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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : TUESDAY , JULY fi , 1880. THE .DAILY BEE. COUNCIL" BLUFFS , Tl'KSDAV MOKNIXO , , ) Ol-FICE , NO. 12 , PEAUL STItEET. Itmmd by tninrr In nny ffrt of Uioulty ni t < nly tints jicr wtok. 11. AY. Tl i.i ox , Malinger. f'R. No. it. : -.Minu No. a" ) . MINOll MHXTION. Now York Plumbing company , i 1'iinls to order f' > , ' > , V U < 'il r , ll' ' " tailor. .1 Htvy.for diMiirbinir. the poai't'Jnul n bill of # > IW to M'ltlu j cstcnliiv. I'M ! lirooks was yesterday lined for disturb ! til. thu JM-UCIJ of his lainily. Ccorpc Kd iM-s was lined yi'Merdny for fust driving. Ins liuvinir utluniiituil to run over u street car. 1,1'juv to marry was yeatunlay Rranteil to , Julm IVlci'Mm and Kntiu llvirdin , botli of Hurling , la , llaimnoi'k , wlionssuiiltuil Dopuly .Mar shalliiti1 , was ycsturda.v lined enoUKli to luavt' but -lOci'iitH out of a twenty dollar bill. Jin got oil' llyht at that. A lartre number of nooplo but oil' their llruwurkti last wiling , having saved them for that purpose , as on the night of the : ! d they vvitne.ssed the display of thu Knights of habor until < | Uito lain. The jiri/e.s for the Juni ) drawing at the Mueller Minkconiian.y'.s | store were by No iW : { for tlio first , No. 71 ! for the Hucond anil the third pn/.e bj No. 7iO. ( Three father. " , arc { jiving a two week'n mission at I he Catholic church in this oity. This week is for ladie.s and next week for men. They arc the h 'V. Kalhers I'harlcs. .John and Alexis. Last evening there was a merry tea partv of young folks gathered by invita tion of Krnest K. Hart , at his home on Willow avenue , to meet his friend and Yale college mate , I\lr. \ Kiteli of Milwau kee. kee.The The liltloKon of Kiigene Jlottnx seems to be even more seriously injured than was at first supposed. It is not certain that he will survive , and if he dons be will lose the use of one e.yo , and perhaps both John WeDstnr and .John Wells , two boys , we-e yesterday arreste.d and lined for clubbing another boy , Thomas Lane. Thi ) victim of their wrath was pretty badly pounded , but not seriously injured. The boyish assailants were eaeh lined ? 3 and costs. The Episcopalians had a pleasant lawn soeial last evening at thu residuum ! of Dr. Macrae. Thn grounds were beauti fully adorned and illuminatedand merry daiiulug and other .social delights caused the evening to bo enjoyable to all who participated. Yesterday morning the sous of Dr. Deetkin and ( ) . I' . McKisson were out horseback riding , when the horses be came frightened and ran away , hurting both boy.s somewhat , but the McKisson boy had bis arm badly injured. Among the merry picnic gatherings on Saturday was one in which llio ( Sleusons , Olivers.iJrahams , ( Yockweils and ravins jointd. Mr. and Mrs. \ \ elsh , of Omaha , were also of the party. Croquet , target "hooting , various games and bountitul refreshments made the occasion a happy one. one.The M. I , . 1 * . K. club in a few ( lays will spend a'lay at Cut-Oil'lake and on Saturday ' urday take'a trip to Colfax Springs , to remain until Monday. The club holds together as well as any social organiza tion over in the city. Probably the fact that it has no ollicers to dictate is one of the causes. The ladies of ( ho Baptist church will give a sociable at the residence ot J. M. J3erger , 71-1 First avenue , on Tuesday evening , July 0. A cordial invitation is extended to all to enjoy this last oppor tunity of meeting Mr. Berger anil Ins family thus socially before their depart ure for California. The second special fruit train arrived from California yesterday. It was four days and six hours from Sacramento to this city and had fruit for Minneapolis , Chicago , St. Louis , Kansas City , Denver Omaha and Council Bluffs. Thu Hook Jslaud road sent a "special" east of eight of the cars. On Sunday night D. E. nionson was driving in a buggy down Sixth street , and when near Eighth avenue a sky rocket hit his horse.which jumped to one Hiilo and started on a dead run , throwing ( ilenKon out and causing a painful wound to his thigh and shoulder , from the effects of which ho will bo confined to his homo for some time to come. Thomas Convoy and wife , who live on Sixteenth street , arc said to have been off on so big a urunk as to forget to como Jiomo and oaro for their children. Thepo- licu