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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1886)
t * SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , FRIDAY MOUSING , SEPTEMBER 3. 188(5. NUMBER 08. THE FRIGHTFUL UPHEAVAL , Still Later Reports of Desolation anil De- btniction From Fated Obarleiton. /HD FOR THE STRICKEN CITY. The People npKliinliiR to Upturn to Tliclr Homes After HIP Nliihln of Honor Other Details of the IIplp Tor tlio SufTerpra. WA ni.Ncnov , Sept. 2. fSuccIsil Telegram to the BKK. [ Tlio sell ntlsts of tills city hav ing mostly linlshed talking ntu Into liour List evening , tlio people of Washington have to-da > turned their attention to Chai lesion niul lm\u looked with Interest ( or the hourly bulletin1) from Hint city. A number of oftl- clals and gentlemen losldonl hero n nvo icla- lives living in the shattered city , onil having been In receipt of private telegrams fioni them have all day been surrounded by curl- ous and sympathetic friends , nn\toiis to share the tidings received. Although no ap peals fornld have been received , public sym pathy in the Several departments , anxious to take some btibstantial form , has piomptcd the starting of funds for the relief of the sufferers should It bo found necessary to sunplj the city from without In the olllce of the comptroller of the ciirrcncj ( Mr. Tronliolm's family tire now In Charleston ) a fund started tills after noon reached S * > 7.r 0 befoio 4 o'clock , and othei liueaus ) beean subscribing Hats this afternoon. 1 lie Evening Critic has a fund under way , mid In several of the banks and large business institutions a uunerous spirit evinced Itself In offers to contilmitu from umploves. The department ofllclals stand ready to extend government aid whenever needed , and tlio ticasury ( tepaitmcnt has alieady ordered two revenue cutters of the southern districts to Wilmington to await the orders of the relief committee for Charleston. The war department has placed tents and camp equipments at the disposal of , the committees , and the navy department will order a dispatch boat to Charleston If necessaiy. The man wlthathcoiy In the meanwhile Is on hand , and seems to have the Moor most of tlio time in bar-roomshotel corridors , and on street corners. The bends ot the executive departments will do all In tliolr power for the relief of the sufferers from ttie earthquake at Cliailcston. The treasmy department to-day oidcred a revenue euttci to convey stores and clothing and tents from Wilmington , and to take the relief committee as passengers. The adju tant gcneial has oulered that all available army tents ! > c placed at the disposition of the lelief committees. The navy depaitmnnt will also take any action In its power tor the relict of the sufferers. Nhvv YOIIK , Sept. 2. The Western Union Tolegiaph company issued the following ordoi : 'To general and district suneiintend- cuts : Von .ire autlioii/.ed to semi fieo nies- bagcsot ii'llef lei Charleston sulfeieis. [ Signed ] , "Nouviv Gnni.v , Pies. " Tlic SlinkpM City. Cn.Mit.KSiox.Sept.2. Thopilnclpalsticets aui littered with biicks and inbbish. 'Ihc massive poitlco of St. Michael's is wrenched from tlio body of the church ami the ciack In the main building extends to the founda tion. All ot the portico of Bishop North- nip's icsidonco 13 swept away. The Charleston - ton hotel loses thocollings and part of tlie coping. The Gorman aitillery hall is some what injmed. The wateiwoiks biitldlngand rcseivolr aio injmed. The Injury to St. Phillips' chinch Is almostundescrlbable. Sev- eial arches of the splro above the clock tower arc torn down and tlnown out. On Sullivan's Island the shock was severe , butcompai.xtively little Injmy was done. Xo lives weie lost. Many of the summei visit ors came to the citj this morning. Tlio last eaitluiuake shock was cxuerlenccd heie at 11:50 : hiht night , since which time there have been no vibrations. Tlio people nro just beginning to pick up courage to come out. Efforts ate being made to clear paths through the stieets for the passage ol ve hicles ana pedestiians , and the city onto more begins to show some signs of lite. 1'or two long dajs and nights of 1-orror , women and children have been camplngout in paiks and smiaies. The earthquake swept ovet the city like a besom of destruction. It Is Impossible to give any correct estimate of the loss of life and pioperty. 1'or two days and nights tlio people have done nothing but huddle In the Kqiiaie. Small detached relief parties aie going out to dig out the dead 11om the debris or succor the wounded. The llrst systematic effort to get at the facts Is now beini } made. The list of dead recog- nl/ed and reported this morning ' foots up to sixteen and the search has only commenced. The list of wounded will do Into the hundreds. About sevoi-clzhts of the houses ot public buildings aio either clam- nged or wrecked. The waves from 0:5.Tues : ' day night have been coming every live or six hours. There has been none now for tvvclvo hours and htiong hopes aio enleitiilned that the honor Is about over. A special to the News and Courier from points in .South Carolina , ranging from the c\tiemo northwest to the sea coast , repoits hcvciat shocks of caitluiuako , with moioor less dnmago to proprrty. though without loss of life so far as Is known. In Gunge- burg the people became so nlauned that many moved to Columbia. As the details of tlio calamity In tills cltv are gathered , Its effects becomn more and inoroalaimlng. It is feared also , that much distress will pievall , as by far tun laigcr part of those whoso pionoity has been wiecked or seriously damaged belong to thopooior classes. 'Ihe people are as cheer ful as possible under the terrible clienmstaniTH , and are living to lestoro oidei out of chaos. The nggicgato loss is ex pected to reach tlueo millions. The vvlmues , w alehouses and business facilities of the cltv generally aio unallVcted by the catastrophe , and Chirlcston Is ready as over foi the tuns- action of business. ' 1 ho ofllclal total of deaths Is thlity-tvvo , and the wounded will probably number 100. Business Is still suspended , the whole atten tion of the people being given to providing lor the homottss. Brlcklajerfi have advanced their rates to BX ! dollais nei day. The city council will piobably meet to moiiowtopiovldemeasures lor relieving the poor. KxpiVKSlons ot grati tude are henrd on all sides for the assistance oflered to ChaileMon of which the sulterlng people will L-ladly avail themselves. Confi dence Is gradually returning , but much ap- pichonslon Ishtlll felt. The people are gradually takliu account of the details of the injury worked by the