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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1886)
PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAR OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUST 20 , 1880. NUMBER 54. NEBRASKA AGAIN HONORED Join Fitzgerald of Lincoln Ohoson Presi dent of the Irish League , HARMONY AFTER SOME STRIFE mid the Constitution Adopted Wltli Unbounded Knllm- slasm ntiKllHh Mnnutnct- ures to 1)0 Ilojeottcil. The Irish Convention. CniCAdo , August ll . 'I lie delciratcs in at tendance upon the convention of the Irish National leaniin were sloxv In reporting nt Music hall tins morning to enter upon the xxorkof the second dav. The committees appointed ycsteiday remained in session until n late hour last evening but In the inrln concluded their labois so as to be ready to report to thu convention to-daj without delay. Tlic tommlttce on ciedentlals had no contesting delegations to pass upon , but owing to the laruo number of delegates pres ent they were not able to complete their re port until nfter midnight. Tlio committee on n solutions also held n long night session , but xxorkid harmoniously , despite of nnv fenrs to the contiary Judge Fitzgerald , tcmporarj chairman , appeared on the plat form at 10 : CO a. m. , nnd hhoitly afterwards the delegates began to pass In and quickly Idled tliesiats on the main Moor. At 10 : W a. m. thu tcmpomry chairman announced that several of the committees were- still nbsent , but uxnieted to IK : able to rcpoit witldii a viry shott lime , when he would tall the convention to order. 'the convention vxas called to older at 10:50. : The eouuultko on peimanent organl/atlou submitted a lepoit rccommcndlm : tbat the temporaiy orcnni/atlon be madu the perma nent oiganl/atloii. ' 1 lie imition vxas put to the convention bj Michael Dav lit , apparently in expectation ol complete liaiiuouj. and the motion w is eauled almost unanimously. There were a few dissents. Judge nt/gerald ro-e and thanked tlio coin entlon for the honor of the position. Ho said ho would tertalnly endeavor to eivc full heaiinuto eveiy delegate on nnv subject to come bcfoio the convention. "I know no ring , 1 know no clique , " continued tlio speaker , "and 1 am hero for united Ireland. " lie closed xvith a laiitlon that tlic delegates should have only ono seiitimentand that waste to pieiaie | to Hunt the common enemy and to cngeiidei no lends among themselves. "We hate her , " said he. "because she lilted us and despoiled us. When she declares peace then may we , and not until then will vxo ceaio Mating her. " Continuing ho i-a'd ' , "Look at the manner In xxhlch vxe le- celvd the peace ottering fioin the gieatest of i statesmen , stinted though It vxas. To the people ot Scotland and Wales win * slid thatliciand vxas entitled to home rule , tlio benediction of a million hearers ire out , " To the demociacy of Kngland who had signified n purpose to lend a helping hand to Ireland , ho said giatltudo also went out. He closed xx Ith the declaration : Wo can liaxe wp will have no peace until England ceases her deadly hostility to the friends of fiecdom nnd lieedoin's Isle. " Hon. John F. Fineity rose In his seat , and Ills aiipeaiance was a signal lor tremendous cheering. He said ho oulj rose toiead a cablegram addicsseJ him , and It reads as tol- loix s : Duni.iv. August 10. Fiuerty , Chicago con- xcntion , Clilcago. The manhood of Ireland is with j on , mid trusts the convention will by { ( .solution endoiso Ireland's light and re solve to bo free. ( Signed ) CHAIIIES M.vrCAnnn Tni.r.ivo. Mr. Davltt rose and slid be deslied to say n word In explanation. Mr. Ia\ltt did not question tlio rich tot any ono in Ireland to send ad ispateli from lieland , "But , " said Mi. Davltt , " 1'cellng had no light to speak lor tlm people ot lieland. Ho was not n mepibci ot the league , and 1 say that Ked- moud. Dcaswy , nnd myselt have a ilcht to speak tor tlio people of lieland. " ( Loud npplnuse. ) M r. Finerty rose to speak and thete were loud clieeis. Hxnes , of Illinois , made a point ot order that no motion xxas before thu house , nnd no I'- delegate had n right to tlio lloor. I'r The chair decided tlio point well taken. | r Mi. Flnorty then rose to a question of per sonal privilege , ami xxns finally gixen the floor amid consldciablo contusion. .Delegates fioin Nexv York and Hjnos I n toi posed 10- pentcdly. Hynes sahl Flnorty should not spenk on peisonal questions. Cries weio rnlsed for Finerty to tnko the platform. Tlio Chair Finerty is no spring chicken. He can bo heard nnyxxhero In the hall. Hyncs 1 protest against Fineity speak ing. ing.Finerty I w 111 speak. The. chilli admonished Finerty not to make another such reniaik. Comparatlveordci having been restored , Finerty said : "I am sinpriscd to see the father of land leagues in his place question that telegram. " lloru another scene of confusion ensued. In the midst of the uproar Fineity was lioanl tosay : "It is what vxo have believed for twenty j ears , and I shall hold to my vloxvs for tlio freedom of lieland to tlio day of my dcnth. If Tiellng is not In the league , if 1m holds to Hint sentiment , ho Is ceitninly entitled to belong to it. " As another scene of confusion ensued , Fin erty declined to siy an ) thing further nnd ceased speaking. Ho xxas by the main body of thu convention. Dnx lit arose and said ho could not dispute the right of Finoity to deslie tlio fiecdom of Ireland and would not do so. This acted as a quietus and Hie uproar subsided. Tliu committee on credentials reported tlio list of tegular delegates. aim iM.Aironvr. The committee on resolutions repeated through Hev. Belts , as folloxvs : "Your committee on icsoliitlons i especi ally submit the following ropoit : We , the delegates of the lilsh national leairuo of America , In convention assembled , firmly beliovlnz In the principles of human licedom nnd In the right of a people to finino theii own laws , the light xxhlch lies at the foun dation of prosperity and gieatness of this ro- publlu and which has been advantageously extended to the colonial possessions of Client Britain , do heieby resolve : 1. That vxo express our heat Hest and most iiiKiualliied approval ol national self govern ment for Irotnnd , - . Tliatvxe heartily approve of thn course pursued bx ChnilesStewait Paiuoll and his parliamentary associates In tlio Kngllsh house of commons , nnd we icnexv tlio ex pression of our entlic contldencn In thole wisdom nnd In their ability to achieve homr ruin In Iiolaml. 8. Tlmtxooxtcnil our heaitfoltthnnks to Gladstone foi his gientvlfoiU on bc'lialf of Irish belf-goxem ment , nnd wo expiess our gratitude to the Knulish , Scotch nnd Welch dmnoerney for the support given to Iho great liberal leader nnd Ills hlsh policy dutlng the recent gunerni olectlons. 4. That this ( onxuutloii lieichy retiiins Its thanks to the Ameilcnn people nnd press for the Kuneioiis Hiippoit which they have given to the cause of seltoveuuucnt In lieland. 