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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE 5 FKJDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1880. ffllO WANTS TO BE A JUDGE. f The Candidates For the Jtidiclal Position in the Second District. ITEMS FROM THE STATE HOUSE. rim r.itHlln ( Ie ) eftoil liy OIHcInN \ \ In Arc Attending tlic Iteiinloii Aflliliult Denied Capital City NOWH. IPIIOM TtIK IIF.K'S LINCOLN IIITHK U'.l Tilt' question of the district judgship is llio ruling ono at present in tlic Second jiuliclul district , iiiitl tlio counties in tliu district , except modest Lancaster , have candidates in waitinir lor Judge Hay- ward's shoes. It will bo remembered that when the very small man wlio rattles around in tlio governor's ollieo : ii > poinloil a Httccn or to Judge Mitchell it was only under urgent solicitations from thn governor and some parlies outside tlio district that Mr. Wayward accepted. There were oilier attornuys who were very cordially endorsed for the place , but the troliblo with thum was that they had too unanimous support ; hence , the gov ernor , acting on the plan that if he did what was asked by a largo number of people ho would be considered as being run by the popular clamor , which would never do for u great man , and hence the bringing forth of Mr. Hayward. That gentleman in the short term of service Unit ho has held the position seems to have given the bars in the dilloront counties satisfaction , but ho 1'iis given it out that ha was not n candidate fur an election , and it lias been generally understood in that way. Hence Mr. Chapman of Cass , and Mr. Warren of Otoo , and Tom Stevenson of Otoe , are out Hiring on the quarter stretch ready for the race. Tor several days past Mr. \Varren lias been taking a critical view of thn Held in Lancaster county and has boon in coiisult.itton with attorneys hero. That'lio is U candidate for tlio jtidgeship la very generally known , nmt it is n safe presumption that his visit to Lincoln has not been void of results in shaplrg the canvass. Lincoln having Judge Pound as ono of the two judges , evidently is perfectly willing to allow Ciiis or Otoo the other judgcship. nuil yet it will de pend on the action of Lancaster as to who the man shall be. consequently tlio Held hero is a fertile one to cultivate. Yesterday Judge Hayward arrived on the scene of action and to the I5ii : : representative Mr. Hay ward aid , "No , I do not want to bo a candi date"not a positive assurance by any means that if strife and turmoil raged , or if a man of his choice , for instance Tom Stevenson , was not selected , ho would not in the nnd take the nomination in settlement of the question. Hut with Warren in the Hold from Oloe that coun ty is liable to bo for Warren , and with Cass for Chapman , Lancaster would have to do the deciding , and a non-committal delegation woulu maUo tlio canvass de cidedly chaotic , and it would bo very easy to compel the nomination of Hayward - ward to the merry war. It has been stated that Mr. Warren entered thn race thinking Chapman was in the field for congress , in which event ho could work for tlio Cass county delegation , as well as Otoe , and .securing them both , Lan caster would be in a minority. But plain sailing is not tlio order in running for an oll'ico from constable up , and the Second judicial district is in shape for a very pretty controversy. AKTICLKS OK IXCOltrOUATION of the Economic Light company of ivo- brabka have been received at the odico of tlio secretary of state. The company's place of business is at Omaha , its capital stotk ? 100.003 divided into shares of $100 each. The corporation commenced busi ness the liith day of August anil is to con tinue for twenty years in tie manufac ture and sale ot gas and oils for lighting purposes. Following are the incorporators - tors : Samuel Theodore , W. K. Vaughan , S. U. Johnson and Philip Armour. bTATB HOUSK ITEMS. The state .superintendent has received the annual financial reports from the superintendents from forty out of the seventy-six counties in the state. Those reports are voluminous in nature and will enter lanrely into tlio superintend ent's reports made at the end of the year. Stone work on the capital building has ceased lor the year nnd the workmen are yet laying some brick , but the work for the past two months 1ms been very light , with no prospects that the building will bo roofed before the storms of winter sot in nnd shut on" work entirely. The f net that the central part of the eapitol building is to be open another twelve months to wind and weather will not tend to tlio sound condition of timbers in the .struc ture. ture.ConsUnlo Hail , of Nebraska City , was at tlio auditor's ollico yesterday collect ing his e.\penso account of ! fH charges for conducting a lad named Heed to the Htnto reform school , to which place ho was banished by Otoo county. Yesterday , owing to the pilgrimage made to Grand Island , not a state ollicial was to be found ut the state house , and the building had a lonesome look as well as the few employes who wore loft on duty. At the auditor's office yesterday the following school district bonds were reg istered : District 55 , Antelope county , $1500 ; district 2 ! ) , Molt county , fci.OOOs dis trict 5-1 , Burt county , $100 : district U5 , NuckolU county. $800 ; district 158 , ( Jreoly county , $ X > 0 , Those ) are the usual seven per cent bonds running live and ten years prior to maturity. Mil. ( JllKEN I > KKir.S. Mr. fircon , the painter at the hospital for tliu insane , writes to the BKI : correspondent pendent denying entire the .statements made in HiuUall's aflittavit , as published in the BKI : of recent date , and asks that his denial be made public , as ills in this item. Mr ( ireon also intimates In his communication that if liiulhiill was not absent from the country ho would prosecute him. Mr. Budsall , however , left his address with the party holding the affidavit , and when the investigation takes place the affidavit can bo mot with something .stronger than a plain denial , in whioh event Mr. Budsall loft word thai ho was reaily to be called upon , In this connection it might bo Muted that the BKK is open for Dr. Mathowson to make denials in , if ho so wants. It will nvo that official a dip to Omaha to secure a paper there to take up his case , and as ho is not oxpeoted to admit anything a de nial can on placed anywhere that func tionary like ? . MTTU' ITJ'.MS , ' The railWKV commixsion has reported in favor of