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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1886)
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BtiE ! : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 , 1880. THE FOOL RING OF DENMARK , A MoEarchial Jack Fanned by Tory and Titled Knaves. THE LIBERAL REVOLUTION , I The People Determined toIInve ) n Con- , Hllltitioniil Ooxernincnt Tlio l slinp ITHiirpers MiiHt 1)0 OiiHtca. Affairs In Denmark. , CoiM'VHAtir..v , [ New X. oik Herald Cable Special to tlio Bii : : . | The stingElu between tlio Danish eoxernmcnt and thu Danish house of representatives Has aroused a most billet foiling tliioiiu'liout the country , heading politicians assure mo that unless Mr. Kstiup , the Danish consul vatlxopremiei , xxho has been In power since Juno , 1S75 , re- tdsns , a national uprising Is likely to tike place , tlio eventual lesult of xxhich xxould bo thedoxvnfall , notonlvof the ministry , but of King Christian , xx ho has become personally Identified with all the anti-constitutional nieasnies ot Estrtip's ministry. A Danish revolution is noxv Impending and Is likely to cause ngcncinl Scandinavian uprising , dur- Inir xxhich monarclilal principles could only lie maintained bv the Intervention of Rus sian or ( icrmaii troops. Contiu coups xvould bo sure to take place In these countries , cans- Jug a general movement throughout Europe Ilkothatof 1SI8. The entire liberal patty at } Denmark is to-day under the supreme con trol of Mr. Bcrir , speaker of the hotwo of rep-j rcsentativcs , and only recently released from- prison. Mr. Berg Is a sort of Danish O'Cou - ncll. in : xxini.ns ixtxtr.xii : roxvKii. A single xv old from him xvould start a revolution. Berg Is ono of the most Rplcndld orators In Europe. The parllaj menlary debates between Berjr and Eslrup Imx'oall the skilled finish of tlio fencing con test between Hamlet and 1/vrtos. Beig has availed himself ol the present dissolution of parliament to retire tor n few days to his country icsldence on the Island of Bogy , Routh of Zealand , near the cost of Palstor , a day's journey from Copenhagen. Monday morning at 11 o'clock I landed at Bogj , in a small sail boat , after four hours sail fiom Yardlngborjj. A Imlfhoiir xvalltacioss fields , 11 lied xvlth fat sheep , coxx-s nnd sxvlne , all feeding Beaeofiilly together , brought mo to a largo white house , xxlth a mast and spais like n frigate , This xvas the navigation hchool founded by Berg several years ago , and txvo graduates of xvhlch xxcro noxv thriv ing Noxv Yoik pilots. Near by xvas a small "whltoxvaslicd stone cottage. I knocked at , the door and asked thu blue eyed Danish Kill , "Is Mr Berg at home ? " A largo xxhlte haired gentleman , xvlth a head like Socrates , forthwith appeared and xvclcomcd mo to fBopcy. This xvas the statesman xvho liolds .to-day In his hands tlio fate of Denmark. Mr. Berg xvore a clo e fitting suit of dark clothes and a whlto muslin tie , and held In his hand a xvldu brimmed Panama hat His cjes are a blight blue , he xx oars gold specta cles , and his xvhltu beard Is closely trimmed. Ho speaks n little English and German. Tlio followingconxeisatlon took place In Danish : Correspondent What do the Danish lib erals want ? Mr. Berg Nolliing more nor nothing less than the right accoidcd to the Danish people by the Danish constitution. Wo stand solely upon the Danish constitution. Wo xvanta ministry xv hose acts shall bo In accoidanco with the constitution and based upon the xvill of the majority" of the house of1 repre sentatives. Wu xxant , In fact , simply a Con stitutional anil parliamentary government , such as exists in England and In the United States. Correspondent Is theio any connection between the Danish libcials and thoaocial- IstsVMr. Mr. Berg The liberal party is quite dis tinct trom tlio socialist. SOCIALISM HAS xo HOLD upon our people. There are only txvo social ist members elected to thu folkethlng ( house t of loprescntatlves ) , and their electors are in K. Copenhagen , outside of xvhich socialism , ns undeistood In other parts of Europe and America , Is nnknoxvn. 1 xvlsh to bo xery clear on this point , as our enemies nexer lose an opportunity to confound the liberal party xvlth the socialist and thus taint us xvlth qual ities that xvould dcprlxe us of the sympathy of right-minded men in Europe and.'Amurica. Our folkethlng consists of 103 members , of ( /which eighty-live are liberals , fifteen are con servatives , and two are socialists. It Is , hawox'cr , only fair to say that the txvo social ist members alxvays vote xvlth the liberal party , and even they do not think of resort- In S to any but purely parliamentary meas ures. > Correspondent IIovv have the ministry violated the constitution ? Mr. Berc They have violated both the spirit and the letter of the constitution. I I xvlllgive you a few Instances as samples. Article 25 of our con stitution empowers the ministry in the case of extreme urgency to make pro visional laws and to take money from the ticasury to carry on affairs until the folkethlng can bo conxoned. Noxv Mr. Estrup's min istry have used this clause In the constitution as a xvcapon to coxorn Denmark In deliancn of tlio paillamentary majority. Mr. Estiup dissolves the folkcthing nnd then enacts laxvs that ho knoxv.s ate directly opposed to their xxishes. For Instance the budget law , a few weeks URO , xxas printed xxhllo tlio folkothlng was In session. Then the folkethlng xvas ills- bolxed by loyal decieo and 11 vu minutes after the dissolution , and while the mcmbms were mill In the building , the government decided * thu budget law and thcieby took money out of the treasury for building fortifications and creating u coips of gen d'armerlo and for gagging the press and tor doing many things notoriously against thu wishes of the house * 6t ropiesentitlxes. Theio xvas certainly no Urgency , and this Is merely ono out of thu many instances In distinct violation of the constitution. _ Correspondent floW far Is the king ro- - spouslblo for this ? * Mr. Berg That Is a question xvhlch I xvlsh yon would not ask mo. , Correspondent Do you think the present 1 crisis can bo settled xvlthout bloodshed ? Mr. Berg I huvo a firm hope In the sound * common sense of the Danish people , xvho know that violent measures would only bo UIMPICIAI : : , 10 DKXMAIIK'S KXUMIKS. The fact Is that from 1813 until IbTJ the liberals have been In n mlnoilty. But ex en then xxo xxero told , " ( iet to be a majoilty and you xvlll bo In power. " Everything vxns , In fact , conducted upon paillauumtary prlncl * piesnnd Mt.IiMnip Inaugurated his own con. flUUitlonal and anti-parliamentary policy In 187ft. Mi. Estrup's policy has continued , and nearly all the old conservatives , men like Kiieger , .Mound , Klein , Maililg nud Fenger , haxo