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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1886)
4 11HE OMAHA DAILY BETp ; TUESDAY , MTGUST 31 , 1880. DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. rrnvs OP ilon ) Including Smi'lny Urn , Our Vcnr . $10 60 VorSIT Mimttn . < " > For Ttiri-o Month * . 3 CO The Oinnlui Smiiluy llir : , iimlta ! to tiny Jlio- ( , Duo Vuar. . . . . 200 OMAHA. orrtrr. . No. OH ASH PIT I-'AHVAM PTIITKT. Nr.w VOIIK itrriiK. Hitn\i IB. Tlltiu'NR llfli.ntvi. WAhlllVtTON ' All rointminlc.itioiu relating to nw * ntnl fill- lorliil iniilliT "lioulil bo iKhliossi'il to ( ho Klil- mil or TUP. IIui : . All lm lne i lcltnr titxl riiiitlltnncf > < fltioiili ] Im lUlflrPSklMl to TlIK ItlX ITlll.lNIIIMl CdMI'VNV , OMUIV DinfiK. I'hwM iiiul po t < ift > M orilnrs to be inndo ) > R ) uhlo to tlio t thocom | > iiiiy. 1BJ BEE POBLISHliHiPAIIIf , PAOPBIETOflS , K. KO.SKU'A'Wt , Enmni. TIIK 1'AMiY 11KH. 8 worn Htntcnicnt orOlrottlullom Slnto of Nebraska , [ . a Coutilv nf Dotutln * . t ' ' ( ijo. ( 11. Tiiscliiiek.seriTtai-yot Iho line Ptil- llshlnii coiii'miiv , ilm's solemnly Mvpnr that Iho npttml circulation or the Dallv Urn tor the week cnilliiK'-Atif , ' . 'JJtli , lite , was ns follows : Tolnl Saturday. UNt . l- , < Htimlay. VM . I'-MWl Monday , ! . . . , . R'JTC Tw.Mlay. 'illli . ia.VW Wcdiii'sday , ! Hth . 1'V'tO ' Tlmrsiliiy. With . l--V.Ti 1'rldny , arili . .VJ.MX ) AU'rnpc . 12.7U . Gr.o. H. 'JV.icitrcii. Subscribed ninl sworn to licfoiu mo this SSth day of August , 1S50. N. 1' . , IHKAU I Notary I'ubllr. CUM. II. Tzsclutc'k , Imlnc liiKtiluly poses nnil says that ho Is wrutary of the lieo I'tibllslilnir coinpiiiiy , that the arttial nvcriwc dally ( Mipulallon of tlio Jally Hco for the month of January , 1KS"\ was 1078 , ! ! co ) > U's ; for Ifrhrimrv , IKSrt , lo.wn roulcs ; for Mulch. IWrt , 11.KJ7'coplM ; for April , 1SW5 , 13,101 eonlt'.s ; lor Aliiy. 1K < 0 , 10,439 copits ; for June , 18iO , 12'J'JS , copies ; for July , ISSi. Iiil4 ! : copies. tJio. : IJ. I'/.sciit'CK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo , this Ed day of. August , A. J > . I860 , N. J . Fiir. : , fBHAT , . | Notary I'ublle. TIIK next siciul | ) ! unvoy to Mexico otiyhl to bijii the VAI.KNTINK keeps very low these dtiys , but ho is only playing 'possum. TIIK republicans of California know just what they want regarding silver. It is fnjo coinage. Tin : Burlington bosses huvo ilouklcd to foist Jim Laird on the Second district for A third term , and all tlio people have to do is to ratify the order. Tint KB mon have taken a drop from Ihn Brooklyn bridge , but that is nothing compared to tlio drop taken inloxico ] \ by Special Knvoy Scilgwiek. Tin : national campaign committees of both parties arc reported to bo hard up this year. They can't assess nml volun tary contributions arc few and stingy. OMAHA again loads all other large clearing hout-o cities in the pcrcomngc of increase- bank clearances. Last week , Omaha was thirteenth on the list of tiie thirty-two cities. IT was n slirowd move on the part of tlio Mexicans to make a fool ot Special Envoy Scdgwick by filling him full of corn-juice. This Is an outrage for which the American government can demand no satisfaction. Tin : riotous spirit in llolfast is being hold in check , but there is almost daily evidence that the undercurrent of feeling la still strong and only needs a fayorabln opportunity to burst forth again with devastating ofl'uct. TIIK Hulgarian incident and thn Mexi can war cloud have not as yet affected the American wheat market. What is needed to give wheat n rapid upward tendency is u war cloud bigger than a man's bund. IT seems only fair to credit Cutting with unexpected modesty in placing the damage to himself from two months' im prisonment at only $10,000. Of course that number of cents would more than repay him for the lost time. TIIK American life-saving service is the most thorough and clliciinit in the world. This is acknowledged by Admiral Ward of the British navy , who was for many years connected with the royal national life boat institution of Croat Britain. \Vr don't Know whether Senator Man- dorson has any influence with the demo cratic postmastor-gennral , but somebody who has his oar ought to whisper to him that the Omaha postollico needs more clerks and bolter service. Tins city is entitled to prompt ami ofllciont distribu tion of mails both day and night. TIIKUK are sensational reports regardIng - Ing the Knights of Labor. A rills burgh paper professes to Imvo discovered that an attempt was some time since made by a faction of the order to assassinate Pow- dorly , and it Is understood that the whole matter will bo brought to light at tlio Jtlelunond convention , soon to meet. That assemblage promises to bo of ex traordinary interest , alike for tlio friends ami opponents of the order. Till ) Dakota City organ of the ex Honorable Isaac Powers cordially en dorses riiurch Howo's candidacy. Tins only illustrates the old adage that birds of a feather llock together. Wo are also , reminded that Powers was one of the committee that whitewashed Church Ilowo in the legislature of 1877. It will now bo in order for the ex-Honorable Ed Games to commend Ilowo to Iho re publicans of this district , Crimes was associated on that whitewash committee with Powers. WALL street is having a season of ro- peso. Last week was the dullest of the year in stock speculation , and the cur rent week dee s not open with flattering promise of improvement. Brokers ex press inability to account for this state ofall'airs , but perhaps ono reason is in the fact that the street has not for many years boon