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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1886)
* V ' Tl % , T" % . or * ar A If VL - crvrjp ff * "W ' A H BA Ml < jr * vr > T * H - r \ "UL 1t HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 10 , 1886. NUMBER 45. Rumors That Ho lias Been Ordered Decapi tated in Oaso of Attack. WILD BORDER EXCITEMENT. i Military and ! Naval Move ments Secretary Ilnyaril Say the Imiu'tftoncd Editor Must lie Uclcascd. Something In the Wind. WARHINOTON , August 0. [ Special Tele- cram to the Uin. : | A private dlsnatch re ceived from New "York to-ntght sajs that a rumor is ctinent theio to the effect that war material Is belnsc sent to the Mexican border and that United States naval vessels have been ordeied to the ( ! ulf. Owing to the late ness of the hour It Is Impossible to get defin ite Insinuation on this subject to-ntght , and It Is doubtluL if any of the olllclnls of the war or navy departments would bo willing to dlviilt , * ! any facts In i elation to the subject of war prepaiatlons havlnu been made. In nnvy circle ? , however , there Is n cousldcrablo feeling of curiosity In icgard to the myster ious notion of the sccietary of the navy In ordering the Galena to sea under sealed or ders last week. The destination of tlio ves sel Is unknown , but It Is very coifcrally believed that she has been ordered to the Gulf. ThuVandalla and Junlata were or dered to proceed to Valparaiso last Friday. Tlioy will probably touch at Key West on the voyage down , where orders may await them If the department considers It necessary 'to ' nmko a demonstration. The Swatarn , Ten nessee and Yantlc arc still at Portland , wnere they will piobably remain ready to nail at a moment's notice. There lire now stationed In Ail/.oiia and New Mexico be tween four and five thousand United Status troops. If they have been ordeied to the vicinity of El Paso the orders have not been made puplic here and the probabilities that they would not be. While authentic Information is exceedingly scaieo thcto is a very pievalent feeling in military elides that something Is In the wind , Threatened With Murder. Et.PAso , Texas , Aueast 9. The excitement over the Cutting embrollo Is much Intensi fied to-day. Humors of every kind are hcaid , but upon investigation prove to be 1 also. A passenger on the train fiom Chihuahua City this morning savs that it Is known positively that Governor Maceyra has ordered the Paso del Noito authorities , In case of an attack from Texas , to cut olt the prisonci's head and deliver It to the Americans. The statement is given for what it is worth. Elirht bun dled Mexican tioops aio said to have lett Lagos for Paso del Norto on Sunday night. It Is asserted that'a second demand has been made that American officials bo notified to leave Mex ico. Largo crowds gather at every sticct cor ner , and the arrival of n company of tlio Tenth United States Infantry at Fort Bliss , which was assigned hcio two months ace , has caused a rumor to the effect that eight carloads ot United States soldlei-s wcro on the spot. The bad etlect of these dlllicultles upon business is nt last becoming very ap parent and every.iilng looks like war fiom a Mexican standpoint. They have just called Cutting befoio the comt In Paso del Norte , and Consul Biiglmm is in attendance. . The Cutting affair Is practicallv unchanged. Theio were rumors all day of his liavinir been quietly spiilted away to Chihuahua , but they tinned nut to bo untrue. This evenini ; be is still in jail. During the afternoon ho was called before the court once more and notified that ho has been granted nn appeal totliostipiemocourtof Chihuahua , and that the lawyer who had been ofllcially assigned to his defense had forwaided tlio necessary papers in tlio caso. The pioceeding may. Keep htm In Pnso del Noi to for some days , although he himself Is under the Impression that ho will at any moment , poihaps , bn car ried off. Ho is , besides , ntraid ho may bo as sassinated as soon as he leaves Paso del Norto , nnd that the Mexicans will give as an excuse that ho tiled to escape. Bnynrcl and the Outline Case. BALTI.MOIIK , August 9. Secretary Bayard , speaking to n correspondent last nlirht of the Cutting case , saw no icason why a satisfactory - factory adjustment of the difficulty should not be icached. Ho has been assured that such was I ho desire of the Mexican govern ment by the resident Mexican minister , who said some days ago that his government would act promptly In the matter. Secretary Bayard said Impressively that ho considered thu Cutting atTalr ot tlio greatest imuortanro , and ono as to which the whole country.wlth- out lofeienco to party , should bo a unit. The personal merits or domoHis of Cutting him self had nothing to do with the matter. It made no difference whether ho was an angel of daikness or an angel of light ; but It did make possible difference to the American people whether the contention inlscd by the Utah ! depai Uncut In Ills case should bo main tained or not. Mexico claims the right to try \ an Ameiican citi/eu for an olTonso commu ted In the United States , nnd Cutting actual ly Ims been convicted and sentenced for pub- llslilni : n libel In Texas. Mr. liayaid thinks this raises the gravest VY * possible question , and If Mexico's claim Is Ffir'J once conceded no American tra veil lie In Mexico can bo sale. " .My countrymen , " ho said , with evident lecllng. "will not bo deceived by naitlsan mis representation. They will recognize the gravity of the question Involved , and will never consent that one of their fellow- cltl/ous shall be tried by a loielgn power for nn offence committed In this country. Had Cutting stabbed ills Mexican rival In Texas Instead of meielv attacklne his loputatlon , does nny one pietend that Mexico could have tried him for minder ? Ceitnlnly not. " The sccrelniy said that ho had no Idea of reheating fiom the position taken weeks ugo , when ho demanded Cutting's release. Sccietnry Uaynid says that no ultimatum has been sent to Mexico. Thn only army oidcr made In connection with thu Ameiican troubles cnmo fiom tlio west last night. sayIng - Ing that local I wops had been sent to disarm revolutionists who had ciossed Into Texas. . Voluntuera for the Frontier. I > KNVIH : , August 0.- Colonel A. J. Foun tain , of the First Now Mexico militia , to-day telegraphed Governor Jloss from Los Cruces as follows : "Ev cuts at Paso del Norte indl- cnto that our government will shortly require the nld of volunteers to maintain the honor of our flag on th& frontier. 