6. ' 1 hat xx o recoul our sense of the i euiark- nblo roibearaneo nnd self rcstmlnt exorcised by our people In Ireland In tlio face of n ciuelond dishonest s.x stem of extoitlonto vhlch they nio being subjected bv mck lent- lug landlonls , nnd In vloxv of the license scamhlously extended to organised law less- ness In HIP north of lieland by pnitUin of- liclnls , end wo commend the laudable desire of the pt'iuilo of Ireland to manage oxxn a ( Tali a in tholroxxn way. fl. That wo lieiebytlmnk tlio president , trcasurei and seeictary of this national lenpuo for the faithful nud efllcient manner In which they haxo dischnrgwl the niduona outlcs of then iesi > cctixo stations. 7. ll.atthe folloxvliiB cablegram be forwarded - warded in thonanwof the cluhmanof t ha conxenHon to Charles Stewait Pnrncil : 'leU\'ale.s to the Irish national league con vention of A mei lea send , creeling Horn out body , which embraces repicsontatlxo rltUena from cm ) state and tonltorylu Hie union , ondnUofrom Cann'Io , and assure > ou ot the coidln ) lndnttcmentofyouri > oUcyliyannltel snd harmonious ioncation. . " All of vvhlcli isre.M ctlulb submitted. ( Signed. ) ( iuoisauC. flr.ns , . , . Chairman. Colonel AtUmon , of Detjoit , Mich. , ono of the members ot Uienommittcoon ti olu- tloUs , ciplalutUon UituiUol the coinnilttcu , that In considering the declarations con tained In the draft , the committee while dis cussing them full.x , adopted them unani mously. The reodlng of Hie resolutions xxas fol lowed by hearty Uiccrinir. I'iuerty moxed that the resolutions be adopted section by section. ( Cries of "no , no ) Atmstroiig , of ( ieorgla , seconded the motion. Mr. ( iiinnnn desired thorn adopted by sec tions. If them vxas anvthlni ; between the lines , with nil due icspict to their xisltois from Ireland , which would leiilthe league to foiexer puisne its present coursedespite any cxltronej of Its future xvlilch might arise fern n different course of action , then ho deslied to votuaealii'.t It , ( Chccis. ) Alexander undo an eloquent ad dress and evoked xxlld cheering , lit1 de clared tint In the smipiesslon of vlexxs dear to their voids , tlioy did so that tlio men Ini Hiogai | might bo tiutiammcled. Tin ; per sonal icpiesunatlxei of Iielaud pipsent had glxen piool of their absolute fealty to their uittxocmtntrv Thoempty sleeve ol Michael Divltt testlhed to what he Iiad supported. There had been prcnehers of fear that there would not bonarmonv In the conven tion , but the men w ho had borne the burnt of thu light In the past and who were icady to IIP ( hero noxx' , If necessary , ( tremendous cheering ) did not fc.u , and thcio xxero enough of them heie to stiaiplo , If necessity those who would attempt to hamper or thxxnit HIM absolute purpose of the league to follow Parueil it inlet any Hag ho might elect , ( dreat cheering ) Mi. Devoy , ot New York , said that many of the Xewnrk delegation maj have como with as many lesolutlons as tlioso from Illinois , but ho desired peace and li.rmony and wauled them endorsed as a whole , Mr. Divltt suegestnd , In a sphit of harmon - mon > , Hint thu resolutions should once again bo read and then bo adopted unanimously. Mi. Miieity said lie xxould xxltluliaxv his motion. 'Iho icsoliitlons were then adopted by the convention lislui ; , followed by fi.mtle ihteis. The chairman then introduced Mr. Ked- mend , who imulo an elegant speech. 'I he ponxenllon at 1:10 : p. in. , upon conclusion oC It'-dinoud.R speech , adjourned to 3 o'clock tills afternoon. Redmond's closing icmarks were \\lhllj ajiplauded , 1111. APT1.1INOO.N SESSION. Like j esteid xy tlio nftei noon session of the convention todly vxas slow in assembling. It was not until long aftei 3 p. m. , the liotu named , that Judge Flt/geiald amvcd and called the delegates to older. The minutes wore then lend nnd unanimously adopted. The report of the committee on constitution was re id by Win. P. O'Connor , ot Wiscon sin He announced the repoit had already been ondoised by Davltt , itcdmond nnd Deasj. At Hie outset the teport defined the objects of the luncuo nnd the. methods to bo ciuplojed to attain those objects. The sections providing lor Hie oiganbation of tlio league and the tintmctUm ol Us business constituted the rem ilnder ol the repoit. A delegate fioin Kochcslei , N. Y. , objected to the clause viitually adxlslng the league to bojcott articles of English manufactine. lie moved tint Hie clause bo expunged tiomthe report. The question was then put and tlio section iciiiaiiicd In. Theie vxas piactically no opposition. Tlio scene of enthusiasm that ensued surpassed any that Iiad before oc- cuired in the convention. The delegates rose en masse and clieeied , shouted and xxaxedtheii arms till it seemed as if the ex citement xxould nexet cease. The section which Iiad caused so much en thusiasm was as follows : "To hurt the ene my wheie ho will feel It most , by lelusliiii to puichascany nitlclc of KiiglHi manulac- tuie , and by using all legitimate influences to di-comage tradesmen tiom keeping Eng lish maiiutactmes on s.iie. " Following tlio adoption of the bojcott clause the constitution was adopted in Its on- tuety , amid tiemendous applause. Kev. 1)1. Oeorgo W. Peppei , a Methodist elergiiiuu , then addressed the congregation and siid : "If , aftei tijing every method , Paiuell sli'jnld send the message , 'Come and help , ' then , " said the leverend speakei , " 1 scar by tlio tin ono of God them xxlllbeat least one xacaut pulpit in the United btatcs. " The chcciing at this point xx-as tei- li/IC. / liIC.Wfien it somoxvhat nbnted thcro vxas call after call for n speech fiom Itex1. Father O'Heilly , of Dctioit. Ho giace- tnlly declined , saying ho was heio to lender an account ot all the money ho had "stolen. " ( Laughter and cheers. ) Tlio report of the committee on finance was then read. The report showed that SS' O.'JbJ.'iT Imd boon collected In the last twojears , nnd the report mentioned tlio exact sii' " ton cent that had been i omitted to Pain 11 or his trustees. Only 35.000of the entlio sum wciestill in the hands of the treasurer. Brady sugsestcd the Massachu setts sj stem of fixe collections bo extended all oxertlib United States. The > 00 col lected shoxxed tlio results of such n svMcm. At this point thn chairman recognircd the trensiner of the league. Father O'Kellly , who said they had heaid liom the men who had carried muskets in Hie ranks. Now they should hear liom the man who had can led the puisc. O'Kcilly then lead the amount contilbuted by each state. Scciettry Sutton then arose nnd besran the rending of his report. He announced that It was necessary to a gieat extent , It not wholly , a letiosnectixo glaiioo at tlio hlstoiy of tlio league. Mr. Sutton read In nn inaudible tone. On motion the icport was finally ordered received and printed without further reading. TIIU UU'CTION OF OKFlCr.ItS. The chairman announced the next business was the election of president foi thu league In America. Thomas Bionnan. of Oin.uia , took the llooi. Ho said the past picsident ot tlio