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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , AUGUST 21. 1880. PRICES CHANGE BUT LITTLE , Balls and Bears Fight Hard bnt no Material Advantage Gained. CABLES CAUSE WHEAT TO DROP. No Largo Transactions In the Corn Pit Good Crops Kcportctl In Iowa The Cattle Mar ket Strong. CHICAGO OIIAIN 3IAUKET. CIIICAOO , August CO. [ Special Telegram to the HUE. ] English cables reported wheat quiet. The London dispatch said there was Vrathcr less tone In the market owing to bet ter crop prospects. " Ilalns In England have ceased and the weather Is reported as warmer and more seasonable. Without the bolster ing cllcct of an English bull market values here opened oil a few fractions on the regu lar board. September opened at again at the close lust night of and on the open board call market of about the mme figures. For the first ten minutes of the session value1 } tended downward , Sou- lembergolngto78Jfc. ! The receipts here to day vvcro 71 cars of \ \ Inter wheat , 50 cars of spring wheat , 427 cars of corn , 270 cars of oats. English corn cables reported that cereal K < 1 higher , but in spite of this fact September opened weak and , ' c lower than last night. Tlie opening was at i'l&c. After selling down to about the put price TOXc for Sep tember wheat again firmed up , going back to 70V < 37l > Mc. Any little buying seems to Drill the market almost immediately , and holders of privileges on the short side pro tect themselves quite easily. After the nrst half hour the maiket again weakened and values .settled back In the vicinity of the opening prices. Corn was ilrmer after the opening decline and the biggest part ot ttndlng was In the October option. As In wheat , there was a strong undertone to the maiket , but no Indi vidual laigc tr.idlng. October was 41J e at the opening , and in the first hour sold up to 44 ; S45c. The tnulinc In the provision pit was mod erately the opening. C. 11. Adams nnd Hlgginb A : Gilbert bought a little Sep- tcm ber pork , nnd Wells , the Botsford PackIng - Ing company , nnd the Chicago Packing & Provision company sold. Lard was S7.40 nt the opening , agaln&l S7.42 } last night on lid lower Kngll Bh maikets. Hut the decline , If euch It could be called , was easily regained. The tenor of the prlvate cables from Rng- land was that the English were feeling rather better on account of the Improved weather , nnd WIMC disposed to sell , while the French were getting moro excited and in clined to inciraso their purchases. Clear ances from the Atlantic seaboard , as re ported tills mornlnir , show an outwaid move ment yesterday ol over six hundred thousand bushels. It Is probible that the clearances lor the week will approximate three million bushels , exclusive ot Hour and 1'aciiic coast llgurus. Kobert Wanen , who has been ix good xhippci of wheat , was one of the nrlncl i > al selleis In the pit tonlay , nnd William Dunn , niiothei heavy shipper , was a buver , as wire also Jones , McCornilrknndKcnnett. From 10 ; : ! 0 to 12 o'clock values held steady between 7b ? c and TSkj for September. A good many puts were sold at 7bc last nluht , and all efforts to bend wheat below that figure were unavailing. lioUi bulls and bears w eio in the pit In good force and lighting haul. In corn there was a sniping market all day , nnd scarcely a transaction ot over 25,000 bushels in one lot was made. October , which nt 10:130. : was at 4145s , sold down to 44e by 12 o'clock. One ot II. II. Cnrr's conc- Bpoudents fiom IOWR writes that In hisopin- lon corn products haru radically changed In the past ton daj.s , and that theio will uo an average crop. A traveling man drove sixty miles across the country from .Missouri Val ley Itinctloii. on the Mortliwestein railioad , to the Illinois Central at Storm Lake , nnd says hesDW dozens of threshers turning out twenty-live to thlity bushels of wheat and sixty-live bushels ot oats to the acre. Ho winds up with the icmatk that western lown will have as line n crop of corn ns last jcar. but that thu yield in southwestern Iowa will not be so good. In the provision pit trading was very moderate from start to thiish. Values weie Cteadlly held in nearly e\eiything. CHICAGO LilVK STOCK. CmcAno , August 20.-Special [ Telegram to the Bin : . I CATTLE To-aay the receipts were lighter than expected. For the week thus far the total receipts of cattle ars 4OOJ , or 3,000 moro than last. The shipments jes- terdny wcro 4,830 head , the largest of the year , though thu total shipments for the week aie less than last week. The dally re ceipts tor the week thus far average 0,000 cat tle , of which acry full shnio were fat cat tle. The orterlngs of smooth , fat cattle to day wens moderate and values ruled strong. Common to fair cattle of all kinds were barely steady. Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , S4.75 < & ' 5.20 ; lMO ! to 1S50 Ibs , S4.20@4.75 ; 050 to 1200 IDs , 53.70 4.20. Thu market for Texns cattle was active , and canning cattle sold at fuJly stendy prices. Western cattle sold nt steady prices. Theio was no good tar western cattle on the market. The receipts weie 1,400 through Texans nnd 1,800 northern rangcra. The supply was veil denied : 85 Montana , 1247 Ibs , JAM ; Montana , 1138 Ibs , S3.50 ; 131 Montana , 1157 lbsS3. : ; ICO Wvomlng , 1C4S Jbs , S3.30 ; 25 Wjomlng. 1155 Its , Si.'M ; 21 Montaila , 1221 Ibs , 53.25 ; 0 Wjomlng , 1070 lloos Trade opened active , with hero and there : i slluht ndrnucu on the very be > t heavy and light , but the firmness was of slight dura tion nnd the general market finally closed rather weak , with quit * , n numbei of uood hogs left. Common mixed sold nt ? 