so deficient in great opera tors ns it is nt present. At the same time reports regarding the movement in mercantile trade are exceedingly sat isfactory botli from Now York and other eastern trade centers. So far as llie legitimate business of the country is con cerned , the outlook for the autumn and winter is regarded as very favorable. Vnn AVyok'R Double Tay. The terrible cannonade to wliloh Sen ator Van Wyck has been subjected since ho has tii'iiti' his uppcal to Iho people of Nebraska liai heeii mrrely n discharge of blank cartridges. Tlicro have been noisy explosions of powder ami great floiil ( < < of smoke , but. the senatorial tar- gel shows no visible clloets of the licrco ! is auH. The charges which liavo been hurled against the senator do not alVuet his lldclit.v to the intomsts of the state. Nobody ' has dared to charge him with neglect of duly or willful defiance of the known wishes of his constItiionts. Nobody , not oven Iho moU malignant cni'iny , lias ever cluirgeil him with cor ruption as a legislator , or with making iisi' of Ills position to feather his no-it. Nobody dares to assort that Van Wvck lias betrayed the trusts reposed in him by thn men who elected him and by the people whom he has represented with fiiuili signal abilitj in tlio national legis lature. Tlio only grave charge brought against Senator Van Wyck by his oppon ents is thai during tlio war liu drew double pay as member of congress and colonel in the army. The charge has no bearing whatever upon tlio con duct of Oeneral Van Wyck as senator from Nebraska. It can scarcely lie con sidered as an elleetivo argument to pre vent his re-election. But it may as well be discussed in all seriousness to show t" > what desperate and contemptible moans the monopoly press will resort in order to crealo prejudice and throw discredit upon Senator Van Wyck ova , public man. Tlio senator has not seen lit to deny that during the war ho served In the double capacity of congressman and commander of : i regiment. Ho has not seen lit to deny that ho drew double pay during one. session of congress. This may bo a most terrible oll'ensc in the eyes of his tradueers , many of whom lought the battles of the country gallantly among the homo guards. Van Wyck was by no means the only man who held a commission in the army and served in congress at the same tlmo. At the outbreak of the war Senator Spruguo , of llhodo 'Island , was made a major-general and served in the army between sessions of congress. General Garlield was elected to congress wlulo he hold a commission in the army. While we cannot say positively that ho drew double pay during a portion of his term , wo have very little doubt that ho did. If wo are correctly informed Gen eral Amasa Cobb was olcclud from Wis consin while he held a commission. .In all probability ho served in the same con gress with Van Wyck , and ten chances to ono drew double pay for a few months. The fact is that the fire in the roar by Iho copperheads and rebel sympathizers of the north made il imporalivo for the safety of the. republic to plac < loyal men of known ability and firmness in congress during that very critical period. These men reluctantly left their commands in the army for n season when congress was m session and returned to the front the moment their congressional serviceswcroondcd. Inas much as the pay of congressmen was fixed by the year , members who served in the army in the summer months , whan lighting was most iiclivo , took thoirleavo during the winter , but were retained on the army pay roll until mustered out. In the case of Senator Van Wyck the meanness of the assault appears more despicable when it is borne in mind that ho organized and equipped at his own ex pense a fifteen company regiment known as the Tenth Legion , and paid for their transportation to the front. Inasmuch as he has never been reimbursed for this outlay , the paltry pay of a colonel for throe or four months while congress was in session is hardly worth notice Qif it wore not for the great hue and cry that has been raised about it. The "Actual 1'nirt" Fraud. The Sunday Herald appeared with the following cards at Us head : "Tho largest actual iiaid circulation of any paper bo- Iwcon Chicago and San Francisco , " and "Double the actual paid circulation of any paper published in Nebraska. " Now what docs the llcnild mean by "actual paid circulation " ? Will its pub lishers please explain , or stop its bra/en imposture ? ] ) oes "actual paid circula tion " mean a gilt-edged list of extra- select subscribers ? How dare they claim a larger circulation than any paper be tween Chicago and San Francisco when they know that Kansas City. St. Paul and Minneapolis papers circulate all the way from 13,000 to 18,000 daily , as against less than 4,000 of tlio Herald's bona fide daily circulation ? What right has the Herald to lay claim to double the circulation of any paper in Nebraska , when it knows that the HKB has an actual paid circulation ofovnr 13,000 daily. If the Herald's claim wore true , it would circulate over 35,000 , papers n day , which every intelli gent person knows to bo an outrageous falsehood. The "actual paid" catch , which the Herald lias invented to impose upon advertisers Is a very clumsy device. What docs "actual paid" mean ? The JJBK receives pay every Saturday lor about 45,000 , papers sold during the week of seven days to its lessees of circulation in Omaha and Council BluIVs , Is this "actual paid" circulation , or is it to bo regarded as delivered on trust ? The BKK sells through dealers in Iowa and Nebraska fully three thousand dailies , which are paid for at the end ol each month. Is this "actual paid" circu lation , or is it a give-away on the inflation system of the Herald manager , who al lows dealers to return or keep stacks ol unsold papers which ho sends out tc make a bogus showing ? The remainder of our daily circulation is in part prepaid , and in part collected from tlmo to time by agents. This is true of all other Nebraska dailies. Where then does "actual " paid" come in ? Hut the Herald pompously proclaims that it has double "tho actual paid circu lation of any paper in Nebraska , ' Whore is il ? In Omaha its actual circu lation is a fraction over 600 by carrioi and less than 1,200 , all told , In other words , its circulation In Omaha is nboul the same as the circulation of the Br.K in Council Ulufla. The rcgularsubscription of the Bir : in Omaha , supplied by CHrrici delivery , is now over 4,700 , , This docs not include papers delivered to dealers , Hut the Herald with about one-fifth of this circulation has the audacity Ui advertise its circulation as double that of any paper pubjlshed lu Nebraska. II this imposture only deceived Its sub scribers it would make liltlo diUbronce , Inlt itfiiiialn object iato swindle the credu lous eastern advertiser , who has not the means to ascertain the truth. If this fraud is not stopped we shall talk a little more plainly , and exhibit the methods by which tlio llorald is trying lo obtain money under falio pretenses. Tlio Situation. Ilttinr is still comparatively quiet in some branches but the conditions are ripe for improvement , and the indica tions are everywhere nior-i oiH-wuraging for a prosperous fall and winter trade than they have been at the outset of sev eral preceding seasons. Merchants and inanufuelurorrt are correspondingly cheerful and hope-fill. The jobbing dis tribution of manufactured goods is fairly active , and in many lines shows an im provement over the business of last week. In nearly till departments the contrast with the condition of trade at this time last year is very favorable. The siness t'ailure.s occurring throughout thu country last week number 201 , as against ISli the previous week and 107 the week before. The increase is mainly in Canada. Failures in the eastern , Southern and Miildlo states continue light. Cotton prices have been depressed by Iho political uneasiness in Huropo ami by unfavorable market news from Liverpool , mid as compared with a week ngo are 1-1U to i of a cent per pound lower. The crop year i.s drawing to its close , and business is done on a moderate scale both for homo eonsiimntlon and export. The generally accepted estimate of the prob able outturn of this year's crop is (1,500- ( 000 bales. The trade in cotton goods is morn active in jobbing dcparlmouts and fair at llrot hands. Demand is absorbing the production of desirable fabrics , and a good many orders are on the mill books for future delivery. Tlio market , there fore , is in excellent shape and firm. Wool has been shaded slightly in price in exceptional instances. Tlioro arc a good many buyers canvassing the mark ets , and largo lines could be moved at concessions , but business nt current market rates is quiet. Manufacturing clothiers are having a good trade in heavy goods , and are giving only moder ate attention to spring weights , but or ders are fairly satisfactory forthuseason , and indications point to a good fall trade. Other branches of the woolen-goods trade arc fairly active , and values in till lines are very firm. Increased activity is noted in tlio jobbing trade in dry goods in leading markets throughout the coun try. The anthracite coal trade shows an improving tendency. Kxporl business in wheat has boon much less active the past week. Clearances have continued liberal because a largo amount , of the grain had been previously sold for August shipment ; but thvro has been a lull in thn latter demand from foreign buyers. The partial halt in ex port buying , large receipts at winter wheat centers and an increasing move ment of spring wheat from the north west , have promoted a more bearish feeling in speculative circles , but jts ell'oct has been measurably oil'set by the political news from Europe. The drift of values , with occasional interruptions duo to the foreign war talk , has been downward. The corn crop outlook has boon slightly improved in some localities by recent rains , but tlio week's reports do not indicate any material change in the general situation. Kxport demand for corn is light. The Grand Army Hcunion. Nebraska is pre-eminently a soldier state. Nearly every regiment that served in the armies of the union has a score or more of representatives in the Grand Army organisation of Nebraska. Tlio eighth annual reunion of the veterans is now in camp at Grand Island. Extensive preparations have been made by the of ficers of tlio Grand Army and the citizens of Grand Island to make this reunion a memorable event. The attendance prom ises to bo greater than that of any pre vious assemblage of the boys in blue in Nebraska. As the years roll by these gatherings of the gallant defenders of the union become more and more interesting and impressive. They recall memories of patriotism , valor and priva tion of the most critical era in Iho history of tlio republic. They recall vividly to the present generation the debt of grati tude which the nation owes to tlio men of 1801-03. Nebraska , although a terri tory with less than ! l."i,000 population at the bioaking out of the civil war , fur nished her full quota of volunteers to the union armies , and many of these veterans , now assembled at Grand Island , served gallantly through the entire war. TIIBIIB Is no UFO for ward bummers and bilks