a depot at Newport. It will bo lomomhcrod that the commission worn appealed to in this matter Home time since , and it now remains to bo Been whether the railway adopts the re port.The The handsomely uniformed PoWltt band , numbering nineteen young men , were on thn Ktrcotri of Lincoln vosterday while en route to tlio reunion at ( irand Island. The number of bunds in the elty the past work was numbered well up in the tens column , all of them bound for the reunion , Twontv days will see the Northwest ern railroad into Lincoln , " said Attorney Abbott , who had just returned from trii | up to Wahoo ami witnessed track- laying at Uio front. A few days work nt ihu gradlug remains to be dcme out by the fsilr grounds , nnd then the roailbod 13 rcntly for the iron. Since the complete returns have boon rucoivftd from the late oartliqunko n mini- bor of Lincoln people huvo been foiiutl who arc positive that they felt tlio shock tliPinaelv"i. and they delight to rclutu the cxiifrieiice. Unuul Lecturer McDonald , of the A. O. U.V. . , ha * jn l returned from a trip lo northwestern Nebraska in the inter ests of the onlrr. Ht3 reports the oryaiz- tition of a ! o } ; ' out ainonic t im raiieliinep , which is eiirr.\ln r the order about as near the frontier nf possible. The Utirfee street car line has pur chased two now cars to add to tlioir roll ing stock , which addition will allow them to run cars every FOVCII minutes over their line durinj : fair week and to ball fcames at tlm park. Dr. llurriis linn commenced action against lr. ) Ueynol.h , both of whom ru dentists. The action was brought for larceny as baileo and will coino before .luil i' 1'nrsoim. Dr. Hurnis clnirucs that he ailmllted Reynolds to his rooms ; that Uojnohls was to give- half his nrolits , and that ho failed to do t-o and that lie was in the habit ot pocketing all the cash. For this Dr. Hurrus kicked him out , but a $2. > iou coming along ho lot Ili-v- noltls baok with the iiiuli-rstanUing that the money should como to him to help meet past debts. Reynolds , however , ditl the work and Docketed the cash , hence the notion. Reynolds has boon in tlio clutches of the law heretofo-o. Tlio county siiporiiiteinkMit was busy at work yesterday holding teachers' examinations preparatory lo tliooponing of the tall terms of schools in dill'ereiil sections of the county , and tlio applicants for positions were reportetl numerous. K. ( . ' . dishing , of Omaha , who has been a heavy contractor the pro.seiit sea son on IJ. iM. . extension work , was at Lincoln yesterday. Mr. Culiing has lately transferred a large gang of work men on the new U. & M. line from Asli- land to Wiihoo. John Morris was locked in the cooler yeslorday , charged with stealing a bolt of calico from lladinsiek's store on N .stivot. The proprietor did not wait for the police but nailed the chap himself and led him to tlio cooler where ho will remain until Ito is ijivon a hearing. 1-ivo plain drunks were disposed of in police court yesterday , moil of whom were possessed wilh cash sullicient to meet the demands of the law , and who thus bavcd themselves from jail. Ono vagrant was also on the dock for nol having a visible means of gettin" ; a live lihood. Yesterday afternoon the oflleors were at work getting po&sesMon of au assort ment of liquor that had been shipped from Ord by ono Vodder , formerly a saloon-keeper at that place. The proper ly was found to be in the pos-esiioa of Dana Hyde , a relative offeditor's , and the ollieers were after it to .satisfy a two hundred dollar claim of Chicago par ties. ties.A A street runaway created a rippjo of excitement , and it ended tip by making a buggy into kindling wood and scrap iron , not a particle of tlio vehicle escap ing destruction. Judge J. 11. Hroady , of Beatrice , was in the city yesterday stopping at Opolts. It is not known whether he has aspira tions for congress or not.buta prominent man in his party has cited him as llio strongest man in the district. II. C. Lett , a former citi/.en of Hrown- ville , was in the capital city yesterday , registered from the city of Denver , his present homo. A party by tlio name of Stofcrwas ar rested for maintaining a nuisance in tlio city. Ho was lined , and departed promis ing to do bettor in future. AT TUB IIOTK1.S yesterday were noted the following Ne braska people : J. L. Overtoil , Omaha ; Church Howe , Auburn ; \V. 1' . Clark , Fremont ; Jesse Love , York ; J. Hall , Ne braska City : J. D. McDonald , Fremont ; JetnV. Bedford , Omaha ; W. J , Cramla.ll , Firth ; T. E. SodgwicK , L. I ) . WoodrulV. York ; M. L. Hay ward , Nebraska City ; H. C. dishing , Omaha ; Ed. Mclntyro , Seward. Dummy IIIOI-UUHCS. Tlio dummy this week is running thrco cars in all its trips , to accommoeato the increased inter-urban patronage , part of which is attributable to the patronage of the Council IJlnlTs races. Yesterday morning two now "ferry cars" wore rolled into tlio yards , nnd this afternoon were attached to tlio regular ferry trains. This increases the number of the hitter to eleven cars , and nearly everyone ono of lliom i.s lillod during tlio greater part of the day. If you suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes , or cannot bear bright light , and Iiml vour sight weak and failing , you should promptly use Dr. J. II. McLeans troiiglhoiiing Hye Salve. 23 cents n b ox. She AVns Willing to Iiot It Go Dy. Chicago Herald : Ilero is a htory by a festive and veracious telegraph operator : A woman wont into the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern depot telegraph ollico Fourth of July afternoon anil wanted to send a massageto La Porto , Ind. It be ing a holiday the operator informed her the ollico hours were only to 10 a. in. , and it being then much after that ho was afraid lie could not raise the La L'orto ollico , and that she must lake her own chances. "All right , " she said ; "send it anyway , and if there isn't anjf ono there to stop it , why , lot it go by ; there is no secret about it , young-man. " is It Not Singular , that consumptives should bo the leant ap prehensive of their own condition , while all their friends are urging and beseech ing them to bo more careful about ex posure anil overdoine. It may well bo considered one of the most alarming symptoms of the disease , where the patient is reckless and will not believe iliac ho is ID danger , Uoador , if you are In this condition , do not neglect the onlv means of recovery. Avoid exposure and fatigue , bo regular in your habits , ami use faithfully