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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEtfTJGMBEK 24 , 1&SG. ! , JllUoli Gossip About Manning and Bayard and What They Will Do , Jlnca . Gnllaslicr or Indiana to Suc ceed McOtlllouddy A lllslily Kn * > dorscd Applicant- Still Eat ing Cabinet Talk. Sept. 28. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Hii : . ] It Is icpottcil In olllchlchclcs Hint a great deal of political and personal inihtonco ts being upon Secretary Maiiulng-to liuluco him to change lilstli teuiiliiatloii to retire from the cabinet andtoicmaln. Ho Is stated , firmly told Iho president that lie positively dons not want to continue In the treasury dcpait- ment because he believes his lu-altli will not permit It , but the president has as- Bttrcil him that ho can take fi rest whenever he desired , and that ho can b < ! relieved of nincii of the routine work. A belief pievalls that Manning will bo persuaded to leturn hero. of weight was put upon thn repoit clicnlntcd the other day to the effect that Secretary Hayard was contemplating exchanging Ills position as head of the de partment of state for thn tiearury portfolio. It Is notorious heie that Mr. Jlnynul has not cnjojcd the oflico he now occupies , but it Is not on account of the lively chatacler of some of his official acts , as many suppose. It lit because ho has been kept at so many rou tine mallets. Ho never did much routine work before ho look the place ! n < now tills , and the olllco has hud more of It during h is Incumbency than In twice the time Immiull-i ately before his advent there. Tills has been' ' the result of the largo number of clmnues In the foreign service under this administra tion. tion.For For a year the employes of Iho state de partment Imvo been at work most of their time Instructing mlnlstei.s and consuls. Of course , this carried with it many now inter pretations , which wcie made Inrcely by tlio ( ccrctary , and the assistants would natmally defer as much to thotiewsnpcilor as possible. This made the olllcn diities unusually ardu ous and has caused the sccrclary lo wish a thousand times that ho was a senator again. It Is predicted by a triend of Mr. Hayard lliat there will lie a new man at the head of that denarlment before the end of this term ot I'lesitlont Cleveland. He says Mr. Hayard is tired ot It. AN AHU.VNnr.Mr.NT niAcmi : > . It was arranged at the conference between tlio president anil Secretary Manning at Al bany yesterday that Manning should conio back to this city about October 1 and take his place at the head of the treasury. At least ho was nominally to bo In his old choc. This Btntoof things was lo last , unless Manning breaks down again , until after the November elections , and then Cleveland will bo In a position to choose a siicces.ior U him. There is truth In the rumor that Cleveland wauled Maiming lo take Iho Austrian mission. It Is generally supposed ho thought It would bo ft compliment lo Manning to give him a tor- clirn birth for his health's sake after ho had served his purposes in the cabinet until Nov ember. Hut Manning did not see it In this light , and piufuired to let ire altogether. ' From him comus the opposition to thu Aus trian "simp. " Manning is acting on the ad vice of his doctors , who tell him to retire from public life , but Cleveland Is begging him like ho did once before to remain by 1dm at least until the elections are over. At present Clos'oland has no ono to put in Man- nlnu's place. Falrchild would like lo have It , but the piesldent Is not going to give nway siieli a big oflico lo a plan who can bo sntislled with an assistant's place , and by Hiving the chief's place to some leader gain followers In IbSS. Cleveland's eye is now iixed on ronomlnatlon. M'OIM.I CUDDY'S BUCCKSSOH. Hugh D. ( Jallugher was to-day appointed Indian agent at the Pine Itldgu agency. Dak. 3Ir. Uallnghor Is n merchant of Orccnsburg , Ind. , matrled , and is forty-seven ycais old. lit1 has a war record of enviable proportions , having entered the service In 1SC1 as a prlvato In the Thirty-Unit Indiana and was mustered out lieutenant colonel of the , Thirty-fifth In- p dlana lnlKn5. JIo has the distinction of hav- ijng the linestsctof papurs over liled In the interior department endorsing an army can- dldalii for appointment , and also of being i > the lirst candidate for any olllco to secure the united backing of the Indiana delegation In congress without a split. Senator Voorhoes and ux-Sonutor McDonald wrote a Joint let ter to the president for Mr. Gallagher , in which they say ; "Wo will bo personally re sponsible for every act of Mr. Gallagccr if appointed to tills ofllce , and for tlio faithful performance of bis duty. " Mr. Gallagliur'a application was a purely formal one , ho him self makintr no effort for the place. It was endorsed by Holman , Lowry , Mat.son , Lamb and other members of congress , and by sher iffs , county auditors , fit.tta olllcers and coron ers without number. Mr. Gallagher succeeds McGllllcuddy , and iitllovcs Captain Hell. who was put In charge ot the agency after McGIIIicuddy's suspension. The agency lias , next to the San Carlos aucncy , had greater prominence than any other owing to the attack upon the agent by n collection of long-haired cranks formed Iho Indian Defense association , some oC whom Imvo been living off the Indians and philan thropists for years. The head center of this organization Is located at Washington , and AtUlns , the present Indian commissioner , Bcrms to have succumbed to his influence tea a considerable extent. Air. Gallagher will have to meet that amiable red gentleman. Hod Cloud , who lias for years been a thorn in the flesh of the aL'nnt , Mr. MeGllllcuddy hav ing a continual warfare with him. II ilr. ( f.iilaidicr pleases Itcd Cloud ho will irct on nicely. If not , ho will have lo resign his ollico , as the Indian association champions Hcd Cloud on all occasions. Whan Mr. Gallagher's nomination conies before the senalo Tils enviable record will avail him little , as Mr. Alklus must biing nmplo cvt- deuce of the charges ho has ma'lo against McGllllcuddy , who was the best niront in the Judlaii service , before Mr. Dawot will allow the now agent's confirmation. The c.iso be