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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1886)
-THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTBENTH YEAB. OMAHA. THURSDAY MOUSING , JULY 1 , 1886. NUMBER 11 * THE STRIKING SWITCHMEN , They Succeed in Ditching Several Trains Ly Throwing One Switchi GUARDS SHOWERED WITH FILTH. The Workmen at tlic Stock Ynrils Show Their Sympathy l-'or the blrllcei-H In n Very Dirty AVuy. Tire Srllcln Svvltchmnn , voo , Juno SO. [ Special Telegram to ( he llr.i : . ] Freight trallic was innlntalncd b > the Lake Shore .V : Michigan Southern rail road without Interruption on the main tracks to-day. But a force of 11(5 ( Plnkerton men , nil except fortv armed with repeating rifles wns necessary , In addition lo thu full availa ble force of Town of Like police , to prevent Interference by striking switchmen. The Htockjurds trafllc wns attended with more nnxlety as to peaceful results than the main line. The sympithy of the packing-house men with thu strikers , shown onthuocca- nlon of thu detaching of the train there last evening , called for iinusal piccautlons. Men ind eaisot thu Inko Shnruroad weiu in an nemj'seountiy when they left their own rack" . Uoadmaster M-utln , who has c nitrol if Iho stock yards svvlteliboaul , gives the Lake Shore precedcnco civet other loads dur- ug the landing trouble. But llicro Is a rong undurciiiientof fyelliiiramong theem- lojesol the yards and packing-houses and ill outbreak was feared all day. livery 1 iwllulr Is guarded by rlllemcu , and each locomotive thalci.tcis the yi.ids is loaded with heavily aimed men. Thu packlng- 'uitrso men come to thu doors and' windows ind hoot and jeer as the tiains pass. A shower of stones and ollal was thiovvn liom iho Chicago Packing t Piovlslon eompinv's i laughter house at the men on thu Lake Shoto engine and caboose that had been halted alongside of It. The rioters had Just been set fico for their dinner hour , nnd thousands gntheiod about the spot. A lot ot offal was first thrown and struck one of the " thrcu 1'inkeiton men who weio on tlio lealmoso. This was greeted with yells of do- liL'ht by tlio mob , arrd was followed by a tor rent of stones , sticks and other missiles. The Ilrst Impulse of the riflemen vvas to reply from their Winchesters , but they weio 10- btrtalncd by a deputy shcrlfT.and a bloody riot wasaveited. Thudistiirbaucu was ended by tlio whistle blowing the 12:30 : recall. Then the engine steamed back to the Like Shore round house , and thu police and detectives took dinner. Odleer Michael Begley , of thu Town of Lake police , was sttuck on the face with a Hying club nnd Iris jaw broken. A 1'lnkerton man named John Lyon was also hurt , but not seiionsly. Four of the iloters have been anestud by Pinkerton's men , one being shot in the leg. A St. Paul train was wrecked as it wasb.'lug hauled onto the Lake Shore track , theswitch : being thrown wlien the train vvas half over and ditching 14 cars. This vvas at tuc stock yards ' 'T" of the Lake Shore tiack , and a Haltlmoto & Ohio train coming along was also derailed. This was followed by a Lake Shoio stock train , which was wrecked , making a complete blockade of Mio track. At a general meeting to-night of the Chicago cage switchmen to taku action legaiding tlio Lnko Shore Rtrlko , it WHS decided that iinan- ' cial aid would bo ulverr to thu Lake Shoie men , but the switchmen generally would ic- jnnin neutral and uostilku would bu entered on oilier roads. 01 unit DKTAII.S OK Tin : DAY. The usual two car loads of Pinker ton men arrived at Hoot Mi'eet shortly utter- seven this morning and business was im mediately started by the L-.iko Shore company. Theontlrc Pinker ton force , with the exception ol a do/on men , mo now aimed wllh lilies and a guaid Is sent out with every train and accompanies It to Coletown. While fhcio seems no likelihood of any tumble around Chicago to day except , perhaps , at thu stockyaidH , there Is considerable anxiety manifested on both sides as to the piobable action to bo taken by the Lake ( shore switch men at other points. Kiirflno 4 IS escorted by thirty special police men at 11 rids 11101 nlng was sent into the stockyaida. On anivlug near the packing hpuse.s intense excitement prevailed. Kveiy wludowot tliu packing houses was crowded with workmen who yelled ollenslve epithets atthoguaids. It was le.ued thcro would bo trouble when tlio woikmen went to dinner. At 1" o'clock the Lake Shoio engine attached to a tool ear and caboose was stopped behind tlio Chicago Packing and I'lovision compaiij'.s slaughter house by u train of cars In liont. As the packing house whistles blew the signal lor the dinner hour a crowd of at least two thousand employes gathered In the vicinity. -Tho windows of Iho packing house , Imme diately bcsldo the train , were thronged with workmen who began to jell at the officers and In a few moments the wildest excitement picvallcd. Some ollal was thrown Irom the window sand .shuck ono of the three Pinkerton - ton men who weie on top of the car. This was a slirnal lor a shower ( if stones and clubs which weie thiown trom tlio windows and roofs of the buildings. OIllecrMlkoBoKloy was struck on tlm jaw by onuot the clubs arrd seiionsly injured. Tlio Pinker ion men their lilies to shoot but weio restrained by a de puty shei 111. A shot at that moment would undoiibti diy have precipitated a serious riot. ' 1 ho crowd wns H tally broken up when tlio whistles summoned them back to work at : 0 o'clock. The train was then started rip uid moved behind Armour's and Mmphy'.s \ packing houses amid a shower of missiles , which did no duma-e. Sf Two Plnkeilon ofllcors , Georco Kd- I niunds and n man known ns I Hurry , stationed at Long Bridge , halt n mlle r lion ; tjoiilh Chie.igo , heard a shot a lew bun- U. died ymdHun thu track at u : 0 o'clock last night. Hiuiy went up to see what Iho trouble was , leaving Kdmunds to gnaid the bridge. 