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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1886)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBKK 24. ISRfiL ALL MARKETS STILL LOWER EtartE is Boll ud tfee Drdine ' SMALL GRAINS TOUCH BOTTOM R < pHptBrCorn PallinR Off But Blc SIOCKA Prctrni an Advance AVlicnt HoltlerR Li * f Oeorce Mftrtot Qnotfttlonfi. ON CHICAGO 'OHXf7K. . the nu j 1 Ht i * rl : is all o > iica InpJdfiit at ulmut Uie prices ctf limt llnlriiiusoii did not apjK'ar on the cnrti , SIK ! trn < Ksr * who oithta JiJI iw or "ooitiKir" him v-cir wiifcquenUy wiUtont nnjmotive. . The receipts hwr were & Itttle Itchier tliaH was tkjKtrtd. . bat In Ui iiortliwett were reported BM11 heavy. The plte all Btnrtt-d dulL > t > - Aciuher wheat opened at TOVTB c , Ivoveiii- her com nt-iO mm c. Octoln-r pork at SB. TO. The ninrl.ets did nothlnc but cH-cllne idl day. The win-s hoth vest nnd eaM wcie down purl of the inornlnp. This increased the dullness , und consequent ! * Incretned tlie lienvlness. I'nun oxUiuc ! to closlnc there wtk no pre t trudlnc. JloUrtVunen \ i Co. . Srbwurtz , DujK-e & Co. , and Broker Mucin Hold piftty3HK.Tall.v , ttie lattw , It l.FUpj.o ( ttd , lor HulchiiiMon. At Diiluth tlitrre nh re- ( H-hod .lir.WO hushfls , nnd ut-Minnenpolit. 3no , iO hushi-lt. ol v , rreal 'this tuommp. Tlie liiq Biwonlntorc ol St. 1'nul and Minneapolis vlio lost o uiiich imirj'-y 011 the bull side when whcnt looked no low , are now making back their money on llie heir side. Notwltu- KimidiiicvhcAt li , .so much lotvrr. catiles. were n trifle letter , C'spt-ciallj prhate cahles. TUCK were , ho\\e\er , no bidb brought by c.\blefi lor Chicaco wheat. The receiptK ol corn have certainly droppud otl. They are not half now what they were hist month , but ai < - HO larce that It rvallv niaVefc little dlffcrenre uboiit the n- cehilslor nv , hilu There is so much eora ln-re nnd f-o little Inqultr 011 the part ol shit > - pen * thiU NoAemlict l.eeps at a coed premium. JCui'Miibcr wheat tCKluvw cut to TTf .c. There meiicain nenrlj the low hKiires lor xrhtmt , und i t't the counice of holders v as never so low nud the recklt-ssucss ol M-llen , ui-\er so prcnL Tlir oulj chanurs tip to ttie close -were lor ] 42KiO ( bushels ol corn. The close lit 1 o'clock was at bottom nnces nil unmiid. Xou-mlier wheat , TTi c : Nnvem- bercoin , : > . ( tfMi5Hc ; October poik , The Bliort alteruoou boaid IMIS % ery weak and jfuveinher beat , oil 'unloudiug 1 the crowd , went off toTI c. There \\us a verydt- piehHed leellnc nil around. Cudahy , who WIIB a lr.rcc seller In themorninc. Is supposed The clohe wus 7r. , @TT.Kc lor November wbent , ! ' c lor Noreiutwr Mini , und H.ll-3i lor No emlHsr porlt. CfHii , ) > . m I'utson November wheat. TPjc ; calls , 70 i ( of7i.Lc. i'utb on November corn , : w4c ; calls , KCc. CHICAGO L.IVK BTOCIC. CIT CAOO , Sept. IS. ISjM-cial Tolecram to the Unn.1 CATTL.E Beel cattle sales were made -unevenly and blowly. The receipt werelarge and included a very cenerous bhare of coed heavy cattle. The market was Blow on coed cattle , and while some lancy two-year old short boms sold at S5.23 , trade in lair to rood heavy cuttle was not so satis- Inrto/y as yesterday. Tidy fat cattle of lic and medium weight "were in moderate bupplj untl sold at firm rates. In fact , about all kmdh sold at , well as yesterday. Some choice hiinvy cattle sold at SiiiO. Shipping steers , 1850 to 0500 Ibs S4.STifttTi.iO : ; 1'JIIO to 1S50 f4.WHg4.Ki ; ! I5'J to liXW Ibs , S3.ral.2a ( The ranee cattle otferingswere rather large- , but there -wot. a good demand. Buyers in the earlv morning aOemptod lo dictate terms , hut U soon liccame cvlduiil tliut the demand vas > about eonal to the supjily. The market eertalnlwvns not Btronc , but it was more active than yesterday and prices fully us good. The "business of the day was done earlier and as a rule values were stronger tbouch not quutubly higher. The receipts of western rangers. Including wintered Teintis , were 8IDQ ( , nnd there were not to exceed &OQ tlirouch Texans all told : \Vyomlnc , 117(1 ( Jhs. : 00 WyominclK5 ( ! IhK. SS.1& ; CD AV\ominc , 1145 Ibs. SH.OO : 3R2 WyomliiC' Tcxuuh. 10-'J Ibs. SJ125 ; 179 Montana Ttacans , 1UT. Jbs , SS.SJ21TVj ouiing , 1100 Jhs , SS-iSV. Hoot The u-celpts for the day were 23,503 , tiisklnc about a,003 ! ) for the week BO lar. against SlOCKt for the same time last -weel : . The juaiket vns active nnd prices steady , as compaied A\ith yesterdaj" . TJie quality WRB pom , n Jorge per cent of soft im mature and irmm stock being among the ar rivals. A load 01 two of fancy heuvy sold at fl SiO4.Si5 ( und lair to good mixed largely nt $ with common at S4.MJ4 f.O ; light sorts , F4.GDvtt4.70. Licht pics , ol 1-)0 ) tolOOlhs , are making SIi.7iW34.U5 : ronrh and mixed , f 4 to < M.C ! > ; packing und shiiiphie. 