Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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D lfirnl.ii : Edition ) Including Hiimlny
KP , ( Ino Yciir . $100)
Tor 81 * MontlH . o < O
I'orTliroii MuntlH . S fX )
Jlio Omnlm tnlny lli : : , mulled to imy
million , Olio Ycnr. . . 300
rirw IOIIK DUICK , itiioM fH. mini \K iirn.niMi.
WASH I S < jrO\ ( mire , Nil .
Alt cointnunlontiorH rotating to nmlfill-
torlnl nmttor < lioul < l bo tu the Din-
To u 01 tin. lli.f ,
All tm lnc i letters iinilriMiilttancoABhoiilil lie
nililrc-Mud to TIIK llic. : 1'riu.iMiiMi fo i'n ,
( > u MM. Driifl * . ehorM niiil jio tolllco union
to bo inailo payable to tlio onltrof tlio computi ) .
H. HO.SRWATEH. r.iiiTon.
Tlll-j UAIIjV HKK.
Sworn Stntoinent ofClruttliitlon.
Stnto of Xi-brankn , I .
County of Douglas , t " "
( ioo. 11. T/scliuclcsnrrotnryot the Hoc Pub-
llihlnn coinjiatM , iloos solemnly Rwoar that
llio nrttml circulation or tlio Dnllv lice
lor tbe week undliiB AUK. 'J"t i IN * , was ns
follows :
.Saturday. 21st Jnoo ,
hiinday.Jd J'iO ( )
Monday , ' M 1,275
Tttcmlay , Ullli J.fKX )
AVi > ilni mlnv. . Titll 1MO
Thursday.Jill . ! ! ! ,
Kritlny , iiitli . 12.WO
Avcrajrc . 12.57U
( iio. 15. TiKciit'Ch.
Stili < icrlticil and sworn to licfoin 1110 this
Csth ilay of August , IbbO. N. 1' . KKII. ,
( SIAI..I : Notary I'ubllc.
o. . scr , ' . -
mid says tlmt lie Is Berrctnry of tlio lieu
J'ublisliliiL' company , thattliu actual ti\eraic
dally clicnlatlon of the Dally Ilco for the
month of January , IHW , , % vas 10,378 ronles ;
JorKclminry , IWirt , 10Mtt , conies ; for Murch ,
l C , , 11.BJ7 copies : for April , 188rt , 11,101
conies ; tor May , 1SM1 , 12J.T9 copies ; for June ,
IbiO , l'JC < is copies ; for .Inly , l W , 12il : t copies.
( ! io. : 11. I'/.sctuicir.
Subscribed anil sworn to before me , this
Cil ilny of. August , A. D. IbSO.N.
N. 1' . Fnir , .
i. . | Notary I'ubllc.
: liternttiro is now ia
Tun president is still in the woods , So
txro tlio doniocnitio otllco-seokurs.
TIIK erent falmko reached the center
part of lovra. Tlisxt is as near to Oninlia
( is wo want any earthquake to cotuo.
\Vui.v : "the Momlotn carpenter" picked
up the KKK on Wednesday , nt Camp
Grant , ho thought that the earthquake
Imd struck Grand Island.
Mil. GnuoxiMo is very anxious to have
nn interview witli General Miles , but
I about the time that Miles { rets ready for
: i talk with the wily Apache he will bo
? miles away.
AM , tlio heavy political guns arc now
on dress parade nt Grand Island. They
nil love the .soldier about this season of
the year. Tramp , tram ] ) , tramp ! the
bo3's are marching.
GOVEUOU UA.\VIS and his horseless aide-
de-scamp have gonu to Grand Island to
review tlio veterans. Ilis > excellency likes
to smell powder when the enemy is firing
blank cartridges.
"lion : springs eternal in the human
breast. " Fiiraons anil his fellow-anarch
ists arc niirding the belief that the ver
dict against them will bo reversed by the
supreme court of Illinois.
Tin : appearance of yellow fever near
Now Orleans has caused a little scare in
tlmt region , but tlio urccautions that have
been taken -ire deemed ample to pi event
the disease becoming epidemic.
A STKONO petition ought to bo sent to
the signal service bureau to give us fair
weather during exposition week. Let it
rain pitchforks after that if it wants to.
TIIK reply of the czar to the courteous
and conciliatory note of Prince Alexan
der Is not reassuring to the latter.
Neither can it bo regarded by Europe as
containing a promise of continued peace.
A iuAi : > : paper in these parts
fools very jubilant over the fact that it
has a libel suit on its hands. If the dam
ages arc governed by circulation the
jury will probably award the plaintiff thu
price of one copy three cents.
UNi > orim'i : > iY tlio proper thing for tlio
adminisration to do is to recall all the
present representatives of the United
States in Mexico who have had any con
nection with the Cutting controversy.
No one of them can hereafter have the
confidence of either country.
THE first actual wci/.uroof nn American
Hailing vossjl in Canadian waters oc-
ctirreil , Wednesday. The offending fisher
man is charged with having invaded the
thrce-milo limit. The editors 'of New
England may now resume their favorite
Tin : Omaha Sunday lit ! : : is proving a
popular favorite among newspaper lead-
era , Neither expense nor labor is being
spared to make it the equal of the best
Sunday papers in the country. Its circu
lation la very nearly 1,000. ! ) It will be
seen , therefore , that it is the best adver
tising medium between Chicago and San
IT is conceded that all previous earth
quake records were beaten by that of
Tuesday night , so far as the extent of tor-
i-ritory prevailed by the Holsmio wnva is
concerned. The latest dispatches show
tlio region nfl'ectod to have boon greater
than at llr&t reported , Miooks having been
felt as far south ns liartow , Florida , and
as far northwest as Sioux City , Iowa.
Tin : hostility of the Chlnosa to Chris
tian teaching and inlluonco is periodi
cally manifested in such outbreaks ns
Unit reported to hnro recently occurred
in the province of S/ehurn , In the west
ern portion of China , which resulted in
the massacre of a number of Christians
and the destruction of their property.