learned yesterday that the children were actually suffering , while their re creant parents wcro lying drunk at a house near Honn's park. Stops wore taKen to liavo Convoy and his wife ar rested. Kearney , Neb. , is becoming quite a fa- vorlto place for Council Bluffs citizens to migrate. J. C. Morgan , who formerly was thu editor of thu now located there , but bus not been very fortunalo , having both his nostotlieo and his newspaper. Mr. Cooke , late of Coeko & Morgan- now assistant postmaster there. Charles M linger is also now lo cated in Kearney , as isjalso W , S , Ament , who was an attorney here. ' * ' | Groceries , dry goods , tinware , crookory cheap. J. J. Sultvr , 003 upper Broad way. Personal 1'nriiBraplin. Robert Kirkwood was in the city yes terday. Supervisor Underwood was in the UIulls yesterday. Judgi ) Harris , of Missouri Valley , was at thol'acilio yesterday. Ed C. Drake starts out on the road again this mo'-ning to visit his trade. Mr. and Mrs.V. . S , McMieken left last evening for a brief visit to Chicago and llllnois'friends , F. ( i. Prouty and Miss Prceso , of South Omaha , were in attendance at the K. of It. ball Saturday evening. E.V. . Stcclo and wife were celebrating on Saturday In Council Bluffs and in at tendance at the K. of L , ball in the even ing.V. . V. M. Hunter , deputy clerk of the United States court , loft last evening for Kcokuk to attend to some court business there. Senator Hank , of Iowa City , ono of the board of trustees of the institution for the deaf and dumb , was in the city yes terday. _ . Kov , 15. J. Healoy , of this city , in com pany with Hev. M. Lynoh , of Dunlap. loft yesterday for a trip to bt. Louis , from Ivhlcb place they go by boat to St. Paul. Miss Nellie Walker , of Salt Lake , is in the city visiting thu Misses Emma and Anna Palmer for a few days , while enter way homo from Boston , where she tor been attending school. Harry Osgood , the jolly hat and cap man. was at thoOgden yesterday , pa tiently waiting for the samplu rooms to bo enlarged so that ho could show up all ho had. Ho carries big trunks this sea- 011. Charlie Adolf , an old Council Bluffs boy , IB rapidly developing , at Iloxio , Kun. , into a successful newspaper man as well as real estate dealer. The Demo oral , of which ho is ono of thu editors and publishers , has just successfully ' closed its lirst year ami entered upon its vicoud with x boom. A" RATHER DOUBTFUL DOLLAR Probability TlntOmaba apil Council Bluffs Htivo Both Been Swindled. THE BLUFFS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Tim Now Cimtntii Mouse Neuritis Com lilctlon 'lln ; Pnncr .Mill-Mis- hluiinry nicctlriB Jllnwr Mention I'crsonul. It I/ooks Tlic-ro is consiilurnblo talk about thn \voinlcrfiil IbOl ilollar wliich wan fold lioro tlio ( .lliur clay li.v it straiifiur sis a rare coin anil for wliluh ? 1CO was puiil. Thu fact that a similar coin lias been sold in Onialia for u llko amount finises thu suspicion Unit the stranjrtr was u sliarpi-'i' who is working tinsc'lii'inc. . Thi'i'is Sfi'ins no ilonbt but , that ! hu silver ilol- litrs of 18J1 are very rare anil arc valtu-il at M-vi-ral hnnilrcil ilollurs. It is saltl that only four or llvo were over i-oinril , anil tliat of the whereabouts of three at least are known. It seems now that there are two more , whit-h Inivp nrnoil tip in Omaha ami Coimeil Blnlls bout the HSIIIIO time. It looks very jincli as If it .sharper hail been making > tHH ) ! of those tlollarn out of pure .silver UK ! working torot rill of thom at fabu- lon.s prices. If MI , it is u > liarp trn-k as lilayed. Thu stran ir ! here iltil not try 10 toree the coin on the market , but aec - Icntallv slioweil It with some other Mi rer in his hand , anil on being oll'ereil $10 [ or it eemoil to be as much MirprHei as tin , me that it was worth even that iniieh. Another stranger in the bar 00111 iiHpuutiul tlie coin anil suggested hat ho hail better not aeec.t | the $10 , as t might be worth $100. This started iome inve.xti ation , and those who/vre rare coins were soon notified ot the rare specimen , and began to eagerly bid for it. Now it appears that iinother such rare coin is discovered in ihehandsofa stranger in Omaha , and just as eagerly bought there. Honors liutwecn the two cities are easy. Smokers ! Drop hi John Templelon' acw cigar store , opera luusc block. Go toHcar for room mouldings. TJio Kirn