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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1886)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 3. IcSSO. IN THE CITY,1' The Answer of the Defendants in the Sloman Case. SHARKS WITH BIG MOUTHS A Flagrant Cnso of Usury Soldiers on Ilio .Move Police fjoual The Woodliy Cnsc Ki-iink Wal ters Scotin-s : v Verdict. The Slomnti Case. Tcstcnlny Mr. Samuel Slonmn , the gen tleman who hits liccn acting as rccoivor for Slonmn Iro3. ! , stepped down and out , giviving way to Ins successors , Messrs. W , J. Hroalcli , iintl W. V. , who were appointed Kslerday afternoon by Judge Dundy. Yesterday ! gontlmen filed their bonds which wore duly up- proved This morning Messrs. J. M. Wool- worth'I'lnirston & Hull , and Oroll' & Montgomery , attorneys for Herman Fcehlicimer. Samuel Klotnun. Meyer Hillman , Samuel Knl/ and H. V. 1'aige , tiled an answer to the cross-bill of the Chicago creditors , as lilud by Messrs. Hartletr. Webster and U'akely a day or so ago. This answer enters ti general denial to the statements con tained in the crossbill of the creditors in "the city on the lake. " The defendants deny thai they have en tered into a conspiracy to defraud the other creditors , but aver that the mort gages to them given represent security for actual indebtedness , to which they are by law entitled. They deny that these mortgages were given to shield crookedness of any manner or dcscrin- tion. tion.The The answer further denies that any property has been disposed of in such a way , or at such prices , as to injure the interests of the linn or the creditors. Furthermore , it is denied that Receiver Sloman has refused to show up to the creditors the goods which are stored in tlie establishment , or that the firm had made ' a practice at any time before or since the failure of buying needs in such enormously large quantities or with such intent to defraud eastern linns , as is charged by the plaint- Ifl's. The document in fact enters a sweeping denial to all the material alle gations of the plaintiffs , anil is a compre hensive one of some ten pages It should bo noted that Mr Sloman's retirement from the olltao of receiver was in accordance with his own wishes , and was olleded upon his own motion in the United States court. Mr. Sloman has acted in the matter to the best of his ability , and with a conscientious idea of his duties. The allldavits against him , filed in the United States court , have been withdrawn. * " SII-VHK8 1YITJI lUG MOUTHS. A Justice Case IlcvcnlH n Flagrant Instance or Usury. Yesterdayafternoon | Justice Hclsley commenced the hearingofjacase whicghis decidedly interesting as illustrating the Shyloek methods practiced by some of the money sharks who do business in this city. The title of the suit is Uced & Co. vs. Patrick F. Tarpy , and the history thereof is in brief tins : Some sixteen months ago Tarpy , who is a poor man with a largo family to support , became hard pressed for money and borrowed $180.7(5 ( from Rood & Co. Ho gave a mortgage .on nearly everything ho had to secure the lirm , .including nearly all his household goods , and n horse , wagon and harness. Since that time ho has , for all but three months , paid inter est nt the rate of about $7 a month. This would make the amount lie paid to them about $05. Notwithstanding this , liis indebtedness to the lirm of money loaners has actually increased , for they now hold his note for $160 , or some $30 moro than he originally borrowed. Some few weeks ago he sold the horse and wagon which ho hail mortgaged , after lirbt obtaining the consent ot Keoil oi Co. thereto. With a part of the proceeds - coeds of the fettle ho bought a cow , upon which the money loaners demanded that he ttivo them a mortgage. This he refused to do , and they at once hail Him arrested and brought before Justice Helsley on a criminal charge of selling mortgaged property. Justice. Holsley released Tarpy on his own recognisance to appear for trial yesterday. This greatly angered the complainants , who urged that Tarpy ought to bo released on nothing short of $1,000. The case upon trial will doubt less dovoloi ) some racy and interesting features. Tarpy's lawyers , Simeral < & Rediek , say that they will push the case for all there is in it , and will commence actions against Heed & Co. for usury and malicious prosecution. Court Notes. The case of the State vs Frank Boyd , charged with the larceny of a gold watch and chain from James MoVoy , was given to the jury in district court at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. ; The case of the State vs Mrs. Mulhall , charged with an assault upon Airs. Shin- roclc , was called in district couri yostor- dnyGaftornoon. lestenlaytho suit of the Rev. Mr. Woodby against Thos. F. Boydmanager of tliuopuni house , for civil damages sus tained by being refused admission to the parquet of thu Boyd , was commenced yesterday before Judge Wakoley. Air. Woodby was represented by Messrs. Irvine and ( iiirloy and the defense by I'iirke Godwin. The plamtllV was the first witness. Ho stated th'.it ho W.IH a minister of tlio Colored Episcopal church , and on the night of the tlth of May , 1835 , he at tempted to outer the opera house parquet to n private nntertaiiimonl given by onu of the local associations. Mr. iF. . lioyd was at the door and told him to go up stairs. Mr. Woouliy declined , stating that the ticket did not call for an upstairs Rent , and desiioil to enter the lirst lloor olrolo and Mr. lioyd stated that colored people wore not allowed there. Mr. Woodby remained around the entrance , nnd finally Mr. lioyd said that if ho ( Woodbv ) didn't got down out of the way ho ( lioyil ) would knock him down out of tlio entnuico. There is but ono witness lo Wood by'H side , and ho was found only to-day. lie happened to bo n man mimed K , K. French , who was called as n juror , and was .excused on the ground that lie had been a witness of the occur rence , Ho was immediately seized by the attorneys for the plaintiff. Ho Drank too Muoli. Sam Hagerbach was lined ? 