fore the senate will ho a trial of stiength be tween Air. Hcibcrt Wcllsch's Indian nights association and thn befoio-mentloned Indian JefeiiNO association , hacked hy Mr. Atltlns. r Ieanlime , Captain Hell , who has buon for several months anxious to get away from his unwelcome task , will welcome Mr. Gallagher lieaitlly. The Jailer knows nothing about Indian affairs , but : s an old line democrat. OI.KOMAlKIAllIN'HSIANUFACTimilUS tin writing to their attorneys hero about their wants at the treasury department observe that their business has not diminished bv Hie operation of the now law regulating It. They report a diminution of the number of de.ilors and makers , bill say Iho number ot consum ers has not grown less. It Is said by the lawyers who nro looking after the business of the oleo men that what is necessary lo decrease tlio manufacture of the article Is an amendment to the law ro- imlrlng hotel keepers to make known the fact that they IHO It. They say that the gieal hulk of the nrtlclu Is sold to keepers of publlo hostilities. Kvldently this move la contemplated bv llm mamifao- ctnrort ) , and It will bo heartily suppoi ted bj ( ho htatesiucn who da not keep honso in Washington , If there Is not an amendment Is believed thati thOro > vill be a boycott of the hotels which do not show conclusively that they use only pure batter. It looks as though the worst Imo not comn to the oleo men. The law ha hardly had a chance to make an effect , cither. CIIANOKS. A pastoftlco was established to-day nt Fol- iimmle , Kearney county , and Win. G. Cole appointed postnmbU'r ; at Yankee , Keltt county , Hamilton M , German appointed postmaster. aTho special mall service at Harrison , Neb. \\lll be dircontlnucd niter IhoiXHIi lust. ro.stnmsti'H commissioned to-day : Angus A. M. Gust , KockUlIo , Xib , ; John F. Hoar Sleuber , Nel > . ; Krastiib lj. Tiyor , Hear GIOVC Iowa ; Archibald Hamilton , 151oclcl-y , Iowa Xnclmrlah J. Hopkins , Colcra.Springs ! ; , Iowa WHIIam H , Moug , t'lEtclior , Iowa. ThofnltowiiitfStar mail urdeis for Nebraska Ecrvir ? have boon Issued : ScctU to Cum ililnsvillo , from October 1. for Hartlott. in crcaso in distance Iwo miles ; Walwoith to New Helena , fiom October 1 , for change of Bltnof Walwoith. MIUTA HV it ATTiit3. The following leaves of absences have .boon eranled : Captain Clarence A. Mcdinan , Ninth cav airy , Now York City , ( recruiting service ) nut John I , VunArsdalu. Seventh infantry Fort Laramlo , Wyo. , live mouths ; b hsl JJoutenant Oeorga P. Scriven , Third mill lery , t > ronty days from October 1. The following named otlicers ask to bo re lieved from recruiting s > viuco October 1 a " "ohunbus Harrncks , Ohio , and proceed to oln their regiments ; Lieutenant Colonel lobert II. Off ley , Seventeenth Infantry ; . Captain F. Collahi , First Infantry ; Captain Slephpn I' . Jaydln , Twenty iirst imantry , ( lid First Ucutenant Alexander Ogden , Seventeenth Infantry. TIGEn-HUNTING IN INDIA. 1'nrly or Kindly Sportsmen Kllr the Fierce UfiistH of the il iiflo Kroin'Ihclr Illdlnc t'lncci. Prince Karl of Norway nnd Sweden in Ninlecnlh Century : In silence and folomnity the profession moved toward llie jungle in order not to awake [ ho sleeping tiger. In snito of it bc'ins the "cold season , " I suilered tre mendously from th6 heat under my broad-brimmed Indian hat. lint who could have time to complain of the heat then , though ono could hardly breathe anil was bathed in perspiration ? After u while allock of soaring vultures indicated that wu were approaching tlio spot where the tiger consumes his noc turnal meal , and behind a ridge , slrewcd with blocks of stone , and which scorned only live hundred yards oil' the slam bul lock had beenliod up. Thoinitivo hunts men innintninod tlnit the Ugor must bo near , as the blrils continued to soar rest lessly over the spot without daring lo de scend lo llicir prey. Shortly after we have reached tin ! northern felopu of the ridge referred to , where the elephants are ranged in a sciilloirelo at a ilistanco of 850 yards from the top , the position of each animal being indicated to the "ma- hont" by an old , gray-headed shikaric , who is evidently quite at hoinu in the jungle. Adeborg and myself are stationed on a little mound , whence wo have n fairly good view. Low shrubs , in some places form ing to the eye impenetrable thickets , sur round tlio spot in which our elephant stands hidden behind two great blocks of stone , and a single jungle covers the slope in the direction whence wo expect the beaters. A ravine runs lo our right. On Iho olher side Oscar and Sandstorm arc 'posted ' ; next to them an oluphttnt with some of Iho suite of tlio minister ; then Sala Yung himself , witli AH Ik-g. Alter a while's anxious waiting , yells and loud sounds of drums and cymbals are heard in the distance , and in a few min utes one dusky figure after another : ip- nears on the brow of tlio hill. Wo now rise in the howdah , and , cocking our express - press rilles , scan every shrub in front of us. It is becoming exciting , but still no tiger is visible. The boaters begin to separate and break the line. Adelborg and myself have just agreed that there is no tiger within the line , when suddenly the ropoit of a gun is hoard from Salar Yung's clcgliant , indicating there is something up. It is Ali Heg , who has shot at a tiger which is attempting lo break throuirli at the side of his elephant carrying the attendants of the minister , and in a low seconds the re treating tiger is subjected to a veritable peppering from that quarter. We double our attention , but tail to sec anything e.xcept the smoke from the guns. Th'o beaters again collect , but a number of frightened coolies run terrified in all di rections , and even the elephants show signs ot tlight , stamping and swinging their trunks to and fro. In the mean time , however , Ali Heg seems to call us by waving his hat and wo bcconcd to our mahout to urge the elephant forward , delighted in 'Iho thought that there might still be something for us to do , and in a few moments we arc alongside Ali Heg. who instantly jumps from his own elephant into our howdah. The usually calm and diginlicd man trembles in every limb with excitement. lie informs us in a brief sentence the