of Dr. Pierco'H "Golden Medical Di.icovcry. " It has saved thous ands who were steadily falling. Travelling Westward. W. J. Boardnian , of Cleveland , Ohio , for some years back attorney for the Val ley railroad , arrived iu iho city yesterday morning , on his way to Denver. Mr. Itotmltnan left immediately for Iho west , while liin wife and family remain until this ovonlng , when tho.v "loavo for San Francisco-whoro Ihoy will bo joined by Mr. IS. and spend llio winter ORPRICE'S BPECIAU flAVORIHfi RTRACTS PURtSTANO FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Prepirt-l with itilct rccird to Piullr. Strength sod lleallbfulnci * . Dr. l'rii-a' liuklng l'o di-r tontalui a Arum iiU , I.lraoor Alum , lr 1'rlcr'i Kitnct * , V nllU , l.eiDOnOl czt > , ticJUvor ddlclouily , ft/C ! BAtdNQ eMCZIl CO. , dtlenj9 Ml St. UNFORTUNATE 1IAXDIILLIAS. Some Scraps of History for the First Time Made Public. The Kmplrc Wlilcli l-'ln < licil Tliroimli .Mcvlunn Darkness I.lko n Me- icor , Then Suddenly Went Out In Gloom. Dallas ( Tex. ) News : Pursuant to a promise previously given , ( Jen. Rudolfe ( tinnier , the faithful friend of the ill-fated Emperor Maximiilian and commander of Ins , yestoiday permitted .n ' News reporter to look througu a small trunk full of the records of the Kmporor , some of which , for reasons best Known to him self , the general is not willing to give to the public. Among tiio latter are pri vate letters to the emperor allbctliigques- tions of i > l ate policy , which-being ongl n ally not intended for publication , are withheld through a * on o of duty to the departed benefactor whom the general believes to bo more firmly cntlitoned in heaven than ever ho was in Mexiro , and whom ho still adores with a devout alle giance. Many of those records are like a .sword in the scabbard capable of cut ting deeply if drawn upon the ungrate ful and if Gen. ( iminer could be pre vailed upon to give them to the world they would add some very impresMVo pages to history , besides .shedding ad ditional lustre on the broad benevolence ) f MuNimillian. "The Kmporor , ' ' the general proceeded , 'had only one purpose in consenting to .ake the reins of Mexican government , ind that was the salvation of Mexico , the irogress of which nation from thoovor- .hrow of Spanish domination until hi.s idvont had been lowatd moral and po- itlcal decay. Jl is well that overv eiti/.en f a republic should be a born politician , jut where every citizen of a republic is a ) orn revolutionist yon Iiml a republic in he throes of barbarism with a decadence u truth , honor , manhood. Such was e.sioo whenMaximillian for.sook a para- iso of roses to enter a jungle of wild jeasts and thorns. He foresaw the dan gers that beset his path , but he was a ilapsbiirg a born ruler and ho wil ing to sacrifice the comforl.s of life to lie experiment of rescuing a nation trom ts volcano. He saw in .Mexico the en slavement of the masses to ignorance and o brutal master * , with men thirsting for : > ue another's ' blood , and ho undertook be herculean task of destroying monsters nore dangerous than hydras. Such a personal sacrifice was readily recognized > .y the Meueans They paused , as it tvoiv , for a moment in their saturnalia to ulore a s-ivior , and they throw free-will ofl'erings at his feet1 , saying which the general handed the reporter the original ileed by the municipality of Cliernavaeii lonatiugto the emperor and empress the leautifnl palace ot Co / . The iiistru- nonl bore the signatii.of the city olll- ; ials and the city seal , and its donating 'lauso read as follows : "La cludad da Cuernavaea , roprcsen- ada par suly Ayantuinionta desenda dar S. S. M. M. Y. Y. Maximiliano I. y C'ar- lotii MI atigusta esposa una mnestra do su sincere amor y nrofuiido adhesion , cede para slompre a S. S. M. M. Y. Y. el lalacio de Cortex do quo actualniente es [ iiena legitima esta miinicipalidad. ' ' "Sincere amor ! There could lie no sin- ; -erc love among a people whoso nnur- ' aliment had been trcaso'uand revolution. Their appetites had fed on these eon- litious , and by force of habit was chained to them. The empire Hashed through the darkness like s brilliant meteor , and then diirkness closed in upon its track. You know the rest. " "General , " queried the reporter , "there are a few things about which opinion is very much divided. It is believed by some that tlio emperor in going to Quo- ratero acted with a knowledge ol the late that was to befall him , while others lire- tend to believe that the hope of escape brooded over him liKc a dove till ho was sentenced. " "Tlio latter is the truth. lie foresaw the destruction of his empire , and while he might have escaped from Mexico ho would only do so with honor. He hoped to bo treated as a prisoner of war , and to make his escape to the coast. He had treated Diaas a prisoner of war , but Diaz fell into the hands of civilization. In preparation for an anticipated escape the emperor , six months before his exe cution , rovcajed to mo his plans , to hel | ) carry out which I went lo England and purchased the steam yacht Undine from the Duke of Sutherland. Let mo show you some of the preparations , " saying winch ho haiyled the reporter two com missions , one assigning mm to the com mand of tlio Undine us si merchant ves sel , and the other as a war cruiser , thus preparing film for any seafaring emer gency. "Yon sec , " he continued , "before vol unteering to accompany the emperor to Mexico 1 was . \n ollieer in the Austrian navy , and 1 therefore understood the ropes. J took the Undine to Gibraltar for certain reasons , and from Gibraltar I sailed to Havana. There I watched events , intending , should the emperor make hi.s escape , to take him aboard at some point between Tampico and Vera Cruz. The point was to bo illuminated by beacons , and I was lo send a surf boat to tlio shore. " "Another question , general : what was the of the Carlotla's cause Empress in sanity ? " "I can only toll you what the emperor told me : He told me that while at Ja- hipa she was poisoned with talajauehlby some malignant peraon. I do not know whether that was true or not , but the em peror behoved it was true. " "How docs that poUon act ? " "When given in a dose of certain strength it destroys the mind without shortening life. The victim generally becomes a monomaniac upon some sub ject ; it may be dancing , it maybe love of flowers , it may bo personal dread. You can observe its victims in every city in Mexico. " Concluding , Gen. Gunner handed