1 announce my self read- with -100 dillled , disciplined nml e-qulppcd iiiun to lake the Hold should New Mexico bo called upon to niinhh aid. " To Investigate the Outrage. GAJ.VKSTON , Tex. , Augustl , Senor Sevc /mo U mrnles Leon , cilmlnal Judge for the district of , Mexico , has just or rived In I'lodras Negies under Instiuctlons from the state authoiltlcs at Saltlllo wltli orders to cxliumo the body of Francises Kasuics and determine the cause of lib dcnth. nnd If ho Is convinced that the deceased ceased had come to his death ns i emu ted. tc nt once try all thu parties coiiccincd. llomcro For Pence. I'lin.ADF.U'iiiA , August9.-Senor Romero. In a letter dated Saturday last to a meiubei of the Universal Peace union , says ; "I nir glad to bo able to confirm the utterances h favor of peace contained in my letter of the 6th Int.t. The Cutting matter w ill , I have nc doubt , bo settled In a manner satisfactory U the governments of the Interested coun tries. * Ncurneku and Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair wcathci preceded by local rains In the eastern per tlou , ueaily stationary tcuvunturi . WUATH OF THIS PLASH \\OU1CEUS. Trial ofTvvo Mcmhcrs of the Associa tion For Hint , Dnrssr.i.o , Amrust 0. fXcw York Herald Cablc-SpecinUo the Uin.J The trial of the eighteen men accused ol burning and do- stro.\liii ; the Immense BandoiiK glassworks near Charlerol , will probably end to-night or tomorrow , after eleven days hearing , during which over one hundred and forty witnesses nnd ten barristers have been heard for and aualnst Hie prisoners. Many witnesses as set ted that the Charlcroi strikes and outrages wcro Instigated by KMIsSAlllKSruOM AIlllOAn. Unudoux , himself , heard as a witness , In- slnuaKd In the following terms that the In- stUatlon came from other glass manufactur ers In Belgium : "Tho accused , Oscar Knl- leur , who was formerly lu my employ , and who. In the capacity of secretary of the Un ion Vorrlerc ( or Glassworkera' association ) , came several timed to ask W6 to ra'so the salaries of my woikmcn. Ho told me ho could easily Induce them to strike nnd said he could obtain plenty of money to support the strikers because all my rival glass man ufacturers would benefit by a strike In my establishment. " Despite that and other tes timony tho'total sum of the evidence docs not show whether , as insinuated In tlio in dictment , Oscar Fallout- and the Union Yerleie ; were tcally In close communication with the AMKIUCAN KNIOIITS OP I.AIIOII or other foreign organizations. Ono glassworker - worker slated concerning Fallcur that ho was a first-class , honest and Intelligent work man , a peacemaker more than a mischief maker between the other workmen nud tlio masteis. It having been shown that the prlsoneis , Pnlleur and Schmidt , headed on Marcli 80 a crowd slnglnc the "Marseillaise , " Banister Ljon exclaimed , "That proves nothing. The 'Marseillaise' eiigcndeis heroes not rascals. " The evidence shows that the whole affair was planned before hand , many rioters having been overhcaid saying , "Let us KO to Baudoux.where : we shall not leave onobrlck standing. HELL'S FOUL HOHDIC , Belfast , Ireland , Practically Wrecked by IttotcrN. BELFAST , August 0. During the rioting which occuired hero Saturday evening to nn early hour this morning eleven persons were killed and 130 seriously wounded , A ma- joilty of the Injured persons have shot wounds. Tlio rioting was renewed to-day and a fierce encounter took place between soldiers and a mob , In which a number of the latter weie wounded. A soldier at close quarters fired nt n boy , shattering his hand. The soldier was arrested. Heliilorceiiicnts of troons to the number of 1,200 arilvcil in Bel fast to-day. At noon attempts to stop the rioting had been unsuccessful. The violence of the mob Is Incieasinir. Thirty rioters have been wounded. The police keep up a merciless fh o upon the mob. The city , owing to the wreck and ruin of houses , piesents a deplorable aspect. Itsap - peaiance is similar to that of Paris after the commune. It is feared numerous deaths , re sulting from the riots , have taken place , which will never be heard of. The hospital Is taxed to tlio utmost to accommodate the great num ber of w ounded persons In need of attendance , A painful feature of the riots Is the number of children wounded. Yesterday a boy was shot while returning from Sunday school. To-day a little girl was shot In the streets and it is thought fatally wounded. Train loads of troops are constantly arriving. The heaviest fighting on Sunday night oc curred in Sprlnghcld. It is stated that battle was waged In regular cuerllla fashion. Catholies held a field protected by the trees , while the protestants occupied nn embrasure opposite , in which they lay down. The con- tcitnuts alined with remarkable coolness , picking each other elf ns if they were so many targets. Thev were not interfered with by the police or soldiers , who were fully occupied In the city. It is iiiinorcd that sixty of tlio rioters were shot down , many of whom wcro killed. The English Grain Market. LONDON , August O. Tno MarK Lane Ex press , in its review of the British grain trade during the past week , says : The weather has been unfavorable for wheats. Prices are steady and the sales ot English wheat during the past week weio 41,173 quarters at 31s 8d , against 88.070 quarters at 33s Gd during the corresponding period last year. Oats aio rather dearer. Barleys are In tnvor of sellers. The foreign wheat trade Is devoid of feature. Corn Is slow of sale ; mixed American on the spoils scarce and 6d dearer. Five cargoes of wheat have arrived. Four were sold , Includ ing one of Call Torn inn , at 33s , and ono of Oregon at 315s Gd. Ono cargo remained. Trade forward suffers fiom apathy. The market to-day was quiet. There was only a very small supply ol English wheats which sold at fully the late rates. Englishflourwas steady and not in favor of tlio buyers. There was an excessive supnly of foreign , and the maikct for It was depressed. American mixed coin Is very scarce and brings 21s In the ship. Oats weio steady , and barleys wcro firm but quiet. Beans and peas were Cd dearer. Visits to Emperor William. GASTT.IN , Augusts. The Emperor Francis Joseph to-day visited Emperor William and Prince Bismarck , spending half an hour with each. Count Knlatnoky , Anstro-Huncarlan prime minister , nnd Prliico Hohenlolie , gov ernor of Alsace-Lorraine , called upon Prince Bismarck , nnd subsequently Count Kalat- noky visited Emperor