eaith- tuaUo , and the list or damage to propcity Is startling. A limited section In the south of the city Is n sample ot the whole. Standing at the postotllco and looking west , an almost Impassable roadway of debils meets the eve. The building ot the chamber of commerce Is badly damaged , a poitlon of the south and east walls having been thrown down by the v lolciiro of the shock , and the build ings of Walker , Kvans it BOL'SVV ell luv e also milfeied. while heavy granite slabs which foi iiied the parapet of the News and Courier building lie upon the sidewalk , leaving the Hate roof and a portion ot ! the nttlc floor ex posed. Most of the building * , on the street nro more or less damaged , but the violence of the eattluiuako Is most perceptible at the his- tone Intersection of Broad and Meeting Etloots , The police station Is almost a com plete w reck. Tlio uppei edge of the w all has boon torn down and that of the north wall lias fallen on the loof of the poich , carrying It awuy and leaving only the large fluted pillars standPL' ! . Tlio city hall nppaienlly e-scaped serious damage , but Is badly cracked on the vast wall , and the court house building Is badly damaged , the walls being cnicked in several places and poitlons of ( lie roof and tables being thiovvn down. Tlio fireproof building seems to stand as a reck. The gables of the north and south yoicut-3 , however , uuuleol solid browu stone , have been thrown to the pavement below. 1 tils ajipears to be the onlv damage done to the building. The worst wieck In the local ity , however , Is St. Miclncl's church , which 'cms to bo doomed to destruction , j'lio steeple , the repairs on which had just bien completed , M'cni < Uo be Intact , but It Is out of pniiiib and is in moment vi > dauber of falling. IIin massive poteh has been wrenched fiom the liodv of tliochmch. and the building has boon cracked In four places. One cur > k In the north wnll extends fiom the caves to the lower window. ' 1 vvo on the west face of the chinch extend the entlie heiuht of the building , tun ! < me on the smith wall also ex tends fiom the eaves duwn almost to the foundations. What a scene of desolation the fashionable boulevard of Clnrlestiin pieseiits. Commenc- I HIT nt IliiMd snoot ono passes thioiigh a block of burned houses. 'Ihe lire , starting at No. US , the thud building fiom the corner of lirnad street on the east side , consumed the entlii'row of buildings as fat northusTiillv's old stand , ne\t to the Quaker cravej.aid. 'llio few houses left on that side of the sticet aie nmie or less shattered or gutted. Tew houses on the west side of the street ninth of Bund stuet have escaped tlio uenoral fate , although the damage U not as great as In other portions of the sheet. An immense vacant lot on the west side of Ihe stieet Is occupied bv families who lived In the burnt houses , and who arc camped out on the swaul with a lew hou e- hold effects saved from the tlamcs. From Queen stieet to llaihack' alley almost - most even- house Is shalteied , the tops of the walls near the loof being tlnown down. A larne building at the corner of Clifford and Klin : streets formeily Silcox's furniture store , has , to all outwaid appear ances , miraculously osiaptd. From Haibaek's alley to Mai kct stieet the damage is not so meat aslt inlirlit have been. KIOIII Maiket to Hazel stieet the damaedone does not seem to bo as gieat as In other poitlons of tlmellv. lcar Shell stuet them is a cabin occupied bj acoloicd man that isumipleteh suiiounded b ) yawning ch.isiiis extending thioiigh the earths -nirlaco lor ten feet and ovei. All around this theie aie sinks of tresh waterand masses of mud with qiteei-hiokiiig soft substances that have never hi en een befoie. It is contended by man ) that the mud and othei substances found aiound the villigo aie volcanic matteu These evi- deuces ot great convulsion aie not sparodlc 'I hey extend far and near in every dliectlon , liom the cltj limits of Charleston to Summervlllo , and at the latter place it WAS found fiom tnistwmthy information that nacks and lis- biires aie every where visible for miles and miles around. Strangely eiionuh some of these were in active operation , and constant shocks that were feltat Summerville sent the water out of these lissiires in jets to 'the height ot fiom fifteen to twenty feet. This was evidently the result of the cracks being Illleii with water and then the bides opening and closing b ) each suc ceeding shock. These appeaiances were of course suggestive ot still more violent erup tions , and there was constant dreid every- wheie that there would ho a general inunda tion caused by some extiaoulluary foiceof earthquake Near Ten Mile Hill a fatal accident oc- curied on Tuesday night. The down Col umbia train jumped the trick. Engineer Ouinsaiid riieman AinoUl , colored , were badly Injuicd by the tremendous leap vvhleli the tiain took In the daik under the unseen influence ol the shock that dis mantled the road. It is said that the earth suddenly gave way and that the engine hist plunged down a temporary declivity. It was then uiscd on top of A succeeding ter- restlal undulation , and having reached the top of the wave a smidcn swerving of the force to the light and left hulled the Ill-fated train down the embankment. The tialn at the time of the earthquake was i mining at the usual speed , and when about a mile south ol Jedlmrg it encounteied the teuible cxpcii- ence. It was fielishtcd with hundieds of oxcmslonists retuining from the mountains. 'II ley were sill gavand happj , laughing and talking , when all of a sudden , in ( no lan guage of ono of lite excuiolonists , the tialn appeared to have left the track ami was going up , up , up , into the air. This was the ilsing wave. Suddenly U descended , and as it lapldlv fell it Hung the llrst coxch violently over to the east , the heads of the car apparentlv leaning over at an angle of foity-tivo degrees. Then the tiain righted and was hurled , as with the roai ot artillery , over to the west , and finally subsided on the truck' and took a nunine downwaul. evidently on the descending wave. The engineer nut down the brakes tight , but so great was the original and added momentum that the train leaped ahead. It is said on trustworthv authoilty thnt the tram net u illy galloped along the track , the Iront and rear tiucks of the coaches rising and falling alternately. The utmost contusion prevailed. Women and childien shrieked with ills- may and the bravest hearts quailed In momcntaiy expectation of a more teirlble catastrophe. The train was then taken back In the direction of Jedberg , and on the way bade the work of the eaitluiuake was teulbly patent