4.50@ 4.75 , and best at 54.wra4.tO , with a few fancy assorted heavy at 85.OtK35.07X. New York. August 20. MOVRV Loaned from 4 to 7 per cent , closing at 4@5 per cent. PititiK MinicAMriLu PAPKK 4(25 ( per cent. cjTism.ixo EXCIIAXOK Steady at 54.81 for sixty day bills and S4.SI for demand. ( ioVKitXMKNTs Uotcruiucnts vvero dull but lirm. STOCKS Stocl's fully recovered from the uncertain temper of the past tew da.Vhand made further progiess in the direction of higher pi Ices. The market In early trading was bairlv lirm , while Omaha was weak and Pacific Mail and IVorla , Decatnr it Evans- vllle stroiu. It recovered Its lirm tone be fore noon , and so continued until the last hour , whan a decided advance took place , the market closing strong nt'about the best nguie * reached , The linal prices show gains Invarlablv , and St. Louis A- San Francisco preteiii'd Is up 2 percent , Lackavvauna lf per cent. STOCKS ON WA.LT. STREET. SScpnt bonds , . 10U # O. it N. W 114 U. h. 4K's llo s-i preferred. . . 142H Now4's lays'N. Y. O. 110V PacIlicC'sof'ltt. ISO ( Qiecon Tran. . , . sn Central Pacllic. . ilf Parllic Mall C. Jc A pn-f erred. . , . ISO fto. ; ; : ; : : : 0. B , .tO Hock Island. . . U , UA-W 1) . ilLO so jirefi-rred. Etie. . . O. , < ! . tt St. P. prefoiml , . . juefeneil. , . . - - Illinois Central , SI. P. it O 45Jf 1. , B. itW preferred , . ' " Kansas ATexas , Sl'i Texas Pacllic. , Lake Shore Union Pacific. . * " W , , St. U it P , Mich. Central ! preferrwl. . Mo , Pacific 110 Western Union Not them , . , 27 preferretl. . 1'itoDUCK MAKKIT. , Au ust 20. Flour- Quiet , steady and unchanged : winter \\hiMtihmr , 84 0 34.10 ; southern , SADOT 00 : Wlbconsin. 84.(34. ( 1 ; Michigan i-oft Bprini : lieat , i3.5oa 4.1U ; Jllniiesota bakers , Jir H.lU ; patents , 84.KXS4.n ) : Iov grades , J1.75fti75 ; rye Hour. quiet at S3.25QS.0 In banels , and 53.00Q 8.20 In sucks. > ] ncd V@Vo under yesterday , Knd after omo tiuctuntlonsclosPil % a below yL'Bteiday'b tloio ; cash. 7J > @ 7hlc ) ! Sew- If uitH'l , 7S 15-lCc ; October , 60 j.Vlfks. Corn Dull aud slow ; closed about > ic tinder ypsterdny ; cash , 42 MCc ; Septcra- bvr. 4.J 5-lOc ; Octotxjr , 44 IMCc. O ts Dull nnd 'i 'fic easier ; cash , 27c ; September , 27 0 ; October , S c. Uj-c Steady at SO.'tfc. llarley-WeakatClc. Whisky 51.13. Flaxecd Easy nt S1.12. Timothv Prime. SJ-Or tS U7. 1'ork Steadier ; advanced .V < 27j < c early nml clo cd. it out side prices : cash , ' September , SO. ! @tt.&TH i October , SUnK. l.anl Quiet ami steady , but 2SV3V5 lower ; cash , S7.37HCJ September , S7.4U ; October , SO Si. Hulk Meats Shoulders , ? ri.75(5r..S7 ( : short clear. SOCO < 3r.C.i ; short ribs , . . Hiitter Klnn : creamery , l ? 23c ; dairy , . Oncpse Full crtatn chcddars , flats. s'sCdli e ; Youiij ; Americas , . Hides ( iroen salted , fully cured , Sc : llzht , SCij fc ; damnged , 7c ; bull hides , 5Jfc : div sailed ll$13c : dry tllut , l Uc ; calf sk In . ! < < < 10 > ic ; deacons , SOc each. Tallow No. 1 country , 3Js@y/o : ; cake , 3 ic ; No. 2 , 3c , KcccIntA. blnjpincntR. Flour , bbti . 22oOu f.fl.i-OO Wheat , bu . 74.000 00,000 Corn. DU . 24J.OUO 4W.OOO Oat , bu . 1U3.000 1C9,000 Hyeou . 8,000 3 , w 13arH-yDil . SS.OOO 13.000 Now York. AiuusfiO. ft'heat Receipts , 404,000 ; exports. 110,000 ; spot a shade lover ; outlons opened heavy and declined ? f@ Ike , later htrenxtheiied and rallied ( S iC , cloiini ; at or near Inside inures. Uiurailud red. 7W3s'.ic ; No. 2 red , Ki'if M.iJfe In elevator ; tt V@WKc allo.U , b9 @c.W , , f. o-b. ; September closed at SdUc. Corn Spot , K@c lilfther , and options n shade lower ; receipts , fii .W bit ; UN ports , 8.uouuu ; uiiKratled , &lo ( > J2 ; No. 2 , fi2 4' In ele\ator ; 5'jj delUered ; September closed -it 52 < c. O.\ts Shade lower ; receipts , 07,000 ; ex- exports 3S4 ; mixed western , 33@35c ; whllo western , 30 410. Petroleum United closed atC2 ? c. I'ork Unchanced. Lard : KSr points lilghcrjowestcrn steam , spot , S7.50. Untter Firm : western , l'2(32Jc. ( Cheuse-tWeakcr ; western Hat , 7' ( il71 c. Eggs Flnni'r ; western nesli , l.'XslO.'tfc. 8t , Louis. Alti'tist 20. Wheat Irropu- lar , lower , closlnu litm ; No. 2 red , cash , TUJj'cderJ e : September , Mc. ) Coin Utill ; cash , 40c ; September , 40c. Oats , 1' inner ; cash , 27jfd-7Jf ! ; September , Kye Firmer at Whisky S 1.08. 1'ork 1)ull ) at S10.2. . Lard-Nominally at SO.C2Jf. Uuttct Mlimenpol is , Auetist Wheat-No. . 1 hard , easier : cash , 77c : September , 77Vc for old ; new , Ic oil ; No. 1 northern , higher ; cash. September , 7f e ; October , 7Gc ; new No. s , below n o- tatlons ; No. 2 northern , cash , September , 73c ; new cash , September. 71c. Flour 1'ateuts , S4.2o4.50 : bakers , S3.25 . . Uucelpts Wheat , 54,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat , 13,000 bushels ; flonr , 9,000 barrels. Mtlwaukoo , August 20. Wheat-Firm ; No. 277 > c ; Septembci , 7bJic. Corn J2 = fc. Oats No. 2 , 2C c. Kye Nominal. Uarloy . 2 , 61 } < fc. I'rovislons 1'ork 9. 55. Cincinnati , August 20. Wheat No. 2 red , bOc. Corn No. 2 mixed , 44c. Oats No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. Uye No. 2. MHCj lc. 1'ork-SlO.a" . Lard 87.0007.03. Whhky FiimatSl.08. Kauans City , Aucust 20. Wheat- quiet ; No. 2 red , cash , . 05) ) 0 bid ; Sep tember , 0 } e bid ; October , GT c bid. Coin Lower ; No. 2 , cash , ya > Jc bid , Sep tember , 33c bid ; WXc asked. Oats Nominal. * Liverpool , Aiieust 20. Wheat In fair demand ; new No. 2 winter , lirm at Cs l > d ; spring , lirm atSsiiJ d. Flour In fair demand and firm at 8sId Corn In u'ood demand ; spot September. firmat-is-iifd ; August.iiriu at4s4d ; October , tirmut-lsSKd. LdVE STOCK. Chlon o , Autcust 20. The Drover's Jour nal reports as lollows : Cattle Ueceipts. 7.70J ; stronger ; sh\p- \ pinc steers. SS.'in a.VJO ; stocUers and leettPM , 32.40@3.G. > ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1..V3. ) : ; bulk , S2.50 < 2.00 : ! ; thiough Texas cattle strong ; steers , S2.bO3.Go ; western ninpersste.uly ; natives anil half biccds S3.00 ( 4.25 ; cows , $ 'i703.10 ; wintered Texanj , HOKS Kccplpts. 