The latest persecution is attributed to the
Imprudence of Kngllsh and American
missionaries , Tim record of terrible sac
rifices inado for tlio cause of Christianity
in the Chinese empire , running through
twelve centuries , makes a frightful ac
count of cost when the result has been
the conversion of perhaps less than
1,000,000 natives out of the vnst popula
tion of nearly six hundred millions.
Missionary effort in China is not only
very unpromising work , but extremely
dangerous ,
Much Ado About Nothing.
Senator Van Wyck lias been in public
llfp over thirty years in various position
of honor nnd trust He has served in the
nntionnl legislature nearly fourteen year * ,
nnd in tlio Nebraska stnte legislature-
terms , and was one of tlic f rumors of om
state constitution. H" nrved mthe lowei of congress during the most evil
ing period of our liNtory before : ntl tltir
ing tlio civil war. He wits a nioinber of
the Nebraska state senate during a period
Alien jobbery was rampant , and reckless
loss drafts upon the taxpayers were
regarded as the lejrttimute pay
of partisans and spoils-litintur < His record
in UHJ United States senate is an opeti
book. His carror as a gallant soldier is a
part of tin- luxury of tliu war. His per
sonal enemies and the minioimof monopoly
ely have ransacked all the records in
congress , in the legislaturennd lu the
war department for campaign ammniil-
ion. Thuy liave invaded the privacy
if his hoitscliold , inquired into bis bank
ccounN , nosed around the mortgage
coords nnd taken an inventory of his
arses , carriages , silver plate and other
Valuables. After all this search thev
mvo made but one discovery which
hey deem fatal to Van Wyck's aspiration
'or ' a second term They have actually
iscovercd tlmt Van Wyck commanded a
'cgimct ' t in the army and was actually a
number of congress at the sanio time
I'his discovery in positively shocking.
These bravo iintriots who have neither
.ecu . .service in the arm y nor over been
iVitliin a thousand miles of a battle , and
urc not likely ever to represent tliu people
ple in any capacity , are highly indignant
over Van Wjok's awful crime. They
ruftiso to eondono it oven twenty-
jtie years after the war. They insist
hat Van Wyck must have drawn
double pay for a few months as n colonel
.mil a member of congress , because , for
sooth , iio has not so n lit to deny it. They
ivork themselves up into a towering pas
sion over this monstrous exhibition of
lishoncsty. Why should not the people
of Nebraska rise in all their majesty to
ehuko Van Wyck ?
One of the inspired idiots Who is now
ccklossly slinging blacUgtiard ink at
'toncral Van \Vyck \ in the editorial col-
inins of the Omaha Jlcpublican takes us
.o task in the following fashion :
The BKI : mentions Senator SprnRiin , ( Jen-
; ral Uarlield and Ainnsa Cobb. ol Wiscon
sin , ns parallel cnses to that of Van Wvok's ,
and "has little doubt" that they drew double
lay also. Of ( iencral Uarliuld 1t Is known
hat when lie wa- > circled to COIIRICSS ho le-
slencd fioiu the army , nnd therefore could
lot diaw double pay , and \\hctlier Spugitu
or Cobb did or did not , does not concern us
n this slate. They are not candidates toi
the senate from Xebr.iskn.
It makes no Uiflorence to the mud
slinger of tlio Jlcpnbiicmi that other
prominent men served in the army and
in congress at the same time. They
were , of course , carried on the pay-roll
of tlio army until mustered out , while
congressional salaries were running by
the year , and not by the month or ses
sion. The commodious donkey of the
Jlcpnblican actually declares that this
fact doesn't concern us in thi.s state be
cause neither Spiague nor Cobb is a can
didate in Nebraska. Wo cheerfully
admit thai ox-Governor Spragueof Uliodo
Island' is not a candidate for United
States senator from Nebraska , but Amnsn
Cobb , \Vi-consin \ , is a candidate for
Van Wyck's senatorial brogans. Cobb is
not only a candidate but tho'mosl promi
nent candidate next to Van Wyck. For
further particulars inquire of Manager
Iloldrcgo , ot the B. & M. railroad , in
Omaha , and T. M. Marquctte , general
solicitor of the same corporation at Lin
To the intelligent masses this grave
charge against Van Wyck is a most con
temptible and ridiculous piece of dema
gogy. It only shows to what straits
Van Wyek's opponents are driven in
their desperate anxiety to besmirch him.
Why don't they produce something from
his record in congress , or in the state
legislature , which will show him to bo
dishonest , disreputable , incompetent , or
negligent of the material welfare of the
people. They cannot do it. Having
nothing serious to chanro him with , they
arc making much ado about nothing.
Hunting Down it Spoilsman.
When Mr. Clovel.ind returns from his
vacation , it is to bo hoped in improved
health and replenished energy , ho will
have no difliettlty in finding mallei's of
importance to occupy his time and atten
tion , lie will doubtless feel called upon
to have some serious talks with his scoreJ
tary of stnte , who has not accomplished
since the president's absence anything
that will redound to the glory of the ad
ministration , and ho may think it advisa
ble to talk over with his acting hoorctary of
the treasury tlio wisdom of his nuw ex
pedient for reducing the public debt by
inviting bondholders to bond in bonds
for redemption. Among the many mat
ters to which the executive attention
will bo asked , charges affecting Iho olli-
cial condmt of the chief spoilsman un
der the administration , Pension Com
missioner IHaok , having reference to
gross violations of the civil service law ,
will not bo Ihe least interesting to the
country , if not to the president , for the
reason that they will at least inciden
tally , bo it is said , illustrate in what abso
lute contempt the civil service laws are
hold by various branches of tlio reform
Tlio president is not wholly Ignorant of
the course that was pursued by General
lilack , during the llrst months of his ad
ministration of the pension bureau , in
disregarding the olyil sorvlco laws. The
matter was freely talucd of by the press ,
was informally presented to the attention
of Mr. Cleveland by Mr , Katon when ho
was a member of the civil sorvlco com
mission , and was virtually confessed by
lilnok before the senate committee of in
quiry. Indeed , so clearly was it shown
that this ollioinl had recklessly disre
garded tlio law , evidently from strong
partisan feeling , that it seemed thai the
president must inevitably remove him
or abandon his professions of reform in
this direction. Hut Mr. Cleveland was
content with administering some disci
pllnary counsel , and lilack remains in
The restatement of the case will como
from ex-Commissionor Katon , who ap
pears to be moved thereto by the desire
to vindicate himself and his follow-com
missioners. The necessity for this effort
nt vindication grows out of the circtim
stance of the present chief commissioner ,
Oberly who it may be remarked
is exhibiting a degree of /.on1
in his work that may exhaust It bofor.
