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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1886)
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; . WEDNESDAY , MAY 12 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTuLUFFS. WEDNESDAY MORNING AlAYriS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. rtlimtt ! by cnrrler in nnrpnrtof the city nt m cnty cents per weik. II. Wi TILTO.V , . . . Malinger. TKUil'HONIJS : nriN'r 80mci : , No. U NHIHT KniTon No. 23. MINUH MENTION. New spring goods at Holler's. New goods just in t Hllss' . A bunt house is being built nt Dig Luke. Latest New York styles just arrived at ; HUMS' . the Modern Woodmen give their Hrst aininnl i.nly. The bull n'lvon by the Knights of Labor lust evening proved a success. Frank Cecil was lined the usual amount yesterday for indulging In uoo/.o too freely. M. D. Hardln is becoming an exten sive forester. Hu 1ms just sot out ( JOOU maples. The Sons of Votcrans last night , at tlioir regular meeting , initiated three new member.- ) . DTho Mueller Music company's base ball club will , on Monday , May ill , cross bats with the Red Oak club at Red Oak. Of the curiosities at the freight trans fer yesterday were four live sea lions , each one being shipped in a separate crate. Another of the Raymond excursion par ties wont east last evening over the Rock Island road on their return from the Pa cific slope. Mrs. Donahue , who keeps a boarding house on Main street , complains that one of her boarders , named Wagner , has skipped without .settling. The eases brought against John Finkon and involving the claims against the old lirm of Smith is Teller , agents , were called up at ( tlenwood yesterday. For Rent The Kiel's Hotel feed and sale stable ; brick barn 50.N.70 , barn 00x100 , Possession given June 1. In quire of Hoist iVs Spetman , Kiel's hotel. Someone lirod a levolyer near the Ma sonic temple near midnight Monday night , and shortly afterwards two fellows went running down Fourth street , taking the middle of the street. The mystery is mill unexplained. John Dcveny and his wife Mary were brought before Justice Frajne.y yesterday on the charge of makinirdireful throats in the course of a row with some neighbors near the K. C. round house. The eases were continued until the ± 'd. Mr. L. Opjienheim not appearing to make good Ins bid of r > l cents on tlie dollar lar for the stock of Cocke & Morgan , Mr. Simon Kiscman yesterday ollereuto make it good , and the sherilV accepted it. The block will be closed out at its present stand , ami Mr. W. O. Morgan will be put in charge of it by Mr. Kiseman. Constable Edgerton , of Omaha , was hero yesterday working on some mys terious case in which a diamond ring , worth an even hundred , was concerned. The lady who had possession of the ring concluded to give it up , and the heavy weight man took it back with him across the river. W. E. Wheeler was arrested yesterday for stealing some clothing from the boarding house of Mrs. Bennett on Sixth street. The clothing consisted of a vest nnd some ahirls , and they were the prop erty of ( ieorgo Kellogg , the night cleric of the Ogden house. The articles wore found in Wheeler's valise. Two more saloon injunction cases have been brought , one against P. Itartcl. the other against Ed Ilaincs. One saloon is located on upper Broadway , the other on lower Broadway. It looks as if though the prohibitionists were going to com mence at each end and work toward the centre and clean up the business. Mr.Hlanchard , the deputy oil inspector , calls attention to the fact that the grade of petroleum is now raised , there now being required a grade of 105 Hash test instead of 100. All gasoline now is branded re jected for illuminating purposes , and penalties are allixed tor selling gasoline for illuminating purposes , except under certain conditions for such purposes as Blrcet lighting. Arrangements are bu'ing made for a shooting match at the driving park the latter part of the week , probably Friday. Tin pigeons will bo used , a now device hero , which can bo used over and over again , and hence Jess expensive even than clay pigeons. When hit the tin pigeons fold logolhor and drop lo thu ground. This will bo their lirst trial here. Carl Williams , a spruce youns man , was DCforo the police comf joslcrday on Uio charge of being a vagrant. Ho find lived hero for tour years , and been employed In different Urine stores , and looked upon as a pretty fairsou of a fellow. Since last fall he has been out of employment , ami has Rot in to the habit of roaming the .streets , sleeping In ctimwnt places , and catching meals as catch can. lunch con liters being his favorite ' resorts. Ho piomlscd to brace up , seek woik , co to bpjl emly and act like a man , and on tills condition the Judgment was stajcd for ten days to glvo him a clianeo. Those who recently so enjoyed the pleasure of hearing the Mendelssohn club in this city , will bo interested in learning that the club had a falling nut in Dubuque the other night , resulting in n complete change of its organization. Franko , the lirst violinist , whoso solo work caused sucii enthusiasm hero , was upcm'ded by a man from Philadelphia. Two other members of the club , Kline and Miss Edith Edwards , the vocalist , re fused to appear without Franko , and both " were discharged. Complaint was lodged yesterday against Fierce , an old man who keeps a second hand store at No. 214 Broadway. It is uald that Pierce has been encouraging boys to steal by buying of them Mich lit- tie articles as they manage to sneak about town. If the statements made are true Pierce slioulll bo forced to retire from business or else deal with boys of an * oher ] growth. The particular offense which called forth the prosecution was 'the claim that a colored boy named * ( Jrcen stole a llower pot of Mrs. J. E. Motcalfq , next door to Pioreo's ami sold it to Pierce for a dime. The case has ' - boon continued until Friday before Jus tice Fratncr. All sorts of Fchomcs are tried in order to get Out from under thu poll tax , or to * in UK o a dollar out of it. Some who do , not want to pay cash hire men to do the work on the directs. One man yesterday showed up eighteen notices which he was coing to work out for diU'uront parlies , ho Jiaving thus beeiired thirtv-siv days' work , while the parties hiring him had eavcu something at least on their poll tax by not paying the required cash. Two men wore working out poll taxes on Jlroadway yesterday. They had but one e hovel , and while one used the shovel the other resU'd. Ju this way they were wor- , rylng along , making two days' wont in one , An eagle aye is being kept out for * ' nil such schemes , and the look of disup- | poiutmont Hitting across the faces of I , | hose two men when told to get another p Bhovol was pitiful , | , Attention "ItlufT City. " All members of the ItlutV City Hose company are requested to meet at the L. pity hull this evening , for tho. purpose t ' of Arranging to send a hose team to f the ttato tournament to bo held at Uu- f bwqiio on.Juno 8 , 1680. . By order of F. H , GUANELLA , Foreman. \VEiGIIMSTER \ MUST WAIT , The Csty Council Befnscs to Help Him Ont , A YOUNG MAN DROPS HIS ROLL. A New Move In the Mercer Case An Avncii Itcncdlct Gets Mml anil AVnnlH to Die Tlio City Mnrslml l Social Doings. Out nn oniolnl. The cily council lias taken a queer posi tion in regard lo llio cily wclglimaslcr. That ollleial was elected by a majority of about 400 and it serins thnt someone not only wauled a cily weigh- masler but that Amy wus the one wauled. Despite the voice of Hie people ns thus heard at the polls , Uio council refuses to trant him the rights of his olllcc. On coming into olllee he found that private parties were doing the most of the weigh ing. on scales located on city grounds , mm ho naturally asked that he might be made cily weiglimaster in fact as well as in name. It was discovered Hint the ordinances needed some changing , thcro being no m-milty to secure their enforce ment on this subject. The city attorney drew iij ) Hiieli amendatory ordinances as were necessary in his judgement to se cure to the weiglimastcr the rights of bis olllee , but the proposed ordinance was postponed Irom time to time , and quibbled about , until it was evident that thu coun cil did not intend to do anything to help Amy get his rights. The matter being pressed some of the aldermen expressed themselves as in favor of giving himmtch power as was necessary to enforce Mich ordinances as were on Hie books at llio time ho was elected. This hocmcd to be Kcttiug homowhat nearer lo fairness. They admitted that he had some rights , and that if there was no penalty for violating lating the ordinance in regard to his of- lice they would fix such penalties. At lasl an ordinance was drawn up lo this I'll'cet. It was promptly voted down , Aldermen Bennett ami Lmnfurlh voting against it and it not therefore receiving the necessary majority. The reasons for Mich an action , arc not ap parent. They cannot be political rca- bous , for while Alderman Bennett is a republican , Alderman Danfurth was elected ou the same ticj\et as the weigh- masler. Under lite ordinances the city is entitled to M per