all como Into the liberal tanks. Thu conservatives now consist merely of a clique of individual land oxvncis and military func tional jus. Ex en Pilnco Bismarck lules with cbnfoimlty to at least tlio tecUnlcalities of the parliamentary system , but Estiup rides rpuuh shod oxer both parliament and consti tution. The Danish people are fhmlyio- btilved to have their constitution lespccted uud to lia > tt U distinctly understood thut NX hen the majority of the follccUiing have no coulidenco In the ministry , then such mluls- try l.s out of ollico. Correspondent What xvere you Impris oned for ? Air. Berp 1 have been thinking hard .for e'.x ' mouths to try nndiiudout , but lliav lot yet succeeded In doing so. What would , -ottr countrymen say If your speaker ot the lonseof rcpre enbHxcs xvere suddenly to bo arrested without any specific charge made against him and thrown Into prison ? Mr. Berg then conducted mo to Iho dining room wheio I paid my respeets to Mine. Bore ind her cliartnlng little blonde-haired and jluo-uyod dauithlers of ten and eight years of age. Aftui a sumptuous breakfast Mr. Berg showed me over his nautical college and polntel out tome Iho Ameiican lias ? living ivcr the house nf HelnsliiK Ibsen , Arctic sea captain , formerly of San Franclsen. At the > Ior xxo found another natlxe ot Bosy named lluvl , xxliosobrothcrs-ln-lnxv , named Wolto , 10 told me. xveie pilots In New York. Mr. Ueigaftcrwaids sailed with me oxet to a lish- in ; toxvn In Falster , called Stiibbekjocbing , xv here I took leaxe of Iho eloquent and able expounder of the Danish constitution , A VISIT ro nsini'i' ' . At Copenhagen I called upon Mr. Kstrtip , the pi him minister of Denmark , whoie- petted that he was unable to exptess any xiuws on Danish politics for publication , but xvould bu glad to recei'e a private visit. 1 found Mi. L'strup to be one of the most xx illy and charmliiL' men that 1 haxcexci met. Ho speaks Fiench and Geiman lluontly. He has clear , penetrating blue ejcs and flaxen hair , lie wuarsu full blonilu moustache and Ids jaxv nnd lips nnd nose orostilklngly Ilko these of General Sheridan. 1 afterward met a piomlncnt Danish land owner whose xievxs arc thosii ofthe king , Iho court and of Mr. Estrup. This gentleman said : "Dunmaik Is a small country We haxo on onu side autocratic Uussla and on the other monarchical Germany. Ills majesty , King Christian , has to be tipo'i good terms xv Ith his neighbors. The true Interests of Denmark are to live In accord xxlth the system of the government of eastern Europe. The lllxual alms of men like that political buccaneer , Berg , aio xvlld and chimerical and can only xxoik disaster and ruin to Denmark. Moreover , neither Russia or Germany xxotild over nlloxv a Dan ish lepubllc to exist under their very noses. As for the socialists , theio are not two thousand icat socialists in the xv hole ot Denmark. " i.inr.u.u. . 1 next called upon Mr. Vlggo Horup , vice- president of the folkethtng , and chairman of tliocommltteo of ways and means and proprietor of the Polltlken. the great liberal newspaper of Scandinavia. Hr. Horup is iibout CO j cars of age. Ho Is a typical Dane In appearance with xcry blonde complexion , bltio ejes , partly concealed behind gold .spec tacles and flaxen hair. In luply to my In quiries Mr. Hotupsaid : "When parliament meets in October theio xvlll bo plenty of vitu peration nud violent language , but the sound common sense of the Dan ish people should piuvent any recourse - course to bloodshed. The liberal party Is eveiy day calnlnc sticngth and for the past txxo years Includes such conscrx-atixes as In othei countries form the centre and right centre. I don't think that In the ox out of a conflict bctxveon the Dan ish people and the government the Danish pcoplu xxould lucelvo much help fiom Noi- xvay or Sxx'eden , noron Iho other hand xxould Gcimany stir to uphold the Danish govein- ment , although It Is by no means piobablo that either Germany or Kttssia xvottld penult the creation of a Danish lopubllc. " I next called upon a prominent socialist xvho lixed In Copenhagen. He tola mo : "Wo are working xvlth the llburals noxv because xxo aie too weak to xvork alone , but xxo count upon the violent and reactionary steps of the ptcscnt ministry to dtixe thousands of Danes xx ho arc noxv merely liberals Into our ranks. Then by common action In Denmark , Hol land and Belgium xve can become the nu cleus of a grand International movement for the regeneration of northern Etiiopo. " i.v nni'r.Y TO MY Tir.iaicAi'jnc : : INQUIRY , Bjornstjerno I5jornson , the greatest llvlns Scandinavian autlioi , says : "I am , heart and soul , -with the liberal party of Denmaik In reference to the position ot King Christian. " A piomlneiU member of the Masonic fra ternity told me "a single xxord fiom Iho king xvould noxv avert Iho impending storm , but holssunoundedby courtleis and paia- sltes xvho conceal from him the truth , and If at raie intervals any ono presumes to plx'o the king some advice , the king at ouco lays back his ears , puts out his fore legs and kicks out violently from behind. The croxvn prlnco Is a Free Mason and Is rather popular , but the days of the dynasty are probably num bered. Our leaders nro anxious to separate the royal family from the unpopular ministry , but If the people once rise they will sweep away not only the ministry , but the dynasty xvlth it" It is a significant fact that during the visit of the king of Portugal tugal , King Christian xvas received xvith cold silence by the thousands of neoplo gathered togethci in tlio streets to see the arrival. A few cheers , however , greeted the arrival of the crown princo. King Christian to-day Is very much In the same position as Charles L of England before the English revolution. Denmark Will Arbitrate. Coi'KNHAOK.v. August 31. fNuvv York Herald Cable Special to the BIE.J : The Danish government has agreed to submit to arbitration In icforcnco to the Coroltis But- terlleld claim made by the United States for limit : upon tlio American ship , Benjamin Franklin , at St. Thomas , in l&O. The claim amounts to half a million dollars and has been unsuccessfully presented to the Danish government lor tlio last thirty xears. .Mr. Estrup , pilmc minister of Denmark , has con sented to aihitration , but who the nibltiator Is to bo Is not yet solved. Thu liulcnrinn ] ( oxv. Lo.vnox , Sept 1. The Standard's Berlin correspondent says : In a conversation ) es- terday , Blainurck said ho fully bolluxes In peace , Soi'iA , Sept 1. Colonel Matkioff and tumps arrived hero to-dav and received an enthusiastic weli'omo. Tlio city is calm. 1'ie.parations nro being made for ajoftjl woleomo to Alexander. Arrests of plotters continue. A court nmrtlnl Is being formed nnd xvill deal with thu conspliators as oaily as possible. The kingof Kounianla