'Ihreo men weiostanding on the traclf , and wh. n Harry ordereil them to move on they Attacked him. He drew a ruvolverand fired ono t-hot , which made a hole- through the Ight leg of one ottho tellows jiift below ttm Knee. The muiio ol the Injuied man could not ho learned , tin Ids companions carried him away Immediately. Aim-Ill PAYNK'H SOAftP. The Ohio Detonation Aculn Asks For mi Investigation. JYAHiiiNO'ioN , Juno : H ) . Tno republican members of the Ohio delegation In the honso > f representatives to-tiny filed with the senate vmimltteo on pilvilogea and elections n com- iunicatlon asking for the leconslderatlon ot ItsdeeUion not to grant the Investigation Into the method of the election of Henry B , Vayno to the senate of the United States. The communication having been submitted to Senator Sherman , ho said : " 1 heartily Sgrco wllh every word In it , urrd have no ob- lection to my position being known. " An other communication from Hepresenta- tivis Little and Duttcrworth was ad dicted to Senator Hoar bearIng - Ing upon tuo Pnjno Investigation and anuouncine tlio possession ot informa- ton pointing to the bribery of members of * hobl\ty-8lMlr general assembly who voted or Payne.I'lio communication gives e\- racts of leftera and telegrams by way of Illustrating the nature of tlio information ro- lurrcil to , and conclude : ' Your committee , vvowlll venture to add , in conclusion , will not overlook thu fact that our showing , made lit tlm Jpce of Iho most persistent and power- jul opi >'.ou ot unlimited means and ex pedients , has been mm lor an investigation wid not iorimal action follow Ins nil lnvesti- cutlou. " _ An lovvuu Noiniiuiteil. WASIUSUTOX , Juno : w-Tho pn-MIent \ lias sent In the nomination of David H. JUcatUiley to bo vostuiaster * t ( A U U , la. HAIIjWAY POSTAL CLKUKS. They Will Moot to Protect Them- Helves Agatntt Kcmovnl. UmcAdo , June 30. [ Special Telegram to the lint : . ] A meeting of the Brotherhood of Hallway Postal Clerks , which Postmaster General Vitas deemed .revolutionary and for belonging to which he'ordered the Mimmary discharge of a number of clerks last week , Is to bo livid at Indianapolis on Filday of this week. The members of the organization do rrot appear In any wlso deterred by the Older of the postmaster general , and declare that Ihej will persist In their right to hold a meet- Infer their mutual bcnclil desulte the orders fiom Washington , In a communication Irom a member of the order , which will ap pear In print tn-moriow , he savs : When .Mr. Vllas assumed clnuuc of the po.stolcodepaitmcnt ! ! , I think I am safe In saying thatuvery republican eleik in thlsscr- vice expected to bo removed just ns soon as a democrat could he selected to till his place. Thebettcrclassof ; clerks weie sci-king other employment , and many succeeded , which no doubt caused-Mr. Vilaa to feel that the ser- vicuwoiilil soon become eilpplcd and Im paired. Hence he issued the follow Ing order : The communication then quotes the special notice of the postmnstergeneral , dated March ill , 1S8In which he announces that "rall- v\a > eleiks who have become ellleient and valuable men against whom no just com plaint of neglect , Inattention , or waul of lidclltj , honesty 01 ellicleney can be biought. and w ho have not tinned their attention to political labor dining the seivice , need have no learnt being dlstuibed so long as they continue to lender merltous and faithful suivice.1' The writer then says : If Mr. Vlhis had said , what ho Is practicing n systematic removal ot eleiks that re movals would bemadu just as rapidly as pos sible , then the clerks In thu serviio would have , in many Instances , secured other em ployment or would luuu expected a removal any day. But ho issued this special notice letter nnlooked lor and without solicitation on the p.ut of thu clerks. Now , wliun a clerk Is removed , hu Is branded at homo as being either dishonest or incOlclciit , as the public at laigu thinks the p > stmaster general is complying strictly with his letter.e'ccept inthuciisu ot Siipeiintendent Burl , ot the tilth division , whnictuscd lo comply with a ol the postmaster geneiiu , that 130 eleiks In Ids department be recommended to tire dniMiiment lor removal .by a em tain given time , .Mr. Burl's refusal vvas on the Ktoiiinl that It would impair tlie sirviee in his division , hence his removal. Many re movals have been made whollv without any cause whatever. Theieloie this oigaui/atiun was Dlleeted , in onler that Postmaster Cien- oral Vllas could be assisted by tire clerks In doing ju t us he volnntailly agioed to do. It Is not the intention to ask torn cleik'h rein statement where , upon investigation , It ap- peais to bo sulllcient cause lor removal. The communication declared that it is the Intention to continue the organizationdespite thu attempt to frighten the. clerk-sand require Ihc fulfillment by the postmaster ceneial of his promises. The announcement that the meeting Is to bo held has occasioned consid erable eoiisteination , ns it is declined that every ono who attends piobably jeopnidi/.os his official caicur. It is stated hero to-night taat therein oscillation at the meetlnir will bo very large and that It may possibly indi cate a ciisis in thu railway mail service. THE KAIIjHO\D IVAlt. Proposals ofSpeedy Settlement ofPas- Monger nuil Freight Rates. CIIICAOO , Juno SO. [ Special Telegram to the Bir.J : : "I think , " said President Cable , ot the Uock Island railroad , "that peace will bu patched up In the railroad war. It may lie delayed , however , by the opening ot the Wis consin Central road next Tuesday. There Is no notice qiUlorn meeting for a fixed day. One , 1 think , will DO held , however , next week or a week alter. " Another official , a commeioial agent for a big granger road , said : "Tlm euttliiL' is leallv not sei ions. H is altogether in the higher classes. It is more smoke than . - " powder.- There vvas no change In either the freight orpassnnircr wais to-day. In tliu loriucr ac tive measures aie being taken to biing about peace. Tlio St. Paul , Bmllngtoii. Uock Islandand Northwestern have simiiiied their anxiety for peace , and their willingness to attend a meeting to bilng this about. On the Mb of July the Wisconsin Central opens bus iness. Now roads usually begin with rate slabjjiiigfor the ot getting themselves talked about. It Is luaied that this will be tlio policy of the lust competitor tor Chicago business. The Chicago , Burlington & Aoith- crn will be opened in August. It these roads are to out , the prospects are lml. But as each la simply a now line of an old load , tlio ciittlnt ; will piobably bu dispensed with. Tlie total reorganization of all the old pools will , however , necessarily lollovv. T1IK SPQUTING AVOItM ) . Vcstcrday's Evonta on tire Turf and Diamond. Sinii'.smAr : : > BAY , JuiicSX The faiewcl stakes , winning penalties , non-winning and Maiden allowances , lor three-year-olds , sovcn-iiigliths mlle : Joe Cotton won. Cyclops second. Poiillauthiid. Time 1:37 : . Handle ip , all ages , ono and one-eighth mile * : Unicst won , Tolu second , ( Jreuadler third. Time I'M. < ! ood-hje stakes , for two-vcar-olds , thrcc- qmutcrsmllo : Treinoiu won , Lady Primrose - rose second , Ittllala tlilid. Time 1:15. : Spundtlnift stakes , lortlnee-year-olds , pen alties and allowance * , ono and u quaitor miles : The Bald and Dowdtop ran a dead heat for Hist place. Con Began thlid. Time " :0iJ : ; . Dowdion did not appear for the irrn- ell and The Bard walked over thu course tor the