to aspire to the legislature from this county. It would bo reckless for cither party to nominate men who pros titute themselves for hire nt tlio polls , and who only want to go to the legisla ture to sell their votes. Ciiuitcn HOWE is hedging already , lie sees the handwriting on the wall , and fearful of defeat nt Beatrice , ho holds In reserve a nomination to tiio legislature , where ho expects to got oven on the ex penses of his congressional campaign. UP to the present time , nobody but Pat MoArdlo mid Corliss are talked of as candidates for county commissioner on the republican ticket. It scorns to us that better timber can bo found in Doug las county for that Important ollice. WE bav heard of the man who tried to pull himself over the fence by his boot straps. Tliis same genius is trying to boom the Herald by nn "actual paid" circulation dumped by the cartload into Omaha backyards and alloys. Tim cold wave , which has been side tracked all this summer , has at last struck this part of thu country , mid suf fering humanity is bracing up under its invigorating influence , Ciuntcii HOWK relies on the railroad bosses and the penitentiary ring at Lin coln to carry him through. WK must keep up the boom , The pav ing bonds should bo carried by a largo majority. Mit. SEixnviOK , the legal luminary who was sent by Secretary IJayard to in vestigate the Cutting all'air and other al leged outruiies upon American citizens , celebrated his arrival In the Mexican capital by painting the ancient city red , iu company with a party of young Mex ican bloods. Ho has made u fool of himself - self and .Secretary tyayfird. Tlirt Mexi can authorities ougl't to send Mr. Scdg wick to jail for ninuty days for druukon- no > p. We hardly thihk the American government would ilenVand his release , Ins ollense belnir coiiiuuttrd on Mexican soil without the shadow of a doubt , Tin : Union Pncilles OHM play base ball once in a great while. K1MJS A The 1'iliiee of Walo1 } isplvlmr dreadful of fence to his countrywomen by dancing so much with American be'iullos , Well Wall , the Xunl princess , has com * Into the bric-a-brac collecting business and Is said lo be fascinated with old china. ( Mai'Kharlta of Italy prefers women physicians anil would like to see a few clover Americans hang out their shingles In Andal usia. usia.The The Vrlnco of U'alcn lias declined to ac cept a testimonial plnlp , valued at Sl2"iOt ) , from the commission of the colonial exhibi tion. tion.The The ( JiieP.u I'pgpntof Siuiinjs nl lnranjn. ! She loves to sit and talk Spanish baby Inn- > ; iiiite ( to the Infant kin- ; , who crows like a little bull-lUliter. The fifty-sixth blithilay of the Kmpcror Kriiucls Joseph was cclclirnled throughout Austria the other day with great festivity. A man climbed the spire of St. Stephen's ea- thcdral , 4 < M fecit hi h , and hung an Austrian lln on the cro s at the summit. Queen Victoria Ims never taken kindly to American beauties , and recently refused to extend an invitation to a curtain entertain ment solicited on bchair of a prominent American society woman , even tluuiKli tlio Pi luce of W.tles added the Influence of his name to the pica. Queen Victoria onro helm : at an Important ccicmouy lu a north of Knnlind ; city , a paper was biouuht to her for a signature. Of course she Inscribed It as usual , "Victoria , It of I. " Then her favorite dam-litcr'.s signature was desired and was only written "JJcatrlce. " Finally the wife of the mayor was called to slRii the paper and not to be outdone by any mem royalties , she unhesitatingly wrote "Mary. " Queen Victoria Is evidently In need of a little pin money , as she Is anxious to soil the Villa Ilohenlohe , her lesldcnco. at Baden- Baden. The empress of Austria Inspected the palace diirini * ; her iccent visit .to Baden ns she contemplated buying a villa , and the ( icruian empress took a look at it the other diiy. But neither Kli/.abcth nor Augusta Is willing to ngico to the queen's price , which is nearly twice as Hindi as the property is generally thought to bo woith. It Doesn't A ( Toot Ouv Grain Market. W. 7,1111 In ISrimlillean. England ami Kus.sla are bristling up at each other aialu , but the grain market has learned to cndiuc these little demonstrations with placidity. , i , - On the . Atlanta ( , Vinliiloii. ( { ( We take pleasure in aiinoune.inu ; that the second battle of ( lettyhburi * ; , which has been going on for some time , isl confined entirely to paper , and tlio south ts talciiiR no part whatever lu the affair ; ' , A Hint to tlio PostuiiiHter General. IinlitinaiiiiliH Journal. If the postmaster ccncrnl would devote a little of his time to battering the postal ser vice as now crippled by the accession of thousands of incompetent1 men , instead of trying to I'orcc a special delivery theory into practice , a long-suffering p'ubllc ' will be vci.v grateful. _ / * I'e.rslan llosos. ZiWptiicott'n 3taaaili\f. \ In an ancient legend , Perkins say That a rose two blooms at the gates of Day , And once in each life , bu it sad or liny , Comes tlio scent of that flower from the far- off skies , Ami tlio heiirt seem lifted to Paradise , And , oil , the day that it came to me ! Teai-s cannot tarnish the memory , love. Of that moment out on the summer sea When the frayianco fell from above ! Your eyes were raised , and their tender tale Had made me forget the refreshening gale , Till the waves were dashing over the rail , And the clinging arms of a'razgcd cloud llnd'wrappcutlio sun In an Inky shroud. With the timbers btralnlmr under our feet , And our faces mlo in tlio lightning glare , Wo learned for the first time life was sweet , For wo