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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1886)
JL HK SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 4. 1886. NUMBER GO. Old Earth Growls and Upheaves Along tha Atlantic Seaboard , MORE TERROR AT CHARLESTON' Prayers f o Up From the People The Qnako Fdt on the I'nclllc Scenes or Denotation. The Horror Rnncatod. STUN , S. C. , Sept. 3 At one min ute to 11 o'clock to-night another tcriitic shock passed over the city. Consteinatlon again prevails. The people camping In the public squares arc singing and praying. A sharp shock ot earthquake was felt just before 11 o'clock to-nieht. Two building fell. A white woman , name unknown , was killed by a falling wall this evening. KIJl.T AI.ONd TltK roASr. WAsiiiNoro.v , Sept. ! l At 11 o'clock to night another shock of earthquake was Ml nil along the southern Atlantic coast. It was not attended by any damage so far as can be learned , but It was strong enough to cause a stampede fiom their Instruments of the telegraph operators In Charleston , Au gusta and Columbia , and perhaps other places. They soon returned , however , and resumed business. The shock was felt from Jacksonville to Washington. It was plainly perceptible in Washington . but not so strongly as on Tuesday night. UAI.MKHI , N. C. , Sept. y. Atlt:01 : ' i-night a well developed shuck of earthquake was felt here. It was preceded by n Tight mm- tiling noise. The oscillation of buildings was maiked on the upper lloors. ArnrsTA , Gn. , Sept. 3. At 10:40 : p. m. another shock was distinctly felt. The stieets are again filled with people. WiMii.Noro.N , N. C. , Sept. 3. Another distinct but not severe caithquako shock was tell heie at 11 p. m. Much alarm was cieatcd , and many people lushed from their houses to the sheets. JACKSONVILLE. Fla. , Sept. S. At 10:03 : o'clock to-night a distinct shock of eaith- quake was felt heie , lasting live seconds. It caused great excitement. itKfovr.niNd rnovi TIIEFIIIST SHOCK. Cn.viti.nsio.N , S. ( ' . . Sept , 3. No one at the Mills house was injured. All guests and other occupants nicsafe , but it is dllllr.nlt to find them , thev being camped somowheio In tlio streets. The people this morning have apparently thrown off their fear and gone to work clearing up the debris and removing dangerous walls. The city shows a scene of gicat activity. Tlie local authorities have their hands full. The piosident has mitliorlrat the secretary ot war to send here a 100 tents , but more than fiat number are needed. It Is reported theie was a severe shock at Summerville this morning , but the report has not been authenticated. Many repiesentatives of leading journals nieheie to wiltoup and photograph the city. The situation is still dcploiable. lindely imiiioviscd tents , constructed principally ot bed clothing , aie seen evcryvvheie. Jew per sons have as jet slept indoors , and houses are descitcd. Thousands have slept witli nothing but the canopy of heaven above them. Altei the paiks and public squares weie filled last night , the Inhabitants sus pended ovcieonts , bed quilts , etc , , fiom lences over sidewalks , and man v en joyed le- pose under open umbrellas stuck in tlie giound. The moio aiistocratlc people camped In thdr own vards. The colored people say they will not return to their homes until at least another iiigtil 's ' passed. Mhoy may be seen Liking their collee and eating drv bread beside the places wheio they slept. On the whole , how ever , it may besald that confidence is return ing and .should theie not he a revlsitallon of the eaithnuake , Charleston will be in her usual bustle of business within twenty-four hours , although inconvenience and delay will be experienced for months to come. 11UADV VOH IHJS1NP.SS. At a joint meeting of the Chaileston ex change and Meichants exchange to-day the followlm. was unanimously adopted : To all Exchanges and Comineiclal Bodies Our banks , \vatchouscs , cotton presses , wharvf.s , railroads , rice mills and everything necessary for handling business , thouuli damaged , are in working older. We tear no fmher ( disturbance. The destruction of jiropeity will cause gicat distiess and Miffer- ing , lint will not Interfere with the despatch ot business. A. W. TOFT , President Charleston Exchange. B. BAI.MANN , President .Merchants Exchange. The joint meeting also adopted resolutions to apply to the president andcongicss fora national loan to aid the citizens of Charles ton In rebuilding the city. This morning's News and Courier prints nn article In which it says Charleston bus bravely commenced the work ot ictriuving her commeicial fortunes. The paper further eays : "Let it not be imagined for a moment that Charleston is .setting In her ashes be wailing the loss of millions. A full con sciousness of the loss is here. It Is under stood fully that far moro than the earnings of twelve months were swept away in less than a minute. But for all this , and because 01 this , Charleston Is only the moie determined to maintain tlio commercial position it has won , and Is fortunately so situated ns to be nblo to deal successfully with every depait- mont of trade and every branch of business. " An appeal is made to the city council tor monetary assistance In the form of an appro- pilatlon , but the Xuws and Courier admen ishes those who extend aid to confine them selves in so doing to people in circumstances or conditions tendering them now unable to help themselves. Very little has been accom plished up to this writing to lollevo the city ot Its nppcaianco of desolation. Wholofronts and sides ot buildings have fallen out , leav ing the furnishing in some Instances intact. A two-storj brick building on Slate sheet presents an Interesting appearance of this description. The lower floor Is used for merchandise nnd the upper Moor Is a residence. The whole front fell out leaving the inteitor exposed to view. Pic tures and mirrors are on tlio walls and chairs remain as tliev vvero left by the flee ing family. Evidently the owner has not gained the coinage to warrant his ictiiin. The most alarming toatuio of the piesent condition of affaire is the shaky condition of the buildings. Nino-tenths of the biick stiueturcs are cracked through and through and threaten to tumble. Cldmncjs that have not actually fallen are badly careened and would fall If touched , A reporter has just made a tour of that portion of the city most ditnstiously damaged and states that the structures damaged are mostly lifty years and mure of age. A single substantial building was seen which had tulleied mateilally fiom the shocks. OA1.I.1NO ON Till' AI.VIIOHTV. It would be simply Impossible to exaggerate or to depict in sulllclently descriptive lan guage the effect ol Tui day nlght'H vi ilatlon on tlie coloied people of Charleston. There never was until within the past few days an oppoitunlty of nollcimr the public exhibi tion of mpcrstltlous fears to the degiee that has existed among all classes of colored people since the tremendous deus shock of Tuesday night. 