tiger is wounded and ordered a pursuit , Hut having advanced a few stops our elephant absolutely re fuses to go further , when Ali Heg pointed to a thicket right in front of us , urging ino to lire : but in spite of the greatest ef forts I could not discover the tiger.Tvhich the experienced eye-of the native had de tected at onco. Adolborg saw the animal sneak away just as the elephant sud denly turned round and retrcaled. However - over , a few well dircclcd prods with tlio piKe of a mahout soon brought the ter rified animal round again , and now I de lected the black barred tawny skin of a tiger , lying under a low bush near by , ready to spring. I pulled the trigger just as tlio animal was on the point of spring ing at all events , so it seemed to me. It was followed by a shot from Adelborg's gun , and supplemented by one from my left barrel , both of which hit tlio animal. In the meantime the other elephants had advanced concentrically toward the spot where the tiger was supposed to lie hidden , nnd in n moment shot followed upon shot from all side.s. The tiger attempted once more to rise , but fell immediately backward. The king of the jungle lay dead at our feet ! Wo are gathered around the fallen monarch , everybody had lirod , and every body tried , with more or less success to trace his deadly bullet. Our booty was a fine male tiirur , measuring nine ana a hr.if feet in length. Shortly afterward wo were told that a female tiger witli two oubs had succeed ed in breaking through the line in a southwesterly direction , and , although the chances seemed against us , it was de cided to attempt to drive a little distance from where wo wore , around. a cave , whithci it was assumed they had es caped. Hut the attempt proving fruit less , wo returned to our camp. Thus , ended the lirat tiger hunt. Iliad not , in deed , succeeded in beholding tlio king of the jungle move freely and in full view , bul Iho cxcHoment of expecting every moment an attack from the infuriated animal was in itself a kcoii delight to a sportsman. Wo were splendidly accommodated in thu magnificent tents. On ono side wo Swedes were quartered opposite our Hin dee friends , and midway between us stood the enormous assembly and dining tents. Although wo were nearly forty miles from any human habitation in fact , in a wilderness wo enioycd every luxury , as , for instance , beils with mos quito-nets , carpcts.dressing-tablcs.chairs , baths , and every other requisite in abun dance , Oacar and my&olf inhabited n tent which would have furnished ample accommodation for a regiment of sol diers. At least ono thousand men must have boon engaged in transporting.our camp to this spot , parllv on their backs , and partly ou carLs.tho . long waylhrotigh the jungle a striking illustration of how little those oriental magnates vnluo labor and nioney when bent upon gratifying a cherished pursuit. A liltlo after our return to the camp the air was rout with deafening cries wild shouts of joy mingled with Iho sound of drums and cymbals ; and in a few min utes the slain tiger is seen approaching , stretched ou tlio back of an elephant , and. surrounded by all the shikario swinging n trophy over its head , our royal victim enjoyed nil Iho honors of a triumphal entry into the camp. Dinner was. as may be imagined , consumed sumod in the ! x > st of spirits nndthoehani pagno bsitlo circulated freely among the Luropcans , but the fear of the prophet inhibited our Hindoo friends from per- taking of the forbidden luioo , I have , however , n strong suspicion that our hospitable entertainers made up for their abstention after dinner , nnd enjoyed the lluiod in privacy , like good Christians. II. C. Illtchborn , formerly with J. A. Fuller & Co. , but now in business in Da kota , is in the city. Mrs. Herbert Hutching from Chicago Is visiting her mother. Mrs. U. W , dark , at the W. C. T. U. Hucklnglmm homo. Dr. Lee is in Randolph , N. Y. , with his family , but expects to return shortly , His assistant , Dr. Max llleh , reached homo ast Saturday. Professor K. Thayer , of the Northwest ern orchestra of Dos Molnes , is at the Paxton. The "Northwestern" plays for the leading dancing clubs all ever Iowa. The Otoo and Sarpy County Delegates Betray - tray their Friends nnd Join Howe , JOHN CLARKE AND HIS PA. Boliinlnkc's Treachery nnd Dccolt The licatrico Opera llonso 1'nokeU With the Itlrpll .Ilboil- or thn Ncinalin. Frntul. BKATIUCK , Neb. , Sept. 22. [ Editorial Correspondence of the HKI : . ] The con test which has just culminated in the nomination of Church Howe will bo one of tli most memorable of its kind in the political history of Nebraska. The com bat in itself was comparatively insignil.1- cant were it not for its far-reaching consequences. The outcome Involved not only the candidates engaged , but the success or defeat of Senator Van Wyck and the Douglas county candidate for irovernor , Henry T Clarke , besides smashing .stales for several minor candi dates. The bragadocio with which Church Howe entered the campaign nnd Hie blare of trumpets with which ho pro claimed himself victorious in his transit from county to county , doubtless had its efl'ect upon timid and time-serving politi cians , but the well informed rivals of Howe in the Hold were not deceived as to his strength. When the three op posing candidates , Weaver , Connell and Toft , canvassed the situation in the third story of the Grand Central last night , they felt perfectly at case. They counted from followers seventy to sovotity-fivo lowers who were determined to beat the common enemy , and they had assurances that the Sarpy county delegation , and at least nine or ten of the Otoe delegation , would join the field against Howe , which would have given the lield a clean majority and several voles to snare. A triple alliance , ollbnsivo and defensive , was agreed upon with the understanding that one of the three candidates in tlio field should have the entire vote of thu opposition whenever it could bo safely pooled. The Douglas delega tion met in tlio Knights of Pythias hall in the , morning and organized for tlio fray. Every dolccato present was outspoken in favor of standing by Connell as long as there was any chance of his nomination. About It a. in. they wore