5 nnd costs in police court ycstu'day for drunk enness , He could not pay and was com mitted in default. Thursdday Sam had taken u young lady out fora drive and the two imbibed freely of hear at various resorts on the road. After ho had taken the girl homo he drank more beer , About midnight he was Jound sleeping in his buggy on South Thirteenth street. A policeman took him in tow and locked him up. [ Yesterday ho suffered the penalty of his folly. t A MonUil hc. | OMAHA , July 3 , 1880T.o tue. Editor : In to-day's Herald appears an editorial entitled , "Matters to Think Over. " U refers to Marshal Cummiugs. The editor gays that Marshal C'uiumings escaped in- , dictmcnt by n single vote. That Is not so The vote stood eleven to acquit nnd live for conviction. Tlio editor of the Herald appeared before the grand jury with his armor on , prepared , as ho thought , to give such information ni would send the marshal to the peniten tiary. The grand jury put him throiicli a rigorous examination urn ! found ho did not know anything derogatory to.Marslial dimming1 ! , and now. he has the audacity to say he escaped indictment by a single vote. vote.While While 1 am no friend of the marshal , only in right and jn.-liec , the editor of ( lie Herald wants to blacken the character of an honest man by willfully lying about him. One of the grand jury , L. A Itnld Ono of the boldest robberies imagina ble was reported at police headquarters yesterday. The victim thereof was Dr. ( ) . S. Wood , who resides at 2130 Davenport street. Uurglars broke Into his hou o Tlinrsda.C and stole a pan1 of pants containing about sJlOO , a bunch of keys and n pocket case of medical instru ments , and numerous other smaller arti cles. Strange tosav the vr t which lmii < i bv the pants and eontained a gold watch nnd chain , was left un touched. The burglars ell'ected an en trance through onu of the front parlor windows , bringing a lighted lamp from the lower hall up to the sleeping room In Dr. Wood was , where it was toiind still burning yesterday. Dr. Wood thinks that the robbers will probably throw the surgical instruments away , and any ono finding them will confer a favor on him by returning the snmo to his ollicc on Capitol avenue. Army Notes. Yesterday In pursuance of the telegram from the war department as noted in Thursday's ' MEG , the number of messen gers in the army headquarters was re duced from four to two. Sergeant Hayes is transferred to Company E , Second in fantry , and Sergeant Clark , at his own request , is discharged , and will procure employment in this city. Sergeants Delaney - laney and Hose , the two old "stand-bys" of the service , are retained. As the cler ical force was already-short one man , it was not found necessary to reduce it. It is quite evident there wijl be some gooil shooting done at the rillo contest this year. Captain Unssell , of Fort lUis- sell , writes that the figure of merit of his company is over ono hundred , and Gen eral Wlieaton , of the Second infantry , coming to this department , says thai some Of his company have figures of merit of 110. Postmaster Quarterly Kcports. Yesterday Postmaster Coutant and his assistant , James Woodward , exam ined the reports made to them of money balances by the different postmasters throughout the state. Each report is contained in a largo envelope and ac companied by a blank , showing the amount of paper money and coin for warded in satisfaction of the same. Of these balances not less that 800 will be received by Mr. Coutant before the end of the month. They arc generally full of discrepancies , and in some instances money is forwarded and there is noth ing accompanying to show where it came from or by whom it was sent. A Flnlandor Rolibert. F. Oscar Julin , a young Finlander , ar rived in town yesterday from his native land with the story that , before he had been twenty-four hours on the train out of New York , ho felt'tired , and sleepy , and , not suspecting , anything , dropped asleep. When ho awoke ho found that his pocket book and wallet had disappeared. It contained $32 , all the money he possessed , to bring him to Carbon , Wyoming. His ticket van out here leaving him perfectly helpless. He told his story to the watchman at the Union Pacific dcuot and was by him taken the the headquarters , where his case was considered by the officials. Opclt's Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , opened March .15th , first class in every respect. rj3S 3J No Politics in It. Mr. Coutant , postmaster , was spoken yesterday about the alegcdl removal of Mr. E. J. Edwards , the ex-clerk of the general delivery'window , because of his being a republican , llo denied the alle gation that the removal had been made on partisan grounds. The man Mole , who succeeded him , was also a republi can , and the reason assigned for his ap pointment was that ho was an old cm- pioyu of the postoHiee nnd had boon ono of the best clerks in the service at this point. 5GOacres land in Tliayor county , Neb. , to sell or trade for merchandise. Address John Linderholm , CM S. 10th St. , Omaha , Cricket. In the match to bo played at Lincoln on Monday next , July C. Omaha will bo represented by the following gentlemen : Messrs. Iwrleigh , Doyle , Francis , Grif fiths , Mel'hcrson.Purdon.Roberts , Shake- shaft , Taallb , Taylor , (5. ( II. Vanghan and W. 11. Vaiighan. A scorer and umpire will accompany the team , as also several persons interested in the game. If past experience counts for anything , tlio Omaha contingent should fool fairly con fident of success , to say nothing of a welcome reception and a good timo. Wanted A situation as pressman. Rest of references. Address G GO , Bee olllco. Plattsmoutli'A Hurrah. A gentleman from Plattsinonth told n KKE reporter yeotorday that thet place proposed to have a magnificent celebration there to-ilay , in which n number of working exhibits from the IS. & M. shops there would take part. It was thought