'Ihoy lied fiom their homes , and as they ran hither and thither through the blinding clouds of iml- veiIzed mortar , which was shaken from the houses and arose again from the streets , they lilled the air \vlth disnml groans of despair nnd lamentations of teriiiicd distress , As usual with them in their funeral devotions the name of Jezus was most frequently used , nnd us If supplicating God face to two they shrieked out in very helplessness and pathos of despair such sentences as : "Do , my master - ter Jesus , havemeicy on mol" "Oh , fevveet Jesus , mel" "Let siivo mo , sa\o 1110 live through this night , dear Ood.D my Saviour ! " "Hold mo up once moie. then blessed Chiist , my mas ter , " and other tearful supplications which Inlcnshied the horror of the situation and went far towaid demoralizing the white people who were also rushing blindly hllhcr and thither. As usual tlie faces of the white men and women lu a time of danger was a slt'ht of sudden joy In the gloom to many a poor wander- IUB coloied boy or girl , who endeavored to stop their while friends as they ran by In the confusion , to tmnpllcitti that tney would remain with them until "Judgment was done. " In many Instance * the trembling girl sauk down ou her Kncca and spl/cd with frantic energy the folds of some white lady's dress , nnd falling toex- liress their terror in wonlsvlth scarcely moving lips , that they wanted onlj metal suppoit of a friend In the hour of distiess and agony. Immediately after the flist sho"k thoic was an exhibition of joy. and voices of congratu lation vvero braid on cverv side , and all min gled with vvoids of thinfvsgivlng to divine piovldcnce. People clung to each oilier like brothers and sisters. In tlie dismal gloom some lady cried out : " ( Jet to the green , cet to the green ! " and almost In a twinkling the colored people made a rush for that haven of safely. It seems as if all Ch.iileslon was already then1. Women hnr- rlcd along , diagging their little charges by their hands in all kinds of night nppniel. tt was only , however , when the oldei classes of coloied people ariived that a characteristic scene took place. Thev lan about In n ciowd with cries of "Down on your facer "Down on your knees , mlsciable .sinner ! " "Pray to ( tod. mvsister , my brotlieil" "Pray ! " "Pray1 ! "Pray1 ! "D'on't I tell you the night has cornel" Prajer mcctln.-s weie organl/.ed and slncing and icreaminswas kept up until dayll.-lin At that time this watchword was passed mound ; "The battle is over , but the soldleis must not rest ! " and this order was cat lied on duiingVedne day and Thnrsdiy nichts. On Thursday night , however , on Mai Ion squaio the sights and scenes hallcddc ! crption. ! The colored people ple weie uniestralned and committed nil manner of i iotons and trended excesses. In a few minutes they were last a lcep. AimtrioxAi. DIIATIIS iiKroiiTno. KLOKKNt'K KiCTOK. : SAUAIKiLOVEIt. MAKVLEE. The total Inss at Siimmorvllle Is "stltnatcd at STOO.OOO. Two slight shocks are reported to-day In Charleston , but they vvero not felt by inanv persons. EAKIIKjL'AKi : IV r.U.iroilVIA. ( Ir.iiM VNTOWV , Cala , , Sept it. Two heavv eaithqtnkc.s , following each other In rapid succession , weie felthere nt midnight llnvss VAI.I.IIY. Cat. , faept , a A shock of earthquake was felt heie ut 1'J o'clock last night. Mr.nrEi ) , Cal. , Sept. 3. A slight earth quake was experienced here last night. Relief For the Sufferers. CincAoo , Sept. 3. Associated press dis patches irom various parts of the country show subscriptions of money for Charleston sufferers aciriegatlng about 315,000 so far. Fiom 'Washington it is announced that Chief Cleik Youmans of the tieasury denaitment , by permission of Acting Secretary Falrchlld , Issued a circular letter to-day informing em ployes thatthe rule piohlbltlng the circula tion of subscription p.ipeis in tbo depart ment would be suspended in the case of the Charleston lelief fund , and heads ot bureaus would be designated to iccelve subscriptions. Seveial pei foi malices will be given in all the Washington theaters and places of amusement for the benefit of the sulfereis. The Queen Expresses Sympathy. WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. The following dis patch was received by cable to-day from Queen Victoria : BAi.Mort\i , , Sept. 3. To the President of the Lulled States : 1 desire to express my profound sympathy with tlie sufleicrs of tl.o late caithqnakes , and await with anxiety fuller intelligence which I hope may show the ellects to have been less severe than re ported. [ Slgaed ] THE QUIIN. : Another Frcnk ol' Nntnro. CHICAOO. Sept. 3. The Times' Oakland , III. , special says : Yesterday citizens of Bavv- drie township , north of the city , weie startled by a noise like the explosion of a steam boiler. On examination it was found to have been caused by an eruption on the farm of Christian Lunkenbach. That gentleman stated to-day that when the noise occuued a cloud of smoke and dust was thrown sixty feet in air , in which vvero bits of materials , stumps of trees , roots and stones , and a deep hole was left in the earth which has not yet been explained. KOfJBEUY. & . JDavcnportor Relieved of $1,5OO in Chicago. CHICAGO , Sept 3. [ Special Telegram to the Bic. : ] The boldest robbery that has taken place in this city for some time was perpetrated hist iiiglit on La Sallo street , near the alley running east and west between Monroe and Adams streets , About 10 o'clock John McGregor , a wealthy stockman , living in Davenport , la. , was stiolling along the " east side of tlie walk , when he noticed" four men walking rapidly towaids him from the rear. They came up with him just as the shadow of the nlley was reached and ho stepped aside to allow them to pass. As ho did so one of the men raised his arm quickly and with some blunt weapon dealt Mcregor a powerful blow on the head , stretching him insensible on the ground. Tlio robbers then cut open his vest pocket , containing 81,609 In money , grabbed the cash and ran away down the alley. McGregor lay on the side walk a few minutes before being noticed. The police took him to the station and cared for him. He Is not hurt