Despite the losses by theeaithquaktCharles- ton is in as good a position as ever for the transportation of the usual autumn tiade. Theiels ample warehouse and wharf loom ; thecompiesses are in trim , and merchants and factories are ready to deal expedltlously with all business that offers. This statement is made to correct an existing erroneous im pression that the commeiclal facilities ot the port Is Impaired. am : DKAIII IJST. The following additional deaths are re ported : .JOHN COOK , colored , fisherman. SKliUA B. SAWYER , daughter of Isnnc Saw v er , colored barber. Colored baby , child of Mrs. Dainoval. hast nUht the old scenes ot fright and fear vvereenactcd in the public hquaies and parks. Atll.riOp. : m. a heavy caithquako passed through the city. Its coming was piesaged by quite a number of explosions , dim and distant , which commenced to be heard fullv live minutes betoro the vibration was felt This was the last vibiatlon last nlcht. IMnillllTTEn TKMinilAI'JI KACIMTIi:1' . Ni.w YOIIK , Sept. a. The Western Union oftlclals state no messages sent to Charleston last night could bo dellveicd on ac count ot the general contusion. The hotels aie empty and the people have deserted their dwellings and aio encamped in the open lots and so cannot Im found. The main olllce of the \Vestcin Union in Clinileston Is badly damaged. The batteries are dcstrojcd and all Instruments ruined by falling biicks and plastoi. An olllco has been opened about a mile and a half trom the old ono and two wires placed in worklns order. None of their employes aio seriously Injured. At 5 this morning all their operators were com pelled to leave their posts and seek icst. The excitement has been so gieat tliat foi foity-eight horns Hie ) had obtained no sleep. At 1 this moinlng another slight shock of earthquake was felt , but It did nodamu e. Shutting OirCiuuuIltui Trailp , CHICAGO , Sept 2. The Inter Ocean to morrow will say : Tlieio , uc some mailno men here who believe the decision of the Canadian minister excluding vessel ! ! of the United States from golm : trom one Canadian poit to another to get cargoes will seriously affect Ceoiglan 11.iv trade. They claim that If the ruliiu Is enforced n great many vessels w 111 bo compelled to abandon the trade alto- Kether , as they cannot obtain cargoes at Mid land 01 Colllngwood , the two poits where grain Is lecolved exclusively. Heietofoio American vessels have eariled gialn to these two poita nnd proceeded from them to ono 01 the other of the Islands In the bay and pro cured c.u goes of cedai 01 salt to hi Ing back to Chicago. Now that this source of levenuo Is closed , thov will have to seek some other trade. Htirrjlnj ; tn Jackson' * I toll of. WABIII.SOTON , Sept. si.- [ Special Telegram to the HUK. ] It is understood that Judge Manning , the newb appointed minister to Mexico , will niocoedaspiomntlyaspossible to his post of dut > , owing to Minister Jack- son's deslio to be idle veil. Nebraska nmt Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair Weather in western poitlon , local talus iu eastern portion tion ; sllb'litlj cooler. Trainmen ICilloil. ( iiiAruxa , Sept. 'A About eight miles from here > csterdaj a fireman and brakcman weie Instantly killed on the Ulodgett & 13) iiica lodging railroad. The Opponents of Prince Alexander Capitu late on the Monarch's ' Return , SOFIA HONORS THE OCCASION. The Cznr Scntls n vViulllco MisNhe to the Prlnco Reported Itattlo AVIth llio 1 ( evolutionists Views of Diplomats. The Revolutionism DlHnrmcd. Cnionvr. Sept. : ) . | Nevv York Herald Cable Special to the Hce. ] The following dispatch appears In the Cologne Cia/ette : SOFIA , Sept. 'J , lb.yOn tsunda > thogarri- son capitulated and its members having been disarmed the ) were allowed to piocecd to KuMcidiil. Disagreeable lepoits aio being circulated heie in certain nuaileis. There is talk of fusllades In Knsteidal , believed to signify the shooting of some con- seivativootllcers. It Isnlso inmored that a i Islng has taken jihro at Tmtar Ita/nrdulk. 'lo-tlnv Sollaami Knsteidal ain said to be ( inlet. 1 telegraphed to the railway station at lartar IH/anluik and leceived ! \ icplv to the effect that the most completocalmielgncd theip. The prince entered Sofia by morning and was v ei y warmly iccelvcd. All the consuls won1 picsont at the icceptlon save the consul ofllussia , but even the Kusslan consulate had hun out a banner In honor of the occa sion. Prince Alexander's arrival was much delajed by the numcroun displays of homage age and cnthusiam with which he was greeted along tlio louto. Tlio Situation in Solla. Son v , Sept. 3- 1 New York Herald Cable- Special to the Bun J The negotiations with the rebellious legimcnt been continued , and were expected to terminate today , the prince having issued outers for the accept ance of the amnesty demanded by the rebel chief , Stojonoir. Alex inder also sta > tdtho comt maitial proceedings In the case tor the piesent. It Is presumed that lorelcn Inlluonce of some kind has plaedapait In blinking about these ariangements In Hul- irirla , as well as foreign cliclcs here. It Is , neveitlioless , considered that neglect to punish the rebel chief would bring seiious perils In the fu ture. At the adoption this morning an cmbassador member of tlio foreign diplo matic corps , also a mission prince on his travels was received with gencul enthusi asm. Karavelolf and Seankhotf have been released fiom piison by the orders of the prince , but tlio remaining aricsts will be maintained. _ VIKWS OF Dll'ljOMATS. The Bulgarian Situation nml the Posi tion oT the Powers. CoMSTANii.voi'LC , Sept. 1. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bi.i , . ] I have just Inteiv lowed a representative of one of iireat powers , who is much interested in the solution of the Bulgarian question. He con siders the situation to be much improved , owing to the leturn of the prince and the firm attitude of the Bulgarians. Whelhci Kubsla lias given special assuiances to the sultan or not ho linds the porte to-day mani festing much less anxiety. The pievalent opinion among tlie ministers is that rni : cnisis vvir.i , END without anj ovei tact on the part of llussla end.ingcilng European peace. Ho thinks that Hussla.scelng the gicatlailureof its coup d'etat in ordoi to give foice to the same , will not oppose the prince's icsumptlon of povvei for tlie piesi nt. tearing to force the storm ot Indignation that an attempt to co- cico Bulgaria would liso throughout Kuiope. The liiltisli government is stionglj supportIng - Ing the prince , anil I have ground for believ ing that the queen's strong sympathy with the Battenberg family may lead to a more than