has xvrlt- ten to Alexander congratulating him upon Ids return. Alexander has nrrlx'ed at Elena , bntwocn Tlruoxaand Sothi. His journey to Elena xvas marked by a series of popular ovations similar to these reported yesterday louto fromSestova to Tlrnova. ' WYOMING WAIF'S. Icy Winds A JUnii Shot Irrigation of 4.OOO Acres. CnnYK.VNK , Wyo. , Sept 1. [ Special Tolo- cram to the BEE. ] Icy winds and rains haxo been piovnlllnt : hero during the past foity- clght hours. A despatch to the coroner from Lusk , on the Noi tliwestern railroad states that n man xxas shot and killed theio to-night No par ticulars as ) et The Coloiado colony on the Blir Sandy , 300 miles west of hero , xvill have 4,000 acres nil * dor initiation this fall. The xvater right cov ering 75,000acres of agricultural lands xxas nlf d hero to-day. A Fainting Stranger. Vusterday afternoon a strange lady en tered tlio depot and xvhilo xrulking lu-ar- ly opposite the ticket ollico sudd rlv fII fainting to the ground. Uopot > tlntiali were immediately at nor ello and she was conducted to the btiggago room , xvhoro restoratives xvoro given and after sotno time she returned to consciousness. An Omaha lady who xx-as present and did good service in aiding the strangor. took tlio latter to her own home to rest at luast n day buforo proeoeding on her journuy , Mrs. Dr. ILinek and daughter of St. Louis , vxholi re bum visltlnir the lion , Fred Mot/ and lamiljr of this city , re turned homo last evening , \ A MOST GLORIOUS REUNION , Stirring and Joyful Scones at tlio Meeting of Old Vctorans. > GREAT CROWDS AT CAMP GRANT. State AssoclntloiiH Moot and Ulcet OfltcciM Iti illlniit PfoKriitntucs J 'or To ilny nntl To.morpoxv. Notes uii the Invents. At thn Camp Ground , ( lll.VM > I t.AMl , Null. , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to the Hi.E. ] The camp xxas pretty xvell xxet down last night b.v tlip lam storm , but the xoteians Kept upu Uxoiy fusllndc of jolly calls ami exclamation * , i\ml emuigod tills morning iua good Inunor tit texcllle. I'lio \vaseool and bracing , 'and visitors \\crc soon seeking tliu sensational features of camp life. The special trahrof the inoinlng biought largo , and very fo\v show ix disposition to H'tuiii lioinvxvard , The pro gramme of guaid iiioiint b ) regulars and as- somblyof volunteers for drill cumpilsed tlio exercises of tlio forenoon. An attempt to show oil a naxal engagement icsultcd In tlio breaking of sumo of tlio Interior arrange- incuts of tlio filtrate Congress and led to a postponement. The most intensely InteiesUnij feature of tlio day to witness was tlio assembly of eom- lailcs and all ox-soldiers by states at 1 o'clock. A number of states had a very largo repre sentation In line , Illinois luivlng.ibout seven liundiod. The states next hi order wore Iowa , xvlth neatly as many'Indiana , Ohio and Wisconsin. Afteca short''parade these squads of veterans formed Into holavvs < inares and the roll of regiments was called. There \xoio man ) amusing and happy scones as tlio comrades stepped out and found old friends xx horn , in many instances , they had not .seen foi a quarter of acuntury. Tlio following blato associations met and elected oniccrs this afternoon : loa WlliinmS. U.indal ) , airfield , pros- iduiit , 11 , C. Itnsscll , Sehuylor , vlcoj jesl- dent ; Hairy llotohkiss , Lincoln , secretary ; Captain heo. Oxford , tieasurer. Sp" PennsjlvaiiiaVilliam \ SpaueTT'Junlat'i , president ; .1. C. Xutvy , Kails City'secretary ; M. II. Ilinmau , Fremont , treasurerS. ; Jones , Wood Itiver , historian. Ohio Colonel Joelllal ) , Mind on , president - dent ; S. D. Daxls , Wilbur , sccietary : D. W. Evans , Spring Hancli , treasuter ; ( iunoial Mandorson , orator. Brhf tuldtusses xxuro inado this afternoon to tlio Ohio veterans by Generals"Mandcison , "Wheaton and McCook. NoxvTork W. H. Web > tot , Central City.1 president ; 0. 11. Ilorth , bhelton , vice p'lesi- dunt ; 13. .1. O'Noil , Paxvneo Citv , troastuer ; L.D. Slllson , 1'ork , secretary ; L. D. Ells- worth , Donlphau , assistant secietaty. Illinois S. J. Shhloy , Sidney , piesldcnt ; G. E. Whitman , Oxford , stictetaty : 11. V. Hoagland , Wax-erly , treasurer ; Oeo. French , Bradshaxx1 , color bearer. Indiana W. J. Harris , Lincoln , president ; J. A. Annoss , Heaver Cil ) ; S. 11. .Modulo , Fulleiton ; S. M. Welch , Sow art ! : Mlle Rob ertson , Elvxood , x-Icc picsidcnts ; O. C. Bell , Lincoln , secretary ; D.Traccy , Boone county , treasurer. A number of other stales are to hold elec tions to-morrow. At 3 o'clock occuucd thu att.ick on Foil Sumter. An immense crowd gathcied In a seml-circlo around the grounds , tlio line of spectators being several miles in length. Tlio fort consisted of a wooden structure In the center ot the grounds , at which detached pieces of battery stationed in the fort nred at Inteiyals , while a vessel of war manoiuveied over iumclnaiy waters. The booming of cannons and the oxplodlngof shells made tlio air resound \\ith the din of the engagement until blunter capitulated. I'ollowini , ' this came an artillery drill and dross pai.ulo bv icgulai infantry. To-nicht it is announced that the repre sentation ot the linal hours of the United States senate previous to secession will bo cixen In the pavilion , with tlio follow ing cast of ciiaractert. : John C. HrceKeniidge , vice president , W. II. Michael ; Kov. 1' . I > . Cltir- Jey , chaplain , Kov. / . U. Khone ; Jesse 1) . Bright , Sotn P. .Mobley ; William Higler , T. O. U. lluriison ; James W. Grimes , J. S. Stilger ; Tlios. L. Cllngman , C. F. liontly ; hynian Trumbull , John M. Thuiston ; Charles Stunner , ( ? uorgo Williams ; Stephen A. Doug las , L , . T. Whitney ; James It. Doollttlo. ( ; eorgoM.O'HrienJohnJ. ; Crlttenden. W. C. Henry ; Benjamin Wale , J. L. Webster ; Jefferson Davis , George 11. Thumniel ; James A. Bayard , J. O. Tate ; John O. Halu , J. Mnoro ; James II. Mason , W. J. Gahan ; Andrew Jolinson , 11. K. Calmer ; Louis T. Wlirlnll , W. F. Ginloy John Shoimau , Cbauncoy Wiltso ; James Hnilan , J. A. Kutherford. It is estimated that the cioxvd on the grounds to-day numbered ! Uoou people. Chlet of Staff Palmer makes It as high as 40 CO" ) . The crowd Is certainly good imtincd and ono of the most orderly lor the vast num ber present oxer gatlimed in a camp. JS'o krunkenncss or rowdyism Is seen. The programme for to-morrow has been re-arranged. Tlio leading feature will bo the gland parade In the attcrnoon. The United States regulars and comrades of the Grand anuy will form in line on Hancock avenue , the regulars being on the right and head ot the column. They will form and match to the city and return. At 7 p. m. xvlll occur the naval light belxx'con the Congress and Merrimae ; iu8 : : ! < ) grand camp lire in pavll- lion and speeches by Senator Maiideison and others. Chief