joined by the Cass and Saunders county delegates. Who appeared if anything more determined to down Howe than the Douglas county men. When they were reinforced later in the afternoon by the Kichardson dele gation and half of Johnson county dele gation the roll was called and every dele gate prcrcnt was pledged in writing to light it out on that line if it look all night. The kcv of the position was held by Sarpy and Otoo counties. Tlio live delegates of Sarpy were mot by Church Howe on their arrival last night and quartered by him at his headquarters in the llandall. They were as follows : Harry Clarke , the son of Henry T. Clarke , of Omaha ; Arthur Spearman , AIi. Emp.v , Henry Gursch and J. D , Snell. CJarko , who headed the delegation , was inter viewed by Messrs. Gray and Coipctzer , who served with him in the last legisla ture. Ho was somewhat boozy and showed u disposition to resent as an in sult the invitation to join the opponents of liowo who , ho said , was as honest aud reputable as anybody. lie was kept pretty much in the same condition of half drunkenness throughout the entire day. Young Spearman declared lidt "ho , , wi < s for Howe because. . , the Missouri Pacific. through Howe , had done him a good many favors in the 'shape of parses and rebates. Empy was entirely under the inllueuco ot Clark , while Gusch and Snell professed that they were grangers and had nothing in common with llowo. Still they declined to go into tlio anti-Howe caucus- and in spite of the promises of John Clarke for his "pa , " they cast their votes witli Howe aud his gang from lirat to last. last.The The Otoe county delegates acrivod late in the afternoon and bchminke , who is recognized as Van Wyck's lieutenant. pledged at least eight of the delegation to the anti-Howe forces. In spite of this there was much uneasiness caused by a re port that the delegation had caucussed by themselves and agreed to support Howe solidly. I implored Schminko and other Otoe delegates , in the interests of Van Wyck , to stand with his friends and to help defeat the Nemalia fraud whose nomination was sure to bring disasior to Van Wyck by placing him and his friends in a false position. Schminko himself renewed his promises while others of the delegation , who professed to bo special friends of Van Wyck , declared they knew what they were doing and oven insolently so.outcd the idea that Van Wyck. had any further need of sup port from this quarter. Just as Howe s orass band had reached the opera house I overheard Schminko in the street pledge to Church Howe the whole Otoo delegation. For the lirst time then I be came convinced that there was treachery and sell out in the camp of Van Wyck's Otoo delegation , and tlio outcome con tinued the conclusion. Church llowo had made grand prepara tions for his boom. Having carried the Gage county primaries by tno help of tlio Holly water works gang and Kilpatnck's railroad graders ho followed up his method by packing the opera house witli a lot of hired hoodlums who were all provided in advance with a lot , of admission tickets. The brass band blow themselves black in the face , the fellows who carried the transparency witli "No llosowator in Ours" were shouting themselves hoarse when the convention was called to order by Tom Kennard , whoso bland sniilo re minded mo of the olden days when Tom was coparcener with Hill Stout in the state real estate distribution nt Lincoln. Tom gave way as temporary chairman to the notorious railroad capper , Humphrey. who , in Inking the gavel , bawled his profound thanks to the convention for the honor. Hy the vote which elected Humphrey , the lost hope of the coalition against llowo ' was gone. The , tproeecd- ings that'followed were n roaring farcCi- Nomlnating speeches were niudfttxf'go through thu form. IIcnry iisGibrooK/s great effort for Connejix faa a surprise. Those who HsJarrtrJl sav they could not tell to thfuKrd whether Ilenry was going to Bominato Howe or Connell. Ho slobbered all ever . his dear friend Howe , nnd then ended by apologizing for Rosewater , who didn't need any apologj ; ut his hands , As goon as Howe was nominated ho mjlled out A printed speech which ho said waste to bo his platform in the campaign. [ Great cheers by the hoodlums 1 1 IJ Mr. Hrodorick , of Douglas county , ofi'ercd some resolutions on the labor question , but they were promptly laid under tno table. The feeling in the Douglas , Cass and Saunders county delegations was very bitler. The blame for the defection in Otoe was generally put upon Van Wyck and the conduct of Sarpy was generally regarded as the forerunner of Mr. Clarke's defeat in the slate convention , On nil hands outside of tlio corrupt co terie that championed Howe there was a general feeling that this was ji very sad day for the republican party and a very black eye for Van Wyok. E. U. Mrs. E. D. Pratt , of Fort Macoriao , is visiting her father , W. W. Copoland. I'rofo43or tirunor went to Waterloo yesterday moruiugto visit the school at that poiut. THK MUTHOtylSX , CONFKH13NOK. An Olil McmtictrfclnmlNomoIr Kcmcm- hercil Tlirl ! Appoint incuts. SIDNKV , Nob. , leii ? | 21. [ Correspond ence of the lKE.r&Hur. ] ] T. 11. Lemon , D. D. , the father of-thcmiistrict , was pres ented with ft handjjqmo gold-headed cane by the members ojf iff ? ) Molhodist confer ence whllo In session hero. The presenta tion speech was 'liinUo ' by llishop C. II. Fowler and abl ' .responded to by Dr. Lemon. Dr Ltitnon is well known throughout the ' } , , everybody re grets to see the olj ( gpnllflinan reliro from active work , but tho.welght of years nud his recent sickncsi'dfimpel ' him to rcluc- ttintly do so. Ho will remain in Omaha , however , under appointment of general work in the church. The conference was well attended nud the people did their utmost to make il agreeable for Iho visi tors. The next ci nleroneo will bo held at llroken How , Custor county , a year hence. The followingnppoutiucnts { were made in the various districts of this conference : Kearney district W. 0. Wilson , presiding elder , poslotllec , Kearney ; Armada , to be supplied ; Ansley and .Mason , W. A. Hodges ; Areadla , O. A , Halo ; Arnold , T. 11. Thurber , Uroken How. F. H. Ualilcr ; Oozail , 1) . M. nip , It. Randolph ; Onl , F. W. Wato ; 1'ialno alley. ,1. C. Dorrls ; Plum Creek , T. 0. Webster ; lMcasint lllllt M. It. Plcrco ; U. Lemon , agent of the Tract society and Sunday School union and member of the Kearney quarterly coiifeienco ; Geo. O. Fer- KUSOII left without an appointment to attend one of our schools. Imtlanola district P. U , Johnson , presid ing elder , postollice , liullanola. Alma and Alma circuit , J. M. Maun ; Arapahoe and Arapahoe circuit , ( J. Al. Uoswell ; Axtoll , .Joseph liucklov ; Ash ( Sieve , postollice , JJIoonihiL'ton , Charles It. Townsonu ; Uenkle- man and Str.itlon. lo bo supplied : lieavcr City and Heaver City circuit , James Leonard ; Hloniniiigton , John Thomas : jiertianil , O. Holcomb ; Haitloy , to be supplied ; Cambridge , W. A. Castle : Culbertson , W. A. Uadoon ; Curtis. L. 11. Kddloblulo ; Franklin , Charles K , Fuluicr ; Hayes Center , Edwin L. Hutch- Ins ; lloldrcco and Allaiita , Kraslus Smith ; Indianola , 1. N. Clover ; liullanola circuit , postollloe , Indianola , A. 13. Chapln : Im perial. A. L , Greenlaw ; Macon and Oscoe , postollice , Amazon , Judson F. Durham ; Me- Cook and McCnok elicult. Win. S. Wheeler ; Mlndcn. A. J. Clifton : Orleans , to bo sup plied ; Oxlor , Frank S. Thomas ; Klverton. Clay Cox ; Kepubllcan Cltv , Win. J. Pitch- ford ; Stoclcvlllo , S. H. Henderson ; West Heaver , postofllco , liullanola , J. A. Klto- berger ; Wllsonville , C. 0. Crandall. Long Pine DIslrict-G. W. Martin , presid ing elder , poslotlieo , Lone Flue ; Atkinson , T. W. Owen ; Atkinson circuit , to be sup plied ; Ainwoith , .lames Lisle ; Basbctt and Kewpoit. It. L. Kobinson ; Clmdron , Asbury Collins ; Crawford , W. S. Hnsselt ; Gordon , J. A , Sciiuiahorn ; Haves Splines , to bo sup plied ; Long Pine , JU. 11. Fl'-scns ; Pine Glenn , K. Frame ; ICitshvillc , J. G. A. Martin ; Spriimview , to bo supplied ; Summit , to bo supplied ; valentljuvifordcn .M. ilapes ; Wntlnev. to bo supmied. | Sidney District Leslie Stevens , presiding older , poslolllco SWjibyjyliiL'Springs , T. A. Windsor ; Camp t > atk , to bo Mipplled ; Julcbbure , K. C. Cmiie ; Grant , P. G. Kuck- man ; llomlngsfonl'to bb supplied ; Klmball , T. H. Dry : Livingston , to be supplied ; Lodeo Pole and ChapDoT ffEhvard ( Mount : North I'latte , William A.f Amsliary ; Nonpareil , C. E. CauiDbelt ; OgaliUla'iG. 11. McAilams : Paxton , to bo supplied' Sidney , W. A. Chal- faut. . , . They Stjle | theBeer. , Yesterday afteirnooa while Slorz & Jler's delivery wagon was standihgintho two young fellows , Hugh Haley and Alonzo Mcl'all arrested and charged witli the larceny of the beer. They con fess to having carried it out of the alley , but allege that other parties stole it and induced them to carry it to a place where it could bo tapped. She ANaaultcil Her Hushaml. Ollicer Ha/.c was called upon yesterday to examine into a case of ill treatment of a peculiar nature. It appears that a man named John Dobson , who lives at the corner of Fourteenth and Castellar streets , lias been sick for several weeks , and of late has been confined to his bed by an attack of malarial fever. Mrs. Dobson either takes little stock in her husband's statements of his condition or else hopes to bring out by tlio use of a heroic romedv. Sure it is , that yester day she assaulted him while ho was bed- ifiSt , and struck him across the head several times with a chair. No arrests were made. OCTOBKH SECOND. The Fight of BInrx nnd RicCormlck to Take Piaco Then ut the Anno.x. Yesterday afternoon , it was decided that the glove contest between Marx and McCormick should take place on Satur day evening , October 2. Accordingly , the annex to the exposition building was engaged. This is , at once , the most available and most satisfactory place that could bo secured. In It a stage will bo erected for the purpose , while the sur rounding space will bo utili/.ed for spec tators. All of tiieso will have an excel lent view of the stage. The light will bo one that will attract largo attention throughout both the city and state. Personal Pai-n mphs. City Clerk Southard loft last night , for Indianapolis , to rolurn with Mrs. South ard , wiio has been spending the summer there. Mrs. Dr. CofTman and family left for South Ucnd , Ind. , yesterday. Permits. Inspector Whlllock issued building permits yesterday as follows : Mrs. M. Ward , ono story frame cot- taio. Webster , near Thirty-sixth. , . . S 7CO Chris Moore , one story frame cottage. Twenty-eighth between Grant and Lake. . . . _ CGO Uallou Uros. , ono slnryiframo collate , Ohio and Twenly iirnt . - , . . . - . 000 Patrick McGovern. Vs-orntory frame dwolliiKConvciit near Howard. . . . 1,500 NIcliolafKrclbs. ono story frame cot- . taeo. Lake and TimrntyHtlnth . 050 Leo Conneellor , twoMiumtory frame , cottages , Tweuty-RcvoiHU near Cum- minus. . . . . . , . .V.'pu. . . GM Mrs. H. A. HowanL"-ontfStnd one-half t story frame cottaL'fl , < Franklin bo- f twoeii Tweuty-cliflUU rind Twenty- ninth . I' ' . . . . I. . . . . 800 C. F. McCreary , twpMorV frameiosl - donee , Twenty-sScndnd ( Spruce. . 1,800 Andrew Jensen , oneislory frame rot- , Seward brtwc n Twenty ulnlh and Thirtieth. . . i . 400 _ Nine permits agera.tir . S B.KX ) I'l-U . ! Conciliator.AYInklc . inan'a Uoturn , The Union PaciMp Irani , No. 4 , from the west , Wednesday brought in from Grand Island Conductor Frank Winkle- man and the funeral party that attended the obsequies of that gentleman's wife , at the place mentioned. It comprised Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Jenney , father and mother of Mrs. Winklomau , Miss Sarah Jonnoy , her sister , Mrs. Lane and Messrs. Will and George Winkloman , mother and brothers ot the husband of thu deceased , besides Mr. T. D. Sargent and Mrs. Wilkins - kins and two daughters , slslors of the de ceased. AH mentioned in the DEK'S tele- : tho. remains were deposited in raceland ceoietery , Grand Island. Mr. Winkleman is ono of the most popular of the Union Pacilio passenger conduc tors and Mr. Jennoy Is the roadiniistor for the same company , Hoth have many friends and will long merit tlio sympathy of all of them. A BABY BURNED TO DEATH Distressing and Fatal Accidout to Little Edna Qratzinger. THEY STRUCK THEMSELVES OUT Fourth Watcl neiMHtllcnns For llcr lluslmml