15,000 ; steady ; rough and mixed , S4.0J@4.7.'i ; packing aud shipping , S4.WX35.10 ; light , S3.90 4.bO. Sheep Hecuipts. 2.00J : steady ; natives , S2.00@1.00 ; Texans , S1.75@3.00 ; lambs , 51.00 C44.75. St. Louis. Aucust 20. Cattle Keeelpts , 1,000 ; .shipments4CX ) ; steady , common to choice. S3.7i@l.bO ; ; butchers' htoi-is , S3.50J $ 4.15 ; cow.s 'and heifers , Si2j@j.5j ; Texaiih and Indian , S2.W > @ 3.75. Ho , ' * llocelpts , 2,400 ; shlpinents , 1,000 ; steady and unclianirud. Kansas City , August 20. Cattle Ufi- celptsl,500 ; shipments , none ; native sliip- plng steers.5@10o hlghcrcommon ; to medium shipping , S3.40M4.60 ; stockeis and feed ers , S2.80@n.40 ; cows. Sl.5 @i75 ; grass range steers , 52.40(33.50. ( Hogs Hecclpts , 400 ; shipments. 1.300 ; lirm , common to choice , S4.&c'Q5.WJ ' ; skips and jiigs , g2.75@4.40. OMAHA 1,1V IS STOOH. Friday Evening , August 20. Sheep There Is no market. CATTLE The receipts were liiht nnd there was not much doing on the market. IIcos The hog market was lower In sym pathy with eastem markets. There wcro more buyers on the market than there have been In homo tlm , and the market was more active , though the pens weio not cleaiuil un til late In the day.RECEIPTS. RECEIPTS. Cattle . 400 iloira . . . TJOO Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market. Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. . S4.20 ® 1.35 Choice steers , 1100 to 1HO J Ibs. . 3.75M4. 15 Medium steers , 1250 to 1350 Ibs. . . 3.COM4.00 Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150 Ibj . . . . 3.C5 3B3 Hood feeders , two to 1000 Ibs , . 8.00 ( < fcl.3.- ( food to choice corn-fed cows . 2.9U(23.25 ( Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00r , . ! .G5 Uood to choice bulls . 1.50@2.'X ) Light and medium nogs . 4.xXt4.45 : fiood to choice he-ivy Hogs . 4.45 4.55 ( iood to choice mixed hogs . 4.av 4.40 Fair to good shorn sheep . 2.00(23. ( Kcprea cntatlvo Sales. cows. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 21 . 1010 52.S5 1 . 780 53.25 4 . 1025 3.10CAI.VEB CAI.VEB , No. Av. T'r. a . 275 S5.50.lioos. lioos. No. Av. Shk. I'r. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 43. . . 320 M ) 54.3.5 74. . . .204 bO S4.40 74. . ,242440 4.40 CHWi 120 4.45 71,2-i02IO ( 4.40 0.1. , , . 'J25 4.45 79. . . 251 ' - > 00 4.40 02 , . , . 203 200 4.50 70. , ,227 120 4,40 5J.330 S20 02. , . 2-J7310 4.40 of I'l-iciis. Showlngtha hlglicstand lo'.vos t prlens paid for mixotl loads of ho on this market d'lr- IngtliQ past e van days , wltU comparative values : July. August. Friday. 13th. , 4.50 W4.70 4.50 Q4.05 | batnrday , 14th. , 4..W @l.f > 5 4.ft'i ' ( o4.70 Holiday. 10th. 4.03 IdH.'i 4.60 fi4.70 Tuesday 17th. . 4,55 ( ij4.75 4.5' ( * 4.TJ Wednesdav. Ibtli. 4.40 @ 4.M > K Tnursdav.llHIi , . 4.62's'4.0 4.35 64.52U Fjidaj.SOtli. . . . 4.0 < 24.77J 4. ; ® 4.2 All sales ot stock in this market are made percwt live welxht unless otlierwlw stated. Dead hoes sell at > c ) > er lb for all welguis. "Skins , " or hogs wehliins lesj than 100 Ibs po value. Pregnant sown are docUeJ 40 Ibj and t'ags W Ibs. 031 A II A WllULHS.Vl.H General 1'roiiticc. Frldar Kvunlnc , Aujrust 20. Thcfollaii'ttw prices itrc fur round lor * of jmtducr , at sola on the market tixlait. The quotutloi ) on fi'itlt-s rc nenent ilte prtccsni which mitxlJe orders aiejtllcil. HunKii Tuure Is an abundance of jioor grades of butter couiltig in , but choice butter svorv scarce. Even poml butter Is Inery imited supply. Some dealers assert that all of nine-tenths of the butter received by them is sour and poor. Strictly sweet , solid and uniform color , pnclfd In new clean tubs , commands 15 to ICc , or even more. In the mar ket. but there Is little or none coming In that can be graded as such. Fancy butter In stone crocks is bringing even better prices. Faire ! o good country butter Is selling at IftrfV'Sc. Poor at tiQXc. and slow. Creamery witter , not the vcrv best , sold thin week at fS < ( j2Dc. Eoo The rcce pts are not large , but the demand Is slow. The bulk of the receipts of fresh candled ecg3 are arc going at Oc. A great many stale eegs are coming In and dealers would lind it to their advantage to candle closely before shipping , thus avoiding paying chaiges on rotten cires. rori.TUV There has been a sll lit falling oil In the receipts and a comv-noiullng stlir- enlng In prices. Both old fowls and spring chickens are brlngliu bettct prlct-s than last week. There have been n few ducks in the market but they are vert slow sale. Old fowls , perdoz. , Si.W ; spring chickens , large , S2.00 ; spring chickens , medium , Sl.vxsi.75 ; spring chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , 82.25jW.50 ; turkeys , not wanted. : Fancy full cream cheddnrs , 8c ; fancy full cream Hats , tvv o In box , ti'ne ; fancy fiillcicam Young Americas , four in box , lOc ; fancy Swiss , I2 > f6il4c : brick , I2c ; Limburtr , lie. ONIONS Southern , rerbbl , S3SO. Nr.w POTATOI > There are no jwlatoes of aiiv consequence In thq commission houses and local gardeners ate mostly supplying the demand , ll Is most too early to form any exact conclusion of what the potatoe crop will be , but leports gathered from Mime of the most Important points in luwaantl Nebiaska would scorn to Indicate a light ciop on account of drv weather. The pota toes arc small and only a few In a bill. With out doubt choice varieties of averted stock , eood size , will command good prices this fall. It is too early vet to begin shippliiir In car lots , as dealers aic not ready to put In a large stock until there Is less dancer of their not keeplnc well. A few potatoes In small lot's have sold above the follo\vingquotatlons : Home crown , per bit. , 'jOC'itWo. Cnr.Kitv There Is not really enough com ing in to simply the demand , but It will not be handled verv extensively until no.xt month. Celoiv , llkeojsti'is.ii'lls the best in the "K" months. Shluping stock , per doz. , 40@-0e. OYSTKUS There are no oysters of nny consequence in the maiket jet. The season hcie does not open as a uile until about the 1st of September. The maiket will piobably open nt Horn 35 to Ua ) , uccoidlng to the grade. LIMONS : The maiket Is about steady hero , The warm weather of the past few days has brought In a good tinny orders from the country. Messina , S'J.7.VtflO.OO. BA.VANAS There are not many In the market at present. As the weather becomes cooler , so that dealers can handle them with fatety , there will be a better supply on the market. Bananas , vellovv , per bunch , § 2.0UiJ ( > 3.00 3.00CAMFOIIXIA 1'E.vits The Bartletts arc be coming scarce and thete are verj few on the market. 