William and had an Inteivlow with him. Wherever Emperor Francis Joseph appeared In public to-day.ho was followed by gieat throngs of people , who chceicd him enthusiastically. . Dynamiters on the Deep. LONDON , August 9. The homo officers have been Informed from New York that a number of dynamiters have left the Unite < Slates for the purpose of making attacks on thu English government. The conspirators , the rcpoit says , will go from New Yoik to Pailsnnd there await n favorable opportunity for ciiU'rhiij England. The homo ofllco has notified the French government. Anulo-Bpnnlsli Treaty. LONDON' , August 0 , The Anglo-Spnnlsl treaty of commerce will come Into cffec August 15. Ocuerol Ulnok'a Promotion. WASHINGTON , August 9. [ Special Tele giam to the JUi.J : The secretary of the In- terloi has denied the rumor published In these despatches yesterday to the effect that owing to misunderstandings which exist betwcei hlmsclt and Commissioner Black , the lattc has been asked toaccopt the Austrian mission Thosecrctaiy nud other officials of the gov ernment have a right to deny everything tha they do not want published , and this denla Is only following the usual custom adoptea by the olllclals and diplomatic odlccrs gener ally. Notwithstanding the denial the rumo is very well authenticated thh morning am among the friends of ( ieueinl Black U Is sale ho will accept the Austrian mission nnd that the change will bo made shortly , probably bo- foie the piefldeiit goes away on hisexciir sion. Kx-Oovcrnor ( Slick , wlio Is expected to Hucceed General Black , la at present pensloi agent nt Topeka. , - i Got There Just tha Snino. WASHINOTON , August 9. The preshlcu has appointed'and commissioned all nom inces under the Interior department whose cases wcro not acted upon by the senate ' ( hero ate twelve gentlemen who aru thu appointed , nud among them U ( ieorKe W Julian , to be uuvuyor general of NcvvMcx ico. A JEALOUS OLD MAN'S ' CRIME , A Stanton Partner Kills His Step-Daughter nnd Blows Out His Brains. A TERRIBLE DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Shier Hurton ntul Ills Familiarity ivlth Females York Deckles \VtttorMorks SnumlcrH Coiin- tj ProlilbH Stnto News. Murder nml Sulclilo. STANTON , Neb. , August . [ Special Tele- ; ram to the BKI : . ] This community has wen terribly startled by the news of n fright- ul double tragedy which occuncd six miles south of this placJ. The p-irtlcs to the trag edy were John Bochow , a farmer , and his step-daughter , MITS. William Hohnekc. The former , It seems , was jealous of the latter for some unknown cause and determined to end icr life. He accordlncly procuied ashotgun , nnd , going to the house , emptied both bar rels of the weapon Into the unfortunate voman's body , killing hcrlnstantly. Bochow hen went upstairs , calmly reloaded the gnu , nnd blow out his own brains. ' Kltler IJurton'B Troubles. YOIIK , Nr.n. , Auaust P. [ Special Tele gram to the Biu.l : Our llltlo city has been shaken with excitement over a sensation which developed last week , wheioln Klder iuitoti , of thn Clulstlnn chinch , was the oplcof cilticlsm. An aitlclo appeared In the IMS of August fi , and also ono In the York Democrat , of tlio same date , charging the ; oed elder with Immoral conduct with a Hum- jer of ladles of his concrecatlon ; also stating , that he had been expelled from the pastorate ot the chinch. A chmch trial was had , pre sided over by Elder Boirow , of Tccumsch , which developed the fact that ho had not > ecn expelled as previously reported. The fact of his expulsion was stated to the BKK man and also to tlio publishers of the Demo- ociat by members of the church , who It seems were mistaken as to the final notion. The trial was held on Saturday night and lasted until 2 o'clock the next morning , when Mr. Burton acknowledged he spccltlc charges In the complaint niralnst him , and upon manifesting sincere repent ance , was icmstated In the church ator ( a itormy session. Ho emploved Scott & ' illicitas attorneys to brimr'sult against IVooilrutl and Coicoron , publishers of the Democrat , and also against the BEK. Ho dc- uanded a retraction of the whole matter and hrcatencd a suit for criminal llbul If the Democrat was not forthcoming with n denial of the whole aiticlc. This the publishers would not aecede to and the good brother stood convicted on his own ncknowledge- nent. He has linallvdropped the threatened iiilt nnd is utteiliii ; dire venseauce on the leads of the defenseless moulders of public ouinion. Elder JJnrrows Explains. YOIIK , Neb. , August 9. | Special to the Bii.J : The report of a church scandal sent ou from tills city and published August 5 , nvolvinjr the reputation of T. J. Burton mstor of the Christian church , was prcina- uro and almost wholly incorrect. At this late Elder Burton has not been suspended rom the ministry , or excluded from the church. Certain injurious rumors put afloat by someone led to the appointment of investi gating committees , and finally to a formal md exhaustive trial , in which the writer par- Icipatcd , and Elder Burton was exonoratcd \fler making certain acknowledgments of houghtless conduct , of which ho holds proof n a statement signed by the olllccis of the church. The most caieful and protracted re- seaich by a competent committee resulted In .hreo charges against the elder : 1. Squeoz nir the hand of a lady while riding n year nnd a half airo. ti. Leaning his head upon the shoulder ot another lady while riding in a crowded vehicle two years aso. A. Putting his arm around a thlid ludv in a crowd near the door of the church , eighteen months ago ! This Is the "mouse'1 a ilgld In vestigation biings forth from the ' 'moun ' tain" of scandal published In your columns. No criminal Intent was charged only Jm- prudence , or caielessness , which was ackowl- edged on the part of the eldur although he claims to bo unable to recall these acts.