A AVnjwml Olrl Olnmlcrrd Horses Oilier A Hnhy Iturncd to Wednesday sccnis to Imvo been n day for fiititl burning accidents in tills city. The particulars nro published elsewhere of HIP fntal liurnhitf of Mrs. Alien Tit- comb on llarncy strcot. Another frl iht- ful accident of : i similar nntnro occurred ou Sownril street on Wednesday after noon that robbed the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Urotzingor of their bright little - tlo daughter , under the most distressing circumstances. Mrs. ( irctzingor was engaged - gaged in attending to her household duties sit her homo , 2'il5 Seward street , about o'clock ou Wednesday afternoon , leaving licr liitle daughter Edna , aged about three years , at piny upon the lioor. The mother's attention was attracted from her work by the child's screams rnd flho rushed into llm room to Hint the child's clothes all nbla/.o. Slio siozctl a heavy shawl and succeeded in extinguishing the blaze , hut not until the poor child had boon burned in n fright- Inl manner. The llesh on the little girl's right side and arm was burned to a crisp. A physician was summoned and did all that was possible to place the little suf ferer in a comfortable condition. Mr. ( rotzingor was absent from homo at bo time of the accident and was aln st crazed when the distressing news rene od him , The littlegirl lived until yesterday when death relieved her sufferings which must have been intense , indeed. It is Biipposcil that the child had been playing with matches and caused the accident that ended her life by striking one of which ignited her clothing. The funeral will take place from the resid ence at 2 o'clock tins afternoon. Til BY STKUCICTIlESISKIjVnS OUT. Forty Strikers Ijoso Their Jobs at the New Foundry. There was an incipient labor trouble at the now foundry of Usher & Hussell in Bedford place yesterday morning. The lirin has been employing about forty men and doing a rushing business for a newly located establishment. For some time they have been having more or less trnnblo with one of their workmen , a fel low named Kinney , who has been trying to run the business for the linn , as is al leged. The man's manner finally made him an undesirable person to have in the the foundry , and on Wednesday evening ho was informed that his services were no longer required. Kinney socms to Intro some hold , upon his fellow work men and succeeded in getting them so worked up over his discharge that when the hour came to begin work yesterday morning the forty men prescntctl them selves in a bod\ and refused to do any work unless Kinney should bu rein slated. The employers politely but firmly dis missed all of the strikers from their em ploy and in less than an hour bad their places filled with workmen at an ad vanced scale of wages. The turn of af fairs was an unexpected one to the strikers and they at once set about to re sist it' They formed in groups and by 'threat'anil ' coaxing endeavored to get tiiu now mou to quit work. Failing in this they threatened to force the new men from their position. The proprietors soon stopped any such work , however , by telephoning to the city mar shal , who sent Ollicera Howies and O'Grady to the scene to preserve order ani } protect the property of the foundry- nion. Everything moved along quietly after tiio arrival of the officers , although a number of the strikers hung around the foundry all day , with no apparent good object in view. No further trouble is ex pected , Fourth Ward. Republicans. An enthusiastic meeting of the Fourth ward republicans was hold at the store of Charles I. Johnson , 2320 Farnam street. The object of the meeting was to promote the interests of republicanism in the Fourth ward. It was decided to .form a permanent organization to ho known as the Fourth Ward Republican club. Kob- crt D. Duncan was elected president of the club and A. T MoPiicroun secretary. The following committees were chosen : Executive Committee W. A. Messick , chairman ; I ) . Curry , W. II. liucklcy , P. Sharkoy , M. Wembargcr , J. Anderson , C. L Johnson. * Committee on Streets , Grades and Pub lic Improvements M. S. Lindsay. P. Sharkoy , G. C. Mattorson. It was decided to hold a meeting of the club on every Wednesday evening until after the November election. Speeches were made in the interests of the CIUBJ by M. S , Lindsay , P. Sliarkcy , 1) . Duncan , M. Weinbargcr and others. She Wouldn't Go Home. Christian Goldstcllor arrived in this city from Davis county , Iowa , in search of his sister-in-law , Minnie Undis. Ollicer Turnbull located the girl in Uortio Mann's castle and brought about a meet ing between her and her brother-in-law. Minnie fainted in the most approved style when confronted by her relative , but refused to return homo with him. having fully determined to lead a life of shame. Army \\rlafa. A loiter was received at army head- quartei'Ayesterduy f rom Colonel Henry at -Fort Leaven worth , who says that the De partment of the Platte team covered itself with glory at the recent division competion. It secured four gold medals , one silver one and three special prizes. Three of its men have been appointed to places on the division team and throe on the army team. This is an unusually largo representation and "shows that tlio Department of the Platte Is as has often boon ashcrtod ahead of every other de partment in America in point of murk- manship. . A copy of the now circular Issued by the war department and directing the soldiers how to use their carbines has be on received at army headquarters. Ixold UK Ibr Her Husband. A lady appeared at the police station yesterday afternoon ami smight aid in a search for her husband , who has boon missing for several days. She gave his name as Elmer Schindele , and stated that they came hero from l-romont last week , looking for employment. Her husband had left the hotel at which they were stopping on Tuesday morning , since which time she has not been able to get any trace of him. Another woman arrived nt the depot yesterday morning In response to a tele gram from her husband. The lattor'a name is Luther Scott , and his address given in the dispatch was 110 South I-if- teonth street , and he represented ho waa working for the IJ. & M , railroad. The woman's