moral support , if necessary for the maintenance of the prince's position. THE I1IUTISII AMIIASSA.DOU endeavored unsuccessfully to persuade the poite to adopt an Independent action , basing hei pollcv upon Europe's u'cognitlon of her nzoialn ty , but the sultan's advises still see safely only In clinging to that worn out snppoit. the concert of the gieat povveis. The sultan's dccado of Itusia ; over weighs all othei consideration. Till : 01 IIVIVX AMIIASSADOIt , here , at first oxpiessed views so adverse to the re-lnstatcmcnt of the prince that the be lief has been entertained in certain quartets that the pilnco was only allowed to return in order to retho honorably later on , after hav ing chastened the author of the coup d'etat. The prevalent belle ! at llrst among the ( ! er- man olllclals was that BIstnaick has agreed to saciiflco the pilnco for the maintenance of peace , and that the same consldeiatlons still held good. But any such method emplojed would hav o nousr.n srcii I.VIMOXATION' as to render necCssaiy appointment In the execution of such an Idea. The future , how ever , belongs to the prlnco and Dulgailans , unless he retires of his own free will 01 bv the adverse vote of a general assembly 10- quiring his abdication. It would seem that Kiiasia will lemain a strictly Inactive specta tor , unless coeiced Into action by ono or othei of the gieat powers. I give these views as coming tiom an Impoitant souice. Aleck tn Aleck. ST. I'r.Tr.iisni'ito , Sept. 2. on August .TO , Alcxandci sent the follow Ing tclcgiam to the C7ar through the Itnsslan consulate at Bust- chuk : SutK Having icassumcd the government of Bulgaua , i venture to offer your Impeilal majesty my most lospcctful thanks for the action of > our consul at Kustchuk , whoso olllclal piesencoat my icceptlon showed to Bulgaiians llussla did not uppiovo of the revolutlonaiy act diiccted at my person , -also thank jour majesty for dispatching Prince Dolgorouki as envoy oxtraoidlnaiy to Bulgaria. My llrst act on resuming power Is to assure your majesty of my llrm Intention to make every sacrifice to foiwaid jour majesty's magnanimous Intention tocxtri- catit Bnlgaila fiom the grave crisis through which she Is passing. I beg of voui majesty that ) ou will instinct lol- goroukl to place himself in ilhcct coSmunlcation with mvself as speedily as pobslble. I bhnll bo lmpiy ] to give jour majesty undoubted proofs ol my nnaltcublo dovol on to > oui august poison. Monarchi cal principle compelled me to lestore the le gality of my tiown in Bulgaria and lEoume- lia. Jtussla having given mo my ciown , It Is into the hands of llussla's soveiclgn I am to render It. " The czar replied as follows ; " 1 cannot approve ofour return to Bul garia , seeing In it sinister consequences for the country altcady so severely tried. The mission of Dolgoroukl has become Inexpedi ent I shall abstain , so long as you remain In Bulgaila , fiom unv Inteivcntlon In the sad condition to which the countiy is re duced. Your highness must decide your ow n coulee. I icscno tomjself to judge what my fathers venerated memory , the interest of Russia , and the peace of tlie cast , requne of me. " THF HKTUnXIXO I'HIXCR. Pini.i.ii'roi'oi is. bept. s. The city h gaily decorated In honor of the return ot Al exander to Bulgaila , and crowded with ) Isit- 018 come to join the cltUens In celebration ot the event. An enthusiastic popular demon stration was held ) esterday in front of the liiltieh consulate In honor of Alexander , and a counter deuijiistraUoQ iu f v or of the rev olutionists at the same time was held In front of tlie Itusslan consulate. VVAH CONSIDIIlit I ) 1MMISTVT. I'Aiito , Sep. 2. The publication of the cor respondence between thecvai and Alexander created a gieat sensation In political circles here. Ihe czars menacing reply to the pi luce's ubmlssi\ epistle Is regauled by the diplomatists as InsurliiK Alexandoi s abdica tion and Itussla's occupation of Bulgaria. Itisfeaied war will ensue unless Blsmaick Interfere * . ni voi.t'TioNHT1 * not'Tr.n. Hun IN , Sept. i Private telegrams re ceived here thlsevenlne fiom Soli i state that a battle took place at Hadomlr , eastern Kou- nicll.1 , between regiments lo\al to Prince Alexander and leglments siding with the revolutionists , and that the latter wore de feated vvitti heavy loss. Dentil or a Uothschllil. PAIIIS , Septembc'r 1. f\ew York Herald Cable Special to the Br.r. 1 The Baroness lames Do Hoth'chtlii , mother of Alphonso Itotlischlld and ( tlistave Uothschlld , died this afternoon of old age at hci rosidenrcln the avenue le Long Champs , nged eightj-three. Her lemalns will to-morrow be tiansfciicd to tlio family residence in the Itue Lalittc , whcie the fnneial wlU take plate on 1'iiday. Tlio A < lllrL".s A tPPil To. J.OVIKIS , Sept. 2. In commons to-night , after a warm debate , Sexton's amendment was rejected. Thoiesult was leccived with cheeis. nnd after the lesiilt of the division had been announced It was decided thnt it was needless lei the house to interfeie anv further with the address The address was then ngiced to without division. AJlt G TlllTToMTICIANd. Iiullnna ItopuIilicniiH. INHIjf M'OI.IS , Ind. , Sot ] ) 'i. 'l he icpubll- can state convention met at It o'clock. Sena tor Harrison was chosen chaiiman. Tlie committee on lesoluttons report a dratt of n platform which was unanimously adopted. It demands a free ballot , declaies that wink- Ingmen should he pi otected against oppres sion of corpouto combinations anil monopo lies and against com let labor , the in anting of pension to evciy honorably discharged union soldier and sailor , Is recommended , and the legislature Is called upon to eiect a state soldieis' home. llefcrrinc to the cigar trafllc. the nlatfotm furlhei declaies in laver of legislative ro- stiletion and favois such laws as will permit people in their several localities to take such measines ot restriction as they may deem wise , nnd to compel the tiaflic to compensate foi the bunions it Imposes on society. Sj m- ] > athv with Ireland in her contest foi homo iiilc Is expressed , After reading and adoptlnc the platform tlio convention nominated H. S. Robertson lor lieutenant governor and Chailes L. Guf- fen toi secietaiv of stale. When Senator Hnriison rose to address the gieat audience ot nearly live thousand per sons who thronged the city hall , he was greeted with applause. Ills speech was an airaignmentof the dcunociatic admlnlstia- tlou , both national and state. Ho dweltvv ltd bitter emphasis on tlio gerrjmanderluc by the last demociatio legislatmc. Ho said that the tirst thought that suggested itself to him was that those who aio assembled hereto- day .are politically