badly. McGregor vv as at the stock yards yesterday where he sold two carloads of cattle lor the amount stolen , and had evidently been spotted and tiacked from the place of sate to the point where tlie robbery was committed. The po lice have as yet no cine to tlie robbers , and the piospect of finding them is very dubious. Another 1'ollticnl Mnrin. COLUMHU.S , O. , Sept. 3. [ Special Telegram to the BKI.J : A summons in a civil action against Jno , C. McBilde , democratic candi date for secretary of state , nominated at tlio Toledo convention two weeks ago , for dam ages In the sum of § 10,000 , was served last evening. The complainant in the case Is Edward Enlswander , a well-known young leweler In this city. Tlio plaintiff charges McHrldo with having alienated the affections ot his wife and being criminally Intimate \v 1th her. The case has caused quite a breeze in political circles , and the opinion Is given that McBrnlo will bo toiced from the ticket. An Interview with leading democrats , who nro In the city In gicat numbers attending the meeting of the state central committee , confirms this view. Me Bride denies the charge and says he will push the case to a heating. The Story Disbelieved. WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. In thn absence of official Information on the subject , General Drum , actlns secretary of war , Is Inclined to nisbeliove the reports of a light between the Mexican and our troops who are after Geron- Into , and expiesscs the fervent hope that the report will prove Incorrect. The conditions , bo far as they have been known , render the stoiy Improbable , slneo the utmost cordiality prevails between tbe Mexican government and General Miles and the foi cos have bceiv co-operating quite harmoniously. A dls- pntcti was icccived fiom General Miles this morniiiic mating that ho would start the Warm Spring and Chirlcahua bands cast to day , not to ictura to that reservation , but no mention was made of the capture of Geiou- imo or any conflict with the Mexicans. They Had Ao Fljcht. Tusco.v , ArU. , Sept. . An ofliclal dis patch to the Star says the repoit that Law- ton's forces had a tight with Mexican troops and that Geronimo escaped , Is without foun dation , LAI Kit A dispatch from WUcox also states the report was untrua The "Q'f Takoa the Cake. BOSTON , Sept. 8. Tlio Union Pacitic rail road statement for July Is as follows : ? > ct earnings S'Jil,7-l , a decrease from July , ISM , of S31au , The not earnings of tlm Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad for July shows 51,1GSWan | Increase of S473ors over July , IboO , California Democrats Nominate. SAN FJIANCISCO , Bopt. .S. The democratic state convention to-day completed its ticket. Washington Bartlett , mayor of San Fran cisco , was nominated for governor. M. F. 'J .irpcy , of Alauicda , lieut uaut covcrnor , RIGHT ROYALLY WELCOMED , Prince Alexander's Return Celebrated by a Grand Oration nt Sofia. HIS POSITION WITH THE CZAR. The Ilulgnrlnn Ucfoels nnd Their Treatment Pl.iln Tnlk of OclcK.ito U'llricn to the' Hull Fainily Other I''ornlgn News. The I'rlncp niul the Ozar. COLOONI : , Sept. 3. fN'evv York Herald Cable Special to the HIK. : ] I send you tlie following dispatch icceived by the Cologne Gazette : SOIMA , Sept. 3. ISSfl. Prince Alexander has arrived here. During the night ho u-eelved dispatches containing the advice ot Blsmnrck dissuading him 110:11 : punishing the guilty rebels. The Russian and German consuls have taken no part In tlie ceiemony of recep tion. The exchange of telegrams between the prince and Iho c/ar became known here this morning. The closing announcement of his decision by the prince is by no means to bo icgardcd its linal should U bo found tl-at n backward step taken now would endanger peace. The officers near and devoted to Alexander are openly opposed to anything like retreat from the prince's present position. Against this attitude are those voices In the piess that regard Alexander's position as un tenable. Yet in well Informed circles moro favorable views are held , for example , that thecoriespondenco between the prince and the czar must bo judged In the light of Its total contents. IT euco tlio closing sentence of the pi luce's letter can no more bo regarded as a ical renunciation of the Bulgarian throne than the remark of the czar as to non intervention can be held to mean an uncon ditional promise on the subject. Emphasis is also laid on the fact that the prince's phrase about Hussla having given him the crown isenoneous. The foundation of the Bulgarian state was laid bv the signatory powers and It Is to them , it at all , that the Bnlgaiiaii crown must bo handed back. After waiting in the village nt about eiaht kiloniehcs fiom Solia , Gadban and several other persons of note departed for Solia to cumin- Tim I-UINCE on his arrival. Prince Alexander wore a Bulgarian general's uniform , and with Stam- buloff rode In a carriage that was liter ally covered with llowers. Half a squa dron ot guards escorted the carriage to within two kilometres of Sofia , where the prince , greeted from all sides with loud cheers , mounted his horse. Franz Josef His- desel lode at his side. Tlio troops , consisting of one batalilon of Bulgarians , eight battal ions of Koumcllans , two batteries and two squadrons ot cavalry , drawn up in trent of the city , received him witli tiiumplmnt and resounding hunalis. The prince , riding with Mulkuiolf , Petioir and Papotr , ad- diessed the soldiers in a speech that was enthusiastically cheered. The music began to play , cannons thundered , and the streets of Solia weie densely crowded by the eager and excited populace. The ciowd was thickest in front ot the chamber ot deputies , all tlie consuls , witli the exception of the German and Russian consuls , were stationed to greet the piince. The Uussian consulate alone had no Hag Hying. The Movements in Detail. NISA , Sept 3. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to tlio BKH. ] The following are tlie details of the occurrences in Solia during the past week : Zankoffand Bagdanoll having perceived thiough the news , which arrived from the provinces August 23 , that the revolution elution would meet with no success on ac count of the attitude taken by tlie military nnd the population , the latter repeatedly called upon Karavoloff to take charge of the government. Karavoloff accordingly obeyed the summons and tooK possession of the government August 23. At the same time Major I'apoff , who had been previously arrested , occupied with tlie Alex ander regiment the telegraph and other pub lic buildings.A . A SUIIIOUS SITUATION. The situation Is , novel theless , very serious , as the lebel regiment and an aitlllery corps of twenty-tour cannon , aie likewise occupy ing portions of thccity and are capable ot lev eling Sofia to the ground. Bagdanoff having declared that llussla would make a mili tary advance if lighting should occur In Sofia , Karavaloff , Pauoff and Xlclproff begin to negotiate and declined to occede to Papoll's request for permission to attack the rebels in view of the thieatoncd occupation of the city by Russian troops. The min istry's chief purpose is to avoid the occur rence of bloody encounters. TIII : KIJJAI , HISUI.T ; of thcso negotiations was that the ipbels abandoned their position near Solia on Sat urday and set out unmolested foi Brcsnlk and Pcrnik , wheio they cnticnchcd them selves. On Sunday Mnlkurolf matched into Sofia with Eist KonmcUan troops , and at present there are fronting the icbclsa sufficient number of soldiers to annihilate them. Tin ; rebel chief , StojanolT , is alieady bcglnnliu to parley , and a tinco Is soon to bo expected. When Mulkuroff entered Solia , H.uloslavolt had Already been substituted In place of Karavoloff. MANY AIU'.KSTS MADi : . The first action of Mulkuroff was to cause thennust of 100 Individuals , among them Xankoff , Burmoff. Balabanolf , Banoff , Nlki- narolf , Panoir and Karaveloff. The last three mentioned have already been released from prison , but are still confined In their several places of lesldcnce. These anests , which had taken place with such piomptness , caused Intense excitement , especially that of Karaveloff. He does not appear to bo cullty of the conspiracy against the prince. In deed , It Is not clear on what charge ho had been Imprisoned , and the jus tice of his arrest , theieforo , has been variously commented upon. The piocednie , however , against Clement Bankoff and associates has been approved of. Bulgarian ofllcers of high lank in the army , stale that 6EVF.IIU MEASWIIES MUST HE TAKEN against the ringleaders , rebellious civilians nnd ofl'ieers. That these ha\o not ns yet been binnmarlly dealt with Is duo to the necessity of using tlio at res ted ringleaders as witnesses against others. The ministers of war , Nlkolaoff | and Itadoslavolf , are expected to-day. KING MILAN'S TKI.Ur.UAM. The telegram of King Milan made an ex traordinarily good impression and is calcu lated to obliterate the previous ugly relations between Bulgaila and Servla. The chlval- lous action of Milan was icgaided with au Intense feeling of satisfaction and has caused a declaration on the part of the Bulgarians that they would be willing to resume amicably relations with Servla. The Hungarian deputation , consisting of Count Klcsy and Uattyau , was received amid great joy. I > OIRIIS AT BEIIMN. BKIILIX , Sept. a. M , Do GlPrs , Russian of forclsu affair has arrived hero fliul vv 111 remain two day * . To-dav he vlsltcit Prince Bismarck and was afterwards received In audience by Kmpcror William. LosnoN' , Sept . The Daily News says : "Alexander has been alnhdoned and Iso lated by an agieemeiit of the three cm perors. Nothing could exceed the humility of his letter to the c/ir , which was only equalled In degree by the brutality of the c/ar's answer. " An attempt was nmdc to wreck a train ronvcjlng Alexnuler to Solia. When near PhilllppopolU the engineer dlscoveied an ob struction on the Hack and brought the train tn a standstill. On examination It was found that tlvo sleepers bad been placed across thu rails. The prince , vv lien informed of the at tempt , showed no signs ot fear. A eonlllct between the revolutionists and the followers of Alexander Is feared at bolla. \VKLCOMHI > BACK. The Irish Delegates1 ItccoUlon No Uncertain \Vords Front O'Urlcn. DniLtv , Sept. 4 , 4 a. in. ( New York Herald Cable Special to the Br.n. ] Messrs. O'Brien and lledmond returned to-night and received an ovation. They weio met by a largo number of bands and by crowds carry ing toiches. Speeches were delivered from the windows of the Imperial hotel. O'Brien said they had found thai the heart of the assembly at Chicago pulsated precisely like their own , and that there was XO.NI : MOUI : HKVOTKD TO I'AIIXKLT. , or moie determined to sustain and do noth ing that could discourage or cimVurass hi m In the giant task ha had undertaken and had already half accomplished more than Ire land's sympathizers In Chicago. If England only had Ireland , as she once had her alone to herself , with nobody looking on theie vvero men at the head of affairs to-day mannlkin Cromvvclls and Castlcrcaghs ( Groans ] , ( though Clmichlll was a very di minutive soil of CioimvcJl , indeed ) , men who would settle the Irish difficulty as Ciom- well once settled it They would send over their Sir Kedvers Bullers , would flood the country with their valiant runaways from the Soudan , and. If they had their way , would leave AN ISLAND OK rOHPSlIS and desolation. Thank God thatto-day that kind of thing was gone by. They were deal ing now , not with this small Island , but with the gigantic Iieland across tlie At lantic , nn Ireland where ft British coercion act never runs , and wheio a Biitlsh redcoat never put" his foot except to run. The Irish-Americans were"Vciy extreme inch. He hoped those In Ireland weie just as extreme In resenting and resisting English rule in Ireland. THE riincus AT CHICAGO. The proceedings anu resolutions nt the Chicago convention , werb the best proot that could be given of _ tha ridiculousness of the story that Irish-Americans were setting tliem- selves"up to be ParneJl' inastcrs , or dictators of his policy. They were the first to declare that Parnell and 'the men at homo were those who ihust judge of tlio lines upon which the campaign was to bo worked. They puglit to have heard tlie cheers with which they nt Chicago received Gladstone's name , and seen tlio w.ij" In which Castlereagh , the Hew lord lieutenant , was hissed. Tills was the wliolo of the Irish question In a nntsh.eU. Once satlsly tlie aspirations of tlip Irish heart and the Iiisli nation would be led by a BtE ! on the'othqr.hnttd ) try to drlye theuikby. coercion vVell/ilf lf6'w uld say was , that the cat of nine tails was naveryot twisted that had driven them , or over would drive them. This was the message thai they had brought home to the people of Ireland : < ! o on as they had been going on , give n good account of the Churchills , the Beaches , the , Bullers , and the rest of the bull family , who came over there to govern them against their will. "Go on and I promise you , " said thq speaker in conclusion , "on the