cent of the city wcighniabtcr's olllee. So long as the weighing is done by jirivuto parties the city loses its per cent , so that the reasons can hardly be financial ones. The rea sons can hardly be a desire to protect thu public interests , for the people by their votes have declared that they desire lo have them intrusted to Mr. Amy. In fact it seems a mystery why the city should furnish grounds for : i private .scale , throw away its own revenue from this source , make the ollicial elected by llio people a mere figure head , and re fuse to { jive him any aid to the carrying out of the duties and receiving the pay of his ollice. Mr. Amy lias no wealth with which to fight the case in courts , but it seems that he will be driven to this course , unless he choses to aban don the ollice to which he was elected. If this cily should not have such an ollicer , or the dulies of the ollire should be more limited , the council should frankly and honestly declare that fact , instead of try ing a freezing out game. This policy of ignoring the city weghuiaster and crip pling him , begun several years ago , when Capt. Williams was elected to that position , and it has been kent np since. The city attorney has sarcastically ad vised tlie council to abolish the oflicc al together , if it docs not propose to protect the ollicer in his. rights , and there is a good deal of trutli to it. It certainly would be the more manly way to abolish the olliee altogether , than to play a freeze- out game with whoever is unfortunate enough to bo elected to the position. ' Oriental Kntcrtnimnont. A series of illustrated lectures will bo given in Masonic Temple hall Tursday , Friday and Saturday ot this week. Pro fessor lioscdalc , the great eastern trav eler , will illustrate the customs and man ners of eastern nations in full costume , assisted by his talented wife and others. This entertainment is for the benefit of Saint Paul's church , which fact , aside from the great merits of the entertain- nient , should secure a crpwded house and most liberal patronage from citi/.cns who have the best interests of the city at heart. Admission 00 cents. Children 15 cents. _ _ Skinned and Huonline. | Several days ago "Tom" Casey , the 20- year-old Mm of John Casey , a. well known farmer of Boomer township , came to this city with | 200 in his pockets , with In structions to go to the FirstNational bank and pay part of hi.s father's debts. Young Thomas arrived in the city but failed to settle the debts. The story told to a HKR man yesterday by the boy's father explains itself. It was in substance as follows. "Tom came to Council Blurt's and one of Ihcse 'plug- purs' caught him. Tom couldn't gut away from him ; he was drugged and run into Jim Wilson's gamblin' house , and bate out of all his money playiu' slud- horse poker. I'll close them np but I'll ' have mo monov. Ex-Mayor Vaughan is trying to compromise the thing for mo. They'll have to come to time or be shut up. It's a shame , so it is , to havn a da- eint young man run into a gamblin' house ami drugired and his money slolen. Mark me words , I'll close them , so 1 will. " "Jim" Wilson told the Hr.i : represcnta- live that he didn't know when it hap pened. "They say ho lost it at 'stud' poker , " said he , "but Uruy ran Ihe 'bind' poker and has 1:0110 to Omaha , now 'Hen' Long runs it. Stud poki-r and ha/ard arc games that no city should allow , but we've got to have them to hold thu crowd. Now , it's it shame the way Jim was treated hero. I've had to leave town a couple of times , and 1 dare say l run as square a gambling house as uny one in town. The fact of the matter is a certain sporting man learned of this boy's losing ' his fc'OO , and wrote a letter to 'his father to come down here and make a big kiek and he'd get his inonny. This is 'dead straight. ' Vaughan has the letter in his pocket now. Vou bee these other gambling houses are jealous of mo , as I'm making as much money as both of them ) ) iit togclher , and Ihey are Irving to run mo out of town again. I do aTl I know how to run a square place , and I give away as much money probably as they make ; no fellow asks me for money for a bed or n meal but I give it. I've been broke myself and know how it goes. The fuel is , oven if thu boy did lose Ids ifcJOO hu lost it i squarely , but I can't keep track of who loses or who wins in this liouso. No , I'm not going to compro- mibo , as 1'vu nothing to compromise and don't know anything about the case. " At this juncture Wilson was called out Into the saloon lo see Vaughan , who was about to leave the place , when the lliii : man