disfranchised. The appoitionmcnt tor the legislatuie and congicsslonal dlstikts , made by the democratic party , was such a disfranchisement - chisement for political ends which lias made the houth solid , which has kept the free people ple of Dakota from paillcitntlntr In public affairs ; which has attempted by fraud to rob the people ot Ohio of their icpicsontatinn. it has invaded Indiana , and we are to-dav confronting ( lie question of how vvo shall iccover om political equality. This , he said , 1 < * the dominant and contiollint ; question In the campaign in Indiana , and ho would have all bear in mind flint this dlstrnnchiscment does nut simply opoiate on politicians , but affects the entire majoilty vatoot the state. Bruce Can , of Ounce county , was nominated for auditor ; J. A. hempko , of ' Vanderburgh , tieasurei ; attmney ceneral. L. T. Mlchoner , of Shelby ; supreme jtidco , Byron E. Eliott , of Mairion ; clerk of ths ( supreme comt , AV. L. Noble , of Wayne ; superintendent of public instruc tion , S. U. Lafollette , of Missouri Republicans and Prohibition ST. Louis , Sept. 2. The Post-Dispatch's Scdalla , Mo. , dispatch says tlio icpublican state convention adjourned sine die this morning at1:11. . The question of sub-letting a prohibition amendment to the constitution w as compromised , the plank In question , ns adopted , alllrming that wheioan.v large num ber of voters pctUlon the lojIslaturo ; foi the submission of tlio amendment ; pending n change In the orcftnic laws of state. It is the duty of that budv to grant the petition. J. I J. Craens , of Kansas Cltv , was nominated for supreme judge ; M. T. Butler , Mexico , for superintendent of Instruction , and S. W. Crawfoid , of Jefferson , county railroad com missioner. nnd Gerrymandering. SAN KUANCIHCO , Sept. 'i The democratic state convention to-day nominated Jackson Temploof Sanlaltosa : J. V , Sullivan , of San Francisco , ind Byron Waters , of San Bernaidino , for the three vacancies of the supreme bench. The platform cndoi es Cleveland's admlnlstiatlon , recommends the fi ce coinage of silver , demands the lestou- tlon ot tlie wool tu 1ft of Ib07 , fnvois the passage - sago of the wlno bills now before congress , and appiovcs of laborco opperation societies. Altei an unsuccessful ballot for govcinortho convention ndjocincd until to-moirow. Lmchy MoAVIIIIains. LiTCiirnii : ) , JII. , Sept. ' ) , The republi cans of the Seventeenth district nominated Kobert McWllllams for congiess1 to-day. They Bulled to Aerpo. CIHCAOO. Sept 2. The commltteo of man agers engaged tyr the past two da > s In an attempt to ngrfo upon a gross money pool plan to govern loth frclnht and passenger mattois in northwestern territory , adjourned this evening without belnt able to icach an agreement The members split upon the question of "milling in transit , " the Minnesota seta & Northwestern Insisting upon that method of conticlHni : ficiirht being com pletely wiped out ; to which the Milwaukee St. Paul , while Milling to make some con cessions , would njt consent.Mujoilty nnd minority reports , i mbqdj Ing the v lew s of the dlfteient roads , will he made to the meeting of guneial managers on Tuesday next. Postal , hept. 2. [ Special Tolegiam to the BIK.J : Tlio toljowlng Nebiaska post masters v\eie appointed , to-day : Um. D. Kanls , Cedar Bluffs , Saundeis county , vlco Mnuassa4 Kaqnot , icmovcd ; P. O. Collins , Nohart , Jtichardson county , vlco Thos. E. Mau'hvc , livslgned ; Hudolph B. Campbell , Shlklcy , 'lllmoie eounty , vice Itobeit B. Campt > pm toeoriect name. H. H. Loyoland , Pottawottamlo couiitj , la. , v Icq Oscut Kelsey , lemovcd. Sure ofJIlui This Tliup , ST. Loi'H , Sept a. "Jlmuij" Carroll , the notorious bank obbeivvho ] escaped from Ids captors by j ump ng from the tialn In East St. Louis and vvns subsequently iccaptured , was taken to-da by tvvo deputy sherllfs to ( ialcsbuig. Befuie placlnc liim on tlio train lie was heavily Bka kled hand and foot to prevent a locutrenco of the bieak lor llbeity. A largo croud gathered ut the sta tion to see the trb otf. Hughes , who was suspected of aiding In Cairoll's escape , was released to day , as no case could be made against hi in. Acquitted liy Court Alnrtlnl. OIIEVKNNKVjo. . , Sept. , 2. [ Special Telegram to the , BEE. | H i | reliably ro- poitcdhero that Lieutenant John I1' . Me- Blatn , Ninth cavalry , who was tiled hero by couit martial Iu Aiuiibt for obtaluliiL' a dlvoico from his wife by questionable methods , was acquitted. t Vlqtoria Sbukcs the Schilling. NKVV YOIIK , Sejt. a. A morning papei has a story about Victoria Morrlslnl leaving her husband , Krnuot pchllllmr , last nluht , unit It is presumed she las gone back to her father. OLD WAR SCENES ENACTED , Veterans Enjoy Naval Engagements and Big Parades at Graud Island , 40,000 PEOPLE AT THE CAMP. A fjlvel.v AVIml Storm Shakos Up the Touts , Hut No Si ns n * Yet of Itrcnklnt ; Ciunp Kcunioii Notes. Proni Cninp Grant. ISLAND , Neb. , bept. a [ Sneclal Telegram to the IKK. ) | The veterans gath ered at the camp lire : on the ei ( Hint's last night and llstcnod to stirring speeches fiom comrades. White these weio In progiess a large ciowdlmet in tlie grand pavilion to vvMness the presentation of the last hours ot the United States senate pievlous to the Withdiavvnl of tlio secession leaders , as dramatl/ed by W. II. Michaels of thlscitv. At the last moment It was found nccosRarj to mnkc slight changes in the cast of charactcis. Vice President Bieckenrldgcwasiepicsented by Senator Marnler m , Chaplain Gurley by Kev. J. 11. Stonns , SBtiatoi trlmes ! by John M. Cotton , of the Lincoln Journal , Thos. L. Cllnmei by Majoi A. t ! . Hastings , llobert Toombs by O. A. Abbott , John , ) . Crittenden by O. A. Uuthcrford , Ben Wade bv W. H. Michaels , and Andievv Johnson by Cicoigo S. Smith. The other characters were as pievlousl > icported. Many of the senatois had theh speeches com mitted and delivered them with line effect , and the scenes re-enacted wllhcmaln n pleas ant feature of the reunion. There have necessarily been many changes in the piogramme , and some llttlo confusion asaicsult , but eveibody lias accepted it good-naturedly. The numerous interests to be looked after in a vast camp entails a largo amount of work on the managers and load ers , especially where much of the service len- deied is voluntary. Many of the old bos in blue have reached an aso when they do not care to be burdened with red tape , but they have lost lost none of that old time vlgor.of expression or heartiness of interest in old camp scenes. Tlie morning was laigely spent in prepara tions of the day , the grand parade , and In transacting business