lar- gan and the Australian oaismen , Nielsen , took place to-day on the Thames , Putney to Moitfake , and vva1- won by Nielsen , who fin ished nlono. Beach and Hanlan witnessed tlio race fiom the deck of a steamer. On inretln ? thu champion nnd ex-champion sjiowed marked coldness , not even shaking hands. Beach Kild be would not low In Anicilcu If Ilanlan offered him the whole of Amoilca Ho said ho would low on the Paramatta and would , lay Ilanlan 1,000 ngalnst b < W , but ho would not pay Hnnlan'H tiuveling cxiieuM's. The dispute continued sometime. Ilanlan was greatly annoyed by Bench calling him a gas-bag. HciuMi Itaces. Sept. 27. Mile : Am- ber.xvon , ( Ucmlor second , Ventilator , third. Time 1:40 : . Three-fourtlM mile : Uosieio won , Pool Box second , Kager third. Time ll7Jf. beven-elghths mlle : Commander won , Beggar second , Peterbbuig third. Time 1-.2UX. beven fuilontts : Craftlo won , LI//Io Wal ton BPcond , Kerg Kyle thud. Tlmo 1 : UO. Certificates paid 8101.50. Onenud one-eighth miles : Florence won , Fraiii ! second , Top Sawyer third. Time 2:57)/ : , Huidle rnco , one and one-fourth miles : Poet won. Harry Mann second , Joe Shelby thlid. Time 2:20. : Uurko and Doinpsoy. SANFnANcibco , Ucpt. 2Y. The glove contest - test between Jack Burke and Jack Dcmnsey , which was originally fixed for LaUo Place tills evening , has been postponed on account of tlio failure toprocuio the necessary city license. No date will be li.xed until a license Is procuicd. Trotting Meeting I'oNtponccl. CHICAGO , Sept. 27 , The opening of the Washington park trotting meeting has been postponed fiom Wednesday until Saturday next , when U is expected General Shcridiin will bo piescnt. ON TI1K DIAMOXO. Itctl Cloud's Club aitul anil the Almau Challenged Lencuo Onincw. IlF.o GI.OUII , Neb. , Sept. 27. [ Sjxwlal to the UKK.-Hed ] Cloud base balllsts are indignant nt the dispatch sent the BKK from Alma that the club from this place was made to back down by the Alma club and re fused to play after having reached the latter place. The statement Is entirely Incorrect , and In order to prove that they are not afiuld to play the Almas , the Red Cloud club man. agcr has Issued the follow Ing challenge ; We will play the Aiwa club for not less than S100 and not rxeeedlr.R Sl.POO n Mdi , sild monev to be deposited In n bank In the city In which said iramo Is i > la > od ! said nuinevtobo nnld over to the manazer of the winning club ; ttionnmiitobopla > ed on ueu- tinlground between thU dilc and October V , 1 80. DAVID /.i.wr.uii , Manager. 01 licit OAMI.S ATN'IW : Yoniv New York I 0 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ! 1- 4 Pitchers-Welch nnd Whitney. Haso lilts N'ewYoik 1.1 , Kansas Cltv - . Knots New Yoik : i. Kansas City 2. Umplio-l'owers. AT WASIII.MITON Washlnclon 0 0202 1 f > St. Louis 0 2 MJauie called on account of darkness. ) Pitcheis Henry and Klrby. Klrst base lilts Washington fi , St. Louis t. Kirors Washington 0 , bt. Louis 0. Umplie IVnice. AT Pirrsnnto- Pltt huic 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 f. AlhlelkN 0 00001000-1 First liaso hlts-Plttslmrc 7 , Athletics 2 , Krrors Plttsburg 1 , Athletics 1. Umpire Kellev. AT PlUt.AUKl.HUA Chicago 0 2 1'hlladelphin 0 10100000-2 ( Same called on tenth Inning on account of darkness. First bis hits Chicniro7 , Phila delphia a. Kirors-ChkMgo : i , Philadelphia ! . Umnlro Kulmer. AT Lot'isvii.t.i : The Louisville -Metropolitan game was postponed to-day on account of lain. AT BOSION Dctiolt 0 0 Boston 1 o n o o 0 0 o-l Pllclicrs Baldwin and Stennnevcr. I'lisl ba o hits llettolt s , Boston. : ! . Kirois De troit 7 , Boston 7. Umpire Quest. JUIBINKSS OP TIIK HANKS. A Knlr Showliifj or the Prosperity ol' the Country. BOSTON , Scpt.27. [ Spccml Telegram totlie HKI : . ] The lollovvlng table , compiled fiom special dispatches to the lioslnn Post doiii managers of the leading eleiilnir hou es of tlio United States , ( 'lves the cio s exchanges nt each point fur the week ondliu ; September 25 , in coinpniison witli the coricspondlng pelled in Ibh5 : UrltUh Trade Itovlow. LONDON , Sept , 27. Maik Lane Expiess , In Its weekly icvlovvof tlm Biltlsh grain tiade says : Tiado was exceedingly slow , but juices wcic sustained. Sound English new crop wheats weio In best demand. The sales of English wheat dm ing the past week were n.l2l , quaitcis at JiOslHl ; against OSiSS ! ouaiteis at ! 