Alarm System. There had got to bo a pretty well settled notion that the Richmond lire ilarm was to be adonted by this city , the n-k'e having been about lixcd upon , ami t was conceded to be u low one. The Tiends of the Camewell system seem do- : ermined not to allow this , and they have teen strongly urging that the ( Jamcwcll s the one used in all largo cities , and Unit I is the standard one. On the other hand .he friends of the Richmond .sy.stem de clare that it is . } ut as good , if not so old , and that in price it is much cheaper. It seems that both systems are excellent and that the city cannot get far out of the n adopting either under the guar- nteo given bv eaeh. The promise i.s ' made , however' , that owing to the aimi-ly nf eaeh to have Council Bluffs aitopt its system , the city will get special prices which will cause the putting in of a good system at a much less cost than most cities are required to pay. It is to be hoped that such will be the result of thu sharp competition hetvreou these two systems. _ _ Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mini- son , witli M. V. Hohrer , over C. B. na tional bank. _ _ KooniMoultlings Lsirjrost assortment and lowest prices at. Beard's Wall 1'uper Store. _ llnulo .Saiu'n House. The work on Uncle Sum's building is nearly completed , so Unit some idea may now be gained as to how it will appear when finished. At the start it was the in tention to have it but three stories in higlit , and to have porches , but it was de cided that these porches woulii Keep out imieh needed light from thu postollieo department , anil so the. plans were changed , the porches being done away with , aim the building being made four stories Instead of three. The steps are being taken out , and now ones being jiut in so as to harmonize with the other chan"c.s. The contractor will be through by thu last of the month. The roof is to bo of iron nnd slate. When finished it will be ono of the finest buildings in the west , and will bo an ornament to the city , as well as an accommodation to the public. _ ( lo to tlio Now York I'lumbing com pany for garden hose. They warrant all they sell. Opera house block. ( Jo to Beard for room mouldings. Missionary Meeting. The missionary convention for eastern Nebraska and western Iowa will begin its session this evening at S o'clock at the Broadway M. K. church with a sermon by Dr. Croighton , of Lincoln , Nob. , and will continue during Wednesday and Thurs- uay. Chaplain MeCnbo and the Hev. William Butler , D. D. , two of the most eminent missionary workers in the Meth- ouist cliiu J. ' : , will uo present during the convention ; also a IVtlnrCer u nlS .1122 * n'oininent ministers from the Nebraska , * Jorth Nebraska and DCS Monies confcr- iiices. A cordial invitation is extended o the public to attend the services con- lucted with the convention. Substantial abstracts of titles and real state loans. J. W. & fi. L. Squires , 11) ) Tearl street , Council Blnfl's. Highest prices paid for county , town , city and school bonds. Odell Bro's iV No. 103 1'earl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Tlio Paper Mill. The paper mill boilers have been re paired and reset , and both have had put under them Bannister's Patent Hooking- bar furnace. On Thursday and 1'riday last the boilers had tires lighted under them , their behavior was satisfactory , there was a. good draft , nnd they made steam easily. As the trains on the Hook Island and Milwaukee roads passed , the mill whlstlo was blown and responded to by the locomotives. On Saturday , beinp declaration day , a Hag was hoibtrd to the top of the smokestack by the mill hands , amid cnthushuitio rejoicing , lioaul has an immense btook oi wall paper and room Mouldings which must bo turned into cash , no down go the prices til Beard's ' , A ROMANCE FROM COREA. An A c l Bachelor Tells Wliy ho 11 nil Never Married. Letter in London Times : For parents and near kinsfolk it is customary Ina Coren to mourn three years. What a deep Intlurneo this prescriptive usage has upon the life of the people is illustrated by the folio wing story of imaged bachelor who was asked why no had never taken a wifo. "My parents as well as myself , " he said , ' 'were desirous that 1 should marry , and a suitable young lady being found our betrothal took place. 'I hen m.v fu ture father-in-law died , and wo hud , uof cburso , to wait Uiree years. 