Ihe term of the administration expires
having publicly laid the blame of Gen
ofnl < Hlnck's violations of the civil service
, laws l nt the door of Mr. Eaton for having
, failed ) to make the proper investigations ,
and In n regular and formal way pre
sented the facts to the president. Al
though the expectation is said to bo en-
teitamcd in fromo quarters that the re
newal of specific charges against Hlark
will compel an in\obligation by the presi
dent , there is very little probability of
any such result. There tire obvious rea-
< > ons why Mr. Cleveland would not do-
sinto emphasise the fact that ho is re
taining i in otllco n man who holds a car
dinal ( feature of his reform policy in con
tempt i , and is only acting agreeably with
it 1 now under constraint. The matter Is
of interest , however , as a somewhat con
spicuous illustration of the fact that the
profession and practice of the ndminis-
Iration arc not always In harmony , and
with other facts may be
seivicetible two years hence.
Tito TronHitry I'ollt'.v.
The policy of the treasury department
tinder the present ndministratldn has
been characteri/cd by .some curious
methods anil depai lures. The controll
ing motive of the now hands placed in
charge seemed to have been to got as iar
as possible away from the system upon
which lor twenly-fotir years the treasury
had been most successfully conducted by
republican administrations. Even the
old method of book-keeping was not sat
isfactory and a change was made in the
way of keeping accounts. In further
pursuance of iho new ' 'reform" dispen
sation the old-fashioned term of the
monthly debt statement , with wliieh the
people had become familiar and perfectly
understood , was abandoned and a new
form took its place whicli nobody com
prehended , and which by really mHrop-
resettling the actual condition of the
Irensury confused or misled the public.
Then , although the democracy had boon
vigotoiisly declaiming against a surplus
in the treasury as u temptation to extrav
agance in the government , and denoun
cing the republican tiarty for allowing
great balances to accumulate in the
treasury the surplus when the demo
crats went into power was in round num
bers only $20,000,000 the new treasury
ollii'ials set to work to build up the .sur
plus , and in ten months had increased it
to $80,000,000 , , at the end of which time
llicy ventured to make a call for bonds.
Thereafter calls wore made which up to
last July aggregated $ ril,000,0)0 ) ( ) , but
without impairing the ttoasury balance
which a year Deforo they had protessed
to regard as pregnant with danger.
Jt impossible to say how much
longer the process of accumulation
would have gone on had not the hoard
ing mania of Mr. Manning been dis
turbed by the Alornsott resolution. The
requirements of that measure , modified
by the senate , did not pass into law by
reason ot the "pocket veto" of the presi
dent , but the facttiiat it unmistakably
voiced the sentiment ot a majority of
congress and of the people had the de-
.sired effect , and calls for bonds came
promptly. This action was not only a
surrender of the treasury , but in its re
sults , which have had none of the ill
otfects predicted by'those who opposed
such aetion , has vindicated the wis
dom of tlio popular judgment. It
appears , however , that now tlio treasury
has encountered another obstruction , and
it leaves the regular course to try an ex
periment. The last call for bonds is sim
ply an invitation to holders to send them
in for redemption at any time before the
middle of September. The explanation
by the acting secretary of this course is
that ho thinks the banking system is un
favorably affected by the forced calls.
The banks have quite 75 per cent of the
three per cent bonds not called on deposit
in tlio' treasury to secure circulation , so
that when a call is made it falls to the ex
tent of about three-fourths on the bonds
of Iho banks. These institutions do not
desire to surrender their bonds , and some
of them have not done so , although inter
est lias ceased. Such banks make the
point that having complied with the law
in depositing interesl-bcarins securities
as a basis of circulation , it in a matter of
no concern to them that , by no act of
theirs , these securities have ceased to be
interest-bearing , and they maintain that
the government cannot deprive them ot
n circulation which was obtained on the
basis of a lawtul deposit. Some sticli
complication as this was apprehended
at some stage in the pro
cess of redeeming the bonds , but
J obviously the attitude of the banks in as
suming that called Lends upon which in
terest has ceased are still good as security
is not tenable. However , the experiment
of the treasury in inviting the surrender
of bonds for redemption may under the
circumstances not be ill-advised ,
though the probability of the result
being satisfactory is not very great. It
is verv certain that there will bo no re
sponse from the banks , and there doesn't
appear to bo any good reason why other
holders should bo expected to voluntarily
give up these securities. The result will
bo awaited with a good deal of interest.