at the various state lieadquaiters. The unusual stir In the camp at 1 o'clock Indicated the prcparntlon for the gland parade. The column formed In three guild divisions on Hancocic avenue , and matched out of camp In the following older : General Tlm > er , commander , and his stall and othei officers heading the column , composed of the First and Twentj-second icgulai Infantry and Tvvcut-second artilleiy , with eight pieces ; mounted cavalry of the Grand Aimy , the Slielton Xouavo company , and the Grand Army vetcuns by states , with 11) ing banneis and a largo number of brass binds at Intervals In the column. The column reached to the city and linnished inspection to a l.iigo crowd. A number of women w we seen in tlie column , shaiing the fatigue of the parade w Ith theii husbands. At 3 o'clock the Guneral Tjler gave an ex hibition of her lighting qualities and was skillfully handled by hei ciow undei the di rection of the following corps of ofllccis : JXectitlvo officer , L.v. . Hastings ; pilots , Jacob Abby and II. II. Muklcy : chief engineer , Benjamin Bony , and mate , A. Itichter. A dilll by the Xouavc and djes parade by tlie regulars were followc 1 at 7 this evening bv the naval engagement between the Conurcss and Mer- rimac , which excited intense interest A pleasant leatuie of to-day's exercises was the presentation of a bunting Hag to the asso ciation ot West Virginia soldiers by Mrs. Ldla M. Halliday , of Wheeling , an aged ladv of elghtv-livo jears , who made the Hag entirely with her own hands. The presentation was made thromrh Mrs. linen in , of Ciand Island , to Captain J. A. Weaver , ot the association , and the re sponse was happily made by Congressman Doisey , who was an olllcci In a West Vir ginia regiment During the day the New Kmrland associa tion selected the following ofticois : C. 1) ) . Klcliardson , Palmira , president ; vice piesl- dcnt , W. T. Dodge , Claiks. Now Hampshire L. 1) . Forehand , Kearncv. Arcimont , ueorce O. Dodge. North Bend. Massachusetts , O. A. Buziell , Juniata. HIioJo Island , U S. Mullo- ban. ioik. Connecticut , S. D. Bennett , Shelby ; sccictary and ticasnrer. Colonel Beaver and Geoigo M. Smith. Kearnej ; chaplin. Uov , George W. Moslln , Kearney. Tlio batteries In camp tired a salute to-day In honor of Governor Dawes. About 4 o'clock clouds formed heavily mid the outer edco of a strong w indstoi m struck the camp. Idling It with clouds of dust , ana caused tents to vibrato in the bree/o for : i llttlo while at.i lively rate , causing a tew to collapse. * To-day'R attendance Is estimated at 10,000 , largo numbeis coming In on specials fiom all directions. To-night several camp- tires are In piogrose and Sen ator Mandcrson nnd others aio entertaining the veterans by spiiited ad dresses. No signs of breaking namp are ob- seiveil yet , as all are anxious to witness the gicatsham battle promised foi to-moirow. The reporters , who have had a dilllenlt time at best gathering facts , have been much an- novedby the insoloncn ot ccitaln police offi cials , who vv PI o over olllelous , this conduct being Iu marked eontiast with other mana gers of tlie reunion whq have shown the creatost courtesy. , nnuMov NOTIS. : Thoovpilsonersof wai met and paiaded the grounds under the Inspliatlon of mu sic. sic.The navy Is making a registry for the llrst time at these minions. The list com prises 04. The Womens' Ilcllof Coips is numerously represented by the leading ladies of the towns having organizations. About two hundred have loglstcied thus fin. It Is noticeable that tlio registry by stales bilngs In a large number ol new names of veteuiiH , many of whom are attending the state reunion tor the hist time. In some ieg- Imeius there Is almost n complete change in icmcbuntation. It is said an effort will bo made to locate the reunion permanently atOiand Island. The grand sham battle otxurs to-moirow ufteinoon , _ _ _ _ _ Iliiri > lar& nt Nclirnskn City. NKIIIIASKA CITY , Neb. , Sept 2. [ Special Telegram to the HUB , ] Unknown patties ollccted an entrance by breaking the lock elf the front door of V. N. Lawrence's groceiy store some time eaily this morning , They drilled the safe a few Inches about Ihe com bination , cflectlng an easy entrance to the interior. Fortunately but Siu was In the sifo , which the marauders appropilatcd , Nothing else was dUtmbed In tlio stoio ex cept two largo melons , elf which the burglars appeared to have made their lunch. They left behind them a brace and a laige slicd hammer. The latter was Identified this morning as ono stolen from Pallister's blacksmith - smith shop n fuw davs ago. It Is singular with the above that last night was the Ihst night In the annals of the cltv's history that there vyeie three night watchmen on duty , Staso Ilohhor on Trial. CHADIUW , Neb. , Sept. 'J. [ Special Tele , cram to the BIK.J : Tno trial of Casey , w ho lobbed a stage of $6,000 government ftnjds last January , Is now In piogiess and has at tracted n largo attendance at the district court of Dawes county. Wells , Fat go & Co. who are assisting the state in piosecntlng , are represented by Colonel Parker of Deadwood - wood , and C. J. Greene of Omaha , while United States District Attorney Lambeitson Is consulting counsel for the defense. After nearly two days' work a jury has been se cured and the case opened. Seventy wit nesses , elj 'ht of whom aie from Oinuha , are In attendance. The prosecution pre ent a Mi on it ease of circumstantial evidence de- MiMied to show that no one but Case.v.the driver , could hav ei obbcd the coach , while the defense leh ehlellv on the former eh.arac- li-i ol the ncciiHd. 'Ihe trial will occup > sev oral da ) s _ Cni'.heil I * ml or thcCnf" . Fin MONT , \eb. , Sept. n. [ Special to the lliij : Last night at u " . 0 o'clock as the con struction train over the Lincoln blanch of Uipl'iemonf , r.lkhouiA. Missouri Valley was retuining to rrcmont , a fatal accident oc- cm red at Cedar BlulTs , the first Matlon south. A joung man named Charles McConlocue , In getting oft the train vviille In motion , fell under the wheels and had his right leg hoirl- hi ) crushed. Ho was put Into the caboose andbiought to Plenum ! and carefully at tended b ) phjslclans. hut die I at s o'elock this nun nlng. McConlojue w as about tw en- ty-llvc v ears old , and his home Is at Mason City , la. Tried to itueka Trntu. PI.VTII. CK.VIRII , N'b. , Sept. " . [ Special Telegiam to the Bi i : . | Karl Kamlnskv , while trylnit to keep on the rallioad tiack one-half mlle south ot Plalto Center , with a span ot horses and wagon , was met bv the notth bound pns-engor train at V o'elock p. m. 