1 had uardly put oil'my mourning than 1 had to Ijcwnll tli3 loss of my own poor father ; ncrT 'ar ilyhcru wj .anotjj'jrjenn ' othreeciuV { waiting. \ \ lien UK--O Were up the future mother of my wife took sick and expired , and thus we wcro obliged to delay our marriage another three years. Lastly , 1 had the misfortune to lose my own dear lin mother , which naturally paused a further adjournment. So that as four times three make twelve , that num ber of years had imsseil over our bends and made us both the older. At this time my betrothed fell ill and as she was at death's door 1 wont to pay her n last visit. My future brother-in-law met mo at the door ami said , "Although von are not formallv married , yet per haps 1 may for this once look upon yon ns man and wife ; como in and sen her. " I hardly entered and been for a moment face to face with my iioor wife than * lie breathed her last. Whin I saw this sill thoughts of marriage lied from mo and 1 have remained a bachelor ever since. SE'NATOR'HEARST. . How lie ICollevcd n Dtuiilciird'.M Fnm- My And I'miMied the Drunkard. San Kranciseo Post : Senator Hearst may not have the personal graces of u Brmnmel or the oratorical gifts of a Ci cero , but the ton of his henil i.s devoid of undulations. ' 1 he seiritor Is not mean : on the contrary , he is generous with his money , but he is not in the habit of re leasing his grip on a dollar until he knows \ \ here it is going. For Instance : "Please , sir , win yon assist a poor man who is out of work and has u lainily do- pcndin' on him ? " 'fhis inquiry was made by a fellow who arted out of a dark doorway near the ienator's newspaper ollieo one'evening ast winter. Tin1 senator turned a watery on the eggar , saw his unshaven mug , his habby raiment , and unwashed , shaky anils. "So you've got a family , have you ? Yhorc d'ye live ? " "Itonnu on Paeifi'j ' street , sir. " " ( ! o ahead , and take me there. If you in'l ly'n' ' , I'll do the square thing , wrdncr. " The man had a family , sure enough. le showed the senator into a foul room in the third story of a rookery. There ivoro three children , a decent-looking ivoman , and a sewing machine. The kvoman wept when questioned. They ivero very poor and often hungry. Ail heir troubles came from the drunkenness of the husband. That culprit sullenly owned to the truth of this statement. "AH right , " said Unelo ( Jeorge , rising. He gave thu woman a sum of money .hat made her speechless. "Conic along with me , " said Hearst to .he husband , who obeyed with alacrity. At the next corner the senator turned : liii ama/.ed man over to a. policeman. "Book this fellow for vagrancy , " said In-philanthropist. "I'll swear against lim to-morrow. He's been striking mo for a piece. " "Now , you , " said Uncle ( Jcorge next lay when hu had secured a sentence of three months for the loafer , "if you've u nind to be decent when you jret out , come to me and I'll give you a show. " And the man. three months later did come. Uncle ( Jeorgo sent him and his family to ono of his ranches , where , to do the fellow justice , ho has avoided the bottle and behaved himself. "I ain't onposed to drinkin' , " the sena tor is given to remarking. "If a man can all'ord it , it's all right , but when he ean'c 1 go in lor sendin' aim to jail. " NERVOUS TRAVELERS. - Tlio Fears of 1'coplo Who Have Sul- fcrcd in Ilnilroad Accidents. Yesterday afternoon , says the Atlanta Constitution , several gentlemen in the department of agriculture at the capitol were discussing railroad accidents. Commissioner Henderson , who knows : ow to toll a good story , remarked Unit those who had suffered in railroad acci dents were never able to rid themselves of the apprehension that they would suffer again. "The other day , " he said , "I took the fast train on the Georgia railroad for Augusta. After we passed Deeatur the speed was at thu rate of Ihirtj'-fivc miles an hour. 1 noticed a man in a scat in front of mo who was plainly disturbed about something , lie would look out of the window a moment , and then ho would clutch the arm of his seat as if fearing that he would fall out. This performance was repeated so often , that 1 began to think the man was sick. Finally , how ever , I decided ho must have been , .U sometime a sufferer in a railroad acci dent. About that time I arrived at this decision he left his seat and walked back and