the same feature might bo brought to Omaha on Monday next. For Sale Drug stock in a good Jllvo town in northwestern Nebraska. Popu lation 1,000. Address G , 5)3 ) 0. , Omaha Urn. Six New Stores. A. J. Popplcton is having Architect Voss draw up plans for six brick stores to bo erected on Iho northeast corner of Eleventh and Howard streets. Each will bo three-stories iu height , 22xCO foot , and the row will present a frontage of 1U3 feet. g Card of Thanks. The mother and sisters tender their > mobt heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so feelingly sympathized with them in the death of Miss Nellie llanna. _ _ The many kindnesses shown will 1 always bo gratefully remembered through ' ifo. _ j Another A'lilltlon. Norman A , Knlm , as trustee , filed a plat with thu county clerk ycatcnl.iv of a subdivision of block A , Reservoir ad dition. The latter is situated between Hamilton and Nicholas and Thirty-sixth and Pleasant streets. t Tliro ? Tliiovos Jugged. * H. C. Yeoman , deputy ahorilY of Cnss [ county , passed through this city yes terday on his way from pPlattsmouth to his homo In Weeping Water. Ho had Ji'tt ut that place O. AIoNculy , Howard Cameron and S.unucl JJishons : , three fel- loivs whom ho had caught robbing the cars of the Missouri Pacific at Weeping WntIT. A great deal of Uio plunder was found in the possession of the fellows arrested. They were jailed at Plait- mouth to await the action of the district court. Personal Paragraphs. Mrs. Thomas Peironct and son leave yesterday for a three months'visit Qwith relatives in Ambo.y , 111. npujamin LJrown , general ninnagpr of the Miigie Starch company , Philadelphia , is stopping at the Pa.xlon Mr. T. U. Woodrow of Ilradstrccts , has roturnrd from a trip lo attend the bedside of his wife , who i. quite ill. Mrs. O. P. McCarthywife of Iho assist ant general pa * iMiger agent of tlio Union Pacilic , went to Mniiitou yester day. ( ! . Hevolow of St. Joe Is in the city on a biiMiic'-s tour. He is an old Omnium f'W ( , nnd us popular as the word can possibly ' mean. W. Hoehln is Inning plans drawn up fora two-story brick building , 00x22 , to be erected on South Sixteenth street , be tween Howard mid Jackson. Mrs. II. C. Atkinson and Miss Kvu R. Atkinson , of Denver , spent yesterday in the city visiting friends. 'Jhoy are en lonte to Fort Wayne , Imi. Rev. V. O'Connor , of San FraneNco , Cal. , who has been u guest of Father Jeannette for n short time , on Ids way from a vacation to Ireland , left for homo yesterday morning. Prof. Lewis , Prof. Ilenshaw , of the high school , and Master Broach left yes terday on a camping out season of ( iitrht weeks in the mountains of Col orado. liievltlc" . Take the Thirteenth street car to the A. O. II. picnic to-day. The U. S. National bank has increased Its capital stock to ifS.IO.UOO. A good and enjoyable time guaranteed tit the A. O. II. picnic to-day. Urinir your family and friends to the A. O. II. picnic at HascaH's park to-day. S. Lehman has bought a silver dollar of 1801. with large eagle , paying $100 for it. The coin is one of the rarest in this country , and is worth ? GO ( ) . The school board received $ SIJ ! for police court lines for the month of .Juno , ISS. " } . For the month just closed the amount was over $1,200 a healthy in crease. The Union Pacific traffic department has issued a circular of classification showing the numbers and dimensions of all the live stock ears Used on thu western railroads. Mrs. Edwin Davis , one of Omaha's art ists lias painted in oil , a picture of Presi dent Cleveland and his cabinet , which is attracting consideral attention in Mr. Davis' store. Vesta Chapter No. 0 , O. E. S. , will will meet this , ( Saturday ) evening ' " at Free Masons hall. A full" attendance is urjred. By order of the worthy matron. James B. Brnnncr , secretary. The hack-stand of the Union Pacific depot - pot needs sprinkling. Yesterday the dust blown'by the wind from the south , from that place into the eyes of people at the depot was horrible in volume and flavor. Judge Stcnborg lias received a letter from Mrs.ChrislimiRoiman of Kocnings- berg , Prussia , nskine : if her son Carl is in North America. The judge thinks the case is , in a measure , out ot his jurisdic tion. tion.Prof Prof , and Mrs. Gillospio. Miss S.inn- dcrs , Miss Plum , Miss Coe , and Mr. nnd Mrs. MeClnro leave on Monday for San Francisco to attend the national convgn tion of instructors of the deaf and dumb. Judjro Seiiberg's business yesterday consisted of the uninteresting routine of drunks and vngrnnts. If. Adams , a young man known about town as a crook , was given until 0 o'clock to leave the city. Charles Splilt , city scavenger for the second ward , desires it to be generally understood that any persons in the second ward wanting dead animals , offal , or refuse of any kind removed without delay , can reach him by sending a postal card to the city jail. J. A. McMurpliy , editorof the Sclmyler Sun , is in the city. In conversation with a reporter yesterday , said ho thought that the probable corn crop of the state hail been overestimated , and that owing to the long and cold spring the yield would bo less than estimated. Ono of the largest overland trains ot the season pulled out of the Union Pacific depot yesterday. Jt contained thir teen cars , every ono of which was filled either with froiglit or passengers. One car was loaded down with beer , which , it is expected , will bo consumed nt the col- Mr. Dick Rankin , of the Omaha Na tional bank , returned Thursday from Now York , whom ho was recently united in marriage to Miss Jennie Wilson , a tal ented and accomplished young lady , who has many friends in Omalia , Mr. and Mrs. Rankin will make their future residence - denco in ( his city. H. A. Coombs , of Walnut Hill , had n neighbor named Ilorton arrested yester day on a peace warrant. The case was heard before Judge Anderson , the ma jority ot the population of Walnut Hill appearing as witnesses , the case having grown out of a family