-nfter so long a tlmc.TEldcr Burton IIHH been titteon years in the ministry , without a stain upon his character. It. C. BAIUIO\V , State. Evangelist. York Votus Against "Waterworks. YORK , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Telegram to the BEI.J : A special election was held to day to vote § 30,000 in bonds for a system of waterwoiks. At the election last April the question was submitted and carried by n majority of seven votes. The contract for putting In the work was lot to W. J. Cooper , of Lincoln , who has n greater part of the work ready for delivery. The bonds of the of the city were Issued and sold ata piemlum of over P703 , but when sent to the state audi tor of public accounts , that otllclal rot used .to register them on the ground that the city had failed to pass an ordinance calling the election. The auditor was backed by nn opinion of Attornoy-Goncrnl Leeso to the eilcct that n proclamation Issued by-a mayor of a city of thp second class Is not sullicicnt to call for a vote on n question of voting bonds , and that In all cases the city council must first pass an ordinance. This opinion rendered our bonds Invalid , nnd necessitated the calling of the special election to-day. The election was a bitterly contested ono In both wants of the city and resulted in the defeat of the water works by n major ity of eleven , the vote bolng SW ! and 22-1 against. AInuw complication will ailso from the result ot to-day's election. The work Is ncaily all out at the continctor'H works In Lincoln and It is believed that Cooper will attempt to go ahead with the conduct am ! bring suit against the city for the contiac ! price. There Is undoubtedly trouble ahead for some one , and If Cooper cannot hold the city ho will be likely to sue the mayor and city council for damages. S'numlcrs Prohibitionists Nominate. WAIIOO , Nub. , August 0. ( Special to the Biu. : ] The prohibitionists of Sannders coun ty hold their county convention nt the court house. An unsuccessful attempt was nuido to postpone the nomination 01 candidates until after ( ho lepubllcan county convention , so that the temperance candidates on the republican ticket might bo ronomlnated or endorsed. The majority , however , favorec immediate action and a full straight tlrkot was nominated. The following arn the nom limtioiis : State senator , Mr. Holnor of tlon was lemaikablo tor lack of Imrmonv nnd tor the small number of delegates am spectator in attendance. Buffalo County Teachers. KKAirxuv , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Telo gia-n to the BKK.J The county institute opened to-day with sixty-live In attendance. Cofmty ( superintendent H. N. Hartzell Is In charge , assisted by W. W. Dourn , of Platts- mouth , and Pjof. Wisher , of Hastings. The opening session bids fair to bo ouo of the best over held in the county , * - - + Fast Raotue at Fatrmount. KAIUMOUNT , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Telegram to the UKB. ] There was a large crown at the fair ground ? to-day to see ono of the fastest aud closest contested races that has ever been run here. The race was be tween Harry Edvriirds and Belle X. , the astest two horses In the state. Considerable uoiicy was staked. Belle K. came In win- ler. Last evcnlne O. D. iinthowson's flue Ham- bletoulan was killed by lightning. Great prenarntlom nrn being made for the air the nrst week In September. AfTnlra nt JL'omlcr. PKNDKH , Neb. , August a ( Special lo the hn : . ] A heavy rnln fell last nlcht , helping all late crops. The prospects are that late torn and Max will mnko belter crops than tavo been anticipated , and farmers nio pleased In consequence. A squaw man hamcil Bailies , living on the Omaha reservation , died last nlcht Ho Is Bald to 1m o been worth S5,000. A school house will probably bo built hero this fall , the school having outgrown the irescnt accommodations. Wo gave assurance from the centtnl com- nltteothat Senator Van Wyclc will siwak icro on the COth. Largo preparations arn ) clng made nnd a crowd ot .1,000 people Is expected , The Van Wjckclub Is nourishing with n membership dt seventy and still grow ing. _ Thn Thief Brought nnck. YOIIK , Neb. . August 9. [ Special to the BKI.J Deputy Slidrlll Shuck returned last night from Central City , having In charge John A. McBiide and the team aim buggy which Mcllrldo hired of W. A. Sanderson , a llveiyman hero , last week. McBrldo traded the team and bugcy to a liveryman at Central City and received § ' - " > In money. When ar rested at Columbus a nortlon of the money was found on him which ho returned , Ho was arraigned befoie Justice Frank ttili ? morning and pending lack of funds Scott & ( ! Illicit wcie appointed to defend him. The case was continued until Friday , and In de fault of S500 ball he .was lodged in Jail. Working for the Syndicate. OAKLAND , August 0. [ Special to the BnK.J The farmers of this vicinity held an other meeting and the required capital , 520- 000 , not being raised , every man present- about forty agreed to go to work soliciting stock , mid not to cease work until tlio ro- qulied capital was raised. The fact of Crow- ell A : Co. cndeavorlnjc to purchase Holm- ( mist's lumber yard has raised their Indigna tion. Holmqutst has agreed to sell to the stock companv , If they succeed In raising the capital , and he refuses to sell to Crowuil & Co. About 8-1,000 Is raised , and the weal thiest and most Influential farmers have taken the matter In hand , nnd It is the gen eral rumor that success will crown tbfllr of- lorts. York and tlio Union Pacific. YOIIK , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Telcgrnm to the Bun ] A committee of citizens , con sisting ot Mayor Scott , L. D. WoodruII and T. E. Sedgewick , left for Omaha to-day to hold a confeioncoylth General Manager Callaway , of the Union Pabltic , to make final niiangcments , If possible , for the extension of that load from Stromsburg to tills place. Buildings Struct By Lightning- YOIIK , Neb. , August 9. [ Special to the Bin : . | A heavy rain and thunderstorm vis ited this city aboutmldnlght List night. The steam laundiy operated by Brigham & Spoonerand the City hotel at New York were strurk by lightning. Tlio damage to each building' was slight. The Corn , Crop b'avcd. PONCA , Neb. , August -Special [ Tel egram to the BKE-J jTlft ) recent rains have saved the corn' ' crop , nnd a good average yield will bo tlio. rwmltAH small grain is turnlnir better thaiyKYSt before , both IH qual ity and quanta CRKIOHTON , , , N < $ ; August o. [ Special Telegram to thettfnK.l'-Tlio son of W. Lunda , livlnir nlJ'lshelvllle , this county , was killed oy llghtning'yesterduy. Blnll flouta Discontinued. WASHINGTON , August 9. [ Special Tele gram to the BUE. ] Mall messenger service will be discontinued after August 14 on route 92,249 , Lo Mars , Plymouth county , Iowa. from Chicago , St. Paul & Omaha railroad route and Illinois Central railroad loute. Admitted to Practice. WASifixciTON , August 9. [ Special Tele gram to the B K. ] The following Iowa and Nebraska attorneys were admitted to prac tice in the Interior department to-day : C. W. Davis , McCook ; J. T. Nesbitt , North Platte , Neb. ; II. P. RatclIIF , FalrJicld , la. A Lincoln's Man's Bad buck. WASHINGTON , August 9. [ Special Tele gram to the BKH.J The claim of Johaii IJhllg , of Lincoln. Nob. , tor SO.S52 on ac count of Indian depredations in 1859 was dis allowed by Secretary Lamar to-day. TItiD KIN'S BEQUESTS. Imrgc Amounts boil to Found Public liihraries Relatives Hcmcmucrcd. Nriw Yonic , August 9. The will of the late Samuel J. Tilden was read at Groystono this afternoon by Lawyer James C. Carter , ot this city , In the presence of all tlio relatives. Colonel nel S. J. Tildon , who spoke lor the family , said that not a word about the will could bo clvcn to the press. ' Tlio family had decided , ho said , that no intimation of the terms of the will should bo made public until It was offered for probate , and as the date had not been lixed for that , he could not say when It would be given to the press. LATEII. Hon. John Blgelow was seen by a reporter at his home. No. 21 Gramercy Place , and from him wasleaincd the lollowlng facts about the will : \ Andiew H. ( Sreon and George W. Smith ore named as executors and trustees. All of Tllden's kindred aio genoiously piovlded for In this way : The whole estate Is placed In the hands of the executors as trustees. Each heir Is to receive an equal share in the line of his or her consanguinity ; that IB , nephews and nieces equal amounts , nnd tholr chlldien certain amounts , but they aru to receive only the Income derived from an equal , separate , specific sum , the principal at their death to bo disposed of In a manner which Blgelow could not state. Nonu of his lolativvs , ho said , exccut-Mrs. Mary B. Pelton , his uls ter , are given any spcclllc bequest - quest lorever , To her ho bequeaths the residence. No. . : West Tim Hi-eighth. street , and the sum of 8100,000 to live upon All of his real cstatpt xccpt this Is placed in Ills executor's hand * to be disposed of as they see lit , either by Bald , rental or exchange , ( Iroystono and.Gramurcy Paik propcily falllngunderUie sairtu rule. The H\ceutors aio tlrst charged with the duty of settlnu upartfornls relation } ; the sums named , for them f rom whl i the several incomes are to bo derived. This doie | , H becomes the duty of the executoii and { trustees to carry out his wishes regaullng certain public bciiitiiclarlcs , They are chaigcd wlth'tho ' duty , llrst. of es tablishing a tree ( llbrai y In his native village , Now Lebanon , also [ n Yonkers , and , if in the discretion oCiliQ trustees tlioy choose to establish a free llqrary In this city , they may do so , nnd if not. .they are at libeityto use tlio funds that a reo Ilbuiry would cost in tlio promotion of the educational course , A great deal is left ' a the discretion ot the trustees. In trenqru terms relations are handsomely taken Cdie of by receipt of spo- clllc Incomes , which consume , Blgelow Bays , an amount not to exceed his estate. All the rest nnd residue is devoted to the public good , and the trustees are charged with theiesponslble duty ot choosinc such methods as shall prove of the greatest good to the public In the disposition of this property , The estate Is not us large as esti mated by some iwoiile. Its value had been placed at 810,000,0X1 , but Blgelow bays this is double Its actual velue. f . The Eljtin Dairy Market. Er.oix , 111. , Augnii 9 , On the Elgin board of trade t ay , tbjftei * advanced } fc , the regular sales belnti'jjuio ' pounds at .XKgsuXc , mostly at ouuldo ftBrus. No cheet ? was soW Ilia market being quiet with occasional sale * of part skims at 3&Gc , according to qUallty , SPIES' ' FATAL ADMISSION , Ho Acknowledges Having Written the Word Galling the Armed Anarchists. HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANT Tlic Defense Sny That nomb-Throwcr Schnauhclt In Living In Cluctti- natl I > orciilant Parsons on tlio Stnntl. Thn Anarchists on Trial. CiucAdo. August 0. The rumor had boon cuncnt that Spies would take the stand and son ed to attract the largest crowd that has thus far visited Judge Gary's couit. Out of doors tfiu crowd was as lar o as In the court room. Women In twos and thiees wcro tlicie with escorts , but there was no room for them and they were turned away. AH the windows In tlio court room were Hermeti cally scaled ; the doors wcro tightly crowded and the atmosphere was as torrid ns the neighborhood of a blast furnace , "We'll proceed , gentlemen , " said the couit to coun sel for the defense. The anarchists' counsel were holding a close consultation ; tholrheads rested together over the table and they whis pered lonir and earnestly. Finally they re tired to discuss some Important matter. A quarter of an hour elapsed. Then eounsel lor the defense letiirncd and defendant Schwab was nut upon the stand. Schwab tcstllied ho loft homo the evening of May 4 at 7MO ; ho looked at a clock before departing from the house , and Is sure of the time. Ho then \vont to the Aibelter Xeltung. There a communication was received over the tele phone requesting n speaker bo sent to Deerlng. Spies was tlio speaker wanted , but he was at the Hnymaiket and Schwab hastened there to find him , but failed nnd saw his brother-in-law. Kndolph Sclinan- belt , then took a car east to Clark street and boarded another going up Clybournc avenue toDeeiing's. Schwab does not know what time ho icached the Dcerlni : factory , but ho spoke to the strikers for about twenty min utes nnd got baek homo about 11 o'clock. "Wero you ever In the alley at Crane Bros , that night with Spies ? ' ' "No. sir. " "Did you walk west on Randolph street with Soles two blocks , then return with him ? " "No. sir. " "Did that ? " you sco Spies night "Did you see Spies hand your brother-in- law a package that nlchtln tlio alloy at Crane Bros. ? nnd did you say anything like this : "That won't bo enough ; shall wo get another one ? " "No. sir. " "Did you see Spies at all that night ? " "No , sir. " "When did you see him at all for the last time that day1' "In the afternoon. I did not sco him ngaln until next mornlne. " Befoio Schwab left the stand State's At torney GUnuoll asked : "Do you know whiro Schnaubclt Is ? " He replied that lie had been In jail a long while and knew very llttln of the news of the woild. "We can tell you If you desire to know , " said Attorney Xelsler. "Ho Is In Cincinnati , Isn't ho ? " said Grin- noil. noil."Yes , " replied Zoisler. August Spies was the next witness. He gave an account of his connection with the riot at McCortnlck's and then proceeded to relate his version of the Haymnrkct. He wrote the