leaguowas among the best and biavcstol the hlsli raceln Ameilca. The presidency of tlio league was an office that had been filled by honest , brainy , fearless Alexander Sullivan. ( Cheers upon chceis. ) Brennnn , lefeuedln similar terms to Patrick Egan and to Patrick A. CoHiim. The speaker placed In nomination Nebraska',1) I'oiemost cltl/en. John FIt7gcrald. Barry , of Pennsylvania , said lie xvould present - sent tlio name of n man whose cliaractei It stainless and whoso reputation is unijleni Ishcd ; a rcpicsuntativc. IrMi-Aiueilcaii citizen of Philadelphia. That city had con. tributcd ono sixth of all the money that had gene thiou h the leaiiuo colfurs Hugh C , SttCaffeiy , of I'hlladelphia. O'Connoi , of New 1'oik , seconded the nomination of honest John Fit/geiald , ol Nebraska , the F.ugeno Kelly ot thu west. Mr. McCaffery aio o and in stentorian tones , said : "Thisconvention has tiecn f gieat suetcss and haimonlous so tar. I mox e that I'itz'gcrald bo nonilnnted by ac clnmntlon. " Fineity nioso nnd said he was not delighted - lighted with the proceedings. In the in teifst of Imunony ho seconded ( be nomina tion of FiUuurald nnd mov ed the uruvioiu question. Neaily every man in the hall vxm on his feet and linpiomtu meetings of Hie state delegations xv eio begun on nil sides. . TliDchaliman , seeing the desiroof the con vention , promptly declared n recess. It was now 7 p. m. , but the convention showed IK signs of adjournment , tlmnli ; the bulk ol the delegates could not bo otherwise than ncaily tarnished. The gieatest uctlx'Ity In conlcriiuj. xxithc.ichothei xxasmixulfesteil among thn Xoxv Vork , Moss ichnsctts nnd Pennsj Ixnnln delogntioiis. Among them the excitement was nt.lever bent. In noticeable contrast was the ileimwior of the delegates from Ireland , Michael Davltt was espe cially impassive. At last tlu-ro vveie cries ol call the roll. The call showed Fit/goralil largely In the lead. The total vote xxnti called nmld loud cluer ? , and handkerchiefs , hats and umbrellas xvero liuilid In the air , McC.Ulroy rongnitulated Fltcgcrnid nnd moved ( lint the election bo Hindu unanimous. Jt xxas carried. The detailed vote shows Wisconsin casl 50 votes for Fitrgerald ; Illinois , 77 : Ne braska , 18 ; loxxa , 2 J ; Nexv Vork east 63 lei Fit/ueiixld , 60 lor McCallroy ; Poiinsvhaiila , 15 lor FiUtcenild ainl 10T forMcCalfrey. . .Fil/srinld s ( hen presented by McCaf' frey and In thn coui-se ot Ids remarks , aftei tlmnklng the COD vention for electing him U the Idghest ofiicc In the United States , said lie xx.xs more iiroii't ' to flit that poi'.llon than that of ptesUleiit of the Unltv { States. He would try to fill tlio great position honorably , Tuero WHS no man and no Irishman who would ask htm to do iui > thlagcxceptlor fico- dom and lor IrniunU. IUau Hion nominated Hugh McCaffrey , ol Philadelphia , foi vice prebidoiit. Ho was unanimously elected , amid a , storm of cheer- lag. McCaffrey bOigeU to bo xcused. Tin convention declined to accept his vioxvs and unanimously elected him once in ore. After electing Dr. O'Jteillev treasurer , Delegate Ieasy fiom lieland took the plat form and nddicssed the convention. Ho bald history could not furnish a parallel In the wax of Iho ulK'ilaucoxulgh tuu itisli pcyplt had clxen to tlio mllonal ciu e. For centuries the pcoplcat home had kept the lamp burning : In the face of countless dangers and dtfllcultlcs. Lattei ly they had been reinforced - forced bj nt least eight millions of their ex- llejl felloxx'-counlrvmen In this great republic of the xxest , Deasj reviewed the pro/iiess of the Irish cnii c. and at the close of his ad- diess Sectetary Sutton xxas unanlinouslj re- eleeted. Michael Davitt then rose nmld loud ciieerlnif , and In Hie couisc ot a brief speech , pointed to tlio most lavorabio icsults of the present linnnonloiis conven tion. Davitt said wliiio ho and Flncrtj had etosscd .swoids In n frlondlv maiinti. ho knew Ireland had no truer filend tnan Fin erty. Oavitt moxed a vote of Hnnks be given ( o Piesiding Officer Fit/gcrnld , which was done by acclamation. Mrs. Pnrncil resnonded to n loud call and spokoa fexv xvords In xxhleh shopild a trib ute to Michael Davltt nnd Gladstone. Glad stone , she sild , was the lirst Englishman to glxe tlio liisli Ills hand. Finerty responded reluctantly to n cill for him nnd madu n short speech He Imd to siy to the great Irish leader that he , as , x son of thirty generations ot Irish icLols. pro tested tint the scant Installment of justice olfered by Gladstone should not bo accepted as a hual settlement. Davltt at once toolc the platform and S'xld that the e who weie tlio liist to oppose moral foice xvlll nlxx n.v s be the lirst to come foi ward with speeches 1 tueitx advanced excitedly and claimed ( hat lid should not bo Insulted. Dax lit replied calmly that ho had not in sulted Finortjand ho not going to be Intimidated by nny one. Ho maintained that the advance made bv Ireland toxxards liberty had been w holly tin ough the exertion of moral force. The convention then insisted upon n speech from Alexandei bulllxnn. llo legretted that a isinglo wotd had been uttered that would place the. convention In the position of bax Inir n semblnnee of dltfoi- enco. Sullivan spoke In a concillatoiy man ner , doing initchtoxvard haimoni/ing tlio op posing ( actions. At 11 o'clock tlm coin cntlonndjouine sino die. mtrrnvos TO PAIINKIT , . After the adjouinment of tlio Irish Xa- tlonal league convention to-night the lolloxx- ingcablegram , xxiltteu by tlie autliorlty of tlio com entlon , vxas toixxardcd : CmcAdo , August 10 To Hon. Charles Paiuell , House of Commons , London Ono thousand delegates of tlio lilsh National league conxontlon of America send gicetinc tioinour body , which embraces representa tive eitiroiis from excrj state-and teirltorv in the union and also from Canada , and assine vouof tlmcoidial ender emeiit ot jour pol icy bv a united and haimonious convention. . J. W. FiT/di KVI 11 , Chalimaii Conxeiitlon. T1II3 LONDON PRESS On tlic Work of the Chicago Con > eii- tlon Pnlrnoss of ttio Times. LONDON , August 20. (4 ( a. in. ) [ Now York Heiald Cable Special to the Br.i : . ] Tliu doings at the Chicago convention still give tliepapeis concern. The Times , if bittci about it , is certainly fair , for it de votes tluec and n half columns of Its cable pages Hits moinlng to a detailed account of tlic convention doings and of the speeches. Tlm Times armes at tills conclusion : "Tlio Chicago Irish convention Is fullj controlled by Messrs. Egan and &ulllvan , vvhowlth Mi. Parnell's Irish delegates , check the physlcal- foice faction and have excluded it from tlic committees and will bring about the results deslied by Mr. Painell. One entire column itdox'otes to the icport of Mi. Jtcdmoml'b speech. The ( Jladstoulan Dally Nevxs also gives an exhaustive table account , uut is in clined this moinlng to leer at thu convention. It obseives : "The theory of the Chic mo convention is becoming sliglitly rldlcnlotio. Its mcmbeis are at liberty to ex press theirvalinblo opinions on tilings In geueial. In disclaiming all sympathy with violence they aio at least entitled to credit for common sense , but when Mr. William O'Brien , the able editor of Unitid lieland , goes so far ns to loptesent the people of "om benighted old countiy" ns training oxer here fora ; lift in tills tremendous convention , ho oxeracta his patt. Perhaps on the xx hole it michtbo well If the Chicago convention were to xvind up its business , which seems to bo merely the collcntlon of a fund , and leave us to manage ours. " IjQST IN TIIC ALI'S. APnrty of Tourists Suffer Terrible Privations Ono Hies. LONDON ; August 19 , 12 m. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BKK.J A tele gram from the Herald's correspondent at 2or- matt , Swit/erland , reports another fatal acci dent in tlio Alpine district. A pirty of ox- cuisionlsts , comprising one German , two Englishmen , an Italian and Ins son and five guides , were engaged in the ascent ot the Matterhorn , when a heavy foil of snow on the mountain tops blocked them in. They wnndeied dnrliu two days through live feet of snow , sutteiing tenlbly fiom hunger and cold. At last one of the guides managed to eetdown to tlio foot of the mountain to tell the tale , sv relief expedition was immedi ately organised nnd thirty guides , with stretchers nnd ropes , ascended the mountain andiescued , first of nil , the Italian nnd his son. Durtni ; the night before Inst and yes terday moining they secured tlio English man and the German. All were In n very pilnful state. Their hands and feet wcro ho/en and swollen. When the relief paity returned with the rescued the townspeople of Xoimatt Eiceted them very warmlv. One of thu frost-bitten Englishmen died to-day fiom the ollects of his sufferings. PAUI-iIASIRNT OPENS. 4 Tlio Queen Molten Her Llttlo Hpcocli Salisbury on Ireland. LOMION , August 10. At Hie hour parlia ment mot rain was falling and the crowd gathered about Westminster buildings was small. Somoenthusiasm was displayed on thoeuivalof various prominent leaders , but It xx as generally faint. The attendance In thu commons was large. Many mombeis nirived before they had their breakfast. In oidci to get good seats. The queen's speech was as Jolioxvs. "My Lords and Gentlemen : J hax'o sum moned you nt this unusual season tor the transaction of Indeponsablo business. Tlio session of tlio last parliament xxns inter rupted before the ordinuiy xvorkotthe year had been completed , In order that that the sense otsomnof my people mi ht bo taken on certain proposals with regard to the gov- einment of Ireland , The result ot that ap peal has been to confirm the conclusion to which the Into pailinment had come. The provisional nature of the arrangement made by thu late parliament for public elmik'o ren- deis it inexpedient to postpone further con- sldeiatlon of necessary financial legislation. Gentlemen of the house of commons , the estimates which were submitted to the last parliament and onlv partially xoted will bo laid bcfoio jou. My lords and gentlemen , at the pei led of tlio year usually assigned for n rcccas , and after the prolonged labor to which man v of jou have been subjected , 1 abstain from lecommendlng now for jour consldera. tlon any nieasuies except those which are es sential to the conduct of the public service during the remaining part of the financial jenr. I am sure they will receive your prompt attention. In tlio house of commons debate , Churchill wns followed by ecvcial Parncllites , xxho de- clnicd they were not satisfied with the delay policy. Clancy said the nationalists were de termined not to allow the debate until the opinions of Matthews slid others \vernroxealed. Tlm debate xx'as adjourned on motion of T. P. O'Conner. In the house ot lords Sallsbmy said the covernment hoped to stop the outrages In the south and west of Iieliuid without alaigo extension of pox > er. The most dllllcult pioblrm was that of dealing with thu organ ized > fUtm of intimidation which the gov ernment will do their utmost to diminish. it was their duty ( o urapplo vx ith Illegal com binations to prevent the pay ment of runt. The goxtrnmcnt must continue the conversion of judicial leivseholdeis Into freeholders , the multiplication of which was a blessing and security to the country and legislatively It would bo their dutj to institute an inqiiiiy Into the cause of the discontent In Ireland , ni.d executively to maintain law and outer. Their policy was Mrlcth limited by Hie de cision of Uio constituencies. The address in reply to tlio queen's speech was united to , A Grand Day in Norfolk Tor the Suvlvors of the War. NOTABLES MAKE ADDRESSES. ll.istltiga Holds a Grcnt SIiootliiR Tourn.imc'it A Strange Cattle Disease at Crete Other News From Nebraska. The Norfolic Heunlon. Nonrot.K , Neb. , August ID. i Special Tele gram to the Bii.J : : A lively rainstorm tliniat- cncd to put n damper upon the encampment this morning , and probiblydhl deter many fJom coming bvrnll , but there was a visible swelling of the croud , and ns the clouds cleared awny during the forenoon It wns re garded as boneliclal. It had the effect , however - over , ot puttlnc the grand patade oxei until to-morrow. CieneralTlinxei airlxcd on the train last night , nnd oxpiesscd surprise nnd plcnsuro nt tlio extent nnd beauty of the camp and the number In attendance. Sena- tore Mnnderson nnd Van Wjek and Con gressman Doisey came In on the tinin from the cast this aftei noon and were met bv dele gations and cscoited to the camp amid Ily Ing binncrs nnd martial music. They made brief nddiesses from thcgiand stand upon their ni rival nnd expressed gratification at uaetlng so many veterans of noilhcin Ne- biasUa. The chief addicss to-day was inado by W. II. Wilcox , the "Mendotn Carnentci , " whoso ilngliig words thilllcd tlio hearts of ninny an old soldier and biought tears to the e > es of his llstcncis. Ho Isa wonderfully eilectlxe speaker nnd made n good Im pression. The Sioux Indian braves Indulged in another war dance to-day , their gesticula tions being xvltne sed by a largo croxvd. A line base ball contest occmrcd during the aftei noon betxxeeu the West Point and At kinson clubs , the formci winning by u score of Ito2. It was the best game of thesciics so far. At the meeting heM to form a permanent oiganl/atlon of the Noitli Nebraska Iteunion association , much enthusiasm was mani fested , and all the expressions xvere in favor of it. It was decided to continue the piescnt reunion committee In olllco until the Ibtli ot February , when aitothot meeting will beheld to perfect such nn oiginU.xtlon. it is Hie feeling of old soldiers ot this section of the state that such an oiganlzation is necessarj. Ono ot tl e Insulilng exents of this evening was the piaj ing of nine binds In concert at the headquarters of ( Je'wral Brisbln. The leaduis of the bands nftcrvxauls met and agieedon piellmlnariesnfoi theli contest to- monoxv afternoon for the uilzes. The follow ing binds are in attendance : Madison , Stanton , Wajne , Niobiara , Neligli , Fremont , Humphrey , Atkinson'Poncaand Ainsworth. The Mobr.tra band , undei the leadeishlp ot Prof. Linger , is actingns hcadmiutcis band. They are xery protic'cnt musicians. At the camp die thrs riveniiigCongicssman Jorsej made a biief speechand in rcfenliu to pensions and the Injustice done bvwith- holdini : the s.une , said he favored pensioning all helpless and deserving old vetei.uis. llo xxas tollowed by General Thajer , who con- giatulated the reunion committee , fhocitl- /ens ot Noifolk and the people ol nortlicin Nebiasica on the succois * of tlie reunion , and said ho loft San iYinctsco , earlv In order to attend , itcferring ti the dress parade byitho coloied lo ulaisaud their precision of move ment ho paid a. liUli compliment tOiUieir brnxery during tlio vv.T. ' lrA' < "r" Among the visitors at the reunion to-day were Land ComniifisCoiicr Scott nnd Attorney Genernl Leest * . ( Jovcrnor Uavxes was ex pected last night but fnllod to anivo. ' While here the stato'ofllcers ' Inspected the insino asylum , the brick work ot which is just completed , nnd pionouuced It the most substantial and best job done on nmy of otn buildln'-'s which is high pralso for Con- tiactor King. ' An Interesting programme is arranged for to-morroxv. It includes a grand parade and band contest in the atteinoon. Most of the ( iiand Army men are to stay dm hit : the en tire week , many briiiL'Ing thulr families to enjoy tlio novelty of ennipllfo , and thus lar but few liaxo left for their homes. > oiis OF inn I > A.Y. Thosltcets am beautifully decorated and well Idled with people. Lieutenant Blng- ham , ofFoitNIobrara. has the credit ot layIng - Ing out Camp Mauderson , which will easily accommodate 30,000 people. A heavy rain last night completely settled the dust nnd Improved the tempeiatiirc , to the entlio satisfaction of the 10,000 visitors who are here. One of the most attractive feittires ot the encampment Is the band of notable Indians who give a genuine xvar dance dally. They liaxe anpllcd to thncrciicrnl In command for a big dog , xxhlcli will enable them to complete their least. Geueial Brisbln is a good talker , nnd Ills speeches , though short , are nlxvnvs inviting nnd thoheaicr docs not tlio of him. Ills congcnlnl spirit hns won for him a warm at tachment wth cveiyone. Tiavclin/ men complain Hint the attrac tions hero have drawn so extensively fiom the suiroundliig country that business Is tem poral ily demoralised. Camp Mandorson is a lovely camp , and minyoid vets xxlll xveli remembci the place. Aside from the regular assignment of posts , the coiiimlttcu liaxe sold many bootli privi leges , and the invincible laklrs , who have soap that will remove the .stain fiom any man's reputation , etc. , me heio In nil their glory. Every train brings many now recruits to this "merry vx ar. " The folloxx lug posts hax o been assigned quarters : Valentino , Johns town , Long Pine , btuart , O'Neill , Ewing , Nollgh. Burnett , Woodlake , Alnsxvoitb , Bas- sett. Atkinson , Inmnn , Clearxvater , OaUdalo , Hartington. Omaha , Pilger , West Point , Fiemont , Plaliulexv , Wayne , Ponca , Dakota City , Columbus , Stanton , Wisnei , Cioxxell , Crcightoii , Pierce , Eincison. Niobnu.i , Madi son , Wakellelil. Many posts are rcpiesentcd with n bnisa band , 'the Niobiara band has been assigned the department nnd they aio doing thun- selves pioiul. Iho cowboy band liom Madl- ( .on hns the most ludicrous uniform , which tteums altogether out of place in a clvill/ed community. Iho rcKistcrs of the different headquarters tents Hhoxv the folloxx'ing number present irom the ranks of ( ho different stntes : Iowa . .K'O.Illlnois 120 Indiana , . - Ohlo j > 7 I'unnsilvania . . . . , - , IHNew York B.I Maine , , tt NexvJersey 1 MassacliuscUs 4 Michigan 1'J Vermont ' Minnesota 10 Wisconsin , 7S > KentucKy. i Kansas lOallfornfa 1 Missouri b Nebraska 10 Thcio are exi ; ctwi more to como which will raise the total number , KJJ. to about six bundled , nor Dawes xxas expected to have come with them but did not. General O. H. Van Wyt-k Is duo here to-day nnd will draw n largo conunitso of people to sen and hear him. Captain J. M. Bell. Indian agent at Pine Itidge , Is hero. * llfl sajs everything is serene up there. The number of Ids family now are 4,700 , although his predecessor drew rations for and claimed to have 7,200. Captain bxvord , chief of In dian police nnd one of his men aio heio in theli regulation uniforms. Violtois weie all wearing an expression ot enthusiasm and ndinliatlon , ( bo tliice troops of mounted colored cavalry vveio called out for exolution. They1 Indeed make a beauti < inl show and give evidence of being vxcil tutored In tactics. Camp tires me in order ox ery night nnd ono must participate in order to enjoy them , for ( o look on as a causal olteeierono sees little Inducement fur txvo or three sun- bioxvncd old v tits ( u luig each oilier and roll mound the crass , hoxvexei 1 suppose they do. This file is of itself very Impressive if not Graceful. Tlio hotels are reaping a rich harvest , bu | metclmnts are afraid tlmy will not lecclve as much benefit as they expected from the people ple , i'lie uau aLU weio compelled to put up 515 caeh to drive on the srrounds. nnd they are doing n thriving business , A gnme of ball between local clubs Is called for each da ) , and la calling a good attendance. A prlnl of SlOO Is to bo competed for by sev eral brass binds , and each bind hns como with the confluence ot securing it. Great Sport nt Ilnstlnui. IIsrins , Net ) . , August 1' ' . [ Special Telecram to the BfK.J Piiisuanl to.x call published some ( line since , about tilt ) sports men assembled in this city vcsleiday and to-daj for the puiposcot oignul/lnirn West ern State Sportsmen's association. Consid erable Interest vxns manifested In the shoot- match jcsterday afternoon. The following is the result ot Hie match : First shoot , ten PcorU blackbirds : Beach of Hastings liist. Doty of Hastings second , Eicaubuk ofMePooK third. breaking sexen , six mid the buds rcsp ctlxclv. Second shoot , seven live blids : Doty and .luni ; of Hastings divided first money on clean SUHO , Van ItusKlik of Junlnti second on sir birds , Beach of Hastings thlid. Third shoot , ten glass lulls : Gardner of Hastings first monej on iitun balls , rish of LOUD Cltv second on eight balls , Loxvls ot Mi-Cook tliiid on seven bills. Fouitli shunt. M.