row. Ilorton was placed under -f.'JOo bonds lo appear before the district court. To night nt 8 o'clock there wil bo n meeting of property owners intorl cstcd in the grafting of Tenth and Elev enth and intersecting streets between Mason and Dorcas , at engine house , No. 4. corner Eleventh and Dorcas streets. The council committee on grades and grading would like to have the opinions of those parlies interested and want as largo an attendance as possible. Police Detail. The following is the police detail for the month of July : ' DAY I'OHCE. Patrick Hardy , Thirteenth and Ilarnoy lo bridge. Dan Kennedy , Ninth and Tenth to North Douglas. Andrew Crawford , Douglas , Fifteenth to Thirteenth. James O'Roylo , Farnam street , Tenth to Fifteenth. Richard Hurdlsh , Twelfth , Douglas to Cnnitol avenue. Charles Ulooni , Sixteenth street , Dodge to Nicholas. Mike Dcinpsoy , Tenth street , Ilarnoy to depot. William White , Cumins street. Joseph Rowlcs and Pat Horrigan , streets and alloys. Peter Matza and Put Moslyn , rounds' men. men.Mike Wlinlen , court officer. John Turnbu 1 , city business , NIGHT FOKCK. Patrick Murphy , Sixteenth , Cass to Nicholas ; Ed Carroll , lower Farnam and lliinioy ; Dan MoHrido.South Thirteenth ; Thomas Ormsby , Sixteenth , Dodge to Cuss ; Mike Riley , Cumlng ; Patrick Cu- t sick. St. Mary's avenue ; J. J. Donovan , i Thirteenth , Ilarnoy to bridge ; James : Urady , Twelfth , Douglas to Canitol aye- , nuej Lawrence Jasporson , Farnnm , J Twelfth to Fifteenth ; John Urady , Ninth \ and Tiinfh , north of Douglas ; Jerry S O'tirady , Tenth , Haruoy to depot ; John : Norman. Sixth and Seventh , south of J tracks ; II. P. Ilazo , Douglas , Thirteenth l to Fifteenth ; Thos. Pclronet , city jallj Al T. Slgwart , at largo. For a good variety ' 9 ! honest tailor * ruiulo clothing at low prices no to i ELatn-TEii , the Mammoth Clothier , J Cor. 10th nnd Farnam DRIVING ON THE BOULEVARD , Some of the Rigs Which Hay bo Scon on Sherman Avefmc. Different Styles of Vclilelcs-Tlie Cnb and Coupe Some Intcrcstlnt ; Faces and KlKiir6n Costly / , * / ? This is pre-eminently the season of the year for tlio enjoyment of equine pleas ures. There is no city of its size in America , probably , whore the ownership and enjoyment of liorxvilesh is as general as in Omaha. A drive on Sixtpnnth street ( Sherman avenue ) any line evening would convince the most skeptical indi vidual of this fact. Everybody who can afford it , and manv who cannot , owns n rig of some sort. It may bo nothing but a yellow two-wheeled cart attached to an equine skeleton , or it may be a handsome two-horse barouche , with all the hand some incidentals of equipage which goto make up a stylish "rig , " but It is owned by the driver and is a source nf a deal ot enjoyment to him and his family , large or small. The cost of keeping a horse and car riage in Oinahu is not large. The fact that t there arc so many beautiful drives in and about Omaha has contributed largely 1 : to the growth of this passion for owning liorsollesh. Who would not have the t means to enjoy the invigorating ef fects of a spin in the cool evening air , when such means are at hand niton a I rilling cost ? Horses can bo kept amazingly cheap in Omaha. It is a very tony livery stabli indeed which charges over ? 20 n month for boarding a horse. First class board can be obtained for $18 a month , and in some stables fair board at $15 a month. This includes not only care of the horse , but also daily washing of the buggy and harness and hitching up for the customer at all times. To keep a saddle horse requires less , from $10 to SlUn ! j month. Ol course , the owner of the t ; animal , if fancy or a shallow purse sII dictates , can keep the horse at a much k-ss expense , say not more than $5 or $7 amenta. The cost is the same whether the i : animal is a sfoU horse or a § 1.000 nag , for however much diflerenco there may be iitl the value and capabilities of horses , there is very little in the cubic capacity of their stomachs. And so it happens that ; there are a largo number of horses in Omaha , and an equally large number of equipages , handsome and otherwise , . Morth Sixteenth street is a good point for the observation of these vehiclar outlits. The 1 mo.-t common rig , of course , is the plain buggy attached to a single horse , or the two-horse double-seated carriage. Some of these rijjs arc strikingly hand some ' , and worthy of extended mention did space permit. Of stylish family barouches , rouches or carriage ? then1 are any num ber in Omaha , and dozens of them may be seenout , any line evening containing the business man and his family. The Shcllicld dog cart is becoming quite popular in Oinitha. These two- wheeled arrangements are made to hold only two people. The most stylish of these have heavy wheels , Iiiuli seats and are painted a resplendent black , with heavy lanterns on cither side of the scat. They arc sometimes known as Stanhope gigs , because that mine is English , you know. Some of these outlits cost : ts high as if-HX ) or $ .100. From these prices'you can range as low as $10 , which amount will pur chase a small Perry cart , used principally by children. Another very stylish gig or two wheeled cart is the Whitecliapof. of which there are several in Omaha. It is a trille heavier than the Stanhope , with a seat considerably higheu. The Ellesmorp is n , pretty cart adapted especially for the use of Indies , ft is low , with a turn down seat behind for a footman or gentleman guest. They are quite expensive , and there are but one or two of them in Omaha. The plneton , single and double seated , is a vehicle which is quite popular in Omaha , especially among the ladies who wish to take a quiet evening drive with their children or friends , and who care not for style as much as they do for com fort. The " ' " low "basket phiu'ton" is espe cially popular among tlio members of the gentler sex. Something akin to these vehicles is the "Gladstone , " an old fash ioned basket chaise , with two opposite