name Is C lia Scott , she came from Ferguson , la. , and had live little children with her. Of course she had no money with her and remained all day at the depot. Up to a late hour Just night no husband appeared , ami kind hearted olllcials had to furnish means for her sup- port. Til 13 nitANDKHS' HIMtKAU. Mow Dr. llnninrclnttl Thinks It Is Occasioned In Omulm. Dr. Hamacciottl , city votciinury , com * mentlng npon the excitement aroused in Chicago by the discovery of n single cv ; o of glanders , says Unit that is nothing compared with the cases which have been found in this i-ily. Since the doc tor's semi-annual report to the council , in May last , ho has visited a mnnbor of enoos of supposed glanders , and 1 oi'h called upon by owners of animals to examine tham at his barn , to see whether or not the latter wore alluded with tins deadly disease. During the mouth of June ho ordered four lioivos shnt , in July live , in August four , and in the present month , ii ) ) to last night when the In.11 horse was disposed ot , eleven animals had been killed. This prevalence is m- fortunate , as may tie ascribed to the faet that many of the vetnrinnry surgeons in the city tlo not report cases of glanders to hint. Many of them nre ignorant of the disease , treat it as a distemper , and the result is that it spreads as above .shown. A notable exception to these sur geons Is Dr. Chambers who has reported Several cases which fell under his nitra tion. Dr. KaniiiccioHo is paid by the city tolook after these diseased horses , and every ( owner of an animal which is sicic with this malady and eveiy veterinary who linds one so infected IH bound to notify the former of the fact. If any further violations of this rule be found , it Is likely that some one will be held re sponsible for his dangerous reticence , K-ln this city , September 23. at'iO ! : : p. m. , Kdna , ilainditor ot John and Nellie ( ireuMnger , ni ud - years , U months and 'ZJ days , Funeial will lake place to-day nt 2 p. in , from the family residence , UMGSc ward street. Friends of the family Invited. The HiickliiKhnnt Homo. The following circular has boon issued by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union on the work at the Buckingham home : To you , Christians anil philanthropists of Omaha , comes this Intter , with thu Kiwtint , ' of "Uoml will towards men. " It seems HttliiK that at this time a statement of the work car- iluil on at Hie HuuUIiiKham , In this cltv , hy the Woman's Christian Tomiteninco Union , should bo given you. At least ono ot the olllccrsof this orcaui/a- Uon are in eacli of thu chinches , whoso iiiein- liera we aililross to-day , nuil this may tl. eio- foio be regarded as in oport Irom your dele gate. The HiiuUinnham , once a vllo place , is now the gate of Heaven to many who feel free to attend the meetiims tliute , no matter what their appearance. Kvon pcoplo tlnouvjli- out the state who know of the work , remon strate when the Idea Is sinrcostcd of uivinn up the work. Some parties have recently wanted the premises for thu purpose ot again opening a variety theater. The regular Sunday and Tuesday evening meetings are strictly rehidous , and while tlio 100. On Thursday , p. in. , the W. 0. T. U. liolil tlieir weekly nrajer meeting , and men have of ton onteicd to ask for prayer. The Tuesday and Saturday evening meetings are conducted by the Kuforin Club , and while opoued by reading of sciiutuie , singing and prayer , are more distinctively temperance than cospel meetings. The object of the Saturday evening meetings being to enter tain young men. At all horns of the day and night men or women , boys or girls , have gone there for help , or been taken there by the police or friends to be cared for. Suicly , if for no other reason , the safety of our homes de mands cainest effort for the redemption of the drinking and cilminal. classes. When their cry goes up to ( ! oil : "No man cared for my soul , " can wo answer the Judge with Cain's question : "Am I mv brother's keeper ? " This multiform work , including the most severe and thankless labor of col lecting money lor expenses , has devolved upon three or lour persons , and largely upon two , and they are physically uuable lonecr to carry the tmulcn. The rent , fuel and light must bo piovldcd for , and the question must thorefoie bo met at once. Shall this work , which is rlcht , and which tlio Loid has signally blessed , ho aban doned , or will Iho means and workers bo forthcoming to carry it on ? That the poor had the gospel preached unto them , was cited as the crowning proof of Christ's ministry ; shall it bo Iho proof of our Christianity in Omaha ? On the lly-leaf ol one of the hymn books was found written : "I was robbed in this place in IbSI , 1 hope to lind salvation hero now , " and signed by Initials. The W. C. T. U. can control the location till the lirst of next Juno. The pledges given last spring have almost expired , and wo ask a pledge for nine months , and that your subscriptions , whether 10 cents or 85 , bo sent to one of the olllceis by mall or otherwise , before the close ot each month , for the money must be ready ou the last day of the month , as rent Is payable in advance , and no one has the Ur,6 : ur strength to call for It , Shall wo see to it that wo do not merit the "Cursed he everyone that dot th the work of the Loid negloctlnglyV" He- spcctt'ully pro&eutcd. . . . . . . W. N. McCA.Nni.isrr , JOHN DAilu , H. C. PATTJIISON : , Ur.o. A. JOPLIX , Advisory Hoard. Money or pledges can bo sent to Mrs. John T. Hell , president , B Park avenue ; Mrs. Watson H. Smith , lecoiding secretary , 2318 Cass btieet ; Mrs. Aitlmr S. rotter , tieasurer , Fairvlow stient , or Mis. (5. ( W. Clark , cor responding secretary , Buckingham. AVhuro IH the Uncle Ordinance ? The hack ordinance scorns to bo sadly neglected as far as enforcement is con cerned , for almost every day there is trouble between passengers and johus at the depot. And the Intter are not ut all times to bhimo , for frequently they carry passengers all over town and then only get pay for tin hour at their destination. Last evening a cab driver was hired by a sickly loaning individual , and after driv ing him all over town , consuming about two hours , the fellow refused to pay his proper faro. This caused a war of words for a time nt the hack stand , but it eooms there was nothing in the ordinance to en able cabby to collect his lure , so ho was out both time and money. , ( N. J. ) MIUTA11V ACADBHY PEKrCSKlLf , J . S.i A. M. , 1'rlnuipRl. The 1'lrM , Iho Orl.tniil nnl , Only Mnrch llml Ii pulnii livninn vim limp it jirndlrnl luionlnli * orjlirjnumlry rrorptilnn. ft ttqulrrs BO c " - tholrcn trom ill. kliu rnd linen frotn Mffn * wtfletr nln..nnil El\i * htitilriiaiBiiil cnllat that ninii < nnil l" ulfful voll.h thcr Iwro whni n w , Jthlch , - < "tWilT kncwi , kiTra liicni clcftti tnli 11 lon . Jlevrnrc of ItnliMlon * . Stc tint lliciums J. O. HUlilMlMt A linos. New lUxen , Ceun , U n > crri cXnc HuMLr allOrtn ; .1. ttfnmow WOODBRIDGE State Agents FOIL TUB Omaha , Neb. GOLD MEDAL , TABIB , 1878. BAKER'S Warranted abioltitflijnire Cocoa , from hlcli Ibo cxccim o ( Ollli.