circular calling the mooting : butlhe word-jfrevongo' ' was iiotfon lt.hjVicnfeJe | , 1wrofothe"rblrculaii'lio , vvvns 'Vemmiiclif ex > cltednnd1' belleyed * six worklncinoil had been killed. At the' Hajinarket he made n very ordinary speech. He did not see Schwab that night and did not go into the alley witli Schnaubclt or any one else. No one could have he.iid him conveislng In English with Schnaubelt , for tlio le.ison that Schnaubelt could not speak English. "Did you light the bomb ? " inquiied the lawyer. "I never aid , " replied Spies with n smlln. Spies then madowhattho prosecution claims Is a fatal admission , fully corrobor ating their claim that the armed section had a secret caucus. and had prepared for on attack on the police. Spies said ho wrote the word ' Kulio" which appeared in the Aibclter Xel- tung on lay -I. lie said the night before ho received the following letter : " .Mr. Editor : Ploasc Insert In to-dav's letter box the woid Mliiha' in prominent letters. " Ho said lie did not know it had any im port , but the next day Balthazar Kau said It was decided by the armed section to have the word as n sign of warning that they should keep tlieir powder dry to use against the police. Ho told Ran that was foolish and asked Fischer to Inform the armed section that it was a mistake. Spies then described bis arrest by the police. Ho declared that the superintendent of the police called him a "dutch doir , " "hound , " and ' -whelp" , and made an attack on him. Spies saidhokcptdynamltoin hlsofllco to experi ment with , and can led a revolver , thinking it was "ftcood thing to bo armed. " He de clared that on the night of the Haymarket , however , ho had loft his revolver with ox- Alderman Staulfcr. The court then adjourned. Spies will bo cross-oxninlneil this afternoon. Fifteen minutes betoio the opening of the afternoon session there was not n vacant seat In the court room. The fact that Spies was tlio witness under examination lent an extraordinary amount of Interest to the sea- slon. Ho was cross-examined by Ingham. O. How long have you been editor of the Aibolter Zeltung ? A. About six years. O. Were you editor In chief ? A. No ; thciowas ically nocdltorln chief. Q. Were you not loolted upon as head of the editorial department ? A. Not so by those connected with the paper. The editorial department was gov erned by the publishing company. Q. What position did Schwab'hold on the pamn ? ATlio same as I did , that of ono of the editors. Q. And neitherof you wcro responsible for the chaiactcrorcxpicsslons of the paper. A. No sir. Spies , in answer to further questions of a similar nature , stated that ho was a paid mn- ployo In tlio Arbelter Xeltuni ; ; that ho looked ovortho editorial aitlcles before they were published , but was not responsible for their tone. QWero _ you editor of the Alarm at any A. I took charge of it for a short time once while Mr. Parsons was absent. Q. How many bombs dlu you have in ynur olllcoV A. Four. Q. Where did you get thorn ? A , They weio brought to mo some three years ago by a man who nald ho was fiom Cleveland. Q. What kind of bombs wcro those ? A. Iron , puicusilon bnmbs. Q. What became of the man who brouaht you the bombs ? A. 1 never saw him again. Ho said , If I remember , that ho was going to Now /en- Q/And when did you get these czar bombs ? A. I never got thorn ; that is an invention of that lopoiter. A man came there while I was at dinner and left them there. Ho left bombs with the bookkeeper. 1 never taw lilm befoio or after. During this examination Spies was very uneasy , and his voice trembled peiceptlbly. His agitation Incieased when the examina tion was continued as follows : Q. How much dynamite did you have In your olllco ? A. Two small packages. Q. Where did you set it ? A. Of n ixMvder company. Q. Why did you purchase this dynamite ? A. Oh , I had road a irreat deal about dy- n ami to and thought I would Investigate fur- Q. .Why did you wish to Investigate fur- A. Oh , on general principles. I can't say further. Q. Did you over expcilmcnt with bombs ? A. No , sir. O. Didn't you go to Shefflcld , Ind. , and witness some experiments with bombs ? Witness answered evasively , and the ques tlon being repeated lu another form , the do- 'enso objected. The objection was overruled nnd w ltnoi swore that ho had never expert- iiented with bombs. Q. Was dyiumlto distributed from the Ar- ) clter Xcitung oillco' . ' A. The olllco was not maintained for that mrposo. . Oj. Were bombs ever distributed from hero ? A. No. sir. ( J. Did yon not toll Reporter Wilkinson hat they were ? A. Never. Q. Have you known Hcrr Most ? A. Yes. ( } . Did you receive this letter ? ( producing witness' letter addtesscd to him and signed by MoH. ) A. I did. ( ) . Did yog answer it ? Tlio dotonse objected and the examination was suspended wlillo the com t lead the let ter. ter."You may answer,1' Raid the court. A. I di > notromember. Q. How long have you corresponded with Most ? Objected to ; sustained. Q. In whose haiidwiiting Is this postal card' ' ( handing Spies' postal card. ) Tliodcfcn n objected. The court having leclded that the objection was lust , he examination was continued. Both otter and postal card were acaln handed witness , and ho was asked "Ves , or no , " whether or not ho received : hem. The nuestlon was evaded tor awhile , witness liuallyndmittlni ! that ho must have received them as they were addressed to him. ( J. Did jcm send ( new-liter of this card the llrectlonsaskel for lor the shipment of the stun" mentioned ? A. I answer positively 1 did not. Q. Did youvviito this circular ( "llevengo circular" ) ? A. 1 did. ( } . Did you cau o the words "Worklnitmen , arm voutscl\es and appear In loico" to bo expunged ? A. 1 did. Q. Why ? A. Because It seemed ridiculous , nnd would wen people away fiom the meeting Instead of drawing them to It. Q. But > on wiote the oxpiesslon , "Woik men to arms ? " A. Well , yes , Idld. Q. Why ( lid you do that ? A. Because I wished to aronso Ignorant working people to n icallratlon of the wrongs leaped upon them. 1 wrote what many beFore - Fore mo have written and urged what otheis nave urged what the constitution allows them to urge , and what will bo advocated until some good has resulted. ( J. Yon Intended to excite your readers to frenzy and provoke the revolution about which you have so often preached , did you not ? The defense objected. Both attorney nnd witness had become excited and wcro speak ing loudly and vchmiiently. The state was Dually allowed to present the letter above re ferred to in evidence. It was signed 'Mohan Most , and referred to the llncklnir Valley troubles iind to some "medicine" which ho wished to send to the inlnci.s , which he thought would help them more than the bal lot ; asked for directions how to ship the stulf , and said no directions for Its applica tion would bo necessary. Tlio postal card was also presented mid was as follows : A. Spies , 107 Filth avenue , Chicago. 