stakes. Suven-elghth mile : Bonnie S won. Com mander second , LUilo Mack third , 'f line Handicaps , one and a quarter miles : Tom Mai tin won , Tecumsch second , Uiconheld third. Time 'iWf. : ) VinJoih" istakes , milo : Frankie 1) ) won , Svv lit second , Ascondcrthlrd. Timu li-J. : The Unso Itall Record , Piltsburg 25011200 1 12 Athletics 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ! J Plti'hura Gnivln. Atkinson iind Kennedy. First basu hits Plttshiirg 10 , Athletics 10. Kiioib-l'lttsburg ' . ' , Athletics5. Umpire helly. ATtlN'CIW.VA'lI Cincinnati : i o o a n o a a a is Baltimore 0 0 o a 3 a i o 0 7 I'iteher.s Mullano nnd Kllroy. First base hitri-Ciiiciiiiiati 17 , Baltimore H. Krrora Cincinnati 5 , Baltimore 7. Umplio Valen tine. tine.ArSr. . Louis St. Louis 1 7 Metionolitan 0 ! ) Pitchers Hudson , Font t and Mays. First luso hits St. Louis 1'J. Metropolitans 7. Krrors SI , Louis i , Metropolitans a. Um pire Walsh. AT KANSAS Cnv Kansas City.,0 5 New York 0 0 'J 0 a 0 2 4 o u Fli t base hits Kansas City K , Now York 18. Knois Karuas City 5 , New York a , Umtmo-Yoik , AT Loursvir.i.i : Brooklyn , , 'J 0 0 0 i o o 0 1 14 Louisville 1 00 0005 0 Pitchers Porter ami Itamt-ov. First base Ints Louisville IS , Brooklyn ; t. Hrrors Louisville , Brooklyn a. Umpire Bradley. AT Sr. Lours St. Louis 0 1100000 2 4 Boston. , , o-o PitehiTi IChliy arrd Stemrneyer. First base hits St. Louis 7. Beaten b. Errors St. Louis 11 , Boston 0. Umpire-Curry. Informed of a Murderous Plot. BiiiMixoriAM , Juno so. Joseph Chamber- Iain told a reporter of the Uirniineham Mall that well intormed filends informed him that there vvas in existence an Irish plot to murder him. This information , Chamber- Jain added , has been corroborated by the London police , who warned him of thu plot , " ' d Informed him tire assassins meant to Kill Lord Haitliiuton also. Chamberlain iT.'d both hlrnseir and LonlHartlnL-iou in ronsequfieo permitted themselves to be pl.-wa under police pre-tecttoiu PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICANS , They Tell the Beauties of Protection and the Evils of Tree Trade. THE STATE TICKET NOMINATED. 'lliey Declare Per Submitting < > ie Question of Prohibition to the People nnd Against Koreign Contract Iiixtior. Itopttblrenns In Convention. HAiint iiiMii ( , June no. Tire tariff address adopted by the republican convention to-day reviews the hibtoiy of the tarilV since l W , to show Hint the democratic party has for the last llfly years legislated njiaitist the best Interests of the American people In the direc tion ot free trade , to the ereat detriment of Arner lean Industry. Reference Is made to the repeal ot the democratic free trade lawby a republican nmgress in IbOl , when the Merrill - rill tariff bill passed"and for theltrst time in the history of the country , " says tlio address , "we have had twenty jears of uninterrupted protection to American labor and capital. Fig- uies an ; quoted to show that In IS50 the total value of pioperly in thu country was SM.OOO- txwKX , ( ) ; in 1S-0 the total value was feHOOO- OCO.OCO , an Increase in twenty years of Sro,000OooOOJ , or moie than double tlie ae- cumulated moperty fiom 1807 to IbfX ) . Dur ing ton jears ot f ice trade , ended in 1SOI , or > r imports exceeded our expoits SW.O .OJO ; under the ( iiicr.itlon of ten jears of jiotec- tlon , ended June ! iO. U85 , our expoils ex ceeded our Imports sliOGriiooa : , : ; , , or tin an- rial average ot tioi.M,000. : ; ( a net gain In our favor ot SlT.'i.OOO.CHX ) n year , liclcrence is made to attempted tailll legislation hy thu democr.its since 1S75 , when tlrev obtained control of the house , eacli of which Is de nounced us dangerous attempts to over throw thu gie.U system whlrh has built up the in dustries ol the country. In closing , atten tion is called to thu tact that thedcniociats are.still determined to Insist upon n reduc tion of thu duties and to abolish the tailtTii | > - 011 law materials , thus further menacing the piospeilty of the country. Chaliman Cooper called the republican state convention to older at ID o'clock In the opera house , which was packed with dele gates and spectators. Every delegation was pre.sent with full membei.s and there weio no eontests. G. F. Gllvcr was elected chairman by a unanimous vote. Oliver , in taking the chair , spoke of the enthusiasm of the con vention and addressed himself to tlie taiifi. Ho .said. "The republicans ol this great state should pioclaim to the world that we demand a tarill , not foi ievenuoonlvnotoven lor reve nue ! with Incidental protectionbut lor protec tion alonc.l mention tlih Issue cause it is so interwoven with the prospeiity of our people that It is necessarily paramount In the minus of all I'emisylvaiiians. I ho fact that It remains unsettled is icason enough for the continuance in lite of any party. Unt there rue others second only to ft in Importance. The ques tion of the mutual rlgnts and duties of cap ital and labor , and tlie enactment ot laws guarding the Interest ol both common car- licis and s'lippers. These and other matters demand thu attention of our legislators , both state and national. Geneial Heaver was nominated hy acclama tion to tic governor and Wm. T. D.ivles for lieutenant governor. The ticket was completed as follows : , A. Wilson Norrls ; seciclary of internal affairs , T. J. Stewart ; congress man at Inure , F. A. Osborne. Resolutions were adopted that the legisla- tmo should submit to the people thu question ot Inserting in tlie constitution a clause pro- lilbltingthomaiiul.ictitru itml srtlo HI Ilifei- catirn ; liquor as u buveiago within'tlio limits of the commonvNealth of 1'ennsylvanla ; con demning the dlsfranchlbciiient of the colored vote : declaring that tuttiic conventions .shall consist onlvot delegates ehosen from repre sentative dlstt lets : appraisingiho Inter-.state commerce bill ; dopiecatiii ! ; the imnortatlon ot foreign paiier ] labor and criminal contract labor , and the pass.igo of the national law piolilbllinLr such impoitatlon ; ' proclaiming hostility to tho.Morrison tariir bill , and de manding that the American system of pro tection hi' maintained ; demanding that this s.v > tem be extended so as to beueht the com mercial m.ii lue and tlio navy. The ul.itfonn as presented was adopted. Adjoiirued. Arkansas- Democrats Nominate. Li rrLi : KocK. Aric. , Juno ! ! 