WHILE the Omaha exposition will
doubtless surpass any previous effort of
this kind west of Chicago , it is to bo
hoped that those of our wealthy citizen , *
who possess works of art will put them
on exhibition. There is literally no risk
in so doing. Every possible precaution
has been taken to guard the exhibits in
the art department against accident and
trespass. Lot Omaha show for
once that she is not only enter
prising nnd progressive , but has
already acquired culture nnd re
fmenient equal in many respects to the
old cities of the oast. In Cincinnati , Chi
ongo , Cleveland and other cities men of
wealth and taste have time and ugait
shown tholr nubile spirit by freely putting
on exhibition costly paintings , statuary
and other works of art. In most of these
cities Iho exposition buildings are m
safer nnd uro not belter guarded that
that of the Omaha exposition. Mr. ( >
W. LiniHirer has set an example worthy
of emulation. Ho has placed his onllro
collection of paintings and bric-a-bra
upon exhibition. The KounUos , tlu
Woolworths , the Dowoys , the Reeds , Pop
pletons , Hamges anil other lending citi
/.Otis who have art treasures at thoi
homes , should not hesitate to give the
people an opportunity to view and ad
mire Ilium ,
Ir is said that Lord Sal'sbury ' devote :
ulnioat us much of his time to expori
uu-nts in electricity , in connection witl
its application to agricultural implo
ni'iits , us ho docs to the great questions
gi'foro the nation. Last Saturday wn
Homily field day in Iho electrical depart-
nent. A field of bltrlejy was to bo < ! ut ,
bound , varied , thn/shr'd. ' etc. , by eloc-
rioify. The apparatus for doing the
nttlng was not in proper trim , so that
> art of Iho programme was omitted. The
hresliing , however1 , win aeeomplNiod
itooo sfully. The wirii conveying the
Mirront was a mile nnd a half lotii' , and
ho experiment , which was deemed n
great success by those who witnessed it ,
) as > cd off without a hitoh. The appli
uncos saved a long 'distnnoo of callage
nnd n great deal of labor. At the conclu
sion Lord Salisbury was ns much do-
ightcd as though he had hoodwinked the
TIIUIII : will bo an interesting ns < som-
) lngo in Philadelphia on the 17th of the
iroM-nt month , when the governors of
ho colonial .stairs meet to arrange for
he celebration of tinlo.Hb anniversary
: > f the adoption of the constitution of the
United States , which occurs on the 17th
of September of next year. The givlher-
ng is In ivsponse to a resolution passed
by the Now Jersey legislature in June.
t is probable that all the states in the
Union will be asked to co-operate in the
celebration , one feature of which will bo
ii grand military parade with a roproson-
alive regiment from each slate.
Hosiery mills ate siuiiiflni : up on the
'ncillo coast.
September ( I Is the date of the labor holiday
n Italtliuote , Md.
The cotton iiinuulacttireis of Caiiudnlnnc
lulvancod prices . " > to 10 nor cent.
Auoodiiiaiiv Xew r.ntrhmloolenfac -
orles ate limning nlulit and day.
Nearly all of the Iticlimoud delegates ha\c
icon Instt noted loote for 1'owderly.
On .Sunday , September 1'- , them will be a
: iatid labor dcmoiistutiou nt Indianapolis ,
P.UIi'ison mauuf.ictiiieis ate latccly dp-
creaslneiuoductloii at mills ami shops. Sev
eral hundred silk opoiators ate out.
More new building is going on at this tlmo
n New England than at any tormer period.
Much money is being expended In oxpetisho
The uiiikmcn of S.iu Kraiicisco pave Clans
SpiccUlcs the option ot dNvlinuiIng thlitj-
sl.x Chinamen on one ot his sixty ships or
"lavluir the vessel > all tied up.
Tim liicieashu demand for labnrwlll not
ieult in liesh stiikcs at this time , except for
Ihe puiposc of evening up i.ttes of wnws be
tween woikinen ih diilricnt places tor the
sanm kind of woik.
Thso\eminent ( of A'hsrlnla perotiiptqrll.v
otdeicd the letuin of convicts to piNon
whom the Atlitutk' V D.mvllle liallioail com-
liany Iceiit at woil ; londini ; tiieir vessels lor
loieiiii jioils.
Henry Ccnigp , nftei h.ivitij ; told flic miners
low miioi.iblo they are. is ; now frolni ; to lee-
tiuo thioii liout the iialliiiicitc coil tc'gloii on
laboi. Tlio miners \\jll llgek to him. What
thcvoulil i.ither iiciti about Instead of land
anil tnilll letonn Is hbto get one dollm's
woith of cioccrles lorn dollar. Thej' seldom
get neaier than uo cents' \ < oith.
The attempt to advanro'the ' into of open-
air labor In the hoiltlirin' ' j-tates , to equali/e
it with piiccs noith , will not be easy , becntiiti
thuieaic t\\ehc moiniis' Kvoik in thCMitith
and only six or seven nipuths' labor here.
ISeslde-t , but little nit'iit Is used ; cheap fiull
and vegetables lot in , the chiet u.utot sub
sistence : lents nnd the , coit ol liviupr aio
loner , and hence w.iL'CS uijiift lemniu lower.
A. Boston minor is hiilldlng a ics r\oir in
the Chihuahua t.iiuhi ! ; district to rim the
mines in dry weather. Theie tun several
mining legions \\hejc there mo lon dry
spells uhieh can bo avoided uy similar meas-
utos. Two piofc.ssorshiixo t last been lottnd
vtho di'cineicd soinethlng. They ha\d dis-
coveiod that in tluee mliuh in JJia/.ll theio
aio SiriUoO,000 ( ) woitli ofinnnlncdeold which
( Yminicaii cntcrpilso will help dc\elop.
Organized labor is RIIILJ | 111010 than usual
attention to co-opeiati\o suliciai's. ( Jinle a
number htaitud dinlmr tlio past Iwo > eirs
nro holding out well. Years ago tlio iiicen-
tivo hi entering them was to get lich fast.
Much lellaiice was hail on the manic ot the
\\oik "co-operation , " but llltlo attention was
c'von ' to the joints of the business , where
lubricants aie necessary and \\heio breaks
mo liable to occur. 1'roductloii was blind.
Tlieie wen ; no biains to contiol nnd ( Ilieot
and demand. In hlioit , ovcrjthing was lax- ,
and failmes came. .Vow men see cleaier ;
yet tlio ireim of failuie is within most of tlio
present eltotts.
An Impcndl'iKClinn o In tlic FnNlilon.
Pi'cw TorStar. / .