1 here Is a liberal silpply of other varieties. Bartletts , 53. CO ; other varieties , 82.50. CAi.ivonxiA PLUMB The receipts ot ulunis have been very liberal and they have been coming In very talr shape. Hungarian prunes will bo In thu market In n shoit time and will bo worth about S2.0ti. Shipping stock , lai ire fancy , S1.75 : shlpplnc stock , smaller varieties , SI.2o@1.50. UAi.iroitNi.v I'KACHI : * The peaches com ing in are for tin ; most part veiy good stock , but they are only received in limited quanti ties. Peaches , 52.00 2.25. CAi.iroitMA ( iHAPKS The receipts aie not heavy nnd home-giown aie boKinning to compete with them , luscats , 61.50 1.75 ; Mutcats , choice and fancy , 82.002.'J5 ; To- kajs , S2.00f < t2.25. Ho.Mi-iitowx : GKAPES Homegrown grapes have put in an npuearance nnd are coming In fastei than ever befoie , so early in the season. Tliej am ueing lecolvcd fipm Kansas and Missouri as welfas tiom the im- uiedinte vicinity. Heports tiom all directions indicate a larger crop than for j eais , nnd at the same time ot a veiy good quality. The market usually opens at 7 to be , but this season they are starting in at 5c. Prices will probably de cline somewhat in a week or so , but fancy stock will not go dov. n as last or as low as inferior. Paitios should insist on getting only good shipping stock. Shipping stock , UOlb basket , perlb.,5c. : shipping stock , lOlb baskets , per lb. Cc. MELONS The market has been compara tively bare of watermelons for a few .lays back , and tlieie has been a good demand tor them Several cars aie reported toanive in a lew days. There have been only n lew musk melons in and they are handled most ly bv the gardeners. Muscatlne watermelons , S.S.OO : Inferior nnd smaller si/es. ? 15.00@ lb.00 ; musk melons , per do& , 51.00 < T < ! 1. ' . SVVKKT POTATOHS Iowa home grown are In tno market and selling at5c per ID. BKAXS Hardlv any coming In now. De mand fair at S1.2ogl.fiU ( per bushel , for clean stock. COCOAXUTS Cocoanuts , per 100 , S5.00 ; less than hundred , per 100. $5.50. UONIIY California , 15c ; California , strained , lOc ; Nebiaska , choice , 14@l5c ; Ne braska , dark , I2 } @ic. : ! AlAi-i.i : SYISUI- Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon KPCS , per gal , Sl.OO : cal cans , per gal , SLOj ; half gal cans iKr ! gal , SI. 10. CIBKH Now loik , per bDl , 57.00 ; do. naif bbl , S4.00 ; Crab , per doz o.ts , S'.75 > ; Michigan rehned. wer bbl , SO.OO. Visr.oAn While wine , I3@17c ; cider , 13 @ 17c ; single stienirth , 13c ; triple strength , Fios AND PATHS Figs , layer , 4 lb boxes , per lb. lOc , Dates , fancy fard , 12 lb boxes , 14c : dates , Peisian. 50 lb boxes , per lo , lOc. NUTS Pecans , large polished , lie ; pecans , medium , DC ; English walnuts , 14c ; almonds , Tarraitona. 2oc ; almonds , Langticdoc , 17c ; Brazils , 12c ; filberts , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Viiginla. S' c ; peanuts , hand picked choice Virginia , 7 > fc ; peanuts , roasted , 2cextra perlb. MAPI.B SUOAII Bricks , stiictly pure , 50 ID boxes , perlb , ir c ; lo-lb tin nails , strictly pure per lb , 14c ; 5-lb bricks , 24-lb boxes , per Fir. * ' FKKT , TP.IPE , KTC. Pigs' feet , per K bbl , 4.00 ; ( io , } { bbl. 52.00do ; , per kit , lOc. Lambs' tongues , per } bbl , $3.25 ; do , per kit. S2.M ) ; do , iUirtiars | , per doz , S5.25 ; do , pint jars , iicr case , 2 do/en. Sfi.7i. Tripe , per } 4 bbl , Sl.OO ; do. per tf bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kft , UOc. PnovisioNS Ham , sugar cured , 14c ; boiiult s ham. 50-lb boxes , 12 > c ; picnic ham , ll c ; breakfast bacon , sugar cmed , 'Jc ; shoulders , 7JJfi ; clear side bacon , 8c ; dry salt sides , " > lic\ \ dried beef-hams ISOlGe ; dried beef , regular , 12c ; laid. 40-lb cans ( Fair banks ) , 7 c ; 10 , 5 and S-lb palls , Uu , ( iRAix Corn.S.'ic ; old oats , 2Sc ; new oats , 20f 'i'c : rje. 35c : wheat , COc. FI.OUH AND Mu.i.sTUPKfl Winter wheat flourbe > , tmiallty patent.S2.feO ; second quality , 82.40(112.50 ( : best quality spring wheat Hour , patent , 2.75 ; bran , rue per cwt : chopped feed , COc per evvt : white corn meal , 75c ; yel low corn nipal , G.SC per cwt ; scieoning , OOc pcrcwt : hominy , per cwt ; shorts , W c per cwt ; ciaham , S1.75 ; hay , in bales , 57.00 ® 70perton , _ General Markets. Woor - .Medium , I7@20c per lb ; flno heavy , 12 15c ; light. 14 17c ; coarse , 12@15c ; burry wool , 'KS.fx ; oif. LiEATiii'.ii Prime slaughter sole leather , i > rmo oak sole leather , . . . . 1.25 ; French calf , 51.25 ® ! . S > 5 ; Moioccoboot Jpg , 30 < gKc ! ; Morocco oil pebble , 2b < J } 2c ; top- plncs and linings , Sn.oo@l0.00 i > cr do t * HKAVV ilAiiiivvAitE iron , rate , 52.25 ; low stPfll special east , 4c ; crticlb lesteel , 6c.\ \ past tools do , 12c < f 18o ; wajjon spokes' per sot , S1.7.XdM.OO ; hubs. i > er set § 1.2.5 : felloes , sawed drv , 51.4U ; tongues , eacn , 75c : ovier. each , 75c ; squarn nutfl , wr lb. "tallc ; cell chain , per lb , 0l2c ; malleable. OVftbc : Iron wedges , Cc : crowbars , rx : ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring btuel , 7SSc ; Burdi-n's horsestioes. S4. 10 ; Bttrdfii'd iiiulo shoes. 