of Stalf I'.ilmer says Friday will bo the big day , on tlio attcrnoon of which will occur the most cxcltlni. and grandest sham battle over xvltnessud in the west , Pnlly 5.000 xvlll bo enicaged and the loiccs xvlll include regular InUntiy. cavalry andartilloiy , and old soldiers of the Gland army. A full supply ot arms nnd ammuni tion hnvo been received for use nt that tlmo. General -Monow will hax'o clungo ot the union foiros. The confedeiato leader has not boon selected yet. Among those obsotxcd on thu grounds to day xxero Congressman Dorsoy , Governor Davxes and Senator Mandorson. The biass bands continue to multiyly , three coming in on the Lincoln tinln to-day. AT lIlJAIMJUAItTHUS. Gcneial older No , 5 xvas Issued this morn- inir , and Is as follows : Thiscampis divided Into tlneo divisions ns follows : 1. Ulrht division to embrace the states of Iowa. Nnxv England , Wibconsin and Michi gan , to bo commandud by J. S. Claikson. Second division to ombiaco tlio status of Ohio , Kentucky , Tonnoiscu , Kansas , Now York and Nebraska , to be commanded by K. b. Dttdlov. Third division to cmbiaco thu states ot 1111- nls , Indiana , West \ Irglnta , Pennsylvania. Minnesota and United Status nrmy and navy , to bo commanded by Jacob VVoostor. 2. Division commanders will ascertain and repoitto these headquarters the numerical strength of their commands as early aspmc ; tlcable. 3. At nil parades nud reviews , division commanders xvlll form their commands Into companies ot txvolxo , tiles front , assigning temporary olllcers and non-comniissloned orllcors to command them. 4. Division commanders nro authorized to appoint such stall olllcoibas they may deem neiTssai } , aunounoingthem Inprouerordcrs. By command of Gr.xr.iiA.1 , JOH.V M. TUAYUU. II. K. PAT.MKH , Chief ot Statf. Otllclal , S. B. Jones , A. A. A. G. hKIllMISII LINKS. Tim dilzzllng rain storm which began shortly utterU o'clock la t oxonlng had a depressing - pressing ellcct for axvhile. dilvlng oxerybody to tlm hlu'lterof touts. The open air camp Jirns xveio dispensed xxltb for the evening. Hun continiifd to ( all nearly all nlsht. but no onu has boon hoatd from \xlio \ stilTered In- loinonioncoln touts U was 11 God-send In tiu | way of Bottling thu dust on the road load > in ; : to camp. Tamp Grunt IH n vt'dtnblo city , the long i ovv sot stands on cither .sido ot the main atunuu lurnlshing supplies'for every need and tanoy.and thopurhult of the nluilghty dollar by the hucksters and showmen Is as vigorous as the hunt for the lost mule , fa Several Mexican veterans are on the ground * , but no registry has yet been made. The demand for tent * continues lively and the quartermaster is compelled to restlet posts to their oilulnal icqubltloii , In order to accommodate all. 1'msa headquarters are located In a nicely nut , where J. M. Cotton represents the State Journal , Mr Appersnn Iho Republican , Mrs. f'lata Colbv the vVofinn's Tribune , K. .1. Ab bott the Council 'Jfltiirp Nonpareil and the BI.K special. All sbns tft demands are made upon U h ) R misguided tfowd. Numerous calls ar6 iirtllo nt the hospital hut , but no Sfilousi < : i e'svuo leported. Senator Van W ) k turned to-day. Four candidates flir poxornor are on the grounds and othei seekers after political faxors are ns nitiircroiis as the ) are good- nattned. ' ' 'LAji _ _ ' * ' , I'nlls OH'Knots FALLS CITX , c"U. , ' Sept 1.-Special [ to tlio BKK.J TlioJkJRicliardsou county prohibition con volition xvns held nt Vcrdon stefdayT About.Eighty delegates xxere present ? The follrfxxlhi' ticket was nomi nated for the fall campaign : Tor senator , W. K. N'cal. of Palls city ; representatives , Charles II Smith and E. F. Haulof , PnlN City , nnd , I. H Berry , of Humboldt ; county ntlorney , .1. D. drives , of S.illnu. . Hon. Ueorge E. Blgeloxv. of Lincoln , spoke to about txvo hundred iienplo at the court house In this ritv la-t night. Somu Hiawatha , Kan , imrticscame oxer to this city ) cstorday after a couple of xxagon loads of melons , grapes and other edibles. Hon. 11. A. Wlieri ) , xvho spent a coitnlo of months til the mountains of Colorado , Is now at liotnu again. Ills health , xvhlch had been very bad for the past xeai , xxas greatly bcne- fitted by his two months' iccrcatlon. ItnoliiKiit Fairmont Vnlv. FAIIIXIOXT , Neb. , Sept , 1. [ Special Tele- Kram tp the Biu.J : The Fairmont dlstilct ff.alroponvd to-day , over fifty speed horses In attendance , Theio xvehs ten entries In Iho 3 mltPclass Gold Seal/hlttlo Arch , Mollle M. , Lccount , Flora , 1L U. and Slocking Clilof. Flora flrbt , 11.11. second. Best timu Running race , one mile : Harry Edxxards. Vercolm , .lenny Gopher , Willlo C. , Lady ( iratlc. Harry Edxxatds first , Vcrcolla second. Best time 1:5. ! . Troctlnc. 2r : > 5 class- Friend Boy , Ldla Tramp and McClennan each took ono heat. Tim finish xvas postponed until to-moriox\ ' . Bosttlmc 2Ml < 'I'lie track xvas veiy sloxv. r . * ' if 11I3ACMI Til 10 IU3ST Oarsmnii Ilvor Seen in ICn liim ! Ills Victory Over Tcoinor. Loxnnx , Sept. 1. The weather was splen did nnd most favorable for the rice. The crowd xvas the greatest ever gathered along the Thames course. Both men appeared punctually , but the start xvas delayed by a number of small ciaft , xxhich encumbeicd the com so. When gix-on the signal 'loonier , * roxving thirty-six strokes to the minutn , was ho quickest at sun tin ? , but Beach , pulling tliirty-eluht strokes , causht up with him almost Instantly , and in a shou time bo led him by half a length. At Wnlden's beach he hud Increased the lead to tvxo lengths. Teenier heic sprtcd : with the utmost gamo- rtnss but xvlthoutaxall. Beach , xxlthout In creasing the rate ot his stiolte , Itent his ad vantage and nt HammeiTtinith budge xvas four lengths In adx-ance. Teemei then rowed a hopeless stern race , though still woiking pluekily to lessen the distance between him and tlio Austtallaiir Fiom tills point Beach almost paddled home , winning xvlth consum mate case by ton lengths. Authorities de clare Beach to bo the giandest sculler that has evei been seen In England , lie looked to-day as though ho'Cbtdd low ten miles at lacing Sliced. ' ' The Base 1 AT BALTIMOUK. ' . . ' Baitlmoie 0 i1 0 b 0 1 ! 1 0 0-5 Brooklyn li'O ' 0 < 4 a 0 0 1 * 10 Pitcheis Kilroy "ivud Karkins. Base hits Baltimore a.Bitsikljn 1. Errors- Baltimore-1 , BiooklVn. ) . Umpire Cailin Ar PiiiitiL'Wi ! . Pittsburir 0 ( I 0 J.