'Ihe hordes were killed. Kaminsky jumped and saved his life. Jnllcil I'or I'orjurv. CIIAHHON , Ntb. , Sept 2. ( Spoclal Tole- cum to the BKK. ] Deputy Shcrlll Samson anested to-day W. A. McMann , of Dawes Citv , nnd lodged him in jail at this point. McMann Is chatgod with perjury resulting liom the unlawful sale of cattle In Koainev. Coming to tlio Pair. CIIUWON Neb. , bopt 2 , [ Special Tele- cram to the Bhi : . | The Dawes county Agil- cultural Society concluded its Ihst annual exhibition jesterday. The exhibit goes to tlio Omaha fair next week. UloomiiiRton "Wins the Count } ' Bent. BI.OOMINOIOX , Nob. , Sept V ! . [ Special Telegram to the BIK.J : Bloomlngton wins the county seat election , polling over a ma- joilly of the votes Instead of tvvo-tifths nsre- qulied. nieTo\\n Ijot Snlo. CHAUIION , Neb. , Sept 'J. [ b ) > ecial Tele- cram to the Bni : . ] A special Irom Douglas notes the sale of SOOOno of town lots In the metropolis of Central Wjominc jesterday. AKMOUH'S BRIGHT OUTLOOK. The Chlcnjro Pnokcr UrgcH Pntrons to Invest in Hog i'roilucts. CntrAoo , Sept. 2. [ Special Telcgmm to the BEE. I Tlie provision deal Is developing sensational features. Largo local stocks of pork ajid meats have made the maikct full of attraction to sellers , and trade has been bearish for two or tlneo months. It Is said now that Armour has been biilng steadll ) since the 1st of July and thai the short Inter est is Inige at the picscnt wilting. Aimour professes ignoiance as to tlio existence ot nnv shoit inteicst , but to a renortei he said this mmnlng that ho "thought very well of hog products. Stocics of pork and meals aio in good hands , " lie ohscivid. smllinglv. "Hoe pioducts will find then nay into consumptive channels rapidly. Wo had an older to day foi 2,000,000 pounds of meats. Stocks will shiink with great rapidity. Wo are filcndly to hog pioducts on their meiits for icasons which I have oullliud In a pilvato chculiu ruliliesscd to our agents lids moiniiiL , ' . Our house Is not directly Inteiestcd to a laigo extent In laid , but our friends arc , and vvo think well of that , too. Vou may hare noticed that no lard from this house was delivered jesterday. I will confess that we are laigo holders of poik and meals , which will bo wanted by consumers. Wo treat our customeis well , and sometimes try to make it especially agreeable foi them to do business with us by helping them to make a little money. We are Honest believers In higher pi Ices , not only for September and October , but tor ncxtjear. We have bought more Inrccly of Januaiy pork than any other month and expect a good deal of money , and expect to make a good deal of money out of It. " Tliechcular alluded to , and to which the linn's name is attached , is given below : The object of this lettei is to call your at tention to the general siirns of the times and their favorable bearing upon the pi o vision trade , and we oxpiess the hope dial the facts submitted mav assist you In vour contact with vourctistomcis and bo of benetitto them also in theli distribution of business. Wo aio firm belleveis in hlchur pi ices for hog products and wo base it on the healthy out look and condition ot tiado generally. In the south a good common crop Is assured , which means a liheial demand for provis ions of all kinds fiom that section. The corn ciop Is hnally conceded to bo largely short , not nverGj per cent of a full average , which condition alvvajs biings higher prices for hogs , and consequently for their various pro ducts. The expoits of provisions during the past year are lanrely In excess of those of fho preceding jcar , and the slocks of hog pro ducts throughout the country atuveiy light , especially at Intoiior packing points. Lake fieights are Hun and advancing , because ves sels are busy tiansporting lion and othei ores , which indicates the working of loun- dilcs and rolling mills , all of which give employment to many thousand men and f mulsh material for active lallioad extensions processing all over the west , and foi building utii poses Thiouirhniit the tommy generally. It Is also a fact that the lion mills of the country are not half supplied with ore lequlrcd toi existing contracts and numeious ullroad cnterpilso In process aio not likely to bo completed during the ensu ing year , nil belli , ' an index to continuous outlay and assured prosperity. Wo would not be snipihod to sco mess pot k double its uicscnt puce within the coming yeai , nnd all othei products In coirespondlng piopoitlons. Our own general ti.ide In the v minus depart ments of our business was never better at this season , and taking all these factors and elements into consldeution , vvo think yon me cntiiely sato In Inducing youi friends to buy libeially in anticipation of the icquiro- mentsof tliolr tiade. Ovnr Geronimo. Sept. 3. The Clnonlclo's Tombstone , ArU. , Special savs : A rumoi has icachcd here that the Mexican tioops de manded of the Ainei lean troops the release of Geronimo. The lattci iclusudanil a liu'lit ensued , In which live Mexicans were killed and tw o Amci leans wounded , Gerontmo es caped during the melee , Theio aio no means of veilfying the facts , as the wiles are down The NOVVK Confirmed. S vx FIIANCISCO , Sept 3. A special to the Mninlng Call from Tombstone conhrms the rumor that the Mexican tioops demanded from the American tioops the icleasu of Gei- onlmo and that , when the laltei n : fused , a conllct ensued , during which Gcionimo escaped. _ German lOviinxellcnl Synod , BITFALO , N. Y. , bept.Tho closing cession of the Gei man Evangelical sjnod was held this morning. The following otti- ceis were elected for the ensuing term ; Pres ident of the the genei U synod. Key , .1. Zim merman , BurliiiL'ton , Tn , . re-elected ; vlco president , Itov. J. Giiineii , Wabash , Ind. ; setretaiy , Key. C. Child , Bnlfalo , lo-tdected ; tieasuier , Kev. P. li , Goehl , .St. dialled , Mo , _ _ Their Annual AVoik I'ndcd. BUFFALO , K , V. , Sept. 2. The Sons ot Veterans of the United Slates have con cluded their encampment todiy , and ad journed to nu'U at Des Molncs , Iowa , in August , 1WY. Nominated For Concicsa. CIUPAGO , Sent. 2. Thn Time1 Dnquoln , 111 , special sa > H William Hjtrtzell was nomi nated tor congress by the dumimrats ol the Twentieth dl&tilct. MURDEROUS MIKE MOONEY , The Juuilo of Joliet Makes a Tree Tor All Tight. RED HOT POKER POINT RULES. Couvlots Tailing the ICoepeiH' I'nit A Hurl } Negro Odwim "Who Uoen Not \ nluo Mfo. The Uonlilo 'Muriloror's Jot IKT , 111. , Sept. 