part of those civilians In America that they never will spaio their treasure aye or if chance ofTcif , they NEVER WILL SpAKK Tlinill 11LOOD. Goon until the great light is ended In tlie in dependence of our land 'We have troublous times before us. ou have had bad times which have tried your mettle. Well , wo will sing tl.iouxh the cyclone of trouble , and if singing will not do we will fight through it. " Mr. lledmond also spoke , and an immense assemblage paradedhho streets , escoitlng the delegates home. j TOCOSB JOSHUA JORD/VN. A Protestant , Teetotaler Tullts on American 1'uy. LONDON , Sept. 4. [ New York Herald Cable Spwlal to the Bin : . [ When "Big Ben" was booming "midnight" overhead In the house of commons , the Irish debate sprang up , during which , for tlio Hrst time , tlio subject of the charge against Irish members receiving American pay came up directly. Jeremiah Jordan , a protestant teetotaler and tenant farmer and a member forEunsikellen , who both looks and speaks whimsically , during his speech said : Tin ; honorable and gallant member for Noith Armagh , Colonel S.xundcrson , taunted the Iilsh party witli having their oiganizatlon sustained by American gold. Why , gold was the most powerful factor in Kngland ( Laughter ) in ail political struggles , and it was simply because Irish members had got the gold that they were able to light Kngland. with her own Instrument nnd her own tools ( Home inle cheers. ) It was because they had the gold that ho Hist joined the land league. [ Loud laughter , I Ho wart glad to see the house so happy. [ Laiuhter.1 In t'io noith of Ireland , before the establishment of the land league , there were u few scattered tenant-rights associations , which , 'through want of money , were quite In effective to do battle with the host of land lords , bailiffs and aentjj in that paitof the country. But when the hind lea uo was founded their Amerlcun'bretliien sent them gold , and so he tluew lajils lot with the or ganisations , [ much laii.jhter ] which had the means and the poNyoj to do battle with tyranny and the pressure of landlordism. [ Homo rule cheers ] The hnnornblu and gallant contleminj member for North Aimagh oalil : It ! was a dis grace to ba ; ai thn houia at the expense of otlur people. Ho denied that ho was there at the expaasa of other people , but If ho were , he vvoulil ba maintained and supported there , not by foreign money , but by the subscriptions' his brothers and uncles [ lauilitt-rj ln'Aiifrici ) , and ho should bo proud of It , [ Home rule chezrs.l Ho would rather tbo maintained from such a source" than from money wrung by Iilsh landlords from tlio misery , poverty and hate of their poor tenants. ( Homo rule cheering ) . Honorable gentle men In that house were supported by the money of other ponle , and what ho particu larly complained of was that Iilsh landlords , who made their money In Iielmd , did not spend It there , but epyat U lu London , on the continent or In tha Holy Land. ( Liughtcrj , FKEAK. ACIuc.iRO Man' * H.trugRlefor IHsAVlfe ami'Children. . QUEENSTOVVN , Sept , 4 , [ New Tork Her ald Cable Special , to the BEK ] An occur * re n co of tlie most fnunlar cnaracter and of an exceedingly p.iinful nature took place to- ulght about thu stu-im tender , which con veyed the passengers to Queenstovvn fiom ; ho White Star steamer Biittanlca , which md arrived from Now York. Among the sa- oonpnssengeis transferied to the tendervvas n young American lady named Mrs. Abbey Parwell Keiry. She was accompanied jy her four children and a maid , and also by icr lawjor , Mr. George Westover , of Chic ago. These all repaired to the cabin of the tender , and woio just seated when a gentle manly-dressed Individual rushed in and claimed the clillilionns his. Hethcn turned to the lawyer , and having accused him of tun ning away with his wife and children , CAl'OlIT HIM I1Y Tltn TIIUOAT and dashed him to the floor. Mr * . Perry and the children screamed. Meanwhile the law yer had gained his feet and a stiuggle en sued , the lawyer eventually succeeding In overpowering his adversary. A de tective oflicer who was aboaid , with the assistance of others , separated Iho combatants. The gentlennn who at tacked the lawyer excitedly explained that he was Mrs. Kerry's husband , and that they all belonged to Chicago. Ho Had been in Qneens- town for tlie past tew days awaiting the Urlt- lanlca. Liw > er Westover stated that lie called on the lady to see her father who resides in Cannon sheet , London , to liavo a consultation with him , as Mr. Feiryhad abnseil his wife and children. Mis. Kerry declines to have an j thing to say to her husband. On lauding here , the entire paity proceeded to the Queen's hotel , Mr. Westover stating that ho proposed to have tlio case submitted to the American consul in London. The ftritlsh Squadron Coining. OTTAWA , Sept , 3. A dispatch to the effect that six imperial war ships are on tlieir way to Halifax to assist in enforcing the fishery clauses of 1812 Is discredited at the slate and navy department. Such a force for such n purpose. It is said , would bo probably a waste of means. Very likely the British squadron is on its way , as usual at this time of year , to those waters. VAN AVVOIC IN GAGE. Ills EntliiiRinKtlc Kecoptloii Jlowo and Weaver on Hand. BnATinci : , Neb , , Sept , 3. ISpsclal Tele gram to the Br.E. I Senator Van Wyck ad dressed a laige and enthusiastic audience hero this evening on the Issues of the day. The address was listened to with marked at tention , nnd lie voiced the sentiments of the audience with his Ideas on the labor and cap ital and the grasping power of corporations. Judge A. J. Weaver and Church Howe were both hero to-day. Church Is profuse In promises and has tried to mike a tie-up with every man In town who Is a candidate for any state or district ofllcc. It is generally thought that Colby will try to deliver the delegations of this county to the slick- tongucu politician from Ncmaha. and it so , ho will find the goods hard to deliver. Judge Weaver has many stiong friends In this county , who will stand by him to the end. The south p.ut of the county in par ticular will not lorget his work in getting the bill passed for the lOllet of settlers on the Otoe icservations. Iowa IJrifr.ide Organization. MAQUOKIVTA , Iowa , Sept. : J [ Special Tel- grain to the Uii : : . ] The icpresentatlves of the Iowa biigndeol the Httecnth army corps met here to-day and perfected a brigade or ganization , electing Gencial John WilliamSon - Son ; of'Now York city , president for the en- finlilfT'yeanThis biicadc was/oiiiposed of1 the Kouith , Ninth , Twenty-lifth , Twenty- sixth , Thirtieth and Thirty-first Iowa regiments , and with the exception of Crocker's brigade was tne only Iowa bngado composed exclusively of Iowa troops. It Is intended to perfect an organl/ation shall equal in spirit and pride the famous Iron brigade of Wisconsin or the Crocker brigade ot Iowa. At the reunion of veterans of eastern Iowa here to-dav there was also a prize drill be tween the Goveinor's Grays of Dnuiuiiie and Company B of Davenport , which was won by the latter. Display of Priilt. DEsMoiNiis , la. , Sept , 3. [ Special Tcle- giamtotho BIE. ] Tiio fall meeting of the State Horticultural society was held at Ames to-dav. About foi ty prominent horticultur ists of the state were present. The fruits on exhibition , particularly grapes and plums , were pf an unusual line quality , and the piomlse of a good fruit year is excellent Iowa's Champion Pair. DCS MOINES , Sept 3. The state fair opened in this city to-day , with moro entiles than ever before and liner accommodations. U lie new fairgrounds are now in readiness and the exhibit promises to be the lluest ever given In tlio state. Deer-Stalking Democrats. SAUANAC INN , N. Y. , Septs. After an absence of four dajs. President Cleveland and paity rctuincd to Saranac to-night They had a most enjoyable time on the Upper Lakes. Each man had shot bis deer and everybody was exceedingly pleased. To night the mesldent listened with astonish ment and regret to the newspaper accounts of the inln and sutlering at Charleston , which were read to him. Dcad-Ijnuk . .Democrats. MiLWAriiKi : , Sept 3 , Forty-eight ballots weio taken to-day in the Second congres sional distiict convention at Waukesha with out lesult , and the balloting will bo resumed to-moirow. Briggs'distiict , in which there has been a dead-lock at every convention lor years. Four yeais ago 1,700 ballots were taken. A Tjonchomo Appointment. WASHJNGION. Sept.3. [ Special Telegiam to the BKII.J William II. Mong was to-duy appointed postmasteratFletchei , Sac county , Iowa , vice W , A. Itobinson , lemovcd. Tlio Northern I'a i ; I HO'H Kuril ings. Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. ! ) . The official state ment ot the Northern P.icillc lallioad rain- Ings for the month of August Is as follows : Ibbfl , 81,17J.y > ; Ibh5 , SU71.U8S. Care for the Children Children feel Iho debility of the changing seasonscvenmorothan adultsami they l > o- come cross , peevish , and uncontrollable. The blood should bo cleansed and the system tin Igorated by the use of Hood's Barsaparllla. "Last Spring my two children were vaecl- rmted. Boon utter , they broke ull out vv Ith run ning sores , so dreadful I thought I should lese them. Hood's Bnrsaparllla cured them com pletely ; and they have been licaltby ever since. I do feel that Hood's B.irsuiiarlllii caved my children to me , " iliis , 0. L. TUOMFSGX , West Warit'ii , Mass , Purify the Blood - * ' Hood's Bfimparllla is characterized by three peculiarities ; Ut , the couilinallnn of remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion- , the proren of securing the acttvo medicinal qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Bend for book containing acldlttoml evidence. " Hood's SarsurarllU tones up my nyMeir. . . purifies my Mood , bharpcnsmv appetite , and seems to make mi over. " J. r. TUOMVSON , Ucglster of lieeils , Lowell , Mats. " Hood's Birsaparllla beats alt otlitra , and h worth its weight in cold. " I. lUiuunaTON , J30 llauk Bticet , New VorU City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by M druggists. 91 j-elx for (6. Mode only t > y 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Ono..Dollar . . * THE WILD ROAR OF BATTLE , Damp Grant tLo Scone of n Hot Engagement With the Greasers. TWO MEN SHOT IN THE CONTEST. Old Veterans Cntlutsiislristlo Over the I'ovvdor Picture of tlio War No- brnskn'H Now llnilroiuls VntiVyclc Knthnslnsin. Gathered nt Cninp I'lre. GrUNn IMvvn , N'oli. , Sept , 3. [ Sneclal Telegram to tlio UIK. : | 'L'lio most Interesting camp liios of the encampment weio those of last evening. At one stand T. S , Claikson presided , niul addresses wore made by u num ber of comrade. * , Including ( iiMiural Th.i\er , Henry 0. Kusscll , and a rousing speech by Wlleov , the MciiiloU caipunter. Alter slug- Ing "Marching Through Georgia , " Major Clarkson announced that he liailu lot lor to load to tlio encampment , ami thereupon paid a warm tribute to tlio valor , elllcieney anil Rental qualities of .Mr. Brad 1' . Cook. Ho Ihuii read tlio letter , as follows : Joit.V M. , Department Com mander My Dm Sir ami Comimlc : It Is with iccllng of deepest disappointment that 1 inform jon anil all of my comrades In icuii- lon assembled that owing to a return of army disabilities 1 am unable to luiMut for duty. Please assuio the coun.ules that although alisutit on my bed of pain 1 am with them In spirit , and hone each and all mav enjoy u week ot iinallovcil pleasure. May ( Sod bless you all. 1. am youis in F. 0. it L. Btiu > P. COOK. A resolution expulsive of sympathy for Ibis most loyal comiadowas adopted ; also , one by the. Women's Relief Corps tor Mrs. Cook , and they vvcio directed to bo tele graphed at once to Mr. and Mrs. Cook , lies- olutlonsvcio also adopted by the veterans expiesslne the th.inks of tbc cucamiiment to tin ; regular troops for theli attendance and to the reunion committee and cltlrens of Grand Island for the admhable arrangements that liavc made the reunion pleasant and success ful. ful.At At another camp the Paul Vandervort pre sided. A splendid address was given by Sen ator Mandcison who , In las graceful and elo quent way , gave pictures ot camp life , nlirht marches and a vivid description of the battle of Chattanooga. General Morrow also gave a thrilling address , lie bald that this nation liad the grandest government in the world and the grandest soldiers ; that while their achievements on the iMd of battle weio grand , the grandest thing ho could lecuunt for them WHS their nullity to control them selves in peace , and in this camp , vvhein 40.0M people weie assembled , their conduct had been admirable and blameless. Conmess- man Lain ! spoke ot the unity of states , niado so in fact by the results of the The Prisoners of War association held a meeting and elected the following otlicers : President , J. W. Leveriiighouse , ( Stand Island ; secietary and tieaMiici , J. C. Knapp , Meirick. Tlieso ollieei.s vvete instructed to select a third comnido and form an executive committee , and weie dhected to procure a book foi regiatiy and to fiamu a constitution and