111. I had scarcely mailed mv letter yesterday when tlio telegraph brought news from the H. 31. One doesn't know whether to rejoice over that or not. Advance In Itself Is ele vating. Sad Is the circumstance that It will remain local and therefore might not have the result. At any rate these people make a better impression than foolish voters on this and the other side ( of the ocean. ) Greet ings and shake. Yours. .1. M. . "Drury. I suppose ( hope ) , cau now and then receive upon tickets. " [ These last words are supposed to bo cipcer as their meaning Is not apparent ] , . v- , . . , - . 'When the Ictter.and postals card 6had been1 read the jvJfr.1. > . 'v' > ' " ' ' -y < fn"d. < * iP' ' ' J i 'y ' ' ' for tho'deujuse'tlion encTud7'iibTnr'a'\vtiIa' ( pcrod consultation which lasted till the court. requested that they proceed. Captain Black responded by calling Parsons to the stand. His manner was in odd contrast to that of Spies. It was suave and conciliatory In the extreme. Few ques tions were asked and witness was allowed to tell his story unaided , and it was extremely commonplace , apparently being copied closely tiom the testimony icgaullng his movements given by the witnesses for the defense. After ho had told how ho had attended the Hay market meet ing from ono held slioitly previous at the AibolterXeitnn' ' ; In answer to n re quest for speakers , and how , having made his speech , he Intel ruptcd Fielden to suggest an adjournment to Selpp's hall , as It looked like rain , and getting the speaker's reply that he was about through. After iclnting these details , the witness said : "I then wont to the saloon near Selpp'a hall where Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Holmes had preceded me. I went with a Mr. Biown , suggesting to him that wo get something to dunk , as speaking had made mo very thirsty. When wu arrived at the saloon , Fischer was there. Wo drank , nnd atter conversing a little while 1 began to woudci why the ciowd did not appear. After a little while wo wont to the door and slioitly I saw a Hush and heaul a loud explosion , " Q. What did you observe then ? A. I .saw a huge number of what appeared to bo repeating lovohers raised In the air ( Illustrating with his hand ) , and saw them emptied of their charges , one after another , as rapidly as possible. When tlio rovolveis appeared to bo cmnty the liilng coascd. Captain Black Now , I'aisons.tell tlie jury , or it ; peat to them , the tenor of your rcmaiks during your speech at the Ilayumiket. Witness was now in his element. Ho held In his hand n quantity of notes nndatonco assumed an attitude lamilmr to nil who have heard him make any of his speeches on tlio lake front , at 54 Lake street , to the socialists ot the city. His speech occupied nearly nn hour. At the conclusion of It ho was turned over tothostato. Witness told Ciinnell that ho was born in Montgomery , Ala. , nnd had been In ChloaL'o thirteen yearn. Q. What 1ms been your occupation for the past three yearn SI A. 1 have been editor of the Alarm. Q. Did you In your speech at the Haymar ket tell your audience that the Times had advocated the putting of strychnine on the head of worklnguiuu ; that Scott , of the Pennsylvania , had advised controlling them with rules , and that tlio Times had been the lirst dynamiter In this country ? A. Yes , blr. Q. Did you advocate ictallatlon by the same me ins ? A. No , sir. I simply told them to defend themselves. Q. What did you mean then by the expres sions , "To arms , to aims" ? A. I refened to the condition of strikes nt St. l.ouis , and said that If you iiru stiuck down by capital , and your wives and children aio trampled upon like doirs , ( him , 1C neces sary. arm and dufend yourtelves. Witness exhibited no little shrewdness In evading the questions of the state's attorney nndthocioss-examlnailou was brief , as above , indicated. Ho was excused and c'Jiut ad journed. _ Ex-Mlnlster Winston Ileturns. Nuw 1'onic , AiiKUStft | Special Telegram to the BiiK.j Fiedeilck H. Winston , ox- minister to Persia , who was a passenger on boaul the Weiru , which put Into Boston on Saturday , ! ! ! rived In Now Yoik yesterday , ae.- companled by hit ) son. Dudley Winston. Mr. Winston was somewhat Indisposed alter his tweutv dnyb' sea voyage. Last ovenlni ; ho left luriSenbrlght , N , J. , where ho expected to join his relatives. To n rcnotter , Mr , Winston said ho had found things dull In Persia , and was very glad to pet back to America. Speaking of the newspaper com ment on bib piojccted ralhoad schemes in Persia , thn ox-mlnlstrr said them was no truth In any ono ot these MotlcH. "lam going to tnako a public reply , " said ho , "but not now. What I shall say will bo very pris- clous and will moio than meet all insinua tions wade ngainst me. " * Advertising AK < - ' t8 Fall. CI.NCIK.SATI , August A Edwm Alden & Bro. , newspaper adveitlsluic agents , No. CO West Fourth street , with a biunch in Now York City , made an assignment to-day to A. 21 , Warner. Their nomliial liabilities arc estimated at 81WJOO ( , with nominal assets nt SU72.000. Those consist of contracts for ad vertlslnif , and foiran peculiar sort of prop- city. The lii in has been of long standing and has canted on n very extensive business No close cdtlmnto cau bo made an to the ren usseU , and liabilities owing to the uncertnn nature of the outstanding accuuuis. FOREST FIRES STILL RAGING Toniblo Destruction by the Flatuca in the North of Viscoluin. WHOLE VILLAGES WIPED OUT. Millions of Feet of I'ltio Co U | > It ) Smoke Crop * In the I'Molds Oon- suiucd Klclitliitf the Con- lln | rntton. The Hungry Flntnci. Mtt.wAimiiK , Wis. , August 0. For nn alirosi uninterrupted distance of nearly cno iiindred miles north of Stevens Point MOIIR ho line of the Wisconsin Central , forest fires are lading. Hundicds of men are flffhtlnfC ho llaiiics , seeking to save the towns and Milages hemmed In by them. Tclogtaphlo communication Is proatty Intcrfeu-d with and details are meas-ie. The complete flcr stmctlon of the town of Spencer Is fullv con Irmcd and the loss Is now placed t SSOO.O'JO. Several hundred people aie destitute