\.U Peoiln blackbirds : Henle ot Grand Island lirst money on a clean score , Bcath of Hastings sccondon llxeblids , Weeies thlid on fem birds. Fifth "hoot , ten Peoiia blackbirds : Beach of Hastings first money on clean fcort ! , Doty of Hastings second xvlln seven , Domlney of Alma thlid with fixe. Sixth shoot , llxo lixeblids : Van BusUrk of .liinlata first money on n clean scoie , Domluev , Eienbick , McGrew nnd Pllck div - v Ided second nionej on loui bluls , Jung third on tluee. Sexcntli shoot , sex en llxe birds : Fisher won first on six birds , Beach second on live , Jung third on four. Eighth shoot , ten Peorln blackbirds : Beach won first on sexen , Dolj sccondon six , Gaid- ner third on lixe. Ninth shoot , seven live hlids : Beach won fli-s t on six. bluls , Van Busklilt second on five , James tlilrd on four. Tenth shoot , ton Pcoila olaekbiids : Bench von first on eight bluls Dunn nnd Domlny divided second on six , lottliiid on live. Eleventh shoot , txxo tun nnd four single Itxe blids : \ an Busklik won last on sexen bints , Beach second on six , Hill thlid on fom. fom.Txvelfth shoot , fixe llxc birds : Dun won first w Ith a clean store , Dotj second on fem , Gaidner third on tliice. 'Ihiitccnth shoot , ten Peoria blackbiids : Beach won lirst on seven birds , Xoblo second on six. Fish thlid on live. In the evening n meeting xvas hold foi the purpose ot oigaiil/ing Hie Wcsteiu Spoils men's association , but after forming n tempo- i.irv oignni/atlon tlio meeting vxns adjoin ned until Septembei 2v ! and - ' > . when Hut associa tion wilt meet at Holdiege and effect a per manent oiganlzation. They Must I'ny Taxes. 1'oitK , Neb. , August ! ! . [ Special to the BF.i.J Tlio sv stem ol tax dodging xvhich lias been so long complained of by the honest taxpij-eis of Nebiaska , received a set-back hero jesterday by the action of the county bond of supeivlsors. The Nelnaska Land and Loan company , doing business in this city , nnd owned by W. D. Mead , F. F. Mend nnd E. P.Vaincr , have escaped taxation ox'cr since its organi/ation. Tlie ofhcers of Hie company at a meeting of the count j'boaid In Jm v , were cited to appear before that body at Its meeting > csteiday and show cause why they should not enter their assets for taxation , they haing repeatedly refused to list their pioperty under the roxenuo law for taxation in this countj- . Their plea Ins been licietotore that a portion ol tlio oxvncis xvero nonresidents nnd Hint the property had been listed in other states. This old plea , which Is nearly always made by the capitalists nnd SprottSSljMisU1' tax dodger , did not have Its effect with the board nnd on the company's making default the county clcik xvas oidci ed to assess them xv ith 313,000 , which will add to the county revenue about $700 In taxes. A Strange Cattle Disease. CnrTn , Neb. , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to the BKH.J On the adjoining farms of Messrs. Vance , Bolton and White , eight lulles north of here , tlih teen head of cattle have died in ten days. The animals became .wild nnd attacked man or beast. More are allowing Hiosamo symptoms and great ox- cltomcnt prevails in the community. Dr. Gerth wns heid nnd pronounced it anthrax , but Dr. Billings came to-day nnd a critter bidlj" nifccted was killed , dissected nnd n mi croscopical examination had. Dr. Billings declared it was not antprax , and could not determine whether it was rabies. Ho said it wns a uuzzlor. A dog was scon to chase the cattle nil ono afternoon four weeks ngo last Saturday , and the commonly accepted theory is that It Is rabies. An excursion fiom Friend nnd Dorchester of llvo hundred people enjoyed to-day at Crete's snmtuoi rcsoit. A Change of Programme. PKNDEII , Neb. , August 1'J. [ Special to the I3ii.j A plasterer named Stuvo Cramer , who has lived heio for the past year or txxo , took ( ho train for Norfolk Thursday , and shortly ofter ids departure Mr. Alien Whit- comb dlscoxcred that his xvatch , xvhich had been In a vest that was hanging ui > In Hie hotel , was gone. Ho concluded that the two circumstances had some connection with oacli oilier. Attorney A. C. Abbott , xxho wns on thu tinln , wns telegraphed to to soaich Cramer , who wns found to have the wntcli in his boot. Ho is now taklnir in the leuuion fiom behind the bais at HicNoiiolk coolei. Trouble Among Contract on. Yonic , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to the Bii : : . ] A telegram was recolved licio yestei- day from Lincoln ordcilng that nil work bo stopped on the now court house until further orders. The cause of the suspension of work Is not definitely known heio , but the work men are nndci the impression that It is the icsnlt of a row among tlio sub-contiactois nt Lincoln , The county board haxo tolused lo piyany further estimates on the building until the contractor shall begin to push the xxork with a llttlo morn vigor. Bocond Judicial Dlwlricr. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 10 , [ Special Tele gram to the Bin : . ] The lepubllcan com- mlttee foi the second judicial district met at the Capital hotel today. Thcio woic pres ent J B. Strode , of Cass ; Albert Cole , of Oton ; A. J. Cornish and D. E. Bengali , of Lancaster. Tlio con vention to nominate n judge for tlio district to succeed Judge. JIayxxnid was called to meet September ? ) at Lincoln , the counties to have repiesentatlon as appointed foi the state convention , Pavvos HuporlnteniUitR the C CiiKin , Neb. , August It' ' . [ Special Tele gram to the BEK.J Politics are gelling xxaim. 1 ho gox ei nor Is on ( ho ground superintend ing a personal canvass. The Olobo , his oegan , pnuticallv makes the Issue Dawns for senator. The 1'ilcml primailesain held to- morioxv and the Ciete Saturday. These two will deti'iiuiuothocontiol of the county con vention. OOU.I.VLA , Neb. , August 1'J. [ Special Telegram to the Bun. 1 Ono bundled and twenty-fix o Ogallala Sioux Indians are i im ported to bo twenty-five miles iioith of hero. As far as known they haxo not committed any dupicdntluns. Tito supposition U that they aio out on n hunting expedition. It Will Ho an Hvont. PKNDBK. Neb. , August 19. [ .Special ( o the BKE.IVan Wck speaks hero to-moiroxv. The Tekunink band lias been engaged for the occasion , -and no pains haxo been spued tu make ( lie occasion ono to belong iciuom- beied. _ A Duller. Made Him Desert. Foirr HouiNeox , Nub. , August 10. | Spe- clnKo the BKE.J A colored trooper of rom < F.Nlnthcnvalry.siipiKwcd to haxo deserted on ( he 13th Inst. , way found near the ralliond trak butxvcen hero nnd Craxvtoid with a dan- gviotu bullet wound in his head , WAITING FOR THE VERDICT The Pate of the Chicago Anarchists Now Resting With the Jury- THE JUDGE MAKES HIS CHARGE The ilury Snld to Have Found Spies , IjlitCR ntut IliiKft Guilty of Mm dor In the First Dem ce. The Great TrNl CHICAGO , August U . In the nnarclilst ca e this morning Giinnell returned his ad dress , lie directed his opening renmrks to answering a pioposi.tlon In l.xxv umtlo by Fos ter In hlsnddiess. Ho then touched on (511- tnci's testimony , nnd i\ld Gilmei had not t\t nil times told the same btorj rogntdlng the bomb throxx Ing. Continuing , Gilnnell said Captain Schnaek had given the pioseeution the leadini : string to Hioconsplracy. Judge Garj began his instructions to the juiy at Q o'clock. Ho sild that vxhoexer Is guilty of murder should suiter the penalty of dc.tthoi Imprisonment of not less than four teen \eais ; that as a matter of l.uv the Juiy \\.is not to go behind the nxldciico to hunt tip doubts and doubts to justify acquittal must bo reasonable , also , that as a