10s 10d , during the eoricsponding week last year. Flour was slow of sale , owing to largo stocks nnd continued Ameri can auivals. Fine malting barlojs are very pcarce. Trade in ioieign wher.t was diagging. I/aree and rapidly Incrc.ishn ; visible supply In Ameilca opjircsscs tiado heie. American flour Is Kd cheaper. The price of louud corn favors buyers. Oats weio in laijro supply and cheaper. Ono cargo of wheat aulvcu. About fourteen bailing vessels , xv ith wheat from Chilian nnd other Paclhc polls are duo and nio expected to nirivowheii thu wind changes. Trade forward is somewhat hteadicr. At to-day's market there was no impiovement in the wheat liado. American and Interior Kngllsh wheatsvoio clienjter. Flour was dull. American flour , In home Instances , was lower than on Monday. Prices of bar leys had n downwaid tendency. A Kallrond Sold. ST. Lens , Mo. , Sept. 27. The St. Louis , Snlom & Little Itock railroad wns sold to-day nt public auction. The bale took place under nn older of Iho clicnit couit on foreclosino iiiocecdlngs of thu first moitgngo bond- Iioldeis who weio icpiesented by John P. Kills. Chnilcs Chaplin Alien lepiesuntcil the railroad company. The load runs fiom Cuba , Mo. , on the bt. Louis A : San Fianclsco i.ilhoad to the Salem and Little Hock division ol the lion Mountain load. Tlio bonded debt Is 31,000,000 , The load was bid in by Charles H. Taylor and Charles S. Freedom , iments for Iho bondholders lor § 2iUOJO. Olllcer Arrested For lOMortloii. Niw : Yonif , Soit. | 'J7. A vvaiiant was Is sued this nftetnoon for the attest ot William F. Mahody , chief of police of Saiato n. The chaigo Is attempted extoi tlon ol money , and1 the win rant was issucd in complaint of Gus tavo A. Loiidon , of this city. The vvairnnt alleges that Albert Lai Idon , son of tlm com- plninnnt. Is chaiged with foiirerv , and that Mnhodylmd n wniiant foi his anest. Instead - stead , howovpr , ot aitostlng young Loil'lon , Chief Mahody is charged ultli attempting to settle the ease with the elder Loridon tor the sum of § UOCO. Dynamiters In St. Louis' . ST. Louis , Sept. 20. Thu cltl/ens of South SI , Louis nio thoroughly aroused over the liiullngof a dynamite boom at the oDIco of John Ah Conrad , keeper of a lively stable on South . Bioadway. The instrument of destruction wa1 : a cast lion shell lesemblliig In shape a dnek'n cjzg , nlwut tluce Inches In diameter and .six in elicnnifi'icnco , nnd filled withdviiuuilto and bnlJofs , with an opening In the top to admit n Inse. Why anyone should clcsiio to destroy hi ! ) stables Mr. Con rad is nt u loss to Know. I'yrotochiilunl AUIANV , Wis. , Sept. 27 , Burglnrs weio heard nt work In the ding fctoio ot J. W. Hicks last night and a low moments later it was found that the building \\-is in ( lames , It Is believed that | n blowing open the safe the place was set on lire. Bctoio the flames weio cot undei control Munay's Opcia house was dewtiojed , beside tlm stores ot J. W. Hlrks and B. J , McAtce. The damage Is ? aoXX ( ) . Iiisinanei&H.OJO. . It is not known how much the buiglais secured , itb the safes cannot beicaclicd. Jiglo flutter Murkrt. Bi ( UN , 111. , Sept.27.-On the board of trade to < lay butter advanced to 2Ji' ( ! @ > i7c , nearly all the sales bcin ; nt thn ouUido tiguro. ' 1 ho regular Miles on call boaid weio : ; o,000 Ib.s. Private sales woio 23),7 ) 0 Ibs ot biitlei and 3rS3 lioxes of cheese. TJio total bales weio if 71 , ! 