by-laws. The Wisconsin association selected the fol lowing otliceis this : J. JI. Culver , Milfoul , colonel ; George W. lloneysett , Htir- nett , lieutenant colonel ; John Keith , Xoith Platte , major ; Or. A. J. Wiard , Silver Creel : , Mirgeon : A. W. Patterson , St. Paul , adjutant : L. O. Webtcott , Swanton , quaiter- TnoSter. This Idea of selecting military titles Is more In haimony with tlielrnimy life than that of piesident , etc. Nebraska association olllccrs : Major Tom Majoia , Pom , pii'sldent ; 11. C. McMakeu , Plattsmouth , secietary and treasuicr ; Jmucs I. Shaw , Adams , color beaier. The olllcers weie directed to iiroeuro a book for registry. The State Band association selected the following ofllceis this morning : lrum major , M. L. Homtleton , Wanoo ; president , C. K. Pierce , I'awnco City ; bceietuiy and trcasnicr , J. 8. Dicknmi , Minden ; life major , J. S. McGlosson , Camcion ; musical director , Fml W.relber , llaidy : chaplain , W. W. Webster. Broken Bow. The oillceis were dliected to advertise for bids Irom towns ami cities for inducements for holding a band touinamcnt , at which prizes will be olfored tor most pioiiclent bands. At the bour appointed for the baud contest , one of tlieolliceis of tlie association stated to the Br.K rcpoi ter that the contest had been In definitely postponed because no money hud been raised to otter as a prize. The great event of the day and of the re union , to many , was the sham b.Utlo on the grounds tills afternoon. ( ! reut ciowdscame Hundreds ot miles to witness It , and the spec tators exceeded in numbers by onc-tliiidthoso ot previous days. The battle was planned by ( leneial Moriow , who assigned to the two ar mies the following commanding generals : To the .Mexicans , Colonel Daggett , ot the Second end United States Intantry ; to the Ameri cans , Major Boyle , Twenty-lint JJnited States Infantry. The following hoops were encaged : Second United Slates infantry , Colonel DaggGtt commanding ; Twentv-lirst "United States infantiy , Major W. 11. Uoylo comm.uidhn : ; battery I1' , Second United States aitillerj , Colonel Woodruff ; adelatch- mejit battery , by Captain K. Coibln , ot Grand Island ; tlio Shelton Xouave.s , under com mand of Captain Hedges ; the veteians lopiescntlng the Grand Atmy ot the Hepnb- lie numbered about one thousand men , di vided Into two divisions , one commanded by Colonel Dudley , U. S , A. , the oilier by Major II. C. Itusspll , ol Schn'yler. These veterans vtcro placed on the right and lett of the regu lar troops. The battle , as Gciicinl Moirow explained it to a repot tcr of tlio BKB , was not meant as the lepiesentation ot any luiticiilar battle , "but , " as the general said , -'it is a bat tle that was to have been lought If there had boon n wai between the United States nnd Mexico. " The battle opened with n spirited aitlllery duct between battery F , Second United States aitlllery , on the American side , and a toui-gun b.ittoryon thopaitot the Mexicans. This battciy wau commanded by Captain Uorrance. As dlsehaigo after discharge sounded , and the UIIIOKO tolled In heavy toldsovci UK Held , the scene was so lealistic as to elicit ticmendous chcciing liom the thousands of old holdlcr * who stood on the outsl.Irts of the liold asbpectatois. The next scone In the drama was the npncmancu on the Held of a light battery , heavily Mipj > oiled by infantry. The msh ot this battciy to the center ol the Held , nnd the laiiid manner with which it WHS unlimbcicd and hinnght into notion , excited the crowd of spectators to almost lover bent. But immediately them issued from the oppo- situ side of the Held of battle it large body of Infantry whoso duty it W.IH to capture or silence the audacious battery. AH it moved in double tlmoacioss the held the imnumso airtlenco seemed to hold their bicath as if waiting in expectancy tor a fearful event. When within a tew hundred ymds of the hat- ttiy the Infantry opened mo , nnd then Urn mingled lear of cannon and musketry tilled thoairvvltu a volnmu of sound that was fairly deafening. Atluiutli the bravo battery was forced to limber ui > and ictrcat. followed by the assaulting column. This war the sUiial lor tlio battle , nf which all foimcr movements had bean but the prelude. The lirliu was rapid on the juit of both the aitilleiy mid the Inlantry. The scene was almost too icallHtic for a sham battle. Tlie chaigcs and counter charges , the cheers of the combatants , which found an echo In thochceis litim the thousands of spectators ; tlm dceu tones of Urn cannon , the continuous rattle of thu musketiy , the men falling at cvoiy dlscluige , the smoke rolling In clouds over tlie Held , the gioupi of mounted olliccis , madoa scene which no onn who wltnu-HOil It will evvr t'uivct. The light was hotly contested. Every Inch of thu Held wan maintained by the Mexicans with the utmost btubbouinesi. lint little by little the Mexican line yielded. At times the two armies wuio within fifty yards of each other , and the smoke BO ob'cuied the lidd that the men and hoi sob could bcaicely bo seen. Nothing was heaiu but the roar of the battle. The spectators were literally wild with excitement. Men and women spiang to their feet and cheered and waved their hand kerchiefs. At length the Mexican llijo wai forced back to the veigouf the Hold itnd re treated. This was the end ol such A bene as \\-\J never wltnp ed befoi-o In Nebraska , and which \\illboloin ; remembered bvnll wliossw It. The battle Held \N as u ) > posed to be near a rl\cr and a gunboat was under command ot Hon. W. K. Michaels of ( iiand Island , who made his \cssel do good sen Ire for the Mexi cans during the battle. It was Intended to have a on the ldeof the Amci leans , but the u's cl did not make its nppcatanco In time. It was hoped that the cnracementonld bo fought without accidents but this was not to biWliile the opposing foiros were closely Piictppil , Dr. Scott , of. st. Paul , attempted to order a withdrawal and was shot in the shoulder with a blnitk eartildire at eloso lange. The same shot aKo severely Imtncil aneyoot I ) . It. Hamilton , of Grand Islahd. The i mi li\p : \ * aie se\cre , but It Is hopetl thev will not lesult seriously. While the audience wus still on the grounds battery V gave M drill by sword signal1" . This ovonliu ttie last na\al ongugement on the programme occuired-the liuht between the Monitor and the Meiilmae. A laigo num ber ale bieaking camp to-ninht and getteml faiowclls will occur UHIIOIIOU. Olio of the incidents of last night was a Hood of rain which thoioughlx dienehed tlio camn giounds. lteaubediu < serious