matter of law nil accessory 13 lie \\lio stands by and aids , abets 01 assists , orlio , not being pies- cut aiding , abetting or assisting , hath ad vised , aided , oncouia ed , or abetted the per petration of the ctliuo ; that ho xxho thus aids , abets , assists , advises or encourages , ill-ill bo coiisldcio 1 as n pilnclpal and pun ished accordingly. If the defendants at tempted to inoithiow tholtxv by foice. and tlnoxv the bomb , then the defendants \vlio vveio In the conspiracy wet o guilty of mui- dci. If thc'io was .in onaichlstlc conspiracy , and ( the defendants \\eic Dailies to It , they aio guilty of murder , though the date ol the culmination of the conspii.icy was not llsoJ. If any of the defendants conspired to tjxcite by advice , the people to riot and minder , such doloiid.ints aio guilty. If such minder \\as dona In pmsuanco of said conspiracy , the Impractlcatencss of the anus of the defendants immatciial. Cir cumstantial cxldenco Is competent to prove guilt , and If thu defendants consplied to ovci- throw the law , and Deganas killed In con sequence , the pxttii's aio guilty , and It is not necessary that any of the defendants were picsent at the killing. All parties to the con spiracy are equally guiltv. Circumstantial evidence must satisfy the jury bojond a rea sonably doubt. In such n ease the juij may lirnl the defendants guilty. Foi the defendant the Instructions weio that If the jury uudeifltood the law better than the judee , they should so act. The jurx should aU w ith gre it caution upon the testt- mom ot accomplices , and should be satisfied of tlioli tiutli bctoie luuling tlio defendants guilty. A doubt must bo a reasonable one. bitiipithv does not constitute a icasonablo doubt , The jmors WIMO judges ol the l.n\ and I act , but should not go against , tlio court without a consideration. The jmj might lind anv or all ot the defendants irullty or not , anil could foi the penalty foi all , If guilty of mur der or n > thing else. Tlio sentence should bo lived 'In accordance witli the statutes. The forms of vordler schould not bo regarded by the jury. . Individuals and communities have a 11 Kill to aim lor protection , and an in vitation to aim lor such imposes is not guilt. The judge finished his Instructions at 2:10 : p. in. and the juiy immediately retiied. The defendants listened with eagei atten tion dining tlioieuling of the judge's In- structionsto the juiy. Parsons took notes throughout the entire reading , while the others contented thcmselxcs with listening merely. Impressions ( lilter as to the length of tlmo the jury will piobabiy bo out. It Is admitted thatsomo poittons ot theinstinotions offered tlio jury an opuoitunlty to discilmlnate be tween the defendants in the matter of their guilt and the iclativedegieo of punlsninont to bo iKcd. Thocouit tlicn adjoin nod until 10o'clock to-morrow nioinlng. Until the verdict ot tlio jurors Is presented In open court the anarchist tiinl will not have fmulshed.i more Impressive scene than the court room during tlio reading of Judge Gary's insttuctions to the juiy this after noon. That event had apparently been looked foixvaid to as tlio most dliecUy affect ing the final result , foi tlio audience which crowded every inco of available spicouvincrd a general eagerness of Interest which was lacking during the giving of sonio of the most impoiUnt testimony. Exon tlio ladles picsent drank In every word of each long iilnaso In tt.o insti notions , as it to lose no thing which might iiiinish a cine as to what the veulict would be. Tlio strained attention ot the defendants was paliitul to witness , and tlio anxiety ot Mrs. I'arsons was scarcely less nppaiont. The juiy seemed glad of the opportunity to rest their tiled bodies and stood ciect throughout tiio hour consumed in tlio leading ol the , In- stiuctloiis. Counsel for botli sides crowded as closn to the bench as possible , and once or twice Captain Black or Mi. Xelstei , toi tlio detense , inteiiupled tlio comt to suggest tlio Interpolation 01 Iho expunging of a woidoi plu.ise. When the jury retiied the prisoners were taken Into ono of the ballllfs rooms adjoining tlio court loom. A few minutes latin Fischer omeiged accomp mlcd by a bailiff and entci ed anotlici loom to get a drink of Ice water. Ho v\as deadly pale. Though tlio ballltr.s took pains to assure the ladies jiiesent that It was i\ticmely Impiobablu that n veulict would bo i etui lied beloro an adjoinnmcnt of coint , every ono of them leinalned till Jndgo Garry put on his hat and was out of tlio building. During tlm tlueo hours of waiting lot tlio verdict , the attoinojspiosoiitwciu subjected to lopcatcil Intcivlcxvri , mostly by ladles , as to the probability of a verdict being returned which would lix the extiomo pen alty. Mis. I'm sons , MIH. Nccbo and Mis. .Schwab conversed togctliei in low tones at the end of ono of tlio attoiinn's tables , and weio no\v nnd then bilghteiiLd up by a cheei- ful vvoid from Mrs. Black , who Is said to haxo Him faltli In an acquittal. Tim most touching sight of all was the ngcd motlioi ot Spies , llei Imperfect knowl edge 01 the English langingo has made It iniposslblo lor nor to lolluw the evidence closely , but hei intense sidicltudo toi the comtuit and safety of hoi lavoiito son , tlio enonnltvot whosuolfomoas maintained by the prosecution pho hnsfici'incd llttlo to un derstand , 1m ) mad- ; hoi the most patliutlc leatinoof llit * liial. While wiutlng tlio irturn of the jiiitioiiient ) | ioiled down her wrinklediheeKs , and when the comt ad- jouincd with her suspense still unicllexcd , she moved Movx-ly out on the uim of her young danglitet , scomln.'h hioKen heaited. "llcie comes tlio jniy , ' vvas-tho Mnitlcd whisper which went aionnd III teen minutes aftei that body had retiied , and It clotted n momentuy sensation , for the liny iiad HI- tinned , Hut it was only to leeoho some ad ditional liixtuittlonsdiiiceintiK tliocilmu of manslaughter , and thu hones ot tlio sensation secUers present Bpeedllj lell again. It x as wlih extreme disappointment Hint the larirei pait ot the audlentoiecclvcd tlio announcement - ment that tlio comt had adjourned. They would gladly have waited fill midnight to heai the verdict. iut ! JiuUoGmy was not so minded and tlio ciovvd dcpaitcd , manj of the ladies voting they would bu back early in the moi ning. rain or shine. At 8 o'clock to-night hundreds of persons stood on H.ehldoxxaiks In sight of tlio light which saearned lioiu the windows of thn juiy loom In Hie ciimlnal rouit building. Kitty policeiiicii guatdcd ovciy nppioaeli to tiio building , and tlieii iinmhei v/.is ion- stantly being luiiriueiilcd , 'Iho rxciteinent about tlio v icinlly Is v cry gieat. M no autlior- Itit-b aio taivingeveiy piecuiitlon to picvent mi } tiling in ( lie natiiro ol a dlstuil anco. Thu jurjiiicii have been carried the ) ; supjicis liom n neijliboilng hotel and will Fpuml the night In tlio building. Kxeothing posslblo is being done to add to their comfort , and the doors to their mom aio heavily