seats , and one seat behind for a footman or tifth party. There is , so far as known , but one of these in the city. In the long procession of vehicles which may be seen on 11113' of the thor oughfares of the city , ono cannot fail to notice the landau. It is nn open carriage , capable of seating four persons , vis-a-vis. These arc especially used by the sports of the city , inalo and female , who arc out for a good time and don't care who knows it. Visitors who want easy and pleasant locomotion on a sightseeing tour through tlio city patron ize this lorin of vehicle. There are very few private landaus in the city , be cause a ride in one of them savors too much of ostentatiousncss. Passing by the closed carriages sometimes vulgarly known as "hacks , " of which tlioro are a large number in Omaha , both in public and private use and the hundred other forms of vehicles , ono cannot fail to no tice the cab. It was a little moro than ono year ago when this strange two-wheeled institution wns introduced into Omalia. It , too , was "quite English , you know , " caught on quickly , and has since grown immensely popular in favor , Tliu eonpo. a single horse , closcd.carriatro , capable of seating two. or at a pinch , three persons , was in- * troduccd a month or two later , and is almost as popular as the cab. There are quite a number of elegant private coupes in the city. An article of Mils character would bo incomplete without n reference to the real estate "bnckbonrds" which have in tlio past year or so become a feature of the hurrying caravan of vehicles in the streets of Omaha. One of these buck- hoards is capable of pealing two persons , the agent unit his victim the intending purchaser and is really a neat though hardly a stylish rig. Oiioontorprisingreal estate agent hero ownsand runs no less than ton of thesobuckboards , ono or two of them attached to licet and blooded stock. A FEW ' Ily way of conclusion unU as a matter of interest to its renders , the KKR pre sents the cost of an equine' establishment such as Iho Omaha gentleman of aver age wealth and table ought to be supposed to set up and maintain ; He ought to have nt least : One pair carriage horses 51,000 One roadster for buggy unit cart. . . . . . . . SOO Ouo Lniulau , . . . 1,000 One two seated canlago bOO One ton buray 400 Ono "Hhellielil" ! 0 n Harness estimate ' * < > llon > ( ) clothing anil stable llitings 500 Uoufliinnn'soutlit JOO ' S4.TOO . If to this bo added a pony and cart for the children and a handsome sleigh for winter , it will bo seen that n lirst-class establishment can not tbo sit up for less than $5,003. That there are several in Omaha valued at thia figure or higher , there is no question. There are n num ber of costly barns in this city , too- , three ot which are estimated to have cost $5,000 , each. ; . Heal Kstato Transfers. / The following transfers wore lilod Jqno 80 , .with the county clerk , and reported for the HEE by Aoies1 Real Estate Agency ! ilattlo Field Martin ami husband to An- ihcw Henry nnd others , west CO feet oflt 2-1 , blk 1 , JHIlnrd Plnce , Omnlm , w d-S7W. ( AliceO'Donnhoo nml Inislmiul to Mnttlo Field Martin , west ( ti fcpt of U 'Jl , Hk 1 , Mil- Inn ! Plnce , Omnlm , w d-Sl.SOO. Ltirltutn Hinulolplito Wlltlnm W Hiniilinm nnd other.1 * , Its 1 to , Forbes' siibdlUslon , Doujilns comity , w d JjfeOO. Hiittlo U Wood nnd husband to Clmrles Corbott , Us 20,81 , 22 , 2T nml 21 , blk'-'O , West Side , Oninhii , w d-S2u > H . John L McCiiBiic nnd wife toWllllam Cum- inlinr. Its JM nnd : n. bile l , llliuelau h's add , Omnlm , wd-SH'O. ' Inrob Kovlioiillial nml olhi'is to Simon Li'Immn. oust : w feet of west G'J Icet of lot f , blk 163. Omnha . - , w d--JI.OJO. Sophia Lehman nnd husband lo Jnrou Kdclicnthnl mill others , mil of ItI , blk 1--J , Omnha , w tlMM.OW. . Lcnn Quick and htisbnml to Francis 1) Cooper. It 1. blk 4M > , Omnha , < ] c S53. l-'fiincls 1) ) Cooper mill wire to Lena Quick , H 7blk 4-11 , ( irnnihiew add , Omahn , w d 8100. 8100.Alfred Alfred II ConiMook , slnulo , to Mullsoti Bottorlf. It 1 blk.-tnml It0 blk 2 Ambler ) ilnro Oiinilin , W d Sl.-OO. Di-xtcr I.TIiomnsniid wf to 1) T Oilman , It 20 blk 0 Kllbv place Onmlm , w d-SSVJ. Heirs of.Jiu'ob H Shiill to H Van No.It . 17 blk 7 Shull's 2d nilil Onmhn , w a SI j'u'dk ' II Davis nnd wf lo Clifton B Mnyao part of It 2 Cnpltol add Omahn , w d { ii.fetio. Patrick , ! Pilei' , Joseph Archibald It 1 blk U. Pm her' * ndd Omahn , w d S'J.OOi. .Joseph Lets nml wf to Omnha it SV Jt K Co. p.utuf 110 lliiitmun's add Oiiinhn , o c St.oo. Aiiirtistu * Konntto nml wf nml others to ( ieoilie U Iliillilimi. It1 Ml : a Plalitvlcw , DouvrliH Co. , w d S275. A II Swan nml others , tittstous , to John It Helm , It 12 hlk III , South Oiimlm , w il-W" ) . Win A L Gibbon nml wf to Christian Hurt- man mid others iiiut of sw'/iit ' nw'j ' &ee21 , 15. 1 : ) , Doughts Co , w d0,000. . Win A I , ( ilbhnn nnd wf to John P Hawk ; Ins part of sw'f of nw y sec 21,15 , 13 , DOUK- las Co. , w d-Sii,000. Amliew 0 Moro and wf to Peter Chrlstcn- 0 hlk171 , Urnnd view nihl Onmlm , w d-S37.- . ( Jporgo Kuril , single , to Clmrlos Knul'mun , 111 blk 2 Weiss' subdivision Douglas Co. W dil'hiO. . Louis Si'Iuoedcr , trtistre , to Henry Single and others , Its l ami 2 hlk I Cleveland place , Dnniln ; < s Co , w d yj.'JCO. William Colmrn , sheriff , to .Joseph J Nobes Its 1 ami 2 blk 50 Credit Fonder add Omaha , Hhi't HV's ' .Iced SI , ? ! ! . ' > . lUehnrd Stcbbins nml wf to llpnry 1) ) Rhodes and ullicrs , It : i blk 2 O'Nclir.s 'sub division Omahn , w d-Sl.fiOO. Mary C. Iliillcrnnd hush lo .John A Mc- Shnne , Its \ \ II and U > blk 0 .Spring hill Dmichis Co , w d Sl,200. \Villiuin Cnmmliurs , sin-le , to .lohn T WertItsttlnmUlblk 1 llimcbniigh'ii mid Omahn , w il Sl.soo. .MiUgurct E Hopkins nnd hush to Lnfnyctte Coltrin , w 100 it of e } t of It 4 Hartlutt's add Omnlm , w d 84.r > 00. George W Logmi and wf to Mary Donovan 113 blk l , PniUcr's ndd Omnlm , w U 81,700. Albert . > f CInrke nud wf to Xndinrlnh Thoimison , w Ullftof It a and lot : ! blk 22 West Omnlm , w d 1,500. H Joesteii ami wife to D C Patterson , un divided } - , of south-42 feet of lot 2 bile 15 Shinn's aild to Onmlm S-170. 