learned for tlio first time love was there Blest was the fragrance that came on tlio blast , Bright was the moment , but swiftly past- All , far too blest , too blight to last ! For the mighty , passionless , pitiless sea Claimed what was dearer than life to me , Ah , merciless Memory , draw the veil Aewss the path of that leaping wave ! Shut fioia my ccs the loosened sail And lift my heart from that ocean grave ! STATE AM ) TISimiTQUY. Grand Island will surrender io-nay without firing a gun. The lirst brick building for Sidney is under contract. It Is a modest one-story. Frank Mussio , of Tcetimseh , a work man in the railroad coal sheds , was hit on the shoulder by tlio revolving crank of the derrick and frightfully injured. Mrs. Anson Hewitt , a respected lady of Oakland , dove from a bridge into the Klkhorn river , struck bottom and stayed thoro. She was thoroughly tired of life and a cancer attachment. A band of Pine llidgo Indians were in duced lo give a irilivo "shindy" near a church in Huslivillo last Sunday. Tlio whoops and yells and "molt the llurcs" of the reds produced a panic in the church and the congregation hastily ad journed , Broken Bow was decked in holiday duds last Friday to great the first pas senger train to town. The town is now out of Iho stage coach wilderness and sends greetings via the "great Burliiiglon route" lo all the world , The Hums of Hebron belonging to Mr. ( jleason , bucked against toting u car riage at a snail pace , and ran thn vehicle oy r stone piles , and against trees and hitching posts , IIo succeeded in smash ing the rig , ami bruisiijp M rs. Gleason and her iwo children ! ' Mr. .1. Starmor and his daughter Clara narrowly escaped , U horrible death in Hastings Saturday. 'They wore driving in a buggy near the IV , & M. depot. A switch engine with a car backed up , struck the buggy ami overturned it. throwing the occupants' to the ground mid under the cars. 'Fortunately thn cars wore stopped alriiost1 instantly , anil Mr. Starmor and Cllijra wore rescued un injured from the whcols ; ' Iowa IroniH , The third slrcct to bo planted in Ottumwa. Dnlniquo has abandoned the union depot project. The railroads did not taio the bait. Tlicro : ire eighty carloads of grain in store in Denison , and no car to .ship it. Thu shipmen for August will bo about 12,1 car loads , Ida Grove having lost its grain olovn- valors by fire , the people at once began to erect a now struciuru so that it might not lose ils trado. Ida Grove is nolliing if not enterprising. A man by the name of Dovol while dig ging a well at Bloomlield was buing lowered when the rigging jravo way , let ting nlm fall about twenty feet. Ho es caped with a broken collar bouo. A farmer living about two miles from Sioux .Hapids , ono very warm day ro- cenlly , undertook to drive forty head of hoes to that city , but before the market was reached fifteen of the porknrs had died from the ellr-cts of the hunt. A most shameful and outrageous con dition of affairs exists at the JpfTorson cotintvpiior farm in Falrlield. Withili th" past three weeks two women have been confined there. One of the. o women is a deaf mid dumb girl , who has been an inmate at the farm for years. The other has for two years been nil in- male of the in tine department. Great excitement prevail * at Fuirlield over the outrageous conduct of those In authority althe farm , and some person is liable to be luir.-lily dealt with. Dakota. Ynuklon can have u $ < 0,000 twine1 fac tory for a bonus -'JO,000. . Newspaper mon are agitated over thn increased circulation of couiitcrtoit coin in the territory. Rapid City roi'iiiro.s the telephone com pany to pa'y"il)0 ! ) a v tir for the right -of- w.iv for its poles ana lines through the citv. citv.A A new Dakota town i.s being laid out where the Northern Pueilif and the ( . 'hi- cage & Northwestern meet south of LuMoui'c. The managers of the Itapia City .school of mines worci astounded la.stweoK tolind that I'rof. Klolehor would not tukoehurgo of the school for less than $ t > > 0 a month. Thai settled his prospects. The man agers are now negotiating for a cheaper professor. Tiio now city council of BufTiilo Gap has passed an ordinance forbidding the utterance of tiny vile , vulgar or blasphe mous words or opprobrious epithets within the corporate limits. When it i.s taki-n into consideration flint the Gap IUIH neither church edifice nor school house , the ordinance is apt to look a lit tle premature. It will most probably ro- ( ptiro an ordinance to enforce the ordi nance. _ Wyoming. The Iron Mountain Mining company has filed articles ot incorporation. Thu capital felock -tl.-'oO.OOO. . Material for the Ilrst forly miles of the Cheyenne it Northern is arriving in Cheyenne. Heavy .shipments of cattle are being made trom the ranges. The shipment- ; ure. being made two weeks earlier than usual. Wyoming coal lias boon tried on some of the locomotives , and pronounced by the engineers to bo bettor than Iowa coal , the only dilTorcnco being that the engines as now constructed have too much draft. The Twin mountain country was treated lo a hailstorm last week. The wind was almost a tornado , and the hail was hurled through the air for about an hour. .Streams rose as if by magic ; brooks became rivor.