0. The demo cratic state cornentlon wet at noon to-day , nearly every county beina repicsentoil. Alter apjiolntlng comuiittces the convention adjourned till n p. m. Un reassumblini ; tills afteinoon the convention nominated for governor , Hughes ; treasurer , Woodruff ; land commissioner , Cobbs : attorney , Joncs , : judge of the hiipremu court , B.rttlo ; secretary of Male , Moore ; and supctintcnd- ent of public Instiuction , Thompson. X'end- intr the dellbcralions of the platform com mittee , the convention adjourned. A. Ministerial Nominee. MAxcnrsTiit : : , N. H. , Juno : > 0. Hev. H. L. McKlnnoy was today nominated for con- giess by tlio democrats of the First tlla- trict. _ That IriHli HeiiHiitlon All JJosli. CrnoAQo. Juno 'JO. [ Special Telegram to the HUE , ] Concerning the Fortnightly lie- vlow'ssensatlon , alleging that Mr. Kgan had 801UO connection with the Phicnl.x park as sassination , Alexander Sullivan bald : "It evidently was ono of a scries Intended to arouse .English piojudh'o agaliibt Gladstone In the penning canvas. 1 do not bellevo theio isan authority better than the diseased Imagination or the paitlsanshlp of the Eng lish tory to justify such an accusation. Kgan removed fiom Paris to Dublin , and lived and did business there for snveral months during the jcar following the I'luenK park tragedy. Coercion was still alive. Whv did they not arrest Mm ? His accounts were examined and audited by John Dillon and Matt llairis , membeis of paillamunt , and Father Sheedy. All those gentlemen are within r each of an English jury. If leaicuo money had been used for the assassination , the Moiy would bo told In court , not In the Fortnightly. The story Is all bosh. " A. Ijoiilavlllo Hcnantinn. LOUISVII LiJ : mm W ) . A sensation was en acted hero last night by n rumor that Colonel It. M. Kelly , until recently United States periblon agent at this point , was shoit in his accounts to tlio government. Tire rumor had been current several days , but last nlKht the Courier-Journal received a dispatch from Washington , saying on thn authority of Third Auditor Williams that when Kelly was succeeded by Gen. lluoll , hero February 17 , the htntoment of his accounts show ed a ei edit to the government of 851,100 In the Xew York snb-trcasiiiy. In- milry at the siib-troasnry , however , revealed the fact that only .six dollars was there duo the government trom the pension oilicolicre. Kelly was notllioiand Geneiul Williams says lie linnrodlqtoly paid over the 51.000 , thus siiuailng hU accounts. Wll- Jhims , without nxplalirlng , eald ho thought Kelly had been deceived and duped by those hotnibted. Kelly states simply that Ids ac counts had been examined ami found cor rect , and ho owes the government nothing , A Heavy Defalcation. rjiii.AUEi.ruiA , JunoSO. Tirasurcr Wil son , of tlio Chesapeake & Delaware 'canal company , left the city last night , luavlnsr on Ills desk a note containing a confession of a guilty knowledge of the over ibsuo of 8015- SCO of bonds under the thirty-year mortgage loan of the company of July , 1850 , The loan matures to-morrow , and as the fraudulent transaction could no longer bs concealed , Wilson left the city , it Is alleged , In company with Ijenrv V. Ladle , tire former treasurer , under whose odininistratton the over issue was made. A tier going over tire books the company announced that , owing to the treas urers defalcation , the Interest on thu would riot bo paid till further uoU * 11113 SUU\HYOUCnXI3UALSIlU\ _ _ The Opinion KxproKscdThnt Nebraska Will IjflxothcOnicc. WASHINGTON , Juno SO. ( Special Tele gram to the lluM. ] "The consolidation of the olllees of surveyor jrdneral of Dakota and Nebraska by the < qnato committee on appro priations means the practical abolishing of the ofllce In Nebraska , " said Delegate Glf- ford to your correspondent to-day. "The committee contends , " continued Judge Glf- f jrd , "that thcro Is no nnsnrvoycd lands of consequence In Nebraska , and thcrefoio no need of the oulcc. iroiremanls to bo snr- vcj or general for both Nebraska nnd Dakota , why Dakota wilt tillnnd , claim the olllce , and this is understood attll rreKnnvv ledgcd to bo true by the Nebraska delegation. " "Do jou think the consolidation clause will pass ? " 1 asked. "Oh , ves , " replied Judge Gilford. "It has been ngreed to by the committees ot both" houses , recommended by thu treasury depart ment , and will pass. " noiiKivo von nn : ur.s VIOIMS : HIM , . The house to-morrow will In all probability take up the bill , which has just been passed over the veto in the senate , quieting title to settlers in DCSLoines river hinds. Repre sentatives FredeiIfks , Murphj , btrnble , Con ger , Anderson and oilier associates have been nt woik all daj long among the mom- bciswho ucforo voted nsainst tlio bill , with the idea of securlr x favoiablo votes from them to-mouow. 'i'lrcy report considerable progress In their work , and each member icclsconfident that the bill will pass over the veto. It will probably corao up in the .morn- Ing hour , hetore the regular business of the day Is begun. MUI.VSKAXS : ! AnvixsT oi.ioviAno.vni\i : : . A very stiouir petition in laver of the pass age of the oleomargarinu bill from n large number ot clti/uns of Pawnee county was presented In the serrate to-day bv Mr. Man- dei > on. It begins to look as though the oleo- niargaunc bill would not get through this session. wisinu.POSTAL : ru.\Nor < > . mail seivice to Frejhuig , la. , has been discontinued ; also to Lydla , Custei county , Neb. , and lo Slmicoii , Cheny county. Changes have been ordered nsiollovv.s in tlio tlmescheduleot thestai mail route from Sioux Itapldsto Ajeishlrc. la. : l.eaveSloux Kap- idsMoudavsand Fridays , atSa. m ; airive at Ayersiiirehj 5 ] > . m. Leave Ajershire Tues- dajs and Salurday.s , at7 a. ru.j arrive at Sioux Rapids hy 4 p' m. And as follow s In Xebiaska routes to talc oef- . m. ; airlvo at Santee agency bj lla.m. \ \ ester vllle to Arundiat I-eav o Westervillo lue-sdaj-s , Thuisdays and Saturdays , at 1 p. in. : ai ilvo at Arcadia by 7 p. m. Leave Arcadia Tuesdays , Tlrursdajsaud Saturdays , at G a. m. ; arnvo nt Westervillo by 13 m. nn : r.vioN PAOIKIC miANcrr riira. . Rcpiesentativus Vtreavcr and Dorsuy were betoiotho house ejorninlttco on i'aciiic mil- roads to-day and 'urged ' the committee to take up and act upon the bill authorising tlio Union 1'acilieto build bianch lines. As the chairman and two' of the leading mem bers of the committee weie absent , actioh was deferred till next Friday. niii.nn1 FOU KKsinsvre SI-TTM-IIS. , Itepicsentativo Perkins , a member of the comr.iittco on Indian atTaiis , made a third attempt to , have the house con sider the senate amendments to the bill to-day , granting an extension ol time to pm- chascis of land on tho'Omaha and Wlnnc- bago rcscivations in Kansas and Nebi-aska. Morrison of Illinois , however , objected nnd Iho bill went over uciln. 1'orkins nnd Dor- sey wont to .Mr. Mon1oii. oxplalrrcd the pro vision of the bill..nn < i icqiiested him to witlf > draw nlH objection" to its'Consideration. . Ho promised tuat ho vondTjotr ) object vvhcTtr the bill was agaih calitd uf | ; and Messrs. 