totho reporter a personal letter written him in German by the emperor the ovoiiiiij ; before fore his execution , and which was the last letter he wrote. It reads : "Boforo I go to meet an undeserved death 1 write you in haste to thank you for your loyal attachment , tlio service's you have rendered to mo. and your sin cere friendship , Kemenibcr mo in your prayers. Always with trust in you , MAXUIIUANO. " St Jacobs Oil is justly termed the con- qnoror of pain. It euros when others mil. * WOMEN WHOEAT ARSENIC. Tin ; 31iscry In titoro for Those AVIio Succumb to llio Habit. New York Star : "Just take a good lee ) , nt this woman coining toward us and tell mo what you thiiiK of her , " was the low-toned remark of a well-known Thirty-sixth street physician , who was silling on a bci'ch with the writer in Union square yesterday afternoon. The woman to whom ho referred was elegantly dressed in a polka dot silk walking costume , and her plump , well- developed figure was displayed with true fashionable precision. "So you didn't see anything queer about her , eh ? " asked the physician. "Well , I'll toll you what 1 saw , First , that woman's eyelids , particularly the lower ones , wore very vutiy and full , , pre senting the same appearance that ensues when one indulges in agood fit of crjiiig. That complexion which you admired was rcU'ly uud truly of an alabaster white ness , but the dollonto pink was produced bv paint and the jload white by arsenic.1' " "Arsenic ! How do you know she takes arsenic ? " . "Because two years ago she cniv.e tome mo , a thin , almost gaunt woman , and asked 1f inn for a prescription for her com plexion 1 , which was in a terrible condi tion. You sec she had been using face powders ami paints in her stage 'make up J , ' ami they had finally brought on skin disease. Well , all solution is the t constituent part ot any pie crption ! for i the complexion. f gnu' ' her such a prescription , but warned her that t she mu4l use It in small does , and i ( Nat after1 three months she must gradually t increase the intervals between doses t un'til thev finally ceased , \t tlio end of lour moiitlH. She promised to obey me i , but she didn't. Just as soon as she found I that the arsenic was improving her complexion ( I know what followed as if I were there to see it She commenced to iiiciease the does , in accordance to the popular fallacy that it a little is good more must be better. The ar enle of course added to her good looks with uoti- derful celerity. Her cheeks filled up , and it was not long before her friends com menced to comment upon lier improved appearance She , U once redoubled the doses mid gradually became the possessor of n plump , graceful figure. Her delight was probably great when herdrcsMiiaker suggested that she need not \ \ o cotlon batting any longer to improve her shape. But she could not get thiit pink tinge to her white checks without nalut. " "Well , if arsenic produces all those- pleasant results , why .shouldn't she use ity" ventured the Star's joung man. "Because , " replied tlio physician with savage emphasis , "tlio good results are only temporary , and she will soon be come u physical wreck. 1 lelt myself partially responsible for her recklessness when 1 met her on Fourteenth street tlio other duv. So what should 1 do , like the old fool that I am , hut try and mend matters. 1 asked if 1 might call on her , and she agreed , so I went to her board ing lioii-e the following night. After we hail talked in the parlor for a few min utes , 1 leaned forward and told her qui etly that sjhe would kill herself if she persisted in using that arsenic prepara tion that I gave her in 1881. Now , do you think she looked confused and piom- iscd lo heed the warning ? Not a bit of itl She bounced up ana flounced down on mo like a hurricane. "Sir-r-r " she saiu with - - , , that angry look ot virtuous indignation which stage heroines always otlcct. "You sire in solent. Leave nii'li. ' She looked like she was going to call a policeman , and the boarders , who had been attracted by her loud tones , were clearly convinced that I was a wicked old roue who had made himself too familiar. 1 left that parlor in a hurry , and with me went the only chance that womau had of regain ing a normally healthy condition. " "How will the ar enio afi'uct her ? " "Before she gets back to town from 'the road' next spring she will commence to notice , while combing her hair , that it is dropping out very freolj. i have written to her , wai'iiiusr ' her that this and other symptoms will soon develop. She don't believe mo now , but just as soon sis the hair falling commences .she will know 1 am speaking'tho' ' truth. She will stop lior arse.nie do es iji a panic , and in two weeks she wll | Ijo thn worst looking object that ever wore female clothing. The cutting ol)1of ) tliu ai'oonio supply will precipitate thu very trouble she will hope to avert. Her cheeks will sink in , lier finger naiU will commence to crack and split , and before a week her complex ion will be { joiKi. Out of shuer des peration she will resume her arsenic and will bo temporarily benefited. But [ will wager my professional reputation Unit the season of 18SC-1S7 will be her last on the stage. She 'will ' have the worst symptoms of arsenical poison before next summer is over , an/1 will be so hideously ugly that she will have to retire from the stage , whether she wants to or not " "u hat are tlia final results of the dis ease V" "Palpitation of tiie heart , a deadly op pression in breathing , itching eyes , stillness - ness of the joints and terrible emacia tion. In this condition the slightest cold will bring on gilloping consumption and death , i et 1 know that arsenic eating i.s on tlio increase. " Bcnton'B .Hair Urower All who are liiVLD , all who are becoiulnt BALL ) , all who do not \\ant to bo bald , all who are troub.ed witli DANDUUFtf , or 11'CIUNO of tlio scalp ; should use Beiitou's Hair Grower. KiaiiTv PKK CIJXT of those using it have grown hair. It never fails to stop the luilr trom lallinf , ' . Through sickness and fevers tlio lialr sometimes tails elf in a slioit time , and although the person may have remained laid for years , If you use Hen- ton's Hair Gron-cr according to directions you nro sure of i growth oC hair. In him- rtreds of oases wo have produced a jrood fjiowth of Hair on those who have been bald nnd ulazed lor yrai.s wo have iiilly substan tiated the follouitij , ' facts : \Vo RIOVV Hub In 80 cases out of 100 , no matter how Ionic bald. Unlike other picparatlons , it contains no sugar ot lo.ul , or vegetable or niineial poisons. Itls a specific for faltln-c hair , dandruff , and lielilni ; it the scalp. TholIalrCrbvcrls a hair food , and Us omnosltlnn is almost exactly like the oil , which supplies the hair with its vitality. DOUBLiE AND TWPLB STUKNdTH. When the skii Is very touch and Hard , and the follico Is apparently cllcntually closed , the single strength will sometimes fail to leacli tno papilla ; in sueli cases the double or triple stieiigtlisiould bo used in connection with the single , ising them alteinately. Price , sliiL'Io strength , 81,03 ; double strength , S3.00 ; triple strength , ? 