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 .Loulsvlllu 0 0 0 J I 0 0 0 * 5 Basu hits Plttsbm'j-J..LoiilsvIllo : 0. Errors Pittsbutg 5 , LouisvilleUmpiic Walsh. AT CIIICAOO , , - . , Chleago 5 0 .I , p 0104 * 15 WnslniiBton 0 0 Q,0 , 0 0 0 0 0-2 Pitchers McConmclc and Ciane. Base hits Chicago II , Wfttslungton 7. Enors Chicago 0 , WnshluitoupOUmpire Quest AT DIUUOH , / , , i Detroit 3 3j OVja 0 , 1 3 0 * 13 Noxv I'ork 0 00003202 7 Pitchers Baldxvln and Weloh. Base hits Detioit 11 , Nexv York 11. Euois Detroit 4. New York 15 , Umpiru Poxxeis. " " ' Athletics..0 01100220 0 Metropolitans..0 O-'J Basu hits Athleiics 11 , Metropolitan1) 5. Enors Athletics 1 , Metropolitans 0. Urn- plie Valentine. Coiioy Island Itncos. BnioiiToxBr-ACii , N. Y. , Sept. 1. Three- quaitcrs mile : Belleona won , Hannibal second end , Armstrong third. Time 1:20. Onuflnilo and an eighth : Maimadukc xvon , Harry Russell second , Bllz&ird third. Time 2:02 : . Certificates paid S.V1.M ) . Sexen fuilongs : Frank Ward won , Pasha second , George Angus third. Time 1:31. : Certllicato > paid SW.JO. Oao mile. Okolona xxonNonsense second , Hot Box third. Time l:50 : > f. Cortlllcatos paid straight S .IO , for plnco SW.CO , and S ( o.l5 tor a plae ( for Nonsense. Ono mlle : Warfellow won , Chanticleer second , Bob May thiid. Timu 1:50. : Tlio Jockey Club Knees. GIIAVKSBND , N. Y. , Sept. 1. On the Brook lyn jockey club course , mlle nnd eighth : Millie xvon , Franklo B second , O'Fallon third. Tlme-S:00. : For txvo-year-oids , slv furlongs : Bedford xvou , Daly Oaks second , T.irlftless third. . For three-year-olds and upxvnrds , mile and quaitor : Elkxvood won , liarnum second , Doxvdrop third. Time-3:18 : > / . For txxo-yeai-olds , seven furlongs : Conna- mar won. Bessie Juno second , Montrose third. Tlmo l : i f. Ono mile ; Lucy H. won , Bonnie S. second end , Tornado third. Grays Win tlio Guns. IJunuQUt : . la. , Sept. 1. [ Special Tele gram to the BIK.J : Captain Thrift , ot the Governor's Gias , recolx'ud word to-day trom thu adjutant gencial that the Grays had been nxxarded one of thu txvo stands of arms , con tested for at the mu'iit Marshalltowii en campment The iirms aio of tlio nuxvSilng- liclp rlilu pattein , valued nt 551,000. Tlioy xvlll bo shipped heiu iliiucT from tlio ROCK Island arsenal , Parochial I'lonlc. A party of childrun and young Indies connuctud xvitli St. Philoniona's school en joyed a drive to and picnic at Pricss' lake Tuesday. The picnic was in nlmrgo of Father McCarthy , and ovurythmg passed ott'in the pleasantest manner possible. Ilonry Gerko , the xvfell , known dude ox- pressman , had out 6)10 ) df h is linost excur sion xvatj ( ns and iisvusnil { added greatly to the party's onjo'ypai'nl by Jus attention and care , i o/ AVator Mr. Cook , xvdo ifa pe u down the well in South Omaha , wbioW lias ilerix'cil so niucli notoriety froiy the fact tliat gas xx'as found , loft toivU-olast evening for Hastings , Nob. A ? ty Strang , of this city , lias taken tl\o \ P9ntract to furnish Hastings xvitli a HyfcV'nwf ' water xvoaks. The plan is to sink yjgiitsovon inch xvolis xvhich will bo supplied with pumps , xvliich are calculated to furnish a million of gallons lens of xvater per day ; Mr. Cook will superintend the Kinking ol the xx'olls. Lost unit l-'oiuiil. Tholittlo throo-year'Ohl ciiild of Mr. Turner , oT tlio U. & M. , who lately moved to this place from Plattsmouth , strayed away from homo yesterday , causing , of course , great anxiety to its parents. A general search xvas rondo , and tlio little ono xvas subsequently found in front of P. liaoli's grocery , corner of Seventh anil Pierce , and restored to the mother's anna. _ _ w _ _ _ Bargain Two full JoUouTxx-onty-fifth , xvithin i blk of Loavcnxvorth , Jinoly im proved ; hotibo , 7 raoiuV , barn , fruit trees , grapes , etc. a special bargain , $1,500 ; easy terms. a. A. SI.OMAN , 1313 Fa.rnam , THEIR VIEWS SET FORTH , Illinois Republicans Adopt a Platform and Nominate Their Oaucliiktes- THE PRINCIPLES PROMULGATED. Proteetho Tariff , Aid KortlieSohllers , Oh II Service Kelorin Among tlio IjiulorM'iiionti 1 lie Democratlo AdinlnstrutIon ( Denounced. Illinois flcpiitillcmis. Ki'ins'oKir.i.n , III. . Sept 1. The republi can stale couxentmn xxas called to order at noon. Congressman J , ( i. Cannon xxas elected tempornr.x chahman and nmdo a speech ocpupIng one hour , In xxhlch he ar raigned the democratic administration on Its clxll serxlce , tailll and general financial tec- old. After thenppolutmenl of the usual com mittees , tlicconvontlonadjonrned to.o'clock. ( The conx-entloti reassembled at 3l" : > o'clock and the committee on credentials reported all districts ropiesoiited and no contests. The report xvns tccelxcd and adopted. The com mittee on poimnncntoiganbutlon reported rccommcndliiK that the temporary oiganlza- tlon bo made permanent and that the follow ing mUlitlonal secretaries bo elected : Cap tain Harrison Black , ot thu Sixteenth dis trict ; Samuel Parker , ot the Third district ; Kirk Custinmn , of the Second district , and 0. C. Tovvne , of tlio Sixth district. The com mittee to select members at largo of the state central committee reported recommending that the members consist of George Baas , ( leorgo E. White , William E. Kcntol Cook , 11. U.Evans ot Kane , J. Otis Humphrey ot Samramon , W. K. Kuelfner of St. Clalr , Dr. McCieo of Wnssac , K. B. Fletcher of Henry C. J. Lindsay of Bond. The report of the committee was vigorously attacked by ox- Governor Hamilton of Cook and on his mo tion was laid on thn table. Bisbee. of Cook , chairman ofithecommittee on resolution ? , repotted the following plat form , xxhteh xv as adopted : The lepubllcans of Illinois In convention assembled le.Ulhm tlmir unfaltering loxaltv to the piinciples of the patly us enunciated In all their national platforms from Lincoln to Blaine. Wo believe liberty is thn mallun- nblo light of evciy man , xxiiatcxut his race or color , and in tlio equality of exeiyman be fore the laxv. Wo beliov o that the purity of the ballot Is necessary to thu permanent so- cttrltx of our tree institutions , and the ballot is only mUntamed In Its puilt ) xvheii uvury citi/un can cast his vote for xxliomuxcr he pleases with the assurance that it xxill bu counted as it Is cast. Wo bollex'u in American soil for Ameiican citizens , and are opposed to non-iusident aliens becoming land owncis. The public domain should bu reserved as homesteads for actual settlers , and the accumulation of laigo tracts or bodies of land In the handof cor- poiatlons or Individuals should bo discour aged ; and In tlio case.s of land giants to rnihoadcoiporntlons , when saideoipotations have tailed to comply xvitli the conditions of said grants , the laud should be fotlelten to thu general government and held for thubune- lit ot actual settlers. Wo beliuve in the piotoellon of Ameiican labor and denouneo as unwise and unpatri otic the attcmuts to embody in our national legislation the principles of treu trade. In telligent and piosuerous tree labor is the coinut stone on which our tree government is founded , and xxo protest against its being impoverished by competition xvitli the pio- dtictions ot thu underpaid labor of thu old xxorld , or degiadcd