sat down by mo. " 'Look here , ' he said , 'don't you think , the engineer of this train is running wildly1 "Why ? " ] inquired. "Well , because ho is running so rapIdly - Idly , .lust look at this ear. It rocks like a cradle. I believe the engineer is drunk. "Then the man became very mucii excited - cited , Ho jumped up and said : "The engineer is drunk , snro's as yon'ro born. It ought to be looked into at once , and somebody else should be placed m charge of the oncino. " "Why , my friend , " said 1 , "the train is ruining at it usual rate of speed , and them is no occasion for alarm. " MWhut is the usual rate of speed ? " ho 'Thirty-live ' miles an hour. " "My reply seemed to quiet him , and he sat down and began to road a news paper. Satisfied that ho had suffered in a railroad accident , i said to him : " 'You must have been in a railroad accident some time ago.1 --Vo.i . , , ; 2 J'telrt. ' ° replied. 1 was. Two yeai'ri ag'o 1 v-ns on n mull VJJ'iji ran off the traok and tumbled down an imbankment , nnd 1 have never slnco taken a railroad journey with any kind of ease.111 Col. Mark Harden was prnsont nnd while Judge Henderson was tolling his story ho was observed to rub himself in divers places. At the conclusion of the glory ho saldi , , "T caij. ffvmpatlii/.o with that fellow. Yon kno\Y 1vns h " accident on the Piedmont some time ago , The stopper 1 was in jumped the track and tumbled down an'enibankmcnt. nnd I was badly hurt. Well , I never thought my unfor tunate oxpcrionenco would prevent my future railroad jorneys , but 1 was mis taken. "A few days ago T took a train on the Western & Atlantic railroad , intending to go homo. 1 felt no apprehension tin- till well out of Atlanta , and then I found that I grow more and moro uneasy as the syeo ofthu train increased , I stood the worry until the tr.iin reached Baltan , six miles from Atlanta , and then I got out and returned to the city- " Another member of the pany related an incident which came under his notice last Sunday. "I was on mv way to Chattanooga,11 1 said , "by the fcnst Tennessee , Virginia & ( ieorgla railroad. On the train was a young follow from New York who was traveling through the south for thu fun ifL the thing. About seven miles from Chattanooga L- Lu tanooga a tunnel -caved in some time ago , necesbitatingvan arrangement with the Western & Atlantio railroad by which the trains of the KastTennohco , Virginia & Georgia railroad switch oil upon the track ofthe former to get into the city. Fifteen minutes are given in which to rune seven miles. It the train is slightly behind time the run Is a lively one. That was the case Sunday. The train rushed toward Chattanooga ut aternlle rate of sneed , causing the cars to rock nbout unpleasantly. The young fellow from Now York turned as whitens a sheet. Ho throw his arms over thu buo k of tlio' scut in front of him , anil field ou for dear life. When the train rolled into the denot ntCltnltan < ios.M he was tfoinur " ' " 'Mint's the matter ) ? ! asked. " 'I was in u railroad accident once , ' he replied , 'antl haVtj ; Hjfcver since been able to cnjo.v rapid running. ' "As 1 had never bronsin n rnilrond ac cident. 1 couldn't sjmpithi/e | with him , bill 1 felt sorry for hiin.ncvertheles.i . > . ROYAL SUtcfDES. .Monai-clm Who VoTitni'itrlly heft Thin Knrilily .SpliiM-e. Now York World : There have been comparatively fi-w In-tanees of suicide among tlnv o'eriipanls of the thrones of minium limes. The mo-t recent ease was that of Abdul Ax.i/ Svltan of Turkey , who killed him self in .Jirne , 18To , by oiontng ] the veins of his arm with a pair of eissors. Ins Mibjects had ivhelh'd ngninst him , and tineoniieil of ministers " had determined to remove him and aiipmnt his nuphew Alurad as sultan in his stead. In IMitf , Theodore , nnperor of Abys- Miiin. is said by some authorities to have shot himself , while others assert that hu was killed in battle by the British in vaders. On October 8 , 1820 , Henry Chrlstopho , king of Haytl , In order to prevent himself being taken prisoner bv the insurgents , who had gained ascendency in the island , shot himself through the heart. Charles VI , king of France , probably inherited a tain ! of insanity from .his fa- ther. and the lattorpart of hi" life was embittered by monomania , imiiilfu.