3.00. If your druggists luvo not got it wo will send it prepared n icctlpt of miro. - . , _ . . _ , , BKNTORIIAIUUKOWEUCO. , Cleveland , 0. Sold by C. F. fioodman and Kuhn & Oo. l&tli mil Oouitlai. IStli mill Cumlngs Jit-Hi si i Travelers CJrowlnjj Kconoml cnl. London Times : An examination of the accounts of the chief railway companies shows that the tendency Is increasing on the part of passengers to travel by the cheapest class , Uu the London & Northwestern railway the passengers during the hist six months numbered Sri.MB.fifll , and out of these,020 , ( traveled third class , 1US1-101 second class , USOr ! ) ' class , and tlio re- maiiidor were reason ticket holders. On the Lancashire it Yorkshire the mimhors were 17K ! ! ,287i third class , UUl.STl second class and 57r > 33 first class , the season ticket holders numbering M.418. The Midland rail way carried li,08a,73l ) third class , 000.510 class , ami ; ) ; ) , ! ) ; seasoi ticket holder * In all those cases , like of other railways , there is a largo increase of tlio proportion of third class passengers. / * It is well kinwii that the inhabitants of many eastern 'nations shield themselves against infectious disorders by , weurint , Aromatio Ciiims on the pit of the stomach Their instinct hrd right , for strong per nianont odors arp antagonistic to the liv ing germs wbih cansg disease , For this reason Allcock's Porous Plasters , boln composed of fragrant aromatic gums are the best safeguard to wear on tlio pi of the stomach in cholera time , or In lo calllics where sewer gas and malaria are found. They not only prevent infection but will cure diarrluua , dysentery , chol ra and bowel complaints. Overproduction. ' 'Who are all those men standing in a line in front of thu dime museum ? " "They are men applying for a job to exhibit themselves.1' ' " \ " \Vhathavothoydoiiof" "Swum the Niagara rapids. " Mr L , R , Hi-ins , San Francisco , curoi a s.ovcro cold with Hod Star Cough Cure Miss Jennie Dollonu , returned from th west , yesterday morning. HORRIFIED DEACONS. Mistaking n Milwaukee TravclltiR Man I-'or n I't-cnohcr. Milwaukee Sun In an Iowa city a nlnister from a distant elty was going to \elinngo pulpits with the focal preacher. The name of the preacher from the city vas llio same as that of a Milwaukee raveling man , and they both came on ho same train Saturday night. The raveling man wanted a good rest over Sunday , so ho telegraphed for a room to he proprietor of the hotel. The bos-j loacon of the church also engaged a par- or bedroom for the visiting preacher , vho was ri'pseseuted to be mute liberal n his \iews. and it wnsthouglit he would eel more at home in a hotel than at a private hou e. The landlord was lovvn to the train , as well as n ouple of the deacons , and when he traveling 111:111 : 'stepped oil' the ear vith his gripsack full of plug tobacco mil line cut , the landlord said : " ( Jood veiling. Mr. B . " The deacons hoard he name and went un to the traveling nan and one of them said : "This is Jrotiier II. , 1 presume " The traveling nan said he presumed it was , If he know limself. His wife is a sister in the church it home , and being called a brother was lothing particularly new to him. So the loacon look his gripsack and they all ivulked up ( o the hotel , conversing by he way. The traveling man thought llio amllord had got a new runner for tlio mlel , and rather liked the idea of having ils grip carried by a man who seemed a horongli gentleman. Ariived at the hotel they were shown ight up to the parlor bedroom without registering. One of the deacons.said : "Brother B. we have thought thai yon kvoiild pref r this to going lo ono of "our 'louses ' to slop over Sunday. Is overy- .hing to your liking hero1 The traveling man took up llio towels ui l sinelled ot them , looked in the water nioher , in the wardrobe , under the ounge. and everywhere , and said. "This s good enough for me. Kverythlng seems to be present or accounted for , but Vou ill ways find damp siuvts in these 'lotols , " and he stripped oil' the bed . lotlios to let the sheets air , pulled oil' his coat and began to wash himself , when one of the deacons inid. ' 'We will now "cave you to your meditations , and to prepare for your supper , and during the evening some of the congregation will all upon you and converse with you ipon our needs as a people , and the. best way to arrive at certain results , for the imeboration of the condition of man kind. " "That's right , " said tlio traveling man , is lie was rubbing his big red lace on a : owcl , while they went out the door : 'come around after supper and 1 will ilay you a few games of fifteen ball , iool. " If a cyclone had struck the house the ioncons could not have been more stir- [ iriscd. They never spoke till they got > ut doors , and then they looked at each other and sighed. They had never met a ircaeher , however liberal he might be iboiit his religious views , who wart quite so worldly in his talk , and when the visiting preacher spoke ot playing wio.ieil ilteen ball pool , they felt sis though they must notify the ollieers of tlio 'church , KO they went around and told what hail happened. There was consternation ind a good deal of talk. In the mcuii- Amu the traveling man had come down to the hotel r > | fice uud tound out what the racket was , and ho found that the poor ninistcr had Ho on assigned to a small jodroom up three stories , and ho sat iroiind the otliee as pitiful and meek as : my man in thu world. After supper the traveling man went into the billiard room mil got up a game with some ot tiie drummers , and pretty soon the door was darkened by a committee from the church , who looked at the game for a moment and acted as though they would sink through the floor. Linally ono of them edged into the room just as the traveling man was about to hole a ball in a far