by the impnitatlou of heathen or pauper labor from China or any other portion ot thn xxorld. We bcllcxe. out soldluis anil sailors , In their hciolu defense ot the union In the latu xvar , placed the nation under a debt of obligation it can nuxei lepay , and Unit it is thu duty of the government to giant pensions and estab lish homes foi all such as are disabled or in xvant : and xvoappiovo thu course ot our re publican sunators and mumbuis ot congress lu v.otiti ! , ' pensions , and tlio action ot thu Illinois thhty-fourth assembly In making an apnropi lation tor a soldiers' homo. Wu realize the injustice in foiclnc the competition of couttact pi Ison labor upon the honest labor of the country , and urge upon ourle tslatois the enactment ot such laws as xvlll prevent it ; and xxe tavor the adoption of a Constitutional amendment on this sub ject at the coming election. Wo bulluxu It Isiightand the duty of the national govurnmout to pass laxxs legulatitig thu giuatralhoad corporations ot the eounttv. protecting thu peonlo fiom extortions and unjust discriminations , and xvu approve the Piinciples of the bill parsed by the United States senate known as the "Culloni bill , " and urge our senators and lupiostmtatix'es in congress to have haxu thu samu ungratted upon our national laxv. Under this fiee republic , xxhich is a cox-- eminent "by thu people and for the pcoplu , " the disciples ot aninchy can find no legiti mate excuse for propagating their treason able and disorganizing piinciples , and xxo de- notiucu such propagandists as unworthy of citizenship ; but xxo recognize the riirlit of all men of every culling to foi in organizations and associations to promote their mutual good and protection , and we favor such xvlso legislation as xvlll protect the rights of all , and promote that harmonv which ought alxxaya to pro vail between employe and cm- plover. That xve congratulate the people of Illinois upon the prompt conviction of the leaders In the attempt to debauch the billet box In Chicago at the late SMUG election. Wo de mand ilia tall offenders against the purity of tlio ballot shall bo brought to speedy and condign .punishment , and xvu icturn our thanks to the Thirty-fourth general assembly for the enactment ot n city election laxv w hereby fraudulent votln ? may bo ellcctually prohibited. Wo arraign thu democratic administration of President Cleveland for having failed to keep the pledires on xvhlch It came into povvci. It piomised economy and retrench ment , and has been the most extravagant In expundlttties , and Itsappromlatlons tor the cutient ) uar largely exceed thu abundant rovunuesot thogox-ernmunt It promised to icdiice the surplus In thu ticastnv. but. re versing thu into of pruvlous administrations , has jioi milted such surplus to bu Idle and uc- cnmulatu to the injury of the business of tlio country , and refused to approxu thu action of a laigo majority of both houses of congress dhcctlng such surplus beailng debt of the nation. Itpiomlsud to caiu fo- and glxo attention to the disabled soldeisunil | K.iilois of the Into xvar , and tieattnl xvitli acontumptihlu xeto uxeiy pension bill against which it could find any shadow of technical objection , It promised to piotect the poisons and pi op- city ot citl/eiiH , both at homo and abroad , and to maintain thu dignity and honor of thu nation ; ) ot In Its relations xvitli Gicat Brit ain It has shown Itself unable to give protec tion to either persons or property , and has poimitted our Hag to bo Insulted without a piopor protest almost In sl bt of our shores ; xvhllo by hasty and nnscumlnidy action It has unnecessarily Jeopardized our frlundly re lations xvlth thu Mexican republic and made our nation ridiculous In thu eyes of the world. He.solvi'd , That xvu sympathize ) xvitli nil peoplu In their struggle for liberty , and xro hope thu effort now bciiia madu by thu Irish people for homo rulu xv ill meet xvitli success , Bcsolved , That thu republican paiiy is now , us always , a party that hascontlnuoiisly advocated and promoted the elevation of the xxorklngman and the nil let of the oppressed. The record of that party Is the pledge that it xvlll continue to pass and oniorco such legis lation us shall protect all classes of labor producers from Injustice and oppression at thu hands of Individuals orcorpoiatlons.and guaidnl ) persons , without distinction , In the enjoyment of their civil and peisonal rights. That the present revenue s.stem of the state , under xvhlch small property holders mote than their Just share of the public burdens and largo property Interests it-main either wholly untaxed or dlsptopoi- Honately assessed , needs speedy revision and reform , and xxo iccommund to the next loglslature n careful consideration of thu rei > ort of the late revenue commission to the end that the present Inciptullty and Injustice In taxation may bo abolished. Wo specially reatllnn the declaration of the national republican convention of the inform In the civil service , aiisplcloualv btuun under republican ailnilnlstuitlon should bo completed by the fintlier extension of the rulorm system ahoadyustabllshud by law to all grades of service to which It is applicable. That tint spirit nnd pin nose of thu reform should bo observed lu all executive appointments , and all lows at variance xvitli the objects of exist ing reform legislation should bo repealed , to tint end that the dangers to free Institutions xx liich lurk In the power ot official iiattonugu mav be wisely and effectively avoided. The convention then proceeded to nomi nate a candidate for slate treasurer. John U. Tanner of ( Mix , ( 'littles Becker of SI. ( 'lair , John C .Saltorof Randolph , and L. M. Kelly of Kane xv ere named. A ballot xxns taken , but befoii' the result xx'as announced , It appearing that Tanner had a uiajorlt ) of the convention , SI. Clah count ) tnoxed that ho bo the nominee b > aeelanntlun. The mo tion prex ailed Foi the oflitv of ui > i < rlnton- dent of public Instruction the named were I eslio I.evxmif llxde Purl , . O. S. Cook of Chleaco , Ulrhnrd IMxxanMnf Miiroau , ( 'has. L. Gribenoxx of Clitcaco. James II. Hiovxnleu of Chatup-ilgn , A. J. MeGlumphy of Lounn , S. It. llmul of It.iudolph , A xotc was tuKon but prior to the announcement the entire xoteof convention for IMxxatds. The eonv pntlon thiroupon mljourned. \VIMCIS-IMIVITIS HACK. Iho Contract li ) Which tlio Uuco Is ( .iiinrnnteod. Tlio Lincoln .lirinml has been at xx'ork again in 1111 oiulo.ivor to mislead the pub lie in i elation to the great attractions Hint have been provided for the \isilors at tln comini : Omaha fair. The Journal 1ms taken especial pains to .spread tlio statement that the special race between Harry Wilkes and Phyllis , xvhloh is to take place on September 0 xvill not occur. As this rnrois attracting