guarded against Inttuflon fioinitliout. . At 10 o'clock It Is learned that tlio jury has retained to tlio hold. This is bcllr\fil to in dicate thai a verdict liaRbeon found , nsnthci- vlso the juiy had bci-n Instinctcd by the comt not to Jcawi their looiu in ibo criminal court building. From ( he bailiff It Is that the jurjmeu weip rondy to return to thulr hotel nt s o'clock this exciting. His conjcclined fioiu lids , with tlio possible ex ception ot Neebe , tint the prisoners will fnio nllKe. the jurv not haxln ; taken the requisite tlmo to dhcusshell ( eies sepimtely to the extent ot nlllxing dlilcrent penalties. Tin : Tixn s os inn vi murr. Iho limes to-monoxv xxlll sn\ : "It Is gencrnllv understood that thu jury in the anarchist case found Spies , Llngg nnd Engel gnlltx of murder In the lirst decree. ' 1 ho defendants nro one nnd nil declared gnlllv of innnslniighlei andglxon terms ot Imprisonment ranging fiom txxenty jeirs down to tinvo vears , the lattei being the punishment nutted out to Neebe. Not ono of the defendants escaped scot tree. " Al lljlv 1 I \ ' \LjAIiS. . The Iloily or U. 11. Itogors to Uc Sent Homo Krom 3tr\loo. W \ MittiToAugust 19. uSpcclal Tele gram to the Hi.i : . ] Klxe jears ago K. H. Hogers , of I'leiuont , Neb. , was appointed United Slates consul nt Vorn CIUA llo pro ceeded to his post nnd xxns sdiokeii down wlthjelloxv fexer on his nrrlxal. lie xxas procecdlni : to the soiieul vxhen he fell In ( ho\xavaiid | died veij soon after , lie was bmied in ( lie ccmoteij nt ern Cm ? and his body still remains ( tiere. Under ( ho . Mexican law a body ouco bulled cannot bo disinteneduiitll llxcehpsed slnco thn data of hlsbinlal. The stUodepaitmciit Is pro vided w Ith a fund for the pui pos-o of remov ing to the United St itcs the remains of con suls who dlo In foielL'ii couutilc * , but owing to tlio provisions ot tlio Mexican law the body of Mr Holers could not be taken to his for mer residence until tills yc r. The livejenis expired on the 1st Ins ) , , and anticipating this date tlio deputment instructed the piescnt consul , Joseph D. Holf , tomakotlio tavossiry prep.uatlons for Iho lomoval of the remains. In leply a letter was received from the consul today informing the department that he has entered Into ni- iDiigements with the Wells Faigo Expiess company , which company luii'es to Hie charge of tlio casket anddellvei It to thu telatlvcsof the dccoasod In Nebraska. lie asks that ho be authoil/cd bj telegiaphto close the aiiangement wllli thecompiny and states that ho had prcpaied n handsome ma- hocanv casket , lined with tin , In which thu body xxlll be heimctlcally .sealed. In lesponso to tills letter a was today sent to Consul llolldiitdini ; him to ship the body atoncuthrough the Wells Fatgo company. Tim 1JASC ItALLi ItUCOUD. The LlneoliiH Itndly Ijoft Ily Denver Other OatncR. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele- giam to the BLP. ] The first of the four games betxxeen Lincoln and Denver on the home giounds xxas plavcd todajand the home club xvas easily dcleated , the Dcnvern scoring 14 to : i for Lincoln. Following Is the scoio by Innings : Lincoln 0 0010000S Denver 1 U 0 3 3 0 0 2 3-11 OlllIHl ( IAMT.S. AT CHICAGO Chicago 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 * 0 St. Louis 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-a Pitchers Flvnn and Keibj. Base lilts Chicago It , St.Louis U. Knols Chicago 5 , St , Louis7. Umpiio Ploice. ' ' Philadelphia. . . . 5 Nexv York 0 01000000-1 Fiist base hits Philadelphia 8. Nexv Voik S. Errois Philadelphia 2 , Nexv Yoik < ' . Umpiie Fulmer. AT WAHHINQION' . " Washington 0 000 OfiJOMOT'O ' 3 Boston 0 4 Fhst base hits Boston 0 , AVasIngton H. Eriois Boston 2 , Washington C. Umpire Ar NEXV YOHK Brooklyn 0 00100000 1 Metropolitans..0 100 : ! 0000 5 1 < list base bits Biooklj n ' } . Mettopolitan ! t. Euois BrookljnO , Motrojiolltan 3. Umplio Brady. A r BAt/mioni : Jialtlmoro S 0400002 0 13 Athletics 1 10000100 3 1'itcheis Kilroy and Kennedy. Fhst base hits Baltimore-13 , Athletics 3. Errois Baltimore 1 , Athletics . Umplio-Valen tine. tine.ArSr. ArSr. Louis- Si. Louis 0 00000000 0 Pittsbing 1 0010203 * 0 Fiist Bast hits-St Louis T.Plttsbnrg 18. Euors St. Louis 0 , Pittsbing 1. Umpire Walsh. AT LOUISVILLE Louisville 0 30110010 0 Cincinnati 0 20000001 3 Base hits-Cincinnati 3 , Loulsvillo 13. Er rors-Cincinnati 4 , Loulsvillo 0. Umpire- Kelly. Racing at Iho Springs. SAKAIOOA , N. Y. , August 1 ! ) . Two-year- olds , ( hrec-quarters mlle : Conncmarn won , Agnes second , Lizzie Kicpps ( hlrd. Time Ono and onc-lialf miles : Bnrnnm won , JlmGncst second , Eikwood thlid. Time Three-quarters mile , heats : First heat Lady Wayxvnrd won , Gleaner second , Billy Gllmoio thlid. Time 1:17 : } . Second heat Hilly Gilmoiu won , Loid Lorno second , Gleaner third. Time 1:17 : . Third heat- Lady Wax ward won. Billy Gllmoie second. Time 1:18'jf. : Mlle : Estrella won , Bess second , Matlnco third , 'lime 1:4J : ( . Two and ono-quaiter miles , stcoplo clinsn : Onolda Chlof won , Abraham second. Mystlo third. Tluie 1:2 : % nioninoutli I'lirlc Itacos. Movxiourii PAUIC , N. J. , August It ) . Handicap sweepstakes , lor all ages , mlle : Preclosa won , Dry Monopole second , Mailc- land thiid. Tlmo-l:44. : Txvo-ycai-olds. Hnco quartcM mlle : Mont- losuwon , Oueon of Ell/abelh second , Jull- ett.i Colt tlilrd. Tlmo 1:1BK : > Txxo-ycar-olds. Huoo-quarK rs mlle : Kings- Ion won , King Fox second , Alcalde thlid. Time 1:14K. : All ages , one and ( Inco-sixteenths mllns- Bupeit won , Mink second , SpiliiL'llokl third. Tlueo-yeai-olds and upxvards. ono nnd tlneo. sixteenths miles ! Pc.okskitl won , Pasha second. H.-.llot thlid. Time 'J:0" : > K. Sloeplo i husc , shoit cinirso : I'ulaiuii won , JmUu ( iiiflltli second. Suiistar thlid. Tlmo -3:10. : CHICAGO , August 10. Tlio unllnislied pnelng rnco of jcoteiday , i0 ! ; : ! class , Jenny Llud won , Moses second , Chain thlid , iloxvdy Boy diHtanred. JJekt tImo-a:2JX. : Class 'J:3I : ; Opal won , llcsslo scrond , Frank McCuno third , Frank Mlddlcton lourth. Bestilme-2:24. : C'ln'-'j ' 2:20. : mlle heats , thieo In five : Charles iliigan won. Louglcllovv Cliicf sicoiut , Moody tliiid , Tom ItogciH tourth. Best tlmo Class 2:40 : , tiotthio' , mile heats , three in Ino : Dude and Itoso t'ach won two liealfi. Best Tlio I'npe'H Ijll'n Knvcd. HOMK , Auirust 19 , To night an Italian no. lioeinaii obserxed anmii hiding in St. Petcm. examliiatloti show nl that ho was mad. Tlio pope has oxpiessed his gratlludo and ndrnlin. lion foi the zeal ot the gen d'aimes and the police. I'liitm of Action. I.OVDON , August 10. ( ijadstono proalacd thisoxouiiigat a meeting of Ills colleagues In tlio late cabinet at tlio residence of Kail ( ii.uullle. The object ot tlio meeting wastq discuss tlio ntaii of action foi tUo present session of parliament. and Lynching. AftiotiA , Ind. , August in.Loul ? Il.'lbcii wan stabbed and killed by William Walking in tlic upper Auioudistlllny today. Wn | > klus xxasariestcd and bhoitl ) alter lian vd.