55.40. Baibed wire , in car lots , i-4.00 per 100 Ibs. lonl Nails , rati-s , 10 to M , S2.50 ; steel nails , SJ.R5 ; Shot-Sl.ttt ; liiu-kshot , SUM : or.ental l > owder. kegs , S' . ' . J : do , half Keus , S2.00 ; do , ( juarterl.cs.s.Sl.-'iO ; blasting , kegs , SJ.35 ; fust' , per 10 feet. fiSe. Lead Bar. Sl . 1'AiNTs IX On - incead. Omaha , P. P , He ; white lead , St. Lculs pine 87.75 ; Mar- ellli's green. 1 to 5 la cans. 2c ; rirnchzlnc irreen seal , 12o ; French zinc red si-al , lie ; French zinc. In varnish a'st , 20c ; French zinc,7Sc ; vermilllonmtriean , 18c ; Indian red , UVs : rom > piiik , 14c ; Venetian red , COOK- SOQ'S. 2 0 : Venetian red , American , l ) c ; led lead , 7 sc ; i-hrome yeiliiw , genuine , 2u ; chrome yellow , K. | 2c : oclire , rochole , 3c ; oolire , 1-reiu-h , U c : iicliie , American , IKc ; Winters mlnl-ral. SJfc ; Lihirh : ( brown , 3 > ? c pa n I sh brown. 2' c : Piince's mineral. 2c. DIIY PAiN'dwhite lead , hoFrcnc : nzi nc Sc : Paris whitlnp. 2Ko ; whltinir , gliders' , X c ; wliitfng. com'l , IMC , lampblack , Ger- laau&town. uc : lampblark , ordinnry. be ; Prussian bhu.Viouliiam.irine.lwc : : vamtyke , brown , Sc : titular , Intnl. 4inmber. ; . raw. 4c ; bii-nua , burnt. 4u' It'ii'v.i. raw , 4c ; Paris , ucuuliui , 2V. ; i arid iri > cu. couiuun. M ; chrome prwn.Jt. V. . 20c ; Siromo jrrecn , K , 13e ; vennilltoii , hiivltsh , In oil 70c ; raw nnillnirnt tinibt-r , J It ) cans 1-c : raw and burnt slt'tins , 1'A' : \ , ntlyke , brown , I3ci rc- llnctlliinipblnclc. lw : coach black tind ivory black , lOc : drop blact , Ifx : : 1'nwlnn blue , 40c ; ultrninariiielilno , iSc ; chrome grct-n , 1 * , , M. * D. , ino ; Wind nndOmtter crecn , L. . M. A U. , lOo ; I'nrlS Krccn. ISc ; Indian red. l&c : Vi-nctlnn red , S : Tu can , SKc : Anicticnn verinilllon , L. tl ) . SCc : > cllo\v oolne , PC : I. . . M. & U. U. , l&t : snml oclirc , lf : patent drypr , be ; pralnlnc color , Ilirlit oak , dnrkoak , wlanut , cliestnut ntid n \ \ , 1'Jc .s Acid , carbolic , rac : ncld , tartnrlc , Vc ; l > nlstm conalha , wr K > , A'tc : bark , sassafras , per tl > . lOo : calomel , perlbJc : cliiticlionhiin , pero40c ; eliloio- form , per > , 40 c ; UOUT' pondcis , pvr It , S1.25 ; cpsom sails , jier lt > , . " . ) e ; ghcurino , pun- , per lb. 18e : lead , acetate , i > er Iti. 20c ; oil , custoi , > o. 1 , ) , S1.53 ; oil , castor , No. S , per pal. , SUU : oil. olUc.pcr cal..Sl. 10 ; 1'otnrlcnnnutii , 5'Jr : opinni SXSX ) ; qiiltntie , I. . & W. nnd It. ifc S. , per oz , 70 < . ' ; potassium ItHlidc , vet U' , S.XOO : sallcin , peroz. 40c ; nul phatc morphine , pet oSi. . ' 0 ; sulphur , per tt/-c ) : Muclinini' , u-ror. 81.a > . \ Ai M ! iKS HnireK per ir.illon : Fuinl- ture , extra , PI. 10 ; furniture , No. 1,51.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 : roach , No. 1 , Sl.'O ; O.i- mar , extra , S1.7r > ; japn , 70o ; asphallutn. extra , BSc ; shellac , 53.50 ; hatd oil linlsti , S1.5U. brunts Cologne spirits , 1S8 proof , SI. 10 ; do 101 proot , Si. 11 ; spirits , second auallty. 101 proof , S1.10 : do 18s proof. S1.10. Alco hol , IbS pnxif , S-.O-l per wine callon. IJedls- tllled whiskies , fcl.OOa , > l..V ) . Oln , blendtd , , , V _ ' "t WVfll - tiVf t fc" r it H\n > V lltl II I | 'tt l < 1 > 74 Imjwrted , per ea-se. S2S.OO@W.OO ; American , per case , S10.00@lO.oo. Grocers' Ijlst. I'lCKi.KSMeditini , In bols SS..W ; do In half bbls , S-ViJ ; binnll , In bbN , SO..VJ : do In halt bbK SH.TR ; Klierklns , in bbls , 87.50 ; do in hall bbK SVr > . ftiYiit'J1 > o. 70 , 4-gaiion Kcsf , Sl.lOj New Orleans , ibC lOc per callon ; Maple Symp , J < barrel , strictly pure , 7i per gallon ; I pallon cans. iSi.'J- " > per duz , ; } j gallon cans , S3.U5 pur doqunrt : : cnns Si.oo. : l > nii : Fist'iisNo 1 quarter apples VtiS e ; in e\aporatedbvxcs , U } @ 0\c ; lilackber- ri 1 1 .boxes HrtM $ ; * aches , eastern , 4J < ffi "i'se peaches , evaporated , inkO l'c ; ball Lakt ! niino In nmiket : la nbeirfes , new. 19 ; currants , 71lgi ( > ( c ; tmmes , new , 4 . UANKKD ( ioons Oysters , standard , per cai , SH.IW ; strawberries , a lb percale. S2.'J5 ; raspberries - lb per case , Si'JO ; California pears , wer case , S-l.SO ; apricott. jicr case. S4.MI ; peaches , per ca e , S.1.0hltu ; cheirlos , per case , S5.1O ; plums per ca e , S .tiO : bltie- berries , j > cr ca e , SJ.y. > ; epc plum ; , lb , per ca ie. ii. " > 0pliieapiiles ; , - lb , per case , S&VW Q5.W ) ; 1 lb mackerel , per do ? , 51.20 ; 1 lb sal- mariowfat peas per ca e. S2M3 ) ; lb early J nno peas , per case , 82.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes per case. S2.35Q2.M : U ibcorn. PIT case , SU @ 2.10:3 : lb corn beef , perdoz. 31.70 2.00. UOPU K Inch , ' . c ; ? inch , 10c ; } ( Inch , io4c. SUOAKS 1'owdcrcd , 7Xc ; cut loaf , 7@7'4c ' ; granulated , Cc : contectionere' A. 6'nc ; standard extra C , r.j < < io ; extra C , 5Ri@.riJ c ; medium jellowWrt5 ( e CANDY Jllxed , WJ fglSc ; stick , 6KOKc CISACKKHS Giirneau's soda , butter and picnic , 5 fc ; ci earns , 8 40 ; ginger snaps , iic ) ; citv soda. 71 < c STAHOU Jlirror gloss , 1 lb , 5Xc ; Mirror Kloss 3 lb , fijfcr ; Mirror ilo-s , C lb , CKc ; ( { raves' corn , 1 lb , Cc ; Kinpsfoid's corn , 1 lb , 7o ; Klngsford's closs 1 lb , 7c ; Klnics- ford's gloss 0 lb , 71ge ; Klngsfoid's pure , 31b. 5fc : Klmrsford's bulk , 4c. COFFEUS Ordlnrfrvgi\aesl03 ! @llc ; fair , boxps Kirk's haven imperial , f2.fO ; Kiik's satinet. 5:5.00 : ; Kiik's standard. W.05 : Kiik's white Kiisslan. S4.00 : Kiik's White Cao. SC.50 : Dome , S3.S"i : Washboard. 53.10. MATCHES 1'er mddlc , 'Jt > c ; round , per case. Sl.OO ; square cases , S1.70 ; mule square , SI. 20. CANDI-KS Joxes , , 40 lb Os , OVC ; 8s , 9 > c ; lw\es 40 Ib , 10 " oz , CslOc ; hair box 20 lb , ' ' Pish. Smoked halibut , 10 > fc ; new scaled lier- rlngb , 28c urs H't ll'UQr llblsl'ls Kta i 100 10 Bon's S't.No 1 L'b'5 ' M 3 U6 2 07 1 07 1 40 , 53 47 L'so Glb'd Fancy 5 00 U 00 2 75 1 M 1 M 60 , 45 L'g K'd Sh'rc F'cy B 00 3 00 2 751 65 1 S3 60 45 JMI'OHTEDFISH. lUrlslIf llbls Q'r Ilhls Palls or , Kits 200 ] 00 sw g 40 j 10 Norwegian I I I I I I KKK Her'ngs 14 00,7 50 0 80 3 80 3 10 . . . . 