left , _ _ Arresting Omaha Visitors. The .Hothery brother * , John and Ed , of Omaha , appeared for trial here yester day , . but the charges- against them w'oro dismissed by the city attoruuy. Ollicer Unthank was tlio Arresting ollicer and took thuin in on suspicion. They weru strolling about thecily , and. it is said th'at they were -very free and easy | u their manner of inspecting the city , es pecially in the residence portion. They wcro noticed going into n private yard in the Fourth ward and examining a little girl's velocipede , and the manner in which they stalked about through that part of the city arous M ! suspicion. They did not propose to be arrested by any ollicer ami showed fight , which continued the suspicions of the ollloer that they wore crooked. On being taken to police headquarters a revolver was found upon one of them , and llio charge of carrying concealed weapons was lodged against him. It being shown up that they wcro saloon men in Omaha , and thai they wcro not bent on any mischief bore , they wcro promptly released. They ; made quilo a roar aooiil the Idea of being ar rested , but one of the incidents which added to Ihe suspicions aroused by their actions was llio faot lhat while hero they called upon the "Major" al llio county jail. His reputation did not help theirs. lloom Mouldings Largest assoitmont and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper Store. _ Substantial abstracts of titles and rca ostalo loans. J. W. & E. L. S mlra , 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Itynti KcleiiNCd. The man Ryan , who was arrested by Captain Anderson about a month ago on Misplclon , was brought before Judge Aylesworth for a hearing yesterday. llynn was acting very queerly when ar rested , and was prowling about the rear of Harkness Hros' . store and other busi ness houses. When arrested ho pulled a revolver and threatened to shoot the offi cer. From all these circumstances it ap peared that ho was a hard case. After being placed in jail one of his fellow prisoners told some of the others that Ryan was n great friend of Major Wil liams , who is there confined on the ehaigc of killing tlio confidence man at the Union Avenue hotel. Such u state ment made Ryan mad and ho proceeded to pummel tlie talkative prisoner. He has now been in jail for over a month , and as there is no special evidence against him , indicating that he is wanted elsewhere , his cn&o was continued until , this morning and ho was allowed to go on his own recognizance. Ho will prob ably conclude not to appear this morning and tins is perhaps what the authorities expect , -is he has had a pretty good amount of punishment already , enough , in fact , if he only relieves the city of his presence. Go to Beard for wall paper. Lous } go to Cluirio II islcr's and got a good cigar. No. 402 Broadway. Do Vol sells Golden Star gasoline ranges , best in market , No. 001 IV way. More of the Mercer Case. The latest contest in the Mercer case is in regard to tlie judgment given against Mrs. Frank , alias Hubcr , for $2,000. Her attorneys claim that they were taken un awares , and have moved to have the judgment set aside. They yesterday got the matter continued until this morning. when they promise to file affidavits and such showings as are needed to support the motion to have the judgment sot aside. The attorney for the Meroer girl will then seek to got lime granted to pre pare aflidavits , and showings to rebut these. Another chapter is promised in the case. It is the declared intention of Mrs. Hubor's attorney to have her brought here and surrendered , placed in the cus tody of the sheriff , and then commence habeas corpus proceedings to secure her release. Such proceedings will lead to a review of the evidence on which Judge Aylesworth held her , and it is expected that some legal questions may arise which may result in setting the woman free. Such will be the attempt. Social Gathering. On Monday evening , at their home , No. 120 Seventh street , Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gault entertained a company of friends at a progressive euchre card party. The players occupied eight tables. The prizes were unique and appropriate , and wcro awarded to Mrs. A. T. Rice , Mrs. A. M. Jackson , Mr. John II. Baldwin and Mr. W. W. l oomis , while the "con solation" prize was given to Mr. C. R. Tyler. Ice cream and cake were served , and at 11:30 : o'clock the company disbanded. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. S. P. MacCon- nell , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thompson , Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jackson , Mr. and Mrs. C. K.Tyler , Mr and Mrs. J. N. Baldwin , Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Rockwell , Air. and Mrs. W. W. Loomis , Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Rice , Mr. and Mrs. .J. Williams of Oma ha , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jackbon , Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Saekett , Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Cory , Mrs. L. C. McDowell , Mrs. A. S. Wilson of Kansas , Miss Molllc Rice , Messrs , O. M. Brown , Jerome MeClin- lock , A. B. Larimer. Go to the N Y. P. Co for ! GARDLN HOSE. TIIKY WAIIIIANT ALL Tiinv SELL. Opera House Block. lie Wanted to Din. AVOCA , Iowa , May 11 , About 0 o'clock Ibis evening a day laborer , by name of John Inlaw , whipped one of bis children , a boy between la ami 14 years , too severely his wife thought , in consequcnco of which they had some words , ho being cross and quarrelsome. While at supper she told him if ho didn't stop it she would pack her trunk and leave. Upon his starting over town ho asked her if ho should send the dray over for her things. She said no slio guessed not , and putting on her bonnet walked over town with him. Upon reaching Mr. Cumpbull'H barn , whore hu had started for , ho said he was going to Mr. Harrison's ( a relative. ) When they reached the gate he opened it for her as she turned to go in. Ho started on a run for the river , which was about thirty rods from them , calling to her , ho was going to drown himself.- Her screams brought Mr. Harrison , who succeeded in catching and bringing him back to thu house , when ho again broke away and started for the river , but was caught bo- fora reaching it. Marshal Lon" took him to lite oily building to cool oft' . Air , Inlaw Is not a drinking man , and no cause for his actions save madness can bo derived. the Last evening Marshal Guamilla was given a handsome and well merited re minder of the fact that ho has many friends in this city , llo was presented with a gold badge , fowoh-d , as hamUomo a badge as graces tlio breast of any cily marshal. It is a star , surrounded by a wreath. The points of thu star are jew eled , each having a diamond , two pearls and two rubies. The badge is inscribed with the word "Marshal , " and was the gift of his friends , including a.argo num ber of business men. The presentation speech was made by Ed. A. Becker. Marshal Guanella may well bo proud of this handsome recognition , and esiteci- ally llio kindly feelings which prompted thu givers. . _ < Beard has nn immensn stock of wall 'papt'r'and room mouldings which must bo tu rued jnto cash , so down go thu jinxes at Beard's. ' . ' rt- Porsonnl IVfrn&tnph * . Mrs. 1) . W. Huslmcll 1ms returned from the cast. * Mrs. Erb left yciljjrday for a visit to Burlington. W. T. Homier , cf Wa ( Irovo , uas in the cll3 * yesterday. _ J. Mallory , of Woobinc , was at the Pacific yesterday. E M. Condit , of Auam'osa , Iowa , vis ited the Bluffs yesterday. Miss Lena Dansi/es loft last evening for 1-ort Worth , Tox. on a visit. J. M. Gilbert , an atlbrucy of York , Neb. , was in the city -to-day on busi ness. ' John Nicholson his 'returned from Memphis , where his race horses have been. Deputy Oil Inspector Blanohard re turned hero yesterday from n trip through the state. George S. Sicker left yestordry morn ing for morris , 111. , havlngreeeived news of his mother's sickness. W. J. Scoles has returned from the south , where ho has boon with Ihe race horses of John Nicholson. S. S. Harris , lately of the Dubuque I lines , was in the Bluffs yesterday , re turning home last e\oning. Will Clonston. who lives In this city , and travels for the Garncau Cracker com- pam , loft yesterday morning to visit his trade N. J. Burnham , ex-district attorney of Omaha , was in the olty yesterday trying to obtain the release of the Rotliery brothers. W. S. Feiker , of Omaha , counsel for Mrs. ! rank Ilnber , alias Frank , was in thu city yesterday looking after her in- loic.sts before the court. 