ueh widespread attention throughout the state tlio folloxv- ing contract with tlio owners of these horses is herewith published with late telegram on the subject : ThU duplicate Indenture and agreement made this 17th day ot August. A. D , ISSJ , between Frank Van Most , of Kentucky , and Charles Wanner , of Canada , parties ot the fitst part ; and the Omaha Fair nnd Kx posi tion , of Omah.i , Nebraska , party of thu second end part , xx Itiuvsseth That the said parties of the first part , for and in consideration of thu covenants nnd ngreomonts hereinafter mentioned to bo kept and performed tiy the said party of the second part , cox-eiiants nnd agrees to and \ > ith the said partv of the second part to trot ono niatpli race xvlflt tlio lioisos Known as "Harry Wilkes" ( owned by Frank Van Ness ) nnd "Phyllis" ( owned by Charles Wagner ) , ( both parties afoiesaid named ) , on the track of the Omaha Fair nnd Kxposltloti associa tion. on Thursday , September t th , lbS5 , xxeathci permlttlnsr , or the Hist dax theio- after that the weather and track will per mit. mit.The The said first party further agrees to and with said second party thai they xvlll not Hot upon any othei ti.ick or cotitse , or give an exhibition ot speed lit any place within 100 miles of Omaha , Neb. , lei thlity days beforu September ! , lty < , 01 tiot or glxo an exhibition ot speed In Lincoln , Nebraska , vx Ithin thlity uax s aftei said Sup tombei U. 18S ) , nnd thn said party ot thu second end p.ut in consideration thereot , covenants andagieo to iiav the said pai tics of the nrsl pait ( Van Nossand Wanner ) tlio sum of SJI.OOO foi said race ( the lace to be the i best three In live , mile heats , national lulus ) and second patty fuithcra iuo to piy tlio ad ditional sum of S. > 00 it 'Jtb ; or oettor is made in any heat of said lace. In witness xx hureot. the parties hax'o here unto set their hands and seals , the day and jcar flistuboxo written. ( Signed ) FUA.NK VAN Xi : < * s , CIIAKI.I.H WAO.NKH. Parties first nart , Attest : Di.Ninr , H. WIIEILIII : , Sec. KICIIAUO KIICUIN : , Vice Pie , For party of the second iart. The folloxvlng are self-expKnator.x copies of the recent telegiams sent to the owuois of " Willces" and " " "Hnuy "Phyllis" and icceived by the Fair association. September 20 , 1SS" . . Chas. Wagnoi , Hattfoid , Conn : llaxuyou rco'd contiact ? Will ) ou bo in Omaha on timeV J. H. McSiiAXu. ILuiTFonn , Conn , August 30. iSSfl. J. H. MeShanc , Omaha : Itocistered ; con- trnct tiom Albany , txventy-slxth. Will bo on time. CIIAS. August ! i9. Frank VanNess , Hat tford , Conn. : Hnxe you ruc'd contiact and will von bo hero on tlmu' ' J. 11. : . ILvuTronn' Conn. , August W ) . J. II. McShane , Omaha : Signed contiact nud sent It. Kilter Dlack geldlnir , "J. ( i. , " in fioolorall , ami biovxn guiding. McsblnaUoy , in tieo for all paco. Will airivo them Tucs- dav next. FIIAMC VAX XKSS. I'ho folloxving are the entries ulroady made in the spue'l programme : VIONDAX , siiMiMiiin : : 0. Tvvo-yoai-old colt stakus Tiottlng a socia- tion to add § 100. Clias. MeCoimick , b s M. T. Patrick , Omaha. H.up. b f. It. Elliott , XemahaClty. Nellie G. blk r , Kd Culver. Omaha. Count Waldiuan. b s , H. Pickioll , Voik. Seth P. . b s. Kostcraon A : Kollott , Fairbury. Lovctto , bl t , Hays A : Seebei , Clinton , loxva. Spectator , b s , J. A. Graham , Biijgsville , The entries in the running races have not yet xvill not until thu night before thu races take place. TUi'SDAY , sirnMiiin7 : : . Trotting , 3-inliinte class , purse 8500. Jennie Cobb , bf , Ed Pvle. Humboldt , Neb. St. Nicholas , b s , James M. Vail. Victor Spi ague , gs , L. G. Groom. Boo Uidluy , Theo. Van Alst , Elkhorn , Neb. Sloooy Dave , b s , L. J. Laxves , Klkhoru , Neb. Neb.Nollle Nollle G , g in , Gco. Grimes. C. I' . C. , 1 b g , M. O. Uiley. Gladys , blk m , K. S. Malnnoy , Jr. Daisy Van Der Bill , b m , T. C. Brunnor. Bay Diet , b g , H. Whhoaker. Billy Shlman | ) , b g. John D' CrclKhton. Joker , blk g , N. Leach. Falrburv. Nob. George It. , ch s g , Fred J. Shank. ( ! en. Schuvler , bg , V. II. Seeloy. P.ipln , 2i5 : : class , purse. S.r oo. Annie J , , ch m , D. D. Johnson , Weeping Water , Neb. Flora Temple , b m , W. B. Ford. Mattie Sllpp , b in , John S. Wolf , Jr. , Cedar Haplds , Neb. Magnolia Maid , g m , C. R. Maync , Omaha. Lady Latto. b m , D , C. Langford , Tckaui- ah , Neb. Warren Dailoy , ch g , Cat. Dalloy & Co. , Council Blnlls. Tiotltnir. ! 1 xear-old colt stakes Associa tion to add SIM ) . Saturn Jr. , J. ( J. Wilbo , Knlrbnrr , Neb. Lonette. b f , M. O. Ulloy , Keainoy. Neb. Tramp S. . ch s , 1. .1. htarbtick , McCook , Black Oak , blk s , J. G. Graham , Blggsvlllo , Whnbloton , b s , It. G. Brooks it Co. , Brim- Held , HI. xvKnvisiW : , SIIMIMHKII : : 8. Tiottlnir. a:4iiclas- : > , PIII-.O. sr < 00 ; Tiamp McUlulliin , oh s , Henry Chamber- lln. Arap.iboL1 , Neb. Ncttiu U. , bin. Chailes Baby. Kdxvln Q. , sif , J. W. bmlth. My Girl , b m , 1) . C. Langford , Tokamah , Neb. Neb.MuFailand. . b H , Ed Pylo , IIuniDoldl , Nub. Fred P. . b g , A. C. Nash. SHxer King , r s , J. T. Miller. Cyclone , U s , D. W. Mulhallen , Gland Gen.'Schuyler , b g , F. H. Seeley. Almont Forest , c s , L. J. Laxvs. Trottinir. B:37 : class , imrse , StOJ. Annie Klng.s m , L.V. \ . Slnialro ( , Salem , Billy Ford , s g , J. D. Cieiu'hton , Omaha. Billy Boy , b g , A. A. Kombach. Consul. ON. G. H. Bailv. Fairbury. Nub. ( ioin Smith , bl g , T. V. Cialg , Pails.Texas. Logan Chlul , brs , Jan. A. ar.iham. Bertha Clay , blk m , N. Leach , Fahbury , Neb. Neb.Lem , b a , T. C. Uoborts. Win. H . bl g. J. Nuwbro , Klyila , Ohio. Orplda , b m , Hayes it Seubur , Clinton , la. Ti'ittln- , ' , ; elass , purse 8 . Express , b m , Silas Wnltors. Julia Leu. bl m , Grimes & Fowler. Jack Kapids , ir g , 0 S. Mayno , Oiiialm. Mattie hllpp , b in , John S. Wolf , jr. , Cedar Alattlo'llarle , g m , Wnrien Dalloy , Council b h , Charles Umly , Council Bluffs , loxva. . , Flora Temple , b in , W. II. Ford. Country Girl , b in , J , Novvbro , I'.lyila.Ohto. . , . Sjieclal lacoHauyV \ Ikes an. ! Phyllis , puiso S3.000 , xx Ith S'lOO added If 'J:18 : is made , This xvlll bu ono of the greatest laces ever teun in the xvtsst. Both horses xvlll reach Omaha on Tuesday. Thoeiitriui foi lunning laces do not close until the night befoio the race place. Tiottlng , a4r ; class , nurse 5VW. Libbte S , r m , P. A. Cook , Paris , , Tox. Billy Boy , b f , A. A. Bombach. With three other entries by telcfraph. Horses names not known. Trotting 4-year-old-colt stakes , association Banger , 'b s , Goo. B. French , Fremont , ffrank P , bits , Perry Bros. , Wayne. Neb. Persuader , ch s , F. S. Fosmlro , Superior , Sister 0. ch f , Ed Culver , Omaha , Neb. Ted MeMahon , b R , 0 J. Stow ell , Auburn , Nob. Nob.Loxelte. . bf , M.O. Klley , Kearney , Neb. \ John S , bi R , L. 15. lleUoi , Aiihuiu , Neb. TianuS , ch s , 1. J. Slarbuck , McCook , Neh. Neh.Ned V , eh s , Gporffo Vance , rairbtiry. Neb- Tribune , bs , G. A Uinliain , Ulirgsvilic , 11L lllux . sr.pirxiitKU U' ' . II 1 Killing . 