-tinji itself in the apprehension that Ins chil dren had conspired to poison him. Under this apprehension he refused food for seven days , and died of starvation near Boiirges on July SJ2 , HU1. Concerning the death of Hiehard II. , king ot Kngiand , there were at the time various uonllictini ! reports , and there has continued to be a ilill'ereiice of opinion amonir historians. Walsingham , Otter- bourn and Peter ofBlois say that he also .starved himself to death. ' 1 here is a cer tain parallel between the case of Pochard II. and that of Ludwig II. Both were weak cliaraeters ; both wcro deposed in behalf of stronger aspirants to power ; both were shut up in a castle for safe keeping , and both were reported to have committed .suicide. In the case ot the English king , however , the weight of the evidence perhaps tavors the heory that some interested persons assisted in his taking off. Among the ancients it appears Unit suicide was rather a popular form of death. Many of the philosophers advo cated it ns an honorable and convenient method of ending existence , and gave a certain tierlincneo to their teaching bv putting it in practice themselves. Among the long list of rulers of an tiquity who died by their own hand are Nero , Cleopatra. Dido , Boadicca , queen of the Icom in Britain ; Otho , of Kome ; Ptolemy , of Cyprvs ; Mithridatcs , of Pon- tns ; Said , of Israel ; Hameses the Great. and Sardanapalus.of Assvria , who burned himself in his palace with his wives. His licit-ship. Chicago Herald : A singular will case has just been decided Louisiana in a way which will give great .satisfaction to the public , whether it is'in accordance with the law and precedent or not. Some years ago a notorious woman named T ownsend , who h-ul accumulated a vast fortune in New Orleans/ was murdered bv her paramour , a fellow named Sykes. The crime was | a ' brutal ono , but the intirderen was not se verely punished. Soon after the woman's deatli it was discorered that she had made a will , by the 'Wins of which her murderer had becomoMief'sole heir. The outcry against the execution of this in strument was so greai , that the attorney general proceeded to contest it , and so well has ho conducted the case that the supreme court liasdeclded in favor of the state , cutting oll'Sykc's ns an ingrate and awarding all of the woman's property to the commonwealth , she having no known relatives. A similar ease is pending in New York state , where n man who murdered another lias been found to bo chosen heir of liis victim. Whatever may bo donn with the money in such cases , the eternal fitness of things can be observed only by denying to murderers and their relatives any benefits derived by icason of crime. B. BIOE , M. D. " or other tumors removed without the knife or drawing of blood. C11RONIC DISEASES or ou wadi , POouitr. OvortUlrty yoarV priitioil ovnac o.ll 1'oirl Su-ojt , Con i-d UluJi - r K.iui 9 18 X. Mala St. , Council Muffs , In. , null 209 S. lothSt. , Room 10 , Oniuliu , Neb. Mftiiufnutuior's Agent for tlio CAL1GRAP1I TYPE Y/RITER / and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings. Hoofing Slate , Man- Mcs , Plate mul Window Glass , Show- Cases. Elevators , ( hand and liy- dnuilic , ) &c. Proposals for Grading- . I'roposiits will te received by tlio SEALED until 11 o'clock n. m. , July lUtb , IB. 1 , for BnulliiK tlio folluwlnir f-trcots In tlio city of Oiiuliiins per jilHiis , prolllos and upccl- Mentions on lllu In tliu ollieo ot tlio UonrU of 1'nlillo Works. vU : liitli street Horn Cunlor to vlntoii street. I'lureu btreet Irom Cth to lOtli street. Ttb street from Jones to 1'lorco street. Uli street from Hickory lo I'ierco street , "tho bo.uth.tnn blocks to bo graded to n width of 00 l.o'iivonworth street fiora lOtli street toflOlh William street from 13th street to lOtli street. 16th bticet Irom l.envemvorlli to llonrd lluyciiport street from 01 h toiatliBtrcot. l"TlXffn : Strr * l mill. . . * * * .w M H r ( I f rr jOlh street Irom Capitol avenuoto Cliiciijfo street. 2llli street from Cnmlnffto city limits. 24th Hireetfrom Doiiffliis toSt. Miiry'siiveinio Hamilton etreot from s-itli street to aath street KIU strcut from Capitol Ave , lu Cmnlnestreut. Doilgn street from ' 'lili Mrtot to JMtla btroot. ICtli street from alley north of Izard lo city Tlurt street from Iflth street to 10th street. Webitor street from ICtli street to IKth street. Ciillt'ornlu 1'romlGtli btroet to lirth street. 