1) ) C Patterson and others to the nubile , Jop.stcns subdivision of Its 1 and 2 blk 15 Shinn's add to Omnlm Dedication. Louis Peterson ( simile ) to Molten Sorcn- son , lot 10 Barker's subdivision , tec 34 , 10,13 Douglas county if''M. Morten Sotensnn nml wlfo to Frcil W. Schmidt lot 10 Marker's subdivision sec 34 , 15. If. Donclas county 5:050. Evert V. Smith aii'd wife to Daniel P.rosius , lots 5 anil 0 , blk 14 , K. V. Smith's nilil.Omalm , wd-81,200. Jetur H. Colliding nnd wlfo to Frank AV. Handle , lots 1 nud 2 , blk 2 , Richmond IJout- ; 1ns Co. , wd S750. Klii'zcr C. Axfon ! and wife and others to Charles Woodwoith , lot 7 , Axl'ord's mill. , Omaha , wd 81,200. Snmuel Kogcrs nnd wife to Jonn Aiidrlt. nml others , n } of lot 1 , blk M , Improvement Association ndd. , Omaha , wd 82,021.05. Dp.xtcr b Thomas and wt anil olhnrs to Jerome U Pairolto , s e j/of n w J < of n wjj' sec 5 15 IS Domains Cow d sil--OO. Jerome U Pnirott and wt to .lohn Kclley s ei \ of n w } $ of n w } $ sec 5,15 , W Douula , county , w il * 3,700. S K Spaulillng nnd wf and others to Mnry J ' Urnliam , lot 15 blk 0 Kilby Place add O'mnha , w U 030. For .Ally 1 : Martin ftenrickson anil wife to Adolph Schroodcr , nhf of w hf lot SO blk 2 Paik Place Omaha , w d-SOO. James At Love nml wife lo William R Morris , all inteicst in lot 4 block ICO Omnha , w d Sl.bOO. Clifton K.Mnynp nml wife lo Elln M Ab bott , lot 12 blk 0 Orchard Hill Oousins Co , w d S:050. Samuel S Curtis and wife to Kiln M Ab- bott - , lot 7 blk 4 Bclvklcro Doiwlas Co , w d ( icortrc K. Barker nml wife lo DCTcr Sholes , w 100 ft of o 400 ft of lot 2 Baitletl's mill Omaha , w d 83.000. J > o Ver Sholes nml wife to Chnrlcs II Sholes , uml hf of w 100 feet of e lOOltof lot 2 Hnrtlctt's ndd Onmlm , w d 51,700. Nancy linker to DV Sholes. Jot 13 blk 12 lliiiiscom Place Omnha , w d 81,400. Henry linker to D V Sholes , lot 13 blk 12 Ilniiscom Place Onmhn , q c 551. ( icorKo K Uarkcr nml wife to Kino 15 Tyr- rel , o 100 leet of w 400 feet lot 2 JJnrtliitt's ndd Omnlm , w d Si,000. : AVillinm J Welshniisnml wlfo to John F Flack nnit others , lot i : { blk 2 Creston ndd " Omnlm , w d SiKiO. J envltt liarnhmii ami w Ifo to W T Cralmm and others , lot 5 blk 2 Cic.itun ndd onialm. w (1-S'JOO. ' JCsslo Wnllnco nml luitb to John L Mc- Cngue , part n Jlnu ti w qr see 17-15-13 Douglas Co , n c S3. William J Drontch and wife to Henrietta McCa nc , lot 2 blk 88 Omnlm , w d sio.0-ll.GO. m Henrietta M MeCngue nnd hush to AVm L a MRCngne , lot 2 blk 8S Omnlm , w d clD.OOO. Lnrs Larson nnd wife to John N Wnnliiml , biHi whf Into Iliiiisel'.H snbdiv of lot 1513iirtlctt's Hi add Onmlm. w d-8000. Hie Mnry K Ovorlumicr ( widow ) to Xcna G CO 1'ood' se qr sec 4-18-11 Douglass Co , w d CO v aniiicl K Honors nml wife toMnx Emlllan heWi WInther , lot ( KJ S U Ho eis OUiiliouia Doug Wiw las Co , w d 5'JOO. w K O liulloii nml wife to Henry Tingling , tn lot 4 Priiyn's snbdlv lots 1 , S , 3 , Lake's add , fri Omnlm , w d 81,800. le Thomas II McCninio ( slinrle ) to Walter lie Wills , lots 10 niiil 11 blk 10 Uniiscom Place th Aluernoii S Pmlddck nnd wlfo to William in F Cm-ley , lot S blk 10 Jerome Park Doudns th Co. wd-lO.TO. de Thoiims F < inlnn ( sinslo ) to Edwin L Rood , s } < ! of n ) i of s } of n w X sec 32,10 , , ca 13. Douglas Co. , wil51,500. . bt Thomas E Price nml wlfo to Julia Vnmlcr- th cook , lots 10 , u nnd 12 , blk 1. Belvedere , Douglas Co. , w d-S3,5'JO. ( ice W Amns nml wife nnd others to Ired - en prick A Fox , lot 2J , Ucdlck's .Crave , Omaha , wil-Sl,15 ( ) . to . , . . . - nml wife nnd others to in John H Xorrls , lot 0 , blk 1 , llaiiscom Place , en Onmlm , w d-S'.WO , * as Aiinio Downs to Samuel D. Mercer , part of lot 2 , blk b7 , Omahn , a c-Sl.OO. 1w 1 Charles II. Downs to Samuel D. Mercer , w prut of lot 2 , blk H7 , Omnlm. q c-SI.OO. Cornelia C. Downs to Samuel D. Mercer , ei part of lot 3. blk 87 , Omaha , d c-Sl.OO. at William Cobiirn , sheriff , to Li/.zle 0. Jlrr- athi pcr.oitfof lot 5 , blk 101 , Onmlm , shcrill's th ' ol Thomas 'llhmllton nml wife to V. II , Whit ney , part of s w 'f see ! W , 15 , ia Douglas Co' FO w (1 ( 555,000. fill FipiU-rlek Urlnu nnd wlfo lo Dnrn b"liwanb , si : nndlvhlwl J < ol middle 21 H of It'i , blk WJ cc Omnlm rt SS.OOO. IT..I. . , . . w * * , > l \j. . . . I , th riiw ta tam of no } / , sec 1,15. 0 , Donu'lnsCo , wd S401) ) . tl Union Pacilio It it F. < lwud ; Hurlspltb , m w X of bo M tee 1 , 15 , 0 , Doujlns { Co , wil mbi as Missouri Valley Land Co to Edward Ilnds- pith , w } of BW , sec 81,10,10 , Douglas Co , gini ' Jfliiii'lteed nnd wife Edxvard Hmlspith , ni lot 3 , hlk 451 , town of Platte Valley , Duut'Ins 1al 1 Co , wd 5223. alm Union Pacino milroad company to Kdwmd m HmUiiltii , Us 4 and 5 , blk 4'J , PJatlo A alley , in fiw 01 ( ! ( lani ni niU Loomls It 0 , blfc 13. Dwight & Lvuwu's ai fc ' binnhn.'wu e'-.nn . . S . uiu.iim. w iiw. . . . Charles W Lyman and wlfo | o ( corse W vi Loomls , lots 0 nml 7 , blk u , Dwlglit i Ly- man'sailil , Onmlm , wil , 8110 ! ) . George KPovoke mid wtlo to Ut'oruo W Loomls , lot' } , blk 13 , Dwlglit * Lyiimn's nUd , Onmlm , w d , 55X ) . ll THE HISTORY OF A HIRED GIRL How n Beardless Young Man Undo a Living iu Swnnstou , Persecutions eCu HntcliciMntrlinoqi nlly Inclined Thoi-oiiKlily Up In All Itrnnolics of Housework nml Initially Arrested. A young man who , under various aliases , has figured in several western cities of late , and who has just served a term in the Hriiti-wcll in Chicago on conviction of theft , related a few of his adventures here last night , says a Milwaukee corresspondimt. He now calls himself Henry Jackson , nnd at lirst glance ho might bo taken for a young man who , perhaps , was old enough to vote. A closer scrutiny , how ever , would convince the observer that l.e was not much under . ' 30. His slight lignro , small