1'tr- kins and Dorseyihavo hopes of success next time. . . . , PeicvK. Claike , of Jovva.'a tiilnl assistant examiner in the been promoted meted to a second assistants : ! ' } ! , going from 81,400 to ! } liOOa ( ear. Lieutenant Givelv , the Arctic explorer , was among those who shook hands with the. president this afternoon. Ilo was accom panied by Ids Juthcr-In-aw. ! , " 1 was iieio lilty-two jears ago , " said the latter to the president , "and shook hands with Cenej-ai Jackson. You are the fcceond democratic president that I have had the pleasure" of talking to. " The president made iho old gentleman comfortable , and stopped the tide ot callers to excliango a few woids concern ing the honor coitfeired upon him by the visit. visit.W. W. D. O'Connoll , ex-United States district attoincy for northern Iowa , who was re moved for otlensivn partisanship , Is in this city nrrnlly settling nn his accounts with the povcinmont. / , Charles Mallory. of Marshalltown , ear ac countant of the .Central Iowa ndlroad. and his wile , aio guests of Kepresentatlvo Fred ericks. , Gcorgo W. Parker , of. Davenport Is in town , THE Wlil'JJdWABH SPKEAI ) . Democrnts "Vindicate the Government oniclals in Pan-Elnctrio. WAsrrixti-rox , JnnoiiO. Chair nian IJoylc , of tie ! Pan-Klectrle telcpliono committee , pre sented to the hoiibC to-day the icpoit on the result of the Invcbtlgatlon , signed by himself and Messrs. Gates. Kden and Hall , in which the following are Oio principal points madei The stock tianeferred hy ItogeiK to Gar land. Harris and others was in the inleiest of the invention , then ofno value , and only to Uo mndo valuable by the joint elloitsot the owneiH. At that time Garland was not thought of for attorney gcncial. and the otheis mentioned had no ofllclal place or prospect which was likely to benellt the property. The committed failed to lind that any leeislatlon was con templated at tlm time the co-ipany was ioriued. Thcro is no evidence that Garland over heard of it. > lingers , undoubtedly , ex pected to prolit bv association with gentle men of known ability anil distinction. Uut , the report asked , did these men to whom wrong doing has never befoic been imputed , Intend to liccpmo and did they become scoun drels all at oneo' . ' - A"lieii.a 111411 entcied con gress ho was not expected , and It Is not prac tical , for him to renounce worldly business All that Is uvpected of him Is that Ho shall not use the inllncnco ot his place for the udvaiiccnrunt of his private InteieMs. llituiioil | , mUiius thu history of tlio confer- cncopioccedlnga , anii'tinds nothing in the conduct ot Geode deserving of censnie , The ropoi t says the suit to test tire legality of the Hell patents was rightfully brought , but the same could not result to the benellt of the I'an-Klect i lo Telephone company , as many inventions proceeded Itiat of Koscrs' . To Increase thai i'renldcnt'8 I'owor. WASHINGTON , June/oa Among the bills Introduced In tlm senate to-day was ono which , If It shall beconion law , will vest In tlio piesldent the solo ppv/er of appointing n luigo number of otUcere who are now ap pointed by and with tt.pwlvlco nnd consent of the senate. AmoDff those postmasters of all classes , collector } of internal revenue , collectors of customs rt-poils In which the gross revenues do not exceoidollars ( , and ether custom ofllcors ; nil territorial oiliceis , except judges of thesLnreme * court ; all dis trict attorneys and Untwl | States rnarshals. Indian atrenls nnd district land oniccrs. The bill was introduced by Senator Edmunds. Union Pacific Plans. CHICAGO , Juno so. [ Special Telegram to the Uni.J Gene'ral Manager Calla way of the Union Pacific , liasse < l through hero to-day on his way to Boston , where he goes to confer with President Adams beforp the lattci's de parture for Kuropa. Sir , Callaway denied any discrimination aininst Omaha in laver of Kansas City In freight rates , ns charged by the Omaha board of ( rude. The rrcvvs of tire proposed fast continental train was confirmed by Mr. Callaway. \ \ \ that Is required is the co-operation W roads running ] o Chicago. 1 hi * obtained , Jr lns will si edlly be put uri. AVeatlrer 1'or Nebraska , Fair weather followed by local r\lrrs \ ; sta tionary teui | rature. IOWA DEMOCRATS IN SESSION , The State Convention Meets and Selects Temporary Officers anil Committees. SIOUX CITY'S SALOON FIGHT. The People Wax Warm nnit Are Cau tioned Agnlnnt Violence Kent- Icy to Uo Supported by the lown News. Democratic State Convention. DK * . JIoiNhs , June 33. [ Special Telegram to the UKii.J-ThodemoerrtticslateeoiiNcntlon haIng perfected Its organization this after noon , the ( iMsiMublod democrata are spending thnovculngln colcbratlnc and laylue the Avlies for to-morrow. About eight hnndied of the nntoiillicd havocomc to Des Molncs nnd aie full of a mild amount of enthusiasm. Nothing developed In the preliminary organ ization of nn unusual cluuacter , hut to-night thcie Is a lUcly feeling among the delegates over two 01 three thlnss that may make turn- bloto-mouow. There Is no strife o\er the nominations , On the contiary , one pioininent demociat rcmaikcd to night : "Nobody wants them , and nobody of any piomlncncc will take them. " Thogieenlwckois , whonio also hero I or a state convention , dunnnd three of the ofllccrsas n condition of fusion , lint two positions will probably bo given , that of tieasuiei and supreme court reporter , though tliej also want attorney general. Korthe head ot the ticket there Is no con test , and the democrats are all at sea. Though the nominations will bo nude to-morrow there aie no candidates' headnuaiters opened and no special elfort Is made in any one's bo- half. air. A. H. Keith , who has been talltud of , declines positively. Senator Cnss.ttt does the same. W. W. Wltmcr , of this cl'y , also declines , bu * , would accept If the nomi nation weie lorccd upon him. This loaves only Cato Sells , a young man from Ulack Hawk county , and seoictary of the btato com mittee. lie Is quite willing , and probably will be chosen if no better man will take It. Thcie arc so tew candidates for the other places , and so little said about them , that diligent inqnliy amoni ; leading democrats to-night showed that half of them had not o\en heaulany names suggested. .Mr. Theodore Gncllch , of Btnliimton , will bo given the nomination for auditor without doubt , nnd Colonel Mackey , of SIgotiinoy , will bo nominated for attorney general. Stephen iliadley , ot Iowa City , seems to bo the princi pal candidate for clerk of the supreme court , and the soueial intciest ceases , as the grccnbackers will bo ghen ttie other places , and no names aie