250 U ) 50 IhR , S4.fKia4\ll5 ( : light-\veightb , fc3.CC (34.75 ( ; skips S2.5UiSS.RO. Krtr York. Sept S3. MONET On rail active , 5(210 ( p sr cent , closing ut S per cent ixskfd. PitiME AlincAxrii.E KA.ITU 9@S per -srEEUsn JlxcnjefCn Quiet but fitendy nt M S2 for sixty day bills , nnd S4.W.H lor demand. GovciiKtrurrs Govtarnment bonds were ( lull and linn. SToricg Tne Rtrength of HID present Htock ' mnrlot wus cxhihilttd'to a leuiarkable extent to-day , lor although the hnnl dfcliuek am in the miijority to-night , special stocks show handsome cains , and this in the face of an Immense pressure to sell Foreign specula tors sold en-thing this moraine , especially IJemlhig undlLacUawRnnn , which two Btocts lurnlshf rt ntiurly half tlie total the hrst tiour , and they continued to t > ethe leuture throucu * out the duj. Per the lust time since the pre-.uni rise Di-cac the market oK > ned lower , the dticlines lioui last ext-uing's luiul li iires rnnglng troin S , to per oeut Head ing und lirle were intense * y nctive In tlie first hour , nnd botn were stronc , while thee ) maikttt sugced ofl Biiiali fractious. e nt ulUii the hrst Jiour tneie was an almost con tin turns iuipiovement until towurd the close , u hen juices iiiovod oil rapidly und the market clo i l henvy. The most itctl\ Ktocks are lower lo-night , hut In no instance lor moiethnn ' per cent. STOCKS ONWA.LT , FTltCtTC , wnt bouds 10Ua 4X. . AV - . HI preferred. y.C. Pacific 0 * * of'85. Central Pucihc , PaclucMaU. . . . 67k . - 1 > II AIT . . . . . WAI C.A-A 1 . 1J. A. . . . . v > v p. p. c i > w C. B. < tO . . 17 ! Uocl ; Island 127 $ U. L. fcAV 1S9 n.&n u. prelerrtid. - . Erie. , . & 6UP. . . prtforjed. 124 minolB IVutrnl. l B & 1V prelerred. . . 11 < Kaunas if Texas. _ _ _ .as Pacific. . . Liike Shore. . . . . Union Pacihe. , . " " St. L. i P. . Mich"Central b" i pref erred . . iSa Paoltie . ItVestwn Union J"M northern Pnc " 1C 105 preJ erred. , KT 1'ItOUUOE MA RKIST. CJilcco , Sept. 2i TUour Actiiennd nucliauged , -\\-iuter wheat tlpur , S-t-U' * . > ; ( .ouUit-rn , EUOB4.CK ! > . Wisconsin , M.oaS OU ; Michigan son eprlnc wheat. 5150 1 < .10 ; Mmnesotn , bakers , $ a.ntia4. -.patents H.JKK < i4.00 ; low grades , $1.75(52.75 ; rve Hour. guiet at SS.iaufSi.50 lo barrels , und 3.003 .90 in Mii'lh. WheU Arthe ewlv , later bacame dull , and cloMMl Jtc below 3 esterday ; cash , TJtJi e ; OctoU-r , 74e , Aovembw , 7&Xc ; Hay. 64c. Corn AVcat 4iud hcsvj- , and 5fc bulow Teslerthij ; cash. STiyC ; Oriotter , 17 15-lfe : JfoA niutK-T , ShiGf ; Msy , < 8 iMfie. Oath Weak nuil euslerj cash , SSfeeOcto ber. Si > 4c , o eulber. 27 M Cc ; .Uaj , Si Jtrr QnUt at i'iVc. BarlejKasuxr at WJ54@57c. - T J'nme , ± 1 17. JVm.O.iecoJ uith a jeductinn of S e , iatoi bectimt ! eteady aud fctuiud i * ni > d M tiled bn't acam fl incat mw' ITT wwh * ' * ; October , and lOifiiVKIWM : < Bulk SJfats-Sbmiiaw * . S5.0 5 ,1P ; rftort dwir. 7 l @ 7.ife , iliort ritK. tote. Ujtttr Firm ; creamery , 17&Wic ( : dairy. ill cream r : ytm g Americas , c , SUMS , ( K5"c. ttet. JfH1C , c. ' - - ' - , erc-ea shc-A. TKr Heat kMcv hwfs , Sl c ; drv ISc : dry flint. iwm-Je ; cull skins Sir caeh. > . l country , . . ; N .S,8a ATTEHNOOS DoAitn wheat Hn j : OP- tuber. TS sc : > o < ftntKtf. 7S\r : M j\ S V- Citrii Irrtanilnr ; OrtMxjr , in c ; W c ; May , 4 * llOf.e. Oats ritehaneefl. Pork Irreeuhw : Ortobcr. 8 . i : NmtWt ! r. i-SJ.OBV , lBiinar > . SlflST' . . . Lurrt li- Ortnlier. S.lf > , vctel > ei,56.or > , ; .l's ' . S1. < K H.OO Wheat , l x . 02 ( too bU)9 ) Oorn.D . lTfi.KIO ( ] ! 5fi.OOO Itvti , Dn . J.KI , ( Uarlcv.ttQ . ( J5 , 8 4S.003 New YoriL. Seiit.CS Wheat KecoJpK : ; exports. riSKio : camu Js'fn'4r and Oilionh | lftl c louer , closing henvjat jienr bottom r U : tincmned rea. S7iu cKo. 8 , N vv@s89ie ; > - 2 , M * 1" " 'n ' < Jle iit r , SS't aicl ( ( i. b. : Xn. l red , Wr : > o. 2 red , Octo- IK.T , cldsinc at STi c. Corn Spotc and options lowerc1oMnc-l > par - ; receisth. K DUO ; ! < i.fKK ) ; Na 2 , 4T c In ulnator , afloat ; No 2 red. October , closlnc at 4vc. Uato > 4 ( % } . < Irwrr mid moderately netUe ; reccipK j44OOD : esj ortf > , none : tn1\ed west ern. : avtKi4c white we > tem , : r.4 ! c. fetroluum Finn : United , W c. firm demand and lulresteru , 'ork I > ull and nominal. " Lard VnwfaJed ; Seitetnl ] ! r , SO points loner ; western steam , spot , < | iiotel at 5C HO. Iturter tttronpei and In good demand ; western. 12 < 2 : c' Cheese Firmer and quiet , , Sept. 28 Wheat In nn- . . . t l j * IL i iiiirvo.v * iu if * .iin t * cash. Rsc ; Octottei. ( lSl c , November. 70s. Flour Dull ; patents , E4 2.11/54.40 ; link- Jtwcufiltfr Wheat ICLOOO 1m. Shipments-Wheat tfi. " * bu. ; flonr , 27KK ( ) bbls. bbls.Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Sept 2.T. IVheat Heavy ; is'o. 2 n-d,77c. Corn bti-ong and higher ; Ko. 2 mixed , ( ) af Firm ; Xo. 2 mixed. 2Trrt27c. ] { ve In" talr demand ; > o. 2 , Me. J'orU Easitaat S10.12KmlO.2o Lard In lair demand atferi.70 \Vhiskj-Stfudy iitSl.12. Bt. Liouls. Sept. 2.S. Wheat Weak ana lowei ; No. 2 red , cash , 74c ; October , " JHC ; Xcivember. "GiyC. Corn AVeak and lower : > fo. 2 mixed , cash , nominal : October , B5Sc : November , : ii4c. ( ! Oats Weak : o. 2 mixed , cash , iJS. c ; Ortober. 25i.c : Kovember , 2G1 c. live Steadv nt 4'sc. Whiskfl.12. . Pork yeak at 510.12 (510.25. ( Lard XonilnaL Itiitter Firm and nDchanced ; creamery , 2ieic ; dairy. 10/KjOc. / AiTinrsoox BoAJtt > Wheat Weak. 3B'0 < J < c lower. Com Heavy , } k < SMc lower. Oats 17 u chnti cod. Xew Orleans , Sept. 2,1. Com Irregu- Inr. Inr.OAt OAt > -Ensier nt IHs. Pork Dull and lower nt S10.fi2J ; < a-lL7ri. ( Bulk Meats Shoulders , fcfUtO ; long clear and clear ribs. $7.12W. Hoc Products Dull , weak and lower , l Jlehued tierce , S7.12U. . Liverpool , Sept , 2.1. AVheat In poor demand : new No. 2 winter , -dull nt Cs 7d ; fprine , dull at Gs il. Floui In jioor demand ; dull at Bs 4d. Corn In poor demand : fipot , September dull at 4s 4d ; October and November , htead , Kansas Oltr , Sept 23. Wheat Dull and ' - - - October , Oat Nominal ; cash , 24Jic bid. Toledo , Sejit 23. WJieat Active and steady. ; cash. Tie. Corn Dull ; cabh , 41c. Oats Steady. ; cauh , 27c. LJVE STOCK. co. Sept 23. The Drover's Journal reports nsiollows : Cattle Ueeeipts , stronir " : ! carlancv steers , So.50 ; bhlppini : steerh. Sa.50@5.tO : ; fitock- ers and Iwders S2.10@LOO. ! cows , bulls and mlsod , SLHO'a.'i.