hands and feet , smooth faoe and fair complexion , gave him an at ) pearancc of youth , which was belied by the few wrinkles on his forehead aim about his eyes. "When 1 came west six years ago , " ho said , "I stopped in .Milwaukee for u time and looked for work. I knew nobody , and the kind of employment that I thought myself lilted for was not open to me. As n\y \ necessities became greater , 1 sought work as a laborer , but. owing to my sl/e , 1 was either refused l > y bosses in search of men , or as suon as they could ( hid a heavier man Ihey laid me oil1. I was about discouraged when a cheap restaurant here , wheie I had boarded , lost one of its waiters , and I applied for and got the job. 1 did not like the business , but ns it promised to keep body and soul together through Iho winter , I concluded to keep at It. At tlio end of a mouth the owner of the place sold out and I lost my job. After looking around a little and sceng no prospect ot getting work here , I roncludi'il to go to Chicago and try. I could at least get a job there as a waiter , 1 thniiirht , and to that I bent my energies. At the end of a week I found myself installed in a beer hall and rest aurant at half a dollar a day. While there 1 noticed that it was comparatively easy to get men , but that steady and ef- licient girls for the kitchen were scarce. Ono day I read an article in the Taper about the scarcity of house servants and explaining hqw good girls could easily pot 9,1) a week and a comfortable home. That set me to thinking , and in the course of a short time I had decided to try my luck as a girl. I always had a smooth face , and 1 know that I could get myself'up so as to look as well as the average house servant. One of the girls at the restaurant was a friend of mine , and between us the job was lived up. 1 loft the restaurant one night in woman's clothes , and as a man i was never seen there again. "The next day. with a list of people who were advcrlisjng tor girls , 1 started out. As Wisconsin servant trirls are at a premium in Chicago , 1 told' everybody that I was the daughter of a farmer liv ing near Milwaukee. Three or four la dies did not want me because I could not say that I was a good cook. One said she liked my looks and wanted me to cull again the next day. Toward even ing I called at a house where the lady informed me that she had got a girl , hut that she had a friend living in Swanston , . , a suburban town , who wanted one , and that if i would call again in the evening I could see her. As she held out a pros pect of good pay I thought I woxld try itni any way , and so in the evening 1 put in an appearance. Tlio Swanston lady was thercrwaitiiifj for me , and the upshot of ilWi was that I was hired out to her for $0 a week , with half a day oil' each week. I was ; to do general housework and she volunteered to teach me things that 1 did not know. The next day I moved out there anil was duly installed as maid of all work. There was another girl in the house , but as she was a nurse 1 did not see much ol her. pNow , I know considerable about cook ing and housework or i never should have : thought of trying it. At home I had ns a boy helped m ymothor a great dual , ; and there were plenty of things that 1 could do as well as anybody. The lady appeared ' to like my style , and as she was : an experienced housekeeper she was m only willing but able to give me'such in as 1 needed. I swept , cooked and washed and ironed , and as soon ns I got well hcitled in my place I came to the conclusion that it was a great deal better than starving as u man. I had just made up 1 my mind that the girls who refuse to dc housework and prefer to Mrugglo along in shops and stores in the cities were making fools of themselves , when ono day , after I had been at my place about three months , the butcher boy , a lubberly fellow who used to make him self quite fresh around the housegrabbed sem whim I was ofl'my guard and planted kiss i on my mouth. I came within an ace of planting my list in his nose , but it suddenly occurred to mo that that was what servant girls > hud to expect , and I could fool my checks burning with the confusion which came upon. me. Then twitted mo about blushing , and finally wound up by inviting mo to go sleighing , which ! 1 iliially agreed to do. From that time on the butcher and I were great friends. J tried to keep the cuss at arms' loiiKth : , but the moro distant and digni- lied 1 became the moro ho seemed to think of mo. Finally ho wanted me to inarrv him , and I put him oh"on the plea that 1 had promised my mother on her death-bed that I would not marry until nl my Hltlo brothers and sisters had be come able to support thumsclves. llo became so much of a nuisance nl length that I had to leave that place , much against my will , and llnd another iu the city. lly Hint time 1 was reasonably compe tent in all branches of housework , nml I had no ( rouble in getting work in Chi MS cago. I found thu conditions the sumo they had boon. While thorn worn plenty 1 of men out of work and plenty of women who were trying to got work at starvation t : wages down town it was as easy : as rolling oil'a log to got good situ ations ns house horvants. 