1 sell the celebrated Twin Burner gaso line stove. That double burner beats them all. A 4-burner same price as a 0- burner ; aburner same price as a 2- burner. W A. Wood , oUl Main. Dr. A. P. Haiichett has taken rooms in Mr. Hazard's residence , No , 700 First avenue , for the summer. Ollice btill at No. la Pearl street. Hours 10 to 12 a. in. , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. A Lcsni Pu/.zlc. The Evans habeas corpus case , brought before Judge Aylesworth from Harrison county , is being taken under advisement by him. The point on which lie is sup posed to bo hanging is whether a guar dian can bo guilty of cmbc//lonicut. The prisoner is a well known attorney and the alleged embj//.lomont was claimed to consist of misappropriating funds belonging - longing to minors for whom no was guar- disn. The amount involved is about § 1,500. _ _ Go to Beard for 100111 mouldings. Heislcr sells llio best 5c and lOc cigars in tlie market. No.102 Broadway. Go to Board for low * prices. Jinnpily Mated. Tnst evening them wsis a quiet little wedding at No , 1011 Seventh avenue , the happy man boii.g JIr.Frajiccs | MeKen/.ic. and the worthy woman thus won ami wed , Miss Nannie Baldwin. The event was unostentatious , 'and the arrange ments modest , but marked by good taste in all the details. The ceremony was performed by Rev. P. B.McMonomy , and only the immediate relatives were pres ent Mr. Mclveu/io is n ydiing man , wlso , as manager ot Mr. Dowling's dry goods business hero , has won an enviable repu tation in business circles , "as well as so cially , and the lady whom' he has thus happily cho-en , haying" resided here since girlhood , has.a wide circle of friends. Mr. McKcnzio has lately con nected himself with the house of Benni- son Bros. , Omaha , but will continue to reside hero for the present at least. "B. B. " Wins Another Victory. The case of E. Lcc , of Carleton , Nob. , who was indicted a year ago , charged with selling "B. B. , " has recently been dismissed and the entire costs charged to the prosecution. "B. B , " as is well known , is a beverage manufactured by Messrs. Wheeler & Hereld , Council Bluffs. It is related that when the first Maine railroad was started , about fony Years ago , \V. C. Pitman ot Bangor was a con ductor. One rainy morning he started from Watcrville , and on arriving tit North Belgrade , a Hag station , not seeing any Hag , ran by the station. Just as the train had passed , the red Hag was run out for some passengers to get on. Mr. Pitman stopped Ins train and asked Stephen Ilichardson , the station agent , why ho did not display the Hag before. Mr. Richardson replied : "Bo yon a-gom" to run your train in rainy weather ? I didn't think you would. " East wind.-ncnralgia , sleepless nights. St. Jacobs Oil cures and gives rest. Hcislerdon'thamllo any "snide" cigas. GARDEN HOSE , WARRANTED GOOD 14c per foot , IScpor foot , 2lc per foot. HOSE NOZZLES , Of all styles. Hosu Rr.r.i.s. LAWNSI > IIIXKI.KKS , Etc.Etc NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY Opera House Block. * * Didn't Want to Hurt IliHFccIinK . Detroit Fixe Press : A Dctroiter who honestly won the title of "Col. " during the war was in town in the western part of the state the other day. and was talk ing over war limes with several friends when a stranger joined the group , held out his hand to the colonel and said : "You are Colonel Blank , of Detioit ? " "Yes " "Well , I'm glad to see you. Colonel , do yon remember the battle of South Mountain ? " "I do. " "You led us in a charge on the alter- noon of the lirst tiny. A Confederalo bullet hit me in the shoulder and I full. You picked mo np , propped mo against a stone wall , and theimled the boys on. Colonel , God bless you ! " ' They shook hands again , and when the stranger had moved off onto of the group said : . _ "Why , Colonel , you wore not at South Mountain. " * 4 "No. " , , "Tho man is entirelymistaken. " "Yes. " i > u "And why didn't yon1 toll him so ? " "Because I did not want to hurt his feelings. Such inidelits : occur almost daily , and I am always careful to fall into line with the man. Nothing would hurt an old veteran Worse than to dis cover that his Colonel rnof only did not pick him up on Ihe ba'ltlqfield , , but lhat ho never even hoard of him by name. " Wanted , Insurance solicitors , with teams , to work western half of Iowa for Dwelling House Insurance company of Boston. Ernest L. Smith , special agent No. 180 Main btreqt , Council Bluffs. A Gnlo at Sea. QUKKXSTOW.V , May 10. The steamer Sor- vlaarilved from Now York. Heavy head Kales were encountered dining the voyauo , On May B the fniecnstlo was swept away DV lingo \va\es and two seamen were killed , An illicit distillery near Gainesville. , Ga. , which tor six years bus escaped do- teption , 1ms.been discovered and raided. Thu proprietor had dammed a fcmull creek , ostensibly' to make a tlsh pond , and under the dam ho pitched his distillery , with tnnnqls for ingress' , and egress. The smoke was conveyed to his house , and passed out through the kiteh- eu'chimuey. . . WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KcoxrsEss OF : COUNCIL BLUFFS. i'iiA L Tn DEEIIE , WELLS & CO. , wholesale Agricultural Impleinants , Cnirlnjfcs , Ktc , Etc. Council jllulTg , lown. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING . , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , Dlscltarrows , Seeders , Cora Plnntctt , Too , ! Cul ture , Kto. Factory , Ilock Tails , UK Xo . IfQI.lSSI , ISO'S , 1W7 Main St. , Council HlulTo. lAVllTiniAiLEYr& Ctti Mnntif'rs nn 1 Jobbers of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Cnnlnffc , ami nil klnls of Farm Mnolilnerr. 1100 to 1110 Soutli Main Street , Council Murk , Iowa. * \XK \ IIAXDLUS. r.O. Ot.KAION , T. H.DOUHMH , GKO.P. WlUOIIT. 1'rrs.A.Treng. V.-Proi * M < n. SoD..VCounsol. Council BluHs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle , Pick , Hlcdiro nnd Small Hiuiillpn , of every clo ctlptlon. CMIVKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAHl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Y/indow / Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtnln Fixtures , Upholstery floods , lite. No. 405 Urondwny Council HlulTs , lown. OMARS , TOHACCO , KTC. PEKEGOY & MOOUE , Wholesale .lobbcrs In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 28 Mnln nnd 27 1'oarl Sts. , Council Hinds , town. CO.V.W7S.S/O.V. SNYDEU & LEAMAN , Wholesale ) Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No Ul'cnrlSt. Council 'llulN. MAUKEH < Sc OHA1G , Importers & Jobbers of Crockery .Glass . wara Lamps , Fruit Jars , Cutlery , Stonowaio. Har Goods , 1'micy Goods. Etc , Council IlluJs , Joxva. niiCGGISTS. 1IAKLE , HAAS ei CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggist' ' Sundries , Ktc. No. ' " Mnln St. , nnd No. " 1 I'carl St. , Council HlulTH. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , laoirtors and Job-bars of Dry Notions. Htc. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 1M iiiul in Pearl St. , Council Hliiirs , Town. O. W. 15 1' 'ITS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 512 " .roadway , Council niults. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocarlaj , Nos. 10 ami IS Pearl St. , Couiii : ! ! mints. L. KIllSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Donlors. No. 410 llroad- wuy , Council IllUITs. HAltXKSS , KTC. _ HECKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'ncturcisof and Wholesale Deilers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Main St. Council Illunfc , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALF BKOTIIEHS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. SK and 344 Drondway , Council 11K.IVY KEELINE & FELT Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council HI nils , lown. HIDKS AXD WOOL. D. II. MeDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallovrWool , Pelts , Orcaso nnd 1'uia Council UlulTs , lowu. CJ/iS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating 01U GasliQ ) E3TO. , BTO. B. Theodore , Agent , Council Illuira. Town , LUMUElt , PILING , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Hrldito Mulct hil SnecliiltlrM.Wholnsnlo Lum ber or uU Kinds. Olllcu No. 1JO Mill a at. , _ Council llluirg. Iowa. _ im'BJS AND LIQUUHS. JOHN LINUEK , Whok-iulo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. fiottliRirt's Jlcib Illttcrj. No. U Main St. Couni'll Illulln. _ SCHNlilDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Nil CM Mlllll . . . CdllUCd Justice of the Peace. OfficoOvcr American Kinross Company. Cliinn , Glassware niul LiuniiR , W. S , Homer & Co. . No. 23 , Main St.Couneil UluU's , lit. CO-CJiTCIJLi STEAM DYE WORKS MRSC.LGILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No29. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opo , Postoffico , RINK LIVERY STABLE. rirbt-fluss Accommodations In Evcrjthlnu Per- tulnliiif to the I.lvery iluelnc . Finest Landau in the City . FOB LADIES VISITING. Hoarding n specialty. Telephone- ) . FIELD & COLE , Props. PEARL STREET RINK' STABLE. - . WHERE BUGGIES ? FIRST CLASS ID EVER ! RESPECT W. DAVES & CO. In 1877. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES , 2 ( > , OO < ) Vehicles Annually. Semi for Cnlulogiic , Prices , Freight Ilitfes unit Testimonial * . W. "P. HOUSE MOVER AMD RAISER llrlcl < ti.illcllnn nnv Itliul rnUoil or moved nnd sntlifnctlou guaranteed. I'mino houses movoJ ' -ltu boil In ttin wor 11. 803 Eighth Avciuio anl Eighth Stroat , Council Bhtffc. V- x r" o-f c-w-c-t- 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , TIMOTHY SEED. I Imvo n quantity of i-cmud , well cleiuiu 1 t > co 1 wblvli 1 elfin nt leiibonablu lUun B. fccil oi tlio cjop cl 1F81. Corrchponilonco ( ullcltii ) , V. 0. UUTI.rU , Sclmllcr , lown. C. \ H. W. Ky. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special odvurtho.noau , sush iu LostFound , To Loan , FoS Uo , To llj-it , Doardlup.oto. if 111 bo InsortoJ In this column it thelow rnto of TEN CKNrS PI511 LINK for ha flrettascrtlon and VIVE CUNTS 1'Ult LlXi : fur each sub33iuont Insertion. Lmvu nlvortlo mcntsnt our olllco , tfo. U 1'ourl etrcut , utur B roadway. Council Illulfs. WANTS. : > Pltuutoii nxo'ork in 11 Bloio by WANTii liuiy. Addio-8 K. M. O , lift ) ollitc. OU SA1.K rirst-ol-n pool ta'iiiApply lit P HCbCUU r.lHflllf IIOUHU. SAIiIJ I'lilon nvcinio liotol pinpoity. Special Imrffiilii 11 1..Slioulc , Mi Urouilwny. will lie locrltod up to noon ol tlioL'tth BIDS Mny for tliotroctioii of 11 liitulicn nt tlio liuui Institution lor the Ueul'nnd Dumb. riiiiist and spcclllciUlons will I o lomly by May iitliitnd : can ho scin nt tbn ollli-utof llio Insti tute. rnimlilifht * loaned. H. C. Humu.oml , ' . . siipoi In'.onilont. _ % _ A Kooil i on ! cMato wilt-man. Mo- WANTIJD fc Co.,2JO Main otieot. 1ft , tuo laigo barn * . Ft > ( ] iilio nt Kiel's hotel. _ SALE Old napcri. In iiinntltles | lo suit , FOU nt Hco olllco No. 11'cnrl shoot. SAM : ou TIIADK-PIOCK of miiimory Foil luticy notions All now. ( jood loun- tlon. Fnlrs fci"OJO u jrar. O , Boo , Councl ir , lowii. AMUSEMENTS. KIM BDRKE & CO.'S ' ALLIED SHOWS MUSEUM AND Trained Animal Exposition , ' tlio 1'rciUosturloty of atlincllvo ic.i cation ot any Aiiioiloun combination on tlio road Will exhibit ut Council Bluffs , 3 Days , .11 A V iiO , UI and 2i. ! An extraordinary convocation of Skilled Annie Talent ! wllb an nttrpotlvo displu ) of Wuniloiu , and an uxlilblllon ol tlio iniibt uiuidi-i Hilly oluoilrd onltnals Im u\l-loiif. Ao'jontal.iy | > renenllnjr n tain as cntorliilnmrm ol tii'tm IcainiiB In u now and lileuslMK liinii. ltr.0 Kuril Animals nd Inanl- imUoCuiIos'flis. I'rol. NVdlier'hHIUcr Cornet llinul will iinrndo Jiint piuvlinih tu tliu alturnoon exhibition , In ilit'lr boiintllul ( 'bailot HiKiiiuliout tlio | iiiiu- Ipal stitels lloineinlifr ono tlelu ; admits to botli pavilliiintt. ADMISSION , ONLY 10 CENTS , IJoorii open ut I and T p. in. dn'ly. ' r > JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOtTNCflLi BLitJIi'ins. Practices lit St.tto anil Fedcu-.U Courts. Kooms T uud S , Smuurt CUT THIS OUT ! GOOI > U.Vi'IL , MAY 15. Having inndo citunslvo li > . prmomunts and Ini-iuiscd one lluclllllotio wish to cull OMIO- rinl munition to I lie \\m' < now liHr turiiud out b ) ng. c'ulni- ' sflt t lie c-nuiil lo ituit of 'any ' imtitrrn l.uindry. In nidor to liilioduco o\ir \ woiif nutbldo ( lit I'ltyol I'oun- fil 1'lu THvo will upon icc < ; lt | of tliiH tlfkot , iitroinpHiili < d by return posttiK .I. inndiy Hix Col- lorrior Cull * I'llKi : , lor ultlicr ladles or gcntloinun Home Steam Laundry 5 IO Itronil u-ay , rnuucil UlulU. N , II. Out of town orilcr * Klxou prompt at- tentlmi.Vo jiay icturii cluiri-fs on nil work 10 ci'lvfdwlicn ucccjiirjianlcU bf Luili Iu yaj'ir.vr.l 'lu Jull umoUut. < RUSSELL&Co ilc.nufncturcraor all Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Ilmmltur BULLS , ( JKAINJiLKVATOUS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Hollers. New Massillou Thresher * . Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffe. SEND FOR 1886 ANNUAL. Horses and Mules For all pniposus. bought anil sold , nt retail nnd n loin Lnrgo quantities lo bfluct fium. MASON WISE , SUcett , Near Pacific HouseCounil , Bucs KIEL SALE STABLES Moreen nnd Mules knpt constnnlly on Imiid for FKO | nt retail or In car loiulg. Ordure promdtly Illlod by contract on slioit notlco , lock sold oo. SIlLUTKIt 4 1IOI.UV , 1'roprlotors. Btablo Oornor I'lltli Avcinio and Fourth Council llluirs IOWH. L. W. TUM.KVS , Pro . T. J. KVANB , Vlco-1'ros. JAMKS N. Iluuw.vCashlor. 102 MAIN STREET , Capital . . - . . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Do ( i Kent'iul Lmnliliif Aceoiiiitsof banks , bunUcis , iiicivliiint" , inun- uluctuiciaand IndlvlduuU rocelvol on favor > bio terms. Donu'stlo and foreign ojtchan o. The very boat of attoni Ion Bivon to all linjl B. RICE , M , D. or othur tumors romovr.l w tie , knlfo or drawing of blu'Jl. CHROHIC DISEASES or mi kiad. . , Poouitr. Overthlity yoiiM * iiract.nnl criterion , ) * . Ko. 11 I'unl tiiioot , COIIIK U Illuili. KllKB. THE CARTER WHITE LEAD CD'S ' , JUAUONI ) IIIIAVIKIF STRICT ! fUllfi LBAD , ZIBC AH D OIL Arn iibsdiiitoly purr , in rciir. unud. Ono trill ion will tutor two bundled and Oily euHiiitf lot t two com * , and will btay on lonitrr lliaji uujr other pulnt inniiufiicturod. Tor isule by niK : Pitvos ; PAINTS.O.I. ! ' , Krc