corner pocket and one of the drummers said ho couldn't do it ami the traveling man , who was supposed to bo a preacher , set his cue down on the floor and o He red to bet the cigars for all four of them that he would hole the ball. This was too much , and the deacon touched the traveling man on the shoulder and said in a piteous voice- "Brother B. , this conduct is unseemly. There is a committee in the next room that desires to converse with you. Leave this wicked place and come witli us. " The traveling man turned to the dea con nnd laughed so they could hear it in Dos Moines and ? aid : "Cap , I thought at first you were having fun with me , but now 1 see it i.s a case of mistaken identity , You have taken mo for aminjster , which 1 am not. Your visitor who is to preach to-morrow sits out in the ollico there in a .splint bottom chair , feeling hurt at being ignored. I nm sorry for the mistake , but I couldn't help it , 1 travel for u Mil waukee tobacco house , " and wcntonand pocketed the ball , won the cigars , and the deacons went out and they M > pn found the right Mr. B. and explanations fol lowed , but the tobacco drummer kept the parlor bedroom all the same. 100 Doses One Dollar. Is inseparably connected with Hood's Sarsaparilla , and is true of no other medicine. It is an unanswerable argu ment as to strength and economy , while Ihousnnds testify to its superior blood- purifying and strengthening qualities. A bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and will last a month , while others will average to last not over a week. Hence , for economy , use only Hood's Sarsaparilla. Precocity oPBlon of Science. Popular Science Monthly : Among the greatest discoverers wo have instances of juvenile distinclion , Galileo showed remarkable - markablo aptitude from earliest child hood. His favorite pastime was the con struction of toy machines , A passion for music did not seduce him from hi ; supreme devotion to mathematics , ami by nineteen he was making important discoveries , Tycho llraho illustrates the same early bent in a slightly different way. His devotion to astronomy had to contend , not with his own , but with oth ers' iiiclinatioiiB. Sent to read law at sixteen , ho managed , after the day's studies , to pursue his astronom ical observations , passing whole nights in his favorite occu pation. Newton , like Galileo , oe cupiod his play-hours at school with con structing model machines ( water-clock , windmill , etc ) . By the ago of twenty three or twonly-liour ho bad conceivei his chief - dltfeov- roughly epochmakingdltfeov - erics , Another English investigator , Thomas Young , was a striking example of precocity. Ho road with fluency at two. He showed extraordinary avidity of mind in very diflercnt dircqlioiis , now busy mastering the difficulties of the Oriental languages , now sot on construct ing a microscope for himself. His mind unburdened with its weight of learning was nimbly tracking out now truths in optics by thu ago ot twenty-nine. Huccn ! Knglish biography supplies us with two of the most signal illustrations of thu precocity of the mathematical mind viz : Clerk Maxwell and Sir Wil liam Jtowan Hamilton. Among naturalists , too , examples of well marked , if less astonishing precocity , are to bo met witli. Llnmuus as a boy showed so d'jcidcd a bent to botany that , through the advocacy of a physician who had remarked thu early trait , he wis ; saved from the shoemaker's ' shop , foi which his father had destined him , and secured for science. At the age ol twenty-three we find him lecturing 01 botany , and superintending a botanieu garden , nnd at twenty-eight ho begins to publish his new ideas of classification , Ciivior's history is similar. A poor lad ho displayed an irresistible impulse to scientific observation , and bv twenty- niUfc published a report in which the cuu ral ideas of his system nro set forth. Inmboldt again showed his special ioiontllle bent as a child. From his lore > f collecting and labeling plants , shells and insects , ho was known as "the little apothecary. " At twenty he published a vork giving the results of a scientific ourney up the Klune. In medicine , Haler - or is a notable instance of precocity. In making the assertion that Po//oul's uedieatod complexion powder Is entire y free from injurious or deadly poisons ve do it uin ] ] the authority of a thorough heiuleal aiiihl : . It i- > niie of I he oldest ace powders In American market , and Used in ( he fumalics of some of euros os ) prominent medical men who ha\e HM'soii.illv acknowledged lo the pioprie- or thnl they not only considered it harm- ess , but osfoomod it'highlv beiielioial in very n pect. Sold ball drugirists. 'Tisaiii to seek a ponder that defies [ election , bill ii e Po//.oiti's to improve he complexion. A 'I lirlllliiir Tost. Youth's Companion : When President .incoln appointed a rijihl disciplinarian jomiiiiindor of the Department of N'ir- inia , lie promised that general that he hould bo allowed to shoot deserters , lut the president's kindness of heart was uore powerful than his respect for the liscipllno of the army , and he did not "eop his promise , tine day he received rom the general this telegram : "Presi- lent Lincoln , I pray you not to interlero vi h ( lie court martial of the army. Yon vilI destroy all discipline amongst our soldiers , " The day after ( ho reception of the tele gram an old man was seen by n eongress- nan crying all alone in a corner of I ho vhite house's ante-room , waiting , with a Kindred others , to see the president. "What's the matter with youold man * " iskcd the kind-hearted representative. I'he old man told him the stiuy of his sou. a soldier in the army of Virginia , nnd sentenced to be shot. The congress- nan took the old man into Mr Lincoln's 00111. "Well , my old friotul , what can I do for you to-day * ' ' asked the president. The aged father told his story. " 1 am sorry lo say that 1 can do noth- ng for you , " answered the president , in lie moiiriiliil tones "Listen ( o this .elegriim which 1 received yesterday from .ho general. " The old man's grief as he listened was oo heart-rending tor thn merciful prcsi- lent. Seizing a pen lie exclaimed : "By jingo , general or no general , here goes ! " and wrote : "Job Smith is not to be shot until iirlhcr orders from mo. AiiitAimi LINCOLN. " "Why , f thought , it was to bo a nar don ? " cried the old man as he read ! the words. "But vou say 'not to shot till "iirther orders , ' and you may order him ihot liext week " ' 'Well , my old friend , " said Mr. Lin- soln , Miriling at the aged father's lears. ' 1 see you are not very well acquainted with me. It your son lives until 1 order lim to bo shot , ho will live longer than ever Methuselah did. " The old man departed , invoking a bless- ng upon the head of the good president. An lOxtrnordinary Murder. London Standard : A murder has just been committed at Fonlchristiiiiiii , near Ilrianeoiui , telegraphs our Paris corre spondent , under very extraordinary cir cumstances. Two sisters named Marie : ind Catherine Ollagnier , aged forty-live : md forty seven respectively , lived .ogethcr at that place. They were in comfortable circumstances and were most attached to each other. Much of their time was devoted to religious exercises and eood works , and tlmj wore esteemed far and wide. It seemed that on Monday Catherine Ollagnier told her sister that the Lord had appeared to her ill the night and had asked her to sacri fice her as a proof ol her devotion. Marie Ollagnier saw nothing strange in this , .mil consented to bo offered up as a vic tim. Accordingly , on the following day , after attending mass , Ihu two sisters re turned to their homo , and , after taking a cup of coflee , Catherine made a deep gasli with a ra/.or in Mario's arms and feet. feet.Catherine Catherine Ollagnior relates that , as she was bleeding lodealb , her sister repeated. "Jesus , Mary , my hope , my Savior ! ' while for lior part she carefully collected the blood which flowed from her wounds as a precious iclie. As see i sis Alaric lad breathed her last Catherine hud her out , attiring her in a white robo. She then proceeded lo a notary at Brianconn with a copy of her sister's will. She as sured the notary that God had bidden her Lp kill Marie , and to burn all the securi ties which she possessed , and that she had obeyed Ills will in every particular. CatherineOllagnier was , of course , ar rested on the spot , and she i.s to bo ex amined by a medical expert with ti view of ascertaining whether she is sane. Hiuart Ali-clcs. ( From ( lie Detroit Fnt l'rc i.l There Is to be foiitul In every communi ty among every class , n supcrsL-rvicunblo few so ainnft In their own coucult , that to appear wiser than thuir follows ttiny niloiit tbu rule to bcliavo nothing that Is Bald , and ngrca with no one lu anything they do. Among the thousand things which they dopreciite in Iniblncss It Is a special fashion , where their ignorance Is i most conspicuous , to criticise adversely nil advertised articles. Tlioy "spread themselves" on these as tliclr "greatest forte. " The compass of their wisdom la tlila : that because au article Is extensively advertised 1C must necessarily bo u , fraud ; for , as they say , It It was not a fraud the proprietors could not aflord to spuiid such enormous Bums in making their wares Known to the public. Tlm absurdity of. such a pretense will bo best llluilnited by a convcrtiutioa which the writer Iiml it , few days nfto with u member of a largo I concern , In which this very question was " Why , " said the gentleman , "tn'a our own cuso. for Instance : Wo are Miciidlnt ; two hundred and fifty thoiicmid dollars a year In placliiir our uooils liofoie the trade HIM ! public. Now. Is It reasonable to .sup- posu that wo would Hpond this amount of nionoy fu n worthless article , without merit of any kind , when by thu morn out lay of ono thoiiBnnd dollar : ) nr less , wo could buy the bust prescription or formula ? "My loiiKGXporfcnconiiil observation , " lie continued , " Imvo boon that a person tryfnt ; mi article thnt has no merit , upon thu Btrongth of nowapapcr lulvorllaliiK , "nil talking iiKalnat Mich un article can do more harm than u column of advert IB- IIIK In Its favor. On thn contrary , a jjooil opinion expressed in llu | : manner , from ono to another , on un urtlclo that liuu merit , In the beat form of ndvcrtishiK. " In the past four niontlis wu have re ceived over D.OOO uiibollMtrd testimonials niiijiiHllfledly ondomlii ) ; thu niurltb of or.r specialty Unity's J'uro Malt , WhUkoy. all of which ii 10 on llio niuoug the most valuable record ? ol our | IOIIM > , and open to the inspection of any one In terestednnrt out of this entire number fully 2,600 of the writer * ) htnto thnt they were Induced to tnko It , upon the recom mendation of friends tvho had nl-o trk-d it , nnd only BOO wliolnid tukon It on tlio strength of the nuwspaper notlc alono. "Vct."Huld the gcntleinnii.uslio wnlkcd ( iwny , "wo nro piobubly doing the largest nowspaperadvcriliinslii ihh country. " 'I lilril. The third of Bariinm's bi ; , ' private ad vortismir ran nppunre.d at tliu Union ! ' . cilie depot yesterdays Immediately upon ilc anptmrnncr. a force of brush Ami paste refill * ! ' ' * dived intotlm city wilh tint ( I intent of rfjipplcmontlnu : ( ! deco , ration which B.irniim'.s earlier eouriorM had liiiiiir iiii'.in lh ( ! dead wuila. ' 1 Im ear in fiut--ilii'i f : i > > red as : t ro < c , nnd thn gilded h-ttern'r upon Us vides as bright as bllCC'.i Of JJGlbli'-d { fold. ROF.CHS.LUDWIGVONSEEGER , I'rofoMnrof Mmllrlno nt tli llotnl t nlvonlln Knlitlit nf tlio ll' ' > iniln imior nT Ilirlnn K'light f'omniiriitpr of tlm sjmnMi onli'rdf M-itiplln Knliilitol ttir > li ) nl l'rn < mnOr- ( Icriirfiollpil IIiiSip Chisvallpr of llio l.cvljn oC llillliil.t'ti' I't , IIV < "I KIIIHI i'iIN rw'v IHIKK TON 1C MianM nol bn n nf mult" ! null tlii'lmnlo of trn li > i-iironlK Ill * In IHI IMI P "I tlto wi.nlii ( intent ri'mt-tly I urn llior- oiiiilili i-i i i'r ! int with m inivli'nf im > pnriitl < nl nml kniiw It lo tui nut only n Iriminmtrt ptitmimoiHltlon ' but iil n\nrthy i'f tlio lilgli c-onitilontlntlon I hu M-i ouoil In nil ( xirlc of tlio wnrlil II uintui r < Mirr nT Itrpf. i orn , yutnliK * tinniiiil : rjiLl < iiT.f , Mhlrli nrr ill i < l\cil tiiimrvKiMiiilm < MKiiillilii ! | > rihl I't mn Miorr\ . ' lii\nlniMiM > i nil wlm Mf lliin l > n n. Ni rrou , l r I'CM'lliHltloin ' , MiilnrliMM nr ntllctrtl with irrnk kill * ni'r I'l m urlMHTII > \ Her Majesty's Pavorllle CosraeticGlycerlns 1 IM | lit lior lotnl ! lllitlinp > * tlip l'rltior > . of Willow nml tinti"MlllK"r tlio vin , I'umplailou , l.ruv | HOIK riini < | i1ni ! U"tiitliiio , Ml > l. Of il"itf l t . I.irilld HI'S ( ji'iiiilnn Syrup nt Snri | ' rllln , Ii Ctinrnnltu-tl n4thc bo.t ? * Mr ! tiunlti ! In tin * miirkat , NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Pays Best WHEH PHOPERLY DOME. WC AIM TO AND OO CIVI TO ALLCUSTOMCnB , ! LOWEST Pniccs--PnoMpT TRANSACTIONS- * ! JUDICIOUS