'A Mike Moouoy , the piison Jumbo , created a vvhlil of evcltemcnt In one of theprison wire mills this afteinoon. by making a muiderous ns-mlt upon u lore * man , named Geou'o Burroughs. The des perado and muidcier has been watched very closol ) bj the prison ofllclals since Ids leluru to piison on n life teim for muuleiing lilst cell mate , John Andci-on. But Mooney seemed to attend elo- > ely to hli work until to-day , when ho was reprimanded bj the foieman lor noU keeping no the tiics in the annealing fin- nace HwasMoonoy's ilutj to stoke the fur- naceswith nlone Iron poker nnd keep the ] w lie red hot When spoken to by Buuoiiglifj the despciado quickly drew his poker fioiuic the finnaee and attempted to diivo the pnlnc ! of the hot lion Into the body of the foreman. ' * Burroughs sivv his danger just in time to' waul olT the blow , and springing to one side/ ' he lied down the shop tor his life , w Hit "Giant" Mooney and his toistlng-foik In close pin suit. Bin roughs sprang thioiigh tu ! > side ifoor out of the dev Hlsh conv let's u-aeh. Mooney attempted to follow but Oflkcr Pel- tls , tliu shop guiiul , made grab foi the stok ing Iron and succeeded In wienching It lioni7 the desperate man's lianiK Mooney thin tinned upon thogiiaid and stuick him sev eral blows on the head with IdB lirst. Superintendent Paulson came up bo- lilnd Mooney mid attempted to pinion Ids' arms , bill Mooney whirled around and tlnew Paulson halt way across the shop. Bur- ioii'4hs then hit Mooney with his list nml knocked him down , but the desperado was ) up again In an Instant , glaiing about foe some weapon with which ho might strike a death blow. Bj this time the convicts In the shop wua In a fever of excitement. Half a do/en of them made a rush for Mooney. A bmlvr. negio ronvlct picked up a stick of wood , with' which ho dealt Mooney n lea it nl blow on the head , but it did not stngcei him. Tlio two convicts then clinched and fell , the ncgio bein ir on top , with his hand4 clenched about Mooncj's tliroat. It , ' was all the cnaid nnd loieman could do to keep hack the othei com lets , wlio weio dv Ing to get at Mooney , nnd If thev hail1 been allowed to reach him they would nn douhtcdlv have taken his life , as the convktH in tlio wiie mill most thoroughly deli si Mooney for the hiutal muiderot his Inolfcn- she cell mate , Anderson. The negio came pietty ncai ending Mooncy'scareer b ) choking him , but the 01- ficors pulled the ncgio oil and took Moonty to the solitary , wlicie heas thrust Into ; v cell. Boloreicachinc thoie ho was loud In his threats against the lite of Burioughsif ho ever gets an opportunity ot killing him. Ha \ } to be legretted that Bui loughs wis mil aimed with some weapon , so that I o. might have laid the despeiado out. It in thought Mooncj is just dcspeiate enouiili now , since his ictiiin to prison on a Illn term , to not caic a snap of his lingers tor his own mlsciablcexistence , and thatsooner or later , ho w 111 kill homo one else at llio plsion , or lose his llfu In the attempt. THE SPORTING WOKIjl ) . The liaso Uall Kcaonl. AT CIIICA.OO Chlcagos 2 r Washington 1 0201000 0 4 Plteheis Fljnn and Shaw. Bauo hits Chicago 7. Washington a. Knots Chicago ) , Washington IS. Umpire Quest AT bi. Louis St. Louis 000000002 5 Boston 1 l 0 o o 0 i o o o : i Pitchers llcaly and Hadbourne. Umpiio Pleice. Ar liALTiiioiti : Baltfmoie 0 00000020-3 Biookljn 0 1002000 * 3 Base hits Baltimore 10 , Biookljn 7. Kirois Baltimore 4 , Biooklyn 2. Umpne Carlln. Ar PnirAi > nrpiuA Alhletlcs 1 00100000 a Metropolitans. . . . ! ! 4 0 U 0 0 U 2 * H Pitcheis Hint and Mays. Base hits Athletics 4 , Metropolitans 10. Knors Athletics 7 , Metiopolltans : ) . Umpire Valentine. AT DitrnoiT Detroit 0 2000204 * H New Voik 1 00010000-3 Base hits Detioit 12 , Now York 5. Ki- rors Detroit ft , New Yoik 4 , Umpin : Powers. Ai PUTSIIUIIO Pittslmic 0 0 Louisville 0 'J Pitchers Norrls and Hecker. Base hits Pittsbmg 7 , Louisville,0. Kirois Pittsburi ; 1 , Louisville0. Umplio-Walsh. AT KANSAS CITY Kansas City 1 1402011 2 13 Philadelphia 0 4 2 'J 0 1 10 0-10 Pitelieis Weidman and Casey and Fogar- ty. Umpiie Fulmor. Jockey Club Kacen. Sini'.i' : HAY , N. Y. , Sept. 2. For all ages , seven lurlongs : LIz/Ie Dvvjei won , Pontlac second. Tlino-1:2 : X. Foi two-vear-olds , tlneo qnaiters mile : Bessie Juno won , Ittlhilla second , Hindu thlul. Tlmo-lil'iK. Tor thrco-vear-olds , ono and three-eights miles : Arctinawon , IXIlosccond , Bouan/a thlul. Tlmo-2af. : ! I'or thioo-jeai-ohls , one and thice-nnartcr miles ; 'Ihe Bant won , Fcrona heeond , Lin den thlul. Timo-i:0- : : . Ono and one-eight miles : Jim Gray won , Blue Wing scconii , Spilnglleldtlilul , Time 'Tlneo quarters inllo on turf : Mary Ken nedy won. Gov. Fallen second , Katie Fletchci thlul. Tlme--l : V > M. IJAYAKD'S lHUlLii ; ) 13NVOVH. j The KoslKiiatum of Minister JncUsoii anil the Canst ! Thoronl' , WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. [ Special Telegram to the Bii.j : : Pollowlii' ' the appointment ot Judge Manning , of Louisiana , as minister to Mexico , comes tlio statement fiom friends ot ex-Minister Jackson ot tlio reasons of hin teslgnatlon. Jackson wont to Mexico with gteat expectations. Ho thought the post would be made an Important ono In strength ening commercial lelations between the two countries. Ills wife is also icpoitcd to havrt been i > .nbltlous of sodal honors , which would attach to the United fatntes minister. Jackson , it is stated , devoted much time fo studying out the moans by which his own countiv and Mexico could ho benelitted , mid kept tlio state depaitment ijulto full ) In- loimed of his plans , but the depaitment rathei tlnew cold water on them nnd Jack son , becomingsatlsllcd that homo Influences were woiklin ; to lesson the impoitancenf his position , decided to resign. Ho did this in June , with a mmcst that ho be relieved Irom duty as BOOH as possible. When the Cutting Imbroglio began , It Is said that heinterpictoci .Secretary Bajaid'sconiso toward himself to bu studiously Insulting. In the view of Jack- son's Irlends , thodepaitment showed Us lack of conlldenco In him from thn Hist , but the climax was reached when Special Knvoy bdlgwlclt was sent to Mexico Then came iv nro-emptory leanest from Minister Jackson that Im bo lefleved without further delay , whlchicsultedliitheappoIntmontotMannlni ; as his hiicccssoi. Mr. Scdgvvlek's Jrlond have been boldly c-h.aiglng that Jackson had a hand In the alleged distorted accounts of the jockey elub escapade , unit of this we will inobably hear moro when the ex-minister m- iuriiH. U Is asserted. I n certain n.uai tors that the btato department is thinking of asking tor the resignation ot Consul Gencial Porch , on the ground that his pioposltlon to send a dlsjiatch demanding Sedgwlck's immediate mall was meddlesome Impeltinoncc. IViu li Is a MJssomidemocrat , mid was appointed , kss thui ; ; -