21 elass pmse S.VXl. Mn ) Clark , s m , Ulelnrd Wlhlo , Onnha. Kato Lxxliiir , b m , L. C. livving. Mcl.rod , b in , Homy Chamberlain , Arnpa- hoe , Neb , Anna J. sin. l iao Dillon. Weeping Water , Ahmeta , s m , L. n. Siuclalie. Salem , 1ml. Jenny L , g c. James Mat > li. lUlinn Allen , b s , AdniuThomp < iin ( , Omaha. Teddle , in it , T. C. ItobfiK Trouble , hrs , K. L. Car Mlchall. Orphla , bm , lln.xes , V Seeber , Clinton , I own. Papluir , free foi all , piif-e , SOCX ) . Silxet 1'all , gg , L. W. SlnClnlic , Salem , Ind. Ind.Little Little Km , ! ) m. Gco GiInns Jennie Llnd , bm , W. I ! . Font. Patsj Clinker , gir , J. lonehore. . Meslna Box , b g. Van Nu > s lille.x , br g , S. W. Clnpmin , ii'In : , Mnttlo lliule , gin , Wancn Dallv , Council UIulls. HTflll .Y , SI IM FMIII'.lt M. 'I rotting , ftee for nil , pin so , SMW. Consul , cs , G. H. Bally. LibbleS. , i m , p. p. Cook , Paris , Tox. Albert Franco , be , Win. Dookus. J. / . , b ir , Frank Van Ne < . .loo Davis , in g-J. Nowhro , I'.tvrla , Ohio. Trottinir. B:48 : class purse ! > " > 00. Jennie Cobb , br f , li I ) . Pylo , Humboldt , ' Hi ! Nicholas , br s , James M Vail , Ganlen Grove , Pa. V ietor Sprague , c s , L. D. Groom. Bax DIcK , b IT , H. Whlttiiker , Fatrbury. Neb. C. P. ( \ , h g , M. O. Klley , Kearney , Nob. While's Blue Bull , b s , V. H. Scelev. Sleejij-Dax u , b RL , J. Laws , Donxor , Colo. ( ilaitvs , bl m , H. S. Maloncy. NelllutJ.'g m , ( ieo Grimes , Craxxfordsxillo , Ind. GUADMCI ) CIlIIUl'llB. They Will Compote at tlio I''air for Klany IVi/OM. A baby show will bo given on Friday and Saturday at Iho fair. Inoidor to receive - coivo a fair and just verdict great discro- lion has boon used in the selection of judges. After a close executive session , the following xvuro appointed : .lamos II. Way , chairman , Matt Claso and Major I ) . II. Andrus. Tlio commission author izing these gentlumen to act is n fuarful ami wonderful pieeo of ait. Merchants and olheis liavn donnU'd very liundsouio pri/.es for this exhibition ; Messrs. II. Hardy , a inagnilieent mlvcr mounted baby cnrr'mgo ; ( ' ( toodrich iV Co. , volx-ut plusli baby toilet set , Charles Sltivunck , a fancy reeking chair a real beauty in design and npliolslurmg ; Milton Hogors & Sons , a " ( J.irland Minatuie Uango" a perfect model and coniplctcly lilted ; Bliss tV : Isaacs , a vury liaiidsomu duco- ratiitl china toilet sett , and I ) . W. S.txu , of thu opeia house pharmacy , a bountifully littud child's toilet box. Thu pri/.os will bo awarded on Satin day. Sincu the fotogoing xvas published , tlio following additional prizes have been offered fered- Dewey A : Stone , cradle , John Han- mor. silver cup ; N. B. Falconer , cream cashmere clonk.I. ; II. F. Lchnmn , cm- nroulered infant's cloak ; II H. Marholf , niimatiiro titink ; Madame lliekman , baby botinot ; Joseph ( Jarnuau Co. , box ; fancy crackers ; S. P. Morse & Co. , in fant's xxorKud lace night lobo ; C. II. Frederick , Mexican hemp hummock ; Samuel Burns , child's toy set of china on hammered br.iss tray ; C. S. Raymond , dianion 1 and turnuoisuring. Application should bu nmdo to D. II. \ \ houlor. seeto- tary , by mrunts intending to exhibit chil dren. There xvill bo two clas-ics , of ono and two yuars old rcspectix'cly. Personal Paragraphs. M. N. Ouri , connected with the well knoxvn linn of Coii iV : C.ntur , has been summoned xvest on business. Mrs. M McDurmott of Chicago , xxidoxv ot MoDeimott , at ono tnno ono of the most popular young business moil of Omaha , arrived last cx-ening on a visit to Mr. anilMia. John Littlo. P. II. Green took the Q. last evening for the cast on his way to ( Jci many for an uxtondec visit. A large number of friends xvoro at tlio depot to do thu hon ors of parting. Warden Nobcs of thu penitentiary was an Omaha visitor yesterday. Ho reports ( ivcrything "quiet" with those xvhoin ho has charge and the Omaha colony as be ing cspucially xvell behaved. Mr. Anderson , the popular attache of tins postal survico ollico in this city , and family left for Portland , Ore. , last even ing , xvhoro ho i to assume oharKO of a branch os the service to bo established there. JlrovltioH , The examination of the noxvly elected teachers in the city schools , xvlll bo huld in Stipurintendoiit James' ollico thla morning , Ilcavv trains are the order of the day. Tim Union Pccilic xvrecking gani : xvont across the nvor ycsturday to clear up soiiiu wreckage. About 200 inun xvuro at xx-ork on the Tenth htree.t cedar block pavomonl yes terday , and tlioy madu things look lively around there for a time. The M. H. Sunday , ohool will gave a concert last ovuning , for thu bout-lit of Mr , Judson's Omaha mission. No ad mission will DO charged oxuont that everybody xvill bo ovpuctud to bring u pnckngo of school books , clothing , knives , folks , spoons or garden utensils , all of which xvill bu immediately for- xvnrded. Ieo cream and ctiko xvill also bu served. All thu citi/cns aio invited. Turn out and assist the worthy cause. IJuno Hall Notes. Manager Kay. of the Union Pacifies , addicssod a circular luttur recently to all the ball clubs of the dilloront longtioH with a vioxv of arr.iiiging for a surios of games xvitli such clubs as eontomplato a xvcstorn trip aflor the close of the luaguo season. So far only the Louisvillos and St. Louis Maroons have decided upon a western tour , and negotiations are pending ing for txvo gamurt xvlth onuh club some timti in the lattur part ot Ootolmr. The Union Pacilics will meet the St , Joe nine at Athletic park on the last two dav-H of tiiu fair. Soptombur 11 and U A game xvill bo played at Fort Omaha on Sunday bclxveun tlio Union Pacifies and thu Seventeenth infantry nii'ij. The nlnuH from the Union Pacific and B. iM headquarters xvill play a game at Atlilutio park on Sunday illo jot uircitunl nollcii of tlului < I nlil luiic'ily , Mmmmii J.Ivor JUieuluMr mil In Inlrlnilo nnriu. ln o I'lu'Ol U ut Iho liuuil ill nil fumllx niuulUnut Ko lioii-uliolil should lie without It. It pro voutH us xrclt as ( .Hid * Toiiild I.Ivor , llcaUnclio , Illlii , l.'ollu , Imll/estion , Uoiiatliiutlon , 1 oiuia , .SIxiiiloa iiu s , Ijiatltuilci , Foul Iliinitli , nnil ovnij illKuibo Inoutflit onoi i a dl3Rnlcrul i no ocjiinl lit prcimiatorr inuillclno Nuriiiltor wliiit Iho n ( . link , H il u n ( Itwl I utr.iril rollof uud lit ortjln try taiieii will ullttLi u rniuJr | | euro ll n u for ufum lialT tenturbf Inoutiiidi ut people > iivooinl"r uil II in he Best Family yiedlcine , > liiiCMKM ! > ' .V. J. ) M LVil.C J. XTiuuiir. U. H. , < x. M. , rrluui' l.