mentioned. Theiewill bo a lively scrimmage tomorrow row over the snatoral ! back-pay question. There is , stiong \ ieelin-r among the rural . ) nuudeirt { in Uvor of passing a resolution ot censure of die sanatois who took the S'JIO back-pay for their iccesb before the impeach ment dial began. Four of senators weio democrats , and they are woiUing vciy haid to-night to pment any action. Scmatois Knight , Dubmiuo , and Johnson , of SlaquoKeta , are the leading defenders otfthe * ) ncfe SJi' ' ? BSUJ'fiE.ce-1' ' ' ° iho.wall to-morrow " * ' ' "rCT1fa1se'ascorio'1n'lhecoiiv-ontlon and de- ffettjtyjifims pljie > tdvthol r colleajjuus. * ' Tlio'cbnvontloh , strange to say , will prob ably icsolve in favor of local option as Its treatment of Uiojl'ino 'jucatlon. , The coiu- mrtfee on resolutions is about evenly divided on this point , but throe qnaifyrs of the dele gates want local option and high license. Theodoio < Juelic > i , of Hurlington , the leader of the nntl-piohlblHonlsst.says that he thinks local option will not lese the party any votes , out the ( ieinuns will not bo quite so enthusiastic ns thev would bo with out It , The con vent ion will e.ndoiso Cleveland - land , thomth thrce-lonrths of the member. , aiolnvariablvciiialnichlm. The federal ol- lieials horu will see that this is done. It is noticeable that no leais of otfcnslvo paitl- saiuhlp liavo kept any away. Every revenue collector in the stnto and nearlyall the depu ties are horo. The United States maishal , Unlt > d States disti let attoinoy , postmasters innunieinblu and federal olllcurs of all de- scilptlons rie on hand to see that the admin istration Is endorsed. This e\enng ! seveial prominent democrats addiesscd theeiowds in the Sheet , among them Judge Kiune , a htaniilng candidate tor a big ollicc , and late recipient of the position of tlo-counteron tony miles of government road In Uiegon. He took paitlctilar jialns to say that there weio no , soio headed democrats bore , but their actions all bcllu their wonts , and his speech was iccelxed with almost no applause. The permanent ofllceis selected tor to-mor- lowaio : For chairman , G. W. Hell. Web ster City , secieturv , J. .1. Fralncy , Council Bluffs ; leading secrttaiy , T. O. Walker , Marshalltown. mi : coxvnxTioM's pnorninixi : . The demociatic.stato convention met in this city to-day at 4 p. m. About eight hundred democrats aio in attendance , although thu delegated representation is limited to C-iJ. The convention ; was called to ordoi by Chahman Kinnc , of the btato central committee , who announced that the central committee had selected A. 1 ! . McCoy , of Clinton , lor temporary chairman. I ho following secretaries weio chosen : C. W. Miller. Hiemer ; W. It. Jlolllngswoith , Keolcuk ; Colonel . ) . S. Uoot. Floyd ; AV. J. Kelly , Iowa City. Mr. T. O. Walker , ot Mar shal , was ehoson reading secretary. After a speech by Temporary Chairman McCoy , the various committees wore selfctud , am ! the convention ndiorrrned till 9 a. in. to-morrow. The committee on resolutions Is as lol- lowh : First district , J. 1) . M. Hamilton , ol Leo : Second , 0. S. Kauek , Johnson : Tlrfrd J. II. Scales. Hauh : Kourllr. J. F. Tlronrn . . .Jl , Appanooso ; Ninth , Judgu . . . . _ . Jones , I'oftawaltamlc : Tenth , ( Si-oigo W. Hell , Hamilton ; Eleventh , Isaac 1'endleton , Woodbury , Fairi'IJ , Mills : Tenth. Mlko Miller , Carroll ; Eleventh. Wljllnnr llarker. O'llrlen. Tholollowlmj vice pieshlentb werechosen : James Love , les ) Monies county ; Ucorgo Paul , Johnson ; K.-M. Car r , Delaware ; Dr. T. 1J. MeCune , Faycrto : Irvin Mitchell. Hen- ton ; 1) . W. Former. 1'ovveshiek ; E. W. I'or- iv , Warren ; D. O , Seais. Decatnr ; S. W. hpiague , Cass ; Samuel { , Webster ; 11. M. Hunter , Sac. Sioux City'H Haloon FlRlit. Siorx Ctry. la. , Juno 30. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Ui-.K.J Tha talk of the day here has been the Injunction proceedings insti tuted yesterday at Cheiokce In Judge Lewis' court against the Sioux City faaloonlsts. The principal case Is that against John Oiton , ono of the leading saloonists of the city. X.enk nnd tlosselln are the prosecuting attorneys nnd A. It. Smith the complaining witness. All sorts of opinions have been oxuiesscd to day as to the piobablo outcome ot the action , IJio taloonlsts are evidently exer cised , and realize that there is a possibility of their being indicted. One leading liquor man to-day ventured the prediction that clos ing the saloons will throw a largo number of buildings on the nmiket for rental. Another thought they would all catch it. Another realized the fact that the prohibitionists have the law and hold a heavy club over them , but btated positively that trie sale of liquor could not bo Mopped in Jiroux Cty. | There is no doubt of the fact that a gieat marry citizens are In favor of a high reatrietivo license. The evening paper , in ( .Tosins ; un article on the subject , nays : "Any aits of violence to per son or property ill bo discountenanced by all peed citizens. Good older , safety of per son and property mu t bo pre crvcd.nnd men who counsel violence are frowned down , The peed name of the city Is moro precious to coo ; eltrrens than all tlio saloons and pro- hlbllionlMs toccthcr. The majority of Sioux City people , opposed as they uro to the In junction method , will not allow acts of violence lence In retaliation. " Tlio fmrtcnohincnt Trial. Dr.s MOINKS , la , , Juno ! tO. Senator Knlcht opened the Impeachment case this morning by picsentlng an order that no more wit nesses bo called nnd that the ease bo closed. lie noticed that Deputy Auditor Stewart was again on tlui stand for the thlid time , and understood the managers had called n lot of now witnesses when tuiy have already closed their ease. The senate Is prepared to vote now and quit. No additional testimony eui chance the results. Ho WH tired of thu c.iso. Seveial ot the senators said that the outer eamu with bad taste from n senator who had been absent half ot tlio lime. Senator Wllkln and others said It was Illegal tostori the testimony. Thu senate had iio right to make thu order. Thu roll was called , nnd Knight's eider was lost , with only two alliimatlvu votes. Deputy Stewart then explained whv ho worked ovei hours. Thn janitors were then called to cor roborate Stewnit. "Tamil Jim" Wilson was called nnd corrected some statements of others logaidtnghls put In the conference with ( inventor Sherman as to the vacancy in the olllce of .state auditor. Ho said he had no knowledge of any mllltniy loicetobo used , and urged conetlatiny measures , lie was fiiondlv to both parties. The court ad journed until to-morrow on account of ttio democratic stale convention. The dclonso holds but ono more witness to call Hrown and then \\ill take one day for rebuttal. The ICnlixtiti to .Support Kentley. Ari.Axnr , la. , June : ! 