-JO ' ; bulk , § 2.40 2.50 : throuch Texas cattle strong ; c-owh , 2.002.50 ; steers , 'SiTritgiiS ; western rancers , linn ; aiatives and halt breeds , S'UKl4. ( ) ; rowfit ± : r @ 2.Si ; Avintered Tei.anR.SSKiL ( i.Ki. Sales : - Montanaexans , SS.55 ; Wyommgs , SS.r > a. < $ . ( i5 ; Wyomlnp-TcKans , S-'L-Ja. Jlozs Receipts. M.OUO ; active , but Ho lower ; rouch and mixed. S4.00o.i.C.'i ( ; jmek- S4.00S.4.U3 ; light , 4.05 ; feklps , 'i50Lo:3.ia : ( > . . ; Btronc ; natives.B2.10 (54 ( 00 ; western. Sl.'JO3.40 ! ; le.\ans , 2.40g ; 8.10 ; lambs. SS.75@ri.Oa St. Ix > nis. Sent 23. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; shlnments , 1,000 ; falrlv active ; native , hteaay ; range cattle a Mmde lower ; coed to choice hhlppinc. M.40l.i ( > 5 ; common to lair , S8.75a-i.iO : ; Imtcherb' steers , 58.50(84.00 ( ; cowb and heilcrKSi25@3.50 ; Texans aud lu- Hoes Kecelpts , 5,500 ; shipments , 2,000 ; slow und lOc lower ; butchers' and In-st heavy. S4.70r 4.Si ; mixed packing , S4.lKi.a4.05 ; light , i4.10/a4.(10. KniifiUB City , Sept 28. Cattle Jlweiptfi , 2,000 ; slow on grassers nnd shippers : butch ers nnd fenders , steady ; leedeis , fe8.i3 ( , < rfl.7Dj cows , &L2U2.M ; crnvs Texans , t2.40.o'a.oa . Hogs Jlocelpts. ( i,0K ( ) ; market demontlizod ; clioice t4.C0 4.70 ; mixed imckers , S4.25 j 4.50. OMAHA LilVK STOCK. Thursday Evenlnc , Sejit 2S. CATTLE The tecelptswere heavier than vesterclny , but vere mostly ranee cattle. Only n tew corn-led steers v ere in. Feeders were In peed ruuuest to-day , ana u good many changed handt > . HCX.H The nicelptsvere not us heavy us vesterdav. The maikct Avas lower aud very dull nnd slow. Common mixed nnd light weights s < ild about 10 to ir > c lower than terduy. Smnr : There were none in and nothing doing IB the market. Cattle , . . . . . . . . . * . . 1100 Prevailini : Prices. Showlnz the prevaillus prices paid for live nock onthtk market Choice steers , i : : : > 0 to 1500 ibs. . p4.2.-ig.4.riO ( Choice bUturs , 1100 lo 1S03 Ibs. . ! i.75 ( 4.2o Medium Jfteers , 1250 to ISM Ibs. Fat little steers , 1050 to 113'J Ibs . . . K.8'Jf < I4.0J Good leeders , . . . S.Oi&a.B5 ( Good to choice corn-led cown . 2.SWtVi58.25 Psir to medium crabs oowb . 2.0J ( rifir. Good to choice Dulls . . . L50i.cfe.00 Llcht and uiuditim noes. . . . . < L20ia4.iO Good to choice heavy I'OK . . . . . . . . 4.'tOut4.4i ! Good choice mixed lie . . ' . ' ' . to s. . . . i.'J.'iiu 4.15 Good to clioioe blieen. . & . ( Ki < % . * Fatrtocood sheep . . 2.7Ti@R.03 Common shtp . Males. txiKK-rKD eiT.uns. 'n , Av. Pr. > o. Av. Pr 20 . . .10J2 $ S.b5 C 1100 S8.JO OOVTi. Xo. AY. Pr. Xu. Av. Pr S. . .lUMJ S2.50 1S..1H7 E2.SIO 10..114S 2.WO r.A.KQE rxnr.ns. Xo. Av. Pr. Xfl. Av. Pr 20 . . .1104 2.ttJ ! < a..1147 5X.10 l..lCbO 8.10 IU.UGI ; sn.uus. Owner. Xo. Av. Pr. BoydBrog , . . . . M. . .1Kb SS.OO Boyd Bros 40 . .11W 8.00 Boj-d Bro 40. . .11U5 S.OO Pnitt A : Ferris IM . . .11S ! .25 l > urhin Laud < fc Cattle Ca 1U . 1240 S.2S UOfin. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shfc. Pr. ; SC 224 H.WJ CS . .271 120 5-i.40 t& .224 120 4.SO 04 .2 ! 40 440 5S S4G SO 4.35 CO 2(3 ( 49 4.40 Ml 27i ! 1 D 4.M5 (12 ( SIS 100 4,40 C3 S47 hO 4ii5 S7 27b 16U 4.40 U -271 ICO 4.25 Ii54 200 4 40 CD 210 41) ) 4 5 2 , SiO tiO 4.40 M 2M } flO 4.R720 1ST 40 4 45 S2 5 K > 4 6F " 18 J J 4.45 7 ) G 4.40 3 Hl ! < > . . Ar. Slit. Pr. > . Av. Sh Pr. 1 ISO 5S.-SO 14 4 19D 54 ( K ) | S0 K7R * SSS - 4,00 1 $ ITS 100 8.75. X HOD 4D 4 IK ) b 1S1 l & 7K t ! . . .SM 4.W > 16 .9P4 . ) 8 . .17 4.00 2 m 4.W 7 . . .SSS ! 4B C. .SIC 109 4.00 the tiHn * tf J cHtls. M * r anfl K.fmui ttte vsrir ' ( Hlhy : > . " . Cars tft Pest. C . C. . B. A-Q . ChVwieo 4 . , . It 1 . De * Monies . Ka. Cars ut , ! > < < . 4 . C. . H. V Q . ISct-rtcm JO . N AV . r.uikm 1 . . .y. AV . Chienco Stock SaJoi. Stwwlne Uie nwmtw of rula hoes and purchased by tiie leuiing buyers tm ' * . market CATTLC. O. 11. Hammond V O. 1 < 4 ( t. H. Hiimmond i Oo. ( stripped In ) 814 E W. llurdick 00 Fred Corlis ( 'A JL Hummers 22 1-rfilmiaii it Kothschtld 2C H. Caunon 1H Harris A-Fisher ' - A. K. Pakonj r. 20 Price Hniding 20 \V. Tioutman. J lotul 743 noos. G.H. Hnmmond < i Co. . . . 5S7 Squires & Co 412 XorthA Co in Omaha Packing Co H" Clark Bros ' (12 ( T. E Sanders t > S Others 40 Total 1'87S " " ' ' I" ! All sales ol stock in this mirfcet nre made > er cw t II ve weiclit unless otherwise stated. Dead hoes sell at Vc j > er Iblor all weiciits , 'Skins" or bogs welchlnc less than 303 lls | 110 value. Precnant sows aie duckeu 40 Ibs nud rings SO lus. llog market dull and lower. Feeders in good demand aud n coed mnnj sold. llicks AF. . Colridge had a load ol cattle on the nmilu't , * Cloiiser , of Illinois , AMIS a" visitor nt the yuid' unlny. llobert ICntiimt-r , Columbus , was here and noticlit a car of feedeis. G. H. Hnmiuoiid Co recel\ed seventeen ! oad of cuttle to-day. J. Shauibouch , Oh'-rlln , Kan. , had lour loads of cuttle at the yards. The Standard Cattle Co. were in with six cars of cattle suipjwd Irom Htittons. The Swan Laud Cattle Co. , Huttous , uad fifteen cars of rattle in to-day. Samuel Dnlton , Hillsdale , la. , came in with a tin of hoes huloncinc to , I. B. Lewis. C. Ferris , of the firm of Ferns it Pratt. was here to-daj and sold ir > 4 head of cattle. Frank