and ; lomeless. At Colby , a few miles distant Ire is raging on two sides. To-night the vllj ago ot Prentice , In Marathon county , is sur-1 rounded by flames , and It Is feared that IB" " will bo swept out of existence unless the wind * , lies down. Near Chlpnewa Tails the flrcsl aroconllued to the prairies and no buildings vero destroyed. Several farms were dovns- 1 ated of tholr crops. In the Mmiomlnco rlverv region copious rains have extinguished the' , Ires that have raged there. The estimates o < * . tine burned In this rojion placn the amount" at upwards of ono bundled million feet. Latest dispatches Horn Marqucttc. Midi. , to the Evening Wisconsin , says that the city Is In danger of destruction by forest lire ? which mnko the air densely smoky. Pony Icll's slaughter house In the city limits Uivs" wen destroyed. The nltio-glycerlno works of tlio Lake Supci lor company are surrounded by lire. iMen nro lighting the lire with AM- ) cratlnn. An oupoitutiu change of the winds saved the now city park nt Presquo I Ie vcl- ! crday. The iUy is opprcssingly hot , nnd ho lire-lighters are snlTerlne greatlv. Advices iccelvcd nt tlio Wisconsin Central > nices hero are that millions of feet of stand- ng pine have been burned. Telegraph poles are burned off , miles of wire arc on the iround nnd communication brtwcon Mllwau- ice and points along the northern division < f ho Wisconsin Central road is cut of ! oxceot jy the railroad company's private wires , which arc operated by means or ground con nection. The latest advices. to-night show no abate ment of the foiest couflaciatlon. The vilhiKO of Moslnoe nanowly escaped destruction by n shift of the wind. Waiihnn Is now consid ered out of danger. At Stevens Point Hob- . ( inson'H mill and n number of dwellings were ) Inirncd. It is expected that the lire will reaclt the populous south sldo of the city by to-mor- ' row. > row.Tho file destioycd flfty-ono dwellings nt Do i'eic. Wis. , to-day. Lois about llfty tliou- ' sand dollars. Tlio largest Individual los * was SJ.OOO. The ( lames caimlit again to-night inab.unand spie.ut rapidly. The Presby terian chinch was burned. A shift in the wind saved the business part of the city. A special to tlio Evening Wisconsin from Appleton says n lire ni midnight destroyed the paper mill of Richmond Bro H , causing ft. lossotSCO.OOO ; insurance , JJO.OOO. The mill * employed thirty men. Portage and Klvcr , streets has been consumed" by fire hero tonight. . All the buildings coat ot the Chippcwa house to Cross street are likewise burned. About half the uopcity In tlio stores ; ims been saved n a damaged condition. The building mrncd include hotels , stoics and private dwellings , and are all In the center of the own. Owing to the pooiue- of the strnc- uio of the buildings but little Insurance will be received. All the assistance possible wan clvcn with tlio hose , and thu lire will be under control In about an hour. The wind la strong rom the southwest. The telegraph line la llsabled and tegular business is Impossible. fho loss will piobably be ho.ivy , but cannot now be given. Gone up In Smoke. Nnw Tonic. August 9. The New Yor'c umber and wood woiking company's factory on Ono Hundred and Thinyfourth street , wax burned to-nleht. Loss , SIW.OOO ; in surance , § 30,000. FlaniCH in Norway. LONDON , August 9. The town of Sklcn , Norway , was destroyed by lire. The loss imounted to 200,000. BAD FOR THIS "XaTKU/vnY LIFE. " Its Editorial Itnsa Blooms Amid Fin ancial Thorns. . CIIICAOO , August 9. [ Special Telegram lethe the BII : : . ] A. P. T. Elder , of the Elder Pub lishing company and propilctor of the Litcinry Lite , the mnga/.lno which Miss Itoso Cleveland , the piosldent's sister , has under * alen ; to edit , confessed judgment to-day In ravorof Jamc.s Westof the Western Pub lishing company In the sum of $10,000. On Satuiday evening Elder gave West a judg ment demand note In the amount named. Judgment and execution wcio Issued this moinlng , and this atteiiioon thd&hcrilf levied on the ical estate nnd peisonalty of Elder. The real estate consists of the house vvhcra Elder lesldos , No , ! WI5 Ellis Avenue. The personalty consists chiefly oC tlioprojicity known as the Literary Lite , on which thn levy Ims been made nnd It Is now in the hands of n custodian. West was seen at his ofllco and admitted that such a confession of judgment had been made to him , and the subsequent levy upon the properly of the Elder Publishing company. Ho refused to say anything regarding the affair , but from Mr , Weizly , lilsnttoinoy , It Was learned the judgment confessed was to satisfy loans made during the last thice months to Klder. "On the Elder real estate , " hn said , "thnio has been for some tlmo a debt of § 50,000 secured by a tiust deed. This debt was overdue , but the bank holding the note had been hold off on one pretext and another by Elder , On the 2'JthofJime , however , the bank gave Elder notice that ten days moio would be allowed him , in which time , If nothing had been dontt , It would have to foreclose. The ten duyn passed by and no anangemonUlind bcea made. On July 9 , the last of the ten dny , Elder came to West to help him out of his dllllcully. As a matter of simple accommo dation West niiioed to buy the 850,000 note and have the it ust deed tianstciied to him as security. Ho gave Elder a check lor SMJ.OCU nnd ( ommlsslonnd him to lilt the note and have thu necessary ( muster made. Tills Elder agreed to do but never did the latlei. All nltrmpts to have him glvo thuseuuilty piomlscd fulled. Other Hums had been given Elder nt dllleront 11 men by West nnd secured by mortu'ago on property in Ohio nnd olBowhciu. This propmty WAS guaranteed to bo unincumbuied ut the tlmo the loans wore made. But It turns out to bo heavily oneumbeml. This is about all thcne Is to the matter , It Is an oidlnary business traiisactlon-ordlnaiy nt least for Chlcaco. We wcie obliged to take possession of the ical estate unit poisonal biopurty of Klder to sccuic oiuselw.s. The execution against Ida real estate will bo held ns n lieu on thu incm- Ises until \ > cdet imine It thciels Riilllciuut other propcity to satisfy our claims , " Elder not In his olHee when the re porter called this evening to Inquire hovv the judgment wan likely to effect thn Literary Life and Miss Oloveland'h connection vvHIi It. The people In the otlice said that iht-y thought the matter would be niraui l piomptly.nnd that the publication of th magazine would be continued as. lu'ruorom with the luotUlunt'H sitter In editorial cimif. * ,