Tiouseis will be wont a little longer this
autumn it the " 0,000 cutters go out on sttlkc.
( sorrow In Kentucky.
Kcw Ymli , Trllittic.
The news that Colonel lle'iiy Wattornon is
dilnkim : the waters of Baden-linden sends a
cola bhuitiler down the back of oveiy other
colonel In Kentucky.
AVIiat Tlio Farmers AVnnt.
Chicago 1 Irani.
"What the Knrmcis \ \ mil , " is the title of
nn aitich ) In n IcniHim Now Voile paper , and
it Is made to embiace everything lioiii n
steam pump in the kitchen to an elevated
lalhnad In the back yaid. This Is pethaps an
eastcin demand. What wcstetn faimcis
wanl is & 1 a bushel for wlual and CO cents
lor coin. ( ! lve these and they \\illwnitfor
pumps ami ralhoads.
Mixed JMcinorlcH.
J.ontlon .S'ucfdi/ .
A withered flower , worn jear.s ago ,
Dry-brown anil broaklnu at a toiictt
( I might to valuu It , I knov ,
Hut , then , 1 have so many such I )
Dear memoiy of days divine ,
When I washers nnd she \\as mine.
Poor llower , do you remenbor now
The summer meadows ami tlio him ,
The great leaves on the dmeing hough ,
The quiet \\onU wlitm day was done ,
The hour you lay ( O blessed llower ! )
Held In her hand one long , sweet hour. '
Stop , thoiiirh ! I don't remember quite
\ \ hlch girl it was that ga\e II me
1 can't bo sine U was thai mghl ,
It ini'-'ht liuvo been--now. let me see-
It was tlmt glil i metlllht lime
At .Mrs. Jones' nttciifoon !
We w out to get some/ / claret cup
( Of course , loimd It'iiu'ls ' much too hot ) ,
And then no , Mnr I'vd mixed Ilium up
U was her slstei 1 No , 'twns null
lean lemember so-Jicttges ) ) ,
The llames may havq my pii'eluus 1
N'olirnHlcpj .Jottings.
Hastings is negotiating ( or u barb wire
Deals In lots in leatnoo last week
amounted to $75,000. ,
Paplllionltoa have 'kibWibud ' ono half
of the $0,000 , bonus required to sueuro a
creamery there.
Six gangs of graders are oampnd on
trn new line of the Missouri Paeillo be
tween Weeping Water and Nebraska
Another largo track of the Omaha In
dian reservation lauds ( tear llauoroll ,
Nob. , will be offered , lor bale Sept. 0 , at
Hov. Joseph II. Todd , of tlio Klglilh
street M. K. church , Nebraska City , hnti
resigned lo accept a "flattering olfor"
mid n wider Held in Kansas City. ;
H. W. Crosblund , of Wayne , whlhi nt
work on the roof of his house one day
last week , slipped and fell lo the ground ,
receiving very severe though not dan
gerous wottndu ,
Van Wyck clubs nro being organmed
in every precinet in Harpy- county , In ad
dition to a county contrul club , Seven-
tenths of the voters nro In favor of the
"grand old mnh. "
Potatoes grow fo fn t iu Dawcs county
that girls are afraid \entureotttof
< toors after dark. It Is no' vi uncommon
thing up there to ee murphies up
there wearing sj > eetnple <
The incipient earthquake felt nt Da
kota City lns | Tuesday was not a I nof
the Charleston shake It was caused by
the lOOth chapter of 1'r. Mailiif.s novelette -
etto falling oil the copy hook.
Nebraska Cit > boasts that her harvest
of hogs Hie coming sea on will placu her
fotirtli , if not third. In the list of slaugh
tering cities , while her distillery has
closed a ontrnct to demolish the whisky
pool. Nothing is too good or great for
Otoo metropolis in the iawlme.
A KPVU Palm woman , whoso husband
was called east on business not wishing
the team and plow to remain idle went
lo work in the held and broke twenty-live
ncre.s of prairie land. He-sides this she
took cnre of two children and did the
chores nhoul 'ho ' place. There's a fortune
in a woman like her.
The wife of .John Andrews , of Plntls-
mouth , found life with a commercial
drummer a lonesome and dreary one. so
she eloped with John Coy , who ngiced to
stay around home and attend to his do
mestic duties. Andrews lotind his furni
ture auctioned oil'and a number of store
bills to pav , while his ex-wife is cojly
ncsthidiiiy ; with 'tother fellow in Bulling-
ton , la.
Io\vn It cum ,
Mrs. ( ! eorgo Cook , of Tipton , cooked
herself with rat poison Monday.
Sioux' City's conservatory of musio and
art school was formally oucncd Tuesday
A DCS Moines business man has brought
suit against the keener of a gambling
house to tccovcrifliO lost at faro.
The fourteenth annual exhibition ot
the Pioneer agricultural society will be
held nt Sibloy , September 7 , 8 and II ,
The tax levy in Sioux City for munici
pal purposes Is 2. ) } mills. J'ho assessed
valuation of city property is$3l > .2llll. )
Des Moines is cleaning up and will put
on a new bib anil tucker to receive vis
itors next week. A large crowd is ex
pected to attend tlio fair.
They have a now name for genuine
Milwaiiko beer at SaeCitv. It is said to bo I
very amusing to see an old with a
nose lilo an orc-ido breastpin and a
stomach like the swell to a lamp shade ,
put on a six by eight smile and call for
a maiden's blush , and get it , too ,
Sioux City was touched by the earth
quake Tuesday night. An incipient
panic inapublic hall iiinolo-l b y the
presiding ollicer , who boldly nnnoiinccd
that the 'tremor' ' was eau ed by a loaded
schoono' ' mailing over the bar in the bnso-
ment. The audience survived.