2U.ta With the Jlt.orlly | Now. MONT OMKIY : , Ala. , .Sept. 27. ( icorge W. Washington , one of the best known icpub- llcan lenders In Alabama , dlrd toIny at his homo In this city. Ho was one ol : XKl who voted for Grant at Chicago and had one of tUu Uiaut mcdnls. SAM'S ' RE-ELECTION SURE , Randall's Trlouds Say tlio Ex-Sricnkwr Mnko n Successful Fight- CUDA AND THE UNITED STATES UoIvat nrdioOld AKltnlldii i Ai utloii lN ) imted Wlili Sp it Junuiurats Down on 't'ui.i- coats \VanliliiKt on NOUM. Will Win. WAsniNmov , Sept. 27.ieclal [ ! | ' 1VI ( > - gram to the Hii.J : : As stated In the Uii ; : specials n vt'ij stionif nnd totmidablo lluht Is being waged In I'hlladelphla against , the con tinuance of ovSpeaUpr Samui-l J Uandnlt In congress , nnd It would not be a surprise lo people hero If bo was defeated tlill > lull. M , J. O'ltrlen , an inllnentlal democial of Ran dall's district , ailived hero to dav and In an Intel view with n Crltle man takes tills hope ful view of the outlook : " Vcs , " ho said , "Mr , linndall has got a lighten on his hands , ills a hauler iluht , pel haps , than mi ) that he has ever had horctnlout , but I think there is hardly a doubt but that ho will VMII the nomination a/aln as ho has so often won hofoie. And , then , e\en at the limits that the nomination will not bo his. he wlllneveithelcssbo n member of the next congiess. " "HowisthalV " \Voll \ , you see tholepubltcans hn\o made no nomination In his district and will mnko none If the ilemociatic convention selects Itandall as a stand trd bearer. And this Is not all. It tlio demociats reluso to nominate Itandnll the lepublicans will still niako no nomination. It Itandall should inn us an Independent candidate , and I think there Is no doubt that ho would so run , in that con tingency the lepubllenns would support Ran- dall. Thi'ii support , together with tlio votes of the Randall demociats. would Insure Ills election. So you see fiat Itandall will bo u member of the next hoiiie. I think , how ever , as I said belore , that the democratic convention will nominate Randall. " CUIIA AND Till : U.Mll.I ) STAIRS. It is not at nil unlikely that the Inllme of Cuba to execute ccitain piovislons ot a com mercial ticnty between tills and that countiy , cntcied Into three yeais ago , will bo Uiken hi soiiiu eminent statesmen us provocation RUlliclent to begin negotiations whi'ieby Cuba will he placed under the piotectoiato of the United States. At any into it will lead to some simp diplomatic conespondi'iice be tween this cuuntiy and Spain , \\lilch holds Cuba as Its subject. Kor many jears theio has been growing in the Island of Cuba a sentiment in favor of coming Into our fold , which amounts to little less than lebelllon. Theio aio stein political organl/ations In Cuba , with hut onu object in view : Hie sevrinncu ol theli connection with Spain nnd nnnevition to the United States. Theie niovations leasons lor tills de- hire on ( lie paitof the Cubans. In tlm lirst place those ( the natives ) veiy greatly admire out toim ot government and dlsllUn that under which they live. Then they mo lamely Inteimniiled with Americ.ins and linked with our business iuteiehts. Ameiicau busi ness ot pvciy debcilption hlands luUhtei In Cuban estimation than thai ol SpainV In Cuba the Knglish language is spoken by all qf thubetter ; clnshOs , and the Spanish lual- mosl despised on'account of the tvinnny ot tlio mother countii' . Spain takes oveiythihg fiqm Cnbaandglves her nothing , unless its mutectlon when Spanish intcrcttB nio JoopardlzciL Tlio Cubans believe - lievo tliey could get In a close leiatlon with the United States more prole - tlon and Internal encouragement In tho'way of Impioviimcnt. Already our tiade in Culm exceeds that ot thu guardian uoveiniuent ( Spam ) , and Amerioan vessels are nlvva > s seen nt the Cuban poits. Amcilean goods are given preference there. If the Island was hccured by the United States wo would get sugar , ilce , cotton nnd tobacco In meat abundance , nnd would find an outlet lor our flour , agricultural nnd other Implements nnd every conceivable class of manufnctuied