1 think if I Jind seen any chance of gettiuz some thing to do as a man , I would hnvo loft olVmy ( ire.'ses. but I didn't and I then pot out with the- idea that 1 would try lo save enough money to make the neces sary deposit and become a . trcet cir : conductor. My now place was harder than the o'd ' ono , but I got along all right , nnd stayed there for two years , when the family broke up. .My acquain tances were nearly all amuiurtho girls , ' and the only way 1 could lind out how the ! labor market was was by asking market men what bhow tlioro was for a \o brother of mino. 1 got a job in this way ? Iho driver of a delivery wagon for a grocer , and for a year or so I dressed ns man , but as another chap Imally cut under ii.o in wages and secured tlio place became disgusted with my snx , and after looking in vain for work , donned my dresses again and trot a place as cook a big family where they had a house full o ? sorva'nts I stayed tlioro a good while , and might have been there yet , only ono of Iho girls got mad at me , and , communicating her suspicions lo Iho lady , the latter cornered mo and inado mo admit that I was not a girl. llicii. got even with im- , shy had mo arrested for stealing , and the worst of it was shn swore so itiflly against me that she con victed me. . , "I'm ' just out of that tempo , and I don't think 1 shall try the servant irlrl sphpnie again. SlHI , I am of the opinion that it is a great opening .for young men who cnn'l make their Ihing in any other way. If .the girb thcmsnlves wo't\ld \ TFv to g"M worn lit hard labor for n wLI/rS / niul find themselves thrown out every time that a bigger follow i-amc along , tiny would s-oon discover Iho advantage of having n bed to go to and something to eat , rain or shine. " THE IRISH WIDOW. Thoitlut : | e cil'.MlMq Pol.Hom's to tlio Vhlte \ Mouse to lie a . New York Mercury : "Do ye * know , Mrs. McUlaggertv , " said the Widow Magoogin , "that ivcr lnce tlH-prisident's wt'ddin' I've boon thinkln' tlin matter over , an' bi-iiorra I've med up mo molnd that Miss FwhiitVernamo inert a arail mishtako twhin she married Priwlint Cleveland ? " "How is that ? " the neighbor askrd. "Be the way she wlnt about II , " Mild Mrs. Magoogin. "Molnd nip now , Mrs. McGlaggerty , I'm not foindin'any fault wild her fur grabbin' at her chance fhin it war olli'rt to her , boktiM' I'm not to very sartin that us sthrict as I am mt-snlf an' as purticklar as I'd be a IF 1 war goin * to marry agin an' the jrud Lawrd forbid that 1 ivcr shud thiiiK of tiikin' any man to , put in place av un < own dear Ulnny that's dead an' gone , may heaven purteot an' guard his soul I'm not so sartib but fwhat I'd bo primpin' mcsclf up a little bit an' tloin' some foolish things , nil' it kem iiQi-nss me to folnd a prisitfint av the Nee Noltod States fur a liusban' . But It ain't the marryin' av him that I'm bhunin' ( he leady fur at all all ; no indeed , I'm glad she's med so gud a match , an' 1 hope it'll fall to her lot to marry more av thlni afore she goes to glory , but fwhiu a woman condescmds to Inivn a la/y lob v a man sit In his parlor wild his eruheins an' the table an' his hat sot on the bdclc av his head , an' she answers his Leckniin' fur her to come to him to bii married. thin , Mis. Mt'Glai'gerly , she din intoirely wrong , an1 bo heavens afore I'd go to him I'd hnve to be carried to him , an' it'd take folor policeman an" a I'oivo horse carriage to do the carry in' be.sohles. Glory lie to God , but did ye/ HUT hear the ioikes av it afore ? ! why all' it war m.y Arcllioosy , to say nawthin1 av its bi'i.'i' mo-elf at all , I'd'no more coiiMiit to her dcmamin' herself in that shto lo than I'd laivo her be a vnroloty aethr'ess an * show her bare legs on the shtnge in thim things they call tomtits. Dour mi1 , but won't iverybody that knows aii.vthin1 at all about iiltyciike tell vex that it's tl.o man that intisht come to the woman an' not the. woman to the man ? Don't biikrH an1 aitycake sex. so ? Did I # 0 to my Dinny's house fwhin 1 wiut to marry him , nn' did you go to Jurry's house ? No , mam. we did not. They Kem toz \ an' it's glad 'they war to got iz fur the coiiiin' , too , I'll howld ye. MyDinny Lawrd have inarcy on him was as giid a man. Mrs. McGlaggerty , as uver ilhrow the breath of loifo , nn' tlioro wasn't a foiticr dancer uver left the county Galway - way ; but all' he had axed me to com- over to him to be married , divil choke mo all' I'd slitir wan POK. not all' J wipe mjver married. Miss Foldheral , or fwatiiver her name is , slmil have stud up on her dignity , Mrs. MeGlajrgertv , fwhiu the pnsidcnt axed her to come over to the white house she shud have hilt up her head an' towld him to go to the divil. That's fwhat I'd have done undlier thu circumstances , Mrs. Mctthiggcrty. I'd have shtud on me own dung hill an' shnappcd mo lingers at him an .sed , 'Not mooch , Mist her Prlsidmt av the Nee Noited Shtates ; all'ye want Berdi9 Magoogin yo'H have to eonio fur her to fwhero she is ; an' all'ye don't , shtay fwhero ye are , an' I'll do the same1 Thrala la ! ' That's me , Mrs. MeGlngcorty. There's too much av the owld Magoogin jhpunk in me to knuckle down to any body , prisidmt or no prisidint , Mrs. McGlaggorty. " JOHN J. JKN.VINOS. The public are invited to investigate the plan anil purpose of the "Charity Union Wood Yard" when in need of stove wood and kindling , which will bo deliv ered to any part of the city in onp-quar- tor , 3-hali or cord lots at lowest rates. Louis Wilson , of Cameron , Mo. , eight years old. was knocked down and run svcr in the street , and a heavy wlieo } passed over his chest , breaking the cartilages that connect ; the ribs and tlio jrcast bone. He never uttered n cryj nil when his playmates thronged around iim in trrcat excitement , he said : "Gee- whiz ! Why , you all run as if I was aside show. " Louis will got well , the doctors say. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A innrvcl of pur- Iv.i-lroiiKUi mill wtjoUiauiiienojt ) . Moro conn- nmlcitl tliiin tlin ordinary kiml and cnnnot lie hold In competition with tlio imiltllucJo of low tui-t , short wolBlit riliim or jiliospliato powilors. Bold onjy In miif. Hov.ll. UAKIMI 1'OWUBU Co Wall St. , Now Voik , MAPK IIV MAGIC STAUCH CO. I'JIIliADBW'HIA , PA. FINEST and BEST IN Till ! WOULD. NEEDS NO COOKING- L'rodtiulng a rich , bountiful GLOSS and HTIKFNKSS. Starch yet introduced fan bo com- jiniW witli thuJIAWO. One puKa'o : : will do the work of two poumlH of ordinary Hturdi. gold under cimramoc of tlio manufucturers. SLOAX , JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Agent * , Oinuhu , Neb. TiMKEW SPF1IHG EHICLES. OVER 400,000 tliorlrn * welt iiclupli'il lo tovub cauutTT rond. uiiil Iinr rtrltrWt : iij } . Miiniifiijluri-d uii.Uuld br oil Iruilluj turilu-v ! liullavr * uud Ueulvr *