There is blood m iho doorsill of the
Des Moinus Lender olllce. The gentle
manly Sullivan who slugs the local sec
tion of the paper invites this "brainless
idiot and sniveling pup" who made an
indecent exhibition in a lumberyard to
call at any hour if lie "desires to be
kicked into an unenviable notoriety. "
"There arc some specimoi.N of deformed
humanity , " continues Sullivan junior ,
" \ \ ho cannot be handled without a skunk-
like odor clinging to the garments of the
oastigator , hence though an opportunity
to chastise Iho whelp in question is not
courted , neither will it bo declined.1'
Stand OH" and give him a chance to
The Iron Hill mine turned out 20,810.97
ounces of bullion during Atijriist.
About 2. > 0 car loads of stock passed
through Bismarck last week on their way
Hudson is the nnmo of the now town
at the northern terminus of the Chicago
& Northwestern1 ! * Columbia extension.
The telegraph line from Choyomio to
Deadwoi d was abandoned hist Saturday.
This was the only means of rapid com
munication possessed by the hills coun
try lor years.
Stella Lorall Huron
, a eleven-year-old
girl was severely burned by a gasoline
Glaxo recently. She attempted to mix
burning "cat tails" nnd gasoline. They
mi.xcd"and she will bear evidence of the
fact ns long as she lives. .
There is to be a baby show at the com
ing fair at Volga. Tlio Bachelors' club
of that place o flora two valuable prizes
for the handsomest baby under one year
of age , anil also one. prize for the homeli
est baby. The judjrcs will bo chosen
from among the bachelors subscribing to
the prizes.
The foundation of the university build
ing at Laramie is finished.
T ! o concentrating works of the Adams
minintr company , at Silver Crown , are
completed and cost ? oO,000. They are the
Jinest in the territory.
The Hecman k Cnshiii Mercantile com
pany , capital S'.01,000 , headquarters at
Kvanston , has been incorporated. The
trustees are Newell Heemnn , Joseph K.
Cnfhln , Kdwurd J. Lmvis and Orlando
North , ot ICvanston , and Warden P No-
ble.s , of Salt Lake.
A romantic inarringn was perpetrated
in Unwlins last week. 11. ( ! . Myers , a
prosperous but lonesome cattleman , in
serted a throe-bit "ad.1' lor a wife. Mrs ,
Alice Nicolai , of Cincinnati , responded ,
stating that while she was a widow in re-
spcctublo circumstances who couldn't tell
a maverick fioin a chinook , she had
already outlived ono husband and
was willing to tackle another , and that
to marry n cattle king had beim the am
bition of her life ; that it was just too
nice for anything , in fact could only be
equaled by an elopement with a South
Sun pirate , The mails wuro loaded with
lottcr.s and the males and femnles re
mained in a stale of anxious suspense.
The climax- was reached last Thursday.
Tim Ohio widow with a small family at
tached arrived , and Myers was promptly
"buckled on. " The bridegroom , with a
Had and woo begone grin , teen appeared
at the hotel bar and plimd lor 'mercy
thus "Hojn , jou may not believe it , but
I didn't ' Know 1 was closing a contract
for a ready-made family. 1'or bix.
months that widow has been pulling on
my lioiiit strings like a two-year-old on n
brandlng-posl , and nil the time I thought
hho was liable to ( Iio of lonceoinonoss , but
i orhaps its for the bust after nil. I Know
slut's n good woman and just the ono I've
been looking for. Don't say another
word bojs , let's ' take a drink. "
Kliorlliaiiil .Jiililloo.
1'lllMtlH llftlM.
It is proposed In England that the jubi
lee of phonography and the tercentenary
of bliortliiusd , ns distinguished from
phonography , should bo held toward the
nlobo of this autumn. KuglUi shorthand ,
so tnr as is known , dates irom 1KJ7 , when
a vuiiurahlo Individual known as Timothy
lirighl , mudiual doutor of Cambiidgo
unUcrrilty , and holder of soyural excel
' Ihings , published what
ing , " which publication is now to IK
found among tliu niolimn of iliti cole
hratod Bodleian library of Oxford There
urn computed to bu about nineteen him
iliedaullioritieson shorthand in o.xUlcnco
and 1,01 , JO works on orytogranis , but.
although Rich , Byron , ( iiirnoy , Odoll
and Taylor elaborated very excollot't
hyMcjnib of shorthand in Kngland , it was
reserved for Ibaao Pitman , of Bath , now
a veteran nnd by many regarded ; w n
phonographic crank , to lasuu in l3 l > ? the
most purfc.ct &eientilio principle of
plionogrnphlu shorthand writing ever
given lo thu world. Pitman dis
carded the UBO of moro arbitrary signs
for the representation of human sounds ,
nild invented a system by which nil
sounds should bo represented by n sysle-
inalic , If notscienUlio. process of record.
Tills system has been Improved by Amer-
loam , 'such ns Graham , Hell , "Ben" Pit
man nnd Mttnson ( the Ins ! probably tlio
best of ill , ) until It may now bo sniilthat
there nro few speakers whom n short
hand writer cannot follow. Samuel
Johnson u eit to boast , when IIP repre
sented a newspaper in Iho English House
of Common" , tlmt ho wrote the speeches
for the Tories , and took precious good
care that none of ( ho "Whigs should gel
the b' l of Iho argument. " Such : i sys
tem of reporting H nowndnjs Impossible.
The speeches in congress are icporled
almost absolutely verbatim , while
( itirney , whoso family holds the monopoly
of repotting the proceedings in the
British Houses of Parliament , sets forth
the claim tlmt his piintoil records of pro
ceediiigs are . o unimpeachable that they
may stiiely be made the Until test of
accuracy with regard lo what the states
men of Knglnnil may choose to utter in
their places of olllco. To Isaac Pitman
belongs the credit of Introducing Ihe
In sf system of stenography known at the
present time. Isaac has his weaknesses.
lie has era/.es a < : aiust the consumption
of animal food , and Insists upon the
spelling of the English language in a
pnonetic system , which in print appears
grotesque , but the old man , jubilee
Is now about to bo celebrated , deserves
the thanks of every person who appre
ciates the importance of having public
speakers reported , not a.s they might
have spoken , but ns they smoke. Isaac-
is a veteran in the art of setting down the
.speech as it is spoken , and our ( irahams ,
Munsons and Bells will assuredly not be
the last to acknowledge the fact.
lle.inlcil Woman n Mnn.