17th , IHtu nnd 1'Jtli Ft rout 9 from Davenport fctroot to Cumliifir street. " astli street from Fariuun to Dodge street. Cupltol avenue 1 1 om Zno utwet to suth street. i Bt. , from Karnnn. to' lp,0 ) e. BOthstrnot from Dodjfo feiriot to Cass street. Idaho street from Cumlmf Hrect to bhlnn s " 'lirthslioct from north lilui of H. V. Smith's addition to B'nibtmtt. ' . / ? , ftind ftreet Irom Woolworth uvo , to Ed. CrolKliton arciiuo. draco street Horn iTthtflrceLto 16lh street. ( liao street fro niOth ; itrcdt to 21th Btreet , mid such portions of iiitor. ( tvilny streets us may bo nocussary to make proper opprochcs to the established Kr do. t jl llida lo I'o made upon print oil blanks furnish- edby I he board , ami to bfacqopipanlef ! with n e-illtlwl chock In the ainu ofllvo hundred dolan - IUM , pnrablo to tno city of Omiiha , as an evi dence of good faltU , ' ii. , . The board reserves the rlKliy to reject any or all bids and waive detect * . I IIOI'BR , J029-30I3-5 Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. To Whom It May Concern ! - ) Proposals will BO received by the SEAM-U lifnud up to 1 o'clock p. in. , July 10th , l Sdforthc fdllowina described piece of land , " ( om'mcnelntf seventy (70) ( ) feet west from the N.V. . cor. lot 4 , block 155. city of Omaha , thence wc t BO feet , tucnoo south HI feet , tnoro or less. to tbo ! i ioction line between N. H and B. H of Hecllon a , T 15 , H. la east , thence east < W feet , thont-o north 1(1 feet , moro or leti , to the place cf llftlIllllIlIP. . J. II. FOI'TIIAHD , City Clerk. Jy2d6t II. 1IUIICKT , FRESCO PAINTER And l > chlKi cr. ST. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. A iti < i i.n IIM , tui'i.h.\ir.\i'- \ < . DEEKE. WELLS & CO. , Agricultural ImplonwU , Cnrrl : ifo . ftc . 1'tc. Council 111. ills' . In'v.t KEYSTON'E MANITACTUUIM } CO. MuVo I lie urltrmul mul Complete Hay Loader , also Hakes , Cider Mill A Press , COHN PIIKI.I.HIIS AM ) 1T.I5 ! ) cm lilt * . No . iNJl.lici , I.VXiimd IS IT Po'it'i ' ' Miiln ftrcot , Council HlulN. low n. " DAVID UICADLKY .V CO. , Mimul'r.4 un 1 .lohlifr * or Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bugles , Cnrrlnpos. ami nil kin U of K rm Mi'o'iitv-p. 1100 to 111(1 ( South Main Street , Codncll Ulil'.r * , Inn a. _ ; IIAni.M. . 7 TZ I'.O. at.msoN , T. H.Dm'nt.AS , ( Ino. P. WIIKIHT. ' . V.-l'ros&M in. Sc.1Coinijul. . Council BluTs Hajdb Factiry , Miiforporntcil. ) JInniirnclurcr. i > r Axle , I'lck. Slo < lire nnJ Stn.tll , of uvory ilo rrlptlnn. COUNCIL BLlFKS CAKMiT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , \Yindow \ Shades , Oil Cloths , Rurtnln I'lttun-a , UphoMory ( loolii , lite. No. 40o llnmilu-ny Council Illuirj , lnwii. nn.itts , 7'o/Mcro , trr. : I'KHKdOV & MOUKE , WliolccHlp .lolilicrs In Iho Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 8Mnln ami i7 Ponrl SU. Council Illnir.s town. SNYDEK & LEAMAN , Wholcgnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No 14 Pearl St. Council ! llnir . 1IAULE , HAAS ci CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Druggists' Sniiili'lcs. Eto. Xo. 22 Main St. , miJ No. i'l 1'cnrl St. , Council ninirs. DU Y GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , ad JW3rs ) of DrGoi ? , NotionsEtc. NOA 112 and 1H Main PI. , Nos.lti : imd 113 Pcnrl St. . Council llluirs , town. 0.V. . UUTTS , Wholesale Califoraia Fruits a Specialty General Commi son. ! No. 513 liroiutwny , Council I ) hi ITS. W1UT & DUQUETTE , Wliolesulo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 IVarl St. , Conn-Mi Illult- . tutacMinis. L. K1KSC11T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries , Also Wholesale Liquor Dcalor ? . No. 410 Uroua- way. Council JM/lA'KSS , ETC. 15ECKMAN & CO. , Manu'nctiircrs of and Wholesale Donlcrs In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko MnlnJSt. . Council Ulutr.4 , Iowa. HATS , r.U'S , ETC. METCALF UllOTIIERS , Jobbers in Hats , dps and Gloves. Nos. 312 nnd 311 "roadway , Coiinoll IllulTa. IW.IVV UAJWU'AItK. . KEEL1NE & FELT , Wholcjalo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Alfd Woodstock , Council Hlulfs , Iowa. _ 111DKS AXD II'OO/- L ) . H. MuDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'ella.GronfO and Fura Council Illulls Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Illuminating & Lubricating Oils ETC. , ETO. S.Theodore , Afiont , Council niuffa. Iowa. i , I'lLlXO , ETC. A. OVKRTON A : CO. , Hard