-i , and rivers turrents. The next morning , fifteen hours after the storm , the hail t-till lay on this ground lo tlio depth of six inches. Certificates of incorporation of llie Cheyenne Land & Caltlo company have been filed with the secretary of the terri tory and county clerk. The capital stock is placed at sjr-OO.OOO. The trustees of the company nro Alexander 11. Swan , Thom as Swan , 11. B. Kelley and Albert F. Uicliey , of Cheyenne , and Bruno Kichtor , of Now York city. Cheyenne will bo the principal place of business. ir Alexander Adieu. Clitraon HcniM. Whan in 1878 Disraeli returned from Berlin with the island of Cyprus in his pocket , and the cry ot "peace with honor" on his lips , Bulgaria , which had been a bono of contention in tlio much vexed eastern question , was constituted an autonomous and tributary principality under Iho su/.eranity of his imperial majesty , the sultan. IL was ordered also in the same treaty that it should have a Christian government and a national militia. Bulgaria had been one of the European states of Turkey. Nearly three-fourths of ils population , scant two million , belonged to Ihc Greek church. The Turkish tax farmers perpetrated terrible outrages on the people , and the province was in a continual condition of revolt. The treaty of Berlin gave its first attention to the alTaiis of the people. Il provided , after fixing the status of the principality , that the prince should bo freely elected bv the people and confirmed by the sublime portc with the consent of the powers. The population chose Alexander , who is a cousin of the reign ing grand duke of Hesse , who married the Princess Alice , daughter of Queen Victoria , and a brother of the Ludwig to whom the Princess Beatrice was recently wedded. The election occurred in 187B , and was entirely unanimous. In 1880 , with equally apparent unanimity , ( he young man is escorted to the fnintier , having been quietly deprived of his gov ernment , his palace at Sofia , and his $100,000 a year that were given him for prince playing. Save that there was trouble with Servia recently , the reign of Alexander has been peaceful enough , but Hut population of the prineipamy have religious reasons for profering the rule of Kussiu , and will probably noyer bo content while i.ormnlly a dependence of thu sultan. UIISSKUI partisanship has been strongly expressed in Bulgaria , but Russian authority cannot bo exerted in the country without the assent of the European powers that wore parties to the treaty of Berlin which terminated the war of 1877 between Russia and Turkey. Plenty of work tor the cabinets of Eu rope will grow out of tlio present compli cation , but the bayonet factories will probably not bo disturbed until , break ing through ail parchment bonds. Russia will drive the Turk from Constantinople. HOW NEILSON DIED. Denial of ( In ) Story that Her Dentil Resulted Prom a Hovel. Denver Tribune-Republican : A queer little llguro with u very short waist. A bond covered with dark hair set squarely on a pair of shoulder.- ! without the inter vention of any nook to sneak of. The oddest of palo-bluo calico drosMis. worn with a short shoulder capo of black cashmere - mere , a white mull kerchief , nnd a long , white apron. This is how she appears Mrs , Leon , the Scottish waiting woman now in employ of Mine. Modjcska , and once maid to the great Ncilson. Thin is how she looks a dumpy liguro in quaint attire , looking as If she belonged to a by gone century , and speaking very gram- miitlcally in a quiet , easy fashion , which shows * hu is used to being iiboul Iho world. "You want to talk to me about Almo. Noiisanr1 she said. "Well , I like to talk of her because I love her. and because she was one of the loveliest and hearted women who ever lived. Indeed , ] cannot describe to yuti her lovely dis position. She was remarkably oven * tempered and never gave way to angry expressions as so many ladies do. Natur ally things did not always go to suit her , anil she was not always pieo-sod , but she had a gentle way of remonstrating that never engendered bitterness or angkT. " "Wore you with her when she died ? " "O ! yes , indeed , and a very sad death it was in that little Parisian ohalet with only nor nearest friends about her , No'l- ' sou died the Mill of Augtisl just six years ago. You see , it was this way : she had long been ill at times , 'her trouble being situated in the blood vessels , but she was quite well when she set out to dnvo with two or three friends that afternoon , in tending to leave Paris for Switzerland at night. I staved at homn to get all bur things in I'oadincss for Iho journey , and was greatly startled at being ? enl for Iato in the afternoon to goto Mmo. Noil- son , who was dying at the chalet. The reason of her death was very feimplo a blood vessel which had worn to an ex tremo dopron of thinnos , nnd suddenly broke. Then lifo could bo sustained no longer , and poor madnino died. ' Dlryes.l know nil about those1 storing nbont tlio iced milk , nnd tin- pay wino supper slip bad participated in Hint nighl , but I assure you they arc tlio base-Hfabri cations. Then1 is no truth in them what ever. 1 liavo reason to know tlnit she had not drank a drop of wine that day , ami that slin never drank to eseess , beingri temperate woman in all things. DM tin- way to thn chttlol 1 know the party slopped at a dairv and had some milk , but I am convinced tnatthomllk was not iced. It is ( pillu probable that It was juM fresh from the cow. They Uc very mile iced milk in l-'nuice. And the pally was u very small ono and a very mnel one in every respect. 1 am positive Mint" . Noil- son bad had no wine that day. "No , 1 tin not think she allowed her mi- fortunate marriage to make her unhappy. Sins bail youth , beauty , luxuryeven love , and she had a happy faculty of making the best of things. Shu had a habit of making her will every time she. sol out upon a long journey , and the last otto she made , in which slui bennentlied the bulk of her fortnnt ! to Mr. Nlynn , was , I am sure , more of u whim than anything ol o , as she had never eared for" him. Ho wanted lo marry her , and she respected him. That was all there ever was between them. At Hit ; lime she made her will in his favor , ho madoa will in her.s- an oven exchange , yon ceo , possibly moiv in jest than in earnest. She willed me her wardrobe , which I sold for $8,000. , She said sonic time before her death that if she had a successful season that year .she would have given me a pension. 1 wish she had done .so. I tun getting old , and the work of dressing a great actress is no easy task. "Mine. NeiNon was very easy to dress , because she played mostly in Slinks- pearean drama , where the itressos are very simple , and are seldom changed. 1 never saw her look lovelier than she did the day she died. She wore a simple white dre > s and looked so sweet and ohariiiing as she stopped into her car riage. Poor Mmo. Neilsonl She has gone to n better world. " Tlio Pnwnpc County Convention. PAWNIK : dry , August 28. [ Corres poiidencoof the HUB. ] To-day the rcpub lican county convention was held hero at which .1. A. Cope was nominated for representative , C. . II. Norris for float representative ( Pawnee nud Johnson ) , and J. K. Goudy for county attorney. M. K. WalKer , G. W. Collins , F. R. Por- W. J. HccMormaii , John Davis , J. W. Minor , II. W. llutton ( J. W. Eckma-i proxy ) . J. U. Little and J. G. Fisher were elected delegates to the state convention and were instructed lo use all honorable means to Hp-euro the nomination of Prof. II. S. Bower.s for superintendent of public in- slruction , for the state. Prof. Bowor.s , for the past year , has been superintendent of our city high school , and has been again tendered tlio position for the en suing year. The professor's work hero , and his association with our people , has convinced everybody with whom he has come in contact , that he is thoroughly qualified and eminently filled for the position of state superintendent. Our people would give him a hearty supporl , should ho be nominated. IIo is believed to bo the strongest man in south Ne braska , if not in the slate. Put Out u Fire and Killed ft Sinilcc. San Diuiro ( Cal.Suu ) : Miss Altie Tul- lanl , ii beautiful and accomplished young lady , is the daughter of Mrs. Tallinn , landlady of the hotel at Knoinilas. She has a luntl claim about a mile .south of Enemitas , on the line of thn California Southern railroad. Last Saturday a spark from a passing locomotive .set lire to the dead grass and threatened Iho destruction of her house and conlents. She look some giinnytmcks. , soaked diem in water , and blurted for the lire. After a determined light Iho flames were subdued and the house saved. On her way back , in pass ing near a pile of railroad ties , she came near stepping upon a large rattlesnake lying beside them , almost hidden from view , but ready to strike the first person that might happen along. Sieving a stick. Miss Tallanl g.'ii'o the reptile bat tle and succccdnd in Killing it , securing tlio body , which measured nearly four feet in lentrth airl five inches in circum ference , us a trophy. That night she slept in her cabin , n full mile from any human belli ? , and arrived at home on Sunday morning , "smiling and looking as f rt-sh as : : i peach , " apparently none Iho worse for the experience of Iho pre vious day. cH or DccjiyiMl Tcutli on Kyc- Chicago News : Decayed te.olh have boon known to exert an injurious effect on the eyesight , but a recent case in Sweden illustrates this reflection in an unusually striking manner. The patient was a ounggirl blind in Iho right eye , although the surgeon. Dr. Widmark , was unable lo detect the pathologi cal change in tlio organ. Observing , however , considerable defecis in the teeth ho scut her to M. Skog.horg , a dental surgeon , who found that all the upper and lower molars were completely decoyed , and 'hut in many of them tin ; roots were inflamed. llu extracted the remains of the molars on the right side ami in four days' time the sight of tlio right eye began to return , and on the eleventh day after the extraction of the tcelh it had become quite normal. Tlio deceased fangs on the other side wore subsequently removed , lest they should cause a return of the ophtlmlminio aiVcclion. _ They million Denial. Messrs. O'Connor & Rufur , of Iho Mis souri Pacific , claim that a misstatement was made in the testimony before the coroner's inquest. Tlio impression was conveyed that Rufur , the brakeman , tes tified that O'Connor , the conductor , had been drinking and that his breath smoluil of whisky. Rufur domes t hat ho testified to this statement. O'Connor says that ho had not benn drinking , and that ho had not taken a drink for tm > months. The Pint , Ihn Orlclnnl mid ( Inly ntnrrh Ihnt I * Mil up l > v nd'ii Mlio lm\o n iirnrllenl knonlnlco of ilir Iniimlrr tirofM lnn. It reqntrrs no reeking , kef tut ho I ron from nickln < anil llnon from Ml lorlti4 \\M\t \ innilnn , tnl cl c untru , cultn nd collars llui Mlffnp ami Itcnutlful | wlUh they li ve vlifn ti * -t . \lilctj , % rnl > od1' known , kc tm tlmn clf n tRlwi m Ions , Hcwntfl of Itnltntlorn , Son th t the runic J. O. llinl.VdKU & liliOH. , Netr lUrcn , Couu. , Ii on cicry jncl se. Sola ly ! 1 ( Uocer . WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE oilier * nitTrttnR tnn . . . . .out ilulilllty ff.iimiftUu ? icnmnlo illica.ei , pirmatun * ilH-lln of yotine or oM am ' | ip llhrljr ; < urr.l JIT Dr. llornrn famous lllrttrn * MucnMtfl Ili-lt. ? notiiiuu' < tliH riilon hftvp ) > n aurvHi. ' Trlt ralcntr.lin.1 folrtlO jrnrit WlicOc'Vitinlly enn wvnr fiatno lielt K1rtrU f-h.nrn erlr frrc wllhlllrtli-liclts. iyolil worlhlrxllll- ItM/onfl / Hint bo lll runipMllcfl Klrrtrlp Trnfeif jnp H. rfur1. 7DO I'nmlln'Hfl. Brnrt ntftmpfor pflmphlet , Un. rV. J. HQRNE. INVFNTGR. IDl WABWH AV. , O17 81. ClmrlnflNt. , HI. IoiilsMo. 4rreuUrr | dnit of two UeJI lCollege * , hit t < fD lonftr ene K < ilu tboftpedbl irettment of runoiie , Ninroti. Sim ni liiotD Ini4s Ihftit unr othtr I'lmUUn laSt , Looli , tlty | > ftv r nhow nil nil old roilJtnti looir. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affc- lions ol Throat. Sklnor Bones , BloodPolionlng , old Sores and Ulcers , * r trttd with uDrttiiiaii cueceitmUiett iHrntttU principleB relr , rrtrttelj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , which prince iom ofth following fflseti t nmoutooM , detllUr , dlmrifii of il M nrt ( Urectlve meuiorr , plmpUton tbo face , phrileftldtc/ * fcTprnlon tolli loclilrof fcnulci , eoLfuitoi of M M , ! . , rontlorlnir MarrUeo Improper or unhappy , * t * Krtn Dfntl/cured , Pamphlet (36 piBNon ) tb tboTi , lent ( ltd envelope , ( Yeato mny * drU * i , ComulutloaUoE- Let or by niftU freCtlntKe-J knd itrletlj coQdtbllil. A Positive Written Guarantee siren in cTiryen. ruble eti * . llealclue lent CT or/where bj mtlloreiprtii * CARRIAGE GUIDE , 200 PAOE3. 1'ITtn FLATUS , ctmnt cloth mil till tlndUg , traled for 50a. Ini'nitMeorcnrrenej. Ortr art/ voa'crAtl pen pleturf t , true to Ufa ; trtklei on tb followlDf Wliow VITAMTV Ii rnllliiK.nnlnllllAINKWnnd KXIIAU rHUorroirer I'llKMA. IIIIKI.Y WABV till may nnil R twrfect iinl rollnblo cure In thn i FRENCH originated by i't Mvptcd hy Ml K . . . . . . . . . . wecossfullr lutrolucod heif. All vMkrnlni ; losses ai rtrulns luoiri'itlr oltfckfil. Tld'.ATIHn fl liif n * uon ( ofllce or by nmll ) wlwtelx cir.liK > nt doctors THEIC. CIlflftLE AOENCY. Ho.JA Fulton Street. New York. 21,829,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars wcro shipped iturlHR the pnet two yours , vltliout n drum , mprliiimri'iiiploy. No other IIOIIEO lu tlio wurlil can trntU- fully inakoHuah u BliowtaR. Ono IIEOUC ( dealer only ) wuntrtt In ouch town. SOLD DY LEADING DRUGGISTS. R.W.TANSlLL&CO.,55StaleSl.Ctiieago. JJHIi C. GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE , coi.i.iccii : NKW .IIJIiSKV , 1MIINCISTON , NKW JKItSIIV. ItOKUlur four-ypur conrf c , m follotvus I. For thn ilOKreu of Bachelor of Scluncu , tt peiu'nit cutnno ; itla < ) I'ltTtlro ' course * In Chi'ml-try , lllnlniry , ( ionloxr , Muthuin'tllcsiiiiil I'liyplt'H. 11. For lliU'k'Kreo of Ulrll Knt'im'cr. InchlillnB. bcftlilos ilia uxtml piotoHalorml stm1le < . iiiijlcitloiiiiif | | : Klnctrlclty to tltu Arm. Test ruihmto Instruction In IIIilicr.MtiUi iuiitlcii. < irutihlcii. Analytical aim Applln.1 t'liemntry nml Ainrln < ( , lllo'tigy , I'hynlRH , iiiul AHtronomy. Kntritnco oxiunin * ntlon * opt. lull anil t * > tli. H4 > . I''nr Himclnl coursm untlotburlnrorniHtlun nuiilv to the ColluuuTroiKuror WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' State Agents FOll TUB ro'sPianos Omaha , Neb. 3DR. IMPEY , 3.503 IF.A.lIS. .A-ttv SO1. Practice limited to Dlsctinns ( if tlio EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT OlaSROS fitted for all form1 ? ofilofootlvo Vision. Artillcial Eyes luaortoil r C > 3VJjTrr- Oulclc , rorman nl Ciiro for l.nrtManhon.1 . , liclilllty , Nrr- u nei.v.Wrukiirwi. No rjUackfrx. In. iui l > ut tila 1'ioofB. llotilc wilt lumleiL I rruu. KIUK MKU. CO. . JlUI'iTALO. N.VT OMAHA \ 'MSt , Cor. Capitol Avcnutt , ron rim TnrATMrNT or AIM. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. " DF7. Y , Proprietor. hittrru jcura' lloaiiilul iiiul I'rlvulu l'ru < ; Uce \Vuluivi ) the fndlltU'B , n | > | mrntu uiij rcmcilld for Iho inicci'sjf'il ' ( rciume'it of CUT/ form of ill * t'fuo umiirlM ; , ' nlihcr nu-illcul or Burf-lcal treatment , nmlliultoBlltornnionirJIiivibllcatufitrtliFiiitrliTi nr currtsKiiil | with in. I.onx cspprlcnro lit tmi- luucaefi I iy Ictlur enables tin lo trial mancaiei fclHiliilnllv without urcln ; ; them. wnrn < : roit CIUOUI.AU on ncformitic * and flub 1'Vcl , C'irviitiiro of tliu tiplnu IlisKAiva opVosiKN. . I'ileii , Tumors , CanciTi , Cnlurrh , llrimclnlle , liilinlitUou , Klectriclly. I'urul- yrl , Kpllepsy , Klilney , JCye , I'ir , HUin , Dlooil and oil fturi'lcnl opf rnllona , lliittiirJi'H. Inliulrrii , llrucrs , TruKe , nnd nil UlniU of JInlltnl find tiurglcal Appliance * , uiuu- ufRClurnl micl for tiln The only reliable tucdlcal Institute making Private , Special t Nervous Diseases ' A 81'1't IAI.TV. AM. CONTAGIOUS ANII IIUIOD DISKAREH. frnnivhatuvcr cuiidoiiriiliiccil ( , ticco fnllytrcatcil. \Vo em remove Syphilitic poison from Ihimjbtfm without mercury. New restorative treatment for lam of vital power. AM , COMMUNICATIONS ClWIDUXTJAL. Cull and consult in or rent ) unina am ) ] io t-ollcu ) nililrrns plainly trrlttun cncloiu eUutp , itntl wo Mill K-nd you , in nl.tln wrappr ] , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN liroN 1'itiv.iTK , rii'ici * ! . AND NKUVOUK 7 > ; ui r.ti , , WrKNi : , rirKiiUATouimuu , Ijirornn- < T. Krrilll.lH , CoNOItltllllU , ( il.KKT , VtmcOCKI.K , KiT.KTt ii : : , AND ALL DieEAHKit of TUB GKNITO. UisiNAitv OIIOAKB , or tcntl hl tory of your ca o for nn opinion. I'uuona unable to vlilt ui may lie treated at their liomm , hy correspondence Medicine * and Instrii- inpnU cnt hy mull orexiircMHUC'UnKI.V 1'ACK- K | > FHOM onsiill marki to Indlrata contents or render. One personal Interview pre ferred ir convenient , Kiftyroomi for the accom modation of patient * . Hoard and atlendaucv ut rcanouatlc ptlcci. Address all I.ctloru to Omaha Medical and Surgical institute , Cor. 1 3th S ( . and Culiol A eOMAHA. . N EUj