New York Commercial Advertiser
The arrest and imprisonment of Barn -
n urn's so called "bearded Indy , " on the
charge of disorderly conduct , were re
ported 3 elorday. 'Today Iho case was
called up in Iho Jefferson Market police
court , and had a somewhat peculiar end
ing. It came out in the examination that
about Unco months ago the same per < im
had been arrested by a detective attached
to the Twentyninth"precinct , for drunk
enness , and examined under the name of
Madame Augusta , and discharged , and
that the detective who arrested he , ' was
reduced to a patrolman , it Is said , for a
misdemeanor i connected with the case.
Since then she has boon frequently ob
served in the parks nnd on the streets
tiding In n disorderly manner. She got
imrtieulnrly offensive Thursday night in
Union Square and n pnik policeman took
her into custody.
When the case came up this morning
the first testimony submitted was a.
deposition by Dr. Thomas Bagwell , the
nrison physician. It reported an ex
amination which ho had made of the
prisoner yesterday , in accordance with
the order of the eo'iitt , and declared that
the prisoner was a man. When the court
had tccovered irom the effect of this an
nouncement it asked tlio accused , who
had been arraigned under the name of
Bernardo C. Borrian , what .she or ho had
to say for himself or herself.
Berrian , who was dressed in a neat
black dress , a black straw lint And veil
and had long black hair hanging down
his back ; protested vehemently against
the finding of the doctor. Finally Justice
1'ord said :
"Well , now. sir or madam , are you a
man or woman ? "
Ben inn considered for awhile with his
eyes on the lloor. then he said simply ; ,
" 1 don't know. "
The court ordered him to be dressed
in male attire committed him to the
Island tor three months in default of $300
bonds for good behayior.
Berrian has a remarkably thick black
board of about two days' growth , lie
carries about with him a. pair of sur
geon's scissors , with which he keeps his
hirsute ornament closely trimmed down.
Since he has been in jail , however , he
has1 not been allowed to use. the scissors ,
and his appcaranee vns somewhat start
ling when ho cnmo into court. His voice
is a woman's , his face is oval and not at
all coarse , and his hands are small and
Not a High Clcu-go Either.
Boston Beacon : When Boston was
Fanny Kemblo's home , and her summers
were spent here and therein rural Massa
chusetts , hho engaged n worthy neighbor
to bo her charioteer during the season of
ono of her country sojotirnimrs. With
kind-hearted loquacity iic was beginning
lo expatiate on the country , the crops ,
and Ino history of the people around
nboul , when Fanny remarked , in her
imperious , dogmatic fashion :
"Sir , 1 hjuo engaged you to drive for
me , not to talk to mo. "
The farmer ceased , pursed up his lips ,
and ever after kept his peace. When the
vacation weeks were over , and the dame
was about to return to town , she sent for
her .John and his bill. Uunning icr eyes
down its awkward columns , she paused.
"What is this item , sir ? " said she "I.
cannot understand it. "
And with equal gravity ho rejoined :
"Sass , ? . " > , 1 don't otteti take it , but when
1 do I charge. "
' '
orwx ir , A < ; " * rs'm ni > n
I uru ( or lx t M IIH | > IH ] , Delilllly , Km
MAPI ) 111
I'roiluoliiL' a rich , beautiful ULOSti and
No Stttrch vet intioiliiceil ran he eom-
iiiii-cd with the MACHO.
Ono package will do the work of two
pound : ) of oulluury starch ,
FolJ under snaroiilpo o ( Ibo mntrnfactumrj.
SLOAN , JOHNSON & uo. . Wholesale
Ac cuts , Ouiulm , Neb ,
Tlit > FlrM. Ilin Original nn < t Only ntnrch tlmt M
nil mi l > v mm \ \ \ \ Imip a iirnrllrnl ktionlriltc
of lliojnundrv Pf'ff J11. ? ? ' lt"l > f I'Vr,011" ' : >
the Iron Iff" " ftlcklni ml Itnnn from hilitrtliu
while Itonlnut. oiiil BltM ttnttt , run * nd rnllats lh i
ftlrtncu MI.I twMitltul voll ti Uirr harp \\licn tu < n
wMcli , crrryboilr known , keep Ihrtn clf n twlio M
lon , llcwnro of Itnlt/Ulom. / Sfo that tli niroa J O
llinilMJKll A IIHOS , NOIT lUveu , Oouu , It on
otury i > ack ( c. Bol3 Ij M Uroctrt.
017 Nt. hnrlo tit. , SI. r.onln.Mo.
JL rcRnUriridniUof Ivo UtdletlCollfitM , bu tvto lonrvr
engBR l lQth ifeltttrfttm at of C'NO I . Kurort. RIM
ind Hum Uiitiiii th n of elhrr rbjiltlio In3t , Uuli ,
u rlij piperi ihow Rn > ! nil oM rttUvntinow
Nervous Prostration. Debility , Mental and
Phjslcal Weakniti ; Mercurial and other Atlee-
Ilins ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , r ite t J nlih miririii ii
uemi , n Uteit idrnllfla ptlfielplf t , Rkftlr Ptl ? kl lj.
Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , Eicoss ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which rrxincr iom or th
raUimlni tKreti i > m tiineji , drtllltr , dlant.i at i ! ht
tnildrfcellTt rotinorr , rlmpl ialli i" * > t > Iit leild e r ,
rrnltmlolbt i.tlel/ef frntltt , eonfuiloi otldMl , ft * . ,
rendering MarrUco iraproptr or unhappy , M
- arfd. Iaaiphl ll3& | i | l ) a tti ftt > ore. MQt
Dftfttrd tBTplepe , rrcnlo taj fcddrMi. ContnltttloaatoN
r.cforli/irtllfiff , lnilUJ nd > f1cil ; c nna Dtlil.