0. ( Special to the 13r.r.j : The convention of Knights of Labor , as announced In the HIT , wasasurpilse to many , who did not know that any such movement was on toot. The convention met yesterday , and consisted of representatives from the seventeen local assemblies of the Knights of Labor located In the ninth con gressional district. Thcie were seventy dele gates , and equally divided between republi cans and democrats. They held a secret ses sion , which lasted from 'J o'clock In the after noon until about 1 o'clock this morning. The pm pose was to discuss the congressional situation. It was conceded that the two probable candidates would bo Major Ly- mau on the republican ticket nnd Colonel Kcatley on tlledcmocratlc ticket. The Iccl- luir was strongly in favor of Colonu'l Keatley , only two ot the delegates objecting ro him , and these two not stienuously. It was deemed ruadvlsablo to make a lonmil nom ination , as such a move would bo in viola tion ot the inles of the order. The conven tion was simply an advisory one , and Its re sults aio not binding upon members ot 'the older. It is nndeistood that a similar con vention will be held in Council liUtlls within two weeks or s > o. Suicided With Scissors. DjLVi.jjroitT , la. , June CO. [ Special Tele gram to the 15Ei.J Mis. John Schllck , aged titty-seven years , committed suicide in tlio cellar of her house by severing her jugular vein with a .small pair of sharp pointed scls- .sois. Mental abberration was the cause. KIcotcil a President. CKDAII FALLS la. , June no. Special Tele gram to the UKI : . ] The trustees of the State Normal School have elected as president ol the school , in placeof J. W. Gilchicst , re signed , Supcilntoiidunt U. II. Tecrluj , of Uakaloosa. . Ho Denies tlio Pariieli-Cnrnarvon In terview , Bul'Pariicll ItcltcrntcH , LONDON , Juno 80. [ Special Cablecram to the I5rr : : . ] Lord. Salisbury , In his speech last night , said ho. wished to repel Gladstone's suggestion that Loul Carnaivonhad done anything not consistent with the mostscnunr- lens honor. Loul Cunarvon Infoimedhim ( Salisbury ) of what had passed In the inter view with Paurcll. The Infoi ination exactly coincided with Carnarvon's statement In the house of lords. Ho ( Sallsbui'i ) told Carnar von in the interview with him that his ob jection was so strong that oven it the conservatives vatives adopted the policy in laver of a par liament In Dublin , ho would refuse to join the ministry. Ho deJled I'arnoll to give the slightest pi oots of his Mundeious assertion regarding Lord Itandolph Cliiuchlll , who had ncvci vai'ied in his uuchanglnir hostility to the idea of an Ji Mi legislation. There is no giound to say that Carnarvon resigned be cause liqvvas pledged to other than the gov ernment's policy. His ( Salisbury's ) state ments w'oro supported by his four teen col leagues. Ho criticized Mr. Gladstone's "Imblt oi leaving loopholes through which to escaiio from every position ho assumes. " Gladstone , h6 said , lnid tried to palm n miserable travesty ot history upon hs | Liverpool audiences , Gladstone's letter of fering to assist the conselvativo government In settling the Irish quesion did not mention homo rule. Ho ( Salisbury ) regarded it as another loop hole. Gladstone now confessed that he had not said a vvoid against homo rule lor llfty ycais , yet ho allowed hi-4 col leagues to iiledgo thoiiuelves to help in the dctcnso of n united pailiamoiit. The only way In which the question could bo settled was by continuing the process of union till the lush welcomed It as the Scotch did. Gladstone had taught many splendid things , but what ho taught most was that England could bo bquee/.ed when Ireland chose. nnirnitATKs rim HrATUMnxr. Par uell , In a speech at Chester last night , said that although Gladstone had not given tlio Irish everything they wanted , Iru be- lleved tlio premier's proposals would lead to a linal settlement ot the lilsh ruichtiou , I'ar nell repeated in siitwtanco his former state ment concerning Ids Interview with Lord Carnarvon , and held that ( list statement had never been contradicted. A Dynamite I'lot ICvplndcd. LONDON , JtrneSn. An explosion occuired yesterday In the commons. Everything was done by the olllclal In charge of the building to conceal the fact. It leaked out , however , but In lulse foims , nnd most exaggerated and sensational minors about Irish plots and dynamite outrages got Into circulation. The truth was made I ; noun to-day. The explo sion i csultcil from pout-up bovver gas. The woikmen who happened to bo In tlio vicinity at the time were Injuied by Iliu explosion. Tlio ocriiuence Kgenwally accepted us a fair exhibition ot the extiemely bad sanitary con dition of the paillament buildings , Oxford'H Che'cru nnd Hisses. LONPOX , Juno SO. The convocation at Oxford to-day was unusually crowded. Honorary degrees wcrecoirlmodon Oliver Wendell Holmes and John IlrL'ht. Both gentlemen word received with demonstra tions amounting to ovations. The Undents hissed every mention of Gladstone1 ! * name andchi'cied for Lords Salisbury and Churchill Tlirco TorleH Injected. Lmjni'ooL , JnnoiiO. Union H. Do Warms , E. Waytely and T. 1'etron , coiiRCivativo candidates for East Toxtcth , Evciton and West Toxtelh divisions of Liverpool , re spectively , were elected to the commons , their scats bolng conceded to them because neither was contested. These gentlemen , therefor , enjoy the distinction of bolng the ( list members elected to the new parliament Intense Intercut In the Klootloiia. LONDON , Juno o.-r Friday's pollb are exciting - citing Intense Interest , Of the seventy-four contests. Gladstonlans are hopolnl that the Irish vote will wrest eighteen seats from the conservatives. The results will reveal how the Lngllslr provincial boroughs mo af fected. ( i.irflcld's Tomb CJ.K.VKI.AND , Juno ! X ) . The militaiy guard nt Lake View cernetef y , \ \ hich had watched Garlleld's tomb Jor nearly irvn years , was vvlthdravvu to-day by ordev of the vvur depart- meut. BEAUTEOUS CITY OF TENTS , K Three Hundred" Temporary Abodes Pitched Ki i on the Sunday School Grounds nt Orote. PROSPECTS FOR A GRAND TIME , Two Hardened Vounir HOMO TliloTM Cnpturoil nt Ked Cloriil Pour , 4 Children nt n IHrtli Other 4W Stnto N'cvta. Tire Sunday School Assembly. Cnr.Ti : , Xeb. , June -'W. | Sieclal | to the Hrr : : . ] One but h glimpse Into the lovely little village of tents , cottages nnd other buildings to make him an enthusiast n9 to the beauties of the Crcto Clm'itrrnmj grounds. They nro yet comparatively QUloti ' but by to-morrow , July I , which Is tlio opoUj Ing day of the assembly , they will be pcoplcjl by those who wish foi Ilia rest , the pleasures , nnd the benefits which aid huro offored.t About tlueu liuudied touts nro already pllehed , making a very pretty np- pe.iranee , arranged , as llnsv are , to form the straight or winding avenues ; Mm e than fifty families aio already on tire grounds , making .heir tent homes Inhabita ble for coming da > s. Hov. A. 15. Dunnlnfit' tlie conductor of tlio assiuubly , Frank Boara.