goods. Now Spain collects a heavy duty on our pxpoitations. Jt will bo icmembeied that the scheme of pcimltilng Culm to comate to us was acltntcd during the last two yeais of General Grant's , administration , anil that It was agitated to some extent under 1'n si- dent llaycf. Since then It-has smouldeied and now comes to the fiont for thn first time in six 01 seven yeais. We may yet have Cuba. ori'iriAI.S JIKSI'IHH 1UIINCOATH. "That is just the class 1 wnnt to get alter. I want to put them on the list. You will dome mo a peisonal favor If you will ret tlio names of all Mich men you discover. " Such were the woidsof Piivato Sccielnry Lament , at the white house , wiicn told the Other day that a largo niimbci ot dcpaitmcn * , tal clciUs who weio Known bctoio the last change of ndmlnistiatlon as rampant icpiib- Hcans , but now weiebccomfngalmostolTens * Ively democratic. "A turncoat , " continued Colonel Lament , "is the most obnoxloiiscleincnt in politics , i despise a traitor , an inurato , whether ho is In my paity or another. " "If I had my way about It , " wild Colonel John S. Williams , Child auditor ot the tieas- uiy , in lecently discussing turncoats , " 1 would fire ilium all out of otliio. A man who will betray one paity for an ollicn will betray another , nnd cannot servo faithfully anybody or anything. 1 don't object to n man chang ing his view ? , but I do object to nn office holder levcising his position in politic * BO quick that his design is palpable. " It begins to look us though the army of men who , in IfaS f , lought Mr7 Cleveland at tlio polN , hut who , desiring to ictaln their places , are showering pialses upon him , would have to go dining the tow months which will immediately follow thoappioach- iiiL' elections. And wfmn they get out they v , ill neither bo pilled or luvoicd by mi ) body 01 paity. iiruri.vA\T : srmviTzr.'s MIRHION. LleuUiiiant William II. Schvvll/e , of the navj , who was bent to Siberia about a year ago to distilbuto inesents fiom thegovuin- mcnttothc natives in the vicinity ofthp Lena delta lor their kindness to the Binvl- vors of the Jcanctttt cxpedllion , has i ( 'tinned and tells Homo thrilling tales ol his advcn- tnies. Ho hjient ncaily the cntiro vvlntnr In blbeilannd traveled all around the Lena delta. The thnrmomi'- ter at times icglstcred ns low as 85" below /ero. When ho i cached thu vlclnitv of the Lena delta he found the natives almost blmv- Ing and many ot them weio eatinu wood. Kelndeerweio veiy scaico. The natives re ceived him veiy hospitably and were de lighted with thu mcsciitN sent them by the goveinment. They were greatly surpilsed nnd celebiated thu event by a continuous llr- Ing of their guns all through the Lena delta. 'limy weio veiy proud of their presents and many weio worn outside their iiir coats in the most conspicuous places. Lieutenant tSchxvlUn will at onopiupaio his ofticlal rti' port nnd will submit it to the Bccielaryof state. J'OSIJLI , nA.\niR. : A postolllco was eslabllsliod today at Home , Holt county , and Muitln Muson up- ] > o ntcd postmastei. 0. ( i. Joiihcn was up > pointed to thn position of postmaster at Ilowaid county , vlco Ltonaid J. , VIM UNO wisrr.UN : MARONB. 0. 11. Coavvell , Brand king , Cedar JlnpIdB , Iu. ; V . It. Ulchaidhon , Cioto , Neb. ; 8. I ) ! iean , Kiand high pilest , Cieston , la. ; T , It. Kscnnbook and wife , deputv high pi lest , Ana- mosa. la. ; II. u. Nell , mnnd scribe , ntut vyilc' ' , blonx City , la. , and other delegates to the gcni'inl grand chapter , nut lieu1. K , Sept. U7.-Sccietaiy lla > anl loit AVaHliIngton nt noon to-day for a short vticatloii : Jlo sees liist to IJoMon. and expects - pects to bo absent about u w nsk. The president to dav npiujlntcdVliltam < > , AlhJii. ot Soitili Cnrollnn , to u Unilt-d Hsntes l at PicUias Negra" , Mexico. JCai tliiuico ) .Sliocka. SMITH VII.I.K , N , 0. , Kc-pt , 2T.-Tlioro > vere twohliocksof carthquakci at 11:80 last nlulit aiU 4.W thl morning. No dama o wu