A Positive Written Guarantee iir < n intrtrrn.
rfcbleeu * . UedlelnetcateMrjubtrebjiatlloruprMi.
360 TAOBH , riKE PLATKS , eteC nt cloth tad rltt
LlcJIiff , n1 d fcr 5Oo. In r iii * * f eurteney , Ofer ut\j
voudcrful r OiIeturf , tram lift ) artltltiontb * fell nlc (
nubjf > fitt } > ratjr rnnrry , whenot. wh/ 1 mnt > * Ji wora n
hood , thil KM eArtO > * tt of * Uik7n > 1 ioeiitb pk i.
lolojfy orm > r Jtifilon , * al tntny m r , Ttio t tntrrp4 ( or
CQtiUniplklltiC , . n . rr1if4 ifcc ia T > 4 IL i'rPl r dttoB !
> n < * *
o VITALITY lV foil I tig. nmln IKIAINI'U and
f-XIIAL'Nii : > orPo er I'ULMAiUHhl.V -
r All Pr * nch t'hrtlcttni and I llT anJ
ly latrultKAd I'orr. eBatnl
proin | > tlr cb k > d. T UOWB-
, i i'lniiHift iloctor l'Kit. :
_ _ Fulton Street. New Vote
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
\roro elilppcxl during tlio imst
Ino yean , without a ilrtmi-
uiuriti onroinplov. No other
licmsoiu the world can truth *
fully iniiku Biiuli a iliowtiiR.
Ouo nnout ( ilcnlcr oulj- )
wunt l in onch town.
R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 State SLChlcaao.
1503 so ? .
Practice limited to Discasna of tlio
for all forma of defective
Visioii. Artillcial Eyes insertod.
WEAK , wcnvoj.5s PEOPLE"
AnJ ) thorn PtKTcrinf ? from
nrrvou * iloblllty fCxliiustlii
illsewca , puniaturG
of jounir or old nro
ly .uic l hy Ur.
fnnioua Kltrtro *
JUunnrtlo licitTliuu Anilj
i Htnto in tlui Union liu\o lHun cureu.
KIcc-trl r nt > anUy felt J'atentnl onJ coM 10
veum Who ID fnnilly Cftn wer pa mo Itelt Klcitrla
* * ii3i > eiiiorltflrre wllliiualo hrltH Avoid worthU'i * ! * ini *
lUtlons und bonus coinpanicit Clci'LHc Trut. r lor
JtT-turc. 7OO cured tn'rt5. Bond Ptninpfoi pumphlet.
It produces Practical Results In Baking and
EcaEtinc never before attained ill any
Cooking Apparatus , anil will
a Present Mcis of CcoMng
I > , tintnU Tooil IlnVict o Ilonilrxl , plinuM tx
liuzo ncuriyiui juruuiu mu uuwt i'i .
Through this Gnuzo Door the air freely
circulates , fncllltntlnic tlioi.rnconHof cxiuklno.nnit
producing fond that In unoijiinlltxl 111 llntur uiul uu-
irltfon.nuil actually cooktwl nltli lean cnunujiiption ot
luol thnn In all oven \titti aclowd door.
Itxnakita juirnormaas ftavlajIn thawolclit of ment ,
It nlao produces larger Loavoa of Dread ,
reiulrtta ICK. ntlunliun from tlm cook , nnd | iniiooic <
Iho licnltli of tlm fniullj br tlio BUl'EIlIUIl QUALIIX
or TUB toou cooimi m IT.
Mnn. MAnv II. tt rtcir. Tcarhor DomiotloKcononir.
In uKtnta Unlrentlty.Kursi "MydollbnrAto judgment
l > Hint the oven of the Itnncn , uicompared Mlth otliern.
ia not onlrmoro equally huatul In over/ part front aa
> < ! ! oi rear ImtnynreBUltof lu up rlor vt-nlllotloa
thefooa jilaovl therein ialMttftrcookmt , while retain.
f na naweeter Uavtir.nnd o lorcer proixirtlonof itabodt
juicuii. I llud , aUo. that tha coiuuiujitlon of f iml In thU
luuge IB uucu liua than any olliur lor tame miik , "
BOLD IK NEBRASKA aa follows :
1MI.LAS& 1,1.1 SON , . HASTINGS.
U C , . HAV Sinmcs.
11 AIKD&CO . NuuiiAtuA CITY.
1. KASS&CO , . CiiAnitoN.
uiiriu& TAGUK . riusKUN.
j.McCAPKEUTy . O'NciiL ' CITY.
K IIAZI.nWOOO. . , . OsctOLA.
1 A I'ADUKN&SON , . SumKioR ,
State Agents
[ o'sPianos '
Omaha , Neb.
COM.KUK OK , n-JitHiv ; ,
JMHNCITOV ; , M\V ; jKit
. . . . .ulur four-reur cr > ur < oi. at lollown I , Fur tUa
OVKTIIO of llitcbelor of Sclvnvu , u itonurul courioi al u
i In 111 u cuunux In CLi'iulilry , lllulnKUonlu r ,
AUlliimatHiiuil l'liik < . U , KorlliHile/roeurClrll
Kit'lnuiT. Inuluillnv , t < lilu4 Iliu uiual | > ruUMluiml
mudlo * . uniillcutluiiiiif Klrctrlcltr to tliu Aru. I'oit
luilu.ito InnTui-tloii lu lllxhcr MuUicuiutli . ( ; niDliioj.
> nulytlc4il nun Api'lluJ < 'li ml irr | anil A Jrln < ,
Jltolugr , I'biralci , uml Ailtonuiujr. ISlitninCo uxamm-
tlon bclit. lull nil IMh. 1W > . rur riioUul council M
nntlctburlnrorniutlonupplr totlio
Col , C. J. WUIUIIT , 11. ti. , A. il. , l'rlucli > ul.