Wnllack. of Unialia , who is inter ested in western cattle , was at the yards to day. day.II II B. Gammil nnd Gi-orge Smith , Tekn- mali , -n ure hoth he re nud boucht 150 head ot feeders. Durbin Land & Cattle Co. , Hock Cieek , had nine loads of range cattle on the market On tlie market with hoes : Clink , lleaton it Co. , Westoii : , ) . F. Lower. Stiomshnrg : C. Schnidui , Scribncr : Keiniv AMnlotiev. . Al bion ; Fullei A P.ij-ton , Fullfrtou ; D. Audw- son , I'latte Pcntpj ; A. D. Sears , Claiks ; I' . Trule-wn , Loup CitI : ) . A. llu.Il , Ma < Ii-.ou ; F. fantidets. Msotin ; F. ,1. Hale , Buttle Clcek ; .1. ,7. Bridce Cortlaticl : L. Antlersou A Co. , JJeadulker Bios. . Waverlj : P. Lnitt , Seward ; R M. Hildeibrandt , Cairo ; J. B. Lewis , Hillsdale. OMAHA M'HOLiBSALiE General Prortnce , Thtirsdav Evenlnc , Sept 2.T. , . jtrlcc * aicjor round lain of .afHoW vntlic market todujThe qutftralon * on fruits rcprcxcitt Vic prices at which iriilxldc ordws arc lined. Bt'TTKB The receipts have iiecn slightly more liberal the past week , but tlie gain hu > . b"uu in tlieiKitir grades. Choice butter is as scarce as ever and is bringing , coed prices. Choice dairy butter sweet and unilorm calor , naekea in neat aud new packages , is selling atl5(5'lGc. ( A very small rjuaiitity of extra luncy is coming inw hicli commands lfc@JOo. Choice cteamerj butter is sellini : at 2laJ2c. ( Sliinpsrscan not be too cmeful in handling their nutter. Small neat pacliact-s stJl the best , but care should be taken lo have 111113 one grade und color in u package , lor when coed butter is packed - ith poor , it - necessitates tates the whole beinc sold us pool butter. EGGF The receipts aie very light and the market hrm ut 17@1S < ' . Pori.Tiii The market is not quite as firm us last week. The receipts ate not large and all choice stock mover - \ erjuadily. . Both old fowls uud spriuc chicken nre in demand. A few ducks are coming in but the demand is lieht nnd there Is no .settled price. Old low-is , choice , pel dozL , SifiQ. sprinc eniel.en. large , s 2.03at.X50 " ; medium , S17Titf2.0-j ( ; small , not "wauled. Ducks , 2.l5' ! i50. Turkeys , not wanted. GAain The warm weather of the past few days lias seriouslj affected tlie cniue trade. Consignments arrived mostly In bad ordei and were a total loss. In some instances a few good birds were picked out and sold at low hcuies. .lust nt- soon as cold weather sets In then will lie u brisk demand lor prnlrip chicken at coed paving prices. Prairie fhickcns , S2.2ri < rt2..r 0perdo7en ; quail , ELaysi.50' sniiift , si.ooai.2r , ; ducks. ( Mai- laid ) , L7TigJ.25 ( ; ; ducks , fTealt , H.S1.5 ! ! ! : ducks , mixed. fl.2rgl.50. J'OTATOE5 The market keeps up as the receipts have lieen light and mostly in small Jott. . Very few car lots hate been received thus far this season. Heavy receipts ot car lots would have a tendency to weaken priced. D urine the past lew davs choice slock sold as high us ( MI hut in u srmall way. Choice ship- piuc stock , per bu , WKwnoc. Cjunu-c.r Home grown is selling In u small way ut (15675c ( pur doz. Ai'i'LEs There is n cresit deal of common stock in the market und it Is moving slowlj. Choice shipping stuck is not so plent ; . There nre a lew nouthernJonathansandBellfloweis in. Fnticj stand or rating apples nre scarce. Couimon stock , S2.00i25. , . Choice shlpphic slock , per bbl , S2.r > @ 2.75. Fancy stand stock , x Gnxrrs The market is still well supplied with choice block , hut it is not ns abundant as last wouk. Prices are very hrm. Tlie following are the prices ut which outside orders lor choice stock nre tilled : fahippinc stock , per Ib , 2Mb boxes. 5c ; 10-Jb baskets. 45c. Per COKX 2fuS c per Ib. 1Vii.ii PiA'Mi Very lew r.omlnc in , and good stock will bring SL-a par hall-hushtil basket CjLLtroiwoi Fitnxs The arrivals of Cali fornia Irults ure very light and only cru.pes und iai > are coming. The season is prn'cti- c-ally tuer. Grapes , Muscats , S-L50 ; Tofcnys , 175. CitAn Ai'Ji.T.s There is a coed demand , but sliipiiiuntf are very light and mostly not In shipping condition. Firm stock will brine U * bushel OvCTEi Trade Js iuipioving. During the lair week there wn < > n cooj demand 11 om the hotels and restaurants aud now the local grocej-ies art * cuunmencmc to handle them quite largely. More orders aie couiuic In from tlie country than etcrheloicta this season of the ycat. Tne dealerti ol this city aie in bcUer ouudition than on utn pieiious j ear to sujiiilj the outside trade. The fol lowing are the unw ut which wmntrj ordmn urn nn d : Mediums , HOc ; standard , ! i5c ; selects , 4 [ rextra helects. 410. JJiuxiSTfrTJie season lor heavy shipments Is ovttr , bui there is still a very fair trade iu water melons. Muscatuie. j * > r 100 , 0 .00 ; smaller sires , . - LUJJOI > > The demaua is not us strong owing to tiie iwoler wettlicr. Prices lemuin the same as last week SU 75 a 10.00 , OiLiiC. K There are n lew Honduras in the market vnichArc sweet and good Mze. ! Houdurus , n-j bnxE 8.oa CoooxKt'TS Conmnuts , i > or hundred S&.uoiebsthan hundred , per hundred , SUM. UTAJI FnnTs Utnh ptsaeht'S and pears ure jile.nty uud nre meeting with very good salei. Pears , OiVlh boxea , S4.25g4.50 ( ; j SO-lb boxes , fcl fcli i : i ilricks , jier Ih , 12J. ; penny cakes , jier iu , l&c. floscv ? seliraska , choice , white doter. 