Wood , Soutliera Lumber , Piling , * ud llrldjru Material Speciallos.Wholosiilg ! Lum ber ol aU Kinds. Ulllco No. 130 Main fat. , Council Illiiirs. Iowa , WISKS AND JOHN LINDEU , Wliolesalo Imported and Domestic Wines SL Liquors. Audit for St. Gotlliard'8 Herb lllttorj. No. 13 Mnln St. Council Illulls. SCHNEIDER & BECIC , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Xo cm Matu SI. . Council Uluffi , SPECIAL NOTICES. Special ndvertlsomonts , such us Lost , FounJ , To Ix > nn , 1'or Bale , To Hont , Wants , Hoarding , cto will lioinsorted In this column at the low ratool'TKN CUNTS 1'Klt U.N'K fortho IlKl Inser tion and KJvo Cents I'enl.lno for each subeoquont Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office , No , 13 1'oal street , near Uroadwuy , Council llluUs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTS. - by ft younif man as tOHohor of Cross oclfollo short bimdlmnd. 1 studied under the author himself and from whom 1 liavo oo < l recommendations. Can use the tyVe wrUer and have had much pxperkwo as teacher in the . , schools. Address \ . W , lice otlico , Council Hlullls , lit. KlO-7 \ \ TANTr.DSituation as househeopcr or to VV toke care of furnished rooms. Address It , lloo ollieo Harbor , immediately at No. 6.18 WANTED , Council Ilimrn. \ 7ANTl5iA food jflrl for geiu-ral house- > V work In prlrato family. No. IUU fourth-si. 1CKNT No. K Second avenue ; lioiiso Fen eight rooms , stable , etc. Very dokira- ble. N.P. .noil HALK-lYultconfectionery and eutur J ? store ; posbossion iflvon rl ht awiiy In- milre ut premiers , No. 101 Main-fit. , Council TTIOlfsALE Old papers , in quantities to suit , jJ at lieu ollloo No , U 1'carl street. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of flie Peace. Office Over American Express ' FIRST cmjs 111 fey RESPECT i W. DAVIS & 00. IMultlMitMl in isrr. CINCINNATI , OHIO. 71 BUILD OVER FIFTV DIFFERED STYLES. U 0,01)0 Vehicle * Annually. > 'cml lor H' 1 , Price * , I'rrly KaU > mul 'r ti.illdlin nnv Ic'nil ' in'ii'lor ' imvol an I satKraclniii nnviintcoil. rinim > houses n.ovoJ Lll.iat truo'cs iha bojtin llm w.irll. 833 Eijklh Avon 13 mil t3i ! iti ! rfliM.s ! ; , Council UlufTs. u W 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS TO ORDER , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa To close the Rummer slock to the 'o\v- ' cst possible point. Are offering bargains now every day. Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c Parasols for 75c and Upwards , Embroideries and Patterns , very Cheap , Only a few of those Summer Silks Left , Lace Flouncings in Spanish and Giiintilly Laces , WHITE Ciieaper tlian yon ever saw tliem. Fine assortment for graduation dresses , Samples sent when requested , CARPETS. Choice patterns , good quality uml lowest i > riccs. Special discounts to cliurclies , Hocie- tics and clergymen. Harloiess Bros , , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , China , Glassware nnd Lamps , \V , S. Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main St.Council Bllifts , la. TIMOTHY SEED. t liavo n quantity of sound , well cleaned seed which 1 offer at rcnsonutlo nauri-s. Seed of the cropoflbM. Correspondence fcoliclted. V.U UTLIitt ti CO. BROS. , Dealers In Mik-hCows. ' HI Oor Sloct lards Xo.V.2 and.-1.10 E. Broadway.l'unni-il Bll's Creston House , The only hotul in Council lihillur. ! . \ng \ Fire Ami nil modern I 21ii , u'17 and 210 .Main st. .MAX MOII.V , l'ri. | 2 JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in State nnil Kedi'ral Comix. Uooms 7 nnd S .Shtiirart Block. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , imOADWAY , COUNCIL BM'Fl'S. Opposite Dummy Depot. " * JIorM s"and Mules kept constantly on hand for Halo at retail or In cm' loads. Orders pronultly Illlod by eo ilruet onv.i.iit notice. .Stock sold nn commls"l' > n. SIIMTTKIt .t IlUI.m' , l'i-opi-lntoi-3. ' ' " " ' ' < SAI.K BTAUl.hS , corner rtli tivij.inn ) 4tU street. Clioicc I h | > Iay r l.alcil BM Ici'iis , AH < nulc * . Council Bluifs 33rooclwei.y. A fJ SIOIJK (1 * < 'lllifU IVovollU'N In. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A , nH shea 1KT GRAND BALL , 'J'o bo ( Jlvon by tlio KNIGHTS OF LABORI At Temple Hall Satu.rd.ay Evezilnrj , Tvily O , Ticket AdinlttinK Gentleman an Liicllcs , SI. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at lotall aud n lotB. l.uryo < iuantlttc3 to select from. MASON WISE ,