-w ticen remoxnl. ItliiAr < timts Uie strength of Cocoa inlinl witli Blarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar , mill ID llicrcforo far more oconotuU cat , rotting lt titan one cent art rt// / > . It la ilcllclout , nourishing , MtvitRlhcnlng , easily ( llgonlnl , nncl ailnilnibly ml.iptwl for Im.illJa u well na for pcmons In health. Sold by titiicf n everywhere. BAKER & CO , , DorcliGSter , Mass , 017 Nt. ClinrleiHt.Ni.I , < ml.OIo. A rtcoltrtt.JmH of t , , c llojlcol Cfllfj.i. feu b n lonnr enitugc'llaUotpteifcl ' treilmc&lof CURWIIC. Mirou Pim and NL09D Uii4tki thin olhe-rbrfUliQ laSt.L ali. ftl rUr l > itrm iboff aDil nil ldrcilitrnlikaow Nervous Proilratlon. Dobllllv , McnUI end Physical V/eaknots ; Mercurial and other Alloc- tlcns of Throat. Skin or Bones , Bhod Polionlna. bid Sores and Ulcers , rc tr tj vith mriiiij < i luccriicnUliiticlrntl3ajitlnclrUi.8 > Mjr. rrliilnlr. Diseases ArUlrin from Indfscrstlon , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , Mch Pnxiuc > .cm. ot ihi follonlnt elleeU : ntnrouiDB , , , JtUlllr , illniDin of illkl nadiftctlTt mirjorr. plnpltien the r w , pbiileililecir , Tirilontolh ioocl/or ! rrmtlu , ooufuilon4M < l/.i. eW. , rondorlnp Xlarrlftea improper or UQftappy , M ? rtrnuncnllj nnd. r mpKU'tt ri | > ? o theiboTa , not IniHledenTeloi * . fr to anr tdJrru. C.n. ll llontof- floeor t > r mill fr..IntlltJ an < t Urlell ? eoutldtialil. A Posltlvo Written Gunranteo jtrcn lacmrn. r&Llo iie. Ucillclna lent eror/whtrBt/ er expnsi. CARRIAGE QKJIDE , 300 PAGES , FINE PL ATE3 , dmnt ' 4th * nd OU ttcdlop , lealad for 5Oo. tn jKxtnrtoreurrcaCTt Or r Cfly ironJcrful t nplclurri , true to llftf rtlcl i oa tbt fultowlcf ubjeclll who in y tairry , who not. why ; tn hoe < l , om d- bood. physical de&ir.tfTnoti of celt baa j KnJeicctthe ptri. lolcgjofreprodiifitlrofcnd mnj-BicT . Thooe nmrrltd or conteniplftilntf mtriHft * ihowld rent It , P-rrUr r < tlt1 n taino , ppr to * r 3ftoiddr n } nhrt t fjr Whlttlcr/1 2 ! , 029,350 TansilPs Punch Cigars n-oro Blilprtnl anting tlin jm t two yonrs , without n drum mer in our cm ploy. No other hoiiBolutlio world cnti trutu- Uno aKont ( tlualor only ) wanted lu each town. 80LD DY LEADINQ DRUGGISTS. R.W.TANSILL&CO.,55StatoSt.CliicariO. _ . icdSKxasfa .JIOBO VITALITY Ii fiillln ? . Brain l > AINii : > and iHAU TKDor Power IMlKjIAilTltl.l.Y WA X iO < nmv flnu'n pcrfuct un4 reliable euro In the rMfullr Introauitd fieriAllwoakenliiirloii ! u promptly coeckfd. TlinATliK citrine irAndniicllrM n or mont , Ao ,1'IIEK. C'o Ua ( oino orhriiiall ) > ttn ix omliioilt doctoral CiVlALB AliEfJCr. No. 17d. Fulton Street. Naw Toh. JOHN C. GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE , COLLUCJU OF NEW JKUSKY , PRINCETON , NEW JKKSEY. Jtcuular tour-ienr cnureei , as fntlonn JNorths Jctreii of lUclielor of Kclouce.u oncr l tournnsiino elective couriei In Chomlstrr , lllQlrwy , tiooloitr , Mfltueuintlcmnd I'liyilci. 11. rot tlio ik'Kruo uf Civil Kiipineer. Incluitlnir. beilitea llio nsiut prufunloniil tndles. nppllcntloni of Electricity in the Arts. I'oil crailunte lintructloaln lllnborM tbouiitUeii.Urnplilet. Analvtlcal and Applloil t'hcmlmrir ntul Asmrlnj. llloloEr. I'liyilcs. unil Aitronoiay. KntMneo oiamin- Btlonsbopt. llth anil 15lh. li . For upeclnl coiirm andotliorlnroriiiiitlonapplrtotlioOollciiiTreii uror NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Pays Best WHEH PRCFEBLY DOKE. I WC AIM TO AND DO GIVI TO ALLCUBTOMCRB , ! LOWEST PBICEU PHOMPT TBANBACTIONS 'JUDICIOUS SCLCCTIOH3 .CONSPICUOUS POSI TIONS - EX PCn I tNCCO A8SIQTANCEUN BI ASED OPINIONS AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE AovcnnaiMCNTi DCIIONCO , PROOFS SHOWN ND ESTIMATES or CO T IN Nrvotf " m , FunNKHLD TO FllB'ONH Lt PABTI" FflCC or CHARGE. The H. P. Hubbard Co. , Sucetiion to H P. HUDDAnD , Judicious Advertising Jlgonts and Experts , E tibliih < f 1871 , IncoipotiUd 1 85. New Haven , Conn. " 93 Ouii 200 P ac CATAIOOUI or LCAOINB Nw < rm > , " BINT Fuel OH ArrnctTioN. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE Anil btherv nufrvrlnir fron . uorroun ilulilllljr , i > ibuu > Uia krhronlo dtvuiux. ( irriuatur * ' Iwllno of jrounv or old r Vi * * " ll rn ' fnnioua Klrrlru * erytf \ < HtaU In theV-ilon li o bull eutni. lrlif JVtl | i tHiillr frit rmunuluiuj > ull 10 WhoU family can wear ramo belt , l.lrrlrlt > -ii.uru > i > rlc > frru V ilh luala Iw ] U A rold wortblMH I In- Hal/uni / anil bofUf conipanlui I'.lrtlrle Tru" lur ln' ' . ' , . --k1- * It-r'uro. 7lUcun Mi iaiiiijur | | OB. H. J. HOBNC. ( NVfMTCS. 10 WABASH AV. . I rilK'AOO DAIt.V 1'Al'Elt A8 A * A WIKKIY. : THE Jlnttuii nnd L'llntun A. Hnowuon. ctdltom. Ili'piiblican , rellubla , cn- turnrUlnK. l.uteit Jiotvs from nil parti uf tUo world. Ihulatoit iiiutkct roporH. henl or Can ! ada . % IS2.BQ rori'J.6iporiinauiuiU ( inuiitlii , 11.26 ; 5 uumlu. . . v , 4 inoiitlK. 85c. Four paijcl "RT / 8 T T rueularln 8 i > atret frixiuuiil1 I It II l\ II always K U&KUI on huturdar. | \/l / /All. / bend poitmiH etuinpt. | > y t j IVI l\ I I noio. portal order , or rrslileni'l J.1J. J. JA J / Ifltor. TUK C1IICACU UAH * UhSkU or Cblc ig. ; JB inn tiKe Ko ! < Hllnl'leBi \rlllirach bottle. Hurt : urc in 2 lu < 0 ve. Aalc jruur druzrUt ror U. Sent io ti'nv mWresli fur 8 I .BO. IMALVr jR U'P'O. CO. , SprlngUgKl , 0. ilrssrs. IIuliu & Co , , AjjonU.