15@lGc. . Nebraska , dark , 15 14c. ; California. l-lDtctionsirjc. ; Ctlllornhi , S-ib sections. HAJ-I.C SrutT Bulk , 18 to 17 gallon iecs. per pal SI Ov gallon tans , tier gal _ f LIB Lall-paUoucana , per gat , L)0. Vt Ttt I'iK&ub. larce puiihhed.lle. pecans. medium , & . , Lut-iili \ \ sun uti , lie. , l Lanruedcie , 1 > : . tlbrrte I4r j > auiits , hand picked. Innc11Yirciifia * r. peannts , bawl picked , rlmro. < Yijjrima , 7 r ; peanutu ronrtcfl. 4r extra i * > r la Pj ' J'J.ET. Tinrr. rTr.-PirV fwrt. ' ; . ? S-b ! l. M 7 : d < . . \-Hbl S2 W > . do ; < T kit , taoo. Lainlrs' tc c i " pfr f-yn , ST. 3b : da , t er ktt , ? s.5ii. do. , Qtiitrt j rs. tiy ooy. . S .i j do. , innt jars , w Ci p.2 floren. { * .a-"i Trijxv , per S-bln. * i.t ) 8 v perbbl. . S8.00 do , 1 'r K.i , ito ) Br AK < 7'he mariiot if minosi oionnpd p. Nice ek n bftans in fair 11. i' . Navy , 51 7TH91.7V. H P. Nfihim , l.fftAjlmireoicati onnntrj. SLSWl.M ; wuifl clean pemntn , KNfFljW iulorror. WitfTfie. ( Jii/ux / Turn. : S e , old oats. 2v new oats 2ft2Tr ( : IT40r : wheat. No. 2 , V.e. 11,011 : A > P MIUJII rrr < AVinior wlieM flour. best qtialifj patent , S-e.S # . swxmd q 1- tn. f2.4foSl ( 0lx" < J quality Bprinc wheat flour. patent , SiTf. bran .Vtcpercwtirlwppvd lent , " -Pc per rwt , white cwn nil-id , 5LOO ; M'ilow corn mcnl. WV p r cwt . screening. Mr perrwt : boinim. C'iOtiixir rwt : Nlmrts. K > e per rwt : crahsui. SLOW ; haj , In bales 5 > fi.00y < . .00 ; ioi ton. _ PiCKt.Ee Medium , in baK S6.W ; do In hall bbls. S8.7f > . Mnall , In bbls. ST.rwi : do In hull Mils , SJ.US ; gherkins , In baK h. : > : > ; do In llUlt tiblS. W.TTfc .No. 70 , 4-gniion necs , 51.22 : X Orleans. : No.4r.c per gallon ; Maple Syrup. barrel. stncUj pure. Tup jn-j gallon ; 1 gallon cans. SH.2T' t > er dor. ; ration can SIi.2i jK'.rF quart cans , oA.6 Powdered , 7 'c ; cutlout , crunulaU-d. C'.p : conlfctlonws' A. standard extra C , Overt. s.c . ; extra C , medium yellow. ? > ii < a.ri e. CJLTTKKP WOOIH Oysters , Btandaid. jxir cas , $ S.tO : : Ptruwlierrles , 8 lt > . JHT pnte. $2.U ; raMiU'rrieN - ll Jt'r ca * , $2.10 ; CallliimiH t't-art. t > or case , S4..V ) ; Bt > ricots. ] Kr case , . ' - 15 , * IKJT ca e , "SS.0 ! @ 5..riO ; 1 lt nuicUiwl. JKU dnz. S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal- Jiioti jmr tin ? , FlWigl.W ( ; ! ! It ) ctiusi'liBni'S , i rase , EL75 : i ! Ib strinc t > eaus. jwr case , 1.70 : i ; Ib lima Itceris , IKJT ra * " SL 0 : 2 Ib marrowlat i > 'ts. irtjr ca e. S2 40. 2 Jb erirly .lunejica'u t cr cnic. E2.75 ; 8 Ib tomalocs. P < T tam < > . 2iri@2 I ; ' ) . 2 11) ) corn , jmr oaic fl.HO ( nli.ld.2 Ib cm n bt-el iH-rdor. Sl.7di.rc2.00. Jioi'j. Xi Inch. I'JiC ' ; incu , 10.c , H incti , iiiui > rnrn = Nn. 1 quarter apples , ! ? * ( ? 4c ; in f\uiiiuatia bosi-s , V'@lI4c | ! ; bluckb''i ries boxes. I'XCifl' ' c ; iK'udies eitstwu , 4'i ( < i " 'H.c ; licnohes , t'vatmiutud , 15\17c : Mut Lulit * . nonr In innjUri rasjibfrru's. now , IS wide : currents , 7 > 4 < a7v : jirunt's. new. 4 4'vc. MiiTor Floss , i Ib. 5"'c. Mirrnr ploss. 8 Ib , r.ivc ; Miri-oi pltns 0 Jb , fi r tinix't" . ' pom. 1 Ib. Oc : Klnrsford s pom. 1 Jb. 7c ; Klncsford's cloes , 1 Hi. 7p ; KUiL't- 01 d t. Kiitss. t > Hi , 7Hf ; KlnsBUird's jiure. Sib Pi c : Kinusford s bint , 4c. CorrEil : OrdinarvciaQes.lla-li ( r ; fair , _ . t0c ! ; Mocha. 2 ifr2-c ( : Ail uckle"R roaM-ea .c : McL.iiupUhn'XXXX niasu-d , lR\c : ' IGI.C ; Itcd Crosh. IKHc. arlll imjteriu.1. S2. Kiil ; ' , hHtlJiet ; Kirk's- standard , SS.05 : lurK's white Itussian. S4 ( K ) : Klrt's White Can. ? C.riO : Pome. SS.S : . ; Wabutxiard , SS.ia White ClotuI P.T.7S. AlATMir.e er cnddie , ' r : round , per cn p fLOO ; pquare cases S370 ; mule square , DT Mixed. pifiSMe ; stlcK , CiLiCKniw Ciiirneou"1. soda , butter and picnic , ; cieanis , S'ic ; Etnger snaps , = > ic- citv ftoda , 7' c. . , I'luci ) KifiTc No'l quarter tpples. S- * ® 4p ; In anoruted him * . Wv c ilacWier- ru- , . t > nj.eS \ @ ? ; Caches , easiem , 4ifw ! > I.F jieaches. evapurated. l.riS.o'17c ; Salt Lake mine in miirket rasnb'jmes , new. l * > ( < tiie ! : currants , TJf T fc ; tuune.-s new , 4" , , Gcneiiil Markets. WOOL Mcdluiii. 17@lSc ] > r lbiine : _ hcavv , lii ir.c : liclit. lai7c ; coar e , l miric ; buro wool. " @ ? > r oil. ILiin : ( ircen butclior * . OJ @ 7cj preen cured. ' 4 ' " c ; drv flint , llie : ; ; dry suit , SilOc ( : dainased' hides , twthirds iiriee. J'allow . " > c. Greiise. iiriiiie witte , he ; jUlow , 2c ; brown. l"4'c. ( Shecji I'elts. 2T > (57r.c. ( ; Lr.Aurni ! J'riuie shiucliter sole leather Sc : jinine oak sole leather , H0@c. UJ > I > CT leather pej lo C202- ; iiutnTan. TTifffs-K ; ; oat kip ) ( ? ? ? Trench kip , SLOOffl.20 ; hem , cult iX ( ft@l.lD'oak ' call , SLOOfaLiSi ; Trencli culf , SViVaLW ; Morocco boot lee , Mor pcooil-jiebble,2S32o. toppings . JiAia > iron , rate , -2i ; low stnal hpeeiftl cast , 4s ; crucib lesteet , OP. ; cast tools , do , liaise : wo on spokes' jier srft , t1. > ! SS.ffJhubs. \ . Tier sM SLSi : lellous , Ba-wed drv , SL40 ; toncues , eaen , TTio ; nvjes , each. TTie ; square nuts , ner Ib. 7(511c ( : coil cliKtnir Jb , 0 : l2c ; malleable. 0te&c ( ; iron writes , ( , c : crowliars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c : hpiinc htoul , " ( ffiac ; Buideifs liorwsnues. J4.40 ; Burden's mule Mioes. Sa.4a Barbep wire , in cur lots , s-i.03 7101 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rnu-s 10 to SO Si DO , Meel nails , HS-fil ; Shot Sl.fii ; buckshot. fLh5 : oriental powder , kecs , S2.50 : do. half tecs , 2.00 ; do. ouailer less , l.r > 0 ; Was-tiup , kegs , S2.SJ5 fuse. T > ei 10 loet , ( iTic. LeadBar. Slf > . J'AiNTf. 