incon- \enlonce , howovir. ( Jeneial J. C. Co win \\as olio of tlio urbane visitors on the giounds this morn- Inir. Inir.General General Tha > er says ho would rather lead 10,000 men to battle than to tun u big i million according to a fixed programme. The naval engagement lust evening and tlio binning of the ship CongicHs , as tliu most icallstic ot the naval scones given. New Honda in Nclirnskn. WAIIOO. Xeb. , Sept. a. ( Special to the Bin : . ] Ycsteiday the tiack of the Ficmont , Klkhorn Mlssoiul Valley lallioad wascom- pleteil to Wahoo. The lalls wcio laid across Fifth stiect , the central part of the city , at 6 o'clock this af lei noon. A large number of citizens turned out to witness the work anil gratify their deslio to see the iron hoise enter our city on tins new ralhoad. The work of track laying is going lapidly forwaid and by the 1st of October \\eshall base another direct connection with the cap ital city. Wahoo will now become the sup ply station and the houdipuutcis of thettou men nt work on the road. Tobias Castor Is in the city buying right of way for the B. it M. railroad. Ho says thu B. AM. . will be running trains to Wahoo by November 1. Wahoo will soon be icleased Irom the tyranny ot the Union Paclllc rail road nnd will experience n healthy boom as the lesult of thecompctitlon which will exist Del ween her unions ralhoads. Ain roil 1111 : OMAHA FAiiti'ii.i.n , Neb. , Sept. S. Yesteulay wit nessed a hard-fought battle In Sntton. Lewis , School deck , hone Tree and Fairlield pre cincts of this county over the question of ux- tendlnirald in the form of bonds to the ex tent of ST ( > ,000 , to the Kansas City t Omaha ralhoad , fiom Stromsburg to Hardy. No question has awakened such an Interest among tlie voters of this county since the lamoiis county-seat tight of several jcars ago. A week ago the vote would have been close , with probably baiely enough to carry the bonds , but dining tlie past few days the oppo nents of bonds hae been coming uer to the majoiiiy like allock ot sheep , 'and at the polls the voters of the live precincts named decided hv ovei whelming majontlcsito ex tend the aid asked bv the load. In Kali Held picclnct the vote stood SK > lor bonds and 68 against. This means access in the near fntiiic for us to Omaha and Kansas City maikets. which heietofore wo could only reach by indiicct routes1. nnd Hia Cut tin Deal. FKKMONT , JSeb. , Sept. : ) . [ Special to the BEB. ] Tlie sheriff ol Buffalo county ar rived hero to-day from Chadrou en route to JKcarnoy jwith W. A. McMann. McMann formerly lived in Buffalo comity , where ho was employed by Colonel Hoe in taking care of his cattle , in which lie had asmall interest. While Colonel Hoe was abscyit in California , McMann sold the stock , making titlidavit that lie was the sole owner. Ho took the money and lied to Sioux county , where he has suc ceeded In concealing hfs idciitity up to the present time. Last fall he ran tor sheriff of Davves county. He Is now under Indictment for periury , and will bo put on tiial at tlio December term ot the Buffalo county court. Injured In a. Runaway. LINCOLN , Xeb , Sept. 3. [ Special Tele gram to the Bir..J This evening two parties , named Buttcrlield nnd Emerson , who were in a stale ot intoxication , took to driving a liorso and buggy at a reckless rate of speed up Ninth street The result was a runaway , lu which three buggies were smashed up and Kmerson thrown out and badlv injured. Ho is now nniler the care ot a doctor , while tlio other is In jail waiting a tiial , which will be lively for both of them. Emerson's Injuiios , while serious , are not considered likely to 10- sult talally. _ A Desortlnc Sergeant Naliticd , Loxo PI.VK , Neb. . Scut. 3. [ Special to the UKK. ] Early this marnlng Sergeant Dekln , of the Ninth cavaliy , was caught by Gimoial Brlshln while attempting to desert. Dekiu lelt Fort Xlobrara yesterday moinln ? , ami concealed himself in Valentino until dark , when lie walked lip the ralhoad tinck anil boarded the early morning tiain , concealing himself on the front platform. General Brishln happened to be on board and posted thu braknman , who captured him In the weeds near the Arabia station. Dckm 1ms been sent to Fort Nlobrara , and will bo tried for bis crime. Uiirt County's Treasurer. OAKLAND , Xeb. , Sept. 3. [ Specla I to the Bin : ] Suit has been bi ought In the district court against C. T. Gnllln , county treasmer of Burt county , by David Fleck.of this place , lor 5100 damages lor alleged fees collected by deputy. Ira Thomas , ot this place , who col lected his delinquent Ux this spring. His tax was S.VJO and ho was compelled to pay $0.50 , and without a levy on property being made. .Many others weio served the same way. This has been the custom In this county , an1 a test case will bo made fiom tills one. A .Jail Itrnnlc FtMiHirntcd. Kr.Aiixr.v , Sept. ! ) . [ Special Telegram to thu Bii.J : : Last night an attempt was made by the prisoners In tlio county jail to escape. The plan was to slug the Jailer , Mr. 1) . Wort , take the keys and escape. A prisoner named Welsh requested the jailer to till a lamp fur him. In handing It to Wort , Welsh struck at him , but the jailer avoided the blow nnd struck the pi Isoner with his bunch of keys. Help was summoned and the * men were cowed. It Is learned that a constable in some manner shot at Welsh thiough the grate after the dooi was shut , making a Hush wound In his aim. fiufl'orliit ; For Stolen HwootH. Kii , Neb. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tele- . giam to the BKK.J To-day llieio weio m- lalgncd before Justice McClurg three IIOJH , Vaclur Krlst. LonlsKristiiiidThonms IIolou- beckon the chaigo of cuteiing a partially unloaded car of fioight and stealing thcic- from n pall of candy. The Hint named , aged about 12 , was sentenced to ten days In jail , while this last two , iiged eight and nine ie- bpectlveiy , weio sentenced to the icform ccliool , and will be taken thcio the Hist of the week. For Fort RnliiiiMm'M Improvement. CjiAwKonn , Neb. , bopt. ' ' . [ .Special to the BIK.J : Woid ha * , been received that 820,000 , has been aopropilnted tty the M.cielaiy ot war for beginning Impiou'incntH ut Foit lioblnson. Depot fjeviic Uitfiicil. CAIRO , 111. , Sept. ft The Illinois Central depot aiuUuvuu burned to the giouud this nvenlng , The fuo spread t > o rapidly that there was no II mo to save tlie baggage or tickets. Tlie cause IB supjioscd to be sponta neous combustion. NKW Yoiu ; , Sept. 8. The total number of business falliues during the past suu'ii day * tl.rongl.out tl.u United bUtei r.itd CVuud v\t.s : I'M.