SCLCCTIONS---CONSPICUOUS POBI < TIOM3"CXPCRICNCCD ASSI8TANCC--UNBI < ADED OPINIONS AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE , AOVCRTKCMCNT * DiMoNto. PRocrs SHOWN AND' CiriMATts or ComT IN > NT NtwarAi > tn , j FunNtAHco TO RtcpoNfttoLC PANTICB J FREE or CHARGE : . ThoH. P. Hubbard Co. , | j Sucecuors t H P. HUCDAKD , j i Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts , ; j EtUbliihcJ 1871. IncoipoiateJ lC3j. j j New Haven , Conn. I jAt"Oun 200 PAQC CATAIOOUC or LtADiNa , ' NcwftpApcns. * " SENT Fncc ON APPLICATION. i > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . .J CHEAP AS A f EEKLY-&H for f.'fiOpprnnniini , po'lnco | > romlil. | lloniltlnpnit- nio ntHiniK , po tnl iinlo. ix.tnl order , or ri'Blnlrrcit letter. ' 11115 ClllCACU .MA1U 11B uth-iiv. , Clilongo. Em ! City Military Instltuter IMrpniMtory lor rnllctto or for liuiinnss. Tor term < ) tc. npiily to WI 1.1,1 AM II. Sl'OWi : I'l-lnclpal , IfiT.'i Cfiiiin'l St. . Now Hiiv uu. I'onn. , nil ! < ; . . ( lonrtliiiiilcincnls wlllii-iich l.oltlp. Hiiro nro in i ml dim. A k .vnur ilnipiUt : ror It. srnt liiuiiy mHlrcsi fur 81.5O. iMALYDOn M'F'O. CO. , SprinnUold , 0. rs. Kuhn it C'o. , A STANDA151) ) MKDICALVOKI \ FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MS OMY Wt IIY niVll. , l > OSTI'Atl . ri.LUbTKATIVi : SAJll' 1'HhU TO AI.I mm THYSELF , Rihaustoil Vitality , Norvousu-irt Plirnlcil Dolillltr I'ronintum Docllnolii Man , Krnir < ci ( Youth , unil the iiutnUI mUorliM r iultliu from lixll croiimi nn < l or- ivisc' . A liook lor avurt limit , yuiinji. inUlilln-iiKOil iiiulolit. It contnln 1 .1 prun-rlptiniiH for all uc-titoumt chronic ill > oii9ca , n ich ono o ( Mlilt-U U laviihmblc. Hi ) found bjr Ilia Hurlior whuiii ( ! Xi rioiiL-j loril yours Ii Mich lu prolmbly never before fell In the lot of nny pliynln'tin ; : ujiauc | , b'liinil hi liomitlr-il French ninv Iln , ciiiUo'HOJcovprn , fill Kilt , u-imriintuiMl tj ha ml in ) . ork In every fen n mnelmnli-il. iluirirynnil : profnv tiioiial thnn any ottiorworK In Ilili ronntrjr for CJ/iO , nr thn iiionpy will ho rofumloJ In cvory IniUuicu. I'rlronnly $1 by inill , po ' | i lil. lllnstratoil nuinplo , UV. Soml now. ( inlit m'oiliilnnuMcil Itio mithor hr pho.National .Mcill , < al Aiwici.itlnn , to tliu Hon. A. I * . Illrxill. iiml a < . of llio boiuJ tliuroudor It ri"ppctrnllrnfi * rrpil. Tlio Srlonpuof Utul nortli morn In tin yount ( nml nilnilla-iik'Kil manor thURiincni-lon th-in nil tlm KOl I inlum ot Cullf.irnU unit tlio pllvcr mlnmoC Navaja omblmul. - O , P. Clmmlclc. The Scloncoof l.ifo pnlnutont tlio roclo anil qillct- fiinils on which thn conMllutlon nml hopot of uuny iiTounKiiiun luvobvunfutnlly wroskud. .M iniiliimsr Mirror. Tlio drlonco of l.lfo 1 of reutor Yitluo than nil tli3 rnuJIc.-il worka publltho I In tlilb country for the past voirAtlHiil" : ( 'institution. The bclcnco u ( Mfo h n auporb nml innstorlf trent * o - > n norvonfl unit physical debility. Detroit Kroa Aclilli'M the 1'onboily Moillenl Institute , or Dr.V. II. 1'nrkur , No. 4Bullnnuli alroiU , lluaum , AI . who miiy bu consultoil ou ull ilosimsos ruiulrlnrf ekin atkl exuarlenro. Chronic unJ okitlii.iiu ill utt8UH tli.1t Imv * l > nlL-l ( HIJ skill or o'.lior phy.'lcl'uis 11 rpn > clnhy. such troulud nuccoiifjlly w tliout uuy la. iluuco of fallnrn Slontlon Uin.ina Voo EW EHGLfiND CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC , Boston , Mass. Till ! l < AHliKh'l' nnil 11KST KgtJIPI'KI ) In tlia WOULD. 1 ) Instruuturit , m'i tuilontil ut yo r. Tlinrnnsili Imlrui.-tloiiH In vonil unit InntrninunUl nm- iliriuiH ) nnd OIKIIII tnnliu. Kino Art- " , Oratory , Mlor- iiluio. Kri'ncli , ( it-nniin unil lUillun IMIIKUML-IU , IHL- llali brnncliDrt. OyinniintlOH , nta'1'nltlon fitnff ) : Imiiril nnd riiiHM with ntvnm hunt nnil < ! loctrkilluhll5tj ? porlcrm. KAhl.'rKHMIiffilmSBiliiiib ( | r.i. mi. Kor llluftnitoilOalonilur.mtli dill liiroriniitliiniulUrai9 , U llr..Ki-.inklluSu. , Itustun. Jlim. umitc" J- A Homo mid Day School for yoiuiji T..U1UM , 1-'H ) | > < ) I18 OCT. 1 DullKlltlUlly 'ItllHttul on ( looivolown IlolKhtB. l.nrjfo i-oii Js. lia- liiiy-i'M nt-i-iiminiiilntlonp. iiih-i i-jAiti.K , imiuiMii HI. . AViiihiimtoii.ix a Jyl'ilixid'tJ HAMBURG -AMERICAS A DIUlJOr LINK I'Olt England , France & Germany. M'lmi i.iiiitinli3 ; | ( jf tills wull knuu'n line uru liulllt/C lion , In wutor-tlKlit conipurtinitnts , and nro runilHliutt wilh ovury roiiilsliu | to ninko ilia IKU-BIIRU Uitli bate and uirruuulilu. 'J'lioy carry the llnitoil Slnti'R nnil Kiirnpi'iiii iiinils.uiul lonva NuwVorkThursdays nml Snturdays tor 1'lv. mnulh , ( I.ONUUNCborbou ) , ( L'AUlel nuU HAM- JlUItO ) . llnturiiliilr , the ttumnom louv-e Iliiinbm-K aa Wt-ilnosilnys unit Huncluyt ) , via. Ilnvro , takluj piufcnmti'rtiit Hoiilhiiinplon nnil lyonilon. I-'irst ciiliia $ VI. ftl. ) anil $75 ; Ktournjfo Jit. Itallroiul tlnliutd from I'lymouth to llrlslol , Ciu illlf. Lonilon. or to nny plnoo In tlio Booth of " ' mil , PltKK. Bloot-nwi ) from Kuropu ouly BonJ for "Tourist ( iiinllc. " o. . iituiiAimico. . Qenorul I'iu c-ii or AROiita. .Now . lI.A York 111 ; WitsliltiKtoii uuil h LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Itiuumljr Unlit. Nowljr KunililiiiJ Tiie Tremont , J. C ! , VlTMKHAtM X HON , Vrojirlfitoi--i. Cor , nil nml J'rUs. , Lincoln , Nub. llitp 11.50 tivrUar , blrvut can troialiuuia M nnr PMtbf tlia city. j. \\MIA\V1CINS , Architect , Oilier * -ai , III un l U. Itlglmnlk Dlook , Lincoln , Noli. Dluviiloroiilltli Miuvt , llrouilcrnl llronlurot GAi.i.uivAir CAni.r. 8110111-Huns'OAT F. M WOODS , Live Stock Auctioneer Hnlui mniu | in tilt pnrli uf tlm U. H. lit fulr nil en. ItnuinU , Blitln Illork , Mnt'oln , " RoUotvay mul Short Horn U. 11. GOHJJ-MNO , Farm Loans anil Insurance , Corroaponili'm-o Ii. rnsriii-'l ID Initui tni > cli iL HOI-HI I , JllulumU 111. : ! : , J.'nuolu , iS < i ! > , XUverside Sliort Horns Of > < li-til | > pnio llnli-fi unil Ill-Ill HIIIUllfl > Hlmllt ' . ' ' ' I'luulilos i-iipri'K'Dlu-l : l''llioiH. | Ciutivt , A. onili ? . ItonlCii , Ito-indf f lini-oiits. Mosul j.-c-i , Knlirlilly DiU'lRSfL's I'lat I r 't a Him/,4 / J-Lirfd , I'lijllibfi , l.umtuii nii'lTiiin ' l.uu- . llulU for HIM , I I'lim n.-ilui 1'illierl. I 1'tiro Unit i < . 'r i.tfH , ) Jto'udC i , I Vouii M.iry. 1 I'liio Oruk : . : tilitniK nil' ) ulncra rnunIIH ! iMsui'dtlli" her I. Addict , OIIAH. M. II1IAN- , bX ( , t.i.iilii ! , Noli. _ t _ Wlioil III r.lnriolti Blop at National Hotel , And rut n xnoil ilunir | 101 .V. J.j . I'BfAUAY JVop