3K UnJueead. . Omaha , T. P Vc ; -white lead , St. LcuiR , pure , f7.75 ; Mar- cilles preen. 1 to 5 13 cans. 2s : 1'rejieh xinc. tTee.n teal , 12c ; I'reuph zinc red MyOllc ; French rina to varnibh nsst , 20c : I'reiip.ti xinc.75c ; Tcrmllhou , American , ibc , Indian red.lOc ; rose pint. 14c ; Venetian red , CotiU- 'h5iceiiettan : rod , American. red lead , 7\c : cliroiue jellow , ceuulne. u chrome veJhm , iI2c : ochre , rochele , ! > c ; ocUie J reneh , 2r'.c : oclire , American , IJvc ; Winter's min rnl. 2Vc ; Ltililch brown. S'c ; Sjianisli blown. 3 > Cc : Trince's mineral. Sc. \AJSIEUI : ' Barrels , per pall on : furni ture , extra , S1.10 ; luroirure , Ko. 1 , SI. 00 ; coach extnv , S1.40 ; poach , No. 1 , SL20 : Da- uiar , ertra , S1.7S ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum. extra , DSc ; bbellac , SS.50 ; hard oil hnisn , S1.5U bPiniTfc Cologne spirits , 1S5 proot S1.1C : do 101 proot , 1.17 ; t-plnts , second ouahrr. 101 iirciot SLld : do Ibs ] > root EL15. Alcit- hol. ibs proul , $2,10 jier wiue paaiou. Jte.di'- tilled \\hlhkies , Gin , blended , $ l.SK5-2.oa , Kentucky bourbons S2.W ( ( fi.oa ; Ketituckj nudl'euusj-lvaniaryes , S2.di ( fi.r.0 ; ( Jolden faheaf bourbon and rye whl--l"ie % Sl.M " .oa Brandies , Imported , Ki-OJ HO ; domestic. 1.30 ( .00. Gins , imported , S4 TiO ( oKidD ; domestic , i.2.VuH.oa. ; Chauijiasnes. juiiiorted , i > er cane. 5-'iOOSi.OO ! ; A merlcan. j > ei case tlo.O'nain.oo. JJiiTJ'AiK B Wliite lead. c : Freiipn zinc , 12C : PariH whitlnp , 2V. wliltmr , clld n > % ; vhltinp. coni'L I P , lampblack , Ger- manstovrn , 12c : lauiibluck } , irdiniir3hp ; Prusimu hlue.V > o. ultramarine iscvaudyke. brown , be : umtoi , bunit , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; Fieunii burnt 4cslonna. . raw , 4c ; Taris pieen. cenulne. iifici j'ans creen. common. 2ic : chrome rreen. JN. "i > . 20e : clirome creen. K , liic ; vermillicui , Lnclish , in oil 70c ; raw and burnt umbel , 1 Ib cans , x c ; raw and burnt sienna , 1'Jc , vaudyke. tuown , inc ; re- iined lamiihlapt , 12c : coach black and ivory blnck , lOc : drop bluet , idc : Prussian blue , 40c ; tiltramaniie blue , ISc ; clirome preen , 1 . , M. < fc I ) . , 10o ; blind and finutter jrrwn. 1M. . < fel-,10p ; I'arit , citn , Ibc ; Indian rud , lt ; A'enetian red , ' . > c : Tuscan. 22c : American -i-ejinillion. L. < VD , , 2Uc : yellow ophre , iic ; L. IL k O. IK. Ibc ; peed ochre , 10c : patent dryw , be ; praiuliig color , Jicht oak , daik oak , vhinut chestnut and ash. 12c : rfi Axn fcuMirja. ' Acid , carbolic , ucid , tartan iiic ; balsam ronalha. per c : bark. Knsaatras , ir a. 10c : calomel , chinclumima. peroz. 40c : chioro- Jonn , jierBi , 40 c ; ) o tr1s ! powders , fcl.25 ; eiHom salts. jKir B > , ! % c ; plvcorlne , I Hire , j > er Hi. Isc : iead.'Jipetate , j > er Jit. 2lc ; oil , eastoi.Nal , jier KttL , tl.50 ; oil , cnswir , No. 2 , per pal. , S1.M ; oil oliveper cal.fl.40 ; oil oricariUiim , 5'J ; : opium S. ! > 0 ; gutuuie , P. < fc W. and li. AS 4 r oz , 70e ; iKitassinm iodide , T > er Ib , S&.OD ; f ulioui , i > er oz , 40c ; MI- tihate morphine , jiei oz. S2.40 ; sulphur , i > er Hi. 4 ' J1SH. ' "HrSiii'j u'L'Or ' niii 3'ifc la * tsiu jiw W 50 40 IS 1U licn'f St.Nol L'li'TOflJ ' OtlU IS * 051 70 yf' i.-- . . citi'd riinuj c uot : no : 7&i ui S3 tiO 45 " " - ' " 1-Ci 6 IK ) 8 OJS 75 1 I > L I 80 DO 41 * ircn . I HI BtilhK.1 Hid * 1'U i Jua w jo 4 [ ) Ko.JVhitti Fish. . 7 00 C 'MB MII 101 M . 0 J'urallv IVLUe I'IBU. . S 50 S K S UTi 1 M el 5 KalTiout . . . . j < Ul 4 Ui2 B1 M , 741 Cj illrlKHI inat.Q'rltbUl'uUnor Kite vru ncn aw 11)0 HO 50 40 | K 11) ) Korwupiun ' i i t | i : " \ ) ; BOC B33BO.I 30---l , , ! W W Euluind bur- , Drr . . . . > a 1 Com. . ! . . i , l4JindlGft * JJa2 " lii , 14 und 16 It 14,7" . > JaS " - 12,14 and 1C n . . is o Sai - " li , 14 ujd 16 it , . . liiw 'J1LESTEMCO ' EMU mint urn. k IM , , Chit-urn , In. Xtw YttrLOltr. Stocks , Bonds , Grain , Cotton , Koiitflit anil will for inrct-tintni ortni Jlfrtl'f/IM. M'irf ; . . nint tcrricc to ' YORK , Members New York Stock Exchance- Memhcrs ew York Cotton Excunncrc. 1 Me-mliers Chicoco Board of Trade- , Members > "ew York Produce Eicnance ' Omuha Correspondents McAVhwWr & I IJollit E Oma.'iia Kaitiotial Bunk lUnldinp. ArtiKts Material. A. JJOSPE. JR. , " Materials I'IDIIOS and - Artists" , Org-ans , IMS Dnuclim fitroct Agricultural Implements. ClfrRCUILL PAR1LLIL , Vholrwilt l ) ? ! ! ! tn AcTicnlrnrn.1 Implciupnts , Wncons , und llncf : ! N .Inner Blnu * ! , liotwotm lit line ) Knit Oun bn Ni > li METCALF co. , Acricnltnral Inijilements , Duccien. Etc. Vliolfiiklc , Omoha. . Arrinilrural Jinplements , miB Bupplun 1D1 KX1 , iioj nnd 107. .Itinef nt Butter and Eggs. P SCITROEDER , Buyers of BntUT nnd Hclrtrrrutor und Pacfclnc nnnnD. Hth nnd Ixmreu- worth Bt Tra-L , Omatiii. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Bntcliers' Tools and Supplies , ipiCueliica of til ) Llnflt nlwuj-s ID BtocL. JcmoFBi. lininbn Builders' Hardware and Scales. HTMEBA'rGIf < P TA TLOR. Bnilders'Hardware it Scale Ilepair Shop > 5tcbanlc0' Toole unfl lluffuln Scales. 14t > Iinupluf BU , LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlmewa , Bliwtlnin , Etc.AcemR Jor Howe S utifl Miami I > imricrt'o..Omnlir.r < i'li. HECTOR a1 inLHELxrr co. , Wholesale HardTvare- TVpntrrn iicpntp im JeflcrKiin BICP ! Xnllfc. Auntie I'owOerCu. HiirliunkK dtiindnra hciilet. Curuur mid Harnrr , Cnuulia. Building Material. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , Dculur In All Kindt of Building : Material at Wholesale. IBtti trc < a uiifl Tlnlim 1'artllc Tnicl. , Omutm. orncE AND HESIDENCB - Boom 17 , Arhnpton Bloct. O Builoing iVest or V. O. ) Telephone Ko. OJTICE HOCR5- b to B , und 11:30 to 12 u. m. to 4 , und 7 to B p. m. Sundays , 12 to 1 p. m. KISTLEK ; Staple and Fancy Sroueries , ICU-B Tolincomi , Etc. Countrj Ilottrr a mie clultr3l5T.Ho ua Btroct. II. IIEKCKT , FRESCO PAINTER And D > c iiruer. USED IH ALL WORLD svr" ARR ! AGEI 0 , puct niiS JTIr < * cm upjillcutlnn huifl by til Hit IICHI fvrrlatf lluilncn , utid Iin-luik. CINCINNATI. II. N. A. BUPTFBB * oue lu U i current , hcicritltic "Comfortable and nCfcttvr. Arold fruudi. Ovt'-rfi fltl [ > riiTfrt. hmiQ Ktiunp fin tuoniililct. . rixcriac JLI/J ron j ifciAH.h. Dr. HCRNE. itivtarnR. 101 w tAEH.VL THE CHICi&O i PAftn "MITT , T > ttllr Edition ll ! lien.itllftd . to vvw m a.-ij uiiy adQrvu , iKifOnebiircimlu Jni CO r l ! 'cr UDBUtn. lletil niurktit Hid lluura of w.OU 'JTufltrciKins < ! uiuCBUirndul ! ) Irani IttcJiC tiouri. uli bd ol Uit monjlnr p&t > uriv. * ' iiombi nowu lul orflat , or TKCinuivt louur CU1LAUO & 1A.1U ilb CUi UT. Cuicucu. lit SPECULATION IN Mill Dinimnm capital &n rid UPW CUltttfi > ' fiuceckkfal Men Trade "PlJTS AND CALLS" (1 e. iDnor&nae wnilnitt lowi lor from one to ulrty O < .T ntc luaum wltb tn tra > i w tu iicruuj AUdri-ei lor O7 dark btrert. Ctilcucu. PUTS AND CALLS. On "Wheat , Jorn , Outk. l'tk , LurU uiidlt. tt. Btockk , lor Ixuur uud Bu rt Tiiot Bt nfl Tor J'rice Cucnlur H. P HAUI & i l ) WusLinFtoi Clii.ara , liL H cfvutjt ! Au tiricuD 11 * QKAH * JOBBERS' DIRECTORY foots ant/ A V K I1 > SEV ED Bouts nud Shoes , . . _ Mori nf . . . . . . 4W K l.HL nu. limfcliu. ] s i A 1 Austin At-cuu ir. r. Monsn < tco. . JfiWirr * of Boots nnfl H < 11 rarniuu nt. . Oninlii Nrti Mnnulnno j. S 77Y < 7 , Apt. for Anlieuser-Biiiu Urcwine As 'n r ni t Lnc < T Boor Browws. JICl Nnrtli l L "nri-rt Omntif. Null. CoHft , Sptcet. Etc. "CLA RRE Omnlm Coflce and Spire WilK fo i. CNiBiH - Spiio * llnkliit tr&ru l.nuticry nine Ink Hu 1(14 K lliirucj Mrrri. Oinnlin , Mib GATES. COLK < ! ' Home CoflVe nnd Spirp Mills MT'e Co. OitliHIH Uirf Htifi M'lff OrlnfliTH Mn'-nJHCturcr * nt Itakmc PdwCrr Ilivurlnc i : ntrt llliilni. . Fltr 1Yr one ra r ol u IT 1-t I'HI kiicr Hium Islfnfl lltm rfl ytlter. 1W HnKrO M ittr'ibu > ! ! Ccrn/cr. wnyicE Epenctcr , Prop. Mmrmtiirtuirr nf Onlrniilrrd Inin r a Co-nlc * . SCS lltt mid 1 J > ! - . UHli n. ( imkliu. K < K l ItOLTE , Wutui ! pttirrr nf Ornnnientnl Galvanired Cornices , llnult. MpUillrf-Vjll : lit.rtc. I1DB. WESTEItX CQRS1CE WORKS , C. Sjipdit , 1'ro ] * . Onlrnnirofl Inin Conilptitc. . ftnTt > Unpn T ' < l J"- > llt Mctullt htylleliU HKiuiat.ll > h ILIi Kt.Onililik. Cnr efs. O.U.4JO C A It PET CO. , .luMxiri. nt ! arppts. Ctirlaiii < s Oil Cloths Itmrs l.lnolrunih. Jilnttlnci. ntc llll Diiuclun F'.rcct. Whoo ) ale Carpets Oil Cloths , Curtuln Owiflii , Etc. 3 < SJ llimum SOvot , CnuHhu , > nl > Croikor ) and Notions. TT. ZWIUG in\ Afrentlor tlicMiinulnrtun-n. nnfl Jmjiortcn ol Crockery , GlaKS\rare , CliliiHii'j L , clc. Odirr 317 b.mth Ulb ft. Commission and Storage. D.A. Commission and .1 , nnticr.17ccpi.nd Jrodupc. CoiiplpnniDii'i- n rr Inr btnnpvuri1. LrnT llni * r i linnUc h. 3414 Diiil c fircrt , llmuhu. I'EYCKE ItliOS. , Commission MerchantK. TYiiltii. J'riidurc mid ! ToInliins , Omnbh Coal and Lime. MJLEKTOyE J1 CO. , lluiltri < In Hni-a and Foil Coal. ! unflrurS , liltli niifl NlrlicilKf Kit , . . OmUit , Neb. 1 urd a flf iilmtio. W . ecu. i.A. Ann ITCE C r GnniiMAjt. T.rro . J A m-Niiiiu-AKj : > . Soc. unfl ITcui. OMAIIA. COAL. COKE < K LIME coM.PA.yr , .Toliliers of Hard and Soft CoaL Zll Smitli Ttitni-oiith Strtirt , Clnmlm , Neb. J. , T. .TOOJfSOy < CCO. . , llannfiictnrerfi of Illinois White Lima. Ana Shlppcm of Con ] und Cniir. . Ceninnt. IJnio. . Uuir. HTO Bnct , liruln. Tile iinfl trw ( iflirn. lurtnn Buiul. rurnum HI. Omilm , Tulrrhnnn ML Confectionery. fP. \ . FAT < iCO. . , Maiinfacturiiicr Confectioners , Jobticrk of rruUn.Kuti- ClKtUB. 1211 runiiuu Bl- Clniiihn. W. E. RIDItELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. lu'ClultlPf Buttc" . EKES. Clii'i'BB Poultry , , Oincni lite. . Etc HSMmtli I4tli tnt WIEDEMAy dCO. . , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , lluuiir. Gimir , rnittf. etc. SW b. Utlmt. ( iniutia. > li , WEEKS XflLLARD , General Commisfejon Merchants , And Jrlilirrs nJ Torcipn und PoniemtL Prultk. nnclfMiot HfillclU'd * VVurflinuH ( > nnd nnic.e.lltiX. Tlilnt-i'iitti St. . ( minim. > ut > THi'iilicinc TIL. Life Stock Commission. M. BURKE d- Live Stock Commission. GBO. Ilurh * . WBlincnr. Cultmftcick lunir.S trmntin. lolepbonr MS. SATAGE GREEy Live Stocl ; Commission Merchants , EhpmcnU of ucv cud ill ) Llnde of fttucL rulleitud. rnion fno ( 11 ni-dK Omnbk Nub. Cigars and Tobacco. XIAX MEYER < C CO. , Jobbers of Cierars , Tohncco , mid Anmmnltinn. " 15 lors K lltU U. 1020 u > 1UU4 1'uniuiu Bt. . Onuiliii Ni'ti WEST FR1TSCHER , Mnmilnrrnrerri ol Fine Ciirars , Anfl % VJnicsiiln ItnUnn In licrf Tiiburctm , Nn . 1B3 nndllO Js. Jnh BtriM't , ( Iniiliii. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH < C CO , , Dry Goods Furnishing Goods & Notions ll'r and HIM JKmrltit rnr. lltb Bt. , Omitbu , b. Distillers. Dt tlll"rs r ! I.lqnnnA1cnncl nnd Pplrlts Imponcrt und JtilibfTf ol 'Winer uiO X.lguorH TTILLOir SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO. and ILER d1CO. . , toponenr bud Joulicrf or rinn Wlnnt nnfl I.ltrnnni fcnle nmmiiiiruircrr of Hiniiniflr'o l"u t Infliu KIU UTF DUB Innnrii Ic wqunni. ill ! Ilurner hu Drugs , fainte. Etc. H. T. CLARKE DRUG CO. , Largest Drug- Paint , Oil & Glass House VCuiiol Ctilcnro romiilmr Duo of Timcclitr tui ( Irlvk 1114 Hlirnrj n Oumlio , GOODMAJTDRUG CO. , WholeBiile Drain Till , Etc. / _ Il.SrT Trft. 3 TT TTnroun.Sec.iTreii * aj. THE Uyioy HYDRAULIC DRAiy TILE CO. , Dfirr IIS fv 14tL > l nnmlm. Krb. MucUltmri an tupiilic * ior Mmiurnciuru.t : Cciucul lin.iii Tilu. Engineers nnd Contractors , RATMOyD tf CAMPBELL , Etipinecrs anil Ciintractors , Bride * * * , VludULtk. Ui if Vrui'Ct , StCLln P Ic llrtTlnc . "kk " ' " ! ' " ' I'nnri'liuntor ' li'.L nt. , Him i iimuni , ( .iniklik J > ct- P. ROCCO dCO. . , IO ! > DTtar < mid wliotfiult dtulorn In Italian Produce , Furrlcc Iotue tii.end < 'oltlornlii 1'rulu and Commli uti. ini ! > .Utlj u Oulr vzoluiiro Jrutt tiuuie lu Ouiuuu. Furniture. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. CHARLES Fnruiture , Keddiue , I , 'hc.Jfettry ' , I lrran etc. UC 1TJO kud 10 tuai rl 0 IH * JOBBERS't ' ( RECTORY Grvcrnes , GAi.LAc Growrics and McCOllD , JUIADY < * CO. , "Wholesale Grorers Hart > * err. 11. J. JfllOA TCH , Heavy Hai-flAvarc , Iron mid Steel , VHPIIII Otitrl. HkrdKiiTr Lumber utt. 1186 nn mi llnnic ) ft jnycr li-on and Storl. 'Wncnn an * ruTinpr Wood Rtnrk np Tt llnrflt'Kr Inc. 1J17 utid Itlv iK-nTrrrurtli ot. omkliR NrU. MILTOS1 ROGERS ,1 M > V < s Slovp.s , Entices rtirnnees. Tiles , Mnullrt. < - llnitr ttpnO * . 1J21 nnfl IS Ktnt. . Iron Wort-t. y r Iron Works , 'Wronrlit Hid rn t Iron linlldlnc Work Iron "tnlt , ItnlllDr Jlnnnif und ( Itnlnn binim l.nrli.r * IIIKM V ttrk. l tiprnl rintndrr , MkrliUif und illm kpnilUt M'n'l ( inirr knd \ \ orLK I ! * Hr MidTtli rtirrl. EDUOL.M < Wholesale .le elers iindiMusic I ealers. tpulrm In HIlTurF-nrt. I > lnniondiWmrhnv flock * . Jtmnlor raiil And Mutenuli < nc llii nnfllOJllUj M. mit IhKlpn , ( MuuliK > i-li. Lumber. LOUIS Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , , Etc. Turflf OonirrTth nnd DoucluM Ciiruw lith imtl tMm lHV CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , B14 5 lub ptr rt. Omnlm , NrU. JOii1p pr Munnf or. a * . DIETZ , Lnmlicr. IRtb ntifl CnlUtirnln ftwmt , . Omnhk , Nch. FRED 1fGRA r Lumber , Lime , Ceiuent , Etc Etc Cur ntli utifl iK ( iniulm Nrh Lumber. T. JT. HASTETLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. ORim , 1403 riinnim * t > n > t.Omkliiu CJZ.15. R. LEE , Hardvo ( > d Lumber , 'Woofl CnrpPlr iinfl J 'urn net riiiodnc. Ulli Oniubu. JOHXA. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Iniportrfl utifl Anii'Ticiin J'ortlnnfl Crnunt Stilt * AL'cntlurMUiiiiKi > r llyflrtmllr t'omciit utiQ llcrt ( julncj Wiilirljlnit. Life uyjoy STOCK YARDS co. , Of Omaha Llmltcfl Jolin r. , Supcrlntrnflent. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER < ( CO. , Imimrtcrf und .Idlilior ( if Millinery end Rot ions , 3ni3ul.a . l.'l.Mluniry Utroct. Onuiliii. Nob. Notions. C. S. GOODRTClflt- r nnty 3 > lrnct ImportrrF-cit German & French Toys & Fancy Goods ii. Chlmcro prlccp OuiilicatHfl without udfl. J412i I'lirrmni Mroct , Onitihu. jr. T. Rosrysoy XOTIOS co. , TVlitilfsale Pwili'ir In Kotions and Fnruisliini ; Goods , 41(1 und iO'j B Ti'ntli Mt. , < mmliu. In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing : - Goods. and 3098 ft. . Oirmbn , JJoti. Or trails. MA yUFA CTUItr\G COMPANY , Mannfucturers of Overalls , I'liiiU , . Klitrth , Ktc. UK ! unfl lllu Ituuclitf Street , Printing. REES PRiymCG COMPACT Joh Prinlers , Blank Book Makers , And Ujut liineUTh. 1 [ > > und 111" huutli I'durtuenth ittruut. Omutiu , Null. yyEWSPAPER Auviliary Pnhlifihers. DpiJcn In Uype. Preston iu 3 Printun1' " 09 t-nutli Tncllth htrt'ta. PicUes , Vinegar , Etc. EDirry MORRIS < r ro. , Uunufunurorh , J'ucLcru unaimnlcrs In Picklep & , Strictly Pure Apjile Yiuejjar lIutlTie J'owflcr. riurnrtnc Ertructh , Tiililf Hiiurn , l-Ti'nrti MiKU"1 V rsli Jiinlnc. t rni in H-ccisii- * Sulc ufcmnlnr l < irk Mute hund Hulluud . der. KljblrfiarunwiirtUxl. . Ouiuliu. Safes , Etc. G. OmrJia Safe "Works. unnJiirturfr * of 1'lre unfl Burclnr Proof fiufi'ft.'Viiu lloon , . Jull WurL. MiuMirfi \Vlru\\ort. . Cor , J4th und JuH.Kiu bin. , C ul.Iiu , .N li , P. BOYER d ; CO. , Ag-ents for Hjill's Safe & , Leek CO.B' cud Iiii'c ur Proof Siif "fc. Time Ixicbh , Vuulu . lie i l'iiriiirn Htri'iu Onmbk , Uoh. Sash , Doors , Etc. " " M. A "DISRROW a co. , WnoleBtle JIunuI urturer * of Sasli , Doors , Blimls and Mouldings , launch onioci , ltli ! und Ixurd > lit OnmUu , > tili. G. P. LYMAy , Sash , Door , Blinds , Mouldings , Ilulldlnc J'nimr ULC. 1UU1 fioutb ThlrU'Oiitli Btreet , > lj. A ii'imiilutti HUICL of llulldcn' MAyUFACTURIXG CO. , tfianufacturerc , i > f Sasli , Doors , Bfinris , ilfllnrfAtotr Wnrl dud Interior IlurdVruod 1'lnlia kt ujiunuO. Js. i : cor Kill und lx : Vfii unUtlu. Cinmtiii , Pumps. CHURCHILL j rj ro. , " \Vholesalc Pumps , Pi Wmnr fiupiillck lloudquitriiirr 1 r Mart lill Funiuni tn. ( tnintitt l ub. A. L. STRAJfG CO. , Pnmps , Pipes and Ensrincs , $ tcffi. AVutur , lUtllr. cr knd Mllllnr hujniliet. Eta. 12U , Id und 1B4 rurnum . OuiHl u. s. ami PUMP COMPACT.ami COMPACT. CuT Wind Minn ftuini und Wi.t r finjrnliei , umiiC Good * , llflttnf llixiii 1Mb uiirt m lut- niulm f > K I'uluin , tiuuut'ix rlupmuife } .u. " ' ( . ' * T i unit. U. H. MARIfOFl < ' , Wholesale Trunks , MilUrd Jlnti-1 Illocfc. Wagons and Carnayvt. The Leadline : Carriage Factory , } > i > tiv , um : White Load. WHITE LE-iD CO. , Strictly 3'nrt hlU' Lead , ItKh HferliMtl I P ItT > nmUa