-t editor of the Judge , and Dr. Lyrnan Abbott and wife will arrive this morning , Tlio i ing capacity of the iargo pavilion nnd dli hull lias been much enlarged , and these all other buildings aio connected by iroou walks. To-morrow the weather signal serv ice U to bu mounted In s-omo , conspicuous place , probably on the iroith end ot the dining hall. This will , of course , bo of interest to all , as all will wish to know whether the weather Isto be loul or fair tor tire coulpff day , The beauty ot the place begins with , the broad drive which leads to the grounds. Magnificent large trcos , festooned with vines , grow on cither side , lormlnt ; at times almost anarch. It Is also furnished wltliatrood substantial sidewalk , which is but u contln * nation ot thu walk leading from the num. part of town. As jon appioach tha- erouuds yon become moro and- moio Impressed w th the real beauty of the pla ° e > . You oatofy the glimmer of the white canvas tent * through the rich gieen lolhuo. Yon scathe neat cottages , tlm winding drives , anil tha green glass glowing all around. Kov. Charles 1' . Holton , who speaks Thurs day evening , has arrived with his UBS ! stall t. , Thu outlook is that by to morrow night t&trft w ill bo three thousand people ou the ground. ( Jioat enthusiasm is manifested by every one * , { Crete never saw such u crowd as will bo here , lor the next ten days. yonnjj Thieves Captured. HKU Ci.oi'ij , Neb. , Juno SO [ Special Tele gram to the Bin : . ] Last Saturday two youths , about sixteen or eighteen years .of age , named Frank and Ira Slovens , stole A valuable team , wagon , lianiejs , two shotf guns and other ai tides fiom Farmer Parduni on Walnut creek. Pardun oimo to Re4 Cloud Sunday. The olllcers Btartcd out , nl ( to-day brouuht the thieves to thla city. 'Sh I."l n are a hard looking palr.and ovidontiv belongJ i to that class ot neglected unfortunates fpl f R which thu west Is lumous , rather than-to tire | JJ | lower type of crltiiiuals. " There wlll bentti , sixjcial tctrnof the district cmrrt.ruwt-week , * wlien their cases wjll Us dlsphseiLof , aloitit ? with the Blue llrll mghwayrnun.1 * * Their AVoddlnft u Hiirprlac. Nr.nriAbKA Cirv , Neb. , Juu'o 80. [ Special Tclcsramto the Brn. : ] Mr. ClmrleHTcmpllHj partner in ihn ilrm of N. S. Hard 1 no ; & Cp and one of our oldest and most' rcspocteii , citizens , took all of his many triends by SUP- piise to-day hy airlvins hoinu1 this ovenlng with his talr bidu. | Miss Lena Hatninqr , , o ( . Lincoln. They were nun licit at Lincoln this noon. Charley has bedn a bachelor RO lotif ) that in joining thu benedict lanlw vvas wljcro. . tliosurpilsocamoin. lll.sbildo was amonet the graduating class ol the high sohool tlrls spilng , and isa Kidy whose social Circle ifl < prito extensive. The HEK man wishes the hanpy couple much joy. Preparing Vor llnilrundo. Loxo VINI : , Nub. Juno 35. ( Special to the IJr.n.J The Noi th western road is putting np < largo stock yards nt this place preparatory for tlm watering and feeding of Wyoming cattle thataicto bo shlnped over this roadj Theio Is also consldeiablo talk of the saYrto. load riinn Ing a branch line from hero ta ICeya i'.iha couiitv , and the surveyors of thp Uiiun | I'.icirieuictwonty miles southed Lone Pine , and aio putting In the grade plaices tor the branch line ol that rouil , which will bo la hcie by the lirst of August. ; Tire Oakland Opened. ) SUTTON , Nob. , Juno ! . [ Special to the HII : % ] Tlio now Oakla'rd hotel was formally opened hero this evening with a grand ban quet and ball to the citl/.cns' tills place. The affair was presided over Ijy committees of ladles atulgcntlomcn and was a grand. suc cess in ovciy particular. The Oakland Is a , handsome foi ty-room house and was erected by a stock company. His an Institution of which the people of this place may well bo proud. The hotel is under the management of Geoigo A. Ulue. Topekn DIMVIIK Tjlrrooln. LINCOLN' , Nub. , Juno 0. [ Special Tolc- gi am to the Hin. : ] The Lincoln and Topeka clubs an Ived fiom the south and played tire first of tlm series of lour games on the grounds ot the Lincoln club , icsultin ; : u to 7 hi favor of Topeka. In the Ilvo games played , , the past wccl ; atTopoka that club won the bunch and start * In upon Its record here. Four nt Ono Itirth. AitAi'Airor : , Neb. , Juno ! ! 0. [ Special Tele gram to the HKK. ] Nebraska again comes to the fiont In the rapid giowth of homo pro duced population. Vesleiday Mrs , 'llbbets , wife ofiM'lllhrin A. Tlhbets , living near thin phrro.ffa > a birth to four children , two boys and just'-UH maiiv B | N Their comblnud weight-was sixteen pounds , an average o four pounds each. The mother iind cliridiun are doing well. Tlio Anarchists' Arrogant Display. CiiifAuo , Juno ! X > . [ Sjiccial Telegram to the Iir..l ! : The crliiihoni emblem of socialism was p.uadcd In Judge Gaiy'H oonit thli morning , y.vciy ono of thu eight nnaichlsts , Necbo tilono excoptud , wcai.s a bunch of red iloiveis fasloned to the lapel ot his coat. The HOWCIH , the self conscious look , and the arrogant display the rural clilsls maio ol their red Insignia , bet lays ilmlr craving for sensational ellcctH. They feel themselves rnartyiH. in id at the same time their vanity Is so rank that It leads them to siiiiound themselves - selves with theatrical aids to liolp up their posing. All tills Implies greater or Jeis en- coiiiagcmeiit from the outside. .Money is being collected and liinds arobolngcxp ndod to pnmioto the anarchists' comfort , The cu ll ro day vvas taken up In the tlroonni task of selecting u Jury. > The Hank Will Hpopon. PKOIIIA , 111. , Juno SO. The Merchant's National bank , which vvas recently closed on account of the defalcation ot llookkecpcr J. Flnlay Hoko , will leopen to-morrow under the author ityoi the comptroller of the cur rency , the deficiency having been made uy by the stockhohleix. Aiioldont. .v , Junofio. Eight peisous worn in- htantly killed to-diy by an ac/ldent to the mail train from Ik'lfubtlo Dublin , The train , going ut a high late of b | ; iHt , left tlm raiU lit Kiioekhrldge , Twenty peuons were wounded. ' 1 he tialn vvahvumplctely hinashtd , Tlio act UK nl was uitu lo Iho expansion ot Ilia ralli'aiisi < > ( J by the txwsiMvo heit. : Thf < driver itmUu.vrd wuc ancstud ,