1 04 OC Eels 18 000 TO 8 CO 4 803 00 . . . . 1 S3 110 Holland TIerrlnps , new 83 FlAlt. ' lit ItlilhUr jibls fitlvi | n'EW FISH. 100 90 I M 40 12 I 10 No , IWhlto n h. . . . i 0 00 5 40 3 SO 2 70 Family White Fish. . J 3 00 2 70 ] 70 1 .Vj No. 1 Trout 4 00. 3 CO 2 50 1 .K ) No. 1 Pickerel I 3 DO ] S 70l ! M 1 K ) llbl 200 103 0 } CO 40 12 10 Cul.Salmon 13 CO 7 0.18 ava & > 2 no 8 Dry DIMENSIONS ANU TIMlltlJS. Il2 ft'l4 ' ftllO ft'lB ' ft 20 ft'-J3 ' ft24 ft 2l4 15.SOI5.50'15.S0.16.60 ' 10.50 17.50 18.DO 2iO ' 15.0J 15 00 r .0t/1500 IB 03 10.00 19.53 2.X8 . 15.SO Ia.ri0lj60i5.60 , ; 16 oJ ( IU.00,111.00 , 1'1"1' . , " . " " " . " . 2\10 15.00,15.00 15.0 J 1U.OJ 1V.OO 10.50 . . 5..V ! 15.5015.60 15.50 10.50 1S.60 SO 50 4x4-9x8 . | l.r)50 15.6015.51 18 0(110.50 ( 17.WJ1R.W 1 ! ) FK.NC1NO. No. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 13 ami 14 ft. , roiit'ti..517.03 No. a , 4 & Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , louali. . . 14.S5 No. 2. 4 & 0 Inch , If. It. , roujjli 15.50 SIII.Vni.KS , l.ATll. XX clear S3.IO Extra A * 2.1O * AStanclard 2.10 Much clear 1.70 No. i : . : Lath 2.45 BIDING. 1st com. , la. M and 10 ft 521.59 M " " " 20.00 3 < l " " " 15.10 Fence " " 11.00 MMK , ITC. : Ouinoy white lliuo ( best S0.60 Cement ( Akion ) Hair. . . . . O.H5 Plaster 2.75 Tarred felt , pei cwt 2.05 tjtiawboaul l.iu FLOORING. A OIncli , white pine s i.OO HO Inch. " , 'J. 4.00 C 6 Inch , "I ' ' WOO 1)0 Inch " " 21..10 EOJuch. " , " 17.50 STOCK uoAitns. A 12 Inch , 8.11 12lMaudlOft 845.50 O 12 inch , ' * ' " " 'io.50 No. 1 Coin. 12 In"s.3 8. 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( It. 17.75 No. a " VfV 12. 14 aud 10 ft. . 15.75 I'RilfsniNo. 1st nnd Co. clean IU inch , t. 2 s S51.00 Bd , clear , 1V iiiph , i 3 s SO.OO A select , iy. if an 13 Inch , F.2 s S42.00 U belect , l/ } 1 > 7 an 2 Inch , s. 2 s. . . . . S30.00 1st and Sd , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s S50.00 Bd.clear.l inch , fi.2h , 845.00 Abelwt , linen , s. as. . , . . , SliO.OO U 6elecf , llnchjailB 80.00 ' BOARDS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. B.12 , M and 10 ft S17.25 No. a " " i la , 14 and 10 ft 14.75 No.3 " " 12,14 anil 10 U 13.25 No.4 " " VJ,14anU10ft 11.00 silir LAP. No. 1. plainSand 10 inch. , . . , S18.00 No. a , j > l.unb , and 10 inch 810,00 MERCHANTS' National Bank Northwest corner Faruam and 13tb Street * . Paid up Capital , - $20f-,000 Burpltis Fund - - - 60.0CO FHANK Mintl'HY , 8AML. E President. Viee-Presldent. UEN II. WOOD , inTHEHDllAKB , Cashier. Ant Ca hier. Aroountssolk'ltfKliind prompt Rtlentlou fc'Uoa to all business nstnuted to Its care. I'uyflvo pcrcuu J time Uuposhi. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. _ Bridges Steam Pile Driving. _ H.VYMOXD & CAMl'UELh , Fnemocrs antl Contrnctorn. Br es , Roof Trussflj , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination anil Hone Truss , Plllnn nnd Oak Timber. 1Mb si. , near Farnam , TclephonoN.T34. _ Cigars and Tobacco. * " " " " " " .MAX MEYKtl .V CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Gnn nnd Ammunition. I5 ! to 2J3 South llth Street , 1UEN ) to lttt ! Kaniatn Strict , Oiunlm Nolv uuu rirronr. \\KST i-FHlTSCHKlt. Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , And \Vholfsalo Dtulers In I-paf Tuliaeeo * . Nos. _ 80S ami llil N. 14' U Strt'ct , Omnlin. Nib. _ uocKery , \v. L witiaiiTi " for the Manufocturors and Iraportora , Crockeiy , Glassware , Lamps , Clilnincjs , Ktc. Onice , y:7 South nth fcttict. OnialiK. Neb. " ( \ S. ( JOODHini A CO Ajjcnts lor K. A. Whitney Carriage Co. § ( Mdren's ' Carriages , And Jewell's Celebrated Kefrigenuors. Sen or prleo lists. I41J K.\rn m St. , Orntha. _ " Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John Kpcnelcr , Proprietor. Mnnufai turcr of ( iiil\niitzed lion r.iul Cornlcn. It3 led ; e ami 191 ami 103 North 10th Street , Omaha , Neb. Kt'KMl'INO & 110I.TH , ? f annfccturcrsof Ornamental Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , Ktc. , H10 S. 12th Rt. Workdono _ In nny p.m of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SI'KCHT. Proprietor. Ualvantretl Iron Corntecr. Etc , Sp < odt' tnv t.rooa . Patent Mrtnll'o ' Ski-llchU fiOS mid S10S. rctli bt. . Omaha. Nek. Doors , Sash. Etc. City PknliigM Doors , Sash and Ulliils. Al o all kinds of turning. Scroll and Stair woik ol every dc scriptlon. Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors Sasti Blinds , , , Mouldings , Btolr Kails n Rpcelaltv Telephone No. _ ISth and Marc v St 0. . Omaha , Neb. Electrical Supplies , 1T. . WOLKB & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Oamha. llurglar Alurm . Dolls , Fire Alarms , V'cctrlu Matting , fpcaktnjf Tubes , Iron Works. PAXTOX & VIEULINO 1UOV WOKK3 Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work run Stairs , Hailing , Holled Beams and Ginluri Bteam Engines , llrans Work , General Foundry Machine and Blacksmith Work. Offlo * and Works , O. P. Hy. and S 17th st. Iron ard Nails. _ OMAHA NAIL JlJl < CrACTURINQ"coii Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nails n Sjx jlnltr. Omnhn. Neb. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , O. ANDHEKN. Manufacturer of Five nnd Burplnl Troof Safe % Vault Doors , .lull Work. Shutters and Wire Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. V/asrons / and Bfitabllf he < l 1KB. A. > . SIMPSON. The Leading Callage Factory , HCOauU Uil DwlL'e Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. M. BUHKE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Gco. BuiKo , Manager , Union Stock I'urds , S. Omiilia. Telephone 5S3 Union Stoci Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Bo > d , Superintendent , f BAVAOE < k G1JEKK , ' Lle Stock Commission Merchants. SbJptnentH of any and all Kinds of stock b . od. UuleubU ek Yards , OuialiaKeb. Lumber , Etc. LOUIS DILVDFOHD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath. Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. Tunis Cor. 7th' and Douglar , Cor. Otb uud BOHN JIANUFAOTtrniNO CO 1 Hannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hunl Wood Finleb. Jutt opened. N. E. cor. tin and Letnen- worth Streets , Omaha , Neb. CHICAOO LUMBER COMPANY. Wholesale Lumber , H4 8. 14th Btrtut , Omaha , Xolj. 1' . Colpeuer , Manager. C. N. DIETZ , Lumber , Bth nnd California Street" , Omaha , Xob. FIIKD W. GflAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Oth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , 1'cb , GKO. A. KOAOLANO Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Kcbrablia. CIIA8. 1L LKE , Hardvood Lumber , Waccn Stock , Fancy Woods , Iliiilfo Timbers ic. , ti. W. Cor , V'th und Douglas , Omaha , Neb. Q. P. LYMAN , Sash Doors Blinds Dealer In , , , Bulldliu : Paper , lite. South IJth Kcbnuka. Flih , Etc. X FISH'co. " 6uccebOr8 to Icken Plcmtscn Sc Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of foreign Fieli.Xos. 011-013 Jonei t = Strt and i' , P , Track. Omaha. Wob.- _ . . . . Ccrf ctionerv- K. P. F.Vi & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , JobbeiBOf FiultsN'it ' auJ Cii r-i. 1211 Kainuin St. , Lime , Cement , Etc. L'mj ' , And Shippers of Teal nnd Coke , Cement , Plas ter , I Imc , Hair. 1'ire lirlck. Drain , Tile und Bow IT Pipe. OUlce , Puxton hotel , telephone bll , I'uumm Street , Omah , Nebraska. Job Printing. JtEES IMtl.VriN'Ci CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , QMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY Agricultural Implement s. " " " PAliUN , OHr.XIXMU'F & MAIIT1N , Wholc .o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons and llucjik- ? , Omaha Neb. " _ _ _ OHVUCHlhl , I'AKKCIl , Wholesale Diulcr In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrlnjtes and llilcple . Jc nr- i Ft. , l > ct. Vth nnO lJtliOmHhaN b. Boots and Shoes , w. v. M M M : & co. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 3111 rnrnnm 3troet , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , SuinnifrJMtcel Boston. _ _ " _ Carpets. . . _ , a A. onciiAim , Wnolesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Ilattlnp3 , inirtnln Ooot > . Ktp. . 14SJ rsinwni Street , Omnha , Nets _ _ _ Coal , Lime , EK _ ' W. nE Coal , CoKe , Lime and Stone. Office.SlSS. 14th rt. . Omaha. NiK Yards , ij nnJ /cupurteli-eets. . _ ' ' CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cofce , S14 S. 13th St. , Otnana , Neb. tiro. C , Towl.r , Prcsidnnr. 0 o. rATrrnsos , Svc. and Treat. 5.11. HUU.HVT , 1' . A. Provrlotor. Xtniuujer. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NIMIUAHKA. OinrcS.'ii H. Uth blreet. Telephone 49. _ oTo. I' . I.AnAoii. Prc ? . C. F. CloowuN. V. Prca. J. A. SUMJl.ltiaM ) Sec. and Treas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard and < oft cou ! , A.U S. * tlSt. \ . , Otnnh. ; , Neb. OMAHA COAlj AXD PUODUCB CO. Hard and Soft Coal. ' EicluBlvo dealer ? In Iloulder Colorado Coa.217 ! toutli Htli ctrceU Coffee aid S ices. _ " _ ( ITVTKS. COl.K & Home Coffee and Spice Hills HTg Co , Colfco llniiitcrs imil Spk-o ( irlaili-r * . inanii facturersof Unklnjrl'owdor , flavorm * Extract * Bluing , etc. Trj-on case of our 1-tt jinckauo Homenicnl Hoaatod Coffe * . 1691 Howard M. , Cmuha , Nob. CLARKE ilHOS. &CO. , Omalia Coffee and Spice Kills. Ten * . Coffcos , Bplccs , IlnkliU tMwder VlnrorlnR Kxtrai-ts , Laundry Uluo. Ink , utc. 141HB llur- ncyBtroct , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc. 'BRANCH & co , , Wholesale Fraits , Produce , Oysters , 11Z1 Karnam St. , Omaha. Apples Our < mn | .aok- liiff-I'Iatt * Co. a TiBi-r Itnind Ojstcre , Uuttor , Egpo , Giuno , Poultry , I'otatocs. JOHN F. VLACK , Genera ! Commission Mercliant , Produce , 1'iov Islons , Krultt. , Flour and reed. lt S. 14th St. , On.aha , Nob. Coiislgumuuts EOllcitud. Hcturns made uromntlr. K. 3lclONALIX COMMISSION MERCHANT. i 12th Street , Oma'ia. Neb. Specialties : But ter. EWU , and rhlcttons. W1EDEMAN Sc CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Butter , Giune , Frultp , Etc. SOS. 14th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. WESTERFlfiLl ) HROS. , General Commission Herchants , 14(0 ( Dudpe Street Oniuliu. hlebmska. mcr.ts solicited. W K HIDDKLI/ , Storage and Commission Merchant. SrtciALTiEs CheebO , lluttor Kffg * . Poultry nn < l Game , It ! S. 14th. , Omaha , Nob. Tele phone No. UJ.i. t \VEIKS : & MI Storage and Commission Merchants. FOIO.ITII and Iloinostie 1'inlts a pcelalty El- epant Etonwo facilities Waichousu and odlco , 10 North Uth Bt. Telephone 773. D. A. HUHLKY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , KBBS mid Prodiire. A full line of Stone ware. Coneiuninenta tollcIUxi. 1414 Dodao SU , Omaha. McSIIANi : i SCIIHOEDEn , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Ucfrip-erntor nnd packlnp Jloubo , ! 4th & Leaven- . , on U. P. It. U. Track , Omaha , Nob. F.stabliahod 1870. ItOBEItT PUI'VIS , General Commission , 711 S. llth St. , Omaha. Nob. Specialties Butter , Poultry nnd Game. PI5YCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants , fruits , P : duce und Provisions , Omaha , Neb GRIFFITH & THOMAS , Successor * to Igtno Grlfllth. Commission Merchants AnJ wholes ilo dealoi-3 In cojtitry pmdiirn fruits , butter , evvs. e'.a Goo-i-iiiiieimBlpninciit n epeelalt ) . 34) N.ifGth St. , O-naha. KIRSCIIBRAON & SONS. Successors to A. P. Sohttok. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No , 213 South nth Street. Omaha , Nelt Dry Goods. L. GINS11ERO & CO. , Wholesale Jcalcrgln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , s , Kniliroldtry nml White C'oods. _ lC20Iout'laaStioct , Omaha , Noli. While Lead , CARTEU WHITE LKAI ) C0 Strictly Pura White Lead , 2t'tlJ ' Stand U , P. Ily. Omaha , Harness , Etc , WEI.TY * i.ANnnocrc , Manufacturers and Jobber ) of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Ooode , llHinUels and Itobca. It-'l Punmra _ _ Hunt Omnlia , Neb. Mattresses , E. M. IIULSE , Mattress Company , Manufacturing > Iattreei > e < < , llcdJIn ? , Feather Pillows , Coin , jtr. : 12UO and 12W Douglas tjtreet , Umaba , Neb. Overalls. CANFIEU ) Manufacturers of Overalls , Jwna PaulsShirts , Ktc. , 1103 andl'Ot Douglu titroct , Omaha , Nob. Beer , W , HKATING , Agent lor Anneuser-Busli Brewing Ass'n ' Special brands : iu&u t lludwviicr tutl IMnueir mm JOBBERS' DIRECTOn | OMAHA IMUr.H CO , DMlcrs In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale. ltthticctnml < < i.on l'm fl Track. OinMiv OILMAN n.WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , fOth mid linnl Streets , Umnhn , Ncbrnsk * . " " " .1. A. WAKUl'ir.U ) , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , ilulWtnc l'npor . Sn Ii. Dour * , Itllmls , MmilJi njss , I'ickots , roft * . l.lmp , l' : tor , Ha | ' , . 'ciDcnt. Nlntn miu Joiu-5. Omnlin Nob. Millinery , " " i. onr.anu : : iJ , Importers nnd Jobberof | Millinery and Notions , U'H Hnincy Street , Omnlin , .Voh , * = r .233 Musitil Instruments , * " IIDHOI.M & lltttCKSON' , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. f-toltnuiy Pinnos Vt'clicr. Drciti'r. tlalno < anit lli-ljtfs ! I'niiiii" , I'noKiinl Oiffitns Clinso lulniul UUlMhttiooi. _ Furniture , Etc. CI1AULKS SltlVBKK'K Furniture Mirrors , Bedding , Upiolstery , nte. , I'-Jil , 120J ami lt ) I'll 1 11:1111 : Si loot Oiniih V \STONK , Wholesale Dealers ia Farnitarc , _ _ _ rnrnnm Street , Onmlin , Xob. Groceries. " E. II. CHAVMAX \ TO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco nnd Smokers' Aitlrlix , 1217 llow nnt St. " " MIJYUU & UAAI'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Fplcis , Cljrnrs ninl Tolinccn1317 unil 1319 D > ) U * Ins Str''ct , Unmlia , Xol ) . ' JJcCOHD , UltADYA COMl'ANiT , Wholesale Grocers , Corntr 10th ami 1'urmim t-trocts , Omnh.i , NoU I'AXIVN , QAMiAOHUll & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , NOB. 705 , 7U7 , 7l mill 711 S. lutb St. , Omaha , Nobu _ Hardware. " W. J. HHOATCH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Bprinpo , rt'mron Stock , Hard \vuod I.umtiiir , cto. laiOnnO 1211 llniiu'y tticc'v. Omalm , Noli. _ KUNKY& . GIIUION , Wholcsale.Iron , Steel , Wagon And Currlaro W * 1 Flock. Heavy llanlwnro , lite. 1217 anil 121 ciivuut'Uitli Street , OmuUa , Nub. TAY' Olt , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools nnd llulTulo Scales. H05 Doug' las Strcut. Ouuilm , Nob. I.KU , ntlED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ulc. AwmtH for Motto Scales utid Jllnmi l'o"dc'rCo.Oni ! hu Nob. MILTON HOOliHS & SONS. Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mnntlei , Gratce , liiii i freed . 1X1 mid im PhP * nin titicot. ' UECTOH & WILHfiLMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Hails , Emerson bled Nulls. Cor. inth nnd llnrncy Sti ccts , OiuHhn. Nub. Harvesters. WM. nrKKlNG i ; CO. . CHICAGO , MunuTrxlurcr oC'ttio Deering Harvester Goods , fFrlte to Wia. M. Ixirlmor. Gonernl Omiilia. Tc'cplionuOlO. Iron Pipe , Etc , A. L. STIIANG COMPAVr , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. St jam , Water , Itailu uj- mid MIllIiiK Supplies , EtU' SKU , IttT und IC1 Farnutn St. Oniuliu , Neb. I CIIUltCIULL PUMP-CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting , Stcnm and Wntor Supplies. Hcn > I < iunrtcrs fo Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 rurniim Street , Omuba , Neb. ( Jewelry. KDHOLM & KUICIvSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlcrs In Sllvorwnrc , Diamonds , Watclias CloekP , Jewelers' Tools nnd JIaterinH , Etc. , 101 unu 103,15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omnlin , Neb. NctionSiEc , V1NYAHD & SGHXEIOEK. Jobticrs in Hotions.Hosler . ? & Gents'F ; rnishing Goods 100 and 1003 Fit main St. , OmnbuNcb J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 4K1 nnd 4M S. 10th Ft.Omaln , Neb. ' Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Gents fur nishing Goods. I Oils , Etc. " " CONSOJDATED TANK LINK co , ' Wholesale Dealers in Oils , QaEolInc , Mien Axle Grr ni-c , Kto. A. II. Illshnp , > Ianagcr , Omaha , Nob. _ Pork Packing. " "JAMES K. IIOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Ncbra&Ka. 1IAIUUS * riSHKH , Packers and Provision Dealers , Office , Union Mailirt , 1517 Dodju > Street , l'actnc ! bouce , U. 1' . It. li. Truck , Omahu , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 157. Safes and Locks. \ ' " " " " "p. IJOYKH & co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Fire nnd Ilui'lar I'nmr SaffS.TImo Ixjcks.YnulU and Jail work. 1COJ Variiam ntrect , Omaha , Noli Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds , Agricultural. Vegetable. Ktc. CMd I'tillowV Hull. N , vy. Cor. 14th und DoJtru fit , , Omaha , Noli , Drugs , Etc , TIIK nOODMAX DRUG CO Wholesale Druggists And DeaJer in I'nlnU , Oils and Window Oln iu , Neb. , _ _ Win > $ , Lljuorr , Etc , IUH : & co. , Distillers and Importers of Y/ines / And J.lijuuni. f-olo inaiiufacturori uf K't'iiiirtly't iu : * ludla UltliTB. 11U Hatnex Btiect , ( Jni.ili.- , < m > , n. BUCCCSKT to MuTfAiuiu . Mild Wholoealu DeulCM In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , . llth Sl.LOtii.ilu , Neb. Notions , tic' ! SON , Wholesale. Job Lots , Dry Good * , Nothing , ( Jem * * riinilshln" CU > n < lf QooiU ( rum NOMT York. Tiadoeultrs < luir ! , ' > n niu1 ' 8Sonth Uth St. , Oninhn. _ _ Flour and Feed , _ _ _ _ V. J. WULSHANb & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feel and Grain